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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services*.

age. 189 1-93. Summary of Services chargeable on the Consolidated Fund. £ OEDINAEY EEVENUE ACCOUNT. 25,900 1,835,770 287,666 3 4 6 Permanent Appbopeiations— Civil List Interest and Sinking Fund Under Special Acts of the Legislature 9 11 1C 18 28 34 39 42 Annual Appropriations— Class I. —Legislative Departments Class II. —Colonial Secretary's Department Class III.—Colonial Treasurer's Department Class IV.—Justice Department ... Class V. —Postal and Telegraph Department Class VI. —Customs and Marine Departments Class VII. —Stamps and Deeds Department ... Class VIII. —Minister of Education — Education Department Lunacy and Charitable Department Departmeut of Labour Class IX.—Mines Department ... Class X. —Agricultural Department Class XL —Working Eailways Department ... Class XII.—Public Buildings and Domains Department Class XIII. —Defence Department Class XIV. —Police Department ... 2,149,336 16,055 69,521 57,982 121,706 274,906 71,472 18,928 385,771 48 50 53 56 43,669 2,615 21,945 35,520 714,914 58 63 52,565 69,487 95,452 2.052,508 Total Ordinary Eevenue Account ... 4,201,844 LAND PUND ACCOUNT. Permanent Appeopeiations— Under Special Acts of the Legislature 65 24,000 142,593 65 69 Annual Appropriations— Class XV. —Lands and Survey Department ... Class XVI.—Eates on Crown Lands 117,593 1,000 Total Land Fund Account Total Consolidated Fund 4,344,437 70 PUBLIC TEUST OFFICE EXPENSES ACCOUNT 6,961 GOVEENMENT INSUEANCE ACCOUNT 59,857 71





Appropriations for Consolidated Fmid Services.

1892-93. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. £ £ £ lis Excellency the Governor ... 5,000 5,000 'he Judges 7,700 I 7,700 istablishment of the General Government... 5,400 800 6,200 'or Native Purposes 7,000 7,000 Total Civil List 18,100 7,800 25,900 TOTAL CIVIL LIST £25,900




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1892-93. £ Interest and Sinking Fund. New Zealand Loan Act, 1863— Interest @ 5 per cent.— On £378,800, 15 January and 15 July ... £18,940 Interest @ 4 per cent. — On £500,000, 1 May and 1 November ... 20,000 £ 38,940 Sinking Fund— On £378,800 @ 1 per cent, for 1 year 3,788 Public Debts Act, 1867— Auckland Loan Act, 1863-— Interest on ... £31,600 Less converted 11,800 42,728 — £19,800 @ 6 per cent., 1 April and 1 Oct. Sinking Fund on „ „ 2 per cent. 1,188 396 1.5S4 Lyttelton and Christchurch Railway Loan Ordinance, 1860 — Interest on ... £77,700 Less converted 6,200 £71,500 @ 6 per cent., 30 June and 31 Dec. Sinking Fund on ,, „ 2 per cent. 4,290 1,430 5,720 Canterbury Loan Ordinance, 1862 — Interest on ... £22,800 Less converted 5,800 — '- £17,000 @ 6 per cent., 30 June and 31 Dec. Sinking Fund on ,, „ 1 per cent. 1,020 170 1,190 Otago Loan Ordinance, 1862— Interest on ... £116,700 Less converted 24,700 £92,000 @ 6 percent., 1 Jan. and 1 July Sinking Fund on „ ,, 1 per cent. Consolidated Loan Act, 1867 (London issue) — " Interest and Sinking Fund @ 6 per cent., 15 January, April, July, and October, on £7,283,100 Less Interest @ 5 per cent, on £4,252,500 Bonds held by the Government obtained by conversions 5.520 920 436,986 212,625 6,440 224,361 ■ Interest @ 5 per cent, on converted Bonds drawn for payment — On £858,200 (1 year) ... 42,910 158,300 (9 months) ... 5,937 £1,016,500 48,847 273,208 Consolidated Loan Act, 1867 (Colonial issue) — Interest on £64,000 @ 5 per cent., 1 Jan. and 1 July ... Interest on 13,000 „ 4 per cent., 15 Apr. and 15 Oct. 3,200 520 3,720 £77,000 Defence and other Purposes Loan Act, 1870— Interest on £25,000 @ 4| per cent., 30 June and 31 Dec. Interest on 75,000 „ 4 per cent., 15 April and 15 Oct. 1,125 3,000 4,125 £100,000 ,j,.,, v » w fm.m,v,m*




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services,

1892-93. Interest and Sinking Fund— continued. Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1870 — £ Interest on £27,900 @ 4-£- per cent., 15 April and 15 October ... 1,256 Interest on 372,100 „ 4 per cent., 15 April and 15 October ... 14,884 Interest on 200,000 „ 4 per cent., 1 June and 1 December ... 8,000 Interest on 324,000 „ 4 per cent., 1 June and 1 December ... 12,960 Interest on 476,000 (say) ... 7,000 & £1,400,000 44,100 Sinking Fund on £1,000,000, @ 2'4 per cent., 13 March and 13 September ... ... 24,000 68,100 * General Purposes Loan Act, 1873 — Interest on £54,700 @ 5 per cent., 15 May and 15 November ... 2,735 Interest on 18,500 „ 4 per cent., 15 April and 15 October ... 740 Interest on 12,300 ,, 4 per cent., 15 Mayand 15 November ... 492 3,967 £85,500 Nelson Loan Act, 1874 — Interest on £15,000 @ 7 per cent., 1 March and 1 Sept. New Zealand Consolidated Stock Act, 1877— £ Interest @ 4 per cent., payable 1 May and 1 November — On £3,000,000 New Zealand Loan' Act, 1882 ... ... 120,000 On 1,500,000 New Zealand Loan Act, 1884 .,. ... 60,000 On 1,567,800 New Zealand Loan Act, 1886 ... ... 62,712 On 1,000,000 North Island Main Trunk Railway Loan Act, 1882 40,000 On 1,000,000 New Zealand Loan Act, 1888 ... ... 40,C00 On 5,371,200 First series of Conversions ... ... 214,848 On 6,263,811 Second series of Conversions ... ... 250,553 On 4,688,444 Third series of Conversions ... ... 187,538 On 173,000 for expenses of Conversions ... ... 6,920 1,050 982,571 On 4,557,047 Sixth series of Conversions (half-year)... ... 91,141 On 29,000 expenses of Conversions ... ... 1,160 1,074,872 £29,150,302 Interest @ Si per cent., payable 1 January and 1 July—■ On £2,700,000 Fourth series of Conversions ... ... 94,500 On 68,000 for expenses of Conversions ... ... 2,380 On 639,189 Fifth series of Conversions (part of) ... ... 22,372 119,252 £3,407,189 New Zealand Consolidated Stock Act, 1884 (Colonial issue) — Interest payable 28 May and 28 November— On £1,486,413 @ 4i per cent. ... ... 66,888 On 158,300 „ 4i per cent., half-year ... ... 3,562 On 280,300 „ 4 J- per cent., half-year ... ... 6,307 On 250,000 „ 5" per cent. ... ... 12,500 89,257 2,175,013 158,300 redeemed. £2,016,713 New Zealand Consolidated Stock Act, 1884 (London issue) — Interest on £4,214,100 @ 5 per cent., due 15 April, 1892, three months (subsequent interest payable as 4-per-cent, Consolidated Stock) 52,676

~i. (



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1892-93. Interest and Sinking Fund— continued. £ £ District Railways Purchasing Act, 1885 — Interest on £114,600 @ 4 per cent., 1 April and 1 October Interest on 47,000 ,,5 „ 1 „ 1 „ Interest on 40,000 ,,6 ,, 1 „ 1 Interest on 35,000,, Qi „ 1 1 4,584 2,350 2,400 2,187 £236,600 11,521 Public Revenues Act, 1887 {No. 3)— Interest on £400,000 due 31 March and 30 September— @5 per cent., three months @ 4f „ nine months 5,000 13,500 18,500 Government Loans to Local Bodies Act, 1886— Interest on £58,000 @ 4| per cent. 1 March and 1 September Estimated amount required for Interest on further issue of Debentures during the financial year Arrears of Sinking Fund (say) 2,610 5,250 10,000 17,860 Treasury Bills — Interest on Bills issued during the year, 30 June and 31 December (say) 40,000 Total Interest and Sinking Fund 1,835,770 Under Special Acts of the Legislature. 600 Militia Act Amendment Act, 1860— Pensions and Allowances Nixon Pension Act, 1865— Sisters of the late Colonel Nixon 150 Civil Service Act, 1866— Pensions, Compensation, and Gratuities 33,000 Military Pensions Act, 1866 — Pensions and Allowances 2,000 Legislative Officers' Salaries Act, 1867— Legislative Council — Speaker Chairman of Committees ... ,,, Clerk 600 300 400 House of Representatives— Speaker Chairman of Committees Clerk Clerk-Assistant 600 400 600 400 New Zealand Institute Act, 1867— Director of G-eological Survey 800




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1892-93 Under Special Acts of the Legislature— continued. £ Public Debts Sinking Funds Act, 1868, — Salary of Secretary to the Commissioners ... - ... 50 Walsh and Others Pension Act, 1869 — Mrs. Ellen Ann Hewett 50 Meredith and Others Pension Act, 1870— Mrs. E. Meredith Mrs. E. Hamlin Mrs. M. Collins 46 50 65 Schafer, McGuire, and Others Pension Act, 1872— Mrs. Charlotte Schafer Mrs. Ellen McGuire William Russell 30 18 18 New Zealand University Act, 1874— Contribution to University 3,000 Supreme Court Judges Act 1858 Amendment Act, 1874 — Superannuation Allowance 750 New Zealand Consolidated Stock Act, 1877— Charges and Expenses 17,700 Auckland University College Act, 1882 — Grant in Aid 4,000 Qreymouth Harbour Act, 1884— Endowment 12,000 Westport Harbour Act, 1884 — Endowment 16,000 Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act, 1885— Subsidies payable during 1892-93 63,300 Local Bodies' Finance and Powers Act, 1885 — Subsidies payable to Local Authorities 65,000 Babbit Nuisance Act 1882 Amendment Act, 1886 — Expenses connected with the Destruction of Babbits 6,000 Parliamentary Honorarium and Privileges Act, 1887— Allowances to Members of both Houses 12,800




STTMMAKY. 1892-93. Intebest and Sinking Fund ... ... ... 1,835,770 Under Special Acts ... ... ... 287,666 TOTAL PEEMANENT CHAKGES ... ... £2,123,436

Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1892-93 Under Special Acts of the Legislature— continued. £ Government Railways Act, 1887— Salaries of Commissioners 3,200 Australasian Naval Defence Act, 1887 — Proportional Part of the Cost of the Maintenance of the Australasian Naval Squadron ... 20,489 Public Revenues Act, 1891 — Controller and Auditor-General Assistant Controller and Auditor Claims repayable under Sections 9 and 76 Expenses under Section 91 , 1,000 800 100 150 Hamerton Pension Act, 1891— Eobert C. Hamerton 250 Land Acts — Proportion of Bents in respect of Perpetual Leases, &c, paid over to Local Bodies and to Deposit Accounts 19,850 New Plymouth Harbour Board Endowment Act, 1874 — One-fourth of Proceeds of Bents paid over to Harbour Board 1,100 Total undek Special Acts ... 287,666




—___ ~___- i 2—B. 7.

Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

• 1892-93. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. 'ote 1. —Legislative Council ... ote 2.—House of Representatives 'ote 3.—General Expenses ... £ 1,650 1,737 3,443 £ 2,400 6,825 £ 1,650 4,137 10,268 TOTAL OF CLASS I. 6,830 9,225 16,055 .tern 192-93. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. VOTE No. 1. Salaries and Other Charges £ £ 1,650 1,650 Total—Vote No. 1 ... HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES. 1892-93. Number of officers ... 8 VOTE No. 2. Salabtes— Second Clerk-Assistant Serjeant-at-Arms Record Clerk, now Reader and Clerk of Bills and Papers Interpreters, 2 at £225 Committee Reporters, 2 at £150 •Messenger 350 200 250 450 300 187 1892-93. Number o£ officers ... 21 1,737 2 3 4 Othee Ciiabges— Extra Clerks and extra Committee Reporters Extra Messengers and Police during Sessior. Contingencies 900 900 600 Total—Vote No. 2 ... 2,400 4,137 GENERAL EXPENSES. 1892-93. Number of officers ... 12 VOTE No. 3. Salaeies —■ Librarian Assistant Librarian Second Assistant in Library Reporters Custodian, Parliament Buildings Night-watchman 250 250 150 2,350 275 168 3,443




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

item. 1892-93. £ G-ENEEAL EXPENSES— continued. VOTE No. 3- continued. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Othee Chaeges— Passages of Members Printing of Hansard Library Extra assistance in Library and Mailman during Session Cataloguing-Assistant in Library Gas and Fuel Electric Lighting, Hot Water, Heating, &c. Expenses connected with Electric Lighting of Parliament Buildings Passages and Expenses of Witnesses attending Committees of both Houses Translating Acts into Maori ... Electrician Contingencies 750 2,900 600 130 120 850 200 400 I 10 i 400 25 100 350 : 11 12 13 J. I 6,825 10,268 Total —Vote No. 3 ... TOTAL OE CLASS I. £16,055




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1892-93. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. £ £ £ ote 4. —Minister's Salary ... 400 400 „ 5. —Clerk of Executive Council 50 50 „ 6.—Colonial Secretary's Office 1,710 1,710 „ 7. —Ministers' Secretaries 700 700 „ 8. —Messengers and Office Keepers... 4,344 4,344 „ 9.—Electoral Department 600 1,000 1,600 „ 10.—Audit Office 3,750 2,500 6,250 „ 11. —Registrar-General's Department 3,277 3,625 6,902 12. —Agent-General's Department ... 3,410 1,000 4,410 „ 13. —Printing and Stationery 17,245 7,100 24,345 „ 14. —Miscellaneous Services 18,810 18,810 TOTAL OE CLASS II. 35,486 14,035 69,521 item. 192-93. MINISTER'S SALARY. VOTE No. 4. Salary of a member of the Executive Council, representing the Maori race £ 400 £ Total —Vote No. 4 400 CLERK OP EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. VOTE No. 5. Clerk of Executive Council (also Secretary to Cabinet, £450) 50 50 Total—Vote No. 5 COLONIAL SECRETARY'S OFFICE. 1892-93. Total number of officers ... 6 1 VOTE No. 6. Salabies — Under-Secretary for the Colony, four months at £750 ... Under-Secretary, eleven months at £450 ... Chief Clerk, one month at £375, eleven months at £350 3 Clerks: 1 at £225, 1 at £210,1 at £160... Cadet 250 413 352 595 100 1,710 Total—Vcte No. 6




