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Page. 1883-84. Summary of Services chargeable on the Consoli- — dated Fund. £ £ £ £ ORDINAEY KEVENUE ACCOUNT. 3 4 6 Peemanent Appeopeiations— Civil List Interest and Sinking Fund Under Special Acts of the Legislature 2£ 1,567 4£ 29,750 1,567,430 48,514 9,750 7,430 8,514 1,645,694 8 10 20 22 36 54 61 64 67 70 72 77 Annual Appeopeiations— Class I. —Legislative Class II. —Colonial Secretary Class III.—Colonial Treasurer Class IV.—Minister of Justice Class V. —Postmaster-General and Commissioner of Telegraphs Class VI. —Commissioner of Customs Class VII. —Commissioner of Stamps Class VIII. —Minister of Education Class IX. —Minister for Native Affairs Class X.—Minister of Mines Class XI.—Minister for Public Works Class XII. —Minister of Defence 41 22f 51 12( 24! 8! 21 31! % 2'. 67: 201 41,843 225,804 50,360 120,772 249,079 85,483 25,903 315,919 23,118 22,043 673,590 206,446 1,843 5,804 0,360 0,772 :9,079 ;5,483 5,903 .5,919 !3,U8 12,043 '3,590 )6,446 i 2,040,36 2,040,360 Total Ordinary Eevenue Account — i i 3,686,05 3,686,054 LAND FUND ACCOUNT. Permanent Appeopeiations— Under Special Acts of the Legislature Annual Appeopeiations— Class XIII.—Minister of Lands and Mines ... Class XIV, —Colonial Treasurer ... 3 16 4 36,600 36,600 31,562 10,000 82 82 88 161,562 40,000 Total Land Fund Account 238,K 238,162 Total Consolidated Fund £3,924,2: £3,924,216 For Services Chargeable 89 90 On the Goveensient Insueance Account On the Public Teust Ofpice Expenses Account £39,417 £3,710





Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

188; ;-84. Governor £ 5,000 £ Judges 7,700 Establishment of General Government Native Purposes 10,050 7,000 29,750 Total Citil List TOTAL CIVIL LIST p ... £2' ',750.




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services

1883-84 Interest and Sinking Fund. New Zealand Loan Act, 1856— £ Interest on £500,000® 4 per cent. ... 20,000 Sinking Fund „ „ 2 per cent. ... 10,000 £ 30,000 New Zealand Loan Act, 18G0— Interest on £93,100 @ 6 per cent. ... 5,586 Sinking Fund „ „ 2 per cent, ... 1,862 7,448 New Zealand Loan Act, 1863— Interest on £531,400 @ 6 per cent. ... 31,884 Sinking Fund „ „ 2 per cent. ... 10,628 Interest on 488,000 „ 5 per cent. ... 24,400 Sinking Fund ,, ,, 1 per cent. ... 4,880 Interest on 500,000 „ 4 per cent. ... 20,000 Sinking Fund „ „ 1 per cent. ,;, 5,000 96,792 £1,519,400 Public Debts Act, 1867— Auckland Loan Act, 1803— Interest on £31,600 @ 6 per cent. ... 1,896 Sinking Fund „ „ 2 per cent. ... 632 2,528 Wellington Loan Act, 1866— Interest on £13,500 @ 8 per cent. ... 1,080 Sinking Fund „ „ 2 per cent. ... 270 1,350 Lyttelton and Christclmrch Hallway Loan Act, 1860— Interest on £77,700 @ 6 per cent. ... 4,662 Sinking Fund „ „ 2 per cent. ... 1,554 6,216 Canterbury Loan Act, 1862— Interest on £22,800 @ 6 per cent. ... 1,368 Sinking Fund „ „ 1 per cent. ... 228 1,596 Otaqo Loan Ordinance, 1862 — Interest on £116,700® 6 per cent. ... 7,002 Sinking Fund „ „ 1 per cent. ... 1,167 8,169 Consolidated Loan Act, 1867— Interest on £4,583,100® 5 per cent. ... 229,155 Sinking Fund „ „ 1 per cent. ... 45,831 Interest on 64,000,, 5 per cent. ... 3,200 Interest on 13,000,, 4 per cent. ... 520 278,706 £4,660,100 'Defence and other Purposes Loan Act, 1870 — Interest on £600,000 @ 5 percent. ... 30,000 Sinking Fund „ ,,1 per cent. ... 6,000 Interest on 250,000 „ 5 per cent. ... 12,500 Interest on 50,000 „ 5 percent. ... 2,500 Interests 25,000 „ 4^ per cent. ... 1,125 Interest >n 75,000 „ 4 per cent. ... 3,000 55,125 £1,000,000 Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1870 — Interest on £2,100,000 @ 5 per cent. ... 105,000 Sinking Fund „ „ 1 per cent. ... 21,000 Interest on 527,900 „ 4J per cent. ... 23,756 Interest on 572,100 „ 4 per cent. ... 22,884 Interest on 800,000 (say) ... 24,000 S.F. on £1,000,000 „ 2 percent. ... 20,000 216,640 £4,000,000




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1883-84 Interest and Sinking Fund— continued. £ Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1873— £ Interest on £1,500,000 @ 41 per cent. ... 67,500 Interest on 500,000 „ 5 percent. ... 25,000 92,500 £2,000,000 General Purposes Loan Act, 1873 — Interest on £692,100 @ 5 percent. ... 34,605 Interest on 6,200 „ 4| per cent. ... 279 Interest on 51,700 „ 4 per cent. ... 2,068 36,952 £750,000 Westland Loan Act, 1873— Interest on £50,000 @ 5 per cent. 2,500 Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1874— Interest on £4,000,000 @ 4|-.per cent. 180,000 Nelson Loan Act, 1874— Interest on £18,000 @ 7 per cent. 1,260 New Zealand Loan Act, 1876— Interest on £1,000,000 @ 5 per cent. 50,000 New Zealand Loan Act, 1877— Interest on £2,500,000 @ 5 per cent. 125,000 New Zealand Consolidated Stock Act, 1877— Interest on £5,371,200 @ 4 per cent. ... 214,848 Interest on 1,000,000 @ 4 per cent. ... 40,000 254,848 £6,371,200 New Zealand Loan Act, 1879 — Interest on £524,000 @ 5 per cent. 26,200 Treasury Bills Act, 1879— £ Interest on £367,000 @ 5 per cent, ... 18,350 Interest on 488,900 „ 5 per cent. ... 24,445 Interest on 98,200 „ 5 per cent. ... 4,910 Interest on 50,200 „ 5 per cent. ... 2,510 Interest on 17,700,, 5 per cent. ... 885 Interest on 220,000 (say) ... 5,500 56,600 £1,242,000 Treasury Bills Act, 1880— £ Interest on £211,500 @ 5 per cent. ... 10,575 Interest on 159,200 „ 5 per cent. ... 7,960 Interest on 33,000 „ 5 per cent. ... 1,650 Interest on 4,000 ,, 5 per cent. ... 200 Interest on 2,000 „ 5 per cent. ... 100 Interest on 300 „ 5 per cent. ... 15 Interest on 180,000 (say) ... 6,500 27,000 £590,CC0 DeHciency Bills — Interest at 5 per cent, (say) 10,000 Toial Inteeest and Sinking Potd £1,567,430




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1883-84. Under Special Acts of the Legislature. £ Pensions Act, 1856— W. Swainson ... ... 400 Customs Regulations Act, 1858— Rewards for Convictions and Seizures 100 Militia Act Amendment Act, 1860— Pensions and Allowances 750 Kixon Pension Act, 1865— Bisters of the late Colonel Nixon ... 150 Civil Service Act, 1866— Pensions and Gratuities 22,000 Military Pensions Act, 1866— Pensions and Allowances 2,800 Legislative Officers' Salaries Act, 1867— Legislative Council — Speaker Chairman of Committees Clerk (also in Class I. £100) House of RepresentativesSpeaker (also in Class I. £200) ... Chairman of Committees (also in Class I. £100) Clerk (also in Class I. £100) Clerk-Assistant (also in Class I. £100) 600 300 400 600 400 600 400 New Zealand Institute Act, 1867— Director of Geological Survey 800 TFalsh and Others Pension Act, 1869— Mrs. Mary Ann Walsh Mrs. Ellen Ann Hewett 30 50 Meredith and Others Pension Act, 1870— Mrs. E. Meredith Mrs. R. Hamlin D. Monro Trustees of Mrs. H. Broughton Mrs. M. Collins 60 50 18 70 65 Schqfer, McGuire, and Others Pension Act, 1872— Mrs. Charlotte Schafer Mrs. Ellen McG-uire William Russell Miriama Whakahira 30 18 18 12 Governor's Salary and Allowances Act, 1873 — Governor's Establishment and Travelling Allowance 2,500 New Zealand University Act, 1874— Contribution to University 3,000 Supreme Court Judges Act Amendment Act, 1874— Superannuation Allowance 1,000 Abolition of Provinces Act, 1875— Compensation for Loss of Office 50 Greenwood Pension Act, 1877 — J. D. Greenwood 120




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1883-84. Under Special Acts of the Legislature— contd.' £ New Zealand Consolidated Stock Act, 1877-— Charges and Expenses 3,823 Public Revenues Act, 1878— Controller and Auditor-General Assistant Controller and Auditor ... Claims repayable under Sections 7 and 11 Expenses under Section 83 1,000 800 500 100 Railways Construction Act, 1878— Ellesmere and Eorsyth and Akaroa Eailway Trust 550 Beer Duty Act, 1880— Bewards for Convictions and Seizures 100 AucMand University College Act, 1882— Grant in Aid 4,000 Remission of Penalties 250 Total tjndee Special Acts £48,514 SUMMAET. Interest and Sinking Fund... Under Special Acts 1883-84. ... £1,567,430 48,514 TOTAL PEEMANENT OHAlt! ES ... £1,615,944




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1883-84 Vote 1. —Legislative ... ... £ 41,843 TOTAL OF CLASS I. 41,843 [tern. 13-84 LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENTS. 1883-84. 1882-83. Total number of officers 35 34 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 VOTE No. 1. Legislative Council— Chairman of Public Petitions Committee ... Clerk of the Council (also by Act £400) ... Clerk-Assistant Second Clerk-Assistant Extra Clerical Assistance during Session ... Interpreter Messenger Extra Messengers during Session Contingencies 50 100 350 200 150 200 140 250 100 1883-84. 1882-83. Number of officers ... 7 6 1,540 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 House of Repbesentatives— Mr. Speaker (also by Act £600) Chairman of Committees (also by Act £400) Chairman of Public Petitions Committee ... Chairman of Native Aifairs Committee Clerk of Parliaments (also by Act £600) ... Clerk-Assistant (also by Act £400) Second Clerk-Assistant Extra Clerks during Session ... Serjeant-at-Arms Interpreters—2 at £225 Eeader Eecord Clerk Messenger Extra Messengers and Police during Session Contingencies 200 100 100 100 100 100 450 750 250 450 225 250 175 985 850 1883-84. 1882-83. Number of officers ... 13 13 5,085 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Geotseal Expenses— Passages of Members Expenses of Members of both Houses Examiner of Standing Orders on Private Bills Librarian Assistant Librarian Second Assistant in Library Extra assistance in Library and Mailman during Sesiion 1,000 24,500 250 300 250 80 230




2-B. 3.

Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

item 1883-84. £ LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENTS— continued. 32 83 31 35 36 37 38 3!) VOTE No. 1—continued. Genebal Expenses— continued. Reporters Committee Reporters Printing of Hansard Binding and Printing Library Gas and Fuel Expenses —Lighting gas, hot water, &c. Passages and Expenses of "Witnesses attending Committees of both Houses Custodian, Parliament Buildings Night-watchman Bonus to Clerk of Works The Interpreters —Translation of Speeches of Maori Members of both Houses from Hansard ... Translating Acts into Maori 2,550 500 2,700 250 600 900 300 40 41 42 43 250 250 15G C7 44 60 25 1883-84. 1882-83. Number of officers ... 15 15 35,218 Totai —Vote No. 1 I 41,843 TOTAL OE CLASS I. £A .,84-3




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1883-84. £ Vote 2.—Premier's Office 450 „ 3. —Colonial Secretary's Office 1,905 „ 4. —Messengers and Office Keepers 3,370 „ 5.—Electoral 2,955 „ 6. —Audit 8,732 „ 7. —Registrar-General's Department 8,829 „ 8. —Geological and Meteorological 3,640 „ 9. —Agent-General 3,700 „ 10.—Charitable ... 83,900 „ 11.—Lunatic Asylums 37,743 „ 12.—Printing and Stationery ... 22,022 „ 13.—Stock Branch 24,100 „ 14.—Miscellaneous Services 24,458 TOTAL OF CLASS II. 225,804 Item. i-84. PREMIER'S OFFICE. VOTE No. 2. £ £ 1 1883-84. 1882-83. Total number of officers ... 1 1 Secretary to Premier and to Cabinet (also Confidential Clerk to Treasury) 450 Total—Vote No. 2 450 COLONIAL SECRETARY'S OFFICE. 1883-84. 1882-83. Total number of officers ... 6 6 1 2 8 4 VOTE No. 3. Colonial Secretary's Office —■ Tin der-Secretary Chief Clerk 3 Clerks, 1 at £240, 2 at £190 Junior Clerk 800 375 620 110 Total—Vote No. 3 1,905




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

item. 18: 13-84. MESSENGERS AND OFFICE KEEPERS. 1883-84. 1882-83. Tolal number of officers ... 33 33 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 VOTE No. 4. Messeit&ees' axt> Office Keepers' Depabtment— Chief Messenger and Housekeeper 15 Messengers, 1 at £170, 1 at £120, 13 at 6s. per diem 2 Night-watchmen at 7s. 6d. per diein Office Keepers — Auckland New Plymouth Wellington, 2 at 6s. per diem ... Nelson, Office Keeper £150, Messenger £50 Blenheim Christchureh, 2 Office Keepers, 1 at £175, 1 at £100 ... Dunedin, Office Keeper £132, Office Cleaner £104, and Watchman £45 ... ... .... 208 1,717 274 20 75 220 200 100 275 281 Total—Vote No. 4 ... ... 3,370 ELECTORAL DEPARTMENT. 1883-84. 1882-83. Total number of officers ... 54 54 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 VOTE No. 5. Registrar of Electors, Bay of Islands (also Clerk R.M. Court £200) Registrar of Electors, Marsden (also Clerk R.M. Court £50) Registrar of Electors, Rodney... Registrar of Electors, Waitemata Registrar of Electors, Auckland North, Auckland West, Auckland East, Newton, Parnell, Eden, Manukau ... Registrar of Electors, Franklin, North and South (also Clerk R.M. Court £170, and Registrar of Births &c. fees) Registrar of Electors, Thames and Coromaudel (also Receiver of Gold Revenue and Mining Registrar £225) Registrar of Electors, Waikato and Waipa (also Clerk District and R.M. Courts £180, and Travelling Allowance £54 15s.) Registrar of Electors, Taurauga Registrar of Electors, East Coast (also Registrar of Supreme Court £25, Clerk R.M. Court £250, Registrar of Births &c. fees) Registrar of Electors, Hawke's Bay, Napier, Waipawa Registrar of Electors, Rangitikei Registrar of Electors, Manawatu (also Clerk R.M. Court £175) Registrar of Electors, Waitotara and Wanganui (also Sheriff fees, Clerk District and R.M. Courts £230, Registrar of Births &c. £40, Native Land Court £50, and Vaccination Inspector fees) Registrar of Electors, New Plymouth and Taranaki (also Clerk Native Office £100, and District and R.M. Courts £100) Registrar of Electors, Egmont (also Clerk R.M. Court £60, Crown Lands £60, and Clerk to Reserves Trustee £50) Registrar of Electors, Foxton (also Clerk R.M. Court £175, Native Office £50, and Registrar of Births &c. fees) Registrar of Electors, Hutt Registrar of Electors, Wairarapa North and South (also Clerk District and R.M. Courts £200) ... 25 30 30 30 50 25 40 30 40 20 30 20 11 .12 18 15 14 25 15 20 16 20 17 15 25 18 19 25




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

'.tern. 1883-84. ELECTOEAL DEPAETMENT— continued. 25 26 27 28 29 30 SI 20 21 22 23 24 VOTE No. 5—continued. Registrar of Electors, Thorndon, Te Aro, and "Wellington South (also Clerk District and H.M. Courts £300, and Marshal of Vice-Admiralty Court fees) ... Registrar of Electors, Pictoii and Wainui (also Clerk Crown Lands £"250, and Immigration Officer nil) Registrar of Electors, Nelson and Waitnea (also Receiver of Laud Revenue £150, and Clerk Crown Lands £150) Registrar of Electors, Motueka (also Registrar of Births &t\ fees, and Clerk K.M. Court £90) ... . Registrar of Electors, Buller (also Clerk District and EM. Courts £315, Local Land Officer £25, Receiver of Gold Revenue nil, and Colliery Reserve £50) Registrar of Electors, Inangahua (also Clerk District and R.M. Courts £275, Registrar of Birtlis &c. fees, and Sheriff'fees) Registrar of Electors, Grevmoutli (also Clerk District and R.M. Courts £210, Registrar of Birtlis &c. £30, Receiver of Gold Revenue nil, and Local Land Officer £25) Registrar of Electors, Cheviot (also Clerk EM. Court £55, and Registrar of Births &c.) Registrar of Electors, Kumara (also Registrar of Births <fcc. fees, Receiver of Land Revenue nil, and Clerk R.M. Court £200) Registrar of Electors, Hokitika (also Deputy Registrar Supreme Court, £25, Clerk District and R.M. Courts £300, Sheriff fees, and Receiver of Gold Revenue nil) Registrar of Electors, Ashley and Kaiapoi (also Clerk R.M. Court £175) Registrar of Electors, Avon, St. Albans, Stanmore, Bydenham, Christchurch North, Christcburch South, and lleathcote Registrar of Electors, Lyttelton (alsoRegistrar of Births <&C. £30, Vaccination Inspector fees, and Clerk R.M. Court £150) Registrar of Electors, Akaroa (also Clerk and BailifFR.M. Court £135) Registrar of Electors, Lincoln Registrar of Electors, Coleridge Registrar of Electors, Selwyn (also Clerk R.M. Court £85, and Registrar of Births &c. lees) ... Registrar of Electors, Ashburton and AVakanui Registrar of Electors, Geraldine Registrar of Electors, Tiuiaru (also Clerk District and E.M. Courts £275) Registrar of Electors, Gladstone Registrar of Electors, Waimate Registrar of Electors, Waitaki nnd Oamaru (also Clerk District and H.M. Courts £250, Vaccination Inspector fees, and Registrar of Births &c. £50) ... Registrar of Electors, Waikouaiti and Moeraki Regisirar of Electors, Port Chalmers (also Postmaster £329, and Registrar of Births &c.) Registrar of Electors, Eosljn, Dunedin West. Dunedin East, Dunedin Central, Dunedm South, Peninsula, andCaversnam (also Registrar of Births &e. £200, and Vaccination Inspector fees) ... Registrar of Electors, Taieri Registrar of Electors, Mount Ida (also Clerk R.M. Court £2(iO, and Receiver of Gold Revenue nil) Regisirar of Electors, Dunetan (also Receiver of Gold Revenue nil, Clerk R.M. Court £225, and Registrar of Births &c. fees) 25 25 20 25 25 130 30 25 25 20 25 20 32 25 33 25 15 15 34 35 36 37 38 39 15 30 20 40 41 42 25 20 15 25 25 43 44< 25 45 ■46 47 50 25 48 20 20




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services,

:tem. 18 13-84. ELECTOEAL DEPAETMENT— continued. VOTE No. 5 —continued. Registrar of Electors, Bruce ... Eegistrar of Electors, Tuapeka (also Clerk District atid E.M. Courts £325, Keceiver of Gold Eevenue nil, and Eegistrar of Births &c. fees) ... Eegistrar of Electors, Clutha (also Postmaster £225) ... Eegistrar of Electors, Mataura, Awarua, and Invercargill (also Eegistrar Supreme Court £50, Clerk District and E.M. Courts £200, Vaccination Inspector fees, and Eegistrar of Births &c. £25) Eegistrar of Electors, "Wakatipu (also Clerk E.M. Court £325, and Eeceiver of Gold. Eevenue nil) Eegistrar of Electors, Hokonui and "Wallace (also Clerk &c. E.M. Court £150) Expenses of Printing Eolls, Advertising, Elections, and Contingencies £ 49 50 25 25 15 51 52 25 53 20 54 40 55 1,500 Total—Vote No. 5 2,955| AUDIT OFFICE. 1883-84. 1882-83. Total number of officers ... 32 32 1 2 3 4 5 VOTE No. 6. Audit Office— Chief Clerk Clerk, Customs Audit Audit Officer in London 14 Clerks, 1 at £315, 1 at £300, 3 at £290, 1 at £225, 1 at £220, 3 at £200,1 at £185, 2 at £160,1 extra at £157 Cadet Audit of Railway Accounts — Chief Clerk 8 Clerks, 1 at £215, 2 at £185, 1 at £170, 2 at £165, 2 at £150 Travelling Inspectors — 5 Inspectors at £250 Travelling Expenses and Contingencies 450 350 400 3,192 80 6 7 375 1,385 8 9 1,250 1,250 Total —Vote No. 6 8,732 EEGISTEAE-GENEEAL'S DEPAETMENT. 1883-84. 1882-83. Total number of officers ... 153 145 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 VOTE No. 7. Eegistrar-General and Government Statist Actuary and Clerk for Friendly Societies, and Statistical Clerk Chief Clerk 4 Clerks, 1 at £185, 1 at £165,1 at £150, 1 at £110 ... Extra Clerk at 11 / per diem ... Eegistrars of Births, Deaths, and Marriages for the several Eegistration Districts:— Auckland— Eegistrar of Births &c. Deputy-Eegistrar of Births, &c. (also Vaccination Inspector, fees), 7 months Cadet Whangarei— Eegistrar of Births &c. (also Vaccination Inspector fees, and Postmaster £188) .... Napier— Eegistrar of Births &c. (also Vaccination Inspector fees, and Postmaster £400) 3—B. 3. 550 400 320 610 171 325 8 117 40 9 6 10 50




