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Return to an Order of the Mouse of Representatives dated 14th June, 1881. "That a return be laid on the table of this House giving the names of those members of the Civil Service whose services have been dispensed with since the Ist of January, 1880, stating the departments they severally belonged to, the saary paid to each, also the compensation received by each ; also a return giving the names of all persons appointed to the public service from the same date, showing the department to which each is appointed and the salary payable to each, and if the services of any so appointed had previously been dispensed with. This return to show whether the compensation received was repaid to the Treasury, or in what manner the same was dealt with." — (Mr. Bimny<)

CONTENTS. PAGE PAGE Colonial Secretary's Department ~ ... .. 1 Post Office and Telegraph Department ... 6 Audit Office ... ... .. ... 1 Justice Department .. ~ .. ~ 7 Treasury ... ... .. ..1 Defence Department ... .. ... ... 7 Native Department .. .. 2 Registrar-General and Government Statist's Office ... 8 Land Purchase Department ... .. 2 Colonial Architect's Department ~. ... .. 8 Public Works Department ... ... ~ ... 2 Stamps Department ~ .. ~ ~ 8 Railway Department ~ .. .. ... 4 Customs Department .. .. ... 8 Public Trustee's Office .. ... 5 Marino Department ... ... .. 8 Education Department .. ... .. 5 Government Printing Office and Stationery Store ... 9 Government Insurance Department ... ~ .. 5 Geological Survey Department ... ..9 Crown Lands and Immigration Department .. .. 5 Lunacy Department .., ~ ... 9 Mines Department ... ... 5 Property-tax Department ... ... ... ... 9 Surveyor-General's Department ... ... ... 5 Prisons Department ... ... ,;. ... 10

COLONIAL SECRETARY'S DEPARTMENT. Officers dispensed with — Smith, E. A., Agent-General's Office, £400; compensation, £400. Sison,E. R.,Agent-G-eneral'BOffice; compensation,£BB 7s. 3d. Sparrow, G. J., Inspector of Sheep, £75 ; compensation, £27 is. id. Marriott, J H., Registrar of Brands, £50; compensation, £20. Rust, G., Inspector of Cattle, £50 ; compensation, £25. Howard, A. GK, Inspector of Sheep, £150. Runciman, J., Inspector of Sheep, £200. Dacre, H., Inspector of Slieep, £200 ; deceased. Campbell, H. McN., Inspector of Slieep, £250 ; resigned. Power, P., Inspector of Sheep, £300 ; resigned. Meldrum, J., Inspector of Sheep, £250 ; resigned. White, T. W., Inspector of Sheep, £200 ; resigned. Daly, J., Inspector of Sheep, £75 ; dismissed. Officers appointed — Thornhill, G. B. D., Clerk, Colonial Secretary's Office, £165 ; vice Waldegrave, transferred to Justice Department. Mr. Thornhill had been a Supernumerary Clerk for some time previously. Haselden, 0., Registrar of Electors, £30; Angove, M., Registrar of Electors, £30. McCaw, J ]{~ Registrar of Electors, £40. Jones, W., Registrar of Electors, £25. Cox, C. P., Registrar of Electors, £40. Jones, R, R., Registrar of Electors, £25.

Monro, A., Inspector of Sheep, £150. Sharp, A., Inspector of Sheep, £200. Orbell, E., Inspector of Sheep, £200. Knyvett, W 11, Inspector of Sheep, £200. Maodonald, A. A., Inspector of Sheep, £250. Scaife, W A., Acting Inspector of Sheep, 103. per diem. Shaw, J T., Extra Clerk, Sheep, &c, 10s. per diem. AUDIT DEPARTMENT. Officers dispensed with — Sheppardj A. C, Clerk, £200 ; resigned, and place not filled up. Lambert, H. A., Clerk, Railway Audit, £125 ; resigned, and place not tilled up. Hathaway, J A., Clerk, Railway Audit, £165 j resigned, and duties performed by an extra clerk. Russell, H. R., Clerk, £125 ; compensation, £17 58. 6d. Officers appointed— Holmes, W R., Extra Clerk, 50s. per week. Leybourne, W J., Extra Clerk, Railway Audit, 10s. per diem* Adams, J., Extra Clerk, 103. per diem. Mr. Adams received £60 128. 2d. on his services in the Government Insurance Department being dispensed with. The sum received was not returned, as Mr. Adams has not been permanently ri appointed. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Officers dispensed with — Yaldwyn, W 8., Auditor, Local Bodies, Wellington, £325.

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Pollock, R., Cleric, £250 ; deceased. Moginie, J 0., Clerk, £250 ; transferred to Public Trust. Wilkinson, E. R., Clerk, £130 ; transferred to Department of Justice. Medley, E. S., Cadet, £90; resigned. Fisher, E. 11., Cadet, £80; transferred to Property-tax. Biss, W M., Clerk, 10s. per diem; dispensed with; temporary. Mutter, A., Clerk, 10s. per diem ; dispensed with ; temporary Teli'ord, P W., Clerk, 15s. per diem; dispensed with; temporary. McGowan, J., Clerk, £365 ; transferred to Property-tax. Patten, E., Auditor, Local Bodies, Westland, £100; transferred to Napier, and ceased to do duties as Auditor. Officers appointed — Yaldwyn, W 8., Auditor, Local Bodies, "Wellington, £300; temporary, while R. Maealister was on leave. Curtis, H. E., Auditor, Local Bodies, Nelson, £250; vice R. Pollock, deceased. Duncan, J 8., Clerk, £250 ; transferred from JSTatiye Department. Hickson, J T. 8., Clerk, 10s. per diem ; temporary. Hamerlon, A."lf , Cadet, £60. Beimell, C, Auditor, Local Bodies, Taranaki, £50. Spenee, W A., Auditor, Local Bodies, Westland, £50 ; vice E. Patten, transferred. NATIVE DEPAETMENT. Officers dispensed with — Puckey, Edward Walter, Native Agent (includes Native Land Purchase Department, £50), £500; compensation, £718 13s. lod. Kemp, Wiiliam Papillon, Clerk, Resident Magistrate's Court, (includes Justice Department, £70), £140; compensation, £103 15s. i id. Wilson, John Alexander, Judge, Native Land Court, and Commissioner, Tauranga District Lands, £600. Willcocks, jun., Edward S., Clerk, Native Land Court, £200; re-employed (on probation) at£[;o per annum, as Clerk, Resident Magistrate's Court, Waiuku. Webster, William, District Officer, Native Land Court, £200; compensation, £91 12s. sd. Tates, Alfred A., Clerk, Native Land Court, and Tauranga District Lands Commissioner's Court, £150. Ngatai, Keweti, Native Cadet, £100; compensation, £30 1 is. id. Carr, Henry H., Interpreter (includes Justice Department, £60), £110. Brown, Charles, Civil Commissioner (includes Native Land Purchase Department, £300), £500 ; compensation, £222 7s. 6d. Stockman, Edward W., Interpreter, £100. Stack, James W., Interpreter and Inspector, Native Schools (includes Education Department, £100), £300; compensation, £495 1 6s. Bd. Williams, Edward Marsh, Pesident Magistrate (includes Justice Department, £200) £450; retiring allowance, £135 per annum. Marshall, Charles, Clerk, £250; retiring allowance, £125 per annum. Monro, Henry A. 11., Judge, Native Land Court, £Goo ; retiring allowance, £342 17s. 2d. per annum. Heaphv, V.C., Charles, Judge, Native Land Court, Commissioner of Native Reserves, and Trust Commissioner, £fjoo ; retiring allowance, £355 11s. id. per annum. Halse, Henry, Judge, Native Land Court, £600; retiring allowance, £400 per annum. Woon, Richard W., Resident Magistrate, £350 ; retiring allowance, £216 13s. 4d. per annum. Officers temporarily appointed — Anderson, Henry, iixtva Clerk, ios. per diem ; temporarily employed during the monihs of April, May, June, and July, 1880, in the preparation of papers for Parliament. Haszard, Arthur de W., Extra Clerk, 103. per diem; temporarily employed during the months of April, May, June, and July 1880, in the preparation of papers for Parliament. Say, Thomas, Extra Clerk, 10s. per diem ; temporarily employed during the months of April, May, June, and July, 1880, in the preparation of papers for Parliament. Rieniensehneider, F W., Assistant Translator, pro tern, 10s. per diem ; temporarily employed during the months of February, March, and April, 1881, owing to the absence of Mr. I avies, Translator, on sick leave. Dickson, Elvvin lirodie, Extra Clerk, Native Laud Court, Auckland, 10s. per diem. Mr. E. 13. Dickson has since been re-employed. {Vide return of appointments.) Davis, James, Extra Clerk, Native Land Court, Auckland, IPS. per diem.

