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Presented to the House of Representatives, and ordered to be printed.


Petitions. Page. No. 217 20 25 39 78 296 48 297 446 70 A. Adams, Hannah M., and Others Aldridge, M., and Others (No. 1) .. Aldridge, M., and Others (No. 2) .. Annear, Eliza Armstrong, F. L., and Others Armstrong, T. S., and Others Atkinson, F., and Others Atkinson, James, and Others Atkins, H. W., and Others Auckland Women's Liberal League (Jane Kerr, and Others) Auckland Women's Liberal League (Jane Kerr, and Others) 6 4 2 2 2 9 1 9 10 1 71 1 B. 53 ' 9 203 366 32 489 175 269 362 182 38 487 33 37 155 5 334 377 375 494 483 385 250 Baillie, D.N... Bain, Elizabeth Bannennann, Wm. Barton, G. E. Barnes, Catherine (No. 1).. Barnes, Catherine (No. 2).. Barry, W. J. Bates, B. Bayly, Fred Beattie, B., and Others .. Bell, John Bell, John, and Others Blaramberg, H. von (No. 1) Blaramberg, H. von (No. 2) Blaramberg, H. von (No. 3) Bolming, W. G. D. Bowskell, John, and Others Brooking, E., and Others .. Brown, Charles .. Buckland, John Bullen, E. S., and Others.. Burgess, J. James Burrow, William, and Others 2 3 6 12 6 14 6 9 9 5 3 14 2 2 5 2 9 10 12 14 12 10 8 290 177 326 159 22 404 160 58 321 248 319 43 121 49 c. Campbell, A. P., and Others Campbell, Elizabeth Campbell, John Carmody, John Casselberg, Eli, and Another Chadwin, William, Jun., and Others Chaplin, Thomas, and Others Charnock, George Chaytor, J. C, and Others Clark, Alexander.. Clark, William, and Others Clarkson, Thomas Collins, A. S. Collis, Thomas 10 5 10 9 3 13 6 3 10 8 9 7 6 2

No. Petitions. Page. 94 7 73 439 200 81 103 31 Colvin, John Connelly, Margaret Coutts, John, and Others Cox, Edwin, and Others Crofts, H. E. Cromwell, Borough of Cruickshank, George A., and Others Cunningham, David 4 2 2 10 7 4 9 3 239 476 145 191 441 320 21 D. Darley, Patrick, and Others Darley, William, and Others Davis, Elizabeth De Weston, W. M., and Others Dilworth, James, Executors of Dodson, George, and Others Donaldson, George 7 11 6 5 9 10 3 110 76 151 477 E. 4 4 4 12 Ede, James W. .. Ell, G. W. Ellis, John Erskine, Hugh, and Others F. 12 7 6 2 14 12 3 5 11 13 11 412 216 189 3 471 75 109 418 482 419 Fair, O. B. .. Feist Edwin, and Others Ferguson, K. B., and Others Field, John H. .. r?inal Beport Finlayson, A., and Others Fitness, Jabez, and Others Fitzgerald, Gerald Fleming, James, and Others Ford, A. S. Fowler, James, and Others 413 47 499 17 77 G. 10 1 13 1 310 108 224 219 190 Garrard, W. G. .. Gell, P. T., and Others .. Geraldine County Acclimatisation Society .. Gibson, John, and Others Gisborne Women's Political Association and Oth ers Gosling, Catherine, and Others Gray, W. A. Grove, James, and Others Grix, James Gubb, Thomas A., and Others 2 10 & 7 7 6 488 289 420 463 181 H. Hall, F. S., and Others .. Hall, William Hamilton, J. W. and Others Hansen, H. Harker, W. J. .. 13 a n 13 4



No. 'etii ;ions. 'age. 172 256 318 258 54 90 183 344 232 130 414 443 492 176 388 275 Hartland, A. Hartnell, H., and Others Harvey, James Hawkes, A., and Others .. Hayes, D. D., and Others.. Hepburn, William Heron, W. H., and Others Hills, St. J., ana Others Hislop, Alexander, and Others Hobbs, E., and Others Hodgson, Cecil Hodgson, Thomas Hopkins, F., and Others .. Huddleston, H. B. Hutton, J. E., and Others Hunt, W.J. .. .. ... 7 8 11 11 3 5 13 11 8 4 12 11 13 5 10 9 I. Inglis, G. B., and Others .. 162 J. 148 246 2 Jaquiery, Annie E. Johnstone, Emelia Johnston, George 4 8 3

to. 'etitions. Page. 450 120 Jones, James Jones, Thomas 11 7 164 214 165 141 136 346 237 K. Keir, James, and Others .. Kennedy, Thomas, jun. .. Keys, William, and Others Killahan, D., and Others King, John Kirby, John Kirk, William H., and Others 5 8 8 5 6 10 8 466 84 146 266 66 480 204 192 16 331 41 456 131 L. Larsen, H., and Others .. Lawson, John (No. 1) Lawson, John (No. 2) Lee, Sun Kwong, and Others Leith, D. H., and Others .. Lennox, J. M., and Others Leonard, John Lester, E. E. .. Lett, Sarah J. Lines, Job, and Others Lockhead, Thomas, and Others Longman, E. A., and Others Ludbrook, L. M., and Others 12 4 5 8 3 13 7 6 1 9 1 13 5



Presented to the House of Representatives, and ordered to be printed.

