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Mb. Speaker,— In laying before honourable members the Public Works Statement for the year it is my pleasing duty to again report that satisfactory progress has been made with the various works in hand. The Thames-Paeroa, Seaward Bush, and Forest Hill Eailways have been opened for traffic, and should materially increase the earning-power of the lines with which they are connected. The progress of settlement and the profitable utilization of valuable timber that have followed the construction of our present railways have manifested the necessity for making further extensions of certain lines. Some of the proposed lines that are urgently required in the interests of settlement also give promise of earning the interest upon the cost of construction from the moment of opening. A large borrowing policy for the completion of our railway system, irrespective of the results likely to be derived therefrom, is to be deprecated. At the same time it should not be forgotten that as a question of colonial policy the completion of the main trunk lines from Auckland to the Bluff, within a reasonable time, is much to be desired. In regard to other lines it will also be necessary, in order to meet the requirements of our industries, and to develop the resources of the colony, to keep pace with settlement and so assist our settlers in getting their products expeditiously and cheaply to markets and ports of shipment. In my Statement of December, 1897, I included a table showing the mileages of the different sections of railway completed and opened for traffic since the 24th January, 1891--the total length opened within the period referred to being no less than 224 miles 51 chains. Since that Statement was delivered the following additional lines have been opened : —

There is also at the present time a length of 93 miles in progress. The expenditure on railway - construction works during the same period has amounted to £1,431,140. i—D. 1.

Length. Railway. Section. Miles. Chains. Whangarei-Kamo Extension Waikato-Thames Midland Otago Central ... Seaward Bush ... Forest Hill Whakapara-Waiotu Paeroa-Thames Belgrove-Motupiko Kokonga-Banfurly Gorge Road-Waimahaka Winton-Hedgehope 3 19 9 11 6 12 29 20 23 25 52 40 Total ... Add mileage reporti )d in Statement of 1897 ... 62 224 29 51 Total mileage open* id since 24th January, 1891 287 00



Notwithstanding the somewhat increased funds available, I regret that I have still been unable to make provision this year for all the projected new railways and extensions of existing lines that have been petitioned for from time to time. I have only been able to provide for about one-fourth of these works, being those that are most urgently required, or which will be immediately reproductive. While admitting that there is every probability of some of the lines unprovided for ultimately earning interest on their cost, it would nevertheless not be prudent to commence their construction until some of those now in hand have been completed. Reference is made later on to the more important of these proposals. AVAILABLE WAYS AND MEANS FOE PUBLIC-WOEKS PUEPOSES. On 31st March, 1898, the available balance of ways and means for publicworks purposes was .£326,492. Further funds were provided last session as follows:— Under the Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Acts Amend- £ ment Act ... ... .. ... ... ... 500,000 Transferred from the Consolidated Fund ... ... ... 425,000 Sinking funds released ... ... ... ... ... 43,360 Miscellaneous receipts ... ... ... ... ... 2,330 Thus making a gross total of available ways and means of £1,297,182. The expenditure amounted to £916,327, which left a balance of £380,855 at the end of the year. Against this there were liabilities amounting to £446,283. It is now proposed to raise additional funds as under : — £ For railway construction ... ... ... ... ... 300,000 „ additions to open railways ... ... ... ... 225,000 „ roads to Crown and Native lands and main roads ... ... 150,000 „ roads to back-block settlements ... ... ... ... 150,000 „ permanent works on goldfields ... ... ... ... 50,000 „ public and technical school buildings ... ... ... 50,000 „ purchase of Native lands ... .... ... ... 50,000 „ contingent harbour defence ... ... ... ... 25,000 Total ... ... ... ... ... ... £1,000,000 It is also proposed to transfer from the Consolidated Fund a further sum of £450,000, making altogether a gross total of available ways and means of £1,830,855. The estimates of expenditure for the current year total to £1,355,098, of which £1,308,025 will be a charge against the Public "Works Fund, and the balance against the Government Loans to Local Bodies Account, leaving an unallocated balance of ways and means for public - works purposes of £522,830. It must, however, be borne in mind that the date of the appropriations will probably limit the actual expendituie to about the same amount as last year, and the balance available for next year will therefore be greater than the £522,830 unallocated. It is also hoped that there will be a surplus on the Consolidated Fund this year, out of which another grant can # be made to the Public Works Fund, which, together with the unexpended balance available under the latter fund, will be sufficient to meet the actual expenditure under that fund to 31st March, 1901. What steps should then be taken to obtain further w 7 ays and means for public works purposes must be left for the next parliament to consider. TOTAL PUBLIC WOEKS EXPENDITUEE. The following table shows, in parallel columns, the total expenditure on all works and services throughout the colony out of the Public Works Fund up to 31st December, 1890, and also up to 31st March last:—



DEPAETMENTAL. Honourable members are perhaps not aware of the large amount of work performed by the Public Works Department on behalf of other departments of the public service. As the strength of the Public Works staff requires to be appreciably greater by reason of this, I mention the following as some of the works that have been designed, supervised, or reported on for other departments or local bodies during the late financial year: — Inch Valley Lime-quarry Eailway; rifle-ranges, Shoal Bay and Mount Eden; repairs, Mangere, Panmure, and Orakei Bridges; suspension-bridge over Mangawhero Eiver, W&nganui ; steel cantilever road-bridge over Eangitikei River at Mangaweka; restoration, Vinegar Hill Bridge over same river; bridge over Taueru Eiver ; Karamea Bridge ; road, Whangaparapara to Blind Bay; road, Waimangaroa to Denniston; road, Westport to Waimangaroa; deviation, Great South Road round Mount Hercules and other works. In addition to the above a number of works, too numerous to mention in detail, which have been carried out by local bodies under grants from the Government, have been inspected, and certificates given as to the manner in which the work has been done. RAILWAYS UNDER CONSTRUCTION. The extent of railway-construction work in hand during last year was much the same as during the previous year. It will be convenient if I follow the usual course of briefly describing what has been done on each line, and also at the same time give an outline of the proposals for the current year. Kawakawa-Gkahamstown . The amount of work in hand on this railway last year was not as great as anticipated when the estimates were prepared. The estimates of last year provided for the extension of the line from Waiotu to Hukerenui, but, as the Railways Authorisation Bill, which was to have authorised the work, did not pass, it was impossible to go on with it. It was not foreseen when this line was first started that Hukerenui would be the most suitable position for the principal station for that district. As, however, a large area of kauri forest can be conveniently tapped from this point, it is very desirable that the line should be extended there as soon as possible. The line was opened for traffic to Waiotu on 21st December, 1898. The expenditure during the year amounted to £3,932. It is now proposed to continue the line from Kawakawa southwards, a distance of about six miles. This extension will open up a large area of marketable timber, and when the timber has been cleared, the land, which is of good quality, will be available for settlement. It is also proposed to again make provision for the extension from Waiotu to Hukerenui, and to put the work in hand directly the necessary authorisation Bill has been passed.

.expenditure. Total to 1st January, Total to 31st December, 1891, to 31st March, 1890. 31st March, 1899. 1899. Ixpen iii iure. Class of Works. Railways (including A.O.L.J ... Eoads Public buildings Immigration Purchase of Native lands Lighthouses, harbour-works, and harbour-defences Telegraph extension ... Development of goldfields Defence-works (general) Departmental Minor works and services Cost and discount, raising loans, &c. £ 14,067,100 3,575,804 1,776,003 2,144,386 1,191,137 880,095 600,849 561,101 429,720 349,789 300,689 1,021,472 £ 1,965,266 1,387,311 496,856 2,734 713,120 69,976 228,437 87,530 39,780 84,023 6,055 6,518 £ 16,032,366 4,963,115 2,272,859 2,147,120 1,904,257 950,071 829,286 648,631 469,500 433,812 306,744 1,027,990 Totals ... £26,898,145 £5,087,606 £31,985,751



Owing to the shallowness of the water at the present terminus at the Whangarei end of this railway, only vessels of small tonnage can gain access to the line at present. An extension to Grahamstown, a distance of two miles and a half, would enable large vessels to enter and leave at any time of the tide. The construction of this extension will insure the carriage over the line of a large quantity of timber, the freight upon which might otherwise be lost, and would also enable the local coal to be exported. It is therefore proposed to include this extension also in the Eailways Authorisation Bill. The survey of the line from Hukerenui to a junction with the Kawakawa Eailway is now in hand, but will not be finished for some months., The vote proposed for the current year is £10,000. Helensville Noethwaeds. The formation of the Tahekeroa Section of this railway is proceeding as vigorously as the appropriation for the service will admit of. Indeed, the vote obtained last session was exceeded on the 31st March last by £1,092. The work is still proceeding and making satisfactory progress, two miles of the line being almost ready for platelaying. It is proposed to lay the rails on this length shortly, to facilitate the transport of material for the operations beyond. It is desirable to do this, as the only other access to the works is by a rough bush-road. I propose to ask the House in the Kailways Authorisation Bill to sanction the construction of the line to the Kaipara Flats. The vote for last year was £9,000, while the expenditure amounted to £10 ; 092. This year a vote of £12,000 is proposed, which will admit of construction operations being proceeded with expeditiously. Thames-Te Aeoha. The last section of this railway, from Paeroa to the Thames, was opened for traffic shortly before Christmas, as promised in last year's Statement. The line was not complete at the date of opening, however, and a great deal of work has been done on it since, the construction-men having only recently been withdrawn. The vote for this railway last year was £25,000, and the expenditure amounted to £24,39]. A vote of £7,000 is now proposed to clear off all liabilities on Construction Account. Paeboa—Waihi. I mentioned in my Statement last year that a detailed survey had been made for a branch railway between Paeroa and Waihi. The great development of mining in this district, and the large increase of population resulting therefrom, have induced private persons to offer to undertake this work. As there is every indication of a further development of the district, and that the miningworks will be of a permanent character, or will, at any rate, last for many years to come, the Government considers it would be inadvisable to allow a private company to make this railway, especially as it promises to give a handsome return upon the cost of construction. In view of this the House will be asked to make provision for a commencement being made with the work. A vote of £6,000 has accordingly been placed on the estimates, and the line will be included in the schedule of the Eailways Authorisation Bill. Gisbobne-Karaka. The isolated position of GHsborne, and the difficulties the settlers in this part of the colony have had to contend with, owing to want of proper communication with the Port and the outer world, make it a matter of simple justice to establish railway communication between Gisborne, Ormond, and Karaka. The meat and dairy industries have assumed large proportions, and close settlement is going on apace. The roads in winter-time are unable to bear the traffic, and the construction of a line of railway, first to Ormond and thence to Karaka, would provide a long-felt want. With the increase of settlement and the remarkable development of the almost unlimited resources of the district which is taking place, there is little doubt that the earnings of the line would be more than sufficient to meet the interest on the cost of construction. A vote of £6,000 has been placed on the estimates to make a commencement, and Parliament will be asked to authorise the construction of the line.



North Island Main Trunk. The construction of the Ohinemoa Section at the north end of this line has proceeded throughout the year, but some of the cuttings where the ground was of a treacherous nature had to be allowed to rest during the worst of the winter weather. The work on the other portions of this section that have been in hand during the year has progressed satisfactorily, and about four miles of the line will be ready for platelaying as soon as the cuttings above referred to are completed. Additional formation has also been taken in hand on the lower part of the section, so that construction-works now extend as far as the Ongaruhe Valley, a distance of 54 miles from Te Awamutu and 154 from Auckland, and the line to the junction with the East Eoad at Kawakawa should be completed within two years. At the southern end of the line the grading now extends to Taihape, a distance of twenty-two miles from the terminus of the open line at Mangaonoho, and forty-four miles from the junction with the main West Coast line at Marton, and the felling and clearing is in hand for a further distance of five miles. The formation on this length is of a particularly heavy character, but good progress has been made with it. Simultaneously with the construction of the Makohine Viaduct, platelaying will be proceeded with to Mangaweka, thus enabling the line, on the completion of the viaduct, to be opened to that township. The preparation of the ironwork for the Makohine Viaduct has been proceeded with as vigorously as possible throughout the year. During the long days of last summlr the machinery was kept going for sixteen hours a day, and when the days commenced to shorten the electric light was installed in the workshop, since which time three shifts have been employed, and the drilling and other operations kept going continuously. The preparation of the ironwork for the structure is now well advanced, and a start will shortly be made with the erection. Last year a vote of £50,000 was granted for this railway: this year we propose a vote of £70,000. Rimutaka Deviation. The trial surveys to avoid the Rimutaka Incline and the steep grades and sharp curves between the Upper Hutt and the Summit, which were made by Mr. J. H. Dobson, and were in progress when my last Statement was delivered, have since been completed. The results of these surveys, and of subsequent personal examinations of the ground by the Superintending Engineer (Mr. P. S. Hay, M.A., M.lnst.C.E.), are embodied in the report by that gentleman, which will be found attached to this Statement. A report is also appended on a further examination of the Wainui-o-mata route by Mr. R W. Holmes, M.lnst.C.E. The Government now proposes to have accurate detailed surveys undertaken in order to determine with certainty which route offers the greatest advantages, and the work will be started as early as possible. A vote of £6,000 has been placed on the estimates to cover the expenditure this year. Appended to the Statement will also be found several illustrations of the Incline as it exists at present. Blenheim-A watere . Construction-work on this railway was resumed in September last, and has proceeded satisfactorily since. The formation has already been put in repair and the rails laid on a part of the line, and a further length will be ready for rail-laying shortly, and the balance *of the grading as far as the Awatere bridge-site is in hand. In April last a contract was let to Messrs. Scott Brothers, of Christchurch, for the construction of a combined roadand railway-bridge over the Awatere River. The contractors have already commenced the manufacture of the ironwork in Christchurch, and expect to begin operations at the site shortly. The vote taken for this railway last year was £8,000. This year a larger vote is necessary, as construction-works will extend over the whole year instead of only over half the year, and progresspayments are also expected to fall due on the bridge-contract: we therefore ask for an appropriation of £15,000.



Waipaea-Cheviot . The large increase of settlement that has taken place in the Cheviot district justifies me in saying that an extension of the railway from Waipara through Cheviot is very desirable. It will some day form an important part of the main trunk line between Picton and the Bluff, and will in all probability be interest-earning when completed. In accordance with my promise last session, Mr. A. Jack started the survey of this railway in May last, and has completed a trial line to a junction with a previously made survey through the Cheviot Estate. As a good line has been secured instructions have been given for a full detailed survey to be made, so that construction-works can be started as soon as this survey is finished and Parliament has authorised the line. A vote of ,£6,000 is asked for to begin with. Otago Central. The section of this railway between Kokonga and Ranfurly, a distance of 11 miles 25 chains, was opened for public traffic on 14th December last. This makes a length of over seventy-seven miles of the line now complete and open for traffic, of which sixty miles have been opened since the present Government assumed office. When I delivered my Statement last year, the construction of the further section between Eanfurly and Wedderburn had been put in hand. The formation of this length is now rapidly approaching completion, and the laying of the permanent-way will be started in the spring, and the line is expected to be ready for traffic before next winter. Some delay took place before the formation of the further section from Wedderburn to Ida Valley was commenced, as it was thought desirable that the works on the RanfurlyWedderburn Section should be in a forward state before any other section was started. The work is now well in hand, however, and is proceeding expeditiously. In respect to the section beyond, complications arose, inasmuch as the line was surveyed through what appeared to be a natural site for a reservoir, so much needed in Central Otago for mining and agricultural purposes. This necessitated enquiries being made, but, upon the latest information to hand, it has now been decided to proceed with the line as originally surveyed. The vote taken last year was £40,000, and the expenditure and liabilities at the end of the year amounted to £30,342. This year the vote proposed is £60,000, and it is intended to make up for the unavoidable delay of last year, and to proceed vigorously with the sections already in hand, and we also intend shortly to make a commencement with the heavy work in the Poolburn Gorge. Hebiot Extension. In my last Statement I mentioned that, subject to a suitable area of land in the district being obtained for settlement, the Government proposed to make a start with the section of this railway extending as far as Edie's, six miles and a quarter from Heriot, and a vote of £2,000 was placed on the estimates to commence the work with. Owing, however, to the land referred to not having been secured, and to the Railways Authorisation Bill, which was to have authorised the construction of the line, not having been passed, no steps could be taken in the matter. The line will again be placed in the Schedule to the Bill this year, and last year's vote is repeated on the estimates. Catlin's Riveb-Seawabd Bush. Petitions have been presented to Parliament praying for the extension of the Catlin's River line towards Seaward Bush, and o± the Seaward Bush line towards Catlin's River. The Government considers that it would be desirable to connect these railways, and will accordingly ask authority in the Railways Authorisation Bill to establish the connection. A survey has already been made of the proposed extension from Owaka to Catlin's Bridge (Ratanui), a distance of three miles and a half, and it is proposed to put the construction of this length in hand as soon as the necessary authority has been obtained. The Seaward Bush Railway was opened for public traffic to the terminal station at Waimahaka on the 9th June last. Some finishing works still



remained to be done, and a small amount of the work is not yet complete, but will be out of hand shortly. The amount of the vote last year was ,£IO,OOO, but, owing to the line not being completed quite so soon as expected, only £7,216 was actually expended within the financial year. The extension to Tokonui, at the Seaward Bush end, a distance of about seven miles, would open up some valuable bush country and a considerable area of land well suited for settlement. No permanent survey of this section has yet been made, but inquiries will be instituted to ascertain its probable cost and the amount of traffic that would be carried over it if constructed. This year we ask for a vote of £12,000 to clear off all liabilities on construction account, and to make a start with the extensions referred to. Fobest Hill. The work of reducing the grades on the old tramway and converting it into a substantial railway according to present standards has now been completed, the line having been opened for public traffic on the 17th July last. The vote taken for this work last year was £5,000, but only £3,110 was actually expended within the year. A heavy expenditure has since been incurred, however, and a vote of £7,000 is included in the estimates to cover this and all liabilities on construction account. An extension of the railway for a distance of five miles in the direction of Gore has recently been asked for. The line would traverse easy country, and would probably nut cost more than £20,000. No survey of the proposed extension has yet been made, however, but during the recess further inquiries will be made with regard to it. Obepuki-Waiau. Petitions have been received for the construction of a railway from Orepuki to Waiau, and for an alternative line between Waicola and Orawia. I took the opportunity when in Southland recently to pass through this district, and made full inquiries concerning it, and came to the conclusion that the construction of the line from Orepuki would greatly assist in developing the mining, timber, agricultural, and pastoral resources of that important part of the colony. As there is also every reason to believe that there will be a considerable traffic on this extension if constructed, provision will be made for it in the Eailways Authorisation Bill, and a vote of £6,000 appears on the estimates to admit of a commencement being made with the work. Midland. A large amount of work was done on this railway during the year. The construction of the Belgrove section has been completed, the line having been opened for public traffic between Belgrove and Motupiko on Ist March last. I am sorry to say that the traffic-results on this extension have so far been disappointing; but the receipts would doubtless be largely increased if a further section were constructed up to and for some distance along the Tadmor Valley.. A careful trial-survey to determine the respective merits of the Tadmor and Hope Saddle routes for the further extension of this line towards the Buller Valley has been made, but the surveyor's report and plans are not yet in the possession of the Government. Works at the Greymouth end, between Jackson's and Otira, are rapidly approaching completion. The rails have already been laid over about threefourths of this length, and will probably be laid to the end of it early in October. Every effort is being made to have the section sufficiently complete to be opened for public traffic by Christmas next. Considerable work has also been done at the Springfield end of the line. In addition to a large extent of new formation - work, the rails have been laid on about a mile of formation executed by the company. This has been done to facilitate the transport of supplies to the works now in hand. Plans of an iron viaduct over Paterson's Creek, and another over Staircase Gully, are in course of preparation.



The vote passed for the Midland Railway last session was £50,000, but the expenditure on the work amounted to ,£54,494. A vote of £60,000 is asked for this year. Honourable members are no doubt aware that certain of the debenture-holders applied to the Supreme Court in the colony for the appointment of a Eeceiver in July, 1898, and a conditional appointment was in due course made by the Judge, without the consent of the Crown. In pursuance of the conditions attached to the appointment, an application was subsequently made to the Court by the Receiver for permission to sell the railway. This application was opposed by the Government, who further asked that the powers of the Receiver should be restricted to dealings with property of the company other than the railway. Both motions came before the late Chief Justice and Mr. Justice Edwards, sitting together, in December last. After an exhaustive argument judgment was delivered in favour of the Crown. The Receiver appealed against this judgment, the appeal being heard by Judges Williams, Conolly, and Denniston, in May last, the result being that the decision of the Court below was strongly upheld. Copies of both these judgments have been presented to Parliament. The debenture-holders have now appealed to the Privy Council, and the case is expected to come on for hearing in London early in December next. The delays that have taken place have stopped settlement within the area of land reserved for selection by the company; but should the decision of the Privy Council be in favour of the colony, every expedition will be exercised in throwing this land open for settlement. SUKVEYS. In addition to the surveys already referred to —namely, Hukerenui-Kawa-kawa, Motupiko-Hope Valley, the Rimutaka deviation, and the WaiparaCheviot Railway—field-work has been in progress throughout the year on the projected line between Napier and Gisborne. Between Napier and Wairoa three lines have been explored, and aneroid heights of the principal points determined, and between Wairoa and Gisborne two routes were examined. The route finally selected between Napier and Wairoa, and of which the trial survey is now being made, is that by the Esk Valley. Over forty miles of trial line have now been run, the country being of a very rough character. The ruling gradient obtained is lin 40, with six-chain curves. The survey is still in hand, and will take several months to complete. A reconnaissance survey was also made by Mr. James Stewart, M.lnst.C.E., of Auckland, a former district engineer of the Department, for lines of railway between Gisborne and Rotorua, and Gisborne and Opotiki. Mr. Stewart's report on these surveys is printed as an Appendix to this Statement. The survey of the unlocated portion of the North Island Main Trunk Railway has also been in progress during the greater part of the year, and the location of the line may now be regarded as practically completed. The small amount of work still remaining to be done in the field can be easily and expeditiously accomplished as soon as spring weather sets in. The survey, and preparation of plans, are now so far advanced that the cost of the line may be estimated within narrow limits of error. As promised during last session, a further examination of the country along the Ngaire, Waitara, and Awakino routes has been made, and a very carefully prepared and interesting report on these routes, and a comparison of them with the Central route, has been made by Mr. R. W. Holmes, M.lnst.C.E. Mr. Holmes was assisted in this task by Mr. A. C. Koch, an Assistant Engineer, who has been many yeaxs in the service of the department, and has had experience in exploration surveys. Mr. Holmes's report, to which Mr. Koch's report is attached, will be found as an appendix to this Statement, and will well repay perusal. Reports on the character of the land along the Ngaire and Central routes have been obtained from experienced officers of the Lands and Survey Department, and will also be found attached to this Statement. The trial survey of an extension of the Blenheim-Awatere Railway southwards to a junction with the North Canterbury railways has also been in



progress and is now well in hand. Mr. J. H. Dobson started the work in December, 1898, and has made considerable progress with it. A vote of £4,000 is proposed for the survey of new lines during the year. TOTAL APPEOPRIATIONS FOE EAILWAYS. In addition to the appropriations already mentioned, a vote of £1,500 is proposed to meet old land-claims and other liabilities on railways in respect of which no specific votes are taken; also a vote of £46,000 for permanent-way and other materials, thus making the total appropriations proposed for railway-con-struction purposes £336,500. WELLINGTON-MANAWATU EAILWAY. Honourable members are aware of the conditions under which this line can be compulsorily taken. As there are diverse opinions as to the Government taking it over, a complete investigation should be made by experts as to the position, valuation, and outlook; and also as to the effect the acquisition of the line would have upon the working of the railway system of the North Island. Parliament would then be able to decide what should be done in the matter. EOADS, ETC. EOADS AND OTHER WoEKS UNDEE THE CONTEOL OF THE MINISTEE OF LANDS. The report of the Department of Lands and Survey gives in detail the nature and extent of the road and other works done by that department mainly in the interests of advancing settlement. It shows that during the past year 312 miles of dray-roads and 399 miles of bridle-roads have been constructed, 350 miles of roads have been widened from bridle- to dray-roads, 139 miles of bridle-roads have been improved, 96 bridges over 30 ft. span were built, and 575 miles of new road were surveyed for construction. These works, together with the maintenance of 2,879 miles of roads already constructed, have cost for the year £282,352. Settlement on the back-lying Crown lands has now reached the stage at which settlers require roads passable by vehicles. The 6 ft. tracks were eagerly applied for at first to get into the farms. Now, when the bush is felled and the land in grass, they require roads to enable them to remove their produce, and also for the other purposes of life. The back lands are difficult to provide with such roads, and the construction is expensive, but, having settled these Crown lands, the Government is bound to forward to the utmost of the country's ability their future development. For the current year the House is asked to authorise works to the extent of £455,280, and to vote for their payment during the year a sum of £330,000, also £47,073 under the Government Loans to Local Bodies Account. The number of separate roads or items in the estimates is this year greater than in those of last year, and the amounts are, many of them, small. These small amounts are probably as valuable to the districts affected as are the larger sums for the opening of new lands, or for the maintenance of existing means of communication, and they are, therefore, not to be despised on that account. As far as practicable the machinery of the local bodies will be taken advantage of in the expenditure of the smaller votes. Eoads on Goldfields.—Mines Department. The vote last year for these purposes amounted to £62,625, the expenditure being £46,549, with liabilities at the end of the financial year amounting to £45,740. The sum proposed to be authorised for the current year is £101,228, on account of which a vote of £70,000 is asked for. ii—D. 1.



DEVELOPMENT OF GOLDFIELDS. As anticipated in the statement of last year, the yield of gold is steadily increasing, and it is believed that this increase will continue as fresh mines are opened up and developed. The quantity of gold and silver entered at the Customs for export during the year ended the 31st December, 1898, was 280,175 oz. of gold, valued at £1,080,691, and of silver 293,851 oz., valued at £33,107, as compared with 251,645 oz. of gold, valued at £980,204, #,nd of silver 183,892 oz., valued at £20,872, being an increase of 28,530 oz. of gold, valued at £100,487, and of silver 109,959 oz., valued at £12,235, while the increase for the seven months ending the 31st July last was 65,047 oz. of gold, valued at £252,507, and of silver 43,133 oz., valued at £5,487, over the corresponding seven months of the year 1898. These results fully bear out the anticipations in the Statement of last year. Dredging operations still continue to yield satisfactory returns, and claims have been taken up on most of the available rivers and streams within the goldfields of the Middle Island, while the improvements in the dredges and machinery which are constantly being made will, there is little doubt, largely increase the returns of gold from this description of mining. The pumping-plant at the Thames referred to in my previous Statement has been completed, but until the shaft, which is now down to a depth exceeding 600 ft., has been continued to a greater depth, the benefit to quartz-mining at deep levels in that part of the goldfields cannot be determined. There is also a proposal to work the alluvial drifts at Ross Flat, on the West Coast of the Middle Island, to a depth of 400 ft. below the adit, and it is intended to grant a subsidy not exceeding £15,000 on a total estimated cost of £50,000 to provide pumping-machinery to be worked by electrical power to drain the flat. The question of water-conservation still continues to engage attention, and information is being obtained from time to time as to the best sites for reservoirs and dams to conserve water. The dam at West Eweburn, in the Maniototo County, referred to in the statement of last year, is still under construction. This dam, when completed to a height of 70 ft. at the crest, is estimated to hold 500,000,000 gallons of water. The amount expended last financial year on works for the development of the goldfields was £17,354, while the liabilities amounted to £6,626, and it is proposed to take a vote of £40,000 for the current year. NATIVE LAND PUECHASES. In pursuance of the tapering-off policy initiated by the Government as /egards purchase of Native lands, efforts are being made to close up all incomplete purchases, and to get the land already acquired partitioned by having the interests of the Crown defined and separated from those of non-sellers. When this is done the land will be divided into suitable blocks for settlement, and roaded. There are seven survey parties already at this work, and about a hundred men are also employed on road-construction. It is anticipated that before the end of the financial year from 150,000 to 200,000 acres of land purchased from the Natives will be thrown open for settlement. The vote proposed for the current year is £50,000. Next year a much smaller sum will probably suffice. TELEGEAPH EXTENSION. The expenditure under this class during the past, year was £28,551. The following are the most important of the lines constructed : Auckland to New Plymouth, Wanganui to New Plymouth, Toko to Strathmore, Dannevirke to Weber, Ormond to Te Karaka, Te Karaka to Whatatutu, Collingwood to Bainham, Belgrove to Tophouse, Eenwicktown to Kaituna, Ashburton to Mayfield, Waikari to Hawarden, Kaikoura to Waitaki, Wairio to Wrey's Bush, Balclutha to Warepa, and Merrivale to Clifden. A new multiple switchboard has also been fitted up in the Auckland Telephone Exchange. The vote asked for this year is £33,000, to provide for additions to existing exchanges, the completion of works now in hand, and also for sundry new works.



PUBLIC BUILDINGS. There was an increased expenditure upon public buildings during the late financial year, due principally to the completion of the new Parliament Buildings, and also to a large number of smaller buildings erected many years ago requiring renewal, or considerable additions. The appropriations proposed for the current year amount to £197,745 — namely, £155,170 under the Public Works Fund, and £42,575 under the Consolidated Fund. The principal works carried out last year or provided for this year are as follow : — General. First in order of magnitude under this head is the new wing at the Parliament Buildings, comprising a new Assembly Library, and new vestibule, offices, and Committee-rooms. The exterior walls of the addition were fairly complete before the session of 1898, and as soon as possible after the termination of that session tenders were invited for the completion of the building. The tender of Messrs. J. and A. Wilson was accepted, and the contractors have carried out their work very satisfactorily, the building being ready for occupation by the commencement of the present session. It was not considered advisable to move the library into the new wing before the sitting of Parliament, but its transfer will be arranged for during the recess; and I have no doubt that honourable members will appreciate the increased comfort which the new accommodation will afford them, and will be still more gratified to know that at last our valuable library is housed in what is practically a fire-proof building. The vote taken for the erection of this building last year was £25,000, and. £20,564 was expended, with liabilities existing at the close of the year to the amount of £7,564. This year we ask for a vote of £8,500 to cover these liabilities, and to provide for other charges on construction account. We also ask for a vote of £3,000 for furniture and fittings, including shelving for books in new library. The other buildings included, in this class are the Government Houses at Auckland and Wellington, and the general departmental offices throughout the colony. The total vote last year for all buildings under this class (including the Parliament Buildings) was £30,150, and £29,400 was expended. This year we ask for a vote of £17,480. Judicial. A large number of buildings under this head have been dealt with during the year. The principal expenditure has taken place on the following : — Courthouses. —The new Courthouse at Palmerston North has been finished and occupied; new buildings have also been erected at Leeston and Macrae's; strongrooms have been added at Coromandel, Naseby, and Cromwell, and important additions made at Paeroa and Clyde. The works provided for this year are: New law-courts, Dunedin; new Magistrate's Court, Wellington; new Courthouses at Waihi, Te Awamutu, Mangaweka, Eketahuna, Temuka, Hampden, and Bluff; also additions and alterations at Auckland, Thames, and Christchurch, extensive repairs at Wanganui and Greymouth, and some other minor works. Gaols.—The expenditure under this head last year was unusually small, the principal item being the Gaoler's house at Clyde. For the current year a vote is proposed to proceed with the building of the Mount Eden Gaol, Auckland; sundry works at the Terrace Gaol, Wellington; and minor works at Gisborne and elsewhere. Police-stations. —A contract was let last year for the erection of a new police-station at Auckland, and the work is now well in hand. Smaller stations have also been erected at Coromandel, Karangahake, Te Kuiti, Moawhango, Opunake, and Manaia. Properties have been purchased at Bingsland (Christchurch) and Denniston, and additions and alterations made at Te Aroha, Hastings, Wellington, Nelson (Port), Greymouth, Temuka, and Waimate, and extensive repairs have been done at Mercer, Eoss, and Okarito, besides less expensive



work at other stations. The- appropriation proposed for the current year will provide for the completion of the new station at Auckland, and the additions at Wellington; also new quarters at the Thames, New Plymouth, Nelson, Westport, Christchurch and Queenstown; and new stations at Hamilton West, Cambridge, Gisborne, Mokau, Waverley, Feilding, Kaikoura, Arrowtown, and Invercargill; also additions at Pukekohe, Ngaruawahia, Tokaanu, Dannevirke, Normanby, Hawera, Blenheim, Greymouth, Eangiora, Kaiapoi, Fairlie, Boxburgh and Lawrence; and for extensive repairs at Newton (Auckland), Marton, Lyttelton, Southbridge, and Timaru, and the purchase of a property at Kimbolton. Post and Telegbaph. The principal expenditure under this head last year was as follows: New post-offices at Otahuhu, Waitekauri, Mosgiel, and Miller's Flat; the purchase of a site at Petone ; additions to offices at Mangonui, Waitara, Wellington, Ashburton, and Owaka; also extensive repairs at Auckland, Palmerston North, Picton, Christchurch, and Timaru. The appropriation proposed for the current year will provide for new post-offices at Parnell, Ponsonby, Inglewood, Mangaweka, Feilding, Levin, Wereroa, Eketahuna, Masterton, Petone, Newtown (Wellington), Eenwicktown, Wakapuaka, Takaka, Temuka, Naseby, and Bluff; also extensive alterations at Auckland, and important additions or renovations at Te Aroha, Hamilton, Wanganui, Wellington, Hokitika, Christchurch, Dunedin, Alexandra, Roxburgh, and Mataura. Lunatic Asylums. The expenditure on new works at our asylum buildings last year totalled to £17,667, over ,£ll,OOO of which was at Porirua, and nearly £2,500 at Nelson. The building at Porirua is now approaching completion. The new auxiliary asylum at Nelson has been finished and occupied, but additions are now proposed to the portion of the old building occupied by female patients. A modern laundry is also urgently needed, and is now in course of construction. The other works for which provision is made are a block of single rooms now in course of construction at Auckland, also additions to the male side of the same asylum; a new boiler-house and boilers, also improved fire-service at Wellington; and installing the electric light, providing a Nurses' Home, and augmenting the water-supply at Seacliff. Schools. The amount voted for school buildings last year was £75,400 —namely, £25,000 under the Consolidated Fund and £50,400 under the Public Works Fund. The expenditure amounted to £68,403 —namely, £25,000 under the Consolidated Fund and £43,403 under the Public Works Fund. This year we ask for a total vote of £77,500 —namely, £25,000 under the Consolidated Fund and £52,500 under the Public Works Fund. The votes, so far as they apply to the erection of schools under the control of the several Education Boards,"are distributed to these Boards for expenditure. The only portion of the vote expended under the direct control of the Government is that for Native and industrial schools. Native schools were erected last year, or are now in course of construction, at Whirinaki, Utakura, Waimana, Rakaumanga, Waiotapu, Nuhaka, and Manaia, while the school at Maungatapu was moved. The work of rebuilding the Caversham Industrial School has proceeded fairly satisfactorily. This year provision is made for additional buildings at Burnham, and for further rebuilding at Caversham. LIGHTHOUSES, HARBOUE-WOEKS, AND HAEBOUE-DEFENCES. The expenditure on new lighthouses last year amounted to £3,727, almost the whole of which was on the building now in course of erection at the East Cape. The vote for the current year is £4,270, of which £4,000 is on account of East Cape. This amount will nearly complete the works at this lighthouse.



The expenditure on harbour-works amounted to £1,111. The amount asked for this year is £1,975, which provides for continuing the reclamation-works at Sticking Point, Lyttelton ; completion of work at Hokitika ; and new wharves at Mokau, Karamea, Little Wanganui, and Bruce Bay. The appropriation for harbour-defences last year was £10,000, and £10,158 was expended, the amounts at the several ports being as follows: Auckland, £6,165; Wellington, £2,447 ; Lyttelton, £461; Dunedin, £1,085. The liabilities at the end of the year were £3,514, and we ask for a vote of £10,000 to cover these, and also to provide for important works now in hand or contemplated. The principal of these are the new battery at Mount Victoria, Auckland, and electric-light emplacements at Auckland and Wellington, and other minor works. Last year's vote for contingent defence was £35,000, but, owing to English orders not being executed as rapidly as expected, only £13,867 was actually expended within the year; but liabilities existed at the close of the year to the additional sum of £18,450. We ask for a vote of £40,000 to cover these liabilities and further purchases of warlike stores, full details of which appear in the estimates. The vote also provides for the purchase of additional land at the rifle-ranges at Polhill Gully (Wellington) and Pelichet Bay (Dunedin), also for rifle-ranges in the Auckland District. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION. The gross total votes now submitted to the House for public-works purposes amount to £1,355,098, as compared with £1,237,536 last year. The actual expenditure last year amounted to £933,298 —viz., £916,327 under the Public Works Fund, and £16,971 out of the Loans to Local Bodies Account. In conclusion I may remind honourable members of the words used by the late Hon. John Ballance in 1892 when he said, —" If my interpretation of colonial patriotism and aspirations is correct, we must continue to open up land for settlement by means of money spent on roads and bridges ; we must still continue, slowly it may be, to take our railways forward to those points where they will serve the purpose of tapping districts of high producing capacity." The Government believe this, with slight modification, to be the mind of the country at the present time. The altered, condition of the colony has, we believe, demanded more expedition in providing means of communication, and, while the amount expended last year and the amount proposed for expenditure this year, compared with the expenditure of a few years ago may seem large, yet the spread of settlement causing the large increase in the productive power of the colony demands a commensurate increase in the expenditure upon reproductive public works, and the allocation of the funds has been carefully considered with the view of meeting the urgent needs of the colony.

iii—D. 1.



TABLES. Page No. 1. —Total Expenditure:—Summary showing the Total Expenditure and Liabilities on Public Works and other services out of the Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1899 .. .. .. 2 No. 2.—Yearly Expenditure out of the Pcjbwc Works Fdnd, 1880-81 to 1898-99 .. .. .. 8 No. 3.— Railways : —Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Railways, including Valuation of Provincial Lines, to 31st March, 1899 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 No. 4. —Roads:—Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Roads to 31st March, 1899 .. .. 5 Nos. 5 and sa. of Goldfields : —Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Development of Goldfields to 31st March, 1899 .. .. .. .. .. ... 76 No. 6.—Telbgbaphs:—Statement showing Expenditure on Telegraphs to 31st March, 1899 .. .. 78 No. 7. —Public Buildings : —Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Public Buildings to 31st March, 1899 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 79 No. 8.— Lighthouses and Harboub-works : —Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Lighthouses and Harbour-works and Harbour Defences to 31st March, 1899 .. .. ... * 80

APPENDICES. Appendix A.—Expenditure for the Year :—Audited Statement of Expenditure out of the Public Works Fund for the Year 1898-99 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 81 B.—Total Liabilities : —Statement of all Liabilities of the Public Works Department outstanding on 31st March, 1899 .. .. ~ .. .. .. ~ 83 0. —Railways and Public Bcjildings Contracts:—Schedule of Contracts current on Ist April, 1898, and further Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department duringthe Year ended 31st March, 1899 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 84 „ D.—Sleepeb Contracts: —Schedule of Sleeper Contracts and Deliveries on Ist April, 1898, and further Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year* ended 31st March, 1899 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 88 E.—Annual Report on Public Works, by the Engineer-in-Chief .. .. .. .. 92 Enclosures with Appendix E. 1. Table of Lengths of Government Railways authorised, constructed, and surveyed up to 31st March, 1899. 2. Diagrams showing miles of Government Railways opened in the North and Middle Islands, year by year since 1872. 3. Maps of the North and Middle Islands, showing Railways opened and in progress. F. —North Island Main Trunk Railway :—Report on the proposed Ngaire, Waitara, and Awakino Routes, by Mr. R. W. Holmes, M.lnst.C.E. .. •.. .. .. ~. 105 Enclosures with Appendix F. 1. Remarks on Central Route. 2. Report by Mr. A. C. Koch on part of Awakino Route—Mahoenui to Mokau Railway-station. 3. Map of Taranaki Province, shoeing proposed Routes. 4. Longitudinal Sections of proposed R uces. 5. Plan and Sections, part of A>vakino R U'e, by Mr. A. 0. Koch. , G.—North Island Main Trunk Railway:— the Character of the Lands affected vii Central Route, by Mr. H. J. Lowe .. .. .. .. .. .. .. us Enclosure with Appendix O. 1. Map showing Land-tenure. ■ H.—North Island Main Trunk Railway :—Report on the Charaoter of the Lands afleoted via Ngaire, Waiiara, and Awakino Routes, by Mr. H. M. Skeet .. .. .. .. 120 Enclosure with Appendix H. i ■ 1. Map showing Land-tenures. , - , I, —GiSBORNE-RoTORUA and (ilsborne-Opotiki Railways : —Report on Reoonnaisance Surveys, by Mr. James Stewart, M.ltist C.E., and C ■rre-iponrience relative thereto .. .. 124 Enclosures with Appendix I. "; 1. Map showing proposed Routes. .' ■ 2. Longitudinal Sections. i h : j.—Wellington-Napier Railway :—Report on Alternative Routes for Rimutaka Deviation, by Mr. P. S. Hay, M.A., M.fn-t.C.K. .. .. .. .. .. .. 131 ■ "-.". Enclosures with Appendix J. ! 1. Summary of Lfarling Featur s of Alternative Routes between Upper Hutt and Woodside Stations. 2. Correspondence : Mr. P. S. H-iy with the Working Railways Department. 3. Map sho-vii g Surveys and Ex lorations for Rimutaka Deviation. 4. Longi udinai S ctions. K. Wellington-Napier Railway:—R port on Proposed Route for Rimutaka Deviation vid Wainui-o-niHtii, by Mr. R. W. Holmes, M.lnst.U.E. .. .. .. .. .. 137 I—D. 1.




TABLE No. 1. Summary showing the Total Expenditure on Public Works and other Services out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1899, and the Liabilities on that Date.

Number I of Table containing Details. Worke. I Total Net Expenditure to ' 31st March, 1898. dJMSSh. Total 31st Mar d ct 1899. 31st March, 1899. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c.. 31st March, 1899. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Works. 3 4t 5 an <* 5± 6 7 8 Railways ... Roads Development of goldfields Telegraphs Public buildings Lighthouses, harbour works, and harbour defences Departmental Coal-exploration and mine-development Aiding works on Thames goldfields Immigration Purchase of Native lands Defence Charges and expenses of raising loans ... Interest and sinking fund Rates on Native lands Thermal springs £ s. d. 15,658,173 18 9 4,667,996 7 4$ 581,276 o 9 800,735 4 9 2,165,592 11 9 934,408 2 11 £ s. d. 374,191 19 9* 295.483 7 2 17,354 10 2 28,550 14 o 107,266 14 5 15,662 10 1 £ s. d. 16,032,365 18 6 4.963.479 '4 6 598,630 10 11 829,285 18 9 2,272,859 6 2 950,070 13 o £ s. d. 77,870 15 4 310,764 g 3 6,625 '5 8 £ s. d. 16,110,236 13 10 5,274,244 3 9 605,256 6 7 829,285 18 9 2,300,889 6 2 953.896 13 o Railways. Roads. Development of goldfields. Telegraphs. Public buildings. Lighthouses, harbour works, and harbour defences. Departmental. Coal-exploration and mine-development. Aiding works on Thames goldfields. Immigration. Purchase of Native lands. Defence. Charges and expenses of raising loans. Interest and sinking fund. Rates on Native lands. Thermal springs. 28,030 o o 3,826 o o 18 of 1878 1 1 of 1877 423,722 1 2 10,835 8 ° 50,000 o o 2,147,015 4 o 1,851,299 14 7§ 455.6.33 3 7 1,027,764 13 o 218,500 o o 62,461 19 o H.599 >3 2 10,090 1 3 ... 104 16 10 53,182 16 10 13,866 12 11 225 1 o 433.812 2 5 10,835 8 o 50.000 o o 2,147,120 o 10 1,904,482 11 5 469.499 16 6 1,027,989 14 o 218.500 o o 62,809 lo lo ■4.599 '3 2 433-812 2 5 10,835 8 o 50,000 o o 2,147,120 o 10 1,904,482 11 5 487,949 16 6 1,027,989 14 o 218,500 o o 63.525 9 9 14,599 13 2 18,450 o o 347 " IO ; 715 18 II Totals 31,070,014 2 9t§ 916,3.26 16 3 .V.9 86 >34° 19 o 446,282 19 2 32,432,623 18 2 Totals. Less recoveries on account of £ s. d. services of previous years — Roads ... ... 365 o 5 Purchase of Native lands 22; 8 1 £59° 8 6 590 8 6 590 8 6 Less recoveries on account of £ s. d. services of previous years — Roads ... ... 365 o 5 Purchase of Native lands 225 8 1 £590 8 6 Gbabd Totals 32,432,033 9 8 Grand Totals. 31,070,014 2 9 916,326 16 3 31.985.750 10 6 446,282 19 2 * Includes £50 17s. 6d. charged to " Unauthorised." + Table 4 also contains details of expenditure and liabilities under Government Loans to Local Bodies Account. expenditure under Lands Improvement Account, £300,929 12s. 5d., and £30,000 transferred from Consolidated Fund, previously applied in reduction of " Roads " Expenditure, expenditure under Native Lands Purchase Account, £491,980 Iβ. Id. X Include; § Include*



Table 2. GENERAL SUMMARY. Showing Net Yearly Expenditure out of Public Works Fund, 1880-81 to 1898-99.

Class. Description of Services. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1880. ixpenditure. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March 1899. 1880-81. 1881-82. 1882-83. 1883-84. 1884-85. 1885-86. 1886-87. 1887-88. 1888-89. 1889-90. 1890-91. 1891-92 1892■3. 1893-94. 1894-95. 1895-96. 1896-97. 1897-98. 1898-99. £ ; £ £ £ £ £ & £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ I. Immigration ... .. .. ... 1,891,719 31,134 Cr. 1,433 6,797 Cr. 2,462 3,999 107,041 57,148 11,675 12,454 15,598 8,791 867 1,823 817 343 101 Cr. 10 301 70 105 2,147,120 !42 II. Public Works Departmental . .. .. i 144,623 30,157 25,090 13,773 Cr. 525 13,321 Cr. 89 12,871 13,465 29,632 25,835 21,458 12,294 10,264 7,796 790 8,406 8,680 14,300 14,892 9,689 10,090 433,812 iiL Bailways .. .. .. .. .. i 663,063 8,553,944 985,259 Cr. 34,864 454,333 Cr. 21,809 354,781 662,046 725,496 616,447 403,727 272,077 289,601 Cr. 29 180,021 154,417 Cr. 681 220 894 176,304 247,545 197,105 207,231 Cr. 334 351,600 ■•374,192 16,032,366 IV. Boads: — Roads North of Auckland Main Boads Miscellaneous Eoads and Bridges Boads to open up Lands Grants-in-Aid Village Settlements i.'Local Bodies .. .. .. ... Roads on Goldfields .. .. . Miscellaneous I 41,241 718,401 44,255 225,000 43,773 83,675 17,022 92,520 7,929 111,603 I 17,566 31,809 61,635 84,631 106,399 34,574 30,380 37,165 49,314 149,982 33,163 26,833 37,615 61,794 138,045 30,738 22,294 39,748 57,157 81,264 1,891 3,138 . 13,756 25,989 61,488 57,632 12,053 264 10,968 26,748 21,954 26,913 10,770 267 12,799 19,998 28,160 2,172 7,345 9,905 12,489 24,285 1,586 4,884 315 12,687 11,739 6,843 27,993 10,757 3,829 470 9,795 12 10 21 7 4 588 443 989 144 412 22^235 22,731 9,972 27J959 17,075 11,195 I 241,209 248,933 52,152 35,936 81,634 I 58,042 9,439 471 26^602 15,631 311622; 32,625 '.', 25,053 7,015 13,' 290 19 8,951 2,898 390 20,387 227 21,513 "207 32,578 46 \ 550 Or,' 365 267,702 52,987 Cr. 2,043 237 Cr. 109 490 17,577 49,569 Cr. 91 Cr. 1,270 Gr. 26,519 Cr. 64,954 Cr. 1 613 Cr. 1 ,030 Cr. 7,050 Gr. 573 Cr. 365 16,023 Cr. 365 Development of Thermal Springs and Natural Scenery Roads to give access to North Island Trunk Railway Lands Improvement Account .. .. 6,'832 12,900 .. 20,410 1,898 248 5^532 30,289 29 440 34J765 171841 89,207 108i168 103 ', 555 .; Total, Boads ... .. 1,296,599 230,544 145,606 211,076 328,642 317,043 335,904 278,617 219,519 106,439 83,009 45,164 36,761 103 893 146,638 150,278 174,369 167,482 290,413 295,ii8; 4,963,114 V. Development of Goldfields .. .... . .. , .. 480,930 16,597 Cr. 20 13,272 6,824 16,596 8,029 9,032 7,665 , 1,016 55 284 821 2,257 3 811 5,272 5,865 9,345 10,508 33,117 17,354 648,630 VI. Purchase of Native Lands .. ..' -. .. : . -772,570 57,836 Cr. 950 40,573 Cr. 2,661 29,844 24,480 70,572 34,545. 88,836 25,643 9,072 28,194 17,925 52,397 '57 Cr. 10 19 187 438 575 4,320 Cr. 2,428 78,985 349 Cr.12 101,009 Cr. 37 61,503 53,182 Gr. 225 Native Lands Purchase Account .. .. ; 163,411 129,000 Total, Land Purchases ... 772,570 29,844 56,886 37,912 24,480 70,572 34,545. 88,836 25,643 9,072 28,194 17,925 52,397 50 324 ,80,877 101,346 163,411 1,904,257 128,963 61,503 52,957 VII. Telegraph Extension .. .. . .. 368,764 45,281 Cr. 1,498 7,517 Gr. 32 25,799 18,654 19,532 36,010 18,952 22,984 12,047 16,346 16,292 27,773 29 245 16,127 19,229 35,538 36,791 29,384 28,551 829,286 VIII. Public Buildings:— General (including Miscellaneous) Parliamentary .. .. .. Judicial .. .. .. Post and Telegraph Customs Survey .. .. .. .. ... Quarantine Stations Lunatic Asylums 154,733 34 8,416 22,652 22,616 1,659 34 848 58,047 947 8 15,875 2,772 12,742 24 . 8,273 2,227 14,588 7,256 2,880 454 1,588 ,588 8,178 9 14,806 7,504 16 14,797 466 12,727 5,888 385 8,764 20,636 11,109 5,168 78,499 78,944 1,969 55,402 9,336 16j 259 1,752 5,331 16,743 9,939 193 20 996 31,652 183 12,227 8,955 830 11,106 4,880 99 461 123 4,007 81228 82 11,246 1,376 18 9,892 709 409 8,901 1,009 13 2,779 6 843 5 ,779 ,843 5 621 209 5,262 3,154 • . 666 2,523 6,822 11,487 3,542 12 28 306 13,633 3,724 27,341 6,194 647 45,052 39,604 971 26,699 Gr. 4 140 82,535 ".313 24,992 274 13,694 23^107 101242 15,717 8,930 16,914 "111, 887 3 18,957 10 \ 935 16^404 Hospitals and Charitable Institutions School-buildings Agricultural 1M30 17,667 14,304 278,519 2,219 99,173 64 88,134 256 49,814 3,792 66,069 3,299 62,884 4,421 51,60.7 4,156 40,000 673 779 Cr. 140 7,500 7,999 160 15,000 837 6,561 20,000 1,127 700 22,143 819 23,864 1,328 43,403 520 Total, Public Buildings 652,020 205,734 128,352 153,072 164,376 117,361 86,859 89,598 90,529 Lighthouses, Harbour Works, and Harbour Defences: Lighthouses Harbour Works 34,592 35,473 22,820 34,791 31,101 44,032 54,190 76,529 70,579 73,585 107,267 2,272,860 IX. 85,203 113,314 2,636 21,876 2,397 -- 18,812 Cr. 2 4,724 100,676 6,730 29,591 7,383 17,050 300 6,508 3,272 6,004 2,866 500 2,504 Cr. 5,000 1,551 589 189 6,642 2,612 234 3,861 6,067 866 2,180 568 3,727 1,777 650 Harbour Defences .. .. 34,514 904 7,213 9,601 127,167 139,429 73,459 50,089 7,293 2,477 7,347 3,976 4,563 2,495 3,314 4,667 2,547 10,158 .--- ■ Total, Lighthouses, &c. 233,031 25,416 21,207 105,400 43,534 34,034 133,975 148,705 76,825 47,593 9,433 2,666 11 7,347 ,205 6,588 3,145 7,409 11,600 5,295 15,662 950,070 X. Bates on Native Lands .".. 1 . .. ; 25,139 8,446 10,304 5,874 8,250 2,038 615 Cr. 8 415 561 340 332 156 348 62,810 XI. Contingent Defence Charges and Expenses of raising Loans 105,000 558,086 154,000 193,357 133,219 13,521 25,000 47,258 12,500 5,000 10,554 10,360 13,867 469,500 1,027,990 13,575 517 29,877 922 . 59,448 104,911 3,084 Cr. 3,084 ,356 943 Gr. 6 5 Cr. 5 225 Interest and Sinking Funds ... 218,500 •• 218,500 Coal Exploration and Mine Development 10,835 I i . 10,835 Thermal Springs .. 7,814 2,999 936 2,587 264 A dve»rMe to Westport Harbour, repayable 14,600 14,336 Cr. 14,336 Total Ways and Means Credits Grand Total—Net Expenditure 41,333 27,168 1,475,386'- _ i , i_ \ : 066,160 : i£l3 v 939.' 4,383 :48i;,3i6' 26,519 -308,633 63,635 ,325,977 11 ,059 3,458 7,062 573 705 15,286,621 1,919,641 950,719 " 897,038 1,409,589 1,336,727 370 590 -i',%33,484 : - 481 ,468 485,002 590,940 683,336 659,836 865,172 915,736 31,985,750 N.] Th. figures in italics, prefixed by" Gr.," are either recoveries on accc totals from 1892-93 to 1896-97, inclusive, include expenditure under Na )unt of servii :tive Lands 1 :es of previous years or re< 3 urchase Account, and frc ;eipts-in-aid tm 1894-95 t applied in re ;o 1896-97, ir sduction of e sxpenditure, - L en&itu-re "lindenLands Ii * Includes " Unauthorii sed,"£51. iclusive, expi iprovernent .ccount. - ? .. ..-..



TABLE No. 3. EXPENDITURE on Railways to 31st March, 1899, and Liabilities on that Date.

™ , , xocai Jixpenaiture : lotal by General ! Expenditure by Government, Lines of Railway. General Met March, 1898, r* ™™ 4. 4. after Distribution Government to of certain survey J 31st March, 1898. Expenditure Tn/Jivirinnl Total Expenditure by General Government, 31st March, 1898, after Distribution of certain Survey Expenditure to Individual Lines. Construction. IXPENDITUBE DURING BE DURING Ye New Works. Permanentway. 'eab BAB 1898-99 (including £18,012 10s. 8d. dis^ Pebmanent-way) . TTr , r-. Land-claims Works on Open and other Total New Xjlnes - Old Liabilities. Works. :bibdted fbom Stock of Total Expenditure by General Total Expenditure by General Government, and Liabilities, 31st March, 1899. Valuation of Works constructed by Provinces. Total Expenditure and Liabilities, 31st March, 1899. New Works. Surveys. Liabilities. Lines of Railway. Rolling-stock. 3 S a Xl899. to Individual lanes I £ s. d. £ s. d. Kaihu Valley .. .. .. •• •■; 54,758 12 4 54,758 12 4 Kawakawa .. .. .. •• ..I 79,361 2 1 79,361 2 1 Whangarei to Kamo Extension .. .. .. 127,056 9 8 127,056 9 8 Helensville Northwards .. .. .. 73,671 6 11 73,671 6 11 Kaipara to Waikato .. .. .. .. 1,164,589 7 4 1,164,589 7 4 Cambridge Branch .. .. .. .. 51,065 9 9 51,065 9 9 Waikato to Thames — Hamilton to Te Aroha .. .. .. 139,016 4 3 139,016 4 3 Te Aroha to Thames .. .. .. .. 135,432 0 8 135,432 0 8 Thames Valley to Rotorua — Morrinsville to Lichfield .. .. .. 161,507 7 0 161,507 7 0 Putaruru to Rotorua.. .. .. .. 191,667 14 6 191,667 14 6 Marton to Te Awamutu — North End .. .. .. .. •■ 309,294 17 7 311,043 17 2 South End .. .. .. .. .. 283,678 5 9 292,153 16 11 Gisborne to Ormond Tramway .. .. .. 4,975 1 7 4,975 1 7 Wellington to Napier— Napier to Woodville and Palmerston North .. 781,164 1 2 781,164 1 2 Wellington to Woodville, including Te Aro Ex- 1,129,054 5 9 1,129,054 5 9 tension Wellington to Foxton .. .. .. .. 42,116 3 4 42,116 3 4 Foxton to Waitara .. .. .. .. 1,286,624 9 7 1,286,624 9 7 Nelson to Roundell .. .. .. .. 162,508 17 9 162,508 17 9 Midland Railway— Belgrove Section .. .. .. .. 7,823 4 6 7,823 4 6 Otira Section 17,142 0 7 17,142 0 7 Springfield Section .. .. 41 3 4 41 3 4 Greymouth to Nelson Creek .. .. •■ 166,4711111 166,4711111 Greymouth to Hokitika .. .. .. 187,126 16 7 187,126 16 7 Westport to Ngakawau.. .. .. .. 187,512 15 7 187,512 15 7 Picton to Hurunui— Picton to Awatere .. .. .. •■ 249,456 6 4 249,456 6 4 Hurunui to Red Post.. .. .. .. 39,093 6 1 39,093 6 1 Hurunui to Waitaki — MainLine .. .. .. .. •• 1,416,874 14 1 1,416,887 5 7 OxfordBranch 51,467 7 11 51,467 7 11 Eyreton Branch .. .. .. .. 44,276 12 10 44,276 12 10 Lyttelton Branch .. .. .. .. 71,027 19 6 71,027 19 6 Southbridge Branch .. .. .. .. 85,652 13 0 85,652 13 0 Springfield and Whitecliffs Branches .. .. 93,415 19 1 93,415 19 1 Fairlie Creek Branch .. .. ..! 66,471 18 8 66,471 18 8 Waimate Branch .. .. .. .. 47,682 16 6 47,682 16 6 Ashburton Forks Branch '.. .. .. *73,492 19 5 *73,492 19 5 Upper Ashburton Branch .. .. .. 61,308 13 3 61,308 13 3 Little River Branch .. .. .. .. 107,266 18 1 107,266 18 1 •Canterbury Interior Main Line—• Oxford to Malvern .. .. .. .. 53,649 0 4 53,649 0 4 Whitecliffs .to Rakaia .. .. .. I 542 6 2 542 6 2 Temuka to Rangitata .. .. .. 5,152 2 8 5,152 2 8 Waitaki to BluffMain Line, including Port Chalmers Branch .. 2,393,857 10 9 2,393,857 10 9 £ s. d. 3,98113 9 10,091 19 1 24,39016 3 11,834 19 5 f31,030 14 9 Cr. 194 2 11 6,373 1 6 31,892 7 7 16,228 15 7 4,741 13 7 £ s. d. 3,79517 11 16,630 12 1 191 12 0 2,358 0 5 115 7 9 £ s. d. 7,727 11 8 10,091 19 1 41,02l' 8 4 11,834 19 5 31,030 14 9 Cr. 194 2 11 6,564 13 6 34,250 8 0 16,228 15 7 4,857 1 4 £ s. d. 6 15 6 1,186 6 10 3,838" 9 9 85 3 3 1918 2 6,503 3 1 10,071 4 7 11,658 4 1 35 4 5 415 3 8 15,297 2 4 257 13 9 100 10 11 55 15 2 37 12 8 90 13 11 48 19 4 206 15 7 £ s. d. 100 6 10 Cr. 52 0 0 178 18 11 59 8 11 271 11 1 20 0 0 Or. 2 10 0 Cr. 5 0 0 £ s. d. W £ s. d. £ s. d. 54,858 19 2 79,367 17 7 135,970 8 2 83,763 6 0 •1,168,427 17 1 51,065 9 9 139,101 7 6 176,453 9 0 161,455 7 0 191,866 11 7 322,938 5 6 1323,184 11 8 4,975 1 7 787,667 4 3 1,139,202 18 6 42,116 3 4 1,298,302 13 8 162,541 12 2 14,387 18 0 51,392 8 7 16,269 18 11 166,471 11 11 187,542 0 3 187,512 15 7 254,308 7 8 39,093 6 1 1,432,184 7 11 51,467 7 11 44,276 12 10 71,285 13 3 85,652 13 0 93,516 10 0 66,527 13 10 47,720 9 2 73,583 13 4 61,357 12 7 107,473 13 8 £ s. d. 66 0 0 458 0 0 799 0 0 3,941 0 0 113 0 0 728 0 0 5,967 0 0 137 0 0 378 0 0 16,868 0 0 3,369 0 0 800 0 0 56 0 0 £ s. d. 54,924 19 2 79,367 17 7 136,428 8 2 84,562 6 0 1,168,427 17 1 51,065 9 9 139,101 7 6 180,394 9 0 161,455 7 0 191,979 11 7 323,666 5 6 329,151 11 8 4,975 1 7 787,667 4 3 1,139,339 18 6 42,116 3 4 1,298,302 13 8 162,541 12 2 14,765 18 0 68,260 8 7 19,638 18 11 166,471 11 11 187,542 0 3 187,512 15 7 255,108 7 8 39,093 6 1 1,432,240 7 11 51,467 7 11' 44,276 12 10 71,285 13 3 85,652 13 0 93,516 10 0 66,527 13 10 47,720 9 2 73,583 13 4 61,357 12 7 107,473 13 8 £ s. d. • * 316,135 0 0 340,500 0 0 75,124 0 0 £ s. d. 54,924 19 2 79,367 17 7 136,428 8 2 84,562 6 0 1,168,427 17 1 51,065 9 9 139,101 7 6 180,394 9 0 161,455 7 0 191,979 11 7 323,666 5 6 329,151 11 8 4,975 1 7 787,667 4 3 1,139,339 18 6 42,116 3 4 1,298,302 13 8 162,541 12 2 14,765 18 0 68,260 8 7 19,638 18 11 166,471 11 11 187,542 0 3 187,512 15 7 255,108 7 8 39,093 6 1 1,748,375 7 11 51,467 7 11 44,276 12 10 411,785 13 3 85,652 13 0 93,516 10 0 141,651 13 10 47,720 9 2 73,583 13 4 61,357 12 7 107,473 13 8 Kaihu Valley. Kawakawa. Whangarei to Kamo Extension. Helensville Northwards. Kaipara to Waikato. Cambridge Branch. Waikato to Thames— Hamilton to Te Aroha. Te Aroha to Thames. Thames Valley to Rotorua— Morrinsville to Liohfield. Putaruru to Kotorua. Marton to Te Awamutu— North End. South End. Gisborne to Ormond Tramway. Wellington to Napier— Napier to Woodville and Palmers ton North. Wellington to Woodville, including Te Aro Extension. Wellington to Foxton. Foxton to Waitara. Nelson to Roundell Midland Railway— Belgrove Section. Otira Section. Springfield Section. Greymouth to Nelson Creek. Greymouth to Hokitika. Westport to Ngakawau. Picton to Hurunui— Picton to Awatere. Hurunui to Bed Post. Hurunui to Waitaki— Main Line. Oxford Branch. Eyreton Branch. Lyttelton Branch. Southbridge Branch. Springfield & Whitecliffs Branches. Fairlie Creek Branch. Waimate Branch. Ashburton Forks Branch. Upper Ashburton Branoh. Little River Branch. Canterbury Interior Main Line— Oxford to Malvern. Whitecliffs to Rakaia. Temuka to Rangitata Waitaki to BluffMain Line, including Port Chalmers Branch. Duntroon Branch. Ngapara Branch. Fernhill Railway Purohase. Brighton Road Branch. Outram Branch. Lawrence Branch. Livingstone Branch. Waihemo Branch. Catlin's River Branch. Heriotburn Branch. Waimea Plains Branch. Toitois Branch. Riversdale to Switzer's. Kelso to Gore. Seaward Bush Branch. Otago Central. Invercargill to Kingston— Main Line. Mararoa Branch. J Makarewa to Orepuki. I Thornbury to Wairio, Forest Hill. Exp. of Railway Commissions, &c, not chargeable to Individual Lines. Surveys of New Lines— North Island. Middle Island. Permanent-way for Railway Department. Rolling-stock. 53,649 0 4 542 6 2 5,152 2 8 53,649 0 4 542 6 2 5,152 2 8 53,649 0 4 542 6 2 5,152 2 8 18,221 16 8 2,412,079 7 5 2,412,079 7 5 82,258 17 3 2,494,338 4 8 Duntroon Branch ! 94,218 18 1; 95,653 18 1 Ngapara Branch I 24,986-15 9 24,986 15 9 Fernhill Railway Purchase 1,246 8 4 j 1,246 8 4 Brighton Road Branch 6,459 18 11 j 6,473 14 9 Outram Branoh 11-886 8 3! 11,886 8 3 Lawrence Branch ! 161,825 7 2 : 161,825 7 2 Livingstone Branch i 81,992 4 5 : 81,992 4 5 Waihemo Branch I 32,927 7 4; 32,982 16 3 Catlin's River Branch | 118,682 1 10 j 118,682 110 Heriotburn Branch \ 91,557 18 0 ! 91,557 18 0 Waimea Plains Branch I 107,424 10 4 , 108,602 8 6 Toitois Branch 52,264 2 8| 52,264 2 3 Riversdale to Switzer's .. .. .. 7,445 1 0 7,445 1 0 Kelso to Gore ', 602 2 5 ! 602 2 5 Seaward Bush Branoh 1 92,052 12 1 92,052 12 1 Otago Central j 739,873 13 7 740,065 3 1 Invercargill to Kingston— MainLine j 251,090 19 5 251,090 19 5 Mararoa Branoh _ j 27,216 18 7 1 27,216 18 7 Makarewa to Orepuki .. .. .. I ! 214,413 12 3 214,413 12 3 Thornbury to Wairio .. .. .. J PorestHill ! 4,802 16 9 4,802 16 9 Expenses of Railway Commissions and other Ex- ! 10,336 19 11 \ 10,336 19 11 penditure not chargeable to Individual Lines Surveys of New Lines — North Island 30,182 9 3 19,790 11 8 Middle Island 38,824 16 8 36,105 19 2 Permanent-way for Railway Department ..j 25,000 0 0 25,000 0 0 157 5 8 31 0 6 3314 1 445'13 11 43 2 5 107 13 10 •• 95,811 3 9 24,986 15 9 1,277 8 10 6,473 14 9 11,886 8 3 161,825 7 2 82,025 18 6 32,982 16 3 118,789 15 8 91,557 18 0 109,048 2 5 52,307 4 8 7,445 1 0 602 2 5 103,151 15 9 765,625 14 4 251,997 14 7 27,216 18 7 214,413 12 3 160 0 0 4,786 0 0 12,753 0 0 95,811 3 9 24,986 15 9 1,277 8 10 6,473 14 9. 11,886 8 3 161,825 7 2 J 82,025 18 6 32,982 16 3 118,949 15 8 91,557 18 0 109,048 2 5 52,307 4 8 7,445 1 0 602 2 5 107,937 15 9 778,378 14 4 37,500 0 0 58,009 0 0 12,829 0 0 29,691 0 0 133,311 3 9 82,995 15 9 1,277 8 10 19,302 14 9 41,577 8 3 161,825 7 2 82,025 18 6 32,982 16 3 118,949 15 8 91,557 18 0 109,048 2 5 52,307 4 8 7,445 1 0 602 2 5 107,937 15 9 778,378 14 4 7,215 12 7 17,609 7 1 3,804 1 7 7,150 7 9 11,01914 2 24,759 14 10 79 9 6 800 16 5 906 15 2 251,997 14 7 27,216 18 7 91,937 5 2 343,934 19 9 27,216 18 7 214,413 12 3 60,297 0 0 274,710 12 3 3,110 8 4 7,362 10 0 10,472 18 4 15,275 15 1 10,336 19 11 1,789 0 0 17,064 15 1 10,336 19 11 17,064 15 1 10,336 19 11 1,820 17 0 107 10 9 i ■ 21,611 8 8 36,213 9 11 25,000 0 0 297 0 0 294 0 0 21,908 8 8 36,507 9 11 25,000 0 0 21,908 8 8 36,507 9 11 25,000 0 0 Rolling-stock J 1,775,236 8 4 1,775,236 8 4 Stock, Mar. 31,1898, Permanent-way, £51,274 14 1 51,274 14 1 51,274 14 1 109,297 5 8 1,884,533 14 0 \ 6,815 15 4 1,891,349 9 4 1,891,349 9 4 15,658,173 18 9 15,658,173 18 9 Stock of Permanent-way decreased by 18,012 10 8 18,012 10 8 18,012 10 8 £33,262 3 5 Total.. .. .. •• 15,640,161 8 1 15,640,161 8 1 33,262 3 5 17,296 0 0 50,558 3 5 50,558 3 5 Stock of Permanent-way. {16,032,365 18 6 .. Total. 168,257 6 7 41,408 9 6 209,665 16 1 70,634 11 4 678 9 7 1,928 7 9 109,297 5 8 77,870 15 4 16,110,236 13 10 1,104,281 2 5 17,214,517 16 3 * Does not include amount expended ou1 of Consolidatei Fund, viz., £35 15s. 7d. t Includes £50 17s. 6d. charged to " Unauthorised." I Includes amount expended on pu; ihase of district ri tlways, £477,487 7i i. lid.



TABLE No. 4. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, Bridges, &c, out of the Public Works Funds, and Government Loans to Local Bodies, Lands Improvement, and Native Land Purchase Accounts to 31st March, 1899, and the Liabilities on that date.

3-D. 1.

Name of Work. County. Electorate. Total Net Net Expenditure Expenditure to ,,„ I1 ™« . , Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1899. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. Eoads, Bbidges, etc. Auckland Land District — Bridge over Kaitaia (Smith's gate) Homestead Blocks, Mongonui North Shore-Awanui .. .. .. ) Mongonui Parish-Awanui (Main Road) .. Victoria "Valley to Main Eoad Houhoura-Awanui Ahipara to Herekino Liabilities of Victoria Valley Road Board Maungataniwha Oruru-Mangamuka Oruru-Hikurangi Bridge over Puhi River, Mangonui Takahue-Herekino Larmer's-Takahue Kaitaia- Ahipara Mangonui County Roads K.ohumaru Block Maungataniwha (II., III.) Block Otukai Block Rangaunu (XII., XIII.)-Takahue (III., IV.) Block Takahue (IX., X., XIV.) Blook Maungataniwha (VI.) Block Maungataniwha Block Takahue Block Takahue-Whangape Block Warkworth-Awanui Awanni-West Coast Kaeo-Whangaroa Mangatoetoe Mongonui-Taipa-Awanui Takahue Village-Victoria Valley Victoria Valley-Kaitaia Warkworth-Awanui (see also under North Shore, Awanui, in separate counties) Mongonui Bay of Islands .. £ s. d. 20 0 0 454 15 6 832 12 0 482 0 2 150 0 0 2,442 0 6 37 10 0 358 5 9 125 0 0 4 5 6 68 10 0 390 8 0 100 0 0 40 0 0 900 0 0 £ s. d. 411 1 3 504 2 0 150 6 8 245 1 0 95 15 0 125 0 0 200 0 0 £ s. d. 20 0 0 454 15 6 1,243 13 3 986 2 2 150 0 0 2,592 7 2 37 10 0 603 6 9 125 0 0 4 5 6 68 10 0 486 3 0 100 0 0 165 0 0 1,100 0 0 £ s. d. 388 18 9 295 18 0 49 13 4 154 19 0 90 14 6 304 5 0 75 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 500 0 0 120 0 0 16 0 0 160 6 6 69 13 6 £ s. d. 20 0 0 454 15 6 1,632 12 0 1,282 0 2 150 0 0 2,642 0 6 37 10 0 758 5 9 125 0 0 95 0 0 68 10 0 790 8 0 100 0 0 240 0 0 1,100 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 200 0.0 200 0 0 500 0 0 120 0 0 420 4 0 200 0 0 958 8 10 841 11 2 100 0 0 200 0 0 50 0 0 250 0 0 150 0 0 250 0 0 15,620 10 9 404 4 0 15 10 0 663 16 6 841 11 2 24 3 6 224 18 10 404 4 0 39 13 6 888 15 4 841 11 2 75 0 0 175 10 0 50 0 0 75 0 0 175 10 0 50 0 0 25 0 0 24 10 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 15,620 10 9 250 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 Okaihau to Victoria Valley Mongonui, Whangaroa, Bay of Islands, Whangarei Otamatea, and Rodney Mongonui, Hokianga, Bay of Islands Whangaroa 15,620 10 9 8,158 7 6 71 16 9 8,230 4 3 228 3 3 8,458 7 6 Totara-Whangaroa to Kaeo North Shore-Awanui .. .. .. 1 Kaeo Parish-Mangonui Parish (Main Road) 550 0 0 296 0 0 299 19 6 550 0 0 595 19 6 100 0 6 550 0 0 696 0 0 Carried forward 32,955 7 4 2,802 14 6 35,758 1 10 3,903 2 4 39,661 4



TABLE No. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.—continued.