Crawford, Henry D., Extra Clerk, Native Land Court, Auckland, 10s. per diem. Verity, Hamilton W, Extra Clerk, Native Land Court, Auckland, 10s. per diem. Feltus, Riehird J., Extra Clerk, Native Land Court, Auckland, 1 os. per diem. O'Brien, Laughlin, Judge, Native Land Court, £600 ; less amount of pension, £273 4s. 3d. per annum. Brookfield, Frederick M. P., Judge, Native Land Court, £600 ; previously Crown Solicitor, Auckland. Williams, Edward Marsh, Judge, Native Land Court, £600; pension of £135 per annum in abeyance. Puckey, Edward Walter, Judge, Native Land Court, £600 ; received £718 133. lod. as compensation for loss of office, Native Agent, Thames. Question as to amount of refund not yet decided. Anderson, Henry, Extra Clerk, ios. per diem ; temporarily employed in the Native Office, Wellington. Haszard, Arthur de W., Extra Clerk, ios. per diem ; temporarily employed in the Native Office, Wellington. Say, Thomas, Extra Clerk, 10s. per diem; temporarily employed in the Native Office, Wellington. Riemenschneider, F W., Assistant-Transalator pro tern, 10a. per diem; temporarily employed in the Native Office, Wellington. Dickson, Elvvin Brodie, Extra Clerk, ios. per diem ; employed in the Native Land Court Office, Auckland, at the present date. {Vide return of officers dispensed with) Native Land Pubchase. Officers dispensed with —■ Dearie, Charles J., Clerk, £200. Tipa, Waal a, Asssessor, £30. Mitchell, Henry, Agent, £500; compensation, £163 49. Young, John C, Agent, £500. Warbrick, Abraham, Agent, £350. Hangipuawhe, Kepa, Agent, £300. Kemp, Major, Agent, £300. Kingi, Mete, Agent, £300. Williams, W., Agent, £400. Carrington, W., Interpreter, £180. Dalton, Takiora, Agent, £120. McDonald, Alexander, Agent, £350. Puckey, Edward Walter, Agent, £480; appointed Judge, Native Land Court. Officers appointed — McDonald, Alexander, Agent, £350. Puekey, Edward >■ alter, Agent, £480. Met'k, Arthur, Extra Clerk, 9s. per diem. PtfBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. Officers dispensed loitli — Head Office, Wellington Woodford, T. C, Clerk, 103. per diem ; temporary. Tilley H. W., Clerk, ios. per diem ; re-employed, June, 1880; temporary. Curry, A. W., Draughtsman, ios. per diem; temporary. Fear, F J W., Draughtsman, 10s per diem; temporary; reemployed, February, 1881 Powell, 11., Clerk, ios. per diem ; temporary. Brady, F T W., Clerk, ios. per diem ; temporary. Shorter, J., Clerk, ios. per diem ; resigned ; temporary. Watts W ('., Clerk, £:io; resigned. Ogilby,W L., Si ores Clerk, £230 ; compensation, £108 1 3d. Jones, E. 0., Engineer, £29 3s. 4d. per month. Beere, A. Q-., Draughtsman 6s. per diem ; temporary Maxwell, J P., Inspecting Engineer, £700; appointed General Manager, Railways. Pilcher, E. Q-., Clerk, £160; transferred to Railway Department. Swan, W G-. C, Draughtsman, ios. per diem j temporary Biancliini, A., Draughtsman, £15 per mouth ; re-employed as Draughtsman, January, 1881; temporary. Blow, H. W P., Clerk, £160; compensation, £74 18s. sd. Chapman, A. S., Clerk, £155. Russell, J., Clerj, £100 ; transferred to Railway Department. Lloyd, Gr, Draughts!! an, 10s. per diem ; temporary. Wrigg, A. A., Draughtsman, £200; compensation, £146 14s. 3d. Short, W S., Clerk, £230; resigned. Hewlett, W X., Clerk, 10s. per diem; temporary. District Oeiiob, Wellington. Brooks, D. M., Inspector, £j per week; transferred to Railway Department. Martin, A. 8., Assistant-Engineer, £250. Burton, W., Inspector, 12s. per diem. Neilsou, J R., Timekeeper, 50s. per week. Harrison, W., Clerk, ios. per diem ; temporary. Robieeon, J., Overseer, £4 per week. Burnand, H., Overseer, £4 per week ; re-employed at Auckland, 27th April, 1881.



Auckland District. Lusk, D. H., Road Overseer, £i per diem. Poutotara, N., Native Overseer, ios. per diem. Lee, J., Messenger, £95 ; drowned. Cooke, 0. E., Engineer, 30s. per diem. Hammond, T., Overseer, £4 per week. Beere, V W., Draughtsman, 10s. per diem; temporary. Cliff, G-., Overseer, ios. per diem. Knorpp, C. 8., Engineer, £^00 ; reappointed, 22nd November, 1880. Beart, F L., Overseer, £4 per week. Nolan, P., Overseer, £4 per week. Park, R. Q-., Assistant-Engineer, £275 ; compensation, £196 15s. 4d. Puckey, R. H. M., Interpreter, ios. per diem. Booth, F 8., Overseer, £3 per week. Triphook, T. D., Resident Engineer, £400. Beere, D. M., Resident Engineer, £400. Gibbcs, J A. 0., Assistant-Engineer, £250. Stewart, J., District Engineer, £700; compensation, £1,054 15s. iod. Hatlersley, R. X., Clerk, ios. per diem ; resigned. Edwards, B. J F., Interpreter, 21s. per diem. Beere, G-. 8., Inspector, ios. per diem. Turner, A.. C, Surveyor, £2 per diem ; employed at broken intervals up to 29th October, 1880. Jackson, J 8., Foreman, ios. per diem ; employed at broken intervals up to 28th September, 1880. Napier Disteict. Davidson, A. W R., Clerk, &c., 9s. per diem. Baylis, T., Overseer, Bs. per diem. Stock, W., Overseer, £4 per week. Fulton, J E., Assistant-Engineer, £250 ; resigned. Frood, W 0., Clerk, 9s. per diem. Ross, D., Surveyor, £7 per week; since reappointed, 30th May, 1881 Coutlhard, H. 0., Foreman, 15s. per diem; died. Manawattt and Watoaktii Disteict. Goodfellow, G., Overseer, 70s. per week. Turner, C. 8., Cadet, £150. Armstrong, E. J., Assistant-Surveyor, £5 per week; reappointed, 30th May, 1881 Jarvis, 13., Overseer, 70s. per week. Carruthers, R. Messenger, £95. Hill, G. C, Assistant-Engineer, £275. Jackson, E., Draughtsman, £3 per week. Smith, E., Overeeer, 70s. per week. Cox, J., Sub-Overseer, £3 per week ; re-emp!oyed as Carpenter Taeanaki District. Jury, 11. R., Overseer, 70s. per week ; re-employed from Ist December, 1880, to 7t.11 April, 1881 Foy T. M., Surveyor, £500. Lee, J 8., Leveller, ios. per diem. Manning, H., Overseer, £3 per week. Bayley, A., Sab-Overseer, 483. per week. Hurslhouse, F., Assistant-Surveyor, 903. per week. Bayley, P., Overseer, 70s. per week. Melody, W., Sub-Overseer, 48s. per week. Pennington, J., Overseer, 633. per week. Burgess, M., Overseer, 70s. per week. WilkiiiEon, H. F., Clerk and Draughtsman, ss. per diem; reemployed as Chainman. Richards, IT V., Clerk, £225 ; compensation, £114 14?. iod Atkinson, D., Overseer, 70s. per week. Peere, E. 11., Surveyor, £7 per week. Clark, P., Overseer, 48s. per week. Nelson and Maeleorough District. Morgan, R. D., Draughtsman, 103. per diem ; temporary. Ilislop, J., Draughtsman, 103. per diem. Fletcher, J E., Inspector, 70s. per week McGlashan, G. C, Assistant Engineer, £250. Chalmers, J L., Inspector, £4 per week. Salniond, A., Inspector, £4 per week; re-employed, Ist February, 1880. Seymour, 11. C, Storekeeper, £35. Atkinson, T. M., Assistant-Engineer, £5 per week. Westland Disteict. Brentnall, W S., Surveyor, £6 per week; re-employed as Temporary Draughtsman, 2s. per hour, 15th May to 25 th October, 1880. French, M. P., Inspector, ios. per diem. Hannan, D., Inspector, £4 per week. IsJaus, F., Assistant-Surveyor, 15a. per diem. Ouimette, J., Temporary Clerk, is. Bd. per hour. Jennings, J., Temporary .Clerk, 123. per day.

Wylcle, 11. J., Assistant-Surveyor, 12s. per day. G-alway, C. E., Assistant-Surveyor, 16s. per day. Beck, R., Assistant Inspector, £6 per month. McCarthy, P J., Assistant on Water-race, £1 per week. Montefiore, C. M., Assistant-Storekeeper, 93. per diem. Doyle, D., Inspector of Works, 15s. per diem ; transferred to Mines Department. McCarthy, P., Manager of Water-race, £5 per week. Hiller, F., Surveyor, £1 per diem. Johnston, R. J, Engineer, 30s. per diem. Garven, E. B , Inspector, 90s. per week. Turnbull, R., Assistant-Inspector, 15s. per diem. Allen, T. B , Office Assistant, is. per hour. Spenco, W A., Tcmporarv Clerk, is. Bd. per hour. Beveridge, J., Assistant-Engineer, £250. Frew, J C, Temporary Draughtsman, 2s. 6d. per hour. Blackburn, J., Temporary Clerk, 13. 8d per hour. Davie, J M., Draughtsman, 113. per diem. Sutherland, 8., Inspector, £5 per week; re-employed as Assistant-Surveyor, 9th to 15th June. Sykes, B , Quarry Foreman, 903. per week; re-employed aa Ganger. Biirrowman, J., Mechanical Engineer, £25 per month. Miller, .!., Clerk, ios. per diem ; re-employed at intervals. Clarke, W EL, Engineer, 30s. per diem. Doliin, J., Inspector of Woiks, £4 per week ; re-employed as Chainman to 20th December, 1880. MolntoshjD Assistant-Surveyor, 153. per diem; re-employed at intervals us Draughtsman. Harrison, C, Messenger, £1 per week. Canterbury District. Irvine, C. D., Surveyor, £1 per diem. Dawe, E , Assistant-Draughtsman, 555. per week. Lane, A. M., Storekeeper, £195. bmith, J A., Sub-inspector, £4 per weeV. Loughnan, F., Tracing-hand, 103. per diem. Forgan, J., Inspector, £4 per week. Johnston, D., Inspector, 90s. per week. WiSson, J 8., Inspector, £4 per week. Macfarlane, A. N., Inspector, £4 per week. Friend, J., Timekeeper, Bs. jjer diem. Reynolds, R., Surveyor, £1 per diem. Bridge, C. H,, Surveyor, £25 per month. Pope, G. S., Clerk, Bs. per diem ; temporary. Smith, E , Issuer of Rations, £3 per week. Mockton, C, Timekeeper, Bs. per diem. Parlies, J 11., Inspector, £4 per week. Foot, E. D., Extra Clerk, 93. per diem. Stalker, D., Inspector, 90s. per week. Turner, J., Clerk, ios. per diem ; temporary. Silk, J., Clerk, 109. per diem ; temporary. Smith, 11., Overseer, 9s. per diem. Dixon, J I i., Storekeeper, Bs. per diem ; re-employed at intervals as Draughtsman. Wilson, W., Inspector, £4 per week. Spence, R., Assistant-Draughtsman, 10a. per diem ; temporary. Clarke, G\ A., Clerk, £4 per week; temporary. Simpson, D. C, Resident Engineer, £400. Easterbrook, J., Inspector, £4 per week. Rigg, T. F., Storekeeper, £150. Otagk> District. Alexander, S. D. 11., Engineer, 21s. per diem. Davie, M., Assistant-Engineer, £310; compensation, £212 ios. iod. Gillies, T. C , Assistant-Engineer, £250. Nieol, J A., Temporary Clerk, 103. per diem. Page, J., Tally Clerk, 10s. per diem. Kilgour, A., Foreman, 12s. 6d. per diem. Mollison, J S., Assistant-Engineer, £275 ; resigned. Mat hews, W., Inspector, 90s. per week. Borlase, W., Inspector, 90s. per week. Bryce, A., Temporary Draughtsman, ios. per diem. Cuthbertson, J., Temporary Draughtsman, ios. per diem. Bridges, W 8., Temporary Draughtsman, 103. per diem. Allen, L., Temporary Clerk, 10s. per diem. Forrest, G., Sub-Inspector, 14s. per diem. Fraser, D., Sub-Inspector, 12s. per diem. Stead, E , Temporary Ciork, ios. per diem. Thompson, I)., Temporary Clerk, ios. per diem. Gibson, W., Temp >rary Clerk, ios. per diem. Imrie, YV., Inspector, 14s. pur diem. Invercarqiil District. Short, J., Storekeeper, £3 per week. Thomson, W., Sub-Inspector, 12s. per diem. VoweU, W., Assistant-Engineer, £250. Black, J., Assistant-Engineer, 15s. per diem. Campbell, A. S., Inspector, gos. per week. Simon, J N., Storekeeper, £150. Mitchell, D., Cadet, £60 ; resigned.



