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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

The Inspectob of Hospitals and Chaeitable Institutions to the Hon. the Ministee of Education. Sib — Last year I went fully into the general problem of the management of our hospitals. This year I have judged it best to give Mrs. Neill the opportunity of setting forth independently the conclusions she has drawn from her experience of our charitable institutions. Her report is as follows: — Sic, — I have the honour to submit to you a report dealing with poor relief throughout New Zealand, based on observations made since I entered the department in May, 1895. Poor relief in New Zealand is called " charitable aid," and is distributed either by Charitable Aid Boards, or through the medium of "separate institutions," usually called "benevolent societies." We have twenty-three Charitable Aid Boards and eight " separate institutions " that are relief-distributing bodies. In addition to these, twenty-two of the hospitals are " separate institutions," and five other institutions are each devoted to some special purpose. The special duty of a Charitable Aid Board is to levy a poor rate. "The Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act, 1885," section 21, requires each Board, before the 31st March annually, to ascertain the amount of; the expenditure required for the maintenance of institutions and for outdoor relief in its district' during the coming year, and to allocate the proportion of such expenditure to be contributed by each local authority within its district. Every three years the Governor, by Order in Council, apportions the representation of these various local bodies on the District Board in proportion to population and amount contributed. No local authority can have more than four members, and the smaller ones are grouped so as to return either one or more representative members. • " Separate institutions " in each district furnish the District Charitable Aid Board with an estimate of the amount they will require during the coming year, and practically the District Board must meet their claim. For the incorporation of a " separate institution " " The Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act, 1885," sections 38, 42, and 43, and also the Amendment Act, 1886, section 31, provide that it must be supported in whole or part by the voluntary contributions of not less than one hundred persons, who shall have signified their intention to contribute, in sums of not less than 55., a yearly amount of £100. However, experience has shown that in some cases, after a "separate institution" is incorporated, the voluntary contributions become a very small proportion of the expenditure, and the support of the " separate institution " devolves in reality on local rates, together with the Government subsidy thereon, whilst neither the Charitable Aid Board nor the central authority has power to reform or to abolish it. These incorporated institutions are governed by not less than six nor more than nine Trustees. If the voluntary contributions amount to less than one-sixth of the total amount required for maintenance, the voluntary contributors elect two of the nine, and the remaining seven are elected by the local authorities who contribute to the maintenance of the institution through the compulsory rate levied by the District Charitable Aid Board. Take as instances the two largest " separate institutions "we have—the Wellington Benevolent Trust and the Otago Benevolent Institution. For the year 1897-98, the former expended a total of £7,759, and voluntary contributions to the institution amounted to only £54; the latter expended a total of £10,736, and the voluntary contributions amounted to £344. I—H. 22.



The outcome of this dual method is that a District Charitable Aid Board levies requisite funds by rating, and receives a subsidy from the consolidated revenue of £1 for £1 on these rates, and if poor relief is dealt with by a "separate institution " — i.e., a benevolent society—the District Board hands over to its Trustees the amount they apply for, and has no further responsibility. The Government, out of consolidated revenue, supplies more than half the total amount, but neither the Government nor the District Board is directly represented on the Board of Trustees. Further, neither the Government department nor the District Board have the smallest control over the management or expenditure of these "separate institutions," beyond merely the Government auditing of accounts. Thus " separate institutions " are practically irresponsible bodies, distributing public money for the relief of the poor. Neither are Charitable Boards responsible for either expenditure or administration to any central authority. The total amount expended on charitable aid in New Zealand for 1898-99 (exclusive of hospitals) was £93,070, an increase of £6,997 over the previous year. Of this amount £50,850 was distributed in outdoor relief. The diversity of working under the Act of 1885 is best illustrated by noting the methods adopted in Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, and Dunedin. The Auckland Charitable Aid Board, for the year ending the 31st March, 1899, expended £4,039 on indoor relief, £5,993 on outdoor, a total of £10,032. In Auckland there are no " separate institutions " for the relief of the poor, the District Hospital and Charitable Aid Board have control of distribution. Mr. Garland, the secretary, has one or more clerks in the office, and the records of all cases are filed for reference. Mr. and Mrs. Strathern are the Visiting Officers. No printed list of recipients is issued, but a yearly statement of accounts is sent to the Government department. Contracts for supply of groceries, &c, are let to local firms, and the value of a single ration is from2|d. to 3 T In 1898 the amount given in cash, chiefly rents paid, was £2,004. The Costley Home is an admirably managed institution. There is an atmosphere of content and comfort unusual in these homes, and I was impressed with the friendly feeling existing between Mr. and Mrs. Moss and the inmates. On the 25th June there were one hundred and forty men and fifty-eight women in the Costley Home. Mrs. Moss has one nurse-assistant, and Mr. Moss has one day- and one night-assistant on the male side. The dinner was excellent and plentiful, and the inmates were tidily clothed and seated in orderly fashion at table. Both in building construction and management the Costley Home is to be commended. The Wellington and Wairarapa Charitable Aid Board, for the year ending the 31st March, 1899, expended a total of £3,678. Wellington has four "separate institutions." Three of these are favourable examples of the intention of the Act—viz., the Wellington Ladies' Christian Association, and the two very excellently managed institutions, the Convalescent Home and the Society for the Belief of the Aged Needy. These three make no claim on the District Charitable Aid Board, but maintain themselves by voluntary contributions, aided by a subsidy of £1 4s. in the pound from the consolidated revenue. The fourth " separate institution "is the Wellington Benevolent Trust. It expended in the year ending the 31st March, 1899, £5,664 upon outdoor relief, and £3,340 upon indoor relief, a total of £9,004. In 1898 the amount distributed in cash, chiefly rents paid, was £2,742. It will be seen that a large and increasing amount of money from rates and Government passes through the hands of the Wellington Benevolent Trust, yet the clerical arrangements are well nigh as primitive as they were thirteen or fourteen years ago. The secretary, Mr. A. G. Johnson, has no clerk in the office, and records of cases have not been kept on file for reference. Contracts for groceries, meat, &c, are let to local firms, and the value of a single daily ration is A monthly printed list of recipients and their addresses is furnished to the Government department, also a yearly statement of accounts, although this is not obligatory by Act. About two years ago a much needed reform was made in the appointment of Mrs. Dudfield as Visitor. The Benevolent Trustees have sole responsibility for the Ohiro Boad Home. On the date of my last visit, Bth November, 1898, there were 98 inmates, 66 men and 32 women. The new wing recently added to the building gives better accommodation to the women. Some improvements in diet and in the manner of serving the food have been made this year. Public feeling made itself heard a few months ago on the subject of a bequest to the officers. An aged inmate died after a residence of three years, leaving, by a will made shortly after admission, a bequest of some £300 to Mrs. McCleary and her daughters. The Trustees have now made a rule to prevent the future occurrence of such a grave irregularity. The Ashburton and North Canterbury Charitable Aid Board undertake the poor relief in their district. There is only one "separate institution" in Christchurch—the Samaritan Home. For the year ending the 31st March, 1899, this Charitable Aid Board expended £8,256 on outdoor relief, £7,311 on indoor relief, a total of £15,567. In 1898 the amount given in cash, chiefly rents paid, was £3,342. Investment of bequests, &c, made from time to time to this Board, entail a good deal of clerical work, and the secretary, Mr. Norris, has three clerks. The books and all record files of cases are well kept, and in addition to this the Board has taken the progressive step of supplying ration-orders in their own store, thus insuring both quality and weight of goods, as well as a greater variety of necessaries to choose from. There are obvious evils attached to the contract system of supplying rations, from every point of view but that of the contractor. A printed list, giving names, addresses, causes of poverty, &c., is issued quarterly, and a copy of the annual statement of accounts sent to the department. Mrs. Carpenter has held the position of Visitor for nearly four years, and has carried out difficult duties with tact and kindliness. The Ashburton Old Men's Home, with Armagh Street Depot as Receiving-house, the Jubilee Home for Aged Persons, and the Female Befuge at Linwood, are all institutions under the Board. Ashburton Home (sixty-six inmates on the 17th December) has very much improved under Mr. and Mrs. Morissey. Comfort, good food, and order now prevail, but the ramshackle old building should be destroyed. The Armagh Street Depot has at last been reformed and rebuilt, and is



occupied by thirteen old men. The Jubilee Home (sixty-eight inmates) has had a wing added for married couples, and is now one of the most complete and comfortable homes for aged persons in the colony. The Linwood Female Refuge is for unmarried girls with their first baby. On the sth December there were seventeen mothers and fourteen babies. I can give nothing but praise to the humane and kindly management of this institution. The Otago United Charitable Aid Board raises the money required, pays for children in the Industrial School, and supports a Female Befuge. On the 20th December there were nine girls and six children in the latter. Dunedin has one "separate institution"—the Otago Benevolent Institution. Its expenditure for the year ending the 31st March, 1899, was £6,975 on outdoor relief, and £4,180 on indoor relief. Its conditions of management are very similar to those of the Wellington Benevolent Trust, except that the Dunedin Trustees undertake no boarding-out of children. Contracts for ration supplies are let. There is no woman Visitor ; the duty of inquiring into cases devolves upon Mr. Mcc, the master of the Caversham Home. On the Bth December there were 289 inmates in the Caversham Home, 227 men and 62 women. The matron has no trained nurse as permanent assistant, nor has Mr. Mcc either a night- or a day-assistant on the male side. A much-required laundry has been added this year. One ward of fifteen beds is entirely occupied by Chinese men. In Timaru relief is carefully administered by the South Canterbury Charitable Aid Board. This Board also has taken the progressive step of supplying its own ration-orders. Mr. Orwin, the secretary, finds that it works far more satisfactorily than the old contract plan. Country districts as a rule distribute rations by orders on local stores, and I have seen returns where articles supplied by no means come under the head of necessaries of life. There is a feeling that country districts pay rates for distribution amongst the town population, and a corresponding inclination to bring some of the money back into the country whenever possible. The old buildings at Napier, Ashburton, and Oamaru should be condemned as unfit for their present purpose. Utterly inadequate provision is made by the Boards for infirm, imbecile, paralytic, and incurable cases. There is no efficient, and but little even humane, nursing of helpless old age, the sick and infirm being usually left to the tendance of one of their own kind. The west coast of the South Island must be excepted from this, for in that district the hospitals are largely used as old men's homes. In dealing with deserted and neglected children there is room for reform. Under " The Infant Life Protection Act, 1896," the homes where infants are boarded out for payment must be licensed, and come under the supervision of the Police Department. Infants taken into a home, if payment is not avowedly made, come under no public guardianship. Deserted, orphaned, or neglected children may be committed by a Magistrate to an industrial school, and thus come under the care of the Education Department, whilst the Charitable Aid Board of the district is responsible for their maintenance. Or the Board, if of economical inclination, may place out these children at a lower rate of payment within its own town or district. In some instances small settlers have taken such children off the hands of the Board without legal adoption. Again, a " separate institution " may board out these little ones in town slums with very poor families and but slight and perfunctory supervision. Perhaps a family is orphaned, and some neighbour with a small shop and a large family offers to take a girl of ten or twelve years, who then becomes an unpaid little drudge, and unless actual cruelty can be proved no one interferes. There is no definite or comprehensive State guardianship of children, responsible for their development into healthy, self-respecting members of the commonwealth. I have, &c, The Inspector-General. Geace Neill, Assistant Inspector.

ARBOWTOWN HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1898 ... ... ... 2 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 102 Total under treatment ... ... ... 104 Discharged ... ... ... . ... ... 93 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 Remaining on 31st March, 1899 ... ... 8 Sex. —76 males, 28 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Arrow, Macetown, Cardrona, Skipper's, Wanaka, Bannockburn, Arrow Flat, Cromwell, Gibbston, Miller's Flat. Country. —England 12; Ireland, 10; Scotland, 11; New Zealand, 46; Australia, 8; Tasmania, 5 ; Germany, 3 ; Denmark, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 26 ; Presbyterian, 36 ; Wesleyan, 4; Roman Catholic, 23 ; Agnostic, 1; Lutheran, 3 ; Baptist, 2 ; Quaker, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 1,668; individual average days' stay, 16-03. Daily average cost per head, Bs. 9Jd. ; less patients' payments, ss. Bfd. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 130 ; attendances, 183.


Revenue and Expendituee. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 211 0 6 Rations ... ... ... 150 3 3 Subscriptions and donations ... 158 4 2 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 950 Patients' payments ... ... 255 3 6 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 59 2 3 Balance from last year ... ... 100 17 1 Fuel and light ... ... ... 28 8 6 Bedding and clothing ... ... 15 16 6 Furniture and earthenware ... 28 3 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 375 16 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 713 0 Interest ... ... ... 0 7 3 Insurance ... ... ... 8 14 9 Other expenses... ... ... 49 7 4 Total £725 5 3 Total £732 16 10 This Hospital is looked after with the utmost solicitude by the Trustees and the people generally. A~ very pleasing feature of the general interest in the institution is the fact that a beautiful bookcase has been provided at the Trustees' expense. On the day of my visit there were four men and two women patients. In the fever hospital there was a case of phlegmonous erysipelas, and it was being treated with great care and skill by Dr. Thomson. The condition of the Hospital is quite satisfactory.

ASHBURTON HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1898 ... ... ... 12 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 163 Total under treatment ... ... ... 175 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 152 Died 10 Remaining on 31st March, 1899 ... ... ... ... 13 Sex. —140 males, 35 females. Locality from which Patients came. —Rakaia to Rangitata. Nationality. —English, 47; Irish, 43 ; Scotch, 15; New Zealand, 52; Australians, 12; Welsh, 2 ; Scandinavian, 4. Religion. —Church of England, 67 ; Presbyterian, 37; Roman Catholic, 46 ; Wesleyan, 19; Salvation Army, 2 ; Lutheran, 4. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 3,187; individual average days' stay, 18-21. Daily average cost per head, Bs. 7fd.; less patients' payments, Bs. 2-Jd. Outdoor Patients. —None. Revenue and Expendituee. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 614 0 11 Rations and light ... ... 396 14 4 Local bodies ... ... ... 630 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 10 8 8 Subscriptions and donations ... 11811 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 152 7 9 Patients'payments ... . 69 11 7 Fuel ... ... ... ... 56 911 Other sources ... ... ... 400 Bedding and clothing ... ... 37149 Balance from last year ... ... 106 8 3 Furniture and earthenware ... 30 211 Washing and laundry ... ... 550 Salaries and wages ... ... 486 15 8 Water-supply ... ... ... 11 1 6 Funerals ... ... ... 6 15 0 Repairs ... ... ... 61 7 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 817 9 Interest ... ... ... 0 2 6 Insurance ... ... ... 10 3 0 Commission ... ... ... 014 3 Other expenses... ... ... 102 18 3 Total ... £1,425 19 8 Total .. £1,377 18 3 On the 17th December this Hospital contained six men and three women. The enlarged ward and the new convalescent room are an immense improvement; the latter is in every respect most comfortable, and has a small waiting-room opening out of it. The Matron's household arrangements were all in their usual first-rate order.




AUCKLAND HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1898 ... ... ... 139 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 1,287 Total under treatment ... ... ... 1,426 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,177 Died... ... ... ... ... ... ... 116 Remaining on 31st March, 1899 ... ... ... ... 133 Sex. —9Bo males, 446 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Auckland City and suburbs, 843; Auckland District, 332 ; Auckland North, 107 ; Auckland South, 85 ; shipping, 59. Nationality. —English, 363 ; Scotch, 86 ; Irish, 166; New Zealand, 637; Australian, 43; Norwegian, 23; American, 21; German, 21; French, 4; Austrian, 8; Danish, 9; Chinese, 2; Indian, 12; South Sea Islands, 9; Portuguese, 4; Italians, 6; Africans, 4; Jersey-Islander, 1; Maltese, 2 ; Russian, 1; Greek, 2 ; Canadian, 2. Religion. —Church of England, 748; Roman Catholic, 327 ; Baptist, 17 ; Wesleyan, 86; Presbyterian, 171 ; Congregationalist, 11; Salvationist, 17; Lutheran, 13; Jewish, 4; Plymouth Brethren, 4; Methodist, 19; Church of Christ, 5; Freethinker, 1; Theosophist, 2; Confucian, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 47,284; individual average days' stay, 33-15. Daily average cost per head, 4s. 4£d.; less patients' payments, 3s. 2d. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 471; attendances, 5,232. Revenue and Expendituee. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 3,245 9 8 Rations ... ... ... 2,448 19 0 Local bodies... ... ... 3,245 9 9 Nurses' Home maintenance ... 773 12 11 Subscriptions and donations ... 600 13 9 Wines, spirits, ale, and porter ... 145 6 6 Bequests ... ... ... 3,805 15 4 Surgery and dispensary ... 1,136 16 4 Rents ... ... ... 232 18 4 Fuel and light ... ... 758 13 0 Patients'payments ... ... 2,795 13 3 Bedding and clothing ... ... 220 3 5 Other sources ... ... 660 Furniture and earthenware ... 410 2 6 Washing and laundry... ... 316 5 6 Salaries and wages ... ... 2,920 14 6 Water-supply ... ... 240 9 0 Funerals ... ... ... 23 4 0 Maintenance of grounds ... 118 15 4 Repairs ... ... ... 220 4 9 Additions to buildings... ... 3,617 16 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 208 7 0 Legal expenses ... ... 15 19 6 Insurance ... ... ... 31 6 3 Proportion of office expenses ... 273 2 2 Other expenses ... ... 52 8 5 Total ... ...£13,932 6 1 Total .., ...£13,932 6 1 This Hospital has worked satisfactorily during the year. I regret that the Matron, Miss Squire, found it necessary to resign on the ground of ill-health. Mrs. Neill and myself had observed a great improvement in discipline of the nurses as well as in the orderliness of the wards after she took charge. Her successor struck me as being a capable and kindly Matron, quite competent, from her ability and experience, to keep up and carry forward the work of improvement. For reasons which have been explained to Mr. Stichbury it would appear to be advisable to have a night-superintendent to take control of the nursing. The new children's hospital was not quite finished on the date of my visit, but it is a handsome building, well planned, and well built, and will be an immense addition to the resources of the institution. The overmanning of the resident medical staff is already beginning to show its effects. It is too much to have an expensive superintendent and two assistants resident in a hospital of this size. The Nurses' Home is very complete; a wing set apart for night-nurses meets a necessity overlooked in our other Nurses' Homes.

BLENHEIM HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1898 ... ... ... 25 Admitted during the year... ... ... ... ... 119 Total under treatment ... ... ... 144 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 114 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 13 Remaining on 31st March, 1899 ... ... ... ... 17 j

H.— 22


Sex. —76 males, 68 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Marlborough, Nelson, West Coast, Canterbury, Napier, Wellington, Otago, Auckland, Wanganui, Taranaki. Country. —England, 29; Scotland, 11; New Zealand, 85; Wales, 3; Australia, 1; Germany, 1; France, 7 ; Africa, 1; Sweden, 4; aboriginals, 2. Religion. —Church of England, 75; Roman Catholic, 20; Presbyterian, 33; Wesleyan, 5 ; Salvationist, 2; Lutheran, 5 ; Plymouth Brethren, 4. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 8,741; individual average days' stay, 60-70. Daily average cost per head, 4s. 9-J-d.; less patients' payments, 3s. lid. Revenue and Expendituee. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 1,108 0 0 Rations ... ... ... 476 17 7 Local bodies ... ... ... 1,108 9 7 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 9 11 6 Subscriptions and donations ... 68 711 Surgery and dispensary ... 274 411 Patients'payments ... ... 481 6 4 Fuel and light ... ... 114 7 6 Other sources ... ... 25 11 0 Bedding, clothing, furniture, and earthenware ... ... 221 10 6 Salaries and wages ... ... 687 1 8 Funerals ... ... ... 31 5 0 Repairs ... ... ... 56 3 9 Additions to buildings... ... 701 15 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery... ... ... 41 4 7 Insurance ... ... ... 19 2 9 Commission ... ... ... 25 12 10 Other expenses ... ... 132 17 3 Total ... ... £2,791 14 10 Total ... ... £2,791 14 10 This Hospital, in Dr. Cleghorn's hands, has gained such a hold on the public approval that it is quite a pleasure to find that the whole of Blenheim is proud (not of the hospital building, that would be impossible), but of the way it is conducted. I concur in the local judgment.

CHARLESTON HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1898 ... ... ... 7 Admitted during the year... ... ... ... ... 28 Total under treatment ... ... ... 35 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 27 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 Remaining on 31st March, 1899 ... ... ... ... 4 Sex. —3s males. Localities from which Patients came. —Charleston district, Westport, Brighton, Cape Foulwind, Addison's Flat, Christchurch. Nationality. —lrish, 12; Scotch, 5; English, 4; New Zealand, 10; Orkney Islands, 1; Australia, 2 ; Denmark, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 9; Presbyterian, 6 ; Boman Catholic, 20. 2irec»Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 2,824; individual average days' stay, 80-68. Daily average cost per head, 4s. OJd.; less patients' payments, 3s. 6fd. Outdoor Patients.— lndividual cases, 9 ; attendances, 144. Revenue and Expendituee. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 283 0 8 Rations ... ... ... 191 9 10 Local bodies... ... ... 163 6 8 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 15 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 135 19 6 Surgery and dispensary ... 59 15 7 Rents ... ... ... 15 0 0 Fuel and light ... .. 15 5 2 Patients' payments ... ... 66 16 4 Bedding and clothing ... ... 19 8 4 Furniture and earthenware ... 130 Salaries and wages ... ... 235 0 0 Funerals ... ... ... 600 Repairs ... ... ... 316 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 7 15 10 Insurance ... ... ... 273 Other expenses ... ... 27 2 10 Total ... ... £664 3 2 Total ... ..." £569 14 4 As a relic of the departed glory of a great mining centre, this institution survives as a comfortable refuge mostly for old broken-down diggers, with an occasional acute case or accident. It is well lookedtafter.



CHRISTCHURCH HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1898 ... ... ... 71 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 1,370 Total under treatment ... ... ... 1,441 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,239 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 11l Remaining on 31st March, 1899 ... 91 Sex. —Bsl males, 590 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Christchurch, 589; Suburbs, 413; North Canterbury district, 227; Lyttelton, 48; Dunedin, 2; Akaroa, 11; Ashburton, 3; Timaru, 2; Gore, 1; Temuka, 1; no home, 144. Country. —New Zealand, 702; England and Wales, 404 ; Ireland, 159 ; Scotland, 94; Australia, 38; Germany, 6; France, 2 ; Denmark, 4; Sweden, 9; Italy, 3; Switzerland, 1; India, 2 ; Tasmania, 7 ; Belgium, 2; Austria, 3 ; Norway, 3 ; Finland, 1; Syria, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 655 ; Roman Catholic, 205 ; Presbyterian, 186; Wesleyan, 120; Baptist, 20; Congregationalist, 5; Lutheran, 25; Church of Christ, 3; Salvationist, 18; Bible Christian, 6; Plymouth Brethren, 3; Jewish, 2 ; Greek Church, 1; unknown, 192. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 31,475 ; individual average days' stay, 21-84. Daily average cost per head, ss. 2Jd.; less patients' payments, 4s. lOfd. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 756 ; attendances, 6,679. Bevenue and Expendituee. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 4,130 6 7 Bations ... ... ... 1,848 8 2 Local bodies... ... ... 4,767 5 3 Wines, spirits, &c. ... ... 70 1 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 36140 Surgery and dispensary ... 690 14 5 Patients'payments ... ... 470 6 5 Fuel and light ... ... 835 14 4 Other sources ... ... 59 3 4 Bedding and clothing ... ... 213 12 7 Balance from last year '.'.' 4,363 3 7 Furniture and earthenware ... 45 13 11 Salaries and wages ... ... 3,504 14 11 Funerals ... ... ... 26 18 6 Repairs ... ... ... 310 16 8 Additions to buildings ... 1,766 3 3 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 71 11 6 Insurance ... ... ... 70 12 5 Commission ... ... ... 616 Other expenses ... ... 1,683 10 3 Total ... £13,826 19 2 Total ... £11,144 13 5 r» The hope of attaining continued peace in the administration of this Hospital seems still a long way off. It seems to afford a signal example of the turmoil that in some centres seems to be inseparable from the popular control of such institutions. The people of Christchurch, it seems to me, take fits of furious fault-finding, and then sink into a state of lethargic neglect as to the persons into whose hands they commit the control. Perhaps the more glaring instance of bungling that has come under my observation is the history of the fine new Hyman Marks pavilion. In June last I wrote to the Board, pointing out that the plastering all over was so full of myriads of cracks that no surgeon would dare to use any part of it for hospital purposes. It has stood useless ever since, though for years the Board was clamouring for fresh accommodation. Though any person by simple inspection could not fail to see that the whole must be stripped, yet at my last visit they were actually putting up an electric-lighting apparatus over this plaster. Dr. Fox and the chairman were at daggers drawn, and I felt very despondent as regards the Hospital government; yet the medical work was well done, and the discipline admirable. Akaroa Hospital. Number of patients on 31st March, 1898 ... Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 19 Total under treatment ... ... ... 19 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 17 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 Remaining on 31st March, 1899... ... ... ... 1 Sex. —ll males, 8 females. Locality from which Patients came. —Akaroa County. Country. —New Zealand, 9; England, 4 ; Scotland, 2; Ireland, 2; Germany, 1; Denmark, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 8 ; Presbyterian, 4; Roman Catholic, 5 ; Lutheran, 2. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 370; individual average days'.stay, 19-47. Daily average cost per head, 16s. 5d.; less patients' payments, 15s. 4d.



Revenue and Expendituee. Revenue. £ s. d. j Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 14117 7 Rations ... ... ... 76 17 2 Derived from North Canterbury Surgery and dispensary ... ... 6 18 6 Hospital Board, of which it is a Fuel and light ... ... ... 22 13 6 branch hospital ... ... 141 17 7 Salaries and wages ... ... 150 0 0 Patients' payments ... ... 20 0 0 Other expenses ... ... 4760 Total ... ... £303 15 2 Total ... ... £303 15 2 COROMANDEL HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1898 ... ... ... 7 Admitted during the year ... .. ... ... 71 Total under treatment ... ... ... 78 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 64 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 Remaining on 31st March, 1899 ... ... ... ... 9 Sex. —6l males, 17 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Coromandel, 23; Auckland, 5 ; Paeroa, 2 ; Kuaotunu, 2 ; Mercury Bay, 1; Napier, 1; Wanganui, 1; Manaia, 10; Opitonui, 3 ; Cabbage Bay, 2 ; Mercer, 2; Thames, 6; Whangapoua, 1; Kennedy's Bay, 8; Huntley, 2; Otago, 7; Australia and Tasmania, 2. Nationality. —English, 9 ; Irish, 20; Scotch, 7 ; New Zealand, 28; Maori, 10; Swiss, 1; Indian, 1; United States of America, 2. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 2,781; individual average days' stay, 35-65. Daily average cost per head, Bs. lljd. ; less patients' payments, Bs. 4d. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 149 ; attendances, 243. Revenue and Expendituee. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 1,031 6 7 Rations ... ... ... 242 12 1 Local bodies... ... ... 450 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, and porter ... 740 Subscriptions and donations ... 458 11 4 Surgery and dispensary ... 104 8 2 Patients'payments ... ... 81 2 0 Fuel and light ... ... 48 2 8 Balance from last year ... 1,127 13 9 Bedding and clothing ... ... 18 1 5 Furniture and earthenware ... 134 19 8 Washing and laundry ... . . 27127 Salaries and wages ... ... 501 3 0 Erection new Hospital ... 1,785 4 4 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... 13 7 10 Insurance ... ... ... 13 11 3 Other expenses ... ... 131 2 7 Total ...' ...£3,148 13 8 Total ... ... £3,027 9 7 At last Coromandel has got its new Hospital. It is built on a suitable site, well planned, well built, and admirably managed by Sister Mary Gonzaga and two other sisters. These ladies receive nothing for their services, and yet I cannot too highly praise the efficiency of their work. Dr. Bull and his partner, Dr. Cheeseman, have made this, as regards the quality of its medical and surgical work, one of the best hospitals in the colony.

