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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of Sis Excellency.

No. 1.

(Circular.) Sir,— Downing Street, 26th July, 1881. With reference to my predecessor's circular despatches of the 27th of November, 1878, and 26th of April, 1880, I have the honor to transmit to you a copy of a letter from the War Office, stating that under the revised organization of the Army, which takes effect from the Ist of July, it will no longer be possible to continue to make provision from Army Funds for the regimental pay of officers holding appointments on the personal staff of Colonial Governors ; and expressing a hope that the colonies will provide the regimental pay of those officers who were appointed prior to the Ist of July, and who must shortly be seconded and succeeded in their regiments. I have, &c, The Officer Administering the Government of KIMBERLEY. New Zealand.

Seply. A.-1, No. 10.

Enclosure in No. 1. The "War Office to the Colonial Office. Financial Secretary's Department, War Office, Sir,— 15th July, 1881. With reference to the correspondence that took place between the two departments, during the early part of the year 1880, as to the provision from Army Funds of the regimental pay of those officers holding appointments on the personal staff of Colonial Governors, I am directed by the Secretary of State for War to request you will acquaint the Earl of Kimberley that under the revised organization of the Army, which takes effect from Ist instant, it will no longer be possible to continue the above arrangement. The decision in 1880 was rendered possible only by the consent of His Eoyal Highness the Field-Marshal Commanding in Chief that the officers in question should continue to be borne on the establishment of their regiments or corps and then not be seconded. In the new organization, and with a reduced number of officers, the requirements of the service will no longer permit of the officers being exempted from the seconding rules ; and I am therefore desired by Mr. Childers to state that from this time, if any officer is permitted to accept an appointment on the personal staff of the Governor of a colony, it must be coupled with the condition that his regimental pay ceases to be issued from Army Funds from the date on which he is seconded. As previously to 1880 many of the colonies had intimated that they were prepared to bear the charge for the regimental pay, Mr. Childers believes that the reversal of the arrangement of 1880 will not be a matter of much moment; indeed, he is not without hope that the colonies will provide the regimental pay of those officers who were appointed prior to the Ist instant, and who must shortly be seconded and succeeded in their regiments. I have, &c, The Under-Secretary of State, Colonial Office. H. Campbell-Bannebman,

No. 2. (No. 35.) Sib, — Downing Street, 6th September, 1881. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch No. 41, of the 16th of August, reporting the visit of Tawhiao, the Maori " King," to the white settlements on the Waikato. I have, &c, Governor the Hon. Sir A. H. Gordon, G.C.M.G., KIMBERLEY. &c, &c, &c. I—A. 2.


No. 3

(No. 41.) Sik, — Downing Street, Bth October, 1881. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch No. 47, of the 10th of August, enclosing copies of a report by Sir William Pox, the Commissioner appointed under " The West Coast Settlement (North Island) Act, 1880." I have received this report with much satisfaction. I have, &c, Governor the Hon. Sir A. H. Gordon, G.C.M.G., KIMBEIILEY. &c, &c, &c.

No. 4. (No. 47.) Sik, — Downing Street, 7th November, 1881. With reference to your Despatch No. 53, of the 22nd of August, respecting the inability of the New Zealand Assembly to pass a Bill "to provide for the execution of warrants of apprehension issued in other colonies," I have the honor to invite your attention to my circular despatch of the 25th ultimo, which enclosed a copy of "The Fugitive Offenders Act, 1881" (44 and 45 Viet., c. 69). I have, &c, Governor the Hon. Sir A. H. Gordon, G.C.M.G., KIMBEELEY. &c, &c, &c.

Eeply. A.-l, No. 14.

No. 5. (General.) Sic, — Downing Street, 19th November, 1881. With reference to the concluding paragraph of my despatch general of the 17th March, and to your Despatch No. 48, of the 10th of August, I have the honor to return, for presentation to your Government, the silver seal of New Zealand, which has been defaced by Her Majesty in Council. I have, &c, Governor the Hon. Sir A. H. Gordon, G.C.M.G., KIMBERLEY. &c, &c, &c.

