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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

The Inspectoe-Geneeal of Schools to the Hon. the Ministee of Education. Sic, — Education Department, Wellington, 30th March, 1898. I have the honour to report upon the annual examinations of candidates for teachers' certificates, and for admission to, or promotion in, the Civil Service. The examinations were held in January, between the 6th and 15th days of the month, at the thirteen towns which are the seats of Education Boards, and also at Whangarei, Thames, Tauranga, Masterton, Gisborne, Westport, Oamaru, Palmerston South, and Lawrence. The number of candidates was 1,309, made up as follows : For the Junior Civil Service examination, 451; for the Senior Civil Service examination, 95; for certificate examinations, 745 ; for drawing (pupil-teachers only), 18. The expenses of the examinations amounted to £857 13s. 3d., and the fees paid by candidates to £1,017 12s. 6d. Printing and clerical work are not included in the account of expenses. The results of the Senior Civil Service examination were made known on the 16th February, the results of the Junior Civil Service examination on the 21st, and those of the teachers' examination on the 24th of the same month. Of the 95 Senior Civil Service candidates, 2 applied to be examined in shorthand only, but 1 of them did not present himself, and the other retired from the examination-room; 3 had already passed the examination, but wished to pass in one or two extra subjects for the purposes of the Barristers' General Knowledge examination, and 1 of them was successful in doing so; while 25 came up to complete examinations in which they had already been partially successful. Out of the 90 ordinary candidates, 32 passed the examination, 4of them with distinction. (See Gazette of 24th February, 1898.) The names of 328 of the Junior Civil Service candidates were published, in the order of marks, in the Gazette of the 24th February ; the remaining 123 failed to reach the minimum required, which is one-third of the possible total. Of the 18 pupil-teachers who availed themselves of the regulation which allows them to come up for one branch of drawing at a time, 12 satisfied the examiner. At the teachers' examination, 3 were candidates for Class C (university status being taken into account), 194 were candidates for the whole examination for Class D, and 145, having been credited with "partial success" for Class D, came up to complete their examination; 252 were candidates for the whole examination for Class E, and 151 came up to complete the examination for that class. Among these 745 candidates were 157 candidates who had already passed for Class E, and were seeking promotion to Class D ; and of the remainder —588 in number—l3o were teachers in the service of the Boards, 295 were pupil-teachers, and 67 were normal-school students in training ; while 34 were persons who had ceased to be teachers, pupil-teachers, or normalstudents, and 62 had never sustained any such relation to the public schools. Of the whole number of 745 candidates 380 have passed (158 for D, and 222 for E), and 156 have achieved " partial success " (76 for D—including 13 who have also passed for E—and 93 for E), while 209 have failed to improve their status. Of these last, 46 have been added to the list of candidates that have made absolute failures, the rest of the 209 being either absent candidates or candidates who were unsuccessful in attempting to complete "partial success." The names removed from the failure list in consequence of success achieved in this examination number 35. That list now contains 751 names, the accumulations of twenty years. As a result of the examination 318 new certificates will be issued (3 for Class C, 93 for D, and 222 for E), and 62 certificates of Class E will be raised to Class D.

I—E. la.


The following table exhibits some of these statistics, and shows besides that the normalstudents again achieve the greatest proportion of success:—

The analysis of the results according to education districts is as follows: —


Results of Ixamination. Status before Examination. Number of Candidates. Pass for E, and Partial Pass for D. Pass for D. Pass for E. Partial Pass for D. Partial Pass for E. Total. Passed before for B Not passed before— Teachers ... Pupil-teachers Normal students ... Eetired Outside candidates... 157 62 25 87 130 295 67 34 62 14 27* 38 1-2* 5* 49 139 4 8 9 5 5 3 3 18 9+ 1 7 10 51 q> 5 18 81 240 63 26 39 ■ Totals 745 158 209 13 63+ 93 J 536 * Including 1 for Class C gains also partial pass for Cli I. t Including 1, who gains also partial pass for Class E. J Not iucli Lding 1, who ass D.

E Passes, D Passes. E Passes. p^ a i Pass for D. Partial Pass for D. Partial Pass for E. I. Candidates for promotion from E to. D—157 :— Auckland .. .. .. • ■ • • 48 Taranaki Wanganui .. .. • ■ • • 16 Wellington ... .. .. .. 12 Hawke's Bay .. .. .. • • 4 Marlborough Nelson .. .. . • • • • • 5 Grey .. .. •• ■• •• 5 Westland .. .. .. .. • • 1 North Canterbury .. .. .. . • 13 South Canterbury .. .. .. .. 12 Otago .. .. .. •• •■ 9 Southland .. .. .. •• 22 17 4 3 5 4 1 4 2 1 6 8 5 2 8 2 4 3 2 2 4 I. Candidates that have not passed before —588: — (a.) Teachers—130,— Auckland .. .. .. • • • • 25 Taranaki Wanganui .. .. •• •• H Wellington .. .. .. ■ .. 10 Hawke's Bay Marlborough .. .. . ■ • • 6 Nelson .. .. . ■ ■ • • • 18 Grey .. .. .. .. •• 9 Westland .. .. .. .. ■■ 6 North Canterbury .. .. .. .. 18 South Canterbury .. .. .. .. 6 Otago .. .. .. .. •• 4 Southland .. .. .. .. 6 (b.) Pupil-teachers—295,— Auckland .. .. .. .. .. 108 Taranaki Wanganui .. .. .. .. 32 Wellington .. .. .. .. 57 Hawke's Bay .. .. .. .. 25 Marlborough .. .. .. .. & Nelson Grey .. .. .. • • • • '4 Westland .. .. .. .. • • 3 North Canterbury South Canterbury .. .. .. .. 11 Otago Southland .. .. .. .. 22 (c.) Normal students —67, — North Canterbury .. .. .. .. 30 Otago .. .. .. .. •• 37 (<t) Candidates that have retired from the service—34, — Taranaki .. .. .. .. .. 1 Wellington .. .. .. .. 4 Hawke's Bay Nelson .. .. . • . • • • 1 2 2 1 2 5 1 1 4 ii i 10 1 3 2 5 2 9 i 3 5 3 1 1 66 3 13 14 13 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 5 5 1 6 1 2 1 17 7 8 8 2 1 2 1 7 1 2 5 4 2 2 4* 3 1 1 2 3 1 2 11 S 15 23 3 1 2 1 3 6t 5 it 1 1 1 1 i * Including 1, who gains Class C. ilso partial pass lor Class D. t Including 1, who gains also partial pass for Class E. J Not including 1, who gains



In many cases work done at the last matriculation examination of the New Zealand University was taken into account as if it had been done at the teachers' examination to which this report relates. With this I send the list of passes and of cases of partial success at the teachers' examination, and a set of the examination papers. I have, &c, W. Jas. Habens.

I. —Passed fob Class C. (University status being taken into account.) Nelson — Enright, Ellen Otago— Little, Ralph Townley Thomson, Marion Beatrice Passed for Class D. Auckland — Bowles, Susanna Kate Brown, Sarah Elizabeth Browne, Lilian Mabel Burns, Hector Kenneth Campbell, Hugh John Joseph Davis, Ethel Winifred Burbery Ewart, Edmund Oscar Jones, Herbert John Jones, Sarah Grace Jury, Ulia Alice Maud Lockington, Isabella Mander, Mary Jane Miller, James Moon, Mark Henry Murray, George William Perkins, Edward Roberts, John Hartley Robinson, Elizabeth Alice Stephenson, Edward William Thompson, Frances Ethel Trayes, Alfred Ernest Walker, Theodore Henry Adolphus Warren, Thomas Francis Taranaki — Arrow, Amy Witherow Gayne, Violet Emily Maxwell, Margaret Tyrer, Florence Antony Ronald Wanganui— Clapham, George Spencer Goldsbury, Hugh Matthews, James Miller, Margaret Murdoch, James Macqueen Wellington— Aldrich, Bertha Christina Beavis, Maude Benzoni, Frances Eleanor Sophia Collins, Florence Bertha Cowles, Vara Pallett Duncan, Annie Evans, Edith Mary Jacobs, Phoebe


Wellington— continued. Johnston, William Kenny, Ida Grace Tonks, May Emma Turkington, Samuel Webb, James Samuel Whelan, Elizabeth Cecelia Whelan, May Gabrielle Whitcombe, Minnie Agnes Williams, Ethel Hawke's Bay— Leslie, David Ernest Macdonald, Donald Moore, Elizabeth Roythorne, Ellen Annie Sidebottom, Nathaniel Ernest Webb, Elizabeth Dora Marlborough— Brewer, Lottie. Maria Nelson— Austin, William Semmens Boswell, Edward Blair Buchanan Lander, Thomas McGavin, Elizabeth Annie Malcolm, Arthur Wilson, James Francis Grey— Dixon, Grace Wickes, Arthur John Westland— Mcintosh, Annie North Canterbury— Adams, Mary Annie Aldridge, George William Budden, Amy Hanson Chapman, Gertrude Chapman, Henry John Chapman, Lucy Dunn, Inez Lillian Lucretia Gilmour, Lily Glanville, Florence Gorman, Annie Hunter, William John Killner, Elizabeth Dean Lockwood, Mabel Fanny McLauchlan, Mabel Jane Ross McNeil, Christina Manifold, Dorothy Menzies, Agnes Mounsey, Elsie Ellen Mulville, Mary Jane Newton, Isaac Edward Pattrick, Cherrie Louisa Perham, Theresa Pike, William Henry

North Canterbury— continued. Rapley, Claude Woodford Revell, Percy Starkiss, Fanny Stout, Robert Tayler, Mabel Violet Taylor, Alfred Sydney Taylor, Elizabeth Todd, Isabel Margaret Trezise, Mabel Wauchop, Elizabeth Lilian Wilson, Myra Lyster South Canterbury— Aimers, Amelia Cotter, Winifred Shaw Evans, Amy Elizabeth Fleming, James John William Fyfe, Jessie Gore, William James Ramsay Hooper, Ethel Emma Jones, Lily Leslie, Annie McCaskill, Marion Ritchie, Annie Murray Ritchie, James Wood, Thomas Laing Otago— Allan, Isabella Cumming Bowie, Jane Milne Brownlee, Tanzie Hay Burnside, Mary Agnes Calder, George Alexander Campbell, Jessie Cormack, Henrietta Drummey, Agnes Jerina Dunlop, Isabella Early, Marion Frances Fraser, Catherine Jane Fraser, Margaret Given, Walter Alexander Glasgow, Jane Thompson Gow, Harriet Greaves, Alice Hayes, Emma Hogg, Sarah Jane Ironside, John Kay, Margaret Keam, Gertrude Alice Kennedy, Douglas William Law, Christina Morrison Macdonald, Isabella Mary McPherson, Gertrude Comberbach Matheson, John Milligan, Thomas James Morgan, Annie

D Passes. E Passes. E Passes, with Partial Pass for D. Partial Pass for D. Partial Pass for E (d.) Candidates that have retired from the service— continued. Westland .. .. .. .. 1 North Canterbury .. .. .. .. 10 South Canterbury .. .. .. .. 7 Otago .. .. .. .. .. S Southland .. .. .. .. 4 (e.) Candidates that have not been in the service—62, — Auckland .. .. .. .. .. 14 Wanganui .. .. .. .. 1 Wellington .. .. .. .. 4 Nelson .. .. .. .. .. 9 Westland .. .. .. .. .. 1 North Canterbury .. .. .. .. 12 South Canterbury .. .. .. .. 2 Otago .. .. .. .. .. 9 Southland .. .. .. .. 10 5 2 4* 2 2 i 1 i 2 1 1 4 'i* 2 1 3 i i i 2 i '2 i 3 2 4 1 3 3 2 * Includes one for Class C.


Otago— continued. Murray, Blanche Alice Percy, Mary Robertson, Catherine Mary Robertson, David Ross, Angusina Stewart, Margaret Hutchison Tayler, Mabel Adeline Thompson, Robert John West, Mary Southland — Lind, Janet McKenzie, Donald Pasley, Margaret Sabine Pow, James Pratt, Agness Ramsay, Williamina Allan Passed foe Class E. Auckland— Adlington, Mary Alice Andrews, Ada Helen Ashby, Elsie Gertrude Aubin, Lilian Annie Barber, George Barnes, Myra Beedell, Florence Isabella Bollard, Marion Beatrice Booth, Alice Mary Brain, Alice Jeanette Brain, Eleanor Esther Braithwaite, James Henry Cahill, William John Cameron, Helen Carson, Margaret Ellen Chapman. Ellen Nora Isabella Mary Collins, Rosina Valentine Crabtree, Mabel Crawford, Maud Marian Crickett, Ada Mary Driver, Maud Elizabeth Duffus, Elizabeth Paul Elliott, Margaret Jane Elliott, Sydney James Evans, Jessie Violet Farrell, Daisy Isobel Pennington Finch, Ada Blanche Floyd, Elizabeth Heriot Fraser, Anne Beatrice Fulton, Annie Garland, Susanna Mary Gavey, Rose Langford Gillibrand, Emma Graham, Violet Frances Gwendoline Gresham, Dorothy Isabel Guiniven, Margaret Josephine Hare, Frederick Wilmot Harper, Ethel Mary Harwood, Sarah Ann Hawkes, Annie Eliza Hosking, Blanche Beatrice Jaffrey, Henry Cecil Jane, Annie Jenkins, David Johnston, Margaret Joll, William Albert Kay, Agnes Kelly, Mary Chadwick Kirkbride, Mary Grace Koller, Frederick Robert Lambert, Alberta Wynifred Lane, Margaret Fanny Long, Albert John Lowrie, William Lyons, Euphemia Margaret McElroy, John Mclnnes, Donald McKay, Lillian Gormhuile Matthews, Alvira Mary Maxwell, Lydia Bell Meiklejolm, Lemuel Sydney Arnott Murdoch, Alfred James O'Meara, Annie Parker, May Patterson, Ada Mary Peat, Mary Elizabeth Pegler, Lydia Piggot, Theodora Elizabeth Plumley, Alice Grace Ray, Josephine Rees, Margaret Gwendoline Reynolds,' Ethel May Rudall, John Henry