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

.tern. 1892-93. MINISTERS' SECRETARIES. 1892-93. Total number of officers ... 8 VOTE No. 7. Salaries — Secretary to Cabinet (also Clerk of Executive Council, £50) 6 Private Secretaries to Ministers at £25 each Services of Shorthand-writer ... £ £ 1 2 3 450 150 100 700 Total —Vote No. 7 MESSENGERS AND OFFICE KEEPERS. 1892-93. Total number of officers... 37 2 ?, 4 5 <; 7 8 0 VOTE No. 8. Salaries— Messengers —■ Chief Messenger and Housekeeper 17 Messengers: 1 at £170, 1 at 130, 1 at £125, 8 at £120, 6 at 6s. per diem 3 Night-watchmen at 7s. 6d. per diem Office Keepers — Custodian and Housekeeper, Government House, Auckland Auckland, 1 at £95, 1 at £104 New Plymouth Gisborne Wellington Nelson, Office Keeper £150, Messenger £50 ] Blenheim Christchurch, 3 Office Keepers: 1 at £175, 1 at £100, 1 at 4s. per diem 1 Watchman at 6s. 6d. per diem Dunedin, Office Keeper £110, Office Cleaner £104, and Watchman £45 268 2,045 411 150 199 75 30 120 200 120 4,344 348 119 10 259 Total—Vote No. 8 ... ELECTORAL DEPARTMENT. 1892-93. Total number of officers ... 14 VOTE No. 9. Salabies — For payment of Registrars who do not hold other appointments in the Civil Service Othee Charges— Expenses of printing Rolls, Advertising, Elections, and Contingencies 600 1,000 1,600 Total—Vote No. 9 ... 1,600 AUDIT OFFICE. 1892-93. Total number of officers ... 26 1 2 3 VOTE No. 10. Salaeies — Audit Officer in London, half salary Chief Clerk ... ... \'\ 13 Clerks: 1 at £310, 1 at £300, 1 at £275, 1 at £210, 2 at £200, 1 at £180, 3 at £170, 1 at £120 Cadet Audit of Local Bodies Travelling Inspectors, 3 at £250, 5 at £235, 1 at £210 200 400 4 5 6 2,305 60 350 2,135 5,450




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

item. 1892-93. AUDIT OFFICE— continued. VOTE No. 10— continued. Otheb Chaeges— Contingencies £ 2,500 Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1891" 7,950 1,700 Total—Vote No. 10 6,250 REGISTRAR-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. 1892-93. Total number of officers ... 11 1 2 3 4 VOTE No. 11. Salabies — Registrar-General and Government Statist (on leave), 4 months at £500 Registrar-General, 11 months at £400 Chief Clerk, 1 month at £335, 11 months at £250 4 Clerks: 2 at £180, 1 at £160, 1 at £150... Registrars of Births, Deaths, and Marriages for the several Registration Districts: — Auckland — Registrar of Births, &c, and Vaccination Inspector Cadet "Wellington — Registrar of Births, &c, and Vaccination Inspector Christchurch — Registrar of Births, &c, and Vaccination Inspector Dunedin — Registrar of Births, &c, and Vaccination Inspector Registrars of Births, &c, paid by fees only 167 367 258 670 225 90 / 6 175 7 225 8 9 200 900 Other Chaeges — Census and Agricultural Statistics Contingencies (including Handbook) 3,277 10 11 3,300 325 Total—Vote No. 11 ... 3,625 6,902 AGENT-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. 1892-93. Total number of officers ... 11 VOTE No. 12. Salaeies — Agent-General in London Secretary Accountant (also £200 charged to Audit) Clerks and Messengers Consulting Engineer Clerk to Consulting Engineer ... 1,250 700 200 950 800 120 Other Chaeges—■ Rent and Contingencies 4,020 1,000 Less— Contribution from Public Trust and Government Insurance Funds ... ... £150 Contribution from Railway Department 460 5,020 610 Total —Vote No. 12 ... ,410




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

item. 189: 1-93. PRINTING AND STATIONERY. 1892-93. Total number of officers ... 130 VOTE No. 13. SaI/AEIES— Government Printer and Manager Stationery Office (also Controller of Stamp Printing) Superintending Overseer Chief Clerk and Accountant ... 4 Overseers : 2 at £225, 1 at £210, 1 at £205 4 Readers : 2 at £210, 2 at £188 3 Sub-overseers: 2 at £190, 1 at £180 3 Clerks : 1 at £200, 1 at £156, 1 at £140 4 Stationery Office Clerks : 1 at £170, 1 at £156, 1 at £150, 1 at £120... 1 Type Storekeeper 16 Compositors: 7 at £172, 6 at £164, 3 at £156 9 Book-finishers, Bookbinders, and Paper-rulers : 1 at £190, 1 at £172, 5 at £164, 2 at £156 ... 7 Machinemen, Pressmen, &c. : 1 at £172, 4 at £156, 1 at £130, 1 at £120 3 Stamp Printers: 1 at £250, 1 at £190, 1 at £110 ... 2 Engineer and Stoker: 1 at £195, 1 at £140 2 Electrotypers and Stereotypers : 1 at £200, 1 at £60 1 Forewoman, Girls' Room 28 Folders, Sewers, and Machine-workers (females) 40 Apprentices, Machine Boys, Reader Boys, Errand Boys, Perforators, and Gummers Piece-work and Occasional Hands (including Contract Work for Railways, Insurance, and Public Trust Departments) 500 265 250 865 796 560 496 596 172 2,656 1,494 1,046 550 335 260 104 1,000 1,300 4,000 17,245 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Othek Chaeges— Stationery, Printing Paper, Parchment, &c. Bookbinding Material, Stores, and Printing Ink Freight, Packing, Insurance, Wharfage, &c. Machinery, Type, and Printing Material ... Printing and binding Statutes for Public Libraries Overtime Fuel and Gas Water-rates for the Government Printing Office Contingencies 13,500 1,000 1,900 1,000 100 1,100 200 100 200 19,100 Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1891" 36,345 12,000 Total —Vote No. 13 24,34i




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

!tem. 1892-93. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 !) 10 11 12 VOTE No. 14. General Contingencies Bent of Government Offices " Public Health Act, 1876 " ... Expenses under "The Fine Arts Copyright Act, 1877 " Pensions of late Provincial Governments — Wellington — T. George Nelson — Mrs. Robinson's three daughters Canterbury — T. Cass H. N. Brewer, addition to Pension under " Civil Service Act, 1866," for special services rendered New Zealand Institute Friendly Societies' Reserve, Dunedin, Rent of Cost of Work to be done by Surveyor-General's Department Grant in aid to the Royal Humane Society of Australasia Fire Brigade's Annual Demonstration— Grant-in-aid Railway passes Compassionate allowance to M. Corliss, late Keeper, Quarantine-station, Wellington Salary and Expenses of Resident, Rarotonga, Hervey Islands Liabilities connected with the Residency at Rarotonga World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago ... Bonus to encourage manufacture of iron ... Bonus to encourage manufacture of salt ... Gas and water for various Government Buildings, &c. Preservation of New Zealand Fauna, Resolution Island : Curator Cottage for Curator Grant to the widow and family of the late Sir H. A. Atkinson .Gratuity to George Burgess, for injuries received New Edition of " New Zealand Justice of the Peace" £ 8,000 200 2,250 10 50 100 400 25 . 500 21 100 100 18 14 15 250 235 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 500 100 499 500 500 900 22 23 24 200 125 25 26 3,000 20 200 Total —Vote No. 14 ... 18,810 TOTAL OF CLASS II. £6' | 5 521




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1892-93. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. £ £ £ - otel5.—Treasury Department 6,149 6,149 „ 16.—Friendly Societies' Registry Office 610 1,010 1,620 „ 17.—Land- and Income-tax Department 4,950 19,857 24,807 „ 18.—Treasury : Miscellaneous Services 25,406 25,406 TOTAL OF CLASS III. 11,709 -6,273 57,982 :tem. 92-93. TKEASUBY DEPARTMENT. 1892-93. Total number of officers .. 30 VOTE No. 15. Salaries— Secretary to the Treasury, Seceiver- and PaymasterGeneral Accountant to the Treasury Cashier Corresponding Clerk 20 Clerks: 1 at £325, 1 at £250, 1 at £235,1 at £225, 1 at £210, 3 at £200, 1 at £200 (five months), 1 at £190,1 at £185, 1 at £180,2 at £175, 1 at £170, 3 at £164, 1 at £160, 1 at £140 ' 4 Cadets : 1 at £90, 1 at £85, 1 at £70, 1 at £60 2 Binders : 1 at £3 10s. and 1 at £3 per week £ 650 425 325 310 3,796 305 338 Total —Vote No. 15 ... 6,149 FRIENDLY SOCIETIES' REGISTRY OFFICE. 1892-93. Total number of officers .. 3 VOTE No. 16. SaIiABIES — Registrar and Actuary Revising Barrister Clerk 350 50 210 610 2 3 4 Other Charges— Cost of valuations, sickness returns, and statistical cards Extra clerical assistance Contingencies .:.. 800 160 50 ! Total—Vote No. 16 ... 1,010 1,620




3— B. 7.

Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

.tern. 18' '2-93. LAND- AND INCOME-TAX DEPARTMENT. 1892-93. Total number of officers ... 22 VOTE No. 17. Salabies — Commissioner Deputy Commissioner Chief Clerk 17 Clerks : 1 at £205, 1 at £245, 1 at £230, 1 at £220, 1 at £215,4 at £200, 2 at £190, 2 at £180,1 at £170, 3 at £L35 2 Cadets at £100 650 475 335 i 3,290 200 2 3 4 5 G Other Chaeges— Payment to Postal Department for collection of pro-perty-tax Cost of supplying valuation rolls to local bodies, under " The Bating Act, 1882 " ... Stationery Preparation of statistics Grant for use of Bellamy's, during recess, as an office for extra clerks of the Tax Department .. Estimate of cost of Agencies in connection with income-tax Contingencies 4,950 600 1,000 I 300 500 7 115 8 500 1,000 Triennial Assessment— The proportion of the cost which will come in for payment before the 31st March, 1893 4,015 15,842 Total—Vote No. 17 ... 24,807 TREASURY: MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. 1 2 3 4 5 6 VOTE No. 18. Expenses attending the annual "drawing "of debentures issued under "The Consolidated Loan Act, 1867 " Exchange and Commission Fee to Sir P. Gγ. Julyan as Financial Adviser to the Government Discount and Stamp Duty on Remittances to London... Refund of amount paid to the Consolidated Fund in the estate of Cornelius Butler Refund of amount paid to Consolidated Fund in the estate of David Clark Refund of Property-tax paid by estate of the late John Stace Refund of Property-tax paid by the Bank of New Zealand Estates Company (Limited), as recommended by the Public Petitions Committee Contingencies 300 4,000 400 7,500 212 5 7 60 8 i 11,579 1,500 Less estimated credits under section 41 of "The Public Revenues Act, 1891 " 25,556 150 Total —Vote No. 18 ... 25,406 TOTAL OF CLASS III. £57; '82




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services,

1892-93. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. £ £ £ Vote 19. —Department of Justice 1,195 1,195 „ 20. —Crown Law OiBce ... 2,175 2,175 „ 21. —Supreme Court 4,400 ! 2,250 6,650 „ 22.—Bankruptcy 2,945 J 3,352 6,297 ,, 23.—District, Resident Magistrates', and Wardens' Courts 31,057 11,360 42,417 „ 24. —Criminal Prosecutions , 10,850 10,350 „ 25. —Coroners 2,500 2,500 „ 26.—Prisons ... 17,867 11,466 29,333 „ 27. —Native Land Court... 7,133 9,800 16,933 „ 28. —Miscellaneous Services 3,856 3,856 TOTAL OF CLASS IV. 66,772 j i4,934 121,700 Item. 18! 2-93. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE AND PATENT OFFICE. 1892-93. Total number of officers ... 5 £ £ VOTE No. 19. Salaeies— Under-Secretary (also Eegistrar of Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks) Chief Clerk Clerk 2 Clerks, Patent Office ■ 1 at £160, 1 at £110 450 325 150 270 Total —Vote No. 19 1,195 CROWN LAW OFFICE. 1892-93. Total number of officers ... 4 1 VOTE No. 20. Salaeies — Solicitor-General Assistant Law Officer Law Draftsman Clerk ... ... ■:.. 1,000 550 500 135 Less estimated credits under section 41 of "The Public Revenues Act, 1891 " 2,185 10 2,175 Total—Vote No. 20




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

item. 1892-93. £ SUPKEME COTJET. 1892-93. Total number of officers ... 28 VOTE No. 21. Salaeies— Auckland — Eegistrar and Sheriff Deputy Registrar Clerk Crier, Messenger, and Office Cleaner Assistant Office Cleaner 400 240 90 157 10 2 Wellington — Eegistrar and Sheriff (also Eegistrar Court of Appeal) Deputy Eegistrar ... ' Clerk Crier and Messenger Messenger and Office Cleaner, and Office Cleaner to Official Assignee and Eesident Magistrate's Court ... Assistant Office Cleaner I 325 210 130 140 125 30 Napier — Clerk Office Cleaner 150 25 Ohristch urch — Eegistrar and Sheriff Deputy Eegistrar Clerk Crier and Messenger Office Cleaner Assistant Messenger 400 200 140 127 50 65 5 Dunedin — Eegistrar and Sheriff Deputy Eegistrar Clerk Crier, Messenger, and Office Cleaner 400 200 100 186 5 Clerks to Judges at £100 500 6 4,400 7 8 Other Chaeges— Expenses of Circuit Courts and Court of Appeal Proportion of fees to be refunded to Sheriffs 2,000 250 Total —Tote No. 21 2,250 6,65i