ORDER OP REFERENCE. Extract from the Journals of the House of Representatives. Friday, the 21st day of Juhe, 1895. Ordered, " That a Public Petitions A to L Committee, consisting of ten members, be appointed to consider all petitions that may be referred to it by tho Petitions Classification Committee, to classify and prepare abstracts of such petitions in such form and manner as shall appear to it best suited to convey to this House all requisite information respecting their contents, and to report the same from time to time to the House, and to have power to report its opinions and observations thereupon to the House; also to have power to call for persons and papers : three to be a quorum. The Committee to consist of Mr. Crowther, Mr. Green, Major Harris, Mr. Joyce, Mr. J. W. Kelly, Mr. Massey, Mr. McLachlan, Mr. Mills, Mr. O'Regan, and the mover."—(Hon. Mr. Cadman.)

No 16.—Petition of Saeah Jane Lett, of Kaitoke.

Petitioneb prays for a grant of land for her twelve sons, born in Wellington. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. sth July, 1895.

No. 17. —Petition of John Gibson and 27 Others, of Eiverside. Petitionees pray that " The Shops and Shop-assistants Act, 1894," may be amended as desired. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. sth July, 1895. .___

No. 41.—Petition of Thomas Lochhead and 210 Others, of Te Houka. Petitionebs pray that "The Shops and Shop-assistants Act, 1894," may be amended as desired. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. sth July, 1895.

No. 71. —Petition of the Auckland Women's Liberal League and 16 Others. Petitionebs pray that the marriage and divorce laws may be made equal as to men and women, and that the age of consent may be raised to eighteen years. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 9th July, 1895. ■

No. 47.— Petition of P. T. Geli and 49 Others, of Cheviot. Petitioneks pray that " The Shops and Shop-assistants Act, 1894," may be amended as desired. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 9th July, 1895.

No. 70.—Petition of the Auckland Women's Libeeal League and 18 Others. Petitionebs pray that the political rights of women may be made equal to those of men in all respects. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 9th July, 1895. I—l. 1. .




No. 48.—Petition of F. Atkinson and 19 Others, of Taieri. Petitioners pray that "The Shops and Shop-assistants Act, 1894," may be amended as desired. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 9th July, 1895.

No. 73. —Petition of John Coutts and 37 Others, of Palmerston South. Petitionees pray that " The Shops and Shop-Assistants Act, 1894," may be amended as desired. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 9th July, 1895.

No. 39.—Petition of Eliza Anneak. Petitionee prays for a compassionate allowance on account of her late husband's services. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 11th July, 1895.

No. 49.—Petition of Thomas Collis, of Devonport. Petitionee prays for a retiring-allowance from Police Force, such allowance having been forfeited by bankruptcy. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee,, the petitioner should be reinstated in the Force, or found some other employment. 11th July, 1895.

No. 5. —Petition of W. G. D. Bohning, of Eoslyn. Petitionee prays for a compassionate allowance on account of injuries received while engaged in mining, as he is debarred by the time limitation from benefiting by the Miners' Belief Fund. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, a Bill should be brought in to amend section 53 of " The Coal-mines Act, 1891," in so far as regarding the extension of the time allowed for application after accident; and that the petitioner's case is especially recommended for favourable consideration under the amended Act. 11th July, 1895.

No. 25.—Petition of M. Aldeidge and 21 Others, of Port Underwood (No. 2).. Petitionees pray for telephonic communication between Port Underwood and Blenheim. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to Government for consideration. 11th July, 1895.

No. 7. —Petition of Makgaeet Connelly, of Waiotahi Creek, Thames. Petitionee prays for compassionate allowance on account of her son being drowned while in the execution of his duty for the Telegraph Department. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 16th July, 1895. __.

Nos. 33 and 37. —Petitions of H. yon Blabambeeg, Palmerston North (Nos. 1 and 2). Petitionek prays for an inquiry into alleged injustice received from the Education Board. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the Government should be requested to forward to the petitioner a copy of the Education Board's remarks upon the petition presented by the petitioner during the session of 1894. 18th July, 1895.

No. 53. —Petition of D. N. Baillie, of Christchurch. Petitioneb prays for a grant of land under the Naval and Military Settlers' Acts. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 18th July, 1895. ,

Nos. 77 and 78.—Petitions of the Gisbobne Women's Political Association and F. L. Aemstbong and 424 Others. Petitioneks pray that the marriage and divorce laws may be made equal as to men and women, and that the age of consent may be raised to eighteen years. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, these petitions should be referred to the Government for consideration. 18th July, 1895.

No. 3.—Petition of John H. Field, of Albert Street, Auckland. Petitionee prays for compensation on account of ; his contract with the Government for the printing of Electoral Eolls having been rescinded, and that the recommendation of the Committee of last year may be given effect to. I am directed to report that the Committee find that the petitioner entered into a contract



with the Government in May, 1893, for printing the Electoral Eoll and such supplementary rolls as might be required during the year for the district of City of Auckland; that in clause 6of the Circular of Conditions, issued by Mr. Moresby (the then Eegistrar of Electors), upon which the tender of the petitioner was sent in, no date was inserted thereon for completion of the rolls, therefore the reply of Mr. H. Pollen, Under-Secretary, dated 10th August, 1894, to the Clerk of the Public Petitions Committee that the rolls were to have been completed before the 31st July, 1893, has been disproved by documentary evidence of Mr. Moresby; that the petitioner, by his statement of claim (copy of which is attached hereto), proved that he had printed rolls and did work therewith and thereon, for which he has not been paid, to the value of £73 14s; and of the item £45 18s. for loss of work and enforced idleness for three weeks consequent upon the action of the Government in not allowing the petitioner to complete the supplementary rolls, the petitioner is entitled to the sum of £20. .jr. The Committee therefore unanimously recommend that the petitioner be paid the sum ot £93 14s. in full satisfaction of his claim of £119 12s. 23rd July, 1895.