Officers appointed — Weilinqtoh Head Office. Fear, F J W., Temporary Draughtsman, ios. per diem. Bradyj F T. W., Temporary Clerk, ios. per diem ; left. Beere, A. G-., Temporary Draughtsman, 6s. per diem ; left. Curry, A. W., Temporury Draughtsman, ics. per diem ; left. Shorter, J., Temporary Clerk, ios. per diem ; left. Lloyd, G-., Temporary Draughtsman, ios. per diem; left. Lilley, H. W., Temporary Clerk, ios. per diem. Powell, 11., Temporary Clerk, ios. per diem ; left. Holme?, E. T., Temporary Clerk, ios. per diem. Bianchini, A., Temporary Draughtsman, ios. per diem; formerly employed as Draughtsman, but do compensation received. Howlett, W F., Temporary Clerk, ios. per diem; left. Powell, E., Temporary Clerk, ios. per diem. 3£nor}>, C. -8., Inspecting .Engineer, £600; received 110 compensation on leaving. Wellington District Office. Luff, G-. A. M., Junior Assistant, 53. per diem. Auckland District. Hattersley, E. E., Office Assistant, ios. per diem ; left. Cooke, C. E., Temporary Engineer, 30s. per diem ; formerly employed; left. Hammond, T., Overseer, £4 per week ; left. Butterworth, 8., Overseer, 909. per week. Wightman, (i., Messenger, £95. Te Eangikaheke, W M., Overseer, ios. per diem. Edwards, B. .1 F., Interpreter, 21s. per diem ; left. Mayson, T. W., Overseer, 70s. per week. Burnand, H., Overseer, £4 per week ; formerly employed ; received no compensation on leaving. Mapiee District. Stock, W., Overseer, £4 per week; left. Coulthard, H. C, Foreman, &c, 15s. per dieai; died, 23rd April, 1881. Baylis, T., Overseer, Bs. per diem; left. Manawatu and Wang-anut Districts. Cox, J., Sub-Overseer, £3 per week; employed as Carpenter since Ist April, 1881. Ross, D., Surveyor, £7 per week; formerly employed; no compensation on leafing. Armstrong, E. J,, Surveyor, £5 ; formerly employed ; no compensation on lea Ting. Taeanaki District. McOS-onagle, 8., Overseer, 70s. per week. Jury, H. 8., Overseer, 703. per week. Hursthouse, C. W., Eoad Surveyor, £400; formerly employed ; no compensation on leaving. Hursthouse, F., Surveyor, 15s. per diem ; left. Pennington, J., Overseer, 70s. per week; left. Bayley, P., Overseer, 70s. per week ; left. Atkinson, D., Overseer, 70s. per week ; left. Draper, Q-. D., Storekeeper, 703. per week. Clark, P., Overseer, 48s. per week; left. Melody, W., Overseer, 483. per week ; left. Eennell, W., Clerk, £1 per week; formerly employed; no compensation on leaving. Bayly, A., Overseer, 483. per week ; left. Manning, H., Overseer, £3 per week; left. Garsed, E., Overseer, 48s. per week. Richards, J. P., Overseer, £4 per week. Matchett, D., Overseer, 48s. per week. Wooleock, C, Overseer, 70s. per week. Brown, E. A., Overseer, 70s. per wee!;; promoted from Chainman. Addison, W., Clerk, ios. per diem ; promoted from Chainman. Beere, E. H., Surveyor, £7 per week ; formerly employed ; no compensation on leaving. Nelson and Maeleorough Disteicts. Morgan, B. D., Temporary Draughtsman, £3 per week ; formerly employed ; no compensation on leaving. Grahame, H., Clerk, &c, £100; no compensation on leaving. Hislop, J., Temporary Draughtsman, ios. per dism ; left. Fletcher, J E., Inspector, 703. per week ; left. Salmond, A., Inspector, £4 per week; formerly employed; no compensation on leaving. Mirfin, W C, Inspector, 84s. per week; transferred to Auckland, 6th June, 1881,

Wbstland District. Harrison, C, Weighbridge Boy, 39. 4d, per diem ; left. Ouimette, G-., Temporary Clerk, is. Bd. per hour; left, lliller, 2\, Temporary Surveyor, £1 per diem; formerly employed; no compensation on leaving. Boulting, J., Inspector, 12s. 6d. per diem ; left. Allen, T 8., Office Assistant, is. per hour ; left. Turnbull, R., Assistant-Inspector, 15s. per diem ; left. Garven, E. 8., Inspector 1 ss. per diem ; lel't. Eutledge, T. F., Messenger, £1 per week. Mclntosli, D., Temporary Draughtsman, 13s. 4d. per diem; formerly employed ; no compensation on leaving. Sutherland, 8., Assistant-Surveyor, £1 per diem; formerly employed; no compensation on leaving. Canterbury District. Eiggs, T F., Storekeeper, £150; left. Easterbrook, J., Sub-Inspector, £4 per week; formerly employed; no compensation on leaving. Bolton, S. E, Clerk, £200. Loughnan, F, Temporary Tracing-hand, ios. per diem; left. Smiih, E., Issuer of Rations, £3 per week ; left. Ciarke, Gh A., Temporary Clerk, £4 per week; left. Friend, J., Timekeeper, 93. per diem ; left, lope, G\ S., Temporary Clerk, Bs. per diem; left. Dixon, J 11., Temporary Draughtsman, £3 per week ; left. Andrews, T. H., Temporary Clerk, 7s. 3d. per diem. Smith, H., Overseer, gs. per diem ; left. Duidop, A., Caretaker, 30s. per week. Spenee, R , Temporary Draughtsman, ios. per diem ; left. Wilson, W"., Overseer, £4 per week ; formerly employed; no compensation on leaving. Otaqo District. Bell, A. W D., Engineer, £22 18s. 4d. per month. Cuthbertson, «i., Temporary Draughtsman, ios. per diem; left. Stead, E., Temporary Clerk, 103. per diem ; left. Blake, G-., Office Boy, £1 per week; transferred to Canterbury. Alexander, S. D. H., Engineer, 21s. per diem; left. Bryce, A., Temporary Draughtsman, ios. per diem ; left. Invercarg-ill District. Mitchell, D., Cadet, £60 ; left. Simon, J N., Storekeeper, £3 per week; left. EAILWAY DEPARTMENT. Officers dispensed with —■ Conyers, W., Commissioner, Middle Island, £1,200; compensation, £1,706 6s. Lawson, J., Commissioner, North Island, £800; compensation, £405 13s. 2d. Whitaker, A., Accountant, £350; compensation, £231 103. Armstrong, A., Locomotive Superintendent, Dunedin, £600 ; compensation, £270 193. 2d. Hannay, VV r M., District Manager, Oamaru, £500; appointed Assistant General Manager. Arthur, T., District Manager, Invercargill, £450; appointed Stationmaster, Invercargill. Miller, W J., District Manager, Napier, £425. Cuthbert, E., Assistant-Engineer, Ohristchurch, £475. Playter, C, Stores Manager, North Island, £300. Stevens, W V., Storekeeper, Christchurch, £250; compensation, £83 6s. Bd. Badham, C. A., Clerk to Commissioner, Middle Island, £375 ; compensation, £65 3s. id. Newbatt, G-., Clerk, Accountant's Office, £200 ; compensation, £47 17s. ad. Herbert, T. T., Cleric, Locomotive Department, £225 ; appointed Stationmaster, Duntroon. Taylor, J C, Clerk, Locomotive Department, £200. Kelly, J T., Clerk, District Manager's Office, Invercargill, £225 ; appointed Stationmaster, Pukeuri Junction. Newenham, W 11., Clerk, Stores Department, £165 ; compensation, £37 28. id. G-ardiner, T. J., Clerk, stores Department, £150 ; compensation, £40 3s. Bjd. Maxwell, G., Clerk, Stores Department, £180 ; transferred to Property-tax Department. Bnrnell, E., Clerk, Stores Department, £156 ios. ; deceased. liawi'ins, J., Clerk, Stores Department, £175 ; resigned. Luke, R., Clerk, Accountant's Office, £109 us. Officers appointed — Maxwell, J P., General Manager, £1,000; transferred from Public Works Department. Hannay, W M., Traffic Superintendent, £700; previously District Manager, Oamaru. Playter, C, Storekeeper, Christchurch, £250; previously Stores Manager, North Island,