Name of Work. County. Electorate. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1898. NetB du P r!nf tU1 ' e [ Total Net 12Monthslnded i 3 f^^ 31st March, 1899. alst March, 1899. Liabilities n Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward Bbidges, etc. — continued. Auckland Land Distbici — continued. Whangaroa County Roads Iwitaua to Kaeo Kaeo-Waimate Totara Foreshore Bridge (renewing) Waikoura Bridge (repairs) Mangonui boundary to Iwataua Whangaroa Coast Road Whangaroa-Kaeo (widening bridging, &c.) Bay of Islands District Main Road, Lot 2, Block XIV, Hukerenui S.D. Opua-Waimate Hukerenui South-Waiotu Valley Kawakawa Roads North Shore-Awanui Hukerenui-Kaeo Parish (Main Road) Ufcakura Bridge Waitangi-Kaikohe .. Hayter's-Morrow's Ngapipito Road .. .. .. Motatau Ohaeawai Kaikohe .. .. Ohaeawai-Okaihau Pungaere Settlement-Kerikeri . , Ruapekapeka-Waiotu Bridge Hukerenui (I., II.)-Kawakawa (XIII.) Bloek Utakura Road deviation .. .. Ramarama Valley Towai to Ruapekapeka Tikiponga Hill-Paranui Bridge Wai tangi Bridge Main North Road-Waiotu Block Road through Native land near Waihou .. Paeroa Stream Bridge Ruapekapeka Block lirohanga-Pakaru Okaihau-Kerikeri Waikerikeri Bridge 1 £ s. d. 32,955 7 4. £ s. d. 2,802 14 6 £ s. d. 35,758 1 10 £ b. a. 3,903 2 4 £ s. d. 39,661 4 S Whangaroa Bay of Islands .. 800 0 0 300 0 0 732 16 3 100 0 0 900 0 0 300 0 0 832 16 3 100 0 0 1,000 0 C 300 0 C 850 0 C 100 0 C 200 0 C 200 0 C 100 0 C 300 0 C 34,903 16 £ 120 0 C 1,597 11 £ 290 6 C 150 0 C 100 0 0 100 0 0 17 3 9 100 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 Bay of Islands .. 34,903 16 5 98 11 8 1,357 11 5 90 6 0 150 0 0 34,903 16 5 119 14 9 1,433 7 11 200 0 0 150 0 0 21 3 1 75 16 6 109 14 0 0 5 3 164 3 6 90 6 0 336 0 2 588 13 6 924 13 8 411 6 6 1,336 0 'i 350 0 0 200 0 0 350 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 300 0 0 50 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 300 0 0 200 0 0 473 0 0 197 0 0 350 0 C 300 0 C 50 0 C 887 14 1C 50 0 C 150 0 C 100 0 C 150 0 C 300 0 C 200 0 C 524 18 g 1,475 11 6 400 0 C 100 0 C 200 0 C 300 0 C 40 0 C 100 0 C 500 0 C 100 0 C 100 0 C 160 0 C 587 14 10 587 14 10 // * • 24 18 3 1,275 11 8 348 6 0 100 0 0 27 0 0 3 0 0 51 14 0 51 18 3 1,278 11 8 400 0 0 100 0 0 13 13 0 300 0 0 40 0 0 74 12 0 13 13 0 225 8 0 40 0 0 186 7 0 431 19 10 100 0 0 42 13 6 474 13 4 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 25 6 8 100 0 0 160 0 0 Carried forward 75,417 11 10 4,401 10 1 79,819 1 11 7,828 1 0 87,647 2 l:



TABLE No. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Name of Work. County. Electorate. Total Net Net Expenditure Expenditure to ,„ w '* u ™ 8 , , •Uct ~M<,™\, lflQR ! Months ended 31st March, 1898. j 31 st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1899. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward Roads, Bridges, etc. — continued. Auckland Land Distbict — continued. Herekino Herd's Point, Takahue Hokianga Bridge Monganui Bluff Road Okaihau-Horeke Kaiku-Kaikohe Awatuna Improved farm Settlement Monganui Bluff to Kaihu Rangitira Improved-farm Settlement Takahue to Mangonuiowae Katui Improved-farm Settlement Kohukohu to Raukatapu Mangatu Improved-farm Settlement Waimamaku Bridge Auckland Special Settlement, Mangakahia Lower Waihou Road Section 55, Block VII., Whangape Waimamaku to Pakanae Taheke-Otau .. Opanaki-Hokianga Kohukohu-Takahue-Herd's Point Waimamaku District' Manganuiowae- Whangape Hokianga County Roads Waimamaku Waimamaku-Punakitere Herekino- Whangape Maungaru-Mangakahia .. .. .. Omanaia-Hokianga Heads Omanaia-Rawene Te Awaroa North Waimamaku Settlement Tutamoe (V.) Block Waipoua (VII.) Block Taheke Bridge Punakitere Settlement Roads Hokianga Heads-Ohawai, via, Rawene Part Block VII., Waipoua S.D. Mangonuiowae £ s. d. 75,417 11 10 £ s. d. 4,401 10 1 £ s. d. 79,819 1 11 £ a. d. 7,828 1 0 £ 3. d. 87,647 2 11 Bay of Islands .. Hokianga Bay of Islands .. 7,568 6 7 91 9 0 295 17 2 40 0 0 91 9 0 7,864 3 9 40 0 0 96 9 0 250 0 0 385 I 0 1,804 17 2 4,018 15 0 2,171 11 7 2,931 7 7 520 18 3 724 12 9 2,527 8 8 606 8 9 238 10 11 284 11 0 108 11 0 154 2 10 200 0 0 8,018 6 7 40 0 0 96 9 0 250 0 0 385 1 0 2,221 15 9 4,018 15 0 2,983 5 7 2,931 7 7 689 0 10 1,124 12 9 2.546 7 5 606 8 9 300 0 0 284 11 0 200 0 0 2,327 17 10 100 0 0 10,472 11 7 200 0 0 605 19 3 463 10 6 592 10 0 307 0 0 1,249 11 6 300 0 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 400 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 400 0 0 1.547 14 0 300 0 0 394 19 6 u • • 96 9 0 205 0 0 385 1 0 1,710 3 1 4,018 15 0 2,002 16 8 2,931 7 7 81 0 10 724 12 9 2,246 7 5 606 8 9 45 0 0 94 14 1 168 14 11 416 18 7 811 14 0 439 17 5 168 2 7 400 0 0 18 18 9 281 1 3 238 10 11 61 9 1 284 11 0 1,887 9 3 245 7 7 93 16 6 2,132 16 10 93 16 6 10,472 11 7 200 0 0 195 t 0 6 3 6 10,472 11 7 200 0 0 605 19 3 163 10 6 392 10 0 33 9 7 200 0 0 191 2 10 364 10 3 605 19 3 197 0 1 592 10 0 191 2 10 1,248 17 0 266 10 5 '/ • • // • • 884 6 9 115 17 2 0 14 6 300 0 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 400 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 153 5 2 u • • 1,547 14 0 246 14 10 246 14 10 1,547 14 0 264 7 11 269 13 2 II • • 194 19 6 264 7 11 74 13 8 35 12 1 125 6 4 Carried forward 114,427 12 4 810 18 0 122,238 10 13,266 8 0 .04 18



TABLE NO. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Name of Work. County. Electorate. Total Set Net Expenditure i JSfSfcil 12 Mouths ended I 31st March, 1898. 3] st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1899. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c., 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward Roads, Bridges, etc. — continued. DCKLAHD Land District — continued. Mangonuiowae Block Punakitere (XIV., XV.) Tutamoe (I., II.) Block, Waimatanui Block Waipoua Block.. Marlborough Association Kohukohu-Motukaraka Kaikohe-Taheke Hukerenui Block Il.-Whakapara Railway-station.. Motatau Block Mangakahia Bridge (to account) Mangapai Whananaki Wharf Mahurangi- Whangarei Bridge over Wairua River Waipu to Mangawhai Jordan Puhipuhi Opuawhanga Bridge over Mongonui Biver Maungakaramea-Buarangi Puatangata to Bailway station, Puatangata Mangakahia Block IV. Whangarei Heads Wairua to Sandy Bay .. Wairua-Helena Bay Purua Bridge Wangarei through Taheke Old North Boad Purua, Buatangata, and Mangakahia Hikurangi-Otonga Waipu and Wharf Block II., Tangihua Kaimamakau Otonga Bridge .. Mangapai to Mareritu Blocks XIII. and XIV., Opuawhanga, and Blocks III. and IV., Whangarei Hukerenui Blocks X., XI. Caves-McLaughlin's £ s. d. 114,427 12 4 £ s. d. 7,810 18 0 £ S. d. 122,238 10 4 £ s. d. 13,266 8 0 £ s. d. 135,504 18 4 Hokianga Bay of Islands 330 0 0 103 1 0 330 0 0 103 1 0 896 19 0 330 0 0 1,000 0 0 4,125 0 11 964 4 4 400 0 0 397 17 8 4 10 227 14 5 125 17 3 102 2 4 4,129 1 11 1,191 18 9 525 17 3 500 0 0 0 14 7 72 5 7 74 2 9 97 17 8 200 0 0 19 5 415 6 6 4,129 16 6 1,264 4 4 600 0 0 597 17 8 200 0 0 280 0 0 800 0 0 500 0 0 140 0 0 129 15 3 540 0 0 120 0 0 200 0 0 385 5 2 100 0 0 155 5 6 100 0 0 400 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 1,540 3 6 1,888 13 10 200 0 0 1,262 19 7 201 10 8 3,304 7 7 250 0 0 300 0 0 635 6 0 200 0 0 225 4 3 502 0 6 300 0 0 Hokianga and Bay of Isl'nds Whangarei and Bay of IsFds Whangarei Bay of Islands and Marsden Bay of Islands Bay of Islands and Manakau Marsden i 276 1 7 2 9 0 384 13 6 200 0 0 129 10 0 278 10 7 384 13 6 500 0 0 132 2 0 129 15 3 539 7 0 120 0 0 200 0 0 385 5 2 100 0 0 155 5 6 96 4 6 400 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 1,540 3 6 1,888 13 10 200 0 0 1,262 19 7 201 10 8 3,204 17 3 250 0 0 250 0 0 635 6 0 200 0 0 225 4 3 502 0 6 133 4 0 300 0 0 2 12 0 129 15 3 463 8 0 120 0 0 75 19 0 'i 18 0 '6 13 0 385 5 2 100 0 0 155 5 6 45 9 0 400 0 0 200 0 0 • • I 50 15 6 3 15 6 200 0 0 100 0 0 1,540 3 6 1,888 13 10 200 0 0 1,262 19 7 160 15 8 3,004 7 7 40 15 0 200 9 8 250 0 0 200 0 0 99 10 4 50 0 0 635 6 0 50 0 0 it .. . • n • ■ • • 225 4 3 502 0 6 200 0 0 133 4 0 166 16 0 139 16 9 139 16 9 160 0 0 100 0 0 299 16 9 100 0 0 Carried forward 158,987 5 5 132,731 19 5 10,641 9 8 143,373 9 1 15,613 16 4



TABLE NO. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Name of Work. County. Electorate. Total Net Net Expenditure 31st March, 1898. 31gt Marchj im Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1S99. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c 31st March. 1899. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward Eoads, Bbidges, etc. — continued. Auckland Land Distbict — continued. Giles's Corner-Great North Road Grahamstown-Parua Bay Hikurangi- Jordan Jordan-Hukerenui Station (bridge-road) .. Maunu-Maungatapere-Mangakahia Marsden Point to Waipu Mareretu-Finl&yson's-Waipu Opuawhanga-Otonga East Three-mile Bush (repairing) Tangihua No. 2-Tangiteroria Tangiteroria-Mangakahia Tokatoka-Mangapai Waipu Wharf extension, Waipu Waiotu Bridge (Hutchinson's) Waipu Bridge (damage by floods) Kauaeranga Block Mangaru (IV., VIII.) Block Opuawhanga (XIII., XIV.) Block Waipu (VI., X.) Block Opuawhanga to Whan garei Opuawhanga No. 1 Block Wairua Bridge and Road Ruatangata Opuawhanga- Whananaki Waipu River, £1 for £1 (deepening) Maungatapere Road Wairoa Bridge, Tangiteroria (to account) Maungakaramea Maungakaramea-Tangihua North River, Waipu Drevers-Ofconga Bast Graliamstown, WhaDgarei Otonga East-Whananaki Whareora-Grahamstown North Shore-Awanui Waikiekie Parish-Hukerenui (main road) Ngunguiu-Main Road .. Waipu to Marsden Point ■j £ s. d. 132,731 19 5 £ s. d. 10,641 9 8 £ s. d. 148,373 9 1 £ s. d. 15,613 16 4 £ s. d. 158,987 5 5 Whangarei Marsden 70 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 i 150 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 235 0 0 154 11 6 100 0 0 400 0 0 150 0 0 70 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 1,102 1 6 200 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 o 300 0 0 235 0 0 608 10 0 100 0 0 758 3 6 100 0 0 397 3 2 400 0 0 475 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 300 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 902 1 6 902 1 6 100 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 608 10 0 100 0 0 52 16 7 608 10 0 100 0 0 603 12 0 550 15 5 397 3 2 397 3 2 475 0 0 475 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 300 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 300 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 391 5 0 293 16 11 675 1 11 116 3 1 791 5 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 .. 200 0 0 200 0 0 Carried forward 137,706 14 6 11,178 3 2 148,884 17 8 19,989 10 11 168,874 8 7



TABLE No. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Name of Work. County. Electorate. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March 1898. Net Expenditure j Total Net ,,^ d ™8 Expenditure to 12 Months ended oi.+ivr.rnVi isqo 31st March, 1899. 31st M * reil . 1898 - Liabilities on TWnl "Wet Authorities, E ™ e naSure Contracts, &c, „ A t • i,-7- + - a SlBt March, 1899. and Labilities. Brought forward Roads, Bridges, etc. — continued. .uckland Land Distbict — continued. Waipu (Blocks VI. and VII.) Waipu to Mareretu Whareora-Taheke-Pataua Opuawhanga to main road Waipu Central .. Ruakaka-North River .. Wbananaki-Ngunguru Parua to Taheke Parua Bay Hikurangi-Jordan Flat Kaitara Waipu Cove Whangarei Bridge Whangarei Bridge (£1 for £1) Whangarei Footbridge Hikurangi Maunu-Otuhe Otuhe Forest Mangakahia (Blocks XI., XII., XV., and XVI.) .. Marsden Point Wharf .. Marsden Point Kaimanuka, and Finlayson's Road Waipu North Hukerenui-Waiotu Graharnstown Opuawhanga Whangarei No. 1 Block Ngungurti Ferry Ngunguru Block Mangapai-Waikiekie Kauri Mountain Road Kauri Mountain-Paiaua Kaueranga Dargaville to Aratapu Maungaru Block Dargaville-Tangiteroria Maropiu (Block III., Kaihu) Opanake Block Avoca Block Opanake-Hokianga Opanake-Mongonui Bluff £ s. d. 137,706 14 6 £ s. d. 11,178 3 2 £ s. d. ; 148,884 17 8 £ s. a. : 19,989 10 11 £ s. d. 168,874 8 7 Whangarei Marsden 500 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 500 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 400 0 0 460 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 100 0 0 499 9 3 895 18 4 200 0 0 752 5 6 100 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 150 11 6 100 0 0 476 5 6 89 0 0 661 9 9 450 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 524 8 8 400 0 0 111 4 8 1,400 0 0 200 0 0 92 2 11 458 0 0 2,242 9 5 50 0 0 790 0 0 150 0 0 790 0 0 650 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 400 0 0 460 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 100 0 0 499 9 3 895 18 4 200 0 0 2,000 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 100 0 0 772 0 0 750 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 524 8 8 450 0 0 460 0 0 1,500 0 0 535 0 0 100 0 0 458 0 0 2,720 6 6 150 0 0 300 0 0 400 0 0 360 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 100 0 0 499 9 3 696 7 5 200 0 0 199 10 11 752 5 6 1,247 14 6 100 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 150 11 6 49 8 6 " 100 0 0 476 5 6 I 661 9 9 450 0 0 100 0 0 89 0 0 23 14 6 11 0 0 110 10 3 300 0 0 Hobson Bay of Islands .. 398 8 8 350 0 0 100 0 0 126 0 0 50 0 0 111 4 8 200 0 0 50 0 0 348 15 4 100 0 0 335 0 0 7 17 1 1,200 0 0 200 0 0 1 458 0 0 1,220 6 6 50 0 0 92 2 11 1,022 2 11 477 17 1 100 0 0 . Carried forward 147,977 1 162 148 24, 0< 8 2 186,639 11

l>.— l

TABLE NO. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.


Name of Work. County. Electorate. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1898. Net Expenditure ' j. , XT . durina ! Total IJet 12 Months ended ! „??"■£?""^.m 31st March, 1899 j 31st March, 1899. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, *fcc, 31st March, 1899 Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward Roads, Beidges, etc.— continued. Auckland Land District — continued. Mangakahia (XIII.) Mangaru (I.) Block Maungaru (VII., VIII.) Block Tutamoe (XIII., XIV.) Kaitiri (III., VII.) Block .. Auckland Special Settlement Block Avoca Special Settlement Dargaville-Kaikohe Mangawhare-Opanaki Mangatu Special Settlement (vid Mongonu Bluff)West Coast Maungaru Sp cial Settlement .. .» Opauaki-Mongonui Bluff-West Coast Omu Wharf, Avoca Draining Tatarariki Okahu Wairoa Ferry, Dargaville Maiopiu to Kai-iwi Tangowahine Bridge Tekopuru Wharf, £1 for £1 Main Road to Opanaki Railway-station .. Tangihua Tangihua No. 2 .. : Bridge over Opanake River .. .. Aratapa to Tatarariki Arapohue .. .. .. .. Te Kopuru-Tikinui Mititai to Tokatoka .. .. i. Te Kopurn-Kaipara Heads Tikinui Roads-Kopuru Mareikura (I.) Block Mareikura (II.) Block Wairoa (Dargaville) .. i< 1-. Maungaturoto to Tokatoka Topini-Maungaturoto Pahi-Waikiekie Braigh's Mareretu Jordan's Otamatea County Roads Hukatere £ s. d. 147,977 1 7 £ s. d. 14,571 1 7 £ s. d. 162,548 -3 2 £ s. d. 24,091 8 2 £ s. d. 186,639 11 4 Hobson Bay of Islands 200 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 0 19 11 300 0 0 500 0 0 250 0 0 300 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 899 0 0 300 0 0 500 0 0 250 0 0 300 0 0 629 14 1 268 6 0 898 0 1 100 0 0 50 0 0 75 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 75 0 0 350 0 0 300 0 0 299 18 11 250 0 0 400 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 1,283 14 2 50 0 0 350 0 0 150 0 0 400 0 0 352 18 0 400 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 120 0 0 70 0 0 300 0 0 230 6 6 50 0 0 2,492 18 10 100 0 0 1,199 16 8 100 0 0 500 0 0 303 18 0 Marsden 350 0 0 350 0 0 300 0 0 299 18 11 250 0 0 400 0 0 299 18 11 250 0 0 400 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 1,233 19 1 50 0 0 350 0 0 150 0 0 300 0 0 350 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 1,233 19 1 50 0 0 350 0 0 150 0 0 250 0 0 152 18 0 200 0 0 49 15 1 50 0 0 197 2 0 100 0 0 2 18 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 120 0 0 70 0 0 300 0 0 Otamatea Bay of Islands and Marsden Marsden 230 6 6 230 6 6 7 8 6 2,431 7 8 100 0 0 1,099 13 2 100 0 0 500 0 0 3 18 0 2,343 10 4 100 0 0 1,004 13 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 3 18 0 7 8 6 87 17 4 42 11 6 61 11 2 95 0 2 100 3 6 300 0 0 Carried forward 172,052 15 1 28,014 7 4 200,067 2 156,675 19 6 15,376 15 7 -



TABLE NO. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Name of WorkCounty. Electorate. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1898. 12 Months ended of J ? ) S? dlt - UI ?«m 31st March, 1899. : 31st Marcn, 1899. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, <fec., 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities Brought forward .. .. ' Roads, Bridges, etc. — continued. Auckland Land District — continued. Tokataka Post-office Matakohe Matakohe-Tokatoka Matakohe-Mongonui Pabi Wharf Pahi Wharf and Road .. Kaiwnka-Mangawai Valley Road, Paparoa Paparoa Block XII., Paparoa Paparoa-Maungaturoto .. Raupo Wharf Hardie's Bridge (repairs) Tokatoka Swamp Block Tokatoka Swamp (No. 2) Block Tokatoka Swamp (drainage, road, and tramway) .. Pahi-Maungaturoto Road North Shore, Awanui Hakura-Waikiekie Parish (main road) .. J Mangawai Bridge (to account) Hoteo Valley- Mangawai West Coast Road, Hoteo North Shore-Awanui Waiwera-Hakuru (main road) .. .. J Road to Omaha Wharf Matakana Bridge Pakiri Pakiri-Omaba (Warkworth-Pakiri) Puhoi-Makarau Makarau River Bridge Omaha Hoteo-Waiwhiu .. .. ; Hoteo Valley Road Blocks X. and XI., Tauhoa Kourawera District Warkworth- Main Road.. Warkworth Warkworth-Kaipara Flats and Tauhoa Kaipara Flats Settlement £ s. d. 156,675 19 6 £ s. d. 15,376 15 7 £ s. d. 172,052 15 1 £ s. d. 28,014 7 4 £ s. d. 200,067 2 5 Otamatea Marsden 230 0 0 100 0 0 818 12 6 194 7 0 314 0 0 90 0 0 230 0 0 100 0 0 818 12 6 194 7 0 314 0 0 90 0 0 150 0 0 199 9 11 150 0 0 124 0 0 12 0 0 2,887 3 7 I 8,595 8 9 I 835 5 10 100 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 50 0 0 92 15 0 200 0 0 238 0 0 150 0 0 2 16 5 1,000 0 0 173 4 2 29 4 0 330 0 0 200 0 0 1,018 12 6 494 7 0 314 0 0 90 0 0 200 0 0 292 4 11 150 0 0 124 0 0 200 0 0 250 0 0 150 0 0 2,890 0 0 1,000 0 0 8,768 12 11 864 9 10 1,040 17 1 192 4 11 150 0 0 124 0 0 150 0 0 7 5 0 „ .. •. 12 0 0 2,887 3 7 Waitemata and Marsden.. 5,927 5 4 746 9 10 2,668 3 5 88 16 0 Waitemata 240 17 1 397 1 11 637 19 0 402 18 1 Rodney and Otamatea .. Rodney 499 12 9 499 12 9 300 0 0 1C0 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 499 12 9 454 2 10 369 8 5 823 11 3 430 11 7 1,254 2 10 80 0 0 125 0 0 80 0 0 ! 125 0 0 I 392 7 6 285 15 9 845 12 0 Cr. 156 1 4 272 16 6 88 " 3 0 200 0 0 156 5 9 472 17 9 4 7 1 150 0 0 543 10 0 150 0 0 201 17 7 336 1 4 11 17 0 100 0 0 243 14 3 145 12 11 170 9 8 80 0 0 125 0 0 392 7 6 487 13 4 845 12 0 180 0 0 272 16 6 100 0 0 300 0 0 400 0 0 472 17 9 150 0 0 150 0 0 713 19 8 150 0 0 392 7 6 187 13 4 845 12 0 98 2 5 272 16 6 83 10 0 200 0 0 Cr. 156 1 4 4 13 0 156 5 9 472 17 9 150 0 0 413 19 8 150 0 0 4 7 1 129 10 4 Carried forward 192,324 19 8 I 33,093 9 4 I 225,418 9 0 172,893 12 1 19,431 7 7



TABLE NO. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

4—D. 1.


Name of Work. County. Electorate. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1898. Net Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1899. Liabilities on Total Net Authorities, Expenditure and Liable*. £ s. d. 172,893 12 1 £ s. d. 19,431 7 7 £ S. d. 192,324 19 8 £ s. d. 33,093 9 4 £ a. d. 225,418 9 0 Brought forward Roads, Bridges, etc. — continued. uckland Land Distbict — continued. Matakana Ranges Ahuroa Boad Matakana Wharf (Mahurangi Heads) Warkworth (southward) Tauhoa Mahurangi Wharf Makarau Bridge- West Coast Matakana— Omaha Matakana Ranges-Te Arai Tβ Arai-Mangawhai Warkworth-Matakana Hoteo Bridge Mahurangi Bridge (Warkworth) Upper Makarau Bridge Tauhoa Block Warkworth Wharf-Courthouse Tauhoa arid Komokoriki Block .. Makarau-Railway Station Ahuroa Block Ahuroa-Komokoriki Pakiri Block .. Warkworth Bridge Kaipara Flat-Tauhoa Puhoi Bridge Wade to Wainui Hoteo Valley-Te Arai Helensville to Kaukapakapa Puhoi-Warkworth North Shore-Awanui North Shore-Waiwera (Main Road) Warkworth- Welsford Warkworth-Kaipara Flats Kaukapakapa-Port Albert Port Albert-Welsford Junction Puhoi-Makarau Bridge (repairs —two bridges) Helensville-Port Albert Kaukapakapa-Port Albert Waikomiti West Upper Waiwera-Wade-Wainui "l Rodney Rodney Waitemata » 294 16 10 100 0 0 300 0 0 380 0 0 325 0 0 432 0 5 55 3 2 93 0 0 119 15 10 65 2 0 350 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 93 0 0 380 0 0 325 0 0 119 15 10 497 2 5 144 16 10 100 0 0 7 0 0 260 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 160 0 0 400 0 0 200 0 0 69 0 0 100 0 0 30 4 2 2 17 7 100 0 0 494 16 10 100 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 260 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 160 0 0 400 0 0 200 0 0 449 0 0 100 0 0 325 0 0 150 0 0 500 0 0 100 0 0 369 0 0 369 0 0 369 0 0 6 6 0 100 0 0 109 10 8 6 6 0 109 10 8 100 0 0 ! 90 9 4 100 0 0 46 7 6 6 6 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 658 19 1 50 0 0 658 19 1 658 19 1 3 12 6 3 12 6 330 10 5 560 15 3 891 5 8 239 4 9 I 1,130 10 5 500 0 0 22 0 3 8 0 4 100 0 0 49 15 5 22 0 3 8 0 4 600 0 0 49 15 5 27 19 9 41 19 8 150 0 0 50 4 7 150 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 750 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 150*0 0 1,100 0 0 100 0 0 Rodney and Waitemata .. Waiternata a 1,100 0 0 1,100 0 0 Carried forward 177,790 4 10 36,613 13 6 235,022 1 20,618 3 0 198,408 7 10



TABLE NO. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Kame of Work. County. Electorate. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March. 1898. Net F dSrinf tOTe Total Net 12 Monthslnded 3 f£$£%?&£, 31st March, 1899 -ilst March, 189H. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, Slst March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure*. and Liabilities. Brought forward .. .. .. [ Roads, Bridges, etc. — continued. UCKLAND Land Distbict — continued. Road to Kaukapakapa Railway Station .. Helensville to Kaipatiki Huia-West Coast Woodhill Bridge Henderson-Swanson (metalling) .. .. Kumeu Main Road-Rewiti .. . - Upper Waiwera Road Extension West Coast Road-Waitangi Woodhill-Parkhurst Wade Village-Orewa Wade-Lucas Creek Great Barrier Island Roads Rewiti-Parkhurst Waikomiti to Swanson Dairy Plat-Lueas Creek Wainui-Kaukapakapa .. .. .. Inland Road-Kaukapakapa Waiwera Springs Track to Kauri Forest, Waitakerei Whau to Henderson Creek Henderson .. Stoke's Point to Lucas Creek Swanson-West Coast Stoke's Point to Lake District Birkenhead Slip, £1 for £1 Great North Road (cut hill) Henderson-West Coast Lucas Creek Road Wainui-Kaukapakapa Railway-station Waikomiti West .. . % Great North Road, from Whau Bridge-Waikomiti Cemetery Waikomiti-Huia Birkenhead-Warkworth Rangitoto Mountain, £1 for £1 .. Oakley Creek Bridge (£1 for £1) .. Orakei Bridge (repairs) Mangere Bridge Tamaki Bridge (Panmure) £ a. d. 177,790 4 10 £ r. d. 20,618 3 0 £ s. d. 198,408 7 10 £ p. d. 36,613 13 6 £ s. a. 235,022 1 4 Waitemata Waitemata 400 0 0 2,236 5 7 264 14 3 250 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 400 0 0 2,236 5 7 250 0 0 264 14 3 150 0 0 150 0 0 400 0 0 2,236 5 7 250 0 0 264 14 3 150 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 500 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 400 0 0 400 0 0 350 0 0 100 0 0 400 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 500 0 0 . 150 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 500 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 366 1 3 400 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 101 10 1 400 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 467 11 4 400 0 0 400 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 32 8 8 Eden" .. 50 0 0 100 0 0 Eden and Waitemata Eden 250 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 300 0 0 •• •■ Waitemata and Rodney .. Eden .. Waitemata Eden Manukau Eden Manukau 450 0 0 200 0 0 105 0 0 110 0 0 20 0 0 560 0 0 200 0 0 125 0 0 560 0 0 200 0 0 125 0 0 400 0 0 500 0 0 17,926 10 9 1,369 0 10 17,820 5 3 399 0 10 472 10 1 106 5 6 269 3 1 472 10 1 17,926 10 9 668 3 11 400 0 0 27 9 11 Manukau 700 16 11 Carried forward 201 831 12 0 23,247 11 9 225,079 3 9 39,974 9 0 265, 0i


TABLE No. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.


Name of Work. County. Electorate. Total Net .Expenditure to 31st March, 1898. Net Expenditure Total Net Liabilities on Total Net !2 Mounded c£w££.. a S£ 31st March, 1899. | ilst Marcll > ls99 - 31st March, 1899. ana u "" mies. Brought forward Roads, Bridges, etc. — continued. Auckland Land Distbict — continued. Panmure Wharf (repairs) Otahuhu Wharf Outau Swamp (drainage and road) Hunua to Eailway-station Awhitu Road and Wharf Putamahoe to Stemson's Corner Maioro to Port Waikato Awaroa Swamp, £1 for £1 Payment to Ferryman, Port Waikato Pukekohe-Waiuku Pukekohe Pun tat Tuakau Pukekohe Railway-station through East Pukekohe and Bombay Buekland Station Maungatawhiri Valley Maketu to Ararimu Tuakau-Waikato Awaroa Swamp Drain and roads Akaaka Swamp Otauia to Deed's Mauku Bridge (subsidy) Mauku Bridge (Drury-Waiuku) Maioro Swamp (drainage and road) Whisky Creek Road Mauku District Patumahoe Abraham's Gully Otau Akaaka Swamp Block Otau Block Wairoa River-Otau Tauranga Creek Wharf Aka-Aka-Otaua Hunua Road Hunua-Main Road Mataitai-Clevedon Otau Block-Ness Valley Patumahoe-West Mauku (metalling) £ S. d. 201,831 12 0 £ s. d. 23,247 11 9 £ s. a. 225,079 3 9 £ s. d. 39,974 9 0 £ s. d. 265,053 12 9 Manukau Manukau 100 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 365 4 0 114 5 7 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 586 19 7 455 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 7 10 0 5,904 2 1 250 0 0 520 9 6 15 2 2 i 50 0 0 34 16 0 180 11 11 50 0 0 221 15 7 340 14 5 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 7 10 0 5,634 2 1 250 0 0 520 9 6 15 2 2 Franklin 186 19 7 160 2 6 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 7 10 0 5 554 2 1 250 0 0 520 9 6 15 2 2 80 0 0 270 0 0 H ■■ ! 300 0 0 102 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 610 2 6 1,896 10 9 375 0 0 41 0 0 167 11 7 660 13 10 149 2 8 200 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 1,104 16 2 331 8 4 2,350 0 0 253 10 0 100 13 6 50 0 0 23 2 0 300 0 0 102 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 660 2 6 1,896 10 9 375 0 0 41 0 0 167 11 7 683 15 10 149 2 8 200 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 1,494 1 9 331 8 i 2,350 0 0 550 13 10 100 13 6 100 0 0 3 19 10 300 0 0 102 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 760 2 6 1,896 10 9 375 0 0 41 0 0 171 11 5 683 15 10 149 2 8 200 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 1,604 16 2 331 8 4 2,350 0 0 569 0 0 100 13 6 100 0 0 300 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 389 5 7 110 14 5 297 3 10 18 6 2 100 0 0 300 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 193 10 0 50 0 0 6 10 0 50 0 0 6 10 0 50 0 0 Carried forward 217,768 7 2 217,768 7 2 24,409 1 1 242,177 8 3 42,150 9 0 284,327 17 8



TABLE NO. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

NtimeofWork. County. Electorate. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March 1898. Net Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1899. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward Roads, Bbidges, etc. — continued. uckland Land District — continued. Pollok to wharf Pollok Settlement Main Road Tauranga-Maraetai Hunua-Ararimu South. Bombay to Paparata Miranda Road Mangatangi Bridge Great South Road Otahuhu-Gambridge Mercury Bay-Mahikarou Coromandel-Thames Coromandel-Port Charles Coromandel-Tairua Coromandel Wharf Coromandel-Mercury Bay Cabbage Bay-Cape Colville Tairua-Whenuakite Kuaotunu Cemetery Road Wharauroa Kaimarama Block Thames Repairs flood-damage at Thames.. Thames Borough Tararu Tramway Removal of snags, Thames River Puriri-Tairoa Waiotahi Village Homestead-Thames Kauaeranga Valley Road Thames-Tauranga I £ s a. 217,768 7 2 £ s. d. 24,409 1 1 £ s. d. 242,177 8 3 £ s. d. 42,150 9 0 £ S. d. 284,327 17 3 Manukau Franklin 100 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 114 14 8 100 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 300 16 9 100 0 0 109 0 8 200 0 0 Waikato 43 1 3 100 0 0 109 0 8 200 0 0 143 0 10 186 2 1 100 0 0 109 0 8 200 0 0 Manukau and Waikato .. Franklin and Waikato 767 6 2 600 12 4 1,367 18 6 49 7 8 1,417 6 2 Ooromandel Thames 400 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 3 9 0 14 4 8 350 0 0 550 0 0 100 0 0 7 0 0 318 0 0 75 2 9 4,928 10 0 2,452 10 0 1,000 0 0 636 18 11 924 0 0 117 1 0 300 0 0 5,323 8 0 400 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 3 9 0 14 4 8 350 0 0 550 0 0 100 0 0 7 0 0 318 0 0 75 2 9 4,928 10 0 2,452 10 0 1,000 0 0 636 18 11 924 0 0 117 1 0 300 0 0 5,323 8 0 400 0 0 200 0 "0 100 0 0 200 0 0 3 9 0 14 4 8 350 0 0 550 0 0 100 0 0 7 0 0 318 0 0 75 2 9 4,928 10 0 2,452 10 0 1,000 0 0 636 18 11 924 0 0 117 1 0 300 0 0 5,323 8 0 Thames Thames, Ohinemuri, and Tauranga Ohinemuri Thames, Ohinemuri, and Bay of Plenty Ohinemuri Waihi Bridge subsidy, £1 for £1 .. Waihou Perry through Komata .. Paeroa-Owharoa Sundry roads, Waitoa District Grant to Ohinemuri County Hikutaia to Ohinemuri Waikato Hamilton to Cambridge Ohinewai-Matahura 250 0 0 80 13 0 500 0 0 400 0 0 1,000 0 0 4,022 7 7 27,582 11 7 100 0 0 150 0 0 250 0 0 80 13 0 500 0 0 400 0 0 1,000 0 0 4,022 7 7 27,582 11 7 100 0 0 248 5 1 250 0 0 80 13 0 500 0 0 400 0 0 1,000 0 0 4,022 7 7 27,582 11 7 100 0 0 350 0 0 Waikato Waikato 98 5 1 101 14 11 Carried forward 339,190 17 4 271,073 11 9 25,250 19 4 296,324 11 1 42,866 6 3


TABLE NO. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.


Name of Work. Const;. Electorate. Total Net Net Expenditure j Total Net Expenditure to io » ,i xa ! Expenditure to 31st March. 1898. s f . 31st Ma-ch, 1899. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, Ac., 31st March, 1S99. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward Roads, Bridges, etc. — continued. Auckland Land District — continued. Homokorau Bridge Removal of punt, Te Rori to Churchill Removal of Churchill Punt Blocks X. and XI., Rangiriri Survey District Puriri Block Road to Section 485, Whangamarino University Endowment, Kimihia Waerenga StationrWaerenga Settlement .. Waipuna Valley Road and Whangamarino Parish.. Rangiriri-Gambridge (Main Road) Whangamarino District.. Education endowment, Kimihia-Huntly Churchill Punt.. Gibbons Creek Bridge (Hamilton) Matahura Rangiriri Lake, Matahura Road Rangiriri Lake to Railway-station Wairangi Railway-station Wairangi Railway-station and Matahura Waikare Lake to Onewhero Churchill Punt, on Waikato Whangamarino Parish .. Wairangi-Matahura Taupiri Block .. Bombay-Rangiriri (Main Road) Raglan Wharf, £1 for £1 Matakataka Cutting Bridge over Waipa, on Raglan Main Road Onewhero (Sections 128, 129) Waikato-Block XIV., Awaroa Lake Whangape-Block VII., Awaroa Whaingaro-Kahuruhuru Whairjgaro-JSTgaruawahia Whaingaro-Akatea-Ngaruawahia Whaingaro-Te Mata Matawhero-Whaugape Te Rore Bridge Mata-Kauroa .. .. .. .. Mangapiko-Maire £ s. d. 271,073 11 9 £ s. d. 25,250 19 4 £ a. d. 296,324 11 1 £ S. d. 42,866 6 3 £ S. d. 339,190 17 4 Waikato Waikato 250 0 0 40 14 9 42 2 0 189 18 7 37 7 0 250 0 0 40 14 9 42 2 0 227 5 7 250 0 0 40 14 9 42 2 0 250 0 0 186 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 350 0 0 1,102 2 9 100 0 0 150 5 2 250 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 596 5 9 200 0 0 242 0 0 100 0 0 1,006 4 8 100 0 0 3,806 19 11 3,035 10 4 2,065 15 0 586 1 3 5,156 12 6 300 0 0 511 8 0 160 0 0 202 17 1 150 0 0 22 14 5 186 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 350 0 0 If • • • • 1,102 2 9 150 5 2 250 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 . 176 5 9 75 0 0 100 0 0 330 0 0 1,102 2 9 75 0 0 150 5 2 250 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 506 5 9 25 0 0 100 0 0 Waikato and Manukau .. Raglan 90 0 0 200 0 0 242 0 0 I 1,006 4 8 45 6 6 3,806 19 11 3,035 10 4 2,065 15 0 270 16 1 5,156 12 6 i oil 8 0 160 0 0 202 17 1 100 0 0 100 0 0 50 16 9 310 12 9 200 0 0 50 0 0 242 0 0 100 0 0 1,006 4 8 96 3 3 3,806 19 11 3,035 10 4 2,065 15 0 581 8 10 5,156 12 6 200 0 0 511 8 0 160 0 0 202 17 1 150 0 0 *3 16 9 4 12 5 100 0 0 m Carried forward 290,928 10 10 26,504 15 10 317,433 6 8 44,348 9 10 361,781 10



TABLE No. 4- con ti nued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

Name of Work. County. Electorate. Total Net Net Expendrture : Tota , Net Liabilities on Total Net i Expenditure to 12 Months ended ' Expenditure to C ont r ac£ Tc Expenditure 3i s t March. 1898. [ 31st March, 1899. .gjSKg; fe, and Liabilities. Brought forward Roads, Bridges, etc. — continued. Auckland Land District — continued. Whaiugaro t> Mangapiko, Mangapiko to Maire Huntly-Kahuruhuru Road Huntly Punt .. ICahuruhuru Block Opuatia Bridge and Crossing .. .. ) Tuakau-Opuatia-Kahuruhuru .. .. J Awaroa No. 2 Block Awaroa, Block XI. Paekotare Block Raglan- Waipp. .. Raglau-Iiuapuke Aotea Wharf Road Bregmen's Landing-Tuakau Main Road-Pukekawa .. Ngaruawabia-Huntly West Ocorohaea Trig Road Rutherford's Hill (Section 90, Block III.), Awaroa.. Tuakau-Raglan Tuakau Bridge (to account) Waitetuna Bridge Newcastle (IX., X., XI.) Block Opuatia (No. 1) Block Opuatia (No 2) Block Opuatia (No. 3) Block .. Onewh*ro(XII.,XVI.)-Maramarua (IX.,XIII.) Block Pirongia (III., IV., VI., VII., VIII.) Block, Kawhia Rangiriri (IX., X.) Block Te Puroa Block Waipa (Sections 33 to 122) Block Main Road to Blocks VII. and IX., Karioi Prom Main Road to West Coast Road through Block VI., Awaroa .. f Mangaokahu Block Karioi-Alexandra Block Karioi Parish Block Lawson's Hill .. Tuakau Punt .. Tuakau-Opuatia Kahuruhuru Bregmen's Landing and Mercer Raglan I £ s. i. 290,928 10 10 853 3 1 836 18 1 200 0 0 £ s. d. 26,504 15 10 J 150 19 0 £ s. d. 317,433 6 8 853 3 1 987 17 1 200 0 0 £ s. a. 44,348 9 10 £ B. (1. 361,781 16 6 853 3 1 1,036 18 1 200 0 0 300 0 0 Waikato 49 1 0 ' • 300 0 0 .'. ! - n 2,027 5 6 1,023 19 8 3,051 5 2 176 0 4 200 0 0 285 1 9 78 16 6 200 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 457 0 11 200 0 0 300 0 0 233 1 0 270 16 5 104 18 7 100 0 0 300 0 0 180 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 3,227 5 6 i I 360 3 10 3,098 8 2 •• :: ! 114 18 3 13 6 200 0 0 50 0 0 •■ ■• •■ 42 19 1 475 2 1 13 6 3,298 8 2 50 0 0 42 19 1 200 0 0 760 3 10 80 0 0 3,498 8 2 200 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 500 0 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 180 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 • • I ... - "I 66 19 0 29 3 7 95 1 5 66 19 0 29 3 7 95 1 5 I ••! •• I ••! i 100 0 0 100 0 0 .. 146 11 2 .146 11 2 253 8 10 400 0 0 n 232 12 7 I 1,661-14 6 213 4 6 50 0 0 1,863 18 9 2 5 10 55 0 0 169 0 8 119 232 12 7 1,661 14 6 55 0 0 382 5 2 50 0 0 1,863 18 9 3 7 7 80 19 4 232 12 7 1,661 14 6 55 0 0 463 4 6 50 0 0 1,863 18 9 102 5 10 • • I 98 18 3 Carried forward 302,328 5 8 28,751 12 11 331,079 18 7 50,016 12 9 381,096 11 I


TABLE NO. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.


Name of Work. County. Electorate. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March. 1898. Net Expenditure Total N(jt 12 MonYhslnded o??'-S? di *J? r ?oJS 31st March, 1899. Slst Ma,eh ' 1899 ' Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward ... Roads, Bridges, etc. — continued. .UCKLAND Land District — continued. Bregmen's Landing and Mercer Road, Waikato River Waitetuna-Aotea Waitetuna-Kauri Waitetuna-Whaingaro .. Waitetuca-Whatawhata Aotea-Raglan Waipa Bridge (£1 foe £1) (Ngaruawahia) Mercer Punt Tuhikaramea to Hamilton Cambridge Bridge (repairs) (£1 for £1) Bridge over Waikato, Hamilton .. Te Awamutu Railway-station-Township .. To Ohaupo Station Rukuhia Swamp Clark's Road Whatawhata Swamp (drainage and road) .. Hamilton-Whatawhata (drain) Whatawhata Bridge Hamilton Bridge To free Hamilton Bridge from tolls Puniu Bridge .. ' .. To Waitomo Caves Kauroa-Pakoka Wharauroa Te Kuiti-Otorohanga-Kihikihi .. Terauamoa Improved- farm Settlement) Alexandra-Kawhia Tokan u i-W h ar epapa Hauturu East Kawhia— Waipa—Alexandra— Kawliia Kinohaku. East Hauturu and part of Kinohaku Block Kinohaku Block Puketarata Block Whangaingatakapu Blocks Briscoe's Section, Awakino (road to) Kawhia Wharf .. Ofcorohanga-Pirongia Alexandra to Hikurangi £ s. d. 302,328 5 8 £ s. d. 28,751 12 11 ■& s. d. 331,079 18 7 £ s. d. 50,016 12 9 £ s. d. 381,096 11 4 Raglan Raglan and Kawhia Waikato 17 6 0 271 18 5 22 18 6 17 6 0 294 16 11 477 1 6 300 0 0 100 12 2 300 0 0 124 16 1 209 9 5 119 17 6 17 6 0 771 18 5 300 0 0 400 11 2 300 0 0 664 16 5 1,190 2 8 200 0 0 500 0 0 100 0 0 284 12 3 315 16 3 250 0 0 693 1 8 50 0 0 125 0 0 137 18 0 284 17 0 550 0 0 6,700 0 0 100 0 0 1,430 0 10 200 0 0 293 0 0 392 2 4 2,305 0 0 1,054 14 2 300 0 0 500 0 0 3,308 15 4 500 0 0 1,000 0 0 500 0 0 259 0 0 '300 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 1,341 15 3 // 100 11 2 199 7 10 299 19 0 464 16 5 67 15 9 75 3 11 912 17 6 80 2 6 540 0 4 980 13 3 80 2 6 500 0 0 Raglan and Manukau. Waipa 500 0 0 100 0 0 284 12 3 315 16 3 250 0 0 693 1 8 50 0 0 25 0 0 137 18 0 284 17 0 550 0 0 6,700 0 0 75 0 0 284 12 3 315 16 3 250 0 0 693 1 8 50 0 0 100 0 0 137 18 0 284 17 0 550 0 0 6,700 0 0 : 43 1 0 1,390 0 10 100 0 0 : 193 0 0 392 2 4 2,085 1 6 832 13 1 25 0 0 Waipa and Waikato Waipa and West Taupo .. Kawhia 1,390 0 10 43 1 0 56 19 0 40 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 193 0 0 392 2 4 1,540 0 1 604 14 2 545 1 5 227 18 11 219 18 6 222 1 1 300 0 0 4 11 0 it 495 9 0 495 9 0 3,308 15 4 3,308 15 4 500 0 0 770 19 5 500 0 0 259 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 229 0 7 229 0 7 „ i .. 1,341 15 3 200 0 0 200 0 0 1,341 15 3 Carried forward 321,812 6 7 31,957 14 1 353,770 0 8 55,346 18 5 409,116 19



TABLE NO. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Xarxe of Wort. County. Electorate. Total Net Net Jixpeiiditure Total Net i "abUities on , Expenditure to ,„ „ du " n « Expenditure to i Authorities, j Slat Mni-oli 18QH 12 Months ended „. . *!«■_„,, , SQQ i Contracts, &c, dlst Maich. 1898. 3i st March, 1889. «st March, 1S99. | 31st Marclli 1899 . j Total Not Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward Roads, Bridges, etc. — continued. Auckland Land District — continued. Pirongin, (IV., VTII.) Block .. Otorohanga-Te Kuiti Tβ Kuiti-Awakino North End North fsland Main Trunk Bailway Tunnel-Karioi Mangauika AlA Paemako (Karu-o-te-Whenua) Improved-farm Settlement Kawhia Aotea .. .. Pirongia West Ouruwhero N2, and Puketarata Kihikihi-Otorohanga-Te Kuiti Whatiwliatihoe Bridge Paemako-Ohura .. Katikati~Te Aroha (Thompson's track) Aroha Township-Gold-mines Te Aroha-Katikati Road Te Aroha Block Huihuitaha to Patetere Katikati-Te Aroha Te Aroha Drains ... Te Aroha Sanatorium, Hot Springs, and Domain .. Te Aroha Domain Te Aroha and Waitoa Drains Te Aroha-Rotorua Road through Okauia Block Cambridge-Taupo Works at Te Aroha Springs .. Gambridge-Tauranga Katikati to Te Aroha (horse-track) Paraiti Bridge Bay of Plenty .. .. Tauranga County flood-damages Waimapu Bridge Paengaroa Tauranga to Opotiki Tauranga to Te Puke and Matata Otamarakau Bridge Otawa Nos. Iα and Iβ Pukaingataru Road £ s. d. 321,812 6 7 £ s. d. 31,957 14 1 £ s. d. 353,770 0 8 £ s. d. 55,346 18 5 £ a. d. 409,116 19 1 Kawhia Waikato 58 12 5 14,027 16 3 3,886 5 5 7,780 18 7 119 10 11 553 11 9 58 12 5 19,574 3 4 3,886 5 5 7,780 18 7 374 8 10 863 13 3 453 12 11 25 11 2 839 9 3 58 12 5 20,027 16 3 3,886 5 5 7,780 18 7 400 0 0 1,703 2 6 Waikato and Egmont Waikato 5,546 7 1 254 17 11 310 1 6 Kawhia and West Taupo 360 6 9 262 5 6 480 12 11 i 104 19 9 137 10 0 37 14 6 47 12 9 13 14 11 92 1 11 104 19 9 497 16 9 300 0 0 528 5 8 13 14 11 92 1 11 2,139 16 11 500 0 0 50 0 0 5,300 2 6 705 8 2 785 11 1 776 19 3 1,748 14 7 2,733 3 6 375 16 11 5 0 3 1,362 10 0 252 7 3 86 5 1 307 18 1 227 16 7 243 4 6 300 0 0 100 0 0 110 0 0 1,860 6 9 300 0 0 780 12 11 100 0 0 400 0 0 2,139 16 11 500 0 0 50 0 0 5,300 2 6 705 8 2 785 11 1 776 19 3 1,976 11 2 "2,733 3 6 619 1 5 300 0 0 1,341 10 7 57 18 0 4,200 0 0 359 9 5 Kawhia and Waipa Kawhia and Clifton Piako •• 2,139 16 11 500 0 0 50 0 0 5,300 2 6 705 8 2 785 11 1 776 19 3 375 17 5 2,733 3 6 375 16 11 Bay of Plenty 1,372 17 2 */ 1,841 10 7 ! 57 18 0 4,100 0 0 359 9 5 1,341 10 7 57 18 0 4,100 0 0 359 9 5 Piako and Tauranga Tauranga 91,220 6 4 192 11 i 5,655 3 0 25 0 0 100 0 0 12,962 1 2 378 19 0 447 7 10 80 0 0 91,220 6 4 192 11 4 5,655 3 0 25 0 0 100 0 0 12,962 1 2 378 19 0 447 7 10 80 0 0 10 0 0 200 0 0 91,220 6 4 202 11 4 5,655 3 0 25 0 0 100 0 0 12,962 1 2 378 19 0 647 7 10 80 0 0 Carried forward 480,005 9 6 39,875 11 7 519,881 1 1 59,760 13 6 579,641 14 7

TABLE NO. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.


5—P. 1,


Name of Work. Conntj. Electorate. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March. 1898. Net Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure to 31st Ma'eh, 1899. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward Roads, Bridges, etc. — continued. Auckland Land Distbict— continued. Pye's Pa Ake Ake Maketu Wharf Kaiti Bridge Ruahihi Bridge (Tauranga-Cambridge) Kaituna Stream Bridge Papamoa Special Settlement Papamoa No. 1 .. Papamoa Nos. 1 and 2 (additional) Maketu-Rotorua .. Tauran ga-Run an ga £ s. d. 480,005 9 6 £ s. d. 39,875 11 7 £ S. d. 519,881 1 1 £ s. d. 59,760 13 6 £ s. a. 579,641 14 7 Tauranga Bay of Plenty 200 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 75 0 0 100 0 0 . 200 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 224 15 6 200 0 0 200 0 0 188 17 4 178 15 8 300 0 0 75 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 612 5 6 726 8 10 200 0 0 2,791 14 11 3,982 4 1 212 5 6 526 8 10 175 4 6 387 10 0 526 8 10 Tauranga and Rotorua .. Tauranga, Rotorua, and Bast Taupo Tauranga, Rotorua, East Taupo, and Hawke's Bay Whakatane Bay of Plenty and Hawke's Bay Ditto 2,191 14 11 1,982 4 1 411 2 8 1,821 4 4 2,602 17 7 3,803 8 5 Tauranga-Napier, via Taupo 40,541 3 0 40,541 3 0 40,541 3 0 Opotiki-Whakatane Matata-Te Teko Whakatane to Ohape Waioeka, Blocks II., III., IV. Orini Bridge, Whakatane Rebuilding, repairing, and constructing county bridges Opotiki-Waiotahi Nukuhou-Maraetotara Galatea-Te Kapu, via Waikaremoana Papamoa-Omarumutu Whakatane roads and bridges, £1 for £1 Waiotahi Waiotahi Bridge Opotiki-Otamamakau Waiotahi Block .. .. -.. Waiawa Block Waimana Block Waimana Tβ Teko-Opotiki .. Rangataiki-Ruatoki-Waiotahi Galatea-Te Teko Otara River-Papamoa Omarumutu-Te Whaiti Bay of Plenty 1,099 15 8 150 0 0 250 0 0 150 0 0 299 5 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 1,099 15 8 250 0 0 250 0 0 200 0 0 299 5 0 500 0 0 100 0 0 700 0 0 1,099 15 8 350 0 0 250 0 0 900 0 0 299 5 0 500 0 0 m • • 500 0 0 562 10 0 562 10 0 500 0 0 562 10 0 500 0 0 1,848 3 9 150 0 0 500 0 0 700 0 0 500 0 0 200 0 O 750 13 9 700 0 0 2,000 0 0 1,563 13 0 1,525 0 0 6,539 17 5 160 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 1,848 3 9 300 0 0 200 0 0 500 0 0 150 0 0 1,848 3 9 150 0 0 300 0 0 350 0 0 500 0 0 200 0 0 350 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 K ~ ■ • • 750 13 9 200 0 0 2,000 0 0 1,063 13 0 825 0 0 6,111 12 0 14 7 0 750 13 9 200 0 0 2,000 0 0 1,078 0 0 825 0 0 6,420 11 4 159 9 7 500 0 0 485 13 0 700 0 0 119 6 1 0 10 5 300 0 0 100 0 0 308 19 4 159 9 7 " if .. Carried forward 585,785 18 0" 541,969 19 0 43,815 19 0 65,733 11 6 651,519 9 6



TABLE NO. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Name of Work. County. Electorate. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1898. Net Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1899 Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1899. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1S99. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward Roads, Bhidges, etc. — continued xtckIjAND Land Distbict — continued. Waikaremoaua-Waitahuna .. Waimana-Ohiwa Waweka River-Waiotahi Block Otara Bridge Tahora Block Botorua-Galatea-Waikaremoana £ s. d. 541,969 19 0 £ S. d. 43,815 19 0 £ s. d. 585,785 18 0 £ s. d. 65,733 11 6 £ s. d. 651,519 9 6 Whakatane Bay of Plenty 500 0 0 400 0 0 300 0 0 500 0 0 400 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 37,715 8 10 100 0 0 166 0 0 Rotorua, Wairoa, Whakatane, and East Taupo Tauranga and Whakatane Whakatarje and Waiapu .. Rotorua Bay of Plenty and Waiapu 24,445 18 4 12,229 8 6 36,675 6 10 100 0 0 1,040 2 0 » Sundry roads, Bay of Plenty Tβ Kumi Botorua-Rotomahana Morea Bridge Eotoiti-Tiketere .. Pongakawa-Rotorua and Rotorua Road Taupo Works at Rotorua Mamaku-Rotorua-Oxford Okohiriki Block Kaikokupu Block.. Botorua-Te Warioa Rotorua-Waiotapu Eotorua Wharf .. ■ Eotorua Water-supply Botorua-Ngongotaha Mount Mamaku Block .. Rotoiti-Tarawera, vid Okaitaina Umurua Block Eotorua-Te Teko.. Ngengotaba-Bishop's Section Waiotapu Springs (improvements) Whakarewarewa Okoheriki Id .. .. Arahiwi and Mamaku Railway-station Taumata Block Taumata Nos. Iα, 2a, 3b, east; 3b west: Nos. 1, 3c east A ; 3c west No. 1 Oxford-Rotorua .. .. .. 1 Tirau (Oxford)-Rotorua Main Road .. ) Galatea-Ruatoki .. Botowhero, vid Waiotapu-Wairakei Rotorua and Tauranga .. Rotorua Bay of Plenty 10,517 10 5 206 17 0 0 12 0 87 16 0 9,336 17 1 7,608 11 3 181 3 0 231 0 4 1,162 5 7 273 9 10 449 1 4 315 5 1 '7 2 7 72 2 4 s>567 6 7 87 16 9 174 8 1 244 4 3 34 12 3 10,517 10 '5 206 17 0 7 14 7 87 16 0 72 2 4 9,336 17 1 13,175 17 10 181 3 0 318 17 1 1,162 5 7 447 17 11 693 5 7 349 17 4 100 0 0 892 17 5 127 17 8 2,167 9 3 300 0 0 300 0 0 212 3 3 225 11 11 255 15 9 65 7 9 200 0 0 252 12 8 280 0 0 1,477 3 11 2 11 500 0 0 92 6 6 300 0 0 222 6 2 428 0 0 182 4 0 10,617 10 5 206 17 0 900 12 0 87 16 0 200 0 0 9,336 17 1 15,343 7 1 181 3 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 531 0 4 1,162 5 7 673 9 10 949 1 4 415 5 1 200 0 0 1,021 10 5 280 0 0 11,636 7 1 100 0 0 500 0 0 937 15 10 300 0 0 400 3 0 428 0 0 500 0 0 721 10 5 47 7 4 768 17 9 9,838 12 1 320 11 1 99 17 1 10,159 3 2 99 17 1 677 15 10 167 13 6 845 9 i 35 3 0 142 13 10 177 16 10 317 16 0 317 16 0 Rotorua and Piako 20,901 2 1 244 9 0 21,145 11 1 346 11 0 21,492 2 1 Rotorua and Wakatane .. Rotorua and East Taupo .. 8,140 5 10 436 19 3 8,577 5 1 100 0 0 563 0 9 100 0 0 9,140 5 10 u I . Carried forward 637,418 11 6 63,792 11 5 701,211 2 11 77,665 4 5 778,876 7




TABLE No. 4-— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Name of Work. County. Electorate. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March. 1898. Net Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1899. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward Eoads, Bbidqes, etc. — continued. Auckland Land Distbict — continued. Wharepuhunga No. 1 Kihikihi-Waofcu Tools, &c. Baths and water-supply, Tokaanu Wharf, Tokaanu Waiotapu-Galatea Huka Falls to Pukatarata Ateamuri-Orakei-Korako Otarewa-Waipapa Stream (Robinson's Road) Waihi-Tokaanu Whakatane Wharf (repairs) Waikato Bridge (Waiotapu) (to account) Track to Orakei-Korako Waitapa to Taupo Tauhara Mountain Taupo Domain Tokaanu to Taupo Taupo, via Rotoaira and Murimotu to West Coast.. Roads and bridges in Native district Sundry roads and bridges, Auckland Purchase of roads Purchase of roads to Grown lands Native districts Village settlements (see also "General") Eoads, bridges, and wharves, North of Auckland .. Miscellaneous, and engineering £ s. a. 637,418 11 6 £ s. d. 63,792 11 5 £ 8. d. 701,211 2 11 £ s. d. 77,665 4 5 £ s. d. 778,876 7 4 Taupo West Bay of Plenty .. 254 11 10 49 19 6 254 11 10 49 19 6 714 13 6 745 8 2 150 0 6 1,000 0 0 200 0 0 714 13 6 500 0 0 302 7 0 4,300 19 10 1,800 1 5 250 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 1,948 13 5 529 3 1 5 10 0 100 0 0 450 0 0 2,343 3 2 12,601 17 9 926 5 8 10,824 6 7 Taupo East 714 13 6 500 0 0 300 0 0 2 7 0 4,300 19 10 1,800 1 5 2 7 0 4,300 19 10 1,800 1 5 243 14 0 243 14 0 6 6 0 200 0 0 27 19 2 200 0 0 1,131 12 7 66 16 2 172 0 10 172 0 10 229 3 1 5 10 0 817 0 10 233 3 10 817 0 10 462 6 11 5 10 0 i 50 0 0 1,643 3 2 12,601 17 9 926 5 8 10,824 6 7 100 0 0 395 16 7 150 0 0 2,038 19 9 12,601 17 9 926 5 8 10,824 6 7 100 0 0 300 0 0 304 3 5 Wanganui and West Taupo .. " i 20 0 0 11,486 8 3 194 0 6 229,671 15 9 14,041 8 7 Cr'.l 9 4 20 0 0 11,486 8 3 186 11 2 229,671 15 9 14,978 5 3 375 9 4 20 0 0 11,486 8 3 562 0 6 229,671 15 9 15,182 9 11 •• 936 16 8 204 4 8 Total, Auckland Land District 926,185 4 5 66,733 14 4 992,918 18 9 82,277 4 5 1,075,196 3 2 Hawke's Bay Land District — Waiapu County Opotiki-East Cape Awanui-Hicks Bay Awanui-Tikiteke Mata Valley Waiomatatini to Hicks Bay Kawakawa-Hick's Bay Waipiro Hot Springs-Tologa Bay Waipiro Hot Springs-Tokomara Waipiro-Mata .-. Waiapu „ ■„ Waiapu 400 0 0 500 0 0 312 2 9 313 0 9 200 0 0 300 0 0 400 0 0 700 0 0 312 2 9 300 0 0 313 0 9 300 0 0 200 0 0 400 0 0 1,000 0 0 312 2 9 300 0 0 200 0 0 313 0 9 150 0 0 500 0 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 " . 150 0 0 500 0 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 Carried forward ■ 1,525 3 6 500 0 0 2,025 3 6 1,650 0 0 3,675 3



TABLE No. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Name of Work. County. Electorate. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1898. Net Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1899. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, <fcc, 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward Roads, Bridges, etc. — continued. Hawke's Bay Land District — continued. Tokomaru-Huiarua Tauwhareparae-Tokomaru .. Tauwhareparae-Orown lands Whareponga-Reporua Pukeamaru ,, Waipiro-Te Puia-Hikiwai .. Whakaangiangi .. ,, Waihuka .. ., Ahomatariki .. ., Hikurangi Block .. ., Waiapu Inland Road ., ,. ,. Ormond-Waiapu .. ,. Ormond-Waiapu Waimata-Waiapu Gisborne via Tolaga Bay Awanui .. ) Gisborne via, Tolaga-Hicks Bay .. \ Gisborne-Tolaga-Tauwhareparae Tolaga-Marunga-Tauwhareparae Waimata-Tauwhareparae Waikohu-Matawai and Motu Block .. Tauwhareparae-Arikihi Huirarua Block Poverty Bay .. .. Tolaga- Mangatekoraa Punakitere Block .. Tologa-Arikihi Waipoa Road to Oil Springs Tauwharetoi Block Waikohu Waikohu-Motu Motu Bridge and Road Tatapouri Hill Waikohu Bridge (£1 f or £2) .. Pakarae Road and Punt Puatai Hill Te Arai Nuhaka Bridge (to account), £1 lor £1 .. Tologa- An aura Tologa Hill £ s. d. 1,525 3 6 £ s. d. 500 0 0 £ s. d. 2,025 3 6 £ S. d. 1,650 0 0 £ s. d. 3,675 3 6 Waiapu Waiapu 200 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 250 0 0 500 0 0 250 0 0 250 i 3 250 0 0 520 0 0 400 0 0 12,476 0 1 302 13 0 600 0 0 ■ • ! 300 0 0 300 0 0 • • '7 4 3 7 4 3 250 0 0 500 0 0 250 0 0 243 0 0 250 0 0 23 15 7 300 0 0 [ 495 19 5 100 0 0 12,476 0 1 302 13 0 600 0 0 0 5 0 496 4 5 100 0 0 12,476 0 1 302 13 0 600 0 0 Waiapu and Cook Cook 999 11 9 200 0 0 1,199 11 9 600 0 0 1,799 11 9 300 0 0 756 10 1 500 0 0 300 0 0 756 10 1 500 0 0 300 0 0 2,000 0 0 300 0 0 500 0 0 300 0 0 756 10 1 800 0 0 2,000 0 0 800 0 0 500 0 0 21,499 5 4 358 19 6 2,149 14 4 3,247 6 11 650 0 0 1,169 7 2 ■• I 500 0 0 500 0 0 " i 21,499 5 4 358 19 6 2,149 14 4 3,016 6 11 650 0 0 1,169 7 2 21,499 5 4 358 19 6 2,149 14 4 3,016 6 11 650 0 0 1,169 7 2 231 0 0 } 1,303 10 9 733 16 6 1,192 19 1 2,496 9 10 557 0 11 3,053 10 9 1,000 0 0 782 9 4 300 0 0 733 16 6 300 0 0 1,000 0 0 782 9 4 733 16 6 300 0 0 1,000 0 0 822 9 4 300 0 0 150 0 0 600 0 0 200 0 0 250 0 0 " I East Maori 40 0 0 300 0 0 150 0 0 600 0 0 200 0 0 250 0 0 Waiapu Carried forward 51,426 11 11 2,493 4 1 53,919 16 0 9,844 16 6 63,764 12 &


TABLE No. 4— con tinued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.


Xaine of Work. County. Electorate. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1898. Net Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1899. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward Roads, Bridges, etc.— continued. Hawke's Bay Land District— continued. Wainui .. .. .. .. Cook Waimata Bridge (Ackroyd's) Turehau Bridge .. '.. .". „ Waimoko Bridge .. .. .. .. .. Waimata Biding .. .. .. „ Pouawa Koad Board .. .. „ Gisborne-Waimata (metalling) .. .. „ Gisborne-Waimata .. .. .. „ Hangaroa-Tiniroto .. .. .. j Te Eeinga Palls Bridge .. ".". Whataupoko Boad Board .. ".'. „ Cook Countv (flood-aamages) .. .. i „ Motu .. .. .. .. „ Motu Road, widening '.. .". „ Gisborne-Rotorua Stock .. .. .. Cook and Whakatane Opotiki-Ormond .. .. .. .. „ Gisborne-Opotiki .. .. .. „ Ormond-Opotiki, and branch roads Gisborne-Opotiki .. .. .. „ Gisborne-Wairoa , .. .. .. Cook ana Wairoa Wairoa-Gisborne .. Nuhaka-Gisborne .. .. .. „ Nuhaka No. 1 .. Muriwai-Mahia .. Gisborne-Waikaremoana .. .. .. „ Buakituri Block .. .. .. .. Wairoa Opoiti Bridge (to account) .. .. .. „ Opoiti Bridge .. .. .. .. „ Ohuka-Waikaremoana .. .. .. „ Frasertown-Waikaremoana .. .. .. „ Wairoa and Waikaremoana (bridle-track through the Waiau District to Poverty Bay) Nuhaka Nuhaka, Block No. 2 Nuhaka Springs Nuhaka Block .. .. .. .. „ Eotokakaranga .. .. .. .. „ Waiau Block .. .. .. .. „ £ s. a. 51,426 11 11 £ S. d. 2,493 4 1 £ s. a. 53,919 16 0 £ s. d. 9,844 16 6 £ s. a. 63,764 12 6 Waiapu 300 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 500 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 500 0 0 830 0 0 130 0 0 700 0 0 4,250 9 6 500 0 0 300 0 0 120 0 0 1,690 12 0 300 0 0 1.949 7 11 2,000 0 0 18,142 6 3 1,483 15 7 5,065 12 9 578 4 8 11\ 963 7 8 1,490 5 0 3,000 0 0 400 0 0 799 15 0 7,624 11 1 364 0 0 1,500 0 0 500 0 0 100 0 0 1.950 0 0 544 18 6 830 0 0 130 0 0 425 0 0 4,250 9 6 275 0 0 830 0 0 130 0 0 700 0 0 4,250 9 6 500 0 0 ■ 300 0 0 120 0 0 1,690 12 0 120 0 0 1,690 12 0 Waiapu and Bay of Plenty 949 7 11 2 7 0 18,142 6 3 633 15 7 5,065 12 9 578 4 8 11,963 7 8 990 5 0 1,000 0 0 559 19 11 945 3 2 1,509 7 10 947 10 2 18,142 6 3 1,232 5 7 5,065 12 9 578 4 8 11,963 7 8 1,300 0 0 2,263 9 3 95 6 6 500 0 0 7,587 14 1 353 15 2 1,500 0 0 500 0 0 100 0 0 1,450 0 0 544 18 6 300 0 0 440 0 1 1,052 9 10 598 10 0 251 10 0 Waiapu 309 15 0 1,263 9 3 95 6 6 125 5 0 5,959 11 0 190 5 0 736 10 9 304 13 6 299 15 0 36 17 0 10 4 10 374 15 0 1,628 3 1 353 15 2 500 0 0 100 0 0 1,450 0 0 544 18 6 1,500 0 0 500 0 0 743 12 6 58 0 0 22 0 0 568 3 0 1,769 7 10 400 0 0 5 11 10 743 12 6 58 0 0 27 11 10 568 3 0 1,769 7 10 400 0 0 494 8 2 743 12 6 58 0 0 522 0 0 568 3 0 1,769 7 10 700 0 0 300 0 0 Carried forward .. .. ..



TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

Name of Work. County. Electorate. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1898. Net Expenditure Total Net 12 MonthsLded 31st March, 1899. 6lst Maron . 189a - Liabilities on Total Net Authorities, ]££&££. aSffiElgii. and Liabilities. Brought forward Roads, Bridges, etc. — continued. Hawke's Bay Land District — continued. Roads, Wairoa, and Wairoa County roads Wairoa County roads (flood-damages) .. Bridge over Mohaka Napier to Wairoa, £1 to £1 .. Napier to Wairoa.. Mohaka southwards Mohaka and Waitara Upper and Lower Mohaka Makaroro Bridge and approaches Waitara Block Runanga-Pohui .. ., Sundry roads and bridges, Hawke's Bay Pohui Block .. Puketitiri Block Puketitiri Roads, Napier District Napier-Murimotu Roads Bridge over Ahuriri Harbour Meanee protective works Mohaka Bridge (to account) Kuripapanga-Inland-Patea £ S. d. 106,710 15 i £ s. d. 14,130 15 9 £ s. d. 120,841 11 1 £ - S. d. 16,761 10 8 £ s. d. 137,603 1 9 Wairoa .. .. Hawke's Bay and Waiapu .. Hawke's Bay 1,512 7 8 300 0 0 500 0 0 725 0 0 3,874 4 5 320 19 6 151 6 4 1,512 7 8 300 0 0 500 0 0 725 0 0 9,450 13 4 320 19 6 151 6 4 1,512 7 8 300 0 0 500 0 0 725 0 0 9,874 4 5 320 19 6 151 6 4 100 0 0 400 0 0 .781 0 6 5,748 14 9 419 10 5 538 0 0 520 0 0 250 0 0 32,189 19 2 1,047 6 0 625 16 1 500 0 0 6,490 0 0 5,000 0 0 5,576 8 11 423 11 1 100 0 0 400 0 0 Wairoa and Hawke's Bay Waiapu Hawke's Bay .. .. Hawke's Bay .. 781 0 6 1,853 1 4 419 10 5 538 0 0 520 0 0 1,631 18 4 781 0 6 3,484 19 8 419 10 5 538 0 0 520 0 0 2,263 15 1 32,189 19 2 1,047 6 0 625 16 1 500 0 0 32,189 19 2 1,047 6 0 625 16 1 500 0 0 45 10 0 5,000 0 0 250 0 0 .. Hawke's Bay and Waiapu .. Hawke's Bay, Patea, and Rangitikei Patangata .. .. Hawke's Bay Waipawa .. .. Waipawa 5,000 0 0 45 10 0 6,444 10 0 Elsthorpa Roads Whakarara Road and Bridge Whakarara Block Ruahine Block (approach) Ruahine Ruahine Block Makaretu Tukituki to Waipawa Norsewood-Apiti-Hawke's Bay Takapau-Kopua, £1 for £1 .. Manawatu and Makotuku Rivers, Ormondville Waikopiro Improved-farm Settlement .. Waikopiro Ormondville-Waikopiro Manawatu Bridge, Waikopiro Manawatu Bridge Te Ohu 324 1 1 497 13 10 1,992 15 2 985 1 5 454 16 1 352 17 6 450 0 0 1,622 6 3 4,581 1 10 136 13 9 447 13 2 2 6 10 111 12 10 147 2 6 447 13 2 324 1 1 500 0 8 1,992 15 2 985 1 5 566 8 11 500 0 0 450 0 0 2,063 19 9 5,587 6 7 670 16 9 610 10 4 500 0 0 434 8 10 250 0 0 150 0 0 38 0 0 252 6 10 250 0 0 15 18 3 238 7 2 250 0 0 150 0 0 38 0 0 700 0 0 574 1 1 515 18 11 1,992 15 2 985 1 5 804 16 1 500 0 0 450 0 0 2,622 6 3 6,080 15 3 936 13 9 1,500 0 0 500 0 0 434 8 10 441 13 6 1,006 4 9 534 3 0 610 10 4 558 6 6 493 8 8 265 17 0 889 9 8 500 0 0 434 8 10 Carried forward 169,901 2 6 24,685 19 11 194,587 2 5 30,045 0 11 224,632 3 4


TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.


Name of Work. County. Electorate. Total Net Net Expenditure Total Net 31st March. 1898. 3) gt Marchj 1899 <»lst March, 1889. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c 31st March, 1S99. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward Roads, Bbidgbs, etc. — continued. Hawke's Bay Land Disteict— continued. Liberal Block Dannevirke-Tiratu Umutaoroa Block £ s. d. 169,901 2 6 £ a. d. 24,685 19 11 £ s. d. 194,587 2 5 £ s. d. 30,045 0 11 £ s. a. 224,632 3 4 Waipawa .. .. Waipawa 400 0 0 626 10 9 400 0 0 626 10 9 2,088 15 4 28 7 1 400 0 0 626 10 9 2,088 15 4 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 2,088 15 4 28 7 1 71 12 11 100 0 0 100 0 0 Dannevirke-Tamaki Holder's Ngapaeruru .. .. ... Ahuturanga Block Norsewood District, Ngamoko, and Maharahara .. Otawai Road, Tahoraite Totaro Road, Tahoraite Victoria- and Bush-mills Settlement Dannevirke-Weber-Wimbledon Oporae Maharahara Block ..- Woodville Block IX. Holder's Roads Woodville Block Tautane and Tahoraite .. .. | Tautane and Weber Road Ngapaeruru Block Tools, &c. Miscellaneous, and engineering ... " .. Waipawa and Pahiatua .. .. I Pahiatua 1,883 7 11 2,709 16 6 200 0 0 250 0 0 900 0 0 274 1 3 31 6 3 1,938 12 8 37 2 2 300 0 0 26 9 10 125 18 9 613 0 4 1,883 7 11 2,709 16 6 200 0 0 250 0 0 900 0 0 400 0 0 644 6 7 1,938 12 8 37 2 2 300 0 0 26 9 10 174 1 3 85 13 5 1,883 7 11 2,709 16 6 200 0 0 250 0 0 900 0 0 574 1 3 730 0 0 1,938 12 8 37 2 2 300 0 0 26 9 10 .. » Waipawa and Patangata.. Waipawa and Pahiatua .. „ .. Waipawa 20,556 7 11 2,901 5 6 20,556 7 11 2,901 5 6 248 15 0 1,851 11 8 348 14 6 20,556 7 11 3,250 0 0 248 15 0 2,051 11 8 248 15 0 1,851 11 8 200 0 0 Totals, Hawke's Bay Land District .. 203,625 16 1 28,952 15 3 232,578 11 4 31,125 3 0 263,703 14 Tabanaki Land District — Tawai Improved-farm Settlement Mokau Punt .. Tauranga No. 1 and G Greenlands Improved-farm Settlement Mohakatino Bridge Tongaporutu Improved-farm Settlement Tongaporutu Ferry Uruti Improved-farm Settlement Pukearuhe and Mokau .. .. \ Pukearuhe inland-Mohakatino .. [■ Pukearuhe inland .. ... J Mohakatino-Parininihi No. Iα Kawhia .. .. Egmont Clifton 774 8 1 221 16 0 629 9 11 1,421 14 5 1,726 11 11 2 2 3 713 13 10 68 6 7 374 4 2 96 0 4 842 14 8 221 16 0 1,003 14 1 1,421 14 5 1,822 12 3 2 2 3 721 12 2 157 13 5 1,000 0 0 125 15 10 38 5 7 403 19 8 250 0 0 252 1 8 1,000 8 : 221 16 ( 1,000 0 ( 1,129 9 i: 1,460 0 ( 2,226 11 l! 252 2 •' 973 13 l< '7 18 4 11,556 5 5 2,799 0 0 14,355 5 5 201 0 0 14,556 5 • 3,864 17 10 3,864 17 10 3,864 17 II Carried forward 20,910 19 8 3,345 9 5 24,256 9 1 2,428 16 2 26,685 5 .



TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Eoads, &c—continued.

Name of Work. County. Electorate. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1898. Net Expenditure Total Net Liabilities on Total Net l9M? U rT g x* Expenditure to r^°i ltle A Expenditure 12 Months ended icqq Contracts, <tec, K ■ . ; nij^, 31st March, 1899. 31st Maroh, 1899. Slst March', 1899. and Liamhtaes. ( Brought forward Roads, Bbidges, etc. — continued. 'aranaki Land Distbict — continued. Mimi-Mangaroa (road metalling), £1 for £1 Okau Improved-farm Settlement Putiki.. .. Derwent Improved-farm Settlement Ohura South K No. 5 and L Burfoot Improved-farm Settlement .. Lepperton Block Ratatomokia Improved-farm Settlement Moanatairi Block Mangatawa Improved-farm Settlement Moanatairi Special Settlement Ureti Township site Maraekowhai (Ohura Road) Kaipikari deviation Mokau River Bridle-track Moki Junction-Block II., Upper Waitara Ngatoto Tongaporutu Bridge (to account) Kaipikari Block Mokau Road .. Moki Road Upper Waitara Block (Uruti Road) .... Okoke Road Okoke Block Waikiekie Block Tikorangi-Te Tarata Junction Road-Purangi, £1 for £1 Junction Road (widening) Upper Waitara-Mangaere Bridge over Purangi (to account) Bridge over Purangi .. ... Roads east of Waitara Ngatimaru Block.. Milsom Milsom Block Milsom and Tanner Autawa and Pita Roads Oxford Association Block Waitara River (to account), £1 for £1 .. £ S. d. 20,910 19 8 £ s. d. 3,345 9 5 £ s. d. 24,256 9 1 £ s. d. 2,428 16 2 £ s. d. 26,685 5 3 Clifton Egmont 400 0 0 1,716 1 3 306 3 5 1,456 4 9 500 0 0 112 7 0 898 19 7 2,338 3 1 30 18 0 430 8 7 237 15 3 400 0 0 1,746 19 3 736 12 0 1,694 0 0 500 0 0 293 2 4 966 0 0 2,381 19 1 750 0 0 254 2 0 269 11 5 161 0 0 1,150 0 0 2,001 1 3 1.006 3 5 1,855 0 0 500 0 0 473 6 6 966 0 0 2,516 2 11 180 15 4 67 0 5 43 16 0 180 4 2 134 3 10 141 19 1 52 4 7 194 3 8 I 200 0 0 207 15 5 106 11 6 200 0 0 401 19 1 106 11 6 3,416 19 11 250 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 300 0 0 900 0 0 590 6 8 126 0 0 800 0 0 2,040 13 0 150 0 0 702 3 8 5,979 19 3 800 0 0 1,495 18 11 2,253 11 11 4 3 6 6,579 16 8 1,830 0 0 150 0 0 1,750 0 0 230 0 0 498 5 0 1,200 0 0 500 0 0 3,416 19 11 3,416 19 11 250 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 300 0 0 90 11 9 400 0 0 -• - - ■• 80S 8 3 809 8 3 190 6 8 126 0 0 500 0 0 1,550 2 0 190 6 8 126 0 0 500 0 0 1,540 13 0 300 0 0 490 11 0 150 0 0 9 9 0 702 3 8 5,308 2 5 702 3 8 5,308 2 5 800 0 0 1,487 5 6 565 19 9 4 3 6 6,579 16 8 1,830 0 0 150 0 0 1,750 0 0 215 9 7 49S 5 0 1,146 10. 3 671 16 101,442 18 6 10 11 11 4 3 6 6,579 16 8 1,830 0 0 800 0 0 44 7 0 555 7 10 8 13 5 1,687 12 2 ,-• • 150 0 0 1,750 0 0 215 9 7 14 10 5 498 5 0 813 3 9 333 6 6 53 9 9 500 0 0 Taranaki and Egmont Carried forward 53,494 2 10 7,305 15 9 60,799 18 7 10,159 9 10 70,959 8



TABLE NO. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.


Name of Work. County. Electorate. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March. 1898. Net Expenditure T n t,i w.j Liabilities on during ,, ° ,' t , ' Authorities, 12 Months ended 1899 Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1899. i 61St Marcb ' lsaa ' \ 31st March, 1P99. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. h- 1 Brought forward Koads, Beidgbs, etc. — continued. Tabanaki — continued. Inglewood-White Cliffs Inglowood-Ngatimaru Junction Road, from Iuglewood eastwards Waitara Bridge (Tarata Bridge) Tikorangi Bridge, £1 for £1 .. Tikorangi Bridge Toro (Section 23, Block IV., Huiroa) Block Inglewood-Waitara New Plymouth inland Henwood and Upland Roads Bridge on Stony River and approaches .. Egmont Block Egmont (VI.) Block Egmont Road Egmont District .. Alfred Road Patua (Egmont V., VII., XI.) Block .. Patua (Bgmont) Block Carrington Road Tariki Road Huiroa Block Bridge over Manganui River Ironsand Block .. .. ... Opening of Huiroa Block Huiroa District Kent Road Koru-New Plymouth, £1 for £1 Maude Road .. .. Newall and Tohu Roads Motukawa Newall Road Waiweranui Egmont (metalling), £1 for £1 Opunake Wharf, £1 for £1 .. Kohuratahi Improved-farm Settlement.. Kohuratahi-Tangarakau Tangarakau Clearing Tangarakau River (clearing), to account Whangamomona Improved-farm Settlement Ross Block :j "l f J £ s. d. 53,494 2 10 £ S. d. 7,305 15 9 £ s. d. 60,799 18 7 £ s. d. 10,159 9 10 £ s. d. 70,959 8 5 Clifton and Taranaki Egmont 5,000 0 0 368 3 1 1,000 0 0 968 18 2 799 5 1 387 4 9 5,000 0 0 368 3 1 1,000 0 0 968 18 2 799 5 1 387 4 9 5,000 0 0 368 3 1 1,000 0 0 968 18 2 799 5 1 387 4 9 ! Taranaki and Egmont Taranaki 2,749 1 5 3,760 17 3 993 12 10 1,151 6 2 2,749 1 5 3,760 17 3 993 12 10 1,151 6 2 2,749 1 5 3,760 17 3 993 12 10 1,151 6 2 ■• Taranaki " 303 1 7 5 19 4 309 0 11 ' 111 19 1 421 0 0 a • * n • ■ 185 15 6 356 12 11 201 19 10 185 1.5 6 356 12 11 201 19 10 185 15 6 356 12 11 201 19 10 430 17 4 1,025 7 9 1,456 5 1 43 14 11 1,500 0 0 94 8 8 1,149 7 0 781 1 3 514 0 2 94 8 8 1,149 7 0 781 1 3 514 0 2 94 8 8 1,149 7 0 78J 1 3 514 0 2 H • • Taranaki and Egmont Hawera 2,067 17 10 reo o o 100 0 0 192 10 6 2,067 17 10 150 0 0 100 0 0 192 10 6 150 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 400 0 0 2,067 17 10 150 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 342 10 6 400 0 0 1,131 14 0 256 19 10 3,074 12 6 263 7 2 433 11 10 9,109 4 7 478 0 0 i 1,131 14 0 256 19 10 2,074 12 6 263 7 2 233 11 10 8,059 4 7 421 0 0 1,131 14 0 256 19 10 2,597 12 11 263 7 2 309 2 1 9,000 6 11 421 0 0 Stratford 523 0 5 476 19 7 75 10 3 941 2 4 124 9 9 108 17 8 57 0 0 Carried forward 89,640 14 1 99,517 9 11 12,332 10 10 111,850 0 9,876 15 10 • ■


TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.