No. 54.—Petition of D. D. Hayes and 91 Others, of Kaio, Whangaroa. Petitioners pray that the Government will grant Whangaroa County a sum of money to make a I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 23rd July, 1895.

No. 9. —Petition of Elizabeth Bain, of Invercargill. Petitioner prays for an inquiry into the disposition of her late husband's property. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 23rd July, 1895.

No. 2.—Petition of George Johnston, of Lyttelton. Petitioner prays for a compassionate allowance on account of injuries received while working for the Government. . I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioner, on account of his long service with the Eailway Department as a casual hand, should be considered as a permanent hand, and treated accordingly in the matter of compensation. 23rd July, 1875.

No. 58.—Petition of George Charnock, of Devon Eoad, New Plymouth. Petitioner prays for compensation for services rendered, and injuries received, while working for the Eailway Department. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioner has no claim against the colony. 23rd July, 1895.

No. 38.—Petition of John Bell, of Auckland. Petitioner prays for redress against a verdict of the Stipendiary Magistrate, at Auckland. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioner has no claim against the colony. 23rd July, 1895. ; .

Nos. 21 and 22.—Petitions of George Donaldson and Eli Caselberg and Others, of Mangaweka, Eangitikei. Petitioners pray for compensation for the destruction by fire of their properties at Mangaweka. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 23rd July, 1895.

No. 75. Petition of Jabez Fitness and Others, Tokatoka, Otamatea County. Petitionees pray for a grant of £500 for road-works. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 25th July, 1895.

No. 66.—Petition of D. H. Leith and Others,* Glenomaru District. Petitionebs pray for a grant of money for road-making. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 25th July, 1895.

No. 31.—Petition of David Cunningham, Blacksmith, Dunedin. Petitioner prays for compensation on account of alleged infringement of patent rights. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make, 25th July, 1895.



No. 94.—Petition of John Colvin, Contractor, Dunedin. Petitioner prays for relief on account of alleged wrong done by taking from him a portion of land. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that the Government should be requested to pass an amending Act, to place the petitioner in the same position he occupied in regard to the land affected before the passing of "The Public Reserves Vesting and Sale Act, 1892," so as to enable him to take the necessary action to make good his claim to the said land. 30th July, 1895. y -

No. 84.—Petition of John Lawson, Official Assignee, Auckland (No. 1). Petitioner prays for a settlement of certain claims relating to Maori-land survey-liens. I am directed to report that, the Government having offered to take over the various liens held in the estate of Henry Mitchell provided the Assignee will register them in a legal manner, so as to enable the Crown to get a proper transfer, and as until this is done no safe purchase of the liens can be effected, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 30th July, 1895.

No. 20.—Petition of M. Aldridge and Others, Port Underwood (No. 1). Petitioner prays for a grant in aid of road-works. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 30th July, 1895.

No. 130.—Petition of E. Hobbs and Others (6,063), Auckland. Petitioner prays that " The Shops and Shop-assistants Act, 1894," may be amended. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 31st July, 1895.

No 81.—■ Petition of Borough of Cromwell, Vincent County. Petitioners pray for relief from having to contribute to the cost of Cromwell Bridge. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 31st July, 1895.

No. 14:8. —Petition of Annie E. Jaquiery, of Invercargill. Petitioner prays for compensation said to have been due to her late husband. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioner has no claim against the colony. 2nd August, 1895.

No. 110. —Petition of James W. Ede, of Invercargill. Petitioner prays for compensation for loss of office. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioner has no claim against the colony. 2nd August, 1895.

No. 151.—Petition of .John Ellis, of Collingwood. Petitioner prays for a reward for discovering coal in the Nelson Provincial District. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 2nd August, 1895.

No. 76.—Petition of G. W. Ell, of Wellington. Petitioner prays for a Select Committee to inquire into his case, and to further consider the evidence given before the Royal Commission, and with power to award him a just amount for the wrongs done him by the public servants. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that the petitioner should be paid the sum of £200, awarded him by the Eoyal Commission, upon his signing a receipt, as per attached; also, that the petitioner is entitled to a further sum of £60 for the loss of time and expenses incurred during the last two years in endeavouring to obtain payment of the £200 awarded. The Committee further recommends that the Government, when placing a vote for the above purpose upon the supplementary estimates, should so word the same that the petitioner should be able to receive the money so voted free from any charging or other orders of any Court of the colony, for the sole purpose of winding up his estate under the Ell Empowering Act. 7th August, 1895

No. 181.—Petition of W. J. Haekeb, of Christchurch. Petitioner prays that business people may be offered facilities for obtaining money at a moderate rate of interest. I am directed to report that, as this petition involves a matter of policy, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 7th August, 1895.



No. 141.—Petition of D. Killahan and 13 Others, of Mayfield, Ashburton. Petitioners pray that the Education Act may be amended, so as to allow of religious instruction in schools. I am directed to report that, as this petition involves matters of Government policy, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 7th August, 1895.

No. 131. —Petition of L. M. Ludbrook and 419 Others, of Parakara, Auckland. Petitioners pray for an amendment of the Education Act to permit of religious instruction in schools. I am directed to report that, as this petition involves matters of Government policy, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 7th August, 1895.

