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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to Section 128 of " The Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Act, 1889."

In compliance with the provisions of " The Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Act, 1889," I have the honour to report as follows on the business of the Patent Office during the year ended 31st December, 1892 :— 2. The Appendix to this report contains the following returns : — A. Statement of revenue and expenditure. B. List of the staff and salaries. ' C. 'Eeturn of applications for patents in each year from 1861 to 1889, under Acts now repealed. D. Eeturn of provisional and complete specifications received in 1890, 1891, and 1892 under the Act of 1889. B. Classified return of applications to register trade-marks during 1890, 1891, and 1892. P. Nature of inventions for which letters patent have been applied for during 1892. G. Total number of applications relative to patents, designs, and trade-marks during 1890, 1891, arid 1892. H. List of applications for letters patent in 1892. I, Eeturn showing the countries and colonies from which applications for letters patent have been received during 1890, 1891, and 1892. J. Eeturn showing the countries and colonies from which applications for registration of trade-marks have been received during 1890, 1891, and 1892. K. List of publications in the Patent Office Library. 3. There have been two appeals to the Supreme Court from my decisions in opposed cases. In the first case my judgment was reversed, and in the other it was upheld. 4. Table G shows that the business of the office is steadily increasing. The revenue has also increased, being £1,825 in 1892, as against £1,759 in 1891. The excess of receipts over expenditure is £1,463, as against £1,367 in 1891. 5. I again urge that some, at least, of this surplus revenue should be spent for the benefit and encouragement of inventors, as indicated in previous reports. 6. It will be observed in Table I that applications for letters patent have been received this year from Denmark, Italy, and Japan for the first time under the present Act. 7. For much valuable information relative to the various applications made to the office, I beg leave to refer to the Patent Office Supplement to the New Zealand Gazette, published fortnightly. 8. The following countries and colonies have joined the International Convention for the Protection of Patentees' Eights and other purposes: Great Britain, United States, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Servia, Switzerland, Tunis, San Domingo, Guatemala, Brazil, New Zealand, and Queensland. Under this Convention any person who has secured protection in any one of the contracting States may, without danger of losing his rights through piracy, or prior publication, apply for letters patent in any of the other States within the period of seven months from his first application. Trade-marks are similarly protected for four months. It is hoped that other Australian Colonies will soon join. 9. Arrangements have been made between the Colony of Victoria and this colony for such reciprocal protection. 10. Attention is invited to the remarks and suggestions made in my report of last year, which still hold good. C. J. A. Haselden, Patent Office, Wellington, Ist May, 1893. Eegistrar of Patents, &c.

APPENDIX. A. Statement of all Fees, Salaries, Allowances, and other Moneys received and paid under the Act during the Year ending 31st December, 1892. Eeceived — £ s - d. Patent fees ... ••• • •'• ••• ••■ 1,519 14 0 Design fees ... ••• ••■ ••• ••• 5 10 0 Trade-mark fees • • • ■ • • • • • • • • 300 2 0 Total ... ... ... ... £1,825 6 0 I—H. 3. ~~



Paid— £ s. d. Salaries ... ... ... •■• ••■ 265 0 0 Other moneys ... ... ... ■■■ ••■ 54 13 10 Value of printing and stationery from Government Printing Office 42 5 0 Total ... ... ... ... £361 18 10 Credit balance ... ... ... ••• ••• £1,463 7 2 B. —Staff of Officers and Salaries. Eegistrar of Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks* ... ... Nil. Clerk ... ... ... ... ••■ ••• 160 Clerk ... ... ... ••• ••• •■• 110 Total ... ... ... .- £270 * Also Under-Secretary for Justice.

C. —Number of Applications for Patents and Letters of Registration under Acts now repealed.

Note.—By " N.Z." is meant those in which the applicants reside in the colony, and by " Foreign " those in which they are not so resident. ♦ These columns are not filled up, as necessarily the returns would be incomplete and of no value, the respective periods not having yet expired.

D.—Number of Applications for Letters Patent under Act of 1889.

* These figures are necessarily incomplete, as the time for proceeding further with the applications has not yet expired. For total number of applications see Table Q.

Year and Act. Hum' Applic rece: ber of iations ived. N umbel Applii lapsed o: : of such :ations ; refused. Number o and Le1 Regisfc sealed c Applic ;f Patents tters of ;ration on such nation. Number of such Patents lapsed owing to Non-payment of Renewal Fees. Number of such Patents and Letters of Registration in Force to End of Term. N.Z. Foreign. N.Z. Foreign. N.Z. Foreign. N.Z. Foreign. N.Z. Foreign. "1861] 1864 j 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 "1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 [_1883 f 1884 I 1885 j 1886 1887 1888 1889 6 15 6 15 6 15 o 5 5 4 6 8 19 10 17 19 10 22 5 23 23 25 46 43 93 74 98 83 123 143 256 236 1 4 3 5 9 19 14 11 6 2 9 13 9 23 13 24 24 55 74 133 99 164 160 189 194 5 5 4 6 8 19 10 17 19 10 22 5 23 23 25 46 43 93 74 90 69 107 132 216 204 1 4 3 5 9 19 14 1 2 5 5 4 6 8 19 10 17 19 10 22 5 23 23 25 46 43 91 74 41 29 45 37 IP o M CO PI P 1 4 3 5 9 19 19 19 14 4 16 19 15 27 22 34 34 89 159 260 240 380 402 489 460 5 8 8 2 7 6 6 4 9 10 10 34 85 127 141 216 242 300 266 10 4 2 8 12 7 20 13 16 23 48 57 116 90 141 138 1 1 2 3 8 14 16 11 40 32 2 49 40 62 95 8 1 7 17 17 9 23 22 o < co a> i-i a P £ *

a Number of Appli- ' Number i cations with which cations wi Complote Specifi- Provisional cations lodged. tions l< af Appliith which Specificajdged. Number of Applications for which Complete Specifications subsequently lodged. Number < cations at lapsei refui )f Appliiandoned, 3, or sed. Numbf Patents sei at Prese Fore 3r of aled and int in ;e. 1890 1891 1892 N.Z. 244 187 207 Foreign. 205 207 189 i N.Z. 108 126 160 Foreign. 59 69 50 N.Z. 27 18* 18* Foreign. 17 17* 10* N.Z. 185* 32* 26* Foreign. 40* 14* 20* N.Z. 144* 43* 34* Foreign. 216* 187* 145*



E. Number of Applications to register Trade-marks, the Number advertised, and the Number registered, in the Fifty different Classes in each of the Years 1890, 1891, and 1892.

For the total number see Table G.

m 5 Classification of Goods. •a .2 ■So < 1890. Si Si 1891. o^3 Vttti 1892. 2^ 1! 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 '.) .0 .1 .2 .3 4 .5 .6 .7 .8 i) !() II 12 !8 !4 !5 !6 !7 !8 i<) Chemical substances used in manufactures, photography, or philosophical research, and anti-corrosives Chemical substances used for agricultural, horticultural, veterinary, and sanitary purposes Chemical substances prepared for use in medicine and pharmacy .. Raw or partly-prepared vegetable, animal, and mineral substances used in manufactures not included in other classes Unwrought and partly-wrought metals used in manufacture Machinery of all kinds, and parts of machinery, except agricultural and horticultural machines included in Class 7 Agricultural and horticultural machinery, and parts of such machinery Philosophical instruments, scientific instruments, and apparatus for useful purposes ; instruments and apparatus for teaching Musical instruments Horological instruments Instruments, apparatus, and contrivances not medicated for surgical or curative purposes, or in relation to the health of men or animals Cutlery and edge-tools Metal goods not included in other classes 'Go6ds of precious metals (including aluminium, nickel, Britanniametal, &c.) and jewellery, and imitations of such goods and jewellery Glass Porcelain and earthenware Manufactures from mineral and other substances for building or decoration Engineering, architectural, and building contrivances Arms, ammunition, and stores not included in Class 20 Explosive substances Naval architectural contrivances and naval equipments Carriages Cotton-yarn and thread Cotton piece-goods of all kinds Cotton goods not included in Classes 23, 24, and 38 Linen and hemp yarn and thread Linen and hemp piece-goods Linen and hemp goods not included in Classes 26, 27, and 50 Jute yarns and tissues, and other articles made of jute not included in Class 50 Silk, spun, thrown, or sewing Silk piece-goods Other silk goods, not included in Classes 30 and 31 Yarns of wool, worsted, or hair Cloth and stuffs of wool, worsted, or hair Woollen and worsted and hair goods not included in Classes 33 and 34 Carpets, floorcloth and oilcloth Leather, skins, unwrought and wrought, and articles made of leather, not included in other classes Articles of clothing Paper (except paperhangings), stationery, and bookbinding Goods manufactured from indiarubber and guttapercha, not included in other classes Furniture and upholstery Substances used as food or ingredients in food Fermented liquors and spirits .. Mineral and aerated waters, natural and artificial, including gingerbeer Tobacco, whether manufactured or unmanufactured Seeds for agricultural or horticultural purposes.. Candles, common soap, detergents; illuminating, heating, or lubricating oils ; matches ; and starch, blue, and other preparations for laundry purposes Perfumery (including toilet articles), preparations for the teeth and hair, and perfumed soap Games of all kinds, and sporting articles not included in other classes M iscellaneous 2 3 14 1 2 1 5 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 2 3 14 1 2 1 5 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 6 1 2 1 5 1 1 2 1 1 4 32 1 3 2 1 1 i 5 1 1 1 5 1 1 3 27 3 o 1 i 'i 2 1 1 1 5 1 2 3 20 2 1 5 1 2 1 2 2 10 32 2 1 3 1 1 2 2 4 1 1 8 2 8 25 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 4 1 'i 8 2 7 24 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 7 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 !() SI. 12 s:s !4 15 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 'i 1 i 1 '2 3 1 2 i i 1 !6 !7 q 3 3 1 1 2 '2 2 !8 i<.) 10 17 1 16 1 7 1 9 3 10 2 15 2 9 5 9 5 8 2 II 12 13 61 15 3 61 15 3 40 11 2 57 38 10 51 31 10 46 24 7 1 97 22 7 S2 29 5 36 29 6 15 16 17 10 10 7 17 14 10 22 22 16 "i 7 *2 13 13 12 19 14 ii 4 4 7 2 9 10 12 :8 :9 i0 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 4 1 4 24 20 15



F.—Number and Nature of Letters Patent applied for in New Zealand during the Year 1892.

Note.—As some applications are entered under more than one head, the figures will add up to more than the actual number of applications received, for which see Table G.

Nature of Invention. s I * 1 ■ Nature of Invention. fijl S3 O o Nature of Invention. CD 8 J 1°! * 1 ■4 Advertising Aerated waters Amalgamating Amusements Bale-ties Ballot-box Barbed wire Barrels, emptying Barrow Bass, manufacturing Bicycles and tricycles Blind Blind-roller Blotters Blowers Boilers, steam Bolts and nuts Books Boots and shoes Bottles and bottling Boxes Branding Brewing Brick-and-tile machines Broom's and brushes Building material Buildings, protecting Butter-printers, workers, &e... Calculating Carving-fork Cash-railways Cattle-piercer Caustic soda, manufacturing Cement, manufacturing Chamber Chimney-top Chlorine, obtaining.. Cigarette-machines Cleaning and polishing Clothes-peg Clothing Closets Coal briquettes Coin-freed apparatus Compounds for use as moulds, &c. Concrete-mixer Cooking apparatus Cooling and freezing Copying-presses Cornice Couplings Cradle-rocker Cutting and sawing.. Cyanides, manufacturing Dag-crusber Diving Drains and draining Dredging Drills Eggs, testing Electric machines Engines Explosives.. Extracting coke, &c. Fencing Pibre-dressijig Filters Fire-escape Fire-extinguishing Fire-grate Fire-lighting Fire-screen slide Fish-catching Flax, utilising pulp from Flooring Food Fraud with cheques, &c, prevention of 3 1 11 8 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 1 1 3 3 5 5 1 10 3 7 D 4 2 2 1 4 8 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 4 2 6 7 2 4 2 1 4 1 Friction-clutch Fuel Furnaces Furniture Gaff Gas-eock Gate Gear, driving Gold, obtaining Gorse-cutting Grinding and sharpening Gripper Grubber Guns Hair of animals, cleansing .. Harness Harrows Heating Horse-cover Horse-shoes Horse throat-protector Illuminating Index Indicating apparatus Ironsand, treating Jets Kauri-gum, cleaning Kauri - gum, manufacturing ornaments from Kauri-gum, obtaining Kilns Knee-pads Lamps, ligh ting and extinguishing Land, levelling Leather, manufacturing Levers Life, protecting and saving .. Lifts or elevators Liquids, dispensing Loading vehicles Locks and latches Looms Measuring Medicines Medicine, administering Metal cans, manufacturing .. Metals, separating Milking Milk-cans Milk, condensing Milk-strainer Motors and motive - power mecha,nism Moustache-guard Musical instruments Nails Nozzle Oils, &c, solidifying Ores, treating Paint Paper and envelope Paper boxes, manufacturing. _ Paper machines Pavements Pen Phonograph Photographs, preserving Photography Pipes, tobacco Ploughs Portmanteaux, manufacturing : Potato harvesters Preserving Presses Printing Protractor Pumps 1 2 2 10 1 1 1 3 25 1 2 1 3 2 2 7 3 5 1 2 2 7 2 2 2 2 1 1 Quadrant Babbits, &c, exterminating.. Racing, starting and timing.. Railways Reaping and binding Recording Rivet Ruts, filling Safe Sashes, hanging Scarifiers Screw-conveyor Seed-canister Seed, dressing Seed-hopper Separating materials Sewage, purifying .. Sewing-machir es Shearing and clipping Sheep-dip Sheep-feeding Smoke, prevention or consumption of Solvent Sound, deadening Spark-arrester Spout for teapots Stands for buckets, casks, &c. Steam, generating Stereotype matrices, producing Stones, collecting Stump-extractors Surveyor's staff Syrups, concentrating Tank Tanning extract Target Tea-mixer Telegraphy Telephone Thatch, sewing Threshing Ticket Tins, opening Tomato powder, &c. Tools Totalisator Toys Traps Tree-falling Trough Turnips, cultivating Type-setting Valves Vehicles Vending Ventilating Vessels Vessels for meat, &o. Visiting-cards, receptacle for Washing Water-velocipede Weighing Well-sinking Whales, &c, catching Wheat, treating Wheels Whisks Windmill Wire, coiling and running out Wire strainers Wire-working machines Womb-retainer Wood, decorating .. Wood linoleum Wool, drying, &c. Wreck-raising 1 6 1 9 9 3 1 1 1 3 2 1 3 10 1 6 1 3 13 1 1 1 1 3 8 3 1 8 1 5 1 1 1 2 4 6 1 15 24 2 1 8 11 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 4 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 1 5 1 1 5 1 1 40 4 2 1 1 22 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 8 2 1 5 3 1 2 1 3 25 1 9 3 2 1 13 1 1 1 2 1 3 11 1 6 5 1 1 1 5 4 1 3 2 1 1 26 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 2 6 4 1 1 6



G.—Total Number of Applications for Patents, and Registration of Designs and Trade-marks, for the Years 1890, 1891, and 1892.