Auckland— continued. Smith, George Hugh Tills, Ethel Elizabeth Totman, Leonard White Twinamo, Grace Alexandra Vos, Evelyn Constance Walker, Spenceley Taranaki— Andrews, Alice May Shaw, Matilda Smith, Kate Elizabeth Tuck, Edith Margaret Wade, Katie Wanganui— Bartlett, Alice Grace Bates, Frederic Arthur Beaven, Annie Elizabeth Carter, Annie Cuningham, Catherine Jane Hare, Lilian May Jenkinson, Margaret Bridson King, Johannah Lavery, Catherine Lyall, George Alexander Martin, Donald Opie, Francis Dudley O'Reilly, John Joseph Reed, Amelia Dora Scott, Mary Stagpoole, Thomas Taylor, Bertha Mary Thurston, Daniel Peter Wellington— Arnold, Nellie Bairstow, Ada Louisa Bennett, John William Black, Prudence Amelia Brunton, Helen Orr Carter, Elsie Collett, Mabel Elizabeth Jane. Cooper, Harriett Ada Fellingham, Marjory Urquhart Holm, May Emma Jacob, Margaret Hemment Kean, Helen Mary Meager, Clara Moncrieff, Janet Philip, William Hill Roberts, Florence Grace Townsend, Frances Walton, Margaret Catherine Weston, Constance Marion Hawke's Bay— Bissell, Edward Cantle, Kathleen Dugleby, Ethel Gertrude George, Florence Rose Gilberd, Charlotte Guy, Mary Eveline King, Letitia Churtain Lindsay, Rose Earl McVay, Ella Muriel Marsh, Louise Margaret Monteith, Mabel Ellen Neal, Alice Eliza Akehurst Parkinson, Minnie Margaret Pettersen, Hilda Maria Roach, Grace Lilian Robertson, Margaret Maud Seymour, Athena Mary Wyllie, Annabella Marlborough— Beauchamp, Laura Elizabeth Gwendoline Wanden, Elizabeth Winn Wilmot, David Henry Nelson — Allport, Edith May Brown, Emma Colthart. Margaret Louisa Cowles, Richard Kenneth Gilbert, Esther Ellen Haycock, Ellen May Heyward., Elizabeth Alice Kenyon, Isabella Mackay, Jean Lindsay Mackenzie, Janet Craig McKutcheon Packard, Frances Minnie Baird Page, May Quinton, Ellen Harriet Salmond, Andrew Shirtliff, Elizabeth Snook, Ada Jane

Nelson— continued. White, Alfred Thomas Winter, Elizabeth Ada Wright, Isabel Emily Grey— Algie, Emily Marion Barkley, Ethel Ida Maud Mary Owens, Edith Quinn, Ellen Williams, John Frederick Westland— Benjamin, Eva Coady, Ellen Crowley, Johanna Hodgson, Sarah Eliza MacKinnon, Maud Preston, Amanda Cecil North Canterbury— Armstrong, Christina Margaret Banks, Laura May Barlow, Mary Page Bell, Henry Cassidy, Margaret Clarkson, Maude Winifred Comer, Edith Rose Corsbie, Edith Rosa Evans Fear, Helen Graham, Charles Henry Edger Hall, Dorothy Elizabeth Hewinson, Emma Witts Hynes, Josephine Mcllraith, Barbara Harriet McSherry, Henry Manifold, Lucy Mason, Rose Hellen Pavitt, Marie Augusta Smith, Clara Alice Mabel Thompson, Emma Elizabeth Williams, Elizabeth Jane South Canterbury— Bates, Charlotte Annie Cormack, Elizabeth Cullmann, Isabella Freeman, Martha Frances Harris, Thora Charlotte Kirkcaldy, Mary Jane Montgomery, Katherine Maria Pringle, Marion Inglis Pye, Annie Martha Smart, Alice Rebecca Smith, Ellen Otago— Apstein, Emilie Bertha Elder, Jessie Jane Ferguson, Catherine Ann Wilson Southland — Baldey, Maria Cameron, Jessie Christie, Agnes Russell Gorrie Gibb, Robert Macandrew, Elizabeth Anne Legge Fordyce Macdonald, Alexandrina McDonald, Christina Macdonald, Sarah Mary Matilda McKenzie, Helen McKinnon, Janet Carmichael Meek, Ada Mary Morgan, Rosanna Ridland, Christina Swap, Mary Cormack Todd, Eliza Thorn II. —Obtained " Paetial Pass " for Class D. Auckland— Ball, Eleanor Corbett, Robert John Edenborough, Mabel Kate Green, Bertram Martin Harris, Frederic Koller, Frederick Robert Mcllhone, Ethel Josephine Murray, Alice Maud Nolan, Bessie Margaret Robinson, Joshua Edwin Shepherd, Arthur James Sinclair, Ellen Evangeline . Smith, George Hugh Vellenoweth, Lilian Willis, Frances Alice




Taranaki — Chambers, Walter Lawrence Frederic Richardson, Isabel Mary Wanganui— Bowater, Harold Richard Buchler, Arthur Owen Chappie, Eleanor Cole Hare, Lilian May Maclean, Charles Stansell, William Frederick Thurston, Daniel Peter Wellington— Beechey, James Mansfield Bennett, John William Burns, John Campbell Cooper, Harriet Ada Dolan, Bernard Joseph Aloyse Feltham, Edgar Charles Gould, William Horace Howden, Jessie Edith Joplin, Charles Reesby Mcßain, Alexander Player, Mary Preston Hawke's Bay— Wilson, William Hendry Marlborough— Wilmot, Da,vid Henry NelsonFair, Teresa Phair, Henrietta Riley, Lilly Gertrude Grey— Crowley, Elizabeth Leo Skoglund, Wilhelmina Charlotta North Canterbury— Campbell, John Comer, Edith Rose Finlayson, Janet Alice Hight, Maude Louisa Mason, Rose Hellen Pavitt, Marie Augusta Pearson, Robert Steele South Canterbury— Alexander, Gertrude Mabel Cormack, Elizabeth Harris, Thora Charlotte Irwin, Robert Thomas, William Wilson, George Otago — Bressey, Florence Fanny Cockerill, Ruth Vincent Elder, Jessie Jane Johnson, Helen Christina Wilkie Loan, Marion Sandilands Lucas, Evelyne May Reid, Anne Rennie Renton, William Robertson, Marion Matheson Sinclair, Agnes Spraggon, Lilian Emma Taylor, Lillias Oswald Turner, George Alexander Southland— Adams, Elizabeth Anne Brown, Jessie Browne, Robert Annal Stanley Fallow, Ellen Brown Gray, Joseph Henry Johnston, Mary Emily Kilburn, Elsie May Monteath, Thomas Obtained "Partial Pass" for Class E. Auckland— Aldridge, Ernest Broun, Jane Carnachan, Robert Dean, Margaret Agnes Isabella Garlick Dodd, Lucy Marian Downard, Henry John Finch Findlay, Mary Margaret Gal lie, Ada Gillman, Florence Emma Green, Florence Margaret Harper, Georgina Catherine Hill, Ethel Maud Jones, Gwladys Rogers Kelly, Ethel Rose Kitching, Lydia Ethel

Auckland— continued. Lavery, Mary Sophia McKay, Donald Alexander Masson, William Murdoch, Albert Paltridge, Alice Maria Read, John Reid, Robert Theodore Shannon, Catherine Tobin, Charles Edward O'Hara Tooman, George Vellenoweth, Jessie Wilson, Louisa Wanganui— Aldridge, Olive Emily Gordon, Maria Melhuish Hunger, Mary Ann Powle, Una Wyatt Smith, Hugh Parker Stevenson, Margaret Worsop, James Hurnall Arthur Wellington— Campbell, Kathleen Christie, Henry Maynard Gallagher, Annie Houghton, Jessie Henrietta Hutchen, Marjory Fife Parker, Mary Rose, Florence Ernestine Sicely, Mabel Henrietta Sinnett, Nellie Watson, Florence Hawke's Bay— Adams, Florence Kate Gray, Maggie Isabella Nicholls, Caroline May Olsen, Hilda Antoinette Pickering, Esther Emma Robertson, Isabella Mary Stubbs, Julia Frances Tansley, Blanche Erskine Evelyn Marlborough— Keys, Edith Annie Ladley, Ada Blanche Eunice McMahon, Ethel Christina Nelson— Best, Frank Dockery Cresswell, Annie Amelia Madeira Gapper, Bernard Richard Hanron, Clara Hill, Hollis James Grey— Garland, Rachel Marion Hall, Agnes Sweetrcmn, Eliza Jane Westland — Orr, Annie Elizabeth North Canterbury— Anderson, Roseline Davis, Florence Kate Hunter, Margaret McAra, Christina Forbice Mcßae, Marie Moore, Estella Beatrice O'Neill, Delia Wallace, Emilie Wright, Emily Harriot Ann South Canterbury— Bowkett, Annie Jane Dorm, Jessie Elizabeth Hurst, Lucy Elizabeth McDuff, Ada Maude Taylor, Violet Amelia Otago— Anderson, Lydia Farquharson, Janet Helen Hay, Isabella Currie Johnson, Edith Monica Loan, Marion Sandilands Mackay, Elspeth Murray Miller, Janet Archer Nicoll, Henrietta Wood, Mary Southland— Adams, Margaret Harriet Hardie, Margaret Healey, Florence Edith Morton, Minnie Reid Murphy, Kate Murray, Susan Reid, Margaret

111. —Prizes. Drawing— Wood, Thomas Laing, South Canterbury, first prize Feltham, Edgar Charles, Wellington, second prize Seagar, Edith, Wellington, third prize Elementary Experimental Science — Given, Walter Alexander, Otago, first prize Thompson, Robert John, Otago, second prize Renton, William, Otago, third prize IV. —Special Mention. Glass D. English— Drummey, Agnes Jerina, Otago McNeil, Christina, North Canterbury Miller, James, Auckland Arithmetic— Davis, Ethel Winifredßurbery, Auckland Harris, Frederic, Auckland Mcßain, Alexander, Wellington McNeil, Christina, North Canterbury Menzies, Agnes, North Canterbury Ritchie, James, South Canterbury Geography— Austin, William Semmens, Nelson Bowles, Susanna Kate, Auckland Brownlee, Tanzie Hay, Otago Chambers, Walter Lawrence Frederic, Taranaki Enright, Ellen, Nelson Fleming, James John William, South Canterbury McNeil, Christina, North Canterbury Richardson, Isabel Mary, Taranaki Ritchie, James, South Canterbury Robinson, Joshua Edwin, Auckland Shepherd, Arthur James, Auckland Stansell, William Frederick, Wanganui History— Bowater, Harold Richard, Wanganui Keam, Gertrude Alice, Otago McNeil, Christina, North Canterbury Ritchie, James, South Canterbury Thompson, Robert John, Otago Elementary Experimental Science— Austin, William Semmens, Nelson Chapman, Gertrude, North Canterbury Dolan, Bernard Joseph Aloyse, Wellington Enright, Ellen, Nelson Given, Walter Alexander, Otago Gorman, Annie, North Canterbury Gow, Harriet, Otago Johnson, Helen Christina Wilkie, Otago Keam, Gertrude Alice, Otago Kenny, Ida Grace, Wellington Little, Ralph Townley, Otago Player, Mary Preston, Wellington Renton, William, Otago Revell, Percy, North Canterbury Robertson, Catherine Mary, Otago Robertson, David, Otago Tayler, Mabel Adeline, Otago Thompson, Robert John, Otago West, Mary, Otago Wood, Thomas Laing, South Canterbury Agriculture— Chambers, Walter Lawrence Frederic, Taranaki Ritchie, James, South Canterbury French— Fyers, Christiana, Hawke's Bay Roberts, John Hartley, Auckland German— Fyers, Christiana, Hawke's Bay Algebra— Brownlee, Tanzie Hay, Otago McNeil, Christina, North Canterbury | Warren, Thomas Francis, Auckland



Euclid— Brownlee, Tanzie Hay, Otago Burns, John Campbell, Wellington Davis, Ethel Winifred Burbery, Auckland Drummey, Agnes Jerina, Otago Hooper, Ethel Emma, South Canterbury Law, Christina Morrison, Otago McNeil, Christina, North Canterbury Menzies, Agnes, North Canterbury Ritchie, James, South Canterbury Warren, Thomas Francis, Auckland Wilson, George, South Canterbury Chemistry— Corbett, Robert John, Auckland Glass K. English— Adams, Florence Kate, Hawke's Bay Bartlett, Alice Grace, Wanganui Cooper, Harriett Ada, Wellington Gow, Harriet, Otago Monteith, Mabel Helen, Hawke's Bay Arithmetic — Adams, Mary Annie, North Canterbury Gow, Harriet, Otago Hunter, Margaret, North Canterbury Kitching, Lydia Ethel, Auckland Moore, Estella Beatrice, North Canterbury Preston, Amanda Cecil, Westland

Geography— Bartlett, Alice Grace, Wanganui History— Gorman, Annie, North Canterbury Elementary Science— Bates, Frederic Arthur, Wanganui Fellingham, Rebecca, Wellington Williams, John Frederick, GreyAgriculture— Long, Albert John, Auckland Domestic Economy and the Laws of Health— Bartlett, Alice Grace, Wanganui Dixon, Annie Mary, Marlborough Garland, Rachel Marion, Grey Gilberd, Charlotte, Hawke's Bay Guy, Mary Eveline, Hawke's Bay Marsh, Louise Margaret, Hawke's Bay Wright, Isabel Emily, Nelson Classes D and E. School Management— Adams, Mary Annie, North Canterbury Davis, Ethel Winifred Burbery, Auckland Driver, Maud Elizabeth, Auckland Floyd, Elizabeth Heriot, Auckland Gray, Maggie Isabella, Hawke's Bay Guiniven, Margaret Josephine, Auckland

School Management— continued. Hunter, Margaret, North Canterbury Jane, Annie, Auckland Johnston, William, Wellington Sinclair, Ellen Evangeline, Auckland Swap, Mary Cormack, Southland Tayler, Mabel Adeline, Otago Warren, Thomas Francis, Auckland Drawing— Adams, Florence Kate, Hawke's Bay, freehand Cooper, Charlotte Maude, Hawke's Bay, geometrical Elliott, Sydney James, Auckland, geometrical Feltham, Edgar Charles, Wellington, geometrical and perspective Finch, Ada Blanche, Auckland, geometrical Hartshorn, Edith Emily, Hawke's Bay, freehand and geometrical Joll, Beatrice Mary, Hawke's Bay, geometrical Lane, Margaret Fanny, Auckland, freehand and model Read, John, Auckland, freehand Stubbs, Julia Frances, Hawke's Bay, model Warren, Thomas Francis, Auckland, freehand Wood, Thomas Laing, South Canterbury, freehand, model, and per spective