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

.tern. 18' 12-93. BANKETTPTCY. £ £ 1892-93. Total number of officers ... 11 VOTE No. 22. Salaries —■ Auckland — Official Assignee 2 Clerks: 1 at £190, 1 at £130 450 320 Wellington — Official Assignee Clerk 450 195 Cfhristchurch — Official Assignee 2 Clerks: 1 at £195, 1 at £140 450 335 Dunedm — Official Assignee 2 Clerks: 1 at £195, 1 at £100 450 295 2,945 5 6 Other Chaeges— Eent, Dunedin Payments to Deputy Assignees, expenses in estates in which there are no assets, and contingencies Office-cleaning 120 3,200 32 7 Total—Vote No. 22 3,352 • DISTEICT, EESIDENT MAG-ISTEATES , , AND WARDENS' COFETS. 1892-93. Total number of officers ... 130 6,297 VOTE No. 23. Salaries — Auckland — Eesident Magistrate 3 Clerks : 1 at £275, 1 at £220, 1 at £120 Bailiff Assistant Bailiff Messenger E.M. Court, Stamp Office, and Eegistrar of Deeds Office 550 615 160 120 115 Papakura, Pukekohe, Mercer, Waiuleu, Hamilton, Newcastle, Cambridge, Raglan, and Te Awamutu — Eesident Magistrate and Coroner (fees) Clerk at Hamilton, &c, and Eegistrar of Births, &c. Bailiff and Interpreter at Hamilton, &c. ... 400 225 150 Onehunga, OtahuJiu, Whangarei, Dargaville, Helensville, Warkivorth, Maimgaturoto, Port Albert, Waipu, Mangonui, Whangaroa, Kaitaia, Hohianga, Waimate, Mussell, and Kawalcawa — Eesident Magistrate, Coroner (fees), Native Officer, and Recorder Native Land Court; Clerk at "Whangarei, Clerk at Maungaturoto and Waipu 400 150 30




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1892-93. 'tern. DISTRICT, RESIDENT MAGISTRATES', AND WARDENS' COURTS—continued. £ VOTE No. 23— continued. Sal aeies — con tinned. Thames, Coromandel, Te Aroha, Paeroa, and Mercury Bay — Resident Magistrate and Warden Clerk and Receiver of Gold Revenue Clerk , Bailiff Interpreter (and for Native Office) Clerk and Receiver of Gold Revenue at Te Aroha Clerk at Coromandel and Registrar of Births Deaths &c. 475 250 130 150 100 170 170 Tauranqa, Botorua, Taupo, Mahetu, and Opotiki — Resident Magistrate, Coroner (fees), and Recorder Native Land Court Clerk and Interpreter, and Registrar of Births &c. Bailiff 400 200 50 Qisborne, Wairoa, Tolago Bay, and Awanui — Resident Magistrate, Native Officer, Recorder Native Land Court, and Coroner (fees) Clerk, also Registrar Supreme Court, Sheriff, and Registrar of Births &c. Clerk Bailiff Clerk, Interpreter, and Bailiff at Wairoa ... 450 300 130 140 200 New Plymouth and Waitara — Clerk (and Deputy Registrar Supreme Court) Bailiff and Office Cleaner, and Crier to Supreme Court 190 130 OpunaJee and Manaia — Resident Magistrate 150 Wellington and Suit — Resident Magistrate, and District Judge, Masterton ... Clerk ... 2 Clerks: 1 at £220, 1 at £120 Bailiff Assistant Bailiff 550 300 340 160 120 10 Wanganui, Patea, Hawera, and Stratford — District Judge (New Plymouth, Hawera, Wanganui, and Palmerston), Resident Magistrate, and Coroner (fees) Clerk and Interpreter at Wanganui, Sheriff, and Registrar of Births &c. Clerk Bailiff, and Crier Supreme Court Clerk at Hawera, also Receiver Land Revenue, Registrar of Electors, &c. 500 260 130 130 185 11 Palmerston North, Marion. Bull's, Feilding, Fox'ton, and Otahi — Resident Magistrate Clerk at Palmerston North Bailiff and Office-cleaner Clerk at Marton, Feilding, and Bull's 450 210 100 230




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

[tern. 1892-93. DISTRICT, RESIDENT MAGISTRATES', AND WARDENS' COURTS—continued. 12 VOTE No. 23— continued. Salakies— continued. Masterton, Carterton, Gheytown, Featherston, Tenui, fflcetahuna, and Pahiatua — Resident Magistrate, Sheriff, and Coroner (fees) Clerk Bailiff Clerk and Bailiff at Pahiatua and Eketahuna (including travelling-expenses) 350 225 100 40 13 Napier, Hastings, Waipawa, Ormondville, TFoodville, and Danevirke — Resident Magistrate, and Registrar Supreme Court Clerk Bailiff Clerk at Hastings, and Interpreter Clerk and Bailiff at Waipawa ,.. 500 260 140 225 180 14 Nelson, Bright-water, and Motueka — District Judge, Resident Magistrate, Registrar Supreme Court, District Land Registrar, Examiner of Titles, and Registrar of Deeds Clerk, Deputy Registrar Supreme Court, and Receiver of Gold Revenue Bailiff and Crier Supreme Court Messenger and Office Cleaner, Resident Magistrate's and Supreme Court 600 300 160 60 15 Westport, Charleston, Lyell, Colling wood, and Talcaha — Resident Magistrate and Warden (with house), Coroner (fees), and Sheriff' Clerk and Receiver of Gold Revenue, Local Land Officer, and Clerk to Agent Colliery Reserve Office-boy Bailiff Clerk, Receiver of Gold Revenue, and Bailiff, Lyell and Murchison 400 250 26 130 150 16 Blenheim, JPicton, Haveloclc, and Cullensville — Resident Magistrate, Warden, and Registrar of Supreme Court, District Land Registrar, and Coroner (fees)... Clerk (also Sheriff) Bailiff and Office Cleaner, and Office Cleaner Supreme Court Clerk and Receiver of Gold Revenue at Havelock and Cullensville ... ... 450 225 120 150 17 Christchurch, Lyttelton, Leeslon, and Southbridge —- District Judge, Canterbury, Westland, and Otago Resident Magistrate and Coroner (fees) ... 8 Clerks, 1 at £300,1 at £200, 1 at £150 ... Bailiff 2 Assistant Bailiffs, 1 at £125, 1 at £60 ... Clerk and Registrar of Births, &c, at Lyttelton 900 550 650 150 185 230




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

'tern. 1892-93. DISTRICT, RESIDENT MAGISTRATES', AND "WARDENS' COURTS— continued. i £ £ 18 VOTE No. 23— continued. Salaeies — continued. Kaiapoi, JRangiora, Amberley, Oxford, Sheffield, Coalgate, Culverden, Kaikoura, Alcaroa, and Little Biver — Resident Magistrate and Coroner (fees) Clerk Clerk and Bailiff at Sheffield and Coalgate ... 450 225 100 19 Tiniaru, Temuha, Ashhurton, Geraldine, and Bakaia — Resident Magistrate, Coroner (fees), and Sheriff (fees) 2 Clerks: 1 at £275, 1 at £200 Bailiff Clerk, Ashburton Bailiff Office Cleaner and Messenger ... 450 475 100 210 ! 95 J 24 20 Grey-mouth, Beefton, Stafford, Goldiborougli, Kumara, and AJiaura — Resident Magistrate and (with house) and Coroner (fees) Clerk and Receiver of Grold Revenue at Grreymouth and Registrar of Births &c. ... Clerk Bailiff Clerk and Receiver of Gold Revenue, Reefton, Sheriff, Land Officer, and Registrar of Births &c. Bailiff Clerk and Receiver of Gold Revenue, Kumara, and Registrar of Births &c. Bailiff 450 , 250 190 150 275 150 ■ 225 100 21 Hpkitilca, Boss, Jackson's Bay, and Oharito — Resident Magistrate and Land Officer Clerk and Receiver of Gold Revenue at Hokitika, and Sheriff Bailiff, also Clerk for Crown Lands, and Eorest Ranger Messenger and Office Cleaner Resident Magistrate's Court and Stamp and Deeds Offices Clerk at Jackson's Bay 320 250 180 110 25 22 Dunedin, Outram, Mosgiel, and Port Chalmers — Resident Magistrate and Coroner (fees) ... 3 Clerks: 1 at £300, 1 at £210. 1 at £170... Bailiff Assistant Bailiff' Clerk and Bailiff' at Port Chalmers and Registrar of Births &c. 550 680 160 120 190 23 Oamaru, Palmerston, Mawkeshury, Hampden, Waimate, and Livingstone — Resident Magistrate and Coroner (fees) ... Clerk at Oamaru and Registrar of Births &c. Clerk Bailiff Clerk at Waimate Bailiff 475 275 150 120 150 12 24 Invercargill, Campbelltoum, Wyndham, Lumsden, Biverton, and Winton — District Judge, Resident Magistrate, Warden, and Coroner (fees) 500




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

item. .18! '2-93. DISTEICT, RESIDENT MAGISTRATES', AND WARDENS' COURTS— continued. 25 26 VOTE No. 23— continued. Saiaeies — continued. Invercargill, Oampoelltown, Wyndham, I/umsden, Riverton, and Winton —continued. Clerk, also Sheriff Cadet Bailiff, and Crier, &c, Supreme Court Clerk and Receiver of Gold Revenue, Riverton, and Registrar of Births &c. Bailiff Olyde, Alexandra, Cromwell, Roxburgh, Arrow, Queenstown, and Pembroke- —■ Resident Magistrate and "Warden, Coroner (fees), and Land Officer Clerk and Receiver of Gold Revenue at Clyde and Alexandra, and Registrar of Births &c. ... Clerk, Receiver of Gold Revenue, and Registrar of Births &c. at Cromwell Clerk and Receiver of Gold Revenue at Queenstown ... Naseby, Slack's, St. Bathan's, Hamilton's, Hyde, Nenihorn, Middlemarch, and Macrae's — Resident Magistrate and Warden, Coroner (fees), and Land Officer Clerk and Receiver of Gold Revenue Bailiff Lawrence, Gore, Milton, Balclutha, Kaitangata, WaiTcaia, Tapanui, and Clinton — Resident Magistrate and "Warden, Coroner (fees), and Land Officer Clerk and Receiver of Gold Revenue and Registrar of Births &e. Clerk at Gore and "Wyndham ... Bailiff at Gore Chatham Islands — Resident Magistrate, Customs Officer, Postmaster, &c. £ 250 90 155 200 30 475 250 230 250 27 400 210 100 28 475 275 160 40 29 230 30 31 77 Police-constahles acting as Clerks of Courts, 75 at £10, 2-at £30 Relieving Clerk 780 200 Othbe Chaeges— Travelling Expenses and Allowances Mileage fees to be refunded to Bailiffs Rents Office Cleaners 31,057 32 33 34 35 6,200 3,600 460 1,100 Total—Vote No. 23 11,360 42,417 CRIMINAL PROSECUTIONS. 1 2 8 VOTE No. 24. Othee Chaeges— Eees to Crown Solicitors and Prosecutors ... Expenses of Witnesses Payment of Jurors under " The Juries Act, 1880 " 3,000 6,000 1,500 Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1891" 10,500 150 10,35i Total—Vote No. 24




4—B. 7.

Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

"tem. 13' 2-93. "CORONEKS ACT, 1867!" £ £ VOTE No. 25. Other Chaeges— Fees and Expenses on Inquests 2,500 2,500 Total—Vote No. 25 PEISONS. Total number of officers ... 1892-93. 120 8 4 5 VOTE No. 20. Salaeies— Inspector's Office — Inspector of Prisons Clerk Auckland — Gaoler Surgeon Matron 3 Principal Warders at £180 ... 7 Warders at £150 ... . 8 Assistant Warders at £135 ... Assistant Matron Tauranqa —■ Gaoler Gisborne — Gaoler New Plymouth — Gaoler Surgeon Matron Principal Warder . Warder 2 Assistant Warders at £125 ... Wellington Prisons —- Gaoler Surgeon Matron 3 Principal Warders 8 Warders at £150 8 Assistant Warders at £135 ... Assistant Matron TVanganui — Gaoler Surgeon Matron Warder Assistant Warder Napier — Gaoler Surgeon Matron Principal Warder Warder 2 Assistant Warders at £125 ... Nelson —■ Gaoler Westport — Gaoler Picton — Gaoler 700 200 390 100 80 540 1,050 1,080 50 156 156 235 50 40 150 135 250 390 100 80 540 1,200 1,080 50 180 50 40 135 125 205 50 40 150 135 250 9 156 10 156 II 156




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

'.tern. 1892-93. PEISONS— continued. 12 13 VOTE No. 26— continued. Salaeies — continued. Lyttelton — Gaoler Surgeon Matron 3 Principal "Warders at £180 ... 7 Warders at £150 7 Assistant "Warders at £135 ... Assistant Matron Allowance to "Warder, Overseer Printing Office, at Is. per working day Hokitilca —■ Gaoler Surgeon (also Lunatic Asylum £150) Matron ,.. .. .«. Principal Warder 2 Assistant Warders at £125 ... Duriedin — Gaoler Surgeon (also Industrial School £100) Matron 1 Principal Warder 4 Warders at £150 3 Assistant Warders at £135 ... Assistant Matron Invercargill — Gaoler Matron Principal Warder Warder Assistant Warder Medical Attendance Timaru — Gaoler £ 340 100 80 540 1,050 945 50 17 300 50 50 150 250 14 400 100 80 180 600 405 50 15 220 40 150 135 125 50 16 156 17 Oamaru — Gaoler Clyde— Gaoler Naseby —■ Gaoler 156 18 156 19 156 20 Lawrence — Gaoler 156 Othee Chabges— Lodging Allowances Eations, Fuel, &c. Clothing, Bedding, Furniture, &c. Medicines and Medical Comforts Other Necessaries Gas and Water Tools and Materials for Prison Labour, &c. ... Uniforms for Prison Officers Cost of Prison, Milford Sound Compassionate allowance to widow of Bryan Weybourne, late Inspector of Works, Mount Cook Prison Gratuity to Denis Fox, for injury to his hand whilst a prisoner in Invercargill Prison, as recommended by the Public Petitions Committee Contingencies and Travelling Expenses 17,867 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 , 850 6,000 1,200 600 250 500 400 300 500 31 46 20 1,800 32 Less estimated credits under section 41 of "ThePublic Seventies Act, 1891 " ... £500 Less estimated credit for work at Milford Sound 500 12,466 1,000 Total—Vote No. 26 11,406 29,33*




