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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

Bin, —■ Marine Department, Wellington, 18th August, 1881. I do myself the honor to submit the following report on the operations of this department during the past financial year ended the 31st March last. Some important changes in the administration of the department have been made during the period referred to. After having been combined with the Customs since the early part of 1870, the Marine Office was in April, 1878, severed from that department, and placed under the management of a Nautical Officer. In October last the Government determined to place the Marine and Customs Departments again under one permanent head, and was pleased to restore me to the position I had formerly occupied, that of having charge of both departments ; the services of the officer recently in charge of the Marine Department being retained as Nautical Adviser to the department. The Government at the same time transferred the administration of the Inspection of Machinery Act from the Public "Works Department to the Marine Department, in order that the Inspectors under that Act, who are also Inspectors of Steamers, might be placed under the supervision of one department. Shortly before these changes were made, the nominal connection between the Weather-reporting Office and the Marine Department ceased, through the amalgamation of the former with the Meterological Department ; and in July, 1880, the management of the Kohimarama Naval Training School was handed over to the Education Department. Lighthouses. —The several coastal lighthouses, 21 in number, have been visited and inspected by an officer of the department during the past year ; the lights were found to be thoroughly efficient in every case, and the buildings and their surroundings generally in good order. Reference has been made in previous reports to the necessity for a light at Cape Egmont. A site was selected for this light as far back as 1874 ; but, owing to the disaffection of the Natives living near that part of the coast, it was found impracticable to proceed with its erection. On the establishment of military posts, and the occupation of the country in the vicinity of Cape Egmont, all chance of serious opposition by the Natives to the establishment of the light was removed, and the Government at once gave directions for its erection to be proceeded with. As the Mana Light, which had ceased to be used after the light on the Brothers was lighted, was in every way suited for Cape Egmont, instructions were given for its removal to that place. The tower is of iron, 53 feet high, and weighs 90 tons. It was taken down, removed, and re-erected on its new site, without accident or mishap of any kind. The light was exhibited at Cape Egmont on the night of the Ist instant. Although the light on the Brothers, in conjunction with the lights at Pencarrow Head and Cape Campbell, have lighted the southern entrance and narrowest part of Cook Strait, it cannot be said that the strait is well lighted until a light is placed on Stephen's Island. Strangers, it is alleged, on entering the strait from the westward at night, are inclined, in their anxiety to keep clear of Stephen's Island, to give it so wide a berth that they run the risk of being embayed in Wanganui bight. A suitable site for a light has been selected on Stephen's Island, and a track from the beach cut to it through the bush; but, in the absence of appropriations, the work of constructing the light cannot be gone on with. The cost is estimated at £7,000. The apparatus and lantern for the light at Mokohinau are still in store at Auckland, no instructions having as yet been given to proceed with the erection of this light. The Tory Channel leading lights will be proceeded with very shortly Paraffin-burners have been fitted at the lights at Pencarrow Head and Tiritiri. Mineral oil is now used at all the New Zealand lights. At the small lights at Poniu Passage and Bean Rock (Auckland Harbour) the ordinary kerosene of commerce is used; all others are supplied with paraffin oil, which is specially imported. Whilst referring to this subject I think it is right that I should call attention to a passage which appears in the printed report of the Controller and Auditor-General, recently presented to Parliament, which has evidently been made under a misapprehension of the conditions under which the lighthouse oil is supplied, and which, if not corrected, might create an

I—H. 27.