EXAMINATION PAPBES. School Management and the Art of Teaching. — For Classes D and E. Time allowed : 3 hours. [Candidates must answer one question, and not more than one, in each section. All the sections must be attempted.] Section I. Detail the items of information concerning each pupil which are furnished by the admission register; and name the other official registers in use in the public schools. Section 11. Draw up a time-table for one of the following rooms. The time-table must contain, in a separate column, a synopsis showing the time allotted to each subject in each class. (1.) Infant department of country school—there being sixteen pupils in Standard 1., and twenty-one pupils in V lt P 2 , and P 3 . The mistress may be assisted occasionally by a monitor. (2.) Upper department of country school—there being forty pupils, distributed among Standards 11., 111., IV., and V. The teacher may be assisted occasionally by a monitor. (3.) Boom containing Standards IV., V., and VI., and Class X. Staff, an adult teacher and a fourth-year pupil-teacher; roll number, sixty. Section 111. 1. Draw up notes of lessons showing how you would teach subtraction, by the method of equal additions, to a class in Standard 11., and also showing the preliminary oral work necessary. 2. Draw up notes of a first lesson on one of the following subjects : — (a.) An elephant (Standard I.), or (b.) An island and a lake (Standard II.), or (c.) Liquids (object-lesson for Standard III.), or (d.) The Peasant Insurrection, 1381 (Standard IV.), or (c.) The moods of the verb (Standard V.). Section IV. 1. Illustrate the distinction between the eductive (inductive) and the deductive methods of teaching. 2. " Due attention must be paid to the cultivation of a child's memory, and also to the training of his reasoning faculties." Give your views as to the best methods of promoting each of these objects. 3. For what different purposes may pupils be questioned '? What are the chief features of good questioning? Section V. 1. Explain and illustrate your method of teaching a beginner (P x class) how to read. 2. Detail the steps you would take to insure correct spelling in a class preparing for Standard 11. 3. What is the value of transcription in the lower classes, and how should the subject be dealt with? Section VI. 1. Explain fully your method of teaching composition to a class preparing for either Standard IV. or Standard V., assuming that one of the following subjects is dealt with, and that the time devoted to composition is at least two hours a week: — (a.) Beproduction of a story read to the class (Standard IV.), or (b.) Essay on " A cup of tea " (Standard V.). 2. " The rendering of the sense of a passage of easy verse into good prose " is prescribed as a portion of the syllabus in composition for Standard V. Show how you would deal with this portion of the syllabus, and illustrate your answer by means of the following passage : — " The western waves of ebbing day Boiled o'er the glen their level way ; Each purple peak, each flinty spire, Was bathed in floods of living fire. But not a setting beam could glow Within the dark ravines below, Where twined the path in shadow hid Bound many a rocky pyramid, Shooting abruptly from the dell Its thunder-splintered pinnacle,"



Section VII. 1, Draw up an outline syllabus of subjects suitable for object-lessons for a class preparing for Standard 11. 2. Write a short essay on one of the following subjects:— (a.) The value of regular drill in a school, or (b.) The necessity of supervision in the playground, or (c.) Short and varied lessons, or (d.) The benefits of good teaching-notes.

Elementary Experimental Science. — For Class D. Time alloived : 3 hours. 1. Explain the meaning of the term "energy of motion." How would you exhibit the transformation of energy of motion into some other form of energy ? 2. You are required to prove, by means of Attwood's machine, that the velocity of a falling body increases with the time of fall. How would you do it ? 3. Describe the method that you would employ in order to find the specific gravity of a solid body that is lighter than water. 4. In talking to a class about the refraction of light, to what facts which must have come within the children's experience would you refer ? What experiments would you make, and how would you explain them ? 5. Make a sketch illustrative of the passage of the rays of light through an ordinary magic lantern. 6. Explain in detail how you would fit up an apparatus for the distillation of water. How could you measure approximately the latent heat of steam by means of the apparatus when fitted up? 7. Describe the construction of any form of bichromate battery. What substances are used to make up the solution, and in what proportions ? 8. What magnetic effects are produced by a coil of wire carrying an electric current? Describe exactly how you would show the magnetic properties of such a coil to a class. 9. You are given three jars of oxygen gas: explain in detail how you would proceed in order to exhibit the combustion in oxygen (a) of sulphur, (b) of hydrogen, (c) of iron. 10. Give a short account of the element chlorine, and of any of its compounds which you have seen. Describe in particular the method you would adopt for the preparation and collection of chlorine gas. 11. A lesson on ventilation is to be given: indicate briefly what you would say, and what experiments you would make.

Elementary Science. — For Class E. Time allowed : 3 hours. 1. Define and give illustrations of momentum, energy, and mass. 2. Describe the principle of the hydraulic ram, and make a sketch to illustrate your answer. 3. Make sketches illustrating the wheel and axle and the screw. A screw with a pitch of 1 in. is turned by a bar at right angles to its axis, and having an effective length of 3 ft. : what is the gain of power, disregarding friction ? 4. Upon what conditions do the pitch and the loudness of a musical note depend? How is the apparent pitch of a steam whistle affected by rapidly receding motion of the whistle ? 5. Describe the eye, show how an image is formed in it, and explain the use of convex spectacles. 6. State the various means by which heat is generated, conserved, and distributed. Give illustrations of the practical use of each of the means you mention. 7. How would you make a compass and a dipping-needle? What do you understand by magneto-electricity and electro-magnetism ? Give examples of each kind of action. 8. How would you make C0 2 from chalk ? What experiments would you make with C0 2 ? 9. Describe the process of digestion. What organs are concerned in digestion, and what is the function of each organ ? Domestic Economy and Laws of Health. — For Class E. Time alloived: 3 hours. 1. What conditions make the proximity of trees to a house favourable or unfavourable to health ? 2. Discuss the advantages of open and of closed drains. Show how to connect a house with a closed drain. 3. Describe a hen's egg. State the composition of its parts, and give a general idea of the uses of eggs in cookery. 4. What are the advantages and what the disadvantages of a strictly vegetable diet ? 5. Discuss the effects of the use of stimulants and of narcotics. 6. Name the chief antiseptics and disinfectants, and say to what purpose each is particularly adapted. 7. What do you consider the best methods of ventilating a schoolroom and a bedroom respectively ? 8. State what you know of the micro-organisms of disease. What is meant by the aseptic method of surgery ? 9. Describe the circulatory system and the mechanism of breathing. 10. Describe the way to grill a chop, to boil a leg of mutton, and to make beef-tea.



Elementary Knowledge of Agriculture. — For Class D. Time alloived: 3 hours. 1. Describe the general structure of the stem of any fruit-tree, and show how it increases— (a) in length, (b) in thickness. Explain the operation of grafting. 2. Describe the germination of the seed of— {a) any cereal, (b) a bean or turnip-seed. Call attention to any differences in the modes of germination. What conditions are necessary to germination ? 3. Describe the general and minute structure of a foliage-leaf. Explain the relation of the arrangements you describe to the mode of nutrition of the plant. 4. Give an account of the phenomena of diffusion (osmosis), and show what part they play in the life of the plant. Describe the experiments you would employ to illustrate the subject to a class. 5. Explain how rocks may decay to form soils. What agents promote the decay of the rocks ? Show how the properties of a soil may depend upon the rock from which it is derived. 6. It is shown by the analysis of a soil that it contains a considerable quantity of the various elements required for the growth of an ordinary crop, but nevertheless the soil does not yield good crops. To what causes might the sterility be due, and by what principles would you be guided in deciding upon the mode of treatment of the soil. 7. Give some account of the nature and mode of multiplication of bacteria. Show the importance of bacteria in the soil. 8. What do you understand by capillary attraction ? How does capillary attraction influence the supply of water to a plant ? What bearing have the phenomena of capillary attraction upon modes of cultivation ? 9. What are the chief sources of phosphatic manures ? Describe fully how you would manufacture a small sample of superphosphate, and illustrate its properties experimentally.

Elementary Knowledge of Agriculture. — For Class E. Time allowed: 3 hours. 1. Describe the flower of a plum, peach, or apple, and show how the fruit is formed from the flower. 2. Explain the terms organic compounds and inorganic compounds, and illustrate them by reference to a plant. 3. Explain the importance of water in the growth of a crop. How does a plant take in water ? Why does it require so much water ? 4. Describe some soil which you have examined, referring to the mechanical condition or the physical qualities which would influence the growth of a plant. 5. What substances does an ordinary plant require from the soil ? In what condition is it supposed that those substances occur in the soil, and how does the plant obtain them ? 6. Say how light and warmth influence the growth of a plant. 7. Describe the arrangement and characters of the roots of any plant. State the points to which you would give special attention in transplanting any young plant in order to avoid, as far as possible, any check to its growth. State your reasons. 8. What do you understand by the expression exhaustion of the soil ? To what causes may the exhaustion be due, and how may it be remedied? 9. What are the general characteristics of farm-yard manure ? Under what circumstances should it be used in preference to artificial manures ?

English Grammar and Composition. — For Glass D. Time alloived: 3 hours. [Notice. —All candidates are required to attempt the spelling and the punctuation exercise.] 1. What do you mean by "case"? Mention, with examples, the various functions of the objective case in English. 2. Explain clearly the difference between the weak and the strong conjugation in English. State whether each of the following forms is weak or strong : told, sought, fought, could, would, caught, held, beat, sat, sped, shod, burst. 3. State the exact grammatical function of the italicised words in the following sentences: — (a.) This is the same as that. (b.) A few came— some seven, I think. (c.) I am three pounds heavier than I was last May. (d.) He did his very best. (c.) He swore like a trooper. (/.) Was anybody else there ? (g.) The boys had a hard lesson to learn. 4. Distinguish between the uses of the various words ending in ing in the following sentences: — (a.) Simon Peter saith, I go & fishing. (b.) My noble partner you greet with great prediction of noble having. (c.) You do draw my spirits from me with new lamenting ancient oversights. (d.) While looking at the stars, the philosopher fell into the well. (c.) Barring accidents, we sail to-morrow. (/.) Oblige me by all remaining in your seats. (g.) The arrival of the great man was the signal for much clapping of hands. 5. Explain clearly the differences in meaning of the following words, and form sentences illustrating the correct use of each : adversary, antagonist, enemy, foe, opponent. 2— E. la.



6. Punctuate the following passage, and insert capital letters where they are required : — If you. have anything of moment to tell us said the archdeacon pray let us hear it at once has eleanor gone off no she has not said mr harding with a look of great displeasure has slope been made dean no he has not but but what said the archdeacon who was becoming very impatient they have they have what said the archdeacon they have offered it to me said mr harding with a modesty which almost prevented his speaking good heavens said the archdeacon and sank back exhausted in an easy-chair my dear dear father said mrs grantly and threw her arms round her father's neck so i thought i had better come out and consult with you at once said mr harding consult shouted the archdeacon but my dear harding i congratulate you with my whole heart with my whole heart i do indeed i never heard anything in my life that gave me so much pleasure. 7. Point out and correct anything that you see wrong in the following passages : — (a.) I wish you would tell me who to send. (b.) He lives in a large and a very picturesque house. (c.) Nobody ever has or will read of so sensational an occurrence. (d.) He had intended to have started the next day. (c.) Will you come home with Mary and I ? (/.) I know that he cares little for these kind of things. (g.) Everybody makes mistakes some time or other in their lives. 8. Point out the various faults of style in the following passage, and rewrite it in such a manner as to avoid them :— These and the like instances of distraction and confusion brought the reputation of that party low ; and made it looked upon, as like to destroy itself without an enemy ; while the King's party, at that distance, seemed to be more united, and to have recovered their spirits, of which they received frequent evidence by the news of some of their quarters being beat up, and many of their men lost by the unexpected incursions of the King's horse; whereof some parties, by night marches, and unusual lanes, went often near London, and took many prisoners, who thought themselves secure, in their houses, and in journeys they made; who were put to ransom themselves with good sums of money : so that, after all those mountains of promises, and undertakings, the wants were greater, and the city more importuned for money, and the Parliament visibly more necessitated for want of it, than they had been before; and instead of dispersing the King's army, and bringing the King back to his Parliament, a sudden direction was given, and a vigorous execution of that direction was begun, to draw a line about the cities of London and Westminster, and to fortify it; lest the King's forces might break in upon them ; which made the people suspect the state of their affairs to be worse than in truth it was; yet so far were they from any thoughts of peace and accommodation, that the House of Commons raged more furiously than ever ; and every day engaged themselves in conclusions more monstrous, than they had yet entered upon. 9. Write an essay on one of the following subjects : — (a.) Your favourite novelist. (b.) The influence of the stage. (c.) The training of the imagination. (d.) "He jests at scars that never felt a wound." 10. As a test of spelling, write the words dictated by the Supervisor. [Candidates are requested to number the words, and write them in a column.]

Spelling. — Part of a Paper on English Grammar and Composition. — For Glass D. The Supervisor will be so good, as first to read over slowly and very distinctly, and then to dictate, the following ivords : — Hypochondriac, ancillary, plagiarist, codicil, diaphragm, fascine, anodyne, colonnade, pirouette, eviscerate, crystalline, malachite, asphyxiate, catafalque, cinerary, yeomanry, pachydermatous, titillate, fricassee, parquetry, desiccated, nonpareil, equerry, escutcheon, diocesan.

English Grammar and Composition. — For Class E, and for Junior Civil Service. Time allowed : 3 hours. [Notice. —All candidates are required to attempt the spelling and the punctuation exercise.] 1. Define a noun, an adjective, a verb, an adverb, and a preposition, forming sentences to illustrate each definition. 2. What is meant by comparison of adjectives? What are the usual forms of comparison? Give two instances of regular, and six of irregular, comparison. 3. What is a participle ? What participles, properly so called, do verbs have ? Give the past tense and both participles of the following verbs : Abide, awake, begin, come, cost, die, dye, eat, forbid, forsake, grow, know, lay, lie (both words), lose, sit, see, sew, sow, tear, tread. 4. Give four Saxon, four Greek, and six Latin prefixes, supplying words in each case to illustrate their signification.