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

item. 18' '2-93. NATIVE LAND COUET. 1892-93. Total number of officers ... 22 1 2 3 4 5 VOTE No. 27. Salaries — Chief Judge (also Trust Commissioner) 7 Judges at £550 (also Trust Commissioners) 4 Clerks and Interpreters at £170 2 Clerks at £150 Auckland —- Registrar 2 Clerks, 1 at £190, 1 at £166 Wellington — Registrar Clerk to Chief Judge Clerk Gisborne — Registrar Clerk 750 3,850 680 300 225 356 300 166 100 240 166 Other Charges— Payment of Assessors „ Extra Clerks and Interpreters Travelling-allowances—Judges... ,, „ Assessors „ „ Clerks and Interpreters Repairs to Native Land Court Building, Thames Other Contingencies! 7,133 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1,800 2,000 2,000 1,500 300 200 2,000 9,800 Total —Vote No. 27 16,933 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 VOTE No. 28. Purchase of Reports and Treatises for Crown Law Office Purchase of land as a site for Courthouse, &c, at Chatham Islands Gratuity to widow of the late H. L. Byrn, Bailiff, Resident Magistrate's Court, Masterton Gratuity to widow of the late Erederick L. Friedman, Bailiff, Christchurch Expenses connected with the case, Attorney-General v. W. B. Edwards Legal costs of Supreme Court action, Toko Reihana v. James Moore Refund of part of estreated recognisance of C. Anderson Refund of fees paid under the Commission appointed in terms of " The Native Land. Court Acts Amendment Act, 1889" Five per cent, on sales of land in the Town of Opunake payable to Natives In full settlement of all claims of Charles O'Malley for loss of office as Crier and Messenger, Supreme Court, Christchurch, as recommended by the Public Petitions Committee Contingencies 50 55 50 75 800 ■5 250 9 100 10 50 2,400 ii Total—Vote No. 28 3 ; 856 TOTAL OF CLASS IV. £12 ,706




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1892-93. Salaries. Other Charges. Totals. £ £ £ ote 29. —Postal and Telegraph Salaries ... 167,590 167,590 „ 30. —Telegraph Cable Subsidies 3,086 3,086 „ 31.—Telegraph Extension ... 3,000 3,000 „ 32. —Conveyance of Mails by Sea 32,798 32,798 „ 33. —Conveyance of Inland Mails 25,639 25,639 „ 34. —Carriage of Mails by Railway ... 1,000 1,000 „ 35.—Miscellaneous 41,793 41,793 TOTAL OF CLASS V. 167,590 17,316 274,906 No. of Officers. '2-93. item. Classification under Act. 18 1 1892-93. POSTAL AND TELEGRAPH SALARIES. 1 1 VOTE No. 29. FlEST DlTISION. Superintendent ... ... Secretary £ 700 650 Clerical Diyision. 1,350 1 1 1 8 First Class — Inspector of Post Offices Controller and Accountant Assistant Inspector of Post Offices Inspectors of Telegraphs: 1 at £500,1 at £480, 1 at£430 Sub-Inspectors of Telegraphs ; 2 at £300 ... Electrician 550 400 500 1,410 600 350 2 1 6 3,810 Second Class.— From £370 to £400, by Two Annual Increments of £15 each. 5 at £400, 1 at £385 2,385




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

No. of Officers. 18' 2-93. 'tern. 1892-93. POSTAL AND TELEGRAPH SALARIES— continued. VOTE No. 29— continued. Cleeical Division — continued. Third Glass.—~$vom £315 to £355, by Two Annual Increments of £15 each and One of £10. 3 at £355 1,065 Fourth Glass.— From £260 to £300, by Two Annual Increments of £15 each and One of £10. 4 at £300, 3 at £290, 2 at £260... 2,590 12 Fifth Class, First Grade.— -Prom £235 to £250, by One Annual Increment of £15. 1 at £260, 10 at £250, 1 at £235 2,995 60 Fifth Glass, Second Grade.— Prom £190 to £220, by Three Annual Increments of £10 each. 1 at £225, 21 at £220,12 at £210,23 at £200, 3 at £190 12,535 364 Sixth Glass.—From £115 to £180, by Three Annual Increments of £15 each and Two of £10 each. 73 at £180, 25 at £170, 111 at £160, 1 at £156, 1 at £150, 12 at £145, 1 at £140, 2 at £135,104 at £130,1 at £120,33 at £115 55,041 119 Gadets.—From £40 to £100, by One Annual Increment of £10, One of £15, One of £20, and One of £15, with Lodging-allowance of £26 a Tear for the First Two Tears and £13 the Third when Cadet stationed from Home. 1 at £105, 52 at £100, 23 at £90, 5 at £85, 1 at £76, 5 at £65, 26 at £50, 6 at £40 ... 9,741 10 Chief Postmasters, First Grade. —From £445 to £500, by Two Annual Increments of £20 each and One of £15. 3 at £500 1,500 11 Chief Postmasters, Second Grade. —From £370 to £425, by Three Annual Increments of £15 each and One of £10. 5 at £'425, 1 at £400, 1 at £385 2,910 12 Chief Postmasters, Third Grade. —From £310 to £350, by Two Annual Increments of £15 each and One of £10. 2 at £350, 2 at £340, 2 at £325 2,030 18 11 Postmasters, First Grade. —From £260 to £300, by Two Annual Increments of £15 each and One of £10. 7 at £300, 2 at £290, 2 at £275 3,230




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

No. of Officers. 1892-93. .tem. 1892-93. POSTAL AND TELEGKRAPH SALARIES— continued. VOTE No. 29— continued. Clerical Division — continued. 14 22 Postmasters, Second Grade. —From £220 to £250, by Three Annual Increments of £10 each. 2 at £260, 1 at £255, 8 at £250, 2 at £240, 5 at £230, 2 at £220, 1 at £195, 1 at £185 5,225 15 21 Postmasters, Third Grade.— Prom £185 to £210, by One Annual Increment of £10 and One of £15. 1 at £215, 11 at £210, 3 at £195, 6 at £185 4,220 16 60 Postmasters, Fourth Grade. —From £140 to £175, by Two Annual Increments of £10 each and One of £15. 1 at £210, 2 at £200, 2 at £190, 7 at £180, 22 at £175,17 at £160,8 at £150,1 at £120 10,140 NON-CLEEICAL DIVISION. 17 21 Gadettes.— From £40 to £120, by Three Annual Increments of £10 each, One of £15, and Seven of £5 each, with Lodging-allowance of £26 for the First Tear, £20 the Second, £15 the Third, and £10 the Fourth Year, when Cadette stationed from Home. 1 at £150, 6 at £120, 1 at £95, 2 at £85, 3 at £80, 7 at £50, 1 at £40 ... 1,765 18 38 Linemen, First Grade. —From £130 to £140, by Two Annual Increments of £5 each. 2 at £155, 1 at £150, 5 at £145, 24 at £140, 1 at £125 4,670 19 17 Linemen, Second Grade. —From £110 to £125, by Three Annual Increments of £5 each. 9 at £125, 4 at £120, 1 at £115, 1 at £110, 2 at£105 2,040 20 4 Letter-carriers , Sorters. —Maximum £150. 4 at £150 600 2G Letter-carriers, First Grade. —From £130 to £140, by Two Annual Increments of £5 each. 17 at £140, 9 at £135 21 3,595 22 39 Letter-carriers, Second Grade. —From £95 to £120, by Two Annual Increments of £10 each and One of £5. 27 at £120, 9 at £115, 1 at £105, 1 at £100, lat£95 4,575




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

No. of Officers. item. 1892-93. 1892-93. POSTAL AND TELEGEAPH SALAEIES— continued. VOTE No. 29— continued. Non-clerical Division — continued. 23 53 Letter-carriers, Third Grade. —From £50 to £85, by Two Annual Increments of £10 each and Three of £5 each. 8 at £85, 6 at £80, 9 at £75, 9 at £70, 8 at £60, 12 at £50, 1 at £36 3,581 24 10 Post Office Messengers, First Grade. —From £85 to £120, by Two Annual Increments of £10 each and Three of £5. 5 at £120, 1 at £115,1 at £105, 3 at £85 ... 1,075 25 10 Post Office Messengers, Second Grade. —From £50 to £80, by Two Annual Increments of £10 each and Two of £5 each. 2 at £75, 1 at £70, 3 at £60, 2 at £50, 1 at £36, 1 at £26 562 26 Junior and Assistant Counter Clerics (Telegraph). —From £50 to £100, by Two Annual Increments of £10 each and Six of £5 each. 2 at £100,1 at £90,1 at £75,1 at £70,2 at £60 555 27 38 Junior and Assistant Exchange Clerks. —From £60 to £120, by Four Annual Increments of £10 each and Four of £5 each. 5 at £120, 9 at £110, 5 at £100, 3 at £90, 6 at £80, 7 at £70, 3 at £60 ... 3,510 28 10 Despatch Clerks—From £50 to £100, by Two Annual Increments of £10 each and Six of £5. 1 at £100, 1 at £95,1 at £85, 1 at £75, 2 at £70, 2 at £60, 2 at £50 715 29 17 .Distributors. —From £50 to £80, by One Annual Increment of £10 and Four of £5 each. 1 at £80, 12 at £60, 3 at £50, 1 at £40 990 30 205 Telegraph Message Boys. —From £26 to £36, by Increments of £5, £3, and £2. Message Boys 6,485 48 Cadettes 31 2,240 32 Contribution to Eailway Department for combined Post-Telegraph-Eailway Offices 6,115 83 34 1,030 Country Postmasters New Stations, Telegraphists, Cadets, and Messen7,250 gers 1,500 8,750 Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Eevenues Act, 1891" 172,590 5,000 1,252 Total—Vote No. 29 167,591




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

item. 1892-93. TELEG-EAPH CABLE SUBSIDIES. £ L 2 VOTE No. 30. Contingent Subsidy Proportion payable on account of reduction of intercolonial and European rates (five months) 309 3,086 2,777 Total —Vote No. 30 TELEGEAPH EXTENSION. VOTE No. 31. Telegraph Extension 3,000 3,000 Total—Vote No. 31 CONVEYANCE OF MAILS BY SEA. 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 y 10 ii VOTE No. 32. Bluff and Stewart Island Chatham Islands Service Blind Bay Service San Francisco Service Cost of Transit from San Francisco to New York of Homeward Mails Atlantic Transit Homeward Mails ... Interprovincial Service (San Francisco Service) Suez Services Mail Agents and Travelling-allowance Auckland Steam Service Hokitika and Southern Ports and "Westport and Karamea Services Fiji Service New Zealand and Pacific Islands Service G-reat Barrier Mail-service Pelorus Sound Mail-service (8 months) Salary, Eesident Agent, San Francisco Contingencies, Bonuses, Gratuities 225 200 150 18,500 4,200 1,800 3,000 2,500 600 793 12 13 14 15 16 17 520 1,690 1,200 200 120 100 8,000 Less estimated credits—San Francisco Service 43,798 11,000 Total—Vote No. 32 32,798 CONVEYANCE OF INLAND MAILS. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 VOTE No. 33. Auckland Thames New Plymouth Napier Gisborne Wanganui Wellington Blenheim Nelson Westport Greymouth Hokitika 3,850 1,432 440 1,790 550 820 2,620 980 1,310 242 540 1,350




s—B. 7.

Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

"tern 1892-93. CONVEYANCE OP INLAND MAILS—continued. £ 13 14 15 16 17 VOTE No. 33.— continued. Christchurch Timaru Oamaru Dunedin Inveroargill 2,530 525 160 4,800 1,700 Total—Vote No. 33 25,639 CARRIAGE OF MAILS BY RAILWAY. VOTE No. 34. Carriage of Mails by Railway, under special arrangement 1,000 Total—Vote No. 34 1,000 MISCELLANEOUS. 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 VOTE No. 35. Travelling-expenses of Inspectors and Linemen Extra Labour and Material for Repairs Stationery, &c. Special allowance to Telegraph Messengers during their first year's service Training Cadets Gas and Water To make good amount lost by fire at Sefton Office Compassionate allowance to Mrs. O'Reilly, mother of late Cadette O'Reilly " ... Compassionate allowance to Mrs. Cumberworth, mother of late Distributor Cumberworth Office Expenses, Fuel, Travelling - expenses of Telegraphists, and Contingencies 4,500 11,000 4,500 250 350 2,600 3 40 9 50 .0 19,000 Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1891" 42,293 500 Total—Vote No. 35 41,793 TOTAL OE CLASS V. £27 1,906




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1892-93. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. ote 36.—Customs Offices and Services ... £ 26,873 £ 5,600 £ 32,473 „ 37.—Customs : Miscellaneous Services 460 2,024 2,484 „ 38. —Marine and Harbours... 15,646 11,013 26,659 „ 39.—Marine : Miscellaneous Services 9,856 9,856 TOTAL OF CLASS VI. 42,979 18,493 71,472 192-93. £ CUSTOMS OFFICES AND SERVICES. 1892-93. Total number of officers' ... 127 VOTE No. 36. SaIiAKIES — Head Office — Secretary for Customs and Marine Chief Clerk 2 Clerks at £150 2 Clerks (Audit) : 1 at £250, 1 at £170 ... Writer (Audit) (including extra-duty pay)! Cadet Messenger and Storeman ... ,,,. ■ Auckland — Collector ... • <« ' Landing Surveyor First Clerk 3 Clerks : 1 at £170, 1 at £130,1 at £120 3 Cadets: 1 at £80, 1 at £50, 1 at £40 ... Clerk and Warehouse Keeper ... ... ... 5 Landing Waiters and Examining Officers : 1 at £250, 1 at £235, 2 at £225, 1 at £210 ... ... j Tide Surveyor and Examining Officer ... ... 5 Lockers : 1 at £180, 1 at £160, 1 at £150, 1 at £149, 1 at £130 5 Lockers (Writers) : 4 at £187, 1 at £185 Messenger Boatman at 8s. per diem Whang arei — Coastwaiter (also Postal Officer) Whangaroa — Coastwaiter 2$ew Plymouth — Officer in Charge ... ... ... 600 325 300 420 230 40 140 550 375 300 420 170 238 1,145 200 769 933 119 146 t 3 50 4 50 5 230




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

item. 1892-93. CUSTOMS OFFICES AND SERVICES— continued. 9 10 11 VOTE No. 36— continued. Salaries— continued. Wanganui — Collector and Examining Officer Cadet Wellington — Landing Surveyor Landing Surveyor (extra-duty pay) First Clerk 2 Clerks: 1 at £170, 1 at £160 3 Cadets : 1 at £70, 1 at £60, 1 at £40 ... Tide Surveyor 6 Landing Waiters and Examining Officers : 1 at £300, 1 at £250, 1 at £240, 1 at £200,1 at £210, 1 at £150 3 Lockers (Writers) at £187 ... 2 Boatmen and Messengers at £128 each ... Napier — Collector and Surveyor Landing Waiter and Locker 2 Cadets: 1 at £90, 1 at £50 ... Poverty Bay — Collector and Examining Officer TVairau — Collector and Examining Officer Nelson — . Collector and Surveyor Landing "Waiter and Examining Officer Clerk and Locker ... Westport — Collector and Examining Officer Oreymouth — Collector and Examining Officer Locker and Messenger Sokitika — Collector and Examining Officer Bluff Harbour— Officer in Charge Invercargill — Collector and Surveyor Clerk and Warehouse Keeper Landing Waiter and Examining Officer Dunedin — Collector Landing Surveyor First Clerk 3 Clerks : 2 at £160, 1 at £130 3 Cadets: 1 at £70, 1 at £60, 1 at £40 ... Clerk and Warehouse Keeper ... 6 Landing Waiters and Examining Officers: 1 at £275, 1 at £270, 2 at £225, 1 at £200 (also Tide Surveyor), 1 at £145 2 Lockers at £180 6 Lockers (Writers) at £187 ... Messenger Port Chalmers— Tide Surveyor and Examining Officer 300 70 375 50 290 330 170 180 1,350 561 256 375 230 140 350 300 425 200 140 12 350 13 350 180 14 300 15 16 260 465 140 250 17 550 350 390 450 170 137 1,340 360 1,122 119 18 300 19 Oamaru — Collector and Examining Officer Timaru — Collector and Examining Officer Cadet 20 365 350 40




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund. Services.