H.—List of Applications for .Letters Patent during the Year 1892. Note.—An asterisk (*) denotes that a provisional specification has been filed "with the application. 5368. sth January. John Smaill, of Leith Street, Dtmedin, New Zealand, Mechanical Engineer. —An invention for improved potato-harvester.* 5369. sth January. Eobeet Ceeasee, of Toowoomba, Queensland, Flour-miller.—An invention for improvements in machinery for separating or dressing flour, middlings, semolina, grain, seeds, or other dry granular or pulverulent substances. 5370. sth January. Alfbed Buckingham Ibbotson, of the Villa Ibbotson, Florence, Italy, Merchant, at present residing at the Eoyal Victoria Hotel, Sheffield, England. —An invention for improvements relating to nails chiefly designed for railroad ties. 5371. sth January. Mathew Eeid, of Frederick Street, Newcastle, New South Wales, and James Bowditch, of 116, Darby Street, Newcastle aforesaid, Engineers.—An invention for an improved rotary engine. 5372. sth January. Paknell Eabbidge, of Sydney, New South Wales, Electrician.—An invention for improvements in telephones. 5373. sth January. William John Maetin, of Narridy, South Australia, Blacksmith.—An invention for improvements in the construction of reversible scarifier shares, and the method of attaching the same to the tine or foot.* 5374. sth January. Hugh Thomson, of "Thornton," Studley Park Eoad, Kew, near Melbourne, Victoria, Tanner. —An invention for improvements in and relating to sheep-shearing machines and driving-gear therefor. 5375. 4th January. Alexander Joyce, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Clerk.—An invention for apparatus for submarine exploration or for directing submarine operations at depths which have hitherto been inaccessible to divers. 5376. 6th January. William Weight, Julius Hikschfeld, Andeew Pattebson Moeison, and William Moeison, of 165, Broadway, New York, United States of America, Merchants.— An invention for improvements in light-protectors for lamps. (J. L. Somoff.) 5377. 6th January. John Hoening, of Port Macquarie, New South Wales, Timber-squarer.—An invention for improvements in sheep-shears. 5378. Bth January. Daniel Pateick McKay Abeedeen, of Mirboo North, South Gippsland, Victoria, Inventor. —An invention for an improved combined butter-printing and -gauging machine.* 5379. Bth January. Thomas Wemyss Just, of Palmer Street, Fitzroy, Victoria, Hydraulic Engineer. —An invention for an improved method of and breech apparatus to be used in loading guns of heavy ordnance.* 5380. sth January. Andeew Gkay, of Bemuera, Auckland, New Zealand, Clerk.—An invention for improvements in and relating to the mixing, amalgamating, or treatment of auriferous and other ores or materials.* 5381. 13th January. Dr. John Stoeee, of Sydney, New South Wales, and Walter Marsh, of Broken Hill, New South Wales, Chemists.—An invention for improvements in the treatment of sulphide ores and in the extraction of the metals therefrom. 5382. 13th January. Lloyd Alonzo Kimball, of Sydney, New South Wales, Manager of the Parke and Lacy Company, Dealer in Machinery and Supplies.—An invention for improvements in friction clutches and friction clutch-couplings. 5383. 13th January. Lloyd Alonzo Kimball, of Sydney, New South Wales, Manager of the Parke and Lacy Company, Dealer in Machinery and Supplies.—An invention for improvements in valves for hydraulic elevators and for other purposes. 5384. 13th January. Lloyd Alonzo Kimball, of Sydney, New South Wales, Manager of the Parke and Lacy Company, Dealer in Machinery and Supplies. —An invention for improvements in hydraulic elevators. 5385. 13th January. Lloyd Alonzo Kimball, of Sydney, New South Wales, Manager of the Parke and Lacy Company, Dealer in Machinery and Supplies.—An invention for improvements in crushing-mills. 5386. 11th January. Eobeet Austin, of Sydney, Now South Wales, Miller.—An invention for giving reciprocating motion to valves of engines or other machinery, and entitled " Eobert Austin's Improved Eeciprocating Valve-motion." 5387. 13th January. John Coebett, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Plumber.—An invention to be called " Corbett's Patent Cowl and Ventilator." 5388. 14th January. John Gibbons, of Queen Street, Thames, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for digging, lifting from the ground, grading into sizes, and placing in rows potatoes ready for bagging.*

Tear. Patents. Designs. Trade-marks. Total. 1890 1891 1892 616 589 606 I 5 4 10 160 225 290 781 818 906



5389. 16th January. Samuel Brown, of Wellington, New Zealand, Merchant. —An invention for improvements in apparatus for washing and separating gold and some other minerals and substances.* 5390. 16th January. John Henky Geddes, Managing Director of the Pastoral Finance Association (Limited), Sydney, New South Wales. —An invention for an improved machine sheep-shear. (T. O. Bennett.) 5391. 16th January. William Aenold Thomas, of 203, Gloucester street, Christchurch, New Zealand, Accountant.—An invention for a new or improved portable copying-press.* 5392. 15th January. James Fbeybeeg, of Percival Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Surveyor, &c.—An invention to be called " The Universal Solid Wood Mosaic Tile Flooring." 5393. 21st January. James Tkoup, of Crown Iron-works, Christchurch, New Zealand, Mechanical Engineer.—An invention for the manufacturing of "Troup's Improved Boofing-nail" for corrugated iron and some other purposes. 5394. 23rd January. John Virtue Eice, Jun., of Edgewater Park, New Jersey, United States of America, Mechanical Engineer.—An invention for improvements in and relating to steamengines and more particularly to direct-acting steam-engines. 5395. 23rd January. Hebbeet Akboyd Stuaet, of Bletchley Iron and Tin-plate Works, Bletchley, Buckingham, England, Mechanical Engineer, and Chaeles Richaed Binney, of 5, Hackney Eoad, London, England, Consulting Engineer. —An invention for improvements in or connected with engines operated by the explosion of mixtures of combustible vapour or gas and air. 5396. 23rd January. Edwaed Watees, of No. 131, William Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Patent Agent. —An invention for improvements in grain-binders. (A. Stark.) 5397. 25th January. Heebeet Thomas Hamilton, of 14, Clifton Street, Prahran, Melbourne, Victoria, Carpenter and Joiner, and Joseph Cuetes Lemkbn, of Carpenter Street, North Brighton, Melbourne aforesaid, Builder and Contractor.—An invention for improved earth, water, bedroom-commode, or other privy closet, double seats.* 5398. 22nd January. Isabella Ogilvie, wife of John Ogilvie, of Wai-iti Eoad, Timaru, New Zealand.—An invention for cleansing clothes, "Excelsior Washing-fluid."* 5399. 25th January. William Hugh Callistee, of Cope Cope, Victoria, Schoolmaster. —An invention for an improvement in the manner of fitting buildings in order that fires may be readily extinguished.* 5400. 25th January. Andbew Mueie Geaingee, of Palmerston North, New Zealand, Contractor. —An invention for a machine designated as " Grainger's Soft-rock Boring-machine."* 5401. 26th January. Heineich Kaspee Beckeb, of Grenfell Street, Adelaide, South Australia, Engineer. —An invention for an improved method of preserving eggs. 5402. 26th January. Feitz Heineich Stechee, of Sydney, New South Wales, Merchant.—An invention for improvements in liquid hydrocarbon gas-motors, and in the mode of and apparatus for producing and supplying gas to the same. 5403. 26th January. Philip Woodgate Mason, of Park Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Student.—An invention for starting and timing races, to be known as " Mason's Automatic Race-timer."* 5404. 26th January. Peecival Eveeitt, of 47, Cannon Street, London, England, Engineer.—An invention for improved apparatus for automatically lighting and extinguishing street- and other gas-lamps. 5405. 23rd January. Feank Cuetis, of Taunton Terrace, Dunedin, New Zealand, Manufacturer.— An invention for a liquid polish for silver, gold, tin, and brass, to be called " Frank Curtis's Eclipse Liquid Polish." 5406. 23rd January. Chaeles McLeod, of Melbourne, Victoria, Manufacturer's Agent.—An invention for an improvement in the construction of reapers and binders.* 5407. 29th January. Isaiah Fake, of Adelaide Eoad, Wellington, New Zealand, Contractor.—An invention for a new or improved. material for deadening sound in buildings, and rendering buildings fireproof.* 5408. 28th January. Thomas Hume Austin, Pattern-maker, and Chaeles Thomas Hodges, Plumber, both of Dunedin, New Zealand.—An invention for an improvement in water- and steam-regulating and stop-yalves, and entitled " Austin and Hodges' Improved Equilibrium Valve." 5409. 29th January. William Benjamin Waltees, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Engineer.'—An invention for the reduction of antimony-ore and the recovery of metals and residuals therefrom by a continuous process. 5410. 29th January. Heney Dueand, of Timaru, New Zealand, Gunsmith.—An invention for an improved method of oiling carriage and other axles, named " Durand's Oil-valve Carriagecap." 5411. 3rd February. Joseph Colin Feancis Johnson, of Pirie Street, Adelaide, South Australia, Mining Agent.—An invention for an improved incombustible lamp-wick. 5412. Ist February. Whitwoeth Eussell, of Wanganui, New Zealand, Commission Agent. —An invention for an improved method in battening wire-fencing, to be called " Eussell's Eapid Wire-fence Batten." 5413. 29th January. Hugh Baeton Mueeay, of Mataura, Otago, New Zealand, Engine-driver.— An invention to be called " Murray's Self-feeding Paper-machine," for feeding single sheets of paper into paper-bag machines, printing presses, or other similar machines. 5414. 29th January. Eobeet Cockeeell, of Invercargill, New Zealand, Blacksmith.—An invention entitled "E. Cockerell's Replaceable Double-bottom Swivel-buckets," for gold-dredging and other purposes.



5415. 29th January. Eobebt Cockeebll, of Invercargill, New Zealand, Blacksmith.—An invention entitled " E. Oockerell's Adjustable Jointed Undercut Disc-harrows," for cultivating and drilling, turnip-thinning, and other purposes. 5416. sth February. Jambs Alexander McKenzib, of Masterton, New Zealand, Telegraph Lineman.' —An invention entitled " McKenzie's Angle-pole Tension-reliever." 5417. sth February. Benjamin Cbockbr Cross, of Tingley, Yorkshire, England, Civil Engineer, and Daniel Cross, of St. Germans, Cornwall, England, Gentleman.—An invention for improvements in stoppering bottles, jars, and like vessels, and in apparatus therefor. 5418. sth February. William Dunsmorb Bohm, of 5, Cumberland Villas, Chiswick, Middlesex, England, Metallurgical Chemist and Engineer.—An invention for improvements in, and apparatus for, the separation of gold and silver, or either of them, from ores or materials containing them. 5419. sth February. Joshua Alexander Kay, of Crofthead Villa, Balwyn, Victoria, Consulting Mechanician.—An invention for improvements in machinery for setting type. 5420. Bth February. Edwaed Reading, Dentist, and Arthur Eigbt, Civil Engineer, both of Sydney, New South Wales.—An invention for an improved amalgamator and separator for recovering the precious metals from their ores. 5421. Bth February. The Wolselby Sheep-shearing Machine Company (Limited), whose registered office is at Sun Court, Cornhill, London, England.—An invention for improvements in overhead gear for driving flexible shafting, particularly applicable to sheep-shearing machinery. (H. Austin.) 5422. Bth February. The Wolseley Sheep-shearing Machine Company (Limited), whose registered office is at Sun Court, Cornhill, London, England. —An invention for improvements in flexible couplings or joints for toothed-wheel gearing. (H. Austin.) 5423. Bth February. The Wolseley Sheep-shearing Machine Company (Limited), whose registered office is at Sun Court, Cornhill, London, England.—An invention for improvements in .sheep-shearing machines. (H. Austin.) 5424. 11th February. William Beard Lake, of Eayne, Essex, England, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in machines for sewing thatch. 5425. 13th February. William Walker Fyfe, of 41, Hillside Eoad, Stamford Hill, London, N., England, Hydraulic Engineer.—An invention for improvements in amalgamating apparatus for crushed ores and like reduced bodies. 5426. 13th February. Robert Boyle, of 64, Holborn Viaduct, London, England, Engineer.— An invention for improvements in ventilators.* 5427. 12th February. John Foster, of Oamaru, New Zealand, Bootmaker.—An invention for cleaning boots, to be called " Foster's Circular-brush Machine." 5428. 13th February. Haecourt Innes Paton, of Auckland, New Zealand, Artist in Kauri-gum. —An invention for an improved method of manufacturing ornaments and ornamental pictures from kauri-gum. 5429. 17th February. James Clarendon Eamsbottom Isherwood, of Palmerston North, New Zealand, Eetired Military Officer.—An invention for a machine for shearing sheep and some other animals, to be called " The Isherwood Sheep-shearing Machine."* 5430. 15th February. George Sargent Jakins, of Blyth's Road, Papanui, New Zealand, Grain Merchant.—An invention of a box for the packing of chilled or frozen butter.* 5431. 15th February. Alexander Burt, of Cumberland Street, Dunedin, New Zealand, Metal Merchant.—An invention for a brine-pump, to be called " Burt's Compressed-air Brinepump," for preserving and pickling any kind of meat. 5432. 16th February. George Piddington, of Smith Street, Caversham, New Zealand, Carpenter. —An invention for improvements in rim-locks and latches, to be known as " Piddington's Stapleless Lock." 5433. 19th February. Hans Jacob Anderson and Frank Brown Fargo, of the Village of Lake Mills, Wisconsin, United States of America, Manufacturers. —An invention for improvements in butter-workers. 5434. 19th February. The St. Croix Manufacturing Company, of Hudson, United States of America.—An invention for improvements in, and relating to, needles for use in sewingmachines. 5435. 19th February. William Ebid, of Smith Street, Caversham, New Zealand, Ironmonger.—■ An invention for testing the quality of eggs, to be called " The Presto Egg-tester and -timer." 5436. 24th February. Geobge Sparling and Fredrick Charles Solomon, of Sydney, New South Wales, Engineers.—An invention for an improved lock or fastener for securing windowsashes. 5437. 24th February. George Sparling and Fredrick Charles Solomon, of Sydney, New South Wales, Engineers.—An invention for an improved apparatus for use in cars for indicating stopping-places. (J. W. Allison.) 5438. 18th February. Feed Brown, of Ponsonby Eoad, Auckland, New Zealand, Blind-manufac-turer.—An invention entitled " Brown's Patent Fastener," for holding music-stool seats in any required position (or other articles).* 5439. 20th February. Henry William Lovegrove, of Gapes Valley, Geraldine, Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer. An invention for the string-acting knotter for reaping and binding machines.* 5440. 24th February. William Seecombe and James Osman, both of Poole, England, Manufacturers.—An invention for improvements in brick-burning kilns. 5441. 24th February. Cheistian Koerstz, of Balmain, near Sydney, New South Wales, Mechanical Engineer, and Feedebick Mason, of Sydney aforesaid, Implement Importer.—An invention for an improved pump.



5442. 24th February. Waltbk Moueison, of Sydney Eoad, Brunswick, Victoria, Bootmaker.—An invention for improvements in stands for supporting the wooden lasts used in manufacturing boots and shoes.* 5443. 25th February. William Joy, of Snodland, England, Cement-burner.—An invention for improvements in and connected with the manufacture of cement, and apparatus for use therein. 5444. 25th February. James Ballantyne Hannay, of Cove Castle, Loch Long, Scotland, Chemical Engineer. —An invention for improvements in extracting precious metals from ores or minerals containing them, and apparatus for that purpose. 5445. 25th February. William Hbney Haeeison, of No. 94, Darlinghurst Eoad, Sydney, New South Wales, Metallurgist. —An invention for an improved horizontally-oscillating circular table amalgamating and concentrating machine, for treating auriferous and other metalliferous material. 5446. 25th February. Thomas Geoege Daw, Newspaper Proprietor and Publisher, and Hildee Daw, Printer and Publisher, both of Quaker's Hall, Seven Oaks, Kent, England.—An invention for improvements in machines for producing stereotype matrices and typewriting, in the manufacture of type for such matrices, and in the preparation of material to form matrices or moulds.* 5447. 26th February. John Belk and Arthur Pace, both of Feilding, New Zealand, Coachbuilders. —An invention for constructing four-wheeled vehicles so that they can be driven round sharp corners safely.* 5448. 26th February. Hakold James Augustus Pyke, Commission Agent, and Geoege Bainey, Accountant, both of Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for a suctional dasher washingmachine. 5449. 27th February. Henry Edward Aethue Minchin and Heney O'Hara, both of Waddington, Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmers. —An invention for a protector for throats of horses or other similar animals, to be called " The Last Chance Horse Throat-protector." 5450. 2'9th February. Eobert William Millak, of Eaynham Station, Aylesbury, New Zealand, Farmer. —An invention for an improvement in adjusting and balancing two-wheeled vehicles.* 5451. Ist March. William Cable, of Wellington, New Zealand, William G. Lodder, of Petone, New Zealand, and William M. Mowatt, of Wellington aforesaid, Engineers.—An invention for Cable, Lodder, and Mowatt's improved method of circulating air in freezing-chambers, cold-stores, and ship's holds in connection with dry-air freezing-machines.* 5452. 26th February. William Thomas Coebett, of Winton, New Zealand, Wheelwright.—An invention entitled " Corbett's Convertible Seats for Vehicles." 5453. sth March. Geoege Eveebtt, of Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, England, Engineer. —An invention for improvements in machinery or apparatus for effecting the complete mixture of inflammable gas or vapour with air. 5454. sth March. Thomas Salmon, of No. 30, King William Street, Fitzroy, near Melbourne, Victoria, Gentleman. —An invention for an improved trap for catching rabbits and other animals.* 5455. 2nd March. —William Haeeop, of Oliphant Street, Ponsonby, Auckland, New Zealand, Settler. —An invention for an improved toy.* 5456. 2nd March. Thomas Falvey, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Engineer. —An invention for an automatic total-registering machine. 5457. 2nd March. Sarah Ann Eaynee, of Ngunguru, Auckland, New Zealand, Widow (Executrix of the late Eobert Eayner, Engineer).—An invention for regulating the speed of marine engines, to be called " Eayner's Patent Governor for Marine Engines." 5458. 2nd March. Walter Haydon Burton, of Melrose, Devonport, Auckland, New Zealand, Machinist. —An invention for the non-exhausting air- or water-engine. 5459. 4th March. Benjamin Ollerenshaw, of Victoria Street, St. Clair, Otago, New Zealand, Machinist. —An invention entitled " The Paragon Butter-print." 5460. 7th March.—John Bartholomew, of Feilding, New Zealand, Saw-mill Proprietor.—An invention for a sixth-wheel cross-action gear for vehicles. (Eefused.) 5461. Bth March. Edward Samuel Bond, of Crown Machine-works, Lower Hurst Street, Birmingham, England.—An invention for a new or improved automatic detector stop-motion for wire-netting and other wire-working machines. 5462. Bth March. James Simcob Fitzmaurice, of Sydney, New South Wales, Electrical Engineer. —An invention for an improved auto-calorific branding-tool. 5463. sth March. Thomas Cottle, of Eemuera, Auckland, New Zealand, Author.—An invention for the firmer fixing of the handles in the heads of axes, hatchets, tomahawks, hammers, and all tools where the handle is inserted into a hole in the head of the tool, to be called "The Grip-handle Fixing." 5464. 9th March. Holmes Samuel Chipman, of No. 29, William Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Merchant.—An invention for an improved sheaf-carrier for reaping-and-binding machines. (D. Edwards.) 5465. 7th March. Thomas William Quelch Honeywill, of Hokitika, New Zealand, Brewer. — An invention for a combined gyle and automatic cleanser as a more convenient and better method for fermenting and cleansing ale and porter.* 5466. 7th March. W t illiam Heney Cutten, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for a tumbler for a gold-dredging machine.* 5467. 7th March. William Henry Cutten, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for a ladder-roller for a dredge-ladder.* 5468. 18th March. Benjamin Cockshutt Frybk, of Spencer Street, St. Kilda, Melbourne, Victoria, Agent.—An invention for improvements in the heels of boots and shoes.*