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

[tern. 18 13-84. REGISTEAE-GENEEAL'S DEPAETMENT— Continued. 1.3 14 15 11 12 VOTE No. I—continued. Begistrars of Births, Deaths, and Marriages for the several Eegistration Districts— continued. New Plymouth— Registrar of Births &c. (also Postmaster £275) ... Wanganui — Eegistrar of Births &c. (also Vaccination Inspector fees, Clerk E.M. and District Courts £230, Native Land Court £50, Eegistrar of Electors £25) "Wellington — Eegistrar of Births &c. (also Commissioner of Crown Lands £460) ... Master ton — Eegistrar of Births &c. (also Vaccination Inspector fees, and Postmaster £260) Carterton — Eegistrar of Births &c. (also Postmaster £160) ... Nelson — Eegistrar of Births &c. (also Vaccination Inspector fees, and Postmaster £385) Greymouth— Eegistrar of Births &c. (also Vaccination Inspector fees, Clerk District and R.M. Courts £240, Eegistrar of Electors £25, Local Land Officer £25, Eeceiver of Gold Eevenue nil) Kaiapoi— Eegistrar of Births &c. (also Postmaster £260) ... Christchurch — Eegistrar of Births &c. (also Vaccination Inspector fees) Lyttelton — Eegistrar of Births &c. (also Vaccination Inspector fees, Clerk E.M. Court £150, and Eegistrar of Electors £25) 40 140 10 10 30 16 50 17 30 18 15 19 250 20 30 21 Timaru — Eegistrar of Births &c. (also Vaccination Inspector fees, and Collector of Customs £420) 50 22 Oamaru — Eegistrar of Births &c. (also Vaccination Inspector fees. Clerk District and E.M. Courts £250, and Eegistrar of Electors £25) Dunedin — Eegistrar of Births &c. (also Vaccination Inspector fees, and Eegistrar of Electors £50) Clerk 50 23 200 150 24 25 Invercargill— Eegistrar of Births &c. (also Vaccination Inspector fees, Eegistrar Supreme Court £50, Clerk District and E.M. Courts £200, and Eegistrar of Electors £25) Eegistrars of Births &c. paid by fees only ... Eevising Barrister under "Friendly Societies Act, 1877" Collection of Agricultural Statistics Valuations of Friendly Societies Contingencies 25 2,210 100 2,000 800 50 2G 27 28 29 30 Total—Vote No. 7 8,829 GEOLOGICAL AND METEOEOLOGICAL DEPAETMENT. 1883-84. 1882-83 Total number of officers ... 8 8 1 2 VOTE No. 8. Assistant Geologist (also Inspector of Mines £100) ... Analyst 350 400




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 18: 13-84. GEOLOGICAL AND METEOEOLOGICAL DEPAETMENT— continued. 3 4 5 G 7 8 i) 10 VOTE No. 8— continued. Clerk and Curator (also Meteorological Observer and Statistical Clerk £60) Draftsman, &c. Field Assistant and Collector Museum Assistant (also Librarian £35) ... Librarian (also Museum Assistant £175) ... Field Expenses and Special Surveys Messenger and Keeper "Weather Eeporter (also Examiner of Masters and Mates £100) Meteorological Stations and Time Ball Observatory ... Contingencies 350 325 280 175 35 800 125 11 12 300 300 200 Total—Vote No. 8 3,640 AGENT-GENEEAL'S DEPAETMENT. 1883-84. 1882-83. Total number of officers ... 7 7 1 2 VOTE No. 9. Agent- Geneeal foe New Zealand in London — Agent-General Staff, Kent, &c. 1,250 2,450 Total —Vote No. 9 3,7< CHARITABLE. L 2 3 VOTE No. 10. Inspector of Hospitals (also Inspector of Lunatic Asylums £1,000) Hospitals Charitable Institutions 200 50,000 36,000 Less estimated credits under Section 10 of " The Public Eevenues Act, 1882 " ... 86,200 2,300 Total—Vote No. 10 ... • 83,901 LUNATIC ASYLUMS. 1883-84. 1882-83. Total number of officers 1 2 3 4 5 (i 7 S VOTE No. 11. Chief Office — Inspector of Lunatic Asylums (also Inspector of Hospitals £200) Eecord Clerk and Accountant ... Pees to Medical Witnesses Auckland — Local Inspector Eesident Medical Superintendent Clerk and Storekeeper Matron Attendants and Servants — 18 Male Attendants, 1 at £120, 17 at £70, Cook at £70; 8 nurses, 1 at £60, 7 at £42; Cook at £42, Laundress at £50 ; Mechanic at £130 Farm Overseer 1,000 250 850 50 400 90 70 1,956 100




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

item. 18 13-84. LUNATIC ASYLUMS— continued. VOTE No. 11— continued. Auckland —continued. Labourer Farming Implements, Stock, &c. Rations Fuel and Light Bedding and Clothing Surgery and Dispensary Wines, Spirits, Porter, and Ale Miscellaneous necessaries Furniture Wellington —- Local Inspector Eesident Medical Superintendent Matron Clerk and Storekeeper Attendants and Servants— 12 Male Attendants, 2 at £100, 1 at £90, 1 at £85, 3 at £80, 5 at £70; 10 Female Attendants, 1 at £60, 9 at £50 ; Cook at £70, Laundress at £50, Laundry Maid at £40, and Night Watchman at £80 Rations Fuel and Light Clothing and Bedding Surgery and Dispensary Wines, Spirits, Porter, and Ale Miscellaneous necessaries Napier — Local Inspector Medical Officer (also Surgeon to Gaol £50) Keeper (also Gaoler £275) 3 Attendants—Married Couple £170, Attendant £80... Rations Bedding and Clothing Fuel and Light Surgery and Dispensary Wines, Spirits, Porter, and Ale... Miscellaneous necessaries Nelson — Local Inspector Medical Officer ... ... • Keeper and Clerk Matron Attendants and Servants — 6 Male Attendants, 1 at £80, 5 at £70; Cook at £40, 5 Female Attendants at £40 £ 10 n 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 60 100 3,000 1,000 750 30 30 900 100 19 20 21 22 23 40 400 100 100 24 25 26 27 28 29 1,715 1,600 600 650 30 30 750 30 81 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 30 50 35 250 300 100 70 5 10 60 40 41 42 43 44 30 200 150 70 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Rations Fuel and Light Bedding and Clothing Surgery and Dispensary Wines, Spirits, Porter, and Ale Miscellaneous necessaries Furniture Ohristcliurch — Local Inspector Resident Medical Superintendent House Steward Clerk and Storekeeper ... ... ... Matron Attendants and Servants — 19 Male Attendants, 1 at £100, 3>t;£90,"l at £85, 1 at £80, 2 at £75, 2 at £70, 9 at'£65; 2 Night Watchmen, 1 at £80, 1 at £70; Cook at £80, Porter at £28; 9 Female Attendants, 5 at £C3, 4 at £50; Laundress at £63 ; Carpenter at £80 ... 670 1,000 200 200 10 20 300 30 52 53 54 55 56 57 50 600 300 150 100 2,324




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 18 13-84. LUNATIC ASYLUMS—continued. £ 58 59 60 61 02 63 64 VOTE No. 11— continued. Ohristokuroh —continued. Engineer and Plumber Rations Fuel and Light Clothing and Bedding Surgery and Dispensary Wines, Spirits, Porter, and Ale Miscellaneous necessaries HoTcitilca — Local Inspector Medical Officer (also Surgeon to Gaol £50) Keeper and Clerk Matron Attendants and Servants — 6 Male Attendants, 1 at £120, 5 at £100; 3 Female Attendants at £65 128 2,750 750 900 40 30 1,000 65 66 67 08 69 30 100 300 75 70 71 72 73 74 75 Rations Bedding and Clothing Fuel and Light Surgery and Dispensary Wines, Spirits, Porter, and Ale Miscellaneous necessaries 815 900 250 60 20 10 400 76 77 78 79 80 81 Dunedin — Local Inspector Resident Medical Superintendent House Steward Clerk and Storekeeper Matron Attendants and Servants— 19 Male Attendants, 1 at £130, 5 at £90, 7 at £80, (5 at £70; Baker at £90; 9 Nurses at £50; 2 Cooks, 1 at £60, 1 at £50; 2 Laundresses, 1 at £00, 1 at £40 ; Carpenter at £150 Rations Fuel and Light Bedding and Clothing Surgery and Dispensary Wines, Spirits, Porter, and Ale Miscellaneous necessaries Farm Contingencies Additions to wages of attendants, &c. 2,460 3,000 . 300 850 40 80 1,500 100 800 1,000 50 600 150 90 100 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 Less estimated credits under Section 10 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1882" 43,743 6,000 Total—Vote No. 11 37,74: PRINTING- AND STATIONERY. 1883-84. 1882-83. Total number of officers ... 80 80 1 2 3 VOTE No. 12. Pbintiitg Department— Government Printer (also Store Manager £50) 3 Overseers, 1 at £275, 1 at £225, 1 at £195 2 Readers at £200 450 695 400




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

'.tern.. 1883-84. PKINTING AND STATIONERY— continued. £ 4 5 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 14 VOTE No. 12— continued. Printing Department— continued. Clerk and Accountant 11 Compositors, 3 at £3 5s. per week, 8 at £3 per week 5 Machinists and Pressmen, 1 at £3 15s., 2 at £3, 1 at £2 10s., and 1 at £2 per week Engineer and Packer Apprentices, Machine and Errand Boys, &c Piece-work and Occasional Hands Type and Machinery Purchase of four-feeder "Wharfdale Printing Machine ... Purchase and fitting up Steam Engine and Electric Light Apparatus Erection of Shed for ditto Contingencies, Overtime, Fuel, &c. Binding Branch — Foreman 7 Binders, 1 at £3 10s. per week, 1 at £3 7s. 6d. per week, 5 at £3 per week Assistants, Folders and Sewers Overtime, &c. Paper Eulmg and other Machinery Stereotype Branch — Stereotyper and Electrotyper ... ... Assistant 1883-84. 1882-83. Number of officers ... 75 75 220 1,755 741 195 800 2,500 200 450 950 75 750 15 16 210 17 18 19 1,138 800 100 250 20 21 200 65 I ; 12,944 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Stationery Store Department— Store Manager (also Government Printer £450) Clerk 2 Assistants at £130 Cadet Errand Boy at 10s. per week ... Stationery, Printing Paper, Parchment, &c. Packing, Inspection, Freight, Insurance, Wharfage, &c. Contingencies 50 200 260 92 26 9,790 1,120 40 1883-84. 1882-83. Number of officers ... 5 5 11,578 Less estimated credits under Section 10 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1882 " Total—Vote No. 12 ... 24,522 2,500 22,022 STOCK BEANCH. 1883-84. 1882-83. Total number of officers ... 47 48 1 2 3 4 5 VOTE No. 13. 1 Superintending Inspector 5 Chief Inspectors 41 Inspectors Payment to Eailway Eevenue for Passes ... Eepairs to Dips, Expenses of working Cattle, Eabbit, Sheep, and Brands Acts, and Contingencies Liabilities of late Eabbit Trusts 600 1,800 7,850 300 G . 14,300 450 Less estimated credits under Section 10 of "The Public Eevenues Act, 1882 " Total —Vote No. 13 ... 25,300 1,200 24,100




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services,

[tern. 1883-84. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. £ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 3 4 VOTE No. 14. General Contingencies Bent of Government Offices Civil Service Examination Board " Public Health Act, 1876 " ... Pensions of late Provincial Governments— Wellington — T. George Mrs. Green Mrs. Lyall Nelson — Mrs. Bobinson ... ... Canterbury — T. Cass J. Beston Otago — J. Outratn H. N. Brewer, addition to Pension under " Civil Service Act, 1866," for special services rendered Secretary to Governme nt Officers' Guarantee Board (also Customs £300) Expenses under " The Fine Arts Copyright Act, 1877 " Expenses under "The Slaughterhouses Act, 1877 " Expenses under " The Adulteration Prevention Act, 1880" Expenses of Printing Transactions of New Zealand Institute Expenses of West Coast Boyal Commission Wellington Patent Slip Company, Guarantee of Interest Friendly Societies' Reserve, Dunedin, Bent of Land for Nelson Lunatic Asylum Compilation of Maori History Bonus for encouragement of Local Industries Importation of Ova of Salmon and other fish Land Claim of Sartoris, Downe, and others, balance of compensation awarded Fees on Crown Grants issued under " The West Coast Settlements Act, 1880 " Gratuity to Dr. Philson, late Surgeon of Auckland Hospital, for injury received in performance of duty Gratuity to Widow of late F. C. Pierard, employed as a Wood Engraver for the Geological Department Gratuity to W. Dixon for services rendered at a fire at Masterton which endangered Government buildings Establishment of Cheese and Dairy Factories Lighthouse dues remitted 10,000 200 250 2,200 50 50 20 100 400 200 188 25 100 10 10 17 450 18 19 500 1,000 20 21 22 23 24 25 2,450 21 300 200 1,000 500 844 26 27 1,000 28 300 60 29 30 31 25 800 1,205 Total—Vote No. 14 ... 24,458 TOTAL OF CLASS II. £225,804




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1883-84. Vote 15. —Treasury Department £ 7,948 „ 16. —Property-Tax Department 16,599 „ 17.—Miscellaneous Services 25,813 TOTAL OF CLASS III. 50,360 !tem. 1883-84. TKEASUBY DEPAETMENT. 1883-84. 1882-83. Total number of officers 35 37 7 8 9 10 11 12 2 3 4 5 6 VOTE No. 15. Treasury-— Secretary to the Treasury, Eeeeiver- and PaymasterGeneral (also Secretary to Commissioners of Public Debts Sinking Funds £50) ... Accountant to the Treasury Chief Clerk and Cashier First Clerk, Accountant's Office 3 Clerks, 1 at £225, 1 at £225 (also £75 from Imperial Pensions Fund), and 1 at £185 First Clerk Eecord Office (and Private Secretary to Colonial Treasurer £50) Clerk Cadet Clerk for Loan Accounts Cadet First Clerk, Eeeeiver-General's Branch 6 Clerks, 1 at £275, 1 at £250, 1 at £240, 1 at £210, 1 at £200, 1 at £156 First Clerk, Paymaster-General's Branch ... 12 Clerks, 2 at £250, 1 at £215, 1 at £190, 1 at £160, 1 at £155, 2 at £140, 2 at £145,1 at £125, 1 at £110, 2 Cadets, 1 at £80, 1 at £60 1 Binder at £3 10s. per week ... Contingencies 700 500 450 290 635 315 220 85 290 85 300 13 14 1,331 300 2,025 140 182 100 15 16 17 Total —Vote No. 15 7,948 PEOPEETY-TAX DEPAETMENT. 1883-84 1882-83. Total number of officers 25 17 1 2 3 4 VOTE No. 16. Commissioner (also Secretary for Stamps and Secretary for Land and Deeds £250) ... Deputy Commissioner Chief Clerk 15 Clerks, 1 at £300, 1 at £275,1 at £250, 1 at £240, 1 at £225,1 at £220,2 at £210,3 at £200,1 at £145, 2 at £130, 1 at £120 7 Cadets, 3 at £80, 2 at £60, 2 at £40 450 500 400 3,055 440




4—B. 3.

Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

-t£sm. 18: 13-84. PROPERTY-TAX DEPARTMENT— continued. £ £ G 7 8 9 VOTE No. 16— continued. Balance due to Assessors Gratuity allowed to Postmasters for collecting PropertyTax Extra clerical assistance Reviewers' travelling expenses disallowed by the Audit Office on the ground of insufficient acquittances Contingencies 6,000 450 1,800 10 4 3,500 Total —Vote No. 16 16,59! MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. l 2 3 VOTE No. 17. Teeasuey Depaetment— Audit of County and Road Board Accounts ... Secretary to Commissioners of Public Debts Sinking Funds (also Secretary to the Treasury £700) Expenses of Investment of Sinking Fund, Consolidated Loan Exchange and Commission Expenses attending the payment of Imperial Pensions ... Stamp Duty on Debentures under Treasury Bills Acts 1879 and 1880 Contingencies 2,700 50 650 20,000 900 5 G 7 1,113 800 Less estimated credits under Section 10 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1882 " 26,213 400 Total —Vote No. 17 25,81? ■t-™ *—*. ■-■-■ A -^ s^. —»~m *"VJ -M" ■ rffci ini ■ ■ ■■ ■ TOTAL OF CLASS III. TOTAL OF CLASS III. £5( ',360




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1883-84. Vote 18. —Department oi Justice ... £ 735 „ 19.—Crown Law Oilce 2,275 „ 20.—Patent Office 245 „ 21. —Supreme Court 8,430 „ 22. —District, Resident Magistrates', and Wardens' Courts 49,884 „ 23.—Criminal Prosecutions 12,200 „ 24. —Coroners 3,000 „ 25.—Contingencies 4,359 „ 26. —Prisons 39,644 TOTAL OF CLASS IV. 120,772 item. 1883-84. DEPARTMENT OP JUSTICE. £ 1 2 ',) 4 1883-84. 1882-83. Total number of officers ... 4 3 VOTE No. 18. Acting Under Secretary (also Patent Officer £75) Clerk Clerk (also Patent Office £70) Clerk 325 250 50 110 Total—Vote No. 18 ... 735 CROWN LAW OFFICE. 1883-84. 1882-83. Total number of officers .,. 4 4 1 2 3 4 VOTE No. 19. Solicitor-General ... Assistant Law Officer Law Draftsman Clerk 1,000 600 500 175 Total—Vote No. 19 ... 2,275 PATENT OFFICE. 1883-84. 1882-83. Total number of officers ... 2 2 1 2 3 VOTE No. 20. Patent Officer (also Acting TJnder-Secretary Justice £325) Clerk (also Justice £50) Contingencies (including fees to Agents) ... 75 70 100 Total—Vote No. 20 ... 245




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

'tern. ;-84 188: SUPREME COURT. 1883-84 1882-83. Total number of officers ... 40 39 7 8 i) 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 VOTE No. 21. Auckland — Registrar Deputy Registrar Interpreter (also Resident Magistrate's Court £75, and Native £125) Crier and Messenger Clerk New Plymouth — Registrar (also District Judge and Resident Magistrate £235, and Frauds Commissioner £40) ... Wellington — Sheriff (also fees) Registrar (also Registrar Court of Appeal nil) Deputy Registrar Clerk Crier and Messenger Messenger Office Cleaner (also Office Cleaner Resident Magistrate's Court £20) Napier — Registrar (also Sheriff fees) ... Clerk Office Cleaner Gisborne —■ Registrar (also Clerk Resident Magistrate's Court £250, Registrar of Electors £20, and Registrar Births &c. fees) Blenheim — Office Cleaner (also Bailiff District and Resident Magistrate's Courts £120, and Office Cleaner £15 12s.) 400 225 50 157 100 100 50 400 200 165 140 52 36 14 15 16 300 80 25 17 25 18 7 22 23 24 25 26 27 19 20 21 Nelson — Registrar (also District Land Registrar £400, Deputy Commissioner of Stamps £75) ... ... Clerk (also Clerk Land Deeds Registry £200) Crier (also Clerk Resident Magistrate's Court Brightwater &c. £45, and Bailiff Resident Magistrate's Court £150) Messenger and Office Cleaner (also Resident Magistrate's Court £40) ... ... ... Gh ristclmrch — Registrar Deputy Registrar Clerk Crier and Messenger Office Cleaner Sokitika— Registrar (also District Land Registrar £200, Deputy Commissioner of Stamps £60) Deputy Registrar (also Sheriff: fees, Clerk of District and Resident Magistrate's Courts £300, Registrar of Electors £25, and Receiver of Gold Revenue nil) Crier Dunedin — Registrar (also Sheriff fees) ... ... Deputy Registrar Clerk Crier, Messenger, and Office Cleaner 25 10 30 20 400 240 150 127 50 28 150 29 25 L0 80 31 82 33 34 450 250 80 186