CROMWELL HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1898 ... ... ... 2 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 42 Total under treatment ... ... ... 44 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 38 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 Remaining on 31st March, 1899 ... ... ... ... 1



Sex. —4l males, 3 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Bannockburn, 10; Cromwell, 6; Nevis, 7; Lowburn, &c, 2; Wanaka and Hawea, 5; Tarras, 5; Mount Pisa, 5; Kawarau, 1; Bendigo, 1; Roaring Meg, 1; Roxburgh, 1. Country. —England, 9; Scotland, 14; Ireland, 7 ; New Zealand, 8; Norway, 3 ; China, 2 ; Germany, 1. Religion. —Roman Catholic, 6 ; Confucian, 2 ; Protestant, 36. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 1,367; individual average days' stay, 31-06. Daily average cost per head, 9s. 4£d.; less patients' payments, Bs. 6d. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 43; attendances, 89. Revenue and Expendituee. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 333 11 8 Rations ... ... ... 87 17 2 Local bodies ... ... ... 233 1 1 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 510 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 113 10 0 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 36 10 9 Patients'payments ... ... 60 9 5 Fuel and light ... ... ... 17 14 6 Other sources ... ... ... 319 4 Bedding and clothing .... ... 310 4 Balance from last year ... ... 67 11 9 Salaries and wages ... ... 392 6 0 Water-supply ... ... ... 25 0 0 Funerals ... ... ... 8 0 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 16 2 0 Insurance ... ... ... 8 12 6 Other expenses... ... ... 40 3 3 Total £812 3 3 Total £641 6 6 This institution, ever since the lamented death of Mr. Spence Turton, its Chairman for many years, has fallen on evil days. I made a special visit in midwinter to endeavour to smooth things over, but failed, owing to the embittered state of feeling which prevailed between the two parties— the doctor's party on the one side and the party which wished to get rid of him on the other. The patients, however, were well looked after through it all. Irregularities in the election of Trustees had for the time paralysed the government of the Hospital. Only time and increased vigilance on the part of the local authorities can reduce things to order.

DUNEDIN HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1898 ... ... 99 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 1,081 Total under treatment ... ... ... 1,180 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 975 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 106 Remaining on 31st March, 1899 ... ~. ... 99 Sex. —723 males, 457 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Dunedin and suburbs, 746; Abbotsford, 6; Allanton, 2; Alexandra, 2; Burkes, 5; Burnside, 3; Berwick, 6; Broad Bay, 2; Clinton, 4; Clutha, 14; Catlin's, 15; Clyde, 2; Cromwell, 3; Green Island, 17; Greymouth, 3; Gore, 2; Lawrence, 3; Invercargill, 2 ; Kaitangata, 9; Kelso, 7 ; Milton, 14 ; Mosgiel, 25; Middlemarch, 6; Oamaru, 6 ; Port Chalmers, 26 ; Palmerston, 12; Peninsula, 13; Ravensbourne, 10; Seacliff, 6; Tapanui, 5; Taieri, 20; Timaru, 6; Waikouaiti, 6 ; Warepa, 3 ; Waihola, 5 ; others, 164. Country. —New Zealand, 523; England, 205 ; Ireland, 142 ; Scotland, 184; Victoria, 20 ; Tasmania, 11; China, 26; United States, 7; Norway, 7 ; New South Wales, 4; Sweden, 4; Germany, 3; Denmark, 4; Finland, 3; Shetland, 3; Orkney, 2; France, 2; Jersey, 2; India, 2; born at sea, 5 ; Italy, 1; Isle of Skye, 1; Guernsey, 1; Portugal, 1; others, 17. Religion. —Presbyterian, 426 ; Church of England, 345; Roman Catholic, 216; Confucian, 25 ; Baptist, 35 ; Wesleyan, 42 ; Salvationist, 12; Methodist, 12; Church Brethren, 12 ; Lutheran, 10; Congregationalist, 9; Church of Christ, 9; Jewish, 6; Christadelphian, 1 ; Spiritualist, 1; Farly-Hallite, 1; Bible Christian, 1; Primitive Methodist, 1; others, 16. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 34,182 ; individual average days' stay, 28-96. Dailyaverage cost per head, 4s. 4£d.; less patients' payments, 3s. 7fd. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 1,790; attendances, 5,556. 2—H. 22.



Revenue and Expendituee. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 2,979 310 Rations ... ... ... 1,927 11 8 Local bodies... ... ... 2,700 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 196 16 3 Subscriptions and donations ... 219 11 4 Surgery and dispensary ... 849 12 2 Patients'payments ... ... 1,247 2 8 Fuel and light ... ... 745 14 0 Other sources ... ... 348 10 10 Bedding and clothing ... ... 23 10 0 Furniture, earthenware, &c. ... 217 11 9 Salaries and wages ... ... 2,424 2 6 Water-supply ... ... 77 6 6 Funerals ... ... ... 30 5 0 Repairs ... ... ... 504 14 4 Architect's fee ... ... 100 0 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... 59 16 6 Interest ... ... ... 1 11 9 Insurance ... ... ... 33 7 3 Commission ... ... ... 15 8 3 Honorary medical staff (half fees) 118 13 0 Other expenses ... ... 155 7 10 Total ... ... £7,494 8 8 Total £7,481 8 9 I have nothing in the way of fault-finding to say about the management of this Hospital. Mr. Burns's ability and care as an administrator are admirable, and are reflected in every department. The nursing staff is efficient, and is working well. The provision for their comfort and the conditions of their work are sedulously looked after. When the new children's ward is finished it will enable the present somewhat dismal ward to be dispensed with, and form a valuable instalment of the new hospital that is to replace the old pile, which was never designed for hospital purposes. The governing body of this Hospital shows none of the slackness that characterizes some local governing bodies in New Zealand. The relations between the Trustees and the Medical School continue to be harmonious. Everybody seems now to be alive to the immense boon this school has conferred on the town and country. I would like to add that all over New Zealand I find the Dunedin graduates markedly well adapted to rely on their own professional resources, especially in circumstances where no medical help is available. lam afraid it will be found that the operation theatre will be too small, for I believe this school will grow to a size that none of its designers contemplated.

DUNSTAN HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1898 ... ... ... 2 Admitted during the year ... .., ... ... 56 Total under treatment ... ... ... 58 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 41 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 13 Remaining on 31st March, 1899 ... ... ... ... 4 Sex. —49 males, 9 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Clyde, 12 ; Alexandra, 16; Matakanui, 6 ; Baldhill Flat, 3; Ida Valley, 2 ; Earnscleugh, 3; Ophir, 8 ; Cromwell, 3 ; Moutere, 2 ; Lauder, 1; Waikaia, 1; Hawea, 1. Country. —England, 8; Ireland, 14; Scotland, 5; New Zealand, 20; Sweden, 1; Wales, 1; China, 7 ; Canada, 1; Tasmania, 1. Religion. —-Church of England, 21; Roman Catholic, 14 ; Presbyterian, 15; no religion, 8. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 1,515; individual average days' stay, 26-12. Daily average cost per head, 12s. IOJd.; less patients' payments, lis. O^d. Outdoor Patients. —2B; attendances, 43.



Revenue and Expendituee. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d From Government ... ... 596 12 1 Rations ... ... ... 135 13 7 Local bodies ... ... ... 243 710 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 13 9 6 Subscriptions and donations ... 15113 6 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 3115 11 Patients'payments ... ... 138 3 9 Fuel and light ... ... ... 28 7 0 Other sources ... ... ... 412 6 Bedding and clothing ... ... 20 11 3 Balance from last year ... ... 1160 Furniture, earthenware, and repairs 105 18 11 Salaries and wages ... ... 408 5 0 Water-supply ... ... ... 15 4 9 special ... ... 98 17 1 Funerals ... ... ... 28 0 0 Additions to buildings ... ... 30 0 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 618 9 Interest ... ... ... 12 0 Insurance and rent ... ... 21156 Commission ... ... ... 20 9 7 Other expenses... ... ... 7 4 0 Total ... ...£1,136 5 8. Total ... ... £973 12 10 I found this Hospital working well. The people of the district were satisfied that the grounds of my former strictures were removed. The patients were well cared for, and I heard no complaints. The wards, especially the new one, were in good order. A suitable scheme of drainage is very much needed. More attention must be paid to looking after the outside sanitary arrangements. Some of the blankets supplied are very inferior.

GISBORNE HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1898 ... ... ... 26 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 168 Total under treatment ... ... ... 194 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 166 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 Remaining on 31st March, 1899 ... ... ... ... 18 Sex. —135 males, 59 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Cook and Waiapu Counties, and Borough of Gisborne. Nationality. —British, 192 ; foreign, 2. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 4,908; individual average days' stay, 25-30. Daily average cost per head, 4s. IOJd.; less patients' payments, 3s. 7d. Revenue and Expendituee. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d From Government ... ... 340 0 0 Rations ... ... ... 237 3 5 Local bodies ... ... ... 340 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 14 11 6 Subscriptions and donations ... 67 4 3 Surgery and dispensary ... 83 2 6 Rents ... ... ... 3110 0 Fuel and light ... ... 95 14 8 Patients' payments ... ... 310 13 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 20 1 0 Interest ... ... ... 16 0 0 Furniture and earthenware ... 25 4 6 Balance from last year ... 203 19 4 Salaries and wages ... ... 604 6 8 Repairs ... ... ... 30 19 10 Printing, advertising, postage, ' and stationery ... ... 14 10 5 Interest ... ... ... 026 Insurance ... ... ... 17 8 9 Sanitation ... ... ... 20 0 0 Commission ... ... ... 17 0 3 Other expenses ... ... 13 14 9 Total ... ... £1,309 6 7 Total ... ... £1,194 0 9 This is a well-managed comfortable Hospital. At the date of my visit (which was short, and fell on a Sunday, owing to the exigencies of the steamer time) there was a large number of typhoid cases. One ward of nine beds was quite filled with them, and several were convalescent. They were most admirably nursed by Miss Stewart and her staff of one trained nurse and two probationers. In all there were thirteen cases of typhoid. An addition is to be built, to contain a new operation-room and certain conveniences. It ought also, in this town so difficult of access, to contain a padded room for eases of delirium tremens and lunatics under remand or awaiting removal, were it not that it would be highly inexpedient in such a position to expect the nurses and only one man-of-all-work to look after them. The police-station or its neighbourhood would be a better place for erecting suitable accommodation.



GREY RIVER HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1898 ... ... 52 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 150 Total under treatment ... ... ... 202 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 127 Died 27 Remaining on 31st March, 1899 ... ... ... 48 Sex. —l 79 males, 23 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Grey Valley, 140; Marsden, 14 ; Dunganville, 15 ; South Beach, 10 ; North Beach, 8; Kumara, 1; Reefton, 1; Otira, 2 ; Jackson, 8 ; shipping, 3. Country. —England, 53; Ireland, 64; Scotland, 47; New Zealand, 11; Scandinavia, 7 ; Italy, 3 ; China, 11; Germany, 4 ; France, 2. Religion. —Church of England, 50 ; Roman Catholic, 78 ; Presbyterian, 33; Lutheran, 11; Confucian, 11; Wesley an, 19. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 16,585 ; individual average days' stay, 82-10. Daily average cost per head, 35.; less patients' payments, 2s. 10-Jd. Outdoor Patients. —-Individual cases, 139; attendances, 241. Revenue and Expendituee. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 1,135 8 5 Rations ... ... ... 767 14 6 Local bodies ... ... 645 16 8 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 57 8 11 Subscriptions and donations ... 391 18 10 Surgery and dispensary ... 104 19 7 Rents ... ... ... 10 0 0 Fuel and light ... ... 155 5 1 Patients'payments ... ... 87 18 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 153 4 3 Other sources ... ... 7 10 0 Furniture and earthenware ... 22 8 0 Washing and laundry ... ... 84 0 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 789 8 4 Funerals ... ... ... 80 0 0 Repairs ... ... ... 88 18 8 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... 66 9 2 Interest ... ... ... 30 2 0 Insurance ... ... ... 30 0 0 Other expenses ... ... 54 6 8 Total £2,278 11 11 Total £2,484 5 2 This is the Hospital of all others where the benefits of the Old-age Pensions Act can best be observed when sufficient time has elapsed. It has always been a well-managed institution so far as the comfort of the patients and their skilful medical and surgical treatment is concerned. The neucleus of a fine new hospital of the most approved design is to be built a little distance to the south of the old building, which will then apparently be used for an old man's home. I have never been in favour of having the two institutions in such close proximity, but now I suppose it is too late to object.

HAWERA HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1898 ... ... ... 3 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 65 Total under treatment ... ... ... 68 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 57 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 Remaining on 31st March, 1899 ... ... ... ... 3 Sex. —s4 males, 14 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Hawera, 59; Stratford, 3 ; Auckland, 2 ; Taranaki, 1; Nelson, 1; Halcombe, 1; Wanganui, 1. Nationality. —Colonial, 27 ; English, 16; Irish, 10; Scotch, 9; German, 3 ; Norwegian, 1; Swede, 1; Canadian, 1. Religion. —No record. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 1,737; individual average days' stay, 25-54. Daily average cost per head, 9s. 3fd.; less patients' payments, Bs. 7£d. Outdoor Patients. —Nil.


Revenue and Expendituee. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. m From Government ... ... 374 16 6 Rations ... ... ... 169 19 0 Local bodies ... ... ... 374 16 5 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 32 8 0 Patients' payments ... ... 59 13 6 Surgery and dispensary ... 90 10 5 Fuel and light ... ... 39 2 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 22 13 4 Furniture and earthenware ... 18 14 0 Washing and laundry ... ... 12 3 10 Salaries and wages ... ... 344 13 8 Repairs ... ... ... 23 13 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... 11 5 9 ; Interest ... ... ... 6 5 11 ■ Insurance ... .. ... 717 6 Other expenses ... ... 30 0 0 Total ... £809 6 5 Total ... ... £809 6 5 This is a very satisfactory institution. It is airy, comfortable, and clean. The nursing is excellent, the doctors attentive, and the patients very contented. This is, however, as I pointed out last year, an illustration of the heedless determination of the people of New Zealand to have hospitals at their doors in every centre of population.

HOKITIKA HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1898 ... ... ... 34 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 156 Total under treatment ... ... ... 190 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 131 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 27 Remaining on 31st March, 1899 ... ... ... ... 32 Sex. —149 males, 41 females. Locality from which Patients came. —Westland. Country. —England, 52; Scotland, 23 ; Ireland, 39; Germany, 10; Italy, 4; New Zealand and Australia, 49 ; China, 1; Austria, 4 ; Switzerland, 3; Norway, 2; France, 1 ; America, 2. Religion. —Church of England, 67 ; Presbyterian, 41; Roman Catholic, 60; Freethinker, 1 ; Lutheran, 12 ; Wesleyan, 7 ; Church of Christ, 1 ; Confucian, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 11,333 ; individual average days' stay, 59-64. Daily average cost per head, 4s. ljd.; less patients' payments, 3s. llfd. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 319 ; attendances, 695. Revenue and Expendituee. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 1,115 14 11 I Rations ... ... ... 653 0 3 Local bodies ... ... ... 627 1 8 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 33 19 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 370 9 9 Surgery and dispensary ... 211 2 7 Patients'payments -... ... 82 10 0 Fuel and light ... ... 133 8 9 Other sources ... ... 32 14 10 Bedding and clothing ... ... 34 12 1 Balance from last year ... 104 17 6 Furniture and earthenware ... 6 6 6 Salaries and wages ... ... 843 16 4 Funerals ... ... ... 11 11 0 Repairs ... ... ... 212 14 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... 36 7 8 Interest ... ... ... 0 18 0 Insurance ... ... ... 24 4 0 Commission ... ... ... 19 2 3 Other expenses ... ... 113 16 9 Total ... ... £2,333 8 8 Total ... ... £2,334 19 2 This Hospital is in a very satisfactory condition as regards its medical and surgical work, its nursing and the general comfort of the patients. The vigilance of the Trifetees is perhaps excessive. Only in one or two matters they need to have their memories refreshed. A new bath is badly wanted in the south male ward, and it is not right that such a fine piece of garden-land on the flat should be leased for a trifle, and the patients allowed to go without a first-rate supply of vegetables, which they might so easily get if the gardener were of any use. Another piece of neglect is that the bread is not good.




INVERCARGILL HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1898 ... ... ... 14 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 347 * Total under treatment ... ... ... 361 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 316 Died ... 21 Remaining on 31st March, 1899... ... ... ... 24 Sex. —250 males, 111 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Southland County, Wallace County, Lake County, Fiord County, Stewart Island County. Country. —England, 79; Scotland, 67; Ireland, 65; New Zealand, 111; Tasmania, 1; Germany, 1; Victoria, 9; China, 13; India, 1; Denmark, 2 ; Sweden, 5; Holland, 1; Finland, 1; Morocco, 1; South Australia, 1; Canada, 1; New South Wales, 1; United States of America, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 114 ; Roman Catholic, 88; Presbyterian, 111; Wesleyan, 11; Salvationist, 1; Lutheran, 6 ; Baptist, 3; Confucian, 13 ; Plymouth Brethren, 4 ; Methodist, 4 ; Church of Christ, 3; Congregationalist, 1; Agnostic, 1; no religion, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 11,944; individual average days' stay, 33-08. Daily average cost per head, ss. 3d.; less patients' payments, ss. OJd. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 867 ; attendances, 2,638. Revenue and Expendituee. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 1,590 10 0 Rations ... ... .. 729 410 Local bodies ... ... 1,590 10 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 58 3 11 Subscriptions and donations ... 16 6 7 Surgery and dispensary ... 275 1.0 10 Patients'payments ... ... 130 4 10 Fuel and light ... ... 271 0 11 Other sources ... ... 91 14 2 Bedding and clothing ... ... 143 13 9 Furniture and earthenware ... 140 3 0 Washing and laundry ... 90 0 10 Salaries and wages ... ... 1,061 19 10 Water-supply ... ... 14 17 0 Funerals ... ... ... 12 0 0 " Repairs ... ... ... 149 19 7 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... 53 16 5 Interest ... ... ... 3 3 0 Insurance ... ... ... 27 1 6 Other expenses ... ... 109 11 7 Total ... ... £3,419 5 7 Total ... ... £3,140 7 0 I hope this Hospital has at length got into smooth water. I am sure Dr. McLeod is capable and attentive. The new Matron is as yet on her trial. The nurses seem to me to be satisfactory. The secretary is too able a man for the position he is content to fill, and his pay is out of proportion to the duties he has to perform. The hospital building is well adapted for its purpose, and the accommodation is ample. The patients spoke in the highest terms of the treatment they received.

KUMARA HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1898 ... ... ... 16 Admitted during the year ... .. < ... ... 74 Total under treatment ... ... ... 90 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 66 Died 7 Remaining on 31st March, 1899 ... ... ... ... 17 Sex. —78 males, 12 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Kumara, 26; Dillman's, 31 ; Greenstone, 6; Ross, 1; Jackson, 9; Waimea, 9; Gore, 1; Westbrook, 6; Reefton.l. Nationality. —English, 22; Irish, 27; Scotch, 12; New Zealand, 12; Chinese, 2; Australian, 5 ; Swedish, 2 ; Danish, 1; Spanish, 1; American, 1 ; African, 1; German, 4. Religion. -Church of England, 35 ; Roman Catholic, 33; Presbyterian, 15; Wesleyan, 3 ; Confucian, 2 ; Lutheran, 2. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 4,712 ; individual average days' stay, 52-35. Daily average cost per head, 3s. 5Jd.; less patients' payments, 2s. lljd. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 197 ; attendances, 491.



Revenue and Expendituee. Revenue. £ s. d. j Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 352 12 0 j Rations ... ... ... 256 4 0 Local bodies... ... ... 173 5 3 | Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 8 2 7 Subscriptions and donations ... 135 7 6 Surgery and dispensary ... 14 411 Patients'payments ... ... 114 11 6 Fuel and light ... ... 44 19 1 Balance from last year ... 39 3 9 Bedding, clothing, furniture, &c. 88 17 1 Salaries and wages ... ... 347 15 6 Funerals 15 0 0 Additions to buildings... ... 14 2 9 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 11 7 6 Interest ... ... ... 4 10 0 Insurance ... ...• ... 690 Total ... ... £815 0 0 Total... ... £81112 5 This is a very comfortable Cottage Hospital, well managed in every respect, and stands about midway between the large hospitals of Hokitika and Greymouth, which are distant from each other only twenty-four miles by rail. In the male ward all the cases were chronics, and the female ward was empty.

LAWRENCE HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1898 ... ... ... 6 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 116 Total under treatment ... ... ... 122 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 108 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 9 Remaining on 31st March, 1899 ... ... ... ... 5 Sex. —B6 males, 36 females. Locality from which Patients came. —Tuapeka County. Country. —New Zealand, 38; England, 25 ; Scotland, 18; Ireland, 25; China, 5 ; Victoria, 3; Denmark, 1; Nova Scotia, 1; Fiji, 2 ; Germany, 1; Sweden, 3. Religion. —No record. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 2,616; individual average days' stay, 21-44. Daily average cost per head, ss. 9^d.; less patients' payments, ss. lfd. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 60. Revenue and Expendituee. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 344 4 11 Rations ... ... ... 232 11 2 Local bodies ... ... ... 260 2 6 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 36 710 Patients'payments ... ... 112 17 7 Fuel and light ... ... ... 52 1110 Other sources ... ... ... 813 3 Bedding and clothing ... ... 16 19 1 Balance from last year ... ... 264 10 11 Salaries and wages ... ... 375 0 0 Water-supply ... ... ... 10 0 0 Eepairs ... ... ... 13 18 10 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 511 0 Insurance ... ... ... 5 12 9 Other expenses... ... ... 9 13 6 Total ... ... £990 9 2 Total ... ... £758 6 0 This is a well-designed Hospital, very well managed, and a credit to the district.

MASTERTON HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1898 ... ... ... 6 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 85 Total under treatment ... ... ... 91 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 74 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 11 Remaining on 31st March, 1899 ... ... ... ... 6 Sex. —64 males, 27 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Masterton, 28 ; Suburbs, 9; Eketahuna, 7 ; Mauriceville, 7; Alfredton, 5 ; Tenui, 4; Taueru, 2; Carterton, 7; Gladstone, 2 ; Brancepeth, 5 ; Bideford, 2; East Coast, 3; Hawke's Bay, 3; Lower Valley, 1; Palmerston North, 1; Christchurch, 1; Pahiatua, 4.



Country. —England, 27 ; Ireland, 15 ; New Zealand, 27 ; Scotland, 10; New South Wales, 1; Victoria, 5 ; Germany, 1; Denmark, 1; Honolulu, 1; America, 1; Norway, 1; born at sea, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 38 ; Roman Catholic, 17; Presbyterian, 23; Wesleyan, 4; Salvation Army, 4 ; Lutheran, 3 ; Congregationalist, 1; Society of Friends, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 3,001; individual average days' stay, 32-97. Daily average, cost per head, 7s, 9Jd.; less patients' payments, 7s. 1-Jd. Revenue and Expendituee. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 604 6 5 Rations ... ... ... 213 6 6 Local bodies ... ... ... 350 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 3 8 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 251 15 2 Surgery and dispensary ... 131 4 6 Patients'payments ... ... 96 14 11 Fuel and light ... ... 88 0 3 Other sources... ... ... 100 0 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 72 7 7 Furniture and earthenware ... 67 911 Washing and laundry ... ... 20 0 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 357 5 6 Water-supply... ... ... 28 6 10 Funerals ... ... ... 9 0 0 Repairs ... ... ... 22 11 2 Additions to buildings ... ... 20 7 5 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 38 1 3 Interest ... ... ... 28 0 0 Insurance ... ... ... 13 19 0 Commission ... ... ... 40 17 0 Other expenses ... ... 13 17 8 Total ... ...£1,402 16 6 Total ... ...£1,168 2 7 On the 2nd May, the date of my visit, I found this Hospital in the throes of a local medical war. Dr. Hoskin, who had served so faithfully for many years, had just resigned, and there was the usual tug-of-war as to who should succeed him, his son or another local practitioner. Things will have probably settled down before my next visit.

MERCURY BAY HOSPITAL.* Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 32 Total under treatment ... ... ... 32 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 23 Died 7 Remaining on 31st March, 1899... ... ... ... 2 Sex. —27 males, 5 females. Locality from which Patients came. —Coromandel County, 22; Thames County, 10. Nationality. —British, 28; Austrian, 2; Swedish, 1; Maori, 1. Religion. —Protestant, 27 ; Boman Catholic, 5. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 470; individual average days' stay, 14-68. Daily average cost per head, 19s. lOd.; less patients' payments, 17s. Bd. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 487; attendances, 732. Revenue and Expendituee. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 1,315 4 7 Rations ... ... ... 46 19 8 Subscriptions and donations ... 478 11 3 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 2 9 0 Rents ... ... ... 15 0 0 Surgery and dispensary ... 93 19 10 Patients' payments ... ... 52 1 6 Fuel and light ... ... 713 0 Other sources ... ... 31 8 3 Bedding and clothing ... ... 57 5 3 Furniture and earthenware ... 65 1 10 Washing and laundry... ... 1727 Salaries and wages ... ... 741 15 0 Repairs ... ... ... 19 2 3 Additions ... ... ... 199 5 4 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... 23 0 1 Insurance ... ... ... 616 3 • Other expenses ... ... 102 2 3 Total ... ... £1,892 5 7 £1,382 12 4 This is a neat and convenient Cottage Hospital erected last year. It stands on the edge of a beautiful beach quite near the township. It contains two small wards and a single room with the necessary adjuncts, all well arranged, well lighted, and well ventilated. In addition to looking after the hospital, which he does very satisfactorily, Dr. Slater visits Tairua once a week. Mr. and Mrs. Parker, who were trained in Sunnyside, are in charge, and had everything in first-rate order. * Opened Ist July, 1898.