5469. 18th March. Benjamin Cockshutt Fbyee, of Spencer Street, St. Kilda, Melbourne, Victoria, Agent. —An invention for improvements in the heels of boots and shoes.* 5470. 18th March. Bdwaed Mobdaunt Mueley, of Patea, Taranaki, New Zealand, Settler.—An invention for an improvement in metal standards for wire-fencing and similar purposes. 5471. 18th March. Hoeace Fowleb Beown, of West Broadway, Btitte, Montana, United States of America, Mechanical Engineer. —An invention for improvements in and relating to oreroasting furnaces. 5472. 18th March. Eleanoe Lotinga, of Ely, near Cardiff, Glamorganshire, England, Gentlewoman. —An invention for improvements in the construction of go-carts, dog-carts, and other like vehicles, whereby they are rendered convertible from one form of vehicle into another. 5473. 18th March. Geoege Thomas Beilby, of St. Kitts, Slateford, Midlothian, North Britain, Chemical Engineer.—An invention for process and apparatus for the manufacture of cyanides. 5474. 15th March. William Glaistee, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Coachbuilder.—An invention for improvement in two-wheeled vehicles. 5475. 18th March. Fbedebick Savage, Engineer, John Heney Ashwoeth, Settler, and James Baied Peingle, Butcher, all of Feilding, Wellington, New Zealand.—An invention for improved methods for saving fuel in working engines. 5476. 19th March. William Keamee, of 34, Queen Street, Woollahra, New South Wales, Gentleman.—An invention for the destruction of noxious animals, such as rabbits and native dogs, entitled " Kramer's Self-acting Apparatus for the Destruction of Noxious Animals, such as Babbits, Native Dogs, Wolves, and suchlike." 5477. 20th March. John Deennan Cuetis, of Worcester, Massachusetts, United States of America, Manufacturer. —An invention for barbed wire. 5478. 22nd March. Heney Mace, of Gray Street, East Melbourne, Victoria, Merchant, Aethue . Geopeeey Eagae, of No. 70, Queen Street, Melbourne aforesaid, Accountant, and William Geoege Baumann, of Queen's Walk, Swanston Street, Melbourne aforesaid, Stationer.—An invention for an improved method of, and matters to be employed in, the manufacture of coal briquettes.* 5479. 17th March. Eobbet Cockeeell, of Invercargill, New Zealand, Blacksmith.—An invention entitled "B. Cockerell's Improved Speed and Power Tree- and Stump-extractors." 5480. 23rd March. Stewaet Nicholson, of Bombie Farm, near Kirkcudbright, Scotland, Farmer, and John Geay, of 65, George Street, Stranraer, Scotland aforesaid, Dairy-implement Manufacturer. —An invention for improvements in and relating to milking-machines and their fittings. 5481. 23rd March. Thomas Obbinson, of Mentone, near Melbourne, Victoria, Agent. —An invention for an improved method of, and apparatus for, advertising. 5482. 24th March. James Howaed Paekinson, of Stretford, Lancaster, England, Gas Engineer. —An invention for method of, and apparatus for, converting heat into work. 5483. 24th March. Alexandbb Wuets, of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, United States of America, Electrician. —An invention for improvements in apparatus for relieving electrical circuits from static charges of electricity. 5484. 26th March. William Feeguson, of Townsville, Queensland, Photographer.—An invention for improvements in washing-machines. 5485. 29th March. Thomas Flbtchbe and Alfeed Claee, both of Thynne Street, Warrington, Lancaster, England, Manufacturers of Gas Apparatus. —An invention for improvements in gas-ovens and gas-ranges. 5486. 29th March. John Jacob Weichee, of Chicago, United States of America, Engineer.— An invention for improvements in machines for extracting fibre from fibrous plants. 5487. 29th March. James Cleghoen, Tanner, and John Alfeed Collins, Engineer, both of Glendermid, Port Chalmers, New Zealand, and Gbant Pbeston Faequhae, of Dowling Street, Dunedin, New Zealand, Leather Merchant.—An invention for improvements in steam-boiler furnaces. 5488. 29th March. Geoege Heney Thobnton, of Manners Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Confectioner. —An invention for an improved token for working automatic slot-machines, and method of actuating the same.* 5489. 29th March. Feancis Teague, of the Acme Electric Works, Ferdinand Street, Chalk Farm, London, England, Electrical Engineer.—An invention for improvements in electricitymeters. 5490. 30th March. Chaeles Buegon and Haeey Buegon, both of Malm Bridge, near Sheffield, England, Sheep-shear Manufacturers. —An invention for improvements in apparatus for shearing or clipping sheep or other animals. 5491. 30th March. Chaeles Buegon and Habby Buegon, both of Malia Bridge, near Sheffield, England, Sheep-shear Manufacturers.—An invention for improved apparatus for grinding or sharpening sheep-shearing machines. 5492. 30th March. Bomulus Noewood, of 30, De Crespigny Park, Denmark Hill, Surrey, England, Manufacturer. —An invention for the manufacture of improved compounds for coating walls and other surfaces, and for the production of casts or mouldings, and for analogous purposes. 5493. 30th March. Thomas Bowland Joedan, of London, England, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in machinery or apparatus for the extraction of gold and silver from their ores by amalgamation. 5494. 30th March. Thomas Bowland Jobdan, of London, England, Engineer.—An invention for an improved apparatus for crushing or pulverising ores and other substances. 2—H. 3.



5495. 25th March. Hugh Babton Mueeay, of Mataura, New Zealand, Engine-driver.—An invention for " The Eureka Paper-bag Machine." 5496. Ist April. Eobeet Mabtin, of Wellington, New Zealand, Painter.—An invention entitled " Martin's Fire-escape." 5497. 30th March. Thomas Jepcoate Haebutt, of Victoria Street East, Auckland, New Zealand, Corn-broom Manufacturer.—An invention entitled " Harbutt's Connecting Joint for Beltinggear, Eods, or other like Bequirements."* 5498. 2nd April. William Sinclair, of Springlands, Marlborough, New Zealand, Plasterer.— An invention for a new kind of building material, to be called "The Patent Cavity Block." 5499. 7th April. Benjamin Cockshutt Feyee, of Spencer Street, St. Kilda, Melbourne, Victoria, Agent.—An invention for an improved paper and envelope combination.* 5500. 7th April. Fbedebick John Claeidgb, of 159, Queen Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Merchant. —An invention for an improved ventilated collapsible fruit-case.* 5501. 7th April. Heney Paekinson and Aethue Dudley Dobson, of Warnambool, Victoria, Engineers, and Edwaed Ashton Listee, of Dursley, Gloucestershire, England, temporarily residing at the South Melbourne Coffee Palace, Albert Park, near Melbourne, Victoria aforesaid, Manufacturer.—An invention for an improved coupling for connecting shafts or poles to vehicles. 5502. 7th April. Cheistian Kobestz, of Balmain, near Sydney, New South Wales, Mechanical Engineer, and Feedeeick Mason, of Sydney aforesaid, Implement Importer.—An invention for improvement in presses for wool and such like. , ' 5503. 7th April. Feank Anderson Tebbutt, of Elizabeth Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Merchant. ■ —An invention for an improved self-clinching bolt.* 5504. 7th April. Paenell Eabbidgb, of Sydney, New South Wales, Electrician.—An invention for an improved electro-magnetic alarm or call. 5505. 7th April. Jane Mabsland, of Mary Street, Leichardt, Sydney, New South Wales, Lady.— An invention for a device for the prevention of fraud with cheques, drafts, bills of exchange, and similar documents.* 5506. Bth April. John Tonnee Kelly, of 40, Queen's Parade, North Fitzroy, Melbourne, Victoria, Blacksmith.—An invention for improved means for raising sunken vessels.* 5507. 14th April. Donald Aechibald Douglas, of Blenheim, New Zealand, Architect.—An invention for a celluloid pen, to bo known as " The Douglas Celluloid Pen." 5508. 19th April. Alexander Abeedeen Bdackman, of 11, Jane Street, Balmain, Sydney, New South Wales, Mining Engineer.—An invention for an improved amalgamator. 5509. 19th April. Heney Clay Nye, of S} r racuse, New York, United States of America, Machinist. —An invention for device for preventing the incrustation of steam-boilers. 5510. 19th April. Alfred Bossomaiee, of 47, Cimitiere Street, Launceston, Tasmania, Honorary Commissioner for Austria and Germany at the Tasmanian Exhibition,—An invention for a new or improved coin-freed automatic contrivance for panoramas or dioramas.* 5511. 19th April. William Donald, of Winton Circus, Saltcoats, Ayr, Scotland, Technical Chemist.—An invention for improvements,in obtaining chlorine. 5512. 19th April. John Walker Newall, of Forest Hall, Ongar, Essex, England, Engineer.—An invention for an improved apparatus for clipping hair or wool.* 5513. 19th April. Chaeles Ealeigh, of Johannesburg, South African Eepublic, Milling Engineer. —An invention for improvements in screens or sieves for use in stamp-batteries, and otherwise for the separation of ore and other substances. 5514. 19th April. Harry Williams, of 134, Somerset Street, Eichmond, Victoria, Engineer, and Thomas Langstone Fishes, of Spring Villa, Lennox Street, Hawthorn, Victoria, Mechanic. — An invention for an improved rotary engine.* 5515. 19th April. James Gilbert, of Crystal Brook, South Australia, Machinist, and Heney Allsop Begg, of Albert Street, Semaphore, South Australia, Commercial Traveller.—An invention for an improved device for attaching a reversible share-plate to the foot of a plough, scarifier, or other implement. 5516. 19th April. Ernest Maxmillan Biebee, of Surry Hills, Sydney, New South Wales, Mining Engineer, and Feank Lacroix Gaedner, of Bond Street, Sydney aforesaid, Gentleman.—An invention for an improved nut-lock.* 5517. 19th April. Joseph Vaughan, of the Lion Boiling Mills, Grant Street, South Melbourne, Victoria, Iron Merchant. —An invention for an improvement in iron posts for wire fences.* 5518. 20th April. Charles Eldeedge, of Eye, New York, United States of America, Manufacturer. —An invention for a new and improved mode of saving and collecting gold and silver from their ores, and of treating ores, and saving and collecting fine and float gold (B. G. Noble.) 5519. 20th April. John Deapee, of Thirty-eighth Street, above Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, New York, United States of America, but temporarily residing at 4, Albany Street, Kelvinside, Glasgow, North Britain, Chemist.—An invention for improvements in the method of and means for removing and preventing scales or incrustations in steam-boilers, and for the prevention of pitting, corrosion, or oxidization of such boilers, which improvements are also applicable to the coating of iron or steel articles generally so as to protect them from oxidization. 5520. 20th April. Anatole Edouaed Decouple, of 2, Boulevard de Strasbourg, Paris, France, Mechanical Engineer.—An invention for improvements in machinery for the manufacture of cigarettes. 5521. 20th April. William Ellison Messeeoy Burke, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Agent. An invention entitled " The Burke Patent Safety Wheel-check and Accident-preventer."* 5522. 22nd April. Chaeles Ealeigh, of Johannesburg, South African Eepublic, Milling Engineer. —An invention for improvements in or applicable to stamp-batteries.



5523. 22nd April. John William Faul, of Hargreaves Street, Bendigo, Victoria, Tinsmith. —An invention for an improved railway-carriage or other lamp. 5524. 22nd April. Lyman Mblvin Jones, Manufacturer, and James Kent Wedlakb, Machinist, both of Toronto, Canada. —An invention for improved sheaf-carrier for harvester-binders.* 5525. 22nd April. Lyman Melvin Jones, Manufacturer, and James Kent Wedlake, Machinist, both of Toronto, Canada.—An invention for improvements in open-ended binders.* 5526. 22nd April. Aethue Steele Fobd, of the Star Hotel, Wellington, New Zealand, Mechanical Engineer.—An invention for filtering water for drinking and other purposes, and cooling same, entitled " The Eureka Filter ; " also producing lime-water from the said filter.* 5527. 23rd April. Eobeet Faiecloth Flood, of Mangawhare, New Zealand, Saddler.—An invention for the purpose of giving horses balls as medicine, to be called " Flood's Patent Horseball Gun." 5528. 23rd April. James Goebie, of Stratford, Taranaki, New Zealand, Coachbuilder.—An invention for reducing noise in the use of a chamber, called " A Silent Chamber."* 5529. 25th April. Elisha Baeton Cutten, of New York, United States of America, Chemist.— An invention for the manufacture of chlorine and caustic soda. 5530. 27th April. Chaeles James Gasooigne, of Marton, New Zealand, Coachbuilder.—An invention for an improvement in the construction of the under-carriage or running-gear far fourwheeled vehicles.* 5531. 27th April. Adolph Cuthbebt Hugh Dβ Aeoy, of Auckland, New Zealand, M.D.—An invention for a specific for influenza, epidemic catarrh, or "la grippe."* 5532. 29th April. Gboege Haeey Astall, of 98, Cuba Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Commercial Traveller.—An invention entitled " Astall's Champion Suction-washer."* 5533. 29th April. Hbney Eayneb, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Bootmaker. —An invention for improved protectors for the soles of boots and shoes. 5534. 29th April. Fbanois Aeenas, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Hotel Proprietor.—An inven- ' tioh for a bedroom-indicator, to indicate the requirements of lodgers. 5535. 2nd May. Thomas Mueeay, of Crossburn, Mangapai, Auckland, New Zealand, Settler.— An invention for facilitating loading of wheeled vehicles, entitled " Loading made Easy." 5536. 3rd May. John Tyack Sandell, of 10, Pall Mall, London, England, General Manager of E. W. Thomas and Company (Limited), Photographic Manufacturers.—An invention for an improvement in the manufacture of sensitive plates and films or other media for photographic purposes. 5537. 3rd May. Chaeles Augustus Pooley, of No. 24, West Seneca Street, Buffalo, State of New York, United States of America, Attorney-at-law. —An invention for improvements in automatic couplings for railway-coaches, trucks, wagons, cars, and like vehicles. 5538. 3rd May. Joseph Husband, Sewage-works Inspector, and William Bobbins, Contractor, both of Sydney, New South Wales. —An invention for improvements in sewage-conduits. 5539. 3rd May. Geoege Suisted, of Cainpbelltown, Wellington, New Zealand, and Chaeles Dahl, of Palrnerston North, Wellington aforesaid, Sailmaker.—An invention entitled " Suisted and Dahl's Champion Diamond Butter-mould." 5540. sth May. Heney Edwaed Aethue Minchin and Hbney O'Haea, both of Waddington, Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmers.—An invention for an improved horse throat- and stomach-protector. 5541. 7th May. Samuel Huntee Williams, of Middle Eenwick Eoad, Blenheim, New Zealand, Builder. —An invention for hackling flax, tow, hemp, or other fibres.* 5542. 7th May. Waltee Cole, of 47, Lime Street, London, England, Architect.—An invention for improvements in fluid motors.* 5543. 7th May. Jabez Tueton, of No. 9, Norfolk Street, Strand, London, England, Metallurgist. —An invention for a process for extraction of metals from ores and minerals containing them. 5544. 7th May. Edwaed Batteesby Toomath, of Aurora Terrace, Wellington, New Zealand, Farmer. —An invention for improvements in stripping-machines for New Zealand flax.* 5545. sth May. Heney E. Abbott, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Builder and Contractor.—An invention for making and packing bags with any material, entitled " The Universal Bagmaker." 5546. 12th May. Chaeles Nicholas Moeeis, Commercial Traveller, and Allan Mueeay Ayles, Gas Engineer, both of No. 72, Thompson Street, Williamstown, Victoria.—An invention for improvements in the construction of, and apparatus to be used for, cash railways in stores.* 5547. 12th May. Jambs Albeet Bonsaok, of No. 1326, Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, United States of America, Mechanical Engineer.—An invention for machines for making cigarettes. 5548. 12th May. Pabkee Cogswell Choatb, of No. 38, Wall Street, New York, United States of America, Metallurgist. —An invention for improvement in the art of producing metallic zinc. 5549. 13th May. Maemaduke Meeinton Sedgwick, Currier, and William McMillan, Tanner, both of Palmerston North, New Zealand.—An invention for an improved method of manufacturing lacing- and thong-leather.* 5550. 13th May. James Copeland, of Brunswick, near Wanganui, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for tenets : " The Gem."* 5551. 17th May. Joseph Huelby, of Constable Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Engineer, William Kayll, of Pirie Street, Wellington aforesaid, Salesman, and Epheaim Gbeenwood, of Hawker Street, Wellington aforesaid, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in flax-scraping machines. 5552. 17th May. Colin Houston, Engineer, of the firm of Muir and Houston, Engineers and Boiler-makers, and William Aebucklb Mackie, Engineer, both of 60, Portman Street,