Eeply. A-l, No. 12.

No. 6. (Circular.) SlEj— Downing Street, 9th November, 1881. I have the honor to transmit to you, for the information of your Government, a copy of a despatch from the High Commissioner for the Western Pacific, enclosing a return showing the number of cases in which an inquiry has been made into outrages committed by natives in the West Pacific Islands, and the action taken in each instance. I have, &c, The Officer Administering the Government KIMBERLEY. of New Zealand.

Enclosure in No. 6. Sir A. G-obdon lo the Seceetaky of State for the Colonies. My Lohd, — 'Wellington, New Zealand, 22nd July, 1881. In my Despatch No. 35, of the 18th June, I have said, with reference to the punishment of outrages committed by Datives in the "Western Pacific, "I have never, except in the case of the 'Dauntless,' had any previous knowledge of the steps about to be taken by the Naval authorities for that purpose." This, so far as the actual punishment of offences complained of, is the case ; but the sentence may be understood to mean, not only that I was unaware of the particular steps about to be taken, but whether any steps were going to be taken at all. This would be an error, and I hasten to correct any such impression. In a great majority of cases of outrages reported to the Commodore, communication has been had with mo by letter or telegram before action was taken, as appears by the accompanying return. I think that in every case I have agreed with the Commodore on the question whether punishment should or should not be inflicted. The nature of the punishment to be inflicted has not often been communicated to me beforehand; but that imposed by the Commodore, or by his orders, has, when brought to my knowledge, appeared to me in all cases judicious and satisfactory. I have, &c, The Eight Hon. the Secretary of State for the Colonies. Abthttb Gobdon,




Sub-Enclosure to Enclosure in No. 6. Particulars in connection with Outrages committed in Western Pacific Islands from November, 1878, to May, 1881.