. NAPIER HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1898 ... ... 29 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 344 Total under treatment ... ... ... 373 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 316 Died 16 Remaining on 31st March, 1899 ... ... ... 41 Sex. —23B males, 135 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Hawke's Bay and adjoining districts. Cowwir?/.—England, 64; Scotland, 31; Ireland, 40; New Zealand, 175; Victoria, 30; Germany, 3; Norway, 4; America, 3; Wales, 4 ; Denmark, 6; Queensland, 5 ; New South Wales, 4 ; Guernsey, 3; Isle of Man, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 190; Roman Catholic, 74; Presbyterian, 60; Wesleyan, 29; Lutheran, 4; Salvation Army, 3; Congregationalist, 6; Plymouth Brethren, 5; Baptist, 2. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 9,803; individual average days' stay, 26-28. Daily average cost per head, 65.; less patients' payments, ss. 2d. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 882. Revenue and Expendituee. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 1,857 16 11 Rations ... ... ... 758 9 0 Local bodies ... ... ... 1,250 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 26 13 6 Subscriptions and donations ... 444 16 3 Surgery and dispensary ... 184 1 8 Bequest ... ... ... 450 13 9 Fuel and light ... ... 206 9 8 Rents ... ... ... 60 7 6 Bedding and clothing, furniture, Patients' payments ... ... 413 8 0 and earthenware ... ... 291 12 7 Other sources... ... ... 4 17 4 Salaries and wages ... ... 1,261 18 9 Balance from last year... ... 918 Water-supply ... ... ... 41 13 9 Additions to buildings, and repairs 824 16 8 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 35 7 4 Interest ... ... ... 0 3 6 Insurance ... ... ... 73 11 9 Commission ... ... ... 9 12 0 Other expenses ... ... 50 16 9 Total £4,491 1 5 Total £3,765 6 11 This is an excellent Hospital, and is in all respects in admirable order. A practice, however, has been allowed to grow up here which, up to the present in spite of my remonstrances, still continues. Outside practitioners are allowed to send in any patients they please, treat them themselves, and charge what they like after the hospital costs are paid. Not only this, but the honorary staff are allowed to charge in the same way. The Minister has given instructions that no further subsidy is to be paid till this practice is forbidden.

NASEBY HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1898 ... ... ... 10 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 143 Total under treatment ... ... ... 153 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 134 Died ' 10 Remaining on 31st March, 1899... ... ... ... 9 Sex. —107 males, 46 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Naseby, 32 ; Gimmerburn, 12; Kyeburn, 13 ; Eweburn, 10; Wedderburn, 7 ; Hamilton's, 10; St. Bathan's, 6; Hyde, 15; Patearoa, 18; Cambrian's, 1; Pigroot, 1; Ida Valley, 2 ; Gore, 1; Bald Hill, 4 ; Macrae's, 1; Upper Kyeburn, 4 ; Rough Ridge, 1; Eweburn Reservoir, 1; Kokonga, 1; Dunedin, 1; Waipiata, 1. Country. —England, 19; Scotland, 24; Ireland, 17; New Zealand, 63; China, 7; Victoria, 4; Tasmania, 2 ; Holland, 1; Jersey, 1; Malta, 1; Germany, 1; United States of America, 2. Religion. —Church of England, 37 ; Roman Catholic, 37; Presbyterian, 55; Confucian, 7 ; Salvationist, 3; Lutheran, 1; Wesleyan, 1; Jewish, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 4,162; individual average days' stay, 27-20. Daily average cost per head, 6s. Ofd.; less patients' payments, 4s. lfd. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 42 ; attendances, 97. 3—H. 22.



Revenue and Expendituee. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 506 16 2 Rations ... ... ... 241 1 1 Local bodies ... ... ... 350 11 8 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 28 2 4 Subscriptions and donations ... 130 19 11 Surgery and dispensary ... 81 8 3 Patients' payments ... ... 404 3 1 Fuel and light ... ... 60 5 6 Other sources... ... ... 26183 Bedding and clothing ... ... 10 10 4 Balance from last year... ... 221 10 8 Furniture and earthenware ... 75 1 4 Washing and laundry ... ... 491 Salaries and wages ... ... 530 0 6 Water-supply... ... ... 800 Funerals ... ... ... 4 12 6 Repairs and additions ... ... 162 18 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 14 2 11 Interest ... ... ... 0 10 0 Commission ... ... ... 11 15 0 Other expenses ... ... 30 5 2 Total ... . £1,640 19 9 Total ... ...£1,263 2 0 My praises of this Hospital have become monotonous. Now, I will only say that it continues to deserve all that I have said of it in the past. Two new rooms for the staff have been added in a lean-to behind, involving the shifting of the female bathroom. For this work, together with a little painting and papering, a sum of £116 10s. was expended. The timber was green, and is already much cracked.

NELSON HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1898 ... ... ... 24 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 166 Total under treatment .. ... ... 190 Discharged . ... ... ... ... ... ... 145 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 24 Remaining on 31st March, 1899 ... ... ... ... 21 Sex. —l2o males, 70 females. Localities from which Patients came. —County of Waimea and City of Nelson, 185; Wellington, 1; Auckland, 1; New Plymouth, 1; Westport, 1; Kumara, 1. Country.—New Zealand, 92; England, 60; Scotland, 14; Ireland, 8; Germany, 4; Victoria, 2 ; Italy, 2; Austria, 1; France, 2 ; Australia, 2 ; Switzerland, 2 ; India, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 82 ; Roman Catholic, 31; Presbyterian, 22; Lutheran, 7; Wesleyan, 20; Baptist, 13 ; Plymouth Brethren, 6; Salvationist, 4; Church of Christ, 5. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 8,421; individual average days' stay, 44-32. Daily average cost per head, ss. ljd.; less patients' payments, 4s. 4Jd. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 487 ; attendances, 2,301. Bevenue and Expendituee. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 1,212 16 10 Rations ... ... ... 377 16 10 Local bodies ... .. ... 950 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 12 6 6 Subscriptions and donations ... 143 11 9 Surgery and dispensary ... 239 410 Rents ... ... ... 209 10 0 Fuel and light ... ... 174 17 6 Patients'payments ... ... 315 19 6 Bedding and clothing ... ... 6 2 3 Other sources... ... ... 4 3 4 Furniture and earthenware ... 82 11 6 Salaries and wages ... ... 993 9 9 Water-supply... ... ... 17 0 0 Funerals ... ... ... 15 12 0 Repairs ... ... ... 75 19 9 Additions to buildings ... ... 55 15 6 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 13 9 9 Insurance ... ... ... 25 0 0 Other expenses ... ... 63 2 5 Total ... ...£2,836 1 5 Total . ...£2,152 8 7 This is a spacious, well-designed hospital building, with a small population, considering its capacity and equipments. It is admirably conducted by Dr. Talbot, and I have nothing but approval for the condition in which I found it on each of the occasions on which I visited it during the year.



NEW PLYMOUTH HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1898 ... ... ... 18 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 209 Total under treatment ... ... ... 227 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 191 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 20 Remaining'on 31st March, 1899 ... ... ... ... 16 Sex. —l 69 males, 58 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Taranaki County, 78 ; Hawera County, 41; Stratford County, 42 ; New Plymouth, 45; Clifton County, 13 ; Waverley, 2 ; Auckland, 2 ; Wairarapa, 1; Awakino, 1; Mokau, 2. Nationality. —English, 55 ; Scotch, 16 ; Irish, 29; Colonial, 109; German, 5 ; Swedish, 2 ; French, 1; Solomon Islands, 1; Shetlanders, 3 ; Pole, 2; Indian, 2; Dutch, 1; Danish, 1. Religion. —No record kept. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 6,706; individual average days' stay, 29-54. Daily average cost per head, ss. 8-Jd.; less patients' payments, 4s. 7d. Outdoor Patients. —No record kept. Revenue and Expendituee. Revenue. £ s. d. [ Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 800 6 2 Rations ... ' ... ... 309 13 0 Local bodies ... ... ... 694 16 1 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 40 6 3 Subscriptions and donations ... 43 19 6 Surgery and dispensary ... 201 2 5 Patients'payments ... ... 378 12 8 Fuel and light ... ... 177 12 2 Rents ... ... ... 10 0 Bedding and clothing ... :.. 64 8 6 Furniture and earthenware ... 157 9 11 Washing and laundry ... ... 141 10 9 Salaries and wages ... ... 619 14 1 Water-supply... ... ... 10 0 0 Repairs ... ... ... 50 11 10 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 35 6 3 Interest ... ... ! \ ... 25 3 11 Insurance ... ... ... 20 13 0 Other expenses ... ... 65 2 4 Total ... ...£1,918 14 5 Total ... ...£1,918 14 5 Like Nelson Hospital, this, too, is spacious, well designed, and well equipped, with a small population. I must admit, however, that Taranaki is advancing so rapidly that in a few years its capacity will be required to accommodate the patients of the district. Hawera Hospital, however, drains off a part of the patients that ought to come here. In Dr. Leatham's hands this Hospital is admirably conducted, and the nursing is good. I regret that after many years' faithful and kindly devotion Dr. O'Carroll has been obliged to resign his charge of this institution.

OAMARU HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1898 ... ... ... 19 Admitted during the year ... ... ... 167 Total under treatment ... ... .. 186 Discharged ... ... ... . . ... ... 156 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 13 Remaining on 31st March, 1899 ... ... ... ... 17 Sea;,—l3s males, 51 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Oamaru, 56; Oamaru district, 96; Dunedin, 4; North Island, 3 ; other places, 27. Country. —England, 36; Scotland, 36; Ireland, 35; New Zealand, 65; Australia, 6; Continent of Europe, 8. Religion. —Church of England, 60; Roman Catholic, 44; Presbyterian, 70 ; Wesleyan, 4; Salvation Army, 6 ; Baptist, 2. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 5,923; individual average days' stay, 31-84. Daily average cost per head, 4s. 9Jd.; less patients' payments, 4s. 4£d. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 155; attendances, 200.



Revenue and Expendituee. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government .. ... 175 15 3 Rations ... ... ... 300 17 2 Subscriptions and donations ... 98 13 6 Wines, spirits, ale, &c ... ... 47 10 7 Bequest ... ... ... 100 0 0 Surgery and dispensary ... 174 3 2 Rents ... ... ... 828 4 6 Fuel and light ... ... 82 14 2 Patients'payments ... ... 115 19 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 44 14 4 Other sources ... ... 181 12 9 Furniture and earthenware ... 123 12 4 Balance from last year... ... 138 7 8 Salaries and wages ... ... 557 11 7 Funerals ... ... ... 2 19 0 Repairs and additions ... ... 39 4 8 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 9 16 3 Insurance ... ... ... 6 12 0 Other expenses ... ... 26 4 7 Total ... ...£1,638 12 8 Total ... ...£1,415 19 10 This Hospital has for many years received my hearty approval, and still continues to deserve it. A movement is on foot to build a new ward, for which a special grant was asked. I was not able to recommend it to the Minister, not because it is not wanted- i.e., the ward—but because many districts are more necessitous.

PALMERSTON NORTH HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1898 ... ... ... 24 Admitted during year ... ... .. ... ... 245 Total under treatment ... ... ... 269 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 216 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 25 Remaining on 31st March, 1899 .. ... ... ... 28 Sex. —193 males, 76 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Palmerston North, 228 ; Masterton, 3 ; Wanganui, 13 ; Wellington, 17; Waipawa, 4; Auckland. 1; New Plymouth, 1; Gisborne, 1; Christchurch, 1. Nationality. —English, 69; Scotch, 20; Irish, 29; New Zealand, 122; Australian, 3; German, 9; Canadian, 1; Danish, 5; Swedish, 2; Norwegian, 3; Tasmanian, 1; Fijian, 1; American, 1; French, 1; West Indian, 1; Finn, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 136; Roman Catholic, 48 ; Presbyterian, 33 ; Wesleyan, 21; Lutheran, 8; Salvation Army, 3; Brethren, 6; Seventh Day Adventists, 1; Primitive Methodist, 6; no religion, 7. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 8,618; individual average days' stay, 32-04. Daily average cost per head, 4s. 5d.; less patients' payments, 3s. 7fd. Outdoor Patients. —No record. Revenue and Expendituee. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 770 7 3 Rations ... ... ... 396 18 7 Local bodies ... ... ... 677 5 6 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 20 6 4 Subscriptions and donations ... 69 1 9 Surgery and dispensary ... 145 9 4 Patients' payments ... ... 332 1 5 Fuel and light ... ... 174 610 Other sources... .. ... 14 15 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 41 9 8 Furniture and earthenware . . 47 12 4 Washing and laundry ... ... 38 6 7 Salaries and wages ... ... 797 3 H Funerals ... ... .. 7 2 6 Repairs ... ... ... 49 19 2 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 16 7 6 Interest ... ... 15 9 3 Insurance ... ... ... 31 12 0 Other expenses ... ... 115 3 3 Total £1,863 10 11 Total ... 7 3 This is a very satisfactory institution. Drs. Mclntyre and Wilson are efficient and attentive; the nursing is skilful and kindly, and the management as a whole excellent



PATEA HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1898 ... ... ... 6 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 53 Total under treatment ... ... ... 59 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 53 Died... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 Remaining on 31st March, 1899... ... ... ... 3 Sex. —36 males, 23 females. Localities from which Patients came.—Stratford to Waitotara. Nationality. —English, 20; Irish, 5; New Zealand, 27 ; Scotch, 5 ; American, 2. Religion. —No record. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 1,384; individual average days' stay, 23-46. Dail average cost per head, 7s. 6|d.; less patients' payments, 6s. 4d. Revenue and Expendituee. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 259 18 7 Rations ... ... ... 133 13 9 Local bodies ... ... ... 200 0 0 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 420 Subscriptions and donations ... 45 15 6 Fuel and light ... ... ... 40 910 Rents... ... ... ... 310 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 19 11 4 Patients' payments ... ... 83 11 0 Furniture and earthenware ... 38 10 5 Other sources ... ... .. 1111 Washing and laundry ... ... 010 0 Balance from last year ... ... 171411 Salaries and wages ... ... 211 4 0 Funerals ... ... ... 3 2 6 Repairs ... ... ... 50 5 4 Additions to buildings ... ... 75 14 6 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... .. ... 918 5 Insurance ... ... ... 2 13 3 Other expenses... ... ... 9 2 0 Total £611 11 11 Total £598 17 4 I found this Hospital had been greatly improved since my last visit. The old kitchen has been converted into a nice little ward, while an addition at the back contains a new kitchen and pantry. I think it is a pity the new part was not made into a ward, so as to take advantage of the beautiful view up the river. I found everything in good order.

PICTON HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1898 ... ... . , 10 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 20 a Total under treatment ... ... 30 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 16 Died... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 Remaining on 31st March, 1899 ... ... ... .. 8 Sex. —27 males, 3 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Picton Hospital District, 26; Wellington, 2; Christchurch, 1; Dunedin, 1. Country. —England, 12 ; Scotland, 4 ; Ireland, 6; New Zealand, 2 ; Wallace Island, 1; Victoria, 1; West Island, 1; France, 1; Germany, 1; Greece, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 17 ; Roman Catholic, 5; Presbyterian, 6; Greek Church, 1; Freethinker, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 3,523; individual average days' stay, 117-43. Daily average cost per head, 3s. BJd.; less patients' payments, 3s. 7f d. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 7.



Revenue and Expendituee. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 265 13 10 Rations ... ... ... 139 12 1 Local bodies ... ... ... 341 3 2 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 2109 Subscriptions and donations ... 510 Surgery and dispensary ... 49 10 6 Patients' payments ... ... 840 Fuel and light ... ... 38 4 2 Other sources... .. ... 30 7 2 Bedding and clothing ... ... 15 16 2 Salaries and wages ... ... 267 19 0 Water-supply... ... ... 3 10 0 Repairs ... ~. ... 28 7 6 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 10 14 11 Interest ... ... ... 0 11 0 Insurance ... ... ... 500 Other expenses ... ... 70 3 1 Total ... ... £650 9 2 Total ... ... £650 9 2 This Hospital is now practically in the hands of Dr. Owen, who is Dr. Scott's partner. I shall be interested to find how the Old-age Pensions Act will affect this institution, since the great majority of the inmates have always been chronic cases. There is a desire on the part of some members of the Board to build a new hospital. This I think would be an unjustifiable waste of public money.

QUEENSTOWN HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1898 ... ... ... 11 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 11l Total under treatment ... ... ... 122 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 110 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 Remaining on 31st March, 1899... ... ... ... 6 Sea;.—loo males, 22 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Lake, Vincent, Southland, and Clutha Counties, Dunedin, London. Country. —New Zealand, 55; England, 9; Ireland, 16; Scotland, 20; Australia, 3; Holland, 3 ; Germany, 5 ; Tasmania,, 4 ; Sweden, 2 ; Malta, 2 ; America, 1; China, 1; France, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 31; Roman Catholic, .31; Presbyterian, 51; Lutheran, 1; Greek Church, 1; Wesleyan, 1; Baptist, 1; Methodist, 1; Buddhist, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 3,516; individual average days' stay, 28-82. Daily average cost per head, ss. sfd.; less patients' payments, ss. 3Jd. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 89 ; attendances, 186. Revenue and Expendituee. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 310 12 11 Rations ... ... ... 223 8 11 Local bodies ... ... ... 268 10 0 Wines, &c, and surgery and disSubscriptions and donations ... 65 1 5 pensary ... ... ... 67 2 0 Patients'payments ... ... 324 11 0 Fuel and light ... ... ... 78 8 5 Balance from last year ... ... 272 9 11 Salaries and wages ... ... 421 0 0 Bedding, clothing, furniture, &c. ... 97 5 6 Repairs ... ... ... 6 15 6 Additions (fever ward) ... ... 263 5 6 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 180 Interest ... ... ... 0 9 3 Insurance ... ... ... 15 5 3 Commission ... ... ... 816 3 Other expenses ... ... 44 12 11 Total ... £1,241 5 3 Total ... £1,227 17 6 My visit to this Hospital was made early in the day, so that a little confusion was inevitable. I found the patients all very comfortable, and speaking in the highest terms of the treatment they received. The advantages of this climate in cases of phthisis is becoming so well understood that I think it is only a question of time when this Hospital must be enlarged. Meanwhile the .Trustees ought as soon as possible to provide a hot-water supply. As in all our goldfield hospitals, the patients feel as comfortable as if they were at home, and in many cases it is the best home they ever knew, so far as comfort is concerned.



REEFTON HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1898 ... ... ... 19 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 80 Total under treatment ... ... ... 99 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 73 Died 13 Remaining on 31st March, 1899... ... ... ... 13 Sex. —93 males, 6 females. Localities from which Patients came. —lnangahua and Buller Counties. Country. —England, 20 ; Scotland, 15 ; Ireland, 22; New Zealand, 22 ; New South Wales, 1; China, 4 ; Victoria, 2 ; South Australia, 1; Wales, 6 ; Denmark, 2 ; Shetland Islands, 1; Italy, 1; Switzerland, 1; Tasmania, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 36; Roman Catholic, 28 ; Presbyterian, 25; Wesleyan, 3 ; Confucian, 4; Lutheran, 2; Hebrew, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 5,773; individual average days' stay, 58-31. Daily average cost per head, 4s. 7fd.; less patients' payments, 4s. 6d. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 153; attendances, 922. Revenue and Expendituee. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 722 0 10 Rations ... ... ... 344 5 7 Local bodies ... ... ... 275 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 42 16 3 Subscriptions and donations ... 334 1 7 Surgery and dispensary ... 109 17 9 Bequest ... ... ... 10 0 0 Fuel and light ... ... 73 7 8 Patients' payments ... ... 42 10 6 Bedding and clothing ... ... 21 10 7 Other sources... ... ... 1150 Furniture and earthenware ... 1117 1 Washing and laundry ... ... 6161 Salaries and wages ... ... 641 19 0 Funerals ... ... ... 16. 13 0 Repairs ... ... ... 21 16 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 30 12 10 Interest ... ... ... 0 15 0 Insurance ... ... ... 3 15 0 Commission ... ... ... 3 18 8 Other expenses ... ... 14 7 8 Total £1,385 7 11 Total £1,344 8 2 This Hospital continues to deserve my highest approval. The patients are well lodged, and found in every reasonable comfort; and the kindly atmosphere that pervades the place is extremely pleasant to experience.

RIVERTON HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1898 ... ... ... 9 Admitted during the year ... .. ... ... 119 Total under treatment ... ... ... 128 Discharged :.. ... ... ... ... ... 110 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 9 Remaining on 31st March, 1899 ... ... ... ... 9 Sex. —97 males, 31 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Orepuki, Riverton, Waiau, Nightcaps, Drummond, Otautau, Five Rivers. Country. —England, Scotland, Ireland, New Zealand, China, India, Canada, Australia, Italy, Germany. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 4,443; individual average days' stay, 34-71. Daily average cost per head, ss. B|d.; less patients' payments, ss. Of d. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 78; attendances, 167.



Revenue and Expendituee. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 691 17 7 Rations ... ... ... 235 16 9 Local bodies ... ... ... 650 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 915 6 Subscriptions and donations ... 6 9 0 Surgery and dispensary ... 47 8 0 Patients'payments ... ... 137 8 6 Fuel and light ... ... 85 15 0 Other sources ... ... 3 6 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 25 7 1 Furniture and earthenware ... 39 18 11 Washing and laundry ... ... 12 15 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 487 5 8 Water-supply ... ... 13 16 0 Repairs ... ... ... 150 18 4 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 40 11 0 Interest .... ... ... 4 2 0 m Insurance ... ... ... 970 Other expenses ... ... 100 11 6 Total .. ...£1,489 1 1 Total ... ...£1,263 7 9 At the time of my visit Dr. Trotter was just taking charge of this Hospital. I am more and more convinced that the Trustees of this Hospital have not sufficiently realised the evils of divided responsibility in such an institution. A competent Matron ought to have control of the whole. The present system must sooner or later lead to complications. A proper supply of instruments is very much needed. I discussed with the secretary the need of safeguarding the cistern containing the water-supply from any possibility of contamination from the cesspool, which is only a few feet away.

ROSS HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1898 ... ... ... 8 Admitted during the year... ... ... ... ... 17 Total under treatment ... ... ... 25 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 13 Died ... ... ... ... ... ..: ... 5 Remaining on 31st March, 1899 ... ... ... ... 7 Sex. —22 males, 3 females. Localities from which Patients came. —-Ross, 12 ; Totara, 5 ; South Westland, 8. Country. —England, 3 ; Scotland, 5; Ireland, 6; New Zealand, 5 ; America, 1; Denmark, 1; r Italy, 1; Switzerland, 1 ; France, 1; Canada, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 10; Roman Catholic, 10 ; Presbyterian, 5. Total collective days' stay-in Hospital, 3,138; individual average days' stay, 125-52. Daily average cost per head, 3s. lOfd. ; less patients' payments, 3s. 9£d. Revenue and Expendituee. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 309 6 4 Rations, wine, spirits, ale, &c. ... 179 3 2 Local bodies ... ... ... 182 14 7 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 10 19 3 Subscriptions and donations ... 105 9 9 Fuel and light ... ... ... 26 19 8 Patients'payments ... ... 16 0 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 315 7 6 Water-supply ... ... 7 10 0 Repairs ... ... ... 54 11 7 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 816 0 Insurance ... ... ... 536 Other expenses 5 0 0 Total ... ... £613 10 8 Total £613 10 8 This still retains its reputation among the diggers as a very comfortable home. The majority of the cases are chronics. They are well cared for in every respect. Dr. Rosetti's long experience and kindly nature make him well suited for the charge of such an institution.



SOUTH WAIRARAPA HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1898 ... ... ... 3 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 40 Total under treatment ... ... ... 43 Discharged ... ... ... .. ... ... 36 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 Remaining on 31st March, 1899 ... ... ... ... 4 Sex. —33 males, 10 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Carterton, 9; Greytown, 9 ; Featherston, 3 ; Martinborough, 4 ; East Coast, 2 ; Lower Valley, 3 ; Gladstone, 3; Wellington, 2 ; Dalefield, 1; Masterton, 2 ; Alfredton, 1; Eketahuna, 1; Picton, 1; Cross Creek, 1; Papawai, 1. Country. —England, 12; Scotland, 3; Ireland, 10; New Zealand, 11; Sweden, 2 ; Australia, 1; Mexico, 1; Norway, 1; Denmark, 1; Germany, 1. Religion. —English Church, 22 ; Roman Catholic, 13 ; Presbyterian, 4 ; Wesleyan, 3 ; Lutheran, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 970; individual average days' stay, 22-56. Daily average cost per head, Bs. lOd.; less patients' payments, Bs. 6f d. Revenue and Expendituee. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 304 2 7 Rations ... ... ... 142 14 10 Local bodies ... ... ... 70 10 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 215 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 187 18 8 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 36 0 6 Rents... ... ... ... 10 0 Fuel and light ... ... ... 4 10 0 Patients'payments ... ... 13 19 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 2 3 6 Other sources ... ... ... 1300 Salaries and wages ... ... 221 5 0 Repairs and additions ... ... 114 18 1 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 414 6 Interest ... ... ... 1 14 6 Insurance ... ... ... 453 Other expenses... ... ... 8 17 11 Total ... ... £590 10 3 Total ... ... £543 19 1 There were five patients in this Hospital on the day of my visit. Everything was in excellent order. The master and his wife do their duty well, and the doctor is very attentive.

THAMES HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1898 ... ... .., 24 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 294 Total under treatment ... ... ... 318 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 275 Died . ... ... ... ... ... ... 22 Remaining on 31st March, 1899 ... ... ... ... 21 Sea;. —224 males, 94 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Thames and Ohinemuri Counties and Thames Borough. Country.- —England, 67; Scotland, 16; Ireland, 47; New Zealand, 159 ; Australia, 17 ; Germany, 2; America, 4 ; Italy, 1 ; Sweden, 1; Jamaica, 1; Canada, 3. Religion. —Church of England, 118 ; Roman Catholic, 70; Presbyterian, 43 ; Wesleyan, 27 ; Primitive Methodist, 7 ; Salvation Army, 5 ; Baptist, 5 ; Mormon, 1; unknown, 42. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 8,269; individual average days' stay, 26. Daily average cost per head, 4s. 3£d. ; less patients' payments, 3s. sfd. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 332 ; attendances, 758. 4—H. 22.



Revenue and Expendituee. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 704 410 Rations, fuel, and light... ... 452 8 7 Local bodies ... ... ... 617 10 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 11 16 3 Subscriptions and donations ... 554 4 5 Surgery and dispensary ... 183 9 3 Rents... ... ... ... 18 0 0 Bedding and clothing, furniture, Patients'payments ... ... 332 15 3 and earthenware ... ... 65 8 7 Balance from last year ... ... 160 5 1 Salaries and wages ... ... 775 12 7 Water-supply and rates ... 32 5 10 Funerals ... ... ... 18 12 6 Repairs and additions ... ... 44 11 7 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 30 0 2 Insurance ... ... ... 1589 ' ' Chloroform-fees ... ... 91 7 0 Other expenses ... ... 53 8 3 Total ... ...£2,386 19 7 Total ... .....£1,774 9 4 This Hospital, so far as management is concerned— i.e., both as regards the work of the surgeon and the nurses —is one of the best in the colony, but as regards the building it is the very worst. lam thankful that at length the people of the district are showing some indications of a desire to help themselves, so as to make it possible for the Government to give effective aid. Plans for a new hospital have been forwarded to me, but I can never be a party to building a new hospital on the present site —it would be a crime against the future of the Thames were I to do so ; while to spend more money on the present building would be quite unjustifiable.