5. Comment on each of the following sentences, correcting any that you think to be wrong, and giving reasons for retaining Unaltered any that you think to be right : — (a.) Which is the greatest affliction—to become totally blind or stone-deaf? (5.) I am afraid we will be told that it is all a sham. (c.) If I had written this from Bussia I would probably have been detained there. (d.) No gentleman's education is complete if he don't know a good picture from a bad one. (c.) Would I be wrong, Sir, in saying that I went at once to you, and asked if I might see it ? (/.) I see nothing wrong in them supplying refreshments to bona fide travellers. 6. Analyse the following sentence, and parse fully the words in italics : — A great preacher had told the Court of France two centuries ago that they might judge how little God thought of riches by the sort of people to whom he gave riches. 7. Paraphrase the following passage from " Paradise Lost " : — Now came still evening on, and twilight grey Had in her sober livery all things clad. Silence accompanied—for bird and beast, They to their grassy couch, these to their nests, Were slunk—all but the wakeful nightingale— She all night long her amorous descant sung. Silence was pleased : now glowed the firmament With living sapphires : Hesperus that led The starry host rode brightest. 8. Punctuate the following passage, and put capitals where required : — The pure and noble arts of peace are founded upon war no great art ever yet rose on earth except among a nation of soldiers there is no art among a shepherd people if it remains at peace there is no art among an agricultural people if it remains at peace commerce is barely consistent with fine art but cannot produce it manufacture is not only unable to produce it but invariably destroys what seeds of it exist there is no art possible to a nation but that which is based upon battle i mean also that war is the foundation of all the high virtues and faculties of men it is very strange to me to discover this and very dreadful but i saw it to be quite an undeniable fact the common notion that peace and the virtues of civil life flourished together i found to be wholly untenable peace and the vices of civil life only flourish together we talk of peace and learning of peace and plenty of peace and civilisation but i found that those were not the words which the muse of history coupled together that on her lips the words were peace and sensuality peace and selfishness peace and corruption peace and death. 9. Write about thirty lines on one of the following subjects, attending carefully to expression, punctuation, and neatness : — (1.) Kindness to dumb animals. (2.) Good manners. (3.) The author of " Paradise Lost." (4.) Newspapers. 10. As a test of spelling write the words dictated by the Supervisor, using a separate sheet of paper, writing the words in a column, and numbering them. No marks will be given for any word that contains a doubtful letter.

Spelling. — Part of a Paper on English Grammar and Composition. — For Class E, and for Junior Civil Service. The Supervisor will be so good as to read through, and then slowly dictate, the following words, afterwards reading the whole of them again to afford opportunity for correction : — Privilege, consignment, variance, delegate, unaccustomed, seizure, poignancy, accessible, grievance, accumulate, precocity, soliloquy, conceivable, acquiesce, recognize, extravagant, mantelpiece, unconscious, miscellaneous, survival.

English. — For Senior Civil Service. Time allowed: 3 hours. Papee No. I.—Composition and Peecis. 1. Correct anything that you see wrong in the following sentences: — (a.) The effect of her handsome dress, glowing face, and charming manners were overpowering. (&.) I suppose one loves a man according to how much he loves us. (c.) He was one of those who could laugh at his own misfortunes. (d.) How could any one look at us both—she and I—and not see the likeness? (c.) He hasn't the slightest idea of whom or what I am. (/.) She had hardly read this note than she did a curious thing. (g.) I know sufficiently about him to like him. (h.) I will not be disturbed either by man nor woman. 2. Write an essay on one of the following subjects : — (a.) Bacon's philosophy. (b.) Horace Walpole. (c.) Hamlet's madness. (d.) Patriotism,



3. Make an abstract of the following correspondence:— [An abstract serves as an index, and should give the date of each letter, the names of the writer and the person addressed, and, in as few words as possible, the subject-matter of each letter.] 4. Draw up a precis of the same correspondence. [A precis is a brief and clear statement of what passed, not letter by letter, but in the form of a narrative. It should include everything material, and be expressed very clearly, and as briefly as is compatible with completeness and distinctness.] No. 1. Mr. W. H. Hbnnah to the Hon. the Premier. Sir,— Wellington, 20th June, 1894. I have the honour to report that the messengers were present for practice with the fire appliances on Saturday last, as ordered by you. They are not the stamp of men that a fire brigade would be recruited from, but, as each did his best, no fault could be found with their work. I would recommend that ten of the most active of the messengers be trained as a fire brigade for the protection of the Government Buildings, and meet once a fortnight for practice. This number is ample for the work, and the older men would only be in the way. Both lengths of hose burst during the practice. I would advise that the whole of the hose within the building be tested as soon as possible, and 500 ft. of new hose be ordered at once. . I have, &c, The Hon. the Premier, Wellington. W. H. Hennah. No. 2. Mr. T. H. Hambe, Private Secretary to the Hon. the Premier, to the Undeb-Secbetaey for Public Woeks. Premier's Office, Wellington, N.Z., 18th June, 1894. Memorandum for Under-Secretary for Public Works. Hon. Premier wishes instructions given to Captain Hennah to thoroughly test all hose throughout the public buildings. ■Mr. Moncrieff , , who will call on you in the morning, is to assist. T. H. Hamee, Private Secretary. No. 3. Prom the Undee-Seoeetaey, Public Works, to Mr. W. H. Hennah. Public Works Department, Wellington, 20th June, 1894. Memorandum for Captain Hennah, Wellington. I have the honour, by direction of the Minister for Public Works, to request that you will be good enough to have a thorough inspection made of all hose required to be used for fire-prevention purposes throughout the public buildings in Wellington, at your early convenience. Mr. Moncrieff, about whom I spoke to you recently, will assist you in the matter. H. J. H. Blow, Under-Secretary for Public Works. No. 4. Mr. W. H. Hennah to Hon. Minister for Public Woeks. Sic,— Wellington, 25th June, 1894. I have the honour to report that I have examined all the hose throughout the Government buildings, and beg to submit the following report:— Parliament House. The hose in front of the building is very bad, but my previous recommendations having been approved this will not be required. Bemainder of hose in good order. Government House. Hose in good order. Museum. The fire appliances consist of two lengths inch rubber hose; the hose is very bad, and should be replaced at once with canvas and cradles. There should also be a hydrant, branch, and 150 ft. hose near the entrance. General Post Office. With one exception, the hose is in good order. I would draw your attention to the fact that there is only inch hose throughout the building. I would strongly recommend that a 3 in. column be erected in the centre of the building from the ground to the top floor; valves, cradles, and 150 ft. 2J in. canvas hose on each flat; also a 2-§in. pipe to command the room where the mails are received. A great danger exists through the use of the cellar under the mail-room : there is a gas-stove placed close to a wood and paper partition. I was informed that some of the employes use it at lunch time to warm their tea, &c. This, without a doubt, is very daneerous.



Printing Office. With the exception of 100 ft. length (which in some way has been cut) the hose is in good order. If it were coupled to the stand-pipe, and placed in cradles, a great saving of time would be effected in case of fire. Supreme Court. ' Hose very bad ; should be replaced at once. I have, &c, W. H. Hennah. The Hon. the Minister for Public Works, Wellington. No. 5. Mr. W. H. Hennah to the Hon. the Minister for Public Works. Sib,— Wellington, Ist July, 1894. A statement appeared in last night's Post which, if true, would appear that I was wanting in common-sense. The facts are as follows :— On receipt of instructions from the Under-Secretary to examine the hose in the Government buildings, I did so at once, and sent you my report. Moulton, the plumber from the Government workshops, was with me during the examination. On overhauling the hose at the Supreme Court I discovered a hole through which I could put my finger, and on doing so it tore like a piece of old linen. I reported the hose was bad, and the Besident Engineer went with me to the Supreme Court to see it. No knife has ever been used by me to examine the hose. When the hose has been new I have been satisfied, and when not by water test. The Besident Engineer and Moulton can substantiate the above facts. I have, &c, The Hon. the Minister for Public Works, Wellington. W. H. Hennah. Mr. Wilson, —Will you please remark hereon—viz., as to correctness of statements made by Captain Hennah. Also get Moulton to remark similarly, please.—H. J. H. 810w.—2/7/94. No. 6. Mr. D. Moulton to the Besident Engineer, Public Works, Wellington. District Office, Public Works Department, Wellington, 2nd July, 1894. Memorandum for the Besident Engineer. I was with Captain Hennah when he examined the hose at Supreme Court. It was quite rotten. We could tear it off with our fingers. We used no knife in our examination. D. Moulton. No. 7. Mr. J. A. Wilson, Besident Engineer, to the Undeb-Seceetaey for Public Woeks. Public Works Department, District Office, Wellington, 2nd July, 1894. The Under-Secretary, Public Works. Be Hose at Supreme Court. I went with Captain Hennah to examine the hose at the Supreme Court, which w r as reported by him as defective. It was quite perished, and could be torn by the hand, as we found by testing it in that manner. What Captain Hennah says as to no knife having been used is, of course, quite correct. A new hose has been provided and fixed to-day. Attached is a statement on the subject by Moulton, the Government plumber. J. A. Wilson, Besident Engineer. No. 8. The Undeb-Seceetaey, Public Wobks, to the Hon. the Ministeb for Public Woeks. Hon. the Minister for Public Works. Will you please see memorandum from Captain Hennah in reference to a paragraph which appeared in last Saturday's Evening Post in reference to the cutting of hose at the Supreme Court building. I have inquired into Captain Hennah's statements, that he was accompanied on the occasion referred to by our plumber, and that he also reported the tearing of the hose to the Besident Engineer, and took him across to see it, and find that the same are correct, and I attach memoranda from Messrs. Wilson and Moulton supporting the same. 3rd July, 1894.

H. J. H. Blow.



English. — For Senior Civil Service. Time allowed: 3 hours. Papeb No. 2.—Liteeatuee. 1. " The moral qualities of Bacon were not of a high order." Mention the chief incidents in Bacon's life that go to prove this assertion of Macaulay's. 2. " Two words form the key of the Baconian doctrine, Utility and Progress." Explain this statement as fully as you can. 3. Describe the character and style of the writings of Horace Walpole. 4. Give some account of the characters of Sir Bobert Walpole and Lord Carteret. 5. Give a brief account of the plot of "Hamlet," quoting, if you can, two or three of the passages that you consider most remarkable. 6. Explain the following passages, stating by whom and on what occasion each was uttered :— (a.) Some say that ever 'gainst that season comes Wherein our Saviour's birth is celebrated The bird of dawning singeth all night long. (b.) I could a tale unfold whose lightest word Would harrow up thy soul, (c.) He seem'd to find his way without his eyes. (d.) What's Hecuba to him, or he to Hecuba, That he should weep for her ? (c.) 0, my offence is rank, it smells to heaven. (/.) For 'tis the sport to have the enginer Hoist with his own petar. (g.) Your worm is your only emperor for diet. (h.) There's rosemary, that's for remembrance. (i.) Why may not imagination trace the noble dust of Alexander, till he find it stopping a bung-hole ? (j.) This lapwing runs away with the shell on his head. 7. Write notes on the following expressions: Sledded Polacks; tickle o' the sere; the altitude of a chopine; caviare to the general; bisson rheum; I know a hawk from a handsaw; miching mallecho; the mutines in the bilboes; the brooch indeed and gem of all the nation; this quarry cries on havoc. 8. Mention the chief poets whose works appeared between 1625 and 1688, and give a brief account of their works. 9. Name the authors of the following works, and give such an account of any two of them as to show that you have read them: " Areopagitica," " Hudibras," "Pilgrim's Progress," " Beligio Medici," " Compleat Angler," " Comus," " Absalom and Achitophel," " Holy Living," " Histriomastix," " Eikon Basilike," " Holy and Profane State," " The Purple Island."

Arithmetic. — For Class D. Time allowed: 3 hours. 1. Find the value of jjs +| g - grrg S + g-trgs — + ... Jto five places of decimals. 2. What is the weight (avoirdupois) of £1,000,000 in gold if each sovereign weighs 123 grains ? [7,000 grains = llb. avoirdupois.] 3. If some tobacco be bought at 6s. per pound avoirdupois and retailed at 6d. per ounce troy, and if some be bought at 6s. per pound troy and retailed at 6d. per ounce avoirdupois, what is the profit or loss in each case ? 4. Find the square root of -J- to four places of decimals, and the cube root of » 5-. Find the cost of 127 tons 13 cwt. 3 qr. 14 lb. at £6 15s. 6d. a ton. 6. If 320 horses consume a stack of hay 40 ft. long, lljft. broad, and 31$ ft. high in nine days, for how many days will a stack 15 yd. long, If yd. broad, and 4f yd. high supply 20 horses? 7. Divide £5 among A, B, C in the ratio of J, f, jffe. 8. A person has invested £1,014 in the 3-J-per-cents at 78, and, after receiving a year's dividends, sells out at 83 and invests the proceeds of the sale, together with the dividends received, at simple interest at 4 per cent.: what will be the amount at the end of two years and a half ? 9. Find the difference between banker's and true discount on a bill of £250 due in two years and a half at 3 per cent. 10. What sum will amount to £12,155 Is. 3d. in four years at 5 per cent, compound interest ? 11. Find at what time between three and four o'clock the minute-hand of a clock is thirty minutes in advance of the hour-hand. 12. A cistern has three pipes, A, B, and C ; A and B can fill it in four and three hours respectively, and C can empty it in eighty minutes: if the cistern be empty, and if the pipes be opened in order at one, two, and three o'clock, when will the cistern be empty again ?

Arithmetic—For Glass E, and for Junior Civil Service. Time allowed: 3 hours. 1. How do you find the L.C.M. of three or more numbers whose prime factors are not evident ? Explain the principle of the method. Two men are walking together. One man covers 30 in. at every step, and the other 27 in. They are now in step: how far will they require to walk before coming into step again ?



2. Find the value of— 3 What number divided by fof 5$ will give as the result the reciprocal of 11 ? 4 The rent a farmer pays is 10s. Bd. an acre. His whole rent for 150 acres is exactly the same as his neighbour pays for 120 acres. How much does the latter pay per acre ? 5. What is the true present value of £4,000 due 4 years hence at 5 per cent, compound ITI t fiT*APITi C 6. Find the length of a room the area of whose walls is 71 sq. yd. 7 sq. ft. 126 sq. in., the breadth 13Jft., and the height lift. 3in. . ~ 7 The estate of a bankrupt, which is valued at £3,151 ss. 10d., is to be divided among his four creditors in proportion to the amounts of their claims. A's claim is to B's as 3:4, Bsto Os as 5:6, C's to D's as 7:8. What must each receive ? , 8 If 3 oxen are worth 22 sheep, and 6 sheep cost £3 3s„ what must be given for 50 oxen i 9. The difference in area between two squares is 62-1049 sq. ft,, and the side of the smaller square is 7 yd. : what is the side of the larger square? ■ 10 One man invests a sum of money in the 3i-per-cents, and another invests an equal sum m the 4-per-cents. They obtain the same amount of interest. The 4-per-cents being at 96, at what price are the 3s-per-cents? ~ ~,, „ . 11 If £21 = 428 marks, and 278 francs = £11, how many marks are equal to 124 francs / 12. Divide £10 4s. 2d. among 23 men, 30 women, and 35 children, giving each woman £ of a man's share, and each child § of a woman's.