Name of "Work. County. Electorate. Total Net Net Expenditure Tote l Net Liabilities on Total Net Expenditure to 19 a a Expenditure to Authorities, Expenditure 31st March. 1898. 31 S ?March, 1899. 3 f s ™£ *&. and Liabilities. Brought forward Roads, Bbidges, etc.— continued. 'abanaki — continued. Huiroa Improved-farm Settlement Huiroa Block Huiroa Eoads Block X., Huiroa Roads east of Waipuku Boads east of Midnirst Mountain-roads to blocks under survey .. Roads east of Stratford Denbigh Road subsidy East Road Ohura (contribution) Ohura Taumatamahoe .. Taumatamahoe No. 2 Stratford-Ongaruhe-Ohura .. Stratford-Ongaruhe Kahouri Bridge .. Putikituna Mangaere Block Akama Huiroa Township (bushfelling) Mangaere Improved-farm Settlement .. Manganui Block Eltham Block Gatton Special Settlement Mohakau Pembroke Puniwhakau Taihore (widening), £1 for £1 (to account) Wingrove Road Manganui Bridge.. Autawa Block Hurimoana Block Kohurutahi Blook Llewellyn Block Marco Block Rimuputa Blook Gatton Block Terrace End £ s. d. 89,640 14 1 £ s. d. 9,876 15 10 £ s. d. 99,517 9 11 £ s. d. 12,332 10 10 £ s. d. 111,850 0 9 Stratford Egmont 886 6 5 1,254 6 8 79 12 3 745 17 0 278 13 5 253 10 3 890 14 0 1,865 19 8 150 0 0 1,158 7 6 124 15 1 1,011 1 6 1,254 6 8 111 8 11 745 17 0 278 13 5 253 10 3 890 14 0 1,865 19 8 150 0 0 1,158 7 6 1,118 16 11 4,916 8 2 75 4 11 1,086 6 5 1,254 6 8 115 10 0 745 17 0 278 13 5 253 10 3 890 14 0 1,865 19 8 150 0 0 1,158 7 6 4,000 0 0 4,916 8 2 31 16 8 4 11 4,916 8 2 1,118 16 11 2,881 3 1 « "J 2,992 18 0 2,992 18 0 2,992 18 0 49,070 11 5 11,704 10 10 600 0 0 12,613 15 7 1,497 4 0 49,070 11 5 24,318 6 5 600 0 0 1,497 4 0 4,144 0 0 385 12 5 2 16 0 49,070 11 5 24,703 18 10 600 0 0 1,500 0 0 4,144 0 0 200 0 0 4,144 0 0 200 0 0 748 13 5 894 0 0 800 0 0 10 8 3 759 1 8 894 0 0 800 0 0 178 11 9 937 13 5 894 0 0 800 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 500 0 0 50 0 0 200 0 0 1,153 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 O 200 0 & 350 0 0 300 0 0 950 0 0 1,122 0 7 w 165 14 11 165 14 11 300 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 34 5 1 500 0 0 50 0 0 947 3 6 200 0 0 2 19 6 234 10 0 200 0 0 950 3 0 234 10 0 202 17 0 65 10 0 300 0 0 200 0 0 116 6 0 300 0 0 233 14 0 233 14 0 950 0 0 122 0 7 946 4 11 950 0 0 1,068 5 6 53 15 1 Carried forward 175,094 7 2 27,056 15 8 202,151 2 10 18,382 13 3 220,533 16


TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.


Name of Work. County. Electorate. Total Net Net Expenditure to 12 Mo d S B end ed 31st March, 1898. 31st MarcK 1899 . Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1899. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward Roads, Bridges, etc. — continued. Taranaki — continued. Terrace End Special-setlement Block Mangaehu Block .. Puniwhakau Block Makahu Block Mangaotuku Mangaotuku Block .. .. J Mangaehu and Llewellyn Special-settlement Blocks (above loan) To complete bushfelling, Stratford Refund expenses, T. Kelly, Mountain-road Commission Bridge on Stratford-Opunake Eoad Kaupokonui Block Ngaire (draining swamps) Anderson's roads and bridges (Rawhitiroa Road) .. Poti Improved-farm Settlement Native Trust Blocks Ngaire Improved-farm Settlement Eltham and branch roads Maata Improved-farm Settlement Rotokare and other roads Ararata Bridge Roads through bush, Waimate Plains Roads through bush, Waimate Plains Continuous reserve to be refunded Roads inland, Mokoia Tangahoe Valley Punehu Bridge Mangamingi Township Through parts of Blocks I., II., V., VII., X., Ngaire District Through parts of Blocks III., V., X., Ngaire District Tracks and huts, Mount Egmont £ s. d. 175,094 7 2 £ s. d. 27,056 15 8 & s. d. 202,151 2 10 & s. d. 18,382 13 3 £ s. d. 220,533 16 1 Stratford Egmont 2,173 0 0 301 0 0 930 6 9 2,173 0 0 301 0 0 1,926 0 0 153 4 0 650 0 0 376 12 7 146 5 3 2,173 0 0 301 0 0 1,926 0 0 500 0 0 850 0 0 376 12 7 300 0 0 995 13 3 153 4 0 346 16 0 200 0 0 *t • • • • 650 0 0 376 12 7 m ■ ■ • ■ H * * * • 146 5 3 153 14 9 „ •. • • 34 0 0 19 8 0 34 0 0 19 8 0 34 0 0 19 8 0 Hawera a • • • • u » ■ ■ • Hawera 376 19 8 34 7 6 12,580 17 8 4,524 8 7 210 18 2 1,834 13 9 545 3 9 7,359 15 6 57 9 3 1,182 19 3 150 0 0 1,614 9 8 15,714 8 9 5,045 10 4 663 18 1 299 3 4 56 10 6 45 1 0 20 0 0 376 19 8 34 7 6 12,880 1 0 4,524 8 7 267 8 8 1,834 13 9 590 4 9 7,359 15 6 77 9 3 1,182 19 3 150 0 0 1,614 9 8 15,714 8 9 5,045 10 4 663 18 1 23 12 6 0 0 10 72 11 4 254 19 0 123 0 0 376 19 8 58 0 0 12,880 1 10 4,524 8 7 340 0 0 1,834 13 9 845 3 9 7,359 15 6 200 9 3 1,182 19 3 150 0 0 1,614 9 8 15,714 8 9 5,045 10 4 663 18 1 300 0 0 500 0 0 150 12 7 2,041 0 10 V • ■ • • „ . . I . Patea 300 0 0 500 0 0 50 12 7 Egmont Egmont, Patea, and Hawera 90 12 7 2,041 0 10 9 7 5 100 0 0 2,041 0 10 Taranaki, Stratford, and Hawera Ditto Clifton, Taranaki, Stratford, Hawera, and Patea Hawera and Stratford Taranaki, Egmont, and Hawera Egmont and Hawera Egmont, Patea, and Hawera 1,146 3 6 541 17 0 158 3 0 1,146 3 6 700 0 0 141 17 0 1,146 3 6 841 17 0 Hawera to Waitara Waiti-Patea 14,469 19 2 58,566 6 9 14,469 19 2 58,566 6 9 14,469 19 2 58,566 6 9 South Egmont Forest Reserve Mangamingi Hawera 47 8 0 6,640 4 10 47 8 0 6,640 4 10 47 8 0 6,640 4 10 .. Carried forward 115 H8



TABLE No. 4— continued . STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Name of Work. County. Electorate. Total Net Net Expenditure 3? S ?Ma a rch r !89°8 12 Mon™lnded 31st March, 1898. Slgt Marchj 1899 . Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1899. Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward Roads, Bridges, etc. — continued. Taranaki Land District — continued. Great South Road, between Opunake and Manaia .. Rawhitiroa Block Bush lauds inland of Patea .. Rangiwhakaoma Block Kaimanuka and Rawhitiroa Waitotara Valley Waitotara, widening (four miles of this in Wellington Di-trict) Waitotara, widening (contribution) Opaku-Kapara Block Weraweraonga Whenuakura Valley Bridge and Road Ball Road (Blocks IX., X., XIII., XIV., Carlyle and Opaku S.D.) Okotuku Central Patea Valley Mataimoana Motoroa Nukuhau Okahutiria Waverley-Patea Taumatatahi Improved-farm Settlement Patea River Bridge, Ball Road (to account), £1 for £1 Moeawatea Block Patea River Bridge Patea River Bridge (to account) Eltham-Waitotara Bltham-Waitotara, £1 for £1 Makuri and Akaka, £1 for £1 Patea River (snagging) Roads, and bridges, unsettled districts, 'Patea and Taranaki Kai tangiwhenua Block Kaitangiwhenua No. 2 Block (Rawhitiroa Road) .. Kaitangiwhenua No. 3 Block Whenuakura Block Kaitangiwhenua No. 2 .. .. ... Sundry roads, Taranaki £ S. d. 315,018 7 1 £ s. d. 28,940 3 5 £ S. d. 343,958 10 6 £ s. d. 20,549 17 3 £ s. d. 364,508 7 9 Taranaki and Hawera .. Patea Hawera and Taranaki Patea 2,946 0 0 3 11 11 1,926 0 11 2,946 0 0 3 11 11 1,926 0 11 800 0 0 2,946 0 0 803 11 11 1,926 0 11 300 0 0 4,152 16 0 3,320 19 0 18 5 0 3,652 16 0 1,220 19 0 18 5 0 3,652 16 0 2,941 13 3 18 5 0 300 0 0 500 0 0 379 5 9 1,720 14 3 1,481 15 0 2,594 18 10 600 0 0 1,077 12 3 74 1 8 130 2 5 1,481 15 0 2,725 1 3 600 0 0 1,077 12 3 1,055 6 8 67 18 9 1,481 15 0 2,793 0 0 600 0 0 1,077 12 3 1,058 15 0 981 5 0 3 8 4 221 17 0 109 7 8 109 7 8 221 17 0 90 12 4 400 0 0 300 0 0 400 0 0 100 0 0 17 13 9 200 0 0 621 17 0 300 0 0 400 0 6 100 0 0 420 0 0 70 0 0 505 0 6 250 0 0 386 11 3 70 0 0 355 0 6 15 15 0 402 6 3 70 0 0 3S8 16 9 43 16 3 106 3 9 250 0 0 Hawera and Patea Patea and Egmont Patea 300 0 0 300 0 0 Hawera and Patea Patea and Hawera 101 5 4 498 14 8 1,270 17 1 600 0 0 1,270 17 1 600 0 0 1,270 17 1 400 0 0 200 0 0 60 0 0 48,296 16 3 400 0 0 200 0 0 60 0 0 Taranaki, Hawera, Patea, and Waitotara Stratford and Patea Patea Hawera and Patea 48,296 16 3 48,296 16 3 Egmont and Patea 1,375 0 0 5,756 0 0 1,375 0 0 5,756 0 0 1,375 0 0 5,756 0 0 901 14 8 251 11 3 46 19 1 129 2 4 46 19 1 1,030 17 0 251 11 3 453 0 11 500 0 0 1,030 17 0 251 11 3 ' Carried forward 388,330 3 11 33,886 17 2 422,217 1 1 25,678 0 10 447,895 1 i:



TABLE NO. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Name of Work. County. Electorate. Total Net j Net Expenditure Total Net ■' %5£2S« < 2? Total Net Expenditure to ' 10 8 *a Expenditure to r. +™T * Expenditure 31st P Marc h .1898. g« SlstWch, 1899. *?£& *&. and Liabilities. Brought forward Roads, Bridges, etc. — continued. Tabanaki Land District — continued. Tools, &c. General: Salaries Miscellaneous and engineering £ s. d. 388,330 3 11 £ s. d. 33,886 17 2 £ s. d. 422,217 1 1 £ s. d. 25,678 0 10 £ s. d. 447,895 1 11 254 4 2 402 18 8 3,978 12 5 254 4 2 402 18 8 4,192 4 1 254 4 2 402 18 8 4,267 15 3 213 11 8 75 11 2 Total, Taranaki Land Distric 392,965 19 2 34,100 8 10 427,066 8 0 25,753 12 0 452,820 0 0 Wellington Land District — Moioroa Tongariro National Park Kaitieke Block Wanganui-Taupo Okahukura Okahukura 8m Taurewa-Okahukura Gladstone Block Waimarino Block Waimarino Waimarino No. 2 Block Manganui Ruapehu Block .. Moavvhango-Karioi Horopito Improvement Farm Raetihi-Olmra Baetihi Township Clifton Block Clifton .. .. ■ .. Flood-damages, Makohine Village Settlement, Clifton Block Hautapu-Main Road Hunterville I., II., III. Otaranoho Retaruke Valley .. ■ Turakina Valley .. Mangawhero Bridge (Aberfeldie) Upper Mangaehu Bridge Clifton (No. 2) Block .. .. 1 Makotuku (No. 3) Block .. .. J Marton (No. 3) Block Patea Wanganui » a a o Patea it u 99 8 11 2,751 9 0 5,376 18 1 387 10 10 533 17 4 1,000 0 0 2,267 17 0 6,813 5 7 219 19 11 1,116 6 6 329 14 0 2,178 6 0 149 12 6 1,163 0 0 326 5 5 109 16 0 88 12 6 857 17 2 316 8 8 276 3 7 32 16 i 149 10 3 5 5 0 425 14 4 2,861 5 0 5,376 18 1 476 3 4 1,391 14 6 1,000 0 0 2,584 5 8 6,813 5 7 496 3 6 1,116 6 6 362 10 i 2,327 16 3 154 17 6 1,163 0 0 206 2 11 115 10 0 175 0 0 34 5 8 590 4 0 23 16 8 300 0 0 8 5 6 183 11 4 28 4 5 23 16 5 217 3 8 450 9 9 94 15 0 175 0 0 460 0 0 3,451 9 0 5,376 18 1 500 0 0 300 0 0 1,400 0 0 1,000 0 0 2,767 17 0 6,841 10 0 519 19 11 1,116 6 6 579 14 0 2,778 6 0 249 12 6 1,163 0 0 285 10 0 200 0 0 206 2 11 115 10 0 79 7 1 84 10 0 II It V il 1,391 6 0 3,618 16 3 1,257 1 11 22 13 0 662 13 6 2,648 7 11 22 13 0 4,281 9 9 150 0 0 42 18 1 177 7 0 200 0 0 137 6 6 1,000 0 0 250 0 0 150 0 0 2,691 6 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 4,418 16 3 1,000 0 0 250 0 0 It II It 186 0 0 186 0 0 It m 800 0 0 800 0 0 Carried forward 29,397 7 11 4,426 16 3 33,824 4 2 5,237 1 1 39,061 5



TABLE No. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued

Name of Work. County. Electorate. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March. 1898. Net Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1899. ' Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1899. Liabilities on , -vr 4. . j.1 -j.. lotal JNet Brought forward Roads, Bridges, etc.— continued. 'ellington Land Distbict — continued. Wanganui Wanganui Block Huikumu Road Wanganui Eiver Trust Raetihi-Parapara Pipiriki-Waiouru.. T , -,. (Pipiriki-Karioi .. 1 Including J p i £ iri fc i _ O hakune .. j Mangawhero-Murimotu (same as Wanganui-Muri-) Paratieke Rangiwaea Maungakaretu Ruanui 2a and 3a Wanganui River (steamer subsidy) .. ... Rotoaira-Tokaanu Obingaiti-Tokaanu £ s. d. 29,397 7 11 £ s. d. 4,426 16 3 £ s. d. 33,824 4 2 £ s. d. 5,237 1 1 £ s. d. 39,061 5 3 Wanganui Patea 1,388 9 2 27 12 0 4,850 0 0 2,645 0 8 3,683 14 10 400 0 0 167 10 10 220 11 7 1,000 0 0 38 13 5 2,183 2 8 400 0 0 1,556 0 0 248 3 7 5,850 0 0 2,683 14 1 5,866 17 6 400 0 0 1,556 0 0 278 0 0 5,850 0 0 3,245 0 8 6,683 14 10 * • • • • 29 16 5 u • • * * • 561 6 7 816 17 4 24,571 18 10 5,875 18 11 I I 151 17 8 j 24,571 18 10 I 6,027 16 7 198 2 4 24,571 18 10 6,225 18 11 588 2 7 588 2 7 500 0 0 588 2 7 500 0 0 1,730 7 0 200 0 0 2,192 17 7 100 0 0 23,417 14 3 m . . • . 1,730 7 0 1,730 7 0 200 0 0 Wanganui and Waitotara East Taupo Taupo East, Wanganui, and Rangitikei Ditto Taupo West and Wanganui Bay o£ Plenty.. Bay of Plenty, Patea, and Rangitikei Ditto Bay of Plenty and Patea.. 2,280 7 7 20,968 15 5 Or. 87 10 0 2,225 12 2 2,192 17 7 23,194 7 7 100 0 0 223 6 8 Hunterville-Turangarere Tuamaranui-Ohakune Rotoaira—Waimarino Waim arino-Tokaanu Kuripapanga-Karioi * 24,867 1 8 4,764 6 3 1,418 5 9 43 6 6 2,443 11 7 811 12 6 24,867 1 8 5,575 18 9 1,418 5 9 43 6 6 2,443 11 7 29 0 5 100 0 0 24,867 1 8 5,604 19 2 1,518 5 9 43 6 6 2,44b 11 7 Moawhango-Te Horo Wanganui, Rangitikei, and Hawke's Bay Wanganui and Hawke's Bay Rangitikei Patea, Rangitikei, and Hawke's Bay Patea and Rangitikei 504 3 7 47 19 3 552 2 10 202 0 9 754 3 7 Taihape Township Rongoiti Improved Farm Hautapu Taihape Ohutu Otuarei Improved Farm .. ... Obinewairua Block Pukeokahu (IX.) Block Hautapu (VIII.), Ruahine (V., IX., X.) Blocks, Hau-tapu-Ruahine No. 2 Pukeokahu (X., XIII.), Ohinewairua (XVI.), Hautapu (IV.), Ruahine (I.) Block, Pukeokahu Masterton-Tenui Improved Farm Rangitikei 216 1 2 385 5 5 1,922 2 7 3,556 0 10 2,819 0 0 171 18 3 211 7 9 16 0 380 1 9 307 15 10 891 3 6 972 0 9 213 2 6 1,012 0 3 217 7 2 765 7 2 2,229 18 5 4,447 4 4 3,791 0 9 385 0 9 1,223 8 0 198 14 0 54 12 10 61 8 0 230 10 9 198 6 6 314 16 3 476 19 9 416 1 2 820 0 0 2,291 6 5 4,677 15 1 3,989 7 3 699 17 0 1,700 7 9 If • • • • 81 3 3 81 3 3 218 16 9 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 801 4 10 154 16 4 956 1 2 145 3 8 1,101 4 10 Carried forward 142,131 11 1 15,899 16 6 158,031 7 7 10,097 0 1 168,128 7



TABLE NO. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

County. Electorate. Total Set Expenditure to 31st March, 1898. Net Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1899. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. Name of Work. £ s. d. 142,131 11 1 £ s. d. 15,899 16 6 £ s. d. 158,031 7 7 £ S. d. 10,097 0 1 £ s. a.. 168,128 7 8 Brought forward Roads, Bridges, etc. — continued. Ellington Land Distbict — continued. Mangaweka Improved farm Settlement.. Mangaweka Township Mangaweka Township (drainage) Mangaonoho Vinegar Hill Road .. Gorge-Obutu Improved-farm Settlement Horouta Moawhango Bridge (Horouta) Onepubi Railway Bridge approaches (to account) .. Tiriraukawa Block (Pohonuiotane Block) Mokohine Valley .. Rangitikei it • ■ * * it ■ ■ * " Rangitikei 150 0 0 200 0 0 '6 7 8 131 10 2 494 10 0 435 0 5 0 7 8 150 0 0 200 0 0 131 10 2 494 10 0 435 0 5 49 12 4 68 9 10 5 10 0 564 19 7 1,000 0 0 200 0 0 356 3 0 2 5 10 50 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 500 0 0 1,000 0 0 1,000 0 0 200 0 0 500 0 0 1,804 3 6 109 12 0 1,400 0 0 2,400 0 0 // • • * * ( 1,404 3 6 109 12 0 143 17 0 397 14 2 143 17 0 1,801 17 8 109 12 0 Taihape-Paengaroa (same as Hautapu-Sommerville) H • - * " Patea and Rangitikei 1,400 0 0 51 2 4 Kakariki Bridge (approaches) Hautapu (I., V., VI., IX., X.) and Tiriraukawa (IV., VIII.) Blocks, Upper Makohine Paraekaretu Block Te Kapua Block (Sommerville and Knights of Labour) Te Kapua Otiri Block Marton to Murimotu Murray's Track Watershed and Murray '8 Watershed Road Pohonuiotane Pohinuiotane Block Mangapapa Pohonuiotane Block, Hunterville 1, 2, 3 Eangitikei Bridge, Vinegar Hill, £1 for £1 Hales's Track to Murimotu Bridge over Wangaehu Whangaehu River Bridge, £1 for £1 Flood subsidies .. Temporary bridges, Rangitikei Lands and Survey Offices, Wanganui To relieve Wanganui Bridge from tolls Patea to Wanganui Wairoa Survey District Waitotara Valley II • • " * U • • * * It ■ • * * *> * * Patea it • * • • 149 0 0 4,891 0 0 781 5 8 139 2 6 2,670 6 6 22 15 0 772 12 9 200 0 0 59 14 9 618 9 0 2,500 0 0 497 0 0 1,000 0 0 2,348 17 8 685 10 0 400 5 0 36 14 3 2,348 17 8 149 0 0 4,891 0 0 1,466 15 8 139 2 6 2,670 6 6 423 0 0 772 12 9 36 14 3 200 0 0 59 14 9 618 9 0 2,500 0 0 497 0 0 1,000 0 0 14 0 0 263 5 9 149 0 0 4,891 0 0 1,480 15 8 139 2 6 2,670 6 6 423 0 0 772 12 9 300 0 0 200 0 0 59 14 9 618 9 0 3,500 0 0 497 0 0 1,000 0 0 500 0 0 Rangitikei and Kiwitea .. Wanganui and Rangitikei Rangitikei and Patea Patea Wanganui and Manawatu 1,000 0 0 U 500 0 0 Eangitikei and Kiwitea .. Kiwitea and Rangitikei .. Waitotara Waitotara and Wanganui Waitotara and Patea Rangitikei and Manawatu Rangitikei and Manawatu Wanganui 350 0 0 17,000 0 0 36,275 18 9 14 5 7 686 0 0 350 0 0 17,000 0 0 36,275 18 9 14 5 7 686 0 0 300 0 0 350 0 0 300 0 0 17,000 0 0 36,275 18 9 14 5 7 686 0 0 Wanganui and Patea Patea f; Carried forward 212,622 17 1 20,974 2 10 233,596 19 11 15,872 8 9 249,469 8 8



TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued

Same of Work. County. Electorate. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1898. Net Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1899. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward Roads, Bbidges, etc.— continued. Wellington Land District — continued. Tokomaru Block .. Te Ngatie Block .. Te Ngaue No. 2 Block Omahine Block .. Waverley-Patea Road Mangawhio Road.. Okotuku Momahaki Village Settlement Block Momahaki-Waitotara Waitotara-Omahine Waitotara River Suspension Bridge Road through University Reserve Rangitikei Bridge, Mangaweka Awarua Rangitikei Bridge, Otara, £1 for £1 Kawatau-Hautapu Kawatau Kawatau Valley Road Kawatau Block .. Kawatau Improved-farm Settlement Otamakapua ... .. Otamakapua and Waitapu Ngaio Road Hautapu-Ruahine Marton 1 and 2 .. Hautapu-Ruahine (Marton 1 and 2) Hautapu Ruahine Block (Marton 1 and 2) Hautapu No. 2 Block Mangawhaririki Hautapu Block Hautapu Hautapu No. 2 .., Kelpie Road Karewarewa Block Kew .. Onslow Onslow Block Pemberton Improved-farm Settlement .. Pemberton-Wairaki (Pukerimu) £ s. d. 212,622 17 1 £ s. d. 20,974 2 10 £ s. d. 233,596 19 11 £ a. d. 15,872 8 9 £ s. d. 249,469 8 8 Waitotara Patea .. .'. Patea 1,995 3 4 200 0 0 1,995 3 4 200 0 0 167 0 0 1,995 3 4 367 0 0 114 0 0 130 0 0 190 9 3 100 0 0 1,310 17 8 3,602 13 1 3,524 1 9 400 0 0 114 0 0 130 ,0 0 190 9 3 100 0 0 1,310 17 8 3,602 13 1 3,524 1 9 400 0 0 49 2 4 114 0 0 130 0 0 190 9 3 100 0 0 1,360 0 0 3,602 13 1 3,524 1 9 400 0 0 150 0 0 4,717 17 8 17,586 15 8 1,672 13 1 438 16 8 616 19 11 2,750 0 0 1,425 0 0 1,689 10 8 2,288 0 9 4,464 8 2 200 0 0 2,395 0 0 1,000 0 0 89!) 4 9 4,537 11 3 1,714 0 0 9,915 6 3 1,573 0 0 1,030 9 0 500 0 0 842 1 6 319 1 9 50 0 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 3,135 9 3958 15 9 Kiwitea and Rangitikei .. Rangitikei 4,217 17 8 15,050 19 5 672 13 1 438 16 8 616 19 11 452 13 5 1,880 9 3 4,670 11 1 16,931 8 8 672 13 1 438 16 8 616 19 11 1,678 14 9 1,261 9 3 1,466 18 7 2,288 0 9 4,464 8 2 197 13 11 2,372 11 0 259 0 3 899 4 9 4,526 9 10 1,713 15 10 9,331 6 9 1,573 0 0 907 0 8 136 17 6 759 10 4 319 1 9 150 0 0 47 6 7 655 7 0 1,000 0 0 Kiwitea 860 19 0 1,454 4 7 2,288 0 9 4,464 8 2 70 10 9 1,359 3 10 1,678 14 9 400 10 3 12 14 0 1,071 5 3 163 10 9 222 12 1 127 3 2 1,013 7 2 259 0 3 2 6 1 22 9 0 740 19 9 899 4 9 4,373 14 i 1,694 8 7 8,415 6 3 1,573 0 0 730 9 0 152 15 .6 19 7 3 916 0 6 11 1 5 0 4 2 583 19 6 176 11 8 136 17 6 17 8 10 123 8 4 363 2 6 82 11 2 742 1 6 319 1 9 31 18 5 310 10 4 32 3 0 .. ■• 31 18 5 3,030 19 6 920 10 6 50 0 0 100 0 0 468 1 7 104 9 9 38 5 3 2,720 9 2 888 7 6 Carried forward 278,040 18 10 28,592 8 1 306,633 6 11 22,089 11 3 328,722 18 2



TABLE NO. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Name of Work. Conntj. Electorate. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March. 1898. Net Expenditure Total Net 12 MoSlnded 31st March, 1S99. 31st Marok - 1899 - Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, Ac., 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. l—i Brought forward Roads, Bridges, etc. — continued. Wellington Land District — continued. Watershed Road Kimbolton-Wairaki Kimbolton Road extension Kimbolton Road-Oroua Kimbolton Conspicuous Road Umutoi Umutoi Block Pakihikura Road, Oroua River Auputa Road and Bridge "Waitapu Block Mangoira-Coal Creek Block Main Road, Mangoira-Coal Creek Mangoira-Coal Creek Oroua Bridge Apiti District Apiti Bridge Umutoi Table Flat Pohangina Block TunipoRoad, Apiti-Norsewood Salisbury and Delaware Block Salisbury and Delaware Totara Reserve (road deviation) Pohangina Pohangina Valley Road Upper Pohangina Valley Pohangina Valley Forest Reserve East side of Pohangina River Oroua-Coal.Creek, Pohangina-Oroua Malton Malton Block Norsewood-Apiti Bridge Approach, Orepuhi Manawatu Gorge Palmerston North Forest Reserve Blocks V., VI., IX., X., and XIII., Kairanga Survey District, Palmerston North, 24 miles, to open 8,582 acres £ S. d. 278,040 18 10 £ s. d. 28,592 8 1 £ s. d. 306,633 6 11 £ s. d. 22,089 11 3 £ s. a. 328,722 18 2 Kiwitea Rangitikei 1,180 3 9 865 14 3 1,008 4 11 496 2 0 449 15 0 161 3 11 196 14 1 550 0 0 490 0 0 500 0 0 1,180 3 9 865 14 3 1,008 4 11 496 2 0 1,003 5 11 860 1 0 250 0 0 550 0 0 490 0 0 500 0 0 1.180 3 8 865 14 3 1,008 4 11 496 2 C 1,629 0 9 862 4 8 250 0 0 550 0 0 490 0 0 500 0 0 300 0 0 1,379 6 6 2,030 0 0 486 8 3 452 2 5 1,405 6 7 500 0 0 275 0 0 239 17 1 1.181 0 0 500 2 5 3,348 0 0 1,869 3 10 200 0 0 245 0 0 578 9 0 1,400 0 0 575 0 0 920 17 6 1,994 2 2 400 0 0 302 0 0 1,434 19 7 150 0 0 117,236 6 4 877 9 5 1,524 7 2 553 10 11 698 17 1 53 5 11 625 14 10 2 3 8 300 0 0 Kiwitea and Pohangina .. 1,379 6 6 2,030 0 0 1,379 6 6 2,030 0 0 486 7 0 452 2 5 1,405 6 7 500 0 0 486 7 0 0 13 452 2 5 1,405 6 7 500 0 0 Pohangina 275 0 0 27 14 0 139 17 1 1,181 0 0 366 19 5 3,348 0 0 1,669 3 10 72 6 0 132 17 6 212 3 1 1,181 0 0 499 16 11 3,348 0 0 1,863 10 10 0 5 6 194 7 0 5 13 0 200 0 0 5 12 7 3 10 0 578 9 0 998 7 8 425 0 0 920 17 6 1,994 2 2 235 17 5 239 7 5 578 9 0 1,398 7 10 425 0 0 920 17 6 1,994 2 2 148 6 8 302 0 0 1,419 14 9 150 0 0 117,236 6 4 877 9 5 1,524 7 2 400 0 2 1 12 2 150 0 0 148 6 8 251 13 4 Pohangina and Waipawa.. Rangitikei and Oroua Oroua and Pahiatua Rangitikei and Waipawa.. Manawatu and Rangitikei Pahiatua and Palmerston 302 0 0 319 16 2 150 0 0 117,236 6 4 877 9 5 1,524 7 2 1,099 18 7 15 4 10 n • • Oroua Palmerston 23,950 6 5



TABLE NO.4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Name of Work. County. Electorate. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1898. Net Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1899. ■BotalNet Liabilities on Total Set Expenditure to Antnomies, Expenditure 81st March, 1899. sSXrcn", llw. and Liabiliti... Brought forward Roads, Beidges, etc. — continued. 'Ellington Land Distkict — continued. Pitzherbert Bridge, £1 for £1 (to account) Blocks V., VI., IX., and XIII., Kairanga Survey District, Palmerston North Kairanga Drain .. Eepairs, Pitzherbert Bridge Roads in Pitzhtrbeit Block Roads, Pitzherbert Block Lower Gorge Bridge (to account of contribution, £2,000) Alfredton-Weber Road £ s. a. 421,740 18 0 £ s. d. 32,668 2 4 £ s. d. 454,409 0 4 £ s. d. 23,950 6 5 £ s. fl. 478,359 6 9 Oroua Palmerston 3,738 8 0 1,000 0 0 1,000 0 0 3,738 8 0 1,000 0 0 3,738 8 0 851 8 4 500 0 0 1,050 5 3 400 0 0 851 8 4 500 0 0 1,050 5 3 400 0 0 851 8 4 500 0 0 1,050 5 3 400 0 0 1,500 0 0 1,500 0 0 Akitio Improved-farm Settlement Seventy-mile Bush Makairo-Kumeroa Pahiatua-Palmerston North Pah iatua-Palmerston Mangatoro Valley Aohanga-Waewaepa Road Upper Manawatu Gorge Road Upper Manawatu Roads Hall Special Settlement Hall Association Block Ballance-Matiawatu Gorge Makairo Road Mangatoro Township (felling) Coonoor Block Coonoor Association Coonoor Farm Homestead Association .. Woodville-Aohanga Waewaepa, £1 for £1 Toritea Road Toritea-Makuri Tiraumea North Kaitawa Ridge Road Mangaramarania Road Thompson's Tiraumea-Makuri Tiraumea Bridge (Subsidy, Hull's Crossing) Tiraumea Bridge (Subsidy, Hull's Crossing) Wairarapa North and Patangata Ditto Pabiatua and Waipawa .. Pahiatua Pahiatua and Waipawa .. Pahiatua Pahiatua and Palmerston 24,997 0 1 2,875 14 8 61,326 5 7 40 15 0 2,581 12 7 159 11 8 5,317 13 11 3,051 2 3 1,776 17 1 28,048 2 4 4,652 11 9 61,326 5 7 298 6 9 2,581 12 7 301 17 2 5,574 11 11 480 11 9 62 6 10 28,528 14 1 4,714 18 7 61,326 5 7 640 15 0 2,581 12 7 959 11 8 5,617 13 11 257 11 9 342 8 3 Pahiatua and Oroua 142 5 6 256 18 0 Pahiatua and Waipawa .. Pahiatua and Masterton .. Pahiatua 657 14 6 43 2 0 Pahiatua 377 11 11 22 8 1 3T7 11 11 22 8 1 185 18 0 794 0 0 1,341 13 11 4,093 0 7 34 2 6 134 0 3 131 0 0 377 11 11 22 8 1 800 0 0 794 0 0 1,696 16 8 4,184 6 9 34 2 6 134 0 3 131 0 0 200 0 0 2', 607 0 10 794 0 0 1,196 16 8 3,762 2 7 34 2 6 134 0 3 131 0 0 185 18 0 614 2 0 144 17 3 330 18 0 355 2 9 91 6 2 „ 200 0 0 235 13 11 „ 1,807 0 10 564 6 1 2,371 6 11 ' 150 0 0 206 3 10 150 0 0 206 3 10 425 0 0 212 3 11 218 7 4 366 10 4 1,610 14 2 261 10 0 238 10 0 93 16 2 150 0 0 300 0 0 425 0 0 700 0 0 218 7 4 400 0 0 1,610 14 2 261 10 0 238 10 0 " 425 0 0 212 3 11 487 16 1 „ 218 7 4 4 4 0 1,610 14 2 261 10 0 238 10 0 362 6 4 33 9 8 „ Carried forward 536,747 1 5 41,159 10 4 577,906 11 9 29,147 16 6 607,054 8

i>.— l


TABLE NO.4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

Name of Work. County. Electorate. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1898. Net Expenditure Total Net 12 Months ended o Ex t p |? dit^ r 31st March, 1899 31st Ma ' oh - 1899 ' Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward £ s. d. 536,747 1 5 £ s. d. 41,159 10 4 £ s. d. 577,906 11 9 £ s. d. 29,147 16 6 £ s. d. 607,054 8 3 Roads, Bridges, etc. — continued. Wellington Land District — continued. Mangatainoka Bridge, at Tutaekara Crossing, £1 for £1 Makuri, Section 12, Block X. MoKenzie Special Settlement Block (Tutaekara Railway-station) Ngaturi-Aohanga Nikau-Omata Ohinereiata Road.. Pahiatua-Railway-station (repairs) £1 for £1 Tutaekara-Nikau Upper Tiraumea Valley Ballacce Bridge (to account) Mangatainoka River Bridge, Hamua (to account) .. Tiraumea Bridge —Maturi contribution.. Tiraumea Bridge Tiraumea Valley Road Mangatainoko Roads ... Mangahao Bridge.. Mangatainoka Bridge Mangatainoka, on Bridge Road .. } Makakahi Road ... .. .. j Bridge Road to Makakahi Makakahi Bridge to Mangahao South Pahiatua Road Upper Makuri Valley Road Te Aupapa Road and Makuri Bridge Makuri Township Makuri Township (unsold) Makuri Bridge, near Township Makuri Gorge Road Tutaekura Road Fabiatua Pahiatua 1,000 0 0 2,244 10 10 886 19 4 5,411 18 3 500 0 0 1,000 0 0 3 12 0 96 0 0 125 2 8 3 12 0 96 0 0 1,000 0 0 2,244 10 10 1,012 2 0 5,411 18 3 500 0 0 1,000 0 0 596 8 0 50 0 0 150 0 0 350 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 204 0 0 100 0 0 250 tt 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 274 17 4 600 0 0 50 0 0 150 0 0 350 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 1,000 0 0 2,244 10 10 1,286 19 4 5,411 18 3 500 0 0 1.000 0 0 819 7 10 819 7 10 819 7 10 624 5 8 316 12 6 1,609 0 8 7,593 9 3 400 0 0 403 14 4 1 1,028 0 0 316 12 6 1,609 0 8 7,710 18 5 400 0 0 13 8 9 733 11 8 295 0 0 3,925 3 4 311 1 6 1,287 11 3 775 0 0 1,521 10 1 J 1,028 0 0 316 12 6 1,609 0 8 7,793 9 3 400 0 0 60 0 0 733 11 8 295 0 0 3,925 3 4 311 1 6 1,287 11 3 775 0 0 1,521 10 1 240 0 0 117 9 2 82 10 10 13 8 9 46 11 3 733 11 8 295 0 0 3,925 3 4 311 1 6 j 1,287 11 3 \ 675 19 9 1,521 10 1 Towai Road (Pahiatua and Wairarapa) t North j Ditto 99 0 3 1 Waiwera Block Waiwera Pahiatua and Masterton.. 240 0 0 a • • Mount Marchant Road, £1 for £1 Mangaone Valley.. tr • * 200 0 0 96 16 9 200 0 0 96 16 9 200 0 0 96 1C 9 Carried forward 568,200 0 1 610,217 17 7 642,460 1 42,017 17 6 32,242 3 11



TABLE NO. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.- continued.

Name of Work. County. Electorate. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1898. Net Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1899. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward Roads, Bbidges, etc. — continued. Wellington Land District — continued. Mangaone-Tiraumea £ 8. d. 568,200 0 1 £ s. d. 42,017 17 6 £ s. d. 610,217 17 7 £ s. d. 32,242 3 11 £ s. d. 642,460 1 6 Pahiatua and Wairarapa North Ditto Pahiatua-Masterton 1,246 4 6 1,246 4 6 1,246 4 6 Pori .. it .. 150 0 0 150 0 0 f 413 7 10 I 28 17 0 13,616 8 10 4,423 2 4 12,374 18 9 50 15 0 19,317 15 2 397 11 0 200 0 0 1,679 14 6 1,796 6 4 1,798 8 6 1,399 16 10 ( 150 0 0 413 7 10 400 0 0 13,656 4 1 4,441 0 9 12,374 18 9 116 0 0 19,317 15 2 500 0 0 200 0 0 1,725 0 0 1.800 0 0 1.801 8 1 1,400 0 0 300 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 300 0 0 400 0 0 200 0 0 978 7 2 1,468 5 10 2,400 0 0 2,157 5 9 Tiraumea River Road-Pa Valley Road .. 413 7 10 28 17 0 } 371 3 0 Makuri-Pongaroa Makuri-Aohanga Road (Rakanui) Puketoi Puketoi-Aohanga Pahiatua, Mangaoue, &o. Mangatainoka Valley North Wairarapa (flood-damages, £1 for £1) Rising Sun Association Pahiatua No. 1 Pahiatua No. 2 .. Pahiatua No. 3 .. Aohanga, Waiowaka Kaikoura Farm Homestead Settlement Roads Pongaroa School Road (metalling) Section 183, Block IV. Aohanga- Aohanga Valley .. Waihi-Akitio .. ■ "Waiowaka Road Extension .. .. - .. Waihoku Valley Waipatukaka, near Pongaroa Makuri-Pongaroa Bridges (to account) Shipping Shed, Aohanga, East Coast Waihi Masterton Reform Association Mangatiti Improved-farm Settlement Aohanga Gorge Road Rakanui-Makuri-Pongaroa Junction Pahiatua No. 4 .. Road to Native Land K, No. 2 Upper Mangatiti Road Christchurch Farm-homestead Block Christchurch Association Puketoi-Aohanga Block Mecalickstone Mecalickatone Farm-homestead Block Wairarapa North Pahiatua Masterton and Pahiatua.. a • • ii * • Masterton Masterton and Pahiatua.. Pahiatua 10,406 4 1 3,040 6 11 12,374 18 9 19,317 15 2 200 0 0 900 14 7 1,297 19 5 1,201 8 1 748 10 6 3,210 4 9 1,382 15 5 50 15 0 397 11 0 778 19 11 498 6 11 597 0 5 651 6 4 24 1 11 24 1 11 39 15 3 17 18 5 65 5 0 102 9 0 45 5 6 3 13 8 2 19 7 0 3 2 300 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 175 18 1 200 0 0 150 0 0 300 0 0 400 0 0 200 0 0 32 4 6 215 0 6 280 16 0 182 3 1 ■ " // • • 678 7 2 968 5 10 952 11 8 757 5 9 267 15 6 284 19 6 1,166 12 4 1,217 16 11 946 2 8 1,253 5 4 2,119 4 0 1,975 2 8 *» * • tt * * 347 5 0 242 3 3 56 13 0 589 8 3 56 13 0 57 16 9 93 7 0 647 5 0 150 0 Q 1,369 13 10 210 0 9 304 14 5 76 6 4 1,503 0 0 221 9 10 8 12 0 299 1 3 1,369 13 10 431 10 7 313 6 5 375 7 7 1,503 0 0 528 10 2 5 13 7 200 18 9 1,369 13 10 960 0 9 319 0 0 576 6 4 1,503 0 0 . Carried forward 626,665 0 8 53,402 19 9 680,068 0 5 36,713 4 11 716,781 5




TABLE NO. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Name of Work. County. Electorate. Total Net Expenditure to Slst March, 1898. Net Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1899. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c., 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward Roads, Bbidges, etc. — continued. 'edlington Land DisTEicT — continued. Huia .. Mangatainoka River Bridge (Newman-Stirling), on account East Puketoi Burling's-Mecalickstone Smith's Footbridge-Totara Reserve Hukunui to Hawera, £1 for 10s. Hukunui-Masterton Special Settlement Pori Road, Puketoi and Tirautnea Bridge and Road, Napier's Crossing Kakariki Block .. Kakariki Special Settlement Stirling Block Newman-Sterling Waipoua River Bridge Eketahuna County roads (flood-damages) Wellington Settlement-Forest Reserve Eketahuna-Sterling Te Maru Mangaone Bridge.. Eketahuna-Parkville £ s. d. 626,665 0 8 £ S. d. 53,402 19 9 £ S. d. 680,068 0 5 £ s. d. 36,713 4 11 £ s. d. 716,781 5 4 Wairarapa North Pahiatua 1,354 14 10 268 11 9 1,623 6 7 59 8 3 200 0 0 1,682 H 10 200 0 0 w It Pahiatua and Masterton.. Masterton 2,681 8 0 327 1 6 500 0 0 742 3 3 92 19 4 2,681 8 0 1,069 4 9 92 19 4 500 0 0 297 6 1 900 0 0 7 16 9 7 0 8 2,681 8 0 1,077 1 6 100 0 0 500 0 0 300 0 0 900 0 0 297 6 1 2 13 11 900 0 0 1,562 0 0 1,191 14 9 300 0 0 287 2 3 1,562 0 0 287 2 3 1,191 14 9 600 0 0 112 17 9 1,562 0 0 400 0 0 1,191 14 9 600 0 0 200 0 0 123 6 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 297 19 1 400 0 0 252 7 3 300 0 0 200 0 0 400 0 0 300 0 0 150 0 0 50 0 0 200 0 0 130 0 0 250 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 250 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 214 7 4 200 0 0 300 0 0 200 0 0 „ I . 123 6 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 297 19 1 123 6 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 297 19 1 400 0 0 H 252 7 3 (300 0 0 \200 0 0 252 7 3 300 0 0 200 0 0 It 400 0 0 Parkville-Mangatainoka Ihuraua Valley Road Eketahuna- Alfredton Flat Bush Road Kakaamu Kuware Lang's Section, Wairere (Dagg's Road), £1 for £1 .. Mangamahoe-Panemango Mangaparapara, £1 for £1 .. Mount Baker (Tawataia Tollgate), Mangamahoe .. Tawatahia Road Tinui Valley West Road Tiraumea Bridge No. 1 (Edwards's Crossing) South Mangaone Road Mangaone (Norling's) it " 300 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 . 300 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 200 0 0 130 0 0 250 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 250 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 . it 214 7 4 138 13 6 61 6 6 214 7 4 200 0 0 Carried forward 637,758 12 11 55,502 8 11 693,261 1 10 39,933 2 3 733,194 4



TABLE No. 4-— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Name of Work. County. Electorate. Total Net Expenditure to Slst March, 1898. Net Expenditure ™ , , „ , durine j-OTaii^ex 13 Months ended dit v r ?«Q0 31st March, 1899. j 31st March, 1899. Inabilities on Authorities, Contracts. &c, 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward. Roads, Bridges, etc. — continued. Wellington Land Distbict— continued. Mount Baker (Pioneer) Mount Baker Valley Mangaoronga Boad Kaiparoro Kaiparoro Block Kaiparoro No. 2 Block Barton's Road Barton's Road-Mangamahoe Junction Barton's Road-McQuarrie's Boundary Bideford Road via Mangapeka, £1 for £1 Boiven's Road-Hastwell Rangitumau Block Mauriceville roads (storm-damages) Mauriceville West Mangamahoe Road Mikimiki Bridge .. Driscoll's Road Dagg's Road Barton's Road-Wairere Cleland's Road Wingate Road Tenui Bridge (contribution) Alfred ton-Tenui (contribution) Te Mara Block Mikimiki .. Dannevirke-Centennial Block Uruti-Castlepoint Kaiwhata, Run 49 Small grazing- run 51, Rewa S.D. Tenui Bridge and Road (contribution) Kaiwhata Run (near Brancepeth) Taueru Bridge (Masterton-East Coast), £1 for £1 (to account) Kaiwhata Rewa Craigie Lee (Douglas Road) Wairarapa East £ s. d. 637,758 12 11 £ b. i. 55,502 8 11 £ s. d. 693,261 1 10 £ s. d. 39,933 2 3 £ s. d. 733,194 4 1" 3,539 1 9 100 0 0 310 0 0 300 0 0 1,174 0 0 50 0 0 550 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 253 10 8 4,118 0 7 200 0 0 652 1 2 1,022 15 3 500 0 0 100 0 0 150 0,0 1,127 11 7 350 0 0 380 0 0 450 0 0 180 0 0 436 0 0 135 12 6 500 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 Wairarapa North Masterton 3,539 1 9 100 0 0 239 0 0 3,539 1 9 100 0 0 244 0 0 217 7 9 1,174 0 0 50 0 0 550 0 0 5 0 0 217 7 9 7 6 10 66 0 0 82 12 3 1,166 13 2 50 0 0 453 0 10 96 19 2 " "" I 200 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 103 10 8 4,118 0 7 200 0 0 652 1 2 1,022 15 3 103 10 8 4,118 0 7 200 0 0 652 1 2 1,022 15 3 353 8 4 100 0 0 150 0 0 1,127 11 7 350 0 0 353 8 4 100 0 0 146 11 8 i 150 0 0 1,077 11 7 350 0 0 50 0 0 380 0 0 450 0 0 180 0 0 25 10 3 Wairarapa and Masterton 392 i 7 135 12 6 135 9 5 100 0 0 18 5 2 181 8 6 410 9 9 135 12 6 316 17 11 100 0 0 4 3 0 183 2 1 100 0 0 195 17 0 150 0 0 • Wairarapa 4 3 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 600 0 0 100 0 0 600 0 0 ••I 200 0 0 33 13 6 233 13 6 16 6 6 150 0 0 250 0 0 150 0 0 1 500 0 0 Wairarapa North and South Wairarapa, Masterton, and Pahiatua Wairarapa 1,500 0 0 1,500 0 0 Kaiwhata Valley, Kiawhata, and Pahaoa Kaitangata .. Wairarapa South 1,270 12 6 432 4 0 437 0 10 464 1 9 1,707 13 4 896 5 9 62 19 2 233 14 3 1,770 12 6 1,130 0 0 Carried forward 655,246 10 11 57,471 3 9 712,717 14 8 43,655 15 5 756,373 10 "


TABLE NO. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.


Name of Work. County. Electorate. Total Net Net ture Total Net Liabilities on Total Net Expenditure to 19 m" rt g an Expenditure to Authorities, Expenditure 31st March. 1898. «- 81.t P *a, -eh. 1899. 8 <£~ andiiabi.ities. £ s. d. 655,246 10 11 £ s. d. 57,471 3 9 £ s. d. 712,717 14 8 £ s. d. 43,655 15 5 £ s. d. 756,373 10 1 Brought forward Roads, Bridges, etc. — continued. Wellington Land Distbiot — continued. Kaitangata Block Buamahanga Bridge Ruamahanga Bridge (£1 for £1), Masterton-Glad-stone Road Ruamahanga Bridge (Taratahi- Carterton) flooddamages Cameron 's-Pah aoa Gladstone-Flat Point Mangatarere Range Road Wh arau-ETa wh at a Jackson's Greek Bridge (East Coast Main Road) .. Sutherland's Bridge (subsidy) Waiohine Bridge (Matarawa) > .. Waiohine Bridge Bridge over Waiohine Gladstone-East Coast (restoring) Wainuioru-East Coast .. Turner's Road-Wainuioru Rocky Hill-Wainuioru Waiohine Plat Point Road Sandon Township Manawatu Bridge at Poxton Manawatu, Wirokino Bridge, £1 for £1 (to account) Otaki Bridge (to account) Poxton-Otaki (inland) Otaki-Foxton Bridges over Tokomaru, Ohau, Waikawa, and Otaki Rivers (contribution) Crossing at Levin Road through Ihakara's Reserve (Levin) Horowhenua 11b Waikanae-Te Horo Ohau Low Level Bridge Mount Holdsworth Road Wairarapa South Wairarapa 656 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 581 6 11 532 18 4 13 15 6 200 0 0 300 0 0 150 0 0 250 0 0 500 0 0 656 0 0 200 0 0 500 0 0 200 0 0 581 6 11 532 18 4 13 15 6 200 0 0 300 0 0 200 0 0 250 0 0 119 16 11 250 0 0 1,430 7 9 0 18 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 300 0 0 200 0 0 50 0 0 656 0 0 200 0 0 500 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 300 0 0 200 0 0 50 0 0 581 6 11 532 18 4 13 15 6 200 0 0 300 0 0 370 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 250 0 0 1,430 7 9 0 18 0 1,500 0 0 1,000 0 0 599 10 9 512 2 8 1,000 0 0 50 0 0 170 0 0 50 0 0 180 3 1 119 16 11 250 0 0 Manawatu Manawatu and Horowhenua Manawatu 1,430 7 9 0 18 0 Otaki" Manawatu and Otaki 1,500 0 0 1,000 0 0 599 10 9 512 2 8 450 0 0 280 0 0 599 10 9 512 2 8 730 0 0 270 0 0 Horowhenua Manawatu 107 0 0 107 0 0 150 0 0 107 0 0 150 0 0 440 0 0 400 0 0 70 0 0 510 0 0 Otak'i 440 0 0 440 0 0 400 0 0 510 0 0 TO 0 0 70 0 0 510 0 0 Mount Holdsworth tracks Wellington Fruit-growers' Association Block Horowhenua and Wairarapa South Ditto Horowhenua and Hutt .. Otaki and Wairarapa Masterton Otaki 1,433 0 0 233 18 5 233 18 5 1,433 0 0 366 1 7 600 0 0 1,433 0 0 Carried forward 663,813 10 10 58,974 19 1 722,788 9 11 49,092 0 1 771,880 10 0



TABLE NO. 4- continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c— continued.

Name of Wort. County. Electorate. Total Net Net Expenditure Expenditure to n Months ended 31st March. 1898. 31st March, 1899 Net Liabilities on Exper.Se to Authorities, Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward. Eoads, Bridges, etc. — continued. Wellington Land District — continued. Paikakariki-Waikanae-Hadfield Waikanae to Hutt Road Akatarawa-Waikanae Mungaroa to Waikanae Whiteman's Valley Road Moonshine Belmont S.D. to Sections 236-237, Block X. Hutfc to Lowry Bay Mangaroa Valley .. Paikakariki-Paraparaumu (to account).. Paparangi Estate Road Sections 48 and 56, Block V., Rimutaka Karori Road Korokoro Settlement Roads .. Ngauranga-Horokiwi £ s. d. 663,813 10 10 £ s. d. 58,974 19 1 £ s. d. 722,788 9 11 £ s. d. 49,092 0 1 £ s. d. 771,880 10 0 Horowhenua and Hutt .. Otaki 1,653 7 11 1,735 3 2 500 0 0 2,153 7 11 1,735 3 2 100 0 0 4,523 2 11 500 0 0 100 0 0 2,153 7 11 1,735 3 2 150 0 0 4,523 2 11 500 0 0 200 0 0 50 0 0 290 0 0 200 0 0 500 0 0 36 0 0 100 0 0 153 1 8 400 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 Hutt 4,523 2 11 400 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 290 0 0 290 0 0 „ . • . . 200 0 0 500 0 0 36 0 0 100 0 0 Wellington Suburbs 153 1 8 153 1 8 400 0 0 Otaki and Wellington Suburbs Pabiatua 100 0 0 100 0 0 Otawhao Road Waitangi Bridge (Chatham Islands) Village Settlements (see also General) .. Chatham Islands roads To purchase roads to Crown lands Grant in aid for bridge over Manawatu River Sundry roads, Wellington South End, North Island Main Trunk Railway Tools, &c. Miscellaneous and Engineering Waipawa 400 0 0 326 14 10 307 13 6 400 0 0 326 14 10 869 5 6 1 10 0 519 10 7 3,198 15 1 347 1 11 38,205 16 0 504 9 8 7,895 16 11 400 Q 0 326 14 10 1,011 16 1 100 0 0 519 10 7 3,198 15 1 347 1 11 38,205 16 0 504 9 8 8,575 3 4 561 12 0 1 10 0 142 10 7 98 10 0 519 10 7 3,198 15 1 347 1 11 38,205 16 0 504 9 8 7,745 3 4 150 13 7 679 6 5 Total, Wellington Land District 724,223 11 5 60,488 14 8 784,712 6 1 51,448 7 1 836,160 13 2 Nelson Land District — Ferntown-Pakawau Clifton-Pohara Beach Collingwood-Quartz Ranges Aorere Valley-Karamea .. Mackay Pass Road Takaka-Anatoki and Collingwood Takaka Valley Collingwood Motueka 250 0 0 507 1 1 4,699 7 5 364 0 0 4,733 6 5 2,000 0 0 59 9 6 250 0 0 59 9 6 507 1 1 4,699 7 5 364 0 0 4,733 6 5 2,000 0 0 40 10 6 250 0 0 100 0 0 507 1 1 4,699 7 5 364 0 0 4,733 6 5 2,000 0 0 •• Carried forward 12,553 14 11 59 9 6 12,613 4 5 40 10 6 12,653 14 l:


T>. — 1

TABLE No. 4- continued . STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

B—D. 1

Name of Work. County. Electorate. Total Net Net Expenditure Total N et Expenditure to la MWhemirleri Expenditure to 31st March, 1898. »■**»«*."»»• Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c., Slst March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward £ s. d. 12,553 14 11 £ s. d. 59 9 6 £ s. d. 12,613 4 5 £ s. d. 40 10 6 £ s. d. 12,653 14 11 Roads, Bkidgbs, etc. — continued. elson Land District — continued. Takaka Tramway .. .. Takaka-Riwaka and Collingwood Takaka-Stockyard Takaka-Riwaka Takaka Road .. .. .. Takaka roads and bridges East Takaka Road Takaka-Karainea Pakawau-Tamatea •Motupipi Biver Bridge Takaka River protective-works Waimea County roads and bridges Marahau Valley Sandy Bay Riwaka, Sandy Bay Riwaka Bridge Riwaka Valley Road Riwaka Valley Track Little Sydney Road Little Sydney Road, Riwaka Little Sydney Road and branch track .. Rawson's Creek, Riwaka Brooklands Valley Road Brooklyn Valley Road Motueka River Protection Tracks, Mount Arthur Roads, Lower Moutere (flood-damages) .. Motueka-Waiwera Valley Ngatimoti Bridge Graham River Bridge Baton-Karamea Orinoco-Rosed ale • .. Lloyds Valley Road Wangamoa Nelson-Blenheim (Nelson end) Norris's Gully-Stewart's Biwaka Valley School Hill-Ngatimoti Tadmor Valley Collingwood .. Waimea Motueka City of Nelson and Motueka Motueka 3,000 0 0 1,550 0 0 257 14 1 124 15 0 21 6 0 231 11 0 127 0 0 289 3 4 650 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 30 0 0 500 0 0 600 0 0 60 0 0 100 0 0 62 12 6 90 16 2 75 5 0 500 0 0 3,000 0 0 1,625 5 0 257 14 1 124 15 0 21 6 0 231 11 0 127 0 0 289 3 4 500 0 0 650 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 30 0 0 500 0 0 600 0 0 60 0 0 100 0 0 62 12 6 100 0 0 25 7 0 178 6 6 69 15 0 185 0 0 493 0 0 1,661 18 10 100 0 0 604 7 11 125 0 0 200 0 0 963 14 0 250 0 0 85 15 11 52 14 6 300 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 3,000 0 0 1,625 5 0 257 14 1 124 15 0 21 6 0 284 5 6 127 0 0 289 3 4 300 0 0 300 0 0 500 0 0 650 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 130 0 0 500 0 0 600 0 0 60 0 0 100 0 0 62 12 6 100 0 o 50 0 0 178 6 6 100 0 0 300 0 0 500 0 0 1,661 18 10 100 0 0 604 7 11 125 0 0 200 0 0 963 14 0 250 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 150 ' 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 9 3 10 25 7 0 24 13 0 178 6 6 50 0 0 100 0 0 391 16 3 1,661 18 10 26 1 1 604 7 11 125 0 0 200 0 0 963 14 0 250 0 0 19 15 0 85 0 0 101 3 9 73 18 11 30 5 0 115 0 0 7 0 0 Nelson Motueka 85 15 11 80 0 0 80 0 0 14 4 1 150 0 0 150 0 0 20 0 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 - Carried forward ■■ 25,199 17 7 1,114 18 11 26,314 16 6 1,904 7 1 28,219 3 • •



TABLE NO. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Sue of Work. County. ElectorateTotal Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1898. Net Expenditure duriag 12 Months ended 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1899. Liabilities oa Authorities, Contracts, &c. t 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward Koads, Bridges, etc. — continued. Nelson Land Distkict — continued. Upper Moutere Roads Groixelles-Elaice's Bay Matai Valley Bridge Wairoa (Brightwater Bridge) Wairoa Bridge, £1 for £1 (to account) ,. Dovedale Dove River Bridge Quail Valley Pigeon Valley-Dovedale Pigeon Valley-Motueka Aniseed Valley Road Wakefield-Stanley Brook Neudorf-Dovedale Waimea West ,; Okiwi-Ronga Port-Stoke, Rocks Road .. Maitai Road Bridge over Wairoa in Waimea District Wairoa Bridge ,, Wairoa Gorge Road _ Wakefield District Trass Valley ... ,. Pretty Bridge Valley Wakefield, Quail Valley .. Tadmor-Motupiko Tadmor and Sherry to Buller Riwaka-Takaka Hill Oparara River Mudflat-Karamea Mokihinui-Karamea Karamea-Mokihinui Granity Creek-Ngakawau Torea southwards Track (railway)-Milerton Seddonville Cemetery Fairdown-Waimangaroa Westport-Lyell Nile Bridge Fox River Bridge '■) ■ . ' I Jo s. d. 25,199 17 7 £ S. d. 1,114 18 11 £ s. d. 26,314 16 6 £ S. d. 1,904 7 1 £ s. d. 28,219 3 7 Waimea Motueka Nelson Nelson and Moiueka Motueka 560 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 430 0 0 709 4 6 50 0 0 ion o o 200 0 0 250 0 0 250 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 250 0 0 250 0 0 560 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 430 0 0 709 4 6 200 0 0 700 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 1,531 8 0 499 0 5 3 18 0 150 0 0 1,132 18 9 160 0 0 160 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 5,482 16 11 100 0 0 Motueka and City of Nelson City of Nelson Motueka „ •. .. j 600 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 1,531 8 0 199 0 5 3 18 0 150 0 0 1,032 18 9 160 0 0 160 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 142 3 9 100 0 0 560 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 430 0 0 709 4 6 142 3 9 700 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 1,531 8 0 299 1 5 3 18 0 150 0 0 1,082 18 9 160 0 0 160 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 57 16 3 50 0 0 100 1 0 199 19 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 5,482 16 11 5,482 16 11 300 0 0 Waimea and Oollingwood 100 0 0 Buller 355 11 6 355 11 6 355 11 6 Buller 200 0 0 1,812 8 6 200 0 0 500 0 0 200 0 0 1,812 8 6 200 0 0 500 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 1,812 8 6 350 0 0 500 0 O Grey .. 17,725 18 9 1,115 16 4 100 0 0 17,725 18 9 1,115 16 4 100 0 0 17,725 18 9 1,115 16 4 100 0 0 Carried forward 59,028 19 3 59,028 19 3 1,507 3 8 60,536 2 11 3,712 2 4 64,248 5 3



TABLE NO. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Name of Work. County. Electorate. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1898. Net Expenditure T f , N f Liabilities on T t , N t ,,_*l™«.. Expense to Authorities, ExpendSure 12 Months ended qi t i i\.r»,«', itoq Contracts, £c, a *RiIwiiK»n 31st March, 1899. 31s>t Maicn, 1S99. 3 i st March, 1899. and Liabilities. £ s. d. 59,028 19 3 & s. (1. 1,507 3 8 £ Si d. 60,536 2 11 £ p. d. 3,712 2 4 £ s. d. 64,248 5 3 Brought forward Roads, Bridges, etc. — continued. blson Land District — continued. Lyell Cemetery Road Karamea-Wangapeka Wangapeka-Wanganui .. l Belgrove-Westport-Reefton Bridge over Granity Greek Bridge over Owen Creek Mangles Larry's Creek Bridge Bridge over Matiri Slips Road Upper Buller Road Hampden-Maruia Hampden Cemetery-Murehison Horse Bridge over Matakitaki Expenses taking poll re Buller Bridge .. Bridge over Inangahua, Buller Junction Inangahua Bridge, Maintenance Boatmana Bridge over Inangahua at Reefton Reefton-Maruia-Inangahua Bridge over Little Grey at Devery's Bridge over Ahaura Ahaura-Haupere Bridge over Grey at Cobden .. Cobden-Seventeen-mile Diggings Grey Valley-Teremakau Ahaura (Masons)-Haupiri Ahaura-Amuri Ahaura-Kopara and Amuri . .. Blackball Cemetery (clearing and fencing) Bridge over Waiau at Hanmer Plains .. Tophouse-Wairau Gorge Hanmer District Works at Hanmer Works at Hanmer and Sanatorium Hanmer Road Waiau River Road (round south side), £1 for £1 Waiau Bridge repairs Bridge over Waiau, Amuri County Culverden-Hanmer Plains Buller Waimea and Buller if Inangahua tt - • Buller Motueka Motueka and Buller Buller -i. 633 17 10 657 10 11 18,342 11 10 762 19 11 1,797 10 1 363 0 0 436 19 0 2,841 16 0 246 0 1 10,507 5 9 1,413 4 4 79 4 4 8,804 2 7 141 17 6 844 10 0 2,099 6 7 4,533 6 7 633 17 10 657 10 11 22,875 18 5 762 19 11 1,797 10 1 363 0 0 436 19 0 2,841 16 0 246 0 1 10,507 5 9 1,413 4 4 79 4 4 8,804 2 7 141 17 6 844 10 0 2,099 6 7 75 0 0 i 100 0 0 50 0 0 75 0 0 633 17 10 657 10 11 22,875 18 5 762 19 11 1,797 10 1 363 0 0 436 19 0 2,841 16 0 100 0 0 246 0 1 10,507 5 9 50 0 0 1,413 i 4 79 4 4 8,804 2 7 141 17 6 844 10 0 2,099 6 7 Grey 3,870 18 1 125 14 0 175 10 0 3,870 18 1 125 14 0 175 10 0 4,971 8 5 1,678 11 0 2,688 2 1 2,083 9 6 6,210 13 10 2,065 1 8 24 10 0 60 0 0 100 0 0 1,271 16 9 150 0 0 1,000 0 0 100 0 0 3,870 18 1 125 14 0 200 0 0 4,971 8 5 1,678 11 0 2,688 2 1 2,083 9 6 6,210 13 10 2.065 1 8 60 0 0 14,937 18 4 157 6 0 2,420 11 8 4,951 15 5 608 19 0 150 0 0 2,007 7 3 11,640 14 11 100 0 0 Grey 4,971 8 5 1,678 11 0 2,688 2 1 2,083 9 6 6,210 13 10 2,065 1 8 Amuri Ashley 14,937 18 4 57 6 0 2,420 11 8 2,951 15 5 608 19 0 . . ■ ■ 728 3 3 14,937 18 4 57 6 0 2,420 11 8 3,679 18 8 608 19 0 7 7 3 11,640 14 11 1,000 0 0 1,007 7 3 11,640 14 11 - Carried forward 165,319 7 2 173,263 10 8 6,643 9 1 179,906 19 7,944 3 6



TABLE No. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Name of Work. County. Electorate. Total Net Net Expenditure | Total Net Liabilities on ! Expenditure to 10 vr + v g a a Expenditure to Authorities, i h/m.™i isqs 12 Months ended „,./m.tA isqq Contracts, &c, J Jlst Mai ch, 1898. j 31st Marc]l> i 889 rflst March, 1899. | 31st March ls99 . Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward Roads, Bridges, etc. — continued. fELSON Land District — continued. Nelson-Reefton and Greymouth Bridges £ s. d. 165,319 7 2 £ s. d. 7,944 3 6 £ s. d. 173,263 10 8 £ s. d. 6,643 9 1 £ s. d. 179,900 19 9 Waimea, Buller, Grey, and Inangahua Ditto Motueka, Buller, and Grey 13,731 15 1 13,731 15 1 13,731 15 1 Nelson, Westport, Greymouth, and Hokitika City of Nelson, Motueka, Buller, Grey, and Westland Motueka and Ashley Buller and Ashley Buller and Grey 65,490 8 5 65,490 8 5 65,490 8 5 Belgrove-Tophouse-Tarndale Maruia-Amuri Grey Valley via Glarke-Maruia Buller-Arnould Bridges on Koads Nelson-Reefton Waimea and Amuri Inangahua and Amuri Inangahua and Grey 5,926 19 10 1,653 4 1 211 10 2 73,197 4 8 9,795 10 2 164 4 10 6,091 4 8 1,653 4 1 211 10 2 73,197 4 8 9,795 10 2 239 14 2 6,380 18 10 1,653 4 1 211 10 2 73,197 4 8 9,795 10 2 Inangahua, Waimea, Buller, and Grey Sounds Buller and Motueka French Pass, Admiralty Bay, and Groixelles Tracks Sundry Koads and Bridges, Nelson Purchase of Roads To Purchase of Roads through Crown lands Village Settlements (see also General) Miscellaneous and Engineering Nelson 794 0 1 20 0 0 791 0 0 Or. 10 0 0' 2,435 17 7 794 0 1 20 0 0 791 0 0 Or. 10 0 0 2,497 17 7 200 0 0 200 0 0 794 0 1 20 0 0 791 0 0 l'JO 0 0 2,605 17 7 200 0 0 108 0 0 62 0 0 Total, Nelson Land District 339,356 17 3 8,170 8 4 347,527 5 7 7,391 3 3 354,918 8 1( [aklborough Land District — Beatrice Bay-Kenny's Isle .. Hakahaka-Opihi An akoa-Manaroa Wet Inlet-Grail Bay Manaroa-Okoha Crail Bay-Homewood Manaroa-Hopai .. Kenepuru-Anakoa Crail Bay Track .. Waitaria-Manaroa .. .. ) Kenepuru-Manaroa Kenepuru Sound Arapawa-Te Awaiti Tracks, Queen Charlotte Sound Tracks, Pelorus and Queen Charlotte Sound Torea Neck Sounds Wairau 159 12 0 56 2 0 596 3 4 33 3 6 43 18 0 24 10 9 150 0 0 55 15 0 166 15 0 48 8 6 34 17 2 182 16 9 192 15 ( 100 0 ( 620 14 : 150 0 ( 720 9 ( 211 4 ( 397 19 < 467 0 ; 522 9 ( 42 15 6 116 16 6 56 2 0 175 9 3 420 14 1 320 9 6 11 4 0 347 19 4 67 0 2 222 9 0 344 5 0 33 5 0 1 11 6 365 2 10 117 3 3 664 14 6 44 9 0 349 10 10 432 3 0 339 12 3 798 7 10 798 7 10 798 7 l< 156 19 8 247 8 0 199 14 4 1,171 19 0 50 0 0 124 18 0 96 13 3 3 13 6 281 17 8 344 1 3 203 7 10 1,171 19 0 64 3 6 75 2 0 63 6 9 196 6 6 356 19 ! 407 8 ( 399 14 ■ 1,171 19 ( 100 0 ( 14 3 6 35 16 6 Carried forward 4,057 0 5 1,449 3 7 5,506 4 0 1,110 16 5 6,617 0



TABLE NO. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Mam eof Work. County. Electorate. Total Net Net Expenditure I Total Net I J fS^S^ L Total Net Expenditure to ™ M Au t T° A X Expenditure to Expenditure 31st P March.l898. 31st Mα: oh, 1899. ! and Liabilities. Brought forward Eoads, Bbidges, etc. — continued. Mablbobough Land Distbtot — continued. Tβ Mehia Bay-Portage Bay .. Ohinitaha-Te Mehia Tracks to Mahau Sounds Pelorus to Queen Charlotte Sound Tory Heads-Watamonga and Pioton Watamonga-Port Underwood Track Eobin Hood Bay-Oeean Bay White's Bay-Port Underwood Kenepuru-Endeavour Inlet .. Okoha-Titirangi Onahau Bay-Kenepuru Piripaua Neck-Cutting Sound Torea Bay Wharf-Road Waitaria-Te Mauka-a-maiu .. Tawhitinui-Rai .. Nydia Bay-Havelock Harvey's Bay-Pelorus Sound Fairy Bay-North-west Bay Tennyson Inlet Mahakipawa-Kenepuru Rai-Ronga and Wangamea Roads Nelson-Havelock and' Bridges Brown River Bridge Alfred Creek Bridge Ronga Valley Road Pelorus District and Rai Valley Pelorus District and Rai Valley Wharf at Haveloek Picton-Queen Charlotte Sound Double Bay Starborough Picton-Waikawa .. Saxton Pass Grove Wharf and Shed Tophouse Road Haveloek-Tuamarina Road .. Kaituna-Tuamarina Sundry Roads and Bridges, Marlborough Onamalutu Valley £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 4,057 0 5 1,449 3 7 5,506 4 0 1,110 16 5 6,617 0 5 £ s. d. 4,057 0 5 £ a. d. 1,449 3 7 £ s. d. 5,306 4 0 £ s. d. 1,110 16 5 Sounds Wairau 55 2 7 217 7 10 272 10 5 82 12 2 355 2 7 271 17 10 33 2 0 304 19 10 16 18 0 321 17 10 30 9 6 .. 30 9 6 .. 30 9 6 224 19 0 .. 224 19 0 .. 224 19 0 384 17 4 302 6 9 687 4 1 97 13 3 784 17 4 336 16 11 14 7 6 351 4 5 85 12 6 436 16 11 52 0 0 107 9 3 159 9 3 92 10 9 252 0 0 267 0 3 0 14 6 267 14 9 149 5 6 417 0 3 150 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 516 14 6 40 1 2 556 15 8 159 18 10 716 14 6 581 5 8 28 2 0 609 7 8 271 18 0 881 5 8 138 14 10 138 14 10 11 5 2 150 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 199 19 10 ... 199 19 10 .. 199 19 10 53 11 10 .. 53 11 10 .. 53 11 10 1,925 19 6 425 15 6 2,351 15 0 123 5 0 2,475 0 0 200 0 0 .. 200 0 0 .. 200 0 0 200 0 0 .. 200 0 0 .. 200 0 0 562 7 10 .. 562 7 10 250 0 0 812 7 10 28,660 14 3 .. 28,660 14 3 .. 28,660 14 3 3,722 19 2 .. 3,722 19 2 .. 3,722 19 2 441 6 10 .. 441 6 10 .. 441 6 10 538 3 3 173 1 5 711 4 8 126 18 7 838 3 3 109 8 0 .. 109 8 0 10 0 0 119 8 0 284 5 8 284 5 8 115 14 4 400 0 0 151 16 10 97 6 0 249 2 10 2 14 0 251 16 10 100 0 0 100 0 0 87 13 0 0 10 0 88 3 0 11 17 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 .. 300 0 0 .. 300 0 0 550 0 0 -.. 550 0 0 150 0 0 700 0 0 508 0 11 .. 508 0 11 .. 508 0 11 200 0 0 .. 200 0 0 .. 200 0 0 55 2 7 271 17 10 30 9 6 224 19 0 384 17 4 336 16 11 52 0 0 267 0 3 217 7 10 33 2 0 272 10 5 304 19 10 30 9 6 224 19 0 687 4 1 351 4 5 159 9 3 267 14 9 82 12 2 16 18 0 » • • • • 302 6 9 14 7 6 107 9 3 0 14 6 97 13 3 85 12 6 92 10 9 149 5 6 150 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 159 18 10 271 18 0 11 5 2 20 0 0 100 0 0 Nelson 516 14 6 581 5 8 40 1 2 28 2 0 138 14 10 556 15 8 609 7 8 138 14 10 a • • • • v • • ■ ■ V V Sounds and Marlborough.. Marlborough and Waimea Marlborough .. Wairau Nelson * 199 19 10 53 11 10 1,925 19 6 200 0 0 200 0 0 562 7 10 28,660 14 3 3,722 19 2 441 6 10 538 3 3 109 8 0 425 13 6 199 19 10 53 11 10 2,351 15 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 562 7 10 28,660 14 3 3,722 19 2 441 6 10 711 4 8 109 8 0 284 5 8 249 2 10 123 5 0 250 0 0 * a Wairau 151 16 10 173 1 5 284 5 8 97 6 0 126 18 7 10 0 0 115 14 4 2 14 0 100 0 0 11 17 0 100 0 0 87 13 0 0 10 0 88 3 0 tr . . . . 300 0 0 550 0 0 508 0 11 200 0 0 300 0 0 550 0 0 508 0 11 200 0 0 IV 150 0 0 Carried forward 45,190 5 3 3,312 8 0 48,502 13 3 4,088 19 6 52,591 12



TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Name of Work. County. Electorate. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1898. Net Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1899. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward Roads, Bbidges, etc. — continued. ablboeough Land Disteict — continued. Blenheim-Havelook Perry-house Bartlett's Greek Spring Creek Bridge Spring Greek Wharf Drain Wairau River-Gravel-pit Omaka Bridge contributions.. Wairau Eiver overflow subsidy, £1 for £1 Bridge over Wairau near Blenheim Blufi Cove and Port Underwood Footbridge, Taylor River Blind Eiver Road .. ... Redwood Pass Road Anakiwi-Grove Awatere Railway and Traffic Bridge North Bank Awatere Valley Road Havelock-Blenheim Jordan Bridge, Awatere Awatere River (Taylor-Redwood Pass) .. Maddooks and Hodder Cutting Mahakipawa-Moetapu Moleaworth-Jollie's Pass Pember's Road-Pukaka Picton-Blenheim (Mudford Plat) River Conservation (Omaka Ford) Saltwater Creek-Fulton's Gate) Tuamarina-Boulder Bank Three-bridges Flat-Rikiranga (to account.) Waibopai River (protection) Okiwi-Ronga Havelock Mudflat Bridge Maher's Flat Bridge and Road Omaka-Tyntesfield Bridge, £1 for £1 Okaramio Creek Bridge Rocky Creek Bridge Wairau River Bridge Wakamarina and Kaituna Bridges Awatere Bridge, Limestone Gorge Bridge over Clarence River, Clarence Bridge £ s. d. 45,190 5 3 £ S. d. 3,312 8 0 £ s. d. 48,502 13 3 £ S. d. 4,088 19 6 £ S. d. 52,591 12 9 Marlborough .. Wairau 200 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 95 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 95 0 0 39 13 0 300 0 0 400 0 0 i 4,362 8 3 j 24 16 2 ; 100 0 0 : 439 8 0 : 1,600 0 0 ! 68 9 3 i 8,484 11 1 j' 190 13 0 1,000 0 0 loo o o : 55 0 0 18,703 16 3 I 60 7 0 99 14 3 1,600 0 0 75 3 10 150 12 0 131 10 9 500 0 0 200 0 0 9 7 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 50 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 100 Q 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 129 4 7 200 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 95 0 0 100 0 0 399 14 3 2,000 0 0 4,362 8 3 100 0 0 100 0 0 590 0 0 1,600 0 0 200 0 0 500 0 0 200 0 0 8,484 11 1 200 0 0 1,000 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 50 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 55 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 18,833 0 10 * • ■ • • • ¥ • • 39 13 0 33 5 9 400 0 0 -. I 266 14 3 m 4,362 8 3 24 16 2 100 0 0 1,300 0 0 439 8 0 300 0 0 68 9 3 "\ 8,484 11 1 •r • • 1,000 0 0 190 13 0 ■■! 100 0 0 ••! .. ■• u . • • •I I . I Nelson 55 0 0 Wairau m> » Kaikoura Ashley 18,633 0 10 70 15 5 Carried forward 80,031 19 8 5,034 8 7 85,066 8 3 9,444 18 11 94,511 7



TABLE NO. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Name of Work. Countj. Electorate. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1898. Net Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1899. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward Eoads, Bridges, etc. — continued. Mablbobough Land District — continued. Road through Reserve " A " Conway Reserve-Aooommodation-house Eoad Kaikoura-Clarenee Oribb Creek Hundalee Block Hapuka and Puhipuhi Rivers Reserve West of Kahautara .. Kahau tara-Gonway Pine Valley Block Kaitao Block Puhipuhi Block Kaikoura- Waiau.. Blenheim-Kaikoura-Waiau Miscellaneous and Engineering £ s. d. 80,031 19 8 & 8. d. 5,034 8 7 £ s. d. 85,066 8 3 £ s. d. 9,444 18 11 £ s. A. 94,511 7 2 Kaikoura Ashley 270 0 0 200 0 0 270 0 0 200 0 O 14,424 6 1 100 0 0 7,500 0 0 350 18 5 300 0 0 12,139 14 2 200 0 0 400 0 0 300 0 0 33,630 11 11 1,500 0 0 340 16 4 ii • • 14,424 6 1 14,424 6 1 100 0 0 • • ! 5,996 6 0 1,503 14 0 350 18 5 7,500 0 0 350 18 5 3,069 11 9 7,381 1 4 10,450 13 1 300 0 0 1,689 1 1 200 0 0 400 0 0 300 0 0 Kaikoura and Amuri •• 33,630 11 11 522 10 0 40 19 11 33,630 11 11 522 10 0 181 16 3 977 10 0 159 0 1 rr 140 16 4 Total, Marlborough Land District 137,293 11 9 14,833 12 3 152,127 4 0 14,040 10 1 166,167 14 1 Westland Land Distbict — Bridge over Grey at Cobden Greymouth- Arnold Clarke River Road Stillwater-Maori Gully Paeroa-Teremakau Marsden-Paroa Stillwater Bridge Marsden-Maori Creek .. • ■ « Hohonu Bridge .. . Greenstone Bridge Greenstone-Lake Brunner Pounamou-Teremau Greenstone-Teremakau Teremakau-Bell Hill Road Bell Hill-Mount Alexander Mount Howe Track Bridge over Teremakau, Kumara Greymouth-Okarito Grey County (flood-damage) Grey ! I Grey " i " Westland 13 10 0 5,058 1 5 1,869 2 0 500 11 2 798 8 0 2,538 3 0 500 0 0 •• I I 13 10 0 5,058 1 5 1,869 2 0 500 11 2 798 8 0 2,538 3 0 500 0 0 150 0 0 •■ 150 0 0 500 0 0 13 10 0 5,058 1 5 150 0 0 1,869 2 0 500 11 2 798 8 0 150 0 0 2,538 3 0 500 0 0 500 0 0 2,756 5 6 684 5 4 1,234 17 9 1,986 16 0 198 18 5 100 0 0 1,530 18 0 103,447 12 11 300 0 0 it • • 2,756 5 6 684 5 4 1,103 13 5 1,986 16 0 198 18 5 100 0 0 1,379 18 0 103,447 12 11 300 0 0 ii 19 o 2,756 5 6 684 5 4 1,115 12 5 1,986 16 0 198 18 5 100 0 0 1,385 1 6 103,447 12 11 300 0 0 119 5 4 ■' Grey and Westland it Grey and Westland Westland h 3 6 145 16 6 Carried forward 123,235 5 2 17 2 6 123,252 7 8 1,065 1 10 124,317 9 6



TABLE No. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

Name of Work. County. Electorate. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1898. Net Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1899. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &e., 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward .. Roads, Bkidges, etc. — continued. {Vestlakd Land Distbict — continued. Kumara-Beaoh .. .. .. Stafford-Waimea.. Waimea Bridge Junction Line .. .. . > • Beefton, Hokitika, and Boss Three-Mile Creek Bridge Barn Bay Track Hokitika Plat Haast-Blue River Okuru Cemetery Road Paringa River Road .. .. Wai tah a-Rakapotahi Little Waitaha Bridge Waitaba, Wanganui, &c. (stock-drivers' huts) Hungerf ord's Bridge Hungerford's Bridge (repairs) Hokitika-Christchurch Lower Arahura Bridge (repairs) Otira Toll Otira River, wire-footbridge Hokitika-Blue Spur Woodstock-Mahinapua Kanieri Bridge Kanieri Forks-Kanieri Lakes South Creek-Main Line Kokatahi Dawson's Road .. .. .. Block CXIL, Kokatahi (Cropp's Road) .. Kokatahi Run-Hokitika River Bridge over Donnelley's Creek Hokitika Valley Matthias Pass Road Whiteombe Valley Track (Kokatahi) .. Mount Bonar-Poerua River .. .. Waitaha River, bridges and approaches.. Wataroa Blufi-Okarito Track • .. Wataroa and Waitangi Taona Okarito River Bridge Great South Road Hokitika Southward £ S. d. 123,235 5 2 £ s. d. 17 2 6 £ s. d. 123,252 7 8 £ s. d. 1,065 1 10 £ s. d. 124,317 9 6 Westland Westlana 2,000 0 0 764 0 10 207 12 6 3,923 9 5 5,282 18 5 500 11 2 150 10 10 66 5 1 2,000 0 0 830 5 11 207 12 6 3,923 9 5 5,282 18 5 500 11 2 150 10 10 333 14 11 2,000 0 0 1,164 0 10 207 12 6 3,923 9 5 5,282 18 5 500 11 2 150 10 10 250 0 0 110 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 300 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 580 0 0 9 3 0 9 3 0 250 0 0 100 17 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 300 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 230 0 0 350 0 0 580 0 0, 145,026 14 1 248 13 2 500 0 0 4,652 13 11 149,679 8 0 248 13 2 500 0 0 2,127 17 3 51 6 10 151,807 5 3 300 0 0 500 0 0 350 0 0 2,520 3 5 1,615 0 9 1,088 11 10 2,903 16 10 281 17 6 n r/ 2,520 3 5 1,414 14 6 1,088 11 10 2,843 16 10 281 17 6 2,520 3 5 1,505 11 5 1,088 11 10 2,843 16 10 281 17 6 350 0 0 90 16 11 109 9 4 60 0 0 M It II 223 9 0 386 16 7 970 0 0 2,010 13 7 501 0 0 336 18 0 1,557 9 3 900 0 0 6 10 0 148 2 6 .. 223 19 0 534 19 1 970 0 0 2,010 13 7 501 0 0 336 18 0 1,839 13 1 900 0 0 50 17 6 21 17 6 274 16 6 556 16 7 970 0 0 2,010 13 7 501 0 0 336 18 0 2,357 9 3 900 0 0 200 0 0 247 4 4 1,500 0 0 282 3 10 517 16 2 247 4 4 1,500 0 0 200 0 0 247 4 4 1,500 0 0 5,649 13 3 1,597 2 7 7,246 15 10 2,212 2 7 9,458 18 5 Carried forward 304,502 3 8 8,151 0 11 319,867 4 11 7,214 0 4 311,716 4 0



TABLE NO. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

9—D. 1.