Hudson, C, Clerk, Head Office, £200; transferred from Traffic Department, Wanganui, Flloher, E. Gh, Clerk, Head Office, £180; transferred from Public Works Department. Taylor, A W., Clerk, Head Office, £156 10s. Janisch, V., Clerk, Accountant's Office, £200; transferred from Properly-lax Department. Wormald, T, Clerk, Accountant's Office, £105; transferred from Traffic Department, Christcliurch. Cahill, T., Clerk, Stores Department, £175 ; vice J Hawkins, resigned. Arrowsmith, T., Clerk, Stores Department; vice E. Bumell, deceased. Ogilvie, S., Clcvk, Accountant's Office, £105. Smith, J \V Clerk, Accountant's Office, 9s. per diem ; serving temporarily, preparing annual report. Williams, W., Clerk, Stores Manager's Office, 9s. per diem; serving temporarily. Howlett, \V F., Clerk, Stores Manager's Office, 9s. per diem; serving temporarily. PUBLIC TRUST OFFICE. Officers dispensed with —Nil, Officers appointed —■ Sleigh, S. X., Cadet, £80. Beere, A. G., Temporary Appointment, £6 per month. EDUCATION DEPARTMENT. Officer dispensed with — Stack, J W., Inspector of Native Schools for South Island, £100.* Officers appointed — Pope, J il., Organizing Inspector of Native Schools, £500. Russell, W 11., Cadet £55; vice IS 11. Eamcs, voluntarily resigned. Maddison, S. G., Master, Burnliam Industrial School, £180; vice C. Roseveare, voluntarily resigned.f Pridham, E., Temporary Clerk, 10s. per diem. Belcher, 0. E., Temporary Clerk, 10s. per diem. GOVERNMENT INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. Officers dispensed with — MoDonogh, T. F., Chief Agent, Auckland, £400; compensation, £581 us. id. Boyes, T. J., Clerk, Dunedin Agency, £250 ; compensation, £183 2S. id. Adams, J Cleric, Wellington Agency, £175 ; compensation, £60 12s 2fl. Evatt, T., Clerk, Head Office, £17,5 ; resigned. Thomson, J G-., Clerk, Head Office, £175 j resigned. Hurley, W 0,, Clerk, Head Office, £16; ; resigned. Dcs Vaux, H. W., Clerk, Head Office, £160 ; resigned. McFavland, E. J., Clerk, Head Office, £150; resigued. Swaine, T., Clerk, Head Office, £150; resigned. Brown, G-. M., Clerk, Head Office, £110; compensation, £15 2S. 4d. Iloggard, A. R., Clerk, Head Office, £50; resigned. Gordon, D. M., Extra Clerk, 103. per diem. Long, G. F., Extra Clerk, 10s. per diem. Walker, J., Extra Clerk, 10s. per diem. Smith, J., Extra Clerk, 10s. per diem. Caldweil, H. 8., Extra Clerk, 70s. per week. Evans, 11. F., Extra Clerk, 10s. per diem. Hay, j., Extra Clerk, 103. per diem. Abel, M. M., Extra Clerk, 6s. per diem. Officers appointed — Stuart, J M., Clerk, Head Office, £175. Bailey, C. R , Clerk, Head Office, £110. 'Jodd, if. J., Clerk, Head Offire, £105. Todd, 11., jun., Cadet, Head Office, £60. Crombie, A. F., Cadet, £80. Barltrop, G. W., Cadet, £80. Blackloclc, R. V., Cadet, £50. Hoggard, A. 11., Cadet, £50; resigned 31st January, 1881, reappointed Ist April, 1881 Smythe, A.. 8., Cadet, Dunedin Agency, £50. Evans, il. F., Extra Clerk, 10s. per diem. Bridge, G. M., Extra Clerk, 70s. per week. Abel, W M., Extra Clerk, Cs. per diem. Fox, M., Extra Clerk, 10s, per diem. Griffin, W S., Extra Clerk, 10s. per diem. Russell, 11. R., Extra Clerk, 89. per diem. Hay, J., Extra Cleik, 103. per diem.

" Tliis return does not include Native School Teachers, or subordinate officials of Industrial Schools, among whom there haa been a number oi removals without compensation. t This return does not include Native School Teachers, or subordinate officials of Industrial Schools, and the Deaf aud Dumb Institution.

CROWN LANDS DEPARTMENT. Officers dispensed with — Lewis, D., Commissioner of New Zealand Land Claims, £400 ; retiring allowance, £266 133. 4c!. per annum. Bydder, it., Crown Lands Ranger, BuU's,£2oo; compensation, £23 18s. ad. McMyn, J., Crown Lands Ranger, Grey Valley, £25.* Carruthers, J., Crown Lands Ranger, Lower Bailer, £25.* Tollman, T., Crown Lands Ranger, Charleston, £25.* Inglis, J., Crown Lands Ranger, Lyell, £25.* Lewin, M., Draughtsman, Ohristchurch, £175; compensation, £69 193. 4d. Campbell, D., Crown Lands Ranger, Dunedin, £275; claim not yet received. Officers appointed — Dalziel, F G., Cadet, Uew Plymouth, £50; appointed owing to the promotion of Mr. Trimble. Doile, G. P., Cadet in Head Office, £50; vice Mr. Orbell, resigned. Burrows, A. N., Local Land Officer, Tauranga, £100; transferred from Survey. Featon, E. 11., Loeul Land Officer, Gisborne, £75 ; transferred from Survey. Trimble, A., Local Land Officer, Hawera, £60 ; also Justice, £60. Lucas, H., Local Land Officer, Inangahua, £25.1 Selling, E. E., Local Land Officer, Greymouth, £25.! Bowen, C. H. N., Local Land Officer, Buller, £25.f Temperley, J., Crown Lands Ranger, Hokitika, £20; transferred from Inangahua, £25 per annum. Macfarlane, D., Local Land Officer, Jackson's Bay, £100. Fussell, J 11., Local Land Officer, Timaru, £350 ; transferred from Survey. Adair, 11. M. F., Crown Lands R;mger, Dunedin, £100; vice Mr. Bolton, dismissed ; also Survey Draughtsman, £225. McKellar, D , ReceiTer of Land Revenue, Auckland, nil; also Collector of Customs. Baggest, G. N., Receiver of Land Revenue, Patea, nil; Mr. Wilkinson dismissed. AVhitcombe, C. D., Land Officer, Parihaka, nil; also Commissioner of Crown Lands. Thomson, R., Receiver of Land Revenue, Parihaka, nil; also Collector of Customs. Trimble, W H., Clerk, New Plymouth, £150; promoted owing to death of Chief Clerk. Sutton, N A. P., Crown Lands Ranger, Wellington, nil; also Sheep Inspector. Hill, I?., Receiver of Land Revenue, Wellington, nil; also Collector of Customs. Foster, 11., Crown Lands Ranger, Marlborough, Nelson, and Canterbury, nil; also Sheep Inspector. Rich, E. F., heeeiver of Land Revenue, Hokitika, nil; also Collector of Customs. Borrie, J., Receiver of Land Revenue, Invercargill, nil; also Collector of Customs. Henderson, J., Crown Lands Ranger, Otago, nil; paid by County of Tuapoka. IMMIGRATION DEPARTMENT. Officers dispensed with — Taylor, Mary, Dep6t Matron, Immigration, Auckland, £40 } compensation, £28 os. lid. McSwau, A., Cadet, Dunedin, £100. Harper, 8., Cadet, Christohureh, £120. Holloway, 0., Emigration Agent, United Kingdom, £150. Reed, G-. M., Emigration Agent, United Kingdom, £600. Clayden, A., Emigration Agent, United Kingdom, £250. Officer appointed — Whitcombe, C. D., Immigration Officer, Taranaki; salary, nil (also Commissioner of Crown Lands). MINES DEPARTMENT. Officers dispensed with — Garrett, 0., Messenger, Thames, £75. Beeston, &., Bailiff, employed posting notices, &a., Coromandel, £50. McCarthy, P., Manager, Argyle Water-race, Charleston, £5 per week. Offcer appointed —■ Doyle, D., Manager, Argyle Water-race, Charleston, 90s. per week; in the place of former Manager, at £5 per week. SURVEY DEPARTMENT. Officers dispensed with — Macfarlane, D., Draughtsman, £12 10s. per month.

* Bailiffs in Resident Magistrates' and Wardens' Courts; three Clerks of the Courts appointed instead. t fice four Hangers dispensed with at £25 per annum eacb; aiao Cleris of Courts.



Parker, G-. S., £160. Rogers, C, £100. Nalder, W A., Surveyor, £300 ; compensation, £196 is. nd. Donald, E. S., Surveyor, £225 ; compensation, £90 12s. 4c!. Hall, W., Draughtsman, £175. Hardinan, &., Draughtsman, £150. Hanmer, G., Cadet, £70. Adams, P., Computer, 13s. 4d. per diem. Campbell, J., Surveyor, £250. Macfarlane, J C, Assistant-Surveyor, 58. per diem. Byrne, A., Draughtsman, ] 19. per diem. Annabell, J., Surveyor, £12 10s. per month. Campion, E. J., Draughtsman, £250; compensation, £71 193. 6d. Brown, C. T. 11., Draughtsman, £16 33. 40!. per month. Plimpton, R. 11., ios. per diem. Caldwell, R., 10s. per diem. Price, J 11., ios. per diem. Meek, A., £150. Moßetli, J., £60. Smith, S., Lilho. Printer, £157. Snow, J., Litho. Printer, £ 57. Forbes, R., Machine Boy £2 14s. 2d. per month. Pilliet, W H., Crown-grant Draughtsman, £350. "Wilson, L., Assistant-Surveyor, 108. per diem. Eeay, R C. L., Assistant-Surveyor, 225. 6d. per diem, and 63. 6d. allovvanee. Pavitt, E. A., Assistant-Surveyor, 173. 6d. per diem, and 6s. 6d. allowance. Tole, W., Assistant Surveyor, 245. qd. per diem. Shepperd, A. M., Assistant-Surveyor, 255. per diem. Hammond, W F., Assistant-Surveyor, 235. per diem. Skeet, H. L., Assistant-Surveyor, £300. Officers appointed — McKeller, H., Cadet, £3 per month. Moss, W L. C, Cadet, £3 per mouth. Atkinson, A. C, Cadet, £50. Halse, F., Cadet, £2 6s. 7d. per month. Seed, W H., Cadet, £2 6s. 7d. per month. Tone, N J., Surveyor, £250. Stables, a., Cadet, £50. Wheeler, W J., Cadet, £50. Cullen, J., Cadet, £40. Leahy, J., Cadot, £40. Vickerman, 11., Cadet, £50. Greenfield, 11., Cadet, £50. Hoult, C, Cadet, £50. Calder, D. Moßeth, Cadet, £50. Hayard, 11., Cadet, £50. Mouter, J W., Cadet, £30. Officers employed temporarily — Climie, C. A., Assistant-Draughtsman, 103. per diem. Mocatto, W., Assistant-Draughtsman, 7s. per diem. Macfarlane, ])., Assistant-Draughtsman, £12 103. per month. Morrow, G., Assistant-Draughtsman, £9 28. per month. Wilson, L., Assistant-Surveyor, ios. per diem. Plimpton, R., Assistant-Surveyor, 1 is. 4d. per diem. Reay, R. 0. L., Surveyor, £1 zs. 6d. per diem. Pavitt, E. A., Surveyor, 17s. 6d. per diem, and 6s. 6d. allowance. Tole, W., Surveyor, £1 4s. o.d. per diem. Sheppard, A. M., 255. per diem. Hammond, W IT., Surveyor, 233. per diem. Skeet, H. L., Surveyor, £300. Kenny, N., Surveyor, 255. per diem. Kolford, C, Draughtsman, £13 2s. 6d. per month. Ekenstein, H., Draughtsman, £12 33. per mouth. Hoey, T., Draughtsman, £9 per month. Blaikie, J., Surveyor, £12 ios. per month. Byrne, A. 8., Draughtsman, us. per diem. Rogers, C, Draughtsman, ±8 6s. Bd. per month. Caldwell, R., Draughtsman, £12 ios. per mouth. Luff, H., Cadet, £40. TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT. Officers dispensed with — Tayler, T. W., Cadet, £76. Reid, T., Telegraphist; £210 ; re-employed. Steward, T. 11, Cadet, £76. Crosse, W F., Cadet, £76. Mitchell, W J., Cadet, £76. Corbett, J G,, Storekeeper, £195 ; compensation, £160 is. 11(3. Webb, W H., Telegraphist,£l2s ; compensation, £ 131 Bs. lid. Stovin, G. F., Telegraphist, £100 ; compensation, £23 17s. 2d. Tookey G. G., Telegraphist, £90; compensation, £io ss. 7d. Mackay, A. T., Telegraphist, £1 20 ; compensation, £52 03. yd. Robertson, D., Head Messenger, £76 ; compensation,^ 18s.yd. Pyke, J., Lineman, £120; compensation, £20. Sargeant, J., Telegraphist, £130 ; re-employed.