TIMARU HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1898 ... ... ... 26 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 234 Total under treatment ... ... ... 260 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 213 Died ... ' ... ... ... ... 26 Remaining on 31st March, 1899 ... ... ... ... 21 Sea;.—lss males, 105 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Hospital district, 234; outside hospital district, 26. Nationality. —English, 54; Scotch, 24; Irish, 34; Colonial, 143; Swede, 2; Norwegian, 1; German, 1; Belgian, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 100; Roman Catholic, 60 ; Presbyterian, 58; Wesleyan, 20; Salvation Army, 3 ; Brethren, 3 ; Congregationalist, 3 ; Primitive Methodist, 12 ; Lutheran, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 7,567 ; individual average days' stay, 29-10. Daily average cost per head, ss. 10|d.; less patients' payments, ss. 3d. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 129; attendances, 323. Revenue and Expendituee. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 1,417 10 1 Rations ... ' ... ... 497 2 4 Local bodies ... ... ... 1,417 10 1 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 39 14 6 Subscriptions and donations ... 2610 0 Surgery and dispensary ... 219 6 0 Rents ... ... ... 10 0 0 Fuel and light ... ... 189 4 2 Patients'payments ... ... 229 7 2 Bedding and clothing ... ... 103 11 2 Other sources ... ... ... 100 Furniture and earthenware ... 98 10 5 Washing and laundry ... ... 28 2 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 783 3 5 Water-supply... ... ...8 0 0 Bepairs ... ... ... 121 13 7 Additions to buildings ... ... 881 8 8 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 48 3 0 Insurance ... ... .;. 16 14 6 Members' travelling-expenses ... 15 18 4 Other expenses ... ... 51 5 3 Total ... ■ ...£3,101 17 4 Total . . ...£3,101 17 4



An immense improvement has been effected in the two main wards of this Hospital by the building of properly cross-ventilated projections containing baths, closets, and lavatories, all of the best possible kind. The floors are tiled, and the baths and basins are of porcelain. The far end of each ward has been converted into a sun-room for patients, with steps leading into a most beautiful garden, and glass-doors shutting it off from the ward. The nursing is good, and there is a visiting staff who are very attentive. Mr. Jowsey is a most capable administrator, and very determined to have everything in the best possible style, but perhaps a little regardless of expense.

WAIKATO HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1898 ... ... ... 26 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 299 Total under treatment ... ... ... 325 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 291 Died ... ... ... . . ... ... ... 15 Remaining on 31st March, 1899 ... ... ... ... 19 Sex. —232 males, 93 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Waikato, 60 ; Waipa, 64; Piako, 36 ; Raglan, 11; King-country, 5; Rotorua, 7; Auckland, 14; Hamilton, 62; Cambridge, 16; Ohinemuri, 12; Te Aroha, 10 ; Taranaki, 1; Wellington, 1; other places, 26. Country. —England, 70; Scotland, 25; Ireland, 42; New Zealand, 170; Australia, 7; Germany, 5; Canada, 1; British Columbia, 1 ; Italy, 2; Jersey, 1 ; Sweden, 1; Tasmania, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 166; Roman Catholic, 68; Presbyterian, 56; Wesleyan, 26; Salvationist, 2 ; Baptist, 1; Mormon, 2 ; Congregationalist, 1; no religion, 3. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 7,663; individual average days' stay, 23-58. Daily average cost per head, 6s. 7d.; less patients' payments, ss. sd. Revenue and Expendituee. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ...1,030 17 8 Rations . ... ... 586 14 2 Local bodies ...1,137 11 2 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 60 10 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 19 11 0 Surgery and dispensary ... 335 13 1 Rents ... ... ... 58 2 0 Fuel and light ... ... 137 19 0 Patients'payments ... ... 440 4 3 Bedding and clothing ... ... 49 10 0 Other sources... ... ... 13 16 4 Furniture and earthenware ... 37 9 11 Washing and laundry ... ... 79 14 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 888 9 0 Water-supply... ... ... 29 3 8 Funerals ... ... ... 13 2 6 Repairs ... ... ... 56 2 7 Additions to buildings ... ... 6 0 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 54 1 6 Insurance ... ... ... 21 7 6 Other expenses ... ... 172 4 1 Total ... ...£2,700 2 5 Total ... ...£2,528 1 0 Dr. Douglass, the surgeon in charge of this Hospital, is a worthy successor to Dr. Kenny. The Hospital is beautifully situated on a rounded knoll, about a mile out of the town, and commands a fine view of the whole of this spacious country. The building, though not a model of hospital construction, is still commodious and satisfactory for its purpose. The Matron, Miss Rothwell, is very capable, and the whole of the nursing is good. The patients spoke highly of the attention they received.

W AIM ATE HOSPITAL. ' Number of patients on 31st March, 1898 ... ... ... 14 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 130 Total under treatment ... ... ... 144 Discharged ... ... ••• ■•• ••• ••• 122 Died ... ... ... - ••• ■•• 8 Remaining on 31st March, 1899 ... ... ... ... 14 Sex.— 96 males, 48 females. Locality from which Patients came. —Waimate County. Country.— England, 24; Scotland, 15 ; Ireland, 19 ; New Zealand, 63 ;. Australian Colonies, 4; Isle of Man, 1; Denmark,!; Norway,!; Austria, 2.



Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 4,704; individual average days' stay, 32-66. Daily average cost per head, 4s. 9Jd.; less patients' payments, 4s. 4fd. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 85 ; attendances, 182. Revenue and Expendituee. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 507 17 4 Rations ... ... ... 180 19 6 Local bodies ... ... ... 463 7 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 6 16 Subscriptions and donations ... 35 5 2 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 76 311 Patients' payments ... ~. 90 16 2 Fuel and light ... ... ... 52 8 6 Other sources ..._ ... ... 9 3 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 63 9 9 Balance from last year ... ... 21 19 6 Furniture and earthenware ... 78 14 3 Salaries and wages ... ... 501 16 4 Funerals ... ... ... 3 19 6 Repairs ... ... ... 23 16 5 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 15 13 6 Interest ... ... ... 030 Insurance ... .. ... 13 9 0 Other expenses... ... ... 105 19 10 Total ... £1,128 8 2 Total ... £1,122 15 0 There is something in the organization of this institution that seems to make peace difficult. This time the difficulty was between the Matron and her two nurses. The Trustees ought to grasp their nettle firmly, and put an end to this state of things. The discipline of the institution must be maintained, and there ought to be no more hesitation. It is impossible that the Hospital can work properly with the spirit that I found prevailing among the staff.

WAIPAWA HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1898 ... ... ... 26 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 256 Total under treatment ... ... ... 282 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 232 Died 13 Remaining on 31st March, 1899... ... ... ... 37 Sex. —2l3 males, 69 females. Localities from whch Patients came. —Bush, 90; Dannevirke, 54; Woodville, 16; Waipukurau, 12; Wellington, 2; Palmerston, 2; Waipawa, 28; Te Aute, 13; Porangahau district, 17; Hastings, 3; Patangata and Coast, 21; Makaretu, 19; Napier, 2; Feilding, 1; New Plymouth, 1; Masterton, 1. Nationality. —English, 75 ; Scotch, 21; Irish, 45 ; New Zealand, 92 ; Danish, 5; Australian, 11; Russian, 1; Tasmanian, 2 ; American, 1; Italian, 1; Swedish, 5 ; Norwegian, 8; German, 1; Indian, 1; Canadian, 1; Channel-Islanders, 3; Welsh, 4; French, 2; Bohemian, 1; born at sea, 2. Religion. —Church of England, 138; Roman Catholic, 49 ; Presbyterian, 40 ; Lutheran, 20; Wesleyan, 11; Adventist, 3; Baptist, 1; Salvationist, 6 ; Methodist, 5; Christadelphian, 5 ; Plymouth Brethren, 1; no religion, 3. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 9,224; individual average days' stay, 32-71. Daily average cost per head, 4s. Bfd. ; less patients' payments, 4s. 3fd. Revenue and Expendituee. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 1,184 0 2 Rations ... .. ... 54113 10 Local bodies ... ... ... 828 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, and porter ... 38 7 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 312 17 1 Surgery and dispensary ... 170 ] 4 2 Patients'payments ... ... 198 19 7 Fuel and light ... ... 115 19 8 Other sources... ... ... 670 Bedding and clothing ... ... 4762 Balance from last year... ... 197 15 4 Washing and laundry ... ... 30 14 6 Salaries and wages ... ... 779 7 5 Water-supply... ... ... 880 Funerals ... ... ... 21 15 0 Furniture, earthenware, and repairs 105 16 2 Additions to buildings ... ... 232 9 9 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 13 18 6 Insurance ... ... ... 33 6 0 Other expenses ... ... 279 18 6 Total £2,727 19 2 Total £2,419 14 8



It is always a pleasure to visit this Hospital. The medical work and the nursing deserve the highest commendation. The newer part of the building is very satisfactory. A new operationroom with a light in the roof is much wanted. When the new operation-room is being built, the old part of the building, which is shingled, should be roofed with iron, if it were only for insurance purposes. A new cottage, containing sleeping-quarters for the nurses, has been built near the gate, though I could not help thinking the large handsome windows facing the road were more like drawing-room than bed-room windows ; and certain defects which I pointed out in the new drainage scheme have since been remedied.

WAIROA HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1898 ... ... 1 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 42 Total under treatment ... ... ... 43 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 39 Died ... ... ... ... 1 Remaining on 31st March, 1899 ... ... ... 3 Sea;.—2B males, 15 females. Localities from ivhich Patients came. —Wairoa County and Waikaremoana co-operative roadworks. Nationality. —European, 29; aboriginal, 14. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 931; individual average days' stay, 21-65 Daily average cost per head, 9s. 4d. ; less patients' payments, Bs. Id. Revenue and Expendituee. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 186 17 0 Rations ... .. ... 98 17 4 Local bodies ... ... ... 176 0 6 Surgery and dispensary ... 79 15 11 Subscriptions and donations ... 9 0 6 Fuel and light ... ... 8 0 0 Patients'payments ... ... 58 6 4 Bedding and clothing ... ... 3 5 0 Other sources... ... ... 999 Washing and laundry .. ... 300 Balance from last year... ... 1605 Salaries and wages ... ... 190 0 0 Bepairs ... ... ... 10 3 6 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 1 11 0 Interest ~, ... ... 0 2 6 Insurance ... ... ... 2 12 0 j Other expenses ... ... 36 17 3 Total ... ... £455 14 6 Total, ... ... £434 4 6

WANGANUI HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1898 ... ... 28 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 339 Total under treatment ... ... ... 367 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 314 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 25 Remaining on 31st March, 1899 ... ... ... 28 Sex. —245 males, 122 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Wanganui Borough, 172 ; Wanganui County, 50; Waitotara County, 33 ; Rangitikei County, 72 ; Marton Borough, 23 ; Palmerston North, 3; Wellington,-4 ; Foxton, 2 ; Pemberton, 1; Waverley, 3 ; New Plymouth, 3 ; Auckland, 1. Nationality. —English, 93; Scotch, 23; Irish, 45; Colonial, 190; American, 1; Danish, 2; Welsh, 3 ; German, 2; Norwegian, 1; Swiss, 1; Finn, 1; French, 3 ; Austrian, 2. Religion. —Church of England, 152 ; Roman Catholic, 99; Presbyterian, 66 ; Wesleyan, 26; Church of Christ, 7 ; Brethren, 2; Baptist, 8; Salvation Army, 6; Lutheran, 1. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 10,346 ; individual average days' stay, 28-19. Daily average cost per head, ss. 3fd.; less patients' payments, 4s. 7d. Outdoor Patients. —Individual eases, 117 ; attendances, 722.

H.— 22


Revenue and Expenditure. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 765 8 9 j Rations ... ... ... 514 14 9 Local bodies ... ... ... 708 0 4 | Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 38 19 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 50 15 6 ! Surgery and dispensary ... 315 111 Rents ... ... ... 795 10 9 ! Fuel and light... ... ... 353 7 6 Patients'payments ... ... 377 5 6 Bedding and clothing ... ... 34 15 10 Other sources.,. ... ... 67 17 6 | Washing and laundry ... ... 68 16 3 Balance from last year... ... 395 16 9! Salaries and wages ... ... 872 15 0 Water-supply... ... ... 80 0 0 Funerals ... ... ... 7 3 8 Repairs ... ... ... 4 19 2 New hospital ... ... ... 400 11 4 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 71 10 0 Interest ... ... ... 326 0 9 Other expenses ... ... 126 11 10 Total ... ...£3,160 15 1 Total ... ...£3,215 7 0 The Board of this Hospital have, I think, prematurely appointed a resident medical officer. The institution is not large enough in point of numbers to have made this necessary. One result of this change was that a good deal of friction arose between the new resident and the nursing staff, for which Ido not think the former was to blame. In fact, our system of female nursing, if it is to be kept within anything like bounds, either as regards its cost or the pretentions of individual matrons and nurses, will require a much stronger and less sentimental handling than most of our Boards seem able to apply to it. It is apt to be forgotten that, after all, hospitals exist not for the nurses, but for the patients. The grievances of nurses, which in New Zealand are really very hard to discover, figure far too much in the newspapers.

WELLINGTON HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1898 ... ... 153 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 1,582 Total under treatment ... ... 1,735 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... 1,478 Died .... ... ... ... ... ... 120 Remaining on 31st March, 1899 ... ... ... 137 Sex. —992 males, 743 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Wellington, 1,220; Wellington suburbs, 91; ships in port, 51; Petone, 51; Lower Hutt, 29 ; Levin, 21; Upper Hutt, 18; Masterton, 18 ; Pahiatua, 11; Palmerston North, 10; Johnsonville, 10; Martinborough, 9; Foxton, 8; Otaki, 8; Feilding, 7; Shannon, 6; Featherston, 5 ; Mauriceville, 5 ; Manukau, 5 ; Opiti, 5 ; Eketahuna, 5 ; Christchurch, 5 ; Greymouth, 5 ; Stratford, 5 ; Porirua, 5 ; Marton, 4 ; Trentham, 4 ; Tawa Flat, 4 ; Forty-mile Bush, 4 ; New Plymouth, 4; Kereru, 4 ; Halcombe, 3 ; Wanganui, 3 ; Waiwetu, 3 ; Taita, 3 ; Paraparaumu, 3 ; Paikakariki, 3 ; Mangatainoka, 3 ; Greytowja, 3 ; Kaikoura, 3 ; Reefton, 3 ; Dunedin, 2 ; Hawke's Bay, 2 ; Hawera, 2 ; Waituna, 2 ; Mungaroa, 2 ; Pohangina, 2 ; Awahuri, 2 ; Ashhurst, 2; The Summit, 2 ; Alfredton, 2 ; Colyton, 2; Birmingham, 2; Nelson, 2; Mangaweka, 2 ; Kaitoke, 2 ; Patea, 2 ; Woodville, 2; Rangitikei district, 2 ; Wairarapa district, 1; England, 1; Westport, 1; Waikanae, 1 ; Wangaehu, 1; Waipukurau, 1; Stokes Valley, 1 ; Moawhanga, 1; Pahautanui, 1; Taranaki District, 1 ; Te Horo, 1 ; Tokomaru, 1 ; Temuka, 1 ; Napier, 1; Invercargill, 1 ; Makuri, 1; Lyell 1; Kumara, 1 ; Cobden, 1; Dannevirke, 1 ; Carterton, 1; Gisborne, 1; Horokiwi, 1; Beaconsfield, 1; Dalefield, 1; Eltham, 1; Belmont, 1; Blenheim, 1; Longburn, 1; Gore, 1; Takapau, 1 ; Portland Island, 1. Country. —New Zealand, 891; England, 414 ; Ireland, 190; Scotland, 102 ; Australia, 28 ; Germany, 16 ; Wales, 11; Denmark, 12 ; Norway, 10 ; Sweden, 9; China, 7 ; America, 5; Greece, 4 ; Italy, 4; Austria, 3; France, 3 ; West Indies, 3 ; India, 2 ; Finland, 2 ; Shetland Islands, 2 ; Canada, 2 ; Channel Islands, 2 ; Isle of Man, 1; Spain, 1; Tasmania, 1; Russia, 1; Belgium, 1; Africa, 1; Portugal, 1; Holland, 1; Assyria, 1; unknown, 4. Religion. —Church of England, 761; Roman Catholic, 413 ; Presbyterian, 239; Wesleyan, 124 ; Baptist, 28; Salvation Army, 23; Primitive Methodist, 18; Church of Christ, 17 ; Lutheran, 16 ; Congregationalist, 13 ; Brethren, 11; Methodist, 8; Hebrew, 7; Plymouth Brethren, 5 ; Confucian, 5 ; Greek Church, 4 ; United Christian Mission, 4 ; Freethinker, 2 ; Catholic Apostolic, 2 ; Unitarian, 2; Noncomformist, 1; Spiritualist, 1; Church of God, 1; Church of Sweden, 1; Mohammedan, 1; Seventh Day Adventist, 1; Society of Friends, 1; China Mission, 1; no religion at all, 25. Total collective days'stay in Hospital, 52,376; individual average days' stay, 30-18. Daily average cost per head, 4s. 2£d. ; less patients' payments. 3s. sfd. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 2,771; attendances, 13,519.



Revenue and Expendituee. Revenue. £ s. d. ' Expenditure. £ ~, s. d. From Government ... ... 4,278 15 5 i Rations. ... ... ... 3,097 6 9 Local bodies ... ... 3,900 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 114 3 7 Subscriptions and donations ... 1,044 11 1 Surgery and dispensary ... 1,509 1 8 Rents ... ... ... 2,082 15 2 Fuel and light ... ... 845 4 3 Patients'payments ... ... 1,840 0 5 Bedding and clothing ... 451 11 11 Other sources ... ... 27 10 0 Furniture and earthenware ... 161 5 4 Balance from last year ... 3,066 1 2 Washing and laundry ... 329 19 1 Salaries and wages ... ... 3,585 16 8 Water-supply ... ... 180 8 0 Funerals ... ... ... 30 19 6 Repairs ... ... ... 268 16 2 Additions to buildings ... 2,029 9 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... 63 2 0 Interest and principal ... 403 12 0 Insurance ... ... ... 41 17 6 Other expenses ... ... 287 7 3 Total... ...£16,239 13 3' Total... ...£13,400 0 8 This Hospital is so well known for its vigorous and successful administration that I have nothing new to say about it. I am sorry to find that there is a falling-off of about £200 in the patients' payments for the year. Auckland Hospital collected £2,795, as against £1,840 for Wellington. The eight-hours system has been introduced for the nurses, and here, if anywhere, it is justified, for on the day of my last visit practically every bed was full. I was present when the bed in which a patient had just died was being got ready for another who was just being put into it. The new operating-room, which is well designed, is rapidly approaching completion. The new Matron appears, after a certain amount of inevitable difficulty, to have got everything well in hand. I think the time has come when Dr. Ewart ought to accept the assistance of a junior surgeon. Miss Godfrey has retired from the position of Matron, which for many years she filled so satisfactorily, carrying with her the good-will and respect of all who knew her.

WESTPORT HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1898 ... ... ... 29 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 119 Total under treatment ... ... ... 148 Discharged ... ..... ... ... ... ... 114 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 17 Remaining on 31st March, 1899 ... ... ... ... 17 Sex. —126 males, 22 females. Locality from which Patients came. —Buller County. Country. —England, 26 ; Ireland, 25 ; Scotland, 21; New Zealand, 34 ; Australia, 8 ; Tasmania, 4; America, 8; Germany, 15; Italy, 5; China, 2. ■?■! Religion. —Church of England, 46; Roman Catholic, 66; Presbyterian, 20; Wesleyan, 9; Lutheran, 3; Adventist, 2 ; Confucian, 2. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 9,043; individual average days' stay, 61-10. Daily average cost per head, 3s. 7f d. ; less patients' payments, 3s. 3d. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 90 ; attendances, 273. J Revenue and Expendituee. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 941 13 1 Rations ... ... ... 373 1 9 Local bodies... ... .... 661 0 5 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 27 16 1 Subscriptions and donations ... 233 17 '3 Surgery and dispensary ... 81 17 5 Patients'payments ... ... 178 9 5 Fuel and light... ... ... 87 17 11 Other sources... ... ... 25 1 5 Bedding and clothing ... ... 44 3 6 Furniture and earthenware ... 52 12 1 Salaries and wages ... ... 581 3 2 Funerals ... ... ... 39 15 0 Repairs ... ... ... 286 13 11 Additions ... ... ... 391 18 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery, &c. ... ... 32 5 9 Insurance ... ... ... 11 12 3 Commission ... ... ... 5 9 4 Other expenses ... ... 23 15 5 Total ... ... £2,040 1 7 Total ... ...£2,040 1 7



This Hospital appears after long turmoil to have attained peace. The Matron, Miss McCarthy has got complete charge, instead of the dual control that worked so unhappily in the past. I found everything working smoothly. Dr. McKenzie is very attentive to his work, and I heard none of the grumbling discontent that used to prevail both inside and outside the Hospital. This, like all the West Coast institutions, may be expected to be largely relieved by the Old-age Pensions Act. A strenuous effort ought at this juncture to be made to confine them to hospital functions properly so called.

ROTORUA SANATORIUM. Expendituee eoe the Yeae ended 31st Maech, 1899. £ s. d. Resident medical officer ... ... ... ... ... 400 0 0 Matron ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 95 0 0 Bath attendants and servants ... ... ... ... 403 11 8 Rations ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 250 15 1 Fuel and light ... ... ... ... ... ... 43 6 3 Bedding, &c. ... ... ... ... ... ... 68 0 11 Surgery and dispensary .. ... ... ... ... 27 1 6 Furniture and crockery ... ... .. ... ... 16 6 0 Wines and spirits... ... ... ... ... ... 0 10 6 Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... ... ... 139 7 6 1,443 19 5 Received for maintenance ... ... ... ... 489 5 9 £954 13 8 Number of patients on 31st March, 1898... ... ... 16 Admitted during the year .., ... ... ... 72 Total under treatment ... ... ... 88 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 74 Died... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 Remaining on 31st March, 1899 ... ... ... 13 Sex. —ss males, 17 females. Localities from ivhich Patients came. —Auckland, 24; Wellington, 10; Hawke's Bay, 14 Taranaki, 7; Canterbury, 2 ; Westland, 11; Otago, 1; New South Wales, 1; Victoria, 1; Tasmania, 1. Country. —New Zealand, 16 ; England, 24 ; Scotland, 10; Ireland, 13 ; Australia, 2; Sweden, 1; Germany, 1; Norway, 3 ; Nova Scotia, 1; Tasmania, 1. Total collective days' stay in Sanatorium, 4,019 ; individual average days' stay, 45-67. Daily average cost per head, 7s. 2d.; less patients' payments, 4s. 9d. Owing to the death of Dr. Ginders, who did such good service for many years as Medical Superintendent of this Sanatorium, it was thought desirable to minimise as far as possible the administrative confusion which had prevailed here for many years. Dr. Kenny, who had a good administrative record in the Waikato Hospital, has been appointed to take complete charge of the Sanatorium and the working of the baths. No right of private practice has been given to him such as Dr. Ginders had. It was considered that the time had come when the people of Rotorua should combine to provide themselves with a resident general practitioner to meet the requirements of the district. Nothing could be better than the way in which Miss Thompson has managed the Sanatorium Hospital. It is one of the best conducted institutions in the colony.

D. MacGeegob, M.A., M.8., M.C., Inspector of Asylums and Hospitals.



Table showing Admissions, Discharges, &c., of Patients at Hospitals for Year ended 31st March, 1899.

5—H. 22

Hospitals. umber of Patients on March 31, 1898. Number of Number Patients Total under Number Died remaining admitted Treatment. discharged. * on during Year. March 31,1899. !X. F. _ CoTlelfive In A a ™fual Days' Stay in Hospital ; Da y s Sta yAverage Daily Cost per Patient. Percentage of Cost of Number of Outdoor Patient*. II. Administration on Total Expenditure. Individual Cases. Attendance*. Akaroa Arrowtown Ashburton Auckland Blenh eim Charleston Christchurch Coromandel Cromwell Dunedin Dunstan Gisborne Greymouth Hawera Hokitika Invercargill Kumara Lawrence Masterton Mercury Ba5 * .. Napier Naseby Nelson New Plymouth .. Oamaru Palmerston North Patea Picton Queenstown Reefton Riverfcon Ross South Wairarapa Thames Timaru Waikato Waimate Waipawa Wairoa Wanganui Wellington Westport 2 12 139 25 7 71 7 2 99 2 26 52 3 34 14 16 6 6 29 10 24 18 19 24 6 10 11 19 9 8 3 24 26 26 14 26 1 28 153 29 19 102 163 1,287 119 28 1,370 71 42 1,081 56 168 150 65 156 347 74 116 85 32 344 143 166 209 167 245 53 20 111 80 119 17 40 294 234 299 130 256 42 339 1,582 119 19 104 175 1,426 144 35 1,441 78 44 1,180 58 194 202 68 190 361 90 122 91 32 373 153 190 227 186 269 59 30 122 99 128 25 43 318 260 325 144 282 43 367 1,735 148 17 93 152 1,177 114 27 1,239 64 38 975 41 166 127 57 131 316 66 108 74 23 316 134 145 191 156 216 53 16 110 73 110 13 36 275 213 291 122 232 39 314 1,478 114 1 3 10 116 13 4 111 5 5 106 13 10 27 27 21 7 9 11 7 16 10 24 20 13 25 3 6 6 13 9 5 3 22 26 15 13 25 120 17 1 8 13 133 17 4 91 9 1 99 4 18 48 3 32 24 17 5 6 2 41 9 21 16 17 28 3 8 6 13 9 7 4 21 21 19 14 37 3 28 137 17 11 76 140 980 76 35 851 61 41 723 49 135 179 54 149 250 78 86 64 27 238 107 120 169 135 193 36 27 100 93 97 22 33 224 155 232 96 213 28 245 992 126 8 28 35 446 68 590 17 3 457 9 59 23 14 41 111 12 36 27 5 135 46 70 58 51 76 23 3 22 6 31 3 10 94 105 93 48 69 15 122 743 22 370 1,668 3,187 47,284 8,741 2,824 31,475 2,781 1,367 34,182 1,515 4,908 16,585 1,737 11,333 11,944 4,712 2,616 3,001 470 9,803 4,162 8,421 6,706 5,923 8,618 1,384 3,523 3,516 5,773 4,443 3,138 970 8,269 7,567 7,663 4,704 9,224 931 10,346 52,376 9,043 19-47 16-03 18-21 33-15 60-70 80-68 21-84 35-65 31-06 28-96 26-12 25-30 82-10 25-54 59-64 33-08 52-35 21-44 32-97 14-68 26-28 27-20 44-32 29-54 31-84 32-04 2346 117-43 28-82 58-31 34-71 125-52 22-56 26-00 29-10 23-58 32-66 32-71 21-65 28-19 30-18 61-10 £ s. d. 0 16 5 0 8 9} 0 8 7£ 0 4 9J 0 4 OJ 0 5 2J 0 8 11J 0 9 4J 0 4 4J 0 12 10| 0 4 10J 0 3 0 0 9 3| 0 4 1J 0 5 3 0 3 5£ 0 5 9J 0 7 9J 0 19 10 0 6 0 0 6 0| 0 5 1} 0 5 Si 0 4 9£ 0 4 5 0 7 6J 0 3 8} 0 5 5j 0 4 7| 0 5 8| 0 3 10J 0 8 10 0 4 3} 0 5 10J 0 6 7 0 4 9J 0 4 8} 0 9 4 0 5 3f 0 4 2J 0 3 If 0 4 llf 49-34 52-25 3600 30-96 34-83 42-63 41-07 41-46 63-65 33-20 42-61 51-84 34-45 44-00 37-69 35-54 41-21 50-26 33-82 54-30 44-10 43-07 46-74 34-13 40-00 42-85 42-06 42-92 43-73 50-07 41-80 52-77 52-68 45-43 37-43 37-30 46-03 31-68 44-24 3354 33-27 130 471 9 756 149 43 1,790 28 139 319 867 197 60 487 882 42 487 183 5,232 144 6,679 243 89 5,556 43 241 695 2,638 491 732 97 2,301 155 200 7 89 153 78 •• 186 922 167 332 129 758 323 '85 182 117 2,771 90 722 13,519 273 Totals 1,040 10,540 11,580 369,203 31-88 38-16 10,862 42,616 9,652 914 1,014 7,746 3,834 * Opened 1st July, 1898.



