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Presented to loth Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to Sjection 66 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1878."



STATEMENT of the Receipts and Expenditure of the ORDINARY REVENUE

RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance on 31st Marcb, 1881, — Cash in the Public Account and in transitu Advances in the hands of Officers of the Government, — Colonial Foreign 24,883 7 o 44,463 15 1 10,686 3 4 69,347 2 1 8,500 o o Worn Silver Coin in transitu to Melbourne Mint Ordinary Revenue, — Raised by Taxation, — Customs ... ... ..,£1,470,107 18 8 Stamps ... ... ... 161,115 11 8 Land-Tax ... ... ... 1.427 3 7 Property-Tax ... ... 250,974 17 3 Beer Duty ... ... ... 58,555 17 I" 88,533 5 S Receipts for Services rendered, — Railways ... ... ... £884,733 7 8 Postal ... ... ... 152,516 9 6 Telegraphic ... ... ... 77.S5S 8 6 Judicial ... ... ... 58,486 10 5 Land Transfer and Deeds Registry 40,740 15 5 Registration and other Pees ... 34,076 8 1 Marine ... ... ... 15,133 8 5 Miscellaneous ... ... 94,243 13 3 1,942,181 9 1 I Territorial Revenue, — Depasturing Licenses, Rents, &c. ... £184,519 3 10 Miscellaneous ... ... ... 3,983 13 4 1,357.486 1 3 188,502 17 2 Treasury Bills issued under " The Treasury Bills Act, 1880," in renewal of Bills, as per contra 1.4 488,170 7 6 23,900 o o ;,512,070 7 6 Total £3,600,603 12 11 LAND FUND Balance on 31st March, 1881, — Cash in the Public Account Advances in the hands of Officers of the Government, — Colonial Foreign 3>°43 i? 2 420 o o 28,909 11 3 3,463 17 2 Land Sales, — Ordinary On Deferred Payments ... 282,135 1 5 1 34,927 9 2 32.373 8 5 3 1 7.063 4 3 Total £349>436 12 8



CONSOLIDATED FUND for the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1882. ACCOUNT.

EXPENDITURE. £ s. d. & s. d. £ s. d. Permanent Appropriations,— Civil List Interest and Sinking Fund "Under Special Acts of the Legislature Ellesmere and Forsyth Reclamation and Akaroa Railway Trust 26,321 17 2 1,500,988 12 8 52,102 13 5 539 4 9 1.579.952 8 o Annual Appropriations — Class I. —Legislative ... ,, II. —Colonial Secretary ., III. —Colonial Treasury ,, IV. —Minister of Justice ... „ Y. —Postmaster-Greneral ... „ VI.—Commissioner of Customs ,, ATI. —Commissioner of Stamps ,, VIII.—Minister of Education „ IX. —Minister of Native Affairs ,, X. —Minister of Mines ... ... ... ,, XI. —Minister for Public Works „ XII.—Minister of Defence ... 38,089 4 11 178,756 78 32,427 17 8 111,612 7 o 227,498 18 4 71,455 '8 3 23.561 13 2 269,709 19 6 24,121 5 10 15.110 13 7 573,220 8 10 129,507 17 5 Services not provided for 1,695,072 12 2 3.795 4 8 Deficiency Bills outstanding on 31st March, 1881, paid off Treasury Bills issued under " The Financial Arrangements Act, 1876," due 1st November, 1881, and renewed, as per contra 3,278,820 4 10 94,200 o o 23,900 o o Balance on 31st March, 1882, — Cash in the Public Account and in transihi... Advances in the hands of Officers of the Government,— Colonial Foreign 128,779 9 9 3,396,920 4 10 22,817 7 10 49,286 10 6 72,103 18 4 2,800 o o 203,683 8 1 Worn Silver Coin in transitu to Melbourne Mint Total ... £3,600,603 mi ACCOUNT. Permanent Appropriations, — Subsidies to Local Bodies, 1880-81 Subsidies to Local Bodies, 1881-82. One-third of Proceeds of Land sold on Deferred Payments paid to Local Bodies New Plymouth Harbour Board Endowment Ellesmere and Forsyth Reclamation and Akaroa Railway Trust 92 17 6 136,768 19 11 ".759 10 2 36,667 6 6 14,671 3 10 Annual Appropriations, — Class XIII.—Minister of Lands ... Services not provided for... ■99.959 >7 ii 137,296 19 2 819 2 3 Balance on 31st March, 1882, — Cash in the Public Account Advances in the hands of Officers of the Government, — Colonial Foreign 4,673 2 6 338.075 '9 4 5,887 10 10 800 o o 6,687 lo IO 11,360 13 4 Total £349,436 12 8



STATEMENT of the Receipts and Expenditure of the ACCOUNTS OF

Treasury, "Wellington, 20th April, 1882. Examined and found correct: James Edwaed FitzGeeald, Controller and Auditor-General, 4th May, 1882.

RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance on 31st March, 1881 — Cash in the Public Account Advances in the hands of Officers of the Government, — Colonial 6,580 19 5 6,587 o 5 610 Revenue appropriated to Local Bodies,— Revenue from License and other Fees Revenue from Lands made over ... Gold Fields Revenue ... ... ... ... Gold Duty 47.640 15 7 9°4 3 4 22,067 6 7 29,488 7 2 Counties Separate Accounts, — Revenue of Counties in which " The Counties Act, 1876," is not in operation Advance Accounts, — Recovered 100,100 12 8 5.274 13 2 176 14 11 105.552 o 9 Total £112,139 I 2 DEPOSIT Balance on 31st March, 1881, — Cash in the Public Account Advances in the hands of Officers of the Government, — Foreign 33-°47 '7 7 25,694 13 ii Lodgments,— Armed Constabulary Reward Fund General Assembly Library Fund ... Nelson Rifle Prize Fund ... New Zealand University Endowment, Auckland New Zealand University Endowment, Westland North Otago District Public Works Loan Act Railway Servants'Fund ... Temporary Deposits Thermal-Springs Districts Act Unclaimed Balances Unclaimed Property Waiau Sheep Dip Waikato Crown Lands Sales Act ... Westland Loan Act Redemption ... 58,742 11 6 301 18 9 85 o o 131 7 1 75 o o 14 10 6 12,352 8 1 95 I1 4 38,487 9 o 1.353 5 ° 1,290 10 6 o 8 10 30 o o 363 6 3 9i '5 ° 54.672 10 4 Total £113,415 1 10



CONSOLIDATED FUND for the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1882. LOCAL BODIES.

James C. Gtayin, Secretary to the Treasury. James B. Heywood, Accountant to the Treasury.

EXPENDITURE. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. Revenue paid over to Local Bodies, — Revenue from License and other Fees Revenue from Lands made over ... Gold Fields Revenue Gold Duty 47.709 l3 7 894 3 4 21,029 14 4 28,345 IO 3 97.979 1 6 Counties Separate Accounts,— Amount distributed amongst Road Boards where " The Counties Act, 1876," is not in operation ... 8,718 3 10 Balance on 31st March, 1882, — Casli in the Public Account 106,697 5 4 5.44' 15 10 Total £"2.'39 1 2 ACCOUNTS. Withdrawals, — Armed Constabulary Reward Fund Canterbury Surplus Land Revenue General Assembly Library Fund ... jSfative Account, Coromandel Native Account, Thames... Nelson Rifle Prize Fund... New Zealand University Endowment, Westland North Otago District Public Works Loan Act Outlying Districts Sale of Spirits Act Railway Servants'Fund ... Temporary Deposits Unclaimed Balances XJnclaimed Property Waiau Sheep Dip Westland Loan Act Redemption ... 171 5 8 8,408 15 11 85 0 o 7 6 7 3 749 3 3 150 o o IOO 12,372 o 7 42 '5 5 32 10 o 25. 637 5 8 852 10 o 164 2 2 109 5 o 46 5 o Balance on 31st March, 1882, —■ Cash in the Public Account Advances in the hands of Officers of the Government,, — Foreign 48,898 s 11 29.937 *7 IO 34.578 18 1 64,516 15 11 Total £"3.415 1 10



STATEMENT of the Receipts and Expenditure of the PUBLIC WORKS

Treasury, Wellington, 20th April, 1882. Examined and found correct. James Edwaed FitzQ-ebald, Controller and Auditor-General, 4th May, 1882.

RECEIPTS. £ S. d. £ s. d. jj ». u. s. Balance on 31st March, 1881, — Cash in the Colony and in London, and in transitu to London Advances in the hands of Officers of the Government, — In the Colony ... In London 693.544 4 1 10,519 4 o 113,410 2 1 123,929 6 1 17,000 o o 44,000 o o Wanganui Harbor Board Debentures ... New Zealand Government 10/40 Debentures Amount in Fixed Deposit with the Colonial Bank of New Zealand, London, due 1st April, 1881 Treasury Bills and Deficiency Bills representing temporary advances to the Consolidated Fund Special Receipts under Section 9 of "The Railways Construction Act, 1878" Miscellaneous Recoveries Temporary Advances obtained on the Security of the Imperial Guaranteed Debentures of "The Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1870" 50,000 o o 431,900 o o '.36°>373 10 2 15,210 8 7 27,168 5 8 364,700 o o 407,078 14 3 Note. —Balance on 31st March, 1881, subject to Liabilities, — Balance as above ... ... ... ... £1,360,373 10 2 Balance of Imperial Guaranteed Debentures unissued ... ... ... ... ... 500,000 o o Total ... ... ... £1,860,353 102 £i.767.452 4 5


FUND for the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1882.