Name of Wort. County. Electorate. Total Net I Net Expenditure Total Net Expenditure to!Z;. M Expenditure to 31st March. 1898. | 31st March, 1899. Liabilities on Total Net Authorities, Expenditure Contracts, Ac, A t • um-w o 31st March, 1899. aDd Llabllltles - Brought forward Roads, Bridges, etc.— continued. Westland Land District — continued. Lake Mapourika Lake Wahapo-Waitangi River (widening) Extension south of Okarito Franz Josef Glacier Mapourika-Gillespies Waikukupa-Cook's River Plat Tracks to Fox Glacier Cook's Valley-Karangarua Cook's River Flat Cook's River (upper) Cook's River southward Gillespie's Beaeh-Manakai-au .. 1 Hunt's Beaeh-Manakai-au Hunt's Beach-Makawhio Jacob's River-Bruce Bay Makawhio-Mahitahi Mahitahi-Paringa Moeraki Crossing-Otomotu .. Mahitahi-Haast Haast Pass Track .. Turnbull River Road Cascade Valley Road Sundry roads, &c, Westland.. In the County of Westland .. < Westland Ferry-service (maintenance) Westland County roads Westland, general Miscellaneous and Engineering £ s. d. 304,502 3 8 £ s. d. 7,214 0 A £ s. d. 311,716 4 0 £ s. d. 8,151 0 11 £ s. d. 319,867 4 11 Westland Westland 438 13 9 ■ 299 10 9 438 13 9 £99 10 9 1,033 10 0 243 15 4 8,077 5 0 1,000 0 0 410 8 9 Cr. 0 12 4 2,265 18 8 244 11 10 509 7 4 0 9 3 438 13 9 300 0 0 1,033 10 0 505 15 11 8,077 5 0 1,000 0 0 503 5 3 499 7 8 2,265 18 8 256 0 7 509 7 i 1,033 10 0 165 15 11 8,077 5 0 1,000 0 0 143 5 3 77 19 5 262 0 7 267 3 6 Cr. 0 12 4 92 16 6 500 0 0 2,265 18 8 106 0 7 509 7 4 138 11 3 ii 8 9 tr 149 3 0 149 3 0 150 0 0 299 3 0 * » # * 539 1 6 340 17 6 1,206 2 11 1,400 0 0 1,510 18 5 16,234 16 9 5,804 17 6 475 0 3 1,809 9 2 47 15 11 1,980 0 0 532 0 0 260 0 0 2,613 13 3 972 5 11 345 0 9 157 11 9 539 1 6 340 17 6 1,206 2 11 1,400 0 0 1,510 18 5 16,234 16 9 6,149 18 3 632 12 0 1,809 9 2 47 15 11 1,980 0 0 532 0 0 410 0 0 2,613 13 3 1,006 15 11 154 19 3 142 8 3 539 1 6 340 17 6 1,206 2 11 1,400 0 0 1,510 18 5 16,234 16 9 6,304 17 6 775 0 3 1,809 9 2 47 15 11 1,980 0 0 532 0 0 410 0 0 2,613 13 3 1,072 5 11 ■tf » m m ' * 150 0 0 - 34 10 0 65 10 0 Total, Westland Land Distriot 354,118 2 3 8,683 15 5 362,801 17 8 9,530 13 6 372,332 11 Canterbury Land District: — Cheviot Estate : Expenses incurred prior to opening the Cheviot Estate Account Cheviot Cheese Factory, subsidy Cheviot roads Dray-road through Cheviot hill country Cheviot Ashley 3,536 12 1 3,536 12 1 3,536 12 r, 700 0 0 4,323 10 7 100 8 0 700 0 0 4,323 10 7 100 8 0 700 0 4,323 10 100 8 ' „ Carried forward 8,660 10 8 8,660 10 8 8,660 10



TABLE NO. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Name of Work. County. Electorate. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March. 1898. Net Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1899. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, <fcc, 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. £ s. d. 8,660 10 8 £ s. d. £ S. d. 8,660 10 8 £ b. d. £ s. d. 8,660 10 £ Brought forward Roads, Bridges, etc. — continued. Canterbury Land District — continued. Foster's Cutting, Greta, Cheviot Port Robinson (groius) Waipara-Cheviot To Upper Ashley over Okuku Pass Blackhills Road Oxford Bush-Upper Ashley To deferred-payment lands, Waikari To deferred-payment lands, Teviotdale Ashley Gorge Drain Glentui Road Broomfield Block Mount Grey Downs Oxford Bush Road extension Ashley, irrigation Irrigation-works, Eyre and Waimakariri .. Waimakariri-Ashley, irrigation Ashley Bridge (to account) Waimakatiri Bridge (Kaiapoi) Ashley Bridge protective works .. Christchurch-Hokitika (Bealey Valley) Selwyn Bridge (construction), £1 for £1 Mathias Pass Road Canal Bridge, Ellesmere Kowai Bridge, £1 for £1 Canterbury Colliery Tramway Lake Ellesmere drainage Summit Road Peninsula Road, Akaroa (£1 for £1) Akaroa Head Lighthouse Road Roads to Cooperative Dairy Factories, Akaroa Chertsey Village Settlement water-supply Blackford-Redcliffe .. .. .. Reserve 1496, Ashburton Bridge, Ashburton (subsidy) Ruapuna Block Ruapuna water-supply .. Highbank Rangitata Light-traffio Bridge Rangitata River-mouth protective works (Reserve 100) Cheviot Ashley Selwyn Ashley Ashley and Kaiapoi * H Kaiapoi Ashley and Kaiapoi Selwyn 200 0 0 8,630 4 8 970 0 0 3,996 2 3 784 19 1 1,764 4 11 683 5 4 468 0 0 188 14 10 3,400 0 0 1,011 5 2 1,000 0 0 1,778 11 1 4 2 6 100 0 0 166 15 0 100 0 0 463 7 6 4 2 6 300 0 0 8,630 4 8 970 0 0 3,996 2 3 784 19 1 1,764 4 11 683 5 4 468 0 0 166 15 0 288 14 10 3,400 0 0 1,474 12 8 1,000 0 0 1,778 11 1 500 0 0 2,046 15 10 150 0 0 195 17 6 150 0 0 • ■ " 50 0 0 300 0 0 133 5 0 1,088 14 10 36 12 6 275 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 C 200 0 C 450 0 C 8,630 4 8 970 0 C 3,996 2 3 784 19 1 1,764 4 11 50 0 C 683 5 4 300 0 C 468 0 C 300 0 C 1,377 9 6 3,400 0 C 1,511 5 S 1,000 0 C 275 0 C 150 0 C 1,778 11 3 1,500 0 C 2,046 15 1C 150 0 C 600 0 C 1,200 0 C 753 17 4 296 1 8 375 0 C 100 0 C 300 0 C 23 0 C 600 0 C 100 0 C 7,000 0 C 106 0 C 100 0 C 500 0 C 500 0 C 70 9 4 500 0 0 1,000 0 0 2,046 15 10 a> . * Geraldine Ellesmere 150 0 0 600 0 0 1,200 0 0 Akaroa and Selwyn Akaroa Ashburton m • • Selwyn 753 17 4 296 1 3 375 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 23 0 0 600 0 0 45 0 0 7,000 0 0 75 0 0 753 17 4 296 1 3 375 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 23 0 0 600 0 0 45 0 0 7,000 0 0 75 0 0 i * It • • Ashburton 55 0 0 m • • m • • 31 0 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 500 0 0 m • • Selwyn Geraldine - 70 9 4 70 9 4 u • ' # 53,220 16 7 Carried forward 46,555 6 9 6,665 9 10 45,150 12 5 1,404 14 4


t>.— l

TABLE NO. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Name of Work. County. Electorate. Total Net Net Expenditure Total Net Liabilities on Total Net Expenditure to ,„ M du " ng , ,, Expenditure to /"f."? f Expenditure qih4- iw v lofto J-" jvxontiis eu&ea. *>i j. ■■*■ v. icon L-on/cr&cts, tsc, _ a v • t.*w 31st March, 1898. 31gt Marcllj 1899 31st March, 1899. gl|jt March ; 1899 and Liabilities. Brought forward Roads, Bridges, etc. — continued. Iantebbuby Land Distbict — continwd. Orari Bridge (to account) Hae-hae-te-moana Te-moana Gorge Arowhenua Native Road Arundel water-supply Orari Domain Opihi Bridge (to account) Tengawai (£1 for £1) Tengawai Stock Bridge (£1 for £1) Burke's Pass, Mackenzie County Road to Mount Cook and Glaciers Pukaki-Mount Cook Forks River Bridge, Mount Cook Road (to account) Contribution towards erection of Pukaki Bridge (£1 for £1) Orari Riverjprotective works Tracks, Mount Cook and Glaoiers Mount Cook Hermitage (works at) Hooker Bridge Pairlie-Pukaki Camp Valley Rocky Gully Bridge, £1 f or £1 .. Lake Pukaki (planting) Mount Cook Road (stable and shelter-shed) Pukaki-Omarama Ohau Bridge (£1 for £1) Opihi River protective works Bridge over Upper Waitaki Clements Road Waimate Reserves Waihao-Hakateramea .. Kapua Village Settlement drain .. Kapua-Waimate Gorge drain Nukuroa (railway-gates) Studholme Junction cattle-stops Cliff Road Nukuroa-Studholme Junction Pareora Bridge Roimata Settlement drains £ s. d. 45,150 12 5 £ a. d. 1,404 14 4 £ s. d. 46,555 6 9 £ s. a. 6,665 9 10 £ s. d. 53,220 16 7" Geraldine Geraldine 500 0 0 150 0 0 120 0 0 500 0 0 150 0 0 120 0 0 500 0 0 150 0 0 120 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 249 18 10 2,686 9 8 2,388 0 11 600 0 0 850 0 0 Geraldine and Levels Mackenzie 50 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 300 0 0 45 0 0 51 2 6 Waitaki !! '.'. 30 0 0 25 0 0 28 17 6 55 0 0 28 17 6 249 18 10 2,209 8 6 2,046 8 0 m • ■ • • 249 18 10 2,186 9 8 1,588 0 11 22 18 10 458 7 1 477 1 2 341 12 11 600 0 0 850 0 0 850 6 0 160 14 6 396 1 9 1 12 4 300 0 0 223 13 6 384 8 0 396 1 9 114 19 1 505 14 4 200 0 0 214 10 0 200 0 0 598 18 0 396 1 9 121 12 ■ 4 700 0 0 250 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 250 0 0 498 2 6 800 0 0 200 0 0 510 18 3 250 0 0 363 11 4 863 8 5 100 0 0 100 0 0 38 0 0 38 0 0 200 0 0 188 0 0 500 0 0 100 0 0 113 6 9 205 14 4 6 13 3 194 5 8 250 0 0 2 10 0 50 0 0 250 0 0 100 0 0 a • • * • 47 10 0 47 10 0 Mackenzie and Waitaki .. 398 2 6 800 0 0 398 2 6 800 0 0 Mackenzie and Levels Waimate and Waitaki .. Waimate Geraldine and Waitaki .. 510 18 3 510 18 3 200 0 0 250 0 0 * * * ■ • 363 11 4 863 8 5 363 11 4 863 8 5 Waitaki 100 0 0 100 0 0 38 0 0 38 0 0 it • • * • 200 0 0 91 12 2, 200 0 0 91 12 2 500 0 0 rt - - • • 96 7 10 Waimate and Geraldine .. Borough of Wbolston Waitaki and Timaru Lyttelton 500 0 0 100 0 0 Carried forward 55,319 10 11 2,621 14 6 57,941 5 5 10,870 13 2 68,811 18



TABLE NO.4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

Name of Work. County. Electorate. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1898. Net Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1899. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward. Roads, Bridges, etc. — continued. Canterbury Land Disteict — continued. Sundry roads, Canterbury To village and deferred-payment blocks Village settlements (see also General) .. Miscellaneous roads and bridges Miscellaneous and Engineering £ s. d. 55,319 10 11 £ s. d. 2,621 14 6 |£ S. d. 57,941 5 5 £ s. d. 10,870 13 2 £ sT d.' 68,811 18 7 818 11 9 1,399 15 10 132 5 0 818 11 9 1,399 15 10 82 5 0 818 11 9 1,399 15 10 132 5 0 500 0 0 2,450 8 3 Or. 50 0 0 50 0 0 500 0 0 87 11 2 2,280 8 3 82 8 10 2,362 17 1 Total, Canterbury Land District 59,950 11 9 2,654 3 4 62,604 15 1 11,508 4 4 74,112 19 5 Otago Land District — Martin's Bay Settlement Lake Wanaka Steamer Subsidy Martin's Bay-Lake Wakatipu Martin's Bay-Lake Wakatipu Queenstown Jetty Arrowtown-Crown Terrace Glenorchy up Rees and Dart Glenorchy-Barnslaw .. .. Rees River Road .. Pembroke-Matukituki Dart Kiver Eoad Bent Burn-Glacier Burn Lake Wanaka Wharves Tracks Head of Lake Wakatipu Lake Te Anau-Wakatipu Albert Bum Track Hollyford Valley .. Glendhu-Roy's Peninsula Ben Lomond Run Lower Wanaka Block To West Coast Sounds Lake Te Anau-Sutherland Falls Tracks-Western Sounds Clyde-Queenstown Bendigo-Matakanui Makarora-Haast Valley Makarora Valley .. Cromwell-Hawea-Lindis Pass Lake if • • Wakatipu „ 200 0 0 280 0 0 50 0 0 503 2 3 1,500 0 0 1,805 3 7 100 0 0 100 0 0 2,379 11 4 100 0 0 100 0 0 30 0 0 95 15 0 65 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 599 13 9 175 0 0 41 0 0 200 0 0 345 0 0 50 0 0 503 2 3 1,500 0 0 1,805 3 7 100 0 0 100 0 0 2,479 11 4 100 0 0 100 0 0 30 0 0 245 15 0 599 13 9 175 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 95 0 0 400 0 0 200 0 0 254 5 0 400 6 3 25 0 0 200 0 0 440 0 0 50 0 0 903 2 3 1,500 0 0 1,805 3 7 100 0 0 100 0 0 2,679 11 4 100 0 0 100 0 0 30 0 0 500 0 0 1,000 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 400 0 0 101 0 0 2,406 15 8 641 7 5 6,000 4 1 250 0 0 600 0 0 379 12 6 750 0 0 300 0 0 159 0 0 100 0 0 Waitaki Taupeka Wakatipu and Wallace .. 2,406 15 8 391 7 5 2,605 4 1 250 0 0 101 0 0 101 0 0 2,406 15 8 557 18 9 5,269 6 11 250 0 0 88 6 7 379 12 6 601 11 0 400 0 0 Lake and Wallace 166 11 4 2,664 2 10 83 8 8 730 17 2 Lake and Vincent Vincent Wakatipu and Tuapeka .. 88 6 7 511 13 5 „ 379 12 6 400 0 0 Wakatipu 201 11 0 148 9 0 300 0 0 // • • Carried forward 13,935 11 10 4,352 5 6 18,287 17 4 3,548 19 6 21,836 16 l<


t>.— l

TABLE No. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

Name of Work. County. Electorate. Total Net Expenditure to 31st Match, 1898. Net Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1899. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, Jec, 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward Roads, Bridges, etc. — continued. Otago Land District — continued. Ohatto Creek-Tinkera Lauder District, Blocks III., IV., V., and VI. Ophir District Water-supply .. .. Tracks, Hawea Lake Tiger Hill Block .. Upper Clutha Blocks .. .. .. Kawarau-Nevis Bridge over Clutha at Cromwell Bridge over Clutha at Alexandra McGabe's Coal-pit-Gibbston Tourists' Accommodation-house, Morven Hills Ida Valley .. .. .. ) Galloway Station-Ida Valley Rough Ridge-Poolburn .. .. 1 Roughridge-Poolburn-Tuapeka .. } Lauder-Blaekstone Lauder-Tiger Hill Block Lauder-Blackstone Block Lower Hawea-Lower Wanaka Lindis Pass Road Kurow Run Section 4, Block VIII., Maruwhenua .. Domet and Maruwhenua Block Maruwhenua Bridge Upper Waitaki (Ahuriri or Otematata Pass) (to account) Moeraki District Port Road Beach, Moeraki Connecting Road, Block IX., Moeraki Kartigi Road Run 109 Wainakarua Slate Quarry (road to) Herbert, Main Road (£1 for £1 Kakanui Bridge, £1 for £1 .. Livingstone-Kyeburn Blackstone and Lauder Lauder-Blackstone Block Blackstone-Gimmerburn Block .. Naseby, Maniototo, and Gimmerburn £ a. d. 13,935 11 10 £ s. d. 4,352 5 6 £ s. d. 18,287 17 4 £ s. d. 3,548 19 6 £ s. d. 21,836 16 10 Vinoent Tuapeka 300 0 0 300 0 0 250 0 0 300 0 0 250 0 0 300 0 0 450 0 0 4> ■ * . - Tuapeka Wakatipu Tuapeka 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 150 0 0 * • ■ • • Wakatipu Tuapeka 604 15 0 400 0 0 2,946 7 6 5,000 0 0 100 0 0 604 15 0 400 0 0 2,946 7 6 5,000 0 0 150 0 0 604 15 0 400 0 0 2,946 7 6 5,000 0 0 150 0 0 Wakatipu 50 0 0 * - • • • 500 0 0 500 0 0 1,000 0 0 300 0 0 1,300 0 0 Tuapeka 200 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 Vincent and Maniototo .. Vinoent and Lake Vincent and Waitaki Waitaki Tuapeka ana Maniototo .. Tuapeka Tuapeka and Maniototo .. Wakatipu Wakatipu and Waitaki .. Waitaki 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 400 0 0 200 0 0 1,261 0 0 252 7 5 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 400 0 0 200 0 0 1,261 0 0 258 16 8 700 0 0 300 0 0 1,000 0 0 300 0 0 400 0 0 200 0 0 1,261 0 0 260 0 0 6 9 3 13 4 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 400 0 0 600 0 0 400 0 0 Waihemo 167 10 8 100 0 0 520 0 0 154 16 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 167 10 8 300 0 0 520 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 167 10 8 400 0 0 520 0 0 454 16 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 6,518 7 4 1,649 0 0 76 0 0 500 0 0 300 0 0 e • • • ■ 145 4 0 154 16 0 Oamaru Waitaki and Waihemo .. Waihemo 200 0 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 114 2 0 Waitaki and Maniototo .. Maniototo .. 6,368 7 4 1,649 0 0 35 18 0 6,404 5 4 1,649 0 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 76 0 0 300 0 0 Carried forward 36,859 15 9 5,889 16 9 42,749 12 6 7,195 0 10 49,944 13



TABLE No. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Name of Work. County. Electorate. Total Net NetExpenditnre 12J£on U th? S ended 81st March, 1898. , lgt MtLTch> 1899 . Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1899. Liabilities on Total Net r +™T» *' Expenditure Contracts, <sc., „_ j \ iet] im-t«e 31st March, 1899. and Ll » blll9e »- Brought forward Roads, Bbidges, etc. — continutd, Iaqo Land District — continued: Naseby, No. 2 Block Runs 219c, 306, and 306a .. „ Run 206a (Naseby) Run 206f (Maniototo) Kyeburn District.. .. '.. Komako Township Kyeburn-Naseby Run 219 Naseby, Blocks I., VI., VII., VIII.) Maniototo, Blocks I., XVIII. V Block Gimmerburn, Block I. ) Maniototo .. / . Maniototo Block .. Taieri River Bridge, Kokonga .. Taieri Lake, Block XV., Maniototo Run 222 Block XI., Maniototo Block XVI., Maniototo Maniototo, Block II. Maniototo, Block III. Gimmerburn District .. . I Gimmerburn Block Swinburn and Rock and Pillar Run 210 .. .. :. j Dunback-Swinburn Hamilton Bridge .. .. .. Capburn Bridge, £1 for £1 .. Upper Taieri and Rock and Pillar Runs 204, 204a, Upper Taieri-Rook and Pillar (to account) Ranfurly Township Kyeburn Bridge (to account) Swinburn Farm-homestead Block Swinburn Special Settlement Hyde Bridge, Taieri River Runs 225e and 225t to 225z Through Runs 171 and 171a Hummockside District Waikari to Waitati £ s. d. 36,859 15 9 £ s. d. 5,889 16 9 £ s. d. 42,749 12 6 £ s. d. 7,195 0 10 £ s. d. 49,944 13 i Maniototo Waihemo 400 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 500 0 0 400 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 500 0 0 313 0 0 313 0 0 400 0 0 500 0 0 380 0 0 500 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 * m 200 0 0 80 0 0 v • ■ • • m • • • • m 100 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 m m m „ • • • • 400 0 0 400 0 0 m ■ > • • # • • • • v • • • • * H 0 1,240 0 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 200 0 0 450 0 0 1,240 0 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 200 0 0 450 0 0 250 0 0 1,240 0 0 100 0 0 750 0 0 200 0 0 450 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 500 o a 200 0 0 700 0 0 750 0 0 V • • * * m 300 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 m w • . • ■ it 700 0 0 400 0 0 700 0 0 750 0 0 350 0 0 1,093 0 0 1,093 0 0 1,093 0 0 v • • • • H • 1,450 0 0 650 0 0 300 0 0 200 0 0 1,450 0 0 650 0 0 300 0 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 1,750 0 0 650 0 0 300 0 0 700 0 0 400 0 0 500 0 0 400 0 0 m m . • • . Maniototo and Waihemo.. Waihemo and Maniototo.. Waihemo Waikouaiti m 200 0 0 288 0 0 200 0 0 288 0 0 200 0 0 250 0 0 88 0 0 200 0 0 250 0 0 288 0 0 288 0 0 250 0 0 200 0 0 1,500 0 0 260 0 0 3,607 6 4 m if 250 0 0 200 0 0 tf 1,500 0 0 260 0 0 3,257 6 4 1,500 0 0 260 0 0 3,457 6 4 .. Waikouaiti 200 0 0 150 0 0 Carried forward 51,448 2 1 6,439 16 9 57,887 18 10 11,726 0 10 69,613 19 8



TABLE NO. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

I Total Net Expenditure to 31et March, 1898. Net Expenditure T(1 _. during _, Total Net 12 Months ended o?? > S ldl1 ? r l e fi *° 31st March, 1899 31st March, 1899. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, Slst March, 1899. Name of Work. County. * ' Electorate. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward Roads, Bbidges, etc. — continued. itago Land District — continued. Blueskin, £1 10s. for £1 Brinn's Point, Cemetery Road Corner Bush-Merton Seaoliff Asylum Reserve-Native Reserve Waikouaiti Bridge (repairs) .. Waikouaiti Bridge Brinn's Point and Merton Waitati Seaolifi Asylum Road Puketeraki Station-Beach Warrington Waitaki Road .. . Lower Harbour Road Maori Kaika Road, Otago Heads Normanby-Mount Cargill North Harbour and Blueskin Block XI. Pine Hill Peninsula Beach Road (prison labour) Peninsula Beach Road, Portobello Otago Peninsula (Block II., from Seotion60 through 71, &c.) Tomahawk Road Blair-Taieri Taieri Bridge-Nenthorn Bridge Block XII., Nenthorn Silverpeak, &c. Hindon Run 75 (Boyd's) Bridge over Kaikorai Stream Grant in aid of bridge at Kaikorai on Main South Road Bridge over Taieri Main South Road Taieri Bridge, Otakia, £1 for £3 Green Island-Brighton Henley protective river-works Taieri River Road Henley Road Maungatua and Waipori Taieri Bridge-Pukekura £ s, d. 51,448 2 1 £ B. d. 6,439 16 9 £ s. d. 57,887 18 10 £ S. d. 11,726 0 10 £ s. d. 69,613 19 8 Waikouaiti Waikouaiti 105 0 0 105 0 0 25 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 105 0 0 25 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 * • • Chalmers * 600 0 0 250 0 0 600 0 0 250 0 0 600 0 0 250 0 0 * • • •" * • • 200 0 0 409 19 2 200 0 0 541 1 7 200 0 0 459 19 2 200 0 0 541 1 7 150 0 0 1,031 8 6 100 0 0 200 0 0 470 0 0 200 0 0 541 1 7 150 0 0 1,031 8 6 100 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 251 9 0 380 0 0 965 0 0 • • * 50 0 0 io o io * • • •■ it 150 0 0 •■ *f • • 1,031 8 6 Dunedin 100 0 0 ir Peninsula j> • • Chalmers 30 2 3 188 4 3 348 3 10 30 2 3 188 4 3 948 3 10 50 0 0 100 0 0 221 6 9 191 15 9 16 16 2 a> 600 0 0 * .. Taieri IT • • Taieri 200 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 175 0 0 300 0 0 320 0 0 1,005 0 0 3,000 0 0 400 0 0 456 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 175 0 0 300 0 0 320 0 0 1,005 0 0 3,000 0 0 400 0 0 456 0 0 175 0 0 300 0 0 320 0 0 1,005 0 0 3,000 0 0 400 0 0 456 0 0 i u 12,581 19 0 499 1 0 990 13 0 250 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 12,581 19 0 499 1 0 990 13 0 250 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 12,581 19 0 499 1 0 990 13 0 250 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 400 0 0 200 0 0 ■■ * Tuapeka and Taieri Bruce 400 0 0 200 0 0 Carried forward • • 75,788 6 7 7,481 4 10 83,269 11 5 13,241 0 4 96,510 11 9



TABLE No. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

Name of Work. County. Electorate. Total Net Expenditure to fist March, 1898. Net Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1S99. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward Roads, Bridges, etc. — continued. itago Lahd District — continued. Teviot Small-grazing Runs Teviot Block Bridges over Clutha and Beaumont and Roxburgh (grant-in-aid) Through Blocks VIII. and X., Benger Beaumont-Miller's Plat Kelso-Greenvale Tapanui Railway-Run 140 Glenkenich Black Hill-Main Dunedin Road Beaumont Block .. Rankleburn, &c. .. Beaumont and Rankleburn .. .. Tuapeka Mouth Punt Tuapeka West Block Run 106 Waitahuna-Run 52c Waitahuna Bridge Rankleburn,, Block III. Waitahuna-Lawrence Waitahuna-Waipori Lawrence-Clyde . , Switzers Track-Spylaw and Clutha Wakaia Bush-Clutha Valley Table Hill Taieri Beach and South Roads Matau-Kaitangata, £1 for £1 (to account) Matau River protective-works (Inch Clutha) Taieri Mouth Punt Clarendon District Bridge, Tokomairiro River, North Branch Kaitangata-Wangaloa Matau Bridge (contribution) Pomahaka Bridge, £1 f or £1.. Pomahaka-Clutha Pomahaka Bridge (Clydevale) Pomahaka Bridge (Kelso) Waipahi Bridge (subsidy) £ s. d. 75,788 6 7 £ s. d. 7,481 4 10 £ s. d. 83,269 11 5 £ a. d. 13,241 0 4 £ 8. d. 96,510 11 9 Tuapeka Tuapeka .. .. 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 ft • • • • 16,403 13 2 16,403 13 2 16,403 13 2 Clutha 1,000 0 0 6,000 0 0 500 0 0 1,145 2 3 110 4 0 99 19 11 1,000 0 0 6,000 0 0 500 0 0 1,145 2 3 110 4 0 99 19 11 1,000 0 0 6,000 0 0 500 0 0 1,145 2 3 340 4 0 99 19 11 400 0 0 1,266 0 0 2,610 13 5 300 0 0 367 0 0 1,148 7 3 1,200 0 0 750 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 500 0 0 690 5 8 3,500 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 500 0 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 75 0 0 250 0 0 500 0 0 450 0 0 350 0 0 400 0 0 500 0 0 500 0 0 250 0 0 230 0 0 •• 400 0 0 1,266 0 0 1,810 13 5 300 0 0 367 0 0 1,148 7 3 1,200 0 0 750 0 0 223 6 7 - 1,266 0 0 2,034 0 0 300 0 0 367 0 0 1,148 7 3 1,200 0 0 750 0 0 576 13 5 - - w • • • • - 150 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 Tuapeka and Vincent Tuapeka and Southland .. Tuapeka Tuapeka and Bruce Clutha Tuapeka and Wakatipu .. 500 0 0 690 5 8 3,500 0 0 150 0 0 500 0 0 690 5 8 3,500 0 0 150 0 0 * • • Bruce Bruce 150 0 0 500 0 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 75 0 0 250 0 0 500 0 0 300 0 0 350 0 0 300 0 0 I I 300 0 0 75 0 0 250 0 0 500 0 0 300 0 0 350 0 0 400 0 0 Clutha .. .. 150 0 0 Clutha and Tuapeka Clutha Bruce Clutha and Bruce Clutha 100 0 0 *" 500 0 0 150 0 0 500 0 0 500 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 Carried forward 115,554 12 3 7,804 11 5 123,359 3 8 16,547 13 9 139,906 17



TABLE No. 4-— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued

10—D. 1

Name of Work. County. Electorate. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1898. Nefc Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1899. Total Wet Expenditure to 31st March, 1899. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, kc, 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward Roads, Bkidges, ktc .—continued. itago Land District — continued. Glenomaru and Owaka Block IV., Catlin's District Glenomaru Block.. Catherwood's Road Hunt*s Road Cannibal Bay Road Barr's Road Glenomaru Glenomaru, Block IV. Glenomaru, Block V. Owaea (Campbell's) Owaka Railway-station, £1 for £1 Owaka-Catlin's Lake Katea-Dairy Factory, Owaka Glenomaru, Blocks III., IV., V., VII., and X. Oatlin's Roads Catlin's and Tautuku Waikawa-Catlin 's Block VIII., Catlin's Block I., Catlin's Block II., Catlin's Catlin's, Blocks I., II., and IV. Catlin's, Blocks IV., V., VII., and VIII. Woodlands Improved-farm Settlement Woodlands Woodlands (B2) Improved-farm Settlement Manuka Island-Balclutha Tautuku, BIock VIII. Woodlands-Tahakopu Waiwera Bridge, subsidy (Dunedin-Invercargill), £1 for £1 Glenomaru, Blocks III., IV., V., VII., and X. Ratanui Road Ratanui-Whitehead Wingfield Road, Ratanui Bridge over Tahakopa, Block VIII., Rimu Long Point Road Mouat's Saddle £ S. d. 115,544 12 3 £ s. d. 7,804 11 5 £ s. d. 123,359 3 8 £ S. d. 16,547 13 9 £ s. d. 139,906 17 5 Clutha Clutha 1,146 16 2 90 0 0 1,146 16 2 90 0 0 624 13 0 249 5 10 1,972 10 11 1,045 8 4 418 18 11 1,218 12 11 318 4 4 150 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 160 0 0 180 0 0 307 6 6 1,410 11 1 11,340 15 11 25,373 9 0 318 7 2 208 13 6 50 0 0 200 0 0 700 3 1 3,572 8 0 5,069 17 7 39 14 6 1,146 16 2 90 0 0 624 13 0 249 5 10 2,083 6 5 1,045 8 4 600 0 0 1,239 1 9 724 11 9 150 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 160 0 0 180 0 0 530 15 4 1,467 6 3 11,420 16 10 25,981 18 0 350 0 0 794 6 1 50 0 0 200 0 0 1,057 0 0 4,410 12 7 5,173 7 10 1,139 14 6 200 0 0 250 0 0 100 0 0 400 0 0 it 624 13 0 61 4 0 1,884 11 11 1,045 8 4 300 0 0 994 1 9 224 11 9 150 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 188 1 10 87 19 0 118 18 11 224 11 2 93 12 7 lio 15 6 181 1 1 20 8 10 406 7 5 m 95 7 7 130 15 4 1,367 6 3 11,340 15 11 22,703 8 5 102 16 4 194 6 1 50 0 0 160 0 0 84 12 5 176 11 2 43 4 10 223 8 10 56 15 2 80 0 11 608 9 0 31 12 10 585 12 7 2,670 0 7 215 10 10 14 7 5 * 316 11 2 3,189 16 4 4,673 15 5 39 14 6 200 0 0 383 11 11 382 11 8 396 2 2 356- 16 11 838 4 7 103 10 3 1,100 0 0 200 0 0 250 0 0 53 14 8 400 0 0 IV 46 5 4 46 5 4 529 4 4 200 0 0 50 0 0 529 4 4 352 18 11 50 0 0 4 0 0 635 8 4 48 4 8 48 4 8 529 4 4 500 0 0 50 0 0 400 0 0 635 8 4 200 0 0 152 18 11 147 1 1 - 4 0 0 396 0 0 635 8 4 200 0 0 Carried forward 167,805 5 2 13,537 12 2 181,342 17 4 22,945 18 1 204,288 15



TABLE No. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Name of Work. County. Electorate. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1898. Net Expenditure Total Net ,,„ d1 ™ 8 , . Expenditure to 12 Months ended ,, ,*-«-„,„,, -looc, 31st March, 1899. ilSt Ma - rc]x - lf,98 - Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. £ s. d. 167,805 5 2 £ s. d. 13,537 12 2 £ s. d. 181,342 17 4 £ s. ri. 22,945 18 1 £ s. d. 204,288 15 5 Brought forward Roads, Bridges, etc. — continued. iTAGo Land Disteict— continued. Purakauiti Stream Kaler's Road (felling) Warnock's Road .. Tahaukupu Rimu, Block XIII. Tahaukupu Block Tautuku River Landing-sheds, &c. Tautuku Waikoikoi Bridge Rimu Rimu Improved-farm Settlement Rimu, Block XIV. Heathfield Improved-farm Settlement Waipati Improved-farm Settlement Leitben Bush Track .. .. Subsidy, Clutha Bridge Balclutha-Pukepito £1 for £1 (along Clutha River) Anderson's Bay Clutha Clutha 201 2 5 157 15 4 .. | 55 14 0 ... 716 8 2 .. j 194 9 9 675 11 10 300 0 0 483 17 5 125 0 0 554 4 9 1,775 16 1 35 12 0 27 2 1 396 5 0 200 5 9 236 14 5 157 15 4 82 16 1 1,112 13 2 394 15 6 675 11 10 300 0 0 483 17 5 125 0 0 554 4 9 2,633 7 4 149 16 0 5,169 12 6 4,533 6 2 200 0 0 2,500 0 0 20 10 3 200 0 0 17 3 11 3 15 0 600 0 0 , 257 4 8 357 15 4 100 0 0 1,116 8 2 394 15 6 675 11 10 300 0 0 1,083 17 5 125 0 0 554 4 9 2,748 18 2 500 0 0 5,513 3 4 4,660 3 8 200 0 0 2,500 0 0 150 0 0 300 0 0 I 4,648 6 0 3,457 8 10 857 11 3 149 16 0 521 6 6 1,075 17 4 200 0 0 115 10 10 350 4 0 343 10 10 126 17 6 Clutha and Southland Clutha and Bruce Caversham, St. Kilda, and South Dunedin Boroughs Caversham Borough Clutha and Bruce Caversham 2,500 0 0 .. j 100 0 0 175 0 0 275 0 0 150 0 0 25 0 0 Caversham Industrial School Reserve Oargill Street, Caversham Water of Leith protective works Ravensbourne Gladstone, Upper Junction .. Normanby, Mount Cargill Sundity roads and bridges, Otago Native Districts Education Reserves Purchase of Roads Miscellaneous and engineering To open up Otago Runs Village Settlements (see also General) Maori Hill Borough West Harbour Borough .. N.B. Valley Borough City and Taieri Chalmers Dunedin City .. 50 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 1,515 7 0 .. 250 0 0 .. 150 0 0 1,001 5 1 735 5 11 1,821 3 9 542 17 6 6,336 6 7 11,792 19 11 78 15 3 150 0 0 75 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 400 0 0 1,590 7 0 250 0 0 150 0 0 1,001 5 1 735 5 11 1,821 3 9 542 17 6 6,436 6 7 11,792 19 11 261 1 6 145 0 0 3 14 6 50 0 0 100 0 0 545 0 0 1,594 1 6 250 0 0 150 0 0 1,001 5 1 735 5 11 1,821 3 9 542 17 6 6,876 6 7 11,792 19 11 328 0 0 100 0 0 440 0 0 182 6 3 66 18 6 Total, Otago Land District ' 208,375 0 9 208,375 0 9 17,683 14 4 226,058 15 1 [ 25,554 3 5 251,612 18 I i




TABLE NO. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Xarce cf Work. County. Electorate. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March 1S98. Net Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1899. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c 31st March, 1899. | Tetal Net Expenditure and Liabilities. Roads, Bridges, etc. — continued,. Southland Land District — Athol-Nokomai Saddle Eyre Creek Bridge Gow's Greek Stock-bridge Dome Creek Bridge Tomogalak Creek-D.P. land.. Dipton-Balfour Boundary Greek Bridge Argyle Bridge Waikaka-Wendon and Greenvale Wendon District .. Wendonside Riversdale-Switzers Pyramid Bridge Wendon District, Section 80, Block I., and Main Road, Blocks VIII., IX., and XIV. Garrieburn, Hickey's Ford Wakaia River Bridge (£1 for £3) Waikaka Siding-Waikaka Township Hillend-Dipton Plat Main North Road (£1 for £1) Waikaka-Pyramid Pyramid Bridge-Waikaia Waimea Valley Road Otamita Retreat Bridge over Mataura at Otama Reaby Retreat Gore Bridge Centre Bush-Otapiri Woodend Otapiri Clark's Road-Greenhills Winton Tramway-Winton Forest Myross Bush .. .. . ,'." Tanner's Road, Winton Kent Road Winton Drains Mataura-Winton and Channel Forest Hill Tramway Road Branch road-Porest Hill Forest Hill Road £ s. d. £ s. d. £ S. d. £ s. d. £ s. a.. 200 0 0 300 0 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 150 0 0 400 0 0 499 5 6 100 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 150 0 0 400 0 0 499 5 6 400 0 0 150 0 0 125 0 0 500 0 0 500 0 0 100 0 0 594 0 0 850 0 0 150 0 0 Lake Southland Wakatipu Wallace Wakatipu 150 0 0 400 0 0 499 5 6 100 0 0 150 0 0 300 0 0 I 125 0 0 i a> 500 0 0 500 0 0 100 0 0 594 0 0 850 0 0 _ 500 0 0 500 0 0 100 0 0 594 0 0 850 0 0 .. .. 150 0 0 Wakatipu and Clutha Awarua Wakatipu Mataura Wakatipu Mataura 2,000 0 0 320 0 0 200 0 0 500 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 O 1,998 17 2 200 0 0 1,000 0 0 449 18 9 100 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 _ 1 2,000 0 0 ' 320 0 0 I 200 0 0 500 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 1,998 17 2 200 0 0 1,000 0 0 449 18 9 100 0 0 200 0 0 10& 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 300 0 0 600 0 0 I 150 0 0 300 0 0 2,000 0 0 320 0 0 600 0 0 200 0 0 500 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 1,998 17 2 200 0 0 1,000 0 0 599 18 9 100 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 Awarua 150 0 0 - 50 0 0 i66 o o 100 0 0 100 0 0 750 0 0 200 0 0 13,116 7 10 1,494 19 5 1,098 9 0 750 0 0 •• 750 0 0 200 0 0 13,116 1 10 ],494 19 5 598 9 0 ■• 300 0 0 13,116 7 10 1,494 19 5 899 9 0 200 0 0 Carried forward 27,621 17 8 700 0 0 28,321 17 8 2,325 0 0 30,646 17 8



TABLE No. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Kajne of Work. County. Electorate. Total Net Expenditure to Slst March, 1898. Net Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1899. Total Net labilities on Total Net Expenditure to c™7r«X ft Expenditure 31st March, 1899. s £° t and Liabilities. Brought forward Roads, Bbidges, etc. — continued. Southland Land Distbigt — continued. Otapiri Bridge-Forest Hill District Hokonui-Forest Hill Block Forest Hill, Maodonald Eoad Dunsdale Boxall Road Baird's Road, Block IX., Waikawa Bluff Road-Campbelltown Campbelltown Hundred, Block VIII. Centre Bush Village Hokonui-Henderson's Road Invercargill Hundred, Blocks IX., X. .. Linds Bridge-Railway-station Mill and Flora Road Murphy's Road (£1 for £1) .. Qtatara Laura Creek Bridge Wilton Creek Bridge, Section 9 (Winton Hundred) Winton Creek Bridge Through Runs 177 and 257 .. Hedgehope-Mataura ... Makarewa-Hedgehope Flood-channel Waimumu Bridge Mabel District Hedgehope-Titipua and Dunsdale Bridges Mataura River protective works Invercargill Hundred, Block XXIII. Hedgehope Road .. Makarewa-Hedgehope Main North Road, Winton Orion and Minerva Roads, Makarewa .. Devereaux-Bast Winton Bush land east of Makarewa Outfall drainage, Otatara Wallacetown-Ryal Bush Section 795, Hokonui Wallacetown-Spar Bush-Waimatuku Flat Makarewa Bridge Moturimu £ ». a. 27,621 17 8 £ S. d. 700 0 0 £ s. d. 28,321 17 8 £ s. d. 2,325 0 0 £ s. a. 30,646 17 8 Southland Awarua 78 15 0 1,700 9 5 100 0 0 6 12 10 j 85 7 10 1,700 9 5 100 0 0 J 150 0 0 517 7 2 ! 996 15 3 ! 150 0 0 602 15 0 2,697 4 8 100 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 200 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 5,002 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 500 0 0 200 0 0 299 1 1 200 0 0 200 0 0 800 0 0 25 0 0 50 0 0 520 0 0 250 0 0 150 0 0 50 0 0 550 0 0 735 19 3 80 0 0 Mataura, Invercargill Mataura Awarua I 100 0 0 I 200 0 0 I 150 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 200 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 a I "' ■• Mataura Awarua and Mataura 5,002 0 0 300 0 0 5,002 0 0 ! 300 0 0 I w 300 0 0 Awarua Mataura 166 0 0 300 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 500 0 0 200 0 0 199 1 1 200 0 0 200 0 0 •• 200 0 0 199 1 1 200 0 0 200 0 0 •• 166 0 0 Awarua 800 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 50 0 0 ii if • • 520 0 0 150 0 0 74 3 6 520 0 0 74 3 6 150 0 0 175 16 6 ■• 50 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 250 0 0 635 19 3 200 0 0 450 0 0 635 19 3 Carried forward 37,583 2 5 1,180 16 4 38,763 18 9 7,994 18 11 46,758 17 8


TABLE NO. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.


Nine cf Work. County. Electorate. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March. 1S98. Net Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1899. Total Net AuthorMe? Total Net Expenditure to r +°lTfl Expenditure 31st March, 1899. £$£%& fej,. and Liabilities. Brought forward Roads, Bridges, etc. — continued. Southland Land District — continued. Linds Bridge Grove Bush Centre Bush Makarewa-Grove Bush Bush land, Makarewa Wright's Bush Wallacetown-Tomoporakau Mill Road, Makarewa, Block X., Sections 32 and 33 Invercargill Hunarea, Block X. Invercargill Hunarea, Block XXIII. Invercargill Hunarea, Blocks XIV., XV. Waikiwi Suburban Waikiwi Invercargill Hnndrea, XV. .. Invercargill Hundred, Blocks XVII. and XX. Oreti Bridge, Wray's Bush Road (to acconnt) Otapiri Bridge Otapiri Bridge (Forest Hill) Outfall drain, Block VIII. (Campbelltown Hundrea) Balfour Briage, Mataura River (to account) Invercargill Hundred, Block XXII. Main East Roaa, near Invercargill Seawara Bush Roaas Miller's Roaa, Heagehope Seaward Bush Township (McQuarrie Road) Invercargill-Tisbury Maclean's Road, Seaward Bush Tisbury Tramway Road Appleby-Tisbury Waihopai Bridge Tisbury-Waimatua Kingswell Greek Kingswell Greek-Seaward Bush Kingswell Greek-Seaward Bush, £1 for £1 Waimatuku Bush Millwood Settlement Bay Road-Otatara Bush Otatara Bush £ S. d. 37,583 2 5 & s. a. 1,180 16 4 £ s. a. 38,763 18 9 £ s. a. 7,994 18 11 £ s. a. 46,758 17 8 Southland .. Awarua 100 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 650 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 400 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 20 0 0 100 0 0 400 0 0 250 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 50 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 845 5 11 100 0 0 200 0 0 400 0 0 70 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 344 6 7 1,100 0 0 899 13 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 309 16 6 750 0 0 75 0 0 1,179 18 3 500 0 0 400 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 400 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 321 16 9 100 0 0 250 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 307 14 6 14 2 3 78 3 3 200 0 0 .. 150 0 0 I 150 0 0 - 20 0 0 i 0 5 0 200 0 0 99 15 0 144 19 9 100 0 0 344 19 9 it 55 0 3 250 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 50 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 it i .. .. . . i Wakatipu and Wallace .. .. ] Invercargill m 100 0 0 595 5 11 100 0 0 400 0 0 200 0 0 246 14 11 33 11 0 0 3 6 100 0 0 842 0 10 100 0 0 33 11 0 400 0 0 0 3 6 200 0 0 150 0 0 344 6 7 1,100 0 0 899 13 0 97 9 2 3 5 1 166 9 0 69 16 6 150 0 0 344 6 7 1,100 0 0 899 13 0 ti 97 9 2 102 10 10 300 0 0 109 16 6 50 0 0 .. ., 9 16 6 600 0 0 75 0 0 1,179 18 3 500 0 0 190 3 6 100 0 0 200 0 0 700 0 0 75 0 0 1,179 18 3 500 0 0 it .. Awarua .. Mataura .. Awarua Carried forward 45,645 2 2 2,457 15 5 10,700 0 4 58,802 17 11 48,102 17 7



TABLE No. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads. &c.— continued.

Name of Work. County. Electorate Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1898. Net Expenditure I Total Net 12 Monthslnded 31st March, 1899. 31st March ' 1899 - Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. £ s. d. 45,645 2 2 £ s. d. 2,457 15 5 £ s. d. 48,102 17 7 £ S. d. 10,700 0 4 £ s. d. 58,802 17 11 Brought forward Roads, Bridges, etc. — continued. Southland Lahd District — continued. Longbush, Makarewa, Myross, and Wallaoetown Township (£1 for £1) Clifton-Seaward Bush Clifton-Tisbury Invereargill Hundred Acker's Village Block Acker's Village Block VIII., Winton Hundred Blocks II. and III., Campbelltown Woodend-Bushy Point Seaward Forest-Coast Campbelltown Hundred West's-Mokotua Seaward Moss-Awarua Bay Seaward Forest-Deferred-payment Block Haberfield's-Beach .. .. Campbelltown Point Road Campbelltown Hundred and Campbelltown Girdler's Road .. .. .. Campbelltown Blufi Road .. Oteramika Block ... .. .. .. ] Oterarnika Mataura Island Dairy Factory-Pine Bush Railway- j station Hokonui-Forest Hill Timpany's Hill to Gorge Railway-station, Oteramika Toetoes, Block X. .. .. .. | Owari Bridge .. .. .. ) Mokoreta Valley (£1 for £1) .. .. j Wyndham Bridge (£1 for £1) Bridges, Fortrose-Wyndham .. Haldane Improved-farm Settlement Wyndham via Mimihau-Otaraia Waikawa Improved- farm Settlement Waikawa-Wyndham Valley .. .. Moturimu Improved-farm Settlement .. Fortrose-Tokanui-Waikawa Mokoreta, Blocks VII. and IX. (£1 for £1) Carried forward Southland if Awarua Inveroargill Awarua Awarua and Mataura Mataura Awarua » • • 694 4 11 850 0 0 216 16 3 120 10 1 100 0 0 100 0 0 6,064 15 11 1,050 0 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 650 0 0 79 8 8 253 1 6 600 0 0 50 0 0 1,066 17 7 700 0 0 120 1 8 700 0 0 250 0 0 55 19 1 50 0 0 246 18 6 200 0 0 44 15 10 694 4 11 55 19 1 900 0 0 216 16 3 120 10 1 100 0 0 100 0 0 6,064 15 11 1,050 0 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 650 0 0 79 8 8 500 0 0 600 0 0 50 0 0 1,066 17 7 900 0 0 120 1 8 744 15 10 250 0 0 200 0 0 44 0 11 150 0 0 250 0 0 3 16 133 2 5 200 0 0 694 4 11 100 0 0 900 0 0 216 16 3 270 10 1 250 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 6,064 15 11 1,050 0 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 650 0 0 79 8 8 503 1 6 600 0.0 50 0 0 1,200 0 0 900 0 0 520 1 8 1,000 0 0 500 0 0 Mataura 400 0 0 255 i 2 250 0 0 Awarua Mataura 200 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 250 0 0 2,385 6 11 1,499 18 2 3,038 14 3 1,533 9 3 380 6 1 500 0 0 1,247 5 1 341 6 8 843 0 10 128 18 4 200 0 0 250 0 0 3,632 12 0 1,499 18 2 3,380 0 11 2,376 10 1 509 4 5 500 0 0 580 14 11 411 12 4 156 19 2 271 1 8 300 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 250 0 0 4,213 6 11 1,499 18 2 3,791 13 8 2,533 9 3 780 6 1 800 0 0 100 0 0 ■■ 70,048 13 5] 5,615 19 9 75,664 13 2 14,605 17 5 90,270 10



TABLE No. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

Name of Work. County. Electorate. Total Net i Net Expenditure I Total Net I Liabilities on Total Net Expenditure to ; „ «r°S,j,j Expenditure to r™+,- +t 1 Expenditure 31st March, m | %£%£&$£ ! 31st March, 1899. ,£££«£$& and Liabilities. [ I Brought forward Roads, Bridges, etc. — continued. outhland Land DISTRICT — continued. Southland Bridges and Fortrose Jetty (flood-damages) Waikawa, Block VII. Waikawa (II.) Block Waikawa Bridge .. Waikawa-Otara .. Blocks X., XI., XII., and XIII., Waikawa district.. Quarry Hills Bloek'XIV., Mokoreta Mokoreta-Scrubby Hill Block Waikawa-Otara Block Otara to Waikawa and Bridge, over Tokanu Waikawa District Gore-Pukerau Graham Boad Naigara Bridge Road, Block VII., Waikawa Neil's Road to termination of Seaward Bush Railway Seaward Downs Waikawa Block VIII. Wairnahaka-Biock VII., Mokoreta Wyndham Valley (Carie to Bews) Mimihau Bridge .. Line of Hundreds.. Heddon Bush-Centre Bush Bridge over Oreti at Elbow .. Kelso-Waikaka .. Manapnuri-Dusky Sound Te An au—George Sound Te Anau Jetty Manapouri-Te Anau Mossburn-Te Anau Mossburn Bridge.. Mossburn-Manapouri Mararoa Bridge Blackmount to D.P. land Small-grazing Run, No. 23 .. Horse-bridge, Wairaki River Black Creek Bridge and Road Black Creek Bridge Papatotara—Improved-farm Settlement Avondale Saddle Lonneker Settlement Lillburn Roads Waiau Bridge, Clifden (to account) Orawia-Clifden £ s. d. 70,048 13 5 £ s. d. 5,615 19 9 £ s. d. 75,664 13 2 £ B. d. 14,605 17 5 £ s. d. 90,270 10 7 Southland Mataura 800 0 0 92 11 6 116 3 11 800 0 0 208 15 5 93 16 1 150 0 0 800 0 0 302 11 6 150 0 0 250 0 0 568 7 4 600 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 1,567 13 2 8,129 12 5 1,000 0 0 11,584 5 7 150 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 350 0 0 200 0 0 9 0 0 1,000 8 6 1,007 7 7 504 11 2 140 0 0 250 0 0 1,607 19 9 350 0 0 400 0 0 500 0 0 425 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 250 0 0 250 0 0 568 7 4 568 7 4 1.66 0 0 600 0 0 Mataura and Clutha Mataura " i 492 13 2 7,329 12 5 1,000 0 0 9,784 5 7 116 18 1 267 10 1 100 0 0 116 18 1 492 13 2 7,597 2 6 1,000 0 0 10,260 18 11 33 1 11 1,075 0 0 532 9 11 476 13 4 1,323 6 8 150 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 350 0 0 200 0 0 I .. IT • • ! Southland and Wallace .. Wallace and Awarua Awarua and Wallace Wallace Wakatipu and Clutha Wallace •• I 9 0 0 1,000 8 6 247 7 7 4 11 2 140 0 0 30 0 0 1,307 19 9 350 0 0 400 0 0 228 19 0 425 0 0 Southland and Clutha Wallace and Pord Wallace 335 16 9 165 13 0 9 0 0 1,000 8 6 247 7 7 340 7 11 140 0 0 195 13 0 1,307 19 9 350 0 0 400 0 0 231 5 0 425 0 0 760 0 0 164 3 3 54 7 0 300 0 0 2 6 0 268 15 0 ■• I 100 0 0 100 0 0 122 10 0 50 0 0 "I i 122 10 0 77 10 0 2,389 0 8 63 10 5 100 0 0 2,452 11 1 100 0 0 250 0 0 949 1 1 3,870 9 4 172 12 0 336 9 7 2,789 0 8 100 0 0 250 0 0 970 7 0 5,085 14 7 600 0 0 I 250 0 0 901 9 8 196 12 1 47 11 5 3,673 17 3 172 12 0 •■ 21 5 11 1,215 5 3 427 8 0 Carried forward 98,196 11 10 11,527 2 0 109,723 13 10 24,138.16 0 133,862 9 10



TABLE NO. 4- continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

Name of Work. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March. 1898. Net Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1899. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c., 81st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. County. Electorate. Brought f orwara Roads, Bridges, etc. — continued. Southland Land District — continued, Glifden Ferry-Eastern Bush (Limestone Gorge) Glifaen-Redeliff Creek Heddon Bush Grassy Creek Wreys Bridge (subsidy) Lillburn, Monowai, and Alton Tracks-McLaren's Run Lower Waiau Ferry Otautau Bridge Otautau Bridge (subsidy) Fairfax Bridge (to account) Longwood, Blocks XVI. and I. Orepuki-Waiau Longwood, Blocks XVI. and X. Aparima Bridge Longwood, Blocks XV., XVI., and XVII. Riverton-Orepuki Jacob's River (subsidy) Orepuki-Wairaurahiri Riverton-Colac Bay Otautau Stream Briage Aparima Protective Works, £1 for £1 .. Olifden Bridge-Papatotara .. Clifden-Otatau (Main Road).. Dipton-Hamilton Burn Forde's Road (Groper's Bush) Longwood, Block XVIII. Manapouri-Flaxy Creek Redcliff-Manapouri Sunnysirle-Woodlands Waiau District, Blocks VIII. and X. (sheep-track).. Half-moon Bay Wharf, Stewart Island Half-moon Bav Tramway Port William-Half-rnoon Bay Stewart Island roads Stewart Island Wharf Sundry roads Sundry Roads (Native labour) Village Settlements (see also General) Purchase of roads To open up Southland runs Miscellaneous and Engineering & a. a. 98496 11 10 £ S. d. 11,527 2 0 & S. d. 109,723 13 10 £, a. d, 24,138 16 0 £ s, d. 133,862 9 10 Wallace Wallace 300 0 0 59 10 0 300 0 0 59 10 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 1,190 0 0 8,000 0 0 40 0 0 128 15 11 550 0 0 250 0 0 340 10 0 150 0 0 300 0 0 400 0 0 350 0 0 150 0 0 1,190 0 0 8,000 0 0 40 0 0 274 17 6 550 0 0 250 0 0 300 0 0 2,092 14 10 500 0 0 258 0 11 100 0 0 858 11 6 549 13 6 300 0 0 4,352 1. 2 800 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 250 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 250 0 0 60 0 0 250 0 0 250 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 2,590 12 5 100 0 0 9,394 2 11 9 9 0 263 15 0 w • • 200 0 0 150 0 0 1,190 0 0 8,000 0 0 40 0 0 74 17 6 550 0 0 250 0 0 53 18 5 I 146 1 7 1,642 14 10 61 15 4 74 3 6 1,704 10 2 74 3 6 258 0 11 100 0 0 657 17 6 549 13 6 300 0 0 3,987 0 9 600 0 0 j 300 0 0 388 4 8 425 16 6 258 0 11 100 0 0 258 11 6 549 13 6 300 0 0 3,652 7 2 600 0 0 399 6 0 200 14 0 334 13 7 365 6 5 200 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 250 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 198 13 6 200 0 0 244 12 0 60 0 0 250 0 0 100 0 0 I • ■ __ " 16 6 16 6 5 8 0 5 8 0 ■ Stewart Island Awarua 150 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 2,590 12 5 150 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 2,590 12 5 " 100 0 0 9,394 2 11 9 9 0 Gr. 36 5 0 9,394 2 11 9 9 0 O. 36 5 0 300 0 0 1,148 15 8 2,548 9 0 106 10 4 1,148 15 8 2,654 19 4 193 9 8 1,148 15 8 2,848 9 0 Total, Southland 132,468 1 3 12,623 13 8 145,091 14 11 29,402 4 4 174,493 19 3

a—r>. l


TABLE NO. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.


Name of Work. County. Electorate. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1898. Net Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1899. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c., 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. £ s. d. £ B. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. a. Boads, Beidqes, etc. — continued. Genebal: — Expenditure under miscellaneous public works votes (see Tible No. 7 of 1884) Works not specifically appropriated —viz., roads, bridges, and drains Miscellaneous and Engineering —Main Roads Schools in ~>utlying districts Improved farms not specifically appropriated —viz., for felling, clearing, building, fencing, grassing, tools, explosives, &c. Miscellaneous and Engineering —Eoads to give access Miscellaneous roads and bridges in Native districts Native land purchases —Surveys Native land purchases —New purchases Portion of subsidies to local bodies Contingencies and subsidies to local bodies for providing work for unemployed Co-operative work for unemployed — viz., roads, drains, passages, tools, stores, tents, &o. Advance to co-operative workmen for dwellinghouses Flood-damages to roads and bridges (to account) .. Miscellaneous —Eoads and material Gbants-in-Aid :— Grants - in - aid under " The Eoads and Bridges Construction Act, 1882 " Local Bodies :— Payments of thirds, &o. Village settlements (see also Village Settlements, under Land Districts) Purchase of land for roads Wire rope for bridges Advance to improved-farm settlers for buildings, gardens, fences, &c. Refund of revenue credited to Vote 91 in error 322,358 5 4 1,429 14 4 33 14 0 1,953 13 0 Cr. 10 0 0 204 4 0 140 14 11 18,565 19 5 167 1 0 143,553 12 11 54,308 16 1 21,975 15 11 480 9 0 25 0 0 163 5 3 322,358 5 4 1,910 3 4 33 14 0 1,978 13 0 Or. 10 0 0 204 4 0 304 0 2 18,565 19 5 167 1 0 143,553 12 11 54,308 16 1 21,975 15 11 914 4 6 125 0 0 500 0 0 436 14 9 500 0 0 1,169 0 0 322,358 5 4 2,824 7 10 33 14 0 2,103 13 0 490 0 0 204 4 0 740 14 11 18,565 19 5 667 1 0 143,553 12 11 54,308 16 1 23,143 15 11 157 10 0 157 10 0 240 0 0 397 10 0 5,037 18 10 1,319 18 1 9,544 3 6 79 3 10 14,582 2 4 1,399 1 11 4,417 17 8 120 16 2 19,000 0 0 1,519 18 1 375,213 14 10 375,213 14 10 375,213 14 10 1,495 5 5 51,095 17 6 1,495 5 5 51,095 17 6 200 0 0 1,495 5 5 51,295 17 6 691 9 2 691 9 2 888 10 10 1,000 0 0 1,200 0 0 1,580 0 0 1,000 0 0 1,200 0 0 Cr. 3 8 0 Cr. 3 8 0 Cr. 3 8 0 Total, General 999,001 15 7 10,980 2 9 1,009,981 18 4 11,711 3 11 1,021,693 2 Grand Total .. 4,477,564 11 8 265,905 3 2 4,743,469 14 10 299,742 9 4 5,043,212 4



TABLE NO. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1898. Net Expenditure during 12 Mouths ended 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1899. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, Ac, 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ i. d. £ >. d. £ s. d. RoADS ON GOEDFIELDS : — Subsidies towards the construction of roads and tracks in mining districts, and minor works for the development of minerals, upon a subscription of one-half being contributed Roads to open up mineral lauds ... .UCKLiND : — Assistance to Piako County Council towards constructing tramway from Te Aroha Mountain to batteries Opening Mokau River for development of coal-mine Kuaotunu to Coromandel Whakapara to Puhipuhi Kiripaka to Coal-mines Helena Bay to Whakapara Gordon Settlement to Waharoa ... Waiorongomai Road ... Approach to railway bridge, Te Aroha Thompson's Track Hikutaia to Waihi Upper Waitekauri Bridge Paeroa to Waitoa Road formation, Waitekauri to Cross Road Junction Waihi Road to New Find, Waitekauri Waihi to Whangamata Paeroa to Te Aroha Karangahake Bridge ... Waitekauri to Wharekiraupunga ... Hikutaia to Waitekauri Komata Reefs to Paeroa Komata Reefs to Waitekauri Tairua to Whenuakite... Tiki to Kaimarama Mercury Bay to Whenuakite and Boat Harbour Tiki to Opitonui (£1 for 1£) Tapu Creek extension... Tliames to Waikawau... Thames to Hikutaia ... Puru Creek Road Titrua lo Netherton ... Hikutaia to Whangamata, " Wires " Track Upper Waiotahi Road Inland from Omahu ... Upper Tararu Road ... Matatoki Road Puriri to Tairua ... ... Wharepoa Settlement Road Omahu to Whangamata Drains, Hikutaia Roads, Katikati and Tauranga Koads, Great Barrier Island Waikawau to Manaia ... Tapu to Waikawau Thames to Manaia Whangamata Harbour to Reefs ... Karangahake through Ohinemuri Gorge Tereohanga Gorge to Puhipuhi Cabbage Bay to Port Charlei Tiki to Mahakirau Kuaotunu to Mercury Bay Karangahake to Waihi Tiki to Waikawau Waitekauri to New Find Sylvia up Tararu Creek Matawai to Kaimarama Driving Creek to Cape Colville Cabbage Bay to Mines bridge over Waitekauri Creek 96,424 5 0 1,885 11 1 6,000 0 0 552 8 0 1,470 0 0 250 0 0 100 0 0 600 0 0 300 0 0 150 0 0 3,523 19 11 1,815 0 0 250 0 0 205 13 4 271 11 11 328 8 0 300 0 0 665 0 0 113 8 7 250 0 0 410 0 0 300 0 0 4,752 17 9 100 0 0 80 0 0 510 0 0 379 8 9 58 6 0 82 1 5 405 13 8 98 8 6 614 5 4 300 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 ti 200 0 0 200 0 0 101,177 2 9 1,885 11 1 6,000 0 0 552 8 0 1,470 0 0 350 0 0 80 0 0 100 0 0 600 0 0 300 0 0 150 0 0 3,523 19 11 2,325 0 0 250 0 0 585 2 1 271 11 11 328 8 0 358 6 0 747 1 5 519 2 3 98 8 6 614 5 4 300 0 0 200 0 0 400 0 0 610 0 0 500 0 0 2,473 0 8 100 0 0 20 0 0 150 0 0 500 0 0 290 0 0 550 11 3 141 14 0 117 18 7 135 14 8 200 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 103,650 3 5 1,885 11 1 6,00(1 0 0 552 8 0 1,470 0 0 450 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 600 0 0 450 0 0 150 0 0 4,023 19 11 2,615 0 0 250 0 0 1,135 13 4 271 11 11 328 8 0 500 0 0 865 0 0 519 2 3 98 8 6 750 0 0 500 0 0 200 0 0 450 0 0 710 0 0 550 0 0 418 5 8 1,350 11 7 1,205 0 2 300 0 0 350 0 0 671 11 5 200 0 0 385 0 0 225 19 11 100 0 0 300 0 0 355 17 7 618 5 8 1,735 11 7 1,431 0 1 400 0 0 650 0 0 1,027 9 0 400 0 0 200 0 0 115 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 350 0 0 144 11 0 400 0 0 818 5 8 1,850 11 7 1,531 0 1 600 0 0 1,000 0 0 1,172 0 0 492 10 0 400 0 0 625 16 11 138 14 2 936 16 4 280 6 5 106 4 0 530 0 0 604 4 2 1,500 0 0 750 10 0 500 0 0 141 10 6 1,000 0 0 177 3 3 61 5 10 203 5 2 88 5 0 743 16 0 100 0 0 696 17 5 492 10 0 400 0 0 803 0 2 200 0 0 1,140 1 6 368 11 5 850 0 0 100 0 0 1,226 17 5 604 4 2 1,700 0 0 750 10 0 500 0 0 141 10 6 1,000 0 0 264 0 0 189 0 0 397 4 3 111 0 0 375 0 0 492 10 0 400 0 0 1,067 0 2 389 0 0 1,537 5 9 479 11 5 1.225 0 0 loo o o 1 226 17 5 604 4 2 2,200 0 0 750 10 0 500 0 0 141 10 6 1,000 0 0 200 0 0 500 0 0 800 0 0 1,685 0 0 250 0 0 1,100 0 0 468 15 0 600 0 0 250 0 0 ] 50 0 0 15(1 () 0 175 0 0 400 0 0 200" 0 0 100 0 0 800 0 0 1,885 0 0 250 0 0 1,200 0 0 468 15 0 600 0 0 250 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 175 0 0 400 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 800 0 0 2,085 0 0 250 0 0 1,350 0 0 468 15 0 600 0 0 250 0 0 150 0 0 i50 O 0 175 0 0 400 0 0 160 0 0 ]R0 0 0 Carried forward .., 134,496 2 2 12,268 11 7 146,764 13 9 8,734 14 5 155,499 8 2


TABLE No.4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.


Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1898. Net Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1899. Liabilities on T . , N , 31st March, 1899. and L ' aMlt,es - Brought forward Roads on Goldpieeds— continued. Auckland — continued. Grace Darling Road ... Waitekauri to Golden Crosa Roads, Netherton Mangaiti and Waitoa Road and Punt River Protection-works, Tβ Aroha... Coromandel to Cabbage Bay Tokatea to Kennedy Bay Tiki to Manaia Manaia to Mines Whitianga to Mahakirau Whangapoua Mill Road Kuaotunu Bridge Coromandel to Whangapoua Coromandel to Kuaotunu via Matarangi Kikowhakarere to Cabbage Bay ... Extending Wharf Road, Coromandel Bridge, Ring's Road ... Taumatawahine Bridge Tokatea to Matamataharakeke Cemetery Road, Kuaotunu Whitianga to Kaimarama Mahakirau Goldfield Road Tiki to Matawai Tiki to Te Koumu Opitonui Road Repairs, Mata Bridge ... Waiomo to Mines Tauranga to Te Puke ... Waihi to Katikati Papamoa to Te Puke ... Blind Bay to Whangaparapara Nelson" : — Repairs to Nile Bridge Lyell to Mokiln'nui via Eight-mile Mokihinui Quartz-reefs to Specimen Creek Brighton to Seventeen-mile Beach via Terraces Cobden to Seventeen-mile Beach ... Wangapeka to Karamea Aorere Valley to Karamea and Mokihinui Owen Valley Road Hatter's Terrace to Bell Hill and Haupiri Larry's Creek to Lyell Road, near Dee River (subsidy of £1 for £1) Bridle-track to Upper Anatoki Hatter's Terrace Road (£1 for £1 »ubsidy) Deep Creek to Bell Hill (£1 for £1 subsidy) Irishman's to Lake Brunner (£1 for £1 eubsidy) Improving roads and tracks, Collingwood to Takaka, Motueka, and Karamea Ahaura to Amuri Blackball Track Ahaura to Kopara Road Nelsor; Creek Bridge ... Soldier's Creek Rotfd ... Gannon's to Painkiller Pain's Ford Bridge Red Hill Road Track, Slate River to Rocky Pack-track to Kill Devil Waimangaroa to Denniston Road to Lyell's Creek Extended Company's Tunnel Road to Oparara Diggings Track to diggings, Cape Foulwind Cobden to Coal Creek ... Maekley's to Waipuna Terrace £ s. d. 134,496 2 2 £ s. d. 12,268 11 7 £ s. d. 146,764 13 9 £ s. d. 8,734 14 5 £ s. d. 155,499 8 2 142 0 0 539 14 6 45 0 0 77 13 9 142 0 0 539 14 6 45 0 0 77 13 9 75 0 0 515 5 6 155 0 0 72 6 3 217 0 0 1,055 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 250 0 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 250 0 0 200 0 0 250 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 500 0 0 400 0 0 550 0 0 100 0 0 450 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 350 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 200 0 0 600 0 0 700 0 0 650 0 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 400 0 0 700 0 0 200 0 0 350 0 0 200 0 0 350 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 250 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 500 0 0 250 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 500 0 0 150 0 0 575 0 0 300' 0 0 300" 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 500 0 0 150 0 0 65 9 10 509" 10 2 509 10 2 831 2 6 5,098 8 6 1,238 7 5 831 2 6 5,098 8 6 1,238 7 5 831 2 6 5,098 8 6 1,238 7 5 1,789 7 2 1,789 7 2 1,789 7 2 3,436 1 4 2,000 0 0 29,938 1 2 3,436 1 4 2,000 0 0 29,938 1 2 3,436 1 4 2,000 0 0 29,938 1 2 2,208 9 2 1,650 0 0 2,208 9 2 1,650 0 0 2,208 9 2 1,650 0 0 423 10 0 423 10 0 423 10 0 722 8 0 400 0 0 722 8 0 400 0 0 722 8 0 400 0 0 365 10 0 365 10 0 365 10 0 900 0 0 900 0 0 900 0 0 11,005 18 11 11,005 18 11 11,005 18 11 2,504 19 7 1,185 12 5 400 0 0 100 0 0 198 5 0 196 10 6 798 13 10 24i> 8 1 225 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 2,504 19 7 1,185 12 5 400 0 0 100 0 0 198 5 0 196 10 6 798 13 10 249 8 1 225 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 2,504 19 7 1,185 12 5 400 0 0 100 0 0 198 5 0 196 10 6 798 13 10 249 8 1 225 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 197 11 0 375 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 197 11 0 375 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 197 11 0 375 0 0 100 0 0 Carried forward 204.984 6 9 15,682 10 0 220,666 16 9 13,817 16 0 234,484 12 9

T>. — 1


TABLE NO.4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c— continued.