Kinning Park, Eenfrew, North Britain.—An invention for improvements in the circulation of the water in the fish-wells or fish-tanks of fishing-vessels, and in the apparatus employed therefor. 5553. 17th May. Ernest Govett, of Adelaide, South Australia, Newspaper Proprietor. —An invention for an improved process for the extraction of gold, silver, platinum, and other like metals from their ores. 5554. 17th May. Edwaed Blake Wyman, of No. 24, McKillop Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Manufacturer.—An invention for an improved triplicate copying sales-book. 5555. 17th May. John Hartnett, of Bay View Villa, Oakleigh, Victoria, Engineer. —An invention for an improvement in refrigerating apparatus. 5556. 14th May. Henry Ellis Nightingale, of Wellington Street, Auckland, New Zealand, French-polisher. —An invention for an improved method of decorating wood and some other substances.* 5557. 14th May. Bartholomew Ward, of Oxford North, Auckland, New Zealand, Contractor. —■ An invention for an improved stirrup. 5558. 19th May. Erancis Theodore Sherriff the younger, of No. 65, Tinakori Eoad, Wellington, New Zealand, Student of Law.—An invention entitled " Sherriff s Automatic Target," for registering the results of rifle- or other firearm-shots." 5559. 17th May. William Claret Eowlandson, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Painter and Paperhanger.—An invention for a new and improved slate-pencil sharpener. 5560. 20th May. James Coventry, of Wellington, New Zealand, Tinsmith.—An invention for an improved method of manufacturing metal cans, pots, jugs, and similar vessels.* 5561. 23rd May. Martin Eose Etjble, of 764, Broad Street, Newark, New Jersey, United States of America, Mechanical Engineer.—An invention for centrifugal blowers and injectors. 5562. 23rd May. Sidney Steaker, of London, England, Engineer. —An invention for improvements in and relating to apparatus for pulverising or disintegrating grain and other dry . substances. 5563. 23rd May. William Alsop, Engineer, and William Blackall, Chemist, both of Newcastle, New South Wales. —An invention for an improved mode of more effectually cooling and drying the compressed air in refrigerating apparatus, and in the means or apparatus whereby the same may be effected. 5564. 23rd May. Edgar Arthur Ashcroft, Electrical Engineer, and John Howell, Mining Manager, both of Broken Hill, New South Wales. An invention for an improved mode of, and apparatus for, generating steam by the aid of molten slag from smelting and other furnaces. 5565. 23rd May. Charles Arthur Lees, of No. 27, Antigua Street, Christchurch, New Zealand, Clerk, and Stephen William Lester, of Lytton Street, Sydenham, Christchurch aforesaid, Carpenter. —An invention for an improvement in machines for shelling Yorkshire fog, and seeds which can be similarly treated.* 5566. 25th May. Eoland D'Anvers, of Pemberton, Feilding, New Zealand, Settler. —An invention for a new or improved horse-shoe and method of shoeing horses.* 5567. 23rd May. Lewis Benson Kennedy, of 55, Montague Mansions, London, W.C., England, Brick-manufacturer.—An invention for improvements in and relating to brick-and-tile machines. 5568. 21st May. Eobert Walker, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Tinsmith. —An invention entitled "The Champion Milk-cooler." 5569. 25th May. William Eignet, of Horse-shoe Bend, Tuapeka, Otago, New Zealand, Gold-miner.—An invention entitled " Eigney's Power-accumulating Current Motor."* 5570. 26th May. George Mallinder, of Petone, New Zealand, Labourer.—An invention for the Manufacture of New Zealand bass.* 5571. 25th May. Osborn Coombe, of Maraekakaho, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, Shepherd.— An invention for a split iron dropper for wire fencing.* 5572. 28th May. Edward Lambert Drew, of North Sydney, New South Wales, Architect.— An invention for an improved machine for separating or concentrating and classifying discrete matter, specially metalliferous material, and for amalgamating discrete auriferous material.* 5573. 28th May. Alfred Eiohard Sennett, of Brentford, Middlesex, England, Civil Engineer.— An invention for improvements in the prevention or combustion of smoke in furnaces. 5574. 28th May. Alfred Eichard Sennett, of Brentford, Middlesex, England, Civil Engineer.— An invention for a transformer aspirator or blower. 5575. 30th May. Joseph Maitland, of Clinton, Otago, New Zealand, Settler. —An invention for a winding strainer for a removable wire fence. 5576. 30th May. Frederick Giles, of Fawkner Street, South Yarra, near Melbourne, Victoria, Engineer. —An invention for an improved apparatus for propelling boats by hand-power. 5577. Ist June. James Freybebg, of Percival Street, Wellington, New Zealand.—An invention for an invalid's bed-table and reading-desk.* 5578. Ist June. James Freyberg, of Percival Street, Wellington, New Zealand.—An invention for a reading-chair and revolving desk or table.* 5579. 25th May. John Mitchell, of Auckland, New Zealand, Architect.—An invention for expanding-gates for shop-fronts and some other purposes. 5580. 2nd June. Francis James Bell, of 13, High Street, Kingston-on-Thames, Surrey, England, Solicitor. —An invention for improvements in apparatus for separating magnetic ore from sand. 5581. 2nd June. Percy John Ogle, of 4, Bishopsgate Street Within, London, England, Engineer.— An invention for improvements in and connected with percussive drilling-machines.



5582. 2nd June. James Palmer Robertson and Alexander Russell Pulling, both of 19, Garlick Hill, London, England, Gentlemen. —An invention for a new or improved device for propelling trucks and other vehicles on railways.* 5583. 2nd June. William Heney Frank Long, of Johnsonville, near Wellington, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for a new process for cleansing the hair of animals from salt or lime. 5584. 30th May. Frederick Glaek, of Pukekaroro, Auckland, New Zealand, Settler. —An invention for a saddle-girth.* 5585. 3rd June. Thomas Hawke, of Tuakau, Auckland, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for improvements in ploughs.* 5586. Bth June. Job Osboene, of Doyleston, Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer. —An invention for improvements in apparatus for sinking artesian wells. 5587. Bth June. William Coggan, of West Melton, Canterbury, New Zealand, Blacksmith.—An invention for an improved reversible sliding cover for sheep-feeding troughs. 5588. 7th June. George McDonald, of Middlemarch, Strath-Taieri, Otago, New Zealand, Blacksmith.—An invention for a turnip root- and stem-cutter and turnip shell-lifter combined. 5589. 11th June. Joseph Clark, of 402, Montgomery Street, San Francisco, California, United States of America, Gentleman. —An invention for improvements in safety gas-cocks. 5590. 11th June. Duncan McMurtrie, of Stawell, Victoria, Battery Manager.—An invention for an improved method of, and apparatus for, softening amalgam on the copper plates of goldsaving appliances. 5591. 10th June. Thomas Crawford Dennison, of Oamaru, New Zealand, Civil Engineer and Surveyor.—An invention for a protractor. 5592. 7th June. Frederick John Tetley, of Thames Ditton, Surrey, England, Engineer, and George Colls, of Hurlingham, Fulham, Middlesex, England, Farrier.—An invention for improvements in fixing shoes to horses and the like. 5593. 6th June. John Anderson, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Engineer and Brassfounder.—An . invention for an adaptation of a Bunsen or other gas-burner for fire-lighting and blowing, and entitled " Anderson's Instantaneous Fire-lighter." 5594. 10th June. William Henry Sarney, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Mechanical Engineer.— An invention for improvements in the manner of hanging sashes to facilitate cleaning, and entitled " Sarney's Improved Sash." 5595. 13th June. Charles James Fauvel, of 15, George Street, Mansion House, London, England, Assayer and Mining Engineer.—An invention for an improved furnace and method for the treatment of refractory ores. 5596. 13th June. Joseph Fletcher, of 111, Dolobran Road, Sparkbrook, Birmingham, England, Engineer, and Frederick Huggins, of the Britannia Tube Works, Glover Street, Birmingham aforesaid, Tube-manufacturer. —An invention for an improved compressed-air engine for working shears and other like purposes. 5597. 13th June. Henry Kingsbury, of Kyle, Ashburton, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for a self-raiser for land-lever of three-furrow and other ploughs. 5598. 17th June. Allan Jones, of Groper's Bush, Otago, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for an improvement in digging-ploughs, to be known as " Jones's Improvement in Diggingploughs."* 5599. 30th May. Richard Mitchelson, Merchant, and George Nairn, Blacksmith, both of Dargaville, Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for a new or improved apparatus for obtaining kauri-gum from swamp and similar lands, to be known as " Dick's Gum-grip. "* 5600. 11th June. John Diedrich Schmidt, of Ponsonby, Auckland, New Zealand, Lithographic Artist.—An invention for improvements in tobacco-pipes. 5601. 17th June. Oscar Beunlee, of Eilenberg, Germany, Engineer.—An invention for device in petroleum-motors, serving to simultaneously press the petroleum into the evaporator through the air-current supplied for the formation of the mixture. 5602. 17th June. Percy Edward Casey, of Calignee, South Gippsland, Victoria, Farmer.—An invention for an improved milk-strainer. 5603. 16th June. Robert Morton, of Lyttleton, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for a double-action glandless lift- and force-pump. 5604. 16th June. Richard Chambers, of Cambridge Roller-mills, Cambridge, Auckland, New Zealand, Miller.—An invention for dressing and preparing flax or other fibres.* 5605. 16th June. Richard Chambers, of Cambridge Roller-mills, Cambridge, Auckland, New Zealand, Miller.—An invention for removing the red line or edge of the leaf of the Phormium tenax (New Zealand flax).* 5606. 20th June. Charles John Reed, of 224, High Street, Orange, New Jersey, United States of America, Mining Engineer. An invention for improvements in ore-separating machinery. 5607. 20th June. Ole Olsen, of Wimbledon, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, Sawyer.—An invention for tree-felling and cross-cutting machine.* 5608. 20th June. Cornelius Alfred Folly, of 90, Hill Street, West Hoboken, New Jersey, United States of America, Engineer, William Livingstone Flanagan, of No. 6, West 43rd Street, New York, United States of America, Brewer, and De Witt Clinton Ward, of No. 137, East 94th Street, New York aforeseid, Merchant.—An invention for improvements in and relating to screw couplings for pipes and other screw-joints. 5609. 20th June. James Gresham, Director of Gresham and Craven (Limited), of Craven Ironworks, Salford, Manchester, England, Mechanical Engineers.—An invention for improvements in or applicable to vacuum automatic brake-apparatus. 5610. 20th June. Henry Parkes, of 237, Friern Road, Dulwich, Surrey, England, Chemist, and John Cunninghame Montgomerie, of the "Water of Ayr "and "Tarn O'Shanter" Hone



Works, Dalmore, Stair, Ayr, Scotland, Manufacturer.—An invention for improvements in the extraction of gold and silver from ores or compounds containing the same. 5611. 20th June. John Walsh, of Sydney, New South Wales, Wool-scourer.—An invention for an improved chamber, and appliances in connection therewith, for drying wool. (J. Johnson and J. Vicars.) 5612. 20th June. The Pfaudler Vacuum Fermentation Company, of Eochester, New York, United States of America.—An invention for the manufacture of beer. (A. J. Metzler.) 5613. 20th June. The Pfaudler Vacuum Fermentation Company, of Eochester, New York, United States of America. —An invention for the manufacture of beer. (A. Hummel.) 5614. 21st June. Alfred Armer Carson, of Ashburton, New Zealand, Grocer.—An invention for a device for the convenient emptying of kerosene-tins, which will prevent waste, and lessen the risk of explosion, to be called " Carson's Automatic Opener for Kerosene-tins." 5615. 2nd June. John Macaulay, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Accountant.—An invention for improvements in draining barrels or casks to separate liquid from sediment in emptying same, and entitled " The Acme Barrel-tilter." 5616. 24th June. John Sutton Nettlefold, of Castle Works, Tydu, near Newport, Monmouth, England, Manager of Works.—An invention for improvements in bale ties and hoops for binding compressed bales of cotton and other bales. 5617. 18th June. Benjamin Peddie Bayly, Gentleman, and Eobert Fitzmaurice Sandes, Chemist, both of Hamilton, Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for the prevention of internal parasitic diseases in sheep, to be called " The Eureka Sheep-lick." * 5618. 18th June. Elizabeth Gibbons, wife of James Saunders Gibbons, of Auckland, New Zealand, Millwright. —An invention for washing wool, clothes, or other materials, to be called " Gibbons' Washing-machine." 5619. 20th June. William van der Heyden, of Yokohama, Japan, M.D.—An invention for perfected sanitary houses for all climates.* 5620. 22nd June. William Edwaed Connell Osborne, of Auckland, New Zealand, Accountant. —An invention entitled " The Osborne Balance Blind-roller." * 5621. 23rd June. Henry Fabling, of Doyleston, Canterbury, New Zealand, Blacksmith. —An invention for an improved potato-digging machine. 5622. 23rd June. Henry Clay Elliot, of 34, Cliff Street, New York City, United States of America, Manufacturer. —An invention for cigarette-machine. (E. Hardie.) 5623. 25th June. Henry Corrick, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Boot-manufacturer.—An invention for a boot or shoe, to be called " The Warrior." 5624. 27th June. Hamor Lockwood, of Chapel Walks, Cross Street, Manchester, England, Chemical Manufacturer. —An invention for improvements in or connected with the purification of sewage and other foul waters. 5625. 21st June. Archibald McDonald, of Taieri, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for an improved method for sustaining, lifting, and floating wrecks or water-logged vessels, and entitled " Archibald McDonald's Improved Ship-floating Apparatus." 5626. 30th June. Hugh Dixson, trading as " Dixson and Sons," of Park and Elizabeth Streets, Sydney, New South Wales, Tobacco- and Cigarette-manufacturer.—An invention for improvements in cigarette-machines. 5627. 2nd July. Edwin Eobert Standfield, of Blenheim, Warder of the Wairau Hospital.—An invention for a new method of, and apparatus for, decoying and trapping rabbits.* 5628. 27th June. Nicholas Gibbons, of Port Albert, Auckland, New Zealand, Sawmill Manager. —An invention for obtaining kauri-gum from swampy ground by means of an improved kauri-gum hook.* 5629. 27th June. Nicholas Gibbons, of Port Albert, Auckland, New Zealand, Sawmill Manager. —An invention for obtaining kauri-gum from swampy ground by kauri-gum grapplinghooks.* 5630. 4th July. Edwin James Hill, of Wellington, New Zealand. —An invention for a new or improved apparatus for preventing a down draft in chimneys. (J. H. Matthias.) * 5631. 30th June. Thomas Haycock, of Eichmond, Nelson, New Zealand, Toilet-soap Manufacturer. —An invention for extracting and utilising the pulp from New Zealand flax.* 5632. 28th June. William Wilson, of Mornington, New Zealand, Engine-driver. —An invention entitled " Wilson's Diamond Air-exhauster or Chimney-cowl.'' 5633. 29th June. Benjamin Greenwood, of Dunedin, New Zealand, News Agent.—An invention for improvements in the details of construction of portable washing and other coppers, and the setting of same, and entitled " Greenwood's Economic Washing-boiler." 5634. Ist July. Eobert Latta, of Catlin's Eiver, New Zealand, Butcher. —An invention for stuffing riding-saddles, to be called " Latta's Air-stuffing for Eiding-saddles." 5635. Ist July. Alexander Burt, of Cumberland Street, Dunedin, New Zealand, Metal Merchant. —An invention entitled " The Triune Cyclone Jet." 5636. 4th July. Edward Seagar, of Victoria Foundry, Wellington, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for " Seagar's Duplex Flax-scraping Machine."* 5637. 30th June. Eichard Blamire Sewell, of Victoria Terrace, Eowan Street, Bendigo, Locomotive Inspector for Victorian Eailways, William Henry Sewell, of Webster Street, Ballarat, Commercial Traveller, Arthur Edgar Sewell, of Melbourne, Accountant, Frank Blamire Sewell, of Victoria Terrace, Eowan Street, Bendigo, Pattern-maker, and Emma Sewell, of Bendigo aforesaid, Wife of the above-named Eichard Blamire Sewell, all in the Colony of Victoria. —An invention for an improved package in which to preserve and transport butter and other alimentary substances. 5638. 6th July. James Moody Ponton, of Palmerston North, New Zealand, Coach-painter.—An invention for improvements in four-wheeled vehicles.



