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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

'age. Summary of Services chargeable on the Consolidated Fund. 189( i-97. EEVENTJE ACCOUNT. £ £ 3 4 6 Permanent Appbopeiations— Civil List Interest and Sinking Fund Under Special Acts of the Legislature 25,700 1,720,753 347,030 2,093,483 9 11 16 19 29 85 40 43 Annual Appeopbiations— Class I. —Legislative Departments Class II. —Colonial Secretary's Department Class III. —Colonial Treasurer's Department Class IV.—Justice Department Class V. —Postal and Telegraph Department Class VI. —Customs and Marine Departments Class VII. —Stamps and Deeds Department ... Class VIII.—Minister of Education— Education Department Lunacy and Charitable Department Department of Labour Class IX.—Mines Department ... Class X. —Department of Agriculture Class XI. —Working Railways Department .. Class XII. —Public and School Buildings, Domains, and Inspection of Machinery Department Class XIII. —Defence Department Class XIV.—Police Department ... Class XV.—Department of Lands and Survey Class XVI.—Bates on Crown Lands 20,782 102,529 28,657 125,207 355,134 92,342 20,665 428,824 55,133 6,084 19,851 52,748 768,434 49 51 53 06 68 73 75 80 47,630 75,664 106,750 131,362 900 Total Revenue Account 2,438,696 4,532,179 81 NEW ZEALAND STATE FORESTS ACCOUNT 3,100 82 CHEVIOT ESTATE ACCOUNT ... 3,500 83 LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT 2,380 84 PUBLIC TRUSTEE'S ACCOUNT ... 8,445 85 GOVERNMENT INSURANCE ACCOUNT ... 56,864 87 GOVERNMENT ADVANCES TO SETTLERS OFFICE MANAGEMENT ACCOUNT 56,357




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1896-97. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. £ £ £ lie Excellency the Governor ... 5,000 5,000 'he Judges 7,700 7,700 Istabliahmentof the General Government ... 5,000 1,000 7,000 6,000 'or Native Purposes 7,000 Total Civil List 17,700 8,000 25,700 TOTAL CIVIL LIST £25,700




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

loyo-w/ Interest and Sinking Fund. £ £ Vow Zealand Loan Act, 1863— Interest on £275,200 @ 5 per cent., 15 Jan. and 15 July Sinking Fund on ,, ,, 1 per cent., 15 Jan. and 15 July 13,760 2,752 16,512 Public Debts Act, 1867— Auckland Loan Act, 1863— Interest on £16,800 @ 6 per cent., 1 April and 1 October 1,008 Lyttelton and Ghristchurch Railway Loan Ordinance, 1860— Interest on £9,200 @ 6 per cent., 30 June and 31 December 552 Canterbury Loan Ordinance, 1862 — Interest on £16,000 @ 6 per cent., 30 June and 31 December Sinking Fund on „ „ 1 per cent. 960 160 1,120 Otaqo Loan Ordinance, 1862 — Interest on £73,800 @ 6 per cent., 1 January and 1 July ... Sinking Fund on „ „ 1 percent. 4,428 738 5,166 Consolidated Loan Act, 1867 (London issue) — Interest @ 5 per cent, on £621,300, outstanding Bonds, 3 months, 15 April. Interest @ 5 per cent, on £571,500, outstanding Bonds, 9 months, 15 July, 15 October, and 15 January 7,766 21,433 29,199 Consolidated Loan Act, 1867 (Colonial issue) — Interest on £13,000 @ 4 per cent., 15 April and 15 October 520 Defence and other Purposes Loan Act, 1870 — Interest on £25,000 @ 4§ per cent., 30 June and 31 December Interest on 75,000 „ 4 per cent., 15 April and 15 October 1,125 3,000 4,125 £100,000 Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1870 — Interest on £27.900 @ 4£ per cent., 15 April and 15 October Interest on 372,100 „ 4 per cent., 15 April and 15 October Interest on 200.000 „ 4 per cent., 1 June and 1 Decembsr Interest on 400,000 „ 4 per cent., 1 June and 1 December Interest on 400,000 (say) 1,256 14,884 8,000 16,000 500 £1,400,000 Sinking Fund on £1.000,000, @ 24 per cent., 13 March and 13 September 40,640 24,000 64,640




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Interest and Sinking Fund— continued. £ £ General Purpose* Loan Act, 1873—■ Interest on £54,700 @ 5 per cent., 15 May and 15 November Interest on 18,500 „ 4 per cent., 15 April and 15 October Interest on 12,300 ,, 4 per cent., 15 May and 15 November 2,735 740 492 3,967 New Zealand Consolidated Stock Act, 1877 — Interest @ 4 per cent., payable 1 May and 1 November — On £3,000,000 New Zealand LoanAct, 1882 On 1,500,000 New Zealand Loan Act, 1884 On 1,567,800 New Zealand Loan Act, 1886 On 1,000,000 North Island Main Trunk Railway Loan Act, 1882 On 1,000,000 New Zealand Loan Act, 1888 On 5,371,200 First series of Conversions On 6,263,811 Second series of Conversions On 4,688,444 Third series of Conversions On 173,000 for expenses of Conversions On 4,557,047 Sixth series of Conversions On 29,000 expenses of Conversions 120,000 60,000 62,712 40,000 40,000 214,848 250,553 187,538 6,920 182.282 1,160 L, 166,013 £29,150,302 Interest @ 3| per cent., payable 1 January and 1 July — On £2,768,000 Fourth series of Conversions On 714,888 Fifth series of Conversions On 2,180 Fifth series of Conversions (additional) On 1,036,000 Seventh series of Conversions On 787,258 Eighth series of Conversions (part of) On 822,570 Eighth series of Conversions (part of) On 6,344 Eighth series of Conversions (part of) 96,880 25.021 76 36,260 27.554 28,790 222 214,802 £6,137,240 Interest @ 3 per cent., payable 1 April and 1 October— On £1,500,000 Government Advances to Settlers Loan Amount to be recovered from Government Advances to Settlers Office Account 45,000 45,000 New Zealand Consolidated Stock Act, 1884 (Colonial issue) — Interest payable 28 May and 28 November — On £l,6?2,100 @ per cent. . ... On 263,200 ,,4 percent. On 478,300 ,, 3| per cent., 1 March to 28 November On 70,300* „ 3i per cent., half-year 73,444 10,528 12,406 1,230 97,60! £2,443,900 District Railways Purchasing Act, 1885 — Interest on £101,600 @ 4 per cent., 1 April and 1 October Interest on 47,000 „ 5 per cent., 1 April and 1 October Interest on 40.000 „ 6 per cent., 1 April and 1 October Interest on 35,000 „ 6J per cent., 1 April and 1 October 4,064 2,350 2,400 2,187 11,00 £223,600 Government Loans to Local Bodies Act, 1886 — Interest on £18,000 @ 3| per cent., 1 March and 1 September Interest on £21,000 „ 8i per cent, issued since 31 March, 1890, and to provide for further issue of Debentures during the financial year (say) Sinking Fund (say) 1.680 3,000 15,000 19,68« * Issued in current year for increaees of Sinking Fund.




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1896-97 £ Interest and Sinking Fund— continued. £ Naval and Military Settlers , and Volunteers , Land Act, 1892— Interest on £27,226 @ 4| per cent., 30 April and 31 October Native Land Purchases Act, 1892 — Interest on £9,700 @ 5 per cent., 30 April and 31 October Interest on 140,000 „ 4i per cent,, 30 April and 31 October 485 6,300 1,225 6,785 £149^700 Land for Settlements Act, 1892 — Interest on £53,966 @ 4J per cent., 30 April and 31 October 2,428 Land for Settlements Act, 1894— Interest on £158,300 @ 4 per cent., 30 April and 31 October Interest on £15,000 „ 3| per cent. Interest on £161,000 „ '3} P er cent., issued since 31 March, 1896, and to provide for further issue of Debentures during the financial year (say) 6,332 525 3,000 New Zealand Consols Act, 1894 — Interest on £161,390 @ 3J per cent., 1 February and 1 August Interest on £120,235 „ '&\ per cent., deposited since 31 March, 1896, and to provide for further Deposits during the financial year (say) 5,649 4, 500 9,857 i 10,149 Lands Improvement and Native Lands Acqi'Asition Act, 1894— Interest on £383,000 @ 4 per cent., 31 March and 30 September Interest on £65,(iOO „ 3| per cent, 31 March and 30 September ... Interest on £52,000, „ 3i per cent., 31 March and 30 September ... 15,320 2,275 1,800 19,395 Treasury Bills — Interest on Bills issued during the year, 30 June and 31 December (say) 35,000 Totat, Interest and Sinking Fund 1,720,753 Under Special Acts of the Legislature. Militia Act Amendment Act, I860 — Pensions and Allowances 400 Oivil Service Act, 1866— Pensions, Compensation, and Gratuities 33,000 Military Pensions Act, 1866— Pensions and Allowances 1,800 Legislative Officers , Salaries/ Act, 1867— Legislative Council — Speaker Chairman of Committees . . Clerk 600 300 400 House of Representatives — Speaker Chairman of Committees Clerk Clerk-Assistant 600 400 600 400 ISew Zealand Institute Act, 1867— Director of Geological Survey 800




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

11896-97. Under Special Acts of the Legislature— continued. £ Public Debts Sinking Funds Act, 1868 — Salary of Secretary to the Commissioners, and expenses ... 52 Walsh and Others Pension Act, 1869— Mrs. Ellen Ann Hewett 50 Meredith and Others Pension Act, 1870— Mrs. B. Hamlin Mrs. M. Collins 50 65 Schafer, Me Quire, and Others Pension Act, 1872— Mrs. Charlotte Schafer Mrs. Ellen McGuire William Russell 30 18 18 New Zealand University Act, 1874— Contribution to University 3,000 Supreme Court Judges Act 1858 Amendment Act, 1874 — Superannuation Allowance 750 New Zealand Consolidated Stock Act, 1877 — Charges and expenses 16,000 Auckland University College Act, 1882— Grant in aid 4,000 Qreymouth Harbour Act, 1884 — Endowment 12,000 Westport Harbour Act, 1884— Endowment 20,000 Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act, 1885 — Subsidies payable during 1896-97 80,000 Local Bodies' Finance and Powers Act, 1885 — Subsidies payable to Local Authorities 69,000 Rabbit Nuisance Act 1882 Amendment Act, 1886 — Expenses connected with the destruction of rabbits 4,000 Australasian Naval Defence Act, 1887 — Proportional part of the cost ef the maintenance of the Australasian Naval Squadron 20,772




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Under Special Acts of the Legislature— continued. 'ublic Seventies Act, 1891 — Controller and Auditor-General Assistant Controller and Auditor Claims repayable under Sections 9 and 76 Expenses under Section 91 £ 1,000 800 150 100 lamerton Pension Act, 1891 — Robert C. Hamerton 250 y ayment of Members Act, 1892 — Payment to Members of both Houses 21,500 iand Acts — Proportion payable to Local Bodies and to Deposit Accounts 47,000 Tew Plymouth Harbour Board Endowment Act, 1874 — One-fourth of proceeds of Sales, &c, payable to Harbour Board 7,100 Remission of Penalties 25 Total ttndeb Special Acts 347,030 SUMMARY. Inteeest and Sinking Fund ... Unbeb Special Acts 1896-97. £ ... 1,720,753 347,030 TOTAL PERMANENT CHARGES ... £2,067,783




2—B. 7.

Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1896-97. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. Vote 1.—Legislative Council ... Vote 2.—House of Representatives Vote 3.—General Expenses ... £ 1,760 1,137 4,458 £ 3,120 .0,307 £ 1,760 4,257 11,765 TOTAL OF CLASS I. .3,427 20,782 7,355 Ctem. 1896-97. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. £ £ VOTE No. 1. Salaries and Other Charges 1,760 1,760 Total —Vote No. 1 ... HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. 1896-97. Number of officers ... 5 VOTE No. 2. Salaries — Second Clerk-Assistant Serjeant-at-Arms Reader and Clerk of Bills and Papers Interpreter Messenger 350 200 150 250 187 Othee Chaboes — Extra Clerks and extra Committee Reporters Extra Messengers and Police during Session Contingencies 1,137 2 3 4 1,200 1,320 600 Total —Vote No. 2 ... 3,120 4,257




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services

item. 18' '6-97. £ GENERAL EXPENSES. 1896-97. Number of officers ... 19 VOTE No. 3. Salabies— Assistant Librarian ... Second Assistant in Library Temporary Assistant Attendant Mailman during Session 250 165 130 112 48 Reporters— Hansard Staff — Chief Reporter 9 Reporters: 6 at £300, 3 at £250 Mansard Supervisor Reporting, Select Committees Custodian, Parliament Buildings Night-watchman Assistant Night-watchman 705 400 2,550 100 150 275 168 110 8 4 5 3,753 4,458 (i 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 11 15 Other Ciiaeges— Passages of Members Printing of Hansard Library Gas, Fuel, and Electric Lighting Passages and Expenses of Witnesses attending Committees of both Houses Translating Acts into Maori ... Electrician's Assistant Printing Banking Committee's Reports and Evidence ... Reporting Banking Committee of Legislative Council ... Reporting Banking Committee of the House ot Representatives Compensation for loss of office to C. C. N. Barron, late Chief Reporter, Hansard Gratuity to Messengers employed during session Refund to Mr. E. M. Smith, M.H.R., of amount deducted for absence under " The Payment of Members Act, 1892" Contingencies 750 4,200 G00 1,450 400 25 100 250 200 350 Iβ 1,500 100 17 18 32 350 li) Total —Vote No. 3 ... 10,307 14,765 TOTAL OP CLASS I. £2< 782




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Salaries. Other Charges. Total. £ £ £ Vote 4. —Minister's Salary 400 400 „ 5. —Clerk of Executive Council 50 50 „ 6.—Colonial Secretary's Office 1,615 1,615 „ 7. —Ministers' Secretaries 650 650 „ 8. —Messengers and Office-keepers ... 4,088 4,088 „ 9.—Electoral Department 600 16,700 17,300 „ 10.—Audit Office 3,034 2,500 5,534 „ 11. —Registrar-General's Department 3,295 16,850 20,145 „ 12.—Agent-General's Department ... 2,950 1,400 4,350 „ 13. —Printing and Stationery 22,124 5,267 27,391 „ 14. —Miscellaneous Services 21,006 21,006 TOTAL OF CLASS II. 38,806 13,723 102,529 'tern. 196-97. MINISTER'S SALARY. VOTE No. 4. Salary of a member of the Executive Council, representing the Maori race £ 400 £ Total —Vote No. 4 400 CLERK OF EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. VOTE No. 5. Clerk of Executive Council (also Secretary to Cabinet, £450) 50 50 Total—Vote No. 5 COLONIAL SECRETARY'S OFFICE. 1896-97. Total number of officers ... 6 VOTE No. 6. Salaries — Under-Secretary Chief Clerk Shorthand- and Type-writer 2 Clerks: 1 at £260, 1 at £220 Cadet 450 350 270 480 65 1,615 Total —Vote No. 6

8.— 7.



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services,

:tem. 18' 16-97. MINISTERS , SECRETARIES. 1896-97. Total number of officers ... 9 1 VOTE No. 7. Salaries— Secretary to Cabinet (also Clerk of Executive Council, £50) 8 Private Secretaries to Ministers at £25 each £ 450 200 £ 2 650 Total—Vote No. 7 MESSENGERS AND OFFICE-KEEPERS. 1896-97. Total number of officers ... 37 2 3 1 5 (; 7 8 VOTE No. 8. Salaries— Messengers — Chief Messenger and Housekeeper (also Fire Inspector, £50) 17 Messengers: 1 at £180, 1 at £130, 8 at £120, 7 at 6s. per diem 4 Night-watchmen at 7s. 6d. per diem Office-keepers, Sfc. — Custodian £100, and Housekeeper £50, Government House, Auckland Auckland—1 at £121, 1 at £104 New Plymouth Gisborne Nelson—Office-keeper £150, Messenger £50 Blenheim Christchurch —2 Office-keepers: 1 at £52, 1 at 4s. per diem 1 Watchman at 6s. 6d. per diem Dunedin—Office-keeper £110, Office-cleaner £104, and Watchman £45 200 2,037 548 150 225 75 30 200 120 4,088 125 119 259 Total—Vote No. 8 ... ELECTORAL DEPARTMENT. 1896-97. Total number of officers ... 14 VOTE No. 9. Salaries — For payment of Registrars who do not hold other appointments in the Civil Service Other Charges— Expenses of printing Rolls, Advertising, Elections, and Contingencies Expenses of General Election ... Expenses, Representation Commissioners ... 600 2 3 4 1,000 15,000 700 Total—Vote No. 9 ... 16,700 17,300 AUDIT OFFICE. 1896-97. Total number of officers ... 24 VOTE No. 10. Salaries — Chief Clerk 11 Clerks: 2 at £275, 1 at £250, 1 at £235, 3 at £210, 1 at £105, 1 at £130, 1 (Shorthand-and Type-writer, six months) at £130, 1 (extra) at 15s. per diem Cadet Clerk, Audit of Local Bodies, &c. 9 Travelling Inspectors: 1 at £350, 2 at £260, 3 at £245, 3 at £235 Audit Officer in London, half salary 350 2,259 65 350 2,310 200 5,534




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services,

item. 1896-97. AUDIT OFFICE— continued. VOTE No. 10— continued. Other Charges— Contingencies £ 2,500 £ Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1891" 8,034 5,534 2,500 Total—Vote No. 10 REGISTRAR-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. 1 2 8 4 1896-97. Total number of officers ... 12 VOTE No. 11. Salaries — Registrar-General Chief Clerk 4 Clerks: 1 at £200, 1 at £180, 1 at £160, 1 at £70 . Cadet Registrars of Births, Deaths, and Marriages for the several Registration Districts: — Auckland — Registrar of Births, &c, and Vaccination Inspector Clerk Wellington — Registrar of Births, &c, and Vaccination Inspector Christchurch— Registrar of Births, &c, and Vaccination Inspector Dunedin — Registrar of Births, &c, and Vaccination Inspector Registrars of Births, &c , paid by fees only 400 275 6L0 40 200 120 10 11 6 7 8 9 Other Ciiabgkb— Census of 1896 ' Contingencies (including Tear-book) 175 225 200 1050 3,295 16,500 350 16 850 20,145Total —Vote No. 11 ... [ AGENT-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. 1896-97. Total number of officers ... 9 VOTK No. 12. SALAKIE8 — Agent-General in London Secretary Accountant (also £200 charged to Audit) Clerks and Messengers 1,250 700 200 950 Other Charges— Rent and Contingencies, including expense of " Information Bureau" 3,100 1,400 1,350 Less— 4,500 Contribution from Public Trust and Government Insurance Funds 150 * Total—Vote No. 12 ...