Arithmetic.—For Senior Civil Service. Time alloived: 3 hours. 1. Besolve the numbers 2926, 5005, 6545 into prime factors; hence find their G.C.M. and 2. Seduce 1234567 drams avoirdupois to tons; and find to the nearest farthing the cost at £1 a ton. 3. Add together 5-1234, 16-534, and -196. Beduce ■12142857 to a simple vulgar fraction. ' 4 Find the value of 578-735 yards of material at £1 2s. 7fd. a yard. 5 A quantity of fruit is bought for £50; 40 per cent, is sold at a profit of 35 per cent, on its cost; of the remainder, half cannot be sold, and the other half realises fof the selling-price of the good fruit per pound. Find the total loss. 6 What sum will amount to £2,005 in 5 years at 11 per cent., compound interest? 7 A certain 3-per-cent. stock is at 92, and a 4-per-cent. stock at 122 : which is the better investment? If you had £5,550 to invest, what would be the difference in the yearly income offered by the two stocks ? 8 The populations of the four largest towns in New Zealand m 1896 were 57,616, 41,758, 51,330, and 47,280 respectively ; their increases per cent, for the preceding period of 5 years were 12-3, 22-1, 7-3, and 3-1 respectively : what was the increase per cent, of the average population of the four towns during the same period ? ._ 9 If a grocer mixes 1441b. of tea at Is. s£d. per lb. with 1801b. at Is. 3d. per lb., at what price per lb. must he sell the mixture so as to gain 2Jd. per lb. after paying 6s. 9d. for paper and 1 j-i hftiir ' 10' Find the square root of Jto four places of decimals, and the cube root of 1442897. 11. If 55 men working 9 hours a day do f of a certain piece of work, and 180 men working 11 hours a day do the remainder, compare the times spent on the work before and after the change. 12 Three bicyclists racing round a circular path J of a mile in circumference all start from scratch, and their rates per hour are 20 miles, 20 miles 400 yards, and 20 miles 650 yards respectively: when will they come together again ?

Geography. — For Glass D. Time alloived: 3 hours. 1 Explain clearly and illustrate by diagrams the changes of the seasons. 2. What are the chief conditions upon which the climate of a place depends ; and how does each of them affect it ? . 3. Describe, either in words or by means of a sketch-map, the position of the different countries which border on'the frontier of our Indian Empire, including therein Burma. 4. Enumerate the principal islands and groups of islands in the Mediterranean, giving their position, and the countries to which they respectively belong politically. 5. Describe fully the course and character, mentioning the tributaries and chief towns, of the Ehine, or of the Mississippi. ■ , 6 Draw a sketch-map of the eastern Soudan to illustrate the present and projected military operations • or of Africa south of the equator, showing its physical features and political divisions. 7 Name, as far as you can in the order of their discovery, the principal goldfields of the world, and state approximately the annual value of the gold they severally produce 8. Give in order the names and the chief towns of those of the United States that border on the Atlantic.



9. Describe the main lines of railway, completed and projected, in New Zealand, and name the chief places through which they pass or are to pass. . 10. Where are the following situated : Larissa, Mt. St. Elias, Marida, Bawal Pindi, Chemulpho, Santa Clara, Vardo, Canea, Hue, Benin ? 11. What are the chief meat-exporting countries? Discuss briefly their relative advantages or disadvantages for competing in the meat trade. 12. Give a brief description of Europe, touching upon its size and its main physical features, and grouping its chief rivers in order according to the seas into which they fall. Geography. — For Class E, and for Junior Civil Service. Time alloived: 3 hours. 1. Why, in places on or near the equator, are day and night of equal length throughout the year, while in London, New York, and Wellington their duration varies at different periods of the year ? 2. In what way is a delta formed? State the position of some of the most remarkable deltas. 3. What are spring-tides, neap-tides? How are they caused, and when does each occur? 4. The western side of the Andes between Chimborazo and Copiapo is a district in which rain falls only in small quantity and at long intervals, while the eastern side is subject to heavy rains. State the cause of the difference. 5. Give the best account you can of the course of the Congo, the Nile, and the Niger. Mention the most important places on the banks of each, and the Powers to which they respectively belong. 6. Write a short note on each of the following places : Brisbane, Corinth, Derby, Klondyke, Lassa, Ottawa, St. Petersburg, Toulon. 7. Draw a sketch-map of India. Show the position of the chief ports, the principal cities, rivers, and mountain-chains. 8. Write a short descriptive essay on the Auckland Isthmus, or on the lakes of Otago. 9. Name the more important goldfields in New Zealand: state the position of each, and the form in which the gold occurs. 10. In what part of the colony does the kauri grow ? To what purposes are kauri timber and kauri " gum " applied ? State the approximate value of the annual export of each.

History. — For Class D. Time allowed : 3 hours. 1. Give the chief provisions of Magna Charta, and mention some of the subsequent confirmations of it. 2. Give a brief account of the Hundred Years' War with France. 3. Trace the history of the Long Parliament. 4. Mention, with dates and descriptive notes, the chief Acts passed in the reign of Charles 11. 5. Characterize William 111. as a soldier and a statesman. What special difficulties had he to contend with as King of England ? 6. Give an account of the various military successes that make the years 1757-61 specially illustrious in the history of Britain. 7. Describe the career and policy of Bobert Walpole. 8. Mention, with explanations, the chief discoveries, reforms, improvements, and new openings for colonisation connected with the reign of George 111. 9 What do you know of the following: Bye-House plot, Non-jurors, Wood's halfpence, Patriot Party, Jenkins's ear?

History. — For Class E, and for Junior Civil Service. Time allowed: 3 hours. 1. Give a brief account of the Norman Conquest and its chief effects on England. 2. Describe the foreign relations of England in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. 3. Give two genealogical tables—the first showing how James VI. of Scotland came to have a claim to the English throne, and the second tracing the Stuart family from the time of James I. of England till the direct line disappears. 4. Compare the foreign policy of Cromwell with that of Charles 11. 5. Describe the character and aims of James II.; and show how his actions led inevitably to the Bevolution of 1688. 6. Write two paragraphs —the first dealing with the state of English politics in the reign of Queen Anne, and the second with the social condition of the people in the same period. 7. Trace the history of British colonisation between 1603 and 1837. 8. Describe the struggle with America in the reign of George 111. 9. What do you know of the following : Wentworth, Wilkes, Jeffreys, Canning, Huskisson ? History. — For Senior Civil Service. Time alloived: 3 hours. 1. Give a careful description (1) of the Bill of Bights, and (2) of the Act of Settlement. 2. Give, under the following heads, an account of the parliamentary Union of England and Scotland: (1) The preliminary negotiations, (2) the conditions of union, and (3) the beneficial results to both countries. 3. How did the accession of George I. favour the growth of parliamentary government? Summarise the chief events of his reign.



4. Give an account of the rise of the English power in India. What do you know of the doings of Warren Hastings in India, and of his subsequent trial ? 5. What were the effects of the French Bevolution on England? What were Burkes views on the subject ? Mention the two most famous replies to Burkes " Beflections." 6. Describe the foreign policy of the elder Pitt and its results. 7. Write two paragraphs on the improvements effected (1) in manufactures, and (2) in the social condition of the people, between 1750 and 1837. 8. Give as full an account as you can of the Beform Bill of 1832. 9. What do you know of the following: reform of the calendar, Manchester massacre, Huskisson's reforms, Catholic emancipation, rise of Methodism ? Latin. — For Class D, and for Senior and Junior Civil Service. Time alloived: 3 hours. 1. (a.) Decline, in singular only, tardum iter, laurus viridis, M. Tullius Cicero ; in plural only, spes, locus, aedes. (b.) Set down .the Latin for "seven," "seventh," "seven apiece," "seven times." Are the distributive numerals ever used in other than a distributive sense ? If so, when and how ? Express in full the abbreviation a.d. hi. Non. Jan., and give its equivalent in English. (c.) Give the meaning and the chief parts of iaceo, iacio, iacto ; of orior, ordior ; of edo (2); of vinco, vincio, vivo; of fero, ferio. (d.) Conjugate the present imperative active of facio, co ; the imperfect subjunctive active of malo; the Ist future indicative active of posse, venio. 2. (a.) With what case is each of the following used, and what is its force: cum, prae, in, apud, tenus, ob, sub ? (b.) How is the agent expressed in Latin in connection with the verb passive ? State the rules that determine what case may be used. (c.) What are deponent verbs ? Account for their origin. What participles has such a verb ? (d.) What are the chief uses of the dative case ? Give an example of each. . (c.) What different uses and meanings has the conjunction ut ? 3. Translate into Latin— Caesar sent Crassus to see where the enemy's camp was placed. He does not deny that he has been defeated. I should be glad if I could reach home to-morrow. He asked was it true that the English army had been annihilated. There are men who, before you begin to speak, know all you can tell them. On the following day he pitched his camp before Numantia, a well fortified town in Spain. This is a plan which all the wisest will approve. 4. Translate into English— Tres ferme horas pugnatum est et übique atrociter : circa consulem tamen acrior infestiorque pugna est. Bum et robora virorum sequebantur, et ipse, quacumque in parte premi ac laborare senserat suos, impigre ferebat opem: insignemque armis et hostes summa vi petebant et tuebantur cives, donee Insuber eques (Ducario nomen erat) facie quoque noscitans consulem "En" inquit "hie est gui legiones nostras cecidit agrosque et urbem est depopulatus : iam ego hanc victimam manibus peremptorum foede civium dabo." Subditisque calcaribus equo per confertissimam hostium turbam irnpetum facit, obtruncatoque prius armigero quiseinfesto venienti obviam obiecerat, consulem lancea transfixit. French. — For Class D, and for Senior and Junior Civil Service. Time alloived: 3 hours. 1. Translate into English— Les Tyriens, par leur fierte, avaient irrite contre eux le grand roi Sesostris, gui regnait en Egypte, et gui avait conquis tant de royaumes. Les richesses qu'ils ont acquises par le commerce, et la force de I'imprenable ville de Tyr, situee dans la mer, avaient enfie le cceur de cc peuple: ils avaient refuse de payer a Sesostris le tribut qu'il leur avait impose en revenant de ses conquetes; et ils avaient fourni dcs troupes a son frere, gui avait voulu le massacrer a son retour au milieu dcs rejouissances dun grand festin. Sesostris avait resolu, pour abattre leur orgueil, de troubler leur commerce dans toutes les mers. Ses vaisseaux allaient de tous cotes cherchant lesPheniciens. Une flotte egyptienne nous rencontra, eomme nous commencions a perdre de vue les montagnes de la Sicile. Le port et la terre semblaient fuir derriere nous et se perdre dans les nues. En meme temps nous voyons approcher les navires dcs Egyptiens, semblables a une ville flottante. Les Pheniciens les reconnurent et voulurent s'en eloigner; mais il n'etait plus temps : leurs voiles etaient meilleures que les notres; le vent les favorisait; leurs rameurs 6taient en plus grand nombre. Ils nous abordent, nousprennent, et nous amenent prisonniers en Egypte. 2. Translate into French— Sir William Douglas, owner of the castle where Mary was imprisoned, was a halfbrother by the mother's side of the Begent Murray. This baron discharged with severe fidelity the task of Mary's jailer; but his youngest brother, George Douglas, became more sensible to the Queen's distress, and perhaps to her beauty, than to the interests of the Begent, or of his own family. A plot laid by him for the Queen's deliverance was discovered, and he was expelled from the island in consequence.

3—E. la.



3. Translate also— Come here : I want to speak to you. Where are you ? I cannot see you. I have been here for at least an hour. What are you doing ? —I am reading. Who is with you ?—Nobody. Why did you come here? —To see you. At what o'clock will you be at home ? 4. Write down, in four columns, the third person singular of the present indicative, and of the present, imperfect, and preterite subjunctive, of the verbs agir, boire, craindre, devoir, faillir, falloir, gemir, hair, meurtrir, prendre. 5. Give the rules for the formation of the plural of (a) proper nouns, (6) nouns of foreign origin, (c) compound nouns. Illustrate by examples. 6. Give the French for— They will be pardoned. Miss, they have admired you. Gentlemen, why have you blamed my sons ? They would have been praised (lover). We have saved her. The pear {poire) which you said (that) you would give me is ripe. Ladies, what have you done this morning ? 7. Distinguish the meanings of the similar words in the following pairs of expressions : Elle a froid, and il fait froid; une medaille benite, and une famille benie ; une rose fleurissante, and une industrie florissante; un mur haut, and un fruit mtir; ces dames sont tout etonnees, and ces dames sont toutes etonqees. Comment on the grammatical peculiarities illustrated above. 8. Name tense, niood, and infinitive of ils contraignirent, il disparut, dites, dors-tv ? il entrouvrit, elle exagererait, il s'en serait alle, il reconnut, il hait, tv t'abstiendras. 9. Give the feminine form of complet, dit, exigu, favori, frais, gentil, majeur, chasseur. 10. What does each of the following become before a vowel: beau, cc, la, ma, que, si ?