Cases of Outrage. Date. Eeported by Inquired into by Action taken by Whether Case was referred to High Commissioner before action taken, or not. Remarks. Mystery case of Aoba Island Nov., 1878 Governor of Queensland and Acting High Com. Governor of Queensland Action taken by Wolverene, May 19, 1879 Yes; Jan. 11,1879. Reported by Consulted with Acting High Commissioner in June, '79. Murder of Mr. Ingham, at Brooker Island Not., 1878 By Cormorant, in March, 1879. Punished by Wolverene, in June, 1879 Yes ; personal communication with Acting High. Com. in May, '79. Opinion given by Acting High Com. in letter dated May 5, 1879 Yes j June 9, 1879 Consulted as to punishment with Acting High Commissioner, June 17, 1879. Murder of Robert Provis, at Guadalcanar Island, of Ariel Murder of James Martin, of Heather Belle, at Aoba Island Nov., 1878 Mr. Brodie, master of Ariel Wolverene By Wolverene, May, '79. Punished by Danae, in Aug.,'79 Punished by Wolverene, May 20, 1879 Punishment referred to High Commissioner. Irons and Arthur, Murder of Messrs., at Cloudy Bay, New. Guinea . Nov., 1878 Dec, 1878 Local papers Punished by Beagle, July 10, 1879 Yes; personal communication with Acting High Com. in May, 1879 Yes; personal communication with Acting High Com. in May, 1879 Yes; June 9, 1879 Eeferred to Acting High. Commissioner, May 25, 1879. Eeferred to High Commissioner, Aug. 25, 1879. Murder of Charley, at Marau Sound May, 1879 Wolverene By Wolverene, May, '79. Punished by Danae, in Sept., '79 Punished by Wolverene, June 1, '79 Punishment referred to High Commissioner, Oct. 19,1879. Murder of Jemmy Morrow and one Savo boy, at Guadalcanal- Island Murder of mate and three men of Agnes Donald, at Pentecost Murder of crew of Pride of Logan, at Delele, New Guinea Murder of boat's crew of Dauntless, at Api, New Hebrides Murder of Jack, mate of Mavis, by an Aoba Island boy, one of the crew, at Island of Tanna, New Hebrides Hsperanza massacre, at Ariel Cove Murder of Captain Levison, by John Knowies, at New Britain Hippie Massacre, at NoumaNouma May, 1879 Wolverene No Punishment referred to Acting High Commissioner, June 9, 1879. Punishment referred to High Commissioner, Aug. 30, '79. June, 1879 Captain of AgnesDonald Beagle Punished by Conflict, in July, 1879 No Oct., 1879 By Beagle, in Nov., '79. Punished by Beagle Punished by Wolverene, Aug. 16, 1880 Yes ; Nov. 20,1879 Punishment referred to High Commissioner, Feb. 5,1880. Aug., 1880 High Com. Punishment referred to High Commissioner, Aug. 22, '80. Oct., 1879 Consul at Noumea Yes ; Oct. 29, 1879 Boy escaped. Sept., 1880 Aug., 1879 Local paPunished by Erneraid, Jan. 8,18S1 Senard inquired into, and captured Knowles By Conflict, Aug., '80. Punished by Emerald,J&n. 12, '8t By Conflict, Sept., 1880 By Senard, in Nov., '80. Punished by Emerald, in Jan., 1881 By Beagle, in Oct., 1880 Yes ; by cablegram, Nov. 13, 1880 No Punishment referred to High Commissioner, Feb. 15, '81. Action taken; referred to High Commissioner, Oct. 19, 1879. Punishment referred to High Commissioner, Feb. 15, '81. pers Renard Aug., 1880 Conflict Yes j Oct. 8, 1880 Murder of crew of Chinese junk, at New Guinea Borealis massacre, at Qualiqualiroo, Malayta Island Sept., 1880 Oct., 1880 Governor of Queensland Fiji Times, and forwarded by H. Com. Beagle Yes; Oct. 25,1880 No action taken. Chinese to blame. Punishment referred to High Commissioner, Feb. 15, '81, Yes; by cablegram, Nov. i3, 1880 Murder of three white men of Lmlia, at Kabeira, New Britain Sandfly massacre, at Nogou Island Zephyr massacre, at Choiseul Island Oct., 1880 Yes ; Dec. 18, 1880 Nov., 1880 Jan., 1881 ' Sandfly Punished by 'Emerald, in Jan., 1881 Punished by Erneraid, Jan. 1\, 1881 Yes i Dec. 17, 1880 Punishment referred to High Commissioner, Feb. 10, '81. Punishment referred to High Commissioner, Feb. 15, '81. Trading schooner to Emerald Adelaide No Annie Broolrs massacre, at Brooker Island Leslie massacre. Murder of Caplain Schwartz, at Russell Island Murder of Chinese crew of schooner Prosperity Nov., 18S0 Feb., 1881 Punished by Emerald, Jan. 17, 18S1 Inquired into at Sydney by Wolverene Nov. 27, 1880 Punishment referred to High Commissioner, Feb. 15, '81. papers Wolverene YeB j March 22, '81 Jan., 1881 Governor of Queensland Yes ; Jan. 81, 1881 Information regarding this massacre requested from High Commissioner, Feb. 15, '81. Murder of four mission teachers, at Kalo, New Guinea Feb., 1881 Local papers and Air. Goldie By Sandfly, in May, 1881 Yes; June 15,1881



No. 7. (No. 51.) Sic,— Downing Street, 21th November, 1881. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch No. 57, of the 13th of September, reporting your temporary assumption of the Government of New Zealand on the departure of Sir Arthur Gordon for Fiji. I have, &c, Acting-Governor Prendergast, KIMBERLEY. &c, &c, &c.

No. 8. (No. 52.) Sir, — Downing Street, 24th November, 1881. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the despatch of the Officer Administering the Government, No. 58, of the 24th of September, reporting the prorogation by Commission on that day of the Third and last Session of the Seventh Parliament of New Zealand. I have, &c, Governor the Hon. Sir A. H. Gordon, G.C.M.G., KIMBERLEY. &c, &c, &c.