impression that due care is not exercised by the department on this important point. In referring to marine stores Mr. EitzGerald states, "That the articles, such as oil, on which the efficient maintenance of the lights depend, should be supplied without a previous inspection as to quality as well as quantity, especially when no error can be rectified in some cases for several weeks after their delivery, appeara to involve some risk as to the proper maintenance of the lights." The quality of the oil referred to is guaranteed by the fact that it, is purchased from the Trinity Board in London; it is tested by the Board's inspector before it is shipped, and is the same as that which is used in the English lighthouses. On reaching the lighthouses here the oil is removed from the tins in which it is imported into storage tanks, and the contents of each tank tested before being used. If the oil were to be thoroughly tested in Wellington before it is sent to the lighthouses, each tin would have to be opened, which would involve a large amount of labour and risk of loss of oil. The quantity is attested by the packages it is imported in, which are 5-gallon tins enclosed in cases, similar to those in which kerosene is packed. A report by the Marine Engineer on the works carried out under his directions for this department is appended hereto. Light Dues. —The light dues collected during the past year amounted to £6,734 Os. 7d. This is a considerable reduction on the amounts collected during previous years, and has been caused by the abolition of all light dues on coasting vessels. Government Steamers. —These vessels are both in good order. The " Stella " has been constantly employed in work connected with this department, but has also been able to accomplish a large amount of work for other departments, notably the mail service to the bays and sounds of the west coast of the Middle Island, at which places she now calls every three months. The " Hinemoa " has also, in the absence of the " Stella " on her regular trips, been occasionally employed on services connected with this department. The iron lighthouse tower was conveyed by her from Mana Island to New Plymouth, and safely landed there without any mishap. Inspection of Machinery. —A report from the Chief Inspector is appended hereto. Examination of Masters and Mates. —Certificates of competency have been issued during the year to 87 candidates, 56 being for masters, mates, and engineers of sea-going vessels, and 31 for masters and engineers of river steamers. Surveys, S[c. —Several small surveys of reported dangers have been from time to time made by the masters of the Government steamers, but no marine surveys of importance have been made during the past year. Sir John Coode's reports on Waitara, Westport, and Gisborne (Poverty Bay) Harbours have been received, and have been printed for presentation to both Houses of the General Assembly. Steam Navigation. —Passenger certificates have been issued to 138 steamers, of 13,897 aggregate tonnage and 5,757 horse-power. Wrecks and Casualties. —During the past year reports have been received of 64 casualties ; of these, 58 were on or near the coasts of the colony i 17 vessels, of 1,351 tons register, being total wrecks ; 44, of 7,390 tons, being partial losses ; and 4 cases of loss of life only The total number of lives lost was 44 —namely, 8 in the " Acadia," 7 each in the " Colleen Bawn " and " James A. Stewart," 6 in the " Poneke," 4 in the " Jane Hannah," 3 each in the "Anna" and "Three Brothers," 2 in the "Southern Queen " (all these vessels were lost with all hands), and 1 each from the " Lizzie Guy," " Beautiful Star," "Annie Hill," and "Alert." Of the 6 casualties reported as having occurred beyond the colony, 2, of 163 tons, were total losses ; 1, of 334 tons, a partial loss ; and 3 cases of loss of life only, 3 lives having been lost from the " Loch Dee," and 1 each from the " Pareora " and " Anne Melhuish." Returns. —The usual returns and wreck chart are appended hereto. I have, &c, William Seed, The Hon. the Minister having charge of the Marine Department, Secretary.

Return showing the Amount of Light Dues collected during the Year ended the 31st March, 1881.


Auckland Onehunga Wkangaroa Kaipara Kussell Mongonui New Plymouth Wanganui Patea Wellington Napier f-Teli3on VVestport Hokitika Lytteltou Timavu Oamaru Dunedin Bluff £ s. d. 959 14 0 2 2 9 0 12 1 0 1 10 280 6 0 1 19 3 2 10 2 1 19 11 0 8 4 1,313 6 5 61 4 6 154 2 10 8 9 4 0 9 10 1,737 5 9 112 16 3 47 4 0 1,471 4 8 578 2 8 Total £6,734 0 7


Return of Steamers to which Passenger Certificates were issued in New Zealand during the Year ended the 31st March, 1881.