James C. Gtayis', Secretary to the Treasury. James B. Heywood, Accountant to the Treasury.


£ s. d. s. s. d Annual Appropriations, — Class I.—Immigration „ II. —Public Works, Departmental „ III.—Railways „ IV. —Surveys of New Lines of Railways... „ V. —Roads and Bridges „ VI. —Land Purchases „ VII.—Waterworks on Gold Fields „ VIII. —Telegraph Extension „ IX.—Public Buildings ., X. —Lighthouses and Harbour Works ... „ XI.—Contingent Defence ,, XII. —Charges and Expenses 6,796 16 1 '3,1.35 6 5 453,429 12 6 794 12 7 '45,477 '7 6 40.573 4 7 13,272 9 7 7,5>7 4 9 128,356 5 9 21,207 '5 6 133,218 19 3 i3,S76 3 " Refunds under Section 9 of "The Immigration and Public Works Appropriation Act, 1881 " Services not provided for 977>35 6 8 5 237 o o 293 9 9 Balance on 31st March, 1882, — Cash in the Colony and in London, and in transitu to London Advances in the hands of Officers of the Government, — In the Colony ... In London 977,886 18 647,646 1 2 7,142 8 5 53,176 i6 8 60,319 5 ' Wanganui Harbour Board Debentures ... New Zealand Government 10/40 Debentures Duntroon and Hakateramea Railway Company Debentures Treasury Bills, representing balance of advance to Consolidated Fund ... 17,000 o o 44,000 o o 20,000 o o 600 o o 8 [,600 o o 789,565 6 Note.' —Balance on 31st March, 1882, subject to Liabilities, — Balance as above ... ... ... ... 6 3 Balance of Imperial Guaranteed Debentures unissued ... ... ... ... ... 135,300 o o Total ... ... ... .^924,865 6 3 £1,767,453 4 5



* Balance of Public Works Fund, brought down ... ... ... ... ... ... £789,565 6 3 Add balance of Imperial Guaranteed Debentures unissued ... ... ... ... 135,300 o o Total Public Works Fund ... ... ... ... £924.865 6 3

SUMMARY of Balances on 31st March, 1882.

By Authority: G-eokGE Didbbtoy, Government Printer, Wellington. —1882,

Consolidated Fund. Public Woees Fund. Suspense Account. Total. Funds. Cash Advances in the hands op Officebs op the G-oveen-MENT... Woen Silvee Coin in teansit to Melbouene Mikt Wanqanfi Haebotte Boaed Dbbentubes DUNTEOON AND HaKATEEAMEA RAILWAY COMPANY Debentuees jS"ew Zealand Govebnment 10/40 Debentuees Teeasuey Bills eepeesentino Balance of Tempoeaby Advances to the Consolidated Fund ... £ s. d. 168,832 5 11 s s. a. 647,646 I 2 £ s. d. 878 7 9 £ s. d. 817,356 14 10 Consolidated Fund : — Ordinary Revenue Account Land Fund Account Accounts of Local Bodies ... Deposits Account £ s. d. £ s. d. "3,37o 7 3 2,800 o o 6°,3i9 5 1 173,689 12 4 2,800 o o 17,000 o o 203,683 8 1 11,360 13 4 5,441 15 10 64,516 15 11 285,002 13 a *?89,S65 6 3 878 7 9 17,000 o o 20,000 o o 44,000 o o 1 ... 20,000 O O 44,000 o o Public Woeks Fukd Suspense Account ... 600 o o ... 600 o o £i,o75.446 7 2 Totals 878 7 9 i Total 285,002 13 2 789>5 6 5 6 3 1,075,446 7 2

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ABSTRACT OF THE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE OF THE PUBLIC ACCOUNT FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 1882., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1882 Session I, B-07

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ABSTRACT OF THE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE OF THE PUBLIC ACCOUNT FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 1882. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1882 Session I, B-07

ABSTRACT OF THE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE OF THE PUBLIC ACCOUNT FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 1882. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1882 Session I, B-07

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