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

!tem. 18: 13-84. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 SUPEEME COTJET— continued. VOTE No. 21— continued. Invercargill — Eegistrar (Clerk District and Eesident Magistrate's Courts £200, Eegistrar of Electors £25, Vaccination Inspector fees, and Registrar of Births &c. £25) Crier and Messenger (aUo Assistant Bailiff and Office Cleaner E.M. Court £60) Clerk to Chief Justice, Wellington Clerk to Judge, Auckland Clerk to Judge, Wellington Clerk to Judge, Canterbury Clerk to Judge, Otago Expenses of Circuit Courts and Court of Appeal Fees to be refunded to Sheriffs ... 50 15 150 150 150 150 150 1,700 1,200 Total —Vote No. 21 8,430 DISTRICT, EESIDENT MAGISTEATES', AND WABDENS' COITETS. 1883-84. 1882-83. Total number of officers ... 288 281 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 VOTE No. 22. Auckland — District Judge (Auckland, Thames, and Hamilton) and Eesident Magistrate Clerk Clerk Clerk Bailiff Assistant Bailiff and Bailiff District Court... Messenger (also Stamps £20, and office of Eegistrar of Births &c. £15) Interpreter (also Supreme Court£50, and Native £125) Office Cleaner (also Stamp Office £13) Papakura, Mercer, Waiuhu, Oneliunga, and Otalnihu —■ .Resident Magistrate (also Coroner fees) Travelling Allowance Clerk (also Eegistrar of Electors £25, and Eegistrar of Births &c. fees) Travelling Allowance Clerk and Interpreter at Waiuku Clerk at Oneliunga and Otahuhu Travelling Allowance Kent, Olahuhu Whangarei, IlaJcaru, Dargavillc, Helensvill/ 1, Warkworth, Wade, Pahi, Port Albert, Waimate, Russell, and Kawakawa — Eesident Magistrate (also £100 from Native Office)... Forage Allowance Clerk at Whangarei (also Eegistrar of Electors £30) ... Office Cleaner Clerk at Hakaru (also District Constable, £20) Clerk at Dargaville (also Constable £146) Clerk at Helensville (also Constable £155) Clerk at Pahi Clerk at Port Albert ' Clerk at Warkworth (also Constable £155) Clerk at Wade (also Constable £137) Clerk at Eussell and Kawakawa (also Eegistrar of Electors £25) Office Cleaner Eent at Kawakawa Bailiff and Office Cleaner, Waimate 600 275 300 60 170 120 50 75 13 300 60 170 16 150 170 15 6 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2G 27 28 29 250 25 50 5 10 10 10 10 20 10 10 30 31 32 200 5 12 10




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

!tem. 18; ■3-84. £ DISTRICT, RESIDENT MAGISTRATES', AND WARDENS' COURTS— continued. m 34 35 86 87 38 VOTE No. 22— continued. Mongonui, Whangaroa, and AMpara — Resident Magistrate (also Native £100, Customs £75, Registrar Births &c. fees, Meteorological Observer £25) Office Cleaner at Mongonui Clerk at Whangaroa (also Customs £100, and Native £20) Office Cleaner at Ahipara Holcianga — Resident Magistrate (also Customs £265, Coroner fees, and Registrar of Births &c. fees) Clerk (also Armed Constabulary £128) Hamilton, Newcastle, Cambridge, Alexandra, Te Awamutu, and Eaqlan — Resident Magistrate Travelling Allowance Clerk and Interpreter (also Registrar of Electors £30) Travelling Allowance, 3s. a day Bailiff Clerk, Cambridge Clerk at Te Awamutu and Alexandra (also Constabulary £155) Clerk at Raglan (also Registrar of Births Deaths &c fees, and Constable £146) 75 6 50 2 120 10 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 400 100 180 55 150&fees 150 46 10 10 ■17 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 Taupo — Resident Magistrate (also Inspector Constabulary £400) Thames, Ooromandel, Mercury Bay, Te Aroha, and Paeroa — Warden and Resident Magistrate Forage Allowance, 3s, per diem Clerk Bailiff Interpreter Clerk at Ohinemuri (also Armed Constabulary £137)... Clerk at Te Aroha (also Mines £100) Office Cleaner Clerk at Coromandel (also Receiver of Gold Revenue and Mining Registrar £137 10s., and Registrar of Births Deaths &c. fees) Office Cleaner Tauranga, Ohinemutu, Waterford — Resident Magistrate (also £] 50 from Native Office, Land Purchase £100, and Inspector Native Schools £25) ... Clerk and Interpreter (also Native Office £50, Customs, £50, and Registrar of Births &c. feea) ... Cadet Office Cleaner Bailiff Clerk at Ohinemutu and Maketu Travelling Allowance Opotilci, Maketu, WhaJcatane, Te Kaha, and Raukolcori — Resident Magistrate (also Native £200) Clerk Bailiff Office Cleaner G'isborne, Tolago Bay, and Awanui — Resident Magistrate (also Native Officer and Frauds Commissioner £i00, Coroner fees) Clerk (also Registrar Supreme Court £25, Registrar of Electors £20, and Registrar of Births &c. fees) Interpreter 50 500 55 350 175&fees 75 10 80 6 138 12 300 GO 61 02 63 64 100 50 12 50 150 25 05 06 67 08 150 150 12 6 69 400 70 71 250 50




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

item. 18: 13-84-DISTRICT, RESIDENT MAGISTRATES', AND WARDENS' COURTS— continued. 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 SO 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 SS 89 90 VOTE No. 22— continued. Gisborne, Tolago Bay, and Awanui —continued. Cadet Bailiff Office Cleaner Clerk and Interpretor at Tolago Bay (also Constable £155), Is. per diem Rent Clerk at Awanui (also Sergeant Armed Constabulary £155), Is. per diem Interpreter (also Armed Constabulary £118), Is. per diein New Plymouth and Opuiuike —■ District Judge (New Plymouth and Patea) and Resident Magistrate (also Registrar Supreme Court £100, and Frauds Commissioner £40) ... Clerk (also Registrar of Electors £20, Native Office £100) Cadet Bailiff and Office Cleaner, and Crier to Supreme Court Rent of Court-room, &c. Clerk at Opunake (also Constable 128) Patea, Hawera, and Waverley — Resident Magistrate (also Sheriff fees, and Land Officer, £300) Travelling Allowance, 3s. per diem Clerk Bailiff at Patea Office Cleaner (also Lands £6, and Survey £6) Clerk at Hawera (also Crown Lands £60, Registrar of Electors £20, and Clerk to Reserves Trustee £50) ... Bailiff at Hawera Office Cleaner Rent at Waverley Wellington and Suit — District Judge (Wellington, Eeatherston, Wanganui, Palmerston) and Resident Magistrate ... Clerk (also Marshal of Vice-Admiralty Court fees, and Registrar of Electors £30) Clerk Clerk Bailiff Assistant Bailiff Office Cleaner (also Supreme Court £36) ... Wanganui, Marlon, Foxton, Palmerston, Bull's, and Feilding — Resident Magistrate (also Native Office £50) Travelling Allowance Clerk and Interpreter at Wanganui (also Sheriff fees, Registrar of Electors £25, Native Land Court £50, and Registrar of Births &c. £i0) Cadet Bailiff, and Crier Supreme Court Native Bailiff Office Cleaner Clerk and Bailiff at Marton (also Registrar of Births &c. foes) ... Office Cleaner Clerk and Interpreter, Eoxton (also Native Office £50, Registrar of Births &c. fees, and Registrar of Electors £15) 60 160 20 19 6 19 19 235 100 60 120 75 10 200 55 150 120 12 60 40 6 10 91 92 93 94 650 95 300 225 90 160 110 20 90 97 98 99 .00 101 L02 L03 400 100 .04 .05 .06 .07 03 230 90 130 25 36 09 .10 200 10 175




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

.tern. 1883-84. £ DISTEICT, BESIDENT MAGISTEATES', AND WAEDENS' COUETS— continued. Ill 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 VOTE No. 22—continued. Wanganui, Marion, Foxton, Palmerston, Bull's, and Feilding —continued. Bailiff Clerk at Palmerston North (also Begistrar of Electors £1j) Bailiff and Office Cleaner Clerk and Bailiff at Feilding ... Clerk and Interpreter at Otaki (also Constable £127 15r.) Eent at Otaki Feathcrston, Garterton, Greytown,Masterton,andWhareama — Eesident Magistrate (also Sheriff fees) Travelling Allowance Clerk and Interpreter (also Eegistrar of Electors £25) Travelling Allowance Clerk Bailiff at Grey town Bailiff at Masterton Eent at Tenui Eent at Grey town Office Cleaners (3) Napier, Waipaiva, Ormondville, Woodville, and Wairoa — Eesident Magistrate (also Native Agent £100, Trust Commissioner £50) Clerk Clerk and Interpreter (also Native £50) ... Assistant Clerk and Bailiff Clerk and Bailiff at Waipawa and Ormondville (also Constable £136) ... ... ... Office Cleaner Clerk and Bailiff at Woodville Clerk and Bailiff (also Constable £155), Is. per diem... Office Cleaner Nelson, Motueka, and Brightioater — District Judge (Nelson and Westland) and Eesident Magistrate Travelling Allowance, 3s. a day Eesident Magistrate Clerk (also Deputy Eegistrar Supreme Court nil) Bailiff (also Clerk of Court Brightwater £45, and Crier Supreme Court £30) Messenger and Office Cleaner (also from Supreme Court £20) Clerk at Brightwater (also Bailiff Eesident Magistrate's Court Nelson £150, and Crier Supreme Court £30)... Clerk at Motueka (also Eegistrar of Births &c. fees, Eegistrar of Electors £20) ... Oollingwood and Tahalca — Eesident Magistrate Travelling allowance Clerk (also Postmaster £151) Office Cleaner Clerk and Bailiff at Takaka (also District Constable £60) Westport, Charleston, Lyell, Seefton, and Hampden — Warden and Eesident Magistrate (also Coroner fees, and Sheriff fees) Clerk, Westport (also Local Land Officer £25, Eegistrar of Electors £25, Clerk to Agent Colliery Eeserve £50, Eeceiver Gold Eevenue nil) ... 50 175 40 120 10 25 400 85 200 65 120 100 100 10 20 15 300 225 150 160 20 10 10 19 6 136 675 55 200 300 137 138 139 140 141 150 40 142 143 45 90 144 145 146 147 148 100 100 50 6 25 149 500 150 315




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services,

item. 188: 1-84,. DISTEICT, BESIDENT MAQISTBATES', AND WABDENS' COUETS— continued. .51 52 .53 .54 .56 .56 .57 .58 .69 .60 .61 .62 .63 .64 .65 .68 .69 .70 .71 .67 VOTE No. 22— continued. Westport, Charleston, Lyett, Reefton, and Hampden — continued. Cadet Bailiff (also Office Cleaner £25) Office Cleaner (also Bailiff £150) Clerk, Charleston (also Eeceiver of Gold Eevenue, nil) Office Cleaner Bailiff Clerk and Bailiff, Lyell and Hampden (also Eeceiver of Grold Eevenue, nil) Office Cleaner Eent at Hampden Clerk, Eeefton (also Sheriff fees, Eegistrar of Electors £20,LandOfficer, £25, andEegistrar of Births&c. fees) Clerk • ... Bailiff Office Cleaner Blenheim — Eesident Magistrate (also Eegistrar of Supreme Court nil, and District Land Eegistrar £200) ... Clerk (also Sheriff fees) Bailiff (also Office Cleaner £15 12s., and Office Cleaner Supreme Court £6 10s.) Office Cleaner (also Bailiff £120, and Office Cleaner Supreme Court £6 10s.) Picton and Havelock — Eesident Magistrate (also Customs £30, Postmaster £197, and Coroner fees) Clerk and Bailiff at Picton Office Cleaner Clerk and Bailiff at Havelock (also Eeceiver of Gold Eevenue £50) Office Cleaner CJiristchure7i and Bouihhridge — Eesident Magistrate Travelling Allowance Clerk 2 Clerks, 1 at £150, and 1 at £130 Cadet Bailiff Assistant Bailiff Assistant Bailiff Office Cleaner Clerk at Leeston and Southbridge (also Eegistrar of Births &c. fees, Eegistrar of Electors £15) Bailiff at Southbridge Office Cleaner Lyttelton — Clerk (also Eegistrar of Births &c. £30, Vaccination Inspector fees, and Eegistrar of Electors £25) Interpreter (also Prisons nil) ... Bailiff Office Cleaner Kaiapoi, Bangiora, Amberley, Oxford, Sheffield, Goalgate, Waiau, and Kaikoura — Eesident Magistrate Travelling Allowance Clerk at Kaiapoi (also Eegistrar of Electors £25) 60 150 25 180 12 60 150 12 18 275 125 150 25 150 250 120 16 200 100 12 .72 100 12 .73 .74 .75 .76 .77 .78 .79 .80 .81 .82 600 36 300 280 80 180 150 120 25 .83 .84 85 35 6 .85 150 6 100 15 ,86 .87 .88 .80 .90 .91 450 100 175




s—B. 3.

Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

item. 18; .3-84. DISTRICT, RESIDENT MAGISTRATES', AND WARDENS' COURTS— continued. L92 L93 L94 L95 L96 L97 L98 L99 200 !01 !02 503 >04 505 !06 !07 508 509 510 ill 512 213 VOTE No. 22— continued. Kaiapoi, llangiora, Amberley, Oxford, Sheffield, Coalgate, Waiau, and Kaikoura —continued. Cleric and Bailiff at Rangiora, Amberley, and Oxford, and Bailiff at Kaiapoi (including Travelling Expenses) ... Assistant Bailiff Office Cleaner Rent at llangiora Office Cleaner Office Cleaner at Amberley Clerk and Bailiff at Sheffield and Coalgate ... Rent at Sheffield Clerk and Bailiff at Waiau (also Registrar of Births &c. fees) Clerk at Kaikoura (also Registrar of Electors £25, and Registrar of Births, &c.) Office Cleaner Aharoa, Pigeon Bay, and Little River — Resident Magistrate (also Registrar of Births &c. fees, Harbourmaster £25) Travelling Allowance Clerk and Bailiff (also Registrar of Electors £25) Office Cleaner Timaru — District Judge (Canterbury and Otago) Resident Magistrate (also Coroner fees, and Sheriff fees) Travelling Allowance Clerk (also Registrar of Electors £25) Clerk Bailiff Office Cleaner TVaimate — Clerk Bailiff Office Cleaner Temuka and Oeraldine — Clerk and Bailiff (also Registrar of Births &c. fees) ,.. Office Cleaner Clerk and Bailiff at Geraldine ... Office Cleaner, Geraldine Ashburton and South Rakaia — Resident Magistrate Clerk Assistant Clerk and Bailiff Office Cleaner and Messenger ... Clerk at South Rakaia Rent, &c, at South Rakaia Hokitika, Boss, Kutnara, Stafford, and Goldsborougli — Resident Magistrate and Warden (also Commissioner of Crown Lands £100) Travelling Allowance Clerk at Hokitika and Kanieri (also Deputy Registrar of Supreme Court £25, Sheriff fees, Registrar of Electors £25, and Receiver of Gold Revenue nil) ... Cadet Bailiff (also Crown Lands and Forest Ranger £70) Office Cleaner and Messenger (also Messenger Stamp Office £25, and Deeds Registry £25) ... Clerk and Bailiff at Ross (also Receiver of Gold Revenue nil, and Registrar of Births &c. fees) Clerk at Kumara (also Receiver of Gold Revenue nil, Registrar of Electors £20, and Registrar of Births &c. fees) ... ... 300 60 12 40 6 6 100 30 75 55 6 275 50 135 14 900 450 100 275 180 75 26 !14 515 516 150 40 20 517 518 519 520 130 10 75 5 521 522 523 524 525 526 400 185 75 33 40 25 227 450 200 528 529 130 131 132 300 GO 180 50 133 2G0 134 200




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 18 .3-84. DISTRICT, EESIDENT MAGISTRATES', AND WARDENS' COUETS— continued. 135 136 !37 188 139 !:IO !41 !42 143 !44 145 146 !47 148 149 !50 !51 152 153 •54 VOTE No. 2%—eonimued. Hokitika, Soss, Kumara, Stafford, and Qoldsborough —• continued. Forage Allowance Bailiff Office Cleaner Clerk at Stafford and Goldsboroug'n (also Eeeiver of Gold Revenue nil, and Registrar of Births &c. fees) Bailiff, Messenger, and Office Cleaner Greymouth, Arnold, Dunganville. No Town, Harry town, and Ahaura — Warden and Resident Magistrate Clerk (also Registrar of Births &c. £30, Registrar of Electors £25, and Receiver Gold Revenue nil) Clerk Bailiff Office Cleaner Clerk at Arnold, No Town, Dunganville (also Eeceiver of Gold Revenue nil) Travelling Allowance Office Cleaner at No Town Office Cleaner at Dunganville Clerk, Ahaura (also District Land Officer £25, Registrar of Births &c. fees) Office Cleaner OTcarito — Resident Magistrate House Allowance Bailiff (also Crown Lands Ranger £12) Office Cleaner Jackson's Hay — Resident Magistrate (also Land Officer £100, and Receiver Gold Revenue £20, and Registrar of Births &c. fees) Dunedin, Outran, Mosgiel, and Port Chalmers — Resident Magistrate Travelling Allowance Clerk Clerk at Maclaggan Street Court Clerk Cadet Bailiff Assistant Bailiff Office Cleaner Office Cleaner, Maclaggan Street Clerk at Outram (also Constabulary £155) Is. per diem Clerk at Mosgiel (also Constabulary £146) Clerk and Bailiff at Port Chalmers Office Cleaner, Port Chalmers ... Oamaru, Hampden, Palmerston, Waihouaiti,and Livingstone — Resident Magistrate Clerk at Oamaru (also Registrar of Electors £25, and Registrar of Births &c. £50) Clerk Bailiff Office Cleaner Assistant Clerk at Macrae's (also Constable £15) Is. per diem Clerk, Palmerston, Waikouaiti and Hampden Travelling Allowance Office Cleaner, Palmerston ... 60 150 12 175 100 500 240 200 150 25 200 15(5 12 12 200 15 180 40 25 13 !55 50 !56 ;57 !58 159 !60 !61 !62 !63 !64 !65 266 267 268 269 600 36 325 225 100 60 200 150 39 25 19 10 175 12 !70 !71 500 !72 !73 !74 i75 250 180 120 36 :76 ;77 178 19 125 50 6




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 18: 3-84 DISTRICT, RESIDENT MAGISTRATES', AND WARDENS' COUETS— continued. 279 280 281 285 286 287 288 289 290 291. 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 i82 188 184 VOTE No. 22— continued. Oamaru, Hampden, Palmerston, Waikouaiti, and Livingstone —continued. Office Cleaner, Hampden Office Cleaner, Hawkesbury Bailiff at Palmerston Invercargill, Campbelltown, Mat aura, Gore, Lumsden, Siverton, Winton, and Orepulci — Resident Magistrate and Warden (also Sheriff: fees) ... Travelling Allowance Clerk (also Registrar Supreme Court £50, Registrar of Marriages &c. £25, Vaccination Inspector fees, and Registrar of Electors £25) ... Clerk Cadet Bailiff Assistant Bailiff and Office Cleaner (also Crier and Messenger Supreme Court £L5) Clerk at Campbelltown (also Sergeant A..C. £173) Clerk at Lumsden (also Constable £155) ... Clerk at Winton (also Constabulary £155) Rent at Winton ... ... Clerk at Gore and Mataura Bailiff Rent at Gore Office Cleaners at Gore, Lumsden, and Mataura Clerk, Bailiff, and Office Cleaner at Riverton (also Registrar of Electors £40) ... Clyde, Alexandra, Cromwell, Roxburgh, Arrow, Queenstown, and Slack's —■ Warden and Resident Magistrate (also Coroner, fees) Clerk at Clyde (also Registrar of Births &c. fees, and Registrar of Electors £20) ... Cadet at Clyde Office Cleaner Clerk, Roxburgh (also Constable £146) ... Office Cleaner at Roxburgh Office Cleaner at Alexandra Clerk at Cromwell (also Receiver of Gold Revenue nil) Bailiff at Cromwell Clerk at Arrow (also Receiver of Gold Revenue nil, and Registrar of Births &c. fees) Office Cleaner at Arrow Clerk at Queenstown (also Receiver of Gold Revenue nil, and Registrar of Electors £20) Bailiff at Queenstown Office Cleaner at Black's Naseby, St. JBathans, Hamilton's, Hyde, Macrae's, and Serpentine — Warden and Resident Magistrate Clerk (also Receiver of Gold Revenue nil, and Registrar of Electors £20) Assistant Clerk and Bailiff Office Cleaner Assistant Clerk at St. Bathans (also Constable £146)... Lawrence, Havelock, Milton, JBalclutha, Switzers, Tapanui, and Clinton — Warden and Resident Magistrate (also Coroner fees) ... Travelling Allowance Clerk (also Receiver of Gold Revenue nil, Registrar of Electors £25, and Registrar of Births &c. fees) Assistant Clerk and Bailiff 6 6 12 500 75 200 160 50 120 GO 10 10 10 10 150 20 6 15 150 500 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 225 60 25 10 6 6 180 175 308 309 225 12 310 311 325 200 6 ;12 113 450 114 15 H6 260 200 25 10 317 318 319 500 200 320 325 250




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

item. 18 13-84. DISTEICT, RESIDENT MAGISTRATES', AND WARDENS' COURTS—continued. 121 122123 124 !25 126 VOTE No. 22— continued. Lawrence, Haveloek, Milton, Balclutlia, Switzers, Tapanui, and Clinton —continued. Clerk at Milton (also Sergeant Armed Constabulary, £174) Clerk at Balclutlia (also Sergeant Armed Constabulary, £164) Clerk and Bailiff at Switzers (also Constable £155) Clerk at Tapanui (also Armed Constabulary £155) Clerk at Clinton (also Armed Constabulary £137) Stewart Island — Resident Magistrate (also Customs Officer £210, and Registrar of Births &c. fees) ... Chatham Inlands — Resident Magistrate (also Customs £130, Sheriff fees, and Registrar of Births &c. fees) Clerk (also Constable £37 10s., and Postal £25) Travelling Expenses of District Judges, Wardens, Resident Magistrates, and Clerks Expenses serving Summonses House Allowance for Wardens, &c, on Gold Reids Fees to be returned to Bailiffs of District Courts 10 10 10 10 10 50 !27 128 ;29 100 30 130 181 :32 5,200 4,000 455 70 Total—Vote No. 22 ... 49,884 CRIMINAL PROSECUTIONS. 1 2 3 VOTE No. 23. Fees to Crown Solicitors and Prosecutors ... Expenses of Witnesses Payment of Jurors under " The Juries Act, 1870 " 4,000 7,000 1,200 12,200 Total—Vote No. 23 ... " CORONERS ACT, 1867." VOTE No. 24. Fees and Expenses on Inquests Total —Vote No. 24 ... CONTINGENCIES. 3,000 3,000 1 2 8 ■i VOTE No. 25. Purchase of Reports and Treatises for Crown Law Office Remission of Fines Purchase of site for Courthouse, Lyttelton ... Official Assignees in Bankruptcy, including clerical assistance and contingencies Amount required to make good the deficiency in the estate of the late J. S. Douglas, as recommended by the Public Petitions Committee Contingencies 50 100 350 1,000 4,359 5 59 2,800 Total —Vote No. 25 ...