No. 109. —Petition of Gerald Fitzgerald, Grant Eoad, Wellington. Petitioner prays for compensation for loss of office, and for removal expenses. I am directed to report that, the petitioner having been offered £30 to reimburse his expenditure for removal, and that sum being still ready for his acceptance, the Committee has no recommendation to make upon that head; and, as to the remainder of the petition, that the petitioner has no claim against the colony. 9th August, 1895. '

No. 90. —Petition of William Hepburn, of Wellington. Petitioner prays for compensation for loss of office. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that the petitioner has been paid his fall compensation in accordance with the regulations made by the Defence Minister, therefore the Committee has no recommendation to make. 9th August, 1895.

No. 191.—Petition of W. M. de Weston and Wipe, of Christchurch. Petitioners pray for relief on account of alleged injuries received from a detective. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitionersjhave no claim against the colony. 9th August, 1895.

No. 177. —Petition of Elizabeth Campbell, Hart Street, Eoslyn, Dunedin. Petitioner prays for a compassionate allowance. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 9th August, 1895.

No. 155. —Petition of H. yon Blaramberg, of Palmerston North (No. 3). Petitioner prays for £5,000 compensation on account of injuries said to have been received at the hands of the Wanganui Education Board. I am directed to report that, as the charges and complaints made in this petition affect the Board of Education only, the Committee is of opinion that the petitioner has not exhausted his legal remedies, and, further, that he has no claim against the colony. 9th August, 1895.

Nos. 162 and 164. —• Petitions of G. B. Inglis and Others, and James Keir and Others, of Ashburton. Petitioners protest against the Bank of New Zealand Estates Lottery Bill. I am directed to report that, as the subject-matter of this petition has already been dealt with by the House and rejected, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 9th August, 1895.

No. 182.—Petition of E. Beattie and Others, of Christchurch. Petitioners pray for a grant in aid of Herrick's City Mission Home, Christchurch. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 9th August, 1895.

No. 176.—Petition of H. B. Huddleston, of Blenheim. Petitioner prays for redress on account of the non-granting of a surveyor's license. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioner is not entitled to the relief asked for. 13th August, 1895. j

No. 146. —Petition of John Lawson, Official Assignee, of Auckland (No. 2). Petitioner prays for a payment in the interests of the creditors of an estate. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioner has no claim against the colony. 13th August, 1895.



No. 136.—Petition of John King, of Auckland. Petitioner prays for compensation on account of loss through attending a Royal Commission. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petitioner has no claim against the colony. 13th August, 1895.

No. 121. —Petition of A. S. Collins (Chairman of the Kaikoura County Council). Petitioner prays for endowments to the County of Kaikoura for the purposes of road-making, schools, and hospitals. I am directed to report that, as the prayer of this petition involves matters of Government policy, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 13th August, 1895.

No. 192. —Petition of R. E. Lesteb, of Kohukohu, Hokianga. Petitioner prays for the removal of an obstruction on the foreshore fronting his property at Kohukohu. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the Government should not grant permission to A. C. Yarborough to maintain the timber booms complained of without the consent in writing of the petitioner. 13th August, 1895.

No. 190. —Petition of Thomas A. Gubb and Others, of Port Albert, County of Eodney. Petitioners pray that certain sheep-medicines may be exempt from duty. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 13th August, 1895.

No. 189.—Petition of K. B. Ferguson and Others, of Waikouaiti. Petitioners pray that the Waikari-Waitati Road may be completed. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 13th August, 1895.

No. 145. —Petition of Elizabeth Davis, of Tory Street, Wellington. Petitioner prays for compensation said to be due to her late husband. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioner has no claim against the colony. 14th August, 1895.

No. 108.—Petition of W. A. Gray, of Christchurch. Petitioner prays that he may be placed in a position to assume the possession, management, and control of his estate. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 14th August, 1895.

No. 203.—Petition of William Bannerman, of Dunedin. Petitioneb prays that the Divorce Bill now before the House may be amended as indicated. I am directed to report that, as the subject-matter of this petition is already bsing dealt with by the House, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 14th August, 1895.

No. 217. —Petition of Hannah M. Adams, Vermont Street, Auckland. Petitioner prays for an amendment to the " Shops and Shop-assistants Act, 1894." I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 14th August, 1895.

No. 175. —Petition of William J. Babby, of Wellington. Petitioneb prays for a further consideration of his case, and relief. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioner has no claim against the colony. 14th August, 1895.

No. 160.—Petition of Thomas Chaplin and Others, of Warkworth, Auckland. Petitioners pray for an amendment to the Vaccination Act. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 14th August, 1895.

No. 32. —Petition of Catherine Babnes, of Wellington (No. 1). Petitioner prays for redress of certain alleged personal ill-usage from Government officials, and other grievances.



I am directed to report that the Committee, having fully gone into the petitioner's case, and having summoned before them the officials of the Stipendiary Magistrate's Court, and duly considered their evidence and the Court documents put in by them, are unanimously of opinion that the petitioner has no claim against the colony. 15th August, 1895.

No. 172.—Petition of A. Haetland, of West Oxford. Petitionee prays for compensation on account of her husband having died while working for the Eailway Department. I am directed to report that, as the petitioner has no legal claim, and the Eailway Department having already dealt liberally with her son on account of her husband's death, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 16th August, 1895.

No. 204.—Petition of John Leonard, of Eankeilor Street, South Dunedin. Petitionee prays for employment by Government. I am directed to report that, the petitioner having received all the compensation due to him, the Committee is of opinion that he has no further claim against the colony. 16th August, 1895.