5639. 6th July. George Howe Cook and Heebeet Francis Cook, both of Eussell, Auckland, New Zealand, Whalers, and Donald Henry Eoss, of Auckland, New Zealand, Ship Chandler.—An invention for an improved method of catching whales and similar large marine animals.'* 5640. 6th July. Eobeet Self, of Terrace End, Palmerston North, New Zealand, Blacksmith. — An invention for an improved harrow.* 5641. Bth July. Thomas Kennedy Park, of Sydney, New South Wales, Gentleman. —An invention for an improved paint. 5642. Bth July. Edward Waters, of No. 131, William Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Patent Agent.—An invention for an improved machine for the manufacture of paper boxes. (J. W. Hutt and A. J. Phillips.) 5643. Bth July. Edwaed Field, of Chandos Chambers, 22, Buckingham Street, Adelphi, London, England, Consulting Engineer.—An invention for improvements in engines to be worked by hot gases, such as air or products of combustion, with steam.* 5644. sth July. Eobert Lyall Christie, of Otama, Otago, New Zealand, Blacksmith. —An invention entitled " The Ten ax Spring-gaff." 5645. sth July. John Christie and Thomas Chbistie, both of Dunedin, New Zealand, Engineers and Gasfitters.—An invention for improvements in the design of water- or steam-boilers for domestic or other purposes, and entitled " J. and T. Christie's Tube-boiler." 5646. 9th July. Thomas Thompson, of Cochrane Street, Thames, New Zealand, Mechanical Engineer.—An invention for lighting of mines and other places. 5647. 11th July. Ole Olsen, of Wimbledon, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, Sawmiller.—An invention for a new and improved tree-felling and wood-cutting saw, to be called " Olsen's Tree- and Wood-saw." 5648. 11th July. Charles Lampitt, of Nelson Villa, Bounds Green Eoad, Southgate, Middlesex, England, Engineer and Millwright. —An invention for a new or improved mechanical device for separating, cleaning, grading, and sorting barley and other grain, also applicable for other purposes. 5649. 12th July. William Sandford, of Eskbank Ironworks, Lithgow, Ironmaster, William Thornley, of Marrickville, near Sydney, Mechanical Engineer, and Edward Silcocks, of 32, Buckingham Street, Sydney, Eailway Inspector, all in the Colony of New South Wales.— An invention for an improved fish-joint for railways. 5650. 7th July. Peter Dewar, of Auckland, New Zealand, Agent.—An invention entitled " Dewar's Hygienic Muscle-roller," for the purpose of conveying electricity during massage.* 5651. 13th July. William Henry Frank Long, of Jolmsonville, near Wellington, New Zealand, Farmer. —An invention for an improved process for cleansing the hair of animals from salt or lime. 5652. 12th July. Eobert William Eutherford, of Caversham, Dunedin, New Zealand, Tanner. —An invention for manufacturing tanning extract, named and to be known as " Eutherford , s Tanning Extract." 5653. 16th July. Fredrick Charles Solomon, of Wellington, New Zealand, Commercial Traveller, and Catherine Jacobsen, Wife of Theodore Bernard Jacobsen, of Palmerston North, New Zealand, Architect.—An invention for a metallic cornice, to be known as " The Theodore Cornice."* 5654. 18th July. Edward Whiting, of Picton, New Zealand, Preserver and Fish-curer.—An invention for the preparation and manufacture of a tomato powder and tablets for table and culinary use, to be named " Whiting's Tomato Powder and Tablets." * 5655. 13th July. Carl Johannes Edwaed Linnemann, of Hokitika, New Zealand, Merchant. —An invention for the manufacture of all kinds of files, all kinds of rasps, all kinds of sharpening-stones, all kinds of grindstones, and such like goods, any shapes and sizes, and for all purposes where any of these are used whatsoever.* 5656. 14th July. Herbert England, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for an improved spout for teapots and other similar vessels. 5657. 14th July. Joseph Eichards, of Eichmond, Canterbury, New Zealand, Blacksmith.—An invention for an improved barrow-wheel, to be called "The Simplex Barrow-wheel." 5658. 14th July. Herbert James Cunnington, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for a rolling stand to ■ carry a bucket or other vessel whilst washing or cleaning floors of rooms and passages, or for other similar purposes, to be called "The Housemaid's Friend." 5659. 14th July. James Tyrrell, of Queenstown, New Zealand, Tinsmith.—An invention for an improved pump for kerosene and liquids o£ a similar nature, for the more easily and cleanly removing such liquids from the tin or other receptacle, and for preventing waste, entitled " Tyrrell's Thrifty Kerosene-pump." 5660. 16th July. James Wilkinson and Eichaed Wilkinson, both of Upper Pitt Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Heel- and Toe-plate Manufacturers.—An invention entitled " Wilkinson's Toe-tip." 5661. 20th July. William Snell Chenhall, Mining Engineer and Analyst, and William Francis Snell Chenhall, Stockbroker's Clerk, both of No. 3, Ballance Eoad, Homerton, London, England.—An invention for improvements in solidifying mineral, vegetable, and animal oils, and volatile and inflammable fluids. 5662. 20th July. Henry Howard, of Coomb's Wood Tube Works, Halesowen, near Birmingham, England, Manufacturer. —An invention for improvements in heating and welding by electricity.



5663. 16th July. Maby Elisb Wieth, Wife of William Frederick Wirth, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for piercing cattle, to liberate gases which cause cattle to swell after eating clover, &c, which invention is entitled " Wirth's Cattle-piercer." 5664. 21st July. Dbmbteius Bittle Steousb, Attorney-at-Law, and Wingfield Gbipfin, Judge, both of Salem, Virginia, United States of America.—An invention for improvements in spark-arresters for locomotives and other engines. 5665. 21st July. William Lockhaet Mobton, of Caroline Street, South Yarra, near Melbourne, Victoria. —An invention for improvements in boots and shoes. 5666. 21st July. Thomas Sampson, of Gawler, South Australia, Farmer.—An invention for an improved contrivance for regulating the tension of twine in harvesting-machines.* 5667. 23rd July. John Bligh Suttoe, of Bathurst, New South Wales, Bailway-engineer.—An invention for an improved process of extracting copper from pyritic ores. 5668. 25th July. Fbedbeick Henby Weigley, of Opaki, Masterton, New Zealand, Farmer. —An invention entitled " Wrigley's Wire-strainer."* 5669. 26th July. Feedbrick Heney Weigley, of Opaki, Masterton, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention entitled "Wrigley's Bush-falling Scaffold-board Shoe."* 5670. 25th July. John Belk, of Feilding, New Zealand, Coachbuilder.—An invention for a nutless bolt for fish-plates on railways, and some other purposes. 5671. 25th July. Fbedebick de Jeesey Clbee, of Lambton Quay, Wellington, New Zealand, Architect.—An invention for an improvement in the method of hanging ordinary sashes, to be known as " Clere's Sashes." 5672. 25th July. Joseph William Sutton, of Eagle Street, Brisbane, Queensland, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in the wet process for the extraction of gold or silver, or both, from pulverised ores or other finely-divided material, and in apparatus therefor. 5673. 21st July. John Midgley Eishwoeth, Stephen Ingham, and Joseph Vickees, all of Leeds, England, Corn-millers.—An invention for machinery for sorting and separating loose sub- • stances into various grades of fineness. 5674. 21st July. Joshua Thomas Johns, of Ponsonby, Auckland, New Zealand, Biscuit-manu-facturer.—An invention for improvements in tins or cans for meat, fruit, and some other substances. 5675. 22nd July. Andeew Geay, of "Eoslyn," Eemuera, Auckland, New Zealand, Analytical Chemist. —An invention entitled " Gray's Detachable-band Tin-fastening."* 5676. 27th July. Huntee Heney Muedoch, of Hastings, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, Patent Agent.—An invention for an improvement in bicycles and tricycles.* 5677. 22nd July. James Young, of Castle Street, Dunedin, New Zealand, Cooper.—An invention entitled " The Orbit Cylinder Churn." 5678. 23rd July. Heebeet Obeblin Beown, of Albert Avenue, Mount Eden, Auckland, New Zealand, Pianoforte-tuner. An invention for a combined window-cleaner, all-round duster, and furniture-polisher. 5679. 23rd July. Hebbeet Obeelin Bbown, of Albert Avenue, Mount Eden, Auckland, New Zealand, Pianoforte-tuner.—An invention for a new and improved hand circular hair-brush. 5680. 23rd July. Joshua Thomas' Johns, of Ponsonby, Auckland, New Zealand, Biscuit-manufac-turer. —An invention for an improved process for condensing milk.* 5681. 28th July. Eobeet Augustus Panohaud, of 42, Great Tower Street, London, England, Secretary. —An invention for improvements in apparatus for drawing off or dispensing aerated liquids. (W. G. Temple.) 5682. 26th July. Eobeet Cockeeell, of Invercargill, New Zealand, Blacksmith.—An invention entitled "E. Cockerell's Self-acting Lever Water-discharger, for Mining and Other Purposes." 5683. 27th July. The Colonial Haedwaee, Woodwabb, and Implement Company (Limited), of Dee Street, Invercargill, New Zealand, Manufacturers and Merchants.—An invention entitled " The Colonial Flexible through Steel Axle," a jointed or flexible through axle to be applied to seed-sowing machines or drills. (J. Macalister.) 5684. Ist August. James Eobeetson, of Oamaru, New Zealand, Shepherd. —An invention for catching rabbits, to be called "James Eobertson's Babbit-trap." 5685. Ist August. Feedebick Henby Wbigley, of Opaki, Masterton, New Zealand, Farmer.— An Invention entitled "Wrigley's Chain-lever and Self-locking Sheaf."* 5686. Ist August. James Feeybbeg, of Percival Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Surveyor, &c.— An invention for wood lmoleurn. 5687. 3rd August. William Hbney Boyens, of Kaikoura, New Zealand, Engineer. —An invention for a reversible fire-grate.* 5688. 3rd August. Joseph Day, of Spring Gardens, Bath, England, Engineer.—An invention for a new or improved gas-engine. 5689. 29th July. James Andeeson, of Edington Mains, Otago, New Zealand, Gentleman. —An invention entitled." Anderson's Improvements in Combined Drills," for sowing all kinds of manures, seeds, and grain, and for forming ridges or drills, and for topping and uprooting turnips, and for uprooting potatoes, and for grubbing land. 5690. sth August. Julius Evinof, of the Australia Hotel, Castlereagh Street, Sydney, New South Wales, Doctor of Medicine. —An invention for improved means for locking nuts on bolts. 5691. sth August. James Moobe, of City Eoad, South Melbourne, Victoria, Timber Merchant.— An invention for an improved nailless butter-box. (F. I. Campbell).* 5692. 2nd August. Samuel Beight, of Auckland, New Zealand, Commission and Land Agent.— An invention for spring-side trousers.* 5693. 6th August. Geoegb Waltbb Blanks and Bebnaed Lepebuee, of Glebe, Sydney, New South Wales, Engineers.—An invention for an improved brick-making machine.*



5694. 6th August. Alfebd Nayloe Peaeson, of Eathmines Eoad, Auburn, Victoria, Agricultural Chemist, and Eobbet Perm, of Laurel Cottage, Montague Street, South Melbourne, Victoria aforesaid, Engineer.—An invention for an improved method of, and apparatus for, manufacturing rectangular-meshed wire-netting. 5695. sth August. John Thomas Walkeb, of Wanganui, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for an improvement in wire-strainers, to be called " Walker's Wire-strainer." 5696. 30th July. John Stevenson, of Waianiwa, Otago, New Zealand, Blacksmith.—An invention entitled "Stevenson's Adjusting Eeversible Pulverising Tail-piece," for attaching to the ordinary mould-board or tail-piece of digger or other plough for the purpose of pulverising and obliterating the furrow. 5697. 6th August. William Edgae Smith, of Wanganui, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for an improvement in metal-cutting shears, to be called " Smith's Shears." 5698. 9th August. Habeiette Allen, wife of Frank Allen, of Wellington, New Zealand, Insurance Manager. —An invention for an improved receptacle for visiting-cards.* £699. 3rd August. John Cameeon Fbasee, of Coromandel, Auckland, New Zealand, Sawmill Proprietor.—An. invention entitled " Fraser's Eureka Battery-grating Superseder and Goldretainer." * 5700. sth August. Baetholomew Waed, of Oxford North, Auckland, New Zealand, Contractor. —An invention for an improved wire-strainer. 5701. 10th August. James Gaeton Boweb the younger, of Earlham House, Norwich, England, a Managing Director of the firm of Barnard, Bishop, and Barnards (Limited). —An invention for improvements in machinery for the manufacture of wire-netting.* 5702. 10th August. John Henbt Laweence, of No. 30, Latrobe Terrace, Geelong, Victoria, Slater. —An invention for an improved method of, and apparatus for, concentrating syrups for confectionery. 5703.. 10th August. Waltee Swain and William Philipson, of Hillfold Mills, Astley Bridge, near Bolton, Lancaster, England, Pneumatic-tyre Manufacturers.—An invention for improvements in the construction of tyres for bicycles, tricycles, and other road-vehicles. 5704. 11th August. Geoege William Shailee, of Main Street, Palmerston North, New Zealand, Photographer.—An invention for an appliance for regulating the discharge of liquids from watering-pots or other vessels. 5705. 10th August. John James Sutheeland Haedie, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Cabinetmaker. —An invention for an improved portable press, to be called "The Simplex Copyingpress." 5706. 9th August. Geoege William Heslop, of Albert Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Engineer. An invention entitled " Heslop's Improved Positive Motion Counter for Totalisators."* 5707. 10th August. Feank Cuetis, of High Street, Dunedin, New Zealand, Manufacturer. —An invention for an appliance or game for two persons for answering questions asked by either person, and entitled "Curtis' Magnetic Board." 5708. 9th August. Lewis Eose Gillandees, of Eavensbourne, Dunedin, New Zealand, Engineer. —An invention for self-holding boltless fish-plates, for rail-joints. 5709. 12th August. Chaeles Scott Galloway, of Port Napier, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in water-tube steam-boilers.* 5710. 12th August. Job Osboene, of Doyleston, Canterbury, New Zealand, Fanner.—An invention for improvements in and mode of attaching clover-threshing or drawing apparatus to combines.* 5711. 13th August. James Keie, of Ashburton, New Zealand, Machinist.—An invention entitled " Keir's Improved Elevator Hinge," for the more expeditious folding of straw-elevators for threshing-machines. 5712. 15th August. Geoege McCaul, of Auckland, New Zealand, Plumber.—An invention for a revolving cowl, to be known as "McCaul's Self-adjusting Syphon Ventilator or Chimney-top." 5713. 13th August. Thomas Wilson, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Tinsmith.—An invention for improvements in whisks and mixers, or cake-makers. 5714. 19th August. Hugh Huntee, of Wellington, New Zealand, Marine Engineer.—An invention for an apparatus for lifting and floating sunken ships and other dead-weights, to be called " Hunter's Ship-lifter." 5715. 16th August. David Banker Shieeepf Galbeaith, of Bell Eoad, Auckland, New Zealand, Fellow of the Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland. —An invention for selfaerating and anti-deposit beer-treatment. 5716. 17th August. William Chapman, Fitter, and William Heney Blythe, Merchant, both of Wanganui, New Zealand.—An invention for a machine to dress grass-seed, such as fog, trefoil, and all soft grass-seeds, to be called " Chapman and Blythe's Grass-seed Dressingmachine." 5717. 20th August. Thomas Smith, of Kensington House, Chapeltown, near Sheffield, England, Colliery Manager.—An invention for improvements in machinery or apparatus for extracting coke from coke-ovens, or other purposes of the like kind, such as the extraction of lime from lime-kilns. 5718. 11th July. Aechibald McDonald, of Taieri, Otago, New Zealand, Farmer. —An invention for further improvements in the method of sustaining, lifting, and floating wrecks or waterlogged vessels, and entitled •' McDonald's Further Improved Ship-floating Apparatus." 5719. 16th August. Edmund Ackeoyd, Importer, and John Christie and Thomas Cheistie, Sanitary Engineers and Gasfitters, all of Dunedin, New Zealand.—An invention for improvements in stoves for heating and ventilating apartments by a direct current of hot air, and entitled "The Eapid Heat-distributor." 3—H. 3.