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. IK 6-97. PRINTING AND STATIONERY. 1896-97. Total number of officers ... 217 VOTE No. 13. Salaries— Government Printer, Manager of Stationery Office, and Controller of Stamp Printing Superintending Overseer Chief Clerk and Accountant 4 Clerks : 1 at £185, 1 at £181, 1 at £160, 1 at £155 2 Cadets: 1 at £85, 1 at £65 2 Warehousemen : 1 at £160, 1 at £128 ... 4 Overseers : 2 at £246, 1 at £228, 1 at £220 3 Sub-overseers: 2 at £205, 1 at £200 4 Readers : 1 at £230, 1 at £220, 1 at £205, 1 at £190 Type Storeman 22 Compositors: 7 at £180, 2 at £176, 4 at £172, 1 at £16S, 7 at £164, 1 at £160 12 Book-finisher, Bookbinders, and Paper-rulers : 1 at £195, 1 at £180, 1 at £177, 3 at £172, 6 at £164 ... 7 Machineinen, Pressman, &c. : 1 at £175, 1 at £165, 2 at £164, 1 at £160, 1 at £145, 1 at £130 3 Stamp Printers: 1 at £260. 1 at £195, 1 at £120 ... 2 Engineer and Stoker: 1 at £180, 1 at £125 Stereotyper and Electrotyper ... Forewoman, Girls' Room ... •... 400 301 250 HS1 150 2S8 910 610 845 185 8,774 U.052 1,103 575 305 215 100 Folders, Sewers, and Machine-workers (females) Apprentices, Machine Boys, Reader Boys, Errand Boys, Perforators, and Glimmers Piecework and Oceasional Hands (including Contract Work for Railways, Insurance, and Public Trust Departments) 12,774 l,L00 2 3 4 L,750 6,500 22,124 5 6 7 8 0 10 11 12 13 Other Charges— Stationery, Paper, Parchment, &c. Stores, Bookbinding Material, Printing Ink Freight, Packing, Insurance, Wharf Labour, &c. Machinery, Type, and Printing Material... Binding Statutes for Public Libraries Overtime Fuel, Gas, and Lighting Water-rates New printing-machine for more rapidly printing Hansard Printing General Assembly Library Catalogue Contingencies 12,000 1,200 1,225 1,000 100 550 300 155 14 15 500 1,037 200 18,267 Le3s estimated credits under section 41 of The Public Revenues Act, 1891 " 40,391 13,000 Total—Votk No. 13 27,391




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services,

;em. 1896-97. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. £ 1 X 2 a 4 5 G 7 8 !) 10 11 12 18 14 15 10 17 IS 19 VOTE No. 14. Genera] Contingencies Rent of Government Offices Expenses under " The Public Health Act, 1876 " Expenses under "The Fine Arts Copyright Act, 1877 " Analysts under the Adulteration Prevention Acts, 3 at £100 Pension of late Provincial Government, Nelson—Mrs. Robinson's three daughters ... New Zealand Institute Gas and water for various Government Buildings, &c. Friendly Societies' Reserve, Dunedin, Rent of Grant in aid to the Royal Humane Society of Australasia Cost of Work to be done by Surveyor-General's Department Compassionate allowance to widow of M. Corliss, late Keeper, Quarantine-station, Wellington... Contribution to Brussels International Customs Bureau for publication of Customs Tariffs Expenses of Assessment Courts under " The Rating Act, 1894" House allowance to Hon. Mr. Carroll New Zealand Flora Salary of Resident, Rarotonga, Cook Islands Bonus to aid Flax Industry Bonus for the best means of destroying or eradicating rabbits Bonus for discovery of coprolites Introduction of salmon-ova (liabilities) Introduction of Rocky-Mountnirj Sheep Cost of Government Printing Office Inquiry Cost of Licensing-poll under " The Alcoholic Liquors Sale Control Act, 1895 " Imperial Institute Expenses, 1895 Wellington Industrial Exhibition Grant in aid of Fire Brigades' Annual Demonstration ... Subsidy of £1 for £1 towards expenses of sending an Expert to America and Great Britain to investigate and report on markets for New Zealand hemp Compassionate allowance to widow of Charles Hook, drowned from the " Ellen Ballance " Refund of fine irjflicted on Otaki Knights of Labour ... 7,000 200 2,400 10 300 100 500 800 25 100 50 25 100 300 100 300 500 2,000 1,000 200 250 300 33(5 t 20 21 22 2:i 24 25 20 27 2S 3,000 225 500 100 250 29 30 5 30 Total —Vote No. 14 ... 21,006 TOTAL OF CLASS II. £102,529

8.— 7.



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1896-97. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. £ £ £ Vote 15. —Treasury Department 6,797 6,797 „ 16. —Friendly Societies Registry Office 630 510 1,140 „ 17.—Land- and Income-tax Department 5,070 5,870 10,940 „ 18.—Treasury : Miscellaneous Services 9,780 9,780 TOTAL OF CLASS III. 12,497 6,160 28,657 Item 16-97. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. 1896-97. Total number of officers ... 32 VOTE No. 15. Salabies — Secretary to the Treasury, Receiver- and PaymasterGeneral Accountant to the Treasury Corresponding Clerk Cashier 22 Clerks: 1 at £340, 1 at £285, 2 at £250, 2 at £230, 2 at £220, 2 at £210, 2 at £205, 1 at £185,' 1 at £180, 3 at £172, 1 at £170, 1 at £164, 1 at £150, 1 at £120, 1 at £109 4 Cadets : 1 at £85, 2 at £75, 1 at £65 ... 2 Binders : 1 at £3 10s. and 1 at £3 per week 700 450 310 250 4,449 300 338 Total —Vote No. 15 ... 6,797




3—B. 7.

Appropriations for Consolidated Fund. Services

item 18! 16-97. FRIENDLY SOCIETIES REGISTRY OFFICE. 1896-97. Total number of officers ... 3 VOTE No. 16. Salaries — Registrar and Actuary Revising Barrister (also Assistant Law Officer, £550) Clerk 350 50 230 Other Charges— Oost of valuations, sickness returns, and statistical cards Extra clerical assistance Contingencies 630 2 3 4 250 210 50 Total—Vote No. 16 ... 510 LAND- AND INCOME-TAX DEPARTMENT. 1896-97. Total number of officers ... 20 VOTE No. 17. Salaries — Commissioner (also Superintendent, Advances to Settlers Office, £200) Deputy Commissioner (also Deputy Superintendent, Advances to Settlers Office, £50) ' ... Chief Clerk Accountant 16 Clerks : 3 at £250, 1 at £245. 1 at £240, 3 at £220, 1 at £210,3 at £200, 1 at £195, 1 at £170, 1 at £160, 1 at £140 1,140 650 1 400 300 850 3,370 10.94,0 Other Charoks — Payment to Postal Department for collection of Landand Income-tax Extra clerical assistance Expenses Revision of Assessments Revision of maps and other preliminary expenses in connection with " The G-overnment Valuation of Land Act, 1806." Law-costs, travelling-expenses, advertising, and contingencies 5,070 2 370 2,000 450 8 I r> 2,000 G 1,050 Total—Vote No. 17 ... 5,870 TREASURY: MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. 1 ■2 3 4 VOTE No. 18. Expenses attending the annual " drawing " of Debentures issued under "The Consolidated Loan Act, 1867" Exchange and Commission Financial Adviser to the Government (three months) . Fee to Sir Julius Vogel as Trustee of the Sinking Fund of the Loan of 1863, and Agent under " The Lost Debentures Act, 1886 " Discount and Stamp Duty on Remittances to London... Administration of " The New Zealand Consols Act, 1894 "— Salary of Registrar of Consols Other Expenses 250 1.000 100 300 3,000 G 7 50 100




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services

leva. 1896-97. TEEASTJRY: MISCELLANEOUS SEEVICES— cont'd. VOTE No. 18— continued. Subsidies paid to counties on " separate rates" collected for 1895-96— Waitaki County Wallace County Refund to Public Trustee for payment to next-of-kin of amounts paid into the Consolidated Fund in respect of intestate estates— Maria Scott (deceased) John Sharp (deceased) Patrick Leary (deceased) ContiDgencies £ s 9 1,432 890 10 11 12 18 421 500 387 1.500 9,780 Less estimated credits under section 41 of "The Public Revenues Act, 1891 " 9,930 150 Total —Yote No. 18 ... TOTAL OF CLASS III. £2< i>657




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1896-97. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. £ £ £ ote 19. —Department of Justice 1,770 1,770 „ 20.—Crown Law Office ... 2,405 2,405 „ 21.—Supreme Court 4,280 1,850 6,130 „ 22.—Bankruptcy 2,795 2,652 5,447 „ 23.—District, Magistrates', and Wardens' Courts 31,621 12,300 43,921 „ 24.—Native Land Court... 8,115 5,950 14,065 „ 25. —Validation of Native Titles 1,150 650 1,800 „ 26.—Criminal Prosecutions 12,350 12,350 „ 27. —Coroners 2,500 2,500 „ 28. —Prisons ... 18,502 9,280 27,782 " 29.—Office of Industries and Com425 1,752 2,177 merce „ 30. —Miscellaneous Services 4,860 4,860 TOTAL OF CLASS IV. 71,063 14,144 125,207 1896-97. £ £ DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE AND PATENT OFFICE. 1896-97. Total number of officers ... 9 J VOTE No. 19. 1 J Salaeies — Under-Secretary (also Registrar of Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks nil), 3 months Under-Secretary (also Registrar of Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks nil) Translator 3 Clerks : 1 at £200, 1 at £130, 1 at £120 Cadet 2 Clerks, Patent Office: 1 at £200, 1 at £100 Cadet Tot ax—Vote No. 19 125 450 300 450 80 300 65 1,770




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

;em. 1896-97. CROWN LAW OFFICE. £ 189&-97. Total number of officers ... 4 VOTE No. 20. Salaries — Solicitor-General Assistant Law Officer (also Revising Barrister, Friendly Societies, £50) Law Draftsman and Assistant Law Officer Clerk, £155, also Editor of Cumin's Index, £50 1,000 550 650 205 2,405 Total —Vote No. 20 SUPREME COURT. 1896-97. Total number of offioert ... 28 VOTE No. 21. Salaries— Auckland — Registrar and Sheriff Deputy Registrar Cadet Crier, Messenger, and Office Cleaner Assistant Office Cleaner 400 240 65 157 10 Wellington— Registrar, Sheriff, and Registrar Court of Appeal Deputy Registrar Clerk Crier and Messenger Messenger and Office Cleaner, and Office Cleaner to Official Assignee and Magistrate's Court Assistant Office Cleaner 325 190 130 140 125 30 3 Napier — Clerk Office Cleaner 170 25 Ghristchurch — Registrar and Sheriff Deputy Registrar Clerk' Crier and Messenger Office Cleaner Assistant Messenger 400 180 100 127 50 65 Dunedin — Registrar and Sheriff Deputy Registrar Clerk' Crier, Messenger, and Office Cleaner 400 200 65 186 5 Clerks to Judges at £100 500 Other Charges— Expenses of Circuit Courts and Court of Appeal Proportion of fees to be refunded to Sheriffs 4,280 7 8 1,750 100 i 1,850 Total—Vote No. 21




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

item. 1896-97. BANKRUPTCY. £ £ 1896-B7. Total number of officer! ... 10 VOTE No. 22. Salaeies— Auckland — Official Assignee 2 Clerks: 1 at £200, 1 at £150 450 350 Wellington — Official Assignee Clerk 450 200 3 Christ church — Official Assignee Clerk Cadet 450 200 65 Dunedin — Official Assignee Clerk 450 180 2,795 5 6 7 Other Charges— Rent, Dunedin Office-cleaning Payments to Deputy Assignees, expenses in estates in which there are no assets, and contingencies 120 32 2,500 2,652 Total— Votk No. 22 5,44' DISTRICT, MAGISTRATES', AND WARDENS' COURTS. 1896-97. Total number of officer! ... 133 VOTE No. 23. Salaries— Auckland — Magistrate ... ... ... 3 Clerks : 1 at £275, 1 at £210, 1 at £130 ... j Bailiff Assistant Bailiff Messenger Magistrate's Court, Stamp Office, and Registrar of Deeds Office 500 615 160 120 120 500 615 160 120 120 Papakura, Pukekohe, Mercer, Waiuku, Hamilton, Newcastle, Cambridge, Raglan, Hunily. and Te Awamutu — Magistrate and Coroner (fees) Clerk and Registrar of Births. &c. 400 225 400 225 Onehunga, Otahuhu, Whangarei, Dartjaville. Helensville, Warkworth, Maungaturoto, Port Albert, Waipu, and Paparoa — Magistrate, Coroner (fees), and Commissioner Native Land Court Clerk at Whangarei (Receiver of Gold Revenue, &e.) ... Clerk at Maungaturoto, Paparoa, and Waipu .. i i i 425 160 55 425 160 55 I Russell, Manqonui, Whangaroa, Kaitaia. Hokianqa, Waimate, Kaihohe, and Kawakawa — Magistrate, Coroner (fees), and Commissioner Native Land Court ... ... ... i I I 400 : 400




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund, Services,

:em. 1896-97. DISTRICT, MAGISTRATES', AND WARDENS' COURTS— continued. £ 5 VOTE No. 23— continued. Salaries — continued. Thames, Goromandel, Te Aroha, Paeroa, and Mercury Bay — Magistrate and Warden Clerk and Receiver of Gold Revenue, &c. ... Clerk Bailiff Interpreter Clerk and Receiver of Gold Revenue, &c, at Paeroa and Te Aroha Cadet Clerk at Coromandel, and Registrar of Births, Deaths, &c. 400 180 160 150 150 170 75 195 8 Tauranga,Rotorua,Taupo, Maketu, Opotiki,and Whakatane — Magistrate, Coroner (fees), and Commissioner Native Land Court Clerk and Interpreter, and Registrar of Births, &c. Bailiff ... ... - ... 375 200 50 7 Oisborne, Tolago Bay, and Awanui — Magistrate, Commissioner Native Land Court, and Coroner (fees) Clerk, also Registrar Supreme Court, Sheriff, and Registrar of Births &c. Clerk, also Clerk Native Land Court Cadet Bailiff 475 300 1U5 95 140 New Plymouth and Stratford — Magistrate (also District Land Registrar, Registrar of Deeds, Registrar Supreme Court, Commissioner Native Land Court, and Deputy Commissioner of Stamps) Clerk (and Deputy Registrar, Supreme Court) Bailiff and Office Cleaner, and Crier to Supreme Court 400 250 130 Wanganui — District Judge (Masterton, New Plymouth, Hawera, Wanganui, and Palmerston), Magistrate, and Coroner (fees) Clerk, Sheriff, and Deputy Registrar Supreme Court ... Clerk Bailiff, and Crier Supreme Court 500 260 85 130 10 Hawera, Patea, Opunake, Manaia, Waverley, Marion. Bull's, and Hunterville — Magistrate, also Judge Native Land Court Clerk at Hawera, also Registrar of Electors, &c. Clerk at Marton, Feilding, Hunterville, and Bull's 450 195 230 11 Wellington, Suit, and Upper Hutt — Magistrate Clerk 2 Clerks: 1 at £220, 1 at £140 Cadet Bailiff' Assistant Bailiff 450 300 360 65 160 120 I I Palmerston North, Feilding, Foxton, Otaki, Woodville, and Dannevirke — Magistrate Clerk, also Registrar of Electors Cadet Bailiff Clerk and Bailiff at Dunnevirke 400 210 75 100 150




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

;ein. 18 6-97. DISTEICT, MAGISTRATES', AND WARDENS' COURTS— continued. 13 VOTE No. 23— continued. Salahies— continued. Masterton, Carterton, Greytown, Featherston, Tenui, Eketahuna, and Paliiatua — Magistrate, Sheriff, and Coroner (fees) Clerk, also Registrar of Electors Bailiff Clerk and Bailiff at Pahiatua ... 400 225 100 85 1.4 Napier, Hastings, TVaipawa, Ormondville, and Wairoa — Magistrate, Registrar Supreme Court, and Commissioner Native Land Court Clerk Clerk and Interpreter Bailiff Clerk and Bailiff at Hastings ... Cadet Clerk, Interpreter, and Bailiff at Wairoa ... 500 240 200 140 200 65 200 15 Nelson, Briqhtwater, and llotueJca — District Judge, Magistrate, Registrar Supreme Court, District Land Registrar, Examiner of Titles, and Registrar of Deeds Clerk, Deputy Registrar Supreme Court, and Receiver of Gold Revenue, &c. Bailiff and Crier, Supreme Court Messenger and Office Cleaner, Magistrate's and Supreme Court 550 300 160 60 16 Westport, Charleston, Lyell, Colling wood, and Talcaka — Magistrate and Warden (with house), Coroner (fees), and Sheriff Clerk and Receiver of Gold Revenue, Registrar of Electors, Local Land Officer, and Clerk to Agent Colliery Reserve Office-boy Bailiff 400 250 26 130 17 Blenheim, Picton, Havelock, and Cullensville — Magistrate, Warden, and Registrar of Supreme Court, District Land Registrar, and Coroner (fees) Clerk (also Sheriff), and Registrar of Electors Bailiff and Office Cleaner, and Office Cleaner Supreme Court Clerk and Receiver of Gold Revenue at Havelock and Cullensville 450 275 120 140 IS Christchurch, Lyttelton, Leeston, and Southhridge — District Judge, Canterbury, Westland, and Otago Magistrate and Coroner (fees) 3 Clerks: 1 at £300 (also Registrar of Electors, £25). 1 at £200. 1 at £150 Bailiff 2 Assistant Bailiffs: 1 at £125, 1 at £60 ... Clerk and Registrar of Births, <fec, at Lyttelton 900 550 650 160 185 230




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services

189 i-97. £ £ DISTRICT, MAGISTRATES', AND WARDENS' COURTS— continued. 1!) VOTE No. 23— continued. Salaries — continued. Kaiapoi, Rangiora, Amberley, Oxford, Sheffield. Coalgate, Oulverden, Kaikoura , Aknroa, and Little River — Magistrate and Coroner (fees), and Commissioner Native Land Court Clerk, Kaiapoi and Rangiora, also Registrar of Electors Clerk and Bailiff at Darfield 425 225 100 20 Timaru, Temn/ca, Ashburton, Oeraldine, and Rakaia — Magistrate, Coroner (fees), and Sheriff Clerk (also Registrar of Electors) Cadet Bailiff Clerk, AshburtoTi Bailiff .. . - ... Office Cleaner and Messenger ... 450 275 75 100 210 95 30 21 Greymouth, Iteefton, Stafford, Goldsborough, Kumara, and Ahaura — Magistrate, Warden, and Coroner (fees) ... Clerk and Receiver of Gold Revenue at Greymouth, and Registrar of Births &c. ... Clerk Bailiff Clerk and Receiver of Gold Revenue, Reefton ; Sheriff, Land Officer, and Registrar of Births, &c, also Registrar of Electors Cadet Bailiff Clerk and Receiver of Gold Revenue, Kumara, and Registrar of Births, &c. Bailiff 475 230 185 150 275 65 150 225 100 22 Hokitika, Ross, and Okarito — Magistrate and Land Officer ... Clerk and Receiver of Gold Revenue, and Registrar of Electors Messenger and Office Cleaner, Magistrate's Court and Stamp and Deeds Offices 320 250 110 T.i Dunedin, Outram, Mosgiel, and Port Chalmers — Magistrate and Coroner (fees) 2 Clerks: 1 at £300, 1 at £180; Cadet, £95 Bailiff Assistant Bailiff Clerk and Bailiff at Port Chalmers, and Registrar of Births, &c. 550 575 130 120 190 -'I Oamaru, Palmerston. Hawkeslury, Rampden, Waimate, and Livingstone — Magistrate and Coroner (fees) Clerk at Oamaru, Registrar of Births &c, and Registrar of Electors Clerk, also Clerk Warden's Court, Livingstone Bailiff 475 250 135 120 25 Invercargill, Campbelltown, Wyndham, Lumsden, Riverton, Otautau, and Winton — Magistrate, Warden, and Coroner (fees) Clerk, also Sheriff Cadet 400 250 95