No. 216.—Petition of E. Feist and Others, of Masterton. Petitioners pray that the income of the " Masterton Trust Lands Trustees" be not wrongfully applied. I am directed to report that, the Local Bills Committee having already reported upon the matter in question, and the said Bill being now before the House, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 16th August, 1895.

No. 200.—Petition of H. E. Crofts, of Queen Street, Onehunga. Petitioneb prays for compensation for loss of office. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petitioner has no claim against the colony. 16th August, 1895.

No. 120,—Petition of Thomas Jones, of Palmerston North. Petitionee prays that his estate may be placed in. the hands of, and wound up by, the Public Trustee. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 20th August, 1895.

No. 43.—Petition of Thomas Claekson, of Palmerston North. Petitionee prays for relief on account of alleged excessive fines for breaches of the Stamp Act. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioner is entitled to relief upon the following grounds—namely : That they are convinced the petitioner did not intentionally and wilfully break the law, inasmuch as they have taken evidence which proved that the practice for which the petitioner was fined is a common one in very many retail businesses (without intention to defraud the revenue); and, further, that the recent case of Lonargan and Co., of Christchurch, is exactly a similar case to the petitioner's, and in that action only one charge was laid against the defendants, although others were known of. The Committee therefore recommends that, in the petitioner's case, all the fines and costs, excepting upon one charge only, should be remitted. 20th August, 1896.

No. 224.—Petition of James Geovb and Others, Clyde Quay, Wellington. Petitionees pray for an inquiry into the conduct of the police towards Mrs. Yon Meyern. I am directed to report that, while sympathizing with Mrs. Yon Meyern, who is apparently a woman of excitable temperament, though of good repute, the Committee is of opinion that Constable Cassells in no way exceeded his duty, and has therefore no recommendation to make. 21st August, 1895.

No. 239.—Petition of P. Daeley and 15,399 Others. Petitioners pray for an amendment to " The Education Act, 1877," and for grants in aid of Catholic schools. I am directed to report that, as the prayer of the petition involves matters of policy, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 22nd August, 1895.

No. 219.—Petition of James Geix, of Ngaruawahia. Petitioneb prays that a portion of the purchase-money paid for certain Government lands may be refunded. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioner has no claim against the colony. sth September, 1895.



No. 248.—Petition of Alexandee Clack, of Dunedin. Petitionee prays for redress on account of want of proper access to his land. I am directed to report that the Committee regret to find that the £300 voted by the House in 1882 only secured the title to the land, enabling the Board to construct a road as prayed for by the petitioner, and that, as it will cost at least £50 to make the road passable, and as the Committee is of opinion that the road should have been made many years ago, it therefore recommends that the sum of £50 be placed upon the supplementary estimates for the purpose of opening the said road for traffic, and that the said sum be expended under the supervision of the Lands and Survey Department. sth September, 1895.

No. 165. —Petition of William Keys and Others. Petitionees pray for the removal of the Proclamation over a certain block of land. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Native Affairs Committee. sth September, 1895.

266.—Petition of Sun Kwong Lee and Others, of Wellington. Petitionees pray that the House will not pass any further laws of an oppressive nature as against the Chinese. I am directed to report that, as the prayer of this petition involves matters of policy, and further that, as a Bill dealing with the same is now before the House, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 6th September, 1895.

232. —Petition of Alexandee Hislop and Others, of Euapekapeka. Petitionees pray for a grant in aid of road-construction. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 6th September, 1895.

256. —Petition of H. Haetnell and Others, of Paparoa, Otamatea. Petitionees pray for a grant in aid of road-construction. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 6th September, 1895.

No. 237. —Petition of W. H. Kick and Others, of Maungaturoto, Otamatea. Petitionees pray for a grant in aid of road-construction. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 6th September, 1895.

No. 246.—Petition of Emelia Johnstone, of Eaglan, Auckland. Petitionee prays that effect may be given to the awar,d made by Judge Beckham, and also as recommended by a Committee of the House. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 6th September, 1895.

No. 214.—-Petition of Thomas Kennedy, Jim., Eose Dhu, Alten Eoad, Auckland. Petitionee prays for compensation for loss of office. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioner has no claim against the colony. 11th September, 1895.

No. 250.—Petition of William Bueeow, of Honipapa. Petitionee prays that Catlin's Eiver Eailway be extended to Catlin's Eiver or Eatanui. I am directed to report that, as the prayer of the petition recommends the boirowing of money to construct the railway, and such borrowing being a question of public policy, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 11th September, 1895.

No. 289.—Petition of William Hall, Auckland. Petitioner prays for relief on account of an incorrect survey of land sold by the Government. I am directed to report that the Committee, having found that the Government has already agreed to refund to the petitioner a portion of the purchase-money as prayed for, has therefore no recommendation to make. 11th September, 1895.



No. 334.—Petition of John Bowskell, of Auckland. Petitioner prays for the removal of duty on marble. I am directed to report that, the Government having promised to favourably consider the subject-matter of the petition, and as a Bill dealing with this and other tariff proposals is now before the House, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 11th September, 1895.

No. 159.—Petition of John Carmody, Contractor, Palmerston North. Petitioner prays for the payment of the balance of contract moneys due. I am directed to report that the Committee, having gone fully into the claim made by the petitioner, is of opinion that he has no claim against the colony. 13th September, 1895.

No. 331.—Petition of Job Lines and Others, of Inangahua. Petitioners pray for a grant of money to erect a bridge. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that the prayer of the petition involves a matter of policy, and therefore has no recommendation to make. 13th September, 1895.