German. — For Class D, and for Senior and Junior Civil Service. Time allowed: 3 hours. 1. Given the imperf. md., blies, fuhr, floh, genas, hieb, litt, rieth, soff, sott, and schuf; supply the meaning, the pres. inf., the Ist pers. sing, of the pres. md., and the past part.of each. 2. Illustrate by examples the various ways in which nouns form their plural in German. 3. Give in full the three forms of declension of adjectives, taking klein as an example. 4. What prepositions may govern either the dative or the accusative ? 5. Translate the following interjections :Oh dear ! Well! Alas ! Fie ! Begone ! 6. As an illustration of the suffixes of adjectives, translate—womanly, fruitful, painful, suspicious, timid, wooden, woollen, earthy, verbal. 7. Give two sentences, using, as conjunction of time, in the one wenn, and in the other als. 8. Translate —In these days ; twice a week ; at Xmas time ; nowadays ; three days ago. 9. Write out in full the pres. md. of übersetzen —first, as an inseparable verb; second, as a separable verb. 10. Translate (using impersonal verbs) —I am glad; lam cold; lam vexed; I succeed; I wonder. Translate into German, — 1. When will the Governor arrive here? 2. He is to come next Saturday morning. 3. Will he remain long in this province ? 4. I hear that he is to return to W. at the end of next week. 5. I hope that he will have fine weather during his stay in this place. 6. At present it is raining very hard, but probably the weather will soon clear up. 7. Bain is very much wanted for the country. 8. Yes, if the dry weather had continued much longer we should scarcely have had any harvest. 9. The other day we had thunder, lightning, and hail. 10. Hail is very destructive to fruit. 11. The plums and the peaches have suffered a good deal from the frost. 12. We shall have plenty of apricots, apples, and pears this year. 13. What beautiful flowers you have in your garden ! 14. Yes; I am a great lover of flowers, and I have some of all sorts—violets, pinks, tulips, roses, and many more. 15. You should see my vegetable-garden: it is full of the most beautiful peas, beans, cabbages, potatoes, &c. 16. You must be very busy with your garden, your horses, your cows, your sheep, &c. 17. Oh, certainly; but a country life is the one I like best. Translate into English, — Herr Tobias Witt war aus einer nur massigen Stadt gebiirtig, und nic weit fiber die nachsten Dorfer gekommen. Dennoch hatte er mehr yon der Welt gesehen, als Mancher, der sein Erbtheil in Paris oder Neapel verzehrt hat. Er erzahlte gem allerhand kleine Geschichtchen, die er sich hie und da aus eigner Erfahrung gesammelt hatte. Poetisches Verdienst hatten sic wenig, aber desto mehr praktisches, und das Besonderste an ihnen war, dass ihrer je zwei und zwei zusammenge-



horten. Einmal lobte ihn em junger Bekannter, Herr Till, seiner Klugheit wegen.—-Ei! fing der alte Witt an und schmunzelte : War' ich derm wirklich so klug ? Die ganze Welt sagt's, Herr Witt. Und weil ich es auch gem wiirde Je nun, wenn Er das werden will, das ist leicht.—Er muss fleissig Acht geben, Herr Till, wie es die Narren machen. Was ! wie es die Narren machen ? Ja, Herr Till! Und muss es derm anders machen, wie die. — Engel. Also, — 0 wie kalt ist es geworden Und so traurig, 6-d, und leer ! Bauhe Winde weh'n yon Norden, Und die Sonne scheint nicht mehr. Auf die Berge moeht' ich fliegen, Mochte sehn em grimes Thai Mocht in Gras und Blumen liegen Und mich freun am Sonnenstrahl. Schoner Friihling komm doch wieder, Lieber Friihling, komm doch bald Bring uns Blumen, Laub und Lieder, Schmiicke wieder Feld und Wald ! Ja, dv bist uns treu geblieben, Kommst nun bald in Pracht und Glanz Bringst nun bald all deinen Lieben Sang und Freude, Spiel und Tanz. — Hoffman yon Fallersleben. Algebra. — For Class D, and for Junior Civil Service. Time allowed : 3 hours. 1. If a=3, 6= 4, c= 5, and s = l(a+b+c), find the value of /\/ (s ~ a)(s ~ 6) s ' » s(s-c) 2. Show that, if x, y, and z are three consecutive odd numbers, y 2 — a?« =4. 3. Multiply a? — i-y 2 +l2y —9byx— 2y —3, and divide the product by x-j- 2y —3. 4. Find the highest common measure of — Zxy —y 2 and ix 3 — 2x 2 y — Also find their lowest common multiple, expressed in factors. 5. Simplify the following expressions : — (n s {_« V \ . f x _ V \ v*'i \x-y x+y\ " \x+y x-yj ~« A a i b3 V O -/ a ~ a(a?-W) a s —x 3 gV —ax+ x 2 _ a 2 +ax+x 2 ' c v ~a s Tx» X a*-x* ' a*+x* „ -I-, i, i ax ,ax —a (a — b) 2 , a -, 6 6. Prove that + m when x = a+l) and y = 7. Find the square root oi x 2 +6xy+9y i — 4 : x — 12y +i. 8. Solve the equations— . . x 3x K a -) x+l ~ x+2 2 (h \ -L Jl — a+b y°-> x-a" 1 " x+b x \"v as ' y x y 9. Find a number such that, whether it is divided into two or into three equal parts, the continued product of the parts shall be the same. 10. A fruiterer, having bought a case of oranges, found that if he sold four dozen and a half at a shilling a dozen and the rest at eighteen for a shilling he would gain one shilling and sixpence, but that if he sold the whole at sixteen for a shilling he would gain only one shilling : find the cost of the case, and the number of oranges which it contained. Algebra. — For Senior Civil Service. Time allowed : 3 hours. i -ci- -i i.i i i x+9,a x+2b iab 1. Find the value of --%- + when x=-^ 2. Multiply x m +y v — z 9 - by x m — y v +z i , and divide x^—y 2 by xi+yi. 3. Find the highest common measure and the lowest common multiple of x*+2x'+9 and 7a; , -lla; 2 + 15a;+9. 4. Simplify the following expressions :— 1 \ 1 , 2 2x \ a J (X-1)2 + 3-1 X* + l ~ . o?-x* ( , ax \ ( & -) + x*X\ a+ a^x) ( c -) {*+. ;. m ° } {a + b+i} * {a~brc}



5. Find the relation which must exist between the coefficients a, b, and c, in order that the expression ax 2 +bx+c may be a complete square. 6. Extract the square roots of Z 3x +Z _2x —2 and 8 — sar b^+-~ ; ra i b — -arb 2 -{-^.ab % 7. Solve the equations — . %x + a _ x — 6_ 3ax + (a - 6) 2 («.) —j— — • ab ... vx+a+ Vx — a b Va; +a — Va; — a a , s g+j _ ? _ i!/- 1 (6£ + 2/ 4- 8a = 50 (<i.) J 8a; + 3j/ — 10* = -6 (12X + 7J7- 16z = 2 8. Divide a number a into three parts, such that the first may be to the second as m is to n, and the second may be to the third as p is to q. 9. Three persons divide a certain sum of money in the following manner: A takes one-third of the whole together with £8; B takes one-third of the remainder together with £8; C takes onethird of what now remains together with £8 ; and then nothing remains. Find the sum. 10. If the numerator and denominator of a certain fraction be each increased by 2, the value of the fraction will be f ; but if each of them be diminished by 3, the value of the fraction will be ■§. Find the fraction.

Euclid. — For Glass D, and for Junior Civil Service. Time allowed: 3 hours. 1. Define an angle, a circle, a rhombus, parallel straight lines, a parallelogram. 2. If two triangles have the sides of the one respectively equal to the sides of the other, prove that the triangles are equal in all respects. Show that if the opposite sides of a quadrilateral are equal the opposite angles are also equal. 3. Prove that the sum of any two sides of a triangle is greater than the third side, and that the difference between any two sides is less than the third side. 4. Prove that the opposite sides and angles of a parallelogram are equal, and that the diagonal bisects its area. Prove that any straight line through the intersection of the diagonals of a parallelogram bisects its area. 5. If the square on one side of a triangle be equal to the sum of the squares on the other two sides, show that the angle contained by those two sides is a right angle. 6. If a straight line be divided into any two parts, the sum of the squares on the whole line and one of the parts is equal to twice the rectangle contained by the whole line and that part, together with the square on the other part. 7. Prove that in any triangle the square on the side subtending an acute angle is less than the sum of the squares on the other sides, and show by how much. The sides of a triangle are respectively 5 in., 6 in., and 8 in.: what kind of a triangle is it ? 8. ABC is an equilateral triangle, and D is any point in the side BC : prove that the square on BC is equal to the rectangle contained by BD, DC, together with the square on AD. Euclid, Books 1.-IV.—For Senior Civil Service. Time allowed: 3 hours. 1. Show that if one side of a triangle be produced, the exterior angle is greater than either of the Interior and opposite angles, and any two of the angles of the triangle are together less than two right angles. Enunciate the subsequent proposition in which these results are virtually included. 2. Give Euclid's definition and postulate for parallel straight lines. Two straight lines, AB, CD, are met by another at E, F, and a pair of alternate angles are equal : show by superimposing AEFC on DFEB that AB is parallel to CD. Prove also the converse of this theorem. 3. If a parallelogram and a triangle be on the same base and between the same parallels, the parallelogram is double of the triangle. If two triangles have the rectangle contained by the base and the altitude of the one equal to the rectangle contained by the base and the altitude of the other, the triangles are equal. If the straight line joining the vertices of two triangles on the same base be bisected by the base or by the base produced the triangles are equal to each other. 4. Describe a square equal to a given rectilineal figure. Describe also a right-angled isosceles triangle equal to the same rectilineal figure. 5. If straight lines are drawn to the circumference of a circle from any point which is not the centre, they are in the same order of magnitude as the angles they subtend at the centre. Hence show that if more than two equal straight lines can be drawn from a point to the circumference, that point is the centre. 6. Show how to draw a tangent to a circle from a given point either on or without the circumference. Show also how to draw the common tangents of two circles.



7. Show that an angle at the circumference of a circle is equal to, less than, or greater than a right angle according as the arc on which it stands is equal to, less than, or greater than half the circumference. Find the locus of the middle points of chords of a circle drawn through a fixed point. 8. Show that in any regular polygon the bisectors of the angles all meet in a point. 9. Show how to describe an isosceles triangle having each of the angles at the base double of the third angle. What use does Euclid make of this problem ?

Mechanics. — For Class D, and for Senior and Junior Civil Service. Time allowed: 3 hours. 1. Explain the terms "component," "resolved part," "poundal," "impulse," "energy," " density," " buoyancy." Find the components of a velocity of 100 units in directions inclined to its own direction, each at an angle of 30 degrees. 2. State the meaning of the letters in the formulae s = vt, s = \vt, s = A stone is thrown upwards with a velocity of 100 ft. a second : when will it reach a height of 100 ft., and when will it reach the ground again? 3. A mass of 5 lb. hangs by a string, and is let down with (1) a constant velocity of 5 ft. per second, and (2) with a constant acceleration of 5 ft. per second per second. What is the tension of the string in each case ? 4. State the " triangle of forces," and also the extension known as the " polygon of forces." Three forces are represented in magnitude and direction by three consecutive sides of a square taken the same way round: what is their resultant (1) when they act at a point, (2) when they act along the lines representing them ? 5. Show that the sum of the moments of two parallel forces round any point in the same plane is equal to the moment of their resultant. A rod sft. long is of mass 61b., and has masses of lib. and 4 Ib. suspended from its extremities: what must be the position of the centre of gravity of the rod that the system may balance about it ? 6. If a body is suspended freely at a point, what do you infer about its C.G., and how? Show how you would experimentally determine the C.G. of any thin plate with plane faces. 7. Describe the requirements of the common balance, and how they are usually satisfied. Does it matter at what parts of the scales the weights are supported ? Give reasons for your answer. 8. If nine-tenths of an iceberg be immersed, what is its density relatively to sea-water ? If the specific gravity of sea-water be 1-026, what is that of the iceberg? 9. If a rectangular vessel, full of water, has its base horizontal, and if an opposite pair of its sides be brought nearer together, how does the pressure on its sides and base vary ? If a body is immersed or is allowed to float in the water, is any change made in the pressure on the sides or on the base of the vessel ? 10. Explain the statement "Liquids maintain their level," and mention the necessary conditions. Why do bubbles in a liquid often cling to the sides or base of the vessel ? Physics. — For Class D, and for Senior and Junior Civil Service. Time allowed: 3 hours. 1. Explain the nature of heat, and state the chief effects of heat. 2. What is meant by the coefficient of cubical expansion of a substance? The volume of a kilogramme of water being 1000 cc. at 4° C, and 1038-7 cc. at 94° C, what is the mean coefficient of expansion of water between these temperatures ? 3. Define the normal boiling-point of a liquid, and state the laws of ebullition. 4. If 300 grammes of small shot at the temperature of 100° C. be put into 200 grammes of water at 12° C, and the resulting temperature be 16° C, what is the specific heat of lead? 5. Explain the following terms as used in the theory of sound : pitch, interval, octave, major third, harmonic. What harmonics are absent in the note of a closed organ-pipe ? 6. Draw a neat diagram illustrating the formation of a real image by a double convex lens. Under what circumstances does the lens produce a virtual image ? If an object placed at the distance of 2 in. from a convex lens has its image magnified five times, find the focal length of the lens (1) when the image is real, (2) when the image is virtual. 7. What is meant by a magnetic field, and by lines of magnetic force ? Give a rough sketch of the direction of the lines of magnetic force when two bar magnets are laid parallel to one another with their like poles pointing in opposite directions. 8. Describe the Leyden jar, and explain its use. 9. Describe in detail the arrangements which you would make in order to electrolyse water, and to collect the resulting gases. 10. The E.M.F. of a bichromate cell is 1-92 volt, and its internal resistance is -J- ohm : find the current which it gives when its poles are connected by a wire of 5 ohms resistance.

Chemistry. — For Class D, and for Senior and Junior Civil Service. Time allowed: 3 hours. 1. Explain, giving a sketch of the apparatus, how you would make and collect ammonia gas from ammonium-sulphate. 2. How would you remove from atmospheric air (a) its carbon-dioxide ; (b) its oxygen ; (c) any ammonia gas it might contain ? State what gases would be left after the removal of these.



3. Describe a process for extracting iodine from sea-weeds. 4. State what you know about the manufacture of sulphuric acid on the large scale. 5. A gas may be one of the following : Oxygen, nitrogen, ammonia, sulphur-dioxide, carbondioxide, nitrous oxide : how would you determine which of them it is ? 6. In what respects do chlorine and bromine resemble each other? Give equations to show this similarity. 7. Describe as many processes as you know for making chlorine gas, giving equations and sketching apparatus. 8. Show by equations the effect of heat on the following: (1) manganese-dioxide, (2) nitrate of ammonium, (3) carbonate of calcium, (4) chlorate of potassium, (5) sulphur with access of air, (6) sulphur without access of air. 9. State what useful products can be got from fresh bones; and explain how each of these products may be obtained (equations to be given and apparatus to be sketched). Biology. — For Class D, and for Senior and Junior Civil Service. Time allowed: 3 hours. [N.B. —Candidates must answer questions in one subject only. All answers should be illustrated, as far as possible, by diagrams.] Animal Physiology. 1. Explain how the hair grows, and describe its minute structure. 2. State what you know concerning the structure and functions of the kidneys. 3. What is respiration ? Explain how it is performed in man. 4. Write a short account of the functions of the nervous system. 5. Describe the structure of the skeleton of the human hand and wrist. 6. What is an epithelium? Describe the different kinds of epithelium found in the human body. 7. State what you know of the arrangement and functions of the lymphatic system. 8. Describe the structure of the human heart. Botany. 1. Describe the structure and mode of growth of the stem in Monocotyledons and Dicotyledons respectively. 2. What are stomata? Describe their mode of occurrence, their structure, and their functions. 3. State what you know of the manner in which plants make use of food-materials occurring in the soil. Enumerate these materials. 4. State what you know of the relations existing between flowers and insects, and of the modifications of flowers in accordance therewith. 5. Write an account of the Scrophularine®, with special reference to New Zealand members of the order. 6. What is meant by phyllotaxis? Explain how you would determine the phyllotaxis of a leafy shoot. 7. State what you know concerning the composition, the mode of formation, and the occurrence of starch. 8. Describe the structure of an apple, a gooseberry, a plum, a raspberry, a strawberry, and a fig.

