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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

The Commissioner of Police to the Hon. the Defence Minister. Sir, — Commissioner's Office, Wellington, sth April, 1887. In submitting a report, with statistics, of the police force for the year ending the 31st March, 1887, the police shows a strength, on that date, of 502, as against 494 last year—not including twenty-two Native and eight district constables, at reduced salaries ranging from £10 to £100 per annum —being an increase of eight on the previous year. New police-stations have been established at Petone and Pahiatua (Wellington District), Woodhaugh (Dunedin District), Pukekohe and Surrey Hills (Auckland District), and Te Kuiti (Waikato District); and an additional constable granted to each of the following stations, viz. : Wairoa, Devonport, Manaia, Napier, and Queenstown ; two to Kawhia (lately vacated by the Permanent Militia), and a detective to Masterton. Two stations have been closed, viz. : Waipori, in the Lawrence District, and Kihikihi, in the Waikato District. The.headquarters of the Thames District have been removed from Grahamstown to Tauranga, and those of Waikato from Kihikihi to Hamilton; and arrangements made by the Inspectors in charge have enabled me to dispense with four constables from the former district and one from the latter; this department, in each instance, gaining in economy and increased efficiency. By the closing of the Waipori Station the same result has been obtained in the Lawrence District. The casualties in the force amount to thirty-three, a.s against twenty-four in the previous year, viz. : Superannuation, 1 (Inspector Scully); resignations, 12 ; discharges on compensation, 5; dismissals, 9 ; and by death, 6. The criminal statistics attached show a decrease of 417 in the North and 403 in the South Island of the more serious offences. With regard to drunkenness, there have been decreases in the following provincial districts, viz. : Auckland, 280 ; Taranaki, 76; Wellington, 152 ; Otago, 55; Canterbury, 317 ; Westland, 1; Nelson, 10 : and an increase in Hawke's Bay of 117. On the Ist September, 1886, the Police Act came into force, and a.separation was effected between the civil and military branches of the Armed Constabulary, so far as finance and administration are concerned ; but, by clause 59 of the Eegulations, recruits from the police are still to be selected from men of tho Permanent Militia who have served at least twelve months in that force, and are not less than sft. 9in. in height. This clause is of great importance, since it enables this department to obtain the services of men of tried character, and who have already acquired habits of discipline. I regret that I have been unable, since my appointment (in January, 1887,), to do more than visit the stations in the Wanganui and Taranaki Districts ; but my inspection, so far, has been most satisfactory, both as to the administration of the districts and the type of men employed therein. By circular of the 14th February members of the police force have been informed that the goldfields' allowance of Is. 6d. per diem to officers and Is. to constables which has hitherto been granted in the Lake and Westland Districts would cease so far as regards all future transfers to those districts, it being considered that the cost of living has been reduced, by the increased facilities offered by roads and railways, within much the same limits as obtains in other parts of the colony. The same circular notifies to the force that all men enrolled in the police after the 10th February, 1887, will not be entitled to draw long-service pay. By clause 59 of the Police Eegulations it is provided that all promotions below the rank of sergeant shall take place strictly by seniority ; and, as each step obtained in the rank of constable adds 6d. per diem to the pay of the recipient, it is intended that this promotion by seniority shall bo regarded in the light of long-service pay, to which every constable may look forward as a certainty, only to be withheld from him as a punishment for some gross offence against discipline or the public. With the view of improving the efficiency of the force and encouraging those who may desire to raise themselves above their fellows I propose to institute a system of examination, somewhat after the Victorian method, by which any man in the police may claim to pass an examination which shall qualify him for promotion to tho rank of sergeant, viz. : (1) General knowledge, Fourth Standard of public schools; (2) statute law (statutes to be named hereafter); (3) criminal law and evidence. These examinations should not be so severe as to be prohibitory,, but should be sufficiently searching to test the applicants' knowledge of his profession, and make it a credit to pass through the ordeal. Constables of any grade should be encouraged to pass, but they should not be eligible for promotion to the rank of sergeant until they have attained by seniority to the grade of first-class constable. The general conduct of the force has been very satisfactory. I attach return showing the proportion of police to population and cost per inhabitant in this and the adjoining colonies, which comparison is highly favourable to New Zealand. I have, &c, The Hem. the Defence Minister. W. B. Godceon, Commissioner.


Return showing the Number of Offences Reported, Persons Apprehended, and Comparison of Crime during the Year ending 31st December, 1885, and Year ending 31st December, 1886.