Maling, C, Surveyor, £260; compensation, £180 29. Grange,! 1. N., Telegraphist, £130 ; compensation, £87 17s. Bd. Parsonage, D., Counter Clerk, £140; compensation, £150 ss. iod. Peacock, W (!., Telegraphist, £130; compensation, £52 16s. Williams, F., Telegraphist, £160 ; compensation, £125 3s. 9d. McClure, H. J., Telegraphist, £90; compensation^ 10 19s. iod. Beale, F W., Telegraphist, £130 ; compensation, £11 158.3d.; re-em ployed. Straker, E. P., Telegraphist, £145 ; compensation, £66 10s. 2d. Shaw, J T., Telegraphist, £140; compensation, £79 15s. Ilemus, J W., Telegraphist, £110 ; compensation, £44 63. 6d. Poole, W N., Telegraphist, £ 100; compensation, £23 163. 0.d.; re-employed. Parker, W., Telegraphist, £120; compensation, £36 133.8 c!. Sustins, D. G., Telegraphist, £120; compensation, £40 7s. id. Bush, H. F., Telegraphist, £90 ; compensation, £13 93. 3d. Talbot, A. J., Telegraphist, £140; compensation, £72 183.; re-employed. Dodd, F H., Telegraphist, £150; compensation, £75 43. id.; re-employed. Lees, W H., Telegraphist, £120; compensation, £65 63. 7d. Lakeman, A. H., Telegraphist, £140; compensation, £75 4s. id. Empson, S. 11., Telegraphist, £80; compensation, £15 os. 3d. Leehner, A. F., Telegraphist, £145; compensation, £121 ios. 7d. Edmonds, J A., Counter Clerk, £110; compensation, £15 9s. 1 id. Peacock, T., Telegraphist, £110; compensation, £71 16s. 6d. Dean, 0., Telegraphist, £90 ; compensation, £10 ss. 6d. Tarawliiti, T. X., Telegraphist, £100; compensation, £20 19s. <)d. Bevan, G. F., Cadet, £76; compensation, £11 12s. 6d. Garner, ('., Telegraphist, £100; compensation, £60 149. 7d. Roberts, V., Telegraphist, £135 ; compensation, £13 128. 6d.; re-employed. Tanfield, S., Telegraphist, £140 ; compensation, £227 ios. Rayner, G. 11., Telegraphist, £160 ; compensation, £1 15 Bs. Hooper, F A., Telegraphist, £140; compensation, £75 43. id. Richardson, J E., Counter Clerk, £90 ; compensation £10 9s. 2d. Pitcher, J., Despatch Clerk, £90; compensation, £10 14s. id. Grey, G. S., Counter Clerk, £140 ; compensation, £84 123. 2d. Beasley, M., Cadette, £95 ; compensation, £39 1 is. Bd. Fowler, R. G., Counter Clerk, £1 70 ; compensation, £96 163. id.; temporarily employed. Williams, F C, Counter Clerk, £100. Paton, E. M, Cadotte, £100; compensation, £45 19s. 2d. Johnson, C. G., Telegraphist, £100 ; compensation, £4; 3s. 2d. Vincent, A. J., Counter Clerk, £150; compensation, £69 16s. yd. Mclvor, R. D., Telegraphist, £90 ; compensation, £13 14s. 7d. Copeland, W., Telegraphist, £1 10; compensation, £50 [6s. id. Ryan, J., Telegraphist, £ 140 ; compensation, £93 4s. id.; reemployed. Winterburn, A. A., Telegraphist, £125; compensation, £31 163.3d.; re-employed. Muir, T. M. R., Telegraphist, £250; compensation, £292 17s. 4d. Cowper, H. A., Telegraphist, £240; compensation, £225 19s. sd. Owens, C. H., Telegraphist, £130 ; compensation, £88 18s. 9d. Day, H. J., Telegraphist, £250 ; compensation, £313 ios. 7d. STazer, G. R., Assistant Counter Clerk, £50 : compensation, £2 ss. Eva, A.. E., Telegraphist, £230; compensation, £252 16s. iod. Joyce, A., Telegraphist, £235 ; compensation, £294 14s. 4d. Smith, W., Telegraphist, £300; re-employed. Henry, J., Telegraphist, £185. White, R., Telegraphist, £140. POSTAL DEPARTMENT. Officers dispensed with — Smith, 11. S., Clerk, £260; compensation, £337 15s. 3d. McGowan, A. J., Letter-carrier, £120; compensation, £34 33. iod. Rogers, W., Clerk, £185 ; compensation, £94 16s. sd. Bailey, 11., Clerk, £130. (See Pension List.) Dawson, 11. W., Postmaster, £145 ; compensation, £89 13s. DeCitstro, 0., Clerk, £105 ; compensation, £21 4s. 1 id. Baleke, A., Letter-carrier, £135 ; compensation, £75 18s. 3d.; re-employed. Bull, G., * hief Postmaster, £260 ; compensation, £380 18s. 4d. Rodgers, W S, Clerk, £260; compensation, £250 183. 4d. Stratton, F V., Postmaster, £221 (See Pension List.) Clarke, 0. H. G., Letter-carrier, £110; compensation, £75 18s. 3d. Bicknell, F., Chief Postmaster, £290. (See Pension List.) Winstanley, T. F., Chief Postmaster, £280; compensation, £419 2s. id.



POSTAL AND TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT. Postal Officers pensioned —■ Bailey, 11., Clerk, £57 ss. 3d. per annum. Stratton, F V., Postmaster, £60 93. 4<i. per annum. Bicknell, P., Chief Postmaster, £96 13s. 4<l. per annum. Telegraph Officers 'pensioned —■ Lusher, R. A., Telegraphist, £76 16s. yd. per annum. Tucker, W., Telegraphist, £104 13s. 411. per annum. White, W., Lineman, £36 ss. per annum. Sheath, A. 8., Accountant, £129 98. 3d. per annum. Sheath, A., Inspector, £155 7a. 2d. per annum. Postal Officers dismissed — Rowsell, IT., Letter-carrier, £95. Paget, J H., Clerk, £100. Telegraph Officers dismissed — Jnggar, L., Telegraphist, £135. Clayton, L. F., Telegraphist, Renner, A. J., Telegraphist, £120. Durbridge, C. T., Cadet, £90. Hood, W., Cadet, £80. Connolly, J., Telegraphist, £ioo. Keely, H. T., Telegraphist, £140. Betty, S., Lineman, £110. Bunting, W., Telegraphist, £165. Grange, J 8., Assistant Counter Clerk, £76. Eogers, R. 11., Telegraphist, £125. Burr, E. A., Telegraphist, £100. Hale, A., Telegraphist, £160. Crawford, J A., Telegraphist, £140. Munce, J M., Telegraphist, £225. Henry, V., Distributing Clerk, £60. Bannatvne, J., Telegraphist, £130. Clarke/O. C, Cadet, £75. Postal Officers appointed and reappointed — McLaehlan, R., Clerk, £140 ; formerly Temporary Clerk. Archer, W., Assistant-Messenger, £40. Phelps, T , Assistanl-Messenger, £75. Balcke, A., Assistant-Messenger, £120; compensation refunded, £75 18s. 3d. Telegraph Officers appointed and reappointed — Baillie, B\, Telegraphist, £30. Crow, W., Cadet, £50 ; formerly Messenger. Hamlin, W., Cadet,'£76. Levy, G-. 8., Cadet, £76. Johnson, F., Distributing Clerk, £50. Phillips, S., Counter Clerk, £90. Jackson, R., Lineman, £120. Campbell, N., Lineman, £110. Scutch, N., Lineman, £110. Watson, J., Lineman, £110. Mitchell, W J., Cadet, £76. Percy, R, W., Cadet, £76. Crosse, W P., Cadet, £76. Caygill, 0., Cadet, £76. Godfrey, R. H., Cadet, £76. Griffiths, H. E.. Cadet, £76. Hirst, T. G., Cadet, £76. Marks, L. S., Cadet, £76. Martin, L. W. X., Cadet, £76. Steward, T. H., Cadet, £76. Tavler, T. W., Cadet, £76. Mclsaacs, W R., Lineman, £120. Harwood, P G., Despatch Clerk, £90. McCurdv, A. T., Telegraphist, £100. Cropp, M., Lineman, £120. Reid, T., Telegraphist, £1 70. Bayliffe, R. A., Telegraphist, £100; not compensated. Beale, P W., Telegraphist, £130; compensation refunded, £15 17s. Winterburn, A. A., Telegraphist, £130; compensation refunded, £13 9s. 7d. Poole, W N., Telegraphist, £100; nothing due. Talbot, A. J., Telegraphist, £130 ; nothing due. Ryan, J., Telegraphist, £130; compensation refunded, £25 ss. gd. Roberts, V., Telegraphist, £120 ; nothing due. Powler, R. G., Telegraphist, 10s. per diem; temporary. Smith, W., Telegraphist, £160 ; not compensated. Dodd, F H., Telegraphist, £150; compensation refunded, £21 19s. 2d. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. Officers dispensed with — Baddley, P 11. C. S, Clerk, New Plymouth, £150; compensation, £50. Bathgate, J., District Judge, Dunedin, £700 ; compensation, £380 183. jd.