Table showing Receipts on Account of Hospitals during the Year ended 31st March, 1899.

Hospitals. From Government. From Hospital Boards and Local Authorities. Voluntary -Contributions.Bequests. Eents, &c. Payments by Patients. Other Sources. Balance from Last Year. Total Eeeeipts. Akaroa .. ... Arrowtown .. .... Ashburton .. Auckland .. .... Blenheim .. ... Charleston .. .... Christchurch ... Coromandel .. .... Cromwell .. Dunedin .. Dunstan .. ... Gisborne .. .... Greymouth .. Hawera .. ... Hokitika Invercargill . ... Kumara . Lawrence ... .... Masterton .. Mercury Bay Napier .. .... Naseby .. .... Nelson .. .. ,-. New Plymouth Oamaru .. ... Palmerston North Patea .. Picton .. .... Queenstown .. Reef ton .... ... Riverton .. Ross .. South Wairarapa ... Thames .. .... Timaru .... ... "Waikato .... Waimate ... .... Waipawa ... .... Wairoa Wanganui Wellington Westport .... £ a. d. 141 17 7 211 0 6 614 0 11 3,245 9 8 1,108 0 0 283 0 8 4,130 6 7 1,031 6 7 333 11 8 2,979 3 10 596 12 1 340 0 0 1,135 8 5 374 16 6 1,115 14 11 1,590 10 0 352 12 0 344 4 11 604 6 5 1,315 4 7 1,857 16 11 506 16 2 1,212 16 10 800 6 2 175 15 3 770 7 3 259 18 7 265 13 10 310 12 11 722 0 10 691 17 7 309 6 4 304 2 7 704 4 10 1,417 10 1 1,030 17 8 507 17 4 1,184 0 2 186 17 0 765 8 9 4,278 15 5 941 13 1 £ s. d. .141 17 7 630 0 0 3,245 9 9 1,108 9 7 163 6 8 4,767 5 3 450 0 0 233 1 1 2,700 0 0 243 7 10 340 0 0 645 16 8 374 16 5 627 1 8 1,590 10 0 173 5 3 260 2 6 350 0 0 1,250 0 0 350 11 8 950 0 0 694 16 1 £ s.'. d. 158 4 2 1 18 11 600 13 9 68 7 11 135 19 6 36 14 0 458 11 4 113 10 0 219 11 4 151 13 6 67 4 3 391 18 10 370 9 9 16 6 7 135 7 6 251 15 2 478 11 3 444 16 3 130 19 11 143 11 9 43 19 6 98 13 6 69 1 9 45 15 6 5 1 0 65 1 5 334 1 7 6 9 0 105 9 9 187 18 8 554 4 5 26 10 0 19 11 0 35 5 2 312 17 1 9 0 6 50 15 6 1,044 11 1 233 17 3 £ s. d. 3,805 15 4 450 13 9 £ s. d. 232' 18 4 15' 0 0 31 10 0 10 0 0 15 0 0 60 7 6 £ s. d. 20 0 0 255 3 6 69 11 7 2,795 13 3 481 6 4 66 16 4 470 6 5 81 2 0 60 9 5 1,247 2 8 138 3 9 310 13 0 87 18 0 59 13 6 82 10 0 130 4 10 114 11 6 112 17 7 96 14 11 52 1 6 413 8 0 404 3 1 315 19 6 378 12 8 115 19 0 332 1 5 83 11 0 8 4 0 324 11 0 42 10 6 137 8 6 16 0 0 13 19 0 332 15 3 229 7 2 440 4 3 90 16 2 198 19 7 58 6 4 377 5 6 1,840 0 5 178 9 5 £ s. d. 4 0 0 6 6 0 25 11 0 59 3 4 3 19 4 348 10 10 4 12 6 16 0 0 7 10 0 32 14 10 91 14 2 8 13 3 100 0 0 31 8 3 4 17 4 26 18 3 4 3 4 £ s. d. 100 17 1 106 8 3 4,363 3 7 1,127 13 9 67 11 9 i 16 0 203 19 4 104 17 6 39 3 9 264 10 11 9 18 221 10 8 £ s. d. 303 15 2 725 5 3 1,425 19 8 13,932 6 1 2,791 14 10 664 3 2 13,826 19 2 3,148 13 8 812 3 3 7,494 8 8 1,136 5 8 1,309 6 7 2,278 11 11 809 6 5 2,333 8 8 3,419 5 7 815 0 0 990 9 2 1,402 16 6 1,892 5 '7 4,491 1 5 1,640 19 9 2,836 1 5 1,918 14 5 1,638 12 8 1,863 10 11 611 11 11 650 9 2 1,241 5 3 1.385 7 11 1,489 1 1 613 10 8 590 10 3 2.386 19 7 3,101 17 4 2,700 2 5 1,128 8 2 2,727 19 2 455 14 6 3,160 15 1 16,239 13 3 2,040 1 7 - 209 10 0 10 0 828 4 6 677 5 6 200 0 0 341 3, 2 268 10 0 275 0 0 650 0 0 182 14 7 70 10 0 617 10 0 1,417 10 1 1,137 11 2 463 7 0 828 0 0 176 0 6 708 0 4 3,900 0 0 661 0 5 100 0 0 181 12 9 14 15 0 1 111 30 7 2 138 7 8 3 10 0 17 14 11 10 0 0 1 15 0 3 6 0 272 9 11 10 0 18 0 0 10 0 0 58 2 0 13' 0 0 10 0 1.3 16 4 9 3 0 6 7 0 9 9 9 67 17 6 27 10 0 25 1 5 160 5 1 795 10 9 2,082 15 2 21 19 6 197 15 4 16 0 5 395 16 9 3,066 1 2 •• Totals 41,052 3 5 33,864 0 9 7,624 9 4 4,366 9 1 4,372 8 3 13,065 11 10 1,182 5 3 10,897 5 0 116,424 12 l:



Table showing the Expenditure on Hospitals during the Year ended 31st March, 1899.

Hospitals. Rations and Provisions. Wine, Ale, Surgery and Dispensary. Fuel and Light. Bedding and Clothing. Furniture, Crockery, &c. Washing and Laundry. Salaries and Wages. Watersupply. Funerals. Repairs. Additions to Buildings, &c, and NewBuildings. Printing, Advertising, Postage, and Stationery. For Interest. For Insurance. For Commission. Other Expenses. Total. - Akaroa Arrowtown .. Ashburton .. Auckland Blenheim Charleston .. Christchurch Coromandel .. Cromwell Dunedin Dunstan Gisborne Greymouth .. Hawera Hokitika Invercargill .. Kumara Lawrence Masterton .. Mercury Bay Napier Naseby Nelson New Plymouth Oamaru PalmerstonN. Patea Picton Queenstown .. Reef ton Riverton Ross S. Wairarapa Thames Timaru Waikato Waimate Waipawa Wairoa Wanganui .. Wellington .. Westport 76 17 2 150 3 3 : . "396 14 4 2,448 19 O' 476 17 7, 191 9 IO 1 1,848 8 2 242 12 1 87 17 2 1,927 11 8 *35 13 7 237 3 5 767 14 6 169 19 o 653 ° 3 729 4 10 256 4 o 232 n 2 213 6 6 46 19 & 758 9 o 241 1 1 377 J 6 10 309 13 o 300 17 2 396 18 7 133 r 3 9 139 12 1 223 8 11 344 5 7 235 16 9 179 3 2 142 14 10 » 4 -52 8 7 497 2 4 586 14 2 180 19 6 541 13 10 98 17 4 514 14 9 3.097 6 9 373 1 9 21,415 16 11 £ *■ d. 950 10 8 8 145 6 6] 9 II 6 1 5 ° 70 1 o 740 5 10 o 196 16 3 13 9 6 14 11 6 57 8 n 32 8 o 33 19 o 58 3 11 827! 3 "8 o 290 26 13 6 28 2 4 12 6 6 40 6 3 47 i° 7 . 20 6 4 £s. d. 6 18 6 59 2 3 152 7 9 1,136 16 4 274 4 " 59 15 7 690 14 5 104 8 2 36 10 9 849 12 2 31 15 11 83 2 6 104 19 7 90 10 5 211 2 7 275 10 10 14 4 11 36 7 10 1 131 4 6 93 19 10 1 184 1 8 81 8 3 ' 239 4 10 ! 201 2 5 ' 174 3 2 145 9 4 420 I 49 10 6 —67 2 o ! 109 17 9 > 47 8 o 10 19 3 ) 36 o 6 I 183 9 3 > .2x9 6 0 » 335 13 1 > 76 3 11 > 170 14 2 79 15 11 >l 315 I II ' 1,509 1 8 81 17 5 £ s. d. 22 13 6 28 8 6 56 9 11 758 13 o 114 7 6 15 5 2 835 14 4 48 2 8 17 14 6 745 14 o 28 7 o 95 14 8 155 5 1 39 2 o 133 8 9 271 on 44 19 1 52 11 10 88 o 3 7 13 3 206 9 8 60 5 6 174 17 6 177 12 2 82 14 2 174 6 10 40 9 10 38 4 2 78 8 5 73 7 8 85 15 ° 26 19 8 4 10 o £ s. d.i 15 16 6 37 14 9 220 3 5 b 22I 10 6 1 19 8 4; 213 12 7 18 1 5 3 10 4 23 10 o 20 11 3 20 1 o 153 4 3 22 13 4 34 12 1 143 13 9 "88 17 1 16 19 1 72 7 7 57 5 3 b 29i 12 7 b 85 11 8 623 64 8 6 44 14 4 41 9 8 19 11 4 15 16 2 b97 5 6 21 10 7 25 7 1 £ s. d. 28 3 o 30 2 II 410 2 6 1 3 o 45 13 11 134 19 8 217 n 9 c io5 18 n 25 4 6 22 8 o 18 14 o 6 6 6 140 3 o 67 9 11 65 1 10 £ s- d. I - i 5 5° 316 5 6 • • ■ I 27 12 7 I 84 o o 12 3 i° 90 o 10 20 O O 17 2 7 •• 4 9 1 £ s. d. 150 o o 375 16 o 486 15 8' 2,920 14 6: 687 1 8 235 o o 3,504 14 11 501 3 o 392 6 o 2,424 2 6 408 5 o 604 6 8 789 8 4 344 13 8 843 16 4 1,061 19 10 347 15 6 375 ° ° 357 5 6 74i 15 o 1,261 18 9 530 o 6 993 9 9 619 14 1 557 11 7 797 3 11 211 40 267 19 o 421 o o 641 19 o 487 5 8 315 7 5 221 5 o 775 12 7 783 3 5 888 9 o 501 16 4 779 7 5 190 o o 872 15 o 3,585 16 8 58l 3 2; 33,836 2 5 £ s. d. ' 11 1 6 240 9 o •• I - 25 o o 77 6 6 114 1 iol I ■• I 14 17 °j •• 10 o o 28 6 10 41 13 9 800 17 o o 10 o o £ s. d. 1 6 15 o 23 4 o 31 5 ° 600 26 18 6 800 30 5 o 28 o o 80 o o II II o 12 O o| 15 o o 900 4 12 6 15 12 o £ s. d.l • 61 7 o 220 4 9: 56 3 9' 3 1 6 310 16 8: 504 14 4I 30 19 10 88 18 8 23 13 ° 212 14 o 149 19 7 22 11 2 19 2 3 75 19 9 50 11 10 £ s. d. •• 3,617 16 o 701 15 o 1,766 3 3 1,785 4 4 •■ I 100 o o 30 o o " .. - ■' - 14 2 9 13 18 IO 20 7 5 199 5 4 e 824 16 8 e i62 18 o 55 15 6 £ s. d. 7 13 ° 8 17 9 208 7 o 41 4 7 7 15 10 71 n 6 13 7 10 16 2 o 59 16 6 6 18 9 14 10 5 66 9 2 11 5 9 36 7 8 53 16 5 n 7 6 5 11 o 38 1 3 23 o 1 35 7 4 14 2 11 13 9 9 35 6 3 9 16 3 16 7 6 9 18 5 10 14 11 I 8 o| 30 12 10 40 11 o 8 16 o 4 14 6 30 o 2 48 3 o 54 1 6 15 13 .6 13 18 6 III o 71 10 o 63 2 o 32 5 9 1,263 T 5 1 £ *. d. .. 0 7 3j 0 2 6j I 1 1 11 9 1 2 oj 026' 30 2 o 6 5 11 o 18 o 3 3° 4 10 o. 28 o o •• 036 o 10 o £ s- d. 8 14 9 10 3 o; 3i 6 3 19 2 9 2 7 3 70 12 5 13 n 3 8 12 6 33 7 3 21 15 6 17 8 9 30 o o 7 17 6 24 4 o 27 1 6 690 5 12 9 13 19 ° 6 16 3 73 11 9 11 15 o 25 o o 20 13 o 6 12 o: 31 12 o; 2 13 3l 5 o oj 15 5 3 3 15 o 970 5 3 6 4 5 3 15 8 9 16 14 6 21 7 6 13 9 ° 33 6 o 2 12 o £ s- d. - ° 14 3 25 12 10 616: 15 *8 3 20 9 7 17 ° 3 19 2 3 40 17 o 9 12 o £ s. d. 47 6 ol 49 7 4 102 18 3 1,233 18 4: 132 17 3 27 2 10 1,683 i° 3 131 2 7 4° 3 3 274 o 10 740 33 14 9 54 6 8 30 o o "3 16 9 109 11 7 9 13 6 13 17 8 102 2 3 50 16 9 30 5 2 63 2 5 65. 2 4 26 4 7 "5 3 3 920 7° 3 1 44 12 11 14 7 8 100 n 6 500 8 17 n 144 15 3 67 3 7 172 4 1 105 19 10 279 18 6 36 17 3 126 11 10 287 7 3 23 15 5 6,044 16 8 £ s. d. 3°3 15 2 732 16 IO i,377 18 3 13,932 6 1 2,79i 14 10 569 14 4 n,i44 13 5 3,027 9 7 641 6 6 7,481 8 9 973 12 10 1,194 o 9 2,484 5 2 809 6 5 2,334 19 2 3,140 7 0 811 12 5 758 6 o 1,168 2 7 1,382 12 4 3,765 6 11 1,263 2 O 2,152 8 7 1,918 14 5 1,415 19 10 1,897 7 3 598 17 4 650 9 2 1,227 17 6 1,344 8 2 1,263 7 9 613 10 .8 543 19 1 i,774 9 4 3,101 17 4 2,528 1 0 1 1,122 15 o 2,419 14 8 434 4 6 1 3,215 7 o 13,400 o 8 2,040 1 7 82 11 6 ■• 25 3 11 157 9 11 123 12 4 47 12 4 38 10 5 141 10 9 38 6 7 o 10 o 2 19 O 7 2 6 3 26 49 19 2 50 5 4 28 7 6 6 15 6 21 16 o 150 18 4 54 11 7 •• I e 39 4 8 15 9 3 •• •• 21 o 9 1 3 10 o 75 14 6 •• ! 42 16 3 9 15 6 11 17 1 39 18 11 6 16. 1 12 15 o 16 13 o 1 263 5 6 O II o 093 o 15 o 420 : "8 16 3 3 18 8 13 16 o i 7 10 o •• ' 2 15 o 11 16 3 39 14 6 60 10 o 6 1 6 38 7 o •• •• "114 18 i| "44 11 71 881 8 8 6 o oj 1 14 6 189 4 2 137 19 o 52 8 6 115 19 8 800 353 7 6; 845 4 31 87 17 11 6.573 7 3 236 K65 8 7 103 11 2 49 10 o 63 9 9 47 6 2 3 5° 34 15 10 451 11 11 44 3 6 {2,982 7 7 98 10 5 37 9 11 78 14 3 °io5 16 2 I -• 28 2 o 79 14 o 30 14 6 300 68 16 3 329 19 1 ■| 32 5 10 ;| 8 o o ' 29 3 8 ij 8 "s o 18 12 61 - 13 2 6 3 19 6 21 15 o ■• 121 13 7 56 2 7 23 16 5 10 3 6 4 19 2 268 16 2 286 13 II 2,965 16 IO •• 232 9 9 •• I 030 026 326 o 9 403 12 o •• - 1 38 19 °! "4 3 7 27 16 1 :-• •I Ij 80 o o ii8o 8 o 7 '3 8 30 19 6 39 15 ° 1 ... ! 4OO II4 12,029 9 O 391 18 O 41 17 6 11 12 3 161 5 4 52 12 1 •• - 5 9 4 Totals .. 1,268 9 3 18,765 2 9 2,355 4 1 i,3i7 3 8 ;:g6o 17 11 473 7 8 '13,771 14 2 855 1 7 730 2 2 173 2 2 i 105,752 8 2 • Including light. b Including furniture, &c. c Including repairs. d Including furniture, repairs, &c. e Including repairs.



Table showing the Receipts and Expenditure of the under-mentioned Charitable Institutions during the Year ended 31st March, 1899.

Eeceipts. Expenditure. District. Balance from Last Year. From Government. From Bates. Voluntary Contributions. Bequests. Payments by or on behalf of Persons relieved. Eents, &c. Other Sources. Total. Indoor Belief. Outdoor Belief. Total. Children's Portion of Expenses. ■g -g Average n g o Total Cost • Weekly 8 £ -a of Cost of | S® Children Children a a % boarded out. boarded Z;°o out. North of Auckland.. Auckland Thames and Coromandel Waikato Bay of Plenty Cook Hawke's Bay Taranaki Patea and Wanganui Palmerston North .. Wellington Wairau Picton Nelson Buller Inangahua Grey Westland North Canterbury and Ashburton South Canterbury .. North Otago Otago United Southland £ s. d. 916 8 9 318 14 1 [ 291 13 5 £ s. d. 533 17 8 4,579 4 8 870 4 5 £ s. d. 775 7 9 3,473 15 8 871 13 10 £ s. d. 25 13 0 1,332 3 0 73 2 10 £ s. d. 363 11 2 £ s. d. 154 12 10 1,490 0 0 13 14 11 £ s. d. 54 12 0 0 3 0 £ s. d. 41 14 0 1,242 4 7 87 17 3 £ s. d. 2,447 14 0 12,854 5 2 2,208 9 8 £ s. d. 6,833 0 0 919 5 11 £ s. d. 1,006 8 7 5,992 14 10 1,084 15 0 £ s. d. 1,006 8 7* 12,825 14 10 2,004 0 11 £ s. d. 23 14 0 1,037 14 3 401 13 10 2 36 10 £ s. d. 23 14 0 450 10 0 67 0 0 s. d. 5 6 6 0 4 2 32 2 10 166 11 4 934 11 7 505 13 0 254 4 0 199.12 7 1,145 19 3 1,272 13 4 581 10 6 480 0 0 7,568 8 5 396 4 7 119 1 4 1,152 9 6 456 2 9 548 3 8 985 16 7 1,843 14 1 6,295 19 11 487 8 10 247 0 0 325 5 1 1,045 2 10 1,481 19 10 581 10 6 480 0 0 5,263 5 8 304 5 9 120 0 0 950 0 0 597 6 3 425 0 0 885 16 6 1,053 1 4 6,771 4 10 6 *0 0 6 17 8 8 12 0 21 0 0 58 10 6 8 *4 6 i"o -0 999 19 6 557 3 4 712 9 0 3,268 4 7 2,754 13 2 1,627 7 0 998 11 6 22,501 8 6 1,513 11 2 566 4 1 2,814 4 11 1,071 5 0 1,257 7 4 1,976 7 11 3,185 2 4 16,577 11 10 343 3 0 272 13 9 679 15 8 955 17 7 907 9 5 99 19 8 8,381 5 Of 36 10 0 25 12 0 1,774 13 2 60 18 0 108 14 5 641 6 3 272 14 4 7,851 16 2{ 656 16 6 269 13 9 457 0 5 2,054 13 1 768 11 6 735 5 8 908 18 1 8,858 4 8 356 19 10 272 11 7 1,282 7 5 810 6 8 1,021 12 7 1,525 15 7 1,815 15 1 8,255 13 6 999 19 6 269 13 9 729 14 2 2,734 8 9 1,724 9 1 1,642 15 1 | 1,008 17 9 i 17,239 9 8 393 9 10 298 3 7 3,057 0 7 871 4 8 1,130 7 0 2,167 1 10 2,088 9 5 16,107 9 8 136 9 8 54 12 0 165 2 2 144 19 1 171 2 3 104 9 8 2,655 2 6 46 18 0 25 12 0 853 8 1 60 18 0 111 2 5 658 1 1 356 10 1 1,685 14 9 1 3 24 9 5 1 101 3 18 5 0 33 16 0 146 17 2 144 19 1 70 14 3 4 10 0 1,221 8 9 10 8 0 7 0 4 4 5 0 5 4 5 8 5 0 6 6 6 0 84 0 5 " 381 "l 2 690* 2 8 650 0 0 83 4 10 38 11 6 826 10 9 42 0 0 5,520 18 7 813 0 10 327 2 9 44 9 10 1,940 2 5 92 15 0 5*0 0 533' 0 7 36 10 0 17 16 0 13 0 4 13 18 8 17 306 16 2 5* 4 175 15 1 74 16 2 57 15 2 2,327 2 4 95 8 3 16 0 0 207 5 7 200 19 9 23 "6 2 312 5 11 10 16 73 64 8 0 263 17 1 539 18 1 i 6 6 0 6 0 548*15 6 58 *8 0 62*15 7 2,062 13 1 726 0 1 137 6 7 795 1 1 1,123 15 1 1,134 12 11 6,764 17 8 1,998 12 4 1,091 19 6 893 19 9 6,312 9 6 2,046 15 7 36 2 0 384 15 1 8 3 6 39 7 6 248 0 0 29 8 0 110 696 1 2 10 1 0 55 4 6 4,333 12 2 2,831 3 3 14,586 10 10 4,924 19 8 589 0 10 1,479 2 5|| 7,018 5 10 2,968 17 2§ 2,320 19 7 1,044 17 6 7,019 2 8 2,331 11 0 2,910 0 5 2,523 19 11 14,037 8 6 5,300 8 2 726 8 1 331 10 5 2,719 10 11 215 1 0 44 639 16 1 5 7 415 4 9 10 0 38**5 6 27 8 2 7 I 91*11 6 I 122 0 0 5 6 0 Totals 16,103 4 9 L 40,810 18 3 — 36,484 9 0 3,252 11 1 1,581 12 0 3,887 3 2 42,220 0 7 50,850 15 1 367 | 4,220 9 2 ... 870 10 8 3,577 17 0 106,568 5 11 93,070 15 8 12,685 14 8 * Also £453 6s. Id. paid to Auckland Hospital and Charitable Aid Board for hospital treatment. t Includes £2,900 for additions to buildings. I Includes £1,965 for additions to buildings. § Includes £1,569 for new buildings. 8 Includes £707 for buildings.


Table showing Number of Children for whom Maintenance is paid by Charitable Aid Boards, &c., at 31st March, 1898, and 31st March, 1899.

STATISTICS AS TO OUTDOOR RELIEF. Table I.—Causes of Poverty (Chief Causes, not Tributary Causes). (This table refers to out-door relief and to heads of families only.)


ioardi I :d oul Paid for Institufeio: Totals i: iS. o c3 CO 5J CD *=i co CO o CO OQ i-H CO cd w o3 cu Ph c a CD eft c3 CD O <D A o w £ CO S cd *** CO CO A o H • C3 CD y CD r=< go rH CO CD m o3 <D U O a 1—i 6 CD S-l O o> Q ,3 o S CD CO CD y-\ CO o W . 5: cd r*3 CO tffl tH CO <D c3 CD U O q H 0Q <D H o CD P North of Auckland Auckland Coromandel and Thames... Waikato Bay of Plenty ... Cook Hawke's Bay ... Taranaki Patea and Wanganui Palmerston North Wellington Charitable Aid Board ... Wellington Benevolent Trustees ... North WairarapaBenevolent Society Wairau Picton ... Nelson Buller... Inangahua Grey ... Westland Ashburton and North Canterbury... South Canterbury North Otago Otago United ... Otago Benevolent Institution Southland 3 36 9 3 3 15 13 1 1 65 5 1 28 9 1 3 23 9 5 60 5 1 ... 8 "i i 2 8 "2 4 "i '5 2 38 26 4 "3 15 6 105 14 2 1 31 4 8 42 6 69 5 22 203 2 47 29 7 1 6 11 90 8 2 4 40 4 6 36 10 42 7 21 193 9 3 3 "5 "3 9 "2 9 15 6 5 74 35 7 3 18 13 16 7 1 189 2 1 40 7 8 46 25 111 52 22 3 75 38 8 3 24 9 11 11 163 3 4 57 7 6 46 26 102 51 21 1 3 1 6 4 1 3 17 2 4 5 26 *9 3 17 3 "8 4 19 42 47 ib 16 60 44 6 "2 6 "2 i'8 "3 4 27 i ! 3 "2 9 1 1 i 10 10 12 5 7 " 5 \ 5 ! 1 213 198 15 a 4 10 26 11 15 Totals 300 307 45 38 !620 570 38 88 920 877 37 80

43 3 1« 3:2 S« O eats o g -t= •—< o o > o El 01 a g a *. 3 a 43 a s "o > a (D !*- OJ *C a ° P _» > CO a M-S 1 .a-2 43 0 3 O M cu * Sh ■"' 43 a I 1 a •"£ . 01 S4 re QQ 03 H !>V J3'c3 ■g<2 '§•■•« c3 "3 cS 03 go & > _c a 43 01 gPQ O cd '§« o 3 |B '3 <! is Lack of employment ... (1.) Able-bodied ... (2.) Inefficient Sickness Accident Insanity of bread-winner Imprisonment of bread-winner... Desertion of bread-winner No male support — (1.) Widows (2.) Mothers of illegitimate children 71 41 164 6 3 9 35 26 24 132 5 14 9 44 74 90 149 9 5 15 38 72 115 2 5 52 1 4 1 "50 "58 27 2 3 2 12 51 24 19 "l '"2 "*5 1 105 11 138 25 90 4 174 6 21 11 50 2 6 1 Intemperance Shiftlessness Physical defects Old age Causes undetermined. 9 14 20 235 12 3 43 213 18 66 40 44 92 7 1 279 211 2 97 17 13 33 7 1 12 2 "8 Total number of cases ... 723 706 723 916 129 78 207 116 17 * For year ended 31st December, 1898.



Table II.—Decisions in Cases of Applicants for Relief.

Table III.—Number of Rations issued.

Description of Daily Ration. Auckland. —Bread, lib.; tea, Joz.; sugar, 3 oz.; rice, 2 oz.; oatmeal, 2 oz.—ordinary ration ; to the sick and to those over sixty years of age, -Jib. meat. Value, from 2|Jd. to 3fd. Christchureh. —Meat; also bread and groceries out of Board's store to value of 3 - 16 d. per daily ration. Wellington. —Bread, 1 lb. ; potatoes, 1 lb.; meat, 8 oz.; sugar, 1-|. oz.; tea, J oz. Value, 2^|d. Napier. —Meat, 8oz.; sugar, 2£oz. ; tea, £oz.; bread, lib.; potatoes, 1 lb. Value, 3fd.