' ' ' No. 9. (No. 53.) Sir,— Downing Street, 29th November, 1881. I have the honor to transmit to you, for the information of your Government, a copy of a letter with its enclosures from the Treasury on the subject of an application from the Chairman of the Joint Library Committee of the General Assembly of New Zealand, requesting that copies of certain Acts might be presented to the Colonial Government. The Lord Clerk Register has been requested to forward the volumes of Acts of the Scottish Parliament, which the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury have consented to present to the Government of New Zealand, to the care of the AgentGeneral for transmission to the colony. I have, &c, Governor the Hon. Sir A. 11. Gordon, G.0.M.G., KIMBERLEY. &c, &c, &c. Enclosure 1 in No. 9.

Reply-A.-l, No. 11.

The Treasury to the Colonial Office. Sir, — Treasury Chambers, 17th November, 1881. I am directed by the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury to transmit to you herewith copies of a letter from the Master of the Eolls and of a letter from the Chairman of the Joint Library Committee of the General Assembly of Now Zealand, and I am to request that, in laying the same before the Earl of Kimberley, you will inform him that my Lords have authorized the Lord Clerk Begister, Edinburgh, to have a set of Acts of Parliament of Scotland, in thirteen volumes folio, bound, for the purpose of presentation to the New Zealand Government. I am to request that you will cause this decision to be communicated to the New Zealand Government, and that you will cause directions to be sent to the Lord Clerk Begister as to the address to which the books should be forwarded. It will be seen from the letter of the Master of the Bolls that the Acts of the Long Parliament during the Protectorate of Cromwell are not a Government publication. As the stock of the Statutes of Scotland is running very low, my Lords can comply with no further application of the same kind. I have, &c, B. G. W. Herbert, Esq., Colonial Office. B. B. W. Lisoeit.

Enclosure 2 in No. 9. The Becobd Office to the Treasury. Sir,— Public Eecord Office, 27th September, 1881. Pursuant to the Treasury letter of the 2Sth October, 1876, I transmit herewith, on behalf of the Master of the Bolls, for the information of the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's-Treasury, a letter from the Chairman of the Library of the General Assembly of New Zealand,



The application from the Library Committee is for a copy of the Acts of Parliament of Scotland in thirteen volumes folio, of which the stock is kept at the General Register House, Edinburgh, and for a copy of the Acts of the Long Parliament during the Protectorate of Cromwell. The latter is not a Government publication. Grants of Record publications have been made to the Library of the General Assembly in 1860, 18G8, and 1870, and the present application is referred to their Lordships pursuant to their letter before alluded to. I have, &c, Sir R. R. W. Lingen, X.C.8., &c, Treasury. William Hardy.

Enclosure 3 in No. 9. The Chaibman of the Libeaey Committee, New Zealand, to the Master of the Eolls. Sic,— Wellington, New Zealand, 12th August, 1881. The Joint Library Committee of the General Assembly of New Zealand are very anxious to have as complete a collection of parliamentary records as they can possibly secure, and have so far been fairly successful. There are two sets of Acts, however, which they have been unable to get, though they have made repeated efforts through their English agent to do so —namely, " The Acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1124 to 1707 a.d.," and "The Acts of the Long Parliament during the Protectorate of Cromwell." At the last meeting it was suggested that it I, as Chairman of the Joint Committee, were to apply specially to you as Curator of Public Eecords, these gaps in our collection might be filled up, and I was requested to make such an application. I have the honor now, most respectfully, to lay the Committee's request before you, and to express the hope that you may be able to supply us with those volumes, which we have tried in vain to procure elsewhere. I need scarcely add that any expenses will be gladly defrayed. I have, &c, The Eight Hon. Sir Q-eorge Jessel, Knight, William Fitziieebert, Master of the Eolls. Chairman of the Joint Library Committee.