Net Expenditure Net E d^|^ toe Total Net Authorities' 1 Total Net ,,, *: lg88 12Mo d Zs!nded .SSStoTiew <SR 31st March, 1898. 31st March; 18g9 . <>lst Marcli, 1899. 31gt Marcllj ls99 and liabilities. Brought forward ... Roads on Goldsields— continued. Velson— continued. Footbridge over Blackball Creek ... Road to Barry town Track to Crow Diggings Ngahere to Blackball ... Big River Road ... Approaches, Matakitaki Bridge Bridge, Karamea River Brown's Terrace to Arnold Brunnerton to Paparoa Track to Adametown ... Hampden to Horse Terrace Repairing bridges, Staunton's and Doctor's Creeks Granity Creek to Ngakawau Pour-mile Bridge Fox's Bridge Fairdown to Waimangaroa Track up Four-mile and Nile Rivers Charleston to Nine-mile Beach Road, Promised Land, Karamea ... Track to Piper's Flat, Addison's ... Snowy Creek Bridge ... Footbridge, Byewash, Ngahere, to Blackball Ferry Track to Healey's Gully Lancashire Flat to head of Clearwater Creek G-ranville Road Bridges, Blackwater and Greenstone Wangapeka Track, Rolling River, to Kiwi Creek Mud Flat to Karamea Fencing land, Blackball Road Protective works, Main G-rey Bridge Richmond to Collingwood Pakawau Bush Road ... Road, Seddonville to Mokihinui ... Track, Seddonville to Mokihinui Mine Granity Creek southwards Wilson's Lead Road ... Reef ton to Maruia Maruia Road and horse-track vid Caslani's Ahaura to Haupiri Moonlight to Paparoa Bridges, Cobden to Seven-mile Road Track, Fagan's Creek to top Paparoa Range Blackball Track to Paparoa Ranges Waipuna Road Walker's Creek Bridge Landing Creek Bridge Improving ford, Granity Creek ... Dee Creek Bridge Mangles Bridge Wangapeka to Wanganui Table-land Horse-track Belgrove to Westport and Reef ton Aorere Bridge Inland road, Parapara to Takaka ... Mud Flat portion, Takaka to Collingwood Inland Road Karamea Track Deadman's Creek to Christmas Terrace Big Totara River Bridge Little Totara River Bridge Denniston to Cascade Creek Bradshaw's Lead Road Road, Oparara River, Karamea Weetport to Moiihinui Mokihinui to Reefs (widening) Road Stony Creek to Waimangaroa Denniston Hill Road ... Mokihinui to Wanganui (improving) £ s. d. 204,984 6 9 £ s. d. 15,682 10 0 £ s. d. 220,666 16 9 £ 8. d. 13,817 16 0 £ s. d. 234,484 12 9 150 0 0 300 0 0 523 5 1 400 0 0 2,602 14 11 279 15 0 3,565 19 8 200 0 0 175 0 0 375 4 0 3,450 18 6 200 0 0 150 0 0 300 0 0 523 5 1 400 0 0 2,602 14 11 279 15 0 3,565 19 8 200 0 0 175 0 0 375 4 0 3,450 18 6 200 0 0 150 0 0 300 0 0 523 5 1 400 0 0 2,602 14 11 279 15 0 3,565 19 8 200 0 0 175 0 0 375 4 0 3,450 18 6 200 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 250 0 0 200 0 0 550 0 0 150 0 0 300 0 0 210 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 250 0 0 200 0 0 550 0 0 150 0 0 300 0 0 210 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 250 0 0 200 0 0 550 0 0 150 0 0 300 0 0 210 0 0 90 0 0 50 0 0 90 0 0 50 0 0 90 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 149 19 10 112 13 6 110 0 0 191 0 0 250 0 0 200 0 0 570 0 0 149 19 10 112 13 6 110 0 0 191 0 0 250 0 0 425 0 0 770 0 0 149 19 10 112 13 6 110 0 0 191 0 0 250 0 0 425 0 0 920 0 0 150 0 0 450 0 0 450 0 0 1,885 8 0 200 0 0 225 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 250 0 0 50 0 0 450 0 0 12 0 0 150 0 0 879 18 0 158 0 0 200 0 0 250 0 0 555 10 0 30 0 0 200 0 0 400 0 0 1,435 8 0 188 0 0 200 0 0 75 0 0 275 0 0 300 0 0 25 0 0 67 10 0 50 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 342 10 0 350 0 0 400 0 0 600 0 0 100 0 0 342 10 0 425 0 0 75 0 0 700 0 0 100 0 0 586 10 0 1,286 10 0 100 0 0 214 12 2 289 16 6 314 0 0 100 0 0 1,600 10 0 200 0 0 214 12 2 289 16 6 300 0 0 300 0 0 3,447 10 8 2,450 0 2 199 9 3 6,964 1 8 100 0 0 500 0 0 200 0 0 214 12 2 289 16 6 248 0 8 1,459 14 3 177 15 5 5,464 1 8 811 7 9 492 9 3 21 13 10 1,464 6 9 50 0 0 1,059 8 5 1,952 3 6 199 9 3 6,928 8 5 50 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 2,388 2 3 497 16 8 35 13 3 50 0 0 500 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 150 0 0 250 0 0 250 0 0 450 0 0 350 0 0 loo a o 100 0 0 200 0 0 500 0 0 250 0 0 450 0 0 350 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 500 0 0 250 0 0 200 0 0 250 0 0 250 0 0 200 0 0 .148 0 5 350 0 0 450 0 0 350 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 400 0 0 750 0 0 500 0 0 200 0 0 1,448 18 11 600 0 0 1,300 18 6 250 0 0 1,300 18 6 250 0 0 Carried forward 231,828 7 3 24,917 4 9 256,745 12 0 21,588 8 7 278,334 0 7



TABLE NO.4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Net Expenditure to 31et March, 1898. Net Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1899. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward Roads, Bsid&es, etc. — continued. Nelson — continued. Road, Costello's Hill, Charleston (alteration) Dee Creek Company's Claim Addieon'a Road to Buller Road ... Snowy Creek to Reefs Road, Hampden Cemetery to School House, Murchison Bridge, Little Grey River Culverts, Devil's Creek Dray-road, Capleston to Larry's ... Gt-lenroy to Maruia Plains Paroa to Teremakau ... Widening road, Lyell to Bight-mile Canaan Road .. ... Bridge, Glenroy to Matakitaki Mokihinui to Little River Road ... Bridge, Coal Creek Karamea, Mud Plat Road Bridges over Raleigh Creek (3) ... Bridge, Nelson Creek ... Bridge, Callaghan's Creek Bridge, Brandy Jack's Creek Track up Ten-mile Creek Repairs, Cobden to Barrytown Road Road, Cobden to Warren's Accom-modation-house Cape Terrace Road, continuation ... Mosquito to Maori Creek Track .., Lake Brunner Road towards Maori Creek Bell Hill Road Lyell to Victoria Range Bonny Doon Road Anatoki .Track ... Takaka River Foot-bridge Scott's Creek Bridge Collingwood to Parapara Bainham to Upper Aorere Valley Takaka to Collingwood Inland Road Vant's to Bubu Kaituna River protection works ... Ferntown to Pakawau ... Takaka Bridge protection works ... Repairs, Motueka Bridge Lloyd's Valley Road Bridges Thorpe to Churchill Neudorf to Ngatinioii Shaggery Road Riwaka to Kaiteriteri Beach Road Millerton Road Lyell Bridge to Ryan's . . Twins Road Promised Land, Ohinarahu Creek .. Nile Saddle to Maori Creek Land of Promise Road ... Seddonville to Cardiff Mokihinui end of Westport Road... Foot-bridge, Buller River, below Lyell Painkiller to Murray Creek Widening Black's Point Koad Big River to St. George... Mangles Valley Road Ahaura Bridge .. Grey River to Moonlight Deviation road, Westbrook to Teremakau Foot-bridge, Blaokball Creek Bridge, Cobden to Brunner Road... Bridge, Gilmer's Creek ... Deviation, Moonlight Track Foot-bridge, Blackball Creek (Brunner to Moonlight Road) Extension, Barrytown to Paparoa Track Track to Lake Hoehstetter Larry's Creek Bridge, extension ... £ s. d. 231,828 7 3 £ s. d. 24,917 4 9 £ 8. d. 256,745 12 0 £ e. d. 21,588 8 7 £ S. d. 278,334 0 7 150 0 0 150 0 0 300 0 0 450 0 0 250 0 0 295 17 0 300 0 0 250 0 0 295 17 0 300 0 0 175 0 0 250 0 0 154 3 0 175 0 0 500 0 0 450 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 220 0 0 200 0 0 250 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 220 0 0 425 0 0 250 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 30 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 500 0 0 400 0 0 250 0 0 400 0 0 100 0 0 450 0 0 250 0 0 625 0 0 400 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 500 0 0 400 0 0 250 0 0 300 0 0 750 0 0 250 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 1,084 0 0 500 0 0 225 0 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 450 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 900 0 0 500 0 0 300 0 0 450 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 900 0 0 500 0 0 300 0 0 150 0 0 184" 0 0 150 0 0 75 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 75 0 0 150 0 0 25' 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 199 9 4 200 0 0 325 0 0 84 4 0 199 9 4 300 0 0 825 0 0 84 4 0 150 0 0 175 0 0 65 16 0 150 0 0 199 9 4 450 0 0 1,000 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 170 0 0 800 0 0 200 0 0 500 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 549 0 3 450 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 125 0 0 500 0 0 170 0 0 290 0 0 170 0 0 790 0 0 10 0 0 200 0 0 470 18 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 29 2 0 29 2 0 250 0 0 250 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 449 0 3 100 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 549 0 3 250 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 125 0 0 474 0 0 189 10 6 663 10 6 214 13 6 350 0 0 250 0 0 350 0 0 150 0 0 878 4 0 350 0 0 250 0 0 350 0 0 2,450 0 0 1,030 0 0 300 0 0 1,400 0 0 880 0 0 900 0 0 150 0 0 2,300 0 0 1,030 0 0 300 0 0 120 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 120 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 lOl'll 1 101 11 1 80 0 0 248 8 11 80 0 0 350 0 0 Carried forward 236,656 7 6 33,396 18 8 270,053 6 2 31,616 8 0 301,669 14 2



TABLE NO.4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued

Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1898. Net Expenditure during 12 Months ended 3tst March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1899. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities: Brought forward Roads on Goldeiexds — continued. Iablboeou&h : — Wakamarina Valley ... Anikiwa Jetty Haveloek to Mahakipawa Onamalutu to Wakamarina Forks Bartlett's Creek Track Gravelling road through Mr. Adams's property Gravelling Onamalutu Road Tracks, Wakamarina and Mahakipawa Re-metalling Wakamarina Road ... Haveloek to Tuamarina Road Rocky Ferry to Kaitumi Picton to Grove Bartlett's Creek to Cat Point Road to Mount Patriarch Janteebuby : — Road to open up Wilberforce quartzreefs Testlakd : — Cedar Creek Road Browning's Pass to Reefs (subsidy of £2 for £1) Track up Waiho River Haast Ferry to Glue-pot Jackson's Bay to Cascade and Gorge River Districts Grey Valley to Teremakau Bridge over Mahinapua Creek Bridge over Ogilvie Creek Deviation Road and compensation, Larrikin's Flat Gillam's Gully Track... Bridge over Kanieri River at Kokatahi Taipo Creek to Seven-mile Totara Bridge Track, Waikupakupa ocean-beach to main road Track, Totara River to Constitution Hill Wire Bridge, Kapitea Creek, Lamplough Track Butcher's Creek Bridge, Kanieri Lake Road Extension, Tucker's Flat Road ... Widening Milltown Track to Humphrey's Gully Renewal, Fisherman's Creek Bridge Doughboy Road Pack Track, Seddon's Terrace to Eel Creek Prospecting Track, Greek's Gully, Kanieri Forks Prospecting Track, Totara River to Farmer's Creek Widening and repairing Lamplough Track Okarito Forks to Waiho Great South Road Back Creek Road deviation Extension, Seddon's Terrace Track New Bridge, Kapitea Creek, Loopline Road Stribbing's Creek Bridge Widening Road, Lake Mapourika to Waiho Repairing Jones Creek and Donoghue Storm-channels Pine-tree Road Wire Bridge, German Gully Track New Road, Stafford to Awatuna ... . Karangarua Bridge Okuru River Ford Track Kokatahi Road Reefton to Hokitika and Ross £ s. d. 236,656 7 6 £ s. d. 33,396 38 8 £ s. d. 270,053 6 2 £ s. d. 31,616 8 0 £ a. d. 301,669 14 2 11 0 0 135 15 9 1,311 9 0 800 0 0 200 0 0 94 9 0 11 0 0 135 15 9 1,311 9 0 800 0 0 349 4 7 100 0 0 250 0 0 100 0 0 11 0 0 135 15 9 1,311 9 0 1,050 0 0 449 4 7 100 0 0 149 4 7 5 11 0 98 17 0 23 16 6 1 3 0 23 0 0 100 0 0 46 16 6 53 3 6 100 0 0 100 0 0 468 5 0 294 3 9 31 15 0 42 8 6 500 0 0 336 12 8 108 7 9 600 0 0 204 19 6 200 0 0 200 0 0 500 0 0 445 0 0 600 0 0 700 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 365 6 3 329 14 3 495 0 6 1,830 17 7 1,830 17 7 1,830 17 7 4,500 0 0 2,207 10 8 4,500 0 0 2,207 10 8 4,500 0 0 2,207 10 8 86 17 6 126 0 0 6,832 6 0 86 17 6 126 0 0 6,832 6 0 86 17 6 126 0 0 6,832 6 0 900 0 0 503 16 10 150 0 0 1,431 4 2 900 0 0 503 16 10 150 0 0 1,431 4 2 900 0 0 503 16 10 150 0 0 1,431 4 2 287 0 0 467 10 10 33 0 0 320 0 0 467 10 10 320 0 0 467 10 10 194 5 8 336 0 0 84 8 0 119 19 8 16 0 0 314 5 4 336 0 0 100 8 0 230 0 4 544 5 8 336 0 0 100 8 0 123 1 0 123 1 0 16 0 0 139 1 0 118 0 0 118 0 0 118 0 0 129 17 6 129 17 6 129 17 6 103 2 6 600 0 0 103 2 6 600 0 0 500 0 0 103 2 6 1,100 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 246 17 6 100 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 (i 246 17 6 246 17 6 150 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 150 3 0 44 10 0 194 13 0 194 13 0 95 15 0 50 0 0 145 15 0 145 15 C 11,496 6 0 337 1 8 1,418 10 6 337 1 8 12,914 16 6 337 1 8 12,914 16 6 200 0 0 300 6 3 30 8 7 200 0 0 300 6 3 30 8 7 300 6 3 30 8 7 70 8 11 782 6 8 70 8 11 782 6 8 750" 0 0 70 8 11 1,532 6 8 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 45 10 7 89 0 6 390 13 11 4 13 0 194 19 11 451 2 5 4,890 13 5 201 0 10 346 1 6 1 2 2 45 10 7 89 0 6 591 14 9 350 14 6 196 2 1 451 2 5 7,153 12 9 100 0 0 100 0 0 94 17 11 55 4 1 287 0 0 45 10 7 89 0 6 691 14 9 450 14 6 291 0 0 506 6 6 7,440 12 9 2,262 19 4 Carried forward 280,760 13 8 39,110 0 8 319,870 14 4 35,766 1 1 355,636 15 5



TABLE NO.4— continued. STATEMENT showing Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1898. Net Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1899. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. £ s. d. 280,760 13 8 £ s. d. 39,110 0 8 £ 8. d. 319,870 14 4 £ s. d. 35,766 1 1 £ s. d. 355,636 15 5 Brought forward Roads on Goldfields — continued. Westland— continued. Okarito River Bridge ... Continuation Wataroa Bluff Track Drainage, Stafford Township Widening Cook's River-flat Road... Hokitika to Jackson's... Resumption of J. Holmes's land, Teremakau Greenstone to Teremakau Track arid Wire Bridge, Upper Calary Teremakau to Paroa ... Mahinapua and South Terrace Track Adair's Track to Mahinapua Road Veronica Creek Track ... Repairing Bridge, Donnelly'* Creek Repairs, Browning's Pass Track ... G-illespie's Bluff Track ... Galway Bluff Track OtaGO: — Arthur's Point to Skipper's Waikaia Bush Road ... Arrowtown to Macetown Quartzreefs and Motutapu Bush Waitahuna Bridge, on account of reconstruction Wakatipu to Milford Sound Piers, Victoria Bridge Artesian - well boring, Maniototo Plains Miller's Flat to Skipper's Road ... Bridge and approaches, Skipper's... Arrowtown to Macetown Deviation, Pleasant Creek Track ... Wiiipori to Berwick Gorge Road ... Bridge over Clutha River at Miller's Flat Renewal bridge to Bannockburn ... Nevis Valley Road Clyde to Queenstown ... Punt, Hawea and Wanaka districts Track up Shotover River Lawrence to Clyde Lawrence to Waipori ... Roxburgh to Clyde Waitahuna to Bruce County boundary Bridge at Waipori Garston to Nevis Main Road, Beaumont to Miller's Flat Clyde to Ophir Waipori Bush Road ... Young Hill Creek Road Skipper's to Bullendale Nokomai Road Southland :— Tracks, Merrivale District Orepuki to Preservation Tnlet Tracks, Stewart Island Wai papa to Waikawa Waipapa to Six-mile ... Orepuki (Block I.)-Longwood Riversdale to Waikaia... Roads, Preservation Inlet Tracks, Cromarty Clifden Bridge, Waiau River Ruad to Dredging-elaims, Waimumu Repairs to read between Sections 17 and 45, Waikaka Colac to Round fcl ill ... Alpha Track Stewart Island, Road to Mines Mason's Bay Track Assistance towards prospecting* ... Contingencies 300 0 0 194, 4 8 399 17 5 366 11 6 1,332 16 2 300 0 0 118 12 6 12,167 4 1 1,000 0 0 9,720 6 8 750 0 0 7,240 7 11 362 lj 0 800 0 0 580 0 0 500 0 0 900 0 0 130 0 0 1,476 18 9 5,398 7 3 850 0 0 400 0 0 250 0 0 3 4 0 402 10 10 121 7 9 200 0 0 250 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 160 1 3 9 13 0 600 0 0 500 0 0 1,222 12 9 300 0 0 194 4 8 399 17 5 369 15 6 1,735 7 0 300 0 0 240 0 3 200 0 0 250 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 160 1 3 9 13 0 12,167 4 1 1,000 0 0 9,720 6 8 750 0 0 7,240 7 11 362 10 0 800 0- 0 580 0 0 1,100 0 0 900 0 0 130 0 0 1,976 18 .9 6,621 0 0 850 0 0 400 0 0 450 0 0 30 4 6 100 0 0 250 0 0 100 0 0 90 7 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 2,144 0 0 400 0 0 200 0 0 550 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 194 4 8 399 17 5 400 0 0 1,835 7 0 300 0 0 240 0 3 200 0 0 250 0 0 250 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 260 1 3 100 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 12,167 4 1 1,000 0 0 9,720 6 8 750 0 0 7,240 7 11 362 10 0 800 0 0 580 0 0 3,244 0 0 1,300 0 0 130 0 0 1,976 18 9 6,621 0 0 850 0 0 600 0 0 1,000 0 0 300 0 0 200 0 0 50 0 0 1,500 0 0 377 0 9 150 0 0 650 0 0 372 19 3 350 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 2,150 0 0 750 0 0 360 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 375 0 0 300 0 0 2,250 0 0 1,125 0 0 350 0 0 300 0 0 150 0 0 1,965 17 2 1,965 17 400 0 0 400 0 0 1,965 17 2 250 0 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 250 0 0 250 0 0 200 0 o 300 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 250 0 0 500 0 0 9,353 4 6 718 7 8 20 J 0 0 100. 0 0 250 0 0 200 0 0 778' 1 2 250 0 0 500 0 0 10,131 5 8 718 7 8 200 0 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 200 0 0 239 15 8 207 5 0 122 2 8 74" 3 10 150 0 0 500 0 0 10,205 9 6 868 7 8 200 0 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 200 0 0 499 15 8 407 5 0 1,522 2 8 100 0 0 100 0 0 239 15 8 207 5 0 122 2 8 260 0 0 200 0 0 1,400 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 250 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 2,630 16 2 877 15 7 2,030 16 2 727 13 4 150 2 3 2,630 16 2 877 15 7 Totals 344,871 10 2 46,549 16 3 391,421 6 5 45,739 16 5 437,161 2 10 ♦ See also Table No. 5A, Development of Goldfields.


Development of Goldflelds.— Table No. 5. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure for Water-races on Goldfields out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1899, and the Liabilities on that Date.

Expenditure. Liabilities. Locality and Name of Race. Survey and Construction, 1870-98. Grants, Subsidies, 1870-98. Survey and Construction 1898-99. Grants, Subsidies, 1898-99. Authorities on Construction. Authorities on Grants, Subsidies. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Locality and Name op Race. Totals. Contracts. Totals. NORTH ISLAND. Auckland Provincial District — Thames Tairua Water-race Compensation, Thames Water-race R. Kelly's water-race, Mata Kuaotumi Sludge-channel £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. NORTH ISLAND. Auckland Peovincial District — Thames. Tairua Water-race. Compensation, Thames Water-raoe. R. Kelly's water-race, Mata. Kuaotunu Sludge-channel. 80,708 19 3 34 5 4 1,250 0 0 40 0 0 200 0 0 80,708 19 3 34 5 4 1,250 0 0 40 0 0 200 0 0 80,708 19 3 34 5 4 1,250 0 0 40 0 0 200 0 0 " •• 80,708 19 3 MIDDLE ISLAND. Westland Provincial District — Subsidies — Hohonu. Hibernian. New River. Kanieri. Rimu Drainage-tunnel. Ross Sludge-channel. Kumara Sludge-channel No. 2. Kumara No. 4 Main Tail-race. Kumara No. 5 Main Tail-race. Trustees Main Tail-race,Waimea. Branch Tail race to No. 4 Channel, Payne and party. Kelly's Terrace Tunnel. Wainihinihi Water-race. Quinn's Creek Water-race (purchase). Raising dam Loop-line. Ngahere-Blackball. Donnelly's Creek Tail-race. Purchase of Byrne, O'Hallahan, and Murdoch's water-rights. Government Works — Waimea-Kumara. Mikonui. Nelson Provincial District — Government Works — Nelson Creek. Napoleon Hill. Argyle (Charleston). Black's Point. Jones, Baxter, and party, waterrace from Roaring Meg. 1,524 5 4 82,233 4 7| 82,233 4 7 MIDDLE ISLAND. Westland Provincial District — Subsidies — Hohonu Hibernian New River Kanieri Rimu Drainage-tunnel Ross Sludge-channel Kumara Sludge-channel No. 2 Kumara No. 4 Main Tail-race .. Kumara No. 5 Main Tail-race .. Trustees Main Tail-race, Waimea Branch Tail race to No. 4 Channel, Payne and party Kelly's Terrace Tunnel . Wainihinihi Water-race Quinn's Creek Water-race (purchase) Raising dam, Loop-line Ngahere-Blackball Donnelly's Creek Tail-race Purchase of Byrne, O'Hallahan, and Murdoch's water-rights Government Works — Waimea-Kumara Mikonui Nelson Provincial District — Government Works — Nelson Creek Napoleon Hill Argyle (Charleston) Black's Point Jones, Baxter, and party, waterrace from Roaring Meg 3 7 0 12 5 8 21 5 0 15 6 191 19 6 460 13 7 874 13 0 1,955 12 1 1,992 14 8 3,496 0 3 10,310 18 4 1,554 10 6 2,762 17 2 1,000 0 0 3,316 6 5 885 19 1 100 0 0 70* 0 0 " 1,206* 9 2 •• 1,690* 9 4 133 16 7 414 17 6 1,958 19 1 2.005 0 4 3,517 5 3 10,312 3 10 191 19 6 1,554 10 6 2,762 17 2 1,000 0 0 5.006 15 9 1,019 15 8 100 0 0 875 11 1 2,081 2 2 70 0 0 •• 468* 18 4 •• - 110* 0 0 260* 0 0 791 18 11 . •• •• 110* 0 0 260* 0 0 791 18 11 468 18 4 1,958 19 1 2.005 0 4 3,517 5 3 10,312 3 10 191 19 6 1,554 10 6 2,762 17 2 1,110 0 0 5.006 15 9 1,279 15 8 100 0 0 1,667 10 0 2,550 0 6 70 0 0 493 14 2 200 0 0 538 2 7 1,031 16 9 200 0 0 1,031 16 9 200 0 0 828 7 5 35 0 0 " 35* 0 0 35* 0 0 828* 7 5 828* 7 5 i 188,613 18 2 25,927 4 6 633 3 1 189,247 1 3 25,927 4 6 1,250 7 11 1,250 7 11 190,497 9 2 25,927 4 6 90,722 10 8 257 16 7 15,351 15 3 244 9 0 478 16 5 150* 0 0 90,722 10 8 257 16 7 15,501 15 3 244 9 0 800 0 0 90,722 10 8 257 16 7 15,501 15 3 244 9 0 800 0 0 •■ 321* 3 7 •• •• Carried forward 2,377 14 10 2,745 7 0 356,423 14 4 1,719 6 3 323,161 19 10| J28,138 12 8| 1,990 6 4| • • I 3,709 12 71 160,133 6 ll|



Development of Goldfields.— Table No. s— continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure for Water-races on Goldfields out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1899, and the Liabilities on that Date— continued.

12—D. 1.

Expenditure. Liabilities. Locality and Name of Race. Survey and Construction, 1870-98. Grants Subsidies, 1870-98. Survey and Construction 1898-99. Grants, Subsidies, 1898-99. Authorities j Authorities on on Grants, :Construction. Subsidies. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Locality and Name op Race. Totals. Contracts. Totals. £ s. d. 323,161 19 10 £ s. d. 28,138 12 8 £ s. d. 2,377 14 10 . £ s. d. 2,745 7 0 £ s. d. 356,423 14 4 £ s. d. £ a. d. 1,719 6 3 1,990 6 4 £ s. d. £ s. d. 3,709 12 7 £ s. d. 360,133 6 11 Brought forward MIDDLE ISLAND— continued. Nelson Pbovincial District — ctd. Government Works —continued. Randall Creek Water-race Will3 and party, water-race at Sulky Gully Otago Pbovincial District — Subsidies — Arrow Beaumont and Tuapeka Carriok Range Mount Pisgah Lawrence Drainage-channel .. Ophir Tail-race Muddy Greek Channel St. Bathan's Maerewhenua Artesian wells, Maniototo Improving water-supply, Oamaru Mountain Hut Water-race Government Works — Mount Ha .. .. • .. Waipori Canterbuby Provincial District — Subsidy — Ninety-mile Beach Water-race Southland Provincial Disteict — Subsidy — Round Hill General — Increased water-supply Departmental — Salaries, travelling, advertising, &c. 322 18 2 46 2 1,065 0 0 20 0 0 1,150 7 2 72 4 1 179 3 4 612 10 0 640 0 0 9,249 13 1 200 0 0 2,956 14 0 1,150 0 0 850 0 0 1,000 0 0 i - - - 3816 8 - .. 187 10 Oj 322 18 2i 218 0 Oj 612 10 0 644 6 2 9,249 13 1 200 0 0 2,956 14 0 1,150 0 0 850 0 0 1,187 10 0 1,065 0 0 20 0 0 1,150 7 2 82 1 1 .. .. '.'. 1,006' o o 812 10 0 .. 1,000 0 0 812 10 0 322 18 2 218 0 0 612 10 01 644 6 2 9,249 13 1 200 0 Oj 2,956 14 0 1,150 0 0 1,850 0 0 2,000 0 0 1,065 0 0 20 0 0 1,150 7 2 82 1 1 MIDDLE ISLAND— continued. Nelson Provincial Distbict— ctd. Government Works —continued. Randall Creek Water-raoe. Wills and party, water-raoe at Sulky Gully. Otago Provincial District — Subsidies — Arrow. Beaumont and Tuapeka. Carrick Range. Mount Pisgah. Lawrence Drainage-ohannel Ophir Tail-race. Muddy Creek Channel. St. Bathan's. Maerewhenua. Artesian wells, Maniototo. Improving water-supply, Oamaru. Mountain Hut Water-raoe. Government Works — Mount Ida. Waipori. Canterbury Provincial District — Subsidy — Ninety-mile Beaoh Water-race. Southland Provincial District — Subsidy — Round Hill. General— Increased water-supply. Departmental — Salaries, travelling, advertising, &o. .. 917 0 " 70,766 3 1 11,263 1 0 70,766 3 1 11,263 1 0 •• 70.766 3 1 11,263 1 0 65 6 7 I 65 6 7 I I 65 6 7 133 19 4 133 19 4 .. .. 133 19 4 530 4 0 100 0 0 630 4 0 .. .. 630 4 0 6,720 6 8 ■ • 6,720 6 8 I •• - •• 6,720 6 8 471,233 17 3 Totals I 1,719 6 3 3,802 16 4 5,522 2 7 Totals. 415,141 16 9 45,210 12 5 2,387 11 10 2,971 13 8 465,711 14 8 .. SUMMARY. North Island SUMMARY. North Island. 80,708 19 31 I 1,524 5 4j •• 82,233 4 7 •• •• 82,233 4 7 Middle Island 415,141 16 9 45,210 12 5 2,387 11 101 2,971 13 8 465,711 14 8 1,719 6 3 3,802 16 5,522 2 7 471,233 17 3 Middle Island. Totals 495,850 16 0 46,734 17 9 2,971 13 8 547,944 19 3 1,719 6 3 3,802 16 4 Totals. 2,387 11 10 • • 5,522 2 7 .53,467 1 10



Development of Goldfields.—Table No. sa. Statement showing Assistance towards Prospecting, and Miscellaneous Services, out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1899, and the Liabilities on that Date.

TABLE No.6. Statement showing the Expenditure on Telegbaphs out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1899.

Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1898. Net Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1899. Liabilities on 31st March, 1899. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. Assistance towards prospecting* .. Purchase of diamond-drill Prospecting deep levels, Thames, — Queen of Beauty Claim Inspector's fee, deep-level shaft, Thames Compensation Proclamation of Rivers Water Conservation — Reports on Coromandel Harbour and Kuaotunu Sludge Channel Engineer's salary and expenses .. Eweburn Reservoir Telephone line, Bannockbnrn to Nevis Reports on Ross Plat £ s. d. 7,995 18 7 722 1 5 £ s. a. 2,143 14 1 £ s. d. 10,139 12 8 722 1 5 £ s. a. 1,103 13 1 £ s. a. 11,243 5 9 722 1 5 23,864 6 1 354 3 4 1,135 13 11 145 16 8 25,000 0 0 500 0 0 25,000 0 0 500 0 0 5,196 13 10 676 0 8 5,872 14 6 5,872 14 6 80 12 6 80 12 6 80 12 6 245 15 7 180 15 8 50 0 0 414 15 9 7,229 10 7 660 11 4 7,410 6 3 50 0 0 660 11 4 7,410 6 3 50 0 0 249 13 0 249 13 0 249 13 0 Totals j 38,690 7 0 11,995 4 8 50,685 11 8 1,103 13 1 51,789 4 9 * For expenditure prior to 31st March, 1894, see EoaSs on Goldfields, Table No. 4 (£2,630 16e. 2a.).

Line. Expenditure during Twelve Months ended 31st March, 1899. £ s. a. Telephone exchanges,— Ashburton Auckland Blenheim Christchurch.. Dunedin Gisborne Greymouth Hastings Invercargill .. Masterton Napier Nelson .. .. New Plymouth Oamaru Palmerston North Thames Timaru Wanganui Wellington New copper wires, — Wanganui-New Plymouth Kaikoura-Waitaki Waitaki-Dunedin Auckland-Mokau Auckland-Whangarei .. .. Whangapoua-Opifconui Waihopo Loop-line Paeroa-Paeroa Railway Kaeo-Saies Aoroa Upper Onehunga Bureau Kerikeri Great North Boad Waipapa Toko-Strathmore Inglewood-Tarafca Bell Block-Lepperton Dannevirke-Weber Ormond-Te Karaka Tβ Karaka-Whatatutu * 13 3 0 1,071 9 0 0 3 6 152 19 5 65 0 0 29 12 7 6 15 0 25 9 8 28 12 4 9 11 6 IS 14 6 1 13 0 12 3 10 8 19 0 15 17 6 4 2 0 4 10 34 8 9 402 11 8 233 10 8 293 15 i 15 2 4,458 7 3 16 1 6 53 0 0 7 19 0 7 19 5 4 0 4 6 19 0 6 6 9 6 0 0 16 2 16 0 379 1 1 30 17 6 20 10 5 471 4 3 219 19 3 10111 8 Carried forward 8,220 1 10



TABLE NO.6— continued. Statement showing Expenditure on Telegraphs out of Public Works Fund— continued.

TABLE No.7. Statement showing the Expenditube on Public Buildings out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1899, and the Liabilities on that Date.

Line. Expenditure during Twelve Months ended 31st March, 1899. Brought forward Moawhango .. .. Feilding Racecourse .. Murutai Dreyerton Cunningham's .. .. .. Collingwood-Bainham .. Belgrove-Tophouse Renwicktown-Kaituna ... Reefton-Crushington Westport-Cardiff Ngahere-Blaekball Orari-Geraldine Ashburton-Mayfield Rangiora-Fernside Rangiora-Ashley Bank Linton Downs .. Kaiapoi-Woodend Waikari-Hawarden German Bay Ngapara-Tokarahi Wairio-Wrey's Bush Windsor Balclutha-Warepa .. .. .. Drummond-Heddon Bush. Colac Bay-Round Hill .. Merrivale-Clifden Invercargill-Otautau Eweburn-Ranfurly Cable No. 3, Oterangi-White's Bay Purchase of material, &c. £ s. d. 8,220 1 10 14 18 3 1 16 6 3 19 0 3 17 9 10 244 0 9 66 1 6 63 12 9 80 15 9 82 14 0 13 2 46 2 5 125 9 11 6 14 0 12 5 9 0 4 0 12 3 6 112 7 7 0 2 6 2 8 8 129 6 3 0 16 9 114 6 6 76 15 2 63 10 1 220 4 5 78 7 1 9 2 0 925 15 2 17,823 6 2 Expenditure to 31st March, 1898 28,550 14 0 800,735 4 9 Total expenditure to 31st March, 1899 829,285 18 9

Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1898. Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1899. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1899. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1899. Total : Expenditure and Liabilities. udicial D ostal and Telegraphic .. customs .. Dffices for Public Departments junatic Asylums School-buildings hospitals juarantine Stations Survey Parliament Buildings .. Government House, Auckland „ Wellington .. Agricultural .. .. .. Miscellaneous .. .. £ s. d. 349,706 17 4 177,719 7 5 6,920 0 4 212,402 4 1 404,599 2 11 923,020 4 0 48,444 0 6 3,833 19 3 543 4 5 21,469 5 1 306 15 10 2,517 12 1 4,271 3 8 9,838 14 10 £ s. d. 11,109 2 0 5,168 3 1 4,548 14 11 17,666 13 6 43,402 14 11 £ s. d. 360,815 19 4 182,887 10 6 6,920 0 4 216,950 19 0 422,265 16 5 966,422 18 11 48,444 0 6 3,833 19 3 543 4 5 42,105 1 4 2,593 8 7 4,446 10 8 4,791 2 1 9,838 14 10 £ s. d. 10,878 0 0 1,848 0 0 675 0 0 5,067 0 0 298 0 0 £ s. d. 371,693 19 4 184,735 10 6 6,920 0 4 217,625 19 0 427,332 16 5 966,720 18 11 48,444 0 6 3,833 19 3 543 4 5 50,224 1 4 3,701 8 ■ 7 4,446 10 8 4,828 2 ' 1 9,838 14,10 20,635 16 3 2,286 12 9 1,928 18 7 519, 18 5 8,119' 0 0 1,108 0 0 37 0 0 Totals 2,165,592 11 9 107,266 14 5 2,272,859 6 2 28,030 0 0 2,300,889 6 2



TABLE No.8. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Lighthouses, Harbour Works, and Harbour Defences, out of Public Works Fund, to 31st March, 1899, and the Liabilities on that Date.

Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1898. Net Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1899. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1899. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, to 31st March, 1899. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Lighthouses. Akaroa Brothers Cape Egmont Cape Poulwind Cape Kidnappers Cape Maria van Diemen Cape Palliser Cape Saunders Centre Island ,. Cuvier Island French Pass Beacon .. French Pass .. ... Hokitika Jackson's Reef Beacon Kaipara Manukau Heads Marine Store Moeraki Mokohinau Portland Island Puysegur Point Stephens Island .. Timaru Tiritiri Cable Tory Channel Waipapapa Point East Cape Miscellaneous, including expenditure on s.s."Hinemoa" and "Stella" .. £ s. d. 7,148 16 5 6,241 0 0 3,354 6 4 6,955 9 1 2,109 11 7 7,028 14 8 6,243 16 1 6,066 6 3 5,785 19 0 7,405 9 11 668 15 8 1,427 17 5 801 9 7 3,180 0 5 5,571 8 0 600 13 11 499 11 3 2,943 1 11 8,185 11 0 6,554 14 5 9,958 19 5 9,452 12 11 1,116 17 3 1,085 19 6 353 7 7 5,969 18 11 £ a. d. 249 6 5 £ s. d. 7,148 16 5 6,241 0 0 3,354 6 4 6,955 9 1 2,109 11 7 7,028 14 8 6,493 2 6 6,066 6 3 5,785 19 0 7,405 9 11 668 15 8 1,427 17 5 801 9 7 3,180 0 5 5,571 8 0 600 13 11 499 11 3 2,943 1 11 8,185 11 0 6,554 14 5 9,958 19 5 9,452 12 11 1,116 17 3 1,085 19 6 353 7 7 5,969 18 11 3,477 6 7 £ s. d. 80 0 £ s. d. 7,148 16 5 6,241 0 0 3,354 6 4 6,955 9 1 2,109 11 7 7,028 14 8 6,501 2 6 6,066 6 3 5,785 19 0 7,405 9 11 668 15 8 1,427 17 5 801 9 7 3,180 0 5 5,571 8 0 600 13 11 499 11 3 2,943 1 11 8,185 11 0 6,554 14 5 9,958 19 5 9,467 12 11 1,116 17 3 1,085 19 6 353 7 7 5,969 18 11 3,616 6 7 15 0 0 3,477 6 7 139' 0 0 20,590 5 9 20,590 5 9 20,590 5 9 Total Lighthouses 137,300 14 3 3,726 13 0 141,027 7 3 162 0 0 141,189 7 Haebour Wobks. Wharf at Howick Pollock Wharf, Manukau Whangarei Heads Wharf Matakana Wharf Waiuku Channel Coromandel Wharf Waitara Harbour Removing eel-weirs, Patea River Napier Harbour Castlepoint Jetty Kaikoura Jetty and Harbour Picton, removal of old wharf Nelson, dredging harbour Collingwood Harbour Karamea Wharf Westport Harbour .. Greymouth Harbour Hokitika Harbour Lyttelton, reclamation works, Sticking Point .. Timaru Harbour Martin's Bay, removal of rock Port Levy Jetty Toitois Jetty Balclutha Jetty Catlin's River, removal of rocks Catlin's River Jetty Queenstown Beacon Queenstown Jetty Jackson's Bay Jetty Raising dredge " Hapuka " .. Miscellaneous Stewart Island Wharf, Horseshoe Bay 1,087 18 2 150 0 0 600 0 0 556 10 3 357 11 6 Or. 0 10 0 2,000 0 0 50 0 0 328 0 0 51 14 1 2,912 16 10 94 0 0 2,806 15 8 745 18 8 75 0 0 14,110 18 7 127,233 19 6 56,905 10 2 1,087 18 2 150 0 0 600 0 0 556 10 3 357 11 6 Or. 0 10 0 2,000 0 0 50 0 0 328 0 0 51 14 1 2,912 16 10 94 0 0 2,806 15 8 745 18 8 75 0 0 14,110 18 7 127,233 19 6 58,596 0 1 1,087 18 2 150 0 0 600 0 0 556 10 3 357 11 6 Or. 0 10 0 2,000 0 0 50 0 0 328 0 0 51 14 1 2,912 16 10 94 0 0 2,806 15 8 745 18 8 75 0 0 14,110 18 7 127,233 19 6 58,619 0 1 l,69o" 9 11 23 0 0 1,414 18 4 100,000 0 0 5 0 0 250 0 0 1,000 0 0 250 0 0 277 19 0 1,015 7 7 35 0 0 297 8 0 32 6 4 777 7 9 400 0 0 230 0 0 86 17 11 1,501 16 3 100,000 0 0 5 0 0 250 0 0 1,000 0 0 250 0 0 277 19 0 1,015 7 7 35 0 0 297 8 0 32 6 4 777 7 9 400 0 0 230 0 0 127 0 0 1,628 16 3 100,000 0 0 5 0 0 250 0 0 1,000 0 0 250 0 0 277 19 0 1,015 7 7 35 0 0 297 8 0 32 6 i 777 7 9 400 0 0 230 0 0 Total Harbour Works .. 316,051 10 5 1,777 7 10 317,828 18 3 150 0 0 317,978 18 3 Habboub Defences. Guns Ammunition War Office stores Torpedo-boats and torpedoes Submarine mining stores Miscellaneous Works in colony Land for depots and batteries 147,768 ft 10 24,531 6 7 9,933 10 9 20,203 13 7 17,665 2 2 18,009 5 10 206,342 5 1 36,601 15 5 147,768 18 10 24,531 6 7 9,933 10 9 20,203 13 7 17,665 2 2 18,009 5 10 214,774 15 3 38,327 14 6 147,768 18 10 24,531 6 7 9,933 10 9 20,203 13 7 17,665 2 2 18,009 5 10 218,288 15 8 38,327 14 6 8,432 10 2 1,725 19 1 3,514 0 0 Total Harbour Defences 481,055 18 3 10,158 9 3 491,214 7 6 3,514 0 0 494,728 7 6 Grand total 934,408 3 11 15,662 10 1 950,070 13 0 3,R26 0 0 953 896 13 0





Prepared in compliance with Section 8 of " The Public Works Act, 1894."

Sib,— Public Works Department, Wellington, 31st May, 1899. In compliance with the Bth section of " The Public Works Act, 1894," I enclose a statement of the expenditure during the preceding financial year on all works and services chargeable to the Public Works Fund. I have, &c, Wμ. Hall-Jones, Minister for Public Works. The Controller and Auditor-General, Wellington. »

Statement of Net Expenditure on all Works and Services chargeable to the Public Works Fund for the Year 1898-99.

Public Works Department, 6. J. Clapham, Accountant. H. J. H. Blow, Examined and found correct. Under-Secretary. J. K. Warburton, Controller and Auditor-General. (Details on next page.)

Votes. Appropriation. Net Expenditure. Class. Summary. Expenditure. Credits. I. IT. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. 74 75 76-90 91-92 93 94 95 96-104 105-107 Public Works Fdnd. Immigration Public Works, Departmental Railways Roads Development of Goldfields Purchase of Native Lands Telegraph Extension Public Buildings Lighthouses, Harbour-works, and Harbour Defences Rates on Native Lands Contingent Defence Unauthorised £ 150 9,500 459,100 404,086 45,000 51,600 33,250 132,380 16,570 £ s. d. 508 11 4 10,466 14 3 423,631 3 11 298,746 9 7 17,354 10 2 53,336 0 6 35,841 9 3 107,395 14 10 15,743 5 8 £ s. d. 403 14 6 376 13 0 49,490 1 8 3,263 2 5 £ s. d 104 16 1C 10,090 1 I 374,141 2 I 295,483 7 i 17,354 10 i 53,182 16 1C 28,550 14 ( 107,266 14 i 15,662 10 ] 153 3 8 7,290 15 3 129 0 5 80 15 7 X. XI. 108 109 900 35,000 347 11 10 13,866 15 3 4,008 9 6 0 2 4 3,957 12 0 347 11 1C 13,866 12 1] 50 17 6 Total Public Works Fund .. 1,187,536 981,246 16 1 65,145 0 10 916,101 15 3



I V No Name of Vote. p^ n . Expenditure. Credits. Expe^ ture . ! J £ £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Public Works Fund. Immigration— 74 Immigration .. .. .. .. .. 150 508 11 4 403 14 6 104 16 10 Public Works, Departmental— 75 Public Works, Departmental .. .. .. 9,500 10,466 14 3 376 13 0 10,090 1 3 Railways:— 76 Whangarei-Kamo Extension .. .. .. 7,000 3,932 2 6 0 8 9 3,931 13 9 77 Helensville Northwards .. .. .. .. 9,000 10,178 910 86 10 9 10,09119 1 78 Grahamstown-Te Aroha .. .. .. .. 25,000 24,485 17 9 95 1 6 24,390 16 3 79 Marton-Te Awamutu .. .. .. .. 50,000 42,915 18 2 101 1 6 42,814 16 8 80 Eketahuna-Woodville .. .. .. .. 1,500 779 17 8 974 0 7 Cr. 194 2 11 81 Blenheim-Awatere .. .. .. .. 8,000 4,742 13 7 10 0 4,741 13 7 82 Midland Railway .. .. .. .. .. 50,000 66,678 13 7 12,184 811 54,494 4 8 83 Otago Central .. .. .. .. .. 40,000 17,69113 9 82 6 8 17,609 7 1 84 Heriot Extension .. .. .. .. .. 2,000 85 Seaward Bush .. .. .. .. .. 10,000 7,215 12 7 .. 7,215 12 7 86 Forest Hill .. .. ' .. .. .. 5,000 3,775 211 664 14 7 3,110 8 4 87 Land-claims, &c. .. .. .. .. .. 2,500 737 19 7 59 10 0 678 9 7 88 Surveys, New Lines of Railway .. .. .. 3,600 4,054 17 2 2,126 9 5 1,928 7 9 89 Permanent-way and other Materials .. .. 45,500 38,916 5 4 15,520 6 6 23,395 18 10 90 Additions to Open Lines .. .. .. .. 200,000197,525 19 6 17,594 2 6179,93117 0 459,100 423,631 3 11 49,490 1 8 374,141 2 3 Roads— 91 Settlement Roads, Bridges, and other Works .. 341,461252,176 13 4 3,243 2 5 248,933 10 11 92 Roads on Goldfields .. .. .. .. 62,625 46,569 16 3 20 0 0 46,549 16 3 404,086 298,746 9 7 3,263 2 5 295,483 7 2 Development of Goldfields — 93 Development of Goldfields .. .. .. .. 45,000 17,354 10 2 .. 17,354 10 2 Purchase of Native Lands — 94 Purchase of Native Lands .. .. .. .. 51,600 53,336 0 6 153 3 8 53,182 16 10 Telegraph Extension — 95 Telegraph Extension .. .. !.. .. 33,250 35,841 9 3 7,290 15 3 28,550 14 0 Public Buildings— 96 General .. .. .. .. .. .. 30,150 29,508 7 1 108 4 7 29,400 2 6 97 Judicial .. .. .. .. .. .. 18,230 11,109 2 0 .. 11,109 2 0 98 Postal and Telegraph .. .. .. .. 9,925 5,188 5 7 20 2 6 5,168 3 1 99 Customs .. .. .. .. .. .. 150 100 Lunatic Asylums .. .. .. '.. .. 20,640 17,667 610 013 4 17,666 13 6 101 School-buildings .. .. .. .. .. 25,400 21,706 9 1 .. 21,706 9 1 102 School-buildings (special) .. .. .. .. 25,000 21,696 510 .. 21,696 510 103 Agricultural .. .. .. .. .. 1,855 519 18 5 .. 519 18 5 104 Hospitals, &c. .. .. .. .. .. 1,000 132,380107,395 14 10 129 0 5107,266 14 5 Lighthouses, Harbour Works, and Harbour Defences— 105 Lighthouses .. .. .. .. .. 4,220 3,726 13 0 .. 3,726 13 0 106 Harbour Works .. .. .. .. .. 2,350 1,778 17 10 110 0 1,777 710 107 Harbour Defences .. .. .. .. 10,000 10,237 14 10 79 .5 7 10,158 9 3 16,570 15,743 5 8 80 15 7 15,662 10 1 Rates on Native Lands— 108 Rates on Native Lands .. .. .. ~ 900 347 11 10 .. 347 11 10 Contingent Defence — 109 Contingent Defence .. .. .. .. 35,000 13,866 15 3 0 2 4 13,866 12 11 Unauthorised— Services not provided for .. .. .. .. .. 4,008 9 6 3,957 12 0 50 17 6 Total Public Works Fund .. .. .. 1,187,536 981,246 16 1 65,145 0 10 916,10115 3



APPENDIX B. STATEMENT of all Liabilities in respect of the Services of the Public Works Department outstanding at the Close of the Financial Period ended 31st March, 1899, prepared in terms of Section 38, Part IV., of "The Public Eevenues Act, 1891," and forwarded, as therein provided, to the Audit Office.

G. J. Clapham, Accountant. H. J. H. Blow, Public Works Department, 30th April, 1899. Under-Secretary.

Class. Votes. Summary. I Total. Public Wobks Fund. 71,055 28,030 3,826 III. an. IX. 76-89 96-104 105-107 Railways Public Buildings Lighthouses, Harbour Works, and Harbour Defences .. 102,911 Vote Nc I. Name of Vote. Total. Public Wobks Fund. 76 77 78 79 J 80 81 82 ] Whangarei-Kamo Extension Helensville Northwards Grahamsfcown-Te Aroha Marton-Te Awamutu (north end) „ (south end) Eketahuna-Woodville .. Blenheim-Awatere .. .. .. .1 Midland Railway, Otira Section „ Belgrove Section Springfield End Otago Central .. Heriot Extension Seaward Bush Forest Hill Land-claims and other Old Liabilities, &c. Surveys of New Lines of Railway Permanent-way Materials £ 458 799 3,941 727 5,967 137 800 16,868 378 3,369 12,733 83 34 85 86 87 88 89 4,786 1,789 416 591 17,296 71,055 96 97 98 99 100 101 103 104 Public Buildings— General Judicial Postal and Telegraph Customs Lunatic Asylums School-buildings (part of vote only) Agricultural Hospitals and other Charitable Institutions 9,902 10,878 1,848 5,067 298 37 Lighthouses, Harbour Works, and Harbour Defences— Lighthouses Harbour Works Harbour Defenoes 28,030 105 106 107 162 150 3,514 Total, Public Works Fund.. 3,826 102,911



APPENDIX C. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1898, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1899.

Date of Contract. Lines of Bail way and Branches. Name of Contract. Name of Contractor. Contract to be completed. Date Contract was completed. Amount of Contract. Remarks. ra: LWAYS. Aug. Feb. Feb. Aug. Jan. Oot, Oct, Aug. Jan. Mar. Jan. June Oot. Nov. Sept. E'eb. 26, 1896 28, 1899 27, . 26, 1896 8, 1898 5, . 10, „ 26, 1896 8, 1898 16, . 21, 1896 14, 1898 15, „ 3, „ 2, 6, 1899 Whangarei-Kamo Helensville Northwards .. Grahamstown-TeAroha .. Eketahuna-Woodville .. Midland, Otira Section .. Ironbark Timber Ironbark Timber Totara and Kauri Timber Ironbark Timber for Puriri-Paeroa Section Ironbark Timber Totara and Kauri Timber for Stationbuildings Eimu Framing for Station-buildings Ironbark Timber Ironbark Timber Steel-plate Girders Bridge over Taieri River Timber and Joinery for Station-buildings Iconbark Piles and Timber Steel-plate Girders, Eweburn Bridge Ironbark Timber and Piles Timber and Joinery, Waimahaka Stationbuildings Timber for Station-buildings Twenty-five sets Points and Crossings Murray, Arnold, and Co. James McLellan Cosgrove and Rapson .. Murray, Arnold, and Co. Murray, Arnold, and Co. Waitemata Sawmill Co. Mountain Rimu Co. Murray, Arnold, and Co. Murray, Arnold, and Co. Dispatch Foundry Co. .. Fraser and Morley Thomson, Bridger, and Co. W. Flannery James Fowler.. W. B. Sharp Thomson, Bridger, and Co. Nov. 26, 1896 May 31, 1899 May 22, „ Nov. 26, 1896 March 24, 1898 Nov. 30, „ Oct. 30, „ Nov. 26, 1896 March 24, 1898 Feb. 4, 1899 July 21, 1897 July 1, 1898 Dec. 23, „ Aug. 1, 1899 Oct. 8, 1898 As per specification June 9, 1898 Feb. 18, 1899 May 15, 1898 May 15, 1898 May 31, , Dec. 12, „ Oct. 30, „ May 15, , Nov. 19, „ £ s. d. 352 9 9 260 18 2 213 12 10 363 15 3 786 0 0 825 8 10 221 9 0 1,084 4 9 1,045 14 1 1,493 0 0 7,716 10 0 209 6 0 105 10 8 508 17 9 175 15 0 660 5 10 Otago Central July 16, 1898 June 30, „ Jan. 6, 1899 Seaward Bush Feb. —, 1899 May Oot. 21, 1898 18, „ Forest Hill Permanent-way Robert Jamieson John Anderson Sept. 30, 1898 204 8 2 250 0 0



APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1898, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1899.

13—D. 1

Date of Contract. Name of Contract. Name of Contractor. Contract to be completed. Date Contract was completed. Amount of Contract. Remarks. Auckland. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. June 10, 1898 July 22, „ July 2, „ Dec. 13, „ Jan. 20, 1899 Jan. 5, „ Feb. 23, „ Aug. 19, „ April 20, „ Feb. 28, „ May 23, „ June 25, „ £ s. a. 638 0 0 535 5 0 298 0 0 387 14 9 797 5 0 458 18 8 181 0 0 5,785 12 6 645 0 0 151 0 0 609 0 0 339 0 0 Feb. 16, 1898 April 1, „ April 13, „ Sept. 21, „ Sept. 30, „ Sept. 9, „ Nov. 28, „ Dec. 22, „ Dec. 23, » Dee. 29, „ Jan. 25, 1899 March 25, „ Native School, Whirinaki .. .. .. .. .. .. I W. Cook and Son, Waimate North „ Manaia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ! Colin Fraser, Goromandel „ Utakura .. .. .. .. .. .. .. W. Cook and Son, Whirinaki Police-station, Te Kuiti .. .. .. .. .. .. .. T. E. Doyle, Kihikihi .. Native School, Waimana .. .. .. .. .. .. I W. F. Moody, Whakatane Post-office, Otahuhu .. .. .. .. .. .. .. James Muir, Otahuhu Kemoval of Maungatapu Native School .. .. .. .. .. i Daines and Mannix, Tauranga .. Police-station, Auckland .. .. .. .. .. .. Fergusson and Malcolm, Auckland Native School, Eakauinanga .. .. .. .. .. .. D. Henderson, Ngaruawahia .. j Removal of Residence, Bangahua to Utikura .. .. .. .. C. H. Olive and Son, Kohukohu.. Native School, Waiotapu .. .. .. .. .. .. ] D. Porsyth, Auckland Repairs, Gisborne Gaol .. .. .. .. .. .. W. 0. Skeet, Gisborne .. .. Aug. 5, 1898 Aug. 8, . Aug 24, , Jan. 21, 189 Mar. 20, „ Feb. 28, „ April 21, 1899 May 30, 1899 Mar., 15, „ Sept. 2, 1898 Sept. 22, „ Sept. 22, „ Taeanaki. Alterations and additions, Waitara Post-office .. .. .. .. Elliott and King .. Police-station, Opurtake.. .. .. .. .. .. .. Christie and Hoskin „ Manaia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. J. Ryan, Eltham Hawke's Bay. Native School, Nuhaka.. .. .. .. .. .. .. A. R. Gardiner, Wairoa Dec. 2, 1898 Dec. 12, „ Dec. 12, „ Dec. 2, 1898 Feb. 28, 1899 Feb. 14, „ 421 0 0 416 14 10 367 0 0 April 16, 1898 July 15, 1898 Dec. 16, 1898 636 12 8 April 14, 1897 Oct. 18, „ Feb. 3, 1898 Jan. 20, . Feb. 17, „ April 7, 1898 April 16, , May 3, „ Wellington. Timber, Additions to south wing, Departmental Buildings .. .. .. Stewart and Co., Wellington Native School, Karioi .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Riggs and Fraser, Mangaweka . Electric-light installation, Government House, Wellington.. .. .. Josiah Dawson, Wellington Additions to south wing, Departmental Buildings.. E. B. Toomath, Wellington Construction and erection of Hydraulic-lift, Government Printing Office .. S. Luke and Co., Wellington Cast-iron Columns, New Library, Parliamentary Buildings .. .. W. Cable and Co., Wellington .. Shafting, &c, Government Printing-office .. .. .. .. W. Cable and Co., Wellington .. Terracotta Blocks, New Library, Parliamentary Buildings .. .. .. P. Hutson and Co., Wellington.. May 26, 1897 April 13, 1898 March 14, „ Feb. 15, „ April 16, „ June 18, 1898 May 22, „ As per specification Oct. 14, 1898 Nov. 11, „ April 30, 1899 April 28, - „ Dec. 15, 1897 April 21, 1898 April 26, „ Feb. 14, „ July 1, „ May 31, 1898 May 24, „ April 15, 1899 262 7 10 635 9 9 188 0 0 126 0 0 124 10 0 764 17 1 195 7 6 1,315 0 0 June 16, 1898 Oct. 4, „ Oct. 9, „ March 3, 1899 Timber and Joinery, Porirua Asylum .. .. .. .. .. Stewart and Co., Wellington Supply of Flooring, New Library, Parliamentary Buildings .. .. Prouse Brothers, Wellington New Additions Completion, Parliament Buildings .. .. .. .. J. and A. Wilson, Wellington .. Timber and Joinery, Porirua Asylum .. .. .. .. .. Stewart Timber, Glass, and Hardware Company, Wellington Courthouse, Palmerston Noith.. .. .. .. .. .. Adams and Elwood, Feilding .. Post-office, Mangaweka .. .. .. .. .. .. .. W. T. Peacock, Mangaweka Nov. 18, 1898 Nov. 1, „ 850 8 6 155 15 0 12,989 0 0 1,030 15 11 May 4, 1898 Feb. 24, 1899 Oot. 21, 1898 May 15, 1899 Dec. 81, 1898 2,235 0 0 383 0 0 Mar. 28, 1898 Nov. 12, „ Feb. 17, 1899 Nelson. New Brick Dormitories, Nelson Asylum .. .. .. .. .. W. Miller and Sons, Nelson Strong-room, Lands Registry Office, Nelson .. .. .. .. H. Machin, Nelson Buildings, Nelson .. .. .. .. T. A. Louisson, Nelson Aug. 15, 1898 Dec. 23, „ April 13, 1899 April 15, 1899 Jan. 21, „ May 11, „ 1,056 0 0 172 0 0 206 0 0



APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1898, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1899— continued.

Date of Contract. Name of Contract. Name of Contractor. Contract to be completed. Date Contract was completed. Amount of Contract. Remarks. July 4, 1898 Mablbobough . Painting and Eepairs, Pioton Post- and Telegraph-office G. A. Smith and Co., Picton Aug. 2, 1898 Aug. 1, 1898 £ a. d. 162 7 10 May Mar. 6, 1898 2,1899 Canterbury. J. C. Green, Christchurch William Bennett, Leeston July 12, 1898 April 21, 1899 Oct. 10, 1898 May 27, 1899 338 0 0 178 0 0 Courthouse, Leeston Additions and Repairs, Southbridge Police-station Oct. Aug. Sept. 30, 1897 24, 1898 28, „ Otago. Murdoch and Co., Dunedin McKechnie and Fleming Thomson, Bridger, and Co., Dunedin L. Arthur, Cromwell Kynaston and Bowden, Roxburgh Nov. 12, 1897 Nov. 26, 1898 As per specification Jan. 28, 1899 Mar. 15, „ July 14, 1898 Dec. 9, „ Jan. 24, 1899 294 4 9 329 0 0 413 12 4 Timber for House, Seacliff Asylum Courthouse, Macraes .. .. .. ,. Timber and Joinery, Seacliff Asylum Oct. Jan. 11, . 14, 1899 Gaoler's House, Clyde Post-office, Miller's Flat Mar. 4, „ Mar. 30, „ 538 8 6 269 0 0 I MISC1 .LLANEOUS. i Schedule rates 966 14 7 25 9 0 Schedule rates Deo. Oct. Jan. March March 22, 1896 21, 1897 12, 1898 2, „ 2, „ Auckland. Coal and Firewood, Public Buildings, Auckland .. Repairs to Panmure Bridge Chimney-sweeping, Public Buildings, Auckland Stores Supply, Classes 1 (part), 2, 3, and 4, Auckland Part Class 1, J. J. Craig, Auckland .. R. B. Martin, Ponsonby M. Cockrof t, Auckland.. T. and S. Morrin, Auckland Southern Cross Galvanised-iron Company, Auckland J. J. Craig, Auckland .. J. Wilson and Co., Auckland Orlando Wells, Auckland C. Judd, Thames Stewart Timber, Glass, and Hardware Company, Wellington M. Cockrof t, Auckland S. Luke and Co., Wellington Dec. 31, 1899 March 19, 1898 Dec. 31, „ March 31, 1899 March 31, „ May 31, 1898 Dec. 31, „ Mar. 31, 1899 Mar. 31, „ March March April Aug. Sept. 2, . 9, „ 25, „ 8, „ 23, „ „ Classes 7 and 8, Class 6, Panmure Wharf .. .. .. Iron Tower, East Cape Lighthouse Timber and Joinery, East Cape Lighthouse Sept. 30, „ Sept. 30, „ Aug. 19, 1898 Feb. 3, 1899 As per specification Dec. 31, 1899 May 16, „ Aug. 26, 1898 Feb. 21, 1899 Feb. 21, „ 196 17 0 988 19 6 481 12 10 Dec. Mar. 29, . 7, 1899 Chimney-sweeping, Public Buildings, Auckland 6-ton Wharf-crane, Harbour Defences, 26 13 0 I 215 0 0 Sept. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 22, 1897 21, 1898 17, „ 18, „ 12, „ l> . 2, „ 3, . 3, „ 22, . Wellington. Engine and Boiler, Harbour Defences, Wellington Window-cleaning, Public Buildings, „ Removal of Rubbish, „ „ Chimney-sweeping, „ Coal Supply, Stores Supply, Classes 1 (part), 3, 4, and 9, Wellington Class 2, „ Class 5, Classes 6 and 8, Class 7, W. Cable and Co., Wellington .. C. Gawler and Co., Wellington .. T. Costello, Wellington Harry Smith, Wellington Westport Coal Co., Wellington .. Briscoe, McNeil, & Co., Wellington Cameron and Christie, Wellington Smith and Smith, Dunedin P. Hutson and Co., Wellington.. J. J. Craig, Auckland Dec. 31, 1897 Dec. 31, 1898 Dec. 31, „ Dec. 31, „ Dec. 31, „ Sept. 30, 1899 Sept. 30, „ March 31, „ March 31, „ Sept. 30, „ July 8, 1898 Dec. 31, „ Dec. 31, „ Dec. 31, „ Dec. 31, „ 789 10 0 155 0 0 63 14 0 90 0 0 Schedule rates Mar. 31, 1899 Mar. 31, .


APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1898, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1899— continued.


Date of Contract. Name of Contract. ; Name of Contractor. Contract to be completed. Date Contract was completed. Amount of Contract. Remarki Nov. 2, 1898 Nov. 28, „ Jan. 4, 1899 Jan. 9, „ Dec. 81, 1898 Jan. 4, 1899 Jan. 20, „ MISCBIiIiAl Ironwork for Cradle for Slipway, Shelly Bay 2 Whip-cranes, Harbour Defences, Wellington and Auckland Chimney-sweeping, Public Buildings, Wellington .. Eemoval of Rubbish, „ „ Cartage, „ „ Window-cleaning, „ „ Coal Supply, „ „ .. .. .... EOUS— continued. S. Luke and Co., Wellington S. Luke and Co., Wellington Harry Smith, Wellington T. Oostello, Wellington M. Fitzgerald, Wellington Gawler and Attewell, Wellington Westport Coal Co., Wellington .. Nov. 16, 1898 Jan. 2, 1899 Dec. 31, 1899 Dec. 31, „ Dec. 31, „ Dec. 31, „ Dec. 31, „ Nov. 16, 1898 Feb. 23, 1899 £ s. d. 97 10 0 207 10 0 90 0 0 68 10 0 Schedule rates 192 0 0 Schedule rates Oct. 1, 1897 Feb. 23, 1898 March 21, „ March 22, „ Oct. 1, „ Feb. 15, 1899 Canterbuby. Cleaning Offices, Public Buildings, Ghristchurch Coal Supply, Public Buildings, „ Stores Supply, Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, Class 7, „ ...... Cleaning Offices, Public Buildings, Goal Supply, „ „ ...... E. V. Worthington, Christchurch W. White and Co., Christchurch Ashby, Bergh, and Co., Christ'reh J. J. Craig, Auckland .. E. V. Worthington, Christchurch W. White and Co., Christchurch Sept. 30, 1898 Dec. 31, „ Sept. 30, 1899 Sept- 30, „ Sept. 30, „ Dec. 31, „ Sept. 30, 1898 Dec. 31, 1898 67 0 0 Schedule rates I 67 0 0 Schedule rates Jan. 18, 1898 March 7, „ March 9, „ March 26, „ March 22, „ April 18, „ Westland. March 31, 1899 Sept. 30, „ Sept. 30, „ March 31, 1898 Sept. 30, 1899 Sept. 30, „ Mar. 31, 1899 Schedule rates Cartage, Jackson's Stores Supply, Class 9, Greymouth Class 5, Class 8, Class 7, Glasses 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, Charles Mayo, Jackson's Charles Hansen, Greymouth James Holmes, Greymouth D. McKay, Greymouth J. J. Craig, Auckland Duncan McLean, Greymouth .. Mar. 31, 1898 » • Feb. 17, 1898 March 14, „ April 1, „ March 19, „ Otago. Coal Supply, Public Buildings, Dunedin Stores Supply, Classes 1, 2, 5, Classes 3,4, Class 6, Westport Coal Company, Dunedin Thomson, Bridger, & Co., Dunedin N.Z. Hardware Co., Ld., Dunedin Milburn Lime and Cement Company, Dunedin J. J. Craig, Auckland A. Briscoe and Co., Dunedin Steel and Clarke, Palmerston S. John Drake, Ravensbourne Westport Coal Company, Dunedin Dec. 31, 1898 Sept. 30, 1899 March 31, „ Sept. 30, „ Dec. 31, 1898 Mar. 31, 1899 Schedule rates ! March 22, „ March 12, „ March 16, 1899 Feb. 27, „ Jan. 20, „ „ Class 7, „ Classes 8, 9, Erection of Lime-kiln, Inch Valley Renewing and Repairing Quarantine Island Jetty Coal Supply, Public Buildings, Dunedin and Otago Central Railway Sept. 30, „ March 31, „ May 15, 1899 May 20, „ Dec. 31, „ Mar. 31,1899 May 20, 1899 it 227 2 3 206 17 9 Schedule rates • March 12, 1898 March 19, „ Southland. Stores Supply, Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, Invercargill Class 6, „ A. Briscoe and Co., Dunedin Milburn Lime and Cement Company, Dunedin J. J. Craig, Auckland Sept. 30, 1899 Sept. 30, „ Schedule rates March 22, „ Class 7, „ Sept. 30, „



APPENDIX D. SCHEDULE of Sleeper Contracts Current on 1st April 1898, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1899, showing Deliveries to the latter Date.

Date of Contract or Agreement. Contractor's Name. i Address. No. of Sleepers contracted for, and Class of Timber. Rate per Sleeper. Place of Delivery. Bate per Month. Date for Completion. Total _. , delivered , „ Da ' e .. to Date. of Completion. NOETH ISLAND. AUCKLAND DISTRICT. 2 Oct., 1897 30 Mar., 1898 20 May, „ 27 May, „ 12 July, , 12 July, . 12 July, „ 12 July, „ 12 July, „ 23 July, „ 1 Aug., „ 5 Aug , „ 10 Aug., „ G.G.Arnold.. D. Cleary W. H. Woolley W. H. Blott .. Tutahanga W. Fell D. Bruce G. Boulter W. Campbell .. D. Cleary H. Whimp Tahi .. A. Campbell .. I Wellington .. Whakapara.. Poro-o-tarao 930 ironbark 965 totara 1,000 „ 300 „ 319 „ 145 „ 150 „ 141 „ 172 „ 1,000 puriri 1,000 totara 109 „ 109 „ 608 ,, 167 puriri 472 totara 214 „ a. d. 4 0 Auckland.. 3 0 Whakapara 3 0 „ 3 0 Thames .. 3 0 Poro-o-tarao 3 0 3 0 3 0 3o " ;; 3 9 Thames .. " 3 0 Whakapara 3 0 Poro-o-tarao 3 0 3 0 Thames .. 3 9 3 0 Whakapara 3 0 Poro-o-tarao 250 300 300 100 31 May, 1898.. 30 April, „ .. 20 Aug., „ .. 27 Aug 18 Nov., „ .. 7 Nov., „ .. 8 Nov., „ .. 7 Nov., „ .. 17 Dec, „ .. 23 Sept., „ .. 1 Nov., „ .. 19 Dec, „ . 19 Dec, „ .. 14 Oct., . .. 14 Oct., „ .. 1 Oct., „ .. Various 930 965 1,000 313 319 145 150 141 172 1,000 1,000 109 109 608 167 472 214 31 May, 1898. 30 April, „ 20 Aug., 31 Aug., „ 18 Nov., „ 7 Nov., 8 Nov., . 7 Nov., „ 17 Dec, „ 23 Sept., „ 1 Nov., „ 19 Dec, 19 Dec, 14 Oct., 14 Oct., 1 Oct., ! I Whakapara.. goo 500 Poro-o-tarao 18 Aug., „ 17 Sept., „ Various .. T. Aspden J. Dobbs Sundry small contractors Whakapara.. Hukerenui .. Poro-o-tarao f 1 200 250 I 26 Feb., 1898 SOUTH ISLAND. Thomas and Holland .. Belgrove 2,000 blackbirch 500 ditto 1,000 500 500 500 NELSON DISTRICT. s. d. 2 0 Belgrove .. 26 June, 1898 .. 1,921 26 Feb., , 28 Feb., „ 28 Feb., „ 2 Mar., „ 9 Dec, „ T. A. Price .. P. Higgins Anglesey and Blanchett J. A. Brewerton T. Price No fixed rate 8 Dec, 1898. 2 0 „ 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 ... .. I .. \ 26 Mar., „ 28 April, „ 28 April, „ 10 Aug., , 31 Jan., 1899 .. I 532 1,254 500 572 !5 May, 11 Aug., . 15 May, .9 Feb., 1899. i



APPENDIX D— continued. SCHEDULE of Sleeper Contracts Current on 1st April, 1898, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department, &c.— continued.

Date of Contract or Agreement. Contractor's Name. Address. No. of Sleepers contracted for, and Class of Timber. Rate per Sleeper. Place of Delivery. Rate per Month. Date delivered Date for Completion. "o Date o£ 0om P lefcio, S OUTH ISLAND— continued. I WESTPORT DISTRICT. 14 Feb., 1898 15 Feb., „ 4 Mar., „ 4 Mar., „ 4 Mar., „ 7 April, „ 7 April, „ 7 April, „ 26 Sept., „ 28 Aug., „ .. D. Jones .. I James Jamieson .. McLean and Brskine .. .. W. Gibson .. j R. Richardson .. McKay and Greed .. ; Charles Low .. .. : Charles Bruning .. ' Williams and Gammon .. McKay and Creed Cape Foulwind .. ; 700 silverpine .. ! 1,000 ditto •'• 3,000 Addison's .. .. 1,000 ■• ! 500 Cape Foulwind ..2,000 .. 1,000 .. 1,000 400 .. 3,000 s. d. 2 6 Westport Wharf .. 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 „ 2 6 .... 2 6 2 6 2 6 .. No fixed rate Various 692 1,014 3,000 1,000 500 1,796 656 977 400 3,000 7 Oct., 1898 1 Aug. 31 Dec, 4 Nov., „ 9 Dec, 16 Nov., 1898. 9 Dec, 27 Nov., WESTLAND DISTRICT. 16 Dec, 1896 .. E. Olsen Blackball .. .. 1,000 silverpine Ngahere .. .. 1,000 ditto Stillwater .. .. 1,000 „ Moana .. .. 1,000 „ Blue Spur .. .. 1,000 „ .. 1,000 „ Humphrey's Gully .. 1,000 Piper's Flat .. 1,000 „ Kokiri .. .. 1,000 „ .. 1,000 „ Stillwater .. .. 2,000 . Kanieri .. .. 1,000 „ .. 1,000 „ .. 1,000 „ Kumara .. .. 1,317 „ Greymouth.. .. 1,689 „ .. 1,000 .. .. 1,000 „ Stafiord .. .. 1,422 „ Kumara .. .. 2,000 „ Dillmanstown .. 2,000 „ s. d. I 2 6 Greymouth .. No fixed rate 16 May, 1897 .. 1,000 9 May, 1898. 22 Dec, „ 22 Dec, „ 22 Dec, „ 17 Feb., 1897 17 Feb., „ 17 Feb., „ 8 Mar., „ 22 April, „ 22 April, „ 24 April, „ 12 July, „ 12 July, „ 12 July, „ 2 Aug., „ 10 Aug., „ 31 Aug., „ 31 Aug., „ 31 Aug., „ 27 Sept., „ . 1 Nov., „ .. I J. Walsh .. j A. Foord .. .. J J. J. Cunningham .. ! W. Cansell .. .. W. Martin .. A. Martin .. J. Sullivan .. J. Costigan, junior .. J. Hahn .. H. Lundquist .. J. H. Morris .. .. G. E. Morris .. .. J. McGuigan .. .. J. Martyn .. E. Cain .. G. H. Lawson .. A. B. Lawson .. .. J. Brown .. T. Morgan .. R. Watson 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 Hokitika 2 6 „ 2 6 „ 2 6 Greymouth 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 Hokitika 2 6 „ 2 6 „ 2 6 Kumara .. 2 6 Greymouth 2 6 Kumara 2 6 2 6 Hokitika .. 2 6 Kumara 2 6 2 i Greymouth I One-tenth first three months, •I one-tenth each succeeding [ month 22 May, „ .. 22 May, „ .. 22 May, „ .. 17 Aug., „ .. 17 Aug., „ .. 17 Aug., „ .. 8 Sept., „ .. 22 Oct., „ .. 22 Oct., „ .. 24 Jan., 1898 .. 31 Dec, 1897 .. 31 Dec, „ .. 31 Dec, „ .. 31 Mar., 1898 .. 31 Mar., „ .. No fixed rate .. 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 997 1,000 1,000 2,000 749 1,000 1,000 1,317 1,635 1,000 1,000 1,422 2,000 1,891 21 Dec, 16 Nov., „ 21 Nov., „ 14 Nov., „ 22 Dec, 22 Dec, 3 Dec, 1898. 7 July, 27 May, „ 23 Dec, 1898. 18 Oct., 19 Sept., „ 15 Nov., 1898. 1 Aug., 15 Nov., 23 Dec, 12 Nov., „ .. J. Baxter Kokiri .. .. 7,000 „ [ 23 April, 1898 7,000 18 July, 1898.



APPENDIX D— continued. SCHEDULE of Sleeper Contracts Current on 1st April, 1898, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department, &c.—continued.