•a rr g o0 o rtHp* ,£) en a ° R o 3 a I-, co AVe o ee3 ea Persons Apprehended, 1885. "gw "rt. aS _om- Sum- rtpjj g p, .litted marily -hnronrl %5t t Trial. Convicted. clmrgecl- "< l -p fl _£ o $ uPh JZe en en a> .c! o 3 a AeU o Persons Apprehended, 1886. o °3 U CD rO 0 li rt5<j c. «; 8 -£ 9 a o o -rt, _H m o _ j £ Ph ' " Offences. Committed (or Trial. Committed for Trial. Summarily Convicted. Discharged. e» en eS O re CJ 4} rH M. F. " j o oM. F. j M. F. ! B jjj ___^ J Pi. M. I F. M. I F. I M. F. Noeth Island. "l 1 1 1 Abduction Abortion, attempted Absconding from bail Abusive language Adulteration of Pood Act, breaches of Animals Protection Act, breaches of Arms Act, breaches of Arson Assaults, aggravated Assaults on bailiffs Assaults, common Assaults on constables Assaults, indecent Assault and robbery Assaults with intent to commit rape Assaults occasioning bodily harm .. Assaults, indictable Assault with intent to murder Auctioneers Ordinance, breaches of Bankruptcy fraud Beer Duty Act,«breachcs of Bestiality Brands and Branding Act, breaches of Breaches of the peace Breaking and entering and stealing therefrom Burglary Burglary, attempted Cattle- and horse-stealing Cattle-maiming Cattle Trespass Ordinance, breaches of Cattle wandering Cemeteries Act, breaches of Challenging to fight Coinage Act, offences against Concealment of birth Conspiring to defraud Conspiracy Contagious Diseases Act, offences against Contempt of Court Copyright Act, breaches of Corrupt Practices Prevention Act, offences against Counties Act, breaches of.. Cruelty to animals Customs Laws Consolidation Act, breaches of Cutting and wounding Damaging constables' uniform Default of payment of penalty Deserting from H.M. service Destitute Persons Act, offences against Diseased Sheep Act, offences against Discharging arms, &c. Disobeying maintenance orders Disobeying orders of Court Disobeying summonses Disorderly conduct Distillation Act, offences against .. Distress and Replevin Act, breaches of Disturbing religious congregations.. Dog Registration Act, breaches of .. Dog-stealing Drunkenness Education Act, breaches of Elections Regulation Act, breaches of Electric Telegraph Act, offences against Embezzlement Employment of Females Act, breaches of Escaping from custody Evading toll 1 1 'i 1 14 7 23 i 4 2 28 9 28 2 "l 63 12 34 2 27 43 10 23 "3 15 2 11 '2 63 12 34 2 11 2 28 9 28 "l 9 2 5 35 3 6 2 2 "2 7 "l "2 'i 25 1 7 541 78 8 1 5 51 'i4 1 'i "5 'i 21 1 7 538 78 6 1 254 3 7 4 2 2 1 1 2 276 68 3 204 10 2 2 31 "l 3 4 561 95 12 3 3 6 7 1 "5 1 2 6 3 250 87 'r9 5 38 4 561 95 12 4 3 6 7 1 "2 "4 "3 3 25 2 1 1 5 4 2 "2 20 17 4 2 "2 'i 1 5 1 "l "l 19 "l "l 7 '2 2 2 10 2 1 1 21 1 6 140 "7 111 1 2 'i2 "l 27 "5 140 2 10 "2 88 "3 11 1 6 120 3 4 27 '2 6 120 20 54 11 1 59 3 12 7 7 8 1 27 9 84 13 31 3 1 6 10 54 3 30 2 i "l '23 1 '20 '_3 1 "72 4 '23 1 "2 1 '21 2 '46 4 'l3 i 1 1 1 22 3 2 1 1 5 3 '22 I 1 1 5 3 22 2 1 1 i 1 1 3 2 3 22 "3 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 "l 1 "2 2 "3 1 "l i 1 "3 4 3 2 3 •• * 41 11 2 "5 1 37 2 4 41 11 2 76 9 "4 76 76 9 35 2 2 4 1 "5 1 2 81 "1 63 "l 17 1 2 81 "5 50 a "8 68 6 1 1 1 8 68 "l _ 17 'l3 5 4 2 2 1 3 5 2 2 1 "l 5 4 2 2 1 5 7 5 1 8 "5 5 1 5 "l 5 7 5 3 3 "5 6 7 "l "l 157 8 2 24 20 2 57 21 82 5 2 17 13 1 46 7 2 67 3 2 153 8 2 24 20 2 57 21 150 3 82 3 4 54 5 145 3 7 5 2 7 7 "34 21 14 11 "l 17 6 32 17 'io 1 1 3 "8 14 44 '34 "5 5 '44 2 13 21 11 138 1 3,100 6 1 "9 75 "2 62 11 138 1 8 150 3 2,715 16 2 107 3 2,241 9 "2 3 1 4 36 4 1 8 150 3 2,715 16 1 '12 2 "3 1 2,553 2 410 124 4 19 3,106 6 1 385 3 '77 3 12 1 'io 391 'l "l 2 27 '*8 1 8 2 1 7 2 25 8 33 'l5 5 1 3 10 8 26 6 6 36 27 4 2 3 36 42 3 3 26 5 7 4 42 3 3 6 3i 3 "3 3 "l "2 3 •• ! •• I


Return showing the Number of Offences Reported, Persons Apprehended, and Comparison of Crime during the Year ending 31st December, 1885, and Year ending 31st December, 1886— continued.