No. 10. (No. 54) Sir, — Downing Street, 2nd December, 1881. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Chief Justice Prendergast's Despatch No. 60, of the Ist of October, enclosing a petition to the Queen from the Ngatiwhatua Tribe of Maoris. I request that you will inform the petitioners that their petition has been laid before the Queen, who was pleased to receive it very graciously, but that, in laying it before Her Majesty, the Secretary of State did not feel able to give any advice in respect of it, as the matter to which it relates is one which the Government of the colony is empowered and required to deal with. You will however, at the same time, assure the petitioners that, in granting to the Legislature of New Zealand its present powers of legislation, the Queen was not unmindful of her Maori subjects, in whose welfare and happiness she has not ceased to feel the deepest interest. I have, &c, Governor the Hon. Sir A. 11. Gordon, G.0.M.G., KIMBERLEY. &c, &c, &c.

No. 11. (No. 55.) Sir, — Downing Street, 6th December, 1881. On receipt of your Despatch No. 53, of the 22nd of August last, respecting the proposed Bill "to provide for the execution of warrants of apprehension issued in other colonies," I invited your attention, in my Despatch No. 47, of the 7th ultimo, to my circular despatch of the 25th October, enclosing a copy of " The Fugitive Offenders Act, 1881." As the cases for which it was the object of the Colonial Conference and of the New Zealand Legislature to provide have been sufficiently dealt with in the Imperial Act, it is unnecessary to examine in detail the proposed colonial legislation, some provisions of which would have otherwise demanded consideration. I have, &c, Governor the Hon. Sir A. H. Gordon, G.C.M.G., KIMBERLEY. &C, &C.j &C.



No. 12. (No. 57.) Slit, — Downing Street, 11th December, 1881. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch No. 69, of the 20th of October, reporting your resumption of the Government of New Zealand. I have, &c, Governor the Hon. Sir A. H. Gordon, G.C.M.G., KIMBERLEY. &c, &c, &c.

No. 13. (No. 58.) Sir, — Downing Street, 16th December, 1881. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Sir James Prendergast's Despatch No. 62, of the 3rd October, forwarding a protest by certain members of the Legislative Council against the passing of " The Railways Construction and Land Act, 1881," together with a memorandum by your Ministers thereon. I have, &c, Governor the Hon. Sir A. H. Gordon, G.C.M.G., KIMBERLEY. &c, &c, &c.

: • • No. 14. (No. 59.) Sir, — Downing Street, 16th December, 1881. I have the honor to inform you that Her Majesty will not be advised to exercise her power of disallowance with respect to the following Acts of the Legislature of New Zealand, transcripts of which accompanied Sir James Prendergast's Despatch No. 59. of the Ist of October, viz. :—

No. 1. "An Act to apply a Sum of Money out of the Public Account to the Service of the Year ending the Thirtyfirst day of March, One thousand eight hundred and eighty-two;" No. 2. "An Act to apply a Sum of Money out of the Public Account to the Service of the Year ending the Thirtyfirst day of March, One thousand eight hundred and eighty-two ;" No. 3. "An Act to apply a Sum of Money out of the Public Account to the Service of the Year ending the Thirtyfirst day of March, One thousand eight hundred and eighty-two ;" No. 4. "An Act to consolidate and amend the Law for preventing the Introduction or Spread of Infectious Diseases among Cattle and other Animals, and for restricting the Importation of Cattle and other Animals in certain eases;" No. 5. "An Act to amend ' The Hawke's Bay and Marlborough Rivers Act, 1868 ;' " No. 6. "An Act better to provide for the Abatement of the Rabbit Nuisance;" No. 7. "An Act to consolidate the Law regulating the Postal Service;" .No. 8. "An Act to consolidate the Law relating to the Protection and Recovery of Crown Property and the Enforcement of Claims against the Crown ;" No. 9. "An Act to legalize the Adoption of Children ;" No. 10. "An Act for the Suppression of Gaming and Betting Houses, and for the moro effectual Abolition of Lotteries;" No. 11. "An Act to amend ' The Prisons Act, 1873 ;' " No. 12. "An Act to make Provision for the Regulation and Conduct of Elections of Members of the House of Representatives ;" No. 13. "An Act for the Prevention of Corrupt Practices at Elections of Members of the House of Representatives ;" No. 14. "An Act to make further Provision for the Representation of the People of New Zealand in Parliament;" No. 15. "An Act to consolidate the Law regulating the Vesting and the Administration of the Public Reserves in the Colony ;" No. 16. "An Act to extend the Jurisdiction of the Native Land Court in the Estate of Deceased Natives ;" No. 17. "An Act to prevent Improvident Dealings and Frauds upon the Alienation of Land by Natives ;"