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

.tew 18: 13-84. PEISONS. 1883-84. 1882-83. Total number of officers ,., 161 152 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 VOTE No. 26. Inspector's Office — Inspector of Prisons Clerk and Accountant .,. Cadet Auckland — Gaoler Surgeon Matron Chief Warder 2 Principal Warders at £180 ... 9 Warders at £150 10 Assistant Warders at £135 ... Assistant Matron Lodging Allowance for Matron and Warders, 23 at £20 Tauranqa — Gaoler iti -t( Gisborne — Gaoler New Plymouth — Gaoler Surgeon (also Hospitals £37, Defence £250, and Forage £25) Matron Principal Warder Warder 2 Assistant Warders at £125 ... ... Lodging Allowance, 4 Warders at £20 Wellington, Terrace — Gaoler Surgeon (also Coroner fees, Vaccination £50, and Government Insurance £400) ... Matron Chief Warder 2 Principal Warders at £180 ... 5 Warders at £150 5 Assistant Warders at £135 ... Assistant Matron Lodging Allowance, Assistant Matron and 10 Warders at £20 Wellington, Mount Cook — Surgeon Chief Warder Principal Warder 2 Warders at £150 2 Assistant Warders at £135 ... Lodging Allowance, 5 Warders at £20 Wanganui — Gaoler Surgeon Warder 2 Assistant Warders at £125 .., Lodging Allowance, 3 Warders at £20 Napier — Gaoler (also Lunatic Asylum Keeper £35) Surgeon (also Surgeon to Lunatic Asylum £50) Matron Principal Warder Warder 2 Assistant Warders at £125 ... Lodging Allowance, 4 Warders at £20 700 225 60 300 100 80 200 360 1,350 1,350 50 460 156 156 290 50 40 150 135 250 80 400 24 25 26 27 28 29 80 100 80 200 360 750 675 50 220 31 32 33 34 85 36 50 200 180 300 270 100 37 38 39 40 41 180 50 135 250 60 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 275 50 40 150 135 250 80




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

!tem. 188. 1-84. PEISONS— continued. £ 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 6G 67 63 69 70 71 72 73 VOTE No. 26— continued. Nelson — Gaoler Matron Principal "Warder Warder Assistant Warder Medical Attendance and Medicines Lodging allowance, 3 Warders at £20 Westport — Gaoler Picton — Gaoler Lyttelton — Gaoler Surgeon Chief Warder 3 Principal Warders at £180 ... 8 Warders at £150 8 Assistant Warders at 135 Lodging Allowance, 15 Warders at £20 Allowance to Warders acting as Tailor Instructor, Foreman Shoemaker, and Overseer Printing Office, at Is. per working day Addington — Gaoler Surgeon Matron Principal Warder 2 Warders at £135 2 Assistant Warders at £125 ... 2 Assistant Matrons at £50 Lodging Allowance, 2 Matrons and 4 Warders at £20... Timaru — Gaoler Matron Principal Warder Warder Assistant Warder Lodging Allowance, 3 Warders at £20 Hohitika — Gaoler Surgeon (also Lunatic Asylum £100) Matron Principal Warder Warder Assistant Warder Lodging Allowance, 3 Warders at £20 Dunedin — Gaoler Surgeon (also Industrial School £100) Matron Chief Warder 2 Principal Warders at £180 ... 8 Warders at £150 8 Assistant Warders at £135 ... 2 Assistant Matrons at £50 ... ... ... Lodging Allowance, 3 Matrons and 19 Warders at £20 Invercargill — Gaoler ... Matron Principal Warder Warder 245 40 150 135 125 60 60 156 156 340 100 200 540 1,200 1,080 300 47 200 100 60 150 270 250 100 120 74 75 76 77 78 79 245 40 150 135 125 60 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 280 50 50 150 135 125 60 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 340 100 80 200 360 1,200 1,080 100 440 96 97 98 99 300 40 150 135




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

!tem. 18! 3-84 PBISONS— continued. 100 101 102 103 104 105 VOTE No. 26— continued. Invercargill —continued. Assistant Warder Medical Attendance Lodging Allowance, 3 "Warders at £20 Oamaru — Gaoler Surgeon Matron Clyde— Gaoler Nasehy — Gaoler 125 50 60 156 25 25 106 156 107 156 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 Lawrence — Gaoler Chatham Islands — Gaoler Bations, Fuel, Light, &c. Clothing, Bedding, Furniture, &c. Medicines and Medical Comforts Other Necessaries Tools and Materials for Prison Labour, &o. ... Uniforms for Prison Officers Contingencies and Travelling Expenses Conveyance of Prison Labour Gangs from Dunedin to Port Chalmers Gratuity to ex-Chief Warder Worgan, Lyttelton Gratuity to ex-Warder McNamara, Dunedin Extra gratuity to assist Warder Hughes, Auckland, on discharge through ill-health Gratuity of two years' house allowance to widow of late Warder Adams, Nelson Gratuity to Warder Frederic, Dunedin Expenses of Eoyal Commission on the Dunedin Gaol 156 80 9,000 3,000 500 500 500 500 1,000 118 119 120 200 83 70 32 121 40 84 700 122 123 Less estimated credits under section 10 of " The Public Eevenues Act, 1882 " Total—Vote No. 26 ... 41,644 2,000 39,644 TOTAL OE CLASS IV. £12 772




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1883-84. Vote 27.—General Post Office £ 7,550 „ 28—Chief Offices and Sub-Offices ... 113,406 „ 29. —Maintenance, Repairs, and Miscellaneous 37,053 „ 30. —Telegraph Cable Subsidies 5,350 „ 31. —Conveyance of Mails by Sea 58,910 „ 32. —Conveyance of Inland Mails 25,810 „ 33. —Carriage of Mails by Railway ... 1,000 TOTAL OF CLASS V. 249,079 Item, 13-84. 1883-84. 1882-83. Total number of officers ... 37 36 GENERAL POST OFFICE. £ 1 2 3 4 VOTE No. 27. Superintendent Secretary Chief Clerk 6 Clerks, 1 at £270, 1 at £200, 1 at £180, 1 at £175, 1 at £140, 1 at £120 Inspector of Post Offices 3 Clerks (Dead Letter), 1 at £290, 1 at £190, 1 at £85 700 600 375 5 6 1,085 500 7 8 565 500 9 10 11 12 13 Accountant 1.1 Clerks, 1 at £295, 1 at £285,1 at £150, 1 at £145, 1 at £135, 4 at £120, 2 at £75 8 Clerks (Clearing-house), 5 at £120, 1 at £115, 1 at £110, 1 at £100 Cadet Mechanician Storekeeper Assistant Storekeeper 1,640 925 75 285 200 100 Total —Vote No. 27 ... 7,550 CHIEF OFFICES AND SUB-OFFICES. 1883-84. 1882-83. Total number of officers — Permanent ... ... 783 728 Non-permanent ... 882 905 1 2 3 VOTE No. 28. Chief Post Office, Auckland — Chief Postmaster Chief Clerk 16 Clerks, 1 at £300,1 at £225,1 at £220, 1 at £185, 1 at £180,1 at £165, 2 at £150, 1 at £145,1 at £135, 2 at £130, 4 at £120 3 Cadets, 1 at £110, 1 at £85, 1 at £75 ... 12 Letter Carriers, 1 at-£150, 2 at £140, 1 at £130, 1 at £125, 2 at £120, 2 at £85, and 3 at £80 Messenger Assistant Messenger Hulkkeeper ... ... .,. 500 325 2,595 270 4 5 6 7 8 1,335 115 75 104




6—B. 3.

Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

item. 18 13-84. CHIEF OFFICES AND SUB-OFFICES— continued. 10 11 12 13 14 VOTE No. 28— continued. Telegraph Office, Auckland— 22 Telegraphists, 1 at £325, 1 at £230, 2 at £180, 1 at £175, 3 at £165, 3 at £155, 2 at £150, 2 at £145, 1 at £135, 3 at £120, 1 at £110, 1 at £105, 1 at £95 5 Counter Clerks, 2 at £165, 1 at £115, 1 at £110, 1 at £50 Despatch Clerk Exchange Clerk 14 Messengers, 2 at £42,1 at £40, 2 at £38, 9 at £36 Sub-Offices — *Alexandra — Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) Avondale— Postmaster (also Eailway 8/ per diem) ... #Cambridge— Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) Cadet Messenger *Coromandel — Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) Letter Carrier and Messenger *Dargaville — Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) Messenger 3,445 605 160 115 524 187 15 11 1G 17 18 245 90 42 19 20 184 60 21 22 164 38 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 *Drury — Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) *Hamilton — Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) Cadet Messenger *Helensville — Clerk and Telegraphist (also Eegistrar of Births, &c.) *Hokianga — Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) *Huntly— Postmaster (also Eailway £120) *Kamo — Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) *Kawakawa — Postmaster (also Eegistrar of Births <fec, and Insurance Agent) Cadet *Kihikihi— Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) Manukau Heads — Telegraphist and Lineman *Mercer — Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) *Mongonui— Postmaster (also Deputy Eegistrar of Births &c, and Insurance Agent) *Newton — Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) Messenger Newmarket — Telegraphist (also Eailway £50) Messenger * Combined Post and Telegraph Offices are distinguished by an 172 267 90 38 115 180 20 175 223 90 33 130 34. 150 35 169 36 155 37 38 217 38 39 ■10 60 36 asterisk.




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

'tern. 188; i-84. CHIEF OFFICES AND SUB-OFFICES— continued. 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 VOTE No. 28 — continued. Sub'Offices, Auckland —continued. *Ngaruawab.ia— Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) Messenger *Ohaeawai— Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) *Ohaupo— Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) *Onehunga — Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) Telegraphist and Clerk Messenger Letter Carrier *Otahuhu— Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) *Pahi— Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) *Papakura — Postmaster (also Eailway 8/ per diem) ... *Papatoitoi— Postmaster (also Eailway £124 16s.) ... 231 46 I 157 120 262 160 38 36 49 152 50 165 51 10 52 10 53 54 *Penrose — Postmaster (also Railway £62) Telegraphist (also Eailway £140) *Pokeno — Postmaster (also Eailway £124 16s.) *Port AlbertPostmaster (also Insurance Agent) *Pukekohe— Postmaster (also Eailway £25, and Insurance Agent) *Eussell— Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) Telegraphist and Clerk Messenger *Taupiri — Postmaster *Te Awamutu — Postmaster (also Registrar Births &c, and Insurance Agent) *Te Kopuru— Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) Messenger *Tuakau— Postmaster (also Eailway £124 16s.) *Waipu— Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) *Wangarei—■ Postmaster (also Eegistrar of Births &c, and Insurance Agent) Messenger *Waiuku — Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) *Waiwera — Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) *Warkworth — Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) *Wangaroa — Postmaster (also Registrar of Births &c, and Insurance Agent) 150 Country Postmasters * Combined Post and Telegraph Offices are distinguished by an 7 13 55 30 56 176 57 95 58 59 60 231 110 38 61 20 62 205 63 04 140 36 65 11 66 186 67 194 38 68 69 188 70 175 71 169 72 173 900 73 aasteiisk.




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 18 13-84 CHIEF OFFICES AND SUB-OFFICES— continued. 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 VOTE No. 28— continued. * Chief Post Office, Thames — Chief Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) ... 6 Telegraphists, 1 at £165, 1 at £150, 2 at £135, 1 at £125, 1 at £120 Clerk Cadet Letter Carrier Letter Carrier and Messenger ... 4 Messengers, 2 at £38, 2 at £36 Sub-Offices — *Maketu —■ Postmaster Cadet *Miranda — Postmaster Assistant *Ohinemutu —■ Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) *Opotiki— Postmaster and Lineman (also Insurance Agent) Messenger 400 830 155 90 140 130 148 81 82 160 90 88 84 160 10 85 198 86 87 218 38 88 89 *Paeroa— Postmaster Messenger 135 36 90 91 92 93 94 95 *Tauranga — Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) 2 Telegraphists and Clerks, 1 at £120, 1 at £110 ... Letter Carrier Messenger *Te Aroha— Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) [... Messenger #Waterf'ord — Postmaster *Whakatane — Postmaster (also Police £136 17s. 6d.) ... 23 Country Postmasters 297 230 40 38 135 36 96 165 97 98 15 90 105 99 00 01 02 .03 04 * Chief Post Office, New Plymouth— Chief Postmaster (also Eegistrar of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, and Insurance Agent) 3 Clerks, 2 at £160, 1 at £110... 3 Telegraphists, 1 at £160, 1 at £145, 1 at £120 Despatch Clerk Letter Carrier 3 Messengers at £36 Sub-Offices— *Inglewood— Postmaster (also Railway £50, and Insurance Agent) *Opunake — Postmaster (also Eegistrar of Births, &c, and Insurance Agent) Messenger Parihaka — Postmaster (also Defence £119 10s.) Pungarehu— Postmaster (also Defence £119 10s.) ... *Stratford— Postmaster (also Railway £90, and Insurance Agent) 305 430 425 60 110 108 50 106 202 36 107 108 20 109 30 110 40 * Combined Post and Telegraph Offices are distinguished by an asterisk.




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

!tem. 1883-84. CHIEF OFFICES AND SUB-OFFICES— continued. 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 VOTE No. 28— continued. Sub-Offices, New Plymouth — *Waitara— Postmaster (also Railway £100, and Insurance Agent) Telegraphist and Assistant ,,, Messenger 13 Country Postmasters Chief Post Office, Napier— Chief Postmaster (also Registrar of Births, Deaths, and Marriages £50) ... Chief Clerk 4 Clerks, 1 at £220, 1 at £160,1 at £120, 1 at £110 ... Cadet 3 Letter Carriers, 1 at £110, 1 at £100, 1 at £80 Telegbaph Office, Napiee— 18 Telegraphists, 1 at £265, 1 at £210, 2 at £180, 1 at £L65,3 at £150, 2 at £135,1 at £130, 6 at £120, 1 at £110 Cadet 2 Counter Clerks, 1 at £165, 1 at £60 2 Despatch Clerks, 1 at £60,1 at £50 6 Messengers, 2 at £38, 4 at £36 Sub-Offices, JSapier — Far n don—• Telegraphist (also Railway £140) *Hastings —■ Postmaster (also Railway £200, and Registrar of Births, &c.) Telegraphist and Assistant ... *Makatoka— Postmaster (also Railway £125) *Mohaka — Postmaster *Ormondville— Postmaster (also Railway £124 16s., and Insurance Agent) *Porangahau— Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) *Port Ahuriri (Spit)— Postmaster Telegraphist and Assistant ... Messenger *Takapau— Postmaster #Tapuaeharuru (Taupo) — Postmaster 87 120 38 60 400 250 610 60 290 2,680 90 225 110 220 125 25 126 5 120 127 128 15 129 170 130 10 131 ]20 132 133 134 258 120 36 135 150 136 155 137 138 139 140 *Tarawera- - Postmaster and Lineman *Wainui — Postmaster *Waipawa — Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) Messenger *Waipukurau Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) *Wairoa — Postmaster (also Registrar of Births, &c, and Insurance Agent) 29 Country Postmasters 160 165 238 38 141 193 142 163 175 143 ,14 *Chief Post Office, G-isbobne— Chief Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) ... * Combined Post and Telegraph Offices are distinguished by 373 m asterisk.




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

item. i-84. 188; CHIEF OFFICES AND SUB-OFFICES—continued. £ .45 .46 .47 .48 .49 .50 VOTE No. 28— continued. *Chief Post Office, Gisbobne — continued. Telegraphist 2 Cadets, 1 at £100, 1 at £90 ... Counter Clerk 3 Messengers, 1 at £40, 1 at £38, 1 at £36 Custodian (also from other Departments £50) 11 Country Postmasters 120 190 95 114 50 50 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 *Chief Post Office, Wanganut— Chief Postmaster ... ;? Clerks, 1 at £220, 1 at £180,1 at £125 ... 2 Letter Carriers, 1 at £105, 1 at £95 9 Telegraphists, 1 at £285, 2 at £145, 1 at £130, 1 at £125, 2 at £120, 1 at £110, 1 at £100 ... Counter Clerk ... ... Despatch Clerk Distributing Clerk 5 Messengers, 1 at £75, 3 at £38, 1 at £36 Sub- Offices — *Bull's— Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) Messenger *Fordell— Postmaster (also Bailway £100) *Grreatford— Postmaster (also Railway £175) *Hawera — Postmaster (also Registrar of Births, &c, and Insurance Agent) 2 Cadets at £95 Messenger *Manaia — Telegraphist (also Insurance Agent) *Manutahi— Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) *Marton— Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) Messenger *Normanby — Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) *Patea— Postmaster (also Registrar of Births &c, and Insurance Agent) Telegraphist and Assistant ... Messenger *Turakina— Postmaster (also Railway £60, and Insurance Agent) Messenger *Waitotara— Postmaster (also Railway £80, and Insurance Agent) Messenger *Waverley— Postmaster (also Registrar of Births, &c, and Insurance Agent) Messenger 16 Country Postmasters Chief Post Office, Wellington— Chief Postmaster Chief Clerk ... ... „[ 425 475 200 1,280 140 115 75 225 223 38 40 5 239 190 40 165 140 168 169 240 40 170 125 171 254 120 36 172 173 174 175 110 40 176 177 82 38 178 181 36 95 179 180 181 182 500 325 * Combined Post and Telegraph Offices are distinguished by ar asterisk.




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 188 1-84. CHIEF OFFICES AND SUB-OFFICES— continued. .88 .84 .85 .80 .87 .88 89 .90 .91 .92 .93 .9-1 .95 .96 .97 .98 .99 !00 VOTE No. 28— continued. Chief Post Office, Wellington— continued. 14 Clerks, 1 at £235, 2 at £220, 2 at £200,1 at £195, 3 at £180,1 at £140, 1 at £135, 2 at £125, 1 at £110 Cadet 6 Letter Carriers, 1 at £150, 1 at £135, 1 at £130, 2 at £125, 1 at £75 Messenger Assistant Messenger Telegeaph Office, Wellington— 33 Telegraphists, 1 at £370, 1 at £210, 2 at £185, 1 at £180, 1 at £165, 1 at £160, 1 at £155, 2 at £150,2 at £145,5 at £140,1 at £135,12 at £120, 3 at £110 2 Cadets, 1 at £100, 1 at £90 ... 7 Counter Clerks, 1 at £185, 2 at £135, 1 at £120, 1 at £115, 1 at £95, 1 at £80 Telephone Exchange Clerk 3 Distributing Clerks, 1 at £75, 1 at £60, 1 at £40 ... 4 Despatch Clerks, 1 at £130, 1 at £115, 1 at £75, 1 at £42 29 Messengers, 1 at £42, 4 at £40, 16 at £38, 8 at £36 Sub-Offices, Wellington — *Carterton — Postmaster (also Eegistrar of Births, &c, and Insurance Agent) Messenger *Castlepoint — Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) *Featherston — Postmaster (also Railway £50, and Insurance Agent) Assistant (also Bailway £60) Messenger *Feilding — Postmaster (also Eailway £10, and Insurance Agent) Cadet *Foxton— Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) 1 Telegraphist at £130, 1 Cadet at £90 ... *Greytown — Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) Messenger *Halcombe — Postmaster (also Eailway £90, and Insurance Agent) Cadet *Hutt— Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) Messenger *Kaitoke— Postmaster (also Eailway £80) Masterton Post Office — Postmaster (also Eegistrar of Births, &c, and Insurance Agent) Cadet Assistant Masterton Telegraph Office — Telegraphist Messenger *Otaki— Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) 4,805 190 865 120 175 362 1,098 170 36 160 128 60 36 2,445 90 740 110 60 !0l !02 220 90 !03 !04 220 220 !05 !06 215 40 207 JOS 82 90 209 210 207 55 211 70 212 270 95 10 213 214 215 216 250 36 217 187 * Combined Post and Telegraph Offices are distinguished by ai asterisk.