CD d a oT2 T4 * 3:5 -<l ~4 '£ s O o O CD w ,n a- 8 Q CD O a s> a> cd n « S' «'§ "aJ ,2 ! rt CO is ! o o > CD a 01 tsT -a -3 -go o to Oj CD a <D 'o (D a O e3 _& ■g<8 tn .3 3 a evil 43 CD c3 '3 p,o eS 73 S g •3-1 fsS CD 9 43 CD cd 3 3 43 "H o S ■§« 03 , '3 <i & Continuous outdoor relief intermittent outdoor relief temporary outdoor relief iVork rather than relief indoor relief transportation 194 323 206 a CD > "Sb 4^> o 182 21 442 113 179 75 a CD > "Sb 43 o 18 2 1 59 10 8 68 15 52 8 14 80 13 3 9 281 42 1 1 50 22 10 14 19

CO 0 _o cS . o> oo «m 00 o w CO QJ a s IB a o "§ . >M 00 o«-< CO m a s 15 Amount given in Cash, 1898. Amount given in Cash, 1899. u CO as CD ra > C3 QJ O -"* H CD U as CD c3 CD o H Bern arks. Auckland Charitable Aid Board Christchurch Charitable Aid Board Wellington Benevolent Trustees Hokitika Benevolent Trustees 199,141 179,618 £ 2,004 s. d. 0 0 2,206 s. d. 0 0 1,468 1,268 244,767 270,342 3,342 0 0 3,201 0 0 2,158 1,858 164,962 156,996 2,742 0 0 2,992 0 0 1,661 1,503 174 o o; 133 0 0 82 78 Belief given by orders on storekeepers to value of £458. Napier Charitable Aid Board North Wairarapa Benevolent Trustees 69,662 149 o o 102 0 0 82,437 393 468 25 0 0 Belief given by orders on storekeepers.




[These Tables are compiled in the Registrar-General's Office.] DISEASES AND DEATHS IN HOSPITALS. Table showing the Number of Cases of Disease and of Deaths from each Cause in the various Hospitals in the Colony during the Year 1898.

M U ™ rt ■5 si o c E H o rt rt S O rt JJ o a rt it V rt "S, .4. rt a. O to •532 in rt rt o 0. " 00. P rt G rt O (3 O 6 E 'Ij en o 0 o rt U c c on rt Orders, Diseases, &c. rt u a rt S 3 at 4. VI CO O Q •r. a O Q 10 rt o a ! 3 Q % 3 on* X co 3 rt 1; o a en U Q en 4C rt u U 3 cd vi rt Q S rt u a rt U a in , — S ! 3 rt I u o j a rt U 3 01 rt en d 3 ■3 O 3 a rt rt Q Order i.— Miasmatic. to-. Q i. Small-pox 2. Chicken-pox 3. Measles 4. Epidemic Rose-rash 5. Scarlet Fever, Scarlatina 6. Typhus Fever .. 7. Relapsing Fever 8. Influenza 9. Whooping-cough 10. Mumps n. Diphtheria 12. Cerebro-spinal Fever 13. Simple and Ill-defined Fever 14. Typhoid Fever 15. Other Miasmatic Diseases •• 2 16 - 4 - 30 - • • • •• ■■ - ■ ■ • ■ - •• ■• 4 • • • •• - I 16 • • • ■ •• 3 •• •• - •• 7 " "I • • " " " "I - - - " - 3 ■ • • • ■ • • 4 • • 9 - - - - - - - ••■ I I •• •• 1 - • - •• 1 •■ • • •• •• •• • ■• I ••I " • - • h " " "I 1 - h " - 9 • • • ■ - •• ■ • • • • • • • •1 50 11 1 • • • 1 •I - - - • • 4 •• •• m 12 " - - - - - - - •• 1 'I •• .. 1 •1 •• " - - • - 3 •I ••; 3 •■ •• •• 1 2 •• 3 - - - *6 2 • 6 •I 6 - " •• - ■ I •• - - • - • •• • - • • • - - - ' • • 15 • •■ - • - • •• - ■" • - ■- 3 " - • • - • - - 2 h 3 • - I • 4 " - ■ 2 - 4 • • • - h h " • • - - - 6 167 • • •• • 2 42 • - " ■ ■ 1 - ■■ •• • " • • • - • • 1 '18 ■ 1 16 ■ 4 ■ 5 16 • 3 70 3 4 - - I 2 29 - 3 10 • H 1 •■ 1 7 - - " " 2 O O • " 41 3 4 " • H 2 • ■ -I •■ •■ - •■ •■ •• • - • • - - -■ •• .. " •• - •• • • • • ■• " .. - .. •■ ■■ • • " • • Total Order 1 .. — H — — — H H — H - - - H H 240 21 • • « 62 5 3° 3 73 •■ 3 4 33 3 ho 106 7 30 .. 5 10 ■• ■• •■ 2 H Order 2.— Diarrhaeal. 1. Simple Cholera 2. Diarrhoea 3. Dysentery - — — — — 1 O I 2 2 - 1 ■ • •• - " 3 •• I ■• - •• 2 •• 1 •■ •• " 2 2 "* " •• 3 3 6 1 1 "I - - •• 1—1 w •• - ■■ •• - ■ • ■I • • I I .. ••• • ■ — H — — - H \-A Total Order 2 .. x 1 -• .. - 2 1 .. — • - •• •• ■ • •• !•■ ■• Order 3.— Malarial. 1. Remittent Fever 2. Ague 3. Beriberi 4 •• 1 ■■ ■• - — •1 'I — • — 1 I - - fa I— I fa fa —^ •1 •• •• •• •• " •■ - - • "' H • • ■• - ■• - " - .. - • - •• • • Total Order 3 .. hM — —j M H H H 4 - 1 .. .. •• .. 1 • •• •I •1 •• •• •• •• •• — — — — — — — — — — •• Order 4.— Zoogenous. 1. Hydrophobia .. 2. Glanders 3. Splenic Fever 4. Cow-pox and other Effects of Vaccination - •• •• •1 •• - •• •1 •• •• •• •■ "l • • - ■• - .. •- .. .. •■ •• •• .. v •• Total Order 4 .. H H .. .. - • •• ■• •• - •I •■ •• •• " ■• •'! •• — — — \— — — — — - Order 5.— Venereal. 1. Syphilis 2. Gonorrhoea, Stricture of Urethra, Ulcer of Groin 15 2 27 - ** ** • • 24 1 I 2 6 6 63 1 1 •• .. • • •1 •• •• • • •• 2 ■• — M " ■• •• •■ •• Total Order 5 .. — I — — - 8 - H H H H H - M -- 39: A .. 1 •• 2 • ■ 9 9°! 4 .. 1 1 ■• .. •■: -•



DISEASES AND DEATHS IN HOSPITALS. Table showing the Number of Cases of Disease and of Deaths from each Cause in the various Hospitals in the Colony during the Year 1898— continued.

OS Orders, Diseases, &c. • — *- c rt £ ei 'St o c 4J JZ rt < J3 en E v, x: w rt rt « to -C in rt u Q if> JZ tn H j U P rt rt O en en -£- c3 a V A Z : 0 i I o en en 43 % 3 u a in fc o rt = = rt V s Totals. rt k en en 4J £ rt rt u in v en 43 en 3 u a en EA 4= 5J 3 Ji u a tn en 4= £ 3 u a en en 4: en rt rt JJ u a I 3 u a rt y en ei U j Q rt an s en rt en 3 ej a bd Order i.— Miasmatic. 1 CO en i. Small-pox 2. Chicken-pox 3. Measles 4. Epidemic Rose-rash 5. Scarlet Fever, Scarlatina 6. Typhus Fever 7. Relapsing Fever 8. Influenza 9. Whooping-cough 10. Mumps 11. Diphtheria 12. Cerebro-spinal Fever 13. Simple and Ill-defined Fever 14. Typhoid Fever 15. Other Miasmatic Diseases •• •• - 2 "I " - - - • !•• - ■• - - • • • 2 •1 .. •• •• •• I- - •■■ - - - •• - ••! - ■• ■• •• 1 •• •• !•• •■ !•• - •• •• 20 29 •• - - - - - I--1 •• - " - - - - ' •• 1 •■ J 4 ■• •• 7 •■ - - - - - - - •• *8 - •• 1 19 •• •• •■ - - - - - - 'I ■■ 1 •• - 3 •■ ■• - •• •• - - - ■ • •• 2 1 •• •• - !- - •• •• 3 ••1 ■■I 17 •• ■■ ••! 7 7 9 6 ..! •• - •• - - - •■ - •• •• • • - •• ■•• 15 • • - • - • - " ■• •• 2 ■■ 1 2 •• •• - - - - - ■• - 2 134 8 19 257 I 3 !•• • •• - •• 1 .. .. • • " - - •■ - ■• - - - •• - • • - •• •• - 15 - - - • - - •• ■• - 1 83 ■■ • • •• •• 3° i - 1 - 3 - - • - 1 - ■•• 2 - - 4 - - - •• !- .. - - •• - - ■■ 1 - - - ■■ - ' 3 1 ■• - •• 3 15 - - 2 •• 8 1 4 1 •■• • - 1 - - •• - ■■ 18 512 9 •• •• - 1 - - •• - - 5 1 • 57 7 8 - - - •• ■■ 4 - 4 - 58 ■■ - .. • •• ■■ - - • • •■ •■ - • - .. •• ■ - ..1 1 - •• ■ ■••■ - •• •• Total Order 1 .. H - M r— — — h— H — H h- - H iH — H — H - H 2 ■• 5 1 1 .. 1 .. 98 3 1 36; .. 67 7 19 29 - u .. 3 - 21 - 3i •• .. 21 .. 9 • 1,043 66 • • — — — — — — — — — — — _._ Order 2.— Diarrheal. 1. Simple Cholera 2. Diarrhoea 3. Dysentery — o N I II ! ■■ !- •I ! - •• " •• - •• •• • 7 I •• •• ■■ •• •■ • •I ■■ •■ - "I • i 'I '" •• A ••! •• • ■■ •■ - •• - •• - •• - '• " ■ ■ •• - ■■ ■■ •• 2 •■ • •• ■• 1 26 13 I I - " •■ - - !• - •• .. 1 ■■ 1 - • 2 - ■■ - • - - ■ - - - ■■ 2 •■ Total Order 2 .. H H H — — I— — H H H H H — H - - H - H H — H — H H i - !• ■■ .. - 8 •• ■• 1 • 1 - • 2 .. •• • - •• ■ •• - 2 • - 40 C •• •• — i — I— ■— 1 — — — —A — — — — — — — — 1 1— — — — — i— — fa Order 3.— Malarial. 1. Remittent Fever 2. Ague 3. Beriberi 2 •■ •■ •• i ■ • I " 1 •• •• •• •• •I •• •• •• •• • •• •• "I ■1 'I ■■ •• •• •• 4 4 2 !•• ••! • •• "I - ■■ - - •■ - • .. I- - " ■■ - ■• -i •• - - ■■ .. •■ - ■■ • •• - -■• ■■ •■ •• •• ... H H — M — — H H H H I— - H H H H — H H Total Order 3 .. 2 !•• •• - 1 - 1.. • ■ - •■ ■ • • ..1 1 • ■ .. •• •■ - • •• ■ • 10 ■■ ! •• •■ • •• •• •• •• •• I 1 H —! ■ ! ! — 1 — 1— — __. — — — — — — — — — — ..._ — —1 i— fa fa fa Order 4.— Zoogenous. 1. Hydrophobia .. 2. Glanders 3. Splenic Fever 4. Cow-pox and other Effects of Vaccination Total Order 4 .. •• • ■• - •• ■ •• •• ■• •• • •• •• •• - *' •■ - ■' - •• " ■• - •• •' • •■ - •• • - •I - •• ■• •■ •• • •• ■■ •' • •■ ■■ •■ ■■■ ■■ •• " - - • - • •■ ■■• - ■■ • - - •• - ■■ •• •• •• - ••I - - •• •■ - - •• •• •■ • ■•■ - •• •• H H H !— —! — - — H ~ - - H H H H H — H hH H .. ! -• •■ .. .. ■• •■ •■ .. .. ■■ - ■• .. •• • •• • •■ - ■• • •• - •I •• • • •• • 1 I — — —! — — — — — !— — — — — — — — Order 5.— Venereal. 1. Syphilis 2. Gonorrhoea, Stricture of Urethra, Ulcer of Groin - 2 12 •* - 2 67 2 II 1 39 2 179 •• •■ •■ •• •• •■ •• •• •• •• •• •• •■ ■• •1 i 'I •■ 2 ■■ •- Total Order 5 .. H - — i I I M H H - H H — - H H H — — H H ! 2 .. .. .. .. 13 •• •'• .. .. .. 2 • • 5 r .. .. • • 2 .. .. ... .. .. ••• 4 .. .. 246 I I



DISEASES AND DEATHS IN HOSPITALS. Table showing the Number of Cases of Disease and of Deaths from each Cause in the various Hospitals in the Colony during the Year 1898— continued.

j il. -3 __ u < 1 rt 2 rt • eu g C _ en .S K 3 rt „ u a o rt o tn 3 . ' en en i 43 en I 3 rt \ w O i a si z| X rt el ft rt 'rt rt a __ ex p 'rt em "SB rt o I 1 rt£ i TT" E s o o O ft w rt rt jy u a rt c Orders, Diseases, &c. rt u a en .c" en 3 rt J? u a tn £ rt £ en 43 in 3 u a — en ! _= rt I JJ en en ! 43 w rt _ 1 a en rt rt X o a — en -- rt u a w X! U I Q '§, I 3 U Q en £ en rt rt % u a rt £ en __ rt rt ; 4* U I rf rt j ij U I Q « rt U Q en 43 en rt o a rt 3 a ' en en 3 rt ii u ja rt U 3 ej a I— Order 6.— Septic. i. Phagedaena 2. Erysipelas 3. Pyaemia, Septicaemia 4. Puerperal Fever, Pyaemia, Septicaemia •• 2 • ••• •• h •• ■■ - - •• •• 1 •• ■■ •• 3 2 • — "I I 'I I • • "I " ... .. 1 •• •• 3 1 •• 1 •• •• - •■ - • - 8 3 •• 1 1 1 •• - ■• 1 • ■■ 1 1 - - • - - • •• - •• 1 - • h i • h ■■ - 1 I - ■• 2 - • •■ - - h ■■ •• - I" ' - •• 'I ■•: 5 2 -I - - .. ■• - - •• - - 3 •• •• .. - - •• - .. •• •• • ■ 2 - - - - ■• •• • ■■ — — - — H hH M - — I H- - ~ H H - — H h" H - H h - - L_ h 1 '— Total Order 6 .. 7 2 .. •• •■ • • .. 5 - 1 I 1 - 4 •• ■• 1 - • •• 11 2 •• 1 ■ - • • - 1 •• ■•■ •• •• •• ■• •• Total Class I. .. H — — H H - - — — - H — 1— M H H H H H h - _J 1 H 295 26 2 •• 22 4 67 ! 5 38 3 76 4 22 - 8 - 46 4 34 2 1 1 H J 7 ,8 •• 36 A 2 .. •• 6 .. 3 - 5 " •• 3 1 14 1. Thrush 2. Other Diseases from Vegetable Parasites .. 3. Hydatid Disease 4. Other Diseases from Animal Parasites r— M M !- — H — H H - - H __ - H H H H H H - hi H h CO <cn L, CO • - • - • • ■■ • • - • • •• • • • •• • • • ■ .. .. ■■ I "I •■ 2 5 4 •• ■■ • •■ h - h - . •• - - ■■ •• ■ - - •• - 3 2 ■ - • • • - •• - • ••■ - • - • •I 3 I A •• I- - - 3 1 - • • - - ■• I - • •• •• •• •• 2 •• - 1 - 1 ■ - • 1 .. h - -■ - ■■ .. - .. • ■■ ... .. •• ■■ .. •• • ■ .. - .. •• •• - .. .. •• .. - • •■ ■ •• •• Total Class II. .. r— — ! I — — H H r-H H !— - M - H H H H - — h - - - - - 4 •• I- •■ 3 1 ■■ • •• ..!.. .. •■ 2 • 11 ■■ 2 •• A - h •• •■ •• • •• ■• •• ■ • •• ■ ••i — — —- \— I— — —— — — — LI LI ~ — — — — - L_ - M fafa H tn 1-1 fa 1 m 1. Starvation Want of Breast-milk 2. Scurvy T . (la.) Chronic Alcoholism .. 3. Intemperance DeUrium Tremens .. 4. Other Dietetic Diseases I - ■ • • •• ■■ •• •■ •• I "' •I " - - ••I 1 - •• •• •• • 7 •• - - •• • 1 2 6 7 • • 2 •• •• •• - - •• • - •• • •• " •• " 2 •1 •• • ■ •• " ■" ■ - • 4 18 1 A 1 h •• 3 1 I - • 1 • 1 1 - I " • - • • •• .. - •• • -■ • . • • • ■■ • - • h .. ■■ - ..1 .. - - •• • • •■ • • •• - • - ■• • •• •• — — H I H - — H H H H - H - — - Total Class III. 2 4 .. 2I h •• •• 4 7 !•• 3 '3 2 • 1 • 1 - 2 •■ • !•• •• •• " • ■ ■■ "I •• •■ •• • " • •■ •■ 1. Rheumatic Fever 2. Rheumatism 3. Gout 4. Rickets 5. Cancer 6. Tabes Mesenterica, Tubercular Peritonitis 7. Tubercular Meningitis, Acute Hydrocephalus 8. Phthisis 9. Other Forms of Tuberculosis, Scrofula, Cachexia 10. Purpura, Haemorrhagic Diathesis 11. Anaemia, Chlorosis, Leucocythaemia 12. Diabetes Mellitus 13. Other Constitutional Diseases — —! H hM - H H - - H H H H H - H - - h !_ H - - 5 37 2 - 1 ■•I 1 2 10 • ■■ 2 9 •■ •• 4 •• 7 1 • - 1 1 - - 1 ■■ •• 9 11 •• 5 16 ■- *■• • 25 27 4 1 • - 2 8 • • 4 9 - ■■ •• 3 •• 1 •■■ 3 1 • • •• 2 ii •• 5 4 4 2 4 10 •• •• H ■■ h " ■• - - - ._ • .. ~ - - - - • - • •• •• 2 ■■ •1 '36 ■• • •• •• •• - 4 2 10 - 2 • I 7 1 - - ■• 3 8 ■■ - 1 1 7 1 2 2 2 13 4 *6 1 •• 2 A h 1 6 3 2 2 - ■ 1 22 - • 22I 2 • 5 I 9 1 4 •• ■ ■ • • 1 1 3 •- .. •• •• ■ ■ -• .. .. • • .. .. .. • ■ • • .. 1 .. ■ ■ •• .. .. .. ■ ■ •• •• •■ : fa CO W Q 1 34 1 6 •• 3 •• 1 7 1 IO 1 *2 8 2 •■ 1 •• II 1 5 1 3 44 3 15 7 3 1 19 ■ 1 1 4 •• 10 4 2 2 12 2 1 2 I I! 1 4 H 17 26 3 1 1 2 1 6 •• "I •• ■• •• 1 "I •• •• •• " •• •■ •• •• •• •• •• ■• •• I 14 2 I - • •• h - - - - " - •• •■ •• - I - - - I - - ■■ I--I •■ " - • • 2 •• •• •• 3 1 - 1 •• • •• - 4 ■• ' 2 7 •• •• 4 - - - - •• ■ « 1 - - h 1 - -• 1 - - 3 1 I 1 1 ■ • 2 1 1 - •• - - - •• - - - - •• - • •• • .. " •• ■■ - • ■ •• ■■ •• - •• A A .. ... - ■■ • - ■• •■ - •■ - h - ■• .. - •• - - ■• •■ " •• • • •• — — — H 6 — — — — — 26 1 « 9 i H — H H H H — H 6 48 I- - i— — — —! — h - - - h Total Class IV... J 44 H 1 .. 2 32 7 25^ 1 12 2 2 2 .. 5 59' 2 38 3 2 • • 205 43 31 3 x I 6 1 23 6 2 34 9 22 9 A hi



DISEASES AND DEATHS IN HOSPITALS. Table showing the Number of Cases of Disease and of Deaths from each Cause in the various Hospitals in the Colony during the Year 1898— continued.

. U 5 3 E ei ei B rt o _ 6 _ en u •c s 43 ? rt < o a < rt E en en A3 en 3 rt eu u a rt rt eft X! tn rt rt « it rt tn S rt rt J_ _ en ei i G E _ 3 3 o o 6 0 ei C V '_0 C rt o eu 2 Totals. 8' ! a j 1 Orders, Diseases, &c. en en x: 2 3 rt v u a tn -G w rt rt « in rt rt JJ en Jen rt rt v CO rt CO o en 43 en 3 rt V u a en _- s 3 rt u o a tn J= in rt rt £ rt U CO 3 a en 43 % 3 <3 _ en en 43 ey -i tn rt rt w u a tn JS rt rt a; U Q rt U 4: rt tn _ rt rt _ rt rt CO _ m 3 rt i; _ a en en 43 en rt rt ey u a a I Order 6.— Septic. 1. Phagedaena 2. Erysipelas 3. Pyaemia, Septicaemia 4. Puerperal Fever, Pyaemia, Septicaemia 1 2 ...... • - 1 ....... •• 2! 21 • •• ■• — •• - .. • •1 - 2 1 •I ■• 1 1 1 .. •• •• ■ ■■• - 1 •I •■ I ■• - 2 •• •• ■■ •• ••1 •■ •• 1 2 •I h •• 4 34 19 23 80 1 2 .. •• ! 1 3 8 •i- • • ••!•• h - • - - 3 1 2 ■ ■■ • - • ■■ - - 1 h - 4 10 • - • .. ! .. ■■ •• - h •■ • - ■■• •• 7 2 x - • ■■ •■ - h •• .. •• •• Total Order 6 .. 11 r— !— h~! !-- M H H H — H — — H l— ! H - H — - H H - ■ • .. .. 4 1 •• • • •• 2 1 3 13 9 4 .. •• - 2 ■•I ■• •• .. • I- • ••• 1 1 1 17 .. .. 1 •• •■ Total Class I. .. -h- —;— —\ hH - H — 8 — H h6 H - — 1 1 H H O Pco f <! fa I faS IO 5 1 1 .. 124 4 1 •• 37 •• 7° 24 •• 96 8 2 4 4 •• 24: 3*2 ■■ ■ ■ • 3! • 9 .. 1,419 94 1. Thrush 2. Other Diseases from Vegetable Parasites .. 3. Hydatid Disease 4. Other Diseases from Animal Parasites H h—-h-M , I H H - H H — H H - H H ■■ •■•• .. .. I- • • ••! •• - i •• •■ - •• "I •• ■• ■■ h ■■- 2 1 1 .. j 1 1 :: :: •• I Ih • 1 1 ■■ - - •• *8 h - - • - •• - h 2 42 10 II 1 ..1 1 ..1.. 1 ! .. ... •• ■■ ■ 1 -• 1 I 1 1 h - - •• h •• 1 - - - ••! - ! "" ..I 3 •■ 3 1 •• 2 A 1 .. .. h - h i--I !•• •■ •■ •• - •• .. - - ■■ •• ■• •• .. il •• Total Class II. .. - 1 H1 — 5 I h~ h H ■• h~ 1 — 1 H ... - .. H • - ... M •• H ... H •• H • - ■■ •• — 3 H •• — 4 54 •• •• 2 1 II — — -M - — — — — — — — — — L— — — — — — — H co fafa H co MCO <V~4 "v 1. Starvation Want of Breast-milk 2. Scurvy 3. Intemperance j M Chronic Alcoholism .. J r ((0.) Delirium Tremens .. 4. Other Dietetic Diseases " - 1 - - \ • • • • S 1 •■ 3 .. ... • •• ... .. .. •• h •- •■ ! - - ! ■■ • - •• - !•• ••■ • 1 ! *8 •• ■• - •• - - "I • - •• •• ■■ - - 'I • h ■ •• •• 2 ■■ •• - ■•■ ■• 1 1 2 v- .. .. I !•• •■ •• 9 5 h •• 1 ■■ ! •• - - 2 - 1 1 - - 1 57 66 2 5 ■1- • •• .-■ !•• !•• •■ 24 4 - • ■■ 1 •• 2 •• 4 •• 2 .. 4 ■• 1 .. ••*•■ •• -! • !•• •• 1 - h - •■ • .. A .. 2 •• Total Class III. H H M H H - — — — H h" - — — 1 1 .. 4 •• 14 h •• 1 1 ■ • 4 2 I 1 1 129 h-i H H •• H 32 •• - - - ■■ •■ 7 o CO CO oQ I 1. Rheumatic Fever .. 2. Rheumatism 3. Gout .. 4. Rickets 5. Cancer 6. Tabes Mesenterica, Tubercular Peritonitis 7. Tubercular Meningitis, Acute Hydrocephalus 8. Phthisis 9. Other Forms of Tuberculosis, Scrofula, Cachexia 10. Purpura. Haemorrhagic Diathesis 11. Anaemia, Chlorosis, Leucocythaemia 12. Diabetes Mellitus 13. Other Constitutional Diseases 3 J 4 2 .. 9 •• •• 4 • • ••■••.- ■_ 9 :: i 4 4 3| 1 ..... 1 1... 1.. 1 ■•■ •• 1 1 •• 1 .. ... I .. i .. I — 1 12 3° • • • 4 ■ **8 •• — h •• 1 • •• • 1 6 7 •• 3 - - I- [.. -I .. * 5 5 1 '• '■ 1 2 6 ■- •• ■ 1 -. " 1 ., 17 23 4 1 38 3 — 2 - ••I 20 .. •• 1 - 3 •• H • ■■ ■■■■ ••I H ■ ■ 4 6 - 4 •• - •■ ■•• •• 1 • • •■ 1 - 5 ! ••I 3 •■ H - 2 1 H - - 1 •• 2 7 ■• 2 .. •-I • • H h 2 • h 1 2 • • ••I ■■ h4 1 h I1 J ■ ■ ■■ • • 12 r 4 J 3 •• 2 ■ • ••! 2 • • — 3 5 •• 2 - • - ■■ ••! 2 Il8 342 39 3 326 10 16 5 4 III 6 •• •• •• 1 1 3 5 2 2 2 6 2 2 •• 1 6 1 3 1 I I 1. 7: 4 I 42 iol ..! 23 9 2 •• 4 1 4 •• 19 • 5 ■• 9 299 I 1 ! ! 3 1 16 iS 4 16 3 5 87 133 23 10 1 .. i .. •• •• " 1 ■• •• •1 2 1 1 1 .. .. •■• •• •• - •• "I •• •■ hi- - ■- •• - A 1 ' • - 1 7 • •• - •• •• 3 1 - : ■• " •• 4 i[ 3 1 .. I .. !•• - il II I- - 2 4 !• 1 1 2 • 1 "■I ■ 4 1 2 5 2 •• •• •• ..I ! .-i - 3 -• 3I M ..j.. 1 3 H 1 I--i •• • - 1 •• 1 • "I -! - • ■■ - - I- - ■• •■ • - ■ 1 - - •• • - - - Total Class IV... I 4 o : ! 8 Ill if 5 •• 1 H — - H hH - H - — -! 16 H — — - — — J 75 2J 1 18 1 N - 1 152 34 17 7 24 13 7 4 il 1 10 7° 9 2 4 2 1,421 231



DISEASES AND DEATHS IN HOSPITALS. Table showing the Number of Cases of Disease and of Deaths from each Cause in the various Hospitals in the Colony during the Year 1898— continued.