No. 18. " An Act to supply certain Omissions in Acts relating to Native Land;" No. 19. "An Act in Supplement of' The West Coast Settlement (North Island) Act, 1880,' to provide for the Administration of Reserves made for Natives within the Confiscated Territory;" No. 20. "An Act to provide for the Settlement of the ThermalSprings Districts of the Colony ;" No. 21. "An Act to consolidate and amend the Laws regulating the Sale of Intoxicating Liquors;" No. 22. "AnAetto amend 'The Patents Act, 1870;'" No. 23. "An Act to consolidate the Law relating to the Employment of Females and Others in Work-rooms and Factories;" No. 2i. " An Act consolidating the Law for the Regulation of the Volunteer Force j No. 25. "An Act to amend ' The Dentists Act, 1880;' " No. 26. "An Act to consolidate the Law relating to the Management of the Public Domains j" No, 27. " An Act relating to the Drainage of Lands by Private Owners;" No. 28. "An Act to regulate the Erection and Maintenance of Dividing Fences;" No. 29. "An Act to amend the Law relating to the Practice and Procedure of the Supreme Court of New Zealand j" No. 30. " An Act to amend ' The Public Health Act, 1876 ;' " No. 31. "An Act to amend 'The Neglected and Criminal Children Act, 1867,' and the Acts amending the same ;" No. 32. " An Act to amend 'The Dog Registr.tion Act, 1880;'" No. 33. "An Act to amend 'The Sheep Act, 1878 ;' " No. 34. "An Act to amend ' The Animals Protection Act, 1880;'" No. 35. "An Act to establish Local Boards of Administration ;" No. 36. An Act to authorize the Construction of certain Railways;" No. 37. " An Act to provide for the Construction of Railways by Joint-Stock Companies, and to authorize Grants of Crown Lands to be made to such Companies ;" No. 38. "An Act to amend ' The Property Assessment Act, 1879;'" No. 39. " An Act to impose a Property-Tax ;" No. 40. " An Act to alter the Duties of Customs and Excise ;" No. 41. " An Act to enforce and collect the Duties on the Estates of Deceased Persons ;"



No. 42. " An Act to amend 'The Stamp Act, 1875 ;' " No. 43. "An Act to amend ' The Public Revenues Act, 1878 ;' " No. 44. " An Act to amend ' The New Zealand Consolidated Stock Act, 1877 ;' " No. 45. " An Act to appropriate certain Sums of Money for the Purposes of Immigration and Public Works ;" No. 46. " An Act to apply a Sum of Money out of the Consolidated Fund and other Moneys to the Service of the Year ending the Thirty-first day of March, One thousand eight hundred and eighty-two, and to appropriate the Supplies granted in this present Session." Local Acts. No. 1. "An Act to amend 'The Taranaki County Council Loan Act, 1878 ;' " No. 2. "An Act to authorize the Sale of the Queen's Wharf and Bonded Store at the City of Wellington to the Harbour Board;" No. 3. "An Act to authorize the Conveyance of a certain Parcel of Land described in the Schedule hereto in trust for the Port Chalmers Volunteers, and to make Provision for the Control and Management of the said Land ;" No. 4. "An Act to appropriate a certain Portion of the Town Belt of Port Chalmers to and for the Purposes of a Public Cemetery j" No. 5. "An Act to amend 'The Timaru Mechanics' Institute Act, 1877;'" Kb. 6. "An Act to change the Trusts of certain Lands within the City of Auckland, and vest certain other Land in the Corporation of the City of Auckland ;" No. 7. "An Act to enable the Waitara Harbour Board to borrow the sum of Ten Thousand Pounds for the Purpose of carrying out Improvements in the Harbour and River of Waitara;" No. 8. "An Act to amend ' The Masterton and Greytown Lands Management Act, 1871 ;'" No. 9. "An Act to extend the Operations of certain Sections of ' The Canterbury Rivers Act 1870 Amendment Act, 1880;' " No. 10. "An Act to enable the Waimakariri Harbour Board to borrow the Sum of One Thousand Pounds for the Purpose of carrying out Improvements in the Harbour and River of Waimakariri;" No. 11. " An Act to authorize the Transfer of a Reserve made for a Water-race in the Timaru District to the Borough of Timaru, for the Purposes of the Construction of Waterworks ;" No. 12. "An Act relating to certain Reserves vested in the Timaru Harbour Board;" No. 13. " An Act to grant Borrowing Powers to the Timaru Harbour Board;" No. 14. " An Act to bring under the Provisions of ' The West-