No. 269.—Petition of Eussell Bates, of Kai Iwi, Auckland. Petitioner prays for redress on account of alleged excessive price of land bought from Government. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioner has no claim against the colony. 13th September, 1895.

No. 319. —Petition of William Clark and Others, of Woodlands, Tokatoka. Petitioners pray for a grant in aid of road-construction. I am directed to report that, as the Committee is informed that the Government has already contemplated making provision upon the estimates for this purpose, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 13th September, 1895.

No. 103. —Petition of George A. Cbuickshank and Others, of Matakana, Warkworth. Petitioners pray for an inquiry into the dismissal of Constable Haddock, of Warkworth. I am directed to report that, having gone exhaustively into the evidence, the Committee recommends that an inquiry should be held into the circumstances connected with, and which led up to, the dismissal of Constable Pladdock, lately of Warkworth; such inquiry to be held before a Magistrate, ex-Magistrate, or any other competent person who has not been directly or indirectly connected with the case. 17th September, 1895.

No. 296. —Petition of T. S. Armstrong and Others, of Titirangi. Petitioners pray for a better mail-service. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 17th September, 1875.

No. 297.—Petition of James Atkinson and Others, of Titirangi. Petitioners pray for a grant in aid of road-construction. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 17th September, 1895.

No. 275. —Petition of Walteb James Hunt, of Wellington. Petitioneb prays for compensation from the Government for loss of interests in Native land. ■ I am directed to report that, after giving the petitioner's case a careful hearing (the petition being practically the same as the one which was exhaustively dealt with by this Committee last session), the Committee is of opinion that the petitioner has no claim against the colony. 17th September, 1895.

No. 441.—Petition of James Dilworth, Exbgutoes of, Auckland. Petitioners pray that the probate duty upon the estate of the late James Dilworth may be remitted. I am directed to report that, as it has been shown that the Government is preparing a case for the Supreme Court regarding this matter, and therefore it is in a manner sub judice, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 27th September, 1895.

No. 362.—Petition of Feed Bayly, of Toko, Stratford. Pbtitionbe prays for compensation on account of the deviation of a road through his property. I am directed to report that, upon the evidence taken, the Committee is of opinion that the petitioner should be paid compensation upon these lines—viz., an adequate amount (to be ascer--2—l. 1.



tamed) to reimburse him for the outlay on account of clearing and grassing the 8-J acres taken for the deviation; also, that the actual first cost of the fencing on both sides of the said deviation should be refunded to the petitioner. The Committee further recommends that, if the first laid-off portion of road (now rendered useless by the deviation) is not now required, it should be conveyed to the petitioner as a quid pro quo. Ist October, 1895.

No. 388.—Petition of J. E. Hutton and Others, of Livingstone, Waitaki. Petitioners pray that County Councils may be given powers as to sanitation. 1 am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. Ist October, 1895.

No. 326.—Petition of John Campbell, of Woodville. Petitioner prays for compensation for loss of office under the Public Works Department. I am directed to report that, considering all the surrounding circumstances of the case, the Committee recommends the prayer of the petitioner to the favourable consideration of the Government. Ist October, 1895.

No. 439. —Petition of Edwin Cox, Dentist, and Others, Auckland. Petitioners pray that dentists may be exempted from the operation of the Factory Act. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make, as the prayer of the petition involves a matter of public policy. 3rd October, 1895.

No. 413.—Petition of W. G. Gabrard, of Grey Street, Auckland. Petitiqneb . prays for redress on account of his disputed claim under the Naval and Military Settlers Act. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 3rd October, 1895.

No. 290.—Petition of A. P. Campbell and Others, of The Cove, Waipu. Petitioners pray for a grant of money in aid of road-construction. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 3rd October, 1895.

No. 346. —Petition of John Kirby, of Wellington. Petitioner prays for an inquiry into the cause of his dismissal from the Marine Department. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 3rd October, 1895.

No. 335. —Petition of J. James Buegess, of Auckland. Petitioner prays for compensation for loss of office under the Marine Department of the Government. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 3rd October, 1895. __^_

No. 446. —Petition of H. W. Atkins and Others, of Addington, Christchurch. Petitioners pray for relief on account of a nuisance caused by the smoke from the chimneys of the Addington Workshops, Christchurch. I am directed to report that the Committee is satisfied that the nuisance complained of does exist, and recommends that during the coming recess the Government should carefully consider the various processes now in use for the consumption of smoke, with the view of removing the cause of complaint; and in this respect the Committee desire to draw the attention of the Government to the process invented last year by Colonel Dulier, C.B. Bth October, 1895.

No. 377. —Petition of E. Beooking and Othebs, of Motu. Petitioners pray for a grant of money in aid of road-construction. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. Bth October, 1895.

Nos. 310, 320, and 321. —Petitions of C. Gosling and 337 Others, of Lower Wairau; G. Dodson and 105 Others, of Spring Creek; and J. C. Chaytob and 71 Others, of Tuamarina. The first-named petitioners pray that the Lower Wairau and Spring Creek Eiver Boards may be amalgamated; and the two following sets of petitioners pray that such amalgamation may not take place. I am directed to report that, after hearing the evidence of the several petitioners, and the expert evidence of Mr. J. A. Wilson, Eesident Engineer (Public Works Department), and of Mr. J. H.