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund, Services

tern. 18' 6-97. DISTRICT, MAGISTRATES', AND WARDENS' COURTS— continued. 25 26 27 VOTE No. 23— continued. Salabies— continued. Invercargill, Campbelltoivn, Wyndham, Lumsden, Rioerton, Otautau, and Winton —continued. Bailiff, and Crier, &c, Supreme Court Clerk and Receiver of Gold Revenue, Riverton, and Registrar of Births &c. Clyde, Alexandra, Cromwell, Roxburgh, Arrow. Qaeenstown, and Pembroke — Magistrate and Warden, Coroner (fees), and Land Officer Clerk and Receiver of Gold Revenue at Clyde and Alexandra Clerk, Receiver of Gold Revenue, Registrar of Births &c, and Registrar of Electors at Cromwell Clerk and Receiver of Gold Revenue at Queenstown ... Naseby, Black's, St. Bathan's, Hamilton's, Hyde, Middlemarch, and Macrae's — Magistrate and Warden, Coroner (fees), and Land Officer Clerk and Receiver of Gold Revenue, also Registrar of Electors Bailiff Lawrence, Gore, Milton, Balcliithn, Kaitangata, Waikaia, Tapanui, and Clinton — Magistrate and Warden, Coroner (fees), and Land Officer Clerk and Receiver of Gold Revenue and Registrar of Births &c, also iiegistrar of Electors..-. Clerk at Gore and Wyndhatn ... Bailiff at Gore Chatham Islands — Magistrate, Customs Officer, Postmaster, &c. £ 155 200 400 250 230 250 £ 400 210 100 •28 400 275 170 50 29 230 30 91 Police-constables acting as Clerks of Courts: 87 at £10, 2 at £30, 2 at £15 960 :U Relieving Clerk 1G0 31,621 32 88 84 85 Other Charges— Travelling Expenses and Allowance* Mileage Fees to be refunded to Bailiffs Rents Office Cleaners 6,000 4,800 280 1,220 Total—Vote No. 23 12,300 43,92 NATIVE LAND COURT. 1896-97. Total number of officers ... 30 VOTE No. 24. Salaries — Chief Judge (also Judge Validation Court, and Regis-trar-General of Land, nil) 9 Judges: 4 at £550, 1 at £500, 2 at £400, 1 at £375, 1 at £350 5 Clerks and Interpreters i 4 at £170, i at £150 8 Clerks: 1 at £150, 1 at £100, and 1 at £85 Clerk to Chief Judge Auckland — Registrar 2 Clerks: 1 at £200, 1 at £185 2 Cadets : 1 at £85. 1 at £(!5 4—B. 7, 800 4,225 830 335 170 200 385 150




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services,

!tem. NATIVE LAND COURT— continued. 18' '6-97. VOTE No. 24— continued. Salaries — continued. Wellington — Registrar Clerk and Interpreter 3 Cadets: 1 at £95, I at £85, 1 at £65 ... Qishorne—Registrar Clerk £ 200 175 245 240 160 6 6 7 Other Charges— Payment of Assessors, Extra Clerks, and Interpreters... Travelling Allowances and Expenses Contingencies 8,115 2,000 3,500 450 Total—Vote No. 24 5,950 14,065 VALIDATION OF NATIVE TITLES. 1896-97. Total number of officers ... 3 L VOTE No. 25. Salaries — Judge under " The Native Land (Validation of Titles) Act, 189.3" Registrar and Clerk Clerk and Interpreter 750 200 200 Other Charges— Assessors, Travelling Expenses and Contingencies 1,150 650 Total—Vote No. 25 1,800 CRIMINAL PROSECUTIONS. 1 2 3 VOTE No. 2G. Fees to Crown Solicitors and Prosecutors ... Expenses of Witnesses Payment of Jurors under " The Juries Act, 1880 " 3,500 7,150 1,700 12,350 Total—Vote No. 26 "CORONERS ACT, 1867." VOTE No. 27. Fees and Expenses on Inquests 2,500 2,500 Total —Vote No. 27 PRISONS. 1896-97. Total number of officers ... 127 VOTE No. 28. Salaries—■ Inspector '.? Office — Inspector of Prisons Clerk Auckland — Gaoler Surgeon Matron 3 Principal Warders at £1.80 .. 700 210 400 100 80 540




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

;em. 1896-97. PEISONS— continued. 2 VOTE No. 28— continued. Salaries — continued. Auckland — continued. 7 Warders at £150 9 Assistant Warders at £135 ... Assistant Matron £ 1,050 1,215 50 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 J 14 8 9 3 4 6 Tauranqa — G-aoier New Plymouth — Gaoler Surgeon Matron Principal Warder Warder 2 Assistant Warders at £125 ... Wellington Prisons — Gaoler Surgeon Matron 8 Principal Warders at £180 . 8 Warders at £150 9 Assistant Warders at £135 ... Assistant Matron Wanganui — Gaoler Surgeon Matron Warder Assistant Warder Napiei — Gaoler Surgeon Matron Principal Warder Warder 2 Assistant Warders at £125 Westport — Gaoler Picton — Gaoler Nelson — Gaoler 4 Warders at £135 Assistant Warder Medical Attendance Lyttelton — Gaoler Surgeon Matron 3 Principal Warders at £180 ... 7 Warders at £150 ... 7 Assistant Warders at £135 ... Assistant Matron HoMtilca — Gaoler Surgeon (also Lunatic Asylum £150) Matron 2 Assistant Warders at £125 .. Dunedin — Gaoler Surgeon (also Industrial School £50) Matron 1 Principal Warder 4 Warders at £150 3 Assistant Warders at £1.35 ... Assistant Matron Invercargill — Gaoler Matron Principal Warder 156 255 50 40 150 135 250 400 100 80 540 1,200 1,2] 5 50 180 50 40 135 125 225 50 40 150 135 250 156 156 10 180 540 125 25 11 380 100 80 540 1,050 945 50 12 300 50 50 250 400 100 80 180 600 405 50 240 40 150




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund, Services.

;em. 18' '6-97. PEIS 0 N 8— continued. 14 VOTE No. 28— continued. Salaries— continued. Invercargill —continued. Warder Assistant Warder Medical Attendance Timaru — Gaoler £ 135 125 50 15 156 16 Oamaru — Gaoler Clyde— Gaoler Naseby — Gaoler 156 17 156 18 156 Otheh Charges— Lodging Allowances Rations, Fuel, <fec. Clothing, Bedding, Furniture, &c. Medicines and Medical Comforts Other Necessaries Gas and Water Tools and Materials for Prison Labour, &c. ... Uniforms for Prison Officers Contingencies and Travelling Expenses 18,502 1!) 20 21 22 28 24 25 20 27 850 5,000 1,200 530 300 700 400 300 1,500 Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Eevenues Act, 1891 " 10,780 1,500 9,280 Total—Vote No. 28 27,782 OFFICE OF INDOSTRIES AND COMMERCE. 1896-97. Total number of officers ... 2 VOTE No. 29. Salahiks — Clerk Timber Expert (for 6 months) 325 100 Othee Chaegks— For promotion of sale of New Zealand produce in the United Kingdom Moiety of cost of freight on West Coast timber Cost of the Timber Conference Contingencies 425 2 250 623 379 500 3 4 5 Total—Vote No. 29 ... 1,752 1 2 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. VOTE No. 30. Purchase of Reports and Treatises for Crown Law Office Payment to Survey Department for lithographing, preparation of plans, Ac. Payment in settlement of costs and expenses incurred by Natives in appearing before Royal Commission and attending Parliament in connection with the Kaitangiwhenua Block, as recommended by the Native Affairs Committee, and in full settlement of all claims connected with the said Block Allowances for services in the Urewera Country to two members of the Permanent Militia Contingencies Total—Vote No. 30 1 . ! 50 2,177 1,000 3 300 4,860 4 10 3,500 6 TOTAL OF GLASS IV. £12 ',207




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1896-97. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. £ £ £ Vote 31.—Postal and Telegraph Salaries ... 209,174 209,174 „ 32.—Telegraph Cable Subsidies 3,909 3,909 „ 33.—Conveyance of Mails by Sea 45,828 45,828 „ 34. —Conveyance of Inland Mails 33,990 33,990 „ 35.—Carriage of Mails by Railway ... 15,760 15,760 „ 36.—Miscellaneous 46,473 46,473 TOTAL OF CLASS V. 209,174 145,960 ■5,960 355,134 tem No. of Officers. 196-97. 1896-97. Classification under Act. POSTAL AND TELEGRAPH SALARIES. VOTE No. 81. £ 1 1 1 Fibst Division. Secretary Superintendent of Electric Lines Assistant Secretary and Inspector... 700 650 600 1,950 Cleeical Division. 3 First Class, First Grade. —From £470 to £500, by Two Annual Increments of £15 each. 2 at £500, 1 at £485 1,485 1 First Class, Second Grade. —From £420 to £450, by Two Annual Increments of £15 each. 1 at £435 435 10 Second Class. —From £370 to £400, by Two Annual Increments of £15 each. 7 at £400, 2 at £385, 1 at 370 ... 3,940 5 Third Glass.— From £315 to £355, by Two Annual Increments of £15 each and One of £10. 4 at £355, 1 at £330 1,750




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

No. of Officers. 18' 16-97. tern. POSTAL AND TELEGKRAPH SALABIES— continued. 1896-97. VOTE No. 31— continued. Cleeical Division — continued. 10 Fourth Class.— From £260 to £300, by Two Annual Increments of £15 each and One of £10. 6 at £300, 2 at £290, 2 at £275 2,930 17 Fifth Class, First Grade.— From £235 to £250, by One Annual Increment of £15. 17 at £250 4,250 48 Fifth Class, Second Grade.— From £190 to £220, by Three Annual Increments of £10 each. 43 at £220, 2 at £210,3 at £200 10,480 395 Sixth Class.—From £115 to £180, by Three Annual Increments of £15 each and Two of £10 each. Officers in this class jvith more than twenty years' service receive Two Annual Additional Increments of £10 each. 295 at £180, 35 at £170, 1 at £165, 23 at £160,1 at £156, 5 at £150,12 at £145,1 at £140, 1 at £135, 20 at £130, 1 at £115 ... 68,531 10 Sixth Class. —Special section for Senior Officers of more than twenty years' service, two increments of £10, but without promotion from the class. 30 at £20, 11 at £10 710 11 167 Cadets.— From £40 to £100, by One Annual Increment of £10, One of £15, One of £20, and One of £15, with Lodging-allowance of £26 a Tear for the First Two Years and £L3 the Third when Cadet stationed from Home. 122 at £100,23 at £85, 12 at £65,10 at £50 15,435 12 Chief Postmasters, First Grade. —From £445 to £500, by Two Annual Increments of £20 each and One of £15. 3 at £500 1,500 13 Chief Postmasters, Second Grade. —From £370 to £425, by Three Annual Increments of £15 each and One of £10. 7 at £425 2,975 14 Chief Postmasters, Third Grade.— From £310 to £350, by Two Annual Increments of £15 each and One of £10. 5 at £350, 1 at 325 2,075 15 13 Postmasters, First Grade. —From £260 to £300, by Two Annual Increments of £15 each and One of £10. 9 at £300, 4 at £275 ■ 3,800 Postmasters, Second Grade. —From £220 to £250, by Three Annual Increments of £10 each. 1 at £260, 1 at £255, 13 at £250, 6 at £230 2 at £220 , . , 16 22 5,585




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services

No. of Officers. tem 1896-97. 1896-97. POSTAL AND TELEGRAPH SALARIES— continued. VOTE No. 31— continued. Clerical Division — continued. 17 20 Postmasters, Third Grade.— From £185 to £210, by One Annual Increment of £10 and One of £15. 17 at £210, 3 at £195 4,155 L8 50 Postmasters, Fourth Grade. —Prom £140 to £175, by Two Annual Increments of £10each and One of £L5. 1 at £200, 1 at £190, 7 at £180, 34 at £175, 1 at £160, 5 at £150, 1 at £L40 8,650 Non-clerical Division. 19 21 Oadeftes.— From £40 to £120, by Three Annual Increments of £10 each, One of £15, and Severn of £5 each ; with Lodging-allowance of £26 for the First Tear, £20 the Second, £15 the Third, and £10 the Fourth Tear, when Cadette stationed from Home. 0 at £120, 3 at £105, 1 at £100, 4 at £95, 2 at £90, 3 at £85, 1 at £80, 1 at £50 2,080 20 125 Cadettes (Telephone Exchange). —From £40 to £80, by Four Annual Increments of £10 each ; with Lodging-allowance of £20 for the First Tear, £10 the Second, and £5 the Third Tear, when Cadette stationed from Home. 43 at £80, 27 at £70., 24 at £60, 31 at £50... 8,320 21 49 Linemen, First Grade. —From £130 to £140, by Two Annual Increments of £5 each. 5 at £155, 1 at £150, 4 at £145, 35 at £140, 4 at £135 6,945 22 20 Linemen, Second Grade. —Prom £110 to £125, by Three Annual Increments of £5 each. 18 at £125, 1 at £115, 1 at £104 2,469 22 Letter-curriers, First Grade. —Prom £130 to £140, by Two Annual Increments of £5 each. 16 at £140, 6 at £135 2.5 3,050 24 40 Letter-carriers, Second, Grade. —From £95 to £120, by Two Annual Increments *f £10 each and One of £5. 33 at £120, 1 at £115, 6 at £105 4,705 25 03 Letter-carriers, Third, Grade. —From £50 to £85, by Two Annual Increments of £10 each and Three of £5 each. 27 at £85, 11 at £80, 17 at £75, 27 at £70, 10 at: £60, 1 at £50 6,990 20 20 Post Office Messengers, First Grade. —From £85 to £120, by Two Annual Increments of £10 each and Three of £5 each. 6 at £120, 1 at £115, 1 at £L10, 1 at £100, lat£95 1,140




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services

No. of Officers. 18' '6-97. 1896-97. POSTAL AND TELEGRAPH SALARIES— continued. 27 11 VOTE No. 81— continued. Non-clerical Division— continued. Post Office Messengers, Second Grade. —From £50 to £80, by Two Annual Increments of £10 each and Two of £5 each. 4 at £80, 1 at £75, 4 at £70, 1 at £G0, 1 at £50 785 28 Counter Clerks (Telegraph). —From £110 to £150, by Four Annual Increments of £10 each. 1 at £140, 2 at £120 380 2!) Assistant Counter Clerks (Telegraph).—From £50 to £100, by Two Annual Increments of £10 each and Six of £5 each. 1 at £100, 1 at £95, 1 at £90, 1 at £85 370 30 8 Assistant Exchange Clerks. —From £ 130 to £ 150, by Two Annual Increments of £10 each. 1 at £150, 2 at £140 ... - ... 430 30 Junior Exchange Clerks. —From £60 to £120, bv Four Annual Increments of £L0 each and Four of £5 each. 8 at £120, 2 at £115, 5 at £110, 4 at £105, 4 at £100, 5 at £90, 1 at £80, 1 at £70 ... 81 3,160 32 16 Despatch Gierke.— From £50 to £100, by Two Annual Increments of £10 each and Six of £5 each. I at £130, 8 at £120, 3 at £105, 2 at £90, 3 at £85, 1 at £80, 2 at £70, 1 at £60 ... 1,520 33 19 Distributors. —From £50 to £80, by One Annual Increment of £10 and Four of £5 each. 3 at £80, 3 at £75, 4 at £70, 6 at £65,3 at £60 1,315 2 Post-office Boy Messengers. —From £25 to £36, by One Annual increment of £5, One of £3, and One of £2. 1 at £40, 1 at £31 ... 34 71 35 Telegraph Message Boys, Supernumerary Glass. — From £41 to £56, by Three Annual Increments of £5 each, 2 at £56 112 36 231 Telegraph Message Boys —From £26 to £36, by Increments of £5, £3, and £2. Message Boys 7,967 37 Contribution to Railway Department for combined Post-Telegraph-Railway Offices 8,600 88 89 1,179 Country Postmasters New Stations,Telegraphists, Cadets, and Messen8,850 gers 1,500 10,350 40 41 82 Shorthand-writer (Gr.P.O.), additional Introduction of Sixpenny Telegrams— New appointments — 1 Cadet at £40 (for 10 months) 7 Letter-carriers at £50 (for 10 months) ... 74 Telegraph Message-boys at £20 (for 10 mouths) 15 88 292 1,604



s—B. 7.


Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services

No. of Officers. item. POSTAL AND TELEGBAPH SALARIES— .896-97. continued. 18' '6-97. 1896-97. VOTE No. 31— continued. Non-clerical Division — continued. 41 Introduction of Sixpenny Telegrams— continued. Increases on Promotion — 12 Letter-carriers promoted to Cadets: 4 at £15, 1 at £10, 7 at £5 (for 10 months) 4 Telephon e Exchange Clerks promoted: 2 to Telegraphists, 1 to Cadetship, 1 to Assistant Counter Clerk—1 at £15, 1 at £10, 2 at £5 (for 10 months) 1 Despatch Clerk to Telegraphist, at £10 (for 10 months) 10 Distributors promoted: 7 to Cadets, 1 to Telephone Exchange Clerk, 1 to Despatch Clerk, 1 to Assistant Despatch Clerk—3 at £10, 7 at £5 (for 10 months) 67 Telegraph Message-boys promoted : 37 to Cadets, 9 to Letter-carriers, 2 to Telephone Exchange Clerk, 1 to Post-office Messenger, 1 to Assistant Despatch Clerk, 16 to Distributors, 1 to Sorter—1 at £24, 5 at £19, 5 at £16,17 at £14, 4 at £9, 10 at £6,1 at £5, 24 at £4 (for 10 months) ... Lodging-allowance to 32 Cadets: 26 at £26, 6 at £13 (for 10 months) 87 29 8 54 529 628 3,264 214,674 1,565 Less estimated credits under section 41 of 1,565 "The Public Eevenues Act, 1891" 5,500 Total —Vote No. 31 ... 209,17' TELEGKAPH CABLE SUBSIDIES. 1 2 VOTE No. 32. Contingent Subsidy Proportion payable on account of reduction of intercolonial and European rates 309 3,600 Total—Vote No. 32 3,909 CONVEYANCE OF MAILS BY SEA. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 10 11 VOTE No. 33. Bluff and Stewart Island Services ... Invercargill, Cromarty, and Puysegur Point ... Chatham Islands Service Blind Bay Service San Francisco Service Cost of Transit from San Francisco to New York and from New York to Queenstown of Homeward Mails Interprovincial Service (San Francisco Service) Suez Services Mail Agents and Travelling-allowance Auckland Steam Services Hokitika and Southern Ports and Westport and Karamea Services Fiji Service New Zealand and Pacific Islands Service G-reat Barrier Service Pelorus Sound Service Salary, .Resident Agent, San Francisco Postal Union Transit Charges Contingencies, Gratuities, <fcc. 250 360 300 125 18,000 13,131 3,000 3,500 1,000 922 12 18 14 15 Iβ 17 18 670 1,690 1,200 250 150 30 250 11,500 Less estimated credits—San Francisco Service 56,328 10,500 Total—Vote No. 33 45,828




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services,

!tem. 1896-97. CONVEYANCE OF INLAND MAILS. £ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1L 12 13 14 15 16 17 VOTE No. 34. Auckland Thames New Plymouth Napier Gisborne Wanganui Wellington Blenheim Nelson Westport Q-reymouth Hokitika Christchurch Timaru Oamaru Dunedin Invercargill 4,730 1,490 730 2,060 640 1,870 4,340 840 2,340 290 1,090 860 3,290 760 400 6,260 2,000 Total—Vote No. 34 33,990 CARRIAGE OF MAILS BY RAILWAY. 1 2 VOTE No 35. Carriage of Mails by Special Trains Conveyance of ordinary Mails by Railway £29.329 0 0 Less cost of Postage, Telegrams, Telephone Exchange connections, Postoffice box-rents, &c. ... ... 14,569 0 0 1,000 i4,760 Total— Vote No. 35 15,761 MISCELLANEOUS. i 2 3 4 5 6 7 VOTE No. 36. Travelling-expenses of Inspectors and Linemen Extra Labour and Material for Repairs Stationery, &c. Special allowance to Telegraph Messengers during their first year's service Gas and Water Telephone Fees to Non - permanent Postmasters and Telephonists Contribution towards scientific and technical instruction of officers Travelling-expenses of officers removed in connection with changes Enlarging railway sorting-carriages on Hurunui-Bluff Line Amouir required to make good moneys stolen or destroyed by fire, as follows : Eltham, £120; Hastings, £19; Mataura, £31 ; Rotorua, £133 ; Kirwee, £5 .. Office Expenses, Fuel, Travelling - expenses of Telegraphists, and Contingencies 4,500 10,500 4,500 400 3,000 4,900 200 8 305 360 9 10 308 11 22,500 Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1891" 51,473 5,000 Total—Vote No. 36 46,47: TOTAL OF CLASS V. £35, ,134

B. -7



Appropriations for Consolidated, Fund Services.