5720. 17th August. John Gaeeick, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Seaman.—An invention for apparatus for saving life at sea, to be called " The Sea Horse and Chariot." 5721. 18th August. Bobee? Peace and Colin Abchibald Peace, trading as " Eobert Peace and Son," of Auckland, New Zealand, Plumbers. —An invention for an improved gas-cooking apparatus. 5722. 19th August. Lewis Eose Gillandebs, of Eavensbourne, Dunedin, New Zealand, Engineer. —An invention for a pivotted windmill. 5723. 23rd August. Bbuce Geeen, of No. 57, Chancery Lane, Middlesex, England, Gentleman.— An invention for improvements in or connected with coin-freed or coin-operated sight-testing apparatus. 5724. 24th August. John Stoeeb, of No. 29, Bligh Street, Sydney, New South Wales, Consulting Chemist.—An invention for improvements in the manufacture of explosives. 5725. 24th August. Joseph Mitchell, of 14, Broom Close, Sheffield, England, Engineer, and William Kibkley Bibkinshaw, of Old Croft House, Quarndon, Derby, England, Merchant.— An invention for improvements in picks. 5726. 24th August. Thomas Smith, of Windsor, Victoria, Gas Engineer.—An invention for an improved method of, and apparatus to be used in, the manufacture and storage of inflammable gas for general purposes. 5727. 24th August. Edwaed Watebs, of No. 131, William Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Patent Agent.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for treating and scouring or cleansing wool and other materials, for removing therefrom greasy or other matters, and for analogous cleansing and separating operations. (G. L. P. Eyre, and T. J. Hopkins.) 5728. 20th August. Thomas Montbesoe Baldwin, of Milton, Otago, New Zealand, Bank Officer.—An invention for an improved appliance for saving gold, called " Baldwin's Process for saving Gold." 5729. 11th August. Fbedebick Waltee Pateeson, of Pelichet Bay, Otago, New Zealand, Boatbuilder.—An invention entitled " Paterson's Eadiatory Sliding-seat for Bowing-boats." 5730. 22nd August. Heebebt MalcolmMcNeill, of Aramoho, Wanganui, New Zealand, Farmer.— An invention entitled " The Axe-handle Holdfast." 5731. 25th August. Feancis Penty, of Cambridge Avenue, Wellington, New Zealand, Architect and Sanitary Engineer.—An invention for an improved disconnector sewer-trap, the title of which is " Penty's Improved Disconnector Sewer-trap."* 5732. 26th August. William Eobinson, Storekeeper, and Fbedeeick Duncan Feegusson, Schoolmaster, both of Makotuku, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand.—An invention for an improved lifting-attachment for sack-barrows. 5733. 24th August. William John Putnam, of Lyttelton, New Zealand, Stevedore.—An invention for protecting life on railway passenger-trains.* 5734. 24th August. Nicholas Oates, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Bicycle-manufacturer.—An invention for a concentric band-brake for air-tyre and other cycles. 5735. 20th August. Jeegen Thoesen Koefoed, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Brewer. An invention for bottMng liquids from casks, to be called " The Vacuum Bottling-machine." 5736. 24th August. Peteb Cheistensen Heneicksen, Storekeeper, and Daniel Gascoyne, Fisherman, both of Otahuhu, Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for improved apparatus for catching fish.* 5737. 27th August. Michael Connolly, of Masterton, New Zealand, Labourer, and Isaac Sykes, of Fernridge, Masterton aforesaid, Farmer. —An invention entitled " Connolly and Sykes' Womb-retainer for Sheep or Cattle."* 5738. 27th August. John Gotfbied Dudeck, Engineer, and John Eose, Tinsmith, both of Eltham, Taranaki, New Zealand. An invention for an improved motor, principally applicable for utilising the currents of rivers. 5739. 25th August. Diedbich Lindemann, Engineer, and Eobebt Boss, Jun., Manufacturer, both of Hokitika, New Zealand.—An invention for an improved method of applying a balanced double-piston slide-valve to steam-engines, especially adapted to large cylinders working with a high pressure of steam. 5740. 27th August. Tom Bennett Howabd, of Te Awamutu, Auckland, New Zealand, Civil Engineer.— An invention entitled " The Howard Eotary-engine."* 5741. 31st August. Fbedebick Duncan Fbbgusson, of Makotuku, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, Schoolmaster.—An invention for an improved rolling-blotter. 5742. 31st August. Geoege Feedeeick Smith, of Wellington, New Zealand, Assistant Secretary, Wellington Harbour Board.—An invention for a surveyor's staff, to be called " Smith's Tripod Surveyor's Staff."* 5743. 29th August. William Andbews and Abthue Waed Beaven, both of Christchurch, New Zealand, Engineers.—An invention for improved clover- and seed-cleaner. 5744. Ist September. William Henby Pabkes, of 27, Martin's Lane, London, E.C., England, Inventor. —An invention for improvements in train-couplings.* 5745. Ist September. William Henby, of 277, Sherman Street, Detroit, Michigan, United States of America, Electrician.—An invention for improvements in electrical generators. 5746. Ist September. Walteb Smythe Bayston, of No. 131, William Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Patent Agent.—An invention for improvements in store service and similar apparatus. (The Lamson Store Service Company, Limited.) 5747. 2nd September. Donald Abchibald Douglas, of Blenheim, New Zealand, Architect.—An invention entitled " Automatic Thermo-Electric Annunciator." 5748. Ist September. Chables Edwabd Allen, of Manor Place, Dunedin, New Zealand, Com mission Agent.—An invention entitled " Allen's Eapid Fibre- and Gum-or Juice-separator."



5749. 2nd September. Frederick William Gough, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Engineer.— An invention for an improved method of mounting the body or seat on the wheels of invalid carriages or other similar light vehicles. 5750. 2nd September. John Cameron Fraser, of Coromandel, Auckland, New Zealand, Sawmill Proprietor. —An invention for a grinding- and amalgamating-pan and settler-tilt.* 5751. sth September. William Bebdell, of Pleasant Point, Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer. —An invention entitled " The Chain Manure-drill."* 5752. 7th September. Elihu Thomson, of Swampscott, Massachusetts, United States of America, ■ Electrician.—An invention for improvements in incandescent electric lamps. 5753. 7th September. Waltee H. Knight, of Newton, and William B. Potter, of Lynn, both in Massachusetts, United States of America, Electricians. —An invention for methods of regulating electrically-driven mechanism, and apparatus for putting the same into operation. 5754. 7th September. George Massey, of Post-office Chambers, Pitt Street, Sydney, New South Wales.—An invention for improvements in machines for clipping and shearing sheep and cutting hair. 5755. 7th September. Freeman Eogbrs and Frederick Freeman Porter, both of St. Mary's Boad, Ponsonby, Auckland, New Zealand, General Agents. —An invention for a new or improved apparatus for rapidly heating and boiling water, applicable also for generating steam.* 5756. sth September. Eichard Eadcliffe Taylor, carrying on business under the style of " The Zealandia Waterproof Company," at High Street, Dunedin, New Zealand, Waterproof-manu-facturer.—An invention entitled "Taylor's Ventilated Waterproof Horse-cover." 5757. 7th September. William Withell, of No. 83, St. Asaph Street, Christchurch, New Zealand, Carpenter.—An invention for a butter-printer.* 5758. 6th September. John Lawson, of Berwick, Otago, New Zealand, Engineer. —An invention for water-lifting, entitled " Lawson's Pulsion Wheel." 5759. Bth September. Samuel McGonagle and Arthur Eichard Varley Goodwill, both of Otahuhu, Auckland, New Zealand, Settlers.—An invention for an improved tub- or bucketcarrier, for domestic and other uses.* 5760. Bth September. Gilbert Anderson, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Freezing-works Manager. —An invention for an appliance for automatically weighing and grading carcases of meat on a rail-track without removing the carcases from such rail-track. 5761. 9th September. Michael Scott Campbell, of Papanui, Canterbury, New Zealand, Gentleman. —An invention for the preservation of potatoes and other roots by compression.* 5762. 10th September. George Sharland, of Brook Street, Nelson, New Zealand, Flax-miller.— An invention entitled " The Excelsior Plaster," for the cure of asthma, bronchitis, croup, and influenza.* 5763. 12th September. John Edward Hayes, of Wellington, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for an improved method of producing electric currents in the human body by means of boots, shoes, or articles applied to the feet.* 5764. 13th September. James Walsh, of Henley, Otago, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for improvements in swing-churns, to be called " Walsh's Improved Swing-churn."* 5765. 10th September. Thomas Bassbtt, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Miner.—An invention for fine-gold-saving machine, entitled "Bassett's Perfect Gold-saver." 5766. 15th September. William Cameron, of corner of Sycamore and Adams Streets, Petersburg, Virginia, United States of America.—An invention for improvements in rending-machines. (W. G. Latimer.) 5767. 13th September. James Walker and Peter Walker, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Plumbers and Tinsmiths.—An invention for improvements in milk-cans, to be known as "Walker Brothers' Dust-proof Milk-can Lids." 5768. 12th September. Joseph Jambs Macky, of 119, Victoria Arcade, Queen Street, Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for improvements in the manufacture of axes or hatchets.* 5769. 13th September. David Eanken Shirrepp Galbraith, Fellow of the Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland, and Pierce Lanigan, Contractor, both of Auckland, New Zealand. —An invention entitled "The Galbraith Gold- and Silver-extraction Process."* 5770. 14th September. Thomas Henry Davidson, Jun., of Dunedin, New Zealand, Mechanical Engineer.—An invention for improvements in quartz-crushing machinery, to be known as " The Union Quartz-crusher." 5771. 17th September. John Bigwood, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Plumber.—An invention for an improved double-action lift- and force-pump. 5772. 20th September. William Henry Hamilton, of White's Bay, Mariborough, New Zealand, Telegraphist. —An invention entitled " Hamilton's Series of New Zealand Voltaic Batteries."* 5773. 20th September. George Emerson Armstrong, of 123, Franklin Street, New York, United States of America, Merchant. —An invention for improvements in apparatus and processes for treating fibrous plants for the purpose of obtaining fibres therefrom, applicable also for treating or finishing yarns and fabrics. * > 5774. 20th September. Walter Morrison, of Pascoe Vale Eoad, Moonee Ponds, near Melbourne, Victoria, Bootmaker.—An invention for improvements in the heels of boots and shoes.* 5775. 21st September. George Sargent Jakins, of Cashel Street, Christchurch, New Zealand, Merchant.—An invention for a cool-chamber for butter-factories or dairies.* 5776. 21st September. Joseph Hbmus, of Scotia Place, Upper Queen Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Musician.—An invention entitled "The Hemus Stringed-instrument Bow-regu-lator."*



5777. 20th September. Kakl Geaf, of Victoria Terrace, Anderson's Bay Eoad, Dunedin, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for holding boots and shoes for shining purposes, to be known as " Graf's Boot-holder."* 5778. 21st September. Thomas Goodall, of Maria Street, South Dunedin, New Zealand, Builder. —An invention entitled " Goodall Corset."* 5779. 24th September. Isidoee Beenaed Bienbaum, of Cornhill Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Manufacturer. —An invention for an improved tank and apparatus for storing and decanting liquids. 5780. 23rd September. John Waeden, of Long Bush, Otago, New Zealand, Farmer. —An invention entitled " Warden's Improved Grubber." 5781. 22nd September. James Andeeson, of Bdington Mains, Wright's Bush, Otago, New Zealand, Gentleman. —An invention entitled " Anderson's Land-leveller," a machine for the purpose of levelling land. 5782. 23rd September. Samuel McGonagle and Aethue Eiohaed Vaelby Goodwill, of Otahuhu, near Auckland, New Zealand, Settlers.—An invention for an improved knee-pad for domestic and other uses.* 5783. 24th September. Eeginald Someeville Fbancis Aickin, of Seafield View Eoad, Auckland, New Zealand, Settler. —An invention entitled " The Automatic Burglar-proof Window-lock."* 5784. 23rd September. William Heney Cutten, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Engineer. —-An invention for a lower tumbler for a bucket-dredge.* 5785. 26th September. Joseph Eichaeds, of Eichmond, Canterbury, New Zealand, Blacksmith. —An invention for an improved clothes-peg. 5786. 28th September. Heebeet Obeblin Beown, of Mount Eden, Auckland, New Zealand, Pianoforte-tuner.—An invention for a new or improved moustache-guard. * 5787. 29th September. William Jan Goedon Cumming, of Mangamahoe, Masterton, New Zealand, Settler. —An invention entitled " Cumming's Stump-extractor."* 5788. 29th September. Joseph Ebenezee Pottee, of Santa Eosa, California, United States of America.—An invention for improvement in dish-washers. (W. C. Nelson.) 5789. 29th September. Fbedebick Heney Weigley, of Opaki, Masterton, New Zealand, Farmer. ■ —An invention entitled " Wrigley's Chain-grip," for securing a lever-hold on a chain.* 5790. 30th September. Heney William Pottee, of Wellington, New Zealand, Architect.—An invention entitled " Potter's Improved Lightning-roller Blotting Pad." 5791. 26th September. Chaeles Haeeison Smith, of Eemuera, Auckland, New Zealand, Gardener. —An invention for cleaning knives quickly without the usual wear-and-tear, to be called " The Eapid Knife-cleaner."* 5792. Ist October. William Eowe, of No. 512, Canning Street, North Carlton, near Melbourne, Victoria, General Agent. —An invention for an improved hand-lamp, of the kind commonly known as " Engineers' Lamps." 5793. Ist October. Chaeles Simmonds, Jun., of Grant Eoad, Wellington, New Zealand, Carpenter and Joiner.—An invention entitled " Simmonds's Eevolving Stand for Manufacture and Eepairs of Boots and Shoes." 5794. Ist October. Thomas Beavan Slopeb, of 14 and 15, Brittox, Devizes, Wilts, England, House-furnisher.—An invention for improvements in or relating to folding seats and the like. 5795. Ist October. Henei Galopm, of Temple Court Place, Chancery Lane, Melbourne, Victoria, Scientific Engineer.—An invention for improvements in and connected with apparatus for using liquid fuel for lighting and heating purposes. 5796. 28th September. Chaeles Atkin, of Elliott Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Carriagebuilder.—An invention for improvements in whiffletree-fixings, to be called " The Elliott Spring- and Lock-bolt." 5797. 28th September. Chaeles Atkin, of Elliott Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Carriagebuilder.—An invention for improvements to canopy 'busses, to be called " The Elliott Waterconductor and Pipe." 5798. 28th September. John Caldee, of John Street, Caversham, New Zealand, Building Contractor. —An invention entitled "The Portable Perforated Colonial Coal Fire-box." 5799. 28th September. James Fostee, of Hillside Eoad, Caversham, New Zealand, Dealer.—An invention for fire-screen slide. 5800. 29th September. William Soltau Pillans, of Manuka Island Station, Balclutha, Otago, New Zealand, Sheep-farmer.—An invention for laying poisoned grain for rabbits, called " Pillan's Eabbit-poison Layer."* 5801. 29th September. Feank Oakden, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Manager of the Milburn Lime and Cement Company (Limited). —An invention entitled " Oakden's Continuous Kiln for Burning Cement and Lime." 5802. 30th September. Heney Williams, of Devon Street East, New Plymouth, New Zealand, Contractor.—An invention for an improved draught for road-rollers and reaping-machines. 5803. Ist October. Cyeil Paul Hammeeton Jephson, of Gebbies Valley, Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for an improved tattoo sheep-brand or ear-marker. 5804. 4th October. Geoege John Wallace, of Masterton, New Zealand, Blacksmith.—An invention for improvements in wool-presses.* 5805. 4th October. Donald Donald, of Solway, Masterton, New Zealand, Sheep-farmer.—An invention entitled " The Solway Windlass Wool-press." 5806. 3rd October. Benjamin Mayeb, of Gordon Grove, Northcote, Victoria, Cabinetmaker, and Waltee Heney Mitchell, of Meredith, Victoria, Stationmaster, Victoria Eailways.—An invention for improvements in couplings for railway-carriages, -cars, or -trucks.