Lowe, Chief Engineer of Working Eailways, the Committee finds, —(1.) That for miles the boundary of the Spring Creek and Lower Wairau Eiver Boards is the Opawa Eiver. (2.) That the prime cause of the floods in the Wairau Valley is the overflowing of the Wairau Biver into the Opawa. (3.) That a system of "banking" warfare has prevailed ever since the establishment of the two Boards. (4.) That the system of one Board " banking " against the other has resulted in a great waste of the ratepayers' money, without affording any permanent relief to either party. (5.) That private " banking " across the plain has materially increased the liability to floods by retarding the escape of the surplus waters. The Committee therefore recommends that all the rivers of the Wairau Valley should be placed under the control of one local body for river-conservation purposes, with increased powers sufficient to prevent private individuals erecting " banks," neutralising the work of the said body. The Committee is further of opinion that no special legislation is necessary, and that the provisions made for amalgamation in the Local Government Bill now before Parliament are sufficient to meet the case. 11th October, 1895.

No. 443. —Petition of Thomas Hodgson and 69 Others, of Auckland. Petitioners pray that the duty upon boots and shoes may not be increased. I am directed, to report that, as this matter has already been dealt with by the Tariff Bill, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 11th October, 1895.

No. 418. —Petition of James Fleming and 64 Others, of Eakawaka. Petitioners pray for the removal of the duty upon binder-twine. I am directed to report that, as this matter has already been dealt with by the Tariff Bill, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 11th October, 1895.

No. 419. —Petition of James Fowler and 75 Others, of Oreti. Petitioners pray for the removal of the duty upon binder-twine. I am directed to report that, as this matter has already been dealt with by the Tariff Bill, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 11th October, 1895.

No. 420.—Petition of J. W. Hamilton and 53 Others, of Thornbury. Petitioners pray for the removal of the duty upon binder-twine. I am directed to report that, as this matter has already been dealt with by the Tariff Bill, th& Committee has no recommendation to make. 11th October, 1895.

No. 450.—Petition of James Jones, of Eketahuna. Petitioner prays for compensation for land taken for railway purposes. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioner has in equity a claim with regard to the subject-matter of the petition, and therefore recommends that the Government should adjust the amount of compensation due, and settle the same. 16th October, 1895.

No. 344. —Petition of St. J. Hills and 7 Others, of Wairamarama, Whangape. Petitioners pray for a grant of money in aid of road-construction. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 16th October, 1895.

No. 258.—Petition of A. Hawkes and 73 Others, of Wainui. Petitioners pray for a grant of £400 in aid of road-construction. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 16th October, 1895.

No. 476. —Petition of William Dabley and 48 Others, of Eastern Bush. Petitionehs pray that a bridge may be erected (according to promise) across the Eiver Waiau, at Clifden. I am directed to report that, it having been shown that the Government has already promised that a bridge across the Eiver Waiau shall be built at Clifden, the Committee recommends the prayer of the petitioners to the favourable consideration of the Government. 16th October, 1895.

No. 318.—Petition of James Harvey, of Invercargill. Petitionek prays that the land-tax payable upon a certain estate bought by the Government may be remitted. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 16th October, 1895.



No. 477.—Petition of Hugh Ebskine and 426 Others, of Alton. Petitionebs pray that a bridge may be erected across the Eiver Waiau at the " lower bridgesite." I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 16th October, 1895.

No. 483. —Petition of E. S. Bullen and 49 Others, of Auckland. Petitionebs pray that further Government employment may be found for E. S. Bullen, or that he may be granted a compassionate allowance. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioner has had great leniency shown him by the Police Department during the past in the matter of sick-leave; and that, as he has already received the compensation due to him upon retirement, the Committee is of opinion that the petitioner has no further claim against the colony. 16th October, 1895.

No. 414.—Petition of Cecil Hodgson, of Melbourne. Petitioneb prays for redress on account of certain trust moneys having lain to the credit of the Government Account for twelve years without any interest having been paid thereon. I am directed to report that, evidence having been given that the Government has received the bank rate of interest for twelve years upon the sum named in the petition (£2,668 6s. 5d.) the Committee recommends that, after allowing a sufficient margin for the clerical expense incurred by the Government in connection with the custody of the said moneys, the Government should pay to the petitioner 2 per cent, interest upon the said sum (£2,668 6s. 5d.) for the said term of twelve years. 16th October, 1895.

No. 466. —Petition of H. Laesen and 54 Others, of Westport. Petitionees pray that compensation may be paid to James Howard, of Westport, on account of the loss of an arm through the bursting of a cannon. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that the colony is in no way responsible for the unfortunate accident named; but that, taking into consideration the surrounding circumstances of the case, the Committee recommends that the Government should find some suitable employment for James Howard. 16th October, 1895.

No. 471.—Petition of A. Finlayson and 69 Others, of Maungaturoto. Petitionees pray for a grant of £200 in aid of road-construction. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 17th October, 1895.

No. 412.— Petition of 0, E. Fair, of 382, Queen Street, Auckland. Petitionee prays for an inquiry into the manner in which Mr. Northcroft, S.M., of Auckland, conducts his Court. I am directed to report that, as the petitioner has not exhausted his legal remedies, and also as it been shown that in the case referred to his solicitor accepted a nonsuit, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 17th October, 1895.

No. 366.—Petition of G. E. Baeton, of Gisborne. Petitioner prays for an inquiry re certain proceedings in the Validation Court. I am directed to report that, m the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Native Affairs Committee. 17th October, 1895.