1896-97. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. £ £ £ ote 37. —Customs Offices and Services 26,230 5,500 31,730 „ 38.—Customs: Miscellaneous Services 340 1,097 1,437 „ 39.—Marine and Harbours . 12,751 0,624 23,375 „ 40. —Marine : Miscellaneous Services 15,800 85,800 TOTAL OF CLASS VI. 39,321 3,02 L 92,342 tern. ]i 196-97. CUSTOMS OFFICES AND SEE VICES. 1896-97. Total number of officers ... 129 £ £ VOTE No. 37. Salaries— Read Office— Secretary for Customs and Marine Chief Clerk 2 Clerks : 1 at £140, 1 at £120 Clerk (Audit) Writer (Audit) (including extra-duty pay) Cadet Messenger and Storeman Auckland —■ Collector Landing Surveyor First Clerk 2 Clerks: 1 at £160, 1 at £130 4 Cadets: 1 at £80, 1 at £70,1 at £65, 1 at £50 Clerk and Warehouse Keeper ... 7 Landing Waiters and Examining Officers : 2 at £250, 1 at £245, 1 at £225, 1 at £210, 1 at £200, 1 at £190 Tide Surveyor and Examining Officer 5 Lockers : 1 at £160, 1 at £150, 1 at £149, 2 at £133 4 Lockers (Writers), at £187 ... Messenger at 5s. 6d. per day ... Boatman at 8s. per diem W hangar ei — Coastwaiter (also Postal Officer) Whanqaroa — Coastwaiter Thames — Coastwaiter yew Plymouth — Collector and Examining Officer Wanganui — Collector and Examining Officer Clerk and Landing Waiter 625 325 260 250 250 60 140 550 325 290 290 265 180 1,570 220 725 748 101 146 8 50 4 50 5 50 0 315 7 325 190




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services

tem. 1896-97. CUSTOMS OFFICES AND SERVICES— continued. 10 11 12 VOTE No. 37— continued. Salaries— continued. Wellington — Collector Landing Surveyor First Clerk 2 Clerks: 1 at £130, 1 at £120 3 Cadets : 1 at £65, 1 at £60, 1 at £50 ... Tide Surveyor 6 Landing Waiters and Examining Officers : 2 at £220, 1 at £190, 1 at £180, 1 at £170, 1 at £160 3 Lockers (Writers) at £187 . 1 Boatman at £128, and 1 Messenger at 6s. 6d. per day 1 Locker at 8s. per day Napiei — Collector and Surveyor Landing Waiter and Locker 1 Clerk at £110 2 Cadets : 1 at £100, 1 at £80 Poverty Bay — Collector and Examining Officer Cadet Wairau — Collector and Examining Officer Nelson — Collector and Surveyor (also Magistrate and Sheriff and Warden) Landing Waiter and Examining Officer Clerk and Locker Westport — Collector and Examining Officer Qreymouih. — Collector and Examining Officer Locker and Messenger HoTcitika — Collector and Examining Officer Bluff Harbour — Officer in Charge Invercargill — Collector and Surveyor Clerk and Warehouse Keeper Landing Waiter and Examining Officer Dunedin — Collector Landing Surveyor First Clerk 2 Clerks : 1 at £160, 1 at £100 3 Cadets: I at £65, 1 at £60, 1 at £50 5 Landing Waiters and Examining Officers: 1 at £275, 1 at £270, 1 at £250, 1 at £245, 1 at £230 2 Lockers at £180 6 Lockers (Writers) at £187 ... Messenger at 7s. per day Port Chalmers — Tide Surveyor and Examining Officer 500 375 260 250 175 180 1,140 561 247 125 375 250 110 180 350 60 300 425 210 130 13 350 14 350 180 15 300 Lβ 250 17 400 130 260 IS 550 325 390 260 175 1,270 360 1,122 128 I!) 300 20 Oamaru — Collector and Examining Officer 260 21 Timaru — Collector and Examining Officer Clerk 350 105




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services,

>em. 18' 6-97. CUSTOMS OFFICES AND SERVICES— continued. VOTE No. 37— continued. Salabies — continued. Lyttelton and Ohristchurch — Collector Landing Surveyor First Clerk 2 Clerks: 1 at £200, 1 at £130 5 Cadets : 1 at £80,1 at £70,1 at £65,1 at £60,1 at £50 Tide Surveyor 3 Landing Waiters and Examining Officers : 1 at £235, 1 at £225, 1 at £200 3 Lockers (Writers) at £187 ... Locker Boatman Messenger at 7s. per day Contribution to other Votes— Marine and Harbours Postal and Telegraph Working Railways £ 22 500 375 280 330 325 250 660 561 140 145 119 23 21 25 85 80 62 Other Charges— Tidewaiters, Extra Clerical and other Assistance Expenses connected with Customs and Excise Convictions and Seizures Contingencies, including Coals and Expenses for Steamlaunches, Travelling-expenses of Officers, Cost of Instruments, Rewards for Suppression of Smuggling and Illicit Distillation, and for Special Services in Protection of the Revenue ... 26,230 20 27 900 300 2S 4,300 Total —Vote No. 37 ... 5,500 31,73' CUSTOMS: MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. 1896-97. Total number of officers ... 2 VOTE No. 38. Salaries — Quarantine Keepers —Wellington, £150 (also Lightkeeper) ; Port Chalmers, £110 . £266 Contribution to Stock Department Vote .. HO 376 Less contribution from Marine Vote 36 340 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g Other Charges— Quarantine Contingencies Bonus on Exportation of Canned and Cured Fish Refund of Customs Duty on — Tobiicco-stalks destroyed Monument to the late Rev Dr. McGregor Memorial window to late Bishop Harper Memorial to late Dr. Stuart Memorial Statue to late John Ballance . Sundry Articles remitted by Order of the Commissioner of Customs Refund of Bonded Warehouse Duty 100 400 120 10 17 200 50 LO 50 150 Total—Vote No. 38 ... 1,097 1,43




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services,

Item. 1896-97. MARINE AND HARBOUES. 1896-97. Total number of officers ... 99 £ VOTE No. 39 Salabtes— Marine Head Office — Chief Clerk Clerk Cadet Nautical Adviser, Inspector and Surveyor of Ships, and Examiner of Masters and Mates 300 230 90 400 1,020 6 7 8 8 4 5 Harbours — Manukau — Harbourmaster and Pilot Signalman Boatman at £8 per month Lightkeeper at Heads Auckland — Bean Bock Lightkeeper Hokianga — Harbourmaster and Pilot and Coast Waiter 2 Boatmen at £6 per month . Kaipara — Harbourmaster and Pilot and Customs Officer 2 Signalmen (also Lightkeepers) Chief Boatman at £10 per month 1 Boatman at £7 10s. per month Opunake — Signalman ... ... " Rangitikei — Acting Signalman Foxton — Harbourmaster and Pilot Wellington — Assistant Lightkeeper, Somes Island Napier Bluff Lighthouse — ; Lightkeeper Wairau — Signalman Nelson — Harbourmaster and Pilot 2 Boatmen at £10 per month Signalman Riwaka — Lightkeeper Waitapu — Harbourmaster Oollinawood. — Lightkeeper Okarito — Harbourmaster 200 130 96 120 160 140 144 250 20 120 90 25 36 190 a 120 10 20 11 145 12 225 240 39 18 6 14 25 15 25 16 50 Less contributions from Customs Vote 2,616 85 Lighthouses — 27 Principal Keepers: 2 at £180, 18 at £160, 4 at £150, 3 at £140 38 Assistant Keepers: 8 at £130, 13 at £120, 7 at £110, 4 at £100, o at £90, 1 at £50 Artificer 2,531 17 4,260 4.270 200 i 8,730




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. MARINE AND HARBOURS— continued. 1896-1-97. -97. 18 19 20 VOTE No. 39— continued. Salaries — continued. General — Examiners of Masters and Mates — Auckland : 1 at £75 and 1 at £20 Ly ttelton Weather-reporting Officer and Examiner of Masters at Wellington £ 95 25 £ £ 350 Otheh Charges— Pension to Widow of late Lightkeeper, P. A. Deck Pension to J. Heberley, late Pilot at Queen Charlotte Sound Expenses connected with Inquiries into Wrecks, Relief of Distressed Seamen, and Survey of Unseavvorthy Ships Protection of Oysters Protection of Fish, &c. Maintenance of Waitapu Leading Lights ... New Leading Beacons, North Head, Manukau Harbour Improving navigation of Taheke River, Hokianga Repairs to Whangarei Town Wharf .. - Repairs to Lighthouses, Dwellings, &e. Removal of rocks, Whakatane River New House at Nelson Lighthouse New Tower, Farewell Spit Lighthouse Construction of embankment, Karamea Harbour Wharf at Maraetai Erection of wharf at Horse-shoe Bay, Stewart Island ... Erection of wharf at Wilson's River (subsidy, £1 for £1) The Needles. Waiuku Wharf Grant of £1 for £1 for wharf at Decanter Bay, Banks Peninsula Subsidy to Steamer for Kaipara Harbour Work Buoying Ngunguru River Explosive fog-signal Harbour Contingencies, including Maintenance of Harbour Lights, Buoys, and Beacons Oil, Stores, and Lighthouse Contingencies Travelling-expenses and General Contingencies 470 21 22 24 50 23 300 150 150 50 200 100 100 400 250 300 1,800 220 250 200 200 100 24 26 2G 27 28 29 30 SI 32 33 34 86 86 37 88 30 10 41 42 43 150 340 40 450 14 46 1,400 3,200 400 Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1891 " I 10,824 200 Total—Vote No. 39 10,624 7,500 23,375 MARINE: MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. l 2 VOTE No. 40. G-overnment steamer, Working-expenses ... Balance of cost of new cable-steamer " Tutanekai," and expenses of bringing her out 7,500 28,500 36,000 200 28,500 35,800 Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1891 " 36,000 200 Total —Vote No 40 TOTAL OF CLASS VI. £9 !,342




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

]896-97. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. £ £ £ ote 41. —Stamp Department 3,950 U>00 4,950 „ 42.—Land and Deeds Registry 8,715 7,000 15,715 TOTAL OF CLASS VII. 12,665 8,000 20.065 .tern. 189' 3-97-STAMP DEPARTMENT. 1896-97. Total number of officers ... 22 VOTE No. 41. Salahies — Head Office— Secretary, Controller Legacy Duties, Deputy Commissioner, and Eegistrar Joint-stock Companies Chief Clerk and Accountant ... Custodian and Issuer of Stamps Clerk Chief Stamper 6 Stampers: 2 at £90, 1 at £80, 1 at £75, 2 at £30 . Messenger at 6s. per diem Auckland — Clerk Clerk Wellington — Clerk Cadet 1 Hawke's Bay — Clerk Canterbury — Clerk Cadet Otago — Deputy Commissioner Cadet 500 250 225 160 225 395 110 180 100 140 75 4 100 5 190 95 250 7(1 7 8 lnvercarqill — Clerk' Contributions to Votes — " Land and Deeds Registry " ... 100 785 Otheb Charges— Contingencies, Machinery, Paper, Ac. 3,950 1,000 Total—Vote No. -41 4,950



6—B. 7.


Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services

[tern. 18 i6-97 LAND AND DEEDS REGISTRY. £ 1896-97. Total number of officers ... 38 VOTE No. 42. SaI/AEIES — Auckland — District Land Registrar Examiner of Titles and Deputy Commissioner of Stamps Deputy Registrar of Deeds Draughtsman Clerk 2 Cadets at £95 550 300 250 250 150 190 Taranaki — Assistant Land Registrar and Deputy Registrar of Deeds Clerk 250 150 Wellington — District Land Registrar Examiner of Titles Chief Clerk Deputy Registrar of Deeds and Assistant Land Registrar Clerk Messenger 550 300 225 300 150 110 Hawke's Bay — District Land Registrar and Deputy Commissioner of Stamps Deputy Registrar of Deeds and Chief Clerk Clerk 500 250 130 Nelson — Deputy Registrar of Deeds and Deputy Commissioner of Stamps Clerk 245 100 Marlborough — Deputy Registrar of Deeds, and Clerk and Deputy Commissioner of Stamps 200 Canterbury — District Land Registrar Registrar of Deeds, Assistant Land Registrar, and Deputy Commissioner of Stamps Chief Clerk 3 Clerks: 1 at £175, 1 at £160, 1 at £130 550 450 250 465 Westland — District Land Registrar, Registrar Supreme Court, Sheriff, and Deputy Commissioner of Stamps Clerk, and for Stamp and Supreme Court Offices 375 120 Otaqo — District Land Registrar Assistant Land Registrar 2 Clerks : 1 at £195, 1 at £140 Office-cleaner 550 250 335 40




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services

-tern. 189 i-97. LAND AND DEEDS REGISTRY— continued. LO VOTE No. 42— continued. Salaries — continued. Southland — District Land Registrar, Deputy Commissioner of Stamps, and Registrar Supreme Court ... Assistant Land Registrar and Chief Clerk Clerk Cadet 500 250 140 75 Less Contributions from Stamp Department 9,500 7S5 Otheb Charges— Draughtsman's Work performed by the Survey Department Contingencies and Contract Work 8,715 11 2,500 4,500 12 7,000 Total—Vote No. 42 ... 15,715 TOTAL OF CLASS VII. £2 ,665




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

>-:. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. Education Department. £ £ £ Vote 43.—Head Office 2,090 135 2,225 „ 44.—Public Schools ... 394,625 394,625 „ 45.—Native Schools ... 12,450 3,870 16,320 „ 46.—Industrial Schools 2,047 7,900 9,947 „ 47.—School for Deaf-mutes 1,582 1,420 3,002 „ 48.—School for Blind... 505 505 „ 49. —Technical Instruction 2,100 2,100 „ 50.—Miscellaneous Services 100 100 LtrNACT and Charitable Department. 18,189 410,655 428,824 Vote 51. —Lunatic Asylums 24,733 26,200 50,933 „ 52.—Charitable 413 2,571 2,984 „ 53.—Eotorua Sanatorium 881 335 1,216 Department of Labour. 26,027 i,106 55,133 Vote 54.—Department of Labour 1,834 .,250 6,084 TOTAL OF CLASS VIII. 46,030 44 sOll 490,041 tem. 1896-97. EDUCATION DEPARTMENT. HEAD OFFICE. 1896-97. Total number of officers ... 8 VOTE No. 43. Salaries — Secretary and Inspector-General Chief Clerk Clerk and Assistant Inspector... 5 Clerks: 1 at £250, 1 at £200, 1 at £170, 1 at £100, and 1 at £75 600 375 320 795 Otheb Charges— Clerical Assistance ... ... ••• Travelling Expenses Contingencies 2,090 2 3 4 25 60 50 — Total—Vote No. 48 135 2,225




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services

,em. 189< 1-97. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. VOTE No. 44. Grants to Education Boards — 110,500 average attendances at £3 15s. ... £414,375 Less Revenue from Reserves .. 37,000 £ £ 2 3 -I 5 C) 7 8 9 Scholarships Towards Cost of Inspection .., Teachers' Examinations Training of Teachers Rebuilding and Furnishing of Schools destroyed by Fire Railway-fares of school-children School at Chatham Islands Contingencies 377,375 8,000 4,000 500 600 1,700 3,000 200 250 Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1891" —Teachers' Examinations 395,625 1,000 Total —Vote No. 44 394,625 NATIVE SCHOOLS. 1806-97. Total number of officers ... 152 VOTE No. 45. Salaries— Organizing Inspector Salaries of Masters, &c, for Village Schools 450 12,000 12,450 2 3 4 5 6 7 Other Charges— Boarding-school Charges, Apprenticeship, and Higher Education of Native Youths... Books, Sewing Material, and other Requisites Travelling Expenses (including removals of teachers) Repairs Auckland Education Board for Inspection ■Contingencies 1,950 500 400 550 150 400 Less estimated credits under section 41 of "The Public Revenues Act, 1891 " 3,950 80 Total —Vote No. 45 3,870 16,321 INDUSTRIAL SCHOOLS. 1 2 1896-97. Total number of officers ... 32 VOTE No. 46. Salaries— Auckland — Matron, Sub-matron, and Servant Burnham — Manager at £190, and Matron at £70 ... Schoolmaster at £150, and Schoolmistress at £100 ... Servants Qaversham — Manager at £180, and Matron at £60 ... Surgeon (also Gaol £100) .. Schoolmaster at £150, and 1 Assistant at £110 , ... Servants 166 260 250 421 240 50 260 400




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services

,em. 1896-97. INDUSTRIAL SCHOOLS— continued. 4 5 6 7 VOTE No. 46— continued. Other Chabges— Provisions, Fuel, Light, Clothing, Bedding, Medical Attendance, <fec. Boarding-out of Children Kent, Auckland Maintenance of Children in Private Industrial Schools, viz.: St. Mary's, Ponsonby; St. Joseph's, Wellington; St. Mary's, Nelson Contingencies £ 5,000 7,000 100 3,200 100 Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1891 " 15,400 7,500 Total—Vote No. 46 7,900 SCHOOL FOR DEAF-MUTES. 1896-97." Total number of officers ... 15 VOTE No. 47. Salaries— Director 4 Teachers Steward and Matron Sub-matron Servants 9,947 450 650 200 52 230 2 3 Othee Chabges— Rent Maintenance Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1891" 1,582 470 1,150 1,620 3,002 200 Total —Vote No. 47 1,420 SCHOOL FOR BLIND. 1 2 VOTE No. 48. Maintenance : 21 pupils at £25 per annum each Contingencies 525 30 Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1891 " 555 50 Total—Vote No. 48 505 TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION. 1 2 VOTE No. 49. Manual and Technical Instruction Special aid to Manual and Technical Classes 2,000 100 2,100 Total —Vote No. 49 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. VOTE No. 50. Grant to Whangarei High School 100 100 Total—Vote No. 50 ■ I