Date of Contract or Agreement. Contractor's Name. Address. No. of Sleepers contracted for, and Glass of Timber. Rate per Sleeper. Place of Delivery. Rate per Month. D . Total for Completion. m %*™* to Date of Completion. S( UTH ISLAN D — continued. WESTLAND DISTRICT— continued. 7 Dec, 1897 7 Dec, , 9 Dec, „ 29 Dec, „ 29 Dec, „ 21 Jan., 1898 29 Jan., „ 29 Jan., „ 29 Jan., „ 1 Feb., „ 1 Feb., „ 7 Feb., „ 10 Feb., „ 10 Feb., „ 4 Mar., „ 7 Mar., „ 7 Mar., , 7 Mar., „ 9 Mar., „ 10 Mar., „ J. Adamson .. .. W. A. Lawson G. H. and A. B. Lawson C. Murtha J. Anderson .. J. Sutherland and party W. A. Saddler W. H. Hunt .. W. Stephens and party T. Joyce W. L. Stewart P. Nicholas .. J. Patterson Punch and Denia J. Taylor T. and E. Stephen J. Newton Stratford, Blair, and Co. J. Coyle McGuire, Gilpin, and Anderson Ruthven, Hogan, anci Kennedy J. Dixon T. S. Taylor Butler Brothers C. Murtha D. Watson Baxter Brothers and Foord J. McLay E. J. Gale C. Dobson Saunders and party D. Watson .. W. Hunt L. Zala J. Stephens .. C. E. Fellows S. Dixon Sundry small contractors Ross Kumara B • • Lamplough.. Okarito Nelson Greek Rimu Greymouth .. 2,000 silverpine 1,000 ditto 1,000 „ 1,000 „ 1,000 „ 2,000 „ 1,000 „ 1,000 „ 1,000 „ 1,000 „ 1,000 „ 1,000 „ 1,000 „ 1,000 „ 1,000 „ 1,000 „ 1,000 „ 2,000 „ 1,000 „ 1,500 „ s. d. 2 6 Hokitika 2 6 Kumara 2 6 „ 2 6 » •■ 2 6 Stafford .. 2 6 Hokitika .. 2 6 Brunner 2 6 , 2 6 Hokitika 2 6 Brunner 2 6 „ 2 6 Kumara 2 6 Brunner .. 2 6 Hokitika .. 2 6 Brunner .. 2 6 Hokitika'.. 2 6 ... 2 6 Brunner .. 2 6 Hokitika .. 2 6 Brunner No fixed rate u No fixed rate .. 2,000 1,000 1,000 750 790 1,374 1,000 1,000 908 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 503 1,000 2,000 1,000 1,500 20 Feb., 1899. 14 June, 1898. 1 Aug., 11 Mar.",' 1899. 15 Aug., 1898. 1 April,' 1898. 11 Aug., . 24 Feb., 1899. 27 July, 1898. 8 Dec, 29 June, Greenstone .. Kotuku Ross Cobden Rimu Kawhaka .. Greymouth .. Hokitika .. Kokiri 26 Aug., 1898. 16 Sept., „ 25 May, 10 May, » 11 Mar., „ Maori Gully 1,500 „ 2 6 „ 1,500 7 June, „ 14 Mar., „ 4 April, „ 4 April, „ 4 April, „ 11 April, „ 27 April, . Kawhaka .. Cobden Kokiri Kumara Kokiri 1,000 „ 1,000 „ 1,500 „ 1,000 „ 1,000 „ 2,000 „ 2 6 Hokitika 2 6 Brunner 2 6 „ 2 6 Kumara 2 6 Brunner 2 6 1,000 1,000 1,163 26 Aug., 22 Dec, 1,000 1,877 3 Dec, 1898. 27 April, „ 6 June, „ 7 June, „ 7 June, „ 9 June, „ 29 Aug., . 3 Sept., „ 21 Nov., „ 28 Nov., „ 21 Dec, „ Various* Brunner Arahura Kotuku Kokiri Kumara Okarito Marsden Ross Kawhaka .. Various 1,500 „ 1,000 . 1,000 „ 1,500 „ 1,000 „ 1,000 „ 1,000 „ 1,000 „ 1,000 „ 1,000 „ 42,912 „ 2 6 „ 2 6 Hokitika .. 2 6 Brunner 2 6 „ 2 6 2 6 Kumara 2 6 Hokitika 2 6 Paroa 2 6 Hokitika 2 6 , 2 6 Various .. 1,500 1,000 1,000 1,500 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 794 6 Oct., 1898. 8 Dec, 31 Oct., 31 Oct., 30 Sept., „ 24 Feb., 1899. 17 Jan., 27 Mar., „ ■ 33 1366 (/ • • * Contracts entered into for sup] of sleei iers in lots of less than 1,000.



APPENDIX D— continued. SCHEDULE of Sleeper Contracts Current on 1st April, 1898, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department, &c.— continued

Date of Contract or Agreement. Contractor's Name. Address. No. of Sleepers contracted for, and Class of Timber, Rate per Sleeper. Place of Delivery. Rate per Month. Date , r Tota i Date for Completion. o£ Completion. S ODTH IS LAND — continued. Ferrier Brothers .. Invercargill.. F. Jack .. .. Winton J. Gardiner .. 500 blackpine 3,000 ditto 1,200 blackpine and totara 500 kamai 1,000 blackpine 4,000 ditto 500 500 800 700 500 1,350 ironbark OTAGi s. d. 2 6 ) DISTRICT. Forest Hill Railway 1 April, 1898 No fixed rate Various 525 30 April, 1898. 1 April, 1 May, 2 6 2s. 6d. and 3s. 3,135 1,277 31 Oct., 31 Dec, 1 Aug., 1 Oct., Latta Brothers .. Owaka Egerton Brothers .. Winton 2 0 2 6 Otago Central Railway Forest Hill Railway a • • • • ti • • 500 1,000 31 Aug., . 30 Nov., 1 Oct., 1 Nov., 1 Nov., 1 Nov., „ 1 Nov., „ 1 Nov., „ 16 Nov., „ Jack Brothers .. „ T. J. Dixon .. W. St. George E. Jamieson and Co. .. J. Kilkelly .. T. Kilkelly .. G. A. Whealler .. Blufi 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 19s. per 100 b.m. 2 6 3,057 500 510 803 750 500 694 31 Mar.,. 1899: 31 Mar., „ 30 Nov., 1898. 30 Nov., „ 30 Nov., 30 Nov., „ Bluff u • • • • The lot within two months.. 15 Jan., 1899 .. 1 Deo., J. Clerk .. .. i Winton C. Lake 500 blackpine 500 blackpine and totara 700 blackpine 500 ditto 1,000 blackpine and totara 600 blackpine 1,000 ditto Forest Hill Railway No fixed rate Various 500 31 Deo., 1898. 1 Jan., 1899 2s. 6d. and 3s. 500 31 Jan., 1899. 1 Jan., Cox and Fryer 2 6 750 31 Jan., 1 Jan., 1 Jan., A. W. Pettigrew P. Kilkelly T. Amoa 2 6 2s. 6d. and 3s. • • • n ■ * 500 1,000 31 Jan., 28 Feb., . 1 Feb., „ 2 6 v • • 600 28 Feb., . 1 Mar., „ D. King .. 2 6 ft • • 1,000 31 Mar., „





The Engineer-in-Chief to the Hon. the Minister for Public Works. Sir,— Public Works Office, Wellington, Ist July, 1899. I have the honour to submit the following report on the various works completed and in progress throughout the colony during the past year. RAILWAYS. Abstract.

The following table shows the expenditure and liabilities on Government railways in New Zealand up to the 31st March, 1899 :—

Name of Railway. Total Length of Railway or Section. Open (or Traffic. Expenditure to 31st March, 1899. Liabilities 31st March, 1899. Kaihu Valley Kawakawa Whangarei-Kamo and Extension Helensville Northwards .. ... Kaipara-Waikato, with Branches Waikato-Thames Thames Valley—Rotorua Wellington-Napier and Palmerston North (including Te Aro Extension and Grey town Branch) Wellington-Foxton Foxton-New Plymouth, with Branches North Island Main Trunk Nelson-Eoundell Midland Railway* .. Greymouth-Nelson Greek Greymouth-Hokitika Westport-Ngakawau Westport-Ngakawau Extension to Mokihinuif Mokininui Colliery Line J .. ■ .. Picton-Hurunui — Picton-Blind River Section Hurunui-Red Post Section Hurunui-Waitaki, with Branches Canterbury Interior Main Line —Oxford-Temuka Waitaki-Bluff, with Branches Otago Central .... Invercargill-Kingston, with Mararoa Branch Forest Hill Railway—Winton-Hedgehope§ Western Railways Preliminary surveys Miscellaneous Stock of permanent-way on hand Value of permanent-way in hands of Railway Department Rolling-stock M. ch. 19 40 7 41 46 74 110 0 151 1 62 58 69 33 M. ch. 17 21 7 41 21 26 10 48 151 1 62 58 89 33 £ s. d. 54,858 19 2 79,367 17 7 135,970 8 2 83,763 6 0 1,219,493 6 10 315,554 16 6 353,321 18 7 £ s. d. 66 0 0 458 0 0 799 0 0 3,941 0 0 113 0 0 233 12 233 12 1,926,870 2 9 42,116 3 4 1,298,302 13 8 646,122 17 2 162.541 12 2 82,050 5 6 166,471 11 11 187.542 0 3 187,512 15 7 137 0 0 195 49 213 0 52 0 195 49 69 40 22 73 6,695 0 0 7 51 24 37 19 56 7 12 3 69 7 51 24 37 19 56 7 12 3 69 20,615 0 0 37 5 9 50 474 41 83 0 503 50 182 56 117 4 12 40 57 56 20 42 9 50 433 38 11 44 459 33 77 45 97 44 254,308 7 8 39,093 6 1 2,135,046 7 6 59,343 9 2 3,312,251 0 7 765,625 14 4 279,214 13 2 15,275 15 1 214,413 12 3 57,824 18 7 10,336 19 11 33,262 3 5 800 0 0 56 0 0 4,946 0 0 12,753 0 0 57 56 1,789 0 0 591 0 0 17,296 0 0 25,000 0 0 1,884,533 14 0 6,816 0 0 Total 2,701 35 2,091 19 16,027,390 16 11 77,871 0 0 Provincial Govebnment Linus, etc. Canterbury (lengths included above) Otago Gisborne to Ormond Tramway 731,759 0 0 372,522 2 5 4,975 1 7 Grand total 2,701 35 2,091 19 17,136,647 0 11 77,871 0 0 * The amount shown as expenditure represents the proport. + The funds for this extension—namely, £35,601 2s. lid.—wel t The funds for purchase of this line, £15,745, were provided § The expenditure on this line as a tramway was made by t) ionate aniou; re provided b; by the Westp he Lands Dei it unrecovere Y the Westpo ort Harbour lartment. 3d from the Midland R: >rt Harbour Board. Board. lilway Company.



During the year a total length of 33 miles 74 chains of railway was opened for traffic. The following table contains particulars of the sections: —

Appended hereto is a coloured diagram showing the length of railway opened each year since the commencement of the public works. Whangaeei-Kamo Eailway Extension. Hukerenui Section (11 m. 25 eh. to 14 m. 57 eh.; length, 3 miles 32 chains). —This section was completed for traffic and handed over to the Working-Bailway Department on the 21st of December last. The further extension of this line has not yet been authorised by Parliament, and, therefore, though plans, &c, are ready, the proposed extension to 16 m. cannot be put in hand. Helensville-Nobthwabd Eailway. Taheheroa Section (46 m. 36 eh. to 49 m. 54 eh.; length, 3 miles 18 chains). —This section has been resurveyed, and formation works for the first two miles have been well advanced towards completion. Contracts for ironbark and native timber have been let, and the latter has been delivered, and the necessary ironwork for the bridges is being procured. The land-plan survey is in progress and about half done. Komokoriki Section (49 m. 54 eh. to 56 m.; length, 6 miles 26 chains). —A start is being made with falling and clearing the bush on the first two miles. Gkahamstown-Te Aeoha Eailway. Thames-Paeroa Section (0 mile to 19 m. 20 eh.; length, 19 miles 20 chains).—The reconstruction and completion of this section was sufficiently well advanced to enable it to be opened for traffic on the 19th of December last. Since then the several works on the section have been for the most part finished, and it is expected that the whole section will be completed by the end of this month. A telegraph-line has been constructed from the Thames to Paeroa. North Island Main Trunk Eailway. North End. Mokau-Poro-o-tarao Section (34 m. 43 eh. to 49 m. 7 eh.; length, 12 miles 43 chains.) —This section has been maintained during the year, and is in fair order. Ohinemoa Section (49 m. 18-79 eh. to 53 m. 53 eh.; length, 4 miles 34-21 chains). —Very considerable progress has been made with the earth-work on the first three miles of this section. The country is very treacherous, and requires a considerable amount of draining to insure the stability of the works. The draining done so far appears to be fairly successful. South End. Makohine Section (22 m. 40 eh. to 33 m. 40 eh.; length, 11 miles.) —The tunnel at 33 m. has been completed. The only work now being done on this section is the flattening of the slopes of the papa cuttings between 33 m. 5 eh. and 33 m. 20 eh. Makohine Viaduct. —The concrete foundations were completed in September last. The work of manufacturing the piers was begun in August last; an electric light installation was fitted up in December last, and work has since been carried on night and day. The drilling of the component plates and angle-sections of the piers and the fitting of them together is now well advanced, the bases, anchor-girders, and bolts, the columns and main-face diagonal braces being all well advanced, and a start will shortly be made with the erection of the pier D. A considerable amount of work has been done in drilling the plates, angles, &c, for the centre-span and cantilever girders. Mangaweka Section (33 m. 40 eh. to 40 m. 40 eh.; length, 7 miles). — Nearly all the heavy works on this section are in hand, and considerable progress has been made with many of the cuttings, culverts, &c. Three out of the four tunnels on the section are in hand, and, in addition to the approach cuttings, about 23 chains of 8 ft. by 8 ft. headings have been driven in the three tunnels, the sheds and plant for making concrete blocks for tunnel-lining have been removed from Powhakaroa to 35 m. 56 eh., and the work of making blocks for the tunnel-arching is begun. A service-road from the Eangitikei Eiver to the sheds has been cut. It is proposed to deviate the line from about 36 m. 51 eh. to 36 m. 70 eh., and substitute a tunnel for a bridge, some heavy cuttings and other works. The overhanging cliffs and the steep slope to the river below the line would make the works at first proposed somewhat insecure. Paengaroa Section (40m. 40ch. to 50m. 40ch.; length, 10 miles).—The felling and clearing of the bush on this section was finished early in the year, and the earthworks and culvert construction have been put in hand up to 44 m. 50 eh., and most of the lighter work has been finished. Deviation surveys to improve the alignment, &c, have been made at Taihape Township. The works have been reduced, and a better station-site for the township obtained. 14—D. 1.

Railway. Section. Section. Length. Length. Date opened for Traffic. Whangarei-Kamo Extension ... Whakapara-Waiotu Waikato-Thames ... ... Paeroa-Thames ... Otago Central ... ... Kokonga-Banfurly Total ... M. oh. 3 29 19 20 ... 11 25 ... 33 74 21st December, 1898. 19th December, 1898. 14th December, 1898.



Midland Railway. Belgrove Section (21 m. 35 oh. to 26 m. 71 eh. ; length, 5 miles 36 chains).— This section was maintained for part of the year until the line was opened for traffic. Motupiko Section (86 m. 71 eh. to 29m. 20ch.; length, 2 miles 29 chains). —The platelaying and other works on this section were completed during the year. Motueka Section (29 m. 20 eh. to 30 m. 58 eh.; length, 1 mile 38 chains). —■The bridge and other works, including the station yard and station buildings, were finished during the year. The above three sections were opened for regular traffic on the Ist of March last, though passenger trains had been run over the sections previous to this date, and goods trains for a longer time. Springfield Section (Om. to 6 m.; length, 6 miles). —The platelaying and ballasting has been done from 4m. 59 eh. to sm. 47 eh., and a temporary siding laid at sm. 43 eh. An office, &c, has been built at 5 m. 33 eh., and it has been connected to Springfield by a telephone line. Mount Torlesse Section (6m. to 18m.; length, 12 miles). —The cuttings, banks, culverts, &c, are in hand up to 9 m. 63 eh. at Staircase Gully, and considerable progress has been made. Two tunnels have been started, and some progress has been made with the driving, and lining has been begun. One tunnel-front has been completed. The lining is of brick and rubble masonry. A contract for the supply of 100,000 bricks has been let, and over half the quantity has been delivered. A service-road has been made up to 9m. 60 eh.; and a branch-road has been made to the Waimakariri Biver, to get a supply of shingle. All this work has been satisfactorily carried out by co-operative labour. Otira Section (32 m. 11 eh. to 37 to. 75 eh. from Stillwater, and 12 m. 21 eh. to 6 m. 8 eh. from Arthur's Pass ; length, about 12 miles 7 chains, including deviation). —A large amount of work has been done on this section during the year, and very good progress has been made. The line is nearly completed for about eight miles beyond Jackson's Eailway-station, and a locomotive ran from Jackson's to Aicken's for the first time on the 29th ultimo. There are now only a few gaps in the banks between Aicken's and Otira Stations, and two small bridges have to be finished. The permanent-way has been laid for seven miles and a quarter, nearly two miles of ballasting has been finished, and about a mile and a half more is partly done. Three locomotives are in use for hauling ballast and stone for the protective-works. Two steam-cranes are in use for loading stone, and a third is being erected. A flood, said to be the highest during the last twenty-five years, occurred in the end of January last. This flood showed that the bank was too low in some places. Some damage to the unfinished works was caused by the flood ; but some relief was got by an advantageous change in the river-bed at one of the worst places. Similar changes might at other times cause considerable trouble in the future. It will take a considerable time for the protective stone-work to sink sufficiently far into the shingle to be beyond the influence of scour, and until this takes place there will always be some danger of damage by floods where the railway-bank runs along the river-bed. Every effort is being made to push on with the work of protecting the bank. The weather during the year has been very favourable for the prosecution of the works on this section. The location of the line beyond the Otira Station, over Arthur's Pass, is still under consideration. A special report by a committee of engineers, dealing with the general question, was submitted in October last. Blenheim-A watebe Railway. . The formation on this line was completed under contracts up to 28 m. 385 eh. some years ago, and the line was opened to 20 m. 42 eh. on the 18th April, 1893. A start was made to complete the line in September last. The small bridges between 20 m. 54 eh. and 23 m. 60 eh. have been put in hand, and the earthworks on the line up to 28 m. 38 eh. have been, for the most part, made good. Awatere Section (28 m. 38 eh. to 33 m. 60 eh.; length, 5 miles 22 chains). —The earthworks and culverts on this section were begun, and were well in hand early in the present year. The works are generally of a light nature, except at the approaches to the Awatere Bridge. All the cuttings and banks up to the Awatere River are in hand, and some of them are almost completed ; the culverts, pipes, &c, are completed. The approach cuttings to the Awatere Bridge have been begun. A contract was let to Messrs. Scott Brothers, of Christchurch, in April last, for the construction of a combined road and railway-bridge over the Awatere River. This bridge will be 1,065 ft. long. The superstructure is to be of steel, supported on cast-iron cylinder and concrete piers and abutments. The contract price is £22,001 18s. 6d., and the contract date for completion is the Bth April, 1901. Inch Valley Lime-Quaeey Railway. This line is a branch of the Palmerston-Dunback line, and branches off at the Inch Valley Station, about six miles from Palmerston South. Its length is about two miles and a quarter. The work of construction was begun in August last, and is now well advanced towards completion. Two timber bridges have been built—one over the Shag River is 388 ft. long ; the fencing, cattlestops, &c, are finished. The earthworks were somewhat heavy. A lime-kiln is being built under contract, and the plate-laying will be begun shortly. A cooler and hauling-engine have yet to be provided to complete the works. Land-plan surveys for a mile and three-quarters have been done. Otago Centeal Railway. Hyde-Kyeburn Section (56 m. 20 eh. to 77 m. 35 eh.; length, 21 miles 15 chains). —The works on this section from Kokonga to Ranfurly Station, including the bridge over the Taieri River, were finished during the year, and the section was opened for traffic on the 14th December last.


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Wedderbiorn Section (77 m. 35 eh. to 85 m. 60 eh.; length, 8 miles 25 chains). —Work was begun on this section in July of last year, and, as the works are for the most part of an easy character, very good progress has been made, the earthworks being completed on nearly five miles and well advanced on the remainder of the section. The Eweburn Bridge (a small structure) and the Wedderburn Station are the principal works yet to be done. It is expected that the line can be opened for traffic to Wedderburn Station (85 m. 60 eh.) .by next winter. Ida Valley Section (85 m. 60 eh. to 93 m. 20 eh. ; length, 7 miles 40 chains). —Work was begun on this section in March last. A number of culverts has been put in. Land-plan surveys for a mile and three-quarters have been done, and several of the cuttings have been started. Sbawaed Bush Railway. Waituna and Titiroa Sections (18 m. to 24 m. 52 eh.; length 6 miles 52 chains). —All the formation-works, bridges, and flood openings are finished, the rails laid, and the ballasting done up to 24 m. 52 eh. The Waimahaka Station buildings are not yet complete. Up to the date of opening, on the 9th of June last, traffic was worked by the ballast-engine on these sections. The works were very heavy, high banks and numerous flood-openings being required across the swamps on each side of the Mataura River, in addition to the bridge over the river itself. Forest Hill Railway. During the year the reduction of the 1 in 40 grades, widening of earthworks, relaying the first ten miles of the line with 40 lb. rails have been finished, and re-ballasting the line has been nearly completed. A considerable amount of station accommodation has been provided. SURVEYS. Surveys of New Lines. Hukerenui-Kawakawa. —An examination of the country has again been made, and a start with locating the line has been made at the Hukerenui end. Paeroa-Waihi Branch Line. —The survey of this line was completed last year, and since then the plans, &c, have been finished. The estimated cost of the branch line is £82,000 for a length of 12 miles and 30 chains. North Island Main Trunk Railway (north end). —The permanent survey has been extended to 83 m. to a point four miles south of the crossing of the Wanganui River. The plans have been finished for ten miles up to 68 m. South End.— The trial line has been run to the junction with the north end survey at 83 m. on the chainage from Te Awamutu. This point is 129 m. 40 eh. on the chainage from Marton junction. The permanent line has been pegged up to 109 m. 60 eh. All the viaducts between Waimarino and the Wanganui River have been avoided. GISBORNE-ROTORUA SURVEY. A reconnaissance survey, to determine the best route for a line of railway between Gisborne and Rotorua, is nearly completed, and also a similar survey between Gisborne and Opotiki; the complete reports are, however, not yet to hand. Napier-Gisbornb Railway. Three lines are explored and aneroid heights of the principal points determined between Napier and Wairoa, one being the route proposed by Mr. Knorpp along the sea coast, another an inland route via the Esk Valley and across country to Mohaka, thence it follows the Tβ Kiwi and Ohinepaka Valleys to the Wairoa River. A third line vid the Tutaekuri and Mohaka Valleys was found to be exceedingly rough. Between Wairoa and Gisborne, two routes were explored. The line follows the Wairoa River to Opoiti, then two routes are available —one vid the Mangapoika and Te Arai Valleys, and the other following the Hangarou River and the Mangaweka and Te Aroha Streams to the Gisborne Plains. After the exploration was finished, extending over three hundred miles, the trial line survey was begun, the route finally selected for this being that along the Esk Valley. About forty-two miles have been finished from Napier, and about six miles additional have been graded. The ruling gradient obtained is lin 40, with 6-chain curves. WELLINGTON-WoODVILLE RAILWAY. A trial line has been surveyed from near Kaitoke Station to Featherston vid the road saddle, and a line has been chained and aneroid levels taken between Kaitoke Station and Woodside Station via the Tauherinikau River ; also, trial lines have been run between the Upper Hutt and Kaitoke Stations. An exploration was again made of the suggested route vid the Wainui-o-mata, Orongo-rongo, and Wairongomai Valleys, and also of two other suggested routes. The surveys show that much better grades are obtainable at reasonable cost between the Upper Hutt and Woodside Stations than exist on the opened line. Midland Railway. A deviation trial-survey vid the Tadmor Valley was begun in June of last year, and had been completed from 36 m. 10 eh. up to 52 m. 40 eh. by the end of May of this year. It is expected that the field-work of this survey will be finished this month, and the plans in about six weeks time. Much easier grades are obtainable, and the works will be lighter by this route than by the route originally proposed. More country will be opened up.



Blenheim-Waif aka Bail way Survey. The working-survey has been extended 33 m. 47 eh. to 38 m. 40 eh. This carries the per manent location through the Starborongh Estate. A trial survey has been finished up to 51m. 5 eh., and is still in progress, the explorations to determine the route being advanced some distance beyond the above-mentioned point. In May last a trial line survey was started at the Waipara end to determine the best route and the character of the works required to connect the main line with the section of this line permanently located through the Cheviot Estate. SLEEPEES. A large number of contracts and agreements for the supply of sleepers .were current during the year ended 31st March last, and the deliveries made in the districts from which they were obtained were as follows, viz.:— Auckland District: 930 ironbark, 1,167 puriri, 5,717 totara. Nelson District: 5,279 black-birch. Westport District: 13,035 silver-pine. Westland District: 104,536 silver-pine. Otago District: 694 ironbark, 16,907 black-pine and totara, 500 kamai. Details of contracts current during the year ended 31st March last will be found in Appendix D. EOADS, BEIDGES, ETC. Auckland District . A contract for repairs to Mangere Bridge was completed during the year, also contracts for repairs to the Panmure and Orakei Bridges. The District Engineer has supervised the construction of a further portion of Whangaparapara to Blind Bay Eoad for the Mines Department. This is being done by co-operative labour. Westland Disteicts. The road from Waimangaroa to Denniston has been completed to 3m. 40 eh.; the width is 7 ft. The survey has been completed to Denniston. The following works were inspected and reported on: Karamea Bridge; road from Lyell Bridge to Eyan's; road, Costello's Hill to Charleston; road, Granity Creek southwards; road from Westport to Waimangaroa; road from Eeefton to Black's Point. The deviation of the Great South Eoad round Mount Hercules is nearly completed. The length is 5 m. 4561 eh. Estimates have been prepared showing the cost of the completion of the Mapourika Lake Road, The work requiring to be dons is the widening of the existing track. Repairs to the Okarito Forks-Waiho Eoad have been carried out during the past summer. These consisted of putting metal on some of the worst parts of the road, cleaning out drains, renewing culverts, and repairs to a bridge. Only partial repairs were possible with the money available. The following works were reported on for the Mines Department: Eoad, Grey Eiver to Moon.light; track, Moonlight to Paparoa; track to Crcesus Battery ; Ten-mile Bridge, Barrytown Eoad; Twelve-mile Eoad Bridge, Grey; Kumara Eoad; Denniston Track; No Town Bridge; Blackball-Paparoa Track ; Moonlight-Paparoa Track ; Ahaura Bridge repairs ; Paroa-Teremakau Eoad; Cape Terrace Eoad; Donnelly's Creek foot-bridge, Eoss; Brandy Jack's Creek Bridge, Totara Flat; Grey Eiver; Moonlight Eoad; Croesus Track; track, Ten-mile Creek, Barrytown Road ; track, Lake Brunner to Maori Creek; road-bridge, Maori Creek; bridge over Little Grey at Squaretown. Reports were furnished on Stillwater Road Bridge ; Taipo Seven-mile-track; flooddamage, Hokitika Wharf; roads and bridges between Okarito, the Forks, Mapourika, and Waiho. Miscellaneous. Head Office plans and specifications for a steel cantilever road-bridge over the Eangitikei Rirer at Mangaweka were prepared. Designs for the restoration of the Vinegar Hill Bridge were reported on for the Rangitikei County Council, and on a suspension-bridge over the Mangawhero River for the Wanganui County Council. A report on a suitable design for a bridge over the Taueru River was furnished to the Carterton-Taratahi Road Board. A report on the Shoal Bay Rifle-range was furnished to the Defence Department. A considerable amount of work has been done in improving the Mount Eden Rifle-range, and a small house has been built to hold apparatus, &c.

PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Auckland District. Te Aroha Sanatorium. —The new bath-house was completed,, and an outside swimming-bath has been concreted and plastered, and other works done. Government House, Auckland. —The repairing and renovating of the interior of the building was continued and finished during the year, and by the end of April everything was put in fair order. A new guard-house has been built at the Princes Street entrance. The grounds have been kept in their usual order; a part was occupied by the Auckland Industrial and Mining Exhibition from May, 1898, to February, 1899, but the buildings, &c, have not yet all been removed.


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An exhibit of timber, &c, was made at the Auckland Industrial and Mining Exhibition. Departmental Buildings, Auckland. —The usual repairs were done. Considerable trouble has been experienced with the warping of window-sashes to such an extent as to break the glass. It has been found necessary to remove some of the worst sashes. Departmental Buildings, Thames. —Eepairs have been done to the main building. A strongroom has been built for the Courthouse, and the Post-office outbuildings have been rebuilt or repaired. Departmental Buildings, Tauranga. —A chimney struck by lightning has been repaired, and a new tank fixed. New Gaol, Mount Eden. —The front walls of the central block are now up to the level of the ground floor, and the back walls nearly. Prison Gaol, Shortland. —Eepairs and painting to residence have been done. Auckland University College. — Plans for a large addition have been prepared and a contract let. Good progress is being made with the work. The contract sum is £1,116 11s. Avondale Asylum. —The airing-courts were tarred. Plans for twenty additional single rooms were prepared, and a contract for their construction has been let. Supreme Court, Auckland. —Eepairs, &c, have been done during the year. District Court, Auckland. —The strong-room additions were finished, and plans and estimates for some additions to the building prepared. Goromandel Courthouse. —A new strong-room has been built. Paeroa Courthouse. —Two additional rooms have been built, and some alterations were made to give additional accommodation. Gas has been laid on the building. Plans and estimate of further alterations have been prepared. Hamilton Courthouse. —Some gravelling to the paths has been done, and some necessary repairs. Mercer Courthouse. —Some repairs and gravelling have been done. Te Aroha Courthouse. —Venetian and other blinds have been put up. Dargaville Courthouse. —A new iron roof has been put on, the outside painted, and repairs done. Police-station, Auckland (Chancery Lane). —Various repairs to gas and water mains have been done. Police-station and Barracks, O'Borke Street. —The old stone barracks have been pulled down, and a contract let for a new building. Work was started at the end of December last, and good progress has been made, the contract being nearly half finished. Police-station, Coromandel.—The maintenance period for the new building expired in July last. An extra room for an office has been built, and some fencing done. Police-station, Thames. —Plans for a residence were prepared last year; a contract has been let, and the work is about half done. Police-station, Karangahake. —A lock-up started last year has been finished. Police-station, Te Aroha. —Two additional rooms have been built; some painting and repairs done, also some fencing. Te Kuiti Police-station. —-A new building has been erected, and the lock-up has been removed to the back of the new building. Cambridge Police-station. —Plans have been prepared for a new building, and a tender has been accepted for its erection. Mercer Police-station. —Additional rooms and a store-house have been built, and some fencing and repairs done. Ngaruawahia Police-station. —A report and estimate of the cost of building two additional rooms have been furnished. Post-office, Auckland —Several rooms have been combined into one large room, forming a room for the telephone multiple-switch room. The inside of the telegraph office has been renovated, a new stairway has been built, and the old telephone room has been made into a mechanicians' room. All ordinary repairs have been attended to. Post-office, Mongonui. —A contract to build three additional rooms has been finished, a fence has been erected, and some repairs done. Post-office, Otahuhu. —A new brick building has been finished. Whangarei Post-office. —A contract to build a new room for a money-order office has been completed. , Waitekauri Post-office. —Two additional living-rooms have been built, and some fencing done. Newton Post-office.— Some repairs and some painting and paperhanging have been done. Warkworth Post-office. —Some painting and paperhanging were done, and a new stove fixed. Te Aroha Post-office. —Some repairs have been done; the building of an additional room and painting are now being done. Raglan Post-office.— Eepairs to this building have been done. Parnell Post-office. —Two suggested sites for the proposed building were reported on. Coromandel Post-office Residence. —Some repairs and fencing are to be gone on with at once. Industrial Home, Parnell. —The persistent endeavours made to remedy the bad drainage around the building have so far not been successful, but there aeems some hope of a general drainage scheme being undertaken. Ponsonby Hall. —This building has been let at various times during last winter. Admiralty House. —The lease to Mr. Taylor is still in force. Wairangi Bark-shed. —A lean-to to shelter a portable engine for bark-crushing has been built. Whirinaki Native School.- —The contract for building the school and residence has been completed during the year. Utakura. —A contract for building a school was completed in November last, and a contract to build a residence was completed in March.

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Manata. —A contract for combined school and residence was completed in August last, and two additional rooms were added in September. Bakaumanga,. —A contract for a Native school and residence has just been completed. The maintenance period has not yet expired. Whakataue-Waimana Native School. —A contract for this building has just been completed after considerable difficulty was experienced by the contractor. The maintenance is still going on. A report, with estimates of necessary repairs and alterations required at Auckland Drillshed, has been furnished to the Defence Department. New Plymouth-Wanganui-Napiek Districts. Mokau. —A one-cell lock-up has been built. A contract is now advertised for the erection of a police-station. New Plymouth. —lt is proposed to add three or more rooms to the police-station. Inglewood Police-station is to be added to, and painting and repairs done. Opunake Police-station. —A new residence has been constructed by contract. Manaia Police-station. —A new residence has been built. Rahotu. —A contract to erect a building to form a cell and office is about to be advertised. Normanby. —A contract for additions, repairs, and painting is in progress. Eltham Police-station. —lt is proposed to erect an office as an addition to the residence. Waverley. —A contract for additions, repairs, and painting to the police-station is in hand. Marton. —A contract is being prepared for repairs and painting. Feilding. —The proposed new station has not yet been put in hand. Ashhurst. —A one-cell lock-up has been built. Dannevirke. —Additions, repairs, and painting at the police-station are being done by contract. Ormondville.— Small repairs have been done to the police-station. Waipawa. —A report on the condition of the constables' quarters has been furnished. New buildings are required. Hastings. —Additions, repairs, and painting to the police-station have been done by contract. Napier Police-station. —A report has been made on trapping and ventilation required for the drains. Waitara. —A post- and telegraph-office has been built by contract. Hawera. —The damage caused to the floors of the upper story by dry-rot has been made good. Sanson. —The post- and telegraph-office has been repaired and painted, and the drains trapped and ventilated. Mangaweka. —A contract for the erection of a post- and telegraph-office is now in progress. Napier Post- and Telegraph-office. —The trapping and ventilation required for the drains has been reported on Palmerston North Courthouse. —The contract for the erection of this building has been carried out satisfactorily. Woodville. —A new shed and conveniences have been supplied for the Courthouse. Wanganui. —A contract for repairs and painting is being prepared. Napier Courthouse. —The drainage has been finished, and a report with further recommendations made. Eketahuna. —Tenders have been accepted for the erection of a Courthouse. New Plymouth Departmental Buildings. —A contract has been prepared for some small additions, drainage repairs, and painting, but is held over pending a decision regarding the erection of a clock-tower. Napier Departmental Buildings. —The drainage has been inspected, and a report and recommendation made. Pipiriki. —The Native Schoolroom has been scrimmed and papered, and linoleum laid on the floors. Palmerston North. —Plans were prepared for the transformation of the old public-works buildings into a residence for the Stock Inspector, but have not been approved. Wanganui. —It is proposed to make additions to the Customhouse, to provide offices for the Lands and Stock Departments. Wellington-Mablbokough Disteict. General Post-office. —A new goods- and passenger-elevator has been provided ; additional fittings have been supplied ; and general repairs have been carried out as required. Masterton. —Tenders have been invited for the erection of a large building for post- and telegraph-office. Beniuicktown.- —A new post- and telegraph-office has been built. Picton.— Post- and telegraph-office has been repaired and painted. Plans have been prepared for a post-office at Petone. Parliament Buildings. —A contract for the completion of the new portion of the building is practically finished. Portions of the buildings have been repainted. Government House has had the drainage system altered to conform to the new sanitary by-laws of the Wellington Corporation. A new conservatory has been built, and additions made to the gardener's cottage. Numerous repairs have been attended to. The Government Printing Office has been heated throughout with steam - radiators, and the drainage system altered to be in accordance with the new sanitary by-laws. A large amount of work was done in connection with alterations in internal arrangements.



New 6-in. water-mains have been laid from the reservoir, Ministerial residence, Tinakori Eoad West, to supply water for garden purposes at the Parliament Buildings grounds, Government House grounds, and the engine-room, Printing Office. The telephone exchange has been provided with hot-water heating pipes. The drainage of Mount View Asylum has been reconstructed to be in accordance with the new sanitary regulations of the city, and additional fire-escape staircases have been constructed in the female wing. Porirua Asylum. —A new wing has been added to the female division, capable of accommodating seventy-eight patients ; and works are now in progress to give accommodation for fiftyseven patients, in single rooms, for acute cases; also, a block containing a dining-room, sewingroom, and sleeping-accommodation for twenty female patients is in progress. An isolated morgue and dissecting-room has been built. Central Police-station. —Additional cells have been erected, and a new kitchen-room built for the constables. The drainage of the building has been altered to conform to the new sanitary by-laws, and at the same time the drainage of the adjacent Supreme Court building was altered. The whole of the offices, corridors, barrack-rooms, &c, have been renovated and repainted. The upper floor plan has been remodelled and eight bedrooms provided. A brick stable has been built. Electric lighting has been supplied to the Terrace Gaol. A retaining-wall has been built along Banks's Terrace, Mount Cook Gaol. A stable and shed have been built for the Stock Department. The whole of the Molesworth Street Ministerial residence has been repainted outside, and all necessary repairs done. The Museum House has been repainted on the outside, and all necessary repapering and repairing done. Ministerial Residence, Tinakori Road East. —This house has been put in a good state of repair. The offices rented for the Labour Bureau were renovated and decorated, &c. ; also the office rented for the Official Assignee. The amount of work done during the year in ordinary repairs and maintenance of the various public buildings, and in supplying additional fittings and conveniences, has been very large. Nelson District. Nelson Departmental Buildings. —An additional strong-room has been built for the Lands and Deeds Department. The whole of the interior of the building has been repainted. The slates on the roof are now, however, giving considerable trouble, as the roof-timbers are rotting and unable to hold the nails. The stables, outbuildings, and fences have been repainted. The Provincial Hall is now being renovated under petty contract. Motueka. —A new iron roof has been put on the Courthouse, and the building repaired and painted. Some new fencing has been erected, also new outbuildings, for the post- and telegraphoffice. Takaka. —A new porch has been built to the Courthouse, and outbuildings put up. The Courthouse has also been repaired and painted. An acre of land has been bought for the site of a new post- and telegraph-office, and plans for the new building are in course of preparation. Port Nelson. —Some additional land acquired has been fenced with a 6 ft. corrugated-iron fence. Nelson Customhouse. —The slate roof has been put in a thorough state of repair, a new lobby has been built, the exterior of the building has been repainted, and some renovating of the interior done. Nelson Post- and Telegraph-office. —The buildings have been put in thorough repair, a new floor has been laid in the pnblic room, and the exterior of the building has been repainted. Wakapuaka Cable-station.— Fairly good progress has been made with the contract for the erection of new offices. Nelson Asylum. —The new two-storied auxiliary asylum in brick has been finished. The alteration to the laundry to enable it to be fitted up with the newest appliances is in progress. The main building has been furnished throughout with electric alarums, and it has been connected by telephone with the new building and the Superintendent's residence. A water-service has been laid to the Superintendent's residence. A considerable amount of work has been done to the various buildings in the district in minor repairs, and, considering the age of many of the buildings, much work of this kind may be expected in the future. Westland Districts . Westport. —The police-station has been repainted and repaired. There have been some minor repairs done to the Courthouse, and it has been repainted. Denniston. —The police-station has been repaired and painted. * Minor repairs have been done to the Courthouse and lock-up, Lyell, and to the residence of the Clerk of Court, Westport. Greymouth Courthouse. —The piles and roof have been renewed. The painting of the interior and exterior of the building will be finished shortly. Greymouth Police-station. —The old quarters have been taken down and a store, shed, and outbuildings have been erected on their site. The station-building has been repaired and painted. The sergeant's house has been raised above flood-level and repaired and painted, and a new range fitted in the constable's house. Hokitika Post- and Telegraph-office. —The repairs and painting begun last year have been finished, two new grates have been put in, and work in connection with additional safes is in hand.



Hokitika Asylum. —Supplies of materials were furnished to Asylum for work to be done by the inmates. Hokitiha Gaol. —Material for repairs has been supplied for work to be done by the prisoners, and the building is now getting into a fair state of repair. Stafford Police-quarters. —The repairs and painting have been finished. Stafford Courthouse.—Repairs and painting in hand last year have been finished. Goldsborough Courthouse. —The repairs and painting in hand last year have been finished. Ahaura Post and Telegraph. —Some repairs and painting have been done. Okarito. — General repairs of an extensive character were carried out in the Courthouse, policestation, constable's quarters, stables, lock-up, fencing, &c. Boss. —Extensive repairs were done during the year to the Courthouse, police-station, stables, lock-up, and constable's quarters. Greenstone. —The Warden's Courthouse was put in a state of repair, and made safe. Canteebuby Distkict. Gourthoihses. Ashburton. —The roof of the Courthouse has been repaired, and some improvements made in the outbuildings. Ghristchurch Supreme Court. —-The usual necessary repairs have been carried out; asphalt footpaths have been laid, new shelving put up, water laid on to the lavatory, and new snowboards fixed to the gutters. A new cottage for the custodian is being built. Christchurch Stipendiary Magistrate's Court. —The roof has been kept in a state of repair. The offices and strong-room have been ventilated. More shelving has been provided. Leeston. —A new Courthouse has been built and furnished. Lyttelton. —The Courtroom and offices have been repaired and renovated, more seating accommodation provided, and the floors laid with linoleum. Timaru Courthouse. —Eepairs to the roof and gutters have been done, new door-fastenings and sash-cords fixed, and a new gate has been provided. Departmental Buildings. Christchurch Provincial Buildings.— Many repairs have been required to keep these buildings in an efficient state. Alterations have been made in various rooms to meet the wants of the Lands and Survey, Labour, and Stock Departments. Sundry fittings have also been provided. Christchurch. —The District Survey Office has been thoroughly repaired and renovated and painted. A new building has been put up for offices for the Defence Department, and the necessary outbuildings in the drillshed grounds. Post and Telegraph Offices. Annat. —The building occupied by the telegraph lineman has been renovated and painted. Ashburton. —The mail-room has been enlarged; a verandah built along the whole front of the building. A substantial galvanised-iron fence, 6 ft. high, has been erected round the grounds. The Postmaster's private rooms have been renovated, and the exterior of the whole building painted. Bealey. —The mail-room has been enlarged. Christchurch.—The stone entrance steps have been re-dressed, a bicycle-shed has been built, and many small repairs done. The asphalt in the cart-road and yards has been repaired. Geraldine. —The Postmaster's residence has been painted. Lyttelton. —The stair-steps have been re-covered, and minor repairs done. Timaru. —A new picket-fence has been erected round the section. The chimneys in the lower portion of the building have been heightened. A galvanised-iron fence has been built round the caretaker's yard, and round the out-buildings. All the window-sashes have been re-hung and overhauled, as found necessary, and some repairs done. Police-stations. Addington. —The roof of the building has been repaired, and some internal repairs, &c, done. Ashburton. —A new kitchen has been built to the sergeant's house. Bingsland. —The lock-up has been removed to the new station and repainted; an office has been put up, and open drains have been formed. The ground-surface in front has been raised and the footpath asphalted. Christchurch. —Necessary repairs have been done to the buildings. The roof of the Inspector's house has been partly re-covered with iron. Some new floors have been laid and kitchen requisites provided. The rooms used as offices have been renovated and fittings supplied. Alterations have been made in the room for the Inspector of Weights and Measures, and four temporary cells are being built. Coalgate. —Eepairs have been done to the roofs of the constable's house and the lock-up. Fairlie Creek. —Tenders have been received for building an additional room, renovating the house, roofing the stable, and sundry repairs. Kaiapoi. —An office, an additional living-room, and a scullery have been added to the constable's house, which has been renovated and additional fittings provided. The exterior of the building has been painted, the fencing repaired, footpath asphalted, and the downpipes connected to the main drain. Kaikoura. —The stable and lock-up have been repaired and painted. A contract has been let to build a new house, and for alterations and renovation of the old portion of the buildings.



Lyttelton. —The fencing has been repaired and painted. The lock-up has been repaired and painted. The offices, bathroom, kitchen, and bedrooms have been renovated. The exterior woodwork has been painted. PJiillipstown. —Some minor repairs have been done to the constable's house and to the lock-up. Southbridge. —An office and additional room and a scullery have been added to the constable's house, which has also been repaired and painted. An out-building, with washhouse, has been built. Temuha, —Two rooms have been added to the sergeant's house, which has been put in repair and painted. A proper system of drainage has been provided, and the down-pipes from the sergeant's and constables' houses connected to it. The fencing has been extended and improved. Timaru. —Various minor repairs have been done. The police-station will benefit by the drainage-works done in the adjacent grounds of the courthouse. Waimate. —Extensive additions, alterations, and renovations have been done to the constable's quarters during the year. Burnham Industrial School. —A high-pressure boiler and range have been fitted in the main building. Two new windows have been put in the schoolroom. The windmill well and the schoolmaster's well have been cleaned out, and the pumps repaired. Sunnyside Lunatic Asylum. —The electric-alarm system has been completed, sixty keys have been fitted to the gas-taps, and the baker's ovens repaired. Quail Island Quarantine Station. —A large retaining-wall has been built at the back of the hospital and outbuildings, the dam enlarged, and general repairs to the roads and buildings have been done, all chiefly by prison labour. Otago and Southland Districts. Courthouses. Macraes. —A contract for the erection of a new Courthouse was completed during the year. Clyde. —A contract for additions to the Courthouse has been completed, and also a petty contract for renovations. Dunedin. —The renovation of the ushers' quarters at the Supreme Court was done by petty contract. Cromwell. —A petty contract for renovations was carried out during the year. Alexandra. —A petty contract for renovating the Courthouse was done during the year. Balchitha. —Eepairs and renovation of the Courthouse were done by petty contract. Post and Telegraph Offices. Dunedin. —The Chief Post-office had new posting-boxes put in ; alterations were done to the money-order office ; also other alterations and some renovations were done. Arrowtown. —A contract for additions to the post-office has been completed. Queenstoiun. —The renovation and painting of the post-office was done by petty contract. Owaha Post-office. —A contract for removing, re-erecting, and renovating this building has been carried out. Palmerston South. —A petty contract for repairs and renovation of the post-office has been completed. Port Chalmers. —The repairing and renovating of the post-office has been done by petty contract. Mataura. —Additions and renovations to the Postmaster's quarters have been done by petty contract. Miller's Flat. —A contract for the erection of a new post-office has been completed. Milton. —Eepairs and renovations to the post-office have been done by petty contract. Mosgiel. —A contract for the erection of a new post- and telegraph-office is well advanced. Police-stations. Dunedin. —The work of forming dormitories and store-room in the attic of the central policestation was completed in April last, and a petty contract for certain renovations was completed in February. Clyde. —Eepairs to the sergeant's quarters have been done by petty contract. A contract for the erection of a gaoler's residence was completed in March last. MatoAira. —A petty contract for renovating the police-quarters was completed in January last. Caversham. —The police-buildings were repaired and renovated by day-labour. The work was completed in March last. Cromwell. —The police-station has been put in repair by petty contract. (jtautau.- —A petty contract for repairs and renovations to the police-station was completed in April. Bluff. —A petty contract for repairs and renovations to the police-station was completed in May. Alexandra. —The police-station was repaired and renovated by petty contract. Caversham Industrial School. —The main building (girls' portion) with the necessary storerooms, bathrooms, lavatories, &c, has been rebuilt in brick. It was completed in August last. The erection of'a dining-room and kitchen was begun in April, and the brickwork is now completed and ready to receive the roof. An office has been erected for the manager. Caversham Barracks. —A new fence has been erected on the new boundary in front of the building. 15—D. 1.



■'■ Seacliff Asylum. —Contracts have been let for the supply of timber and joinery required for the patients' cottage and for the auxiliary building. Quarantine Buildings, Port Chalmers. —Some repairs have been done and the buildings have been repainted. Stock Inspector's House, Lawrence. —A contract for additions and repairs to this building was completed in March. In addition to the works detailed above a considerable amount of work has been done in general repairs; also, a number of fittings have been supplied to various departments. MARINE. Panmure Wharf. —The Panmure Wharf contract was completed in August; this is a ligli structure, intended principally for landing passengers from excursion-steamers, &o. A contract for seven buoys, let to Messrs. Massey Bros., Auckland, is in progress. East Cafe Lighthouse. —A contract for the ironwork for the tower has been completed by Mr. C. Judd, Thames. A considerable amount of material has been landed for the construction of the lighthouse and buildings, some of the houses required for the permanent staff have been built, a tramway has been laid, and excavations for the foundations for the cower are in progress. At Sticking-point Eeclamation, Lyttelton Harbour, a large amount of rock-excavation and levelling has been done by prison-labour. A contract for repairs to the Quarantine Wharf, Port Chalmers, has been completed. Plans for the new lighthouse on Somes Island have been prepared. Some repairs to Hokitika Wharf have been carried out, to make good damages caused by flood. HAEBOUE DEFENCES, ETC. Auckland. A considerable amount of work in connection with the mine-fields has been done, sheds removed and re-erected, additional buildings put up, a tramway laid, testing-rooms removed and re-erected, an office provided for the clerk, a wharf 300 ft. long with a tee 60 ft. by 30 ft. built ; also a solid approach to the wharf 100 ft. long, and other works done. At other forts : A blacksmith's shop has been built, and a small barracks. The walls of an observing station have been lined, and a survey made for an additional gun-emplacement. Officers' quarters have been renovated and the drainage improved. Some works in connection with searchlight emplacements and plant have been finished, others well advanced. Alterations to the walls of one of the forts are in hand. An additional big-gun emplacement is nearly finished. A resurvey of the mine-field has been made. Wellington. The slipway and shed at Shelly Bay were finished. The electric plant and emplacements have been finished. The Mahanga Bay Wharf has been strengthened by ironbark piles, and a number of minor works have been done, for the most part by prison-labour. Some alterations and improvements to the Gardens Battery have been carried out. Lyttelton. The roof of the residence of one of the magazine-keepers has been repaired. An engine and boiler for electric light are in course of erection. A new range-finder station has been built. Extensive additions have been made to the Armed Constabulary barracks to provide stores and workshop, the roof put in a good state of repair, and the whole building painted ; a new parade-ground has been formed, and the drainage completed. An observing-station and covered way have been built and a barbed-wire fence erected at one of the forts, and repairs to the drains, walls, and buildings carried out. Dunedin, An iron fence has been built in front of one of the batteries and a fighting-station built. At another fort a magazine and a new gun emplacement have been built. Pipes have been laid for telephone-wires between the guns, &c, of some of the batteries. STOEES AND SEEVICES. . Tenders were invited for the supply and delivery of general ironmongery, builders' and furnishing ironmongery, and other stores for the Public Works and other departments for the year, Contracts were also entered into for the supply of coal, firewood, &c, in the several districts, and in Wellington the usual contracts were let for cartage, window-cleaning, chimney-sweeping, and the removal of rubbish, &c. I have, &c, William H. Hales, The Hon. the Minister for Public Works. Engineer-iu-Chief.


Enclosure to Appendix E. TABLE of Lengths of Government Lines Authorised, Constructed, and Surveyed up to 31st March, 1899. NORTH ISLAND.

16—D. 1.


l:c oi jine. Appropriation. Name of Line. I I Subdivisions. Main Line. Total. I Under Formation. Under Platelaying. Opened. 1892-3 1893-4 1894-5 1895-6 1896-7 1897-8 1898-9 Total, Date. 11878-4 1874-5 1875-6 1876-7 1877-8 1879-80 1 1880-1 1881-2 1882-3 1883-4 1884-5 1885-* 1886-7 1887-8 1888-9 1889-90 1890-1 1891-2 1878-9 1 2 3 M. chs. 7 41 4 IV 5 M. chs. 2 30 6 M. chs. lo 57 7 M. chs. 8 M. chs. 9 M. chs. 10 M.chs. 11 12 M. chs. 13 tf. chs. 14 M. chs. 15 M. chs. 2 30 16 II. chs. 17 M. chs. 18 M. chs. 19 M. chs. 20 M. chs. 21 H. chs. 22 M. chs. 23 M. chs. 24 M. chs. 25 M. chs. 26 M. chs. 27 ] M. chs. 28 M. chs. 29 M. chs. 30 M. chs. 31 M. chs. 32 M. chs. M. chs. M. Che. 35 M. ohs. 36 M. chs. 87 M. ohB. 98 M. ch>. I 7 *1 Kawakawa WhangareiKamo WhangareiKamo Extension Kaihu Valley Helensville Nort rewards Kawakawa Kamo-Whangarei , - Kamo-Kawakawa .. Kaihu Valley Helensville northwards 19 40 110 0 37 54 9 20 a Kawakawa - Taumarere Taumarere ■ Opua Wharf Deep water - Opau Wharf Opau Wharf - Whangarei Whangarei-Kamo .. Kamo-Hikurangi .. Hikurangi-Wbakapara Wbakapara-Waiotu Waiotu-Kawakawa 5 Dargaville - Opanake 1 Opanake-Booms Booms-Waima Extension .. .. 1 Welsford Road to 1 Komokoriki Komokoriki-Tahakeroa Tahakeroa-Makarau Makarau-Kanohi .. Kanohi - Helensville Terminus Hjlensville Terminus, —Helensville Helensville-Kumeu 1 Kumen-HendeiBon.. I Henderson- Waikomiti Waikomiti-Newmarket Penrose-Onehunga .. Onehunga Wharf .. Auckland Wharf .. Auckland Station .. Auckland-Mercer .. 4 Mercer-Newcastle .. i Newcastle-Hamilton 1 Hamilton-Ohaupo .. Ohaupo-Te Awamutu 5 11 2 48 ' 2 2 4 50 i 8 0 3 25 3 29 23 0 16 46 0 55 2 19 77 73 11 75 6 26 3 18 3 0 7 42 11 2 27 I" 1 0 75 estim. 8 18 2 48 8 79 17 43 23 0 18 16 2 19 77 73 11 75 6 26 3 18 2 48 28 0 7773 11 75 6 26 Prelim. 2 19 estim. Prelim. 3 18 . I ■■{ 22 Feb., 1877 7 April,1884 30 Nov., 1882 28 Oct., 1880 2 July, 1894 2 Nov.,189(S 21 Dec, 1898 27 July, 1891 21 Oct., 1896 4 50 2 2 5 11 ■■ I 16 46 8 0 I .. I I .. 3 25 055 3 6 389 1 21 26 I 17 21 1 10 48 Kaipara-Auckland .. 1 1 50 12 18 ■■{ 16 June, 1897 3 May, 1889 7 42 K aiparaWaikato 35 73 0 43 12 79 11 0 1 50 !l (II 2 58 0 20 015 42 72 31 2 10 33 9 27 6 24 18 Sept., 1880 29 Oct., 1875 18 July, 1881 21 Dec, 1880 29 Mar., 1880 24 Dec, 1873 28 Nov., 1878 30 Not*, 1885 JO May, L87fi 13 Aug., 1877 19 Dec, 1877 4 June, 1878 1 July, 1880 12 79 0 43 1 50 ll"o ■■ 1-35 73 J I 2 73 6 66 42 59 Onehunga Branch .. 253 9 61 •• I 2 73 1 70 0 55 4 63 0 55 0 20 0 15 Auckland-Waikato -. 100 IS 1611 116 24 42 72 31 2 10 33 9 27 ■' '■ ) 10013 Auckland- Penrose— 1 Deviation via Beach Auckland City Branch —Kingsland Station to Auckland Station vi<< Western Park and Freeman's Bay Pukekohe-Waiuku .. 6 24 6 50 2 60 Deviation via Beach Auckland City Branch 6 50 2 60 6 50 2 60 6 50 2 60 Prelim. Paerata-Waiuku .. 1 Surveys, new lines WaikatoThames 12 5 12 5 12 5 12 5 Waikato-Thames .. 62 58 Frankton Junction, —Hamilton Hamilton-Morrinsville ] Morrinsville-Te Aroha 1 Te Aroha-Paeroa .. J Paeroa-Tliames .. 1 Paeroa-Waihi .. 1 Ruakura Junction, 1 —Cambridge Momusvillo-Oxford.. i Oxford-Putaruru .. N gat ira Contract .. KajKinga Contract .. 1 Tarukenga Contract Rotorua Contract .. Napier Wairoa River ' WairoaRiver-Gisborne ( Spit-Napier Napier-Hastings .. : Hasting-Pakipaki .. Pakipaki-Tc Autc .. : Te Aute-Waipawa .. - Waipawa-WaipukTiraii Waipiikurau -Takapau Tiikapau-lvopua Kopna-Makotuku .. Maxotuku-Matamau M ataman-Tali oraite Tahomite-Woodville : Woodville-Palmerston North Woodvillc-Mangatai-noka Manga tairioka-Pahi-atua Paliiatuft-Newman : Mewman- Eketahuna Eketahuna - MangaM a n g a m a h o c - Mauriceville Manriceville - Master- ! ton Mastcrton-Woodside - Woodside-Featherston 1 Featherston-Kaitoke ■ Kaitokc-Uppcr Hutt Upper Hutt - Silverstream Silverstream - Lower Hutt Lower Hutt-Pipitea Pipitea-Wellington.. Te Aro Extension .. i Woodside-Greytown 1 1 20 Oct., 1879 1 1 16 79 12 55 12 63 19 20 12 40 12 2 ■1017 72 75 1 Oct., 1884 1 Mar., 1880 20 Dec, 1895 .19 Deo., 1898 8 Oct.', 1884 16 79 1255 12 68 19 20 62 58 New survey HamiltonCambridge Thames Valley - Roto-Hamilton-Cambridge 12 40 12 2 12 40 15 16 12 40 12 "a 12 2 3 14 Thames Valley-Roto-69 33 30 60 6 77 8 0 10 23 4 62 0 8 8 43 58 0 62 0 2 16 11 64 4 27 10 17 12 53 4 49 12 79 5 (i:i 5 22 1 11 7 43 15 10 17 21 8 Mar., 1886 21 June, 1886 30 60 6 77 :; | 8 0 10 23 4 62 69 33 5 27 76 40 24 Nov. ,1893 [0 8 (8 43 New survey 1 Napier-Gisboine Prelim. Prelim. 8 Dec, 1894 120 0 58 0 62 0 58 0 62 0 .. N apierWoodville -,nd Palerston irtli i Napier-Woodville .. 96 65 25 Nov., 1874 12 Oct., 1874 1 Jan., 1875 17 Feb., 1876 28 Aug., 1876 1 Sept.,1876 12 Mar., 1877 25 Jan., 1878 9 Aug., 1880 23 June, 1884 1 Dec, 1884 22 Mar., 1887 9 Mar., 1891 2 16 11 64 4 27 1017 12 53 4 49 12 79 563 \\ I ■96 05 • 15 05 111 70 522 422 7 43 15 10 17 21 17 21 Woodville-Palmerston North Woodvillo-Wellington 17 21 115 79 5 70 0 51 17 72 11 Dec, 1897 0 76 Wellington - Woodvillo 3 30 3 80 2 Aug., 1897 15 24 15 24 2 4 6 15 3 May, 1897 16 Mar., 1896 8 April, 1889 2"i 6'l5 4 7 10 Jan., 1887 4 7 12 8 14 June, 1886 12 8 ■115 79 21 73 137 72 1 Nov., 1880 14 May, 1880 ! 12 Oct., 1878 1 Jan., 1878 ! 1 Feb., 1876 16 22 16 22 4 19 17 48 7 47 :i 35 17'48 335 J 7 47 8 0 15 Dec, 1875 8 0 8 2 0 47 1 15 3 7 14 April, 1874 1 Nov., 1880 29 Mar., 1893 14 May, 1880 8 2 047 Greytown Branch .. 3"7 115 3 7 3 7 0 64 3 71 Rimutaka Incline Deviation Surveys Coach road Route .. Tauherenikau Route WaiDui-o-mata Route Coast Route Route Improvement Survey in connection with above Foxton-Patea 9 0 14 40 31 0 Kaitoke-Featherston Kaitoke Woodside .. . Belmont-Cross' Creek ! 9 0 14 40 31 0 9 0 14 40 31 0 9 0 14 40 31 0 r 50 0 8 70 Petone Pigeon Biifh 1 ! Upper Hint Pakuratalii 50 0 8 70 50 0 8 70 50 0 8 70 t t Foxton-New Plymouth 120 44 Foxton-Palmerston.. I Palmcrstou-Foilding Feilding-Halcombe.. Halcoinbc-Marton .. Marton-Turakina .. Turakina-Aramoho ..* '. Aramoho-Kai Iwi .. Kai Iwi-Waitotara .. Waifcotara-Waverley Waverley-Patea .. T11 rak i na- Matarawa Ammoho-Goat Valley Tunnel Kai Iwi-Okehu Nukum am-Wai totara Patea-Manutahi Maimtalii-IIawera .. Hawera-Normanby.. Normanby-Eltham.. Eltham-Ngaire Ngaire-Stratfora .. Stratford-Ingle wood Inglewood-Ken try Hill Waitara-N.Plymouth N. Plymouth-Moturoa Moturoa-Breakwater Bull's Brnnch Aramoho Loop Aramoho-Wanganui Opunake-Eltham .. 23 39 11 28 7 76 10 49 9 10 20 25 9 81 13 2 6 73 8 31 11 67 7 40 Il4 75 J f 27 April, 1876 20 Oct., 1876 22 April, 1878 20 May, 1878 4 Feb., 1878 17 May, 1877 28 June, 1879 20 Sept., 1880 23 Mar., 1881 I 28 Aug., 1883 23 39 10 49 9 10 ) 5.120 44 11 28 Route Improvement Surveys 35 39 20 25 931 13 "2 6 73 •' 8 31 ., \\ 26 07 11 07 7 40 11 07 7 40 3 60 3 0 8 57 9 24 8 35 8 32 2 60 3 20 13 40 8 60 11 13 •2 35 3 79 0 10 3 19 23 10 8 60 3 0 3 60 3 0 Patea-Waitara 28 Aug., 1883 23 Mar., 1885 20 Oct., 1881 18 June, 1881 7 Fob., 1881 27 Sept., 1880 17 Dec, 1879 30 Nov., 1877 14 Oct., 1875 28 April, 1886 71 56 9 24 2 60 3 20 3'35 8 32 -11 52 83 28 71 Sβ ll'iil 860 13 40 2'35 Bull's Blanch Wanganui Branch .. 3 79 3 29 0 53 2 13 0 53 3 79 5 42 23 10 379 Pre'li'm. 21 Jan.', 1878 21 Jan., 1878 o'io 3 19 1 3 29 Opiuiako - Mountain Road Marton-Te Awamutu 23 10 23 10 Prelim. ••{! North Island Main Trunk Railway 213 0 1 Marton Junction,— Rangatira Mangaonoho Contract Makohino Section .. Matigawoka Section Paengaroa Section .. Turangarero Section Waiouru Section Murimutu Section .. J Raetihi Section Murimutu Section .. Trial Survey Taumaranui Section Ohinemoa Section Poro-o-tarao Tunnel : ! Contract Mokau Section Mokau-Te Kuiti Te Kuiti-Otorohanga Otorohanga-Te Awamutu ) Ohakune to Mokau Retaruke Divide ■ ) Makatote Gorge-Ma- ; rae Kowhai 3 Marae-Kowhai-Ohura Valley 3 Ngaire Section .. ' Tangarakau Section 1 Heao Section Ohura Section 5 Waitara Section .. 3 Urenui to Tangitu River D Hastings-Tc Awamutu 18 53 8 41 26 04 ••{ 2 June, 1888 18 53 3 70 I 22 48 3 70 11 0 7 0 10 22 10 66 7 40 11 0 7 0 10 22 10 66 7 40 13 67 8 75 11 38 28 52 18 0 16 0 9 04 7 0 3 40 1 76 : J IMay, 1893 6 62 10 66 7 40 13 67 8 75 11 38 28 52 18 0 11 47 8 75 11 38 28 52 18 0 16 0 1 34 Prelim, ! 4'S3 •' I 1 34 -46 77 11 9 8 53 11 41 14 20 . 3 50 i 50 47 'I 21 Dec, 1896 8 May, 1889 2 Dec, 1887 ■ 9 Mar., 1887 ! ■• I •■ ' " 11 41 858 11 9 •• 1 1420 ] Central Route—Devia-! tion Surveys I 30 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 Prelim. i 34 0 34 0 i 34 0 34 0 Prelim. Ngaire-Ongaruhe .. | 20 0 20 0 20 0 20 0 Explor. I Waitara-Tangarakau ! Urenui Route .. I 103 58 38 73 26 0 10 70 46 75 12 0 38 73 i 26 0 10 70 46 75 12 0 i 38 73 1 26 0 10 70 27 75 46 75 J 12 0 i 46 75 I 12 0 Prelim. ■ Hastings-Te Awamutu 170 0 1846 2 170 0 i •• I 127 55 170 0 170 0 976 43 Prelim. 1 76 10 55 69 23 103 76 Gβ 3! ■11 l>7 I 55 21 22 30 16 46 1 15 26 75 16 51 27 56 838 9 17 21 14 67 16 43 22 49 3 1846 2 1973 57 29 34 61 19 64 24 27 19 2 4 2 2 17 8 }43 50 §54 77 11 41 18 58 Total .. * In this case the t Reconnaisance t J This comprises 1 § This comprises 4 date given is the date oi anly. L2m. 70ch. of railway coi 18m. of railway construe n which nstructei ited by C the rail . d by Go> jovernm way was taken over by the Governmei vernment, and 80m. 60ch. of line cons lent, and llm. of lino constructed by ] Note.—Taonui and Lichfield B int. 5tructed private c tranches jy priva ompan) not mei ite comps y under tl ntioned a any under the D ihe District Bail' ibove, as the rail Hstrict 1 ways A< te nave Railways Act ant it and aftorwardf been taken up. aftorwt purcha phased b he Govei the Govornm* iment. it. ards pure »sed by tl

D.— l


TABLE of Lengths of Government Lines Authorised, Constructed, and Surveyed up to 31 st March, 1899— continued. MIDDLE ISLAND.

State of Line. ippropri.- N , m . ofI;in ,. Mil,.,e. SubdM.IOB. ™»° Sidio 8 .. Total. „„,„ „„,,„ „ a I ' 8ur - For- Plate- — ____ symff. . Date J ° g «n e .|l872-73. 1873-71. 1875-7e.|l87e-7rJl877-78. 1878-79. leTO-SO/laSO-ai. 1881-82. 1892-83. 1883-84.|l88tfl5. 188E-86. 1886-87. 1887-88.1888-88. 188e-80. 1890-91. 1891-92. 1892-83. 1893-1)4. 1884-95.jl895-96. 1896-97. 1897-98. 1898-(19. Total. 1 2 3 i 4 e M G 7 ' 8 M 9 h J-" n L 1 * M 13 . M IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 oh. 27 28 ' 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 ' 36 37 38 39 40 NeUon-i'Nebon-Beigro™.. "si °73 Port Extent .. V'o," »--»-h** M ' •'■ M " h ( 17 May, M ; "- 1 - M ; <* M.c. M. tk m. *. K. .„. M. o h. «. „* *. „,, M. eh. M. eh M. „.. 26 K. eh. M. eh.| M. eh. M. „„. M. oh. M. „,. M.c M. eh. „,„,,. M. eh. M. cl, M eh. M. eh. Eoundell Nelson-Fox-hill .. 18 73 I 2 &2 25 45 31Jan., 1876i 18 73 .. ' ' I 22 73 Eoxhill-Belgrove .. 3 0] { 25 July, 1881 ...... 3" 0 i Greymoufch- Greymouth - Nel- 751 Grcymoutli-Brimnor- 7 32 \ 7 April, 1876 7 32 ...... \ '......'. ...... Nelson son Creek ■ ton Greek [Extension .. 0 5 [ 6 18 13 69 .. ■■ .. 1 Feb., 1881 q 5 7 51 Stillwatcr (portion).. 0 4 1 14 Mar., 1881 ' 04' I „ „ .. I 0 10' 1 Sept., 1885 A' lo ••■ — Wfistport- 1 Westport - Ngaka- 19 Sβ! Station .. 0 29) 17 Dec, 1878 0 29 I Ngakawau! wau Weetport-Wataanga,- ]0 0 f) u 25 33 S-Aug.,1876 10 0 .. .. '.'. '.'. ..." '.'. '.[ ['. '.', " || ' m \ '.'. " \\ " '.'. '.'. '.'. \\ '.'. '.'. I ig lg 8 70 j 26 Sept., 1877; .. 8 70 .... j wau Extension to Coal: 0 37 .. 0 37 .. ■ • .. 81 Mar., 1880 , ,, 0 37 Company's Lino ■ Westport- Ngakawau-Moki- 7 12 Ngakawau-Mokihi- 7 12 1 21: 8 33 .. ■• .. I 8 Aug., 1893 ,, 7 12 | 7 12 Ngakawau hinui nui } Extension Mokibinui Colliery 3 69 Mokihinui to coal-: 3 69. 0 21 4 10 .. .. .. 25Peb.,1895 * , .. 3 69 _ 3 (59 Greymouth- Greymouth-Hoki- 24 37 Greymouth-Hokitika ! 24 37, 2 10 26 47 .. .. .. 20Dec.,1893 24 ■■ 24 37 Hokitika tika New Survey Kumara Branch 4 10 Knmua Branch 4 10 .. 4 10 4 10 i 10 .. i .. .. " .. Picton- Picton-Awatere .. 37 5 Picton-Blenheim .. 16 57) f 18 Nov., 1875| 16 57 . ! ., ) Hurunui Blenheim .. 1 22 \ 3 26 23 68 .. .. .. \ 24 May, 1880 ....... 122 L 20 42 Oinalm Contract .. 2 43) (j!8April, 1893 " " 2 ' 48 " '] " " \ Vernon Contract 1 75 .. 1 75 .. 1 75 .. .. Dashwood Contract 3 38 .. 3 38 .. 3 38 .. .. j ... Utawai Contract 2 50 .. 2 50 .. 2 50 .. | ; " Awatero Section .. 57 .. 57 .. 57 .. .. j.. Surveyed (trial) .. 3 33 .. 3 33 I 3 33 Preiim ,, ., . \ " " | " " Kahautera-Waiau 26 55 Kahautera-Parnassus 26 55 .. 26 55 : 26 55 Prelim. .... Surveys Cheviot Section.. 43 0 Parniwsiis-Hurunui 22 0 .. 22 0 I 22 0 .. .. new lines Hui-unui-Waipara .. 21 0 .. 21 0 21 0 .. ■ .. .. .. .'.'•" " ".'.]".'. '.'. Waiau-Hurunui 23 0 Reconnaissance .. 13 30 .. ! 13 30 ! 13 30 Prelim. .... .. ! ' " ! Gulverden-Hurunui 9 50 0 42; 10 12 .. .. .. 9 Feb., 1880 , A'-q " . 9 50 Hurunui- Main Line .. 196 3t| Humnui-Medbury .. 1 14 I | 9 Feb., 1886 , 1 14 ' Waitaki 1 I Mcdbury-Waikari .. 8 40 28 Oct., 1884 .. .. j g'. o with , Waikari-Waipara .. 9 101 17 April, 1882 1 ' " " g' lo ' Branches Waipara-Amberley .. 6 77' 6 Oct., 1880 .. g' 77 Amberley-Ashleyfpart) 3 63. 9 Feb., 1876 .. ,. .. 3 63 . ,, 7 64i 3Nov.,1875 7 64 " " Ashley-Raugiora 1 71 17 April, 1875 1 71 ... Rangiora-Southbrook 1 G3 5 Nov., 1S72 .. 163 Southbrook-Kaiapoi 5 1 2 Sept., 18721 .. 5 1 Kaianoi-Addiugton .. 11 68 1 April, 1872 11 68 .. " Christchurch-Selwyn 22 43i .. .. 2 Oot., 1867 22 43 ....... Selwyn-Dmnandel .. 177 15 Feb., 1873 ..177 ...... .... Dunsandel-Rakaia .. 10 66 U, oAimr. j 29 May, 1873 .. 10 66 .. " " ' r 1 *" Eakaia-Ashburton .. 17 7 " 4 2<J 26 ° 6S 4 Aug., 1874 .. .... 17 7 . ' ! Ashburton-Ealing .. 19 29, 31 May, 1875 ...... 19 29 .. .. Baling-Woodtaidge.. 2 59, 24 Aug., 187S .. .. .. 2 59 Woodbridge-Temuta 13 65' 4 Feb., 1876 13 65 Temuka-Timaru .. 11 15 22 Oct., 1875 .. ,. .. 11 15 Timaru-St. Andrews 10 28| 1 July, 1876 lo'28 ' " " " : St. Androws-Otaio .. 3 66 1 Sept., 1876 .. .. 366 Otaio-Makikihi .. 3 61, 30 Oct., 1876 .... .. 3 61 MakiMM-Hook .. 3 36| I 1 Feb., 1877 3 36 " ' Hook-North Waitaki 16 14[ : 1 Feb., 1877, .... 16 14 . North Waitaki-South 1 40' 17 April, 1876 .. .. .. 140 Waitaki " Rangiora-Oxford 21 76 RanRiora-Cnst ..11771 ( 1 Dec, 1874 ...... 11 77 .... .... 1 Cust-Carlton .. 5 53: f 2 36 24 32 6 April, 1875 .... 5 53 .. 21 76 Carlton-Oxford West 4 261] (21 June, 1875 ...... 4 26 .... .... .. .... Evreton (from 20 7 Main Line - West 14 25 (J27 Dec, 1875 ...... 14 25 MainLine) Eyreton 161 2168 : I 20 7 Eyreton-Bennett's .. 5 62| 1,1 Feb., 1878 .... .. 5 62 Lyttelton .. 6 26 Lyttelton - Christ- 6 26; .. 6 26 .. .. .. 9 Dec, 1867 6 26 .. ..■ \\ '.'. \\ .] '\ '[ \\ '.'. '.'. .. .', .. .. 6 26 church ■Southbridge .. 25 31 Itomby-Kllesmere .. 14 62) , ,- „„ , q ( 26April, 1S75 .. .. 14 62 . . . ) • Ellesmerc - South- 1049!) d " 28 48 \ 30 July, 1875 .. .. .. .. 10 49 .. .. .. , .. 2o S1 bridge " " | Little River- 42 10 Lincoln-Birdling's 17 8) I 7 June, 1882 .. .. ; .... i 17 8 .. ) Akaroa Flat [■ 2 5 24 51 -| 22 40 Birdling's Flat-Little 5 38 J (16 Mar., 1886 .... t t 5 38 I River Reconnaissance .. 19 44 .. 19 44 19 44 Prelim. • • ■ ■ .... . . Suvingfield .. 30 60 Rolleston-Sheflielrl.. 24 4) 1 Dec, 1874 .. .... . 24 4 .. . .. .. I .. 1 -i.i~i-.-!~;W« a S0\ S 7 33 67 .. .. .— ' β-jmr., 48*)— .. ' .. .. .. '/, .. 509 V [[ ]\ [', "- " I " 1 " ■• " I " '/, +■'.'. I '.'. '.'. ■■ '.'. SO on Springfield-Coalmine 0 77) 10 Fob., 1880 .... ..077 I WhitecliBs .. 1138 Darneld-Whiteolifis 11331) 1 ,q , s ,, I 3Nov.,1875 .. .. : ,, .. 1133 Wbitrclifls to Briflge 0 5) 1S P 1 27. Jim, 1686 .. .. ! A'. " .. H«8 Rakaia-Asli- 22 20 RakaiaMethvcn .. ■ 22 20 2 65 25 5 .. .. .. 1 April, 1885«.. .. I " 22'20 . '.'. 22 20 burton Forks 1 Asbburton .. 29 46 Tmwald-Westerneld 10 47 8 April, 188U| 10 47 . ... \ Westerfield-Anania.. 8 39 7 Oct., 1882 .. ,. 8 39 Anama-Cavendish .. 2 47! 1 52 29 1 1 Mar., 1884 ...... , 2 47 " " .. 27 29 Cavendish-Mt.Somors 148 4 Oct., 1886 .. .. : .... " {' is " Mt.Somci-s-Spi-inglium 4 8' 9Sept.,1889 .. .. I I .. " " V „ " Extension .. 2 17! •- 2 17 1 2 17 .. .. .. .. .. I : \\ " Opawa and Al- 55 8 Washdyke - Pleasant 8 67n [24 Dec, 1875 .. .... .. 8 67; .. . \ bury to Fairlie Point " ' Creek and Pleasant Point-Albury 16 61 \\ 2 45 88 50 \ 1 Jan., 1877 ...| .... .... 16 61 .... . 36 5 Bm-ke's Pass Albury-Winscombe.. 7 7; 22 Aug., 1888 .. ..I . 77.. Winecombe-Evereley 3 30 J 180 Jan., 1884 .... .... 3 30 ..' ) Preliminary survey.. 19 3 .. 19 3 19 3 Prelim. ■■ ■■ i .... . .. " Waimate .. 4 42 Studholrae-Warmate 4 42 1 3 5 45 .. .. .. 19Mar.,1877 .. .. ,. .. .. 442! ..- .. .. 4 42 WaimateGorge 8 21 Waimate-Waihao S 21 0 54 8 75 .. .. .. 1 April, 1885-.. .. ! g' 2 l .. \\ . .. \\ 8 21 Downs Waitaki- MainLine .. 246 69 South Waitaki- 13 81 f 25 Sept., 1875 ., .. .. .. 13 8 .. ' Branchev Oamaju-Hillgrove .. 24 52 4Nov.,1876 .. .. 24 J .. I Hillgrovc-Palmerston 12 68 22 May, 1878 .. 12 e8 " " PolnTereton-Waikou- 9 3 6Sept.,1878 .. .. .. 93 aiti " Waikouaiti-Waitati 14 33 7 May, 1878 .. .. .. 14 33 Waitati-Glendermid 9 77 2ODec,1877 ; 977 V " Glcndermid-Dimedin 7 6 9 April, 1873 ..7 6 Dunedin-Abbotsford 5 7 1 July, 1874 57 Abbotsford - Clutha 46 36 L9 13 806 a .... ..\ lSept,W7» .. .. .. .. 46 36 " .. \\ \\ \\ \\ \ 9 Clutha Rher-Bal-! 0 60 22 Jan., 1878 .. .. .. 0 60 Balclutha-Cliuton .. 20 76 22 Jan., 1879 .. .. .. 20 76 " \\ " '.'. '.'. V. Z Clinton-Waipahi .. 9 62 il Nov., 1877 .. .. .. 9 62 Waipahi-Gore .. 16 11 . 21June,1877 16 11 ]] \\ ]\ \\ ! " \] Gorc-Matanra 7 40 30 Aug., 1875 .. 7 40 .. Mataura-Woodlands 20 68 ' Juno, 1875 .. .. 20 68 .. i i J Wooalands-Invercar- 1121 11 Feb., 1874 .. .. n 21 .. .. ] \\ .. .. " Inf-ercargill-Bluii .. 17 1 j [ 5 Feb., 1867 17 1 .. .. .. Uranckes ■ Duntroon .. 21 75 Pukeuri-Marawhenua 2129) lm 23 30 j 1 Dec., 1875 2129 I Marawhcnua - Dun- 0 46 f ■" d0 " " ■■ 1 11 July, 1881 0 m r ( A 1* troon Duntroon-Haka- 15 38 Duntroon-Hakatera- 15 38 15 16 43 lApril, 1885».. .. 15 38 15 38 NgapKrT" .. 14 76 Waiareka-Ngapara. J 14 76 1 31 16 27 2 April, 1877 14 76 14 76 Livingstone .. 16 40, Windsor-Livingstone 12 0 0 50 12 50 .. 0 5 .. 12 Aug., 1887 .. .. lj' 75 11 75 Survey (trial) .. 4 40 ■• 4 40 4 40 Prelim. •■ ■■ Palmerston-Wai- 9 40 Palmtrston-Dunback 1 58 1 f 30 July, 1882 1 58 .. . 1 hemo (part) 54 9 29 A \ 8 55 Parmerston-Dnnback 0 77 J I 1 Oct., 1885 .. .. .. 6 „ . ) (part) Surveyed .. 0 65 0 65 0 65 .... ■ ■ .. .. .. Inch Valley Rail- 2 29 Inch Valley-Lime 2 29 0 23 2 52 .. 2 29 ■ ■ ■■ j J " '.'. \\ ['. '.'. '.'. " " PoTt a 'Chalmors.. 1 9 Glende'rmid - Port 1 9 3 40 4 49 9April 1873 •,. 19 19 Chalmers GreenMand .. 2 44 Burnsiuc-W.Uton I'ark 174) „ , 2 , ,„ J 1 July, 1874 174 Walton Par! -Saddle 0 50 I " " 3 16 ■■ •■ ■ • ( 4 Sept.,1879 0 50 I .. ( Hill Green Island to 4 65 Surveyed .. .. 4 65 ■■ 4 65 4 65 .. .. ■■ ... .. .. Fernhifl Colliery 1 6O1 Abbotsford to Pern- 1 60 0 24 2 4 19 Doc, 1895* .. .. fl 60 160 Line I hill Colliery Kaikorai Valley 2 60 Surveyed .. .. 2 60 ... 9 60 2 60 .. ■■ j •- .. ■• Outram 8 78 Mosgiel-Outram .. 8 78 0 68 9 66 .. .. .. 1 Oct., 1877 .. .. 8 78 .. 8 78 Lawrence . 21 70 Chirl.svillo-Waitahuna IS 41 , , „, „ I 22 Jan., 1877 15 4 I „. „,. Waitahuna-Lawrence 6 72!) 2 2 li 78 1 2April, 1877 6 72 ,. | \\ .. " t Lawrenee-Rox- 38 25 Preliminary survey.. 38 25 .. 38 25 38 25 IPrelim. .. 1 .. .. .. | . burgh ) Oatlin's River i 2-2 20 Balclutha-Romahapa 7 621 8 32 .. .. .. 15 Dec, 1885 .- . 7 62 Romahapa-Glonomam 6 18! 6 56 9 July, 1891 " 6 'l8 Catlin's Tunnel Sec 0 46' 1 63 0 46 .. .. .. 4 Mar., 1895 . .. ..0 46 19 20 Hunt's Road Sec(part) 3 48! 3 60 16Dec,1895 • .. .. 348 Hunt'sRoadSec(pait) 106; 149 .. .. .. 22 June, 1896 .. ; .. 1 .. .. Surveyed .. 3 0:.. 3030 ...... .. " '. '. I Waipahi - Heriot ! 20 3 Waipahi-Kelso .. 15 27,1 „ o s>9 6 j 1 Dec, 1880 15 27 j 1 on 1 Burn Kolso-Heriot .. 4 66! ( * 6 22 6 ■■ . ■■ \ ■■ { 1 April, 1884 4 56 .. j 20 3 Extension to Rox- 34 30 Section .. 6 19 .. 6 19 6 19 .. .. .. burgh, vid Rae's (Surveyed 28 11- .. 28 11 28 11 Prelim. .. .. .. |- .. .. " Junotion and Ettrick Vid Spylaw .. 28 70 Anguilla Section .. 4 56i 4 56 4 56 .. .. .. Surveyed 24 141 .. 24 14 24 14 Prelim. .. .. Waimea Plains 36 39 Gore-Lnmsden .. 36 39 134 37 73 .. .. .. lApril, 1886J" , . 3639 36 39 District Ry. Kelso-Gore .. 24 0 Surveyed .. 9 58 9 58 9 58 .. .. .. I Preliminary atnroy.. 14 22 .. 14 22 14 22 Prelim. .. .. [ .. I " Riversdale-Swit- 13 70 Riversdale Section ,. 7 0.. 7 0.. 5 0 2 0 .. ' ze rs Surveyed .. 6 70 6 70 6 70 .. .. .. Edendale-Toitois 19 30 1 0 1 , n .„ „ I 9 Oct., 1882 4 0.. .. .. .. .. .. ,. .. | „„ Wyndham-Glenham 5 36 J "' 10 * ( 1 May, 1890 " .. 536 ( i * Surveyed .. 9 74 .. 9 74 9 74 .. .. .. I . .. " Seaward Bush.. 24 52 Apple'by-Wahnatua 5 40). ( .9 July, 1886 : " 5 40| ' - ) Waimatua-Mokotua 5 0 79 18 79 .. .. .. \ 16 Jan., 1888 .. .. 5*59 ■ 18 0 Waitur a Sec. (portion) 662) . . ■ . ( eMa^iege , " \\ I '.. '.'. '.'. '.'. .. .. 6 62 Waotrma Sec. (portion) 140 .. 1 40 .. 1 40 ... .... Titiroa and Waima- 5 12 0 51 5 63 5 12 ... ". ' " I i baka Sections Seaward Bush 54 60 Waimaliaka-Catlin's 54 f>0 .. 54 60 54 60 Prelim. .. .. ! extension to j River ........ Catlin's Canterbury Oxford-Temuka .. 83 0 Oxfoi-d-Slicllielil ..I 1144 0 27 1171 7 Aug., 1884 .. .. | I Jl 44 I 1144 Interior Surveyed .. 21 7 .. 21 7 21 7 .. .. [ | . MainLine Reconnaissance ..50 29 .. 50 29 50 29 Prelim. .. .. .. I : . .. .. — -;- .. ..- Otago Oen- ' Waitaki Blufi 182 r>0 Wingatui Jct.-Hindon 1G 67 18 1 .. .. .. 24 Oct., 1889: .. .. ' I ., ■■ 16 67 1 tral ' Main Lino to Hindon Section (part) 2 48 . ( I .. .. ., .. '.'. . \ ( LakeHawea 4 22 I" | M „ 9 April, 189l| ;; ;; ;■; ;; ;; ■; ;■ ;; ;• - ;• •• • — ;• - 23 21 ;; ;; ;; ;; ); ;; |; Middlemaveh Section 7 31 f 4 \{ ., ... ■ . .... | y 77 45 Middlemarch-Hyda ] 6 12 16 77 12 July, 1894 .. .... 16 12 .... | .... Hyde-Kokonga .. 10 0 10 38 1 Out., 1897 ' .. I 10 0 ■ ;.""' Kokonga-Eanfurly 11 25 12 7 .. .. ..14 Dec, IBG8 .. .... 11 25 ' Banfuily-Ida Valley 15 60 .. 15 60 .. 15 60 .. .. .. .. Surveyed S9 31 -. 89 31 89 31 .. .. .. .. .. ., .. I Invercar- Invercargill-King- 87 4 Invercargill-Winton 18 58 22 Feb., 18Y1 18 58 , gill King- ston Winton-Caroline 22 10 20 Oct., 1875 I 22 10 .. stan and Caroline-Elbow 8 27 7 Feb., 1876 8 27 I Branch Blbow-Lowther .. 5 76 i r ,,. q9 iq J 15 Jan., 1877 .. 5 76 ..18 .. .. .. I ■■ ■■ V an a Lumsden! Lowther-Athol .. 13 18 f ° 15 92 19 1 28 Jan,, 1878 .. ! 13 10 .. j I ! " .. f 87 4 Mararoa Athol-Fairlight 10 10 29 April, 1878 .. ! 10 .... .. ] - - Fairlight-Kingstou .. 1 8 85 10 July, 1878 i 8 35! Kingston Wharf .. 0 10 ' { 14 Dec, 1878 .. .. ■ .. .. ; 0 10 I umsdcii-ihirarou ;«) ( 1 .unisiloii-CiisUu Uock 2 21 ) I lApril,1881 : .. .. 2 21 " ) Cas«e Bock-Murray 4 9| f ± Q n 4Q 13 Mar,, 1886 ; 49 " [[ 10 40 Murray Creek-Moss- [ 4 10 J [22 Jan., J887 J .. 4 10 t ) burn Surveyed .. .. 8 20 .. 8 20 ! 8 20 .. .. j .. I .. .. ,. . . .. . Reconnaissance .. 11 20 .. ! 11 20 11 20 Prelim. .. j .. ...;.... j .. j .. . .. Forest Hill Win ton to Hedge- \ 12 40 Winton - Hedgebope j**12 40 0 65 13 25 .. .. 12 40 .. | .. ; I .. " " [[ Kailwav hope ■ Station Western Wallaoetown 17 53 Makarewa Junction- 1 17 53 , 9 Juno, 1879 ' 17 531 j ■ 17 53 Railways Branch Biverton Otautau Branch 11 40 Thornbury (Aparima i 11 40J 15 Dec, 1879 .. ! j 11 40 '■ H 40 June) to Otautau j „(,,,, ,, I Otauta'u-Nightcaps 10 55 Otautau-Wairio .. 10 55 b 61 bi ld 4 j 3 Mar., 1882 .. j 10 55 .. .. 10 55 Orepuki Branch 17 68 Riverton-Oraki ..63 125 July. 1881 I .. 63 .. ) Oraki-Colac .. 1 80 ;24 Sept., 1883 .. 1 so! ' \ 17 68 Colac-Oropuki .. 10 35 5 May, 1885 I . iq 35 I Totals .. 1835 24 .. J1835 24 207 452042 69524 58 37 64 19 52 ; .. 76 36 27 62 11 21126 78247 72152 39 94 58 56 46 18 66 35 2 22 45 40 35 14 34 U 60 +91 54§47 62 17 53 .. 21 32 5 36 29 39 .. I 34 12||27 29 f5 28 1 6 10 0 11 25 1253 10 * In these cases the dates given are the dates on which the railways became the property of the Oovernment. t This comprises 3m. 48ch. of railways constructed by the Government, and lm. 60ch. of lines constructed bv private company and afterwards purchased by the Government. % This comprises 45m. 55ch. of railways constructed by the Government, and 45m. 79ch. of lines constructed by private companies under the District Bailwiys Act and afterwards purchased by the Government. § This comprises llm. 23ch. of railways constructed by the Government, and 36m. 39ch. of lines constructed by private companies under the District; Bail ways Act and afterwards purchased by the Government. II This comprises 23m 40ch. of railways constructed by the Government, and 3m. 69ch. of lines constructed by private company and afterwards purchased by the Government. ** 9 miles 76 chains formerly returned as opened tramway. ■59 13 306 2 Prelim. Opened. Jl884-85. 26 M. ch. 1892-93. 1893-114. 1884-96.1 1 33 34 35 " 36 37 38 39 40 M. oh. M, oh. M. ch. M. ch. M ch. M. eh. '.' .. '.' .' . \ 22 73 I 7 51 :: :; :: :: :: :: :: ) ■ ft 18 10 .. i 0 37 7 12J .. .. : 7 12 3 69 3, 69 24 37 " ■ 24 37 '.. '.'. '.'. '.'. '.'. '.'. .. \ 20 42 2 43 ) " I ' ' " I " ■■I .. '.'. .. .. '.'. '.'. '.'. 9 50 .. j .. ■■ I [-196 37 '.'. '.'. 1 '.'. .. '.'. '.'. '.'. J " '.'. '.'. '.'. '.'. '.'. '.'. 21 76 20 7 '.. .. '.'. .'. '.'. ■■ '.'. G 26 25 31 22 40 ■ 36--ee I 11 38 '.'. '.'. '.'. '.'. V. '.'■ '.'. 22 20 ,, '.'. ,. '.'. '.'. .. '.'. 27 29 36 5 '.'. " '.', '.'. '.'. '.'. 4 42 8 21 ,jl895-9e. 1896-97. 1897-98. 1898-fl9. Total. -196 37 ■246 69 618 ! i'ei I 0 72 0 79 6*51 0 27 Forest Hill Railway Western Railways