Item 18 '2-93. CUSTOMS OFFICES AND SERVICES—continued. 21 VOTE No. 36 — continued. Salaeies — continued. Lyttelton and Christcliurch — Collector Lauding Surveyor First Clerk 2 Clerks : 1 at £200, 1 at £140 4 Cadets : 2 at £60, 1 at £50, 1 at £40 ... Clerk and Warehouse Keeper ... 4 Landing "Waiters and Examining Officers: 1 at £270, 1 at £260 (also Tide Surveyor), 1 at £220, 1 at £200 3 Lockers (Writers) : 2 at £187, 1 at £178 Locker Boatman Messenger Salaries of Officers retiring during the year ... Contribution to other Votes— Marine and Harbours Postal and Telegraph Working Railways ... .... 500 375 280 340 210 170 950 552 180 145 126 620 22 2:i 24 25 85 110 50 26,873 2G 27 28 Other Chaeges— Tidewaiters, Extra Clerical and other Assistance Expenses connected with Customs and Excise Convictions and Seizures Contingencies, including Coals and Expenses for Steamlaunohes, Travelling-expenses of Officers, Cost of Instruments, Eewards for Suppression of Smuggling and Illicit Distillation, and for Special Services in Protection of the Revenue ... 700 400 4,500 Total—Vote No. 36 ... 5,600 32,473 CUSTOMS: MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. VOTE No. 37. Salaeies — Quarantine Keepers —At Auckland, £108 ; Wellington, £156 (also Lightkeeper); Lyttelton, £120; Port Chalmers, £110 ... ... £494 Less contribution from Marine Vote 34 460 2 3 4 5 6 7 OtHEE CnAEGES — Quarantine Contingencies Bonus on Exportation of Canned and Cured Fish Refund of Bonded-Warehouse Duty Refund of Customs duty on machinery for : Wire-netting Flax-spinning Duty on sundry Articles remitted by order of the Commissioner of Customs Refund on Tobacco destroyed ... 200 1,000 100 111 360 8 120 133 Total—Vote No. 37 ... 2,024 2,484




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

"tem. 1892-93. MAEINE AND HAEBOTTES. 1892-93. Total number of officers ... 100 £ VOTE No. 38. Salabies — Marine Head Office — Assistant Secretary Chief Clerk at £275, Clerk at £200 Clerk and Draftsman Nautical Adviser, Inspector and Surveyor of Ships, and Examiner of Masters and Mates 400 475 150 350 6 7 8 3 4 Haebotjes— Manukau — Harbourmaster and Pilot Signalman ... Boatman at £8 per month Lightkeeper at Heads Auckland — Bean Eock Lightkeeper Holcianga — Harbourmaster and Pilot and Coast Waiter 2 Boatmen at £6 per month ... Kaipara — Harbourmaster and Pilot and Customs Officer 2 Signalmen (also Lightkeepers) Engine-driver, Steam-launch, at 10s. per diem Chief Boatman at £10 per month 1 Boatman at £7 10s. per month Opunake — Signalman Bangitikei— Acting Signalman Foxton — Harbourmaster and Pilot Wellington — ' Assistant Lightkeeper, Somes Island Napier Bluff Lighthouse — Lightkeeper ... .,. Wairau — Signalman Nelson — Harbourmaster and Pilot 4 Boatmen at £10 per month ... Signalman Biwaha — Lightkeeper Waitapu —■ Harbourmaster Gollingwood — Lightkeeper Okarito — Harbourmaster 1,375 200 130 96 120 150 140 144 250 20 183 120 90 25 36 9 190 10 130 11 36 12 145 300 480 39 18 6 14 15 25 16 25 50 Less contributions from Customs Vote 3,130 49 17 Lighthouses — 26 Principal Keepers: 3 at £180,12 at £160, 7 at £150, 4 at £140 36 Assistant Keepers: 12 at £130, 8 at £110,12 at £100, 3 at £90, 1 at £50 Artificer 3,08 L 4,070 3,960 200




Appropriation for Consolidation Fund Services.

item. 1892-93. MARINE AND HAEBOUES— continued. 18 19 VOTE No. 38— continued. Salaeies— continued. General — Chief Inspector of Machinery (also Inspector, Wellington) 0 Inspectors of Machinery and Engineer Surveyors and Examiner of Engineers, viz., 2 at Auckland, 1 at Wellington, 1 at Christchureh, and 2 at Dunedin; 5 at £325 each, and 1 at £310 Examiners of Masters and Mates — Auckland, 1 at £75, 1 at £50 Lyttelton, 2 at £50 Dunedin, 2 at £50 Weather-reporting Officer and Examiner of Masters at Wellington £ 350 1,935 20 21 22 28 125 100 100 350 Otheb Chabges— Pension to Widow of late Lightkeeper, P. A. Deck Expenses connected with Inquiries into Wrecks, Relief of distressed Seamen, and Survey of unseaworthv Ships Maintenance of Waitapu Leading Lights ... Repairs to Boat-landing, Nelson Harbour ... Grant for improvement of Motueka Harbour (£1 for £1) Beacons at Havelock Buoy and moorings for Opunake Harbour Repairs to Wharves at Mangapai, Maungakaramea, and Parua Bay in Whangarei Harbour Mongonui Wharf, Grant-in-aid for Repairs (£1 for £1) Farewell Spit Lighthouse, New Lantern ... Expenses under " The Oyster Fisheries Act, 1886 " Pension to J. Heberley, late Pilot at Queen Charlotte Sound Hire and Working-expenses of Dredge for New Plymouth Harbour Harbour Contingencies, including Maintenance of Harbour Lights, Buoys, and Beacons Oil, Stores, and Lighthouse Contingencies Travelling-expenses and General Contingencies 2,960 24 25 24 20 27 23 29 30 31 200 50 40 50 50 100 32 38 34 35 125 25 600 100 50 30 3,999 37 1,400 : 3,000 1,400 38 39 Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1891" 11,213 200 Total—Vote No. 38 11,013 I 26,65! 1 2 3 4 MARINE: MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. VOTE No. 39. " Hinemoa," s.s., Working-expenses Expenses of s.s. " Stella" whilst laid up ... Guaranteed Interest to Wellington Patent Slip Company Grant to Waitaki County Council for making roads to Port Moeraki (balance of Moeraki Harbour Board Funds) Buoys and Beacons, Gisborne (to be recovered from the Harbour Board) Introduction of Salmon-ova 7,000 150 2,289 247 5 120 250 6 Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1891 " 10,056 200 ! Total—Vote No, 39 9,85' TOTAL OP CLASS VI. £71,472




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1892-93. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. £ & £ Vote 40. —Stamp Department 3,388 1,090 4,478 „ 41. —Land and Deeds Registry 9,150 5,300 14,450 TOTAL OF CLASS VII. 12,538 6,390 18,928 Item. 192-93. STAMP DEPARTMENT. 1892-93. Total number of officers .., 18 VOTE No. 40. Salaeies— Read Office— Secretary, Controller Legacy Duties, Deputy Commissioner, and Registrar Joint Stock Companies Chief Clerk and Accountant ... • Custodian and Issuer of Stamps Clerk Chief Stamper 5 Stampers: 1 at £55, 3 at £50, 1 at £40... Messenger at 6s. per diem Auckland — Clerk Cadet Wellington — Clerk Hawke's Bay — Clerk Canterbury — Clerk Cadet Otago — Clerk Cadet Contributions to votes — " Land and Deeds Registry " 475 250 200 135 210 245 108 i 150 60 3 150 i 5 120 150 85 6 205 60 785 3,388 8 9 Othee Chaeges— Refund of duty overpaid in the estate of J. Burne, deceased Contingencies, Machinery, Paper, &c. 90 1,000 Total—Vote No. 40 1,090 4,478




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

item. 1892-93. • LAND AND DEEDS BEGISTEY. 1892-93 Total number of officers ... 39 VOTE No. 41. Saiabies — Auckland — District Land Eegistrar Examiner of Titles and Deputy Commissioner of Stamps Clerk Draftsman 2 Clerks: 1 at £130, 1 at £80]... 550 350 225 250 210 Taranaki — District Land Eegistrar and Deputy Commissioner of Stamps, Eesident Magistrate, Eegistrar Supreme Court, &c. Assistant Land Eegistrar and Deputy Eegistrar of Deeds Clerk 400 ■ 250 150 Wellington — District Land Eegistrar and Eegistrar-G-eneral of Land Chief Clerk Deputy Eegistrar of Deeds and Assistant Land Eegistrar Clerk Messenger 700 225 300 100 110 Hawke's Bay — District Land Eegistrar and Deputy Commissioner of Stamps Deputy Eegistrar of Deeds and Chief Clerk 2 Clerks : 1 at £190, 1 at £100 500 250 290 Nelson — Deputy Eegistrar of Deeds and Deputy Commissioner of Stamps Clerk 225 100 Marlborough — Deputy Eegistrar of Deeds, and Clerk and Deputy Commissioner of Stamps 175 Canterbury — District Land Eegistrar Eegistrar of Deeds, Assistant Laud Eegistrar, and Deputy Commissioner of Stamps Chief Clerk 3 Clerks: 1 at £165, 1 at £150, 1 at £100 550 450 275 415 Westland — District Land Eegistrar, Eegistrar Supreme Court, Sheriff, and Deputy Commissioner of Stamps . ... Clerk, and for Stamp and Supreme Court Offices 375 150 Otago — District Land Eegistrar Examiner of Titles, Assistant Land Eegistrar, and Deputy Commissioner of Stamps 3 Clerks: 1 at £250,1 at £175,1 at £120 Office-cleaner ... ..• ••• 550 375 545 40




6—B. 7.

Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

tern. 189 1-93. LAND AND DEEDS REGISTRY— continued. £ 10 VOTE No. 41— continued. Salaeies — continued. Southland — District Land Registrar, Deputy Commissioner of Stamps, and Registrar Supreme Court Assistant Land Registrar and Chief Clerk Clerk ... • 500 250 100 Less contributions from Stamp Department 9,935 785 9,150 11 Othrr CnAHGES — Draughtsman's work performed by the Survey Department Contingencies and Contract Work 2,100 3,200 12 5,300 14,450 Total —Vote No. 41 ... TOTAL OP CLASS VII. £1 1,928




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1892-93. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. Education Department. £ £ £ Vote 42.—Head Office 1,930 200 2,130 „ 43.—Public Schools ... 353,850 353,850 „ 44.—Native Schools ... 11,650 2,870 14,520 „ 45. —Industrial Schools 2,526 8,035 10,561 „ 46. —School for Deaf-mutes 1,230 1,970 3,200 „ 47.—School for Blind... 560 560 „ 48. —Miscellaneous Services 950 950 Lunacy and Charitable Department. 17,336 368,435 385,771 Vote 49.-—Lunatic Asylums 20,004 21,075 41,079 „ 50.—Charitable 1,359 1,359 „ 51. —Eotorua Sanatorium 821 410 1,231 Depaetment of Labottb. 20,825 22,844 43,669 Vote 52.-—Department of Labour 1,115 1,500 2,615 TOTAL OP CLASS VIII. 39,276 39: :,779 432,055 !tem. 92-93. EDUCATION DEPAETMENT. HEAD OFFICE. 1892-93. Total number of officers ... 7 . £ VOTE No. 42. Salaries — Secretary and Inspector-General Chief Clerk Assistant Native School Inspector 4 Clerks: 1 at £220, 1 at £155, 1 at £150, 1 at £120... 600 375 310 645 1,930 2 3 4 Otheh Charges—■ Clerical Assistance Travelling Expenses Contingencies ... 50 100 50 200 Total—Vote No. 42 2,130




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

tem. 1892-93. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. £ VOTE No. 43. Grants to Education Boards — 100,000 average attendances at £3 15s. ... £375,000 Less Bevenue from Reserves ... 34,500 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 Scholarships Towards Cost of Inspection .., Teachers' Examinations Training of Teachers Eebuilding and Furnishing of Schools destroyed by Fire School at Chatham Islands Contingencies 340,500 6,800 4,000 500 500 1,000 200 250 Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Eevenues Act, 1891" 354,350 500 Total—Yote No. 43 353,850 NATIVE SCHOOLS, 1892-93. Total number of officers ... 132 1 '2 VOTE No. 44. Salaries — Organizing Inspector Salaries of Masters, &c, for Village Schools 450 11,200 11,650 3 4 5 G 7 Othee Charges— Boarding-school Charges, Apprenticeship, and Higher Education of Native Youths... _ ... Books, Sewing Material, and other Eequisites Travelling-expenses (including Removals of Teachers) Repairs Contingencies 1,500 400 350 550 150 2,950 Less estimated credits under 'section 41 of "The Public Eevenues Act, 1891" 80 2,870 Total —Vote No. 44 14,520 INDUSTEIAL SCHOOLS. 1892-93. Total number of officers ... 36 1 2 VOTE No. 45. Salaries — Auckland Girls' {Kent Street)--*-Matron and Servant Auckland {TLolnniarama)-*— Manager and Matron Schoolmaster Servants ■■ 130 170 100 144