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

.tern. LUNACY AND CHAEITABLE DEPAETMENT. LUNATIC ASTLUMS. 1896-97. 1896-97. Total number of officers ... 272 VOTE No. 51. Salakies— Head OJice— Inspector of Lunatic Asylums (also Charitable £200)... Assistant Inspector of Asylums (also Charitable £153) Clerk (also Charitable £60) ... Auckland — Eesident Medical Superintendent Assistant Medical Officer Clerk and Storekeeper Matron Official Visitor (9 months) 46 Attendants and Servants — 23 Male Attendants: 1 at £125, 6 at £100, 1 at £95, 1 at £85, 10 at £80, 2 at £75, 2 at £70; Farm Manager at £120; 2 Cooks: 1 at £90, 1 at £80; Gardener at £80 ; Farm Gardener at £80; Farm Hand at £80; Carpenter at £100; Engineer at £90; 14 Female Attendants: 2 at £57 10s., 1 at £55, 1 at £52 10s., 1 at £50, 4 at £45, 2 at £42 10s., 3 at £40; Laundress at £55 ... Wellington — Eesident Medical Superintendent Clerk and Storekeeper Matron Official Visitor (9 months) 32 Attendants and Servants— 15 Male Attendants: 1 at £110, 1 at £100, 1 at £00, 2 at £85, 5 at £80, 5 at £70; Cook at £90; 2 Carpenters: 1 at £110, 1 at £85; Fireman at £90; 12 Female Attendants: 1 at £57 10s., 1 at £55, 2 at £52 10s., 1 at £45, 5 at £42 10s., 2 at £40; Laundress at £50 ... £ 1,000 77 180 550 250 120 85 19 8,427 600 175 75 10 2,200 Porirua — Assistant Medical Officer Head Attendant and Storekeeper Matron Engineer Fireman Official Visitor (9 months) 21 Attendants and Servants— 12 Male Attendants: 1 at £95, 1 at £90, 4 at £80, 4 at £75, 2 at £70; Farm Manager at £100; 7 Female Attendants : 1 at £57 10s., 1 at £52 10s., 1 at £50, 1 at £47 10s., 1 at £42 10s., 2 at £40; Laundress at £50 250 100 80 208 95 19 1,425 . Nelson — Visiting Medical Officer Superintendent Matron Official Visitor (9 months) 14 Attendants and Servants — 7 Male Attendants : 1 at £100,2 at £92 10s., 3 at £80, 1 at £70; 6 Female Attendants : 1 at £55, 5 at £42 10s. ; Cook at £42 10s. Christ ch urch — Eesident Medical Superintendent Assistant Medical Officer Clerk and Storekeeper Assistant Clerk and Storekeeper Matron .. ..'. Official Visitor (9 months) 50 Attendants and Servants — 25 Male Attendants: 1 at £120, 1 at £110, 1 at £105, 4 at £100, 1 at £92 10s, 1 at £85, 8 at £80, 2 at £75, 6 at £70; Engineer at £200; Assistant Engineer at £80; Cook at £100; Baker at £80; Farm Bailiff and Caretaker at £100; Messenger and Caretaker at £80 ; 19 Female Attendants : 1 at £57 10s., 1 at £55, 1 at £52 10s, 2 at £50, 5 at £45, 3 at £42 10s., 6 at £40 200 170 75 10 91)5 600 250 180 80 90 10 3,620




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. LUNATIC ASYLUMS—continued. 18! '6-97. VOTE No. 5l~continued. Salaries — continued. Hokilika — Visiting Medical Officer (also Prisons £50) Superintendent Matron Official Visitor (9 months) 12 Attendants and Servants — 7 Male Attendants: 1 at £125, 1 at £110, 2 at £100, 1 at £90, 2 at £82 10s.; 4 Female Attendants at £50; Farm Labourer at £(55 Seacliff— Resident Medical Superintendent Assistant Medical Officer Deputy Inspector Official Visitors Clerk and Storekeeper Assistant Clerk and Storekeeper Matron 66 Attendants and Servants — 32 Male Attendants : 1 at £120,1 at £115,3 at £100, 2 at £95, 8 at £90, 1 at £85, 1 at £82 10s:, 11 at £80, 5 at £75, 4 at £70 ; Farm Manager at £120 ; Gardener at £105; Engineer at £90; 2 Farm Hands : 1 at £80 ; 1 at £75 ; Baker at £32 10s.; Caretaker at £52 ; Gardener's Assistant at £6 10s. ; 23 Female Attendants : 2 at £55, 1 at £52 10s., 1 at £50, 1 at £47 10s., 8 at £45, 6 at £42 10s., 4 at £40; Cook at £65; 2 Laundresses: 1 at £60, 1 at £45 Increase of Salaries £ 150 300 85 10 955 600 250 50 50 180 80 100 £ 4,463 325 Other Charges— Fees to Medical Witnesses Rations Fuel and Light Bedding and Clothing . Surgery and Dispensary Wines, Spirits, &o. Necessaries Farm Purchase of Sheep for Porirua Compassionate allowance to Mrs. Good, owing to death of husband in service of Government ... • ... To replace cattle found to be suffering from tuberculosis Amount required to allow of a month a leave for recreation to all persons in attendance on patients, and to allow an extra day's holiday every fortnight Contingencies 24,733 10 11 12 13 14 15 Iβ 17 18 L9 950 15,000 3,400 4,400 450 150 8,500 1,800 200 20 21 100 200 600 450 22 Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1891" 30,200 10,000 Total —Vote No. 51 26,200 50,93: CHARITABLE. 1896-97. Total number of officers ... 3 VOTE No. 52. Salarfks — Inspector of Hospitals and Charitable Institutions (also Lunatic Asylums, £1,000) Assistant Inspector (also Lunatic Asylums £77) Clerk (also Lunatic Asylums, £180) 200 153 00 413




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services

:tem. CH A RITA BLE— continued. 1896-97. 2 3 4 5 0 7 VOTE No. 52— continued. Otheb Chaeges— Burial Expenses of Destitute Persons ... Compassionate Allowances — Widow and Family of Denis Phelan Widow of R. J. Deighton David Armstrong Maintenance of Discharged and Aged Imbeciles Amount of estreated recognizances of sureties— Strathern and White, paid to Auckland Hospital and Charitable Aid Board Subsidy, £1 for £1, for relief of sufferers by flood, Invercargill Grant, for Refuge-work Grant to Benevolent Society's Home, Christchurch Grant to Herrick's Home, Christchurch ... Contingencies £ 100 52 30 52 26 20 8 191 1,500 50 50 500 2,571 9 10 11 12 Total—Vote No. 52 2,98 ROTORUA SANATORIUM. 1896-97. Total number of officers ... 9 VOTE No. 53. Salartks — Resident Medical Officer Matron Bath Attendants Wardsman Servants 400 90 247 52 92^ 881 400 125 75 50 10 150 810 2 3 4 5 6 7 Other Charges— Rations Fuel and Light Bedding, Furniture, and Crockery Surgery and Dispensary Wines, Spirits, &c. Miscellaneous Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Bevenues Act, 1891" __475 335 Total—Vote No. 53 1,21' . DEPAETMENT OF LABOUR. 1896-97. Total number of officers ... 21 VOTE No. 54. Salabtes — Secretary and Chief Inspector of Factories Chief Clerk 5 Inspectors of Factories (Male), at £160 1 Inspector of Factories (Male), at £109 4s, 1 Inspector of Factories (Female), at £160 1 Temporary Clerk (Typist) 2 Cadets : 1 at £40, 1 at £75 ... 350 230 800 109 160 70 115 1,834 it a 4 Otheb Charges— Expenses of Bureau State Farms Expenses in connection with " The Conciliation and Arbitration Act, 1894 " 3,000 1,500 550 5,050 » Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1891" 800 4,250 Total —Vote No. 54 .. 6,08 TOTAL OF CLASS VIII. £49' Oil



7—B. 7,


Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Salaries. Other Charges. Total. £ £ £ Vote 55. —Mines Department ... 4,760 4,760 „ 56.—Meteorological and Museum Department 251 390 611 „ 57. —Miscellaneous Services 14,450 14,450 TOTAL OF CLASS IX. 5,011 .4,840 19,851 Item. 6-97. MINES DEPARTMENT. • £ 1896-97. Total number of officers .., 16 VOTE No. 55. Salaries — Under-Secretary Inspecting Engineer 3 Inspectors of Mines : 2 at £300, 1 at £250 Chief Clerk (also Secretary, Board of Examiners, under Coal-mines Act, £25) Clerk Clerk Cadet Secretary, Board of Examiners, under Coal-mines Act (also Clerk, Mines Department, £295) ... Analyst Clerk and Curator, Meteorological Observer, and Statistical Clerk Mining Geologist Assistant Geologist Draughtsman 3 Lecturers and Instructors, Schools of Mines : 1 at £350, 1 at £200, and 1 at £170 550 450 850 295 250 160 50 25 400 350 340 100 220 720 Tot ax —Vote No. 55 4,760




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

tem 18' '6-97. METEOROLOGICAL AND MUSEUM DEPARTMENT. 1896-97. Total number of officers ... 2 VOTE No. 50. Salaries— Messenger and Keeper Taxidermist, at 8s. a day 125 126 Other Charges— Meteorological Stations and Time Ball Observatory Instruments Contingencies, Chemicals, &c. ... 251 2 :3 4 125 40 225 Total—Vote No. 56 390 64 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. i 2 :j 4 5 (> 7 s VOTE No. 57. Maintenance and Management of Water-races— Waimea-Kumara Mount Ida Schools of Mines Subsidy, £1 for £1, School of Mines, Matakamii Expenses of Board of Examiners for Mine Managers' certificates Compensation and expenses in connection with the resumption of land for water-races and proclamation of rivers as watercourses for receiving tailings Beward for discovery of gold at Preservation Inlet To give effect to recommendation of Waste Lands Committee, session 1894, on petition of Maniototo County for refund of expenses in connection with the resumption of land under Mining Act To give effect to recommendation of Goldfields and Mines Committee on petition of Samuel Alexander .. Field Surveys and Expenses, Geological Surveys and ,. Explorations Expenses in connection with the Brunner Mine disaster Electric power —Engineering and report ... Contingencies and Mining Inspectors' Travellingexpenses 2,700 1,400 2,800 200 250 3,500 150 100 9 50 10 300 1,000 500 11 L2 13 1,500 Total—Vote No. 57 14,45i TOTAL OF CLASS IX. £1 ',851




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Salaries. Other Charges. Total. £ £ £ 20,935 1,818 52,748 ote 58. —Department of Agriculture TOTAL OF CLASS X. 52,748 20,935 1,813 Item. 96-97. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. 1896-97. Total number of officers ... ... 106 VOTE No. 58. Salaries— Secretary and Chief Inspector ... Produce Commissioner, England Assistant Chief Inspector Chief Clerk Clerk and Acting Biologist 2 Clerks : 1 at £200, 1 at £140 Cadet 2 Veterinary Surgeons: 1 at £350, 1 at £300 4 Dairy Instructors : 1 at £375, 8 at £225 2 Entomologists 3 Fruit Experts at £200 2 Nurserymen : 1 at £150, 1 at £125 1 Farm Overseer 2 extra Veterinary Surgeons as Dairy Inspectors at £200 -1 Analyst 2 Caretakers for Quarantine Islands at £120 £ 500 250 300 275 260 340 90 650 1,050 200 600 275 120 400 300 240 Auckland District — Salaries — 4 Inspectors: 1 at £300, 1 at £235, 2 at £225 1 Rabbit Agent 5,850 985 160 Destruction of Rabbits—Upon Crown lands, contracts, labour, natural enemies, &c. 1,145 1,700 Napier District — Salaries — 5 Inspectors: 1 at £300, 1 at £250, 2 at £225, 1 at £200 1 Rabbit Agent ... 2,845 1,200 160 Destruction of Rabbits 1,360 100 Wellington-West Coast District — Salaries — 6 Inspectors : 2 at £250, 1 at £235, 3 at £225 3 Rabbit Agents 1,400 1,410 480 1,890




Appropriations for Consolidated, Fund Services.

sm. 1896-97. DEPAETMENT OE AGRICULTURE— continued. VOTE No. 58— continued. Wellington-West Coast District —continued. Destruction of rabbits — Upon Crown lands, contracts, labour, natural enemies, &c. £ 600 Marlborough, Nelson, and West Coast District — Salaries — 4 Inspectors: 2 at £250, 1 at £225, 1 at £150 2 Eabbit Agents 2,490 875 320 Destruction of rabbits — Upon Crown lands, contracts, labour, natural enemies, &c. 1,195 400 Canterbury-Kailcoura District — Salaries — 8 Inspectors : 3 at £250, 2 at £225, 2 at £225, 1 at £200 5 Caretakers of South Canterbury rabbit-fence, at £100 each ... ■•• _ ••■ 7 Rabbit Agents 1,595 10 1,870 500 1,120 Destruction of rabbits — Upon Crown lands, contracts, labour, natural enemies, &c. 3,490 11 800 Otago District — Salaries — 11 Inspectors: 6 at £250, 2 at £235, 1 at £225, 1 at £210, 1 at £100 22 Eabbit Agents 4,290 12 2,505 3,500 Destruction of rabbits — Upon Crown lands, contracts, labour, natural enemies, &c. 6,005 13 3,000 Other Charges— Travelling-expenses Travelling-expenses of Produce Commissioner Experimental Stations Encouragement of Dairying Industry Establishment of Dairy Schools Cool-storage for dairy-produce Grading dairy-produce Agricultural Statistics Purchase of about eleven miles of Waitohi-Hurunui rabbit-fence Subsidy to Otago Agricultural and Pastoral Association towards the erection of Agricultural Hall Establishment of additional experimental stations Compensation for cattle destroyed for tuberculosis and other diseases under the Stock Act Compassionate Allowance, "Widow late Curator, Experimental Station, Momohaki ... Contingencies 9,005 14 16 Iβ 17 18 19 20 21 22 0,500 200 2,000 200 1,000 5,500 1,000 3,500 750 23 500 500 24 25 1,000 20 63 4,500 27 27,213 Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1891" 54,748 2,0(J0 Total —Vote No. 58 52,748 'AL OF CLASS X. £52.748




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1896-97. £ Vote 59.—Working Railways 768,434. TOTAL OP CLASS XI. 768,434 G-boss Revenue... Estimated. Gbo £1,200,000 Item 18i 2,03 6-97. ) Miles. WORKING RAILWAYS. Total Number of MenPermanent (for 1896-97) ... ... ... 4,378 VOTE No. 59. Head Office— General Manager, £800; Assistant General Manager, £650; Under-Secretary (also Under-Secretary for Public Works, £500), £100 Accountant, £550; Stores Manager, £325; 42 Clerks: 1 at £375, 1 at £350, 1 at £270, 1 at £260, 4 at £250, 4 at £220, 2 at £210, 1 at £200, 1 at £190, 7 at £180, 1 at £170, 3 at £160, 1 at £150, 8 at £140, 2 at £130, 4 at £120; 8 Cadets: 5 at £110, 1 at £95, 2 at £30; 4 Audit Inspectors at £250 ; 5 Storekeepers at £230; Contingencies, £1,285 ... 1,550 12,880 14,430

8.— 7.



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 189 2,039 5-97. Miles. WORKING RAILWAYS— continued. VOTE No. 59— continued. Depaetmehtal Offices — Locomotive Superintendent, £650; 4 Locomotive Engineers : 1 at £400, 2 at £350, 1 at £275 ; 1 Locomotive Inspector at £290; Chief Engineer, £650 ; Office Engineer, £400; 4 Resident Engineers: 1 at £500,1 at £450,2 at £400 ; 2 Assistant Engineers : 1 at £300, 1 at £225 ; 13 District Managers : 2 at £500, 1 at £475, 3 at £400, 1 at £375, 2 at £350, 1 at £325,1 at £300, 2 at £275 ; 1 Stationmaster-in-charge at £200; 69 Clerks and Draughtsmen: 1 at £350, 4 at £300, 6 at £250, 6 at £220, 3 at £210, 3 at £200, 5 at £190, 8 at £180, 1 at £170, 2 at £150, 17 at £140, 6 at £130, 7 at £120; 1 Relieving Officer (Locomotive) at £240; 25 Cadets: 11 at £110, 6 at £95, 1 at £80, 1 at £50, 6 at £30 ... 25,555 Total Head and Departmental Offices... 39,985 Kawakawa Section, 1896-7 —8 miles. Maintenance — 1 Ganger at 8/ per day 3 Platelayers at 6/6 per day Stores—Rails, &c. „ Sleepers „ Structures „ Buildings „ Miscellaneous 125 305 81 112 155 25 25 828 Locomotive — 1.Driver at 11/ per day 1 Fireman at 8/ per day (part time) ... Wages, Renewals and Repairs, Locomotive „ „ Carriage and Wagon ... Stores, „ „ Locomotive „ „ Carriage and Wagon ... Fuel and Water-supply Oil, Tallow, and Stores Overtime and Contingencies 172 94 50 200 50 140 80 10 4 Traffic— 1 Cadet, per annum 1 Guard at 10/ per day House Allowance 2 Porters: 1 at 6/6, 1 at 5/6 per day 1 Crane-driver at 8/ per day (part time) ... 1 "Wharf-labourer at 6/6 per day Stores, &c. 800 110 156 25 188 31 102 68 680 Whangarei Section, 189G-97 —18 miles. Maintenance — 2 Gangers: 1 at 8/, 1 at 7/6 per day 6 Platelayers: 4 at 6/6, 1 at 4/6, 1 at 4/ per day Wages—Structures 2,308 243 540 141




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

!tem. WORKING RAILWAYS—continued. VOTE No. 59— continued. Whangakei Section — continued. Maintenance —continued. Stores —Rails, &c. „ Sleepers „ Structures „ Buildings ,, Miscellaneous 189 2,03 '6-97. 9 Miles. £ 81 200 300 50 100 £ Locomotive — 1 Driver at 11/ per day 1 Fireman at 9/ and li)/ per day 4 Cleaners : 1 at 7/ and 8/, 1 at 6/ and 8/, 1 at 5/, 1 at 4/6 per day Wages, Renewals and Repairs, Locomotive „ „ „ Carriage and Wagon ... Stores, „ „ Locomotive ,, „ Carriage and Wagon ... Fuel and Water-supply Oil, Tallow, and Stores Overtime and Contingencies 1,655 172 149 376 300 600 100 500 250 50 3 Traffic— 2 Stationmasters: 1 at £150, 1 at £140 per annum 1 Guard at 8/6 per day 1 Porter and Acting Guard at 6/6 and 8/ per day 3 Porters: 1 at 6/6, 1 at 5/, L at 4/ per day 1 Crane-driver at 7/6 per day .... Casual Labour and Overtime Stores and Miscellaneous 2,500 290 188 118 243 117 250 154 1,300 Kaiiitj Section, 1896-97—18 miles. Maintenance — • 2 Gangers: 1 at 8/, L at 7/6 per day 8 Platelayers: 6 at 6/6, L at 4/6, I at 4/ per day Wages —Structures „ Buildings „ Miscellaneous Stores —Sleepers „ Structures „ Buildings „ Miscellaneous 5,455 243 743 48 24 9 192 65 45 70 Locomotive — 1 Driver at 11/ per day 2 Firemen: 1 at 9/ and 10/6, 1 at 8/ per day 1 Cleaner at 7/ per day Wages, Renewals and Repairs, Locomotive „ ,. „ Carriage and Wagon ... Stores, „ „ Locomotive n „ „ Carriage and Wagon ... Fuel and Water-supply Oil, Tallow, and Stores 1,439 172 279 110 250 300 150 200 220 19 Traffic— 1 Cadet at £110 per annum 1 Porter and Acting Guard at 6/6 and 8/6 per day ... 1 Porter at 4/6 per day Casual Labour and Overtime Stores and Miscellaneous 1,700 110 118 70 165 107 570 3,709




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

ttem 18! i6-97. I Miles. 2,03: WORKING RAILWAYS—continued. VOTE No. 59— continued. Auckland Section, 1896-97 —325 miles. Maintenance — 3 Inspectors : 1 at 16/, 2 at 13/ per day ... 1 Foreman of Works at 15/6 per day 1 Bridge Inspector at 11/6 per day 38 dangers: 2 at 9/, 26 at 8/, 10 at 7/6 ... 121 Platelayers: 92 at 6/6, 1 at 6/6 (half-time), 10 at 6/, 6 at 5/6, 6 at 5/, 3 at 4/6, 2 at 4/, 1 at 3/6 per day Wages —Structures „ Buildings „ Miscellaneous Stores—Hails ,, Sleepers „ Structures „ Buildings „ Miscellaneous 657 243 180 4,711 11,726 4,112 1,664 1,225 4,314 4,075 3,750 1,250 250 38,157 Locomotive — 1 Locomotive Foreman at £5 per week 1 Car and Wagon Inspector at 13/6 per day 1 Storeman at 7/6 per day 18 Drivers: 9 at 12/, 9 at 11/ per day 22 Firemen: 5 at 9/ and 11/, 4 at 9/ and 10/, 13 at 8/ per day 20 Cleaners : 9 at 7/ and 8/, 1 at 7/, 1 at 6/6 and 8/, 1 at 6/6, 1 at 6/. 2 at 5/6, 4 at 5/, 1 at 4/6 per day ... Wages, Renewals and Repairs, Locomotive ,, ,, „ Carriage and Wagon Stores, ,, ,, Locomotive • „ „ „ Carriage and Wagon ... Fuel and Water-supply Oil, Tallow, and Stores Overtime and Contingencies Mrs. Simmonds, compassionate allowance ... 261 211 117 3,239 3,006 2,031 3,700 4,200 2,000 2.200 3,600 300 135 25 25,025 Traffic— 28 Stationmasters : 1 at £250. 1 at £205,1 at £200, 1 at £185, 2 at £180, 1] at £160, 1 at £155, 10 at £140 per annum 2 Relieving Clerks : 1 at £180, 1 at £140 per annum ... 25 Clerks: 1 at £200, 2 at £180, 7 at £140, 7 at £130, 8 at £120 per annum ' ... 1 Traffic Inspector 13 Cadets: 5 at £110, 1 at £95, 2 at £80, 4 at £50, 1 at £30 per annum Lodging Allowance: 2 at 6/, 2 at 5/ per week 1 Foreman at 10/6 per day 16 Guards: 4 at 10/, 2 at 9/6, 10 at 8/6 per day 5 Acting-Guards : 1 at 7/6 and 8/, 2 at 6/6 and 8/6, 2 at 6/6 and 8/ per day 43 Porters: 1 at 10/, 8 at 7/6, 15 at 6/6, 4 at 6/, 5 at 5/6, 5 at 5/, 5 at 4/ per day 1 Crane-driver at 9/ per day 4 Shunters: 1 at 8/6, 1 at 7/6, 2 at 7/ per day 2Storemen: 1 at 9/, 1 at 8/6 per day 4,515 320 3,410 190 1,035 57 164 2,254 629 4,132 141 470 274



B—B. 7.


Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services

tern. 18 ( .)6-V)7. 2,039 Miles. WORKING RAILWAYS— continued. £ £ 6 VOTE No. 59— continued. A UCKLAND S KOTION — contin tied. Traffic —continued. 4 Signalmen at 8/6 per day 1 Watchman at 42/ per week 2 Crossing-keepers at 6/ per day 1 Horse-driver at 7/6 per day 1 Female Attendant at 32/6 per week Casual Labour and Overtime Stores and Miscellaneous 532 110 18S 117 85 920 2,457 22,000 85,182 Napier-Takanaki Section, 1896-97—332 miles. Maintenance — 4 Inspectors : I at 15/, 2 at 14/, 1 at 13/ per day 2 Foremen of Works: 1 at 14/, 1 at 13/6 per day 1 Bridge Inspector at 11/(5 per day 56 Gangers : 2 at 9/, 48 at 8/, 5 at 7/6 per day 171 Platelayers: 148 at 6/6, 8 at 6/, 6 -at 5/6, 7 at 5/, 4 at 4/6, 2 at 3/(j, 1 at 3/ per day Wages —Structures „ Buildings „ Miscellaneous Storee—Hails ,, Sleepers ., Structures „ Building? „ Miscellaneous Removing slips 877 431 180 6,878 16.839 5,135 1,902 2,567 5,378 4,725 7,800 930 400 1,170 55,212 Locomotive — 3 Locomotive Foremen : 2 at £4 per week, 1 (half-time) at 14/ per day 1 Car and Wagon Inspector at 13/ per day 1 Storeman (half-time) at 8/6 per day 22 Drivers: 5 at 12/, 16 at 11/, 1 at 10/ per day 33 Firemen: 1 at 9/ and 11/, 4 at 9/ and 10/6, 5 at 9/ and 10/, 1 at 9/, 22 at 8/ per day 21 Cleaners: 5 at 7/ and 8/, 4 at 7/, 1 at 6/6 and 8/, 7 at 6/, 2 at 5/6, 2 at 5/per day 3 Shedmen : 1 at 9/, 1 at 7/ and 8/, 1 at 7/ per day ... Wage.", Renewals and Repairs, Locomotive ,, ,, „ Carriage and Wagon ... Stores, „ „ Locomotive „ „ „ Carriage and Wagon ... Fuel and Water-supply Oil, Tallow, and Stores Overtime and Contingencies 526 203 67 3,850 4,405 2,125 369 0,600 6,600 4,400 5,400 12,000 400 455 47,400




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

;em. 1896-97. 2,039 Miles. WORKING RAILWAYS— continued. VOTE No 59— continued. Napier-Taranaki Secttok — continued. Traffic— 37 Stationmaeters : 5 at £200, 9 at £180, 10 at £160, 13 at £140 per annum House Allowance, 1 at £25 per annum 3 Believing Officers: 1 at £180, 1 at £170, 1 at £140 per annum 35 Clerks: 2 at £180, 18 at £140, 7 at £130, 8 at £120 £ 6,040 25 490 per annum 19 Cadets: 12 at £110, 4 at £95, 1 at £80,1 at £50, 1 at £30 per annum Lodging Allowance, 1 at 10/ per week 2 Telegraphists at £10 per annum 18 Guards : 7 at 10/, 1 at 9/6, 1 at 9/, 9 at 8/6 per day 8 Porters and Acting-Guards: 2 at 7/6 and 8/6, 4 at 7/6 aud 8/, 1 at 7/ and 8/6, 1 at 7/ and 8/ per day 2 Shunters and Acting-Guards: 1 at 7/6 and 8/6, 1 at 7/6 and 8/ per day 4 Shunters: 1 at 8/6, 2 at 8/, 1 at 7/ per day 64 Porters : 17 at 7/6, 6 at 7/, 22 at 6/6, 1*0 at 6/, 4 at 5/6, 4 at 5/, 1 at 4/6 per day 7 Storemen : 2 at 8/, 5 at 7/6 per day 1 Watchman at 42/ per week (half-wages) Casual Labour and Overtime Stores and Miscellaneous 4,750 1,860 26 20 2,582 1,018 246 493 6,557 837 55 2,300 3,701 31,000 133,612 Wellington Section, 1896-97 —98 miles. Maintenance — 1 Inspector at 14/6 per day 1 E'oreman of Works at 13/6 per day •15 Gangers: 1 at 9/, 14 at 8/ per day 51 Platelayers: 46 at 6/6, 3 at 6/, 1 at 5/6, 1 at 3/6 per day Wages—Structures „ Buildings „ Miscellaneous Stores —Rails ,, Sleepers „ Structures „ Buildings „ Miscellaneous 227 211 1,894 5,102 1,832 859 39 1,378 1,895 1,100 700 150 Locomotive — 2 Locomotive Foremen; 1 at £5, 1 at £4 per week I Car and Waeon Inspector a.t 11/ per day 1 Clerk 12 Drivers : 1 at 13/, 3 at 12/, 8 at 11/ per day 18 Firemen : 4 at 9/ and 11/, 1 at 9/ and 10/6, 1 at 9/ and 10/. 1 at 9/, 1 at 8/ and 10/, 10 at 8/ per day . 12 Cleaners: 6 at 7/ and 8/, 1 at 6/6 and 8/, 2 at 6/, 2 at 5/6, 1 at 4/per day Wages. Renewals and Repairs, Locomotive ,, Carriage and Wagon ... Stores, ,, „ Locomotive „ „ „ Carriage and Wagon ... Fuel aud Water-supply Oil, Tallow, and Stores Overtime and Contingencies 15,387 470 172 130 2,144 2,462 1,241 3,800 ! 2,900 3,000 1,000 4,900 200 381 22,800




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

:em 185 '6-97. ) Miles WORKING RAILWAYS— continued. 2,03: VOTE No. 59—continued. Wellington Section — continued. Traffic— 14 Stationmasters : 1 at £250, 2 at £200, 1 at £180, 5 at £160, 5 at £140 per annum House Allowance, 5 at £25 per annum 1 Relieving Officer 17 Clerks: 1 at £180, 5 at £140, 3 at £130, 8 at £120 £ 2,330 125 180 per annum 6 Cadets : 4 at £110, 1 at £95, 1 at £50 per annum ... Lodging allowance, 1 at 6/ per week 11 Guards: 4 at 10/, 1 at 9/6, 2 at 9/. 4 at 8/6 per day 1 Porter and Acting-Guard at 7/ and 8/6 per day 1 Head Storeman at 10/ per day 1 Signalman at 8/6 per day 2 Shunters: 1 at 8/, 1 at 7/ per day 1 Head Porter at 10/ per day 81 Porters: 5 at 7/6, I at 7/, 12 at. 6/6, 7 ai 6/, 1 at 5/, 3 at 4/6, 1 at 4/, 1 at 3/6 per day ... 1 Timber-checker at 10/ per day 1 Crossing-keeper at 30/ per week Attendant, Ladies Waiting-room, at 20/ per week Casual Labour and Overtime Stores and Miscellaneous Mrs. Leevers, compassionate allowance 2,230 585 16 1,588 121 157 133 235 157 2,981 157 78 52 1.000 1,375 50 13,550 51,737 !) Hurunui-Bmjff Suction, 1896-97—1,133 miles. Maintenance — 10 Inspectors: 2 at 17/, 1 at 15/6, 2 at 15/, 1 at 14/6, 1 at 14/, 1 at 13/, 1 at 12/6, 1 at 12/ per day 3 Foremen of Works: 1 at 16/, 1 at 15/, 1 at 14/6 per day . 4 Bridge Inspectors at 12s. per day 170 Gangers: 4 at 10/, 7 at 9/,' 103 at 8/, 56 at 7/6 per daj' 523 Platelayers : 3 at 8/, 10 at 7/, 433 at 6/6, 10 at 6/, 16 at 5/6', 22 at 5/, 19 at 4/6, 9 at 4/, 1 at 3/ per day Wages—Structures „ Buildings „ Miscellaneous Stores—Kails, &c. ., Sleepers „ Structures ., Buildings „ Miscellaneous Removing slips J. O'Sullivan, compassionate allowance Mrs. Andrews. „ Mrs. Lee „ J. Whelan, H. Hansen, „ J. Jackson „ 2,278 712 751 21,081 51.503 17,146 8,432 5.947 14,526 19,475 11,840 4,050 3,700 3.850 50 50 50 70 50 50 Locomotive — 5 Locomotive Foremen: 3 at £5, 2 at £4 per week 2 Car and Wagon Inspectors : 1 at 15/, 1 at 13/6 per day 2 Clerks at £170 per annum 2 Storemen: 1 at 8/6, 1 at 7/6 per day 96 Drivers: 2 at 13/, 46 at 12/, 1 at 11/6, 46 at 11/, 1 at 10/6 per day 110 Firemen : 14 at 9/ and 11/, 5 at 9/ and 10/6, 8 at 9/ and 10/, 1 at 9/, 4 at 8/ and 10/, 78 at 8/ per day ... 165,611 1 ,201 146 340 251 17,309 14,613




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services

item 18S 2,03! '6-97. ) Miles. WORKING RAILWAYS- continued. <) VOTE No 59— continued. Hubunui-Bluff Section — continued. Locomotive —continued. 70 Cleaners: 22 at, 7/ and 8/, 8 at 7/, 4 at 6/6 and 8/, 2 at 6/6, 4 at 6/ and 8/, 11 at 6/, 12 at 5/6, 6 at 5/, 1 at, 4/6 per day Fuel and Water-supply Oil. Tftllow, and Stores Wages, Renewals and Repairs, Locomotive ., „ Carriage and Wagon ... Stores, .. ., Locomotive ., ., „ Carriage and Wagon .. Overtime and Contingencies £ I 7,160 ! 25,000 1,500 22,000 15,000 10,000 6,000 1,180 122,000 Traffic— 117 Stationmasters: 1 at £300, 1 at £275, 4 at £250,12 at £200, 9 at £180, 1 at £175, 33 at £160, 1 at £152, 2 at £150, 53 at £140 per annum 1 Porter-in-eharge at 48/ per week House Allowance: 5 at £50, 5 at £25 per annum 2 Traffic Inspectors: 1 at £225, 1 at £190 per annum .. 5 Relieving Officers: 1 at £220, 1 at £180, i at £150, 2 at £140 per annum 2 Goods Agents at £300 per annum House allowance, 2 at £50 136 Clerks : 2 at £250, 3 at £220,1 at £210,10 at £180, 1 at £170, 3 at £160, 61 at £140, 15 at £130, 39 at £120 per annum. 1 at 10/ per day 86 Cadets : 50 at £110, 11 at £95, 6 at £80, 14 at £50, 5 at £30 per annum Lodging Allowance: 3 at 10/, 8 at 6/, 2 at 5/ per week 11 Foremen: 1 at 12/ (also Labour Agent at 10/ per week) 4 at 12/, 2 at 10/6, 3 at 10/ per day, 1 at £150 per annum 69 Guards : 27 at 10/, 9 at 9/6, 32 at 8/6, 1 at 8/ per day 4 Porters and Acting-Guards: 1 at 7/6 and 8/6, 1 at 7/6 and 8/, 2 at 6/6 and 8/ per day 28 Signalmen: 2 at 9/, 12 at 8/6, 5 at 8/, 3 at 7/6, 5 at 7/, 1 at 6/6 per day 1 Timber-measurer 3 Shunters and Acting-Guards: 1 at 8/ and 8/6, 1 at 7/6 and 8/6, 1 at 7/ and 8/ per day 48 Shunters : 2 at 10/, 2 at 8/6, 7 at 8/, 20 at 7/6, 17 at 7/ per day 14 Storemen : 7 at, 8/6, 4 at 8/, 3 at 7/6 per day 1 Craneman at 8/6 per day 171 Porters : 1 at 10/6, 1 at 10/, 2 at 8/6, 4 at 8/, 34 at 7/6, 16 at 7/, 70 at 6/6, 16 at 6/, 14 at 5/6, 10 at 5/, 1 at 4/6, 1 at 4/, 1 at 3/6 per day 7 Watchmen at 42/ per week 1 Lampman at 30/ per week 21 Crossing-keepers : 6 at 6/ per day ; 1 at £94 per annum ; 6 at 36/, 1 at 35/, 3 at 30/, 3 at 25/ per week ; 1 at 5/ per day 5 Bridgekeepers: 1 at 7/6 per day ; 3 at 35/, 1 at 36/ per week 1 Female Attendant at 30/ per week Casual Labour and Overtime Mrs. H. Cox, compassionate allowance Mrs. Francis, „ Mrs. J. Moore, ,, J. Stewart, „ 18,922 125 375 415 830 600 100 19,147 7,875 244 1,913 9,945 473 3,506 160 376 5,665 1,784 133 17,630 767 78 1,820 485 78 12,232 104 25 50 50




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund, Services

[tern. 18' 2,03: 6-97. Miles. £ £ WORKING RAILWAYS— continued. VOTE No. 59— continued. HURUNur-BLTJFF Section — continued. Wharves — 1 Piermaster .. ... 70 1 Foreman at 8/6 per dav ... ... 133 6 Clerks : 1 at £180, 1 at £170, 4 at £140 per annum .. 910 1 Guard at 9/6 per day ... ... 149 2 Shunters: 1 at 8/6, 1 at 8/ per day ... 258 3 Horse-drivers at 8/ per day ... ... 376 1 Lamplighter ... ..... 60 1 Porter and Crane-driver, at 8/ and 9/ per day ... 133 3 Wharf-porters and Crane-drivers: 1 at 7/ and 9/, 2 at ] 7/and 8/per day ... ... 360 3 Wharf-porters and Tally-clerks, at 7/ and 8/ per day 352 4 Wharf-porters, Tally-clerks, and Leading-hands, at 7/ and 8/ per day .. ... j 470 1 Wharf-porter and Leading-hand, at 7/ and 8/ per day 117 5 Wharf-porters and Grain-stackers, at 7/ and 8/ per day 5s7 3 Wharf-porter8 and Horse-drivers, at 7/ and 8/ per day 852 16 Wharf-porters: 1 at 7/6, 13 at 7/, 2 at 6/6 per day " 1,745 70 133 910 149 258 376 60 133 360 352 470 117 5s7 352 1.745 Miscellaneous — Fuel, Lighting, and General Stores ... ... i Stationery and Printing .... ... j Claims and Compensation ... ... 11.S89 Travelling-expenses ... ... j Miscellaneous and Advertising ... ... / Rents— Shed (5) at Lyttelton ... £1,250 „ Port Chalmers ... 100 Tard at Sawyers' Bay ... 11 11>89 1,361 1,861 125.229 : 112.840 125.229 : 412.840 10 Geetmouth Section, 1896-97—32 miles. GRJiYMOUTH-BRtTNNEK LlNE — Maintenance — 1 Foreman of Works (part time) at 13/ per day ... 51 2 Gangers at 9/ per day ... ... 282 5 Platelayers at 7/ per day ... ... 548 Wages—Structures ... ... 502 „ Buildings ... .. 372 „ Miscellaneous ... ... 151 Stores —Rails ... ... L4L „ Sleepers ... ... 24 „ Structures ... ... 350 „ Buildings • ... ... 170 „ Miscellaneous ... ... 50 Timber-drying sheds ... ... £750 Removing slips ... ... 200 950 Less amount recoverable from Greymouth Harbour Board ... ... 750 200 2,841




Appropriations for Consolidated' Fund Services

Item. 188 '6-97. 2,031 ) Miles. WORKING RAILWAYS—continued. 10 VOTE No. 59— continued. Gbeymottth Section — continued. Greymoijth-Brttnner Ltne— continued. Locomotive — 2 Drivers at 11/ per dav 4 Firemen: 1 at 9/ and" 10/6, 1 at 8/6 and 10/, 1 at 8/, 1 (part time) at 8/ per day 2 Cleaners at 6/ per day Wages, Renewals and Repairs, Locomotive „ „ ,, Carriage and Wagon Stores, „ „ Locomotive „ ,, ,, Carriage and Wagon ... Fuel and Water-supply Oil, Tallow, and Stores Overtime and Contingencies £ 344 460 188 700 1,000 400 460 400 40 108 £ Traffle2 Stationmasters : 1 at £200, 1 at £180 per annum" 3 Clerks: 2 at £140, 1 at £120 per annum 1 Cadet at, £110 per annum 1 Wharfinger 1 Wharf Foreman at 12/ per day 1 Assistant. Wharf Foreman at 10/ per day 2 Guards : 1 at 9/6, 1 at 8/6 (half time) per day 2 Porters: 1 at 7/6, 1 at 6/ per day 3 Storemen: 1 at 8/, 2 at 7/6 per day 2 Shunters at 8/ per day 2 Horse-drivers: 1 at 8/6, 1 at 8/ per day... 3 Crane-drivers: 2 at 9/, 1 at 8/ (half-time) per day ... 1 Labourer at !•/ per day Casual Labour and Overtime Stores and Miscellaneous Mrs. Beresford, compassionate allowance .. 4,100 380 400 110 140 188 1.57 215 211 360 250 258 344 141 1,030 866 50 5,100 11 Gbeymouth-Hokitika Line— Maintenance — 1 Foreman of Works (part time) at 13/ per day 3 Gangers at 9/ a day 9 Platelayers at 7/ a day ... Wages—Structures „ Buildings Stores —Rails ,, Sleepers „ Structures „ Buildings „ Miscellaneous 152 423 986 220 44 50 12 135 70 30 Locomotive — 1 Driver at 11/ a day 1 Fireman at 8/ a day 1 Cleaner at 7/ and 8/ a day Wages, Renewals and Repairs, Locomotive „ „ „ Carriage and Wagon ... Stores, „ „ Locomotive „ „ „ Carriage and Wagon Fuel and Water-supply Oil, Tallow, and Stores Overtime and Contingencies 2,122 172 125 117 100 200 100 150 150 20 36 1,170

B.— l.