Number of Miles open. of Government Lines. NORTH ISLAND. MIDDLE ISLAND.

Number of Miles open of Government Lines. North and Middle Islands combined.






NOETH ISLAND MAIN TKUNK EAILWAY. EEPOBT ON THE PROPOSED NGAIRE, WAITARA, AND AWAKINO ROUTES BY MR. R. W. HOLMES, M.lnst.O.E. Mr. R. W. Holmes to the Engineeb-in-Chief, Wellington. Sir,— Public Works Office, Wellington, 31st July, 1899. I have the honour to forward herewith my report on the Taranaki-Auckland Railway, together with the drawings as enumerated below: — Enclosures herewith. 1. Report. j 5. Longitudinal sections of routes. 2. Appendix. | 6. Plan and sections part Awakino route, by Mr. A. C. 3. Report by Mr. A. C. Koch. Koch. 4. Map of Taranaki, showing routes. Index to Report, dc. Page Page Extent of each route .. .. .. .. 105 Roadworks .. .. .. .. .. 113 General description of location of each route .. 106 I Appendix .. .. .. .. .. 113 Surveys .. .. .. .. .. 106 I Central line— Grades and curves .. .. .. .. 107 Distances .. .. .. .. .. 113 Engineering-works .. .. .. .. 107 Cost .. .. .. .. .. 113 Estimated costs .. .. .. .. 109 j Reasons for adoption .. .. .. .. 113 Country .. .. .. .. .. 109 Forest-conservation .. .. ~ .. 114 Former reports .. .. .. .. 110 Tables of distances— Land-tenure .. .. .. .. .. 110 Central line .. .. .. .. .. 114 Settlement .. .. .. .. .. 110 Ngaire route.. .. .. .. .. 114 Minerals .. .. .. .. .. 110 Waitara route .. .. .. .. 115 Timbers .. .. .. .. .. 11l Awakino route .. .. .. .. 115 Artas of country served .. .. .. .. 11l Estimated cost— Railway revenue .. .. .. .. 11l Central line .. .. .. .. .. lig Port of Mokau .. .. .. .. .. 112 Ngaire route.. .. .. .. .. 116 Distances .. .. .. .. .. 112 Waitara route .. .. .. .. 116 Plans and report .. : .. .. 112 Awakino route .. .. .. .. 117 Respective merits .. .. .. .. 112 Awakino route: Report by Mr. A. C. Koch .. 117 Best route .. .. .. .. ..113 I have, &c, The Engineer-in-Chief, Wellington. R. W. Holmes, Resident Engineer.

Sir,— Wellington, 31st July, 1899. I have the honour to report that, in accordance with instructions received during May, an inspection and exploration of the country along the Ngaire, Awakino, and part of the Waitara routes for a line of railway to connect Taranaki with the Central line between Wellington and Auckland have been made, and the following remarks thereon are submitted for your information:— Extent of each Route. Ngaire Boute. This route connects with the opened line between Wanganui and New Plymouth near Eltham Station, and with the Auckland-Wellington Central line at Kawakawa, in the Ongaruhe Valley. M. eh. Distance between Eltham and Kawakawa Junctions ... ... 103 5 Distance from Wellington to Auckland vid this route ... .. 477 5 Distance from New Plymouth to Auckland vid this route ... •... 295 75 Waitara Boute. This route connects with the Wanganui-New Plymouth opened line in the vicinity of Waitara Station, on the Sentry Hill-Waitara branch line, and with the Ngaire route at 54 m. 21 eh., in the Waingarara Valley. - M. eh. Distance between Waitara and Waingarara Junctions ... ... 46 75 Distance between Waitara and Kawakawa Junctions ... ... 95 60 Distance from Wellington to Auckland vid this route ... ... 499 52 Distance from New Plymouth to Auckland vid this route ~, ~, 264 22 17—D. 1.

r>. -i


Awakino Route. This route connects with the Wanganui-New Plymouth opened line at the same point near Waitara Station as the Waitara route, the routes following a common line to 21m. 70 eh., in the Mimi Valley; it connects with the Auckland-Wellington central line at Mokau Station, in the upper part of the Mokau Valley. M. oh. Distance between Waitara and Mokau Junctions ... ... ... 94 0 Distance between Wellington and Auckland vid this route ... ... 474 27 Distance from New Plymouth to Auckland vid this route ... ... 238 77 General Description of Location of each Eoute. Nqaire Route. The line on leaving Eltham Junction runs nearly straight to near the confluence of the Toko and Patea Eivers, passing over en route a corner of the dry Ngaire Swamp and the Patea River; thence it passes into the Makuri Valley, which it follows up to 16J miles ; a tunnel then carries the line into the Mangaotuku Valley, which is followed up to 30f miles; thence by a tunnel it passes into the Makahu Valley. The line proceeds down this valley for three miles and a half to the confluence of the Pohokura Stream, which is followed up to 37 miles; a tunnel then carries line through the divide of the Patea-Wanganui watersheds into the Mangare Valley, which is followed down to the Wangamomona Valley. It proceeds up this valley to the head; thence it passes the head of the Mauku Valley, and proceeds down and up tributaries of the Eaekohua Stream; thence it passes into and down the Waingarara Valley to the Tangarakau Gorge, up which it proceeds to the Paparata Stream ; thence up this stream to the saddle in the Waiaraia Eange. It then descends into the Heao Valley, crosses it, and enters the Paorae Valley, a tributary, which is followed to its source; thence it passes down the Huhatahi Creek to the Mangaroa Eiver, which is followed up to 78 miles, where it passes through a gap into the Ohura Valley. The Ohura Valley is then followed up to 1004- miles, where a low saddle admits of the line passing into the Ongaruhe Valley to the Kawakawa Junction at 103 m. 5 eh. Waitara Route. The line on leaving Waitara keeps within about a mile and a quarter of the sea-coast as far as the Mimi Valley, crossing the Waitara, Waiau, Onairo, and Urenui Eivers; it then follows up the Mimi Valley to the Uruti Stream, which is in turn followed up to the tunnel which carries the line into the Moki Valley, which is followed down to the Waitara Valley; thence the line follows up the Waifcara Valley to 32-J- miles, where it enters a small valley, which is followed up to the head, where a tunnel carries the line into the Makarakia Valley, which is followed up to 37f miles, where another tunnel carries the line back into the Waitara Valley, down which it proceeds to 43-J miles, where it passes over a low saddle and down the Waingarara Valley to the point of junction with the Ngaire route. A saving in the cost and length of this route may possibly be effected by following up the Waitara Eiver all the way from the Moki Stream to the Waingarara Saddle, instead of proceeding vid the Makarakia Valley. Awakino Route. This route leaves the Waitara route at 21 m. 70 eh., in the Mimi Valley. It follows up the Mimi Valley to a little beyond Mount Messenger, where a tunnel carries line through the ridge into the Mangaongaonga Valley, which is followed down to the Tongaporutu Eiver ; thence to the sea-coast at 35 miles. From this point to Awakino Heads at 46J miles the line follows the coast within half a mile, crossing the Tongaporutu, Mohakatino, and Mokau Eivers ; it then follows up the Awakino Eiver to 64 miles, a little above Mahoenui, where it passes into the Mokau Valley at Totoro by following down the Waipari Creek; thence it proceeds to the Mokau-iti Valley, either via the Waikohatu Valley and a low-level bridge over the Mokau Eiver, or via the Teoteo Native Village and a high-level bridge over the Mokau Eiver. From the Mokau-iti Valley the line passes back into the Mokau Valley, which is followed up to the Mokau Station, where it joins the central line. This is apparently the best route for this railway in this direction, as nearly as can be determined by a reconnaissance survey. There are several alternative lines along portions of the route, but whether their merits would justify their adoption can only be determined by trial-line surveys; for instance, by carrying the line along the coast between the Mimi and Tongaporutu Eivers —a perfectly feasible route —a considerable length of line can be saved, but the cost, and avoidance of revenue-producing country up the Mimi Valley, will most likely condemn it; likewise between the Mokau and Awakino Eivers, near the sea, there are three possible routes, while between Totoro and Wairere Falls there are two good routes, indicated by red, full, and dotted lines, and an indifferent route, indicated by green line; there is also an alternative route between Mahoenui at 62 miles, and the Mokau Valley at 86 miles. The two latter routes are difficult of access from the country to the south. Surveys. Ngaire Route. This route has been surveyed by means of a trial line, with sufficient detail and accuracy to show exactly the maximum extent of engineering-works to construct it, and their cost within very narrow limits,



Waitara Route. This route haa also been surveyed in a similar manner. Awakino Route. From 21m. 70 eh., where it leaves the Waitara route, to Mokau Station, on the central line, only exploration-work has been done. Geades and Cuevbs. Ngaire Route. The steepest grade is 1 in 50, the sharpest curve 7-J- chains (495 ft.) radius, which are the limits now adopted for main lines in New Zealand. Waitara Route. , Grades and curves similar to Ngaire route. Awakino Route. Maximum grade to Mahoenui (62 miles) lin 70, possibly lin 80; thence linsoor 1 in 70, according to route adopted. Maximum curvature, 7-J chains radius. Engineering- wobks. Ngaire Route.

The following shows in a tabulated form the comparative degrees of extent and cost of works required to construct the line, with all equipment:—

Numerous watershed-divides are crossed along the route, which, owing to the general character of the. country, consist of narrow ridges. Advantage is taken of this feature to provide for tunnelling through them, and so avoid the more expensive grading on the hillsides, and the useless rise and fall thereby occasioned. This accounts for the apparently large number (thirty-one, with an aggregate length of 157% chains) of tunnels. There are no viaducts, and only two bridges of any magnitude—viz., those over the Tangarakau River, which are estimated to cost an average of £7,400 each. Briefly the works of construction may be divided into three zones, thus: First zone, moderate works — from Eltham at om. Och. to head of Wangamomona Valley at 47 m. 73 eh., average cost per mile = £6,992. Second zone, heavy works—From 47 m. 73 eh. to Mangaroa Valley at 75 m. 63 eh., average cost per mile = £11,840. Third zone, moderate works—From 75 m. 63 eh. to Kawakawa Junction, average cost per mile = £7,757. Waitara Route. The following shows in a tabulated form the comparative degrees of extent and cost of works required to construct the line, with all equipment : —

Prom To Cost under £6,000 per Mile. I Cost under Cost under £8,000 £11,000 per Mile. per Mile. Cost under £18,000 per Mile. Cost under £24,000 per Mile. Cost under £30,000 per Mile. M. oh. 0 0 5 26 10 0 16 0 22 77 29 77 31 0 37 0 38 73 47 73 49 5 52 48 55 32 60 59 64 73 68 73 75 63 83 56 88 56 93 54 98 56 M. oh. 5 26 10 0 16 0 22 77 29 77 31 0 37 0 38 73 47 73 49 5 52 48 55 32 60 59 64 73 68 73 75 63 83 56 88 56 93 54 98 56 103 56 M. oh. M. ch. 5 25 4 48 M. oh. M. ch. M. ob. M. oh. 5 "74 6"76 7 0 1 3 6 0 178 90 1 10 3 "40 2 "62 5 24 3 77 3 74 6 66 7 "73 5 J "0 4 78 5 2 '5 0 26 67 32 35 32 69 9 64 1 10



This route may also be divided into three zones as regards works of construction, viz. : First zone, moderate works —From Waitara at om. 0 eh. to Uruti at 23 m. Och., average cost per mile = £6,543. Second zone, heavy works —From 23 m. 0 eh. to Mangaroa Valley at 75 m. 63 eh., average cost per mile = £14,321. Third zone, moderate works—From 75 m. 63 eh. to Kawakawa Junction, average cost per mile = £7,757. The remarks re tunnels under Ngaire route apply equally to this route, there being thirty-eight, with a total length of 318-J chains. There are four viaducts, averaging £8,300 each. Awakino Route.

The following table shows in a tabulated form the comparative degrees of extent and cost of works required to construct the line, with all equipment:—

This route cannot be divided into zones for comparing extent of construction-works, as the works on the whole are moderate, with only short lengths of heavy work unevenly distributed throughout. From Waitara to 21m. 70 eh., in the Mimi Valley, the line coincides with the Waitara route, the construction-works being moderate. The crossings of the Waiau, Onairo, and Urenui Eivers cause a good deal of rise and fall. From 21m. 70 eh. the line continues up the bottom of the Mimi Valley, with easy formationwork to 27 miles where it passes by means of a tunnel about 40 chains in length through the ridge near Mount Messenger into the Mangaongaonga Greek Valley, a tributary of the Tongaporutu Eiver. From this point to 52 miles, in the Awakino Valley, the formation-works will be moderate and similar in character to the part up to 16 miles. The only difficulty will be the bridging of the Mokau Eiver, which is complicated through having to make provision for the passage of shipping. If the line proceeds up Mokau Valley for a short distance, thence by a tunnel through ridge into the Awakino Valley, the bridge would most probably have to be a low-

From To Cost under £6,000 per Mile. Cost under Cost under £8,000 £11,000 per Mile. per Mile. Cost under Cost under £18,000 £24,000 per Mile. ! per Mile. Cost under £30,000 per Mile. M. oh. 0 0 8 0 16 0 23 0 29 0 35 0 42 0 46 75 54 42 55 32 60 59 64 73 68 73 75 63 83 56 88 56 93 54 98 56 M. oh. 8 0 16 0 23 0 29 0 35 0 42 0 46 75 M. oh. M. oh. 8 0 8 0 M. oh. M.'oh. M. eh. M. oh. 7" 0 6"'O 6 0 7 "0 4 75 I J 55 32 0 70 60 59 64 73 68 73 75 63 83 56 88 56 93 54 98 56 103 56 5 24 3 "77 3 74 6 66 7 73 5 "0 5"2 4 78 5 0 14 73 26 2 34 73 13 71 6 0

Prom To Cost under Cost under Coat under £6,000 £8,000 £11,000 per Mile. per Mile. per Mile. Cost under £18,000 per Mile. Cost under £24,000 per Mile. Cost under £30,000 per Mile. M. oh. 0 0 8 0 16 0 27 0 28 0 52 0 57 0 62 0 65 0 76 0 90 0 M. ch. 8 0 16 0 27 0 28 0 52 0 57 0 62 0 65 0 76 0 90 0 94 0 M. ch. M. oh. 8 0 M. oh. M. oh. M. oh. M. oh. 11 0 8 "o 24 0 10 s'"o 3 0 5 "o 11 0 14 0 4 0 37 0 8 0 43 0 5 0 1 0



level one with an opening span ; but if the line was run -along the coast to Awakino Heads the bridge would be a high-level one, crossing the river at the mouth nearly on the line of the tele-graph-wire. The necessary divergence up-river to obtain a low-level bridge would be very awkward and expensive to construct owing to the cliffs on each side of valley. The top of cliff at south side of river at the heads is a little over 90 ft. above high-water mark. The last sailingvessel to enter the river (a scow) had masts reaching a height of 95 ft. above water. An opening span at the heads would not be admissible, as presenting at a critical point an obstruction to the free navigation of the entrance to the port. The alternative line between the Mimi and Tongaporutu Eivers would continue along the coast instead of turning inland up the Mimi Valley. The great obstacles in the way of this piece of line are the White Cliffs, and the crossings of the Mimi, Wai-iti, and Tongaporutu Eivers at right angles to their courses. The White Cliffs rise abruptly from the sea-beach for some 800 ft.; they consist entirely of papa rock. Two tunnels, one 80 chains and one 27 chains in length, would be required, and about 50 chains of the line would be on steep papa-rock sideling. From 52 miles to 57 miles the Awakino Valley becomes very narrow and crooked, with cliffs along the sides and high spurs running out into the bends. The construction-works will therefore be heavy. Several river-crossings and tunnels may be required to keep curvature within the limits. At 57 miles the valley opens out so that the formation - works will be much easier up to 65 miles, where the tunnel is that carries the line into the Waipari Creek Valley. This tunnel will be about 13 chains long. The line follows down the Waipari Creek to the Mokau Eiver, the construction-works being moderate. The line will either descend about 200 ft. to a low-level crossing of the Mokau Eiver, and then grade up the Waikohatu Creek to a saddle leading into the Mckau-iti Valley, or cross the Mokau Eiver by a high-level bridge at the mouth of the Waipari Creek, and proceed up the Mokau and Mokau-iti Valleys. The best route can only be determined by trial survey, as, whichever way the line is taken between Awakino Valley at 65 miles and the Mokau Valley at 76 miles, near Wairere J?alls, the formation-works will, on the whole, be heavy. The latter of the above routes is the best, as avoiding most of the fall to the Mokau Eiver, thus allowing very much better grades. There are two other routes—one vid the north bank of the Mokau Eiver from the Waipari Creek, the other vid the Mangaotaki Valley, the latter being, I am convinced, impracticable, owing to the precipitous nature of the country and the great rise to saddle at Paemako. Between Mokau-iti Eiver at 74 miles and Mokau Eiver at 76 miles there will be a tunnel about 20 chains in length to avoid grading over top of saddle. From 76 miles to Mokau Station, at 94 miles, the end of this route, the line follows up the Mokau Eiver, with occasional divergences to save distance. The formation-works will be easy, except for a mile and a half between 88 miles and 90 miles, where a waterfall in the river occurs, the sudden drop necessitating a short grade to carry line up. From om. Och. (Waitara) to 57 miles, in the Awakino Valley, the height of line above sealevel will vary from 10 ft. to 150 ft.; thence the highest point will be at the junction with central line, which is 690 ft. above sea-level, the greatest rise in any one place on a steep grade being 300 ft., and this may be reduced to half the amount. The only advantage gained by a low-level crossing of the Mokau Eiver at Totoro is to make the line more accessible from the good country to the south. On the whole, I must say that from an engineering point of view this route is an excellent one, and by far the easiest to construct. Estimated Costs. Ngaire Route. Total cost, £865,997 ; length, 103 miles 5 chains. Average cost per mile, £8,403. Waitara Route. Total cost, £1,008,921; length, 95 miles 59 chains. Average cost per mile, £10,538. Awakino Route. Total cost, £751,400; length, 94 miles. Average cost per mile, £7,994. New Zealand Railways opened for Traffic to 31st March, 1898. Total cost, £15,994,000; length, 2,061 miles. Average cost per mile, £7,750. Tables are attached giving the estimated cost with some detail. Country. . Ngaire Route. The country along this route, with the exception of the Tangarakau Gorge and the upper part of the Ohura Valley, is all good pastoral land, besides being suitable for agricultural purposes for the first ten miles from Bltham, and in numerous other smaller areas along the route. Although the Tangarakau Gorge is almost useless immediately adjacent to the line, there are considerable areas of fair country within a short distance. The country as far as 8 miles, near Toko, is situated on the tail of the slope from Mount Egmont. It is fairly flat; the soil is volcanic; thence to about 90 miles, in the Ohura Valley, the country is all clay and papa rock, overlaid by good soil, principally in the form of ridges. Beyond 90 miles the fiat country is covered with pumice, only the hillsides being free, and at 100 miles the papa rock is overlaid with the volcanic rock rhyolite.



Up to 55 miles the country is all suitable for close settlement, and also from 66 miles to 90 miles, while the balance is only fit for close settlement in isolated places. Waitara Boute. The country along this route up to 23 miles, in Mimi Valley, is good, being for fifteen miles suitable for agricultural purposes. It is described more particularly under Awakino route. From 23 miles to junction with Nagire route it is rough, only occasional pieces being suitable for close settlement. This route, in addition to passing through all the rough country on the Ngaire route, passes through the rough country between the Ngaire route and the sea-coast, and then has the sea on one side for the remaining distance, which is sufficient to condemn it without considering its excessive cost per mile. Awakino Boute. From the Waitara Biver to Pukearuhe, near the White Cliffs, the country is undulating, forming in plan a roughly shaped triangle, with its base, about four miles and a half long, between Waitara and Tikorangi, and its apex at Pukearuhe. This is bounded on the north and west by the sea, and on the south and east by rough ridgy country. The line crosses this undulating country— which is of good quality, and suitable for agricultural purposes—as far as the Mimi Eiver, where it turns and follows up the valley. With the exception of the short length on the coast, the Mimi Valley, like the valleys of all the rivers along the coast, is formed of steep papa ridges and spurs, with a small extent of flat ground in the bottom. From the Tongaporutu Eiver to Awakino Heads there is a small extent of undulating country immediately adjoining the beach, which is succeeded by papa-rock ridgy hills. From Awakino Heads to a few miles below Mahoenui the country is very broken. Thence to the Central line the country is generally good, and suitable for close settlement. The hills are less steep, and the valleys more open. Limestone shows freely throughout this last part. FOBMEK EEPOETS. The country and engineering features of the Ngaire route have been reported upon before— namely, in 1884 and 1889, the former on completion of exploration, the latter on completion of detail survey. My recent inspection of the country has given me no cause to modify the views expressed therein, the gist of which are included in this report. Land-tenuee. This has not been considered, because, no matter who the land belongs to, it must bring revenue to the line, and the Government has the power of compelling proper cultivation through the Land for Settlements Act. Settlement. Ngaire Boute. The opening-up of the country along this route by means of roads has advanced settlement very much, large areas of bush land having been cleared and brought into cultivation. Settlers are now living along the line as far as the 50th mile, and some settlement has taken place in the Mangaroa Valley. Waitara Boute. Very little settlement has taken place on this route beyond that in the Mimi Valley. Awakino Boute. The undulating country along the coast for some distance beyond Tongaporutu Eiver is now settled, and settlement is now extending up the Tongaporutu Valley. From Awakino Heads to a little beyond Mahoenui settlement has taken place, a large area of bush along the road between these places having been cleared. A special settlement has been made at Paemako, and a considerable area has been improved at Puketiti. MINEEALS. Ngaire Boute. Coal-seams have been seen in the Tangarakau Valley at 61m. 40 eh., and in the Paparata Valley at 63 m. 60 eh. Limestone in the form of shell rock has been found in the hills near 15 miles, and in the Tangarakau Gorge. Gravel has been found up to 8 miles, and also in Tangarakau Gorge, Mangaroa, and Ongaruhe Eiver s. Building-stone, suitable for chimneys, small culverts, &c, occurs in the form of shell-rock limestone in the Tangarakau Gorge, and in the form of rhyolite in the vicinity of Central line. Waitara Boute. Coal as on N-gaire route. Limestone in form of shell rock in the Tangarakau Gorge. Gravel occurs up to Uruti, 22 miles, and in Tangarakau Gorge, Mangaroa, and Ongaruhe Eivers. Building-stone as on Ngaire route.



Awakino Boute. Coal. —The Mokau coal-measures crop out in the Awakino Valley, close to Mahoenui. Limestone occurs a short distance up the Mokau Eiver from the heads, and also abundantly from a few miles below Mahoenui to the central line. There are numerous varieties, one being of an amorphous description, which can be quarried in large blocks ; another is commonly described as shell rock; another is crystallized and is built up of laminations ; while another consists of very small fragments of other varieties cemented together—this also occurs in the form of laminations. This variety is very suitable for constructing various articles in building-work, such as pilasters, friezes, &c, and also for such articles of furniture as billiard-table and washstand tops, and also for tombstones; it is very handsome, and takes a good polish. The laminations of the last two varieties are easily separated, and, as they vary very much in thickness and area, large slabs can be obtained, with only the trouble of separating them, suitable for any class of work. Gravel occurs in the Mimi Valley, and upper part of the Awakino Eiver. Building-stone, in the form of shell rock ,and rhyolite, suitable for culvert-construction can be obtained, the former near Mokau Heads, the latter near Central line; while limestone, as described above, can be obtained from 57 miles to Central line, suitable for the highest classes of building- and bridge-construction. Timbers. Ngaire Route. Ordinary building timbers, comprising rimu, kahikatea, and matai, can be obtained in abundance throughout the route, and also such timbers as inaire, hinau, and rewarewa to a limited extent. In the Tangarakau Gorge a little birch and tanekaha can be obtained. Totara is very scarce. Waitara Boute. Similar to Ngaire route. Awakino Boute. Very similar to Ngaire route. A better description of birch can be obtained. Puriri in limited quantities can be obtained along the coast from Tongaporutu Biver northwards. Totara is scarce. Areas of Country Served. Ngaire Boute. On the attached plan of the Taranaki Province the country already served for ten miles on each side of the New Plymouth-Wanganui and Central lines is coloured brown. The country that would be served for ten miles on each side of the Ngaire route is coloured red. Mokau Port. The area of country that will be served by this port is coloured blue. Awakino Boute. The area of country that will be served for ten miles on each side of this route, exclusive of that served by Mokau Port, is coloured yellow. This shows that a minimum of benefit is derived from the Awakino route. The country along the Ngaire route changes a few miles above Nihoniho-o-te-kiore, on the Ohura Eiver, and within the influence of the Central line, to a very inferior class, while to the westward it continues good; so that if the line as explored by myself in 1884 was adopted from either Mangaroa or Ohura Valleys across to Mokau-iti Valley, thence to and up the Mokau Valley to Mokau Station, the country coloured yellow along the northern part of Awakino route would be served by the Ngaire route, leaving a very small area which would not derive material benefit from a railway-line or seaport. This deviation would make the Ngaire route longer than continuing up the Ohura Valley, but less of it would be within the influence of the Central line. Bail way Eβ venue. General. A railway connecting Taranaki with Auckland by whatever route will not derive any revenue from through goods traffic, as it could not compete against sea-carriage any more than the WellingtonNew Plymouth line can compete against the steamers trading into the Ports of Wanganui, Patea, New Plymouth, and Waitara. Consequently it must depend for revenue upon the traffic with the nearest seaport, and so much through passenger traffic as may be gained through dread of a seapassage. According to present rates, the cost of a single first-class ticket by railway from New Plymouth to Auckland will be, according to route, from £2 12s. to £3 65., without meals, while the present steamer-fare is £1 11s., including meals, and Is. from Onehunga to Auckland, a very considerable difference in favour of the sea-passage, which many passengers will no doubt avail themselves of, as is done at present between New Plymouth and Wellington. The route therefore which will bring the most traffic to a seaport must be the best. This will be that which opens up the greatest extent of good land beyond the reach of payable road-carriage. Ngaire Boute. A glance at the map already referred to shows that the Ngaire route strikes well inland, and runs through good country situated inland of the belt of rough country which extends from middle



part of course of Waitara Eiver right up the coast. This belt of rough country makes roadcommunication with the sea-coast very difficult and long, a feature ■which is all in favour of this route. In order to shorten the distance to seaport at New Plymouth or Waitara, the line should connect with present line at Stratford. The necessity of Blthani as the junction has ceased since the adoption of the Central line as the means of communication between Wellington and Auckland. Awakino Route. The great drawbacks to this route are its being along the sea-coast for half its length, that it connects two shipping ports, that for fifty miles it must depend upon a belt of very rough country for traffic from which a minimum quantity can only be derived, and that the Port of Mokau will deprive it of a large percentage of its revenue. Poet op Mokau. The Mokau River at its embouchure has excellent natural advantages for the formation, at a small outlay, of a good port, suitable for moderate-sized vessels drawing up to, say, 12 ft. of water. There is a bold headland on the south side, skirted by a reef visible at low water, which forms a natural training-wall in a good position for and does maintain the channel across the bar in a permanent position. There is an extensive tidal basin extending some twenty miles up river, giving great scouring force, which only requires to be confined by short sea-walls to give a permanently deep channel through the sand-bar. A short length of half-tide walls are also required to maintain the channel inside the bar in a permanent position, and with somewhat flatter curves than exist at the present time. There is a sand-drift along the coast from, south to north, which, however, would cause little trouble, as the tidal scour and river-floods will be quite sufficient to maintain a deep channel when controlled by suitable walls. With the port thus improved and served by good metalled roads, the country surrounding will be in a better position than if it had a railway-line along the sea-coast. The country for a considerable distance from the coast is suited principally for sheep-grazing, so that in a few years a large export of wool and meat will arise from the Tongaporutu, Mohakatino, Mokau, and Awakino Eiver Valleys, which can be most ecconomically dealt with by way of this port, either by lightering to foreign trade-vessels, as is done at present at Waitara, or by coastal steamers transhipping at the larger ports. The harbour improvements mentioned would enable lightering to be carried on at any state of the tide. In addition to the products of the soil, there will in the near future be a considerable export trade in coal from the mines up the river, and possibly also in time from the limestone deposits, which will demand some harbour improvements, which cannot be avoided by constructing a railway. The roads for serving the port should be located at the bottoms of the valleys, and, wherever possible, with an even grade throughout, the higher country having a lighter description of road always falling towards the main valley roads, so that all export traffic may naturally gravitate towards the shipping port. The useless rises and falls so often seen, particularly when attaining the extent of that over Taumata-maire Ridge, in Awakino Valley, "should be avoided as causing useless expense for haulage, which can only detract from the prosperity of the district. The country towards the upper part of the Awakino Valley, and upon which the Awakino route would have to depend for the bulk of its revenue, can be admirably served, and the necessity for a railway avoided, by locating the main road from Taranaki to the Waikato (which is now in course of construction) down the bottom of the Awakino Valley to the Heads, thence to the Port of Mokau, and metalling it with the laminated limestone before mentioned, it being admirably adapted for breaking with stone-crushers at very little expense. Distances. Attached hereto is a table of distances from Auckland and Wellington of important points along the various routes, and also along the Central line. Plans and Repobt. Forwarded herewith is a plan of Taranaki showing the several routes, also a drawing showing the longitudinal sections of each route, and also a report, with plan, by Mr. A. C. Koch, Assistant Engineer, who was instructed to assist me with the exploration. Respective Meeits. Ngaire Route. (1.) Can draw traffic from the largest area. (2.) No formidable engineering-works. (3.) Good country suited for close settlement extends on both sides of the line for 76 per cent, of its length. Waitara Route. (1.) Formidable engineering-works. (2.) High cost per mile. (3.) Good country suited for close settlement extends on both sides of line for only 49 per cent, of its length. Awakino Route. (1.) Easily constructed. (2.) Best grades. (3.) Good country suited for close settlement extends on both sides of line for only 40 per cent, of its length. (4.) Runs too near the sea-coast, (5.) Has to compete against sea-carriage.





T).— 1

Best Eoute. Taking into consideration the merits as enumerated above, I have no hesitation in stating that the Ngaire route is the best, and, further, that the country passed through is good enough to support a line, especially with the deviations mentioned at each end, without taking into consideration the question of its being a means of communication between Auckland and Wellington and Taranaki; in fact, a railway-iine will be almost a necessity for the future prosperity of the country, owing to the long distances which most of it is from a market, and the difficulty of maintaining roads in proper condition to allow of carting all the year round, due to the lack of suitable materials for metalling them. Eoadwoeks. In conclusion, I wish to draw attention, as was done in 1889, to the necessity of locating the main road through the Tangarakau Gorge and approaches, so as not to interfere with the railwayline, as in places where the road is completed no attention seems to have been paid to the necessity of avoiding the railway-line, which will cause useless expenditure on road-deviations when railway-construction is undertaken. Appendix. An appendix is attached hereto giving some remarks on the length and cost of the Central line, with reasons for its adoption, as the means of communication between Auckland and Wellington. I have, &c, E. W. Holmes, The Engineer-in-Ohief, Wellington. Eesident Engineer.

APPENDIX. Sib,— Public Works Office, Wellington, 31st July, 1899. I have the honour to draw your attention to the following remarks on the Centkal Line. Distances. Distance between termini of parts opened for traffic is 140f miles. Distance between termini of parts under construction is 113f miles. Length under construction at present time is twenty-seven miles. Of this distance eleven miles of formation at southern end are completed, with exception of Makohine Viaduct. The distance between Marton and Te Awamutu is 210 miles. These places are the termini of what is generally known as the Central route. Of this distance 69J miles have been completed for traffic and opened. Distance between Auckland and Wellington is 426f miles. Cost. An estimated expenditure of £1,211,665 is required to complete this line, an average of £8,610 per mile. This estimate, as per details attached, is based upon actual quantities for eighty-seven miles of the 140f miles; the balance of 53f miles is based upon comparisons with the former part, so that it is correct within narrow limits. Reasons for Adoption, The following are the chief reasons for constructing this line as the means of communication between Wellington and Auckland instead of via Taranaki: — 1. It is the shortest distance by fifty-one miles. 2. It avoids the heavy grades of opened line from Turakina to Waitotara, and the lesser grades between the latter place and Hawera. 3. There are less rises and falls by 1,128 ft. 4. The journey between Wellington and Auckland can be performed in a very much shorter time, because : (a) The distance is shorter; (b) there are fewer rises to haul trains up; (c) the line is a better running one, as the grades and curves are easier, thus allowing of greater speed. 5. The grades are flatter over the greater part of the distance. 6. It passes nearly through centre of North Island, thus opening up the interior, which can only be effectively accomplished by a railway. 7. That the country is excellent on both sides of line up to the 61st mile from Marton, and is capable of supporting a line without regard to through traffic. That the country is good to the westward of line for remainder of distance. That the country to the eastward, although inferior, is capable of providing considerable freight, such as wool, stock, &c. 8. That it is the only means of tapping the large forests in the Waimarino Block. 9. That the royalty derivable from these forests, if properly conserved, will pay for the line. 10. That these forests will be a perpetual source of revenue. 11. That it will enable the country between these forests and the Wanganui Eiver to be suitably settled, which will otherwise remain to a great extent unproductive. 12. That it will enable the San Francisco mails to reach Wellington and the South Island in the shortest possible time. 18—D. 1.



Forest-conservation. As the forest in the Waimarino and other blocks lying between the Murimutu Plains and the Wanganui Eiver near Taumaranui occupies country that is adapted to forest growth more than to ordinary settlement, owing to inferior quality of soil and rigorous climate, and as this forest is extensive enough to afford a permanent revenue for the railway, steps should be taken to insure its being worked on systematic lines, and provision made for perpetuating the forest by compelling the replanting of all areas cut out with suitable quick-growing trees. I have, &c, R. W. Holmes, The Bngineer-in-Chief, Wellington. Eesident Engineer.

Tables op Distances between Wellington and Auckland. Via Central Line.

Via Ngaire Route.

Prom To Wellington. To Auckland. Intermediate Distances. M. oh. M. ch. 426 39 310 5 287 45 276 45 265 25 241 5 231 5 206 2n 173 48 158 0 151 40 146 68 134 35 100 0 M. oh. Wellington Marton Junction... Mangaonoho (end opened line) Mangaweka (end completed formation) Taihape (end works in progress, south end) Waiouru (summit, Murimutu Plains) Waione (lowest point between summits) Waimarino (summit of long grade from Wanganui Eiver) Taumaranui (bottom of long grade from Wanganui Eiver) Kawakawa (point of junction, Ngaire route) ... Waimeha (end works in progress, north end) Poro-o-tarao (end opened line) Mokau (point of junction, Awakino route) Te Awamutu Auckland New Plymouth ... 116 34 138 74 149 74 161 14 185 34 195 34 220 14 252 71 268 39 274 79 279 51 292 4 326 39 426 39 252 0 116 34 22 40 11 0 11 20 24 20 10 0 24 60 32 57 15 48 6 40 4 52 12 33 34 35 100 0 445 0

From To Wellington. To Auckland. Intermediate Distances. j Wellington Marton Junction, central line Eltham Junction Strathmore Township Wangamomona Township... Head Wangamomona Valley (heavy work begins) Waingarara Junction, Waitara route, and commencement rough country Coal-seams, Tangarakau ... Heao (end rough country)... Mangaroa (end heavy work) Nihoniho, on Ohura River Kawakawa, junction with central line Waimeha (end works in progress) ... Poro-o-tarao (end opened line) Mokau Junction, Awakino route ... .... Te Awamutu Auckland New Plymouth ... M. oh. 116 34 216 0 238 15 257 13 264 0 270 20 M. oh. 477 5 360 51 261 5 238 70 219 72 213 5 206 65 M. oh. 116 34 99 46 22 15 18 78 6 67 6 20 278 0 288 0 290 0 299 20 319 5 325 45 330 17 342 50 377 5 477 5 252 0 199 5 194 5 187 5 177 65 158 0 151 40 146 68 134 35 100 0 7 60 5 0 7 0 9 20 19 65 6 40 4 52 12 33 34 35 100 0 296 0



Via Waitara Route.

Via Awakino Route.

Estimates of Cost. Central Line. Estimate of Cost of Completion.

From "I To Wellington. To Auckland. Intermediate Distances. Wellington ... ... ... ... Marton Junction, central lino ... ... ... Elthain Junction, Ngaire route Stratford Sentry Hill Junction (10f miles to New Plymouth Harbour) Waitara, junction with opened line ... Urenui ... ... ... ... ... ... I Mimi (rough country begins) Uruti (heavy work begins) ... ... ... Waingarara, junction with Ngaire route .. ... | Coal-seams, Tangarakau ... Heao (end rough country)... Mangaroa (heavy work ends) ... ... ■...: Kawakawa, junction with central line Waimeha (end works in progress) ... ... ... S Poro-o-tarao (end opened line) ... ... ... j Mokau, junction with Awakino route ... ... ! Te Awamutu ... ... ... ... ... Auckland New Plymouth ... M. oh. 116 34 216 0 221 22 243 10 245 72 256 62 261 72 270 0 292 67 300 47 305 47 312 47 341 52 348 12 352 64 365 17 399 52 499 52 252 0 M. oh. 116 34 216 0 221 22 243 10 245 72 256 62 261 72 270 0 292 67 300 47 305 47 312 47 341 52 348 12 352 64 365 17 399 52 499 52 252 0 M. oh. 499 52 383 18 283 52 278 30 256 42 253 60 242 60 237 60 229 52 206 65 199 5 194 5 187 5 158 0 151 40 146 68 134 35 100 0 264 0 I M. oh. 116 34 99 46 5 22 21 68 2 62 11 0 5 0 8 8 22 67 7 60 5 0 7 0 29 5 6 40 4 52 12 33 34 35 100 0

Prom To Wellington. To Auckland. Intermediate Distances. M. oh. M. ch. 474 27 357 73 258 27 253 5 231 17 M. oh. Wellington .. .. ... ... ... Marton Junction, central line ... ... ... Eltham Junction, Ngaire route, ... ... ... j Stratford ... ... ... ... ... Sentry Hill Junction (10f miles to New Plymouth Harbour) Waitara, junction with opened line ... Urenui ... Mimi Valley, junction with Waitara route Tongaporutu Heads' Mokau Heads Awakino Heads ... Mahoenui Wairere Falls, Mokau Biver . '. . ... ... Mokau, junction with Central line ... Te Awamutu Auckland New Plymouth ... 116 34 216 0 221 22 243 10 245 72 256 72 267 62 281 0 288 40 292 40 308 0 322 0 339 72 374 27 474 27 252 0 228 35 217 35 206 45 193 27 185 67 181 67 166 27 152 27 134 35 100 0 116 34 99 46 5 22 21 68 2 62 11 0 10 70 13 18 7 40 4 0 15 40 14 0 17 72 34 35 100 0 239 0 ■

j Length. Rate per Mile. From To Section. Amount. M. eh. 22 40 33 40 40 40 50 45 61 40 69 0 a84 32 91 62 103 40 111 40 121 40 65 0 49 0 M. oh. 83 40 40 40 • 50 45 61 40 69 0 a84 32 91 62 103 40 111 40 121 40 129 37 83 0 65 0 Makohine Manga weka Paengaroa Hautapu Falls ... Waiouru Murimutu Raetihi Waimarino Makaretu Ohongo Whakapapa Ongaruhe Ohinemoa M. oh. 11 0 10 0 10 5 10 75 7 40 13 67 8 75 11 68 8 0 10 0 7 77 18 0 16 0 £ 3,933 12,684 10,000 8,575 6,998 6,640 13,500 9,000 12,000 8,000 10,000 5,777 7,326 £ 43,263 126,836 100,625 93,790 52,485 91,638 120,656 105,525 96,000 80,000 79,625 104,000 117,222 1,211,665



Ngaibe Route. Estimate of Cost. — Based upon Actual Survey.

Waitara Route. Estimate of Cost.—Based upon Actual Survey.

Section. Subdivision No. From To Length, Net. Rate per Mile. Amount. M. oh. M. ch. 5 26 10 0 16 0 22 77 29 77 31 0 37 0 38 73 47 73 49 5 52 48 55 32 60 59 64 73 68 73 75 63 83 56 88 56 93 54 98 56 103 56 M. oh. 5 25 4 48 5 74 6 76 7 0 1 3 6 0 1 73 9 0 1 10 3 40 2 62 5 24 3 77 3 74 6 66 7 73 5 0 4 78 5 2 5 0 £ 6,446 7,639 5,538 8,731 5,112 10,404 5,188 17,460 6,631 23,353 6,676 10,141 8,064 16,300 15,498 10,221 5,032 7,348 10,281 6,873 10,853 & 34,244 35,138 32,951 60,678 35,782 10,794 31,126 33,392 59,679 26,272 23,367 28,143 42,737 64,586 60,830 69,762 39,820 36,740 51,150 34,540 54,266 fgaire... it • • • „ ... „ ... 'angarakau " 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 5 4 3 2 1 5 26 10 0 16 0 22 77 29 77 31 0 37 0 38 73 47 73 49 5 52 48 55 32 60 59 64 73 68 73 75 63 83 56 88 56 93 54 98 56 »/ leao ... )hura ... 103 6 8,403 865,997

Section. Subdivision No. From To Length, Net. Bate per Mile. Amount. M. oh. M. ch. 8 0 16 0 23 0 29 0 35 0 42 0 46 75 M. ch. 8 0 8 0 7 0 6 0 6 0 7 0 4 75 £ 6,050 7,810 5,657 28,826 16,901 10,739 9,200 £ 48,400 62,480 39,600 172,960 101,409 75,174 45,427 vVaitara it it a 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 0 16 0 23 0 29 0 35 0 42 0 I 46 75 ) 1 54 42 J 55 32 60 59 64 73 68 73 75 63 83 56 88 56 93 54 98 56 a a Pangarakau 8 55 32 0 70 10,331 9,040 I a Eeao ... it Dhura ... 2 1 1 2 5 4 8 2 1 60 59 64 73 68 73 75 63 83 56 88 56 93 54 98 56 103 56 5 24 3 77 3 74 6 66 7 73 5 0 4 78 5 2 5 0 8,064 16,300 15,498 10,221 5,032 7,348 10,281 6,873 10,853 42,737 64,586 60,830 69,762 39,820 36,740 51,150 34,540 54,266 a a it "' 95 59 10,538 1,008,921



Awakino Route. Estimate of Cost. — Based upon Exploration Survey.

Awakino Railway Route. —Mahoenui to Mokau Railway-station. Sib, — Public Works Department, Auckland, sth July, 1899. I have the honour to report as follows on that part of the proposed Awakino Railway route between Mahoenui and the Mokau Railway-station. Referring to the accompanying sketch-plan and sections, I have examined the country along the line shown in red, and also partly the country along the deviations shown in yellow and green. Yellow Deviation, from Miles to 86 Miles.- -It might be worth while running a trial over this line when the trial surveys are being made, but the necessary rises and falls are against it, and the work would be very heavy along the Mangaotaki; besides, a line following the Mokau River would be more serviceable in opening up the country. Green Deviation, from 6&\ Miles to 80 Miles. —I am of opinion that if the line is made along this deviation, instead of by Totoro, the grades would be easier, the total distance would be about two miles and a half shorter, and the total cost would not be more than that of the red line. The Mokau River from Waipari Creek to the Wairere Palls runs between limestone cliffs which rise to a height of 200 ft., in places, above water-level of river. The Mangaotaki River, which is about 100 ft. wide at water-level, runs also between similar cliffs. It has a papa-rock bottom, and would have to be bridged at an economical height above w.ater-level, and the line on to Wairere Falls would have to be carefully located, with rising and falling grades of, say, 1 in 70, so as to ease the work and adapt the line to the country. Bed Line, from 62 Miles (Mahoenui) to 94 Miles (Mokau Railway-station). —Starting from 62 miles, the line follows up the Awakino Valley to 64-J miles ; grades easy, and cross-section flat. It crosses the Awakino River about 62f miles. At 64J miles the dividing-ridge of papa rock is passed through by a 13-chain tunnel. From 64-J- miles to 67J miles the line falls with 1 in 70 grade, running down valleys of Waipari Creek and Mokau River ; work moderate. From 67J miles to 68-f miles the line runs along Mokau River, crossing it at about 68-J miles. The formation-work here would be moderate, and the bridge about 200 ft. in length. The grades would be easy. From 68f miles to 72 miles the line follows up the Waikohatu Creek Valley, rising with lin 50 grade, and passes over saddle at 10 miles, with a5O ft. cutting. Formation-work would be heavy here, as cross-gullies would have to be crossed on the sideling. From 72 miles to 73f fmiles the line falls with 1 in 50 grade to Mokau-iti River; work moderate. From 73f miles to 74f miles the line rises with lin 55 grade; work moderate. At 74f miles the line passes through limestone ridge with tunnel about 20 chains long. From 74J miles to 75f miles the line falls with lin 55 grade; work moderate. From 75f- miles to 88J miles the line follows up the Mokau Valley with flat grades and easy work, the large bends of the river being cut off by passing over saddles in the low hills. From 88J miles to 90 miles the line rises with 1 in 70 grade to rise over waterfall in Mokau River; work would be moderately heavy here. From 90 miles to 94 miles (Mokau Railway-station) the line would follow up Mokau Valley, cutting off bends where possible ; grades and work easy. As the Waikohatu is much lower than the valley leading co the saddle, at 10 miles from Mokau-iti, I think it would be advisable to run a trial, as shown in dotted red line, from 66 miles to 74 miles. The maximum length of bridge required to cross any of the rivers—except Mokau and Mangaotaki—on the square will be about 60 ft., with usual end spans. Ballast shows in Mokau River, at Totoro, and also in Awakino River. An approximate estimate of this part of the line of railway, including formation, rails, stations, and rolling-stock, amounts to £240,000. • I have, &c, R. W. Holmes, Esq., Resident Engineer. A. C. Kooh, A.E.

Section. Subdivision No. From To Length. Rate per Mile. j Amount. Awakino // ... ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 M. oh. 8 0 16 0 27 0 28 0 52 0 57 0 62 0 65 0 76 0 90 0 M. oh. 8 0 16 0 27 0 28 0 52 0 57 0 62 0 65 0 76 0 90 0 94 0 M. oh. 8 0 8 0 11 0 1 0 24 0 5 0 5 0 3 0 11 0 14 0 4 0 S, 7,000 8,800 5,000 24,000 9,000 12,000 6,000 5,000 11,000 6,000 5,000 £ 56,000 70,400 55,000 24,000 216,000 60,000 30,000 15,000 121,000 84,000 20,000 a • • • a ' • • - • • 94 0 7,994 751,400




NORTH ISLAND MAIN TRUNK RAILWAY. Ebpoet on the charactkk of the Lands affected vii Centkal Eoute, by Me. H. J. Lowe. Department of Lands and Survey, District Office, Wellington, 4th September, 1899. Eefebeing to your memorandum of the 22nd ultimo (S.G. 39554), I have the honour to forward herewith a report by Mr. District Surveyor Lowe on the value of the lands adjacent to the line of railway between Taihape and the northern boundary of the Wellington District. I regret that time has not permitted the work being done more fully. Mr. Lowe and a couple of draughtsmen have done cheir best; and the information and plans, so far as I can find, are as asked for. J. Mackenzie, The Surveyor-General, Wellington. For Chief Surveyor.

Wellington, 4th September, 1899. Table showing Lands along the Central Eoute of the North Island Main Trunk Eailway, starting from an East-and-West Line through Taihape, and extending for Ten Miles on either Side of the Line to the Boundary of the Wellington Land District at Taumaranui, showing the Crown, Native, and Alienated Lands, their Approximate Areas, and Present and Past Selling-values ; also some Notes of Timber, Soil, &c.

Area within Ten-mile Limit. Tenure. Name of Block. General Kemarks. Crown. Value. Native. Value. Value. 55,048 Acrfs. 900 £ 1,350 Aores. £ Acres. £ Awarua Awarua Awarua Motukawa Motukawa Te Kapua Ponuiotane Ponuiotane 6,600 32,935 8,200 10,'278 2,200 300 2,750 8,300 375 22,657 31,300 62,600 30,000 22,848 7,900 4,400 33,000 9,875 5,500 680 acres open fern and grass country, 220 acres undulating bush country, medium - size mixed. Average price, £1 10s. per acre. Mostly open fern and grass country, hilly, undulating, with areas of agricultural land all suitable for small farms. Average price, £2. Contains about 3,000 acres of good milling timber. Occupied in farms under 640 acres. Sold at £1 10s. 900 acres low country on river, partly open, partly good bush; 1,300 aores high open country, light soil, on limestone ; 8,000 acres high bush and open country, on limestone, containing rimu, matai, and some totara, also a great quantity of good kaiwaka (or pihautea): 12s. 6d. to £1 2s. 6d. Open fern and grass country, some up to 2,000 ft. above sea, some up to 3,000 ft. ; also undulating and flat bush, of which at least 2,000 acres could be milled. Plat and undulating land around Turangarere could be cropped. Practically all sold in farms of 200 acres, with some small improved farms nnder 50 acres; also contains site of proposed township of Mataroa, 300 aores. Average selling-price of whole block, 17s. 6d. to £1 10s. Bush country; hilly; cut into farms of 200 acres, but forfeited, and now open for selection. Hilly bush country ; sold in areas of 200 acres each, and now being felled and cleared for sheep. Hilly, mixed-bush country, good soil; can cut into small areas ; not much for milling purposes. Average price, £1 5s. Hilly bush and open country, good soil; could out into small farms. Average price, £1 5s. Some good flax-swamps. Hilly mixed-bush and open country, improved ; let to Europeans by the Natives. Hilly, undulating, and flat bush and open country; improved, and carrying about three sheep to the acre. Leased by Natives to Europeans. High land, 2,000 ft. to 3,000 ft.; open tussock, bush, and swamp; some suitable for farms under 640 acres, and balance under 2,000 acres. Bush eontains good rimu, and matai, and kaiwaka, also some good totara, but somewhat difficult of access for milling purposes, more especially the eastern portion. Sold over ten years ago, in areas under 2,000 acres, at 15s. per acre ; mostly cleared and under sheep. High, open tussock country, 2,000 ft. to 3,000 ft.; pumice-sand on limestone. Partly bought by the Crown ; leased until 1903 to Europeans ; could be greatly improved if cut into areas up to 5,000 acres. Ngaurukehn .. 9,251 1,120 1,400 Ngaurukehu 8,131 10,164 Ruanui 11,166 1,610 3,220 Ruanui 9,536 27,668 Raketapauma .. 19,689 7,976 6,640 11,718 10,400 Maungakaretii.. 9,744 535 535 1,509 1,509 7,700 5,775 Rangipo-Waiau 43,000 34,598 21,625 I 8,40?, 5,274 Carried forward 195,633 46,195 ; 93,248 147,615 59,517 42,848 54,150


:D H.

Table showing Lands along the Central Route of the North Island Main Trunk Railway, &c. — continued.

An extract from Mr. G-. T. Murray's report on the milling timber in the Waimarino, Raetihi, Bangitaua, Otiranui, and adjacent blocks, as shown by green line on tracing No. 2, is added to these schedules. In addition to this there are totara forests in the north end of the Waimarino probably covering some 5,000 acres, but not yet properly vested. 91,800 acres at 7,000 ft. per acre, and an expenditure in working-expenses of 3s. 6d. per 100 ft., would alone represent the circulation of £1,123,550. H. J. Lowe, J. W. A. Marchant, Esq., Chief Surveyor, Wellington. District Surveyor.


Name of Block. Area within Ten-mile Limit. Tenu: re. Value - tS: Value - General Remarks. I Crown. Value. \ Native. Brought forward Rangipo - Waiau Nos. 1 and 2 195,633 23,000 Acres. 59,517 17,000 £ 46,195 8,500 Acres. 93,248 6,000 £ 147,615 3,000 Acres. 42,848 £ 54,150 High, open tussook country ; pumice-sand on limestone, papa, and sandstone; partly spoilt by volcanic deposit. Mostly bought by Grown, but leased to Europeans until 1903. Open tussock country ; pumice-sand on papa and sandstone. Leased. High, oold country, on slopes of Ruapehu. Leased till 1902. Flat and undulating open tussock country ; pumice soil on papa, limestone, and sandstone. Mostly bought by Crown ; leased to Europeans until 1902 ; could cut into small runs over 2,000 acres. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Flat, undulating, and hilly forest land; cut into areas of under 640 acres. Some flat and undulating mixed-forest land ; some hilly and mountainous, covered with birch forest. Some flat and undulating mixed-forest land, some open grass country, and some hilly birch country. Oruamatua 15,700 15,700 7,950 Muremutu 1 .. 500 112 56 388 194 Muremutu 2 8,822 7,462 4,664 1,360 850 Muremutu 3 Muremutu 4 Muremutu 5 Rangiwaia 2 .. 13,000 11,000 13,081 11,315 5,602 6,286 8,562 4,223 3,501 2,368 5,351 4,000 7,398 4,714 4,519 4,624 2,946 2,824 7,092 7,500 Rangiwaia 4 .. 1 32,188 17,844 7,500 Rangiwaia 4 .. 14,344 10,000 Parikauau Tarere Otaroro Okehu Whataroa Paungataua Otiranui and Ohutu 559 285 100 1,370 492 500 31,000 559 285 100 1,370 492 559 285 100 1,370 492 500 Some small Native blocks of good bush land. 500 Good bush land. Sold many years ago. Hilly and undulating forest country; oould be cat into areas of less than 640 acres (£1 2s. 6d ) ; parts fit for milling. Undulating bush country. Hilly, undulating, and flat mixed - bush country ; suitable for small farms under 640 acres; contains good milling timber. Lower part good heavy rimu forest; upper part poor birch country, on the slopes of Ruapehu. Flat and undulating heavy forest oountry ; suitable for milling. Southern portion flat and undulating, heavily timbered (mixed) forest country; suitable for areas under 640 acres ; contains some very good milling timber. Northern portion, on slopes of Ruapehu, mostly poor birch forest. Mostly heavily timbered flat and undulating forest oountry ; cut into areas of about 200 acres; partly felled and grassed, settlers having cows and a creamery; many thousands of feet of milling timber close to railway route. Heavily timbered flat and undulating forest country ; suitable for small farms under 640 acres ; contains quantities of good milling timber. Partly high limestone table-land, with mixed forest, rest slopes of Ruapehu, birch forest and scrub, &c. Flat, undulating, and hilly bush country, also flat, open plains; hills papa and sandstone, with sprinkling of pumice. Flats north of Manganui-o-te-ao mostly spoilt by deposits of pumice. Hills good sheep country; some good milling timber also. The totara forest, 5,000 acres at north end, not yet properly tested. Parts could be sold under 640 acres, parts under 2,000 acres, parts in larger areas; while a large area could best be kept as a permanent forest reserve. Flat and undulating heavy bush country ; cat into small farms under 640 acres ; contains thousands of feet of good milling timber. Open tussock plains of pumice-sand; good merinosheep country. High bush country ; unsuitable for small farms ; flat, hilly, mountainous. High bush country ; flat, hilly, mountainous. Ditto. Partly poor birch country, and partly open tussock plain. Mostly poor birch forest. 31,000 34,500 Tupapanui Marekura 1,280 3,000 1,280 3,000 1,600 3,750 Waiakaka 4,514 4,514 2,250 Ngapakihi 2,480 2,480 3,720 Rangitaua 22,965 13,324 10,000 Rangitaua 341 170 Rangitaua 9,300 10,462 Raetihi .. j 9,915 17,310 5,895 7,370 12,400 1,500 2,000 Uriwera 12,429 12,429 3,750 Waimarino 278,035 236,000 200,000 • Waimarino 22,780 12,000 Okahukura 33,000 33,000 j 8,250 Taurewa 1 17,600 17,600 ! 8,800 Taurewa 4 Taurewa 2 Tawhai 21,000 . 1,160 5,000 I 21,000 660 11,500 330 500 250 2^000 500 Tawhai 3,000 750 Total 778,318 434,427 317,055 89,112 235,582 255,279 89,034

J) ]



Wanganui, 20th August, 1897. In the Waimarino country the quantity of valuable timber is enormous. The labour of preparing this land for grazing purposes is very great, and, as a rule, the soil and climate do not allow of sufficient grass to make this labour remunerative. The cost of felling the bush is from £1 15s. to £2 ss. per acre. The timber is so large and so durable, and there is such a quantity of it, that the ground is littered with logs, and it takes many years to make a good clearing. A very large area of this fine forest has been already taken up by settlers—in the great majority of cases in areas of 200 acres. Most of the settlers are working-men, and can barely contrive to comply with the clauses of their leases, which compel them to improve so much a year— i.e., to destroy so much timber every season. After it is destroyed the settlers have not the means to stock or fence their clearings; still, hundreds of acres are being felled and burnt every year. The timber is acknowledged to be the most valuable crop the land will ever produce. On an attached sheet I show results of measurements actually taken to ascertain the number of trees per acre, their size, and variety. In its natural state, on Crown and Native lands combined, I reckon there were approximately as follows (vide attached tracing) : — Acres. Good milling timber, on fiat and easy land ... ... ... 62,700 Good milling timber, on undulating land... ... ... ... 11,600 Fair milling timber, on easy ground ... ... ... ... 17,500 91,800 This block extends along the line of the proposed railway for about twenty miles, and no part of it is more than six miles off the line, with almost level access to it. The greater part of this area has been allotted to settlers, but a very large portion of the allotted land has not been occupied at all, or thrown up after a short occupation. Some is Crown land yet unallotted, and the remainder is Native land not yet acquired. The Native land is the Eaetihi Block and Pakihi (17,450 acres), of which 13,640 acres contain good milling timber. What I would suggest is that all sections containing good milling timber which are unallotted or forfeited should be reserved, as well as all Crown land of similar value ; also, that all Native land suitable for milling should be reserved as soon as it is obtained. On all these lands the timber should be put up to tender only when the line reaches them; after being cut out they should be disposed of for grazing purposes. There is plenty of rough land unsuitable for milling, but even more fitted for settlement than the heavy flat bush that may be opened by pushing on the Eaetihi-Ohura Eoad. This country, though rough, is covered with light, good-burning bush, and is much warmer than the flats. The timber on the coastal districts is being rapidly exhausted. The most important assets to the trunk railway are the Waimarino forests; and, if the bush is allowed to be destroyed in the present manner, by the time the railway reaches them much of the best timber will have disappeared. I may mention that Mr. Penrin, of the Victorian Forest Department, was much struck by these facts. The Surveyor-General, Wellington. • G. T. Muebay, Road Surveyor.

APPENDIX H. NORTH ISLAND MAIN TRUNK RAILWAY. Rbpoet on the Chabactee of the Lands affected via Ngaiee, Waitaba, and Awakino Routes, by Me. H. M. Skeet. Department of Lands and Survey, District Ofßee, New Plymouth, Sib,— 3rd August, 1899. In compliance with the instructions contained in your telegram of the 17th May, 1899, and that of the 22nd idem, Mr. H. M. Skeet, District Surveyor, has examined the land on the probable routes of railway-lines— (a) Ngaire to junction with Central route at Kawakawa; (b) Waitara to junction with Ngaire route at Waingarara; (c) Waitara vid Awakino to junction with Central route at Mokau Railway-station—and I now enclose his report, with a lithograph map illustrating it. Although written on the 30th June last, the report was delayed at Mr. Skeet's request, for the reason that the Native Land Court was then defining the interests of the Crown in lands affected by the proposed routes, the particulars of which (on the Ngaire route) have only just reached me. In addition, some 21,618 acres in this Land District, and certain areas in the Auckland Land District that would be opened up by the Awakino route, have recently been purchased by the Crown from the Native owners, but, as no definite information is available, I am unable to locate the purchases on the map accompanying the report, the Native Land Court maps being still in the custody of the Auckland Survey Office. The Surveyor-General, Wellington. John Steauchon, Chief Surveyor.