Beswick, J., Resident Magistrate, Lyttelton, £300 ; compensation, £41 I2S. [0(1. Campbell, A. leG-., Resident Magistrate, Collingwood, £200; compensation, £495 2S. 7d. Carr, 11. H., Clerk and Interpreter, Wairoa, £60; compensation not yet paid. Garrett, 0., Messenger, Thames, £150; compensation, £152 ios. Gilpin, T., Clerk, Havelock, Hawke's Bay, £30; compensation, £21 13s. 3d. Harvey, G. W., District Judge, Otago, £800 ; compensation, £834 Bs. 7d. Osborne, C. J., Clerk, Mangapai, £12. Smith, H. 8., Bailiff, Clyde, £120; compensation, £21 iBs.iod. Weston, T. S., District Judge, Westland, £750 ; compensation, 5 s- 7 dOfficers appointed — Baker, W W,, Cadet, Dunedin, £60; vice J P Simpson, transferred. Browne, H., Cadet, Gisborne, £60 ; vice Kenrick, resigned. Buddie, C. P., Clerk to Judge, £150. Christie, J., Cadet, Dunedin, £60; vice J P Smith, resigned. Corfield, A. A., Cadet, Reefton, £100; vice H. Ralfe, transferred. Freethy, A. J., Bailiff, Wairarapa, £100. Donald, W., Resident Magistrate, Lyttelton, £100; vice J Beswick, dispensed with. Dyke, J V., Bailiff, Paltnerston North, £75 ; vice Graff, resigned. Holmes, A. 11., Cadet, Wellington, £60; vice C. Skerratt, resigned. Holmes, J P., Bailiff, Invercargill, £1205 vice Pennefather, dismissed. Kitchen, W F., Cadet, Wellington, £60; vice H. 0. Hazelden, resigned. Lawloi", T. M., Bailiff, Marton, £50. Lewis, W M., Assistant Law Officer, £600 ; vice J. H. Shaw, resigned. Mair, R., Clerk, Whangarei, £24; vice C. J. Osborne, dispensed with. Quick, Henry Bailiff, Hamilton, £150 ; vice Graham, resigned. Steward, T. H., Cadet, Wellington, £60 ; vice W L. Dean, transferred. Shellook, G., Bailiff, South Rakaia, fees. Trimble, A., Clerk, Hawora, £60; vice E. C. Wilkinson, dismissed. Pennefather, A. A., Bailiff, liiTercargill, £120; dismissed. Wilson, E., Bailiff, Waimate, £25. Pearson, A. M,, Bailiff, £75. Power, B. L., Bailiff, Nap[er, £100. Jackson, J., extra Clerk, ios. per diem to 31st December, 1880. DEFENCE, MILITIA, AND VOLUNTEERS. Officers dispensed with— Lockett, J W., Adjutant, Wanganui District, £250. McCarthy, T., Instructor, Taranaki District, £109 ios. Blackmore, J., Instructor, Otago District, £109 ios. Kennedy, J A., Instructor, Marlborough District, £50. Gilbert, J E., Clerk, Wanganui District, £109 ios. Davis, R. 1., Arm-cleaner, Wellington District, £109 ios. Macdonald, J., Instructor, Canterbury District, £109 ios. Smith, E. M., Armourer, I aranaki District, £182 ios. Townsend, W R., Storemau, Taranaki District, £109 ios. McGovern, Clerk, Wangunui District, £109 ios. Officers appointed — Webb, W H., Adjutant, Nelson, £200; vice Officer Commanding District. Barlow J., Adjutant, Lake District, £50 ; vice Officer Commanding District. Henry, V., Instructor, Wairarapa, £109 ioa.; vice Hamilton, discharged. Dundas, W W., Instructor, Canterbury, £109 ios.; vice Lewis, dismissed. Kelly, J., Arm-cleaner, Wellington, £109 ios.; vice Davis, dismissed. McGovern, 8., Clerk, Wanganui, £109 ios.; vice Gilbert, discharged. CONSTABULARY Officers dispensed with — Fox, W G., Inspector, 6350; compensation, £499 2s. 2d. Milliard, P., Inspector, £350; compensation, £509 19s. 6d. Feast, tJ., Inspector, £350; compensation, £436 7s. Bd. Kenny, T. IL. E., Hub-Inspector, £250; compensation, £237 1 is. id. O'Doiaiell, C, Sub-Inspector, £250; compensation, £338 us. Bd.



Smith, T. M., Sub-Inspector, £250; compensation, £351 17s. a.d. Doherty, J., Eirst-class Constable, £155 28. 6d.; compensation, £155 118. Ryan, D., First-class Constable, £155 2s. 6d. ; compensation, £[55 2s. 6d. McWilliams, S., First-class Constable, £155 2s. 6d.; compensation, £155 2s. Cd. O'Sullivan, P., First-class Constable, £155 2S. fid.; compensation, £132 16s. 1 id. Doran, J., Second-class Constable, £146 ; compensation, £146. Connor, M., Second-class Constable, £146; compensation, £146. Steer, W., Second-class Constable, £146; compensation, £146 Bs. Shiel, J., rJhird-claas Constable, £136 173. 6d. ; compensation, £73 15s. 1 id. McPherson, P., Third-class Constable, £136 17s. fid.; compensation, £17 19s. 4d. Henderson, J., Third-class Constable, £136 17s. 6d. ; compensation, £ll 128. 6d. Adkins, G. P., Third-class Constable, £136 17s. 6d.; compensation, £10 3s. iod. 1 First-class Constable, at £155 2s. 6d. 9 Second-class Constables, at £146. 33 Third-class Constables, at £136 17s. 6d. Persons appointed — 161 Third-class Constables, £118 us. 6d. jof this number 12 had previously been dispensed with, but in neither case had compensation been given. REGISTRAR-GENERAL'S OFFICE. Officers dispensed with — Hollister, S., Clerk, Registrar-General's Office, £200; appointment lapsed through bankruptcy. Teague, W E., Chief Clerk, Registrar-General's Office, £320 ; pension, £160 per annum. Clapcott, H., Registrar of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, Wellington, £140 and fees ; compensation, £82 Bs. Rotter, L. yon, Registrar of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, New Plymouth, £50 ; Postal Officer, resigned in consequence of removal. Eyes, W H., jun., Registrar of Births, Deaths, a,nd Marriages, Lyttelton, £30 ; Justice Officer, resigned in consequence of removal. Officers appointed — Holdsworth, J. G., Registrar of Births, Deaths, and Marriages (also an Officer of Crown Lands Department), Wellington, £150 ; vice Mr. Clapcott. Drury, G., Clerk, Registrar-General's Office, £150; previously dispensed with from Weather Office, Marine Department; salary, £200 per annum j compensated, but amount not repaid to Treasury. Holdßworth, F D., Registrar of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, New Plymouth, £50 ; reduced to £30 ; vice Mr. Yon Rotter, Postal Officer. Gibson, F. D., Registrar of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, Lyttelton, £30 ; vice Mr. Eyes, Officer of Justice Department. Ames, J., Census Clerk, ios. per diem. Drake, W., Census Clerk, ios. per diem. Mason, E., Census Clerk, ios. per diem. Clinton, J F., Census Clerk, ios. per diem. Hall, W L., Census Clerk, ios. per diem. Schoen, G. Yon, Census Clerk, ios. per diem. Radcliffe, J., Census Clerk, 103. per diem. Lord, J 0., Census Clerk, ros. per diem. Park, J., Census Clerk, ios. per diem. Caldwell, H. B , Census Clerk, ios. per diem. Jones, F P., Census Clerk, ios. per diem. McGowan, A. J., Census Clerk, ios. per diem. Harrison, R., Census Clerk, ios. per diem. Chamberlain, J., Census Clerk, ios. per diem. COLONIAL ARCHITECT'S OFFICE. Officers dispensed with — Knevitt, F H., Draughtsman, 908. per week. Crichton, W., Draughtsman, 30s. per week. Fitzgerald, J., Gardener, 7s. per diem. Cairns, A., Inspector, £25 per month. Brattle, T., Plumber, Bs. per diem. Henwood, H., Inspector, Lyttelton Gaol, £4 per week. Stubbs, A., Inspector, Adiiinglon Gaol, £4 per week. Walker, I., Inspector, Invercargill Courthouse, 90s. per week. Millar, D., Inspector, Timaru Post Office, 90s. per week. Watson, D , Inspector, Lunatic Asylum, Christchurch, £4 per week. Note.—The employment of the above was of a temporary or special character.