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

:tem. 1883-84. CHIEF OFFICES AND SUB-OFFICES— continued. 118 119 !20 !21 VOTE No. 28— continued. Sub-Offices, Wellington —continued. *Palmerston North— Postmaster (also Eailway £10, and Insurance Agent) Telegraphist and Assistant ... Cadet Messenger 279 145 90 38 122 123 !24 !25 126 *Sanson— Postmaster (also Registrar of Births, &c, and Insurance Agent) *Te Aro— Postmaster *Te Nui— Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) *Upper Hutt— Postmaster (also Eailway £75, and Insurance Agent) Messenger Wellington Eailway — Telegraphist (also Eailway £55) *"Woodville— Postmaster (also Defence £146, and Insurance Agent) 51 Country Postmasters 202 40 125 78 40 127 95 :28 !29 51 275 180 131 !32 183 !34 #Chiei' Post Office, Blekheim — Chief Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) ... 30 Telegraphists, 1 at £260, 1 at £210, 1 at £205,2 at £180,1 at £170, 2 at £155,4 at £150, 2 at £145, 5 at £130, 5 at £125, 6 at £L20^... Cadet 2 Distributing Clerks, 1 at £100,1 at £50 2 Messengers, 1 at £38, 1 at £36 * Sub-Offices— Havelock— Postmaster (also Eegistrar of Births &c, and Insurance Agent) 390 4,400 90 150 74 :35 185 186 :37 !88 *Kaikoura— Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) *Kekerangu— Postmaster and Lineman *Picton— Postmaster (also Collector of Customs £30, Eesident Magistrate £200, Coroner and Insurance Agent) ... 2 Clerks, at £140 Messenger White's BayLineman and Telegraphist ... .,, 12 Country Postmasters 120 145 197 280 38 !89 !40 141 !42 155 90 !48 !44 145 !46 !47 !48 !49 150 *Chief Post Office, Nelson- — Chief Postmaster (also Eegistrar of Births &c. £50, and Insurance Agent by Fees) 3 Clerks, 1 at £260, 1 at £125, 1 at £110 ... 5 Telegraphists, 1 at £175, 1 at £155, 1 at £150, 1 at £145, 1 at £125 Cadet ... Counter Clerk ... ... Despatch Clerk 2 Letter Carriers, 1 at £145, 1 at £140 ... 6 Messengers, 1 at £105, 1 at £42, 1 at £40, 3 at £36 * Combined Post and Telegraph Offices are distinguished by ai 385 495 750 90 155 130 285 295 asterisk.




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services

!tem. 188: 1-84. CHIEF OFFICES AND SUB-OFFICES— continued. 151 !52 153 ;54 155 !56 !57 VOTE No. 28— continued. Sub-Offices, Nelson— *Belgrove — Telegraphist (also Railway £50) *Brightwater— Postmaster (also Railway £135) *Collingwood — Postmaster (also Clerk Resident Magistrate's Court and Insurance Agent) *Motueka — Postmaster (also Insurance A/*ent) Messenger ♦Richmond — Postmaster (also Railway £90, and Insurance Agent) Messenger *Takaka— Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) *The Port (Branch Office)— Postmaster Tophouse — Lineman and Telegraphist ... Wakapuaka — 3 Telegraphists, 1 at £275, 1 at £145, 1 at £110 ... *Wakefield— Postmaster (also Railway £130, and Insurance Agent) 23 Country Postmasters 110 12 201 185 36 122 40 158 146 159 125 ;eo 150 161 530 !62 !63 21 190 164 165 !66 !67 !68 i69 *Chief Post Office, "Westpoet— Chief Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) ... Clerk and Telegraphist Clerk and Telegraphist Letter Carrier 2 Messengers at £36 Sub-Offices, Westport — *Boatman's — Postmaster *Charleston — Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) *Longford— Postmaster and Lineman *Lyell— Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) Messenger 14 Country Postmasters 268 215 125 80 72 155 170 145 171 145 172 ;73 :74 185 36 65 175 :76 177 178 179 !80 *Chief Post Office, G-beymotjth— Chief Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) ... 2 Clerks, 1 at £195,1 at £145 Letter Carrier 5 Telegraphists, 2 at £155, 1 at £135, 1 at £125, and 1 at £120 Counter Clerk 3 Messengers at £40 Sub-Offices— #Ahaura — Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) Messenger *Brunnerton — Postmaster (also Railway £156) * Combined Post and Telegraph Offices are distinguished by ai 325 340 120 690 160 120 181 !82 150 40 183 11 asterisk.




7—B. 3.

Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

tem. 1883-81. CHIEF OFFICES AND SUB-OFFICES— continued. 184 185 186 187 188 189 VOTE No. 28— continued. Sub- Offices, Greymouth —continued. *Beefton — Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) 3 Telegraphists, 1 at £145, 1 at£115, and 1 at £95... Cadet Letter Carrier 2 Messengers, 1 at £38, 1 at £36 20 Country Postmasters 275 355 90 85 74 170 !90 !9L !92 !98 194 195 *Chtef Post Office, Hokitika — Chief Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) ... 2 Clerks, 1 at £195, 1 at £135 3 Telegraphists at £125 1 Counter Clerk Letter Carrier 2 Messengers, 1 at £40, 1 at £38 Sub-Offices— *&utnara— Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) Cadet Letter Carrier and Messenger 350 330 875 95 150 78 196 197 198 176 90 59 !99 100 *Eoss—■ Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) 23 Country Postmasters 148 160 101 iO2 103 Ciiief Post Office, Ciibistchtjrch—■ Chief Postmaster Chief Clerk 17 Clerks, 1 at £240, 2 at £200, 1 at £180, 2 at £170, 1 at £150,1 at £14.5, 2 at £135, 2 at £125, 4 at £120, and 1 at £105 Cadet 13 Letter Carriers, 1 at £150, 2 at £140, 1 at £120, 3 at £115, 2 at £100, 4 at £75 Messenger 500 325 2,560 100 104 i05 106 1,395 100 107 108 100 :lo ill 112 113 Telegraph Office, Chrtstchuech — 25 Telegraphists, 1 at £370, 1 at £210, 2 at £200, 2 at £180, 4 at £1GO, 1 at £155, 2 at £150,2 at £145, 1 at £140, 2 at £135, 2 at £125, 4 at £120, and 1 at £100 2 Cadets, 1 at £105, 1 at £76 ... 3 Counter Clerks, 1 at £180, 1 at £145, and 1 at £115 3 Despatch Clerks, 1 at £125, 1 at £120, 1 at £85 ... 2 Distributing Clerks, 1 at £60, 1 at £45 ... Exchange Clerk 16 Messengers, 1 at £42, 5 at £40, 4 at £38, 6 at £36... Sub-Offices— *Am berley— Postmaster (also Eailway £50, and Eegistrar and Insurance Agent) Messenger *Akaroa — Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) Messenger *Ashburton — Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) Clerk 2 Telegraphists at £125 Letter Carrier 2 Messengers at £38 3,965 181 440 330 105 120 610 114 100 36 115 lie 117 180 36 118 119 120 121 122 285 135 250 95 76 * Combined Post and Telegraph Offices are distinguished by an asterisk.




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1883-84 CHIEF OFFICES AND SUB-OFFICES— continued. 328 329 330 331 ;23 124 (25 126 127 VOTE No. 28— continued. ■ Sub-Of/ices, Christclwrch —continued. *Bea!ey— Postmaster *Buniham— Postmaster (also Railway £130) *Chertsey— Postmaster (also Railway £110) *Cheviot— Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) *Coalu:ate — Postmaster (also Railway £115, Insurance Agent, and Registrar of Births, &c.) ... *Darfiel(i — Postmaster (also Railway £110) *_Doyleeton— Postmaster (also Railway £125) — Postmaster (also Railway £150) *Duvauchelle— Postmaster *Ealing— Postmaster (also Railway £105) *Ellesmere— Postmaster (also Railway £150) *Heatlicote — Postmaster (also Railway £150) *Hinds— Postmaster (also Railway £112) *Hornby—■ Postmaster (also Railway £140) *Hurunui—■ Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) *Kaiapoi — Postmaster (also Registrar of Births and Insurance Agent.) Letter Carrier Messenger *Kirwee—■ Postmaster (also Railway £120) 130 10 12 120 12 10 12 10 130 332 10 333 10 334 12 335 25 336 10 337 173 338 275 75 38 339 310 311 10 342 343 314 315 316 317 318 319 350 *Leeston —■ Postmaster (also Railway £120, and Insurance Agent) Messenger * Lincoln— Postmaster *Lyt,telton — Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) Clerk 1 Telegraphist 2 Cadets, 1 at £90, 1 at £75 Letter Carrier 3 Messengers, 1 at £42, 1 at £40, 1 at £36 Methven — Postmaster *Oxford — Postmaster (also Railway £25, Registrar of Births, &e , and Insurance Agent) Messenger #Papanui — Postmaster (also Railway £140) * Combined Post and Telegraph Offices are distinguighe by ai 34 Fees. 12 300 125 110 165 110 118 351 5 352 135 36 i>00 851 10 asterisk.




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item 1883-84. CHIEF OFFICES AND SUB-OFFICES— continued. $55 556 557 558 559 560 VOTE No. 28— continued. Sub-Offices, C/iristchurch —continued. *Rakaia— Postmaster (also Registrar of Births, Insurance Agent) Messenger ... *Bangiora— Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) Letter-carrier Messenger *Eolleston— Postmaster (also Railway £165) *Selwyn— Postmaster (also Railway £130) ♦Sheffield— Postmaster (also Railway £125, Insurance Agent, and Registrar of Births) Telegraphist and Lineman ... *Southbridge — Postmaster (also Railway £60, and Insurance Agent) Messenger *Springfield— Postmaster (also Railway £120) 177 38 255 50 40 10 161 10 562 10 155 563 564 565 115 38 166 10 567 568 169 :70 171 ;72 * StyxPostmaster (also Railway £125) *Sydenham— Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) Messenger *Templeton— Postmaster Tinwald— Postmaster (also Railway £130) *Waiau — Postmaster (also Insurance Agent and Registrar of Births, &c.) *Waikari —■ Postmaster (also Registrar of Births, &c, and Insurance Agent) *Wbiteeliffs— Postmaster (also Railway £125 4s.) *Winslow —■ Postmaster (also Railway £130) 100 Country Postmasters 10 200 50 11 6 125 ;73 100 174 6 175 i7G 10 740 m 178 !79 :80 181 •82 *Chieb Post Office, Timaiut — Chief Postmaster (also Insurance Agent by Fees) 4 Clerks, 1 at £185, 1 at £150, 2 at £125 ... 6 Telegraphists, 1 at £3U0, 1 at £185, 2 at £175, 1 at £150, 1 at £120 2 Letter Carriers at £115 4 Messengers, 1 at £115, 2 at £38, 1 at £36 Sub-Offices— *Albury—■ Postmaster (also Railway £119) *Geraldine —■ Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) Messenger •Makikihi— Postmaster (also Railway £139) *Orari — Postmaster (also Railway £140) *Otaio— Postmaster (also Railway £125) 385 585 1,105 230 227 31 ;83 184 197 38 185 10 186 12 :S7 10 * Combined Post and Telegraph Offices are distinguished by an asterisk.




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

item. 1883-84. CHIEF OFFICES AND SUB-OFFICES— continued. 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 VOTE No. 28— continued. Suh-Offices, Titnaru —continued. *Pleasflnt Point— Postmaster (also Railway £127) *Rangitata—■ Postmaster (also Railway £120) *St. AndrewsPostmaster (also Railway £140) *Studholme Junction— Postmaster (also Railway £140) *Temuka— Postmaster (also Registrar of Births &c, and Insurance Aerent) Cadet Messenger * Wai mate — Postmaster (also Registrar of Births &c, and Insurance Agent) Telegraphist Letter Carrier Messenger *Wailaki — Postmaster (also Railway £140) *Washdyke— Postmaster (also Railway £100) *Winchester — Postmaster (also Railway £120) 24 Country Postmasters 50 12 10 10 259 95 3(3 395 2C0 110 50 38 396 397 398 399 20 400 10 401 402 10 130 ,03 01,05 :07 m iO9 ilO <11 * Chief Post Office, Oamaetj—■ Chief Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) ... 3 Clerks, 1 at £160, 1 at £145, 1 at £120 2 Letter Carriers, 1 at £105, 1 at £90 2 Telegraphists, 1 at £185, 1 at £155 3 Cadets, 2 at £95, 1 at £90 ... 4 Messengers, 1 at £115, 1 at £40, 2 at £36 Sub-Offices— *Duiitroon — Postmaster (also Railway £99, Insurance Agent, and Registrar of Births &c.) *Hampden— Postmaster (also Eailway £47, Insurance Agent, and Registrar Births &c.) Messenger *Herbert (Otepopo) —■ Postmaster (also Railway £48, and Insurance Agent) •Kakanui — Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) *Maheno — Postmaster (also Railway £140) *Moeraki — Postmaster (also Railway £141) *Pukeuri— Postmaster (also Railway £120) *Shag Point Junction— Postmaster 11 Country Postmasters 3S5 425 195 340 2S0 227 101 83 30 .12 102 .13 140 ,14 10 ■15 10 tl6 10 ,17 tl8 5 70 419 420 Chief Post Office, Dunedin — Chief Postmaster Chief Clerk * Combined Post and Telegraph Offices are distinguished bj ai 550 300 asterisk.




B—E. 3.

Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

'.tea i. 18. 13-84. CHIEF OFFICES AND SUB-OFFICES— continued. .21 VOTE No. 28— continued. Chthf Post Office, Dunedin— continued. 18 Clerks, 1 at £260, 1 at £250, 1 at £220, 1 at £215, 1 at £205, 2 at £200,1 at £180, 1 at £155, 2 at £145, 1 at £140, 1 at £135, 5 at £120 Letter Carriers' Sorter 11 Letter Carriers, 2 at £135, 1 at £125, 4 at £115,1 at £105, 3 at £95 Messenger Assistant Messenger ... ... 3,050 150 .22 .23 .21 .25 1,245 100 85 135 L36 137 138 .2(3 ,27 ,28 .29 .;-;o .31 -32 .33 Si Telegiiaph Office, Dunedin— 24 Telegraphists, 1 at £370, 1 at £210, 1 at £205, 1 at £185,1 at £160, 3 at £155, 3 at £150, 2 at £145,1 at £L40, 2 at £135, 5 at £120, 1 at £115, 2 at £100 ... Cadet 4 Counter Clerks, 1 at £180, 2 at £135, 1 at £120 ... Exchange Clerk 2 Despatch Clerks, 1 at £95, 1 at £55 15 Messengers, 1 at £45, 4 at £40, 3 at £38, 7 at £36 Sub -Offices— *Albany StreetPostmaster 2 Messengers, 1 at £38, 1 at £36 *Alexandra South — Postmaster (also Registrar Births &c. and Insurance Agent) *Arrow .River — Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) Messenger *Balclutha— Postmaster (also Registrar of Births &c, Registrar ot'Electors £15, and Insurance Agent) Messenger •Blueski-n (Waitati)— Postmaster (also Railway £130) *Caversham — Postmaster (also Railway £110) Messenger *01inton — Postmaster and Lineman (also Registrar Births &c. and Insurance Agent) Cadet *01yde— Postmaster (also Registrar Births &c. and Insurance Agent) •Cromwell —- Postmaster (also Registrar Births &c. and Insurance Agent) Messenger *Glendermid — Postmaster (also Railway £149) *Kaitangata — Postmaster (also Registrar Births &c. and Insurance Agent) 3,670 85 570 120 150 571 150 74 205 205 40 225 55 139 20 140 141 20 36 142 187 90 L43 144 155 (4.5 215 .46 56 A7 11 .48 173 Kelso — Postmaster (also Railway £180) 20 49 .50 ,51 .52 *Lawrence — Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) Telegraphist Messenger 277 90 50 * Combined Post and Telegraph Offices are distinguished bj a: asterisk.




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item 188; 1-84. CHIEF OFFICES AND SUB-OFFICES— continued. 453 454 455 456 457 460 461 462 463 464 465 :58 ,59 VOTE No. 28— continued. Sub- Offices, Dunedin —continued. *Milton (Tokomairiro) — Postmaster (also Registrar of Births &o. and Insurance Agent) Messenger *Mosgiel— Postmaster (also Railway £175, Registrar Births &.c. and Insurance Agent) Messenger ... ... *Naaeby— Postmaster (also Registrar of Births &o. and Insurance Agent) Nuggets— Telegraphist (also Marine £160) *Ophir— Postmaster (also Registrar Births &c. and Insurance Agent) Otago Heads— Telephonist (also Pilot, paid by Harbour Board) *Outram — Postmaster (also Railway £175, Registrar Births &c. and Insurance Agent) Messenger *Owake — Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) *Palmerston — Postmaster (also Registrar Births &c. and Insurance Agent) Messenger *Portobello — Postmaster *Port ChalmersPostmaster (also Registrar of Electors, Registrar of Births &c, and Insurance Agent) Clerk Telegraphist Letter Carrier 3 Messengers, 1 at £40, 2 at £38 ♦RoxburghPostmaster (also Registrar Births &c. and Insurance Agent) Messenger •St. Bathans— Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) ♦Stirling— Postmaster (also Railway £198, and Insurance Agent) *South Dunedin— Postmaster *Tapanui —■ Postmaster (also Registrar of Births &c. and Insurance Agent) Messenger "Waihemo — Telegraphist *Waihola— Postmaster (also Railway £104 6s. 8d., and Insurance Agent) *Waikaia — Postmaster (also Registrar Births &c. and Insurance Agent) 217 40 33 46 265 Fees. 185 10 33 38 40 275 40 20 466 467 354 145 145 80 116 468 469 470 471 472 209 40 473 474 140 475 25 476 120 477 187 38 478 479 110 480 21 i81 185 * Combined Post and Telegraph Offices are distinguished by ar . asterisk,




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 1883-84. £ CHIEF OFFICES AND SUB-OFFICES— continued. ■82 VOTE No. 28— continued. Sub-Offices, Dunedin —continued. *Waikouaiti— Postmaster (also Railway £104, Registrar Births &c, and Insurance Agent) Messenger *Waitaliuna— Postmaster (also Eailway £125, and Insurance Agent) 103 Country Postmasters 48 36 ,88 ■81 ■85 25 825 ,86 (87 ■88 ,80 ,90 ,91 * Chief Post Office, Intebcakgill— Chief Postmaster ... 7 Clerks, 1 at £265,1 at £230,1 at £150,1 at £145,1 at £135, 1 at £125, 1 at £120 ... 5 Telegraphists, 1 at £235, 1 at £145, 1 at £130, 2 at £125 ... Counter Clerk 2 Letter Carriers, 1 at £125, 1 at £120 ... 5 Messengers, 1 at £105, 1 at £85, 1 at £40, 2 at £36 Sub-Offices— *Campbelltown (Bluff)— Postmaster (also Registrar of Births &c. and Insurance Agent) 2 Telegraphists, 1 at £140, 1 at £125 ... Messenger *Dipton— Postmaster (also Railway £95) *Edendale — Postmaster (also Railway £140) #Elbow— Postmaster (also Railway £165) Cadet ... ... ... 390 1,170 760 110 245 802 L92 302 265 50 194 L95 10 196 10 to 7 10 85 L99 ;oo iOl 102 iO3 iO4 105 ioe *Gore — Postmaster (also Registrar Births &c. and Insurance Agent) Cadet ... ... ..'. Messenger *Kingston — Postmaster (also Railway £160) *Mataura — Postmaster (also Registrar Births &c. and Insurance Asent) Cadet .[[ *Otautau —■ Postmaster (also Railway £110) *Queenstown —■ Postmaster (also Registrar of Births &c. and Insurance Agent) Cadet *Riverton— Postmaster (also Insurance Agent) Messenger *Thornbury— Postmaster (also Railway £150) *Waipahi— Postmaster (also Railway £129) *Winton — Postmaster (also Railway £75, and Insurance Agent) ♦Woodlands — Postmaster (also Railway £79, and Insurance Agent) * Combined Post and Telegraph Offices are distinguished by an 210 90 38 10 198 85 20 215 65 .07 108 ,00 230 36 ,10 10 ill 11 12 89 ;i8 51 asterisk.




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Iten 1883-S4. CHIEF OFFICES AND SUB-OFFICES— continued. ;i4 15 it; VOTE No. 28— continued, Sub-Offices, Inver car gill —continued. *Wyndham— Postmaster (also Registrar of Births &c. and Insurance Agent) 59 Country Postmasters Telegraph Learners' Gallery—12 Cadets at £80 Relieving Staff— 7 Telegraphists, 1 at £250, 1 at £190, 1 at £185, ] at £180, 1 at £100, and 2 at £140 New Stations, Telegraphists, and Messengers 155 2(10 960 •\7 1,245 GOO 18 Less estimated credits under section 10 of "The Public Revenues Act, 1882 " 119,406 6,000 Total—Vote No. 28 113,406 MAINTENANCE. 1883-84. 1882-83. Total number of officers .., 56 54 1 2 8 4 6 6 VOTE No. 29. Maintenance, Rotates, and Miscellaneous — 3 Inspectors, 1 at £500, 1 at £450, 1 at £400 2 Sub-Inspectors, 1 at £225, 1 at £200 ... 51 Linemen, 6 at £145, 8 at £140, 8 at £135, 14 at £130, 4 at £125, 7 at £120, 3 at £115, 1 at £96 Travelling Expenses of Inspectors and Linemen Extra Labour and Material for Repairs Office Expenses, Fuel, Lights, Travelling Expenses of Telegraphists, and Contingencies Stationery, &c. Special payment to "Widow of Peter Bourke on account of Pension Payment to H. Young, Dunedin, for damages sustained through horses shying at telegraph material 1,350 425 6,671 5,000 4,000 7 8 17,000 3,000f 7 9 100 Less estimated credits under section 10 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1882 " 37,553 500 Total—Vote No. 29 ... 37,053 TELEGRAPH CABLE SUBSIDIES. 1 VOTE No. 30. Subsidy payable to Eastern Extension Australia and China Telegraph Company for Australian Cable Contingent Subsidy 2 5,000 350 Total —Vote No. 30 ... 5,35i CONVEYANCE OF MAILS BY SEA. 1 2 VOTE No. 81. Chatham Islands Service Interprovincial Services 150 5,800 Combined Post and Telegraph Offices are distinguished by an asterisk, £1,000 formerly charged to the general vote for stationery.