Offences. r__ © ° © frtQj Cpr-l ,a en d 8 o Committed for Trial, Persons Apprehended, 1885. Summarily Convicted. Discharged. 13 CD -1 frt © &p E a $ ft A% •** 3 0 o HE <D P. I rtrt ® a. oa 0 q> JZi en fl O ! 3 a o Committed for Trial. Persons Apprehended, 1886. Summarily DisConvieted. charged, •6 ea °3 frt © fa o o © co a © u o n H © to © U o CD p M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Noeth Island — continued. Explosives Act, breaches of Ealse pretences Eencing Act, breaches of .. Fisheries Conservation Act, breaches of Forcible entry Foreign Seamen's Act, breaches of.. Forgery Forging and uttering Fraudulent bankruptcy Furious driving and riding Gaming and Lotteries Act, breaches of Harbour regulations, breaches of .. Harbouring a felon Housebreaking Illegally on premises Impounding Act, offences against .. Inciting persons to commit a breach of the peace Inciting prisoners,to resist Indecent exposure Indecent behaviour Industrial Schools Act, offences against Infanticide Inflicting grevious bodily harm .. Insulting language -Tustices of Peace Act, breaches of .. Killing cattle with intent to steal the carcases Larceny Larceny as a bailee Larceny by a servant Larceny from dwellings Larceny from stores Larceny from the person Larceny from vessels Licensing Act, breaches of Libel .. 4 50 26 25 17 4 31 1 51 39 27 28 54 74 io "5 2 12 "4 • • 1 4 23 19 2 11 1 40 30 18 "7 40| 31 4 2 'ii 7 18 2 2 8 5 9 9 4 7 36 'si ■2 4 44 26 25 13 4 20 1 51 39 27 15 54 71 '25 4 4 70 5 12 15 44 "64 29 40 18 2 23 79 65 1 2 37 'ii is 40 "8 1 '2 i 5 36 23 22 14 55 41 1 33 39 1 1 "7 "l 4 7 "8 'i4 6 18 4 2 'i7 22 1 2 4 67 5 12 15 44 '.5 29 40 18 2 8 79 63 1 2 36 '20 5 '27 33 1 "2 '25 1 2 10 14 10 "4 ' 1 22 "9 "5 "9 "27 4 '22 1 1 "2 3 "4 76 1 1 1 55 11 7 3 76 1 1 34 19 9 4 2 34 42 1 1 "1 1 1 1 2 15 2 2 "l3 "8 1 4 "l3 2 15 "2 "i2 3 935 13 2 42 7 '4 35S 1 '43 1 162 3 27 1 2 636 13 2 987 18 2 83 '48 2 6 2 439 0 1 13 '28 1 167 6 20 1 1 1 2 708 16 2 26 52 5 2 1 114 2 21 10 211 1 123 2 258 1 1 1 1 "6 "2 18 2 1 ' 5 "7 38 2 15 'ii "l '.1 2 "9 "4 'i 34 2 191 3 146 2 196 'io 'i 2 2 100 1 81 "l i 15 2 191 3 146 2 176 i3 "8 20 ioi 9 '90 ii 211 1 123 2 237 1 1 1 1 "2 ii '71 9 "2 23 "l 69 2 121 1 1 26 '24 '4 '31 .. I 26j 2i 36 '8 Lunacy Local Boards Act, breaches of Malicious injury to property Maliciously poisoning a dog Maliciously wounding a dog Maliciously wounding cattle Manslaughter Marriage Act, offences against Married Women's Property Protection Act, breaches of Masters and Apprentices Act, breaches of Medical Practitioners Act, breaches of Municipal by-laws, breaches of Municipal Corporations Act, breaches of Murder Murder, accessory to Murder, attempted Murder, supposed Naval Discipline Act, breaches of .. Neglected and criminal children .. Neglecting to bury dead animals .. Neglecting to provide sufficient food for a child Obscene and profane language Obstructing and resisting police .. Obstructing a public place Obstructing railway-line Offences against person Pawnbrokers Act, breaches of Perjury Personation Poison-laying in public places Police Offences Act, offences against Post Office Act, breaches of Printers and Newspapers Registration Act, breaches of .. 37 11 1 476 1 6 5 1 5 52 1 "3 1 "3 4 'l 1 17 3 1 406 1 5 29 1 'l9 161 *78 20 8 '52 "l 15 '2 i i 37 11 1 476 1 5 "5 5 52 1 1 1 25 5 3 484 9 1 9 i2 1 1 3 "5 112 14 2 1 392 "9 16 11 3 2 73 "6 "4 3 i 7 "l 1 25 5 3 484 9 1 9 "l "2 8 1 4 62 1 1 1 12 6 1 1 5 24 23 "28 2 io 1 'll 5 1 '2 28 21 "l 89 37 4 '28 '26 5 154 42 4 1 152 20 1 1 1 6 13 1 1 416 8| i 105 19 1 1 '21 '_2 1 1 151 20 1 1 1 6 13 1 1 398 2 2 22 3 154 42 4 ii 3 1 3 7 1 1 3 8 13 1 8 'i ' 3 i 2 12 2 6 1 1 "l 2 264 "2 344 "l 282 "l 2 344 "4 '73 3 -_ "2 113 i '72 8 1 2 3 3



Return showing the Number of Offences Reported, Persons Apprehended, and Comparison of Crime during the Year ending 31st December, 1885, and Year ending 31st December, 1886— continued.

Offences. *W ft 0 © S8 3 a K, CD "itt o Cor initi for T: Pel a:ed rial. | rsons Apprehcni Summarily Convicted. led, 1885. Discharged. -a U © II 3§ o o © £l er\ s8 _k -Q It as 3 a o Committed for Trial. Perso: is Apprehended, 18S6. Summarily Convicted. Discharged. © Ph © %A Pi -< 3 ft -tj 3 o o © <ej c. CD O H <D m © © P M. F. M. F. M. j F. M. P. M. F. M. F. Noeth Island— continued. Prisons Act, breaches of .. Prohibition orders Property Assessment Act, breaches of Public Health Act, breaches of Public Works Act, breaches of Rabbit Nuisance Act, breaches of .. Railway by-laws, breaches of 2 14 1 6 135 4 56 1 1 9 1 5 1 89 4 40 "l 1 7 1 5 44 i 2 14 1 6 135 4 56 1 3 29 11 16 95 31 65 10 1 12 o 20 5 14 85 31 56 "l 9 6 1 10 8 2a! 11 10 95 31 65 9 el 1 15 10 10 "2 '40 'ie 1 2 1 1 "l "s 7 27 9 9 Rape Rape, attempted.. Receiving stolen property Registration of Births, &c, Act, breaches of Registration of Electors Act, breaches of Rescuing goods from bailiffs Resident Magistrates Act, breaches of Riot .. .. Riotous behaviour Road Board Act, breaches of Robbery from the person Robbery with violence Sale of Poisons Act, breaches of .. Belling obscene pictures Sheep Act, breaches of Sheep-stealing .hipping & Seamen's Act, breaches of .hooting with intent to murder Slaughterhouses Act, breaches of .. Sly grog-selling Smuggling .. Soliciting alms Soliciting prostitution Stamp Act, breaches of .. Suicide, attempted Suicide, threatening Sunday-trading Sunday-working Sureties of the peace rhreatening language rhreatening letters Ihrowing stones .. lown Board by-laws, breaches of .. lown Districts Act, breaches of Tramways Act, breaches of trespass rrig. Surveys Act, breaches of Turnpike Act, breaches of Unlawfully setting fire to gorse Ottering counterfeit coin Vaccination Act, breaches of Vagrancy Volunteer Act, breaches of Waste Lands Act, breaches of Weights & Measures Act, breaches of Wife-desertion Wilful destruction of property 17 5 3 8 6 4 3 2 40 9 177 4 2 3 4 2 "6 2 8 'i 2 'i 10 "l 3 2 2 37 129 4 1 3 4 3 1 1 4 3 "2 "l "l 3 4 29 "l "2 "9 17 5 3 3 5 2 3 2 40 6 158 4 2 3 4 3 3 2 4 2 26 133 3 1 1 2 1 "37 I 12 66 1 11 5 2 2 2 15 12 5 4 6 1 1 33 1 59 7 2 1 2 ii o 1 1 "3 4 23 "l 1 2 1 4 3 6 1 1 1 .. 1 4 8 7 4 o 1 I .. 'i '2 51 24J l! II •- i 2 1 37 10 66 1 11 5 2 2 2 15 12 5 4 "3 24 2 1 "3 1 7 3 2 12 9 3 11 4 2 8 4 3 2 3 iii "1 3 3 2 4 2 26 133 2 9 53 "l 4 i 1 1 4 3 3 2 1 "2 11 "i2 59 3 10 l:) 195 1 'is in "l 12 0 58 1 4 14 19 195 1 62 1 "l 30 "l 30 r • * "l 1 30 "98 2 3 7 88 2 1 3 1 96 2 3 7 68 2 3 5 1 1 "l 4 "2 1 2 3 5 4 1 2 3 1 2 2 "l "l 1 3 60 1 2 3 353 8 2 24 15 13 9 "9 9 9 4 3 354 8 2 24 16 13 234 7 2 23 10 3 '46 i3 288 3 i59 2 71 43 1 15 288 3 1 "5 10 1 24 3 1 13 1 7 2 .J 1 20 \ 3 "8 21 .. W I •• Totals .. .. .. 9,480 234 12 6,055 753 1,678 1S9 8,921 9,063 298 ul 1 J5,786j : 763 1,491 171 1 !8,523 835 1,25: South Island. Absconding from bail Absconding from industrial schools Absconding from reformatories Abusive language Adulteration of Food Prevention Act, breaches of Animals Protection Act, breaches of ! ! I 1 2 4 4 2 4 16 1 6 1 31 1 6 1 15 1 6 1 31 1 4 2 4 16 1 'ii "3 9 '4 'is 1 15 54 "l 2 "9 1 6 5 1 15 8 3 O o 39 1 1 2 425 14 61 3 2 2 1 2 3 3 3 3 5 1 1 2 420 14 61 2 2 2 'i: 1. Arson Arson, accessory to Arson, attempted Assaults, aggravated Assaults, common Assaults, indecent Assaults on constables Assault and robbery Assault occasioning bodily harm .. "l 1 1 120 5 2 "1 1 2 380 10 61 14 5 2 257 5 56 4 '30 76 3 4 6 1 is 2 378 10 61 13 5 "l 9 "l 265 '25 '9 '45 4 "2 "l '.8 "l 3 1 2 1 "2 2 'i:


Return showing the Number of Offences Reported, Persons Apprehended, and Comparison of Crime during the Year ending 31st December, 1885, and Year ending 31st December, 1886— continued.


Offences. d _ =d rt 4_ o O cd US q r-t _-. en as o Committed for Trial. Persons Apprehenc Summarily Convicted. led, 1885. Discharged. CD A$ .3 S3 © Ph_ .3 r-i © "§, °& as s a rt. CD A<0 o Committed for Trial. Persons Apprehendc Summarily Convicted. id, 1880. Discharged. © a s S3 o o H £ © Ph © xa © d M 6 ai c3 3 a © P M. F. M. F. M. F. M. j F. i M. F. M. F. South Island— continued. Assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm Assault with intent to ravish Assault with intent to rob Assault with violence Attempting to break into a store .. Attempting to shoot Auctioneers Act, breaches of Bankruptcy Act, breaches of Beer Duty Act, breaches of Being in possession of a padlock and key Bestiality Brands and Branding Act, breaches of Breaches of the peace Breaking and entering premises Breaking into premises and stealing therefrom Breaking into a rlwelling with intent to commit a rape Breaking into and stealing from dwellings Burglary Carnally knowing a girl under the age of twelve years Cattle- and horse-stealing Cattle wandering Cattle-maiming Cemeteries Act, breaches of Child-desertion Coinage Act, offences against Conspiring to defraud New Zealand Government Contagious Diseases Act, breaches of Contempt of Court Cruelty to animals Customs Laws Consolidation Act, breaches of Cutting and wounding Damaging police uniform... Damaging property Default of bail Default of payment of costs Default of payment of penalty Demanding money by menaces Destitute Persons Act, breaches of.. Disobeying maintenance orders Disobeying orders of Court Disobeying summonses Disorderly conduct Disturbing congregations.. Dog Registration Act, breaches of .. Dog-stealing Drunkenness Education Act, breaches of Embezzlement .. .. .. 1 Embracery Employment of Females Act,breaches^ of " .. .. .. .. J Escaping from legal custody .. j Escaping from lunatic asylums .. j False pretences .. .. I Fencing Act, breaches of .. Fisheries Conservation Act, breaches of Forgery Forging and uttering Fraudulent bankruptcy Furious driving and riding Gold-mining Act, breaches of Gaming and Lotteries Act, breaches of Harbour regulations, breaches of .. Harbouring prostitutes Housebreaking Illegally on premises 12 12 2 102 6 5 2 7 1 1 2 1 1 1 47 1 27 25 4 1 20 218 1 10 1 1 "2 "l l! 1 10 8 1 1 4 12 1 3 4 "l '41 •• I 3 1 190 "l "l 64 "5 "1 "1 "1 1 "3 "l 1 "e 3 1 9 21 "1 "1 37 1 1 '2 '4 ii 5 2 7 "l "l 1 1 1 '47 1 1.3 14 1 1 14 218 "l 9 12 12 2 102 6 3 2 11 13 1 4 9 2 60 3 28 2 18 5 35 308 2 1 8 1 5 95 3 ii 3 1 2 16 7 4 'i "8 "l "5 '57 2 4 1 254 5 "4 73 i 1 11 "l 1 6 5 2 "l 2 8 2 1 1 8 41 1 1 is 2 i 1 9 3 25 308 1 7 1 "5 95 "2 3 2 9 13 1 3 9 2 60 2 1 10 2 2 9 6 1 2 8 2 13 2 2 "l '_5 90 2 ".3 "2 2 "l 1 1 1 7 1 "2 12 12 "7 6 5 0 2 5 1 2 6 3 2 8 2 2 2 8 3 2 8 1 2 2 12 4 4 1 9 4 "3 6 1 52 7 19 2 3 5 3 2 2 1 1 "53 29 d 'l3 i '46 23 5 17 13 1 1 '4 40 6 19 "7 5 'l4 5 50 4 164 3 3,928 9 2 41 4 137 1 3,097 1 8 5 "3 "l i 2 12 4 50 4 164 2 3,928 '' 85 7 275 4 3,545 5 28 '66 7 229 1 9 14 8 30 3 162 4 10 2 85 7 274 3 3,545 5 23 35 3 111 1 "5 20 1 292 i 501 38 12,.875 1 11 487 2i 5 383 41 j 1 15 1 i? 7 '39 1 2 'is 1 38 5 24 5 3 9 2 38 5 7 3 4 74 1 "1 4 1 4 39 2 1 1 7 3 4 72 1 31 2 "55 ii '26 "l "7 2 47 4 8 '20 1 4 19 1 ■ 6 1 24 5 7 5 ii 2 3 "l 2 6 4 2 1 1 1 'i 6 15 5 7 5 14 2 51 6 13 1 44 3 14 "l 12 "2 1 2 1 1 14 2 48 . 5 13 8 1 27 1 6 "5 37 4 32 4 6 38 4 46 8 1 3 IS 26 8 1 1 ! 12 20 46 8 1 4 18 9 4 1 1 5 2 13 "2 'i "l 5 ii "l "l is