Officers appointed — Woodford, T. 0., Temporary Clerk, ios. per diem; nice A. L. Pettie, dismissed. DEPARTMENT OF STAMPS. Officers dispensed with — Lord, J 0., Deputy-Commissioner of Stamps, Wellington, £300; compensation, £141 12s. Officers appointed — Sturtivant, A. V., Cadet, Land Transfer Offico, Auckland, £50. BrentnaU, W S., Stamp Clefk, £100 ; Clerk, Lund and Deeds, £40, Hokitika. Clifford, E. C, Cadet, Stamps, Wellington, £35 ; vice H. Beyer, transferred. Withers, P Q-., Cadet, Stamps, Christchurch, £60; vice — Dixon, transferred. Scandrett, W P., Cadet, Stamps, luvercargill, £50; vice — Morgan, resigned. Pauling, G-. A. L., £1 per week j temporarily. Blackburn, J., I'okitika, 9s. per diem; temporarily Campbell, T., Nelson, ios. per diem ; temporarily. CUSTOMS DEPARTMENT. Officers dispensed with — Wilson, W W., Looker, Auckland, £180 ; superannuated. Bradburn, G-., Looker, Auckland, £160; compensation, £171 us. Talbot, K. T., Clerk, Auckland, £100 ; compensation, £14 us. 4<J. Barnes, F 8., Writer, Auckland, ios. 6d. per diem. Carey, J., Engine-driver, Auckland, Bs. per diem ; seven days per week. Aubrey, 11. 8., Collector, Whangarei, £200 ; superannuated. Wliitehorn, W., Officer in Charge, Kaipara, £250 ; dead. Gosley, F T., Writer, Wanganui, 103. per diem. Pitt, H., Boatman, Wellington, £150; superannuated. Bromley, W., Warehousi-keeper, Wellington, £270; superannuated. Chittey, J., Locker, Wellington, £210 ; dead. Barnard, W 11., Locker, Wellington, £r8o; superannuated. France, W., Chief Clerk, Head Office, Wellington, £400 ; compensation, £550 6s. sd. Tftbuteau, J M., Collector, Napier, £500; superannuated. Mclvor, R. .D., Assistant, Havelock, £jO. Empson, Q-. A., Officer in Charge, Havelook, £50. Goodall, J., Officer in Charge, Kaikoura, £130; compensation, £171 ios. Hewson, R., Landing Waiter, Nelson, £300; dead. Johnston, D., Collector, Nelson, £550; superannuated. Campbell, A. le Gr., Coast Waiter, Collingwood, £25. l.imming, Q-. C, Landing Waiter, Hokitika, £380; super* nnnuated. Ward, C , Landing Waiter, Lyttellon,£3oo ; superannuated. Rouse, A. W., Looker, Lyttellon, £t6o ; superannuated. Stratton, F V., Officer in Charge, Akaroa, £25. Little, F. T., Clerk and Locker, Oatnaru, £160 ; dead. Thomson, J., Writer, Dunedin, 12s. per diem. Irvine, A. T. Da., Clerk, Dunedin, £125. Biles, A. J., Collector, Invercargill, £500; superannuated. Officers appointed — Cullen, T. M., Cadet, Auckland, £75 ; transferred from Postal. Fell, T., Writer, Wellington, ios. 6d. per diem. Evans, R., Writer, Wellington, 103. 6d. per diem. Goteli, E. W., Writer, Wellington, ios. 6d. per diem. Dawson, 8., Officer in Charge, Eoxton, £30; also Railway Department. Mclvor, R. D., Cadet, Havelock, £30. Hawley, W J., Cadet, Lyttelton and Cliristchurch, £70. Howie, J., Cadet, Dunedin, £80. McDonald, J., Assistant Acting Locker, Bs. per diem ; seven days per week. Lockie, —, Engine-driver, Launch, Auckland, Bs. per diem ; seven days per week. Walters, —, Boatman, Wellington, 63. per diem. MARINE DEPARTMENT. Officers dispensed with — Harper, W., Harbourmaster, Waikouaiti, £75 ; compensation, £20 6s. 2d. Since appointed Lightkeeper, Dog Island. Jenkins, P., Pilot, Rangitikei, £150; compensation, £65 ios. 1 id. Kergariou, E. de, Clerk, Marine Office, £140; resigned. Brown, J, Liglitkeeper, Brothers, £110; resigned. Brookes, A. E , Lightkeeper, Manukau, £110 ; resigned. Gibbon?, 0., Lightkeeper, Capo Maria, £100; resigned. Austin, GK, Lightkeeper, Gtodley Head, £100; forfeited office through bankruptcy. Gregory, J., Lightkeeper, Godley Head, £200; pensioned.



Cunningham, P., Lightkeeper, Portland Island, £190 ; pensioned. Hendle, W., Liglitkeeper, Cape Campbell, £160; dead. McLeod, W., Lightkeeper, Moeraki, £140; dead. Bannister, R. E., Clerk, Inspection of Machinery, £30. Gie?on, E.. Clerk, Inspection of Machinery, £30. Hollulay, J., Harbourmaster, Wellington, £450.* Simms, T E., Pilot, Wellington, £250.* Holmes, L., Pilot, Wellington, £300.* Shilling, W., Coxswain, Wellington, £150.* Luman, M., Signalman, ellington, £125.* France, F., Signalman, Wellington, £125.* 5 Harbour Boatmen, Wellington, £657.* Brenohley, T F., Officer in Charge, Martin's Bay Boating Service, £100 ; compensation, £25 lie. Officers appointed —■ Frost, T., Lightkeeper, Brothers, £90. Bennett, W H., Lightkeeper, Pencarrow, £90. Eobson, C. H., Lightkeeper, Brothers, £130; reappointed, having forfeited his office through bankruptcy; former salary, £170. Dow, D., Lightkeeper, Brothers, £90. Mclver, R., Lightkeeper, Cape Campbell, £90. Sandager, A. F. S., Lightkeeper, Tiritiri, £90. McGahey, F., Lightkeeper, Cape Maria Van Diemen, £90. Cameron, W., Lightkeeper, Centre Island, £110; had been acting since January, 1879 Colk'y, W., Lightkeeper, Dog Island, £90. Harper, W., Lightkeeper, Dog Island, £90; formerly Harbourmaster, Waikouaiti; compensation not refunded. Macfarlane, J., Examiner of Masters and Mates at Duuedin, £25 ; temporary appointment during absence of Captain Orkney, on leave. Warmington, R. F., Extra Clerk, Marine Department, 9s. per diem. PRINTING OFFICE. Officer dispensed with in Stationery Store — Hay, J., Clerk, Stationery Store, £160; compensation, ' £26 38. 2d. Officers appointed in Printing Office — Nil. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OFFICE. Officers dispensed with —Nil. LUNACY DEPARTMENT. Officers dispensed with — 1 Male Attendant at Auckland, £75. 1 Male Attendant at Auckland, £65 8 Male Attendants at Auckland, at £60. 1 Female Attendant at Auckland, £42. Coward, J W S., Medical Officer, Christchurch, £300. Harrup, J T., Clerk and Storekeeper, Christchurch, £150; compensation, £27 is. Bd. This officer was taken on again, temporarily, but he did not refund the £27 is. Bd. 2 Male Attendants at Christehureh, at £131 53. 2 Male Attendants at Chrislchurch, at £121 17s. 6d. 1 Male Attendant at Christchurch, £112 ios. 2 Male Attendants at Christchurch, at £80. 1 Cook at Christehurch, £80. 1 Lad at Christchurch, £52. 1 Male Attendant at Christchurch, £52. 3 Female Attendants at Cliristchureh, at £63. 1 Male Attendant, at Dunedin, £100. 2 Male Attendants at Dunedin, at £80. 15 Female Attendants at Dunedin, at £50. 4 Female Attendants at Dunedin, at £40. 2 Male Attendants at Hokitika, at £120. 2 Male Attendants at Hokitika, at £100. 4 Female Attendants at Hokitika, at £65. 2 Male Attendants at Nelson, at £70. 3 Male Attendants at Nelson, at £60. 7 Female Attendants at Nelson, at, £40. 2 < oolis at Nelson, at £40. 3 Male Attendants at Wellington, at £100. 1 Male Attendant at Wellington, £90. 2 Male Attendants at Wellington, at £80. 3 Male Attendants at Wellington, at £60. 10 Femule Attendants at Wellington, at £50. 7 Female Attendants at Wellington, at £30. Officers appointed — 1 Farm Overseer, Auckland, £100. 9 Male Attendants, Auckland, at £60. 1 Female Attendant, Auckland, £42. Hacon, W E., Medical Superintendent, Christehurch, £500.

* Transferred to Harbour Board.

2—H. 37.

Harrap, J, T., Clerk and Storekeeper, Christchurch, £150; temporary until Mr. Seagar returns. 1 Cook, Christchurch, £80. 4 Male Attendants, Christchurch, at £80. 4 Male Attendants, Christchurch, at £60. 1 Porter Attendant, Christchurch, £26. 2 Female Attendants, Christchurch, at £64 2s. 6d. 3 Female Attendants, Christchurch, at £45. 1 Male Attendant, Dunedin, £100. 1 Male Attendant, Dunedin, £80. 1 Male Attendant, Dunedin, £60. 16 Female Attendants, Dunedin, at £50. 4 Female Attendants, Dunedin, at £40. 1 Female Attendant, Dunedin, £30. 2 Male Attendants, Hokitika, at £120. 2 Male Attendants, Hokitika, at £ 100. 5 Female Attendants, Hokitika, at £65. 5 Male Attendants, Nelson, at £60. 9 Female Attendants, Nelson, at £40. 2 Cooks, Nelson, at £40. 4 Male Attendants, Wellington, at £80. 9 Male Attendants, Wellington, at £60. 20 Female Attendants, Wellington, at £50. 11 Female Attendants, Wellington, at £30. PROPERTY-TAX DEPARTMENT. Officers dispensed with — -Nil. CIKBKS AT 108. I'EB DIEM (tEMTOEAKILY), Wellington Office. Parry, T. P Coverdale, G. Holmes, R. T. Knowles, H. J. Wood, E. H. Allum, N H. Beit, L. Osier, T. Lysaght, E. Drury, G. Stephens, I). Mitchell, W. Hall, W L. Drake, W Webb, C. Lord, J O. Grahame, H. Smith, H. 0. Auckland Office. Pirie, J Seaman, T. Gudgeon, T. W Seaman, T. W Glenny, J Dickson, E. B. Haultain, P Stovin, G. F Thompson, G. L. Crawford, H. D. Duke, J. S. Corbett, F Robertshaw, G. M. Moginie, J. Orchard, G. A. Napier Office. Harker, W Collins, H. Y. Fannin, E. Helps, A. Stubbs, G. Allen, T. J Webb, C. Morley, G. F McGowan, A. J Gilpin, T. R. Nelson Office. Aitken, R. Smart, A. R. St. John, F. Anslow, T. Knyvett, J G. Campbell, T. Smallbone, E. Louisson, R. Andrews, J. Mackay, A. H.; still employed. Christchurch Office. Packard, W. j still employed. Howe, R. Buck, C. M. Guise, R. H. Oswin, A. F Dowden, S. A. Macbeth, J J Meikleham, W H. Harrnan, E. Newman, E. J. Lomonl,G. H. Hill, G. K. Potter, W. F. Buck, R. M. Frater, W L. Grimes, T. R. Brown, J H. Stringer, W J. Kembell, T. H. Harte, J. H. Watts, J. Timaru Office. Reid, W Smith, A. J. Jefferson, C. A. Reid, J C. Shrimpton, F C. Wood, R. King, J J J Hughes, W J. King, W W Squire, T. Lough, E. H. Nation, H. J. Jones, F. W M. Otago Office. Inglis, J Barrie, J Packwood, Or. Triphook, A. Todd, Or. Beit, L. Keam, P McAHster, J P. Gresswell, ¥ Boswell, E. Purdy, D. R. Clinton, J. F. Baker, E. Stock well, H. W. Vince, 0. H. Chalmers, T.