Name of Vessel. Tons HorseNature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Nature of Engines. Remarks. Akaroa Albion •Alert 43 591 6 44 35 623 126 126 12 9 8 14 4 89 29 27 34 152 33 68 60 23 38 54 61 13 3 33 23 11 156 82 242 35 73 461 107 12 24 159 25 75 33 57 15 138 39 133 5 28 4 30 23 4 10 26 4 20 6 86 6 103 45 118 17 6 43 20 49 66 78 48 15 20 117 28 51 14 442 31 8 28 180 8 24 30 300 40 30 12 20 9 12 5 60 40 32 12 70 18 25 30 12 40 30 32 12 3 15 13 7 75 30 100 15 45 160 25 10 12 65 8 20 15 22 9 50 15 30 120 20 4 25 14 7 10 60 6 10 8 25 14 45 15 60 8 4 25 12 25 25 18 24 9 16 43 10 22 5 180 18 8 Screw Sea-going Compound Condensing Non-condensing j) River Extended river River Sea-going Anne Milbank ... Antrim Arawata Argyle ,.. Beautiful Star ... Bella Black Diamond Blanche Boojum Bridgewater Charles Edward City of Cork ,.. Clyde Clyde Comarang ... Colleen Paddle Screw it Compound it Condensing Non-condensing Launch. a tt i> J> )) )} Extended river River Extended river River Sea-going River Extended river River Compound Non-condensing Condensing New vessel. Launch. }) Paddle Twin-screw Screw Paddle tt Non-condensing Left the colony. New vessel. i) tt Condensing 3 oromandel Delta Devonport Dispatch Durham Enterprise No. 2 Effort Esk Fairy Emgal 3-emini GHenelg 3to-Ahead Gtraf ton Bannah Mokau Elauraki Screw Paddle Sea-going River Compound Non-condensing Screw Paddle Sea-going Extended river Condensing Compound Non-condensing New launch. River j» it tt Screw Extended river tt it ft Twin-screw Screw River Sea-going tt tt Compound Twin-screw Screw Paddle Screw a River Sea-going tt n Non-condensing Condensing Compound Hawea ... Euia Ida [no » tt it River Extended river Sea-going Extended river Sea-going River Sea-going River Sea-going Extended river Sea-going Non-condensing Twin-screw Screw Compound Non-condensing Compound Non-condensing Compound Non-condensing Compound Condensing Compound [ona Tane fane Douglas ... fane Williams ... Kakanui .., Katikati Kennedy Kina Kiwi Koputai Kopuru La Buona Ventura Lady Barkley ... Lallah Rookh ... )j j» )j ft Twin-screw Screw Paddle Screw tt River Non-condensing Paddle Extended river Condensing Compound Non-condensing Launch. Lara ... Lilie Lioness Lily Lily Little Irishman Ly ttelton Lyttelton VTanawatu Manukau Maori Maori Mensahib Minnie Casey ... Mohaka Moa Screw Paddle River New launch, Screw Twin-screw Screw Paddle Twin-screw Paddle Screw Sea-going River Extended river River Sea-going Extended river Sea-going River Sea-going Extended river River Extended river Condensing Non-condensing Launch. tt Launch. Condensing Non-condensing Condensing Launch. tt New vessel. tt tt Non-condensing it Launch. tt Compound Non-condensing Condensing Compound Condensing Compound Non-condensing » ti )> Mountaineer Paddle Screw tt River Sea-going Murray Sapier Soko Extended river River Sea-going Extended river Sea-going River Sea-going River Dregon Dreti Dsprey Patea ?earl Paddle Screw Paddle Twin-screw Screw tt Compound Non-condensing Compound Non-condensing Condensing Non-condensing Penguin Peninsula Piako Paddle tt n


Return of Steamers to which Passenger Certificates were issued, &c .— continued.

Return showing the Certificates of Service issued to Masters and Engineers during the Year ended the 31st March, 1881.