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services

teni. 1896-97. 2,039 Miles. WORKING RAILWAYS— continued. £ £ 11 VOTE No. 59— continued. Gbeymouth Section— continued. Greymotth-Hokitika Line — continued. Traffic— 2 Srationmasters : 1 at £160, 1 at £140 per annum 1 Clerk at £140 per annum 2 Guards: 1 at 8/6, 1 at 8/6 (half-time) per day 1 Storeuian at 8/6 per day 1 Porter at 5/6 per d iy Casual Labour and * 'vertime StoreH and Miscellaneous 300 140 200 188 86 81 410 1,350 Westpobt Section, 1896-97 —31 miles. Maintenance — 6 Gangers: 1 at 10/, 5 at 8/ per day 14 Platelayers at 7/ per day Wages—Structures Miscellaneous Stores—Kails „ Sleepers „ Structures „ Buildings • ... ,, Miscellaneous 16,683 12 782 1,534 673 274 940 1,133 1,449 55 60 Locomotive — 5 Drivers at 11/ per day 5 Firemen : 1 at 9/ and 10/, 4 at 8/ per day 1 Cleaners: 1 at 7/ and 8/, 2 at 7/, 1 at 6/6 per day .. Wages, Renewals and Repairs, Locomotive „ „ „ Carriage and Wagon ... Stores, Renewals and Repairs, Locomotive „ „ „ Carriage and Wagon ... Fuel and Water-supply Oil, Tallow, and Stores Overtime and Contingencies 6,900 861 650 439 1,000 1,600 500 700 400 60 50 6,260 Traffic— 3 Stationmastere: 1 at £220, 1 at £160, 1 at £140 per annum 1 Clerk at £140 per annum 3 Cadets: 2 at £95, 1 at £80 per anuum ... 1 W harfinger at 12 / per day 3 Guards : 1 at 10/, 2 at 8/6 per day 2 Porters and -shunters : 1 at 7/6 and 8/, 1 at 6/6 and 7/ per day 4 Porters: I at 7/6, 1 at 6/, 1 at 5/, 1 at 3/6 per day... 2 StaithR Foremen : 1 at 12/, 1 at 10/ per day 1 Night Watchman at 42/ per week Casual Labour and Overtime Stores and Miscellaneous 520 140 270 188 423 235 344 344 ! 110 1,510 316 4,100 17,560




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 1896-97. 2,039 Miles. WORKING RAILWAYS— continued. 13 VOTE No. 59— continued. ! Nelson Section, 1896-97 —23 miles. Maintenance — 3 Gangers: 2 at 8/, I at, 7/6 per day 10 Platelayers at 6/6 per day Wages—Structures ,, Buildings „ Miscellaneou* Stores — Rails „ Sleepers „ Structures „ Buildings „ Miscellaneous 368 1,017 223 223 346 498 750 93 200 40 3,758 Locomotive — 3 Drivers: 1 at 12/, 1 at 10/6 (part time), 1 at 10/ (part time) per day 3 Firemen: 1 at 9/ (part time), 2 at 8/ (part time) per day 2 Cleaners at 7/ (part time) per day Wages, Re7iewals and Repairs, Locomotive „ „ „ Carriage and Wagon ... Stores „ „ Locomotive „ „ „ Carriage and Wagon ... Fuel and Water-supply Oil, Tallow, and Stores Overtime and Contingencies 349 196 110 300 300 200 200 400 40 105 Traffic4 Stationmasters: 1 at £212, 2 at £160, 1 at £140 2,200 J per annum House Allowance 1 Clerk at £130 per annum 1 Cadet at £95 per annum 2 Guards: 1 at 10/, 1 at 8/6 per day 1 Porter and Tally-clerk at 7/6 and 8/ per day 3 Porters: 1 at 7/7, 1 at 6/, 1 at 5/6 per day Casual Labour and Overtime Stores and Miscellaneous 672 25 130 95 290 121 299 768 200 r 2,600 8,558 14 Picton Section, 1896-97—21 miles. Maintenance — 1 Foreman of Way and Works at 11/6 per day 3 Gangers: 1 at 8/, 2 at 7/6 per day 9 Platelayers at 6/6 per day Wages —Structures ,, Buildings „ Miscellaneous Stores —Rails „ Sleepers „ Structures „ Buildings „ Miscellaneous I i I 180 360 916 464 99 522 120 360 463 45 101 3,630



9-B\ 7.


Appropriations for Consolidated Fund, Services.

item. 18! 2,03! '6-97. I Miles. WORKING RAILWAYS— continued. 14 VOTE No. 59— continued. Picton Section — continued. Locomotive — 1 Driver at 11/ per day 1 Fireman at 9/ and 10/6 per day 2 Cleaners at 7/ and 8/ per day Wages, Renewals and Repairs, Locomotive „ ,, „ Carriage and Wagon ... Stores „ „ Locomotive „ ,, „ Carriage and Wagon ... Fuel and Water-supply Oil, Tallow, and Stores Overtime and Contingencies 172 153 231 300 300 200 200 400 20 91 2,070 Traffic— 1 Stationmaster at £140 per annum House Allowance 1 Cadet at £95 per annum 1 Guard at 8/6 per day 1 Porter and Acting-Guard at 7/ and 8/ per day 3 Porters: 1 at 7/, 2 at 6/6 per day Casual Labour and Overtime Stores and Miscellaneous 140 50 95 133 117 313 250 252 1,350 Miscellaneous— Payment of insurance (Port Stations) Cost of hearing Appeal Board cases 7,050 15 16 140 400 540 Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1891 " 785,219 16,785 Total—Vote No. 59 ... 768,434 TOTAL OF CLASS XI £761 434




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1896-97. Salaries. Charges. Total. £ £ £ Vote 60.—Public Buildings ... 600 ; 15,860 16,460 „ 61.—School-Buildings ... 26,000 26,000 „ 62.—Government Domains 1,000 1,000 „ 63.—Inspection of Machinery 2,805 1,365 4,170 TOTAL OF CLASS XII. 3,405 , 44,225 47,630 ' tem. 96-97. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. 1896-97. Total number of officers ... 3 VOTE No. 60. Maintenance, Impbovements, Fittinss, Furniture, &c. — Salaries — Architectural Draughtsman Clerk Fire Inspector (also Chief Messenger, £200) 315 235 50 600 2 3 4 Other Charges — Government Houses— Auckland Wellington Parliamentary Buildings Government Buildings throughout the Colony — Departmental Buildings Courthouses Gaols Police-stations Customhouses Post and Telegraph Offices ... Lunatic Asvlums 300 300 1,200 5 6 7 8 0 10 11 3,500 1,800 300 1,500 200 1,800 1,000




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services

Item. 1896-97. PUBLTC BUILDINGS— continued. 12 13 11 15 u> 17 18 £ VOTE No. 60— continued. Other Charges —continued. Quarantine Stations ... ... ... ! 400 Police-station, Wellington —Sanitary Improvements ... j 100 Government Buildings, Tauranga —General Renovation 380 Burnham Industrial School (alterations) ... ... | 300 Buildings not specified . ... ... t 600 Furniture, Old-men's Home, Westland ... ... 180 Inspection and Contingencies ... ... ... 2,000 1K SfiD £ 400 100 380 j 300 600 180 2,000 £ lD,»ou Total—Vote No. 60 ... ... 15,860 16,460 SCHOOL-BUILDINGS. VOTE No. 61. Public and Native Schools ... ... ■ ... 26,000 Total —Vote No. 61 ... ... 26,000 26,000 GOVERNMENT DOMAINS. l 2 VOTE No. 62. Wellington and Auckland ... ... ... 900 Contingencies ... ... ... 100 900 100 1,000 Total —Vote No. 62 ... ... INSPECTION OF MACHINERY. 1896-97. Total number of officers ... 10 VOTE No. 63. Salaries--Chief Inspector of Machinery (also Inspector, Wellington) 375 7 Inspectors of Machinery and Engineer Surveyors of Steamers : 4 at £325, 2 at £300, 1 at £275 ... 2,175 Clerk ... ... ... 170 Cadet ... ... ... 85 2,805 Other Charges— I Travelling-expenses, Rent of Offices, and Contingencies j 1,365 Total—Vote No. 63 .. ... 4,170 TOTAL OF CLASS XII. £47,630




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1896-97. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. £ £ £ Vote 64.—Defence Department 1,250 400 1,650 ,, 65.—Permanent Militia and Volunteers' 36,635 23,915 60,550 ,, 66.—Stores and Magazines 1,930 850 2,780 ,, 67. —Miscellaneous Services 10,684 10,684 TOTAL OF CLASS XIII. ... 39,815 15,849 75,664 item. 18J 16-97. DEFENCE DEPAETMENT. 1896-97. Total number of officers .. 3 VOTE No. 64. Salaries— Under-Seeretary for Defence... Commander of Forces Staff Officer (six months) £ 400 700 150 £ Other Charges— Travelling-expenses, forage, and contingencies Total—Vote No. 64 PEEMANENT MILITIA AND VOLDNTEEES. 1896-97. Total number of officers 315 i ' 1,250 400 1,650 VOTE No. 65. Salaries— Garrison Artillery Branch — 2 Majors at £250 per annum ... 2 Captains at £225 per annum 2 Lieutenants at £175 per annum 4 Military Cadets, to be taken from Junior Civil Service List, at £40. per annum 1 Master Gunner at 10s. per day 4 Sergeants-Major at 8s. 6d. per day 8 Sergeants at 8s. per day 1 Sergeant as Artillery Instructor 8 Corporals at 7s. 6d. per day 8 Bombardiers at 7s. 3d. per day 12 Artificers at 7s. per day ... 56 Gunners, 1st Class, at 6s. 6d. per day 30 Gunners, 2nd Class, at 6s. per day 70 Gunners, at 5s. per day ... 500 450 350 160 183 621 1,168 156 1,096 1,060 1,533 6,643 3,285 6,388 500 450 350 160 183 621 1,168 156 1,096 1,060 1,533 6,643 3,285 6,388 • 23,593




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund, Services.

;em. 1896-97. a PERMANENT MILITIA AND VOLUNTEERS— contd. VOTE No. 65— continued. Salaeies— continued. Submarine Mining Branch — 1 Inspector, Submarine Mining Establishments 1 Captain 1 Lieutenant 1 Submarine Mining Instructor at 7s. per day 4 Sergeants-Major at 8s. 6d. per day 4 Sergeants at 8s. per day 4 Corporals at 7s. 6d. per day 4 Bombardiers, at 7s. 3d. per day 32 Gunners,. 1st Class, at 7s. per day 12 Gunners, 2nd Class, at 6s. per day 12 Gunners, at 5s. per day ... 300 250 175 128 621 584 548 530 4,088 1,314 1,095 9,633 3 4 5 (j 7 Other Chaeges— Travelling-expenses Repairing and painting Buildings Fuel and Light Gas and Water Maintenance and Repairs of Torpedo-boats, Boat- sheds, Launches, &c. House Allowance Volunteer Instruction Clothing Freight, cartage, &c. Stores for maintenance of guns and batteries Contingencies, Artillery and Torpedo Branches 400 50 150 150 1,000 400 200 550 450 900 1,000 8 9 10 11 12 13 5,250 Less estimated credits under section 41 of "The Public Revenues Act, 1891 " 2,000 3,250 14 Iβ 16 17 Salaeies— Head Office— Clerk Auckland — Officer Commanding District and Divisional Adjutant 2 Drill Instructors : 1 at £190, 1 at £127 15s. Napier — Officer Commanding Drill Instructor and Magazine Keeper Wanganui — Drill Instructor and Magazine Keeper ... Wellington — Officer Commanding District and Divisional Adjutant Drill Instructor Nelson — Officer Commanding Adjutant Drill Instructor Marlborough — Drill Instructor 36,476 210 50 318 50 138 18 138 300 128 19 50 75 128 '20 50




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services,

[tern. 189' i-97. PERMANENT MILITIA AND VOLUNTEERS— contd. 21 VOTE No. 65— continued. J Salaries — continued. Canterbury — Officer Commanding District and Divisional Adjutant 2 Drill Instructors at £127 15s. South Canterbury — Officer Commanding Drill Instructor Westland — Drill Instructor (also Magazine Keeper nil) 300 256 22 50 128 23 128 24 25 Oamaru — Officer Commanding Drill Instructor Dunedin — Officer Commanding District and Divisional Adjutant 2 Drill Instructors at £127 15s. Invercargill — Officer Commanding Drill Instructor 50 128 300 256 26 50 128 3,409 27 28 29 80 81 Othek Chakgeh— Forage and, Travelling -allowances — Auckland Napier Wellington Nelson Marlborough Canterbury Oamaru Dunedin • Invercargill Westland Capitation Allowances Capitation to Cadets Prizes for Eifle-shooting Naval Artillery Volunteers, Purchase and Repair of Boats Rent, Purchase, and Repair of Rifle-ranges Subsidies in aid of erecting Drill- and Boat-sheds, &c. Drill-shed extensions and repairs Volunteer Encampments Purchase of Arms, Ammunition, &c, Freight, and Insurance Charges Freight and Cartage Advertising Rent of Offices, Fuel, Light, &c. Extra Clerical Railway Fares for Volunteers Efficiency fees for Volunteers Contingencies and other assistance 175 50 450 55 70 350 20 300 45 100 11,000 550 600 m 88 84 86 M 450 300 500 400 2,300 87 88 89 ■10 41 42 48 1,000 600 350 200 'MO 1,200 400 1,000 Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1891" 22,665 2,000 Total —Vote No. 65 20,665 60,550




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

iom. 1896-97. STOEES AND MAGAZINES. 1896-97. Total number of officers .. 13 1 2 VOTE No. 66. Salaeies— Auckland — 2 Magazine Keepers: 1 at £127 15s., 1 at £110 ... Wellington — Storekeeper Assistant Storekeeper Clerk Storeman Armourer Armourer's Assistant 2 Arms Cleaners at £109 16s. 2 Magazine Keepers : 1 at £130, 1 at £101 Otago — Caretaker, Powder Hulk ... 238 325 200 175 110 183 138 220 231 110 1,930 1 5 Other Chaeges— Eepairs to Magazines, Hulks, and Store Buildings ... Contingencies 350 500 850 Total—Vote No. 66 2,79 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. 5 6 7 8 9 10 Jl 1 2 3 I Vote No. 67. Pension to Mrs. Elizabeth Ford Pension of late F. G. Rawson, continued to his Widow Pension of late Mrs. Passmore, continued to her Sisters Pension to Aperahama Tahumirangi for wounds received while in the service of the New Zealand Government Pensions to Recipients of N.Z. Cross Purchase of Long-Service Medals Purchase of Martini-Henry ammunition ... Repairs, &c, to Military Graveyards Repairs to Machinery and Hulls of Steam-launches " Lyttelton," " Gordon," " Isabel," and " Ballance" Repairs to Jetty at Shelly Bay Special Allowance to ex-Constable Packer, for serious permanent injuries received in the service Special Allowance to ex-Constable Miles Leighton, for serious permanent injuries received in the service... Compassionate Allowance to the Children of late Tor-pedo-man Heighton at the rate of £1 per week Compassionate Allowance to ex-Torpedoman Cornwall for injuries received at the Shelly Bay explosion, at 15s. per week Compassionate allowance to the widow of the late Gunner J. Smith, drowned in the "Wellington Harbour Compensation to Gunner S. Bannon, medically unfit for further service 46 45 47 10 180 50 6,000 50 150 100 40 12 13 30 52 Id 39 15 50 Iβ 128




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund, Services,

;em. 1896-97. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES—continued. 17 18 19 20 21 22 28 VOTE No. 67— continued. Arrears of pension granted to G-. H. Dore, wounded in action, 1868—from July, 1870, to May, 1872 Cost of targets for testing ammunition at Auckland ... Repairs to torpedo-boat (Auckland) Proportion of Salary of Imperial Officer in London as Inspector of Warlike Stores For privilege of using Mount Eden Eifle-range New boiler for steam-launch " Gordon " Final expenses in connection with the meeting of the New Zealand Rifle Association, 1896 Expenses New Zealand Rifle Association meetiug, 1897 Moiety of expenses towards rebuilding the sea-wall of the military cemetery at Tauranga Volunteer camps of instruction ... Advance of passage-money to Lieutenant J. Waddell proceeding to Natal to join his regiment 69 150 155 165 225 330 24 25 450 500 20 27 75 1,500 48 Total—Vote No. 67 10,684 TOTAL OF CLASS XIII. 5,664




10— B. 7.

Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1896-97. Salaries. - Other Charges. Total. r ote 68.—Police Department ... £ 83,883 £ 20,000 £ 103,883 „ 69.—Miscellaneous Services 2,867 2,867 TOTAL OF CLASS XIV. 83,883 12,867 106,750 'tern. POLICE DEPARTMENT. '6-97. 1896-97. Total number of officers ... 523 TOTE No. 68. Salaries— 8 Clerks: 1 at £240,1 at £225, 1 at £210... 6 Inspectors, 1st Class, at £400 1 Inspector, 3rd Class, at £300 3 Sergeants-Major at 10s. 6d. per day 22 Sergeants, 1st Class, at 9s. 6d. per day ... 22 Sergeants, 2nd Class, at 9s. per day 14 Sergeants, 3rd Class, at 8s. 6d. per day ... 120 Constables, 1st Class, at 8s. per day 114 Constables, 2nd Class, at 7s. 6d. per day 204 Constables, 3rd Class, at 7s. per day ... 2 Detectives, 1st Class, at 13s. 6d. per day... 5 Detectives, 2nd Class, at 12s. per day 4 Detectives, 3rd Class, at 10s. 6d. per day 3 Detectives, 4th Class, at 9s. 6d. per day... Native Constables 15 District Constables Extra Pay (Long Service) Female Searchers 4 Matrons at £100 Constable at Chatham Islands (and Clerk Resident Magistrate's Court, and Clerk Post Office) 3 Constables acting as Magazine Keepers: 2 at £5, 1 at £10 4 Inspectors under Licensing Acts at £150 £ 675 2,400 300 575 3,814 3,614 2,172 17,520 15,004 26,061 493 1,095 766 520 400 686 6,000 150 400 38 20 600 Less contributions from other Departments 83,903 20 i 83,883




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services

;em. 1896-97. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 VOTE No. 68— continued. Othee Chabges— House Allowance, 6 at £50 Retiring Allowances Police Prosecutions Purchase of Horses Forage Saddlery Travelling-expenses and Transport of Prisoners Repairing, painting, and renewing Stations Rations for Prisoners, Fuel, and Light Rent of Out-stations Gas and Water Contingencies £ 300 1,250 500 250 1,700 100 9,000 500 1,000 2,500 900 3,000 £ Less estimated credits under section 41 of "The Public Revenues Act, 1891 " 21,000 1,000 20,000 Total—Vote No. 68 103,883 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 VOTE No. 69. Rewards for conviction in sly-grog cases ..". Expenses attending the detection of sly grog-sellers ... Purchase of long-service medals Special allowance to ex-Constable Stewart for serious permanent injuries received in the service Inspectors under Licensing Act—Travelling -expenses, laboratories, and other expenses Compassionate allowance to the widow of the late Inspector J. B. Thomson Compassionate allowance to the widow of the late Constable G. H. Brooking Compensation for loss of office to Thomas Nestor, late constable, as recommended by the Public Petitions Committee Compensation to Henry Mounsey and Henry Albert Austin for wrongful arrest and detention, as recommended by the Public Petitions Committee Reward for arrest of ex-Detective Austin Kirby, charged with obtaining money by threats J. J. Meikle, in full satisfaction of all claims against the Government (recommended by Public Petitions Committee) 200 200 50 40 600 600 205 8 164 58 10 250 11 500 Total—Vote No. 69 2,867 TOTAL CLASS XIV. £10 1,750




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1896-97. Salaries. Other Charges. Totals. £ £ £ ote 70.—Department of Lands and Survey 57,649 66,800 124,449 „ 71. —Miscellaneous Services 6,913 6,913 TOTAL OF CLASS XV. ■ 57,649 '3,713 131,362 tern. 196-97. DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND SUKVEY. 1896-97. Total number of officers and artisans ... 256 VOTE No. 70. Salaries — Head Office — Surveyor-General and Secretary for Crown Lands Superintending Surveyor and Under-Secretary for Crown Lands 8 Draughtsmen: 1 (Chief) at £350, 1 at £285, 3 at £260, 2 at £240, 1 at £220 ... 8 Clerks : 1 (Chief) at £350, 1 at £250, 2 at £245, 1 at £235, 1 at £210, 1 at £200, 1 at £140 ... 1 Shorthand-writer and Typist Chief Accountant Foreman Litho Printer and Photographer 8 Lithographic Printers: 2 at £163, 3 at £160, 2 at £157, 1 at £140 Photographer's Assistant Map-mounter 2 Cadets: 1 at £60, 1 at £40 ... 3 Road Surveyors: 1 at £400, 1 at £280, 1 at £270 ... Auditor of Land Revenue Superintendent of Settlements... Caretaker, Rotorua Sanatorium Caretaker, Hanmer Sanatorium 750 625 2,115 1,875 285 310 260 1,260 156 156 100 950 350 375 260 220 i 10,017




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

jem. 189' i-97. DEPAETMENT OF LANDS AND SUEVET— continued. VOTE No. 70— continued. Salaeies — continued. Auckland District — Chief Surveyor and Commissioner of Crown Lands 3 District Surveyors: 1 (also Inspector) at £325, 1 at £300, 1 at £275 7 Assistant Surveyors: 2 at £220,1 at £210, 1 at £200, 1 at £185, 1 at"£165, 1 at £160 Eoad Surveyor Chief Draughtsman 9 Assistant Draughtsmen : 1 at £275, 1 at £260, 1 at £250, 1 at £240, 1 at £220, 3 at £210, 1 at £200 ... Land Transfer Draughtsman ... 7 Clerks : 1 at £290, 1 at £280 (Receiver of Land Revenue), 1 at £225, 1 at £200, 1 at £150,1 at £140, 1 at £110 9 Cadets : 2 at £70, 4 at £60, 1 at £50, 2 at £40 4 Rangers: 2 at £250, 2 at £185 ... - ... Messenger 500 900 1,360 315 350 2,075 300 1,395 510 870 120 8,695 Hawke's Bay District — • Chief Surveyor and Commissioner of Crown Lands 2 District Surveyors : I at £375, 1 at £300 2 Assistant Surveyors : 1 at £185,1 at £150 Chief Draughtsman ... .*. 5 Assistant Draughtsmen: 1 at £325, 2 at £250, 1 at £235, 1 at £180 Receiver of Land Revenue 2 Clerks: 1 at £220, 1 at £160 2 Cadets : 1 at £50, 1 at £40 ... 2 Rangers at £275 475 675 335 325 1,240 310 380 90 550 4,380 Taranaki District — Chief Surveyor and Commissioner of Crown Lands . District Surveyor 4 Assistant Surveyors: 1 at £230, 3 at £200 Chief Draughtsman 4 Assistant Draughtsmen : 1 at £270, 1 at £240, 1 at £210, 1 at £190 Receiver of Land Revenue 2 Clerks : 1 at £210, 1 at £100 3 Cadets: 1 at £70, 2 at £40 . Road Surveyor Ranger 475 300 830 300 910 220 310 150 300 275 Wellington District — Assistant Surveyor-General and Commissioner of Crown Lands 3 District Surveyors : 1 at £325, 1 at £300, 1 at £260 .. 7 Assistant Surveyors: 2 at £220, 1 at £210, 2 at £200, 1 at £175, 1 at £150 ... Chief Draughtsman 9 Assistant Draughtsmen : 1 at £325, 1 at £220, 2 at £210, 2 at £200, 1 at £180, 1 at £140, 1 at £130 ... Land Transfer Draughtsman 4 Clerks: 1 (Chief) at £275, 1 at £225, 1 at £170, 1 at £110 Receiver of Land Revenue 2 Rangers, 1 at £275, 1 at £250 4,070 550 885 1.375 350 1,815 300 780 300 525




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services,

;em. 1896-97. DEPAETMENT OF LANDS AND SUEVET— continued. VOTE No. 70— continued. Salaries— continued. Wellington District —continued. 4 Cadets : 2 at £70, 1 at £60, 1 at £40 ... Eoad Surveyor Messenger 240 270 110 Nelson District — Chief Surveyor and Commissioner of Crown Lands 4 District Surveyors : 1 at £325, 1 at £300, 1 at £290, 1 at £270 2 Assistant Surveyors at £200 Chief Draughtsman 3 Assistant Draughtsmen : 1 at £285, 1 at £275, 1 at £240 Land Transfer Draughtsman ... 2 Clerks: 1 (Eeceiver of Land Eevenue) at £335, 1 at £225 1 Cadet 7,500 450 1,185 400 300 800 255 560 60 Marlborough District — Chief Surveyor and Commissioner of Crown Lands ... District Surveyor Chief Draughtsman and Eeceiver of Land Eevenue ... 2 Assistant Draughtsmen : 2 at £210 Cadet Eanger 4,010 450 250 270 420 50 100 Westland District — Chief Surveyor and Commissioner of Crown Lands District Surveyor Assistant Surveyor Eoad Surveyor Chief Draughtsman and Eeceiver of Land Eevenue ... 3 Assistant Draughtsmen : 1 at £150, 1 at £130, 1 at £100 2 Cadets : 1 at £60, 1 at £40 ... Ranger 1,540 440 355 200 315 300 380 100 210 Canterbury District — Chief Surveyor and Commissioner of Crown Lands 2 District Surveyors : 1 at £290, 1 at £250 Assistant Surveyor Chief Draughtsman Land Transfer Draughtsman ... 7 Assistant Draughtsmen: 1 at £250, 1 at £240, 1 at £235, 1 at £220, 2 at £210, 1 at £190 ... Eeceiver of Land Eevenue 3 Clerks : 2 at £200, 1 at £110 2 Cadets : 1 at £70, 1 at £60 ... 2 Eangers at £250 2 Messengers: 1 at £112, 1 at £110 ... ' ... 2,300 500 540 230 350 325 1,555 270 510 130 500 222 Otaffo District — Commissioner of Crown Lands... Chief Surveyor 2 District Surveyors : 1 at £325,1 at £300 8 Assistant Surveyors : 1 at £230, 1 at £220, 1 at £200 Chief Draughtsman 5,132 10 500 500 625 650 325




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services

item. 1896-97. DEPAETMENT OF LANDS AND SUEVET— continued. 10 VOTE No. 70— continued. Salaries— continued. Otaqo District —continued. Land Transfer Draughtsman 7 Assistant Draughtsmen : 1 at £325, 2 at £275, 1 at £270, 1 at £220, 1 at £185, 1 at £160 ... Eeceiver of Land Eevenue 3 Clerks : 1 at £300, 1 at £250, 1 at £130 5 Cadets : 1 at £80, 1 at £70, 2 at £60, 1 at £50 3 Hangers : 2 at £275, 1 at £250 Curator, Eesolution Island 300 1,710 350 680 820 800 125 6,885 11 Southland District — Chief Surveyor and Commissioner of Crown Lands District Surveyor Assistant Surveyor Chief Draughtsman 3 Assistant Draughtsmen: 1 at £275, 1 at £200, 1 at £180 Land Transfer Draughtsman ... 3 Clerks : 1 (Eeceiver of Land Eevenue) at £230, 1 at £205, 1 at £110 Cadet Eanger Messenger and Cleaner 475 325 200 260 655 235 545 40 250 105 3,090 57,649 12 18 14 15 16 17 Otheb Chabges— Equipment and Wages of Survey Parties ... Travelling-expenses Instruments Native Surveys Additional Surveyors and Parties Contingencies and Materials ... 20,000 5,000 300 4,000 25,000 L8,500 72,800 Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Seventies Act, 1891 " 130,449 6,000 Total —Vote No. 70 124,449 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. 1 2 VOTE No. 71. Fees to Members of Waste Lands Boards ... Interest on £2,000, part purchase-money of Stewart Island Hanmer Hot Springs, subsidy to Doctor ... Eef'unds on account of lands disposed of, short acreage, &c. 1,500 500 100 8 4 343




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

;om. 1896-97. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES— continued. £ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 VOTE No. 71— continued. Eefund of survey deposits to J. Head and J. W. Nelson Eefund of survey fees to J. E. and M. Brown Eefund to J. Colvin of expenses in maintaining right to land Refund to J. Aiken of expenses in defending action for trespass, as recommended by Waste Lands Committee Refund to P. Cherry of costs incurred in case Cherry v. Snook Eefund of rent, Ashburton Bridge Eeserve, to be paid to County Scenery advertisement and promotion of tourist traffic Mount Cook Hermitage expenses Te Aroha Domain Waikaremoana accommodation-house Tongariro National Park Native townships—Expenses of administration Portion of recovery obtained from Mr. Darrow for cutting timber, to be paid to Ohinemuri County Cost of procuring road to Nabbs and Daly's property ... Village Homestead Settlers' arrears West Oxford Water-supply Board of Examiners of Surveyors Bush-fires Relief Fund, Waipukurau, grant-in-aid Purchase of road and land at Opotiki ... Purchase of recreation reserve for Pukekohe Compensation to H. and T. Baigent for loss of land, as recommended by Waste Lands Committee Supply of fish-ova and acclimatisation of fish and animals 8 300 50 50 300 26 500 500 100 400 200 300 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 500 34 147 300 50 250 55 50 50 26 300 Total—Vote No. 71 6,91 TOTAL OF CLASS XY. £131,362




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1896-97. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. Vote 72.—Rates on Crown Lands £ £ 900 £ 900 TOTAL OP CLASS XVI. 900 900 Item. 196-97. BATES ON CROWN LANDS. VOTE No. 72. Payable under the Crown and Native Lands Eating Acts, including full amounts payable in respect of security given by local bodies for loans — For current year, including arrears 900 Total —Vote No. 72 ... 900 TOTAL OF CLASS XVI. £900



CLASS XVII.—Minister of Lands.

H—B. 7.


Appropriations for the New Zealand State Forests Account.

1896-97. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. £ £ £ Vote 73.—State Forests Branch of the Lands and Survey Department 900 2,200 3,100 TOTAL OF CLASS XVII. ... 900 2,200 3,100 Hem 18£ II 896-97. STATE FORESTS BRANCH OF THE DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEY. £ £ 1896-97. Number of officers ... 4 VOTE No. 73. State Fobbsts Beanch or thk Lands and Stjbvey ■ Depabtment— Salaries — 1 Inspector ... ... ... 450 3 Overseers at £150 ... ... ... 450 900 2 8 4. Other Charges — Travelling-allowances and expenses? ... ... 200 Fencing, Buildings, Planting, Material, Ac. ... 1,000 Purchase of land for nursery ... ... ... 1,000 2,200 j Total —Vote No. 73 ... ... | 3,100 I [ TOTAL O¥ CLASS XVII. ... .... £3 £i 5,100



CLASS XVIII.—Minister of Lands.


Appropriations for the Cheviot Estate Account.

1896-97. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. £ £ £ Vote 74.—Cheviot Estate Expenses 3,500 3,500 TOTAL OF CLASS XVIII. 3,500 3,500 Item. 196-97. CHEVIOT ESTATE EXPENSES. £ £ VOTE No. 74. Expenses not chargeable under thi Permanent Act— Grant to Cheviot County towards completion of roads i 1 3,500 Total —Vote No. 74 I 3,500 TOTAL OF CLASS XVIII. £3,500




CLASS XIX.—Minister of Lands.

Appropriations for the Land for Settlements Account.

1896-97. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. £ £ £ Vote 75. —Land for Settlements Expenses 800 1,580 2,88 TOTAL OF CLASS XTX. 800 1,580 2,380 Item. 1896-97. LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS EXPENSES. £ £ 1896-97. Total number of officers .. 1 VOTE No. 75. Salaries— Land-Purchase Inspector 800 2 ■■', Other Charges— Preliminary expenses Kates, or contributions in lieu thereof, on estates purchased under "The Land for Settlements Act, 1894," and its amendments Purchase of crop, Highbank Estate 800 350 430 Total —Vote No. 75 1,580 2,380 TOTAL OF CLASS XIX. £2, 180




Appropriations for the Public Trustee's Account.

'tern. 1896-97. COLONIAL TREASURER 1896-97. Total number of officers ... 39 Salaries— Public Trustee Deputy Public Trustee Solicitor Chief Clerk Reserves Agent, New Plymouth Clerk in Charge of Wills, Trusts, &c Accountant Examiner 10 Clerks : 2 at £180, 1 at £175, 1 at £170, 1 at £165, I at £160, 1 at £140. 1 at £135, 2 at £130 3 Shorthand-writers and Type-writers: 1 at £120, 1 at £110, lat£50 ... ... ' 4 Cadets: 1 at £60, 8 at £50 ... Messenger 800 425 500 325 250 300 280 200 1,565 280 210 65 Local Audit, £240; London Agency, £75... 315 District Agents : Christchurch Auckland Dunedin Greymouth ... Napier Cadets at Agencies : Christchurch Auckland Dunedin 320 320 240 1.80 150 90 60 60 6,935 8 4 3 (i 7 Otheb Chakges— Auckland Agency Christchurch Agency Dunedin Agency Greymouth Agency Napier Agency Administration of the West Coast Settlement and Native Reserves — Native Agent ... . >. Contingencies (interpreting, &c.) General — Inspection of Properties Contingencies Administration, "The Unclaimed Lands Act, 1894" — Clerk Advertising, and other Charges ultimately recoverable (i0 60 60 60 40 150 50 H 300 350 9 10 130 500 1,760 Less Contribution from Government Advances to Settlers Office Account 8.695 250 Total 8,445 PUBLIC TEUSTBE'S ACCOUNT ,445

B.- 7



Appropriations for the Government Insurance Account.

,em. 1896-97. £ £ COLONIAL TEBASUEER. 1896-97. Total number of officers .. 90 Salaries — Head Office — Commissioner Assistant Commissioner Actuary Secretary Chief Medical Officer Accountant Assistant Actuary Chief Clerk Office Examiner Second Assistant Actuary 30 Clerks : 2 at £240, 1 at £210, 5 at £200, 1 at £190, 1 at £185, 1 at £180, 2 at £165, 7 at £160, 3 at £150, 1 at £130, 1 at £120, 1. at £115, 4 at £100 15 Cadets : 1 at £90, 8 at £70, 4 at £60, 2 at £50 ... For auditing accounts Chief Messenger 2 Messengers • 1 at £130, 1 at £109 800 500 600 500 400 350 300 275 250 235 4,910 990 240 180 239 10,769 Local Offices — Wellington Agency— District Manager 2 Clerks: 1 at £210, 1 at £150 Cadet 450 360 70 Auckland Agency— District Manager 2 Clerks: 1 at £220, 1 at £155 Cadet 880 8 450 375 50 Christchurch Agency — District Manager 2 Clerks : 1 at £225, 1 at £155 Cadet 875 ! ■1 460 380 ': 60 Dunedin Agency— District Manager 3 Clerks : 1 at £200, 1 at £140, 1 at £110 890 ■') 450 450 : i 900 i




Appropriations for the Government Insurance Account.

;em. 1896-97. COLONIAL TREASURES— continued. Salaries — continued. Local Offices —continued. Napier Agency — Resident Agent Cadet £ 300 100 Wanganui Agency— Resident Agent Cadet 400 205 100 Blenheim Agency — Agency Clerk Cadet 305 155 50 Nelson Agency— Resident Agent Cadet 205 250 65 Timaru Agency— Agency Clerk Cadet 315 10 180 65 Oarnaru Agency — Resident Agent Cadet 245 1.1 175 70 Invercargill Agency— Agency Clerk Cadet 245 12 190 100 290 18 Greymoiith Agency— Resident Agent Cadet 170 100 London—Agent-General's Office— Half Salary of one Clerk 270 14 75 Otheb Changes— Extra Clerical Assistance Commission Medical Fees Travelling-expenses Advertising, Printing, and Stationery Postage and Telegrams Contingencies Building on Dunedin Freehold Triennial expenses i 5,895 15 16 17 Iμ 1!) 20 21 ■22 28 1,500 12,000 4,500 700 2,000 2,000 4,500 ll.iioo 2,000 40,200 Total 56,86' OVEBNMENT INSUBANCE ACCOUNT £5(5,864



Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given; printing (1,700 copies), £31 155.

By Authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB96.

Price Is. 6d.\


Appropriations for the Government Advances to Settlers Office.

hem. 18' '6-97. COLONIAL TREA8UKEB. 1896-97. Total number of officers ... 31 £ Salatuks— Superintendent (also Commissioner of Taxes, £650) ... Salary of Deputy Superintendent (6 months), (also Deputy Commissioner of Taxes, £400) Chief Valuers : 8 at £500, 1 at £350 (nine months), 1 at £52 (3 months) Clerks at, Head Office: 1 at £210, 1 at £200, 2 at £180, 1 at £156, 3 at £120, 2 at £100, 2 at £90, 2 at £75, 3 at £40 Shorthand and Type-writer Clerks: 1 at £90, 1 at £60, 1 at £50 Clerks : Auckland—1 at £45 ; Christchurch—1 at £156 ; Uunedin—1 at £60 ; Invercargill—1 at £110 200 25 1,776 1,936 200 371 4,508 2 8 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 Otheb. Charges— Interest on loan Valuation-fees payable to Valuators Rent. Fire, and Light Printing and Stationery Furniture Advertising Contribution to Public Trust Office Proportion of Audit expenses Amount required for payment of Land-tax on Mortgage Investments to 31st March, 1896 Travelling-expenses Contingencies 45,000 3,000 350 300 100 150 250 25 11 12 1,774 400 500 Total 51,849 56,357 GOVERNMENT ADVANCES TO SETTLER OFFICE MANAGEMENT ACCOUNT . £5' 3,357

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APPROPRIATIONS CHARGEABLE ON THE CONSOLIDATED FUND AND OTHER ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31st MARCH, 1897., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1896 Session I, B-07

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APPROPRIATIONS CHARGEABLE ON THE CONSOLIDATED FUND AND OTHER ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31st MARCH, 1897. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1896 Session I, B-07

APPROPRIATIONS CHARGEABLE ON THE CONSOLIDATED FUND AND OTHER ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31st MARCH, 1897. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1896 Session I, B-07

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