land and Nelson Coal Melds Administration Act' 1877,' a certain Branch Coal Field Railway, conBtrueted by the Wellington Coal Company, aud also to amend the said Act;" No. 15. " An Act to provide for the Establishment and Management of the Rangiora High School;" No. 16. "An Aot to provide for the Establishment and Management of the Akaroa High School;" No. 17. "An Act lo provide for a Reserve for Educational Purposes within the Borough of Waimato, and the Erection of School-buildings at Waimate and Temuka;" No. 18. ''An Act to constitute a Board of Trustees, and to vest in it a certain Public Reserve near to the Town of Waimate, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, for the Purpose of a Racecourse;" No. 19. "An Act to constitute a Board of Trustees, and to vest in it a certain Public Reserve in the County of Geraldine, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, for the Purpose of a Racecourse j" No. 20. "An Act to amend 'The Oamaru Harbour Board Ordinance Amendment Act, 1876;' " No. 21. "An Act to provide for the Management and Sale of certain Reserves belonging to the University of Otago ;" No. 22. " An Act to constitute a Dock Trust for the Management and Maintenance of a Dock at Port Chalmers, and for vesting certain Lands in such Dock Trust;" No. 23. "An Act to constitute a Board of Trustees, and to vest in it certain Pubjic Reserves near Roxburgh, in the Provincial District of Otago, for the Purposes of a Racecourse;" No. 24. "An Act to vest in the Mayor, Councillors, and Burgesses of the Borough of Invercargill a certain Parcel of Land in the Borough of Invercargill, in Trust for the Purposes of a Site for Gasworks for the said Borough;" No. 25. " An Act to enable the Trustees of the Southland Agricultural and Pastoral Association to dispose of certain Lands vested in them to the Southland Caledonian Society, and to acquire other Lands in lieu thereof;" No. 26. "An Act to provide for the Administration of Local Affairs within the Chatham Islands;" No. 27. "An Act to grant certain Special Powers to the Governor to issue Crown Grants, and to enable him to carry out certain Contracts and Promisee." Private Acts (deemed to be Public Acts). No. 1. "An Act to incorporate the Trustees of Saint Paul's Presbyterian Church, in the City of Christchurch, and for other Purposes ;" No. 2. "An Act to confer certain Powers upon the Council of the County of Selwyn, in respect of a certain Waterrace, to be known as the Hororata Water-race."

I have, &c.j Governor the Hon. Sir A. H. Gordon, G.C.M.G., KIMBERLEY. &c, &c, &o.

No. 15. (No. 64.) Sir,' — Downing Street, 30th December, 1881. I have the honor to transmit to you, for communication to your Government, the enclosed Order of Her Majesty in Council, assenting to the Act passed by the Legislature of New Zealand, and reserved by you for the signification of Her Majesty's pleasure, intituled "An Act to regulate the Immigration of Chinese." I have, &c, Governor the Hon. Sir A. 11. Gordon, G.C.M.G., KIMBERLEY. &C, &C.j &C.