Name of YeBSel. Tons Register. Horsepower of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Nature of Engines, Remarks. Pioneer Planet Plucky Portobello Rangatira Result Result Rangiriri Ringarooma Riro Riro Rose Casey Rosina ... Rotomahana Rotomahana ,.. Rotorua Rotoiti 5 13 29 11 186 18 13 30 623 4 99 19 864 138 576 17 74 174 124 20 31 29 139 4 40 4 175 67 47 7 228 58 10 20 663 1,028 5 50 21 39 62 9 64 3 13 61 70 228 11 6 75 1,158 101 3 64 277 261 5 8 40 10 50 23 10 30 300 4 40 14 450 45 172 15 30 45 70 10 27 12 50 2 25 5 45 30 22 7 no 20 7 15 140 250 4 14 55 10 25 10 20 5 13 14 30 90 15 10 30 256 25 3 50 120 80 Screw jj Paddle Screw River Extended l-iver Sea-going River Sea-going Extended river Non-condensing Compound Non-condensing Compound Non-condensing New vessel. it Since wrecked. Paddle Stern-wheel Screw tt River Sea-going River Extended river it Launch. a a w it Sea-going )> Compound Non-condensing Compound Non-condensing Compound Condensing Compound Non-condensing Compound Condensing jj a jj Double-screw •Screw Extended river Sea-going Rowena St. Kilda Samson Scotchman Shag ... Sir Donald Southern Cross Spray Staffa Star .., Star of the South Storm Bird rainui Eainui raiaroa .,. rakapuna ... ram o' Shanter rangihua Pararua ... Ee Anau re Aro Te Aroha ritan rongariro rongariro rorea ... rui ... Vesta Vivid Waikato Waipara Waitaki Waitara Waiwera Wakatu Wakatipu Wallabi Waiau Wallace Wanaka Wellington J) jj it » jj tt River Sea-going Extended river Sea-going River Extended river River Sea-going Non-condensing tt Condensing Compound Non-condensing Compound Non-condensing Compound Condensing Non-condensing New launch. » jj it it New launch. JJ JJ Paddle Screw Extended river River Sea-going River tt Compound Non-condensing New launch. Paddle Screw jj j> it j) Sea-going River it it Compound Non-condensing Since wrecked. New vessel. New launch. Paddle Extended river Condensing Non-condensing }) jj Screw JJ j> Sea-going River tt Compound Non-condensing Launch. J) Paddle Twin-screw Screw u j> Sea-going )> jj Extended river River Sea-going tt Compound Non-condensing Compound New launch. ?j n n jj tt Paddle Screw tt River Sea-going Condensing Non-condensing Condensing Compound Condensing Launch. it tt tt

Name of Person. Rank. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. Number. tobert Day ... Tilliam Waters tichard McKay Ienry Lane ... fafeil Hendry ... Lllen Christey Jeorge Henry Rolton .. "ames Black ... Lngus McLean "ohn Purdie ... MaBter Homo trade tt a it Foreign trade Home trade 11 May, 1880 ... 13 „ ,, ... 26 July 27 Aug. „ 22 Sept. „ 26 Nov. „ 6 Dee. „ 15 Jan., 1881 ... 25 „ „ ... 21 ,, „ ... 2485 2486 2487 2488 2489 2490 2491 24192 2493 1038 it Engineer ,., 2nd class ...



Return of Masters, Mates, and Engineers, to whom Certificates of Competency were issued, between the 1st April, 1880, and the 31st March, 1881.

Name of Person. Rank, Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. Number. HughLegg Walter William Fyson John Macaulay Jacob Eckhoff James Home Walter Francis Norbury James Malcolm William George North Israel Quick Gregory Hillel Fredrik Liljeblad John Morgan John Henry Percival James Earle James Wilson Eobert Heddleston Neville William Alexander Macalister... Frederick William Highfleld .. Charles Heilemeyer ... William Henry Anwyl James Campbell Arthur Edward Harvey John William Cumming Kicliard Edward Smith James Deuohrass ... ,,, Alfred Johnston Peter Theet Thomas Angel Fry ... William Eoss William George Dart Murdoch McDonald .. Albert Ring Ringstad Thomas Willoughby Shortland Stephen Ellis James (3-arriek George Samuel Emtage John Carrick Hewson Samuel Stephenson ... ... Samuel Benney Charles Maacs Lawrence Calder James William Branford John Booth Meredith Rountree ... Edward McLeod Maitland Wood Grant Edward Bristow John Steel Elgie Edmund Eraser John Metcalfe Edward Harvey Thomas Eckford Caroline Frederick Maundrell... Tasman Arthur Gibbons Edward Pearce James Martin Logan George Kirkwood Eobert Eutherford