-a c _ CO 43 g> rt H 3 C ei X c j_ tn o _ en I 3 ei - 5ei X rt _ rt "ft ei 2 rt ei 3 ft ei a 'ei en j= m ei rt £ to en JZ tn ei ei oj U 3 - Z s o _____ In rt rt « a c 3 tn J_ 1 § ft. z e/i 43 en 43 en 3 U 3 rt 4V ct 2V u a _ _ O ft tn v rt « _ u a en G Orders, Diseases, &c. K 3 u a en rt Cy J3 rt en rt en rt Q rt 3 a rt en rt tn _> rt U _- rt (ft I £ m rt rt ; *; (ft rt v in -- ei a U Q _ U en" __ rt a rt _= et rt rt a _ rt U 3 rt (A fatn 0,1 1. Premature Birth 2. Atelectasis 3. Cyanosis 4. Spina Bifida 5. Imperforate Anus 6. Cleft Palate, Hare-lip 7. Other Congenital Defects 8. Old Age •• h h '•■ ■• ■ I- • - - • • •■ ■• • •• •• h h ■■ • • ■• ■• h h •■! h •• - •• •■ •• •• •• h h - •• ■• - •• ■■• " - - " •■ - ■• - ■ •• - ■ h ■ ■• • • • - ■• - - - • •• ■• • - • - •• '• - - I- - •1 .. .. 7 ! •• 12 . . •I ••! • •• !■• !•• - - •• .. •■! h 5 " •• •1 - - - - •• - ■■ - 3 1 12 ■• • • • ■• •■ • • - - • ■ • h • •■ h ■■ h !•• h - - • • - •• 2 - 1 - •• - .. - - i ■• • • • " ■■ •• - •• •• •• 1 " 1 1 •■ •• •• - " - • - • ■• 2 2 ■ - ■■ h •• h 2 - -I I- • • ..1 - "1 ■ ■• -1 1 1 •• 2 • ■ I ■• 5 1 •• Total Class V. .. — 1 1 H — — h- — — H - H H - - H H H H h- — H 10 - ■ • ■■ h .. - 2 1 A • .. - 2 - - 19 .. • •• 5 1 • •■ •■ .. • 16: 2 4 Order i.— Diseases of Nervous System. 1. Inflammation of Brain or its Membranes.. Cerebro-spinal Meningitis 2. Apoplexy 3. Softening of Brain 4. Hemiplegia, Brain Paralysis 5. Paralysis (undescribed) .. 6. Paralysis Agitans 7. Insanity, General Paralysis of Insane 8. Chorea 9. Epilepsy 10. Convulsions 11. Laryngismus Stridulus .. 12. Idiopathic Tetanus ... 13. Paraplegia, Diseases of Spinal Cord 14. Locomotor Ataxia 15. Other Diseases of Nervous System — — — — i — — — — 1 1 — — — — — — —— i— — — — — — ■1 — I" - h •• •• • 2 2 ■• • ■' •■ • — •■ " 1 'I 2 1 •• ■1 - ** * - • 3 2 • 1 1 2 li 1 1 4 3 1 2 2 I 1 • • ■■ •• 1 1 1 3 •• • - • 1 1 • h • 1 1 I 1 - 1 1 - • • • 7 2 1 2 ■• •■ ■ •• • - 3 1 7 1 - 2 • •■ - " 3 • - I - 1 •• 1 ■• 1 1 3 2 •• ■• •■ • • •• i .. 4 - •■ 1 - " - 5 1 - I h2 A ■ ■■ 4 1 1 •• •■ " • - - •• •■ - •■ • •• • - • ■■ 1 • 3 - •• - ■• •■ • • "l 9 1 6 2 •• 2 • - ,.. - -I ■■ • 4 •• " •■ - H - 1 - 3 1 2 .. 1 •• ■• ■■• • I • - " - 1 - h - •• - •• •• • •■ 1 • •• " 1 • 5 o - - •• • - - •• • - • - ... I 2 ■■ ■• 1 • h •• - H 4 - - - •■ ■ ■■ 1 - "• 3 •• I • - • •• - " • • ■ - - • - ■■ - - 1 •■ - - - •• CO fa tn CO ■J _ o fa •• I - - -•• •• Ih ■■ •• ... • ■■ - 1 • • - " - ■• ■ •■ ■• •• 2 A - - - •• - " ■• 1 - •• •• • •• •• ■ - - • • - - ■• - - - 2 - •■ 1 •• •• •• • 1 - hi - - •• h •• •• • 1 7 - I A 2 1 1 1 •• 1 3 19 - •• ■■ • - - •• 1 ■• A •■ I 1 15 - 5 - - ■■• - • - 20 I - - - I A I 6 - •• • 1 2 - 1 ■• 9 5 • x "s 1 • ■■ - ■■ 2 ■ - •• !•• - • •• - A 9! A •• •• - .. •■ 2 ■• • 3 Total Order 1 .. 8 H — — 4 — I — - — h" - H - H - - ■ - — — H - H ■ - ■• h 54 - 2 - 18 25 2 u 1 14 i 2 2 I ■■ 26 20 2 3| 7 5 A 1 .. 1 16 2 A 1 •• 2, 14 1 1 12 Order 2.— Diseases of Organs of Special Sense. 1. Otitis, Otorrhcea 2. Epistaxis and Disease of Nose 3. Ophthalmia and Disease of Eye 3 5 67 — — •• 2 •• 7 1 •• !— •• •• — " — •• ■■ -- ■■ y •• 2 14 — S 17 4 — — — 1 ~j 3' — — L ■• "I "I ■• •• •• •• ■ ■ •• •• 1 .. •■ h ■■ h - • •• 3 - -I •• •• 3 3 - - 2 •• 6 - 7 8 - • - •■! .. • •• ■• ■• 5 •• h ■• h •• - 3 •■ • 2! •• - - •• A ■■ • ■■ 2 ; ■■ •• 3 •• Total Order 2 .. H — — - — H H H H H H H ~ — J - - H - - H - •I h 75: •• • .. 7 - 7 1 h ■■ J - 3 . - 8 .. 16 - 2 ■■ A - •• ■■ .. .. .. •■ — — — — — \— _ 1 1 ••! Order 3.— Diseases of Circulatory System. 1. Endocarditis, Valvular Disease .. 2. Pericarditis 3. Hypertrophy of Heart 4. Fatty Degeneration of Heart 5. Angina Pectoris 6. Syncope 7. Aneurism 8. Senile Gangrene 9. Embolism, Thrombosis .. 42 1 1 18 - •• A 6 1! •• 1 5 •• •• •• 7 2 i -I 9 3 H " • -— 4 2 1 I — 7 1 •• 4 ■ ■ 2 -- 6 •• — — 13 4 1 1 — 15 - •■ 10 I — 5 - - - 6 1 1 ~ 3] "I • - 3 1 — »J ••1 ■ • 2 I ' — 1 2 2 I 1 •• 1 • • • 2 i J i • ■ • h| •• •■ L- ~ 1 • • ■ 2 • I 1 - ■ • • ■ •1 1 1 ■ - 1 • ■I • 2' 1 1 •• ■■ • • • • 1 • •• I -i • 3 •• .. ■ 1 • ■ 3 A • • ** -I ■■• " ■■ • • ■ " • •• ■■ " • • • • .. 1 .. 1 ■■■ •• •■ •• .. •• •■ 3 •• .. .. • • •• •• •• ■ ■ ■• .. • •



DISEASES AND DEATHS IN HOSPITALS. Table showing the Number of Cases of Disease and of Deaths from each Cause in the various Hospitals in the Colony during the Year 1898— continued.

I d _ 6 rt rt s en _ tn u si rt rt - is rt 'ei '-5 _ 3 3 Q rt E rt O _- rt Z "eu E o V> *ei rt M i= o C3 s_ _ rt q 5 Tot: Js. Orders, Diseases, _cc. — ,-H to in _- en d CD a d en _ rt rt en 43. en rt " X u a en en xt en ro rt « rt U J3 _» a rt en 43 3 a in % rt « U Q en 43 w 3 u a ■t: 43 3 eu a en -C m rt O Q tn 43 eu rt X o a v a en « _ CJ X u a V d a rt rt Q in d U rt a d U d Q d 43 3 a CO , fa fa -2 fa w fa2 I fa w 1. Premature Birth 2. Atelectasis 3. Cyanosis 4. Spina Bifida 5. Imperforate Anus 6. Cleft Palate, Hare-lip 7. Other Congenital Defects 8. Old Age •• •• 4 "I •I 13 • • H __ •• ••■ 5 ■■ 1 1 •• • • - - - • • - H - 3| • • • ■ • ■ • 2 "I " - • - - " - - H •1 4 •• " •• - " h " - I 5 1 — •1 ■• 1 •• •• - - - - H • • ■■ - •■ •• H •• - - - - • • • H •• .. •■ ■• •• ■• ■■ H 'I •• 3 1 •'I •1 1 •• " •• - 16 27 70 H Total Class V. .. h .. •• ■• 6 • • .. .. • 113 J 3 4 ■■ 14 — — — CO fa CO fa CO fa O fa J. Order i.— Diseases of Nervous System. 1. Inflammation of Brain or its Membranes 1 Cerebro-spinal Meningitis 2. Apoplexy 3. Softening of Brain 4. Hemiplegia, Brain Paralysis 5. Paralysis (undescribed) 6. Paralysis Agitans 7. Insanity, General Paralysis of Insane 8. Chorea 9. Epilepsy 10. Convulsions 11. Laryngismus Stridulus .. 12. Idiopathic Tetanus 13. Paraplegia, Diseases of Spinal Cord 14. Locomotor Ataxia ... 15. Other Diseases of Nervous System 2 4 1 •• 1 2 3 • • - ■ A "I 1 1 1 I • - - - - h - 2 6 2 h " ■• ■■ 1 3 • •■ • •• •• 5 1 ** •• I - - - 3 1 2 6 4 1 5 2 6 1 • 2 •• •• 2 * " 3 2 *• • " • • " 1 1 1 • 1 • • 1 3 7 1 - IO 3 .. •• •• 2 -! 2 1 ■ 2 - • • • • 1 1 1 •1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ** h •• - •• h • •• 1 2 ■■ - - •• 1 • .. 1 •• 1 •• - 5 1 • • • • • ■ ., 1 •* 1 • 27 29 16 52 57 4 52 13 53 2 1 4 17 22 • - - h • - •• ' 2 ■■ ••I " I 1 • •• - •• • 4 • • h • - • 1 1 " 1 " 7 • • • 1 •• - 2 ■• 1 • - h - - •• • __ • •■ - •• " '" • ■ h •■ - ■- ■ #- 1 1 2 28 1 ■ • " • ■ - 2 1 1 ■ • • - •• 2 ■- ■• " - - 4 1 45 •• 1 1 6 • 1 .. • •• - 3 • • .. h • - - •• 3 1 6 • 4 27 22 260 • - - 2 ■ - •• 7 • • ■ ••! • 1 4 7 - 1 8 • •■ .. 5 • 2 .. .. - 1 2 •■ 4 .. 4 2 • • • ■ • .. • • • •1 Total Order 1 .. H 16 — H H - — 12, •• 7 I 80 IO 63 6 6 2 5 4 A 20 M II 9 5 1 10! 10 619 ■ Order 2.— Diseases of Organs of Special Sense. 1. Otitis, Otorrhcea 2. Epistaxis and Disease of Nose .. 3. Ophthalmia and Disease of Eye — — — — — 21 2 2 8 8 5 62 •• "I 2 7 24 56 •• 1 • •• 1 1 •1 I 3 5 " 48 145 329 1 ■• 4 4 - •■ ••! 7 — 3] 3| 3 • • .. •• 5 .. • • 4 1 Total Order 2 .. 10! 75 87' - .. 8 « 522 •• ■• 9 Order 3.— Diseases of Circulatory System. 1. Endocarditis, Valvular Disease 2. Pericarditis 3. Hypertrophy of Heart 4. Fatty Degeneration of Heart 5. Angina Pectoris 6. Syncope 7. Aneurism 8. Senile Gangrene 9. Embolism, Thrombosis .. ! I 5 1 ■ 6 2 2 ■ • 1 5 •• 1 - ■■ 29 I 11 •■ •• ■■ I "I "I !4 ■• • 4| ■I - • 3 2 1 • " " 7 •• J l •1 3°! 1 1 11 •• A 4 1 3 — • 3 • •• 1 1 • • • 2 1 1 1 ■'I ■ ■ 2 4 2 1 2 'I • A l! •■ 3 •' 1 •1 1 6 •• •■ 3 3 I •'I • "I 3 1 ■1 • •• 1 297 14 13 21 10! • • - - - • • 1 1 4 2 ■ • 1 ■ • • 9 5 17 8 2 I •■ - - •• •• • " • ... • • • ■A ■ • A ■ •• 2 1 I •■ ■ • 1 3 3 1 2 2 • • • ■A ■•! • • 1 ■• 2 1 •• - 1 • • 1 • - • • ■ • • •• 3 .. •■ • • I ■• •• •• • • ■• 1 ■ • • • • • •• •■ ■ J 5 • • • • • • •■ •■ • •



DISEASES AND DEATHS IN HOSPITALS. Table showing the Number of Cases of Disease and of Deaths from each Cause in the various Hospitals in the Colony during the Year 1898— continued.

rt Orders, Diseases, &c. c rt -5 ei . "3 ei •3 to O ~j rt r en — in "ei rt £ o ei rt 3£ 5 3 Z, B _t7 m rt CO rt rt u rt z -J- ei rt b ft [ o 'rt 3 . __ P en en !n 3 rt w u a fcz E B 33 ft. en en 43 en 3 a X u a d C 3 rt S I en tn -C rt " rt rt s ei 43 B ee> en 43 w 3 X u I a en -C $ rt ei v 5 a o c ft aj -3 rt i u a _ rt -3 tn ei _ i en' I en 3 in en J= en ei rt 2 rt rt CO rt U 43 3 5: rt U rt v a in rt d a tH tn rt CJ -3 rt n ■J. rt u _ a "A rt rt a en rt 6 a en rt en 43 3 a 3 a en 43 3 a rt 4: a rt Order 3.— Diseases of Circulatory System —contd. 10. Phlebitis 11. Varicose Veins, Piles 12. Other Diseases of Circulatory System 2 21 1 ■• h •• 2 •• 3 1 3 ■• 4 ••1 ■■ •■ •• 2 • •• 3 •1 - 2 4 •• - •• • 2 35 J | 2 1 9 •1 •■■ •• 4 •• 1 •• 1 •I - •• ■• •■ - •■ " 1 - ■■ - •• - •• •• - h ..l h: •• - ■■ •• •• h h h ■■ • • - .. h h - h — — - 16 H — H 82 H 8 — — - h — — — h- — 3 1 3 x 16 4 4 Total Order 3 .. 7i 20 •• •• - 10 1 12 12 — 13 2 4 1 — L 12 1 1 — - — — J 5 14 18': — 1 — 1 i — -: — — .— — — Order 4.— Diseases of Respiratory System. 1. Laryngitis 2. Croup 3. Other Diseases of Larynx and Trachea .. 4. Asthma, Emphysema 5. Bronchitis 6. Pneumonia 7. Pleurisy 8. Other Diseases of Respiratory System I 2 II 35 38 19 7 1 1 •• •• ■• • I •• 7 2 ■ • ■ •• - 2 • • • • •• - 2 14 9 2 7 •• • • • ■■ 5 3 4 ■I •■ 1 5 6 1 • • ■ • - 2 •• 1 1 •• • ■ - • 3 - 2 8 •• •■ 4 4 6 •1 • • 1 1 - • • - 2 - 4 47 33 15 4 - • " - - 6 • • • 2 2 1 8 4 10 3 •1 ■ ■• I •1 - - .. " • • • - •• •• 2 3 3 1 •• • ■A ■A 1 •• • • ■ A 3 6 1 •• •• 4 18 •• 1 'I I •• 11 1 3 3 I 1 4 18 8 • • 2 1 •• 9 4 2 - 4 7 1 7 5 3 2 • 3 4 3 2 - I" H - 1 •'• 4 1 1 " 2 2 1 4 3 3 2 • 1 « - 1 - - •- - • • 1 •• •• •• 4 12 2 ! - ■ - •• - •• 1 •• .. 2 1 .. " .. ■■ h - 4 • • - • • • •• - ..! - •• •I h '•• • • - h h h — I— — — — — h" - 1- — — h" H — — - ! 12 2 2 co fa CO fa fa o fa > Total Order 4 .. 4 13 1 2 1 13 I 3 40 20 - i°5 X2 25, 2 - 9 1 1 27 1 x 3 113 10 I 9 x 33 34 12 23 - \—\ — ~ - — — — — — — — — — Order 5.— Diseases of Digestive System. 1. Stomatitis, Cancrum Oris 2. Dentition 3. Sore Throat, Quinsy 4. Dyspepsia 5. Haematemesis .. 6. Melaena 7. Diseases of Stomach, Gastritis 8. Enteritis 9. Ulceration, Perforation of Intestine 10. Ileus, Obstruction of Intestine 11. Stricture or Strangulation of Intestine 12. Intussusception of Intestine 13. Hernia 14. Fistula 15. Peritonitis 16. Ascites 17. Gall-stones 18. Cirrhosis of Liver 19. Other Diseases of Liver, Hepatitis, Jaundice 20. Other Diseases of Digestive System 3 10 9 21 2 2 6 • - A 2 •• ■■ • •• - 1 - 1 • • • • • • •• 1 1 •• - 2 8 ■ • • • • ■■ • •• 12 18 •• 5 4 •• 3 1 •• • " • • • A • 2 •• 4 2 ... • • • • • ' • ■• 10 10 - I • .. • • ■■ • • •• •• 1 1 1 1 • •• 1 • ■■ ■ • •1 • - 1 •• 1 5 "s 5 1 3 • ■ • • ■■ • •■ 1 •I I 10 3 1 - 1 " 1 1 •• I - 21 5 2 15 1 2 4 5 3 25 6 • • ' ■ I I I - 2 3 2 I I 2 I • • • ■ • 2 • " 4 8 - 4 6 - I 1 ' ■ • • " • • I ■ • • ■• 1 1 •• 1 2 • ■ • • ■ - ' •■ 1 •• 2 • • • • • ■ • • • • •• ••I " • ' ■ .. •■ • •• 3 4 1 ■• 4 5 1 •• A x •• 1 3 1 2 • • 2 5 •• " j.. ••! i 1 1 1 " - • •• " • • • 1 • " 1 •• 1 • •• • • 2 • I • - • 1 1 ■ 1 I I • 7 1 2 ■■ ■■ - 1 3 •• 3 1 2 3 15 1 - 2 •• • - 5 ■r 2 • • 2 A • • 4 4 2 • • • x 1 • 1 •• • • - • • A • ■ • • - • • - I 2 I 4 3 - 1 • • • 13 1 2 4 • • • 2 - 1 2 1 1 •• • I - • • • • • • •■ ' ' 1 • I **8 • 2 • I .. • •• 1 • - 7 ■ 1 ■ - • I I 4 2 h - - .. "! - 1 1 - 1 - 10 7 2 - - 2 2 1 - - .■ ; 1 " 2 •• 4 - " h •• 2 4 6 •• - h 2 • •• 3 - 1 1 A - 3 •• - ■• - - ■• I •• - • • •• • '• ■■ - — - h — — — — — — — - H H Total Order 5 .. 9X m 2 2 23 3 1 28 28 J " 128 37; 2 9 1 '2£ 3 11 • • 47 22 4 21 3 •■ - — — — — — 1 Order 6.— Diseases of Lymphatic System and. Ductless Glands. 1. Diseases of Lymphatic System .. 2. Diseases of Spleen 3. Bronchocele 4. Addison's Disease •• •• •• •■ 1 1 ■• • •• • 1 2 •• ■■ 1 5 1 •• A 1 I •• •• ■■ 5 1 13 •1 •1 • 4 •• "I - •• 1 h *•• h •• 3 2 h " 1 2 • • •• ■A ■■ • H - 1 " • - ■■ ■A - - •• •• • - - 1 .. h h h —- — M — — H H H — - - - H H — Total Order 6 .. 1 x • • • • 19 • ■ 4 .. 1 2 • • • ■ ■ • • • • ■ 1..



DISEASES AND DEATHS IN HOSPITALS. Table showing the Number of Cases of Disease and of Deaths from each Cause in the various Hospitals in the Colony during the Year 1898— continued.

en rt Orders, Diseases, &c. °E Hrrt d o X o _ 4543" ei p < s o 3 j_ tn J_ en rt U Q rt 'ei in in d ei u 3 in J3 in *rt rt X 3' rt O tn ] J= in "ei rt " ei Z rt £ en en -G u rt rt £> £ o IT: 3" o c 3" 0 3 ei i 3 d 1— ■ y —rd B Tot; Is. to" £ w rt rt <_ fa d d Q en rt rt a rt 43 3 a eu 13 u a in JZ rt rt en 43 3 eu a en tn -3 in d rt JJ -j: ei E_ rt d Q tn tn -3 en d en 43 eu rt 1" u a CD 43 3 a d CO 43 3 eu a Order 3.— Diseases of Circulatory System —contd. 10. Phlebitis 11. Varicose Veins, Piles 12. Other Diseases of Circulatory System 1 - •1 1 5 1 " •■ ■■ ■■ 1 31 - • •• ■■ 1 •• 1 1 ■■ - ■■ •• 2 11 " • •• 2 •I •• •• - " •• •1 •• ■■ 2 •1 •• 3 3 .. 1 ■• - 18 150 12 •• - • • A •■ .. • 1 - 1 I ■ .. 4 ■•! .. • • h - 1 — h- — H H - - - — 8 h" — Total Order 3 .. 20, 8 xx 13 * 64 12 •• 16 9 x 9 57 17 12 3 4 ■ • 2 2 x 2 6 16 I 5 1 579 139 !— — ■ — — - — — — Order 4.— Diseases of Respiratory System. 1. Laryngitis 2. Croup 3. Other Diseases of Larynx and Trachea .. 4. Asthma, Emphysema 5. Bronchitis 6. Pneumonia 7. Pleurisy 8. Other Diseases of Respiratory System 3 18' • I 3 1 •• 3 3 2 • ■ • •■ •• 2 2 13 48 22 17 • • • •• •• ■ 1 7 4 5 •• • ■ ■ •• 1 1 9 4 4 •• ■ • I I 1 2 5 3 1 4 •• 5 40 33 9 ' " • 5 11 •• - - 14 7 2 - - I" - •• 4 2 •• •• 2 •• 1 2 2 • - - - •• " h * •• - - - "I - h A •• h •■ A •• - - - ■• 1 11 8 3 ■ " 1 3 2 •• •• I 9 7 8 13 6 6 83 390 276 147 53 2. - 7 38 60 5 3 2* 1 12 2 9 7 • "' 1 1 4 9 2 1 - 2 9 5 1 3 A 2 4 1 9 1 1 - " .. • 3 i 2 - - 1 ■ •• •• - 4 1 4 3 - • I •1 - • • - h - h .. I" .. ■ - •• - - • - ..' .. ■A - •• •• 3 28 ■■ CO fa CO fa CO 5 Total Order 4 .. .. Order 5.— Diseases of Digestive System. 1. Stomatitis, Cancrum Oris 2. Dentition 3. Sore Throat, Quinsy 4. Dyspepsia 5. Haematemesis .. ., 6. Melaena 7. Diseases of Stomach, Gastritis 8. Enteritis 9. Ulceration, Perforation of Intestine 10. Ileus, Obstruction of Intestine 11. Stricture or Strangulation of Intestine 12. Intussusception of Intestine 13. Hernia 14. Fistula 15. Peritonitis 16. Ascites 17. Gall-stones 18. Cirrhosis of Liver 19. Other Diseases of Liver, Hepatitis, Jaundice 20. Other Diseases of Digestive System 26 12 1 — — 16 •• — — 104 J | — 16 — .- 17 — 1 1 1 —j h19 —! 12 — M 3 !— — 93 3 h23 2 — 21 — 3 — 5 H .. 2 — •• — h" M 3 • — h11 — — 18 — H 1 23 6 - 2 — 1 — 974 9 3 129 151 17 2 152 64 21 35 8 115 •1 •I •• •■ I •• ■■ ■ •• •■ •• • •1 •• •• •• •• •■ •1 ■• •• • ■■ •• •■ •• .. I • •• ! 14 13 2 ■• •• ■ 3 3 10 1 15 11 1 3 " 1 8 1 1 • 2 ■* - •■ - • h - h ■• 1 • 1 1 • • " I • 3 - 3 2 • 2 • 3 I I • • I 1 " • 1 ■■ ..1 ■ • 3 •• • 9 • h 3 2. " • •• • ■■ -I A 2 h • - •■ - • - - h •• • 1 1 •■ - ■ A •• - 1 • • •• h • h • *6 - fa o fa ►J! > •• I 2 • 4 • 29 7 1 3 1 1 • 4 11 5 2 ■A 23 3 3 7 3 A A 2 1 1 4 •• 1 • • - - • 4 2 •• I 3 3 6 11 5 3 8 1 17 1 - •• " • ■A - • • - - • 3 1 • 2 2 2 • - • 2 3 1 • ■■; • A - • • - - - ... - •• i ■ - 2 2 - • • • • 2 - • • •• - • :■• • " •• •I • • 2 ■ - 1 5 • • •• • 2 - • ••! " - H • :•■ • h •• 2 2 1 • • • • •• 1 " A 1 3 18 3 7 2 2 • h h h • • - •■ 1 ■ - 4 1 • • 1 2 • • • • 23 3 7 • • .. 2 •• - ■■ •■ 3 ! ' 3 I •■ ■■ -i • • - h ■■■ - - - h 1 ■-• • • • •• •• h - • ■•• h 5 1 1 1 142 28 60 8 i • " ■ 2 - • •• 2 1 •• ■ 5 I 1 •• 1 • - 1 I1 ■ •• 2 I • • 2 • h •■ ■ • 1 ■■ 3 • - 1 2 2 • - - ■•:• •• • 1 2 2 1 • • •• •• •■ • • • •• - ■ ■■ 2 • - - 1 3 3 ■ - •• 1 2 2 •• - I- ••! •• - ■ 1 • •• • • 25 28 52 49 2 2 I • • " 3 10 - ■■ 3 2 1 • • 3 2 8 - I l •• •• •• ■• - 2 • •• • ■■I I 11 I • • - • •■ • •• ■• •• - 2 1 - 1 1 •• I 1 - ■ 1 - 1 I 11 •• I • • -. 4 2 A ■■ • ■• .. A •• - - • •• • • •• - • - •• 3 " Total Order 5 .. - — — — i H - — H — — h" h- - hH - H — H 26 H : II 2 5 •• 12 3 119 1 15 5 • 20 31 2 25 119 X2 20 2 M 2 1 5 5 ■ IO - 18 .. - 998 90 •• — H —j — — !— — — — — —A !— — — — — Order 6.— Diseases of Lymphatic System and Ductless Glands. 1. Diseases of Lymphatic System .. 2. Diseases of Spleen 3. Bronchocele 4. Addison's Disease I . •• •• •• 1 • ■• 2 •■ 4 4 I 2 61 •• •• •• •• • ■• " •• 2 1 •• •I •• 40 3 1 1 2 " •• - •■ • • - 7 2 I •• I V •• - - • H - • h - •• 3 39 4 86 .. " 7 - •■" • • I- .. - ■• •• • 1 - H ■■•■ ■ 1 - " __ h -I •• • h ■• - Li: •• I - ■• ■ ■i •• - .. • • •• • • .. - - Total Order 6 .. — 1 ! I - H H H — H 1 1 1 H H H h" — —" H H 7 •• x .. .. .. 6| ■■ .. .. ■ ■: .. .. •• .. 2 1 .. •• 7 ••



DISEASES AND DEATHS IN HOSPITALS. Table showing the Number of Cases of Disease and of Deaths from each Cause in the various Hospitals in the Colony during the Year 1898— continued.