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

item. 188. 1-84. CONVEYANCE OF MAILS BY SEA.—continued. £ 3 4 5 (i 7 8 9 10 11 12 VOTE No. 31— continued. Blind Bay Service San Francisco Service Bonus, &c, San Francisco Service Suez Service Mail Agents and Travelling Allowance Auckland Steam Services Westport and Karainea Service Fiji Service Hokitika and Jackson's Bay Service Contingencies, Bonuses, Gratuities 240 32,020 3,000 8,000 1,750 700 300 1,600 350 5,000 Total—Vote No. 31 ... 58,91' CONVEYANCE OF INLAND MAILS. 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 VOTE No. 32. Auckland Thames New Plymouth Napier Gisborne Wanganui Wellington Blenheim Nelson "Westport ... Grreymouth Hokitika Christchurch Titnaru Oamaru Dunedin Invercargill 3,200 1,250 570 1,600 250 600 2,730 800 1,250 500 500 1,700 3,000 700 260 5,300 1,600 Total—Vote No. 32 ... 25,810 CARRIAGE OF MAILS BY RAILWAY. VOTE No. 33. Carriage of Mails by Railway, under special arrangement 1,000 Total—Vote No. 33 ... 1,000 >TAL OF CLASS V. £24' 9




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1883-84. £ Vote 34. —Customs 42,623 „ 35. —Marine and Harbours 36,860 „ 36. —Miscellaneous Services 6,000 TOTAL OF CLASS VI. 85,483 Item. .3-84. CUSTOMS OFFICES AND SEEVICES. 1883-84. 1882-83. Total number of officers ... 163 162 1 2 3 4 5 (i 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 VOTE No. 34. Secretary and Inspector (also Secretary Marine £200) Chief Clerk Clerk (also Clerk Civil Service Board £100) Clerk Cadet Messenger and Storeman Auckland — Collector (also Eeceiver of Land Bevenue nil) Landing Surveyor First Clerk 3 Clerks, 1 at £260, 1 at £220, 1 at £210 ... Clerk (Writer) Warehouse Keeper 4 Landing Waiters and Examining Officers, 3 at £280, 1 at £265 Tide Surveyor 5 Lockers, 1 at £190, 2 at £150,1 at £150, 1 at £140... 2 Lockers (Writers), 1 at £186, 1 at £170 4 Cadets, 2 at £70, and 2 at £60 Messenger Coxswain .... 1 Boatman at 6s. 6d. per diem ... Engine-driver Steam Launch, 8s. per diem Thames — Collector and Surveyor Russell — Officer in Charge (also Eegistrar of Births &c. fees) ... WhangaroA — Coastwaiter (also Clerk Eesident Magistrate's Court £50, and Native £20) Mongonui — Officer in Charge (also Eegistrar of Births &c. fees, Clerk Native Department £100, Eesident Magistrate's Court £75, and Meteorological Observer £25) Hokianga — Officer in Charge (also Eesident Magistrate £120, Coroner fees, and Eegistrar of Births &o. fees) 800 400 300 250 80 140 600 400 350 690 232 280 1,105 200 780 356 260 115 131 119 146 22 400 28 270 24 100 25 75 20 265




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

item. IS 13-84 CUSTOMS OFFICES AND SERVICES—continued. 27 28 29 30 Bl 32 33 34 35 86 37 38 39 40 ■LI 42 43 14 15 VOTE No. 34— continued. Kaipara — Officer in Charge (also Harbour Master and Pilot £200) Waitara — Coastwaiter . New Plymouth — Collector (also Receiver of Land Revenue nil) Clerk and Locker ... Wanganui — Collector Clerk and Landing Waiter Cadet Foxton — Officer in Charge Wellington — Collector (also Receiver of Land Revenue nil, and acting Secretary during absence of Secretary and. Inspector on inspection duty) Landing Surveyor First Clerk 3 Clerks, 1 at £200, 1 at £150, 1 at £140 ... Warehouse Keeper 3 Landing Waiters and Examining Officers, 1 at £275, 1 at £260, 1 at £210 Landing Waiter and Examining Officer, and Tide Surveyor 4 Lockers (Writers), 1 at £162, 1 at £179, 1 at £180, 1 at £182 2 Cadets, 1 at £80, 1 at £120 ... 2 Boatmen, at £118 19s. each ... Napier — Collector and Surveyor (also Receiver of Land Revenue nil) Clerk and Warehouse Keeper (also Meteorological Observer £25) Landing Waiter and Examining Officer Landing Waiter and Locker ... Clerk Poverty Bay — Collector and Examining Officer ... .,, Tauranga — Officer in Charge (also Clerk Resident Magistrate's Court £100, Registrar of Births &c. fees, and Native Office £50) Wairau — Collector and Examining Officer (also Receiver of Land Revenue nil) Picton — Collector and Examining Officer (also Postmaster £197, Resident Magistrate £200, and Coroner fees) Nelson — Collector and Surveyor First Clerk and Warehouse Keeper Landing Waiter and Examining Officer Clerk and Locker Westport— Collector and Surveyor ... ... Landing Waiter and Examining Officer Greymouth — Collector and Surveyor Landing Waiter and Examining Officer Locker and Messenger (also Office Cleaner £10) 650 400 300 490 280 745 275 703 200 238 75 50 400 225 420 150 70 30 500 46 i7 18 49 200 340 240 110 50 375 51 50 52 300 53 30 54 55 C6 57 450 250 250 150 58 59 370 260 00 61 02 400 180 180




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 13-84. 18 CUSTOMS OFFICES AND SERVICES— continued. 67 68 03 (34 65 66 VOTE No. M—continued. Holcitika — Collector and Surveyor (also Eeceiver of Land Revenue nil) Clerk and Landing Waiter Locker (Writer) Riverton — Officer in Charge (also District Land Officer £10, and Shipping Reporter £10) Bluff Harbour — Landing Waiter and Examining Officer Invercargill — Collector and Surveyor (also Receiver Land Revenue, nil) Clerk and Warehouse Keeper ... Landing Waiter and Examining Officer Locker Cadet Dunedim — Collector (also Receiver of Land Revenue nil) Landing Surveyor First Clerk 4 Clerks, 2 at £130, 2 at £100... Writer Warehouse Keeper 6 Landing Waiters and Examining Officers, 1 at £340, 1 at £800, 2 at £290, 1 at £260, 1 at £250 450 270 231 300 270 500 200 250 200 60 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 600 400 440 4(50 165 300 80 81 82 83 G-auger 3 Cadets, 2 at £80, 1 at £90 ... 4 Lockers, 1 at £200, 1 at £175, 2 at £170 7 Lockers (Writers), 1 at £229, 2 at £212, 1 at £202, 2 at £194, 1 at £165 Messenger Port Chalmers — Tide Surveyor Tidewaiter 2 Boatmen, 1 at £130 12s. 6d., 1 at £127 15s. Engine-driver, Steam-launch, at 8s. per diem Kakanui — Coast waiter ... ... ... 1,730 820 250 715 84 1,408 120 85 86 87 88 350 128 259 146 89 30 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 :oo Oatnaru — Collector Clerk and Locker Rent of Office used as Customhouse Timaru — Collector (also Registrar of Births &c. £50, and Vaccination Inspector fees) Clerk and Landing Waiter Lyttelton and Christchurch — Collector Landing Surveyor First Clerk 2 Clerks, 1 at £110, 1 at £100 Warehouse Keeper 4 Landing Waiters and Examining Officers, 1 at £350, 2 at £250,1 at £220 Tide Surveyor 6 Lockers (Writers), 2 at £157, 1 at £225, 1 at £222, 1 at £217, 1 at £179 Locker Coxswain Boatman Engine Driver Steam Launch, 8s. per diem 375 150 65 420 270 600 400 350 210 300 .01 .02 1,070 280 .03 .04 .05 .06 1,157 180 157 145 146




9—B. 3.

Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

.tern. 1883-84. CUSTOMS OFFICES AND SERVICES—continued. .07 .08 .09 .10 VOTE No. 34— continued. Lyttelton mid Christchurch —continued. Messenger 4 Cadets, 1 at £100, 1 at £90, 2 at £80 ... Stewart Island —■ Officer in Charge (also Resident Magistrate £50, and Registrar of Births &c. fees) Chatham Islands — Sub-Collector (also Sheriff fees, Resident Magistrate £100, and Registrar of Births &c. fees) ... General — Tidewaiters, Extra Clerical and other Assistance Expenses connected with Customs Convictions and Seizures Revenue Cruiser "Hawk," "Wages and Maintenance ... Contingencies, including Coals and Expenses for Steam Launches, Travelling Expenses of Officers, Cost of Instruments, Rewards for Suppression of Illicit Distillation, and for Special Services in Protection of the Revenue 12G 350 210 130 .11 .12 2,000 13 .14 250 850 2,700 Total —Vote No. 34 ... 42,623 MARINE AND HARBOURS. 1883-84. 1882-83. Total number of officers ... 134 138 1 2 3 4 5 6 VOTE No. 35. Head Oitice —- Secretary (also Secretary and Inspector of Customs £800)" Chief Clerk 2 Clerks, 1 at £220, 1 at £170 Marine Engineer (also Engineer for North Island £700) Draftsman Nautical Adviser (also Inspector and Surveyor of Ships, Examiner of Masters and Mates nil) 200 370 390 300 220 300 1883-84. 1882-83. Number of officers ... 6 6 l,7b0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Hatcboijrs—■ JUanufcau — Harbour Master and Pilot Signalman Chief Boatman at £8 10s. per month 3 Boatmen, 1 at £8, and 2 at £7 10s. per month Beacon on Mangare Reef Mussell — Harbour Master and Pilot 2 Boatmen at £6 per month ... Whangaroa— Harbour Master and Pilot Ho/cianga — Harbour Master and Pilot Chief Boatman and Signalman ... ... 2 Boatmen at £6 per month ... ICaipara — Harbour Master and Pilot (also Customs £75) Signalman Steam Launch, to be used as a Tug Engine-driver, Steam Launch, at 8s. per diem Chief Boatman at £9 10s. per month 2 Boatmen at £7 10s. per month 200 130 102 276 100 150 144 100 15 16 17 180 100 144 18 19 20 21 22 23 200 120 1,800 146 114 180




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

!tem. 18 13-84. MARINE AND HAEBOUES— continued. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 VOTE No. 35— continued. Hakbotjbs— continued. Opunake —■ Signalman Banqitilcei — Pilot Foxton — Pilot 1 Boatman at 7s. per diem Wellington — Lightkeeper and Assistant, Somes Island ... Napier Bluff Lighthouse — Keeper's Salary Wairoa, Hawke's Bay — Pilot Wan qa wehi — Light Tauranga — Harbour Master and Pilot 2 Boatmen at £7 per month Oisborne — Harbour Master and Pilot 2 Boatmen at £7 10s. per month Buoy Wairau — Harbour Master, Pilot, and Signalman Blenheim Eiver Works Picton — Harbour Master Harbour Lightkeeper Havelock — Harbour Master Nelson — Harbour Master and Pilot 4 Boatmen at £10 per month ... Signalman Allowance for House Eent Removal and re-erection of boat-shed Waitapu — Harbour Master Wesfport — Harbour Master Signalman Boatman and Assistant Signalman Removal of Signal Station Qreymouth — Harbour Master Signalman Boatman at 7s. per day Ilokilika — Harbour Master Signalman Boatman O/carito — Harbour Master ... ... Catlings River — Harbour Master Jfortrose ij^Lataurd) — Pilot Siver/on — Harbour Master 60 128 200 128 285 36 100 40 150 168 175 180 120 145 400 94 35 41 20 42 43 44 45 46 300 480 120 20 150 47 25 4S 49 50 51 250 160 108 125 52 53 54 275 160 128 55 56 57 350 192 180 58 50 59 125 60 100 120 i




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 188. 1-84. MARINE AND HAEBOUES— continued. 62 63 64 65 VOTE No. 35 — continued. Haeboues— continued. Port Chalmers Graving Dock — Dock Master (also Harbour Master paid by Harbour Board, and Examiner of Mates £25) Labour, Coals, &c. Waikouaiti — Survey of Bay Kalcanui and Attday Bay — Harbour Master Akaroa — Harbour Master (also Eegistrar of Births &c. fees, Eesident Magistrate £275, Travelling Allowance £50) Kaiapoi — Signalman Kaikoura — Harbour Master General Harbour Contingencies, including Maintenance of Harbour Lights, Buoys, and Beacons 50 1,650 190 150 66 25 67 120 68 69 75 2,500 1883-84. 1882-83. Number of officers ... 61 67 14,828 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 LlGHTHOTTSES — 3 Lightkeepers, Cnpe Maria van Diemen ... . ... 3 „ Mokohinau 2 „ Tiritiri 1 „ Ponui Passage 3 „ Portland Island 2 „ Pencarrow Head 2 ,, Cape Egmont 2 „ Manukau Heads 4 „ Brothers 2 „ Cape Campbell 2 „ G-odley Head 2 „ Akaroa Head 2 „ Moeraki 2 „ Taiaroa Head 2 „ Cape kSaunders ... 2 „ Nugget Point 2 ,, Waipapapa Point (four months) 3 „ Dog Island 3 „ Centre Island... 3 „ Puysegur Point 2 „ Cape 1'oulwind 3 „ Farewell Spit ... 2 „ Nelson 1 „ Tory Channel ... Oil, Stores, and Lighthouse Contingencies Artificer Lighthouse Tender, "Stella" (including repairs, £200) 1833-84. 1882-83. Number of officers ... 56 55 350 390 250 160 370 250 280 260 460 250 2S0 270 2S0 275 260 270 83 390 390 355 300 340 300 90 3,000 200 5.500 15,603 97 98 GENERAL — 1 Inspector and Engineer Surveyor, Examiner of Engineers, and Chief Inspector of Land Machinery 4 Inspectors and Engineer Surveyors of Steam Ships, Examiners of Engineers and Inspectors of Land Machinery, viz., at Auckland, "Wellington, Christchurch; and Dunedin, at £325 each 500 1,300




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

item. 18: 3-84. MARINE AND HARBOURS—continued. 99 .00 01 .02 iO3 VOTE No. 35— continued. General— continued. Examiners of Masters and Mates — Auckland, 1 at £100, 1 at £75 "Wellington, 1 at £100 (also Weather Eeporting Officer at £300) Lyttelton, 2 at £50 Dunedin, 1 at £25 (also Dockmaster £50), 1 at £25 Expenses connected with Inquiries into "Wrecks, Belief of Distressed Seamen, and Survey of Unseaworthy Ships Travelling Expenses and Contingencies Pension to "Widow of late Lightkeeper, P. A. Deck 175 100 100 50 .04 .05 500 1,250 24 Seal Ejshebies Protection — Wages and Maintenance of schooner " Kekeno " 650 06 1883-84. 1882-83. Number of officers ... 11 10 4,649 Total—Vote No. 35 ... 36,860 MISCELLANEOUS SEBVICES. VOTE No. 36. S.S. "Hinemoa" 6,000 6,000 Total—Vote No. 36 TOTAL OP CLASS VI. £85,483 • ■ ■




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1883-84. Vote 37.—Stamp Department £ 6,291 „ 38. —Land and Deeds Eegistry 18,905 „ 39.—Miscellaneous Services ... 707 TOTAL OF CLASS VII. 25,903 Item. 13-84. STAMP DEPAETMENT. 1883-84. 1882-83. Total number of officers ... 41 41 1 2 3 4 VOTE No. 37. Head Office— Secretary for Stamps (also Commissioner of PropertyTax and Secretary for Land and Deeds £450) Chief Clerk and Accountant ... Eecord Clerk 2 Clerks, 1 at £175, 1 at £90 ... Manufacture of Stamps — Chief Stamper 3 Stampers, 1 at £90, 1 at £70, 2 at £50 ... Stamp Printer 2 Pressmen, 1 at £200, 1 at £190 2 Assistants, 1 at £156, 1 at £100 Boy 250 400 225 265 5 6 7 8 9 10 225 260 290 390 256 45 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Local Offices— Auckland — Deputy Commissioner (also District Land Eegistrar and Eegistrar of Deeds £650) 2 Clerks, 1 at £240, 1 at £100... Messenger (also Besident Magistrate's Court £50, and Office of Eegistrar of Births £15) Taranahi — Deputy Commissioner (also District Land Eegistrar £350) Clerk (also Land Eegistry £200) Wellington— Deputy Commissioner Clerk Cadet Haivke's Bay — Deputy Commissioner (also District Land Eegistiar £450) Clerk Nelson — Deputy Commissioner (also District Land Eegistrar £400, and Registrar Supreme Court £25) Clerk (also Deputy Eegistrar of Deeds £200) 10—B. 3. 100 340 20 75 25 100 165 100 19 100 60 20 21 75 120 22




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

'tem. 18 13-84. STAMP DEPARTMENT— continued. 23 24 25 20 VOTE No. 37— continued. Local Offices— continued. Hilarlborouqh —- Deputy Commissioner (also Lands and Deeds £200) ... Canterbury — Deputy Commissioner Clerk Cadet Westland — Deputy Commissioner (also District Land Registrar £200, and Registrar Supreme Court £150) Clerk (also Land and Deeds £100) Messenger (also Office Cleaner Resident Magistrate's Court £50, and Land Registry £25) 25 325 150 80 27 60 40 28 29 25 30 31 32 m Otac/o — Deputy Commissioner Clerk Cadet Southland — Deputy Commissioner (also District Land Registrar £450) Clerk (also Deeds Registry £200) Contingencies, Paper, Machinery, Overtime, &c. 325 170 80 34 35 100 25 1,000 Total —Vote No. 37 ... 6,291 LAND AND DEEDS REGISTRY. 1883-84. 1882-83. Total number of officers ... 52 48 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 !) 10 11 VOTE No. 38. Auckland — District Land Registrar (also Deputy Commissioner of Stamps £100) Deputy Registrar of Deeds and Chief Clerk Clerk and Draftsman 2 Clerks at £200 Messenger and Office Cleaner ... 2 Cadets at £70 TaranaJci — District Land Registrar (also Deputy Commissioner of Stamps £75) Clerk (also Stamp Clerk £25) ... Clerk Cadet Wellington — District Land Registrar (also Registrar-General of Land) Examiner of Titles Assistant Land Registrar and Chief Clerk (also Clerk to Registrar-General of Land) Clerk Deputy Registrar of Deeds Clerk Hawlce's Hay — District Land Registrar (also Deputy Commissioner of Stamps £100) Deputy Registrar of Deeds and Chief Clerk Clerk Nelson — District Land Registrar (also Deputy Commissioner of Stamps £75, and Registrar Supreme Court £25) Deputy Registrar of Deeds (also Stamp Clerk £120) ... G50 350 250 400 30 140 350 200 150 60 800 300 12 13 14 15 16 270 225 325 100 17 450 250 200 18 19 20 400 200 21




Appropriations for Consolidated Fnnd Services.