Shorthand. — For Senior Civil Service. Time allowed: 3 hours. Instructions to Supervisors. 1. Inform candidates before the time for taking up this subject that they may use pen or pencil as they please for taking notes, which should be written on ruled paper, but that they must transcribe those notes into longhand with pen and ink. 2. Inform candidates that when once you have commenced to dictate you cannot stop until the passage is finished. 3. Dictate the passages at the following rates of speed:— (a.) 80 words per minute. (b.) 120 „ (c) 150 „ N.B.—lt will be well to practise reading these passages aloud some time beforehand, looking at a watch or clock, so as to accustom yourself to reading at the exact rate indicated. The matter to be read is marked off into sections, each of which is to occupy a minute. The Supervisor will perhaps find it advisable to mark it off into smaller sections, each containing the number of words to be read in fifteen seconds, and to read one section in every quarter of a minute. As the candidates hear the passage read only once, the reader's articulation ought to be very clear, and the candidates ought to be so placed as to be able to hear well. 4. Candidates are at liberty to take down one, two, or three passages, as they choose. All the passages required by candidates are to be dictated before any one begins to transcribe ; and there should be as little delay as possible between the readings. 5. Inform candidates that rapidity in transcribing notes into longhand is essential, and note carefully on the transcribed copy the exact time taken in transcription. Candidates must not look at their notes while a passage that does not concern them is being read. 6. Inform them also that the clearness and accuracy of the shorthand notes (which must in every case be sent in attached to the transcript) will be taken account of by the examiner; and that they must not alter the shorthand notes after the dictation is finished.



Passages for Dictation. (a.) At the rate of 80 words per minute. Takes 10 minutes What strikes us most forcibly upon a general survey of the progress made since the Queen ascended the throne is, perhaps, the interdependence of different lines of inquiry and of practical effort. Not only do the abstract investigators borrow help from one another, but while placing new and pregnant observations at the disposal of applied science they also depend upon its advance for the means of arriving at new discoveries. Any man who strikes 1 out ideas too much in advance |of his time usually fails of his due effect. It is left for the historian to call attention to his remarkable but stillborn efforts. So it is difficult for any science to proceed very far upon its own lines unless progress is concurrently made in other departments which may at first sight seem somewhat remote. Take, for example, the enormous strides made in electrical science, both pure and applied, during the last sixty years. We 2 bridge the whole distance from | a rudely-made induction coil in the hands of a Faraday to the modern dynamos turning out currents measured by hundreds of horse-power. That immense development has become possible only through the conjunction of the chemist, the metallurgist, and the engineer with the electrician. A thousand details involving the specialised skill of many workers and discoverers in very different fields of study go to insure the high degree of 3 efficiency to which the electrician has attained. With the steam | engines of the early Victorian age the electrical output of the present day would be impossible. Had not chemical science and metallurgical skill made great advances the electrician and the engineer together would be baffled by the imperfections of their materials. Pure research in the laboratory of the Boyal Institution gave the root ideas, and pure research has ever since been contributing new ideas 4 at every stage. But research has depended upon the utilisation of what it gave for the | means of enabling it to discover more. Application to practical uses of what we already know is the indispensable condition of further progress, even on the lines of abstract investigation. The practical applications of electrical science have paid back their debt to the student, both by placing at his disposal instruments of previously unattainable delicacy and by indefinitely enlarging the chemist's command over matter through the powerful agency of the electric arc. 5 By the development of the germs of sixty | years ago we have bound the Empire together, enlarged and facilitated the operations of commerce, broken down the barriers of mutual ignorance, wrested from nature her most jealously guarded secrets, and in some degree approached to her secular processes of synthesis. But the advance has been upon a wide front. The chemist, the physicist, the mathematician, the engineer, and the electrician have combined to produce results which the most daring thinker would hardly have ventured to 6 predict when Her Majesty | ascended the throne. The very large part played by Englishmen in this advance may well consolidate our faith in the intellectual and practical ability of our race. There has been a gradual improvement in scientific education during the last sixty years, but by far the greater part of our magnificent results has been won in spite of grave difficulties. If our manufacturers have missed great 7 chances and allowed important industries to pass into the hands of foreigners, we may at | least remember that few of them had any systematic training to fit them to appreciate and utilise the work of the laboratory. It is due to rough natural sagacity and keen business faculty that so much has been done to turn to account the discoveries of original genius, not to any systematic and conscious provision of appropriate instruction. But we cannot afford any longer to trust to this haphazard management. We have lost the long start we once had, 8 and | our rivals are running us neck-and-neck. Undisciplined initiative can perform wonders, but if forces are at all evenly balanced it cannot make head against a method which co-ordinates all available resources and gives unity of direction to national effort. We have played for a considerable time with the problem of providing systematic instruction in pure and applied science, and we are still heedlessly drifting into wasteful and ineffectual makeshifts 9 which will constitute so many obstacles in the way jof thorough reform. Unless we are willing to allow the end of the Victorian age to mark a retrograde movement as distinct as the forward movement that is the glory of its prime we must bestir ourselves to place the technical education of the country on a sound basis. There is no more important problem before the nation at this moment, nor any that is more urgent. The vested interests hostile to" real 10 reforms are already powerful and are growing | (6.) At the rate of 120 words per minute. Takes 10 minutes. I can add little to the eloquent terms in which the leader of the House has introduced this motion, which I beg to second : "That a humble address be presented to Her Majesty congratulating Her Majesty on the auspicious completion of the sixtieth year of her happy reign, and to assure Her Majesty that this House profoundly shares the great joys with which her people celebrate the longest, the most prosperous, and the most illustrious reign in any country, joining with them in praying earnestly for the continuance during many years of Her Majesty's life and health." I have qualifications which he does not possess, and which he will not envy 1 me—that I can recall, as if it were | yesterday, the booming of the guns which announced the accession of the Queen. It is right and fitting that an address of congratulation should be presented to the Sovereign from this House of Commons, which has the highest claim to represent the sentiment of the nation. Since the accession of the Queen, this Parliament has been placed upon a wider basis of representation. The reign of the Queen opened with a new political epoch; it began at a period when the real enfranchisement of the people had only recently commenced—in the era of reform, social, political, financial, and commercial; and there was great need in those days of such reforms. It is only those who personally recollect what 2 was | the condition of the people of this country sixty years ago who can realise the enormous



progress and improvement which have been made. We rejoice to-day, and justly rejoice, in the greatness of this Empire and the extension of the dominions of the Queen. But for the maintenance of such a vast structure there must be solid foundations at the base, and these foundations can only be found in a prosperous and contented people. (Cheers.) lam myself able to testify that it was not always so. I can remember when the people of this country were neither prosperous nor contented ; when disorder was rife amongst the masses of the people, who were 3 impatient of suffering and intolerant of their | miserable lot. Any one who knows the social ana.Z history of this country for the first six years of the Queen's reign—from 1837 to 1843 —and ,:;, remembers what the sufferings were in the great towns, and still more perhaps in the rural districts, will be able to form some conception of the marvellous improvement which has taken place in the stability of the nation, in the growth, not only of its members, but in the health and wealth, in the moral no less than the physical fibre of the people. (Cheers.) That has been a distinguishing feature, to my mind, of this auspicious reign—of people better fed, better 4 clothed, better housed, better educated; crime | diminished, and taxation decreased. That is the solid base upon which this vast Empire rests. (Cheers.) I can recall the fears of the brave, and the follies of the wise, who believed that the extension of popular power would endanger the Constitution. And yet, in these sixty years, measure after measure of democratic reform has been sanctioned, and each extension of popular right has only strengthened the Monarchy and increased the confidence of the people. Queen Victoria has never feared her people. (Cheers.) Decade after decade has passed with these reforms, and the Sovereign has never been more trusted or more revered, and, as the right honourable gentleman well indicated, this enlarged democracy has been peacefully and insensibly incorporated 5 with | the framework of an ancient Throne. We celebrate to-day, and gladly celebrate, with just pride the gathering of the representatives of our distant colonies. They are communities who went forth instinct with the same love of freedom which was native to their parent State. They carried that spirit beyond the seas, and it has borne the fruit of their self-government and self-reliance. (Cheers.) But in this memorable growth of our race and of our Empire there has presided over two generations of men one figure, which has presented to the world the British name with a noble simplicity and greatness which have 6 not been known before, and which will live for ever in the records of this nation. | Sir, it has been asked, what has been the office which the Queen has performed ? That office has been the supreme tie which has bound together various classes and diverse races in these vast dominions, and which has held them in one united whole by a Sovereign partaking of the spirit of the people, and gathering them in growing affection around her throne. (Cheers.) The blessing which was invoked by the patriarchs of old was length of days and multitude of offspring. Surely, never has a Sovereign been surrounded by a more illustrious progeny both in her family and among her subjects. Her subjects are to be found on every shore, and her children's 7 children are established in every State. ] There have been glorious reigns in the great traditions of this land —reigns of strife and storm, of peril and of conquest; but if I might be permitted to affix an adjective to the characteristic of this reign I should call it a sympathetic reign. (Loud cheers.) It has appealed to the heart of the nation, and it is the heart of the nation still more than its pride which speaks to-day and addresses Queen Victoria in the sixtieth year of her reign. She has made her people feel that she was the companion of their joys and the partaker of their distress, and in all their 8 fortunes —whether ill fortunes or good fortunes—her sympathies have never | been wanting in that touch of nature which makes the whole world kin. (Cheers.) That has always been present in the case of the Queen in a sense unknown before, in that the present Sovereign can be justly called the mother of her people. (Loud cheers.) In the fulness of her years and of her grace those children gather around her to-day with the sentiment of filial devotion. The Queen has passed through bitter sorrows, and none so great as that which took from her the wise counsellor and consort who supported with her the burden of her Empire in former days ; but 9 in all her desolation she never forgot her care and duty to the nation. (Cheers.) It is | not for me to attempt to portray a character known, admired, and loved by all. Those who have served her in any capacity will ever cherish the memory of her gracious kindness, of her upright justice, her ripe experience, and her constitutional fidelity. (Cheers.) Her public as her private life has been a lesson to all in every station. First in virtue as first in place, she has added dignity to a mighty throne, and deserves the passionate loyalty of a free people. She will leave to those who come after her larger dominions and a happier people; but what is more, she will bequeath to future time the imperishable inheritance of a sovereign example. 10 (Loud and prolonged cheers.) | (c.) At the rate of 150 words per minute. Takes 5 minutes. Athens has always been audacious in the extreme, and her defiant little navy has of late been making quite a stir upon the Mediterranean. But the Athenian fleets of to-day are insignificant, both in numbers and their relative strength, compared with those which the ancient city sent out on the same waters. Of course the individual ships are bigger now, though not so much larger as many imagine. But the Athens of Pericles feared no "intervention of the Powers," for she was herself the greatest Power of them all. Long before England she boasted of the strength of her " wooden walls," and was the almost undisputed mistress of the sea. In her best days her admirals feared no odds, and always held their own, sometimes routing fleets that outnumbered their own fully three to one. How this marvellous superiority was attained —how the old Greek warship was built and manned | and handled in battle—is a curious and interesting problem. Without going into pedantic and confusing technicalities I shall endeavour to make plain the nature cf the vessel



and the tactics that brought success to these Yankees of the ancient world —for such the Athenians really were. When we read that an old Greek galley was propelled by means of oars, we naturally conclude that it was a slow and clumsy affair ; but this is far from the truth. In fact, a first-class Athenian man-of-war, or "trireme," was a light, trim craft, built upon graceful lines, and in speed no contemptible rival even of the modern steamship. One of our great " ocean greyhounds," with its enormous panting engines, consuming coal so fast that the parboiled stokers can scarcely shovel it in fast enough, is able by strenuous effort to make slightly more than 2 twenty miles an hour. | A trireme, under the most favourable conditions, could probably make about fifteen miles an hour —a rate quite equal to that of any ordinary steamboat. This is certainly surprising. How was such an achievement possible ? It will perhaps seem less incredible when we consider the speed which may be reached in a racing shell driven by the muscle of trained oarsmen; but the cases are not closely parallel. The wonderful effectiveness of the trireme was secured by a system which brought to bear fully three times the number of oars which can be utilised in a boat of the same length to-day. This method was developed slowly. The Homeric warriors seem to have made their perilous voyages in open boats urged forward by a long line of rowers ranged on each side in 3 single file —about fifty in all. Then it was found that much power could be gained by placing j a second tier of oarsmen above the first on raised benches, with oars long enough to reach the water just beyond the blades of those below ; and by this means the possibilities of speed were much increased. Such a craft was called a bireme ; the trireme soon followed. In this perfected form three tiers or " banks "of oars were used on each side. The men were given barely room enough to make an effective stroke; they were packed together, rank upon rank, as closely as the soldiers massed in the phalanx which made the Greeks invincible on shore during the same period, and the sides of the ship bristled with oars as thickly as the battle-front with spears. The oarsmen in each tier were just three feet apart; but this gives a 4 very imperfect idea of the compactness of the whole array. Let us begin with the man nearest | the bow in the topmost bank. Almost between his knees, two feet below and one foot toward the stern, sat the corresponding oarsman of the second bank. Deep in the hold, two feet lower and one foot further aft, sat his fellow in the third and last bank. The full rowing crew was nearly 200, and, as all pulled in unison, the combined strength of so many brawny arms would drive the big rowboat onward with a speed almost equalling that of a screw propeller. Neither were the oars of such length and weight as to be unmanageable. Those of the highest bank were only about fourteen feet long, while the longest now in use in the British navy measure eighteen feet. The oars of the lowest bank were barely seven and a half feet in 5 length —much shorter than those commonly used in a racing shell nowadays. [

Shorthand. — For Junior Civil Service. Time allowed: 3 hours. Instructions to Supervisors. 1. Inform candidates before the time for taking up this subject that they may use pen or pencil as they please for taking notes, which should be written on ruled paper, but that they must transcribe those notes into longhand with pen and ink. 2. Inform candidates that when once you have commenced to dictate you cannot stop until the passage is finished. 3. Dictate the passages at the following rates of speed :— (a.) 50 words per minute. (6.) 80 „ (c.) 100 „ N.B. It will be well to practise reading these aloud some time beforehand, looking at a watch or clock, so as to accustom yourself to reading at the exact rate indicated. The matter to be read is marked off into sections, each of which is to occupy a minute. The Supervisor will perhaps find it advisable to mark it off into smaller sections, each containing the number of words to be read in fifteen seconds, and to read one section in every quarter of a minute. As the candidates hear the passage read only once, the reader's articulation ought to be very clear, and the candidates ought to be so placed as to be able to hear well. 4. Candidates are at liberty to take down one, two, or three passages, as they choose. All the passages required by candidates are to be dictated before any one begins to transcribe ; and there should be as little delay as possible between the readings. 5. Inform candidates that rapidity in transcribing notes into longhand is essential, and note carefully on the transcribed copy the exact time taken in transcription. Candidates must not look at their notes while a passage that does not concern them is being read. 6. Inform them also that the clearness and accuracy of the shorthand notes (which must in every case be sent in attached to the transcript) will be taken account of by the examiner; and that they must not alter the shorthand notes after the dictation is finished. Passages for Dictation. (a.) At the rate of 50 words per minute. Takes 10 minutes. A very remarkable adventure of two young men upon the Biver Mersey has come to light. It appears that on Monday evening the two young men in question, whose names are Dawson 1 and Dingwall, left Tranmere in a small dinghey for the purpose of visiting a chum on board a J steamer lying off New Ferry. It was nearly dark when they left, and they found a strong tide 4—B. la.