Invercargill Office. Batchelor, W Hendry, P D. Blacklock, W ; still employed. Kelley, J. T Bright, W G. Macarthur, J. Bull, H. E. Simon, H. H. Crichton, J B. Simon, J Dark, J. M. Smith, A. H. Dawson, G. Smith, "B B. Fox, W G. Officers appointed — Howley, T., Deputy-Commissioner, Timaru, £400; transferred from Justice Department. Stuart, W., Deputy-Commissioner, Inyercargill, £400. McGowan, J., Chief Clerk, Wellington, £37; ; transferred from Treasury. Maxwell, G., Clerk, Wellington, £200; transferred from Railway Department. Knowles, H. J., Clerk, Wellington, £180. Kreeft, C. V., Junior Clerk, Wellington, £100. Moßeth, A., Cadet, Wellington, £90 ; transferred from Public Trust Office. Smith, J. E., Cadet, Wellington, £60. Williams, J. R., Clerk, Napier, £150. Purdie, D. R., Clerk; Invercargill, £200. Macbeth, J. J., Clerk, Timaru, £200. Cheyne, L., Cadet, Invercargill, £60. Montgomei'y, W E., Cadet, Dunedin, £60. Note. —The services of none of the above-named officers had been dispensed with before appointment. PRISONS DEPARTMENT. Officers dispensed with — Agar, W., Warder, Maori Department, Lyttelton, £125. Allswell, A., Warder, Maori Department, Lyttelton, £1 25. Beattie, H., Warder, Nelson, £127 15s; temporary Cawte, J., Gaoler, Pictou, £180; compensation £292 MS. 3d. Carmichael, J., Warder, Auckland, £120. Crook, G-., Warder, Maori Department, Lyttelton, £125. Crump, R. 8., Warder, Maori Department, Hokitika, £140. Corson, F R., Warder, Maori Department, Lyttelton, £125. Coakley, T., Warder, Wang:mui, £127 155.; temporary. Davy, IS"., Warder, Lyttelton, £125 ; temporary De Blois, J W., Warder, Maori Department, Lyttelton, £127 15s. Emerson, J., Warder, Maori Department, Hokitika, £140. Evans, Gr., Warder, Addington, £[27 15s. j temporary. Pagan, P., Warder, Wellington, £127 15s. ; temporary. Gray, A., Warder, Dunedin, £187 10s.; compensation, £80 6s. Griffiths, R. M., Warder, Addington, £[ 18 2s. 6d.; temporary. Griffiths, R., Warder, Lyttolton, £127 155.; temporary. Glover, J., Warder, Maori Department, LyUeltou, £125. Hastings, Mrs., Matron, Clyde, £25. Hill, 11., Warder, Maori Department, Lyttelton, £125. Hynes, J R., Warder, Maori Department, Lyttelton, £125. Ireland, J., Warder, Napier, £1 20 ; temporary. Jenness, 8., Warder, Picton, £120. Johnston, G., Warder, Timaru, £127 158.; temporary. Johnston, G., Warder, Maori Department, Lyttelton, £125. Kelly, T., Warder, Maori Department, Lyttelton, £125. King, 11. H., Warder, Nelson, 7s. per diem ; temporary. Kidd, J., Assistant-Warder, Lyttelton, £125. Lindsay, E., Warder, Maori Department, Lyttelton, £125. McConnell, W., Warder, Maori Department, Lyttelton, £125. McGrath, J., Warder, Napier, £120 ; temporary. McNamara, P., Warder, Dunedin, £164 59. Murphy Mrs. E., Matron, Thames, £25. Norgate, W., Warder, Lyttelton, £125 ; temporary. O'Connor, E., Warder, Maori Department, Hokitika £140. Parker, C, Gaoler, Wanganui, £164 ss. Palamontani, J., Warder, Maori Department, Hpkitiiia, £140. Reynolds, J., Warder, Maori Department, Lyttelton, £125. Robinson, W., Warder, Lyttelton,s 140; compensation, £35 Scliultze, F., Warder, Hokitika, £140 ; Lempomry. Sellers, P., Warder, Maori Department, Hokitika, £140. Smith, Gr., Warder, Lyttelton, £125 ; temporary Southcomb, H., Warder, Maori Department, Duni'din, £ 164 56. Swan, P., Warder, Wanganui, £127 15c*.; temporary. Taylor. ,)., Warder, Timaru, £127 15s. ; temporary. Vernal!, W., Warder, Addington, £j 27 15ft.; temnorury. Walker, Mrs. A., Matron, Oamaru, £25. Wakeham, W 11., Interpreter, Maori Department. Lyttelton, £127 153. Wakeham, W H., Warder, Nelson, £127 iga. ; temporary. Ward, F., Warder, Napier, £120. Willis, A., Mrs., Matron, Queenstown, £25. Officers appointed — Agar, W., Warder, Maori Department, Lyttelton, £125 ; vice A. AJlswell, dispensed with. Allswell, A. Warder, Maori Department, Lyttelton, £125.

Anderson, J., Warder, Maori Department, Lyttelton, £125 resigned. Armstrong, A., Warder, New Plymouth, £127 15s. Beattie, 11., Acting Warder, Nelson, £127 155.; temporary duty. Carter, J., Warder, Wellington, £127 159.; vice Johnston, transferred to Wanganui. Cawdron, E.,Warder, Maori Department, Lyttelton,£l2s ; left. Clark, J N., Acting Warder, -Dunedin, £164 ss. Crawford, G., Acting Warder, Dunedin, £164 55.; dispensed with; received £180 os. 3d. compensation; not refunded on reappointment, vice Reynolds, dispensed with. Crook, G., Warder, Maori Department, Lyttelton, £12;. Crump, R. 8., Warder, Maori Department, Hokitika, £140. Coffey, M., Assistant-Matron, Auckland, £70; vice I. Moffat, resigned. Corson, F R., Warder, Maori Department, Lyttelton, £12;. Coakley, T., Warder, Wanganui, 127 15*.; temporary. Davy, N., Warder, Lyttelton, £125 ; temporary De Blois, J W., Interpreter, Maori Department, Lyttelton, £127 155.; nice Wakeham, dispensed with. Douglas, S., Matron, Hokitika, £75 ; vice I. White, resigned. Dudley, I\, Assistant-Warder, Addington, £m 8 12s. 6d. Emerson, J., Warder, Maori Department, Hokitikn, £[40. Evans, G, Warder, Addington, £127 155.; temporary. Fagan, P., Warder, Wellington, £127 15s. ; temporary. Prater, W J., Assistant-Warder, Timaru, £118 23. 6.1.; resigned. Fuller, W J., Assistant-Warder, Lyttelton, £125; vice Kidd. dismissed. Furlong, M., Warder, New Plymouth, £1 10. Griffiths, R. M., Warder, ddington, £118 2s. 6d.; temporary. Griffiths, R., Warder, Lyttelton, £127 155.; temporary. Glover, J.. Warder, Maori Department, Lyttelton, £125. Hill, H., Maori Department, Littleton, £125. Hughes, X 8., Warder, Auckland, £118 r2s. 6d. Hume, Captain A., Inspector of Prisons, £600. Hynes, J JJ., Warder, Maori Department, Lyttelton, £125. Ireland, J., Warder, Napier, £[20; temporary. Jackson, M. R., Warder, Nelson, £127 153.; resigned. Johnston, 0-., Warder, Timaru, £127 153 ; temporary. Johnston, G., Warder, Maori Department, Lyttelton, £[2;. Kelly, T , Warder, Maori Department, Lyttelton, £125 ; vice Kerner, resigned. Kelly, W., Assistant-Warder, Timaru, £118 12s. 6d, Kerner, J., Warder, Maori Department, Lyttelton, £125; resigned. King, H. 11., Warder, Nelson, 7s. per diem ; temporary. Kippenhenger, A., Assistant-Matron, Addington, £73 ; resigned. Kirby, J., Assistant-Warder, Lyttelton, £125, and la. per diem as Shoemakers' Instructor. Langford, L. H., Assistant-Matron, Addington, £73 ; vice A. Kippenhenger, resigned. Lindsay, 0. R, Assistant-Warder, Lyttelton, £125; vice Robinson, resigned. Lindsay, R., Warder, Maori Department, Lyttelton, £125. McAlister, J P., Clerk, Inspector's Office, £150. McOonneli, W., Warder, Maori Department, Lyticlton, £125 ; temporary. MoGrath, J., Warder, Napier, £120; temporary. McNamara, P., Warder, Napier, £120; formerly Warder, Dunedin. Miller, M., Matron, Napier, £50. Niblock, J. J., Warder, Auckland, £120; vice Dunn, resigned. Nicholson, J C, Warder, Dunodin, £164 55.; dispensed with; compensation, £127 6s. 4d.; not refunded. Norgate, W., Warder, Lyttelton, £125 ; temporary. O'Connor, E., Warder, Maori Department, Hokitika, £140. O'Connor, T., Warder, Maori Department, Hokitika, £140.; resigned. Parker, C, Assistant-Warder, Lytlelton, £125; formerly Gaoler, Wanganui. Palamontftin, J., Warder, Maori Department, Hokitika, £140. Reynolds, J., Warder, Maori Drpur;n;eut., LytUlton, £125 ; vice Roland Lindsay, dispensed with. ltcsieton, A., Assistant-Matron, Wellington, £73 ; vice Eilen Coulson, resigned. Russoll, Mrs., Matron, Oamaru, £25 ; vice Mrs. Walker. Schultze, F., Warder, Hokitika, £1 40 ; temporary. Sellers, F., Warder, --Maori Department, Hokitika, £140. Smith, Gr., Warder, Lyttelton, £125 ; temporary. Swan, P., V, nrdi-r, Vl uiigiuui, £127 153. ; temporary. Southcomb, U., Warder, iVI aori Department, Dunedin, £[64 ss* Taylor, J., Warder, Tim&ru,£ 127 1 ?;s. ; temporary. Vennall, W., Warder, Addington, £[ 18 2s. 6d.; temporary. Wakeham, W H., In'terpi'eter/Maori Department, Lyttelton, £127 15s. Wakeham, W 11., Warder, Nelson, £127 155.; temporary. Willis, Mrs. A., Matron, Clyde,, £25; formerly Matron, Queenstown. <■ ■

Authority: Geobge Diksisubt, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBBl.

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CIVIL SERVANTS APPOINTED AND DISPENSED WITH (RETURN OF, SINCE 1st JANUARY, 1880)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1881 Session I, H-37

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CIVIL SERVANTS APPOINTED AND DISPENSED WITH (RETURN OF, SINCE 1st JANUARY, 1880). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1881 Session I, H-37

CIVIL SERVANTS APPOINTED AND DISPENSED WITH (RETURN OF, SINCE 1st JANUARY, 1880). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1881 Session I, H-37

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