Return showing the Number of Offences Reported, Persons Apprehended, and Comparison of Crime during the Year ending 31st December, 1885, and Year ending 31st December, 1886— continued.

Offences. -3 __ © __! V ft *rt Qj -Q w d ® 0 d o ComI mitted if or Trial. Perso: is Apprehem Summarily Convicted. led, 1885. Discharged. 13 © -■a i-< © fQ co &a O O _H£ © •6 rt. <D -I X! en a0 3 rt. CD o Committed for Trial. Perso: is Apprehended, 1886. Summarily Convicted. Discharged. •a <D °3 Jrt © HI :-, o o frig © M. F. M. F. M. F. © © d CQ 8 © © p M. F. M. F. M. I F. South Island — continued. Illegally pawning Impounding Act, offences against .. Inciting prisoners to resist Indecent behaviour Indecent exposure Indecent language Industrial Schools Act, offences against Insulting behaviour Infanticide Justices of the Peace Act, breaches of Killing a sheep with intent to steal the carcase Keeping disorderly houses iveeping houses of ill-fame Larceny Larceny, attempted Larceny as a bailee Larceny from dwellings Larceny from the»person Leaving excavations unlighted at night Letting off fireworks Libel .. Licensing Act, breaches of Local Boards Act, breaches of Lunacy Malicious injury to property Maliciously killing a goat Maliciously poisoning dogs Manslaughter Married Women's Property Protection Act, breaches of ' .. Mines Act, breaches of Municipal by-laws, breaches of Murder Murder, attempted Neglected and criminal children .. Neglecting to provide sufficient food for a child Obscene and profane language Obstructing bailiffs Obstructing and resisting police Obstructing a public place Obstructing a railway-line Pawnbrokers Act, breaches of Perjury Personation at an election Police Offences Act, breaches of Post Office Act, breaches of Printers and Newspapers Registration Act, breaches of Prisons Act, breaches of .. Permitting dogs to worry a horse .. Procuring liquor for prohibited persons Prohibition orders Public Health Act, breaches of Public Works Act, breaches of Rabbit Nuisance Act, breaches of .. Railway by-laws, breaches of Rape Rape, attempted.. Receiving stolen property Refusing to leave licensed premises Registration of Births, &c, Act, breaches of Registration of Electors Act, breaches of Rescuing cattle Rescuing goods seized under warrant Rescuing prisoners Removing nightsoil without a license Riding on footpath Riotous behaviour Robbery with violence 1 27 2 1 47 2 134 1 1 1,036 14 48 14 2 1 2 137 20 205 226 1 1 3 405 3 3 51 1 i7 4 7 3 "l "l "l 2 2 i 6 i 1 17 2 1 34 81 418 2 17 3 2 1 77 18 112 136 3 351 26 3 2 32 '77 1 3 1 "9 '45 22 'l0 22 'io 7 12 1 lio "3 4 47 2 38 19 '44 "l 3 5 is i 10 5 1 27 2 1 44 2 130 "l 2 649 11 31 7 2 1 1 137 20 205 183 1 3 405 3 3 51 65 1 2 22 3 74 5 4 1 1 1,041 1 7 13 14 1 165 28 220 239 2 2 5 3 3 310 2 2 77 36 2 1 3 "l "3 "2 1 1 i 2 i 1 49 5 2 392 1 1 5 4 86 26 113 142 2 2 3 266 '40 '56 2 19 3 1 1 2 18 "l 67 '34 '55 15 ii 22 6 6 1 iii 1 "2 36 2 47 46 1 1 '30 7 '2 1 is. 9 5 4 '3 '. 65 1 2 21 3 . 74 5 3 1 1 627 1 4 6 9 1 165 28 220 210 2 "5 3 3 310 2 2 77 '38 "l "l "5 4 1 1 5 1 28 8 15 13 2 1 4 ' 3 26 "% 61 3; 9i 2 238 1 69 7 2 5 0 1 289 1 1 161 1 64 7 '49 '22 5 6 2 238 1 69 7 '253 "58 1 154 '52 1 '70 '25 5 4 253 '57 1 'l5 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 58 2 5 6 1 277 5 9 "5 6 2 5 8 "3 202 'ii '271 2 197 4 '.7 3 271 4 "2 1! "4 1 1 1 1 1 1 "2 1 "l "3 1 "2 1 3 1 "31 53 4 48 27 5 '31 53 1 14 2 54 5 28 4 1 14 45 4 23 2 "9 1 14 2 54 4 28 4 1 14 "l 5 2! 99 4 1 3 3 "3 1 '87 'ii 1 98 4 1 3 3 5 1 7: "3 • "l 3 2 2 1 "l 1 "1 "2 1 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 47 47 47 47 1 1 "l 1 "1 "l 1 1 4 2 2 1 1 2 "3 1 4 2 2 1 11 "9 1 i 11 "2



Return showing the Number of Offences Reported, Persons Apprehended, and Comparison of Crime during the Year ending 31st December, 1885, and Year ending 31st December, 1886— continued.

Return showing the Proportion of Police to Population and Cost of Police per Inhabitant in each of the following Places.