making, with half a gale blowing from the westward. They were both, however, confident as to their boatmanship, and determined to proceed. They had not got far before they were 2 in difficulties, | and, when some distance off the steamer for which they were making, the dinghey capsized. Happily the boat floated, and the two young men succeeded in getting hold of her. They shouted for assistance, and those on board the steamer evidently caught the 3 alarm, for the two castaways saw a | boat launched and manned. The strong wind, however, soon drowned their voices, and they drifted away to the southward with the flood tide before they were seen by the rescuing boat. The current set them towards the Garston side 4 of the river. Fortunately, both young men were strong swimmers, and | the weather and water being not very cold, they were able, by clinging to the capsized boat, to keep afloat, but they dared not attempt to clamber into her as she could not have sustained their joint weight. 5 Ultimately the two young fellows came within hail of several schooners lying [at anchor, but, being too exhausted for much shouting, they failed to attract notice. Dawson at length determined to leave his companion with the boat and strike out for the shore. This he did, and, after a desperate struggle, succeeded in landing on the beach at Grassendale. It was 6 now | some time after midnight. He saw lights in a large house close to the shore, knocked at the door, and reported his adventures. He was most kindly received by the owner, refreshed, and sent to bed, his clothes being also dried. The next morning he was natur--7 ally very anxious about j his companion and was early down on the shore. There he saw a boat approaching from a schooner some distance out. The boat made for the shore, and out jumped Dingwall, who waded ashore through the mud, bringing up the dinghey. It can be 8 well imagined that the meeting was | a relief to both, for Dingwall had. not expected that Dawson could reach the shore, and Dawson was equally uncertain as to Dingwall's fate. Dingwall's story was that shortly after Dawson left him he drifted against the anchor chain of 9 a schooner, when, summoning all his strength, he shouted for | help, and fortunately was heard. He was taken on board and made as comfortable as circumstances would permit. Both young men were considerably dilapidated in apparel after their adventure, and their losses in odds and ends of property were considerable, but they appeared to have suffered little or nothing in 10 health. | (b.) At the rate of 80 words per minute. Takes 10 minutes. The chief point you refer to against the abolition is the fact that a large number of debtors pay when committal orders are made against them, and from this you seem to infer that they must have the money by them, but are dishonestly withholding it. This is, I need hardly say, an entire fallacy. I hardly think it would occur in one out of 500 cases, and when it has 1 occurred in my experience the debtors have j not been of the artisan class, which comprises 90 percent, of those affected by this Act. In the first place, it must be recollected that committal orders are only applied for when the debtor has no goods or chattels to distrain upon ; and is it likely that such debtors could or would have money hidden in some secret place when they 2 had not even a chest of drawers in their possession to place it in, and would they | wilfully withhold it until they had gone through the disgrace of publicly having committal orders made against them ? Any one who sees the miserable wretches who appear, or more often the poor wives who represent them, must unhesitatingly come to the conclusion that this idea is a fallacy and has no foundation in fact. It is an easy matter to discover the place where the money comes from. The order of the 3 Court generally is, " Twenty-one or fourteen | days' imprisonment; keep it back for twenty-one or fourteen days." The plaintiff can select his time for enforcing the order, and those who are experienced in the art take care to do it just at or about the time when the poor debtor receives bis wages, and, having the money in his possession when arrested, he naturally parts with it rather than face the degradation of entering a prison-cell. But whose money is this ? 4 In reality it is | the money of another tradesman, who has trusted the debtor with the necessaries of life during the fourteen or twenty-one days, as the case may be, that he took to .earn the money, and the debtor, who himself had every desire to be honest towards such tradesman, is made to appear dishonest by this process of law, created by the British Parliament and enforced by Her Majesty's Courts of law. In other cases, friends, amongst whom is 5 frequently | the tradesman the debtor is then dealing with, come to the rescue and lend the money; but under these circumstances the debtor places himself under a new obligation, which he is often unable to discharge. It will be seen from this that the Act does not benefit even the tradesmen themselves, for the debts they allow are often contracted solely by reason of the existence of this Act of Parliament. <6 The very idea that when debts are sold—and this | practice is carried out to a very large extent —the body of the debtor is legally transferred to the assignee as the only security for the debt is repugnant to the feeling of every true Briton, who has always abhorred slavery or anything in the nature of it. With respect to the construction placed by County Court Judges upon the Act, I should hardly care to offer an opinion. They are competent and practical Judges, and generally dis--7 charge their duties | consistently with law and justice. If they err in construing the Act it is probably owing to the fact that by having so many thousands of applications for committal before them every year they have become hardened to a practice which was adopted when many of the present Judges were appointed, and possibly they have never considered that the Act is capable of a different construction. If, however, one reads the discussion in Parliament when 8 the Act of 1869 | was passed, it is quite evident that Parliament at that time never thought that the Act would be enforced unless the debtor, at the time the order for committal was made, had either in his possession or under his control the means to satisfy it. I believe it was never : intended that a man's future energy should be taxed in order to save him from gaol. The



9 order that is usually made in stating " that it is to be kept | back for a stated time " shows that it is in the mind of the Judge who commits that the debtor has not got the money at the time, but may earn it. If, on the contrary, the Judge believes the debtor has the money at the time the order is made, he must know the debtor would be much more likely to pay it 10 on that day than in three weeks hence ; but Ido not blame County Court Judges. (c.) At the rate of 100 words per minute. Takes 5 minutes. After some preliminary proceedings Mr. Clay rose to make amotion, presenting the credentials of his successor. Advancing a few paces toward the front of the chamber he stood silent a moment, as if loth, now that the time had arrived, to make his exit from public life and to take leave of his colleagues. Presently, in a voice that bespoke deep emotion, the " Great Commoner" began: — " And now allow me to announce formally and officially my retirement from the Senate of the United States, and to present the last motion I shall ever make to that body. But, 1 before | I make that motion, I trust I shall be pardoned if I -avail myself of the opportunity to make a few observations which are suggested to my mind by the present occasion. * * Full of attraction as a seat in this Senate is, sufficient to fill the aspirations of the most ambitious heart," Mr. Clay continued, "I have long determined to forego it, and to seek that repose which can only be enjoyed in the shade of private life, and amid the calm pleasures which belong to the beloved word ' home.' * * 2 " From 1806, the period of my entry | on this noble theatre, with short intervals, to the present time, I have been engaged in the public councils, at home and abroad. Of the nature of the services rendered during that long and arduous period of my life it does not become me to speak ; history, if she deigns to notice me, or posterity, if the recollections of my humble actions be transmitted to posterity, are the best, the truest, the most impartial judges. W r hen death has closed this scene, then her sentence will be pronounced, and to that I appeal and refer myself. 3 " My acts and my public J conduct are affairs subject to the criticism and judgment of my fellow-men, but the private motives by which they have been prompted, they are known only to the Great Searcher of the human heart," he said, pointing his finger heavenward, " and to myself; and I trust I may be pardoned for repeating a declaration made some thirteen years ago, that whatever errors —and I doubt not they have been many —may be discovered in a review of my public service to the country, I can, with unshaken confidence, 4 appeal to the Divine Arbiter for the truth of the declaration j that I have been influenced by no impure purposes, no personal aggrandisement, but that in ail my public acts I have had a sole and single eye, and a warm and devoted heart, devoted and dedicated to what, in my judgment, I. believed to be the true interests of my beloved country. " During that long period, however, I have not escaped the fate of other public men, nor failed to incur censure and detraction of the blackest, most unrelenting, and most malignant character, and, though not always insensible to the pain it was meant to inflict, I have borne 5 it."

Maori. — For Senior and Junior Civil Service. Time alloived : 3 Iwurs. Answer the following : — Give three adjectives in which a plural is formed. State the meaning of the words you give Give the several meanings of the verb hemo. Give verbs that have passive terminations as follows :a, hia, mia, ngia, ma, rina. Give the meaning of each verb. Put the following into English : — Ko te tangata tenei i patua c Hone. No tatou tenei kainga. Ka.tahi ano te potae pai no Heni. No te Mane i haere mai ai ia i Heretaunga. Mo te aha koe i mauahara tonu ai ki a au? Haria atu, mana c whakapai, mana c whakahe. Aratakina mai te poaka, haunga te mea purepure Me poa te manu kite kaanga ka mau ai. Put the following into Maori: — He went, so did I. We have to do what we are told. You ought to do the work that has been set you, and quickly. My little boy can read. He is far off, but you could write to him. Translate the following into Maori: — In the old old days, when the Maoris had New Zealand all to themselves, it was not easy to travel from one place to another. There were then no good roads on which persons could travel by land, and no steamers to take them by sea. In those days, if people wanted to make a voyage they had to use great canoes. These were made of single large trees. Sometimes a huge totara tree was split and made into two canoes. The canoe was worked into shape with greenstone adzes, for the Maoris had no iron in those old times. The canoe was first hollowed out roughly by means of fire, and then it was made smooth with the adze. It was only the lower part of the canoe that was made thus; and this part could be very well used just as it



was in rivers or arms of the sea where the water was smooth, but it was of no use on theocean or anywhere where the sea was rough. The wood of w T hich the canoe was made was heavy, and the canoe would be so low in the water that a wave of any great size would swamp it at once. To get over this difficulty the Maoris used to bore small holes around the upper part of the canoe, and fasten boards on its sides by means of laces passed through these holes. In this way they formed bulwarks, and so made their canoes pretty safe even in a rough sea. But there was no comfort in them. The canoes could not be kept from leaking, and the men had to bale the water out constantly. On a voyage every one had to work very hard to make the canoe go and keep the water out of her. Translate the following into English :— A ka takiri te ata katahi ano ka tukua mai te ngohi o te huka ki uta, katahi ano ka tahuri te Patupaiarehe kite tango i nga ngohi ki uta, ka eke hoki te kupenga ki uta. Kaore c peneitia tana ika me ta te tangata Maori c tuhaina—he mea huri noa iho kite tui—me te tui, me te karanga " Tenei po korua mai, ke whakakowatawata te ra " me te tui ano i te ika. Ko Kahukura c tui ana, ko te pona o te tui a Kahukura, he mea titorea te pona, a ka pau te tui te whakaeke kite ngohi, ka hapainga te tui, c kore c roko hapainga, ka horo ano nga ngohi ki raro, ka tahuri mai ano tera kite tui, ka haere mai ano kite pona i te tui a Kahukura, ka mau te pona pahemo rawa ake te kaipona. Te maunga atu ano a Kahukura wetekina ake ano, titoreatia ake ano te tui, ka tui ano, a ka maha, ka hapainga ano c Kahukura, ka warea ano kite tui, na wai a ka awatea, ka kitea te kanohi o te tangata. Ka kite i a Kahukura, katahi ano ka whati, ka mahue nga ika, ka mahue te kupenga, ka mahue nga waka, ko nga waka he korari. Heoi ano, ka whati tera te Patupaiarehe ki tona kainga, ka mahue te kupenga —ko te kupenga he wiwi. Heoi ano, ka whati tera te Tahurangi—ko te rua tena o> nga ingoa o tera Iwi. Katahi ano ka kitea te ta ote kupenga, ka mahue iho te kupenga nei, ka riro mai i a Kahukura hei tauira mana, ka akona c ia ki ana tamariki, na reira i mohio ai nga tapuna o te tangata Maori kite ta kupenga, a mohio noa nei. Trigonometry. — For Senior Civil Service. Time allowed: 3 hours. 1. What is indicated in trigonometry by the symbol tr ? Find the circular measure of a right angle. Find the length of arc of a circle of radius one mile subtending an angle 1° 15' 40 at the centre. 2. Express Sin 0 in terms of Cot 6, and Cos 6 in terms of Cosec 8. Find the relations between the trigonometrical ratios of 90° +A and those of A. Also find the values of Sin 150°, Cos 225°, and Tan 600°; and write down the general values of Sin - 1 a Cos - 1 1, and Tan - 1 i. 3. Establish the following formulae : — (a) Sin (P-Q) = SinPCosQ-Cos P Sin Q; (b) | Sin3P =3 Sin P-4 Sin 3 P; (c) sinf =vm^; Sin A _Sinß_ Sin C _ 1 W a"~ b ""' o ~M 4. Establish the following identities : — l + Sin<9-Cos6> 6 W 1 + Sm6) + Coso- lan 2' (b) Cos 2 0 + Cos 2 + Cos 2 (# + 4 f) =|; (0) Cot- l 3 + Sin- 1 / i = 7r. ■J s Z i And solve the equation Cos 28 = 2 Sin 2 <9, 5. Describe and prove the properties of common logarithms. Given that one cubic foot of granite weighs 2,660 ounces, find the edge of a cubical block of granite weighing 250 tons. [Log. 19 = 1-2787536; log. 17988 = 4-2549901, diff. for 1 = 243.] 6. Describe the method of the solution of a triangle when two sides and the angle contained by them are given. A man on the top of a tower 100 ft. high observes one object south at an angle of depression of 30°, and another north-east at the same angle of depression: what is the distance between the objects? 7. Show that the area of a triangle is \ be Sin A, and transform this into —a) (sb) (s —c) h 2 -\-a i — a/ i by using Cos A = Show that the area of a quadrilateral is dd 1 Sin 6 where d,d l are the lengths of the diagonals and 6 is the angle between them. Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing {3,200 copies), £24.

By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB9B.

Price 9d.]

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EDUCATION: TEACHERS' AND CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS. [In continuation of E.-1A, 1897.], Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1898 Session I, E-01a

Word Count

EDUCATION: TEACHERS' AND CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS. [In continuation of E.-1A, 1897.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1898 Session I, E-01a

EDUCATION: TEACHERS' AND CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS. [In continuation of E.-1A, 1897.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1898 Session I, E-01a

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