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

item. INDUSTRIAL SCHOOLS— continued. 1892-93. VOTE No. 45— continued. Salaeies — continued. Burnham — Manager at £180, and Matron at £60 ... Schoolmaster at £150, and Schoolmistress at £100 ... Servants Oaversham — Manager at £225, and Matron at £100 ... Surgeon (also Gaol £100) ... Schoolmaster at £150, and 1 Assistant at £100 Servants £ 240 250 421 £ 325 100 250 396 5 6 7 8 Other Charges—■ Maintenance— Provisions, Fuel, Light, Clothing, Bedding, Medical Attendance, &c. Boarding-out of Children Bent and Insurance, Auckland and Kohimarama Maintenance of Children in Private Industrial Schools, viz.: St. Mary's, Ponsonby; St. Joseph's, Wellington ; St. Mary's, Nelson Contingencies 2,526 5,500 7,500 185 2,250 100 Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1891" 15,535 7,500 8,035 Total —Vote No. 45 10,561 SCHOOL FOR DEAF-MUTES. 1892-93. Total number of officers ... 6 VOTE No. 46. Salaeies— Director • 5 Assistants 500 730 Other Chaeges— Rent Board of Pupils Contingencies 1,230 2 3 4 Less estimated credits under section 41 of r B " The Public Revenues Act, 1891" 470 1,600 250 2,320 350 3,200 Total —Vote No. 46 1,970 SCHOOL FOR BLIND. 1 VOTE No. 47. Salaeies— School for the Blind : 20 pupils at £25 per annum each Othee Charges— . Contingencies 500 2 60 Total—Vote No. 47. 560 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. VOTE No. 48. 1,000 copies of "Work on New Zealand Entomology Technical Instruction Classes ... 150 800 1 2 Total —Vote No. 48 950




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

item. 18 2-93. LUNACY AND CHARITABLE DEPARTMENT. LUNATIC ASYLUMS. 1892-93. Total number of officers ... 230 VOTE No. 49. Salaries —■ Bead Office— Inspector oi Lunatic Asylums and Hospitals Clerk and Clerical Assistance ... 1,200 250 Auckland — Resident Medical Superintendent Clerk and Storekeeper Matron 41 Attendants and Servants — 22 Male Attendants : 1 at £115, 6 at £90, 2 at £85, 3 at £80, 4 at £75, 6 at £70; 2 Cooks: 1 at £80, 1 at £70; Gardener at £75; Farm Gardener at £75 ; Earm Hand at £80; Farm Manager at £100 ; Carpenter at £80 ; 11 Female Attendants : 4 at £50, 6 at £45, 1 at £40 ; Laundress at£50 ... 600 130 85 2,905 Wellington —■ Resident Medical Superintendent Clerk and Storekeeper Matron 33 Attendants and Servants — 17 Male Attendants: 1 at £110, 2 at £100, 2 at £90, 1 at £85, 2 at £82 10s., 4 at £80, 2 at £75, 3 at £70; 2 Cooks : 1 at £80, 1 at £70 ; 2 Carpenters : 1 at £110, 1 at £80; 11 Female Attendants: 4 at £50, 1 at £42 10s., 6 at £40; Laundress at £50 ... 450 120 80 2,293 Porirua — Head Attendant (6 months) ... 6 Male Attendants (0 months) 6 Female Attendants (6 months) 75 220 134 Nelson — Visiting Medical Officer Superintendent Matron 14 Attendants and Servants— 7 Male Attendants : 1 at £90,4 at £80, 1 at £75,1 at £70 ; 6 Female Attendants : 1 at £50, 1 at £45, 4 at £40; 1 Cook at £40 ... 200 150 70 850 CTiristchurcii — Resident Medical Superintendent Clerk and Storekeeper Matron 43 Attendants and Servants — 21 Male Attendants: 1 at £120, 1 at £90, 2 at £87 10s., 1 at £85, 1 at £82 10s., 5 at £80, 1 at £75, 9 at £70; 1 Engineer at £100; Farm Bailiff and Caretaker at £90; 2 Cooks at £80; Messenger and Caretaker at £80; Storeman at £70; 16 Female Attendants: 4 at £50, 3 at £45, 1 at £42 10s., 8 at £40 600 180 85 2,855




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 1892-93. LUNATIC ASYLUMS— continued. VOTE No. 49— continued. Salaries — continued. Hokitiha — Visiting Medical Officer (also Prisons £50) Superintendent Matron 11 Attendants and Servants — G Male Attendants: 1 at £125, 4 at £100,1 at £82 10s.; Farm Labourer at £65; 4 Female Attendants: 2 at £65, 2 at £50 Seacliff- — Resident Medical Superintendent Assistant Medical Officer Clerk and Storekeeper, £110 ; Assistant, £70 Matron 56 Attendants and Servants — 29 Male Attendants: 1 at £125, 1 at £120, 1 at £90, 2 at £85, I at £82 10s., 11 at £80, 3 at £75, 9 at £70; Farm Manager, £110; Gardener, £100; Baker, £13; Ward Assistant, £6 10s.; 20 Female Attendants : 1 at £60, 2 at £50, 1 at £47 10s., 3 at £45, 4 at £42 10s., 9 at £40 ; Cook at £60 ; Laundress at £60 ; Laundress at £45 Increase of Salaries of Attendants £ £ 150 300 85 902 600 250 180 90 3,590 325 9 10 n 12 13 1 [. 15 16 17 18 Other Cha/rges— Fees to Medical Witnesses Rations Fuel and Light Bedding and Clothing Surgery and Dispensary Wines, Spirits, Ale, and Porter Necessaries, Incidental and Miscellaneous Farm Amount required to allow of a month's leave for recreation to all persons in attendance on patients General Contingencies 20,004 900 13,500 2,500 3,600 250 50 7,000 1,000 J!) 300 475 Less estimated credits under section 41 of "The Public Revenues Act, 1891" 29,575 8,500 Total —Vote No. 49 21,075 41,07! CHARITABLE. 1 2 3 4 5 6 VOTE No. 50. Burial Expenses of Destitute Persons Compassionate Allowances—■ Widow and Family of Denis Phelan Widow of R. J. Deighton David Armstrong Maintenance of Discharged and Aged Imbeciles Grant in aid of the Mount Magdala Magdalen Asylum, Christ church Contingencies 100 52 30 52 125 7 500 500 Total—Vote No. 53 ,„ 1.359




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

;tem. 18' 2-93. ROTORUA SANATORIUM. 1892-93. Total number of officers ... 8 VOTE No. 51 Salaeies — Eesident Medical Officer Matron Bath Attendants Wardsman Servants ... ... 400 75 202 52 92 Othee Chabges— Rations Fuel and Light Bedding, Furniture, and Crockery Surgery and Dispensary "Wines, Spirits, &c. Miscellaneous 821 2 3 4 5 G 7 450 125 75 50 10 150 860 Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1891 " 1,681 450 Total—Vote No. 51 1,231 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR. 1892-93. Total number of officers ... 6 VOTE No. 52. Salakies— Secretary 4 Inspectors of Factories, at £160 Clerk 325 640 150 Othee Charges— Expenses of Bureau 1,115 1,500 Total —Vote No. 52 ... 2,015 TOTAL OP CLASS VIII. £43^ 2,055




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1892-93. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. ote 53.—Mines Department... £ 3,855 £ 300 £ 4,155 „ 54.—Meteorological and Museum Department 125 285 410 ,, 55. —Miscellaneous Services 17,380 17,380 TOTAL OF CLASS IX. 3,980 17,965 21,945 item. '2-93. MINES DEPARTMENT. 1892-93. Total number of officers ... 12 VOTE No. 53. Salaries — Head Office— TJnder-Secretary Inspecting Engineer 3 Inspectors of Mines : 1 at £300, 2 at £275 Clerk (also Secretary, Board of Examiners, under Coalmines Act, £25) Clerk Cadet Secretary, Board of Examiners, under Coal-mines Act (also Clerk, Mines Department, £275) ... Analyst Clerk and» Curator, Meteorological Observer and Statistical Clerk Assistant Geologist Draughtsman 550 500 850 275 250 110 25 400 350 325 220 Other Chaeges— Eield Surveys and expenses 3,855 300 Total Vote No. 53 4,155 METEOROLOGICAL AND MUSEUM DEPARTMENT. 1892-93. Total number of officers ... 1 VOTE No. 54. Salames— Messenger and Keeper 125 125




7—B. 7. . , .i

Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

■tern. 18' 2-93. METEOROLOGICAL AND MUSEUM DEPARTMENT— continued. £ £ 2 3 4 5 VOTE No. 54— continued. Othee Chaeges— Meteorological Stations and Time Ball Observatory ... Intercolonial Weather Exchange Instruments Contingencies 100 60 25 100 285 410 Total—Vote No. 54 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 VOTE No. 55. Maintenance and Management of Water-races — Waimea-Kumara Mount Ida Water-race Compensation to Michael Hennessy, recommended by Goldfields Committee Thames, Otago, and Reef ton Schools of Mines Expenses of Board of Examiners for Mine Managers' certificates Collection of mineral specimens as exhibits £1 for £1 subsidy, final reward for discovery of the Mahakipawa Goldfield Refund to the Grey County of amount retained from goldfields revenue in respect of compensation connected with the proclamation of the Arahura and Teremakau Rivers as tailings channels Purchase of auriferous land at Kuaotunu, Coromandel... Refund of amount deposited by J. H. Witheford, as recommended by the Goldfields and Mines Committee Compensation and expenses in connection with the resumption of land and proclamation of rivers as watercourses for receiving tailings Contingencies and Mining Inspectors' Travelling - expenses 2,500 1,800 31 1,550 150 500 250 599 400 0 10 100 11 7,500 12 17,380 2,000 Total —Vote No. 55 TOTAL CLASS IX. £21 ,945




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1892-93. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. £ £ £ ote 56. —Agricultural Department 1,565 3,375 4,940 „ 57.—Live-stock Department 14,570 .6,010 30,580 TOTAL OF CLASS X. 35,520 16,135 .9,385 Item. 92-93. AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT. Total number of officers ... 1892-93. 5 VOTE No. 56. Salaries— Chief Clerk 3 Dairy Instructors : 1 at £365, 1 at £250, 1 at £200... 1 Fruit Expert 1 Nurseryman ... ... ... 300 815 300 150 1,565 2 3 4 Other Charges— Travelling-expenses ... ... ... Forests and Plantations ... Contingencies 425 450 2,500 Total—Vote No. 56 3,375 4,940 LIVE-STOCK DEPARTMENT. 1892-93. Total number of officers ... 77 VOTE No. 57. Head Office — SalariesChief Inspector Clerk at £250, and Cadet at £50 Veterinary Surgeon ... ... 500 300 300 1,100



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

tern. 1892-93. LIVE-STOCK DEPABTMENT— continued. VOTE No. 57— continued. Auckland District — Salaries — 4 Inspectors: 1 at £300, 3 at £200 1 Babbit Agent 900 160 Destruction of rabbits— Upon Crown lands, contracts, labour, natural enemies, &c. 1,060 3 1,600 2,660 Napier District — Salaries— 4 Inspectors: 1 at £300, 1 at £250, 1 at £200, 1 at £150 900 Wellington-West Coast District — Salaries — 6 Inspectors : 1 at £300,1 at £250, 2 at £225, 2 at £200 4 Babbit Agents 1,400 640 Destruction of rabbits — Upon Crown lands, contracts, labour, natural enemies, &c. 2,040 1,400 3,440 7 8 Marlborough, Nelson, and West Coast District — Salaries — 3 Inspectors: 1 at £300, 1 at £250, 1 at £150 Destruction of rabbits — Upon Crown lands, contracts, labour, natural enemies, &c. 700 250 950 Canterbury-Kaikour a District — 8 Inspectors : 1 at £300,2 at £250,1 at £225,2 at £200, 1 at £175, 1 at £150 7 Caretakers of South Canterbury rabbit-fence, at £100 each 4 Babbit Agents 1,750 700 640 10 Destruction of rabbits — Upon Crown lands, contracts, labour, natural enemies, Ac. 3,090 500 Otago District — Salaries — 9 Inspectors : 6 at £250, 2 at £200, 1 at £100 23 Babbit Agents 3,590 11 2,000 3,680 12 Destruction of rabbits — Upon Crown lands, contracts, labour, natural enemies, &c. 5,680 3,500 • i. 9,180 > 21,820




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 1892-93. LIVE-STOCK DEPAETMENT— continued. £ 13 14 VOTE No. 57— continued. Other Charges — Travelling-expenses Subsidies for destruction of rabbits and for erection of rabbit-proof fences Contingencies 3,260 15 3,500 3,000 9,760 Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public EeveTiues Act, 1891 " 31,580 1,000 Total—Vote No. 57 30,580 TOTAL OF CLASS X. £35,520




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1892-93. Total. £ 714,914 Vote 58. —"Working Railways TOTAL OF CLASS XI. 714,914 Estimated Gross Revenue £1,140,000 item. 189 1,870 2-93. Miles. WORKING RAILWAYS. Total Number of Men— 1892-93. Permanent and temporary ... 4,450 VOTE No. 58. CoMMissroNEEs' Office— Secretary", £450; Accountant, £575; Stores Manager, £525; 34 Clerks: 1 at £325,1 at £300, 1 at £290, 1 at £270, 4 at £250, 1 at £240, 6 at £220, 2 at £200, 2 at £190, 2 at £180, 1 at £170, 2 at £150, 6 at £140, 4 at £130 ; 5 Audit Inspectors : 1 at £275, 4 at £250 ; 5 Storekeepers : 2 at £275, 3 at £230; Contingencies, £1,600 12,380 Departmental Offices — Locomotive Superintendent, £800; 3 Locomotive En- . gineers: 1 at £575, 1 at £500, 1 at £400 ; 1 Locomotive Inspector at £280 ; Chief Engineer, £800 ; 6 Resident Engineers: 1 at £500, 2 at £450, 2 at £425, 1 at £400; 1 Assistant Engineer at £250; 10 District Managers: 2 at £550, 2 at £500, 1 at £475,1 at £400, 1 at £325, 2 at £300, 1 at £275; 3 Traffic Agents at £325; 37 Clerks and Draughtsmen: 3 at £350, 4 at £300, 5 at £250, 1 at £240, 2 at £220, 3 at £200, 3 at £190, 13 at £180, 1 at £170, 1 at £160, 1 at £150 19,575 ,955