Eeturn showing Casualties in the New Zealand Police Force during the Year ended 31st March, 1887. Superannuation .. .. .. .. .. ... .. i Resignations ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12 Discharges on compensation .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 Dismissals .. .. .. .. .... .. .. 9 Deaths .. .. .. .. .. .. .... , .. 6 33

_ o -1 -_• Jrtpq as 3 3 w CD o Persons Apprehended, 1885. _3 © Jh CD rt <D rt rt * g ~ ft -Q co d © 0 o d pi Persi ins Apprended, 18S6. CD _■§ 5-1 © Offences. Com- Summitted marily ' for Trial. Convicted. Discharged. .3. §ft £ a Committed for Trial. Summarily Convicted. Dii charf fed. -Q © M. F. I M. F. M. F. o o EH g Pi *6 o ° 9 Ph. 0 c3 _ O HH g en i3 O !rt CD a M. P. F. M. F. South Island — continued. Sale of Poisons Act, breaches of Salmon and Trout Act, breaches of Sheep Act, breaches of Sheep-stealing Shipping and Seamen's Act, breaches of Shooting with intent to murder Shooting with intent to do grievous bodily harm Slaughterhouses Act, breaches of .. Smuggling Sodomy Soliciting alms Stamp Act, breaches of .. State Forests Act, breaches of Suicide, attempted Sunday-trading rhreatening language robacco Act, breaches of .. fown Board Act, breaches of Using a shanghai Uttering a forged order Uttering counterfeit coin Vaccination Act, breaches of Vagrancy Volunteer Act, breaches of Weights and Measures Act,breaches of Wife-desertion Wilful damage to property Wounding with intent 3 7 5 206 1 1 1 5 1 15 2 45 "2 "l i 1 '7 118 1 1 "4 1 1 1 22 2 "l 26 "l 6 1 3 '5 3 7 1 144 1 "l 1 "5 1 15 2 45 2 17 12 66 2 1 1 2 2 1 11 1 1 1 '- "2 11 44 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 6 2 13 "l "4 4 2 17 10 57 2 1 1 2 2 1 11 2 10 7 2 "1 "1 1 3 140 1 "l "3 "4 2 'h '.3 60 2 1 31 "4 22 2 1 3 60 2 1 15 2 1 1 1 "l 1 1 "l 1 "l 7 115 5 94 7 7 240 5 120 9 4 "2 1 3 4 7 20 3 75 7 243 5 120 12 79 4 26 22 2 20 223 2 45 15 8 2 92 2 34 7 7 86 33 11 6 11 222 2 45 13 7 2 "3 8 "lO 7 "l "2 io "2 "8 Totals .. 9,475 150 15 6,413 959 1,101 8,802 202 11 6,134 974 1,031 125 8,477 806 1,209 164 9,072

Place. Proportion of Police to Population. Cost of Police per Inhabitant. Remarks. Tew Zealand 1 to 1,265 s. d. 3 2J Calculated on the basis of population, 635,215, on the 31st March, 1887 (figures obtained from Registrar-General) ; and the net expenditure for police, £102,191 6s. 4d. (vide Appropriation Account for year ended on same date). From the Victorian Year Book, 1885-86, viz. : Population on the 31st December, 1885, 991,869 ; police expenditure, 1884-85, £217,684; number of police, 1,281. Note.—The Year Book (page 608) gives proportion as 1 to 797, whereas it shows the police as 1,281, and population 991,869, or 1 to 774. Calculated on strength of police, 1,462, taken from the Inspector-General's report of the 13th January, 1887. Vote for year ended the 31st December, 1886, £285,395 (from estimates as voted), and population from Victorian Year Book, 1885-86, 957,914. Calculated on strength of police, 412, taken from Commissioner's report dated the 28th August, 1886. Vote for year ending the 30th June 1887, £95,183 12s. 6d. (from estimates as voted), and population fromVictorian Year Book, 1885-86, 313,423. Calculated on number of police according to estimates for 1886-87, 924 persons ; amount of estimates, £146,466. Population on the 1st May, 1886, 322,853 (vide Pugh's Almanack, 1887, page 413). Note.—Deducting native trackers (200), there are only 724 police, according to which the proportion of police to population would be 1 to 445. Victoria 1 to 774 4 4 Tew South Wales .. 1 to 655 5 iii South Australia 1 to 760 6 01 Queensland 1 to 349 9 Of


Return showing the Strength and Distribution of the New Zealand Police Force on the 31st March, 1887.


Stations. B * . i . $ | 5 .2.3 ag a 3 I II If I I to > O I Stations. $ o I—I 4§ -2 II § CQ CO I o O m CD :.- Q Li s O o M o 3 o North Island. Auckland, — Auckland Aratapu Coromandel Dargaville Devonport Freeman's Bay .. Grafton Helensville Hokianga Howick Kamo Kawakawa Mangawai Mercor Mercury Bay Mangonui Newmarket Newton Onelmnga Ofcaliuhu Papakura Parnell Ponsonby Port AHjert Pukekoke Russell Surrey Hills Waiu'ku Warkwortli Whangarei Whangaroa Woodliill (near Helensville) .. 1 7 24 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 36 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 Noeth Island— continued. Wellington— ctd. Eketalmna Pahiatua Johnsonville Pahautanui Paikakariki Otaki I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i I Totals 2 I 6 42 3 54 1 l 'i i i l Wanganui,— Wanganui Marton Bull's Peilding Palmerston North Foxton 2 6 1 1 1 2 1 10 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 l l l l l l l l i l l l l l l l 2 1 1 1 1 l l Totals 1 2 12 1 16 l l l 1 1 1 1 Taranaki, — New Plymouth .. Waitara Normanby Hawera Patea Waverley Manaia Opunake Puugarehn Pukeaiuhe 1 1 1 1 5 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 ••[ I •• 7 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 i 1 " ■" ..! l l l 1 1 1 ,. I .. * * I I *' • .1 I • • l Totals | 1 I" 3 17 ! I 21 Totals 1 9 50 i\ I 4 4 64* Hawke's Bay,— Napier Taradale Clivo Hastings Waipawa Waipukurau Ormondville Danevirke Woodville Herbortville Port Ahuriri Wairoa Gisborne Ormond Tologa Bay Awanui Tokano Waiohika i I 1 1 8 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 1 1 1 11 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 5 1 1 1 Thames, — Tauranga Thames Shortland Tairua Paeroa Waterford Maketu Whakatane Opotiki liotorua 1 I '' | i 3 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 2 "I ' ' I • •! i •• 4 I 4 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 i • • i 1 1 4 1 "i "I I " .. 'i Totals 1 I 2 17 10 20* '' ' *l " Waikato, — Hamilton West .. Hamilton East .. Alexandra Cambridge Ngaruawahia liaglan Te Aroha Te Awamutu Te Kuiti 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 ••I i •• Totals 1 5 28 1 3 35* •• 1 1 1 South Island. Dunedin, — Maclaggan Street King Street North-east Valley Woodhaugli South Dunedin .. Caversham Mornington Eoslyn Anderson's Bay .. Ravensbourno .. Port Chalmers .. Portobello Green Island Mosgiel Outram Waitati Hawksbury Nenthorn Totals Kawhia, — Kawhia Wellington,— Wellington Manners Street .. Clyde Quay Newtown Petone Lower Hutt Keatherston Martinborough .. Greytown Carterton Masterton Tenui 1 1 2 " I I I It "2i 5 1 1 10 I 2 23 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 2 2 13* 3* 33 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 20 8 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 ; i i i i i i 2 28 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 •• •• I 1 1 1 1 1 8 60 Totals 47 2 * District and N: ,tivc constables not included in total. f Compiling Police Gazette.