Item 188 1-84. LAND AND DEEDS REGISTRY—continued. 22 23 21 25 26 27 28 '29 30 31 32 VOTE No. 38— continued. Nelson —continued. Clerk (also Clerk Supreme Court £10) ... Cadet Marlborougli — District Land Registrar (also Registrar Supreme Court and Sheriff nil, Resident Magistrate £150) Deputy Registrar of Deeds and Clerk (Stamps £25) ... Canterbury — District Land Registrar Examiner of Titles Registrar of Deeds and Assistant Land Registrar Chief Clerk 4 Clerks, 1 at £170, 1 at £150, 2 at £100 ... Deputy Registrar of Deeds Clerk West land — District Land Registrar (also Registrar Supreme Court £150, Sheriff nil, and Deputy Commissioner of Stamps £60) Clerk (also Stamp Clerk £40) ... Messenger (also Resident Magistrate's Court £50, Stamp Office £25) 200 90 200 200 650 400 475 300 520 275 145 33 200 100 84 35 25 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Otar/o —■ District Land Registrar Assistant Land Registrar and Chief Clerk ... 2 Clerks, 1 at £200, 1 at £125 , Deputy Registrar of Deeds Clerk Messenger Southland — District Land Registrar (also Deputy Commissioner of Stamps £100) Assistant Land Registrar and Chief Clerk Clerk Deputy Registrar of Deeds (also Stamp Clerk £25) Cadet Contingencies and Contract "Work 600 300 325 350 300 50 43 44 45 46 47 450 230 160 200 60 6,000 Total—Vote No. 38 ... 18,905 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. 1 2 VOTE No. 39. Collection of Native Land Duties under section 142 of Stamp Act, 1882 ... ... ... Contingencies, " Joint-Stock Companies Act, 1860," and " Building Societies Act, 1876 " ... ... ! Remission of Stamp Duty ... ... ... Payment of claim against Assurance Fund 600 3 4 25 42 40 Total —Vote No. '69 ... 707 TOTAL OP CLASS VII. £25,903




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1883-84. £ * Vote 40.—Head Office ... 2,475 „ 41. —Public Schools 274,135 „ 42.—Native Schools 15,100 „ 43. —Industrial Schools 11,270 „ 44. —Deaf-and-Dumb Institution 2,390 „ 45. —Higher Education 4,150 „ 46. —Miscellaneous Services ... 6,399 TOTAL OF CLASS VIII. 315,919 Item. ,83-84. HEAD OFFICE. 1883-84. 1882-83. Total number of officers ... 8 5 £ 1 2 '3 4 5 6 7 VOTE No. 40. Head Office— Secretary Inspector-General Chief Clerk 5 Clerks, 1 at £200,1 at £175,1 at £160,1 at £85,1 at £G0 Clerical Assistance Travelling Expenses Contingencies 650 345 350 080 100 150 200 2,475 Total —Vote No. 40 PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 1883-84. 1882-83. Total numbers of officers ... 1 VOTE No. 41. Grants to Education Boards— 69,000 average attendances at £4 £276,000 0 0 Less Revenue from Reserves ... 21,000 0 0 2 8 4 5 G 7 Scholarships—69,000 Attendances at Is. 6d. Towards Cost of Inspection ... Training of Teachers Teachers' Examinations Preparation of Illustrations for School Books Purchase and Improvement of Eecreation Grounds for Public Schools Eebuilding and Furnishing of Schools destroyed by Fire 255,000 5,175 4,000 8,000 500 160 8 1,200 500 Less estimated credits under section 10 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1882 " 274,535 400 Total—Vote No. 41 274,135




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 18 13-84 NATIVE SCHOOLS. £ 1883-84. 1882-83. Total number of officers ... 120 117 1 2 3 VOTE No. 42. Organizing Inspector Salaries of Masters, &c, for Village Schools Boarding-school Charges, Apprenticeship, and Higher Education of Native Youths... Books, Appliances, and Sewing Material ... Travelling Expenses School at Chatham Islands Contingencies 500 9,500 4 5 6 7 3,000 800 500 100 1.0J0 Less estimated credits under section 10 of " The Public Eevenues Act, 1882 " 15,400 300 Total—Vote No. 42 ... 15,100 INDUSTEIAL SCHOOLS. 1883-84. 1882-83. Total number of officers ... 49 41 1 2 8 4 5 VOTE No. 43. Howe Steeet, Auckland— Matron, Assistants, and Servants... KOHIMARAMA Manager and Matron Schoolmistress and Assistant Mistress Servants Rent and Insurance 300 150 130 270 140 G 7 8 Burnham— Master at £200, and Matron at £80 Schoolmaster at £150, and 2 Assistant Teachers at £70 Attendants and Servants 280 290 430 9 10 11 12 IP, Cavehsham — Master at £225, and Matron at £100 Surgeon (also Gaol £100) Schoolmaster at £150, and 2 Assistant Teachers at £85 Attendants and Servants Maintenance, viz., — Provisions, Fuel, Light, Clothing, Bedding, Medical Attendance, <fec. Boarding-out of Children Contingencies 325 100 320 485 14 15 6,500 2,000 500 12,220 Less estimated credits under section 10 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1882 " 950 Total—Vote No. 43 ... 11,27' DEAF-AND-DUMB INSTITUTION. 1883-S4. 1882-83. Total number of officers ... 3 3 1 2 8 4 5 fi VOTE No. 44. Director 2 Assistants, 1 at £165, 1 at £100 1 Assistant at £150 (six months) Rent Board of Pupils Contingencies coo 265 75 300 1,250 250 Less estimated credits under section 10 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1882 " 2,740 350 Total —Vote No. 44 ... 2,390




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

!tom. 18; 13-84.. £ HIGHEE EDUCATION. 100 500 500 200 500 1,000 250 200 500 400 1 2 8 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 VOTE No. 45. Whangarei High School Wellington College Wellington Girls' High School Christchurch Girls' High School School of Mines. Otago Auckland Girls' High School ... Thames High School New Plymouth High School Nelson Girls' High School Timaru High School Total —Vote No. 45 ... 4,150 MISCELLANEOUS SEEVICES. 1 2 VOTE No. 46. Subsidies to Public Libraries, including Liabilities llepayment of Rent overpaid in respect of Education Reserve No. 301b, Otago 6,060 339 Total —Vote No. 46 ... 6,39! AL OF CLASS VIII. ... £315,919




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1883-84. Vote 47. —Salaries and Contingencies £ 6,085 „ 48. —Native Land Court 16,117 „ 49.—" Native Lands Frauds Prevention Act, 1881" ... 546 „ 50. —Miscellaneous Services 370 TOTAL OF CLASS IX. ... 23,118 1-84. SALAEIES AND CONTINGENCIES. 1883-84. 1882-83. Total number of officers ... 27 26 £ i 2 3 ■I. 5 VOTE No. 47. Native Minister's Office— Under-Secretary Chief Clerk and Accountant Keeord Clerk Translator Interpreter (also Private Secretary to Native Minister £50) Clerk and Interpreter Cadet 600 400 250 300 6 7 260 250 80 1883-84. 1882-83. Number of officers ... 7 7 2,140 8 9 10 11 12 Salabies of Eteopean and Native Officees — Auckland — Native Agent, Auckland, Hauraki, and Waikato Interpreter (also Supreme Court £50, and Eesident Magistrate's Court £75) Hostelry Keeper and Messenger Native Office Bay of Islands, Kaipara, and Whangarei — Native Agent (also E.M. £250 Judicial) ... Mangoniii — Native Agent (also E.M. Judicial £75, Meteorological Observer £25, Eegistrar of Births &c. fees, and Customs Officer £75) Clerk, "Whangaroa (also Customs £100, and Judicial £50) Tauranga — Native Agent (also E.M. Judicial £300, Land Purchase £100, and Inspector of Native Schools £25) Clerk, Native Office (also Eesident Magistrate's Court £100, Customs £50, and Eegistrar of Births &c. fees) 400 125 100 100 100 13 20 14 150 15 50




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services,

"tern. 18 i3— S4d. SALARIES AND CONTINGENCIES— continued. £ 16 17 18 19 20 21 VOTE No. 47— continued. Salaries of Etjbopean and Native Officers — continued. Opotiki — Native Agent (also R.M. Judicial £150) ... Oishorne and East Coast — Native Agent (also E.M. Judicial £400, Coroner fees, and Trust Commissioner £50) Napier and Wairoa — Native Agent (also E.M. Judicial £300, and Trust Commissioner £50) Clerk and Interpreter (also Judicial £150) Mew Plymouth — Native Agent Clerk (also Judicial £100, and Registrar of Electors £20) TPhanganui — Native Agent ... #i . OtaJci, Kangitilcei, and Marton — Native Agent (also R.M. Judicial £400, and Travelling Allowance £100) Clerk and Interpreter (also Judicial £175, Registrar of Electors £15, and Registrar of Births &c. fees) Middle Island — Native Agent (also Trust Commissioner £100, and Native Reserves £250) Clerk (also Clerk to Trust Commissioner £100, and Native Reserves £100) 1883-84 1882-83. Number of officers ... 19 19 200 50 100 50 400 100 22 100 23 50 24 50 25 200 26 100 2,445 27 General Contingencies for purchase of food and clothing for indigent Natives, for rewards and presents to Native Chiefs, and for the encouragement of agricultural pursuits 1,500 Total —Vote No. 47 ... 6,085 NATIVE LAND COURT. 1883-84 1882-83. Total number of officers ... 24 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 VOTE No. 48. Chief Judge 7 Judges at £600 Administrative — Auckland — Registrar 5 Clerks, 2 at £200, 2 at £156, 1 at £130 ... 4 Interpreters, 1 at £250, 1 at £225, 2 at £200 Messenger ... Wellington — Registrar Whanganui — Registrar Interpreter (also Justice £230, Sheriff fees, Registrar of Electors £25, and Registrar of Births,&c. £40) ... 800 4,200 300 842 875 100 7 300 8 9 275 50




11— B. 3.

Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Ltem. 188. i-84. NATIVE LAND COURT—continued. VOTE No. 48— continued. Oislorne — Registrar Interpreter Assessors Extra Clerks Travelling allowances —Judges ... „ „ Assessors... „ ,. Interpreters „ „ Clerks Contingencies £ 275 100 1,000 500 2,500 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 £ lo 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 16,117 Total—Vote No. 48 ... "NATIVE LANDS FRAUDS PEEVENTION ACT, 1881." 1883-84. 1882-83. Total number of officers ... 7 6 1 2 3 4 5 VOTE No. 49. Commissioner, Auckland (also Imperial Pensions £500) Messenger Commissioner, Poverty Bay (also Resident Magistrate £400, Native £50, and Coroner fees) Commissioner, Napier (also Resident Magistrate £300 and Native £100) Commissioner, Taranaki (also Registrar Supreme Court £100, and Resident Magistrate £235) Commissioner, Wellington (also Native £200, and Native Reserves £250) Clerk (also Native £100, and Native Reserves £100) ... Contingencies 100 6 50 50 546 40 6 100 100 100 7 8 Total—Vote No. 49 ... MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. VOTE No. 50. Water-supply for Moeraki Natives Vaccination of Natives 1 2 70 300 370 Total —Vote No. 50 ... TOTAL OF CLASS IX. £2; ,118 • • •




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1883-84. £ "Vote 51. —Mines 13,743 „ 52. —Miscellaneous i ■ ■• 8,300 TOTAL OF CLASS X. 22,043 item. 13-84. MINES. 1883-84. 1882-83. Total number of officers ... 12 11 1 2 3 4 5 G VOTE No. 51. Chikp Office — Under-Secretary for Gold Fields and Mines Clerk and Accountant Inspector of Mines under "The Regulation of Mines Act, 1874" Inspector of Minc;s under "The Eegulation of Mines Act, 1874 " (also Assistant Geologist £350) Inspecting Kngineer Travelling Expenses of Engineer Maintenance and Management of Water-races — Nelson Creek Waimea-Kumara Maintenance and Raising Sluice, Kumara Sludge Channel Argyle, Charleston Mount Ida Water-race, for contingent requirements of Trust Contingencies 500 200 325 100 450 300 7 8 9 1,750 2,800 10 11 3,700 400 12 500 1,300 ! ! 13 14 15 1G Local Offices — G-rahamstown — Inspector of Mines under " The Gold Mining Districts Act, 1873," and" The Regulation of Mines Act, 1874" Forage Allowance Receiver of Gold Revenue and Mining Registrar (also Registrar of Electors £40) Coromandel — Receiver of Gold Revenue and Mining Registrar (also Clerk to Court £137 10s., and Registrar of Births, &c, fees) Rent of Tokatea Block Te Arolia — Receiver of Gold Revenue and Mining Registrar, and Inspector of Mines (also Clerk to Court £80) Gollinffwood — Receiver of Gold Revenue (also Postal, and Clerk, Resident Magistrate's Court, £200) 350 50 223 138 450 17 18 100 19 10




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 18: 13-84. MINES— continued. 70TE No. 51— continued. Local Offices — continued. Havelock — Eeceiver of Gold Revenue (also Clerk and Bailiff Resident Magistrate's Court £100) JLindon —■ Receiver of Gold Revenue (also Clerk in Crown. Lands Office Dunedin £250) ... Jackson's Hay— Receiver of Gold Revenue (also Registrar of Births &c. fees, Resident Magistrate £50, and Land Officer £100) £ 20 50 13,743 21 25 22 20 Total —Vote No. 51 ... VOTE No. 52. Miscellaneous — Assistance towards Prospecting, by the purchase of Diamond Drills, upon a subscription of one-third being contributed .Final settlement of J. D. jFeraud's claim,-as recommended by Gold Fields Committee Local Museums of Specimens Rewards for Discovery of New Gold Fields 5,000 2 3 4 300 500 2,500 8,300 Total—Vote No. 52 ... TOTAL OE CLASS X. £22,043 • • ■




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1883-81.. £ Vote 53.—"Working Eailways 635,134 „ 54. —Architect's Office • • • 1,660 „ 55. —Government Domains ... 1,221 „ 56.—Public Buildings 30,650 „ 57. —Miscellaneous Services 4,925 TOTAL OP CLASS XI. ... 673,590 tern. 1 383-84. ;07 Miles. WOEKING- RAILWAYS. 1883-84. 1882-83. Total Number of Men — Permanent and Temporary ... 4,000 3,600 VOTE No. 53. Management— General Manager Assistant General Manager Under-Secretary Draftsman 7 Clerks, 1 at £225, 1 at £150, 2 at £140, 1 at £115, 1 at £105, and 1 at £60 Ticket Printers Stores Manager 6 Clerks, 1 at £250, 8 at £170, 1 at £150, 1 at £130, 1 Believing Storekeeper Accountant 17 Clerks, 1 at £270, 1 at £230, 1 at £225, 1 at £210, 4 at £200, 1 at £170,1 at £150, 2 at £145, 3 at £130, 1 at £105,1 at £50 Contingencies Whanr/arei — Manager Auckland — District Manager Eesident Engineer 7 Clerks, 1 at £250, 1 at £1CO, 1 at £120,1 at £150, and 2 at £60 1 Draftsman at £180, 1 Clerk at £150 1 Messenger ... ... Napier — District Manager Clerk Wellington — District Manager Clerk 1,000 700 500 250 935 200 425 1,040 200 475 2,890 1,300 250 475 350 800 330 60 375 130 525 180



12— B. 3.


Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

!tem. 188, 1,407 5-84. Miles. WOBKING KAIL WAYS— continued. VOTE No. 53— continued. Management — continued, Wanganui — District Manager Clerk New Plymouth — District Manager ... ... Clerk Hurwnui-Bluff Section — District Manager 11 Clerks, 2 at £210, 2 at £150, 1 at £140, 2 at £120, 1 at £105, 1 at £75, 2 at £60 District Manager 3 Clerks, 1 at £300, 2 at £120 Engineer's Department — Engineeer 2 Assistant Engineers at £375 6 Clerks, 1 at £300, 1 at £190, 2 at 170, 1 at £160, 1 at £150 5 Cadets, 1 at £105, 1 at £90, 1 at £75, 2 at £60 ... 4 Time Clerks, 1 at £190, 1 at £150, 1 at £130, 1 at £120 3 Draftsmen, 1 at £150, 1 at £170, 1 at £60 Locomotive Department— Locomotive Superintendent ... 4 Clerks, 1 at £260,1 at £180, 1 at £130, 1 at £105 Cashier 2 Clerks, 1 at £190,1 at £150 Oreymouth — District Manager Clerk Westport — District Manager Nelson — District Manager Picton — District Manager ... Auckland and Whangarei — Storekeeper ... Storeman Napier — Storekeeper Wellington — Storekeeper Cadet Storeman Wanganui — Storekeeper New Plymouth- — Storekeeper .,. ... Ohristohurch — Storekeeper 3 Clerks, 2 at £170, 1 at £130... Cadet Storeman and Labour Dunedin — Storekeeper Clerk Storeman 525 210 300 160 600 1,400 500 540 700 750 1,140 390 590 380 700 675 375 340 400 50 375 425 250 220 130 90 190 90 130 170 25 250 470 90 390 225 175 160




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

item. 1883-84. 1,407 Miles, WOBKING RAILWAYS—continued. VOTE No. 53— continued. Management— continued. Greyniouth —■ Storekeeper Westport —• Storekeeper Nelson — Storekeeper 25 25 50 28,070 Whangarei Section — Maintenance Locomotive Traffic General Charges and Contingencies 993 823 1,003 150 2,969 Auckland Section— Maintenance Locomotive Traffic General Charges and Contingencies 23,196 20,940 12,458 1,037 57,631 Napier Section— Maintenance Locomotive Traffic General Charges and Contingencies 9,770 9,169 4,587 500 24,026 Wellington Section— Maintenance Locomotive Traffic General Charges and Contingencies Gratuity to Widow of late platelayer Phillips Amount required to make good cash stolen from Booking office, Master ton 10,361 16,549 6,411 639 14 34 34,008 Wanganui Section— Maintenance Locomotiye Traffic General Charges and Contingencies 14,803 12,587 8,001 788 36,179 New Plymouth Section— Maintenance Locomotive Traffic General Charges and Contingencies 6,270 4,360 2,322 400 13,352




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

item. 1883-84. 1,407 Miles. WORKING RAILWAYS— continued. £ VOTE No. 53— continued. HtTRrnsrui-BLUFF Section — Maintenance Locomotive Traffic General Charges and Contingencies Management of Reserves Amounts to be written off station accounts Deficiency in the accounts of the late Stationmaster at Tapanui Gratuities paid in connection with the fire at Dunedin Goods-shed Gratuity to the late Storeman at Oamaru leaving service through ill-health Gratuity to Widow of late Guard Harland Gratuity to Widow of late Guard Muddle... Gratuity to Widow of late Driver Meek ... Compensation to Widow of late Mr. Stevenson Compensation paid in connection with accident at Waitati Compensation paid for Injuries sustained by accident at. Burnham 174,660 134,802 118,946 3,041 656 317 252 4.4 23 89 145 90 520 130 121 Geetmotjtii Section — Maintenance Locomotive ... -—"777 Traffic -"vr;T General Charges and Contingencies 433,836 2,200 1,392 2,928 200 Westpoet Section — Maintenance Locomotive Traffic General Charges and Contingencies 6,720 2,465 2,521 1,376 405 Nelson Section — Maintenance Locomotive Traffic General Charges and Contingencies 6,767 11 1,867 1,928 2,194 200 6,189 VI Picton Section — Maintenance Locomotive Traffic General Charges and Contingencies 2,361 1,489 1,280 200 Miscellaneous — Maintenance of Telegraph Wires Debts irrecoverable 5,330 18 500 500 1,000 Less estimated credits under section 10 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1882 " 656,077 20,943 635,134




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services,

item. 18: -3-84. ARCHITECT'S OFFICE. 1883-84. 1882-83. Total number of officers ... 6 6 £ 1 2 3 4 5 6 VOTE No. 54. Aechitect's Office— Chief Draftsman (Architect) ... Assistant Accountant Cadet to Draftsmen Clerk to Accountant Out-door Inspector (also from Legislative £67) 450 350 400 80 155 225 1,660 Total—Vote No. 54 ... GOVERNMENT DOMAINS. 1883-84. 1882-83. Total number of officers ... 8 8 1 2 VOTE No. 55. Government Domains— Gardeners and Labourers, "Wellington and Auckland ... Contingencies 1,221 971 250 Total—Vote No. 55 ... ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 .15 16 17 PUBLIC BUILDISTGS.— VOTE No. 56. Additions, Repaiks, Fittings, Ttjehtttjee, &c. — Government House — Auckland Wellington Government Buildings throughout the Colony — Departmental Buildings Parliamentary Buildings Courthouses Gaols Police Stations ... ... ... ... | Customhouses Post and Telegraph Offices ... Survey Offices Lunatic Asvlums Hospitals Ministerial Residences Rent and Allowances for Ministerial Residences Gas Water Rates ... ... ... ... i Contingencies 300 300 5,000 1,500 3,000 800 1,000 200 5,000 1,000 3,000 2,000 500 650 1,400 2,000 3,000 —— __ - — —-— _ 30,650 Total—Vote No. 56 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. VOTE No. 57. Repairing Roads, Auckland, and expenses collecting Tolls Expenses of collecting Tolls, Manawatu Gorge Roads, Manchester Block Rakaia Gorge Bridge Akaroa Road Diversions Land Compensation, Marlborough 2,169 132 382 1,542 650 50 Total —Vote No. 57 ... 4,925 TOTAL OP CLASS XI. £673,590




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1883-84. Vote 58.—Militia and Volunteers £ 22,735 „ 59.—Police and Armed Constabulary ... 172,407 „ 60. —Stores and Magazines 3,785 „ 61. —Miscellaneous Services 7,519 TOTAL OF CLASS XII. ... 206,446 Item. :3-84. MILITIA AND VOLUNTEEES. 1883-84. 1882-83. Total number of officers ... 36 28 VOTE No. 58. Militia and Voltoteee Office— Clerk 350 ~2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Militia and Voltjnteees— Auckland — Officer Commanding Adjutant 1 Drill Instructor Forage and travelling allowances IVaikato — Cavalry Instructor Forage and travelling allowances Thames — Drill Instructor JSfapier — Officer Commanding Drill Instructor Office allowance Taranaki — Adjutant and Officer Commanding Forage and travelling allowances Office allowance Wanc/anui — Officer Commanding Drill Instructor Forage and travelling allowances Wairarapa — Officer Commanding Office allowance Wellington— Officer Commanding Adjutant 3 Drill Instructors, 1 Sergeant-Major Artillery at £164 5s. (also Armed Constabulary £54 15s.), and 2 at £128 2s. Forage and travelling allowances ... 50 300 129 110 129 55 196 50 129 20 300 55 20 15 16 17 50 129 100 18 19 50 20 20 21 22 50 300 421 165 23




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services,

Item. 188. i-84. MILITIA AND VOLUNTEERS— continued. 24 25 26 27 28 29 VOTE No. 58— continued. Militia and Volunteers — continued. Nelson — Officer Commanding Adjutant • Drill Instructor Forage and travelling allowances Marlhorougk — Drill Instructor Office allowance Canterbury — Officer Commanding „. Adjutant 2 Drill Instructors at £128 2s. Forage and travelling allowances Office allowance Westland — Drill Instructor (also Magazine Keeper £10, Provincial District Auditor £50, and Immigration Officer £25) 50 300 129 110 50 20 30 31 32 33 34 50 300 257 160 20 35 196 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 40 47 Oamaru — Officer Commanding ... ... Drill Instructor ... ... .... Forage and travelling allowances Office Allowance Dunedin — Officer Commanding Adjutant 3 Drill Instructors at £128 2s. Forage and travelling allowances Invercargill — Officer Commanding Drill Instructor ... . Forage and travelling allowances Office allowance .... Lake — Officer Commanding Drill Instructor Forage and travelling allowances ... _—•«- Office allowance ... m— ~ 1883-84. 1882-83. Number of officers ... 32 28 50 129 55 20 50 300 385 155 50 129 55 20 48 49 50 51 50 129 — 50 20 ,—-" 6,117 . 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 Miscellaneous — Capitation allowances Prizes for Rifle Shooting Volunteer Rifle Association Refund Customs DutyNaval Artillery Volunteers, Purchase and Repair of Boats Rent, Purchase, and Repair of Rifle Ranges Subsidies in aid of erecting Drill- and Boat-sheds, &c... Contingencies 11,168 800 500 500 600 800 1,000 1,400 16,768 Less estimated credits under section 10 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1882 " 23,235 500 j Total—Vote No. 58 22,73