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

"tem. 1892-93. 1,870 Miles. WOEKING- RAILWAYS—continued. VOTE No. 58— continued. Kawakawa Section — Maintenance Locomotive Traffic 850 1,200 950 Whangaeei Section— Maintenance ... ... ..; Locomotive Traffic 3,000 850 1,200 950 3,000 Auckland Section — Maintenance Locomotive Traffic 31,000 23,000 20,500 Napieb-Taeanaki Section— Maintenance Locomotive Traffic Provision for foot-traffic, Palmerston North Gratuity to Rees Watkins, as recommended by the Public Petitions Committee 74,500 47,000 36,000 24,000 300 120 Wellington Section — Maintenance Locomotive Traffic 107,420 14,000 21,500 ] 1,500 Hueuniji-Bluff Section— Maintenance Locomotive Traffic Gratuities as recommended by the Public Petitions Committee —-Jane Maher, £50; Anne Skeffington, £25 ; Lachlan McQueen, £100; L. Monk, £35 ; Diana Meywell,£50; JessieEentoul,£184; NeilMcGill,£50 47,000 148,000 138,000 127,000 494 Geeymouth Section — Maintenance Locomotive Traffic Compensation for giving up possession of a hotel-site at Brunnerton—H. Jones, £200; C. Seaton, £250 413,494 4,300 5,000 5,500 450 15,250 10 Westpoet Section — Maintenance Locomotive Traffic 3,500 5,800 4,500 Nelson Section — Maintenance Locomotive Traffic 13,800 11 3,600 2,800 2,500 8,900




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 189 1.87C 2-93. I Miles. WOKKING RAILWAYS—continued. £ £ 12 VOTE No. 58— continued. Picton Section— Maintenance Locomotive Traffic 3,200 2,300 1,600 7,100 13 Miscellaneous — Maintenance of Telegraph Wires 995 714,914 Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Eevenues Act, 1891" 726,414 11,500 Total—Vote No. 58 TOTAL OF CLASS XL ... £71 i,914




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1892-93. Salaries. Otlier Charges. Total. £ £ £ Vote 59.—Public Buildings ... 500 20,065 20,565 „ 60. —School Buildings ... 31,000 31,000 „ 61. —Government Domains 1,000 1,000 TOTAL OF CLASS XII. 52,565 500 12,065 item. 92-93. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. 1892-93. Total number of officers ... 2 VOTE No. 59. Maintenance, Improvements, Fittings, Furniture, &c. — Salaries — Architectural Draughtsman Clerk 275 225 500 2 3 ■1 5 G Other Charges — Government Houses — Government House, Auckland Government House, Wellington Government House, Wellington (furniture, painting, &c.) Admiralty House, Auckland, restoration Parliamentary Buildings —Alterations, improving ventilation, and renewing foundations Government Buildings throughout the Colony— Departmental Buildings, and Sanitary Improvements, &c. Courthouses Gaols Police-stations Customhouses Post and Telegraph Offices ... Lunatic Asylums Painting Buildings outside ... 200 1,000 700 300 1,800 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 li 3,000 1,500 500 1,500 200 2,750 1,200 500




B—B. 7.

Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

!tem. 1892-93. PUBLIC BUILDINGS— continued. £ £ 15 1C 17 IS 19 VOTE No. 59— continued. Other Charges —continued. Quarantine Stations Mount Cook Barracks—Sanitary Improvements and partial Eebuilding Fire-prevention, Sunnyside Asylum, Christchurch Buildings not specified New Courthouse and Police Office, Whangarei (to replace building destroyed by fire) Inspection and Contingencies ... 500 500 315 1,000 20 100 2,500 20,065 20,565 Total—Vote No. 59 SCHOOL BUILDINGS. 1 2 VOTE No. 60. School Buildings ... •••• Native Schools Total—Vote No. 60 30,000 1,000 31,000 GOVERNMENT DOMAINS. 1 2 VOTE No. 61. "Wellington and Auckland Contingencies 800 200 1,000 Total —Vote No. 61 TOTAL OE CLASS XII. £52,565




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1892-93. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. Vote 62. —Defence Department £ & £ 876 200 1,076 „ 63.—Permanent Militia and Volunteers 28,835 24,465 53,300 „ 64.—Stores and Magazines 2,491 850 3,341 „ 65. —Miscellaneous Services 11,770 11,770 TOTAL OF CLASS XIII. ... 32,202 37,285 69,487 Item. 1 92-93. DEFENCE DEPARTMENT. 1892-93. Total number of officers ... 1 £ £ VOTE No. 62. Salaeies — Commandant Commandant (3 months, 1891-92) Other Charges— Travelling expenses and contingencies 700 176 200 1,076 Total —Vote No. 62 PERMANENT MILITIA AND VOLUNTEEES. 1892-93. Total number of officers ... 236 VOTE No. 63. SaIiABIES— Garrison Artillery Branch — 3 Majors at £250 per annum ... 2 Captains at £225 per annum 1 Lieutenant 1 Master Gunner at 10s. per day 4 Sergeants-Major at 8s. 6d. per day 4 Sergeants at 8s. per day 1 Sergeant as Artillery Instructor 4 Corporals at 7s. 6d. per day ... 4 Bombardiers at 7s. 3d. per day 12 Artificers at 7s. per day 27 Gunners, 1st Class, at 6s. 6d. per day ... 30 Gunners, 2nd Class, at 6s. per day 52 Gunners, 3rd Class, at 5s. 6d. per day ... 750 450 150 183 621 584 156 548 530 1,533 3,202 3,285 5,220 I I 17,212




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 1892-93. PERMANENT MILITIA AND VOLUNTEERS— eontd. VOTE No. 63-— continued. Salabies— continued. Torpedo Branch — 1 Inspector, Submarine Mining Establishments 1 Captain at £250 1 Whitehead Torpedo Instructor 1 Submarine Mining Instructor at 8s. 6d. per day 4 Petty Officers at 8s. 6d. per day 1 Engineer at 10s. per day 2 Corporals at 7s. 6d. per day ... 6 Corporals, 2nd Class, at 7s. 3d. per day ... 14 Torpedomen and Artificers, 1st Class, at 7s. per day 18 Torpedomen, 2nd Class, at 6s. per day ... 15 Torpedomen, 3rd Class, at 5s. 6d. per day £ 300 250 200 156 621 183 274 794 1.789 1,971 1,506 r 8,044 3 4 5 6 7 Othee Chaeges— Travelling-expenses Repairing and painting Buildings Fuel and Light Gas and Water ... ••• ••• Maintenance and Repairs of Torpedo-boats, Boat-sheds, Launches, &c. House Allowance Volunteer Instruction Clothing Freight, cartage, &e. Stores for maintenance of guns and batteries Contingencies, Artillery and Torpedo Branches 350 50 150 150 1,200 300 150 600 500 800 1,000 8 9 10 11 12 L8 5,250 Less estimated credits under section 41 of "The P ublie Revenues Act, 1891" 1,000 4,250 29,506 14 15 16 Salaries — Head Office— Chief Clerk Record Clerk Auckland — ■ , , Officer Commanding District and Divisional Adjutant... 2 Drill Instructors : 1 at £175, 1 at £128 NapieA — Officer Commanding Drill Instructor and Magazine Keeper Wanganui — Drill Instructor and Magazine Keeper Wellington — ... ,..,., Officer Commanding District and Divisional Adjutant... Drill Instructor at £128 Nelson — Officer Commanding Adjutant Drill Instructor Marlborough — Drill Instructor 230 165 50 303 50 138 17 138 18 300 128 19 50 75 128 20 50




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

[tern. 1892-93. PERMANENT MILITIA AND VOLUNTEERS— contd. 21 VOTE No. 63— continued. Salaries — continued. Canterbury — Officer Commanding District and Divisional Adjutant 2 Drill Instructors at £128 ... South Canterbury — Officer Commanding Drill Instructor Westland — Drill Instructor (also Magazine Keeper nil) 300 256 22 50 128 23 128 24 Oamaru — Officer Commanding Drill Instructor Dunedin — Officer Commanding District and Divisional Adjutant 2 Drill Instructors at £127 15s. Jnvercargill- — Officer Commanding Drill Instructor 50 128 25 300 256 26 50 128 3,579 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Othee Ciiakges— Forage and Travelling-allowances — Auckland Napier Wellington Nelson Maryborough Canterbury Oamaru Dunedin Invercargill Westland Capitation Allowances Capitation to Cadets Prizes for Bifle-shooting Naval Artillery Volunteers, Purchase and Repair of Boats Rent, Purchase, and Repair of Rifle Ranges 'Subsidies in aid of erecting Drill- and Boat-sheds, &c Volunteer Encampments Purchase of Arms, Ammunition, &c, Freight, and Insurance Charges Freight and Cartage Advertising Rent of Offices, Fuel, Light, &c. Extra Clerical and other Assistance Contingencies 175 50 450 55 70 350 20 300 45 100 12,500 500 600 450 300 500 1,300 45 46 47 48 49 1,000 700 350 200 200 1,000 Less estimated credits under section 41 of "The Public Revenues Act, 1891 " 21,215 1,000 Total—Vote No. 63 20,215 53,300




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

iem. '2-93. 18' STORES AND MAGAZINES. 1892-93. Total number of officers ... 18 1 2 VOTE No. 64. Salakies — Auckland — Magazine Keeper and Assistant Wellington — Storekeeper Assistant Storekeeper 2 Clerks : 1 at £175,1 at £140 Storeman Armourer Armourer's Assistant 5 Arms Cleaners at £109 16s. Express Driver 2 Magazine Keepers : 1 at £120, 1 at £101 Otago — Caretaker, Powder Hulk 230 325 200 315 110 183 138 549 110 221 110 • 2,491 4 5 Othee Chaeges— Eepairs to Magazines, Hulks, and Store Buildings Contingencies 350 500 Total —Vote No. 64 850 3,341 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. i 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 VOTE No. 65. Repairs, &c, to Military Graveyards Purchase of Long-Service Medals Pension to Mrs. Elizabeth Eord Pension of late P. G. Rawson, continued to his "Widow Pension of late 'William Oliver, continued to his "Widow Pension of late Mrs. Passmore, continued to her Sisters Pension to Aperahama Tahumirangi for wounds received while in the service of the New Zealand Government Pensions to Recipients of N.Z. Cross Special Allowance to ex-Constable Packer, for serious permanent injuries received in the service Special Allowance to ex-Constable Miles Leighton for serious permanent injuries received in the service ... Compassionate allowance to the widow of late Torpedoman Heighton at the rate of 15s. per week Compassionate allowance to ex-Torpedoman Cornwall for injuries received at the Shelly Bay explosion, at 15s. per week 50 50 46 45 37 47 10 180 40 10 30 11 39 12 39




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

item 18' '2-93. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES— continued. £ 13 14 15 16 17 18 VOTE No. 65— continued. Compensation for loss of office to ex-Torpedoinan Otway Arrears of New Zealand Cross pension to Captain Gγ. Mair, as recommended by the Public Petitions Committee Expenses of blowing up rocks in Inner Harbour, Nelson Cost of removing rocks at the outer harbour, Nelson Expenses connected with the gun-cotton explosion at Shelly Bay Balance of sum agreed upon for the acquirement of land used as a Rifle-range at Polhill's Gully, Wellington Expenses of the Royal Commission on Polhill Gully Rifle-range ... Expenses of Royal Commission of inquiry into the case of Nicholas Pry day Subsidy to Hamilton Drillshed (first instalment) Repairs to machinery and hulls of steam-launches " Lyttelton," "Gordon," and "Isabel" For privilege of using Mount Eden Rifle-range Proportion of Salary of Imperial Officer in London as Inspector of Warlike Stores Ordnance and other warlike stores 68 160 250 439 525 1,800 19 175 20 100 100 21 22 23 24 150 225 25 165 7,000 11,770 Total—Vote No. 65 TOTAL OF CLASS XIII. £6' ,487




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1892-93. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. ote 66.—Police Department... £ 78,469 £ 16,350 £ 94,819 „ 67.—Miscellaneous Services 633 633 TOTAL OF CLASS XIV. 78,469 .6,983 95,452 Item 2-93. POLICE DEPARTMENT. 1892-93. Total number of officers ... 488 VOTE No. 66. Salaeies— 3 Clerks: 1 at £240,1 at £215, 1 at £200... 4 Inspectors, 1st Class, at £400 2 Inspectors, 2nd Class, at £350 1 Inspector at £300 3 Sergeants-Major at 10s. 6d. per day 22 Sergeants, 1st Class, at 9s. 6d. per day ... 22 Sergeants, 2nd Class, at 9s. per day 14 Sergeants, 3rd Class, at 8s. 6d. per day... 116 Constables, 1st Class, at 8s. per day ... 104 Constables, 2nd Class, at 7s, 6d. per day 184 Constables, 3rd Class, at 7s. per day ... 2 Detectives, 1st Class, at 13s. 6d. per day... 5 Detectives, 2nd Class, at 12s. per day 4 Detectives, 3rd Class, at 10s. 6d. per dav 3 Detectives, 4th Class, at 9s. 6d. per day".. Native Constables 9 District Constables Extra Pay (Long Service) Female Searchers . Allowances to Officers in lieu of Quarters, 5 at £50 ... Constable at Chatham Islands (and Clerk Eesident Magistrate's Court, and Clerk Post Office) 3 Constables acting as Magazine Keepers: 2 at £5, 1 at £10 £ 655 1,600 700 300 575 3,814 3,614 2,172 16,936 14,235 23,506 493 1,095 766 520 400 650 6,000 150 250 38 20 Less contributions from other Departments 78,489 20 Otheb Chabges— Retiring Allowances Police Prosecutions Purchase of Horses Forage Saddlery Travelling-expenses and Transport of Prisoners Repairing, painting, and renewing Stations Rations for Prisoners, Fuel, and Light Rent of Out-stations Gas and Water Contingencies 78,409 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1,000 500 250 1,700 100 6,000 700 1,000 2,000 900 3,000 Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1891" 17,150 800 Total—Vote No. 66 16,350 94819




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 1892-93. £ £ MISCELLANEOUS SEEVICES. 1 2 3 4 VOTE No. 67. Eewards for conviction in sly-grog cases ... Expenses attending the detection of sly grog-sellers ... Purchase of long-service medals Special allowance to ex-Constable Stewart for serious permanent injuries received in the service Compassionate allowance to the widow of late Sergeant Barrett Compassionate allowance to the widow of late SergeantMajor Bevin 100 50 50 40 5 183 6 210 Total—Vote No. 67 633 TOTAL OF CLASS XIV. £95 i52





9—B. 7.

Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1892-93. • 'ne-third of proceeds of Lands sold on Deferred Payments, payable to Local Bodies and to Deposit Accounts £ 19,400 few Plymouth Harbour Board Endowment Act, 1874 4,600 24,000

1892-93. Salaries. Other Charges. Totals. £ £ ■ £ Vote 68.—Department of Lands and Survey 53,840 55,300 109,140 „ 69.—Miscellaneous Services 8,453 8,453 TOTAL OF CLASS XV. 53,840 13,753 117,593 Item. 192-93. DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEY. 1892-93. Total number of officers and artisans ... 232 VOTE No. 68. Salabies — Head Office — Surveyor-General and Secretary for Crown Lands Under Secretary for Crown Lands and Superintending Surveyor 9 Draughtsmen: 1 (Chief) at £335, 1 at £275, 1 at £250, 2 at £245, 2 at £210, 1 at £200, 1 at £180 ... 8 Clerks : 1 (Chief) at £310, 1 at £270, 2 at £235, 2 at £210, 1 at £200 Accountant Bookkeeper foreman Photo-Litho Printer ... ... 8 Lithographic Printers: 2 at £163, 3 at £160, 2 at £157,1 at £100 Photographer's Assistant Map-mounter 4 Cadets: 1 at £70, 1 at £60, 1 at £40, 1 (Apprentice Printer) £40 2 Eoad Surveyors: 1 at £340, 1 at £260 ... Inspector of Land Eevenue Accounts Superintendent of Settlements... Caretaker, Eotorua Sanatorium Caretaker, Hanmer Sanatorium 750 600 2,150 1,670 310 230 200 1,220 156 156 210 600 350 375 260 210 9,507




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

lem. 1892-93. DEPAETMENT OF LANDS AND SUEVET— continued. VOTE No. 68— continued. Salakies — continued. Auckland District — Chief Surveyor and Commissioner of Crown Lands 5 District Surveyors: 2 at £325, 1 at £300, 1 at £260, 1 at £250 10 Assistant Surveyors : 1 at £230,1 at £220,1 at £190, 2 at £185, 1 at £180, 1 at £155, 3 at £150 Eoad Surveyor Chief Draughtsman 7 Assistant Draughtsmen : 1 at £275, 1 at £270, 1 at £255, 1 at £235, 1 at £210, 1 at £200, 1 at £160 ... Land Transfer Draughtsman ... 4 Clerks : 1 at £300,1 at £275,1 (Eeceiver of Eevenue) at £250, 1 at £110 , ... 2 Cadets : 1 at £90, 1 at £70 ... 3 Eaugers: 1 at £275, 2 at £150 Messenger £ 500 1,460 1,795 315 350 1,605 300 935 160 575 106 Hawhe's Bay District — Chief Surveyor and Commissioner of Crown Lands 2 District Surveyors: 1 at £355, 1 at £300 4 Assistant Surveyors : 1 at £240,1 at £210, 1 at £155, 1 at £150 Chief Draughtsman 7 Assistant Draughtsmen: 2 at £255, 2 at £240, 2 at £210, 1 at £160 Eeceiver of Eevenue Clerk Eanger and Eoad Inspector Cadet 8,101 475 655 755 285 1,570 175 120 275 60 Taranahi District — • Chief Surveyor and Commissioner of Crown Lands ... District Surveyor 3 Assistant Surveyors : 1 at £200, 1 at £165, 1 at £150 Chief Draughtsman 3 Assistant Draughtsmen: 1 at £240, 1 at £210, 1 at £200 2 Clerks : 1 (Eeceiver of Eevenue) at £220, 1 at £200 Eoad Surveyor and Eanger Eanger Cadet 4,370 475 290 515 285 650 420 300 250 50 Wellington District — Assistant Survey or- General and Commissioner of Crown Lands 3 District Surveyors : 1 £325, 2 at £300 ... 8 Assistant Surveyors : 1 at £230, 1 at £210, 1 at £200, 1 at £180, 1 at"£175,1 at £160, 2 at £150 Chief Draughtsman 8 Assistant Draughtsmen : 1 at £300, 1 at £275, 3 at £210,1 at £175,1 at £140 ... Land Transfer Draughtsman 4 Clerks: 1 (Chief) at £260, 1 at £225 (Eeceiver of Land Eevenue), 1 at £140, 1 at £110 ... 3 Eangers at £275 2 Cadets : 1 at £60, 1 at £40 ... 2 Eoad Surveyors at £250 Messenger 3,235 550 925 1,455 350 1,520 285 735 825 100 500 110 7,355




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

'tem. 1892-93. DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND STJEVET— continued. VOTE No. 68— continued. Salabies — continued. Marlborough District — Chief Surveyor and Commissioner of Crown Lands ... Assistant Surveyor Chief Draughtsman and Eeceiver of Bevemie Assistant Draughtsman Ranger £ 380 250 250 150 100 £ Nelson District — Chief Surveyor and Commissioner of Crown Lands ... 4 District Surveyors : 1 at £325, 1 at £300, 1 at £260, 1 at £250 3 Assistant Surveyors : 1 at £185, 2 at £150 Chief Draughtsman 3 Assistant Draughtsmen : 1 at £275, 1 at £255, 1 at £210 Land Transfer Draughtsman ... Cadet 2 Clerks: 1 (Receiver of Revenue) at £300/1 at £200 1,130 450 1,135 485 300 740 240 40 500 Westland District — Chief Surveyor and Commissioner of Crown Lands District Surveyor Assistant Surveyor Chief Draughtsman and Receiver of Revenue Land Transfer Draughtsman ... Assistant Draughtsman 2 Cadets : 1 at £70, 1 at £50 ... Ranger 3,890 425 325 150 275 300 110 120 224 Canterbury District — Chief Surveyor and Commissioner of Crown Lands 2 District Surveyors : 1 at £325, 1 at £290 2 Assistant Surveyors : 1 at £220, 1 at £210 Chief Draughtsman 7 Assistant Draughtsmen: 1 at £235, 2 at £210, 1 at £200, 1 at £180, 1 at £145, 1 at £120 ... Land Transfer Draughtsman ... Chief Clerk and Receiver of Revenue 3 Clerks : 1 at £225, 1 at £190, 1 at £130 2 Rangers at £275 Cadet ... ••• 2 Messengers: 1 at £112, 1 at £110 1,929 500 615 430 350 1,300 325 350 545 550 80 222 Otago District — Commissioner of Crown Lands... Chief Surveyor 3 District Surveyors : 1 at £375,1 at £280, 1 at £275 2 Assistant Surveyors : 1 at £190, 1 at £175 Chief Draughtsman 6 Assistant Draughtsmen : 2 at £270, 1 at £240, 1 at £190, 1 at £160 (Lawrence), 1 at £140... 2 Land Transfer Draughtsmen at £300 5 Clerks : 1 at £280,1 at £270, 1 at £235, 1 at £200, 1 at £140 Receiver of Revenue 3 Rangers : 2 at £275, 1 at £200 3 Cadets : 1 at £90, 1 at £80, 1 at £60 ... 5,267 10 500 500 930 365 325 1,270 600 1,125 350 750 230 6,945




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund, Services.

item. 1892-93. DEPARTMENT OP LANDS AND SURVEY—continued. 11 VOTE No. 68 — continued. Salaeies — continued. Southland District — Chief Surveyor and Commissioner of Crown Lands District Surveyor Assistant Surveyor 3 Draughtsmen: 1 at £240, 1 £210, 1 at £120 Clerk and Eeceiver of Revenue Cadet Ranger Messenger and Cleaner £ 475 325 150 570 220 50 250 71 2,111 Otheb Chabges— Equipment and Wages of Survey Parties ... Travelling-expenses Instruments Native Surveys Additional Surveyors and Parties Contingencies and Materials ... 53,840 12 13 14 15 16 17 25,000 4,500 300 4,500 16,000 15,000 65,300 Less Credits from other Departments ... Total—Vote No. 68. 119,140 10,000 109,141 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. VOTE No. 69. Fees to Members of "Waste Lands Boards ... Interest on £2,000, part Purchase-money of Stewart Island Rent of Endowments, Auckland and Parnell, opened under Village-settlement Regulations Moiety of cost incurred in connection with efforts to produce rain at Oamaru Contribution towards Mr. "Walker's Mission to England to arrange improvements in ships' cooling-chambers... Refund of Expenses incurred re Coal-prospecting Areas at Brunnerton and Coal Creek Cash paid in lieu of Remission Certificates issued under the authority of " The Naval and Military Settlers' and Volunteers' Land Act, 1891 " Compensation to Natives for land at Pirongia Hanmer Springs — Additions to bath-house and improvements Subsidy to doctor Te Aroha Hot Springs Rotorua Sanatorium (improvements) To make good deposit embezzled by late Receiver of Land Revenue, Auckland Refund in respect of deficient acreage Gratuity to Ann Robertson Payment to Westland County of depasturing licensefees Maintenance of the "Wairau Monument Refund of survey-fee on forfeited land application Mrs. Featon's "New Zealand Flora " 1,000 200 400 39 200 113 4,600 255 8 9 10 11 12 13 500 100 100 250 14 15 1G 30 6 300 17 18 19 125 15 70 150 Total—Vote No. 69. 8,453 TOTAL OF CLASS XV. £117,593




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1892-93. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. ote 70.—Eates on Crown Lands £ £ 1,000 £ 1,000 TOTAL OP CLASS XVI. 1,000 1,000 item. 192-93. £ EATES ON CEOWN LANDS. VOTE No. 70. Payable under the Crown and Native Lands Eating Acts, including full amounts payable in respect of security given by local bodies for loans— Yov current year, including arrears 1,000 Total —Vote No. 70 ... 1,000 TOTAL OF CLASS XVI. ... £1,000




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services,

item 1892-93. COLONIAL TREASUEER 1892-93. Total number of officers ... 25 Public Tettst Office— Salabies— Public Trustee Solicitor Chief Clerk Reserves Trustee Accountant Examiner 8 Clerks: 1 at £235, 1 at £210, 1 at £170, 1 at £160, 1 at £150, 1 at £140, 1 at £120, 1 at £110 Shorthand- and Type-writer Eecord Clerk 3 Cadets: 2 at £85, 1 at £70 ... Messenger Office-cleaner District Agency, Christchurch— District Agent Cadet Ltfcal audit, £240; London Agency, £75 ... ■ 800 500 400 325 300 240 1,295 210 110 240 104 52 320 50 315 5,261 2 3 Othke Chaeges— Christchurch Agency — Eent, £40; Contingencies, £60 ■ Administration of " The West Coast Settlement Reserves Act, 1892 "— Clerical assistance Contingencies Expenses in connection with Confirmed Leases Revaluation of securities Contribution to Justice Department towards salary of Clerk at Hawera Contingencies .100 250 250 500 200 4 5 6 7 50 350 Total 1,700 6,961 PUBLIC TRUST OITICE EXPENSES ) ACCOUNT ) • • • £6 : 961




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services

;tem. 1892-93. COLONIAL TEEASUEEB. 1892-93. Total number of officers .. 80 Salakibs— Head Office — Commissioner Assistant Commissioner Actuary Secretary Chief Medical Officer Accountant Assistant Actuary Chief Clerk Assistant Accountant 32 Clerks : 1 at £260, 1 at £230, 1 at £220, 3 at £200,1 at £190, 2 at £180,3 at £170,1 at £165, 3 at £160, 4 at £150,1 at £140, 2 at £130, 3 at £120, 3 at £110, 1 at £105, 2 at £100 8 Cadets : 1 at £75, 2 at £60, 2 at £45, 3 at £35 For auditing Accounts Chief Messenger Messenger, with clerical duties Messenger 800 500 600 500 400 375 300 300 265 5,010 390 240 180 120 109 10,089 Local Offices — Wellington Agency— District Manager ... ... 2 Clerks : 1 at £200, 1 at £100 300 300 600 Auckland Agency— District Manager 2 Clerks: 1 at £220, 1 at £115 450 335 785 Christchurch Agency— District Manager 2 Clerks : 1 at £200, 1 at £115 Cadet 450 315 45 810 5 Dunedin Agency— District Manager Clerk 2 Cadets : 1 at £49, 1 at £45 450 220 94 764




Approximate Cost of Paper— Preparation (not given); printing (1,300 copies), £27 10s.

By Authority : Geobge Didsbuby, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB92. Price, is. 6d.]

Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 18' '2-93. COLONIAL TEEASUEEE— continued. Salaeies— continued. Local Offices —continued. Napier Agency— Clerk Cadet £ 110 39 £ Wanganui Agency — Eesident Agent Cadet 149 7 175 32 207 Blenheim Agency— Eesident Agent Cadet 225 39 Nelson Agency— Eesident Agent Cadet 264 225 90 Tiniaru Agency — Agency Clerk Cadet 315 10 140 26 Oamaru Agency— Eesident Agent Cadet 166 11 175 26 Invercargill Agency— Agency Clerk Cadet 201 12 150 32 London—Agent-General's Office— Half Salary of one Clerk ... 182 13 75 Other Chakges— Extra Clerical Assistance Commission Medical Fees Travelling-expenses Advertising, Printing, and Stationery... Postage and Telegrams Building on Department's Freehold Property, Customhouse Quay, Brandon Street, and Panama Street Contingencies 4,518 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 750 10,000 4,000 1,000 2,000 2,000 21 22,500 3,000 Total Vote 45,250 59,857 iVEENMENT INSUEANGB ACCOUNT .... £5'',857

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