Sib,— . New Plymouth, 30th June, 1899. I have the honour to report that, according to your instructions, I have examined the land along the several suggested lines of connection between Taranaki and the Main Trunk Eailway (North Island), and report as follows : — Ngairc Line. First mile, starting from the railway near Eltham, is through land in a high state of cultivation ; then two miles through damp ground near the Ngaire Swamp ; the next two miles through first-class land, newly brought into use ; three miles and a half more (to the Patea Eiver), through the Pukengahu Block, first-class agricultural land. The Toko blocks continue on to the 15th mile, all rich agricultural land, greatly improved and occupied; Huikama Block, from the 15th to the 23rd mile; the holdings here are larger, well improved, and stocked. Contiguous to this block the country is generally settled in areas, from 100 to 800 acres, now being improved. 23 miles to 26 miles is through Mangaere- Block, part of which is divided into a small-farm improved settlement, and other parts held under ordinary systems of tenure; all the sections are improved. 26 miles to 31 miles, through the Pohokura Block, which is divided into large holdings made into sheep- and cattle-farms; areas, from 600 to 3,000 acres, well improved and stocked. In most cases the land would be classed as agricultural and first-class pastoral. 31 miles to 34 miles, down the Makahu ; the Ross Special Settlement is on one side and general settlement on the other. 34 miles to 38 miles is through land divided into sections from 200 to 700 acres, pastoral land. From the 38th mile to the 50th mile is through the improved small-farm settlement of the Wangarnomona Valley, with the land on both sides of the settlement cut up into larger sections held on the general tenure system ; first-class pastoral. 50 miles to 54 miles, from Raekohua over the ridge to Waingarara, and on to Tangarakau; this portion takes in some broken country, pastoral, fit for larger holdings. 54 miles to 62 miles is up the Tangarakau Gully, where the land on both sides for two miles is much broken, with black-birch spurs, not suitable for agricultural purposes. The timber and coal on this portion would be a large source of revenue. Up the Paparata, over the saddle, on to Heao to the 67th mile is good pastoral land. 67 miles (Heao) to 71 miles (Parae), along the valley, is good land fit for general agricultural purposes. On the eastward the Ohura Valley, a valley of good general settlement land, would drain into line. About Parae, the head of the Heao Stream, there is about 1,000 acres of light bush and scrub. From Parae to Huhatahi the line runs over a ridge; good first-class pastoral land. 75 miles (Huhatahi) to 80 miles (Mangaroa) is through first-class agricultural land, soil good, all forest. Mangaroa to Ohura, two miles heavy bush land, first-class quality. On the north side is Ellis's fine clearing of 500 acres ; on the south side standing bush ; easy sloping hills. The line from the Ohura Crossing to Nihoniho, for a distance of six miles, is through patches of bush, fern flats, and poor fern hills. On the north side of Ohura it is all forest land of good quality; a portion of this has been set apart for an improved-farm settlement. From Nihoniho, 85 miles, to 88 miles, Taupirikura, the line is near the Ohura Stream ; the land on north side is bush, of good soil; on the south side fern slopes, spurs, and hills of moderate quality. The land continues the same to Otahu ; on the south side the ridges and spurs are more broken, with the bush-line lower down; fair pastoral. The next length, from Otahu to Kawakawa, 12 miles, is through pumice-flats, poor fern slopes and ridges, inferior country ; on the north side the land is forest, soil of better quality, good pastoral. From Kawakawa to within three miles of Poro-o-tarao Tunnel the country consists of small flats near the streams, terraces, and good-looking rolling hills, with patches of bush on the higher land. The soil is not good, there being too much pumice, and fires have burnt the first soil; the land is only fit to be cut up into large sections. The last three miles to Poro-o-tarao is a mixture of bush more suitable for settlement. Regarding the quality and quantity of land available for settlement or occupied along the Ngaire line : Starting from Bltham to Pohokura, with a ten-mile belt on each side, for the first fifteen miles it would give 128,000 acres of first-class agricultural land, occupied and well improved. Timber would be a large source of revenue. In this length I have cut off the area of the first five miles for the present constructed railway. The next sixteen miles would give 210,000 acres'of land, 100,000 of which would be agricultural, 110,000 first-class pastoral. With the exception of portions eastward, this land is occupied, and in a state of great improvement. Timber, again, would be a considerable source of revenue. From the 31st mile, Pohokura, to Wangamomona, a distance of eight miles, would give 80,000 acres of first-class pastoral land, suitable for sections of 200 acres to 1,000 acres. This portion has not a great number of settlers as yet; they reside along the main road. From Wangamomona to Raekohua, a distance of sixteen miles, is partly up the Wangamomona Valley, where the improved-farm settlement is situated. This is nearly all occupied in small holdings. The back portions are more suitable for larger holdings —300 to 1,000 acres. This is about 150,000 acres of mixed country, 130,000 of which is Crown land, the remainder Native land. From Raekohua to Tangarakau, some 10,000 acres of fair pastoral country, with a good patch of general agricultural country on the Upper Waitara and head of Waingarara (that the Moki Road would tap)—say, 10,000 more. The Tangarakau portion of eight miles, for two miles on each side of line, is much too broken for successful agricultural purposes. The timber is mostly black-birch, that, with the other timbers,, would be fit for cutting, as the means of access allowed. Coal outcrops in many parts on this portion. From Paparata to Heao, 12,000 acres of agricultural and pastoral land would be available. Heao to Parae, good agricultural land. This portion would drain all the fine land of the Lower Ohura Valley, some 30,000 acres ; westward the Waiaria Range would prevent much beyond 8,000 acres being utilised. The roading of the Ohura country would not be an expensive matter. From Huhatahi to Ohura there is an area of 50,000 acres of pastoral and agricultural land, 10,000 of which would be agricultural, which would be tapped by the roads that would come in from Mangakara, and Waitohena 19—D. 1.



from the westward. In this portion is included the 2,000 acres freehold and leasehold of Mr. Ellis, 500 of which is in grass, with several hundreds more being felled for next season. On the east side of line there are about 10,000 acres of good general country. Prom Ohura to Nihoniho, on the south side of the road the land is what would be classed as second-class pastoral, fern ridges, slopes, bush gullies, and hill-tops ; 20,000 acres on the north side is bush land, of good soil, of which 10,000 acres is pastoral and agricultural, suitable for areas from 200 to 1,000 acres. The Waikaka Eoad would open up the land to Mokau-iti. From Nihoniho to Otahu, a distance of ten miles, the land on the north side would be pastoral, with patches of agricultural. The streams that run into Waikaka have valleys with considerable areas of open fern and scrub land, the hilltops being all forest—some 60,000 acres in all; the south side of the line is second-class pastoral, requiring to be divided into large sections. There are 60,000 acres in this portion. Prom Otahu, where the pumice-covered land commences, to the Central line near Kawakawa, twelve miles: On the north side the land is bush and pastoral, and 40,000 acres would be available; on the south side 9,000 acres would drain to the line, but there is so much pumice on the land that it would require to be divided into large holdings to be of use. From Kawakawa to Poro-o-tarao the country would be classed as inferior pastoral. Groivn Lands. —On the Ngaire line the Crown has acquired from the Natives —Taumatamahoe Block, 114,597 acres; Maraekowhai Block, 22,529 acre's; Ohura South Block, 72,665 acres; West Taurangi Blocks, &c, 104,639 acres; part of Mohakatino Block, 15,000 acres; Whitianga Block, 14,808 acres: total, 344,238 acres. The nature of the timber in the heaviest forest land about the Wangamomona, Waingarara, Upper Waitara, Tangarakau, Heao, Mangaroa, and north side of Ohura is rimu, kahikatea, black-birch, matai, and patches of totara, and would be available. Waitara Line. Starts from the railway-station, Waitara. To Mimi, fourteen miles, is close to the coast through a closely settled district of first-class agricultural land, divided into small holdings. Mimi to Uruti is up the Mimi Valley for seven miles and a half through what was forest country, but now well improved. This portion is held in larger holdings. Dp Druti to Moki Eoad, two miles and a half, rich alluvial flats and good hills. Moki Eoad to Moki Stream, a distance of five miles, the line passes over a rough piece of country; pastoral land. Down the Moki for two miles to the Waitara there is a good piece of mixed agricultural and pastoral land. Up Waitara the line should keep to the valley as far as the Waingarara saddle, instead of over two ridges with long tunnels via , Makarakia and back to Waitara. A saving of several miles would be effected. There is now a road located up the Waitara Valley, which shows its suitability for a railway-line. From Moki to Waitara, below the Waingarara saddle, a distance of eleven miles, it is good pastoral land. From Waitara to junction with the Ngaire line in the Waingarara there is a good patch of mixed agricultural and pastoral country, a length of five miles. The amount of available land that the line would open up is as follows: The open part from Waitara Station to Mimi, 22,000 acres, with another 78,000 that the inland roads bring in. From Mimi to Moki, 80,000 acres of mixed agricultural and good pastoral country would be rendered accessible. This portion is capable of being subdivided into moderate-sized sections. Prom Moki to Waingarara, the railway would affect 75,000 acres. The piece at the head of the Waitara, about 10,000 acres, is general agricultural country ; the balance good pastoral, requiring to be in larger sections. Timber in the Waitara and its tributaries would be a considerable source of revenue. On the hillsides there is some very fine rimu and kahikatea ; totara is not plentiful. The roading about the Waitara country would be heavy in many places. Awakino Line. Starting from Waitara, this line will follow the Waitara line to Uruti, twenty-four miles. From Uruti the line follows up Mimi to the ridge dividing the Tongaporutu waters, a distance of five miles. Through the Lepperton Special Settlement it is bush land in course of improvement ; generally agricultural and pastoral. From the saddle to Tongaporutu the line would be through broken country for two miles, then down the Tongaporutu Valley for four miles to the heads. This is through improved-farm-settlement blocks, agricultural and pastoral land. From Tongaporutu Village to Mokau, a distance of eight miles, the line would run through a narrow strip of land that lies between the hills and the coast, not more than half a mile wide ; all good land, and occupied by settlers and Natives. From Mokau it is a question whether the line should follow the coast further to the Awakino Eiver or take up the Mokau Valley for seven miles, then cross a narrow ridge to the upper part of Awakino. It would pass through good pastoral land, with occasional flats on the bends, and good timber and limestone. From Mokau over the narrow ridge to Awakino for several miles the land would be broken, good pastoral. Mokau to Awakino by the coast, four miles along a narrow strip between hills and coast. The first two miles of Awakino is good land, then the valley narrows in, and for five miles the land available would be little. Onwards to Mahoenui the valley widens out with good flats and terraces, distance about seven miles through good rich land, mostly limestone on north side of line, The land is occupied in holdings of 700 to 2,000 acres, greatly improved, some of the settlers having 1,200 acres cleared and in grass. From Mahoenui the line crosses over a long ridge to Totoro, on the Mokau Eiver. The country is fern, scrub, and light bush land, distance five miles, pastoral and agricultural land. From Totoro the line follows down a bend of the Mokau, then up a good valley and over a low saddle to the Mokau-iti, length some seven miles, through open land, with a strip of bush at the main ridge, streams swampy, good general country, agricultural and pastoral, limestone formation. From Mokau-iti the line continues through open country to Mokau, length two miles, rich flats near streams,



and fair slopes; follows up Mokau to Mapiu, three miles and a half through open land, pastoral. From Mapiu, *for another five miles the line continues up the Mokau Valley through pastoral country; small patches of bush, with swamps, on the lower ground. For another eight miles to the Mokau Station, on main trunk line, it is still near Mokau Stream, through pastoral country of not good quality, swamps near streams, and pumice in soil. The land back from river, where there is forest, is of much better quality. Amount of land that line would open up (being a coast-line to Awakino, the land would be all on one side) : Taking from Uruti, as the Waitara line is common to both there, there will be—Uruti to Tongaporutu, 96,000 acres would be tapped by the roads coming down the Mimi and Tongaporutu Valleys ; one-fifth would be agricultural, remainder pastoral of good quality, excepting narrow strips of black-birch land. From Tongaporutu to Mokau there are 60,000 acres, available by the roads coming down Mohakatino and Mokau. With the exception of a few thousand acres near Tongaporutu, Battenbury's 3,000 acres at Kawau, and Jones's lease at Mokau, the land is in the hands of Natives; 10,000 acres in this length would be agricultural, the remainder good and fair pastoral. From Mokau to Awakino, 7,000 acres would be tapped. From Awakino to Mahoenui, on the north side are 22,000 acres of small grazing-runs, in a high state of improvement, which would be tapped by the railway, and also the 36,000 acres of the balance of the Awakino Block, occupied and also well improved; all first-class pastoral country. On the south side extending to the Mokau Eiver are 22,000 acres first-class pastoral, with occasional patches of agricultural land, which would also drain into the railway; 4,000 acres only of this portion is in the hands of the Crown. From Mahoenui to Mokau, 20,000 acres on north side, first-class pastoral, with patches of agricultural. The Crown have Mahoenui Block of 6,624 acres, and in the Puketiti Block the Natives have parted with many of their interests, the land being occupied and improved by the new holders ; limestone formation. South side, about 10,000 acres of good pastoral land would come into railway. From Mokau over the ridge past Mokau-iti on to Mokau again, on the north side 45,000 acres would be made accessible to the railway-line ; possibly more of the Kinohaku Block would diverge the same way ; good pastoral country, with agricultural in places. On south side 45,000 acres would be opened ; pastoral, with some agricultural. The Umukaimata and other blocks of Crown land make 38,000 acres within this area. The next length up to within seven miles of the Mokau Station, on Main Trunk Eailway : On north side there are 25,000 acres of pastoral country, 9,000 acres of which is Crown land, the remainder is still in the hands of the Natives; on the south side of the line, together with the valleys of Mokauiti and Mapui, 50,000 acres would be opened up by the railway ; good pastoral country. The Crown has one small block (Kahuwera) in this portion. The remainder of the land to the Main Trunk Line, I think would be opened out by that line, so I have not considered it. As regards timber on this line : On Mimi, the Tongaporutu, Mohakatino, Mokau, aad Awakmo Valleys, considerable quantities of good pine would be available. In the Mokau country coal and limestone would be a great source of revenue. The roading of the country on the whole route could be done at a moderate cost. With the exception of the part with pumice, where it would require a large area to get sufficient good patches for a sheep-farm, the pastoral land is all good sheep country, capable of carrying large numbers of sheep. An average of one and a half sheep to the acre would be well within the mark ; in places three or four could easily be managed. Everywhere good homesteadsites can be found that would enable any part of the land to be occupied. The agricultural portions could be available for general settlement in smaller areas where dairying, &c, would be carried on. Large pieces of Native land have been acquired, but there appears to be a tendency on the Natives' part not to dispose of the frontage on the likely main roads. Judging from previous experience, this is likely to retard settlement later on. I have, &c, H. M. Skeet, District Surveyor. J. Strauchon, Esq., Chief Surveyor, New Plymouth. P.S.—Since writing the above there has been 21,618 acres more land acquired from Natives on the Awakmo line.—H. M. S. 2/8/99.





WHAREKOPAE-RUATAHUNA ROUTE. Sic,— Auckland, 21st July, 1899. In pursuance of instructions embodied in your memorandum, P.W. 98/3337, of date 15th November last, I have the honour to report, for the information of the Hon. the Minister for Public Works, that I proceeded to Rotorua, and thence to the Drewera country, "to ascertain, in the first instance, if it is possible, at reasonable cost, to construct a line of railway vid Wharekopae, Ruatahuna, Galatea, and Kaingaroa Plains, with grades not steeper than 1 in 40 on the straight, and curves of not less radius than 7-J chains, &c." My interim reports during the progress of the work referred in some detail to the route 1 took, and some conclusions arrived at, but it will be well to embody the whole in this report. Having some knowledge of the country for the first twenty miles from Rotorua, I spent very little time on that part, but pushed on to Galatea and the Tuhoe-land, where it was very evident that the key to the position lay. The only valley leading from the Rangitaiki Plains, near Galatea, right up to the main divide, or backbone of the country, is that of the Whirinaki and its continuation of the Okahu. But to commence at the entrance of this valley on the plains, and work upwards through dense bush, without having first determined the most favourable point to make for in the main range, would lead to great loss of time. I therefore determined to first explore the main range and find the most favourable place for crossing, which, being accomplished, I could then work outwards towards each end. At Ngaputahi, on the Waikaremoana Road, I met Mr. Elsdon Best, the officer then in charge of the works there, and from that gentleman I received most valuable assistance in making my way inland with my camp equipage. Mr. Best was also fortunately able to accompany me to Toreatai, the extreme eastern kainga on the route, and explain to the Ngatipotiki Natives the nature of my mission, and so establish me on a good footing with the somewhat suspicious and hitherto rather exclusive Natives of the Urewera. At Toreatai, also, I met Mr. Reilly, overseer on the stock-track works, and from him received information which proved of use in determining my course of procedure eastward of the main divide. This main range of mountains, for the purposes of reconnaissance, may be considered as extending from Otawhau in a very irregular but generally north-east direction towards the East Cape, and including the mountains Huiarau, Maungapohatu, Te Wana, Maungatapere, and Wharekopae. From the latter point the range takes a northerly bend, and embraces the headwaters of the Waikohu, resuming its north-east direction and dropping, probably, to its lowest level at the Opotiki-Gisborne Road, beyond which it does not concern this inquiry. Several passes, or saddles, give more or less favourable crossing-places in this line of country ; all, with the exception of that at the Gisborne-Opotiki Road, are about 3,000 ft. above the sea. In the examination of the country my principal difficulty lay in the absence of any trustworthy topographical maps. No detail survey-work has ever been executed, with the exception of a little at each end, and I found the sketches of river-courses and other topographical features on the published maps nearly always positively misleading. Having in view all circumstances, I determined on beginning the exploration in the vicinity of Maungapohatu. Toreatai was then the extreme point to which pack-horses could be taken, and I established my first working camp at Ohaeia, close to that kainga. Beyond, the stock-track through to Hangaroa and Wharekopae had been roughly cut, but was impassable for horses. This track, however, proved to be of very great service to me, as it was the means of making rapid examinations of the country in its vicinity, and I soon determined that the most favourable point at which to cross the watershed was about two miles east of Maungapohatu. The crossing-place is broad and flat, but I afterwards found that a higher ridge must be encountered between the Owhakarotu and an upper affluent of the Anini, two streams of the Hawke's Bay river system. I decided to open out the stock-track for pack-horses as far as the Anini, and establish a fixed camp there, working onwards by a flying camp to Wharekopae. The crossing of the Anini, and getting into the head-waters of the Waimana, as the upper part of the Hangaroa is called, required much and serious consideration. About a mile and a quarter above the crossing of the Anini by the stock-track, that river is formed by the junction of the Pukukaho on the west and the Okauia on the east, both rising in very deep gorges in Te Wana. I finally decided on the following plan as the least objectionable, but it proved to be one of the most difficult problems to solve in the whole work. After crossing the Owhakarotu-Pukukaho saddle, grade down the right of the Pukukaho into the Anini, grade down that river, still on the right, until a crossing-level is reached,



cross and grade up the left bank, to the Anini-Waimaha saddle, the lowest point of which I explored and observed. From Anini main camp I took a flying-camp and seven carriers, using the stock-track, and observing the country in various directions from the several camping-places. Two days' march beyond Anini we struck the works of the stock-track, and shortly afterwards reached the open country. From Mr. Skeates, overseer of the stock-track works, I received much information relative to routes .and tracks, and we were otherwise much assisted by the kindness of that gentleman. From the stock-track clearing the route to Wharekopae lay through heavy scrub of various kinds, and fern. We had now the great advantage of open country, and could view and observe the levels of the several master-points of the railway route without actually going on them. From the Hangaroa Eiver the route takes up the valley between the Mokonui-Aorangi Range on the left and the Kupenga-ataramainuku Eange on the right. After getting into the "Wharekopae drainage this route leads down a minor branch of that river, but the descent is so great that I determined to explore a route via, the main Wharekopae Stream and the Ngutuwera Valley to the west of Mokonui-Aorangi. This I did later on, but found the difficulties much greater, and I believe the first-named route is the better one. From Wharekopae I rode into Gisborne and procured further data from the Survey Office there, and I have to express my thanks to the officers of that department for their assistance and courtesy towards me. I made no attempt to examine in detail the route between Wharekopae and Gisborne, further than to observe that the route would be of very gradual descent down the Bivers Wharekopae, Waikohu, and Waipaoa, all through settled country, much of it closely settled. On returning to the Anini main camp via Maungatapere and the Ngutuwera Valley above mentioned, I received your instructions of date 21st February, to explore the Gisborne-Opotiki route, and not to go into too much detail in connection with the work then in hand. I therefore decided not to take any absolute levels of the several ridges through which it was possible that a detail survey might show tunnels to be required, but to be content with a close observation of these places. I made all haste to the observation of the western half of the route. Here I was much assisted by the Waikaremoana road-tracks and works, and the numerous Native tracks, some of which are available for horses. I examined the main range from Maungapohatu to Huiarau, and the ridge dividing the Whakatane drainage from that of the Okahu, which leads into the Whirinaki. I believe I have noted all the important and salient features there, but I should have liked to have spent another two weeks on this part. As it was, I hurried over it, in order to have time to examine the Opotiki route. The want of accurate topographical features on the maps was particularly against me here. For instance, the old Native settlement of Te Mirni is, as shown on sheet No. 5 of the Auckland four-miles-to-the-inch maps, just four miles too much north of its real place, according to the District Surveyor of Gisborne. This explains much of my perplexity in trying to locate various features in that direction from Maungapohatu. I camped at the point where the Waikaremoana Eoad crosses the Huiarau Bange, and examined the country backward towards Maungapohatu and westward towards the Buatahuna hills and rivers. I then moved to Heipipi, on the Whakatane, and examined the Mangakirikiri branch from Papuera to the ridge, and the Mimiha, a day's march up the valley. I then made all haste back to Botorua and Auckland, to take up the exploration of the Gisborne-Opotiki route. Having thus described my movements in making this reconnaissance survey, I now beg to give a short, and I hope a clear, description of the line between Gisborne and Rotorua. Beferring to that part of your instructions, as quoted above, which relates to the curves being not less than 1\ chains radius, I must premise that, under such a condition, the line could not be made at reasonable cost, but would be of a most expensive character. In grading along many of the mountain-sides, scored as they are with deep ravines set as close together as the sharp, precipitous ridges will allow, and with cross-section slopes running up to 1 to 1, a limit of 1\ chain curves would mean that in such parts one-half of the line would be in tunnel and the other half on viaduct. If a grade-line were set out in surface contour on such places, it would be at once seen that the curve-limits and speed at present in vogue on the colonial railways cannot be adopted on the mountainous parts of this line without very far exceeding the limits of cost generally kept in view ; but by the adoption of curves and speeds used on what are commonly known as light railways —viz., curves of a minimum of \\ chains radius, and speeds of a maximum on these curves of fifteen miles per hour—this line may be made at a very small cost. My reconnaissance is equally applicable to both these systems, as the route would be the same whatever scale of construction may be adopted. I have kept in view gradients of 1 in 50 to allow of compensation in curvature, and on this basis the line is quite feasible. I wish to make it clear at this point that I do not, in using the term " light railway," mean any reduction of the standard gauge, as I hold it to be an ascertained fact that, down to the limit of \\ chains radius of curvature, the colonial gauge will admit of suitable rolling-stock travelling at the rate of fifteen miles per hour. The configuration of these ravines and dividing-spurs, while they demand the minimum radius mentioned, is particularly well suited for the use of parabolic or transition curves, which are so conducive to the comfort and safety of traffic on such railways. Description op the Line. The line may, consequent on the configuration of the country, be divided into three sections. 1. Gisborne to Wharekopae, or to a point a short distance below the Ngatapa wool-shed. About thirty-five miles of easy grades and curves. This section calls for very little remark. It will be best located in the river-valleys of the Waipaoa, Waikohu, and Wharekopae. It would



require careful study in location to keep inview safety from floods and river encroachments. The route would touch Ormond and Karaka. About twenty-five miles of this section are common to the Gisborne-Opotiki route. A minimum of 10 chains radius may be used here, and the grades would be very easy, the level of Wharekopae being about 455 ft. above the sea, and the intermediate risings and fallings short and of no account in limiting the haulage. 2. Wharekopae to Galatea, about a hundred miles of mountainous country, extreme limits of curves and grades. The section commences where the maximum grades and curvature must be used to ascend and traverse the mountainous country of Tuhoe-land. The first ascent is long and continuous, being about 1,230 ft. rise, and requiring a length of about twelve miles, which can just be obtained by grading up the hills and valleys, whence arise the southern tributaries of the river, to a saddle near the north end of Kupenga-ataramainuku. From this summit the line would grade along the north-west side of the valley, keeping on the lower spurs of the Mokonui-Aorangi Bange to the Ngutuwera Gorge. This gorge is narrow and deep, and offers no serious obstruction. The rise to this place from Wharekopae saddle would not be more than 260 ft. in nine miles. From Ngutuwera the line would pass over a flat under Trig. E. 111, and thence grade round the numerous spurs and ravines of the head-waters of the Hangaroa, which above the Ngutuwera is called Waimana. An average grade of lin 116 for twenty-two miles would reach the WaimanaAnini saddle, 2,900 ft. This would be crossed with a moderate cutting, and the line graded down the Anini Valley to a distance sufficient to admit of grading up on the other side to the next saddle, that between the Pukukaho and Owhakaroto. This is one of the most difficult parts of the country to surmount. I had hoped to avoid a tunnel here, and left the examination of it until after my return from Gisborne, but I cannot place its elevation at less than 3,460 ft. The gradelevel at Anini Viaduct would be about 2,500 ft., and the rise in six miles 620 ft., making gradelevel at the saddle 3,120 ft., or 340 ft. under the saddle. The eastern face of the ridge is very steep and precipitous ; the western is less so. I did not make, for reasons before stated, any detail measurements of this ridge, but the length of tunnel may be taken as 30 chains. From this tunnel the line would descend easily to the Owhakarotu, and on to the main divide, at 88-J- miles, crossing on the surface at an elevation of about 3,100 ft. The line is now in the drainage of the Whakatane, and the course is, with generally level formation, along the middle slopes of Maungapohatu to the saddle at the head of the Waiawa and Hopuruahine Valleys. This saddle is on the main divide, which is here recrossed at nearly the same elevation, and the line, with a nearly level formation, keeps along the slopes of Te Peke, rounding into the Orangitutaetutu and out again on to the eastern slope of the Huiarau range. It could now finally recross on the level at the place crossed by the Waikaremoana Eoad, elevation 3,165 ft. But this would entail, in rounding into the Okahutara, and the spurs stretching from the main range into that valley, a length of about three miles and a half, which may be saved by passing on to a point about two miles and a half south-west of the road-crossing, and, at a narrow part, tunnel about 200 ft. under the ridge. The length of tunnel would be about 22 chains, but, besides saving the length as above, it Would avoid much interference with the Waikaremoana Eoad, along the Tuakura Eange, which would otherwise result. From this point the line would wind around the spurs of the Kopainui and the Euatahuna Streams, in the Whakatane drainage, grading down into the Mimiha to a point in that valley high enough to allow of grading out of it and into the Okahu, at 114 miles. There is a low saddle in the ridge between the valleys, estimated, by comparison with other known points, at 2,800 ft. high ; but I did not move the camp up the Mimiha, and I am not so clear on this point as on the other parts of the line. This saddle is the last one on this section, and a tunnel of about 22 chains in length, and 200 ft. under the ridge, must be reckoned on. From this point the line would grade down the Okahu and Whirinaki Valleys to the entrance of the Eangitaiki Plains at about 135 miles. There is more difficulty to be encountered in the western half of this section than in the eastern. Between Maungapohatu and Galatea the ravines are deeper, closer togethA*, and the mountain-sides more precipitous than in the country drained by the Anini and the Hangaroa to the eastward, and the grade down the Okahu and Whirinaki is equal to the worst of it in the number and narrowness of the ravines and the sharpness of the dividing spurs. 3. Galatea to Eotorua, forty-five miles: This section includes the plains between the Urewera Hills and the Eangitaiki, and is wholly in open country. There will be a heavy grade up to the Kaingaroa Plains of the maximum rate. There are several convenient gorges, which would allow of a surface-line being laid out with easy curves. The maximum grade will be required, to a shorter extent, in descending to the Mangakokonoku Creek, near Kakaramea, but thence into Eotorua the line will be comparatively easy, following the road route, excepting near Pakaraka, where a location more to the westward would be desirable. I have shown the route, as correctly as the circumstances will allow, on sheets Nos. 4 and 5 herewith, of the four-miles-to-the-inch maps of the Survey Department; but, from the paucity of topographical features, and the inaccurate condition of river sketches shown thereon, this must be taken as an approximation merely. I have made what I consider due allowance in length for the sinuosities of location, in grading in and out of ravines. Without actually running contours in position, this cannot be more accurately determined. Appended also is a diagramatic section of the line, showing at a glance the conditions of grades and elevations as above described. Description of the Country. From Gisborne to Wharekopae the country is the alluvial of the papa and limestone of the Poverty Bay district. Papa formation is also to be traced close up to the Ngutuwera; westward of that, however, no trace of calcareous formation was observed. The rocks along the Waimana, Anini, Pukukaho, and Owhakarotu are all clay-slate of a very loose structure near the surface,



and the ultimate fragments small. Maungapohatu is of a close and rather fine-grained sandstone, with horizontal stratification. This is the only building-stone observed in the route, and it is of fair quality. There are, on the slopes below the north-east end of the mountain, masses of loose, angular stone, from the size of a house downwards, and which, from the smooth and often perpendicular sides and sharp arrises, show the material to be fit to stand the very severe frosts and humid weather of that district. After leaving Maungapohatu, and ail the way to the Galatea Plains, no rocks but those of clay-slate were seen. These are of the very loosest structure, as a rule. . Some harder bands are to be found, but, from the polyhedral nature of the ultimate fragments, this rock is all easily excavated. From Galatea to Eotorua the country is of the pumice and rhyolite-rock formation, too well known to need any description. Nothing in the shape of rivergravel or sand was to be seen in any part of the route, and, for ballast, dependence would have to be placed on the clay-slate rock, abundance of which would arise out of the cuttings and on deposits of pumice-gravel on the Kaingaroa Plains. Machine-broken limestone would probably have to be used on Section 1. All over the forest country, underneath the surface soil, is to be found either the common small yellow pumice-gravel or a few inches of fine clean grey sand, both evidently subaerial deposits. Very little of the pumice is to be observed east of Maungapohatu, and generally it is only in patches, but the grey sand is almost universal. The timbers on the line are, from Ngutuwera to Maungapohatu, a distance of nearly thirty miles, principally black birch (Fagus fusca), very suitable for sleepers and bridges. Prom Maungapohatu to Galatea Plains the forests are of mixed tawa bush, and of little value for railway-work. Near Te Whaiti there is a valuable totara forest, which is Government property. As regards formation, Section 1 calls for very little remark. It is the ordinary work required in alluvial plains, but much care would have to be given to guard against slips. Almost the whole of Section 2 would be in side-cutting along the slopes of hills and mountains, many of which are as steep as \\ to 1. The full width of formation must be in the solid, and in many places the rock will not stand steeper than 1 to 1, although, excepting in the upper strata of sand and soil, ■J- to 1 may be taken as the rock-batter over three-fourths of the length. In many places the spurs are so narrow between the ravines that, even with 1-J chains minimum of curvature, short tunnels of 30 to 40 yards in length must be put in, but, without setting out the line, the number of these cannot be determined. On Section 3 little need be said, excepting that much care and judgment would be necessary in locating the line, and forming through the hot springs and pools of Kakaramea and near Whakarewarewa. Bridges. —As a whole, the route is particularly light in bridge-work; there are no extensive viaducts, anything worthy of the name being almost confined to Section 1. I append a tabulated list of bridges, which, I believe, will include all waterways above 10 ft. span, and from which a sufficiently close estimate may be made. GISBORNE-OPOTIKI ROUTE. On the completion of the reconnaissance as above described, and in pursuance of instructions in your memorandum of the 21st February, I left for Opotiki to take up the work of exploration for a line of railway from Gisborne to that place. This route has, from an exploration point of view, great advantages over that through the Urewera forests. There is a road right through, about half of which is bridle-track, and the rest fit for wheel traffic. There are places of public accommodation at Poututu (twenty-seven miles) and Motu (fifty-seven miles). Thence northwards to Opotiki, 112 miles from Gisborne, I was greatly indebted to the hospitality and great kindness of the only two settlers in the bush for accommodation, and breaking what would otherwise and in the circumstances have been a very long journey. From near the Motu Bridge, fifty-two miles from Opotiki southwards, the country is settled, and the original bush may be said to be cleared. The main, ridge of the country is about ten miles south of the Motu Township, and is there low and flat compared with the Huiarau saddles. It is very little higher than the Mamaku summit, on the Auckland and Eotorua Railway, and from this point southwards the country is clear, and I was enabled to do more in four days than I could accomplish in a month at Maungapohatu. In traversing the bridle-track north of "Motu, one is enabled to closely see and get familiar with ravines and spurs, in all respects similar to those through which the railway would have to pass. And, to any one experienced in laying out railways in broken country, it is conclusively evident that a limit of 7-J or even 5 chains radius would be prohibitory. Description of the Line. As mentioned in the first part of this report, a length of about twenty-five miles out from Gisborne is common to both routes. Starting, then, from the point of divergence, about three miles below the confluence of the Wharekopae and the Waikohu, the line would keep up the north-east bank of the Waikohu to Poututu. At or near that place the rise to the summit would commence, and preferably a regular and continuous grade, equivalent to an average of 1 in 50, excepting where necessarily broken for stations, would be continued round the spurs and slopes of the Waikohu into the valley of the Bangiriri to a crossing-place on that stream, thence back along the dividing ridge between the Eangiriri and the Kokokupara round the southern end of this ridge, and on to the saddle of the main range, which is here only about 2,000 ft. high. The line might cross the divide on the surface, but it would be more convenient to mike a 20 ft. cutting and pass the road over the railway. On crossing the saddle the line is in the Motu drainage, and descends to the Motu Township with a grade of 1 in 102 ; but, although the Motu is a Bay of Plenty river, there is no possibility of a suitable route being found down its valley. It is nearly seventy miles to the sea, and twentyfive more along the beach to Opotiki. On the other hand, the road route from Motu to Opotiki is, for our purposes, also impracticable, passing over three high ridges, with long and tortuous ravines between.



Careful consideration convinced me that the valley of the Otara, which leads from near Motu to Opotiki in a comparatively direct course, offered the fewest objections and certainly the shortest distance, and I determined to explore and examine in some detail a route leading from Motu to the nearest head of the Pakihi, which, by its junction with the Waiti, forms the Otara. I therefore moved my camp to Motu, and explored the ridge to the west of the valley, eventually fixing on the Hiwi Marie saddle as the most suitable crossing-place. This saddle is about 2,180 ft. above the sea, and it would be quite possible to grade upwards from the Motu and top this ridge without a tunnel; but, as that would entail two miles more of length of line, Ido not advise it. The tunnel, of which I append a section, is only 14 - 2 chains long, and it saves a height of 210 ft. The grade from the Motu to this saddle is lin 56. The down-grade towards Opotiki is of very much the same character as Section 2 of the Wharekopae-Buatahuna route; some parts are very precipitous, and the branch ravines close and narrow, as before described. This down-grade is equivalent to an average of lin 60 for a length of twenty miles from Hiwi Marie to Parekowhai. The total length of the line I estimate at ninetyeight miles, being fourteen miles shorter than the Gisborne-Opotiki Eoad. For comparison with the other route, the length from Opotiki to Eotorua may be taken as eighty-five miles, making 183 miles vid Opotiki as against 180 by the TTrewera country. The route is shown on the accompanying sheet No. 5 of the published maps, along with the Urewera route. The same conditions as to curvature exist on this line as described for the other, and apply particularly to the length between Poututu to the entrance on the Opotiki flats, a distance of about sixty miles. A diagramatic section appended shows a most favourable comparison, from an engineering point of view, with the other route. The summit height is 1,000 ft. lower, and there are only 14 chains of tunnelling through main ridges, as against 74 chains in the other case. The country from Gisborne right up to the summit, at forty-eight miles, is of papa and limestone formation. The papa slopes seem here to be, in a degree more than usual, given to slipping. This extends as far up as the crossing of the Bangiriri; above that, and to the summit, the ground is more stable, and the harder limestone is found. Although no calcareous formation was observed north of the main summit, the country there seems to be as rich in grass as on the southern side. At Motu the valley attains a width of several miles, and there is scope for large settlement west of the river and up its valley to the southward. The bush is of the ordinary mixed character, principally tawa. The soil is chocolate-coloured, heavy, and moist. The rocks of Hiwi Marie ridge and down the Pakihi and Otara are clay-slate, loose on the surface, and in all respects similar to those in the Okahu and Whirinaki Valleys on the other route. Comparing the amount of settled country traversed by the two routes, the existing traffic, and the possibilities of future settlement, there seems to be as great a preponderance in favour of the Opotiki route on commercial and social grounds as there is in engineering. Appended is a tabulated list of bridges on this route, including, so far as I know, all waterways requiring more than 10 ft. span. Trusting the above particulars, as the result of my investigations, will meet the present requirements of the Government. . I have, &c, The Under-Secretary, Public Works. James Stewabt, M.lnst.C.B.

Abstract of Bridges above 10 ft. of Waterway.—Wharekopae-Ruatahuna Route.

Spi is. Total Length. Bridges. No. Length. Beam. Truss. Sun'dry, eight four Waipaoa Wa'ikohu // • • * Totangi Ngutuwera Anini • • ■ 24 24 6 6 4 4 1, 2 3 2 4 1 6 1 4 3 1 2 2 3 9 6 I Ft. 20 20 80 20 60 20 40 20 80 60 40 80 20 40 20 20 80 60 40 20 20 20 Ft. 480 480 120 80 "40 Ft. 480 240 40 240 120 160 80 120 Owhakarotu 40 Mimiha Eangitaiki "80 60 80 120 80 Mangakokonoku ... In Waipa Valley Puarenga 60 180 120 Tot; ,1s 1,820 1,680


Phote-Liituymphtcl at Mel/tad tWtvJlepiirtmmt of Lands ami.Surrey, MZ. Stptaniertsss.



Abstract of Bridges above 10 ft. of Waterway.—Gisborne-Opotiki Route.

The Dnder-Secretaky for Public Works to Mr. James Stewart. (Telegram.) Wellington, 23rd August, 1899. Could you kindly wire rough approximate estimate of total cost of Gisborne-Eotorua and Gis-borne-Opotiki Eailways respectively, including rails, sleepers, stations, rolling-stock, and everything complete. Also wire separately approximate cost per mile of same railways in sections, the character of line to be estimated for being that recommended in your recent report. Also, have you any knowledge of country between Opotiki and Eotorua? If so, could you send brief description by mail, and wire in meantime rough approximate estimate of cost of line between those points ? Mark your reply " Collect." James Stewart, Esq., C.8., Auckland. H. J. H. Blow.

Mr. James Stewart to the Dnder-Secretary for Public Works. (Telegram.) Auckland, 23rd August, 1899. Telegram re Gisborne Eailways received. Will compile and wire rough estimates within a day or two ; further report on country between Opotiki and Kotorua by mail. The Under-Secretary, Public Works, Wellington. James Stewart.

Mr. James Stewart to the Under-Secretary for Public Works. (Telegram.) Auckland, 26th August, 1899. Bough approximate estimate of cost of Gisborne-Eotorua and Gisborne-Opotiki Eailways. Firstly, Gisborne-Rotorua —Earth and rock formation, £296,500 ; tunnels, £40,700; bridges and culverts, £26,290; fencing, gates, and level crossings, £30,090; permanent way, £207,000; stations, platelayers' cottages, and water supplies, £46,310; rolling-stock, £57,400; total, £704,290. Cost per mile in sections (exclusive of rolling-stock). Section 1, 35 miles (curve, minimum 10 chains), £3,171. Section 2 (curve, minimum 1-J chains), 100 miles, £4,163. Section 3 (curve; minimum 10 chains), £2,657. Secondly, Gisborne-Opotiki Railway—Earth and rock formation, £176,055; tunnel, £7,800; bridges and culverts, £17,750; fencing, gates, and level crossings, £17,003; permanent way, £112,700; stations, platelayers' cottages, and water supplies, £34,800 ; rolling-stock, £57,400; total, £423,508. Cost per mile in sections, exclusive of rolling-stock; Section 1, Gisborne. to Poututu, 31 miles, minimum curves 10 chains, £3,223. Section 2, Poututu to Opotiki, 67 miles, minimum curves chains, £3,973. In above estimate rails are taken as 401b. steel; fastenings, standard ; gauge, standard; sleepers, ten per rail throughout, but somewhat lighter than standard; rolling-stock, bogie throughout; stations, standard, and include workshops for light repairs ; speed on Section 2, 15 miles per hour. ' . . .". . The Under-Secretary, Public Works, Wellington. James Stew-art,

20—D. 1.

ipans. ,eng: II. Bridges. No. Length. Beam. Truss Sundry, eight „ four Waipaoa 24 24 6 6 24 1 4 1 10 1 4 1 4 1 4 Ft. 20 20 80 20 20 40 20 80 20 60 20 60 20 60 20 Ft. 480 480 Ft. 480 Sundry, eight Rangiriri 120 480 40 80 Motu 200 80 Pa'kihi 60 80 60 Waiti 80 Futaetoko 80 60 it Tot: ,1s 2,080 780



Memoeandum for the Undeb-Seceetaey for Public WoekS. Auckland, 28th August, 1899. Opotiki-Botorua Country. Eegabding the continuation of the Gisborne-Opotiki reconnaissance survey towards Eotorua, my information does not enable me to speak with much certainty on two very important heads— viz., the amount and character of maximum grading, and the extent and class of the necessary bridging. A ridge of hills of moderate height divides the valley of the Waioeka, the main river of the Opotiki Plains, from that of the Waiotahi. This ridge would probably not offer much difficulty. From the Waiotahi, passing inland of the Ohiwa Harbour, and to the Nukuhou Valley, the country is rather broken, and I am unable to say what minimum of curvature might be necessary. From Nukuhou to Whakatane the same broken character of the country continues, the hills stretching down from the tuhoe-l&nd at Waimana to the sea at Whakatane being about 400 ft. in height. I am not aware what facilities may exist for grading down into the extensive plains which extend between the Whakatane and the Tarawera Eivers, but no doubt the matter is practicable enough, and very probably easy compared with some parts of the route between Opotiki and Gisborne. The Whakatane-Eangitaiki Plains extend crosswise a distance of about fourteen miles, and end on the west bank of the Tarawera Eiver. There the country rises up like a wall, as seen from a distance, and forms the broken forest table-land which extends inland from Matata, and is continuous through the lake-country to the Kaingaroa Plains. Here the grading will require much exploration, as the total rise from the plains to the forest saddle above Botoma is over 1,000 ft., requiring a length of ten miles to overcome it. From Eotoma and Eotoehu to Eotorua the country is not difficult, and some of it particularly easy. The total distance, Opotiki to Eotorua, may be put at eighty-five miles, the distance as the crow flies being fifty-seven miles. The bridging on the eastern half of this route would be rather extensive. The rivers are the Waioeka, Waiotahi, Nukuhou, Whakatane, Waioho, Eangitaiki, and Tarawera. Three of these, the Waioeka, Whakatane, and Eangitaiki, drain an immense extent of very mountainous country, and are subject to very heavy floods, and carefully considered flood-openings would be necessary in addition to the bridges, in a line crossing these valleys. From Tarawera to Eotorua the bridge-work will be of a very slight and easy character. It will be seen that a large extent of the route from Opotiki to the Tarawera is across rich alluvial plains, about half of which are closely settled, and form important agricultural districts. Of the ridges and hills between these valleys I can only speak of the Whakatane Eange, and, so far as my observation extends, these are of clay-slate, but of considerably closer and harder nature than those I observed in the interior explorations. The country from Tarawera to Eotorua is wholly of soft rhyolitic rocks and gravels. There is not a large extent of bush on this route. It exists in rounding the Ohiwa Harbour to the Whakatane Hills, and from the rise west of the Tarawera to Tapuwaeharuru on Eotoiti. About three or four miles more extend between Eotoiti and Tikitere. With these exceptions the country is open. Considering the great extent of easy work on this line of country, amounting probably to three-fourths of the whole length, I am inclined to think the large amount of bridging may be balanced in cost by the easier formation in earthworks, and that the average cost per mile may be no more than that I have estimated for Gisborne-Opotiki. Of course, no more rolling-stock would be required than what I have estimated for that other part of the route—which is a very full estimate, and, you will observe, is the same as for the Urewera route of nearly twice the length, but which would not have half the traffic. The Under-Secretary for Public Works. . James Stewaet, M.Tnst.C.E.

The Undee-Secbetary for Public Woeks to Mr. James Stewaet. (Telegram.) Wellington, 31st August, 1899. Please send by first post lithograph map, scale four miles to an inch if possible, showing possible route. Opotiki to Eotorua, to illustrate your report of the 28th instant. James Stewart, Esq., M.1.C.E., Auckland. H. J. H. Blow.

The Dndeb-Secbetaet for Pullic Wobks to Mr. James Stewaet, (Telegram.) Wellington, 31st August, 1899. Could you wire rough approximate estimate of probable cost of line between Opotiki and Eotorua, so as to enable comparison to be made as regards total cost of both routes'? James Stewart, Esq., C.E., Auckland. H. J. H. Blow.

Mr. James Stkwaet to the Undee-Seceetaey for Public Wobks. . '.-. (Telegram.) Auckland, Ist September, 1899. Bough approximate cost of formation and permanent-way, Opotiki-Botorua, may be taken as that of Section 1, Gisborne-Opotiki—say, £3,220 per mile, or for eighty-five miles £273,700; no rollingstock to be added. Have posted maps showing approximate route as near as T can make it out in absence of detail examination of salient points. The Under-Secretary, Public Works, Wellington. James Stewaet.



Memorandum for the Undeb-Seceetaby for Public Wobks. Auckland, Ist September, 1899. Opotiki-Botorua Reconnaissance. Hebewith I send you (under separate cover) sheets Nos. 4 and 5 of the published four-mile-scale maps. On these I have shown, as requested in your telegram of yesterday's date, a possible route, in so far as my present knowledge extends, of the extension of my late Gisborne-Opotiki exploration to Rotorua. I would have accompanied my report of 28th ultimo with this delineation had I had sufficient detail knowledge of the hills and broken country to be traversed to satisfy myself as regards even an approximation; but, as you deem it necessary, I have done my best to pick out a feasible route. It will be gathered from my report that the location of the line between the Waioeka and Waiotahi, the rounding of the Ohiwa Harbour, the crossing of the Tarawera to the plateau of the lake-country, are the points on which 1 had no detail knowledge. I have drawn the line after a close study of the one-mile-to-the-ineh section maps, but it is quite possible that considerable variations, even in the general location, may be necessary to get the proper grades and avoid expense. Jambs Stewabt.

APPENDIX J. WELLINGTON-NAPIEB RAILWAY. REPOET ON ALTERNATIVE ROUTES FOR DEVIATION OF LINE IN ORDER TO AVOID THE FELL INCLINE OVER THE RIMTJTAKA, BY Me. P. S. HAY, M.A., M.lnst.C.E. Mr. P. S. Hay to the Engineeb-in-Chief. Sib,— Public Works Office, Wellington, 19th August, 1899. I have the honour to make the following report on the various possible routes for the proposed deviation of the railway-line over the Rimutaka, to avoid the steep gradients and sharp curvature between the Upper Hutt and the Summit Station and the Fell Incline. This report is based on the resulcs of Mr. J. H. Dobson's surveys and explorations, and on my own inspections of the country through which the proposed deviations via the Coach-road Saddle and the Tauherenikau would pass. To avoid the Fell Incline a trial line was surveyed by Mr. Dobson, starting from a point about three-quarters of a mile beyond Kaitoke Station and ending at Featherston. This line follows the coach-road gullies; it has been levelled and cross-sections have been taken, so that the quantities and estimates may be taken as correct, except in so far as they might be altered by minor deviations of the finally located line. From about the two-mile peg on the above line a traverse has been run vid the Tauherenikau River to Woodside Station, but only aneroid levels have as yet been taken along this route to determine the heights of the principal points. To avoid the l-in-35 grades and numerous 5-chain curves on the existing line from the Upper Hutt to Kaitoke, a trial traverse with aneroid levels has been run from the Upper Hutt Station along the slopes of the Hutt Valley and through a low saddle near Kaitoke into the Pukaratahi Valley, to join the Road Saddle and Tauherenikau routes near the Pukaratahi River ; this is No. 1 line on the plan. A variation of this line, No. 2 on plan, has been run to get flatter grades and a crossing of Mungaroa Valley without a viaduct. These lines do not utilise any portion of the existing line. To ascertain if any portions of the existing line could be advantageously used, No. 3 trial line was run, and a variation of it, No. 4. The ruling gradient adopted in running all these lines was lin 60, and the sharpest curve allowed for was 10-chains radius. The gorge of the Hutt River was also examined to ascertain if it was possible to take the line vid the Hutt River and Pukaratahi River to join the Tauherenikau or Road Saddle routes. In addition to the above, Mr. Dobson examined a suggested route starting from the existing line at Ladle Bend and crossing the Rimutaka by Lucena's Pass. This he reports impracticable. He also examined a suggested route starting from the Mungaroa flats, and thence through the lowest country to Cross Creek and Pigeon Bush ; this he reports impracticable, except with a fivemiles tunnel. He also examined the proposed route vid the Wainui-o-mata, Orongaronga, and Wairongomai, and confirmed Mr. Rochfort's condemnation of it. The length of line to be constructed by this route would not be less than thirty-four miles, of which over twenty miles would be on l-in-40 gradient. It is evidently not a promising route, though it is urged in its favour that it would be better for settlement than any of the other routes, and would not cut off any of the country now served by the railway. The trial line from Kaitoke to Featherston vid the Road Saddle shows that- a line can be got of the following general character: Grades —Kaitoke to the Summit Tunnel, 1 in 55; sharpest curve on this gradient, 10-chains radius; Summit level, 995 ft. above datum (present Summit 1,244 ft. above datum) ; length of Summit tunnel, 143 chains; grade in tunnel, lin 60, falling towards Featherston (in the final location this grade would be put all on the straight, a flatter grade being put where the curve occurs); grade tunnel to Featherston, lin 40; sharpest curve on this grade, 10-chains radius. In addition to the tunnel 143 chains long, the other works of any note are a bridge across the Pakuratahi River, also bridges over the Rimutaka, Tidswell's, Beal's,




and Cave's Creeks. There are no particularly heavy earthworks. The line joins the existing railway about 23 chains south of the Featherston Station. Its length is about 9 miles 66 chains, and the estimated cost is £181,200. To get a grade of 1 in 55, with perhaps somewhat sharper curves than 10-chains radius, it would be necessary to lengthen the deviation and join the existing railway about three-quarters of a mile beyond the Featherston Station. This would increase the cost of this deviation to about £194,000 as estimated by Mr. Dobson, but I think this amount is rather little. The grades obtainable on either of the above lines do not compare favourably with those obtainable by the Tauherenikau route, and I have examined the country between Abbott's Creek and Fernside and Woodside Stations to ascertain approximately what grades could be got by running the line either to Fernside Station or to Woodside Station—in this latter case crossing the Tauherenikau Eiver at as high a level as possible in order to get the flattest possible grade. If a line were constructed from the Eoad Saddle Tunnel down the left side of Abbott's Creek, and along the hillsides beyond Featherston to Fernside Station, the continuous grade obtainable, assuming the grade through the tunnel was 1 in 70 on the straight, would be about 1 in 75 ; with the grades where on curves flattened proportionately to the curvature, this line would probably giVe a working gradient no worse than 1 in 66 on the straight, depending on the relative amount of straight to curved line in the section. The works would be much heavier than for the l-in-55 line ; in addition to larger bridges or viaducts being required for the tributaries of Abbott's Creek, a viaduct of about 150 ft. in height and of considerable length would be required over Boar Bush Creek behind Featherston. On the hillsides to the south of this creek there is a large slip, or, rather, dislocation of the ground, reaching up to about the grade-level; but Ido not know that this would be an important factor, as probably a moderate cutting w T ould take the line back into solid ground. The cost of this alternative deviation, Kaitoke to Fernside, may be taken as £260,000. Better grades than those on the trial line would be required between Kaitoke and the Summit Tunnel to get approximately balanced grades for the probable up- and down-country traffic. Though not quite so good, this route approaches very nearly the Tauherenikau route as regards grades. If, as another alternative, a line were constructed like the preceding from the Eoad Summit Tunnel, down the hillsides on the left bank of Abbott's Creek, then along the hillsides between Featherston and the Tauherenikau Eiver, crossing the river at a level of 70 ft. to 80 ft. above the level of Woodside Station, and then running along the terraces and flats to Woodside, the continuous grade obtainable, assuming that the grade in the Summit Tunnel is 1 in 90 on the straight, would be about lin 95. With the grades on the curves suitably and proportionately flattened, according to the sharpness of the curve, it is probable that a working gradient of 1 in 82, or perhaps better, could be obtained by careful location of the line, depending on the relative lengths of curved and straight line on the section between the Summit Tunnel and the Tauherenikau Eiver crossing. The bridges over Tidswell's Creek, Beal's Creek, Cave's Creek would become viaducts of some size, and the viaduct required to cross Boar Bush Creek would be 250 ft. high, though the line could, 1 think, be run up the gully to avoid the viaduct; also there would be either a smaller viaduct or a high bank required for a gully about halfway between Featherston and the Tauherenikau. There would likely be some short tunnels required at some of the gullies; the bridges or viaducts might be considerably reduced by these tunnels, but I have not assumed that this would be so in the approximate estimate given below. The worst part of the country along which this alternative route runs is, I think, that around the sides of Cave's Creek. The hillsides are much more favourable, I think, for railway-construction than those along which it is proposed to construct some portions of the Midland Eailway, and more so than some other places where railways have been already constructed in New Zealand. The best grades from Woodside to Kaitoke are obtainable by this route, and the worst parts of the line would be safer than the worst parts along the Tauherenikau route. The cost of construction from Pakuratahi to Woodside would be very heavy—say, £350,000. In this I have included a sum of £25,000 for short tunnels in addition to the cost of the Summit Tunnel, and £93,000 for bridges and viaducts. ' There would be some difficulty in getting grades from the Upper Hutt to the Summit sufficiently flat to avoid the use of assistant engines with the present ratio of up- to down-country traffic on a line with so flat a gradient as this one between Woodside and the Summit Tunnel. A possible variation of this route would be to run up Boar Bush Gully and tunnel through to Cave's Creek watershed ; this would make the grade steeper, perhaps not much better than the grade via the Tauherenikau; but I have no reliable data for determining the grades or the amount of tunnelling required. The line via the Tauherenikau would branch off from the Abbott's Creek route at a point about two miles and three-quarters beyond Kaitoke. After crossing the Eimutaka Creek by a small bridge this line runs for a little over two miles along the spurs and intervening flats, until the tunnel through the main range is reached. This length of line is fairly easy, and should only require moderate banks and cuttings, and a number of culverts. If put on the grade suggested by Mr. Dobson, the tunnel would be about 70 chains long. It will probably be through slate rock, and will require to be lined throughout. If, however, the tunnel grade is made to fall instead of rise to the south end, the saving in rise and fall, curvature, and length of line between the Pakuratahi and the tunnel will be likely to justify the lengthening of the tunnel sufficiently to give an easy up-grade from the south to the north end; this will also be of considerable advantage in constructing the tunnel. At the north end there is a large creek, which will be likely to give trouble similar to that experienced at the ends of the Spooner's Eange Tunnel. The approach cutting at this end will be long, through a piece of comparatively flat ground ; the upper end of this flat forms the virtual summit for this route. Beyond the tunnel the line will run down the right bank of a tributary of the Tauherenikau to its junction with the river. At the end of the first mile the grade is not very high above the creek, but for the last three-quarters of a mile or so the creek falls



rapidly, and at its junction with the river the grade-line is about 180 ft. above the river-bed. Along this last section the creek is cutting into its banks, and there are a number of slips, one or two ol some size : in one case what appears to be an old slip, overgrown with small scrub, reaches above the grade-line; in all the other cases the upper edges of the creek-banks where cut away and fallen in are well below the grade-line. Judging from the slopes of the hillsides, the works required along the tributary to form a railway-line would not be very heavy for the first mile, but would be somewhat heavy for the last three-quarters of a mile or so. Cuttings, banks, and culverts, with perhaps one or two small bridges, would be the works required. After leaving the tributary creek the line would follow the right bank of the Tauherenikau for about four miles and a half. There will be some heavy work on this section, especially on the first three miles. The cuttings will be heavy; some short tunnels at bluffs and bridges over tributary creeks will be required. The works would be lighter on the last mile and a half as the gorge opens out more, and generally the slopes of the hillsides seem not to be so steep. About three miles from Woodside Station the line would cross the Tauherenikau River either on a bridge or on a viaduct, according to the grade adopted, and would then run on the terraces or on the hillsides, as the grade may require. The continuous grade obtainable from Woodside to the tunnel will vary from. 1 in 60 to about 1 in 81, according as the grade begins near the crossing of the river or near Woodside Station. When the grades are suitably flattened on the curves in proportion to their radius, I think it is probable that a ruling grade not worse than 1 in 70 on the straight can be got from Woodside to the tunnel. The corresponding ruling grade for the proposed l-in-60 line would be about lin 56. The volume of the present traffic fully justifies the adoption of the l-in-70 grade, and if a new line is worth making the best obtainable grade should be adopted. The l-in-70 grade would, of course, be a little more costly, owing to the line having to run for some distance on the hillsides after crossing the river instead of on the flats ; the viaduct across the river should not cost much more, if anything more, than the tunnel, cuttings, and bridge that would be required for the line with the steeper grade. Against this extra cost it will be a distinct advantage to have the gradeline as high above the river as it can be got in the lower length of the tributary creek and the upper two miles or so of the gorge. The additional height gained by the l-in-70 grade on these sections will be from 30 ft. to 70 ft., and will give a safer if not a cheaper line. The hills are of slate along the tributary creek and the Tauherenikau, and where it is exposed to the atmosphere it does not seem to be of a very stable character. I only saw some small slips on the banks of the Tauherenikau, along which the proposed line would run. These at present are not of any great moment. The line will avoid the large slip just above Buck's house, which I take to be the one Mr. Eochfort refers to in his report. The occurrence of a slip as large as this on the line after it was made would necessitate a heavy expenditure in making a tunnel to avoid it. The cuttings in this slate rock will, I think, weather considerably, and all tunnels will have to be lined throughout. Until, however, the grade-line is denned along the hillside, and the character of the works approximately determined, it will not be possible to make any very definite statements as to the probable stability of the works that will be required to form a railwayline down the Tauherenikau for the first three miles, or as to their probable extent and cost. Woodside, being the highest point on the existing line between the Waiohine and Tauherenikau Eivers, is the proper ending-point for the deviation. Better grades than the lin7o on the straight could only be got by keeping the line on the hillsides and crossing the Waiohine at a higher level than at present. The Tauherenikau Valley does not afford facilities for doing this except at great cost. The above-described deviations do not cut out the steep gradients and numerous curves of only 5-chains radius between the Upper Hutt and Kaitoke. This will best be accomplished, I think, by a combination of No. 1 and No. 3 trial lines, described below. No. 1 trial line starts from the Upper Hutt Station, and runs for about a mile over the flats; then it rises for about six miles on a l-in-60 gradient, broken by a short length of l-in-550 grade. The Mungaroa Stream and Valley would be crossed by a long viaduct, from 50 ft. to 140 ft. high. The line is on steep sideling ground for a short distance south of the Mungaroa Stream, and also on steep sideling ground from Mungaroa to a point opposite Kaitoke, seven miles from the Upper Hutt, where it passes over a low saddle requiring a tunnel at least 20 chains long. Prom the saddle the line runs through easy country to join the Kaitoke-Featherston trial line near the Pakuratahi, the length from the Upper Hutt to the Pakuratahi crossing being about nine miles. The estimated cost of this line is, say, £111,000, in round figures, for the nine miles. No. 2 line is an alternative to the lower portion of No. 1 line, but it increases the length by a mile and a quarter, while it is estimated that the cost of construction would only be lessened by £5,000 to £6,000; this is too small a saving" to justify the increased length, except the extra length were required for the purpose of getting a flatter ruling grade to meet possible traffic requirements. No. 1 trial line is quite independent of the existing line ; but No. 3 line was run to determine how much of the existing line between the Upper Hutt to Kaitoke could be made use of. This line begins to rise on the hillside immediately after leaving the Upper Hutt Station, and joins the existing line just south of the Mungaroa Railway-station, A short length of the line a.nd the station would be utilised. The line leaves the existing railway about 15 chains beyond the Mungaroa Station, and joins it again about a quarter of a mile south of the Kaitoke Station. The length of new line required is eight miles and a quarter, the estimated cost of which is £105,000. No. 4 line is an alternative of part of No. 3 line ; it uses a portion of No. 2 line; it lengthens No. 3 line by about one mile, at an estimated saving in cost of £5,000, which is too little to justify the additional length. The levels taken and the examination made Show that the Hutt Gorge below the junction of the Pakuratahi is very rough, and it is only possible to take a railway-line up the gorge at great cost.



The extra length puts this route out of the question for any line going through the Eoad Saddle. For the Tauherenikau route a good grade could be got from the Upper Hutt to the Summit Tunnel. There would be about two miles and a half of very rough heavy work required in the Hubt and Pakuratahi Gorges, and a high viaduct over the Pakuratahi Eiver; the line would run at a considerable distance from the trial line run from the Pakuratahi to the Tauherenikau Eiver, and pass through the range by a tunnel most likely at some distance from the tunnel-site as surveyed. The only advantage offered by this route is a uniform grade from the Upper Hutt to the Summit; but the cost to get a safe line up the Hutt Gorge would be so great that it would be better to get whatever improvements in grades that may be deemed necessary by lengthening the tunnel through the saddle opposite Kaitoke. The working gradients stated in each case make sufficient allowance for lengths of level required for passing-places. In the case of the up-grade on the Tauherenikau route —Woodside to the tunnel—two passing-places are allowed for. These will very considerably increase the trafficcapacity of the line; they will hardly ever be likely to be required as stations, as the settlement in the valley must always be small or nil under existing conditions. The passing-places cause a considerable steepening of the ruling working grade, which will spoil the line if ever a double line is required to be made, as a double line would probably be made with continuous grades from Woodside to the Summit Tunnel. A continuous working grade of lin 73 from Woodside to the tunnel would be sufficient for a much greater traffic than the present; and it is a question to be settled whether it would not be the better course to omit these passing-places if the line is made by this route. The passing-places are shown at approximately equal distances apart between Woodside and Kaitoke, and making the Mungaroa Station equidistant between Upper Hutt and Kaitoke put it on perhaps a bad site. Two passing-places are shown on the Eoad Saddle-Woodside route; one would serve as a station for the Featherston traffic, the other would be merely a passing-station. It would be necessary, in order to avoid, if possible, any necessity to use assistant engines, to get sufficiently flat grades from the Upper Hutt to the Summit Tunnel on the deviation line adopted. For the ratio of up- to down-country traffic given in the General Manager's memorandum (attached) the grades required for the Tauherenikau route would be lin64 on the straight; for the Eoad Saddle-Woodside route, 1 in 74 on the straight; and for the route ending at Fernside Station, lin6o on the straight. Purely passenger traffic would require equal grades both ways, so would heavy excursion traffic to the Wairarapa. There will be some difficulty experienced in getting the l-in-64 grade from the Upper Hutt to the Kaitoke Tunnel, and still more in getting the l-in-74 grade without unduly lengthening the line or lengthening the Kaitoke Tunnel. I think the choice of routes for the deviation will be found to lie between (1) a line from the Upper Hutt through Kaitoke Saddle, following somewhat closely the first two miles of No. 3 line and the last seven miles of No. 1 line so as to get a uniform working grade, combined with the Tauherenikau route, with l-in-70 grades on the straight; and (2) a line with suitable grades between the Upper Hutt and Kaitoke Saddle, combined with the Eoad Saddle-Woodside route, with l-in-82 grades on the straight. The only objection to this latter route is its much greater probable cost. It would be possible to adopt either of these alternatives, and for the present, if it is thought advisable, only construct a section of the permanent deviation from about the Pakuratahi Eiver crossing to Woodside, and form a temporary connection to the existing line between Kaitoke and the Pakuratahi, leaving the Upper Hutt-Pakuratahi section of the deviation to be done at some future time. This would involve the loss of some £8,000 or £9,000 required to form the temporary connection. The advantages to be expected to be got from the construction of the deviation with-l-in-70 grades or l-in-82 grades on the straight against the down-country traffic, with properly balanced grades against the up-country traffic, would be: A much quicker service between Wellington and Woodside ; a saving of seven miles in length of journey, and of over 1,100 ft. of rise and fall to be surmounted by each train; a greatly diminished number of goods-trains required to haul a given amount of traffic; a considerable saving in rolling-stock maintenance by the cutting-out of the 5 miles 8 chains of curves of 5-chains radius, and 1 mile 46 chains of curves of b\- to 7-chains radius, on the existing line between the Upper Hutt and Cross Creek Stations (the limits of curvature on the new line being, say, 10-chains radius Upper Hutt to the Summit, and 7J or 8 chains Summit to Woodside); the saving of the expenditure required to keep up the Cross Creek Station ; the saving of the useless haulage of Fell brake-vans, weighing 12 to 18 tons, for each train up or down the Fell Incline; the saving of expense of running assistant engines between the Upper Hutt and the Summit, and between Cross Creek and Pigeon Bush, and some saving in maintaining the permanent-way on the Fell Incline. The grade of lin 70on the straight will enable fully loaded engines to be run through from Woodville to Wellington (this grade offering about the same resistance to traction as the 1 in 76, with curves of 15-chains radius, between Woodville and W T oodside), or the grade of 1 in 82 on the straight would enable an engine to take up some additional loading between Eketahuna and Woodside, in addition to its full load from Woodville to Eketahuna, and take this additional load through to Wellington without assistance. The probable saving in working-expenses on the present annual traffic should be at least £12,000 to £13,000, but against this there would be, in the case of the Tauherenikau route, the cost of working a branch line to Featherston or Pigeon Bush ; with the Eoad Saddle-Woodside route, this, perhaps, might be avoided, though it must be admitted that the station on the hills about 370 ft. or so above Featherston would be somewhat inconvenient. There would also, for some time at least, be an increased cost in earthwork maintenance. W r ith increasing traffic, such as may reasonably be expected, there would be correspondingly greater saving in working-expenses. The deviation vid the Tauherenikau will reduce the distance from Woodville to Wellington to about miles, as against 105 miles by the Manawatu line; but in view of the slower speeds



through the Manawatu Gorge, and the slow rate of travelling from Tawa Fiat to Wellington, the time from Woodville to Wellington vid the Tauherenikau deviation would, I think, be a little shorter, as it also should be by the Woodside-Eoad Saddle route—in both cases for passenger-trains. The ruling gradient vid the Manawatu line against traffic to Wellington is 1 in 56, with 42-chain curves, as against 1 in 70 on the straight by the Tauherenikau deviation. I have endeavoured to condense into the attached table all the information available as to the costs as estimated and the salient features of the several routes. The costs given for hauling 100,000 tons of gross loads of goods-trains (i.e., the weight of wagons and their loads only, exclusive of the weights of the engines) from Woodside to the Upper Hutt, over the several routes, are computed on the supposition that engines of about the power of the new B engines will be run on the deviation, also that the gross weight of the trains up the 1 in 15, exclusive of the weights of the Fell engines and Fell brake-vans, is 110 tons. The average weight of the trains up the incline is, for the last year, just under 100 tons, so the comparison should not be unfair to the existing line. It would, however, be possible to get Fell engines capable of taking up greater loads; but, on the other hand, it would also be possible to get more powerful engines than the B engines, and I have no doubt by the time the deviation is made that such engines will be in use. The volume of the present traffic over the Eimutaka Incline is given in the attached memorandum from the General Manager of Eailways. The information regarding the Wainui-o-mata-Wairongomai route is hardly complete enough to enable any very definite comparisons being drawn between it and the other possible deviations between the Upper Hutt and Woodside. The estimated cost of this deviation is given by Mr. Dobson at £378,000, and is so high that the route will not at all compare with the Eoad SaddleFeatherston route, with equal grades 1 in 40, but for which the ascertained cost is only £181,200. In addition to this the distance would be ten miles longer. The great cost, the steep ruling grade, and the great extra length are, I think, quite sufficient to condemn this route. A considerable time will be required to make the permanent survey of the whole deviation from the Upper Hutt to Woodside—say, eighteen months to two years for a party as ordinarily constituted ; therefore, if anything is intended to be done in the near future, the survey should be put in hand soon. The first work to be done should, I think, be the running of a grade-line from the north end of the tunnel down the Tauherenikau to Woodside on the l-in-70 grade. This, with a sufficient number of cross-sections at suitable points, would enable the general character and amount of the works required to be approximately ascertained. Then a similar survey should be made from the east end of the Eoad Saddle Tunnel to Woodside. The limits of curvature should be 10-chains radius, except for the worst parts of the Tauherenikau, when 7-J-chain as well as 10-chain curves should, be tried. In the final location of the adopted line all grades on curves should be reduced to make the probable traction on each curve no worse than on the steepest grade on the straight. I think also that provision should be made for putting transition curves at the ends of all curves. As there is no very reliable information available for curveresistance on 3 ft. 6 in. gauge lines, I would recommend that some measurements of curve-resist-ance be made sufficiently numerous and accurate to enable the results to be used with confidence in all future railway locations. P. S. Hay.

PROPOSED DEVIATION, WELLINGTON-NAPIER RAILWAY, OVER RIMUTAKA. Summary of Leading Features of the Several Routes between Upper Hutt and Woodside Stations.

Boute. Ruling G] g , S •adients. § t s ? 3 . §538 " O I a Estimated Nui required foi 100,000 Tons of load from \ Upper Hutt, Haul I CO B0 <D -_ CD "i la! cnber of r Haulag Gross E Voodsid and Coe lage. Trains geof Qnginele to st of Lenj o Turn Rths >f nels. I ■a u oco -w to MO '5S-S III H x"S a 1 "3 ® a a a a OS [pper Hutt to Peatherston.uia No. 1 line and Road Saddle (1) 1 in 40+ 10-ohain curves 1 in 50 on straight (2) 1 in 34 on straight Miles. - 22| Ft. 1,585- £ 285,000 Trains 538 Trains 12,235 1,835 Yd. 3,146 Yd. I 440 . Ft. ■ 897 1 in 45 on straight 1 in 60 on straight 298,000 380 8,645 1,297 3,146 i 440 pper Hutt to Fernside, vid No. 1 line and Road Saddle 1 in 66 on straight 1 in 55 23 1,419 370,000 .287 6,601 990 3,120 l 440 + 500*1 897 , Upper Hutt to . Woodside, vid No. 1 line and Road Saddle 1 in 82 on straight 1 in 55 1 in 74 on straight 23J 1,279 460,000 235 f>, 464 820 3,100 ' 440 + 800" 897 pper Hutt to Woodside, vid No. 1 line and Tauherenikau 1 in 70 on straight 1 in 56 on straight ) 1 in j 60 J str. ( 1 in 64 on straight 1 in 53 on straight [ 324 (•272 j 338 6,120 918 [ to ] 1,650 J 440 + '< 800* 979 to 927 1,347 325,000 7,605 1,041 910 5,200 1,144 Ixisting line .. Iinl5+ 5-ohain curves 1 in 35 + 5-ehain 29| 2,485 •• curves * Assumed aggrei ite Iβ: igth of short tunnel*.



Memorandum for the General Manages, New Zealand Railways. Public Works Office, Wellington, 9th June, 1899. RIMUTAKA DEVIATION. Could you please give me information on the following points : — Passenger-trains each way per day. Goods-trains each way per day. Total number of trains Cross Creek to Featherston in a year. Total number of trains in a year, Featherston to Cross Creek, to be sent up incline. Gross tonnage of same, exclusive of engine-weights. Total number of trains down incline in a year. Total number of trains up incline in a year. Gross tonnage of same, exclusive of engine-weights, and exclusive of incline brake-van. Is this van always used, and what is its weight ? Total number of trains in a year Summit to Upper Hutt. Total number of trains in a year Upper Hutt to Summit. Gross tonnage of the same exclusive of engines. Assistant-engine mileage, Upper Hutt to Summit. Assistant-engine mileage, Pigeon Bush to Cross Creek. Is there any marked increase in cost of rolling-stock maintenance on Wellington-Woodville Section due to sharp curvature Upper Hutt to Cross Creek ? 1899 returns, wool, sheep, cattle, timber, firewood, general merchandise (Wellington-Waira-rapa). P. S. Hay, Superintending Engineer.

New Zealand Government Eailways, Head Office, Wellington, N.Z., 22nd June, 1899. Memorandum for Mr. P. S. Hay, Superintending Engineer, Public Works Department, Wellington. The following information is forwarded in response to your memorandum of the 9th instant: — Average number of passenger-trains each way per day, Cross Creek and Summit ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 Ditto goods-trains ... ... ... ... ... .. 6 Total number of trains from Cross Creek to Featherston in a year ... 1,792 Tonnage of ditto (approximate)... ... ... ... ... 174,323 Number of trains in a year from Featherston to Cross Creek to be sent up incline ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,756 Tonnage of ditto ... ... ... ... ... ... 197,348 Number of trains down incline in a year ... ... ... ... 2,303 Tonnage of ditto ... ... ... ... ... ... 180,653 Number of trains up incline in a year ... ... ... ... 1,982 Tonnage of ditto ... ... . ... .. ... .. 197,348 Number of trains from Summit to Upper Hutt in a year ... ... 1,939 Tonnage of ditto ... ... ... ... ... ... 197,348 Number of trains from Upper Hutt to Summit in a year ... ... 1,938 Tonnage of ditto ... ... ... ... ... ... 180,653 Assistant-engine mileage from Upper Hutt to Summit, including return 5,863 Assistant-engine mileage from Pigeon Bush to Cross Creek, including light running to Pigeon Bush ... . ... ... 7,785

Traffic over Rimutaka for year ended 31st March, 1899 :—

Tonnages are exclusive of weights of engines and Fell brake-vans. The weight of Fell brakevan is 6 tons ; and one, two, or more, according to train-load, are put on all trains either ascending or descending the incline. With the exception of that for Cross Creek-Summit, the tonnages are approximate. In addition to traffic given under heading of "Traffic over. Eimutaka," a large quantity of coal for locomotives, timber, ironwork, cement, &c, for maintenance works, is conveyed over the incline. The tonnage of this departmental traffic is, however, included in that for trains given on first page of this memorandum. An answer to your inquiry in regard to increase in cost of rolling-stock maintenance will be sent in a few days. T. Bonayne, , General Manager (per T. W. W.).

Cattle. Sheep, &o. Wool. Firewood. Timber. Grain. Merchandise. Minerals. forth louth No. No. 222 1,873 1,792 421,197 Tons. 3 5,947 Tons. Tons. 48 130 5,298 25,852 Tons. 4,978 691 I Tons. 11,367 ! 4,516 Tons. 2,640 405 Total 2,014 423,070 5,950 5,346 25,982 5,669 15,883 3,045 ■ I




New Zealand Government Eailways, Head Office, Wellington, N.Z., 15th July, 1899. Mbmoeandum for Mr. P. S. Hay, Superintending Engineer, Public Works Department, Wellington. Eimcjtaka Deviation. —With further reference to your memorandum of the 9th ultimo, the Locomotive Superintendent of this department states that wagon-tires and brasses will run about four times as long on a fairly straight road, in comparison with such a road as between Upper Hutt and Cross Creek T. Bonayne, General Manager (per T. W. W.).

APPENDIX K. WELLINGTON-NAPIEE EAILWAY. REPORT ON PROPOSED ROUTE FOR DEVIATION OP LINE IN ORDER TO AVOID THE FELL, INCLINE OVER THE RIMUTAKA, BY MR. R. W. HOLMES, M.lnst.C.E. Public Works Office, Wellington, 11th September, 1899. Hon. Minister for Public Works. Me. E. W. Holmes, Eesident Engineer, having made an examination of the country from Petone to Pigeon Bush, in the Wairarapa Valley, with a view of ascertaining if a practicable route for a railway is obtainable by way of the Wainuiomata, Orongorongo, and Wairongomai Valleys, his report and plans are submitted for your information. It will be seen by the report and plans that the country between the Lower Hutt Valley and the Wairarapa Lake is of a very rough character, being intersected by high ridges, through which, in order to obtain a line with moderately easy grades, it will be necessary to construct two large tunnels, one through the Wainuiomata Eidge being one mile in length, and the other through the Orongorongo, between the head of the Wainuiomata and the Wairongamai Valley, will require to be 3 miles 50 chains long, the latter on a grade of 1 in 100. This latter tunnel, on account of its great length, will be costly to construct, and will take a long time to excavate, besides the difficulty of working such a length of tunnel with heavy trains on a grade of 1 in 100, unless very efficient means of ventilation are provided. Mr. Holmes estimates the cost of constructing the 30 miles 60 chains of new railway at £463,547, but has probably underestimated the value qf the work in the long tunnels, for which I consider £35,000 should be added. The construction of the railway along the Wainui-o-mata Valley is likely to interfere considerably with the source and head-works of the Wellington City water-supply, consequently some objection to the work may be expected from the Corporation. William H. Hales. Engineer-in-Chief.

Memorandum for the Engineee-in-Chief, Public Works Department. WELLINGTON-NAPIEE EAILWAY. PROPOSED DEVIATION BETWEEN PETONE AND PIGEON BUSH VIA WAINUI-O-MATA—LOW-LEVEL LINE. Sib, — Public Works Department, Wellington, 9th September, 1899. I have the honour to inform you that I have examined the country between the Petone Station and Pigeon Bush Station, via the Wainui-o-mata and Wairongomai Valleys, with the object of seeing whether or not a practicable route exists for a deviation of present line of railway and now report upon the same as follows: — The obstacles to the construction of a line are three watershed-divides — namely, Hutt-Wainui-o-mata, Wainui-o-niata-Orongorongo, and Orongorongo-Wairongomai. The saddles in these divides cannot be made use of because the mountain-sides are too precipitous, too broken by branch valleys, and too liable to slip to permit of the construction of a railway-line in the position that would be necessary to allow of grading over them ; also, there is not sufficient distance to grade down in from the Orongorongo Eiver to the Wainui-o-mata Eiver with a l-in-60 grade, while a Fell incline on a very unstable foundation would be required on the Wairongomai side. The summit-level of a graded line would be about 1,400 ft. above the sea, and situated at the head of the Wainui-o-mata Eiver. Th 6 difficulties presented by these divides can be surmounted by the construction of two tunnels, one 80 chains (one mile) long between Lowry Bay and Wainui-o-mata, the other 3 miles 50 chains long between Wainui-o-mata and Wairongomai Eivers, passing under the Orongorongo Eiver at a depth of 800 ft. below the bed. There will be two miles of heavy work grading up to the first tunnel from the Hutt Valley, and three miles of heavy work grading down the Wairongomai Valley from end of second tunnel, the rest of the formation-works will be very easy, and situated on flat ground. With the exception of three miles in the Wairongomai Valley the formation-works will be very stable, neither liable to slip nor suffer damage by flood, consequently the maintenance of line will be very light. 21—D. 1.



The position of line is indicated on the accompanying plan. The distance from Petone to Pigeon Bush is 30f miles, which is the length of deviation or new line to construct. The distance from Wellington to end of deviation at Pigeon Bush vid constructed line is 41 miles, and vid deviation is 37 miles 33 chains, a saving of 3 miles 47 chains being effected on the actual distance, and 10J miles on the present paying distance. The highest point or summit of the line is at the Wellington end of the long tunnel, its height above sea-level being 560 ft., and 584 ft. below summit of constructed line. The maximum grade required is 1 in 70 against the traffic to the Wairarapa, and 1 in 80 against the traffic from the Wairarapa, which is the larger quantity : they are therefore situated in the most advantageous position. The accompanying section indicates the extent and rates of the grades. The maximum curvature required is 7-J- chains radius, which may possibly be reduced to 10 chains radius. The sharp curvature is confined to two parts of the line, situated between the 3rd and 6th mile pegs, and between the 16th and 20th mile pegs, which aggregate a length of seven miles ; the rest of the line consists of long straights with flat curves : the line will therefore be an extremely favourable one for fast travelling, both as regards grades and curvature. The estimated cost of deviation, complete with all equipment, is £463,547, made up as follows:—■

Average rate, £15,075 per mile. The long tunnel must be on a grade of lin 100, descending towards the Wairarapa. Should the products of combustion emitted by the locomotives prove troublesome, ventilation may be effected by sinking a shaft from the Orongorongo Valley, and driving a current of air down it into the tunnel by means of a small stream of falling water derived from the river, and delivered near bottom of shaft at a high pressure by mea»s of piping, a pressure derived from a head of 800 ft. being available ; or the water may be led to the lower adit of tunnel from the point marked X on plan, and there, with an available head of 700 ft., be used to either drive air through tunnel by means of fans, or to generate electricity and work the up-traffic by means of electrical locomotives. The country between the reservoir in the Wainui-o-mata Valley and the narrow belt of fiat country along the Wairarapa Lake is quite unfit for settlement; it is only fit for a forest reserve, or to act as a catchment-basin for supplying Wellington with water and power as far as the Orongorongo Valley is concerned. The Wairongomai Valley is merely a precipitous mountaingorge. The chief points in favour of this route are : (1) Shorter by 3 miles 47 chains than constructed line; (2) low summit-level—viz., 560 ft. above sea-level; (3) only one bridge of any magnitude —viz., that over the Hutt Eiver; (4) easily maintained; (5) very easy grades; (6) does not interfere with present line through Featherston. E. W. Holmes, Besideut Engineer.

By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB99.

Prom To Distance. Item. Rate. Amount. M. CH. 0 0 3 0 6 40 12 50 16 20 19 60 M. OH. 3 0 6 40 12 50 16 20 19 60 30 60 M. OH. 3 0 3 40 6 10 3 50 3 40 11 00 Mile £ 7,000 30,000 5,000 59,840 10,000 5,000 21,000 105,000 30,625 216,922 35,000 55,000 £463,547


Rimutaka Incline, Wellington-Napier Railway.

Rimutaka Incline, Wellington-Napier Railway.

Wellington-Napier Railway, Rimutaka Incline.

Wellington-Napier Railway, Rimutaka Incline.

Rimutaka Incline, Wellington-Napier Railway.

Midland Railway. View looking up Waimakariri River from Staircase Gully, about Ten Miles from Springfield.

Midland Railway. View of Waimakariri River, about Seven Miles and a Half from Springfield.

Midland Railway. Ruins of Temporary Viaduct over Patterson's Creek, about Six Miles from Springfield.

Foundation Piers of Makohine Viaduct. North Island Trunk Railway.

Foundation Piers of Makohine Viaduct. North Island Trunk Railway.

Waitete Viaduct, from West Side. 4 spans of 106 ft. Rail-level 118 ft. above bed of creek.

Waterfall Cutting, Mokau Section, North Island Trunk Railway, 1899.

Waikato-Thames Railway. Bridge over the Waikato River. Three Spans of 132 ft. and Four Spans of 20ft. 100 ft. from Rails to Bed of River.

Hamilton Traffic-bridge, Waikato River, from the West Side. April, 1899. 3 spans of 100 ft. and 5 spans of 40ft. Road-level 70ft. above river-bed.

Picton—Hurunui Railway. Combined Road- and Railway-bridge over Clarence River. Four Spans of 120 ft. and Span of 60 ft,

Featherston Courthouse, erected 1896.

Nelson Auxiliary Asylum, erected 1898.

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PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT BY THE HON. W. HALL-JONES, MINISTEK FOR PUBLIC WORKS 12th SEPTEMBER, 1899., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1899 Session I, D-01

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PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT BY THE HON. W. HALL-JONES, MINISTEK FOR PUBLIC WORKS 12th SEPTEMBER, 1899. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1899 Session I, D-01

PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT BY THE HON. W. HALL-JONES, MINISTEK FOR PUBLIC WORKS 12th SEPTEMBER, 1899. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1899 Session I, D-01

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