H.— s.

Return showing the Strength, &c., of the New Zealand Police Force— continued.

Total, North Island .. .. .. 22(5) Includes 6 constables who Total, Sooth Island .. .. .. 27(5)' act as police gaolers. 502 * District and Native constables not included in total. {Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, nil; printing (1,425 copies), £11 17s. 63.]

By Authority: Geobge Didsbury, Government Pi-inter, Wellington.—lBB7.


iETUBN 8. howmg ■TJIENGTH, ',C, o EW EALAMB 'OLICE Fobce— zon, itllUt Stations. § |*S |-|| S $ t M M t ; Stations. g |"§ S-| g s S3i^ is g * og *g H i ass* s 11° if .X us ■2 £ a % ■ i $ tjo us I § m o in 0 « > .2 1 I a US ID Or.' ►■•2 *3 in o isi O <& Stations. i o o as 6 IIS a U.J 42 § ■d.8 to % 3 la &^ a - Q*- 1 S« '6 g cq m q m " § *»'6 O C ID •II 3 o j r-,1—1 — ,iil h; CJ *—■ CP Q rt r-» - si/ w & fm « O (5 O O m j *o so ■ South Island— continued. Lawrence, — Lawrence Waitahuna Milton Kaitangata Balclutha Clinton Tapanui Roxburgh South Island— continued. Christchurch — contd. 1 3 4 Leeston 1 1 Malvern 1 1 Coalgate 1 1 Bealey 1 1 Kaiapoi 1 1 1 Rangiora 1 1 1 Oxford 1 1 1 Ambcrley Hurunui 1 3 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 South Island— continued. Christchurch — contd. Leeston Malvern Coalgate Bealey Kaiapoi Rangiora Oxford Amberley Hurunui Waiau Kaikoura 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' " 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Totals xiurunui 1 .... 1 9 11 Waiau Kaikoura 1 l 9 11 Oamaru, — Oamaru Duntroon Hampden Macrae's Ngapara Palmerston n-auvoura 1 .... 1 7 1 10 Totals ..111 8 £ 1 1 1 1 Timaru, — 1 1 Timaru .. 1 .... 1 1 1 Ashburton 1 1 1 Waimato 1, 1 l 7 1 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 1 1 Totals Timaru, — Timaru Ashburton Waimate Rakaia Geraldino Temuka Pleasant Point .. Methven Pairlie Creek 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 50 8 4 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 64* 11 5 o 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 i Totals KaKaia 1 .... 2 11 1 .... 15 Geraldino ■ Teronkn. 1 2 11 1 15 Southland, — Invercargill North* Invercargill Campbelltown .. Riverton Otautau Winton Lumsden Orepuki Wyndham Matavira Gore Waikaia Half-moon Bay .. ■ TemuKa Pleasant Point 1 ..1 .. 7 1 .... 10 Methven j .. 1 1 Fairlie Creek ...... 1 1 2 Totals .. 1 3 S 1 1 1 1 Westland, — 1 1 Hokitika .. 1 .... 1 1 1 | Kumara 1 1 Waimea ........ 1 1 Stafford 2 2 Kanieri 1 1 Rinm 1 .. • • Ross Okarito 1 1 i l 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 10 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 Totals Westland, — Hokitika Kumara Waimea Stafford Kanieri Rinm Ross Okarito Greymouth Brunnerton Dunganvillo Ahaura Reefton Boatman' Lyell Westport Denniston Charleston i i i I 3 1 21 j 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 26 6 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 3 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 t i" •• •• Totals UJian .to 1 .. 1 2 19 1 1 .. 24* G-reymouth 1 1 1 2 19 1 24* i i" 1 Lake, — Clyde Alexandra South Arrowtown Cromwell Naseby Ophir Pembroke Queenstown St. Bathan's Brunnerton 1 3 .. 1 .. 4 Dunganvillo 1 1 I Ahaura 1 1 2 Reef ton 1 2 2 j Boatman' 1 2 31 Lyell 1 1 | Westport 1 .. .. ?. .. 1 1 Denniston 1 2 3 Charleston 1 1 <Vr.k<>l a 1 AC 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 4 1 2 2 3 1 1 3 1 l i 1 18* Totals i 4 30 l 36 Totals Totals ..1 .... 4 c 1 .... 8 14 ..1 .. 18* "NTfilcrin 1 8 14 1 Ohristehurch, — Christchurch Addington Sydenham Phillipstown Wools to 11 Bingsian 1 St. Albans Papanui Lincoln Lyttelton Akaroa Little River Southbridge .Nelson, — Nelson .. 1 .. .. 2 1 1 .. 4 23 3 .... 32 The Port 1 1 Richmond 1 1 j Spring Grove 1 1 Collingwood 1 1 Blenheim 1 1 1 Havelock 1 1 1 Picton 1 1 1 Motueka 1 1 Takaka .. .. 1 .. 5 .. .. .. 0 i 1 1 '2 Totals .. 1 .... 5 1 1 1 1 1 Grand Total.. 18 2 4 j 65 3£ 1 1 4 23 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 3 82 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 2 1 1 Nelson, — Nelson The Port Richmond Spring Grove Collingwood Blenheim Havelock Picton Motueka Takaka l 2 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 4 9 1 1 1 1 5 1 3 2 i' l i 1 Totals l 5 16 2 22* Grand Total.. 18 2 4 ! 65 395 18 8 22 ! 602 Toti Tot; fcal, North Island .. .. .. 22(5) Includes 6 constables who tal, South Island .. .. .. 276) act as police gaolers. 502 * District and Native constables not included in total. {Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, nil; printing (1,425 copies), JSll 17s. 63.] By Authority : Geoege Didsbuky. Government Printer, Wellinj ;ton.—1887.