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

;tem. 18 13-84. ARMED CONSTABULARY. 1883-84. 1882-83. Total number of officers ... 1,098 1,256 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 VOTE No. 59. Police— Commissioner (also TTnder-Secretary for Defence) Chief Clerk and Accountant ... 3 Clerks, 2 at £225,1 at £180... 3 Inspectors, 1st Class, at £450 3 Inspectors, 1st Class, at £400 5 Inspectors at £350 2 District Clerks at £275 6 Sergeants-Major at 10s. 6d. per day 30 Sergeants, 1st Class, at 9s. 6d. per day ... 19 Sei'geants, 2nd Class, at 9s. per day 17 Sergeants, 3rd Class, at 8s. 6d. per day ... 143 Constables, 1st Class, at 8s. per day ... 102 Constables, 2nd Class, at 7s. 6d. per day 114 Constables, 3rd Class, at 7s. per day ... 1 Chief Detective at 15s. 6d. per day G Detectives, 1st Class, at 13s. 6d. per day 5 Detectives, 2nd Class, at 12s. per day 3 Detectives, 3rd Class, at 10s. 6d. per day 4 Detectives, 4th Class, at 9s. 6d. per day Native Constables 10 Special Constables, 1 at £100, 1 at £60, 4 at £50, 2 at £40, 1 at £30, 1 at £20 Extra Pay (Long Service) Female Searchers Special Allowances to Officers, Sergeants, and Constables on "West Coast and Lake District, South Island Allowances to Officers in lieu of Quarters, 7 at £50 ... Constable at Chatham Islands (also Justice £10, and Clerk Post Office £25) 600 400 630 1,350 1,200 1,750 550 1,153 5,216 3,130 2,645 20,936 14,000 14,604 284 1,483 1,098 577 696 773 22 23 24 490 4,000 300 930 350 25 26 38 1883-84. 1882-83. Number of officers ... 468 456 79,183 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 86 Miscellaneous — Retiring allowances Police prosecutions Purchase of horses .^. Forage ... ... Saddlery Travelling Expenses and Transport of Prisoners Repairing and Painting Stations Rations for Prisoners; Fuel, and Light Rent of Out-Stations Contingencies ... ... 500 600 250 2,750 100 6,000 200 3,000 1,500 3,000 Field Foece— 1 Inspector, 1st Class 3 Inspectors, 1st Class, at £400 2 Inspectors at £350 11 Sub-Inspectors at £250 1 Paymaster 2 Surgeons at £250 2 Hospital Sergeants at £50 ... 3 Dressers at £50 17,900 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 450 1,200 700 2,750 300 500 100 150




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services,

item. 18 13-84. ARMED CONSTABULARY— continued. VOTE No. 59— continued. Field Fobce— continued. 5 Sergeants-Major at 9s. per day 23 Sergeants, 1st Class, at 8s. 6d. per day ... 23 Sergeants, 2nd Class, at 8s. per day 28 Sergeants, 3rd Class, at 7s. 6d. per day ... 30 Constables, 1st Class, at 7s. per day 50 Constables, 2nd Class, at 6s. 6d. per day 451 Constables, 3rd Class, at 6s. per day ... 1883-84 1882-83. Number of officers .,. 630 800 £ 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 824 3,578 3,368 3,843 3,843 5,948 49,520 77,074 52 53 54 55 5(3 57 58 59 Miscellaneous — Purchase of Horses Forage Saddlery Travelling Expenses and Transport of Prisoners Repairing and Painting Stations Fuel and Light Maintenance of Native Prisoners Contingencies 250 2,750 100 500 50 500 100 4,000 8,250 Less estimated credits under section 10 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1882 " 182,407 10,000 Total—Vote No. 59 ... 172,40' STORES AND MAGAZINES. 1883-84. 1882-83. Total number of officers ... 27 27 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 VOTE No. 60. Auckland — Storekeeper Armourer 3 Arm Cleaners at £109 10». Magazine Keeper Wellington — Storekeeper 2 Clerks, 1 at £200,1 at £150 Storeman Armourer Armourer's Assistant 3 Arm Cleaners at £109 10s. Magazine Keeper Nelson — Magazine Keeper Lyttelton — Magazine Keeper Timaru — Magazine Keeper Hohitika — Magazine Keeper (also Drill Instructor £196, Provincial District Auditor £50, and Immigration Officer £25) Greymoutk — Magazine Keeper ... ... Otago — Magazine- and Store-keeper... ... ... Caretaker, Powder Hulk TaranaM — Magazine Keeper 225 183 329 120 325 350 110 183 138 329 110 10 13 88 14 5 15 10 16 10 17 18 183 92 19 10




13— B. 3.

Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 18 13-84. STORES AND MAGAZINES— continued. VOTE No. 60— continued. Napier — Magazine Keeper Wanganui — Magazine Keeper Picton — Magazine Keeper Erection of Jetty and covering Powder Hulks, Dunedin Eebuilding Armoury, Auckland Contingencies £ 10 20 21 10 22 23 24 25 5 350 1,500 600 Less estimated credits under section 10 of " The Public Revenues Act, 18b2" 5,285 1,500 Total—Vote No. 60 ... 3,78, 1 2 8 4 5 G 7 8 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. VOTE No. 61. Pension to Mrs. Elizabeth Ford Pension of late F. Gr. Eawson, continued to his Widow Pension of late William Oliver, continued to his Widow Pension to Mrs, Cook Pensions to Recipients of N.Z. Cross Compassionate Allowance, Mrs. Brady Compassionate allowance of one year's pay to widow of late Major Withers Compassionate allowance to widow of late Constable Irwin Special allowance to ex-Constable Packer, for serious permanent injuries received in the service Special Allowance to Ex-Sergeant Maguire for Injury received in the Police Service Compassionate Allowance to Widow of the late Constable Sunnett (six months' pay) ... Rewards for Conviction in Sly Grog Cases Purchase of Snider Ammunition, Arms, &c, Freight, Insurance, Charges Contingent Defence 46 45 37 26 160 69 300 71 9 10 40 52 11 73 100 12 13 14 5,000 1,500 Total —Vote No. 61 ... 7,51' TOTAL OF CLASS XII. £20 MQ





Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1883-84. ine-third of proceeds of Lands sold on Deferred Payments payable to Local Bodies £ 20,000 Few Plymouth Harbour Board Endowment 13,600 lllesmere and Porsyth Beclamation and Akaroa Eailway Trust 3,000 ■ 36,600

1883-84. £ Vote 62.—Crown Lands Department 22,339 „ 63.—Crown Lands Miscellaneous 16,492 „ 64.—Coal Fields 200 „ 65. —Survey Department 112,031 „ 66.—Mines 10,500 TOTAL OF CLASS XIII. 161,562 item. 183-84.. 1 CROWN LANDS DEPARTMENT. £ £ 1883-84. 1882-83. Total number of officers ... 77 75 1 2 3 4 5 VOTE No. 62. Chief Office— TTnder-Secretary Chief Clerk 6 Clerks, 1 at £225, 2 at £200, 1 at £125 (also Immigration Officer and Depot Master, Wellington, £100), 1 at £90, and 1 at £70+ Cadet Contingencies Local Offices— Auckland — Commissioner of Crown Lands 4 Clerks, 1 at £325, 1 at £196, 1 at £195, and 1 at £180 Crown Lands and Forest Banger, including Travelling Expenses 600 375 910 50 625 6 7 500 8 896 275




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

item. 13-84. 18 CROWN LANDS DEPARTMENT— continued. £ 9 10 11 12 13 11 15 16 17 18 10 20 21 22 23 21 25 20 27 VOTE No. 62— continued. Local Opmces— continued. Auckland —continued. Messenger Land Officer at Tauranga (also Survey £100) Land Officer at G-isborne (also Survey £200) Contingencies New Plymouth— Commissioner of Crown Lands Clerk Cadet Crown Lands and Forest Ranger, including Travelling Expenses (also Superintendent of Roads and Bridge Works, and Ranger for West Coast Land District, and Ranger for Wellington District) Contingencies West Coast Land District — Commissioner of Crown Lands (also Sheriff fees, Resident Magistrate £200, Travelling Allowance'£54 15s.) ... Clerk and Receiver of Land Revenue Clerk Clerk and Receiver of Land Revenue, Hawera (also Judicial £C0, Registrar of Electors £20, and Clerk to Reserves Trustee £50) Contingencies ... ... Wellington — Commissioner of Crown Lands (also Registrar of Births, Deaths, and Marriages £140) Chief Clerk Clerk (also Deputy Registrar of Births, Deaths, and Marriages nil) Messenger Contingencies Napier — Commissioner of Crown Lands (also Chief Surveyor £300) Clerk and Receiver of Land Revenue Crown Lands and Forest Ranger Contingencies Nelson — Commissioner of Crown Lands (also Immigration Officer £25, and Agent for the Crown Nelson and Westland Coal Fields £75) Horse Allowance Clerk (also Registrar of Electors £25, and Receiver of Land Revenue £150) Clerk, at 12s. per day 3 Local District Land Officers at £25,1 at Westport (also Judicial £315, Registrar of Electors £25, and Clerk Colliery Reserve £50) ; 1 at Reefton (also Judicial £275, Sheriff Fees, Registrar of Electors £20, and Registrar of Births &c. fees) ; 1 at Ahaura (also Judicial £200, and Registrar of Births &c. fees) Receiver of Land Revenue (also Registrar of Electors £25, and Clerk as above £150) Contingencies Blenheim, —■ Commissioner of Crown Lands (also Chief Surveyor £210) Clerk (also Immigration Officer nil, and Registrar of Electors £25) .,. Crown Lands and Forest Ranger, including Travelling Expenses Contingencies 60 125 75 500 350 150 50 325 150 300 200 200 60 500 460 325 275 120 300 28 29 30 81 300 225 145 100 32 400 50 38 84 35 36 150 188 75 37 150 150 88 89 210 10 250 41 100 40 12




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services,

item. 18 3-84. CROWN LANDS DEPAETMENT— continued. 43 44 45 40 47 48 49 50 51 53 54 55 56 52 VOTE No. 62— continued. Local Offices— continued. Christchtirch — Commissioner of Crown Lands Secretary to Lund Board and Receiver of Land Revenue Clerk Land Officer at Timaru Messenger Contingencies HokitiJca — Commissioner of Crown Lands (also Resident Magistrate £450, Travelling Allowance £200) Chief Clerk 2 Crown Lands and Forest Rangers, inclusive of Horse Hire, 1 at £70 (also Bailiff to District and Resident Magistrate's Courts £180), and 1 at £12 (also Bailiff £25) Land Officer at Jackson's Bay (also Registrar of Births &c. fees, Resident Magistrate £50, and Receiver of Gold Revenue £20) Contingencies ... ... Dunedin — Commissioner of Crown Lands Receiver of Land Revenue 7 Clerks. 2 at £300, 1 at £250 (also Receiver of Gold Revenue, Hindon, £25), 2 at £200, 1 at £208, and 1 at £150 Cadet Salesman Auctioneer 4 Rangers, 2 at £275 (inclusive of Travelling Expenses), 1 at £100 (also Surveys £225), and 1 at £75 Contingencies Invercargill — Commissioner of Crown Lands, Invercargill, and District Land Officer ... ■ ... 2 Clerks, 1 at £300,1 at £200 ... Ranger, including Travelling Expenses Inspector of Forests Clerk to Receiver of Land Revenue District Land Officer (also Customs £300, and Shipping Reporter £10) Contingencies 600 350 250 350 100 400 100 325 82 100 125 650 400 57 53 59 GO 1,608 80 275 250 61 725 2,095 02 550 500 275 200 150 03 64 05 06 07 68 10 500 Total—Vote No. 62 ... 22,339 MISCELLANEOUS. 1 2 3 4 VOTE No. 63. Ceown Lands Miscellaneous Seevices — Fees to Members of Waste Lands Boards, including Travelling Expenses Compiler of Deeds of old Native Land Purchases Refund to Titanic Steel Company To assist Public Domains in developing Local Industries and raising Plants for Distribution Remission of Royalty to the Westport Colliery Company Compensation to be paid for removal of buildings from the Brunnerton Coal Mining Company's leasehold ... Forest-tree planting, grants-in-aid 1,200 75 3,000 5 6 1,000 532 7 560 1,000




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 18: 13-84. MIS CELL ANEOTJS— continued. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 VOTE No. 63— continued. Crown Lands Miscellaneous Services — continued. Outstanding Claims recommended by lloyal Commission on Volunteer Scrip Expenses connected with the development of Thermal Springs (including contracts entered into) Settlement of outstanding claims of the New Zealand Company at New Plymouth Payment for land taken in settlement of Waipawa dispute between John Harding and the Natives Compensation to A. Mackay and M. Morton, in settlement of dispute as to water-race Advance to Wiremu Mita Hekariro, for travelling expenses in connection with Eotorua Thermal-Springs Claim of George Gutch under a New Plymouth land order Interest on £2,000, part purchase-money of Stewart Island Law costs, Appeal case Maitland v. Mervyn Building school at Canvas Town (provincial liability of Marlborough) Compensation in lieu of land or scrip recommended by Royal Commission Expenses connected with alleged evasion of Land Act in Octago Subsidy of pound for pound to local bodies for the destruction of the Kea pest ... Compensation to B. S. Allen for loss of portion of roadline Purchase of land scrip 200 6,000 250 205 68 20 281 15 16 17 160 336 18 50 19 30 20 1,000 21 300 22 25 200 Total—Vote No. 63 ... 16,492 COAL FIELDS. 1883-84. 1882-83. Total number of officers ... 2 2 1 2 VOTE No. 64. Expenses under " The Westland and Nelson Coal Fields Administration Act, 1877 " — Agent (also Commissioner of Crown Lands and Immigration Officer, Nelson, £425) Clerk (also Clerk District and Resident Magistrate's Courts £315, Registrar of Electors £25, Local Land Officer £25) Travelling Expenses and Contingencies 75 200 50 75 Total—Vote No. 64 ... SURVEY DEPARTMENT. 1883-84. 1882-83. Total number of officers ... 250 255 1 VOTE No. 65. General Surveys— Surveyor-General, Secretary for Crown Lands, and Secretary for Gold Fields Assistant Surveyor-General 2 900 700




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 1883-84. SIIEVET DEPARTMENT—continued. VOTE JNo. 65— continued. 9 10 3 4 5 6 7 8 General Stiea'ets — continued. Office Surveyor 3 Geodesical Surveyors, 1 at £550, 1 at £420, 1 at £350 9 Chief Surveyors, 3 at £600, 4 at £500, 1 at £300 (also Commissioner of Crown Lands £300), 1 at £210 (also Commissioner of Crown Lands £210) 3 Inspecting Surveyors, 1 at £500,1 at £450, 1 at £400 ... 19 District Surveyors, 3 at £400, 2 at £375, 10 at £350, 3 at £325, 1 at £312 70 Assistant Surveyors, 2 at £325, 1 at £320, 5 at £312, 3 at £300, 3 at £288, 5 at £275, 6 at £262, 5 at £250, 3 at £237,1 at £225,5 at £200,4 at £180, 2 at £175, 3 at £162,5 at £160,11 at £150, 4 at £145, 2 at £120 10 Chief Draftsmen, 1 at £450, 3 at £350, 2 at £312, 1 at £300, 2 at £276, 1 at £225 55 Assistant Draftsmen, 1 at £325, 1 at £320, 2 at £312, 3 at £300,1 at £288, 3 at £276, 3 at £275, 2 at £262, 7 at £250, 1 at £240, 2 at £230, 3 at £225 (1 also Crown Lands £100), 1 at £224, 10 at £200 (1 also Crown Lands £75), 2 at £180,1 at £172, 3 at £160, 3 at £150, 2 at £145, 2 at £112,1 at £100 (also Crown Lands £125), 1 at £60 Lithographic Draftsman ... ... ... 8 Crown Grant Draftsmen, 1 at £288, 1 at £275, 1 at £240,1 at £225, 2 at £180, 1 at £160, 1 at £150 ... 10 Land Transfer Draftsmen, 1 at £350, 2 at £320, 1 at £275, 1 at £264,1 at £262,1 at £225, 2 at £200,1 at £100 2 Computers, 1 at £312,1 at £262 Chief Clerk 5 Clerks, 1 at £275,1 at £212, 1 at £200, 1 at £160,1 at £100 5 Accountants, 2 at £325,1 at £250, 1 at £275,1 at £225 33 Cadets, 14 at £70,12 at £60, 7 at £50 4 Messengers, 1 at £112, 1 at £106, 1 at £36, 1 at £20 Equipment and Wages Travelling Expenses Contingencies Contracts Instruments 12,119 360 500 1,320 4,310 1,350 6,737 15,253 3,201 11 12 1,698 13 2,516 574 350 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 947 1,400 2,050 274 35,000 2,000 10,000 3,000 800 107,359 Special Surveys — Native Land Court Surveys Eoad Surveys, Chatham Islands West Coast Commission Surveys West Coast Native Beserves Surveys 10,000 350 2,900 2,700 25 26 27 28 15,950




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

item. 188: i-84.. STTEVEY DEPAETMENT— continued. 29 30 81 32 83 VOTE No. 65— continued. Photographic and Lithographic Printing Office — Photo-Lithographer Foreman Lithographic Printer... 6 Lithographic Printers, 1 at £200, 1 at £169, 4 at £157 Stone-grinders and Contingencies Chemicals and Litho. Materials 180 285 997 960 300 2,722 Less credits under section 10 of " The Public Eevenues Act, 1882," including £6,905 arrear surveys to be charged on the Canterbury Surplus Land Eevenue Account in "Deposits" 126,031 14,000 Total—Vote No. 65... 112,031 MINISTEE OF MINES. VOTE No. 66. Mines — Moiety of Subsidies towards the construction of tracks and minor works upon Gold Fields upon a subscription of one-third being contributed Aids to prospecting 10,000 500 Total—Vote No. 66... 10,500 TOTAL OP CLASS XIII. £16! ,562




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1883-84. £ 40,000 Vote 67.—Eates on Crown Lands TOTAL OF CLASS XIV. 40,000 Item. 13-84. EATES ON CROWN LANDS. VOTE No. 67. Eates payable under "The Crown and Native Lands Eating Act, 1882 "— On Crown lands... 40,000 Total—Vote No. 67 ... 40,000 TOTAL OF CLASS XIV. £4" ',000




14— B. 3.

Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

item 188; 1-84. COLONIAL TEEASUEEE. 1883-84. 1882-83. Total number of officers ... 64 37 1 2 8 4 5 Government Insurance Department— Salaries — Commissioner (also Deputy Commissioner of Stamps and Registrar of Joint-Stock Companies, nil) Actuary Secretary Superintendent of Agents (3 months) Chief Medical Officer (also Gaol Surgeon £100, Vaccination £50, and Coroner fees) Lecturer 1 Messenger (with clerical duties) 7 Eesident Agents, 1 at £300, 1 at £260, 1 at £225, 2 at £200, 2 at £150 10 Clerks at Agencies, 2 at £100,1 at £90,1 at £75,1 at £50, 5 at £40 ... 800 600 600 162 400 200 135 6 7 8 9 1,485 615 10 11 Ordinary Branch — Chief Clerk 23 Clerks, 1 at £265, 1 at £250, 1 at £220, 1 at £210, 1 at £200,1 at £195,1 at £180, 2 at £175, 2 at £170, 1 at £160, 4 at £155, 2 at £150,1 at £145,1 at £130, 1 at £125, 1 at £120, 1 at £105 7 Cadets, 1 at £90, 1 at £80, 1 at £75, 1 at £00, 1 at £50, 2 at £40 ... 4,997 300 3,915 12 435 Industrial Branch? —■ Chief Clerk 5 Clerks, 1 at £125, 1 at £1CO, 2 at £90,1 at £75 3 Cadets, 1 at £00, 2 at £40 ... 4,650 18 14 15 300 480 140 Expenses—■ Ordinary Branch — Commission £12,000, Medical Fees £0,000, Eent £500, Postage and Telegrams £1,000, Printing and Advertising £1,200, Exchange £150, Travelling Expenses £500, aud Contingencies £1,500 920 16 10,567 23,350 17 Industrial Branch —■ Commission £:i,000, Medical Fees £1,000, Travelling Expenses £250, Printing and Advertising £500, Postage Telegrams and Exchange £2£0, Contingencies £500 28,850 5,500 Total 39,417 TOTAL GOVERNMENT INSURANCE) ACCOUNT j £3 ',417




By Authority: Geobgb DiDSßtnnr, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBB3.

Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

;tem. 188. i-84. £ COLONIAL TREASURER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1883-84 1882-83. Total number of officers ... 14 8 Public Trust Office — Public Trustee Chief Clerk Accountant Assistant Accountant Ledger Keeper 3 Clerks, 1 at £135, 1 at £90, and 1 at £80 Cadet Contingencies Native lteserves Branch — Commissioner Native Reserves (also Native Department £200, and Commissioner Native Land Prauds Prevention £100) Clerk (also Native Department £100, and Clerk to Commissioner Native Land Frauds Prevention £100) ... West Coast Settlement Reserves Branch — Reserves Trustee Clerk, Wellington Clerk, Hawera (also Resident Magistrate's Court £60, Crown Lands £60, Registrar of Electors £20, and Registrar of Births &c. fees)... 800 400 320 225 200 305 40 200 250 10 100 ii 12 13 600 220 50 Total 3,710 TOTAL PUBLIC TRUST OFFICE ) EXPENSES ACCOUNT j £; 1,710

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APPROPRIATIONS CHARGEABLE ON THE CONSOLIDATED FUND FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31st March, 1884., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1883 Session I, B-03

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APPROPRIATIONS CHARGEABLE ON THE CONSOLIDATED FUND FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31st March, 1884. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1883 Session I, B-03

APPROPRIATIONS CHARGEABLE ON THE CONSOLIDATED FUND FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31st March, 1884. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1883 Session I, B-03

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