5807. 30th September. William Woodcock Leatherbabeow, of Whangarei, Auckland, New Zealand, Farmer. —An invention for an improvement for making saddle-paste, to be called " The Colonial Saddle-paste." 5808. 30th September. William Woodcock Leathebbakrow, of Whangarei, Auckland, New Zealand, Farmer. —An invention for an improvement for making harness- and boot-paste, to be called " The Settlers' Friend Harness- and Boot-paste." 5809. Ist October. Samuel McGonagle and Arthur Richard Vaeley Goodwill, of Otahuhu, near Auckland, New Zealand, Settler.—An invention for an improved combined knee-pad, brush, and bucket-carrier for domestic and other uses.* 5810. sth October. Thomas Marsh Davies, of Chertzey Street, Parnell, Auckland, New Zealand, Commission Agent.—An invention for a new or improved apparatus for catching codlinmoths and some other insects. 5811. sth October. John Mitchell, of Victoria Arcade, Queen Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Architect, and James Atkinson, of Otahuhu, Auckland, New Zealand, Watchmaker.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for muting violins and some other stringed instruments. 5812. 6th October. Wallace Samuel Dettmer, of Moonee Ponds, Melbourne, Victoria, Piano-forte-manufacturer. —An invention for improvements in pianofortes. (A. Squire.) 5813. 3rd October. David Hood, of Sawyer's Bay, near Dunedin, New Zealand, Blacksmith.—An invention for moulds for forming and grooving golf-balls. 5814. 4th October. Daniel Corlett Kee, of Pleasant Point, Timaru, New Zealand, Contractor. —An invention for an improvement in harrows, to be called " The Armadilla Harrow."* 5815. 6th October. John Armstrong Chanlee, of New York, United States of America, Lawyer. —An invention for improvements in pavements. 5813. 6th October. Eichard Edmund Skill, of 49, Crystal Palace Eoad, Bast Dulwich, Surrey, England, Engineer. —An invention for improvements in or connected with crushing- or grinding-mills, more especially intended for grinding or reducing ores containing precious metals, and for separating metals therefrom by amalgamation.* 5817. 6th October. Henry Sheehy Keating, of N0..11, Prince's Gardens, Kensington, London, England, Barrister-at-Law. —An invention for an electrical safety cut-oirt. 5818. 7th October. James Gresham, Director of Gresham and Craven (Limited), of Craven Ironworks, Salford, Lancaster, England, Engineers.—An invention for improvements in injectors, and in their application to locomotives. 5819. 3rd October. Seth Webb, of Wade, Auckland, New Zealand, Blacksmith.—An invention for fencing-wire strainer and fastener. * 5820. 4th October. Jorgen Thorsen Kofoed, of Elgin Eoad, Mornington, Dunedin, New Zealand, Brewer.—An invention for corking bottles, to be called "The Triumph Corkingmachine." 5821. Bth October. Walter Gee, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Blind-manufacturer.—An invention for an improved outside window-blind or sun-shade. 5822. 10th October. Hugh Daecy Hill, of 11, Queen Victoria Street, London, England, Gentleman. —An invention for an improved method of finishing the bottoms of trousers. 5823. 10th October. Augustus Gross, of Sydney, New South Wales, Engineer.—An invention for an improved appliance or apparatus for preventing the " creeping" of rails on railwaytracks. 5824. 11th October. Eobert William Barcham, of Church Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Commission Agent. —An invention for boiling watsr quickly, to be called " Barcham's Quickboiling Conical Kettle." 5825. 7th October. Thomas Dawes, of Napier Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Grocer.—An invention for the automatic lever box- and basket-lid. 5826. Bth October. Daniel Whitbuen, of Morrinsville, Auckland, New Zealand, Platelayer.— An invention entitled " Whitburn's Improved Cradle-rocker."* 5827. 12th October. Jabez Ehodes, of Sydney, New South Wales, Woolbroker.—An invention for improvements in wool-scouring and fat-saving apparatus. 5828. 12th October. Enos Bond, of Wade, Storekeeper, and James Goodfellow, of Dairy Flat, Farmer, both of Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for an improved stirrup. 5829. 12th October. Geoege Leee, of Wellington, New Zealand, Boilermaker.—An invention for an improved apparatus for heating water.* 5830. 12th October. John Chambees Moginie, of Hankey Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Gentleman. —An invention for a new or improved blotting-pad.* 5831. 13th October. Stephen Stokes, of the Broadway, Marton, New Zealand, Tailor.—An invention for a new or improved stand for sewing garments.* 5832. 14th October. Carl Adolph Sahlstrom, of 14, Griffin Street, York Eoad, Lambeth, London, England, Engineer, and Ellis Pare, of Brazil House, Isleworth, England, Gentleman.—An invention for improvements in and connected with the cleansing of wool, hair, silk, cotton, flax, and other animal or vegetable fibres or fabrics, the recovery of by-products, such as oil and fat, and of the whole or part of the ingredients used in the process.* 5833. Bth October. Thomas Scuee, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Wheelwright and Coachbuilder.— An invention for a double-purchase push-brake, acting on the back wheels of any fourwheeled carriage. 5834. 11th October. Archibald Morrison, of Moray Place, Dunedin, New Zealand, Hydraulic Engineer and Plumber. —An invention for an improved method of casting, and an improved pattern of a furnace-bend made in one piece and fitted with a damper, and entitled " Archibald Morrison's Fluted Damper-bend."



5835. 11th October. Benjamin Greenwood, of Dunedin, New Zealand, News Agent.—An invention for improving chimneys and flues, and entitled "Greenwood's Perfect Cowl and Steamtrap." 5836. 10th October. Nicholas Gibbons, of Port Albert, Auckland, New Zealand, Sawmill Manager. —An invention for an approved apparatus for procuring kauri-gum from swamp and similar land.* 5837. 15th October. Chaeles McLbod, of No. 522, Little Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Manufacturers' Agent.—An invention for improvements in and relating to the binding mechanism of reaping-and-binding harvesters. 5838. 18th October. William Eollitt, of Hororata, Canterbury, New Zealand, Miller.—-An invention for a new or improved method of treating wheat prior to milling, and appliances therefor. 5839. 13th October. Alexander Mackie, of Lower Vincent Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Coachbuilder.—An invention for enclosing and preserving photographs or other pictures in tombstones, to be called " Mackie's Tombstone Photograph-preserver."* 5840. 19th October. William M. Jameson, of 7, Willis Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Grocer. —An invention for a tea-mixer, -cleaner, and -blender.* 5841. 20th October. Charles Wentworth Langstone, of Greytown North, New Zealand, Veterinary Surgeon.—An invention for improvements in the manufacture of cleansing- and disinfecting-fiuids for washing sheep and for other purposes. 5842. 18th October. William Henry Gaze, of Palmerston Street, Westport, New Zealand, Physician and Metallurgical Chemist.—An invention for improvements in the leaching of gold- and silver-ores, or materials containing them, by means of chloride, bromide, or iodide of cyanogen. 5843. 21st October. Henry Montague Field, of Wellington, New Zealand, Merchant.—An invention for a new or improved ticket or coupon for passengers.* 5844 _ . 21st October. Howard Osborne, of Wellington, New Zealand, Trunk-maker.—An invention for an improved method of manufacturing portmanteaux.* 5845. 17th October. Joseph Burnet Moir, of Invercargill, New Zealand, Tinsmith and Plumber. —An invention entitled " Moir's Natural Water-filter." 5846. 18th October. Eobert Walker, of Stuart Street, Dunedin, Tinsmith.—An invention for a new and improved milk-can, entitled " The Climax." 5847. 22nd October. John Cunninghame Montgomerie, of the "Water of Ayr" and "Tarn O'Shanter " Hone Works, Dalmore, Stair, Ayr, Scotland, Manufacturer.—An invention for improvements in the extraction of gold and silver from ores, or compounds containing the same, and in apparatus applicable for use in the treatment of such materials by means of solvents.* 5848. 22nd October. William Gordon Cumming, of Mangamahoe, Masterton, Wellington, New Zealand, Settler.—An invention for improvements in sawing-machinery.* 5849. 18th October. James Gray, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention entitled " Gray's Annular-chambered Seed-canister. 5850. 20th October. Alexander Thomson, of Kelso, Otago, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention entitled "Thomson's Improved Automatic Seed-sowing Canister." 5851. 25th October. Edward Dixon, of Masterton, New Zealand, Coachbuilder.—An invention for improvements in two-wheeled vehicles, to be called " Dixon's Lever- and Slideadjuster."* 5852. 25th October. Walter Greenshields, of Cobden Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Bracist. —An invention for hygienic shoulderettes.* 5853. 22nd October. Thomas George Austin, of Derby Street, Gisborne, New Zealand, Printer. —An invention for a silt-bucket for keeping tanks clean, to be called " Austin's Improved Self-cleaning Bottle Water-tank." 5854. 27th October. Charles Edward Shortt, of Foxton, New Zealand, Accountant.—An invention for an improved nut-locking device.* 5855. 27th October. James Daly, of Blackheath, New South Wales, Licensed Victualler.—An invention for improvements in electrodes for use in secondary batteries.* 5856. 25th October. Charles Atkin, of Elliott Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Carriage-builder. —An invention for improvements to omnibuses, to be called " Atkins Dust- and Mudpreventer." 5857. 26th October. John Thomson, of Invercargill, New Zealand, Draper. —An invention for carrying cash and papers from salesmen or saleswomen to cashiers, and returning necessary change and receipted accounts, for use in shops, to be called " The Golden Wheel Cash Railway." 5858. 29th October. Eobert Bell, of 29, Lynedoch Street, Glasgow, North Britain, Doctor of Medicine and a Fellow of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons.—An invention for improvements in the means and apparatus for heating and ventilating railway-carriages and other places. 5859. 29th October. William Henry Giles, Manufacturer, of Tinakori Eoad, and Charles Vere Hodge, Clerk, of Dock Street, both in Wellington, New Zealand.—An invention entitled " Galtier's Crystal Soap."* 5860. 31st October. Oscar Brunler, of Eutritzsoh, Leipzig, Germany, Engineer.—An invention for petroleum-motor contrivance, for pressing the petroleum into the gasificator by means of the air-current introduced for the formation of the mixture. 5861. 27th October. James Gray, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for a self-contained combination seed-hopper and shield.*



5862. 27th October. Neil Suthebland, of Dowling Street, Dunedin, New Zealand, Manufacturing Chemist.—An invention for converting the by-products in the iodine and alkali manufactures into an active agent for the decomposition and solution of various raw materials for manufacturing purposes, to be called " Sutherland's Solvent." 5863. Ist November. Alexander Fbancis Gaeden Beown, of Swindridge Muir, Dairy, Ayr, Scotland, Gentleman. —An invention for improvements in rotary engines, pumps, and blowers. 5864. Ist November. William Hawkins and Thomas Hawkins, both of 38, Queen's Eoad, Buckland, Portsmouth, England, Mechanicians. —An invention for improvements in and relating to generating fluid-pressure for motive-power and other purposes. 5865. Ist November. The Self-thbeading Sewing-machine Company, of New York, United States of America, Manufacturers.—An invention for improvements in sewing-machines. 5866. Ist November. Maecus William Lowinsky, of London, England, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in wheels for vehicles. 5867. Ist November. William Stone, of No. 30, Mary Street, St. Kilda, Electrical Engineer, Chaeles Ralston, of No. 14, Armadale Street, Armadale, Electrical Engineer, James Gbegg, of North Eoad, Elsternwick, Ironmonger, and William Alfeed Holmes, of Storey Street, Parkville, Electrical Engineer, all near Melbourne, Victoria. —An invention for improvements in lamps for burning the vapour of liquid hydrocarbons.* 5868. Ist November. Heney Bland, of Norton Street, Leichardt, near Sydney, New South Wales, Engineer.—An invention for an improved sheep-shearing machine. 5869. Ist November. Heney Bland, of Norton Street, Leichardt, near Sydney, New South Wales, Engineer.—An invention for improved gear for driving small machines, such as those used for sheep-shearing purposes. 5870. 2nd November. Haeold James Augustus Pyke, of Devonport, Auckland, New Zealand, Commission Agent.—An invention for a provision-safe. 5871.. 29th October. William Woodcock Leatheebaeeow, of Whangarei, New Zealand, Farmer. —An invention for an improvement for making washing-fluid, to be called " Washing and Disinfecting Fluid." 5872. 29th October. John Young, of Insurance Buildings, Auckland, New Zealand, Mining Agent. —An invention for improvements in the process for extracting metals from their ores by the known processes of leaching or lixiviation, chlorinating, cyanide, amalgamation, or any process necessitating filtration.* 5873. 31st October. Hugh Laing Mainland, of Burkes, near Dunedin, New Zealand, Mechanical Engineer.—An invention for an apparatus for feeding sheep, to be called " The Inverted Bag Sheep-feeder." 5874. Ist November. Chaeles Ulbich, Accountant, and Adolph Kohn, Jeweller, both of Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for a cooler and curer for preserving and salting meat, fish, dairy-produce, and similar articles, also for tanning purposes, to be called " The Excelsior Preserving and Tanning Machine."* 5875. sth November. Eeginald Fostee, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Gentleman.—An invention for combination knife and brand. 5876. 3rd November. James Mansfield Gelling, of Auckland, New Zealand, Clerk.—An invention entitled " The Perfect Secret Ballot-box." 5877. 4th November. William John Cousins and James Feedeeick Cousins, both of Lome Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Coachbuilders, trading as " Cousins and Cousins."—An invention for an improved wheel-guard. 5878. 7th November. John Deennan Cuetis, of 210, Lincoln Street, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States of America, Manufacturer.—An invention for barbed wire. 5879. 7th November. Louis Teweles and Thomas Eobinson, of Dale Mill, Paterson, New Jersey, United States of America, Mechanical Engineers.—An invention for pickers for looms. 5880. 7th November. Stephen William Lestee, of Sydenham, Canterbury, New Zealand, Carpenter, and Chaeles Aethue Lees, of 27, Antigua Street, Christchurch, New Zealand, Clerk. —An invention for a new or improved grain- or seed-separator.* 5881. 3rd November. Andeew Jack the Younger, of Wade, Auckland, New Zealand, Farmer.— An invention for straining, fastening, and mending when broken, wire for fencing or other purposes, to be called Jack's Wire-strainer, -fastener, and -mender."* 5882. Bth November. William Toogood, of Featherston, New Zealand, Storekeeper.—An invention entitled " Toogood's Improved Combined Fibre-dressing, Cleansing, Scutching, and Hackling Machine."* 5883. Bth November. Louis Block, of New York, United States of America, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in gas-compressing and refrigerating apparatus. 5884. 10th November. Feedeeick de Jeesey Clebe, of Wellington, New Zealand, Architect.— An invention for improvements in the construction of window-sashes, to facilitate cleaning and other purposes. 5885. 3rd November. John Moese Henton, of Auckland, New Zealand, Printer.—An invention entitled " Henton's Summum Bonum Chair or Baft,' application of air-cushions to any kind of chair."* 5886. 11th November. Gustaf Dillbeeg, of Womerah Avenue, Darlinghurst, Sydney, New South Wales, Electrician, and Ebnest John Geeensteeet, of 24, Bond Street, Sydney aforesaid, Architect.—An invention for a means for advertising at night or in dark places from a moving object. 5887. 14th November. Eobeet Mack Aitken, of Eeefton, New Zealand, Instructor, School of Mines.—An invention for a roller-amalgamator (for the amalgamation of gold and silver, and