T3 fa rt ._. 3 < rt . _ rt 43 M I _ S.g 'J 3 o rt E O 5 en en _ $ X o a 43 z| — ei rt eu 3 ft. "ft ei z rt 3 rt 3 ei O 'ei tm 3 a rt ft. 3 0 rt 3 d B rt 6 o 3 S B O 2 "C B rt o en 43 cu t. en rt rt i? _ B ej ft en en 43 en 3 a X u a -ren rt I - a rt Ji u a i tn v rt <n J3 =3 a en 43 u 13 X u a Orders, Diseases, &c. en en XI d JJ d 43 3 a en 43 eu 13 X u a en I J3 rL> I rt u ! Q tn" J3 rt M in J= tn ei rt £ v rt in J_ rt Q tn J rt ■ v rt rt V J_ d Q rt 43 3 eg a d ■a rt Q -d a tn -= rt it 1 in _ rt d D ej rt 3 a Order 7.— Diseases of Urinary System. 1. Acute Nephritis 2. Bright's Disease 3. Uraemia 4. Suppression of Urine 5. Calculus 6. Haematuria 7. Diseases of Bladder and Prostate 8. Other Diseases of Urinary System •• "I I 1 7| 9 1 1 2 •• •• "I 3 3 1 1 1 • •■ • •• •■ •• • •• •• •• 2 •• I •• ■■• 2 I • • • 1 9 1 2 I 1 •• x - 1 I h ■ • 5 • - I 1 ■• ■ 1 h - • • • • ■■ •• • •• •• • • •-• 1 1 - 1 I • - 1 •■ • •■ h 1 • ■ 1 ■ 1 •■ • 2 1 19 7 • - - • 1 5 • • 3 .. • • h •• • • •1 •• 1 ■ *3 ■ - 13 11 - " I- ■ I ■' ■■ 1 1 3 • *8 1 6 •• ■• 4 1 - • - - • 4 2 5 6 • • 2 • • •• I 1 - I 2 ■■ I 3 1 • 1 • • • .. 2 • • ••I • • •■ ..•• :•■ - •■ •• - .. ■• 11 •• •• I •• ••• - - - — - — — - — -H — h- — — 47 4 15 x 10 1 h 1 Total Order 7 .. 38: x 2 .. 3 5 .. 6 12 • ■■ 5 •• •• - 2 —A U- - — - — fa- — — — — a T co fa CO fa CO Order 8.— Diseases of Reproductive System, (a.) Diseases of Organs of Generation, — 1. Ovarian Disease 2. Diseases of Uterus and Vagina 3. Disorders of Menstruation 4. Pelvic Abscess 5. Perineal Abscess 6. Diseases of Testes, Penis, Scrotum, &o. (b.) Diseases of Parturition, — 7. Abortion, Miscarriage 8. Puerperal Mania 9. Puerperal Convulsions 10. Placenta Praevia (Flooding) 11. Phlegmasia Dolens .. 12. Other Accidents of Childbirth (c.) Childbirth (Lying-in Patients) 4 32 3 4 2 20 ■" 1 •1 1 1 1 2 1 - 4 •1 • • 1 12 ■• 1 •• 1 1 1 1 •• ■• 3 •• .-• h ••l ■• 1 1 .. 3 14 •• 2 1 9 2 • • •• 3 5 3 •• •• •• 1 • • • 1 " 12 IIO 2 17 1 23 ■1 ■ •■ 1 • • • 5 5 3 2 .. •• 1 10 7 2 5 " " 1 •• 4 8 - 1 1 I .. 1 20 3 1 4! •■ 1 .. 11 •• 2 2 2 2 • • • • •• 1 6 2 •: •• •1 •■ "I " ■• 6 • 2 2 •1 •• ••1 •• •• ■■ :• • • •• ■• •• ■■' • - H 1 - • - • .. - •• ■A " • - • • • • • ■■• - 3 A •• ■A - ■• • :•:• • • • ■ - - *■• h - 1 " • - 1 *■• ■■" •• - - • ■• • • ■ .. h • • - h •• •• •• 2 - • - 7 - 1 ■• - "•■ • ■A '■■ • - • • h • h 1 -• •• :- 3 ■A - • ■• • • • - 1 11 h .. • • - • • •■ h- • 1 - .. •• " - h •• -: • ■ h- • ■A - • .. - • - - • • .- - - _ fa O fa > •• - — H h182 H - — — — ~ - - — — -H H h- — H H H — 3 17 28 1 13 I 37 1 Total Order 8 .. 781 I 2 - • • 15 • • 4 3 • 3 • 29 2 12 .. L 3 11 • •• I- •- • — — — — — — — — Order 9.— Diseases of Organs of Locomotion. 1. Caries, Necrosis 2. Arthritis, Ostitis, Periostitis 3. Other Diseases of Organs of Locomotion .. 24, 20 2 I 1 5 8 ■• ■• 10 2 2 •• ■■ •• •• 15 2 1 2 •• • •• 3 •• - 11 6 1 *8 •• - 2 •■ - 62 41 15 1 A 8 3 3 5 4 3 1 1 •• I 6j - •• • -\ 3 1 I 5 - — h ,. 4 - 1 - A .. ■■ •• u •• • ■ - — 5 • H - •• - — ■A H h" - — H H J H •• — 1 — H — H — H 6 h Total Order 3 2 ■A 14 - 5 18 2 - 3 .. 18 X3 .. 2 • 118 2 14 12 2 • I •• 10 .. •■ ■■ 49 13 — — — -A -\ — — — — — — — — Order 10. — Diseases of Integumentary System. 1. Carbuncle 2. Phlegmon, Cellulitis 3. Lupus 4. Ulcer, Bed-sore 5. Eczema 6. Pemphigus 7. Other Diseases of Integumentary System .. 1 8 1 43 4 1 16 - •• A •■ 1 - "I - ••: 3 2 2 10 - 12 2 1 • ■ • 3 " •• 9 3 5 ■■ - - - •• • 3 I •• • • • -I . x 2 1 1 9 1 10I " - - I 12 •• •• •• •• •* 3 •■ 2 12 13 39 5 3 11 " • • • 2 h 11 7 •1 ••I I 5 ■' - 3 1 '■ 2 •• 3 I 5 4 • • 1 4 1 •1 M • : 7\ H - •• - • - • 1 ■■ !•• •• • H .. • ■■ 2 ■ ■• - I • •• 1 6 I I- • 15 •• •• - 1 •■ a •• I- •• .. 17 •• • H 2 ■ • .. •• 2 - 2 2 .. •• .. •• 1— - — 28 H — H — H - h86 H — 8 —! 22 4 Total Order 10 .. 1 5 32 M ■• 6 • • 4 27 201 - 5 ■• 14 .. • 12 •• 74 1 i •■ • •• 983 184 h" M — M - — H — - - - !-H h- — — 116 2 Total Class VI. .. 58 i 2 24 1 195 53 3 102 35 3^: 4 210 12 x 5 x| ! 7 M 5 1 137 '7 54 8 20 88l 10 '3 h J 7 645 146 II



DISEASES AND DEATHS IN HOSPITALS. Table showing the Number of Cases of Disease and of Deaths from each Cause in the various Hospitals in the Colony during the Year 1898— continued.

t) 3 £ o O a: in tj o < c I £ u Q 3 U I P 3 rt £ rt tn vi U Q z u £ o O 3 O u* vi x: rt « b. o -J " o 5 Totals. cd D Orders, Diseases, &c. I —rrt w U Q w rt U Q en ■A & U C rt jU CO U cd Q d* U rt Q en o Q a is CJ Q in -S rt " O Q en ra rt u rt rt a ca U rt a rt o en rt cd Q Order 7.— Diseases of Urinary System. 1. Acute Nephritis 2. Bright's Disease 3. Uraemia 4. Suppression of Urine 5. Calculus 6. Hematuria 7. Diseases of Bladder and Prostate 8. Other Diseases of Urinary System 3 2 3 2 - - •• 1 I • • 1 5 1 3 •• 1 7 2 - - 1 • • • •■ ■■ - - •1 •• I • • • I 2 2 • • 1 1 - - 6 10 2 2 •• •• •I ■1 • •• •1 •• - - •■ 3 •• 2 1- - "I - - - - • 3 •• •1 •• 7 •• 2 1 •• 1 ■ • ••! 1 •• •• •• 1 39 68 4 7 11 13 130 69 - ■ •• - • " • - 5 19 6 1 2 1 • - 1 - ■ 1 - — 2 " •• 1 20 • - • • - - - 1 • • I - - • - - ■• - 1 1 • 5 1 3 " •' 2 • 2 1 I 3 1 ■ - • 4 " • 3 3 6 -■•• - 1 - .. - • » •• - ■• » 1 I - 1 - ••I 1 • • ■■ ••I - '•I • •• - - Total Order 7 .. 6 6 — 5 — 1 — 4 1 M - 4 — 2 46 — 5 H - H 2 5 H - - • - 19 H 1 — x 341 11 2 6 2 5 4 1 4 '• 5' - • • - — — 1 — — — — — — f DO P Order 8.— Diseases of Reproductive System, (a.) Diseases of Organs of Generation, — 1. Ovarian Disease 2. Diseases of Uterus and Vagina 3. Disorders of Menstruation 4. Pelvic Abscess 5. Perineal Abscess 6. Diseases of Testes, Penis, Scrotum, &c. (b.) Diseases of Parturition,— 7. Abortion, Miscarriage 8. Puerperal Mania 9. Puerperal Convulsions 10. Placenta Prsevia (Flooding) 11. Phlegmasia Dolens ... 12. Other Accidents of Childbirth (c.) Childbirth (Lying-in Patients) 1 2 1 - 2 ! 2 I 2 3 ••- 4 • ■ •■ 1 •• 12 4° 8 10 ••: 25 •• 1 - •■ - r •• 1 4 •1 ■• 2 7 3 4; "I •• " 4 2 ! •1 8 53 3 4 10 1 •• 4 1 I - 5 ., 1 4 •• 2 ■" ■■ .. 2! •• x *8 I 3 •I • • 5 •• •• •• 3 •• 4 3 ■• 67 373 48 46 10 133 3 5 I •• - - - - •• - - - - - •• - •• - - •• - - - - 6 • • ■"I 1 ••1 ■• • - •• - ■• • •• •• - •• 1 • • • ■ • •1 2 12 - - - 1 •• - - - - •• I • • •• 1 • ■ • 1 1 • • ■ •■ - - •• •• •1 1 •• • • • • - - - - - - - - ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ •• •• ■• 27 3 4 2 3 37 7 760 1 1 - 1 - •• - " ■• • :•: •• •• ■ ■ - "I • - 1 •• s I—* Total Order 8 .. - H • • - — - — • — - h— • • • •• - •• - H 8 • H ■•■• — 5 16 .- •• 8 - M 1 H .. •• H •• • - •• - - - ., •• - 6 •• 10 A - •• 102 4 16: .. .. 92 2 1 2 u •■ 12 • - 8 • •■ • — — — — !— — — — — Order 9.— Diseases of Organs of Locomotion. 1. Caries, Necrosis 2. Arthritis, Ostitis, Periostitis 3. Other Diseases of Organs of Locomotion .. 2 6 - • 3 5 1 1 •• 16 24 8 1 3 •1 7 3 4 2 2 3 3 - 29 23 II I 4 5 1 1 3 4 •• ■• - •• 1 2 2 •• 1 " - 9 3 3 • • 6 I •• •• 234 170 i°5 • ■• • •• 2 • ' I " • H - ■ • 1 " •• •■ - - - • ■• - • • Total Order 9 .. -J - H — — — H H — — — H H H H : - 8 ■• .. 2 •• I 48 2 . 8| .. 63 2 10 .. •• .. 5 15 .. 7 ■■ 509 14 1 1 — — — — — — — — — - — — Order 10. — Diseases of Integumentary System. 1. Carbuncle 2. Phlegmon, Cellulitis 3. Lupus 4. Ulcer, Bed-sore 5. Eczema 6. Pemphigus 7. Other Diseases of Integumentary System .. 1 •• •• 3 4 •• •• 1 I- • •• I0| I •■ - 1 •• 2 •• "I " ■1 1 ■■ " " •■ 3 •• 6 •• •• •• •• •• 3 2 2 •■! •■: " ■•1 ■■ ■■ ■• •• - - ■1 1 "i :■ • ..1 •• •• •• - 1 1 2 17 2 • • ..1 1 1 2 1 ■■ •• ■• 14 71 21 292 9 1 2 106 1 7 2 3 3 •■ 44 8 4 1 2 3 h •• 4 1 2 1 •• 4 4 •1 3 2 " • •• •1 • - • - •• •• • - • ■• 2 2 •■ 3 2 - ■• 2 •• •• • - •• - - •1 •• 11 ■• .. • • .. •■ 4 •• .. •• - •• 1 • • •• * •• 1 ■• 1 •■ .. - 4 26 •• •■ Total Order 10 .. H M — h H H — H H - - - - H - 12 •• 9 6 67 1 •••1 5 6 - 40 •• 12 9 3 .. ..I 9 • " ■■ 4 ■• 597 •• • " •• •1 Total Class VI. .. — h— — —\ — H H — — — — - — ~ - 163 — — 5.985 50 102 *7 2 707 62 II 56 ha 88 ro 673 6 4 IX 3 87 22 4 6 3 47; 4 76 4 4 66 4 53 109 27 '3 119 13 23



DISEASES AND DEATHS IN HOSPITALS. Table showing the Number of Cases of Disease and of Deaths from each Cause in the various Hospitals in the Colony during the Year 1898— continued.

3 ._. 3 rt _ ? „rt £ rt -3 3" o X c 6 eu z o S rt rt X ri 3 ft. eu rt z en 3 u a 6 .2. rt a, ei o 'rt B . — E yy en 43 eu *3 rt X o a E B 3S ft. rt r rt£ c en .C in i d rt 2 3 en _3 d OJ U Q a c E o o tn £ in rt rt M 2e3 3 43 U c O eu eu _ rt Orders, Diseases, &c. tn m __ cn rt rt v en 43 en 3 rt X u a en 43 eu 4. en rt rt V u a en" X! in rt rt i> en 43 eu rt w u a en" J3 v e~i d « cn in J3 Vi ei ei X rt d eu - % d rt " u a en eu rt 43 3 eu a en eu CO rt rt Q I „J in ' Jrt X V 4: rt tn J3 in rt ei v rt i; en tn j_ in d ei - d -3 d Q eii43 en 3 rt X u a Order i.— Accident or Negligence. i. Fractures, Contusions .. 2. Gunshot Wounds 3. Cut, Stab 4. Burn, Scalcl 5. Sunstroke 6. Poison 7. Drowning 8. Suffocation 9. Exposure 10. Otherwise 128 1 46 16 •• 5 A 2 •• I " 6 I - - I •• 7 4 1 •• - • - • 40 •■ 9 6 1 - - •• - 45 11 3 • 9; *8 " 33! 7 4 2 • ' ■ • 16 5 • • • - 4 1 2 2 •I - - 3° 2 7 1 1 • •■ !•• •■ 6 2 1 - " - " 2 6 1 - ••! ..1 143 6 24 16 - 2 - • • - 36 11 2 2 I - - - 21 13 6 2 • • ■ • 19 2 1 ■■ • • • • 4 1 1 •■ •• - •• - 6 1 I 8 1 ■■ 1 •• 2 19 2 2 I 20. 2 - 4 1 •1 1 20; 3 I 3 • h •• ■ - - • - • " H 2 • - I- • • - •1 • - - - • :•• •• "I •• ■• " h - - - • • - .. 1 1 - ■••: •• I - ■•■ " • ■■ ••I •*■ ..I 1 •• - ■ ' ••' I • ••I - ..1 1 ..1 1 1 • •! • • lv 7 •I h ••I II • IO 3° I ••I •• •• • I- • - -I "I i<S 1 1 IH 6 • h • • ■■ •■: ■• - •■ - ..I 1 - 3 - " •• - - • .. •:• .. •• ■• fa a fa > Total Order 1 .. — — — — — — - - h" — h" H H H __ 201 -A 7 X2 .. 55 A 74 47 45 2 21 2 42| ! ' I 9 1191 2 154 3 58 23 ■ 6 •• 22 24 22 11 *i 1 •• •1 • • ■ • —A — — — — — — — — — fa- — Order 2.— Homicide. 1. Murder, Manslaughter .. 2. Wounds in Battle •■ • • •• 'I •• ■• •• • - •• •• ■1 •" •■ ■• ■• •• ■1 •• •• •• ■ •• •• ■■ h • h - " •• .. • - ■ h - • ■• ■■ •• ,... ••! I Total Order 2 .. — — — - — — h H h" - H - - H H - H - 1 H H -! ■■ ■■ .. ■■ :■• • •• • • • • •■ - • • .. .. .. - .. *•• ■• •• •* •• •• •• •■ •■ — — — — i— !— — — — — — — — — — i— — — — - fa--1 Order 3.— Suicide. 1. Gunshot Wounds 2. Cut, Stab .. .; 3. Poison .. .. 4. Drowning 5. Hanging' 6. Otherwise **6 1 1 - 1 i 1 •• 1 h ■• - - •• •• 1 •• •• •■* ■■ •• 1 •• I • 1 •• •• - •■ •• ■■ •• • • ■• •■ •• " " - •I " - ■ - ■■ •• 2 2 "I J ••1 I ■■ ' - - - .. ■■ • • - •• - - •■ - - 1 1 ••- 1 x •• •■ ■■ h - • • • • - - • ■• - " •• - - - • •A - - .... - - ••* - • ■■• •• •■ • ■■ - - - •• " • • ■A - -I ... •• • • • ■• h - 1 .. •■ h •• •• • •■ - " • •• - - •• ■A - h .... • • ■ Total Order 3 .. — H r— — — - ~ - - H H H H H H H H H H H h-H H A 1 ■■ 2 .. 1 I - •• ■ ■■ - • •• X ■■ - .. .. •■ .. 2 2 2 •1 ■• • •• • •• — — — - — - — — M hH — H H H - h-H hh Total Class VII. 208 IO ? 13 57 A 74 47 46; 22 A 9 •■• 42 A 1 9 .. 2 55: 3 58 3 23 - ts 22 2 .26 2 2 22 23 1 •• ■■ •• ■1 go fa H 1. Dropsy 2. Debility, Atrophy, Inanition 3. Mortification, Gangrene 4. Tumour 5. Abscess 6. Haemorrhage 7. Sudden (cause unascertained) 8. Other Ill-defined and Not-specified Causes — — — — — — H — H H - - H H H H - 1 h-H - - • - 2 •• 3 2 3 13 •• 3 • •• *6 • 1 6 1 1 ,1 A • 2 2 1 h •• •• " I I I 4 "I •1 •• - •• •• I I " ■• 1 •• •• •• 10 • •• •• • •■ •• 2 6 8 1 4 • - •■• - ■ ..... ■A 2 3 4 •1 •• 3 24 36 *'i 1 2 ••' - 1 2 7 19 2 1 1 .. 6 • ■-• 2 7 2 1 ..1 •• 1.. 2 1 -I •• 5 10 .. •• ..1 1 •■ 1 1 1 46 46 8 15 9 ■• *8 15 • " ■■ - - •• ..1 -I - - h - ■ ■ •••• 2l. ■A ■A ..I .. 1 " .. ■• - •• • 3 ■■ •• •• •• - ■ •• ■A 4 - ■ 5 •• ■A 2 " • -I h •• ■■ - • h •■ •■ • ••• - - •■ - h • - • - ■A - H .... ■A " "' ••I - h "I •■ :•'• •• ■• - 1 • •• •■ • •• • - • - • • " • ■ 1 •• 5 .... • 2 3 .. h .. h - .. .. 2 !•• •• •• h • •• .. •• • - - ■• - .. • • •• - - • • • • .... .. ... • ■ •• — — -— — - - H - - - :6 — h 16 H H - H H — - h Total Class VIII. . 66 .2 1 5 ■■ 21 32 1 •• 20 2 4 •• 2 •■■ 21 • 1 3 146 - 28 • •• • 5 • 9 7 •• 18824 1 '" - • General Totals — H H — 64 1— 1 383! - 16 M 88 — - -A — H iS X396 114 20 7x 328 27 366, 16 197 9 217 16 7 5 4 37 2 1786; 122 257 3° 362 24 9 39 3 163! !l2 32 I^O 19 37 116 241



3 OS l CD CD OS a OS

o o Do B B CD o P 'I 00 CD

3. ft

DISEASES AND DEATHS IN HOSPITALS. Table showing the Number of Cases of Disease and of Deaths from each Cause in the various Hospitals in the Colony during the Year 1898— continued.

1 XI rt c ro O rt c rt < C 3 to ,J= to 'd cd to Xi rt w rt rt O to rt 4> T3 CJ E 3 I S B a a o'Sb o 5 Totals. cd Orders, Diseases, &c. to tn -c en ~rt rt « co rt U Q rt n to .£ in rt u a to to Xi cn rt U Q —^-\ en en -ES to u a to Si co rt O Q en -C to rt U Q rt en Q CO to X. III 'J rt v a K rt rt rt a CD Xi m rt rt 9; U Q en rt to ~rt p rt Q to Xi u Q to ffl to ; rt rt v Order i.— Accident or Negligence. 1. Fractures, Contusions .. 2. Gunshot Wounds 3. Cut, Stab 4. Burn, Scald .. 5. Sunstroke 6. Poison .. 7. Drowning 8. Suffocation .. .. .. 9. Exposure 10. Otherwise 28. 3 2 ■I - - - - I 6 1 ■ • • • •• 13 2 3 .. ... - - - 2 ■■ - - " - 106 3 44 7 •• 6 • • • 1 •■ 5 ■• • • • • 19 1 2 • • • ' 23 I 6 2 " • 1 x 4 •• 4 1 - •• - - A ■■ 93 16 10 8 •■ A x •1 21 2 5 4 - 3 '•I • ' •I 16 1 •• 13] 1 1 1 • 12 I II 4 2 'I I " 14 1 ■ ■[ • - ■• - - 17 •• " 1 1 ••I • •I 53 1 2 •• •• 20 12 1 1 ■■ - - - 1,109 39 292 106 47 1 3 7 • • ••I I- - 2 - • - - - • •'■ •• - 1 • I10 1 - - - • • - • • - • 1 - • •1 •• - •• •• - - - ..I 1 - h • • • - •• 1 - ' " • • " •• •• ! I "' I5 ••! I2 - • • • - •• •• A • - - • - •• I 1 - 1 88 2 - 1 •• " - • • - .. • ■ ■ • - •• •• •• 1 ... •• .. 1 •• " I - - z o i. Total Order 1 .. Order 2.— Homicide. 1. Murder, Manslaughter .. 2. Wounds in Battle 33: H - — 12 18 — - — !•• 162 7 H .. 20 — 32 - M H 1 — 127 10 — — 33 18 — •• 15 14 — 17 r 5 H •■ 17 58 — 33 — 1 — ! 1,645 61 " •1 •■ •1 ■■ •• •• •■ •1 •• "I 'I "I •• •• " ■■ •■ - • • - - •• - •• • • • • - •• ■• •• ••! - ••! .. ■ • • • Total Order 2 .. H .. H — •■ "I •• I— •• — •• — •• - H .. H • • .. H .. - • - .. H •• M .. 1 •• •• •• •• •• •• Order 3.— Suicide. 1. Gunshot Wounds 2. Cut, Stab 3. Poison .. ■ .. • 4. Drowning 5. Hanging 6. Otherwise — — — — - — — - — — 2 3 14 6 1 3 3 1 •• •• •• •• •• ■• •1 •1 2 •• •• i •• •■ •• - '• 1 ••I - - - - I - • - • - • I - - - - •• - • .. 2 ' - • ■■ •• •• •■ - - ■• - • •• • - I- .. .. " •■ - - - •• - • - ' - - " .. •• - .. ■■ •• •• - • ..! ■ ■ •• - .-■ • •! ■• ■• 1 Total Order 3 .. H — — — — - H H — H I I • - •• - I - .. 4 - .. .. 1 x 25 7 •1 •• ■• •• ■• ■• •■ ■■ •1 Total Class VII. H H - H 18 — — — — — — — — — — H — 1,670 33 .. 12 ! 2 - ■■ 163 7 20 2 32 X9 1 hH 12 33 3 18 *5 14 17 1 15 17 1 59 33 68 z en CO I CO 1. Dropsy 2. Debility, Atrophy, Inanition 3. Mortification, Gangrene 4. Tumour 5. Abscess 6. Haemorrhage 7. Sudden (cause unascertained) 8. Other Ill-defined and Not-specified Causes — — — — — H — 2 10 2 ■■ 53 1 1 Ij • - 1 12 2 ■■ • - • •• A - 5 •1 ■ 4 •1 •• 9 1 ••! •• •■ •1 ■' • 5 •■ • 144 13 211 325 16 15 31 4 7 • 1 9 - - '63 57 1 • - • • 13 21 •• .. • " A 1 4 h - - 2 - " A •• 1 2 2 • - 10 7 1 1 h - • 1 d ! 3 - 3 ! H A ••1 • 1 2 2 3 - 1 l ■ -i • 11 1 " •• ■• •■ - - i X ■ ■ • " *" ••! !•• •■ •■ • - - - ■■ - - I 1 " 2 •• •• • • - 1 - - • ■ •■ •• ■ ■ 3 - - •• • • •• •• •• .. •• •• • •• Total Class VIII. H — — 6 — — — — M - 13 • 22 2 177 - x 7 43 10 3 1 20 11 1 767 xi, 558 •• - • •M •■ •■ •1 General Totals .. - H 186 — — — 1368 — H — — — — - — — 2X1 35 95. XI 2 5 23 2 106 ao 172 16 264 148 X2 1141 X27 173 145 60 47 I2 4 6 106 119 9 354 I45J 98; 3° xi *5

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HOSPITALS AND CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS OF THE COLONY (REPORT ON THE), BY THE INSPECTOR OF HOSPITALS., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1899 Session I, H-22

Word Count

HOSPITALS AND CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS OF THE COLONY (REPORT ON THE), BY THE INSPECTOR OF HOSPITALS. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1899 Session I, H-22

HOSPITALS AND CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS OF THE COLONY (REPORT ON THE), BY THE INSPECTOR OF HOSPITALS. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1899 Session I, H-22

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