Enclosure in No. 15. At the Court at Osborne House, Isle of Wight, the 19th day of December, 1881. Present: The Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, Secretary Sir William Veeston HaecottiiTj Sir Montague Smith, Sir Henet Ponsonbt, Lord Justice Lindley; Wheeeas, by an Act passed in the session held in the fifteenth and sixteenth years of Her Majesty's reign, intituled " An Act to grant a Kepresentative Constitution to the Colony of New Zealand," it is amongst other things declared that no Bill which shall be reserved for the signification of Her Majesty's pleasure thereon shall have any force or authority within the Colony of New Zealand until the Governor of the said colony shall signify, either by Speech or Message to the Legislative Council and



House of Representatives of the said colony, or by Proclamation, that such Bill has been laid before Her Majesty in Council, and that Her Majesty has been pleased to assent to the same: And whereas a certain Bill passed by the Legislative Council and House of Representatives of the said colony, intituled " An Act to regulate the Immigration of Chinese," was presented to the Officer Administering the Government of the said colony, for Her Majesty's assent: And whereas the said Bill was reserved by the said Officer for the signification of Her Majesty's pleasure thereon : And whereas the said Bill so reserved as aforesaid has been laid before Her Majesty in Council, and it is expedient that the said Bill should be assented to by Her Majesty: Now, therefore, Her Majesty, in pursuance of the said Act, and in exercise of the power thereby reserved to Her Majesty as aforesaid, doth by this present order, by and with the advice of Her Majesty's Privy Council, declare her assent to the said Bill. Edmund Harbison.

No. 16. (No. 4) Sib,— Downing Street, 13th February, 1882. I have the honor to transmit to you an Order of Her Majesty in Council assenting to a Bill passed by the Legislature of New Zealand, and reserved by you for the signification of Her Majesty's pleasure, intituled " An Act to amend 'The Divorce and Matrimonial Causes Act, 1867,' " a transcript of which was enclosed in Sir J. Prendergast's Despatch No. 39, of the Ist of October last. I have, &c, Governor the Hon. Sir A. H. Gordon, G.C.M.G., KIMBERLEY. &C.j &C, &C.

Enclosure in No. 16. At the Court at Osborne House, Isle of Wight, the 6th day of February, 1882. Present: The Queen's Most Excellent Majestt, Lord President, Lord Steward, Secretary Sir "William Vernon Harcourt. Wheeeas, by an Act passed in the session held in the fifteenth and sixteenth years of Her Majesty's reign, intituled "An Act to grant a Representative Constitution to the Colony of Kew Zealand," it is, amongst other things, declared that no Bill which shall be reserved for the signification of Her Majesty's pleasure thereon shall have any force or authority within the Colony of New Zealand until the Governor of the said colony shall signify, either by Speech or Message to the Legislative Council and House of Representatives of the said colony, or by Proclamation, that such Bill has been laid before Her Majesty in Council, and that Her Majesty has been pleased to assent to the same: And whereas a certain Bill passed by the Legislative Council and House of Representatives of the said colony, intituled "An Act to amend 'The Divorce and Matrimonial Causes Act, 1867'" (45 Viet., No. 48), was presented to the Officer Administering the Government of the said colony, for Her Majesty's assent: And whereas the said Bill was reserved by the said Officer for the signification of Her Majesty's pleasure thereon : And whereas the said Bill so reserved as aforesaid has been laid before Her Majesty in Council, and it is expedient that the said Bill should be assented to by Her Majesty : Now, therefore, Her Majesty, in pursuance of the said Act, and in exercise of the power thereby reserved to Her Majesty as aforesaid, doth by this present order, by and with the advice of Her Majesty's Privy Council, declare her assent to the said Bill. C. L. Peei.

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DESPATCHES FROM THE SECRETARY OF STATE TO THE GOVERNOR OF NEW ZEALAND., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1882 Session I, A-02

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DESPATCHES FROM THE SECRETARY OF STATE TO THE GOVERNOR OF NEW ZEALAND. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1882 Session I, A-02

DESPATCHES FROM THE SECRETARY OF STATE TO THE GOVERNOR OF NEW ZEALAND. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1882 Session I, A-02

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