the saving of fine gold and floured mercury lost from batteries), to which a current of electricity is applied for the purpose of keeping the mercury bright and clean.* 5888. 14th November. Philip Ashbebby, Manager, and Walter Baenbs, Ivoryworker, both of Sheffield, England.—An invention for improvements in the construction of mechanical clippers for wool or hair. 5889. 14th November. Henry Howorth, of Wellington, New Zealand, Solicitor.—An invention for improvements in the manufacture of an explosive compound and the method of applying same in practical use. (J. J. 0. McArdell.) 5890. Bth November. James Fawcett Faeea, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Tinsmith.—An invention for preventing pots and pans boiling over when on a hot plate, and entitled " Farra's Potstand for Stoves." 5891. 10th November. William Andrews and Arthue Ward Beaven, trading together under the style or firm of " Andrews and Beaven," of Christchurch, New Zealand, Engineers.—An invention for improvements in clover threshing, shelling, and cleaning machines. 5892. 10th November. John Marshall, of Springston, Canterbury, New Zealand, Mechanic.—An invention for an improved grain- and seed-dressing machine. 5893. 10th November. John Andeeson, of Eangiora, Canterbury, New Zealand, Seedsman.—An invention for an appliance for collecting stones on field or road, filling ruts, and for other similar purposes, to be called " Anderson's Stone-gatherer." 5894. 12th November. Abiel Gipford Howland, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Coachbuilder.— An invention for an improved scroll-spring two-wheeled phaeton. 5895. 14th November. Edward Thomas Williams, of Malvern, Melbourne, Victoria, Builder, and Benjamin Cockshutt Fbyer, of St. Kilda, Melbourne, aforesaid, Agent.—An invention for improvements in clothes-pegs.* 5896. 14th November. Eobeet Ferguson, of Grosvenor Street, Moonee Ponds, Victoria, Engineer. —An invention for improvements in connection with milking-machines. 5897. 14t'h November. Harold Eichaed Caktee, of 533, Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Merchant. —An invention for an improved combination billiard- and dining - table. (D. Carter.)* 5898. 14th November. John Hoeace O'Brien, of East St. Kilda, Victoria, Mechanic, and Lewis Henry Nelson, of East Melbourne, Victoria, Importer.—An invention for an improved locknut and bolt.* 5899. 15th November. Hugh Dixson, trading as " Dixson and Sons," of Park and Elizabeth Streets, Sydney, New South Wales, Tobacco- and Cigarette-manufacturer.-—An invention for improvements in cigarette-machines. 5900. 15th November. Joseph George Nash, of Adelaide, South Australia, Engineer. —An invention for improved gear for driving machines for shearing sheep and other animals. 5901. loth November. Alfred Henry Coney, of No. 311, Chapel Street, Prahran, near Melbourne, Victoria, Shoemaker. —An invention for improvements in and relating to the soles of boots and shoes for the purposes of ventilation.* 5902. 15th November. Heney William Potter, of Wellington, New Zealand, Architect.—An invention for a new or improved mechanical index.* 5903. Bth November. Thomas Moore Bryant, of Surrey Hills, Auckland, New Zealand, Commission Agent. —An invention for compensating draught-plate ventilator. * 5904. 14th November. James Atkinson, of Otahuhu, Auckland, New Zealand, Watchmaker.— An invention for an improved window-fastener.* 5905. 17th November. John Marshall, of Springston, Canterbury, New Zealand, Mechanic. —An invention for an improved machine for coiling and running out barbed or other wire. 5906. 19th November. Jens Nielsen, of 172, Gamle Kongevej, Copenhagen, Denmark, Manufacturer. —An invention for improvements in milking-machines.* 5907. 19th November. Donald William McLean, of Hinds, Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer.— An invention for an improved wool-press. 5908. 21st November. Walter Swain and William Phillipson, both of Hillfold Mill, Astley Bridge, near Bolton, Lancaster, England, Pneumatic-tyre Manufacturers.—An invention for improvements in the construction of wheels and tyres for carriages, bicycles, tricycles, and other road-vehicles. 5909. 21st November. Edwaed Noyes, of 32, O'Connell Street, Sydney, New South Wales, Merchant. —An invention for an improved clinch-rivet. 5910. 19th November. William Heney Teavis, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Saddler.—An invention for improved method of making harness out of wire or similar material, to be called "The Ashley Improved Harness-gear."* 5911. 15th November. Harry Kinnaird Hovell, of William Street, North Shore, Auckland, New Zealand, Authorised Surveyor.—An invention for the wedded gun and projectiles with con-necting-chain.* 5912. 23rd November. William Heney Hamilton, of White's Bay, Blenheim, New Zealand, Telegraphist.—An invention entitled "Hamilton's Series of New Zealand Galvanic Batteries."* 5913. 23rd November. George Hamlin, of Napier, New Zealand, Cabinetmaker.—An invention for improvements in riding-saddles, pack-saddles, harness-saddles, and horse-collars.* 5914. 21st November. William Duncan Boss McCurdie, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Surveyor.— An invention for working calculations in plane trigonometry, to be called " McCurdie's Quadrant." 5915. 22nd November. James Henderson, of King Street, Timaru, New Zealand, Blacksmith.— An invention for improvements in manure feed-drill.*



5916. 23rd November. Eobert Sealand Bowman, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Furnituredealer. —An invention for an improved revolving occasional-table and writing-table combined. 5917. 25th November. Sidney Soffe, of Manners Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Upholsterer. —An invention for an improved mattress-attachment for bedsteads.* 5918. 23rd November. Eichaed Simmons Smith, of Coromandel, Auckland, New Zealand, Storeman. —An invention entitled " Smith's Improved Gripper." 5919. 28th November. Edison United Phonogeaph Company, a company duly incorporated under the laws of the State of New Jersey, United States of America. —An invention for phonographs, especially recording and feeding devices therefor. (T. A. Edison.) 5920. 23rd November. Geobge Henby Evans, of Eiverton, New Zealand, Mining Manager.—An invention for improvements in fixing hydraulic nozzles, and entitled " Evans's Hydraulic Eeducing Jet and Nozzle." 5921. 25th November. Benjamin Geeenwood, of Dunedin, New Zealand, News Agent.—An invention for further improvements in the setting and arrangements of flues of portable washing and other coppers, and entitled " Greenwood's Domestic Washing-boiler." 5922. 24th November. John Howaed Dalton, of 210, Queen Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Tailor. —An invention entitled " Dalton's Check-measurer," a contrivance to show at sight the measurement of any quantity of material, sold or unsold, in the soft-goods trade. 5923. 24th November. Frank Oakden, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Manager of the Millburn Lime and Cement Company (Limited). —An invention to be called " The Scientific Screwconveyer." * 5924. Ist Liecember. Geobge Johnston, Farmer, David Tayloe, Blacksmith, and David Beemnee, Wheelwright, all of Waverley, New Zealand.—An invention for an apparatus to be called " The Waverley Dagging Crusher and Wool-cleaner." 5925. Ist December. Edwaed Stephens McGill, of Gore, Otago, New Zealand, Builder and Contractor.—An invention for catching and trapping rabbits and other animals, and extracting them from their burrows, to be called " A Eabbit-trap and Vermin-extractor."* 5926. Ist December. Feedeeick Colville, of Temuka, New Zealand, Millwright.—An invention for removing chaff and cavings from threshing-mills, to be known as " Colville's Eeliant Self-chaffey." * 5927. 2nd December. Oscar Schlesingee, of 7, Tredegar Square, Bow, Middlesex, England, Engineer.—An invention for a depolarising liquid for galvanic batteries. 5928. 29th November. Petee Duncan and David Duncan, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Agricultural-implement Makers. —An invention for an improved seed-canister for distributing turnip and other small seed. 5929. Ist December. Feedeeick Holland and Heney Holland, both of Greendale, Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmers.—An invention for an improved gorse-cutting apparatus to be attached to the front of a traction-engine. 5930. Ist December. Abiel Gipfoed Howland, of Christchurch, New Zealand.—An invention for an eccentric shaft-end iron, with spring anti-rattler attached, to couple shafts to fourwheeled vehicles. 5931. 30th November. Baetholomew Waed, of Oxford North, Auckland, New Zealand, Contractor.—An invention for an improved apparatus for cutting ferns, small tea-tree, and some other plants or shrubs.* 5932. Ist December. Joseph Haekison, of Pukekohe, Auckland, New Zealand, Plumber.—An invention entitled "Harrison's Eapid-filtering Tank-filter." 5933. sth December. James Waene Chenhall, of Totnes, Devonshire, England, Civil, Mining, and Metallurgical Engineer.—An invention for improvement connected with the extraction of metals from their ores. 5934. sth December. Geobge Heebebt Ellis, of Heathfield, Lansdown Grove, Neasden, Middlesex, England, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in camp-stools and the like. 5935. sth December. Stephen Wills Vale, of Forest Lodge, near Sydney, New South Wales, Mining Engineer, and William Caied Halliday, of Erskine Street, Sydney aforesaid, Mechanical Engineer.—An invention for improvements in amalgamating machines having rotary mullers and stationary pans. 5936. sth December. Joseph William Sutton, of Eagle Street, Brisbane, Queensland, Engineer. —An invention for improvements in the separation of gold from its chloride solution. 5937. sth December. John Habtnett, of Bay View Villa, Oakleigh, Victoria, Engineer. —An invention for an apparatus for automatically destroying the vacuum in the teat-tubes of milking-machines when the animal is sufficiently milked. 5938. sth December. Hugh Dixson, trading as " Dixson and Sons,"of Park and Elizabeth Streets, Sydney, New South Wales, Tobacco- and Cigarette-manufacturer.—An invention for improvements in the manufacture of cigarettes, and in machines therefor. 5939. sth December. William Laweence Fostee, of Stafford Terrace, Kensington, Middlesex, England, Gentleman.—An invention for an improved holder for the guards of carving-forks. 5940. 7th December. Samuel Lyndhuest Packer, of Belford Street, St. Kilda, Victoria, Metallic Printer.—An invention for improvements in printing machinery and process in connection therewith.* 5941. 3rd December. Alexander Thomson, of Kelso, Otago, New Zealand, Farmer. —An invention for improvements in agricultural machinery, to be known as " Thomson's Drill, Grubber, and. Thinner." 5942. 9th December. William Thomas Mack, of Wellington, New Zealand, Plumber.—An invention for an improved telephone-index. 4—H. 3.



5943. 9th December. Joseph Cawtb Butlek, of Cuba Street, Wellington, New Zealand.—An invention for an improved window-fastener. :;: 5944. 9th December. Henby Abel Flatman, of 27, Queen Street, Christchurch, New Zealand, Engineer. —An invention for automatically recording the commands of ship's officers and others, with the time each command is given. 5945. 10th December. John Henby Walker, of Temuka, Canterbury, New Zealand, Machinist. — An invention for an improved apparatus for automatically removing chaff, cavings, and rubbish from threshing-machines. 5946. 12th December. Abthub Lett, of Taranaki Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Baker.— An invention for an improved raft or water-velocipede.* 5947. 9th December. David Banken Shibbeff Galbbaith, of Bell Eoad, Bemuera, Auckland,. New Zealand, Fellow of the Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland, Analytical Chemist, and Pieece Lanigan, of Ponsonby Eoad, Auckland aforesaid, Contractor.—An invention for improved aerated waters.* 5948. 14th December. Daniel Whitbuen, of Auckland, New Zealand, Manufacturer.—An invention called " Drop it," a new scientific game.* 5949. 15th December. John Lang- Campbell, of Bowral, New South Wales, Auctioneer. —An invention for an improved process and means for the preservation of- milk. 5950. 15th December. John Eeilly, of Hurstville, near Sydney, New South Wales, Bailwayguard.—An invention for an improved method and means for exhibiting by night or in darkness white, coloured, and parti-coloured signals, signs, and devices. 5951. 15th December. William Chapman, Fitter, and William Henby Blythe, Merchant, both of Wanganui, New Zealand. —An invention for improved apparatus for cleaning cocksfoot and rye-grass seeds.* 5952. 15th December. W t illiam MoKeegan, of Wellington, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in refrigerating machinery.* 5953. 16th December. Eveeabd Cecil Fabb, of Constable Street, Newtown, Wellington, New Zealand, Draughtsman.—An invention for an instantaneous copying-press.* 5954. 14th December. Eobeet Walkee, of Stuart Street, Dunedin, New Zealand, Tinsmith.'—An, invention for cooling milk, cream, or other liquids, to be called " Walker's Champion Milkand Cream-cooler and Aerator."* 5955. 15th December. Moses Bate, of Brighton Eoad, Parnell, Millwright, and Eobeet Gabbett,. of Fort Street, Gum Merchant, both of Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for an improved apparatus for cleaning kauri-gum, wheat, and some other substances : applicable also for separating ironsand, quartz, and some other materials. 5956. 21st December. Theodobe Joshua Eashleigh, of 266, Barker's Eoad, Hawthorne, near Melbourne, Victoria, Metal-worker, and John Heen, of 30, Bourke Street, Melbourne,. Victoria, Hygienist.—An invention for improvements in the construction of sanitary utensils for bedrooms, dry-earth closets, and house-slops. 5957. 21st December. Chaeles Bubgon and Haeey Bubgon, both of Malm Bridge, near Sheffield, York, England, Sheep-shear Manufacturers.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for shearing or clipping sheep or other animals. 5958. 21st December. William Silveb, of Tamworth, New South Wales, Engineer, Nathan Cohen, of the same place, Stock and Station Agent, and Benjamin Feanois Masks, of Sydney, New South Wales, Merchant. —An invention for improvements in machines for shearing and clipping wool and cutting hair. 5959. 21st December. Ebnest Leslie Eansome, of Oakland, State of California, United States of America, Manufacturer.—An invention for concrete-mixing machine. 5960. 21st December. John Joseph Haeeison, of 83, New Oxford Street, County of Middlesex, England, Designer and Draughtsman.—An invention for improvements in and connected with receptacles for matches and other articles, and for exhibiting advertisements,. photographs, or the like. 5961. 21st December. Samuel Puedie, of No. 10, Gibden Steeet, Burnley, near Melbourne, Victoria, Mineralogist.—An invention for a process and apparatus for manufacturing tannin or tan-liquor from wood. 5962. 21st December. Max Pinous, of Hargreaves Street, Castlemaine, Victoria, Chemist.—An invention for improved coupling-contrivances for railway-trucks and -carriages.* 5963. 17th December. Fbedebick. Waltee Page, of Chertsey, Canterbury, New Zealand,. Labourer.—An invention for a fencing-staple, to be called " Page's Fencing-staple." 5964. 20th December. Henby Abel Flatman, of 27, Queen Street, Christchurch, New Zealand,. Engineer.—An invention for a protecting and strengthening attachment for brooms. 5965. 21st December. William MoFablane, Plumber, and David Bowee, Tinsmith, both of Caversham, New Zealand.—An invention for testing the power of a handgrip, and entitled " Penny-in-slot Grip-machine." 5966. 23rd December. Fbank Cuetis, Kirkwood House, Moray Place, Dunedin, New Zealand,. Manufacturer.—An invention for a medicine to be called " Frank Curtis' Figine," for the cure of constipation. 5967. 22nd December. James Keie, of Ashburton, New Zealand, Machinist.—An invention for an elevating fan for threshing-machines, to be called " Keir's Elevating Fan."* 5968. 23rd December. James Copeland, of Toi, Brunswick Line, near Wanganui, New Zealand,. Farmer.—An invention for complete wire-strainer.* 5969. 23rd December. Geoege Saegent Jakins, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Grain Merchant. —An invention for an improved butter-worker.* 5970. 28th December. James Deummond, of Kirwee, Canterbury, New Zealand, Blacksmith.— An invention for improvement in twitch-grubber and land-pulveriser.*


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5971. 28th December. Bobebt Kilpateick, of Main Street, Lilydale, Victoria, Gentleman. —An invention for improvements in electrical apparatus for sending either automatic or telephonic messages to a fire-engine house or other station. (J. Birchall.) 5972. 28th December. John Fbancis Botting, of Lovell's Mat, Otago, New Zealand, Teacher.— An invention for " Decimal Bricks," a series of blocks designed to illustrate and to assist in teaching the decimal system of calculating. 5973. 30th December. Geobge Stapfoed, of Wellington, New Zealand, Flax-dresser. —An invention for an improved machine for washing, dressing, and drying New Zealand flax and other fibrous material.*

I.—Number of Applications for Patents from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1890, 1891, and 1892.

Note. —As some applications have been received from joint applicants resident in different countries, these figures will total more than the actual number of applications received.

J. —Number of Applications for Registration of Trade-marks from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1890, 1891, and 1892.

Note. —As a few applications have been received from persons giving an address in more than one country, the columns will add to slightly more than the actual number of applications received.

X.—List of Publications in the Patent Office Library, at the Museum, Wellington. British.— Specifications, 1617-1700, 1751-1800, 1800-1891. Plans to English specifications. Abridgments of specifications. Reference indexes of patentees and inventions. Chronological indexes of patents. Subject-matter indexes of patents. Patent Office Keport, 1849-1871. Commissioner of Patents Journal, 1854-1883. Official Journal of the Patent Office. The Illustrated Official Journal of Patents. Eeports of patent, design, and trade-mark cases decided by Courts of law in the United Kingdom. American. —Official Gazette, United States Patent Office, 1872-1879, and 1891 and 1892. General index of Official Gazette and monthly volume of patents, 1872-1878. Canadian Patent Office record up to end of 1891 and half 1892. European.—Patent Blatt (Berlin), 1877, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881. South Australia. —Specifications of patents, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886. New South Wales.— Specifications of patents, 1866, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1878, 1879, 1883, 1884. Index to New South Wales letters of registration of inventions from 1854 to 1887. Patent Office supplements to the New South Wales Gazette. Victoria.— Specifications of patents, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1880, 1882, 1887, 1890, and 1891. Patent Office supplements to the Victoria Gazette. Indexes of patents and patentees, 1891 and 1892. Queensland. —Specifications of patents, 1889 and 1890. Patent Office supplements of the Queensland Government Gazette. New Zealand. —Specifications of inventions and letters patent from 1861 to 1879. Patent Office supplements to the New Zealand Gazettes, containing information relative to patents, trademarks, &c.

Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given; printing (1,350 copies), £17 10s.

By Authority: Samuel Costall, Government Printer for the time being, Wellington.— 1893.

Price 9d.'\

STew Zealand Argentine Republic Austria .. 3elgium British Columbia 3anada Denmark ?rance .. 3-ermany !taly fapan Sfew South Wales 352 1 313 362 Norway Portugal Queensland South Africa South Australia Sweden Switzerland Tasmania United Kingdom United States Victoria Wnm+prn Ansfrn.lin. 1 1 8 1 "l 1 7 G 3 13 3 9 6 G 2 5 3 1 1 2 1 1 3 90 21 52 1 1 1 88 25 69 1 83 37 53

rA. m. Jew Zealand Austria .. Jeylon .. juba ?rance .. jrermany Holland india STatal .. 89 3 4 2 87 1 17 1 2 178 "9 2 1 New South Wales Queensland Kussia South Australia Switzerland Tasmania United Kingdom I United States Victoria 7 2 11 1 1 2 1 21 '*3 1 40 8 S 73 18 17 1 57 10 11 "l

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PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE-MARKS. (FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1893 Session I, H-03

Word Count

PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE-MARKS. (FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1893 Session I, H-03

PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE-MARKS. (FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1893 Session I, H-03

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