No. 375. —Petition of Chaeles Beown, of New Plymouth. Petitioneb prays for an inquiry into the matter which led to his being struck off the roll of Justices of the Peace, and also to the cancellation of his interpreter's license, I am directed to report that the Committee, having taken considerable evidence, including that of his Honour the Chief Judge of the Native La.nd Court, is of opinion that the system pursued for many years past by Native interpreters and Justices of the Peace, in taking declarations of Natives as to receipt of purchase-money for the sale of land when in many cases the money had not been paid when such declarations were made, was followed by the petitioner in the case of Meringa, as proved to the Committee by the said Chief Judge. The Committee therefore recommends that the petition be referred to the favourable consideration of the Government, to grant the petitioner the inquiry prayed for. 18th October, 1895.



No. 456. —Petition of E. A. Longman and 182 Others, of Belfast. Petitioners pray for Government assistance to procure recreation- and burial-grounds for Belfast. I am directed to report that the evidence shows that there is a considerable population congested at Belfast, the same being a part of the Avon Eoad District, and that, as there are no Crown lands available for the purposes named in the petition, the Committee recommends the matter to the consideration of the Government. 18th October, 1895.

No. 480. —Petition of J. M. Lennox (Chairman, Stock Sharebrokers' Association) and Others of Auckland. Petitioners pray that the Stamp Act of 1882 and the Mining Companies Act may be amended as indicated. I am directed to report that, as the prayer of this petition involves a matter of public policy, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 18th October, 1895.

No. 404. —Petition of William Chadwin, Jun., and 73 Others, of Maungaturoto. Petitioners pray that the sum of £500 may be placed upon the estimates for the erection of a wharf on the Otamatea Eiver. I am directed to report that, as the executive officer of the Lands Department reports that this matter has already been considered, and that there are no funds at present available for the work, the Committee therefore has no recommendation to make. 22nd October, 1895.

No. 463.—Petition of H. Hansen, of Kelso. Petitioner prays for compensation on account of injuries received while in the service of the Eailway Department. I am directed to report that, as it has been shown that the petitioner's case is now under consideration by the Government, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 22nd October, 1895.

No. 183. —Petition of H. H. Heron and 264 Others, of Eoxburgh. Petitioners pray for the extension of the Heriot-Eoxburgh Eailroad. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 22nd October, 1895.

No. 482.—Petition of A. S. Ford, of Wellington. Petitioner prays that matches imported by him for the purposes of certain patent rights may be exempt from duty. I am directed to report that, having taken evidence, and also seen experiments made with regard to the waterproof qualities of the petitioner's matches, the Committee recommends the subjectmatter of the petition to the favourable consideration of the Government. 22nd October, 1895.

No. 499.—Petition of Geealdine County Acclimatisation Society (A. M. Clarke, President), Temuka. Petitioners pray that Lakes Te Kapo, Pukaki, Ohau, and Alexandrina may be thrown open for the netting of trout. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that the Government should relax the regulations upon this matter to the extent of allowing an officer of the said Acclimatisation Society to use nets for the purpose of catching trout in the lakes named, with the view of testing the advisability of the society's recommendation. 26th October, 1895.

No. 492. —Petition of F. Hopkins, and 74 Others, of Christchureh. Petitioners pray for redress on account of alleged injustice done to butchers by certain provisions in "The Abattoirs and Slaughterhouses Act, 1894." I am directed to report that, as the subject-matter of this petition is dealt with by a Bill now before the House, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 26th October, 1895.

No. 488.—Petition of ¥. S. Hall and 6 Others. Petitioners pray for a grant of money in aid of road construction. I am directed to report that, as it has been shown that the Government has already dealt with this matter in the estimates, the Committee has therefore no recommendation to make. 26th October, 1895. 3-1. 1.



No. 494.—Petition of John Buckland, Eussell Street, Auckland. Petitioneb prays for redress on account of alleged injustice done him in connection with, the surrender of a remission certificate by the Lands Department to the Official Assignee of Auckland. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 26th October, 1895.

No. 487.—Petition of John Bell and 470 Others, Auckland. Petitionebs pray for redress on account of alleged unjust treatment received from the Stipendiary Magistrate of Auckland. I am directed to report that, as the Stipendiary Magistrate of Auckland states that the petitioner has not exhausted his legal remedies, inasmuch as that he has not applied to the Court to vary the order made, the Committee therefore has no recommendation to make. 26th October, 1896.

No. 489.—Petition of Cathebine Babnes, of Wellington (No. 2). Petitioneb prays for redress on account of alleged injustice received through the action of the Court bailiff. I am directed to report that, as this petition is merely a repetition of the one already dealt with this session, and does not allege any new matter of complaint, nor yet adduce any new facts of any kind, the Committee has therefore no recommendation to make. 28th October, 1895.

Final Ebpoet. I am directed to report that the Committee has had 139 petitions referred to it by the Classification Committee, have held 43 meetings to consider the same, and have brought up 136 reports thereon —viz., 20 specific recommendations, 18 for favourable consideration of the Government, 32 for consideration of the Government, 66 no claim or no recommendation to make, 3 ordered to stand over; total, 139. 28th October, 1895. Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing (1,250 copies), £9 Is.

By Authority: Samuel Costall, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB9s. Price 6d.]

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REPORTS OF PUBLIC PETITIONS A TO L COMMITTEE. (Mr. JOYCE, CHAIRMAN.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1895 Session I, I-01

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REPORTS OF PUBLIC PETITIONS A TO L COMMITTEE. (Mr. JOYCE, CHAIRMAN.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1895 Session I, I-01

REPORTS OF PUBLIC PETITIONS A TO L COMMITTEE. (Mr. JOYCE, CHAIRMAN.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1895 Session I, I-01

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