iETUBN 8. howmg ■TJIENGTH, ',C, o EW EALAMB 'OLICE Fobce— zon, itllUt Stations. § |*S |-|| S $ t M M t ; Stations. g |"§ S-| g s S3i^ is g * og *g H i ass* s 11° if .X us ■2 £ a % ■ i $ tjo us I § m o in 0 « > .2 1 I a US ID Or.' ►■•2 *3 in o isi O <& Stations. i o o as 6 IIS a U.J 42 § ■d.8 to % 3 la &^ a - Q*- 1 S« '6 g cq m q m " § *»'6 O C ID •II 3 o j r-,1—1 — ,iil h; CJ *—■ CP Q rt r-» - si/ w & fm « O (5 O O m j *o so ■ South Island— continued. Lawrence, — Lawrence Waitahuna Milton Kaitangata Balclutha Clinton Tapanui Roxburgh South Island— continued. Christchurch — contd. 1 3 4 Leeston 1 1 Malvern 1 1 Coalgate 1 1 Bealey 1 1 Kaiapoi 1 1 1 Rangiora 1 1 1 Oxford 1 1 1 Ambcrley Hurunui 1 3 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 South Island— continued. Christchurch — contd. Leeston Malvern Coalgate Bealey Kaiapoi Rangiora Oxford Amberley Hurunui Waiau Kaikoura 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' " 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Totals xiurunui 1 .... 1 9 11 Waiau Kaikoura 1 l 9 11 Oamaru, — Oamaru Duntroon Hampden Macrae's Ngapara Palmerston n-auvoura 1 .... 1 7 1 10 Totals ..111 8 £ 1 1 1 1 Timaru, — 1 1 Timaru .. 1 .... 1 1 1 Ashburton 1 1 1 Waimato 1, 1 l 7 1 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 1 1 Totals Timaru, — Timaru Ashburton Waimate Rakaia Geraldino Temuka Pleasant Point .. Methven Pairlie Creek 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 50 8 4 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 64* 11 5 o 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 i Totals KaKaia 1 .... 2 11 1 .... 15 Geraldino ■ Teronkn. 1 2 11 1 15 Southland, — Invercargill North* Invercargill Campbelltown .. Riverton Otautau Winton Lumsden Orepuki Wyndham Matavira Gore Waikaia Half-moon Bay .. ■ TemuKa Pleasant Point 1 ..1 .. 7 1 .... 10 Methven j .. 1 1 Fairlie Creek ...... 1 1 2 Totals .. 1 3 S 1 1 1 1 Westland, — 1 1 Hokitika .. 1 .... 1 1 1 | Kumara 1 1 Waimea ........ 1 1 Stafford 2 2 Kanieri 1 1 Rinm 1 .. • • Ross Okarito 1 1 i l 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 10 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 Totals Westland, — Hokitika Kumara Waimea Stafford Kanieri Rinm Ross Okarito Greymouth Brunnerton Dunganvillo Ahaura Reefton Boatman' Lyell Westport Denniston Charleston i i i I 3 1 21 j 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 26 6 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 3 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 t i" •• •• Totals UJian .to 1 .. 1 2 19 1 1 .. 24* G-reymouth 1 1 1 2 19 1 24* i i" 1 Lake, — Clyde Alexandra South Arrowtown Cromwell Naseby Ophir Pembroke Queenstown St. Bathan's Brunnerton 1 3 .. 1 .. 4 Dunganvillo 1 1 I Ahaura 1 1 2 Reef ton 1 2 2 j Boatman' 1 2 31 Lyell 1 1 | Westport 1 .. .. ?. .. 1 1 Denniston 1 2 3 Charleston 1 1 <Vr.k<>l a 1 AC 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 4 1 2 2 3 1 1 3 1 l i 1 18* Totals i 4 30 l 36 Totals Totals ..1 .... 4 c 1 .... 8 14 ..1 .. 18* "NTfilcrin 1 8 14 1 Ohristehurch, — Christchurch Addington Sydenham Phillipstown Wools to 11 Bingsian 1 St. Albans Papanui Lincoln Lyttelton Akaroa Little River Southbridge .Nelson, — Nelson .. 1 .. .. 2 1 1 .. 4 23 3 .... 32 The Port 1 1 Richmond 1 1 j Spring Grove 1 1 Collingwood 1 1 Blenheim 1 1 1 Havelock 1 1 1 Picton 1 1 1 Motueka 1 1 Takaka .. .. 1 .. 5 .. .. .. 0 i 1 1 '2 Totals .. 1 .... 5 1 1 1 1 1 Grand Total.. 18 2 4 j 65 3£ 1 1 4 23 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 3 82 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 2 1 1 Nelson, — Nelson The Port Richmond Spring Grove Collingwood Blenheim Havelock Picton Motueka Takaka l 2 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 4 9 1 1 1 1 5 1 3 2 i' l i 1 Totals l 5 16 2 22* Grand Total.. 18 2 4 ! 65 395 18 8 22 ! 602 Toti Tot; fcal, North Island .. .. .. 22(5) Includes 6 constables who tal, South Island .. .. .. 276) act as police gaolers. 502 * District and Native constables not included in total. {Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, nil; printing (1,425 copies), JSll 17s. 63.] By Authority : Geoege Didsbuky. Government Printer, Wellinj ;ton.—1887.

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NEW ZEALAND POLICE FORCE (ANNUAL REPORT ON)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1887 Session I, H-05

Word Count

NEW ZEALAND POLICE FORCE (ANNUAL REPORT ON). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1887 Session I, H-05

NEW ZEALAND POLICE FORCE (ANNUAL REPORT ON). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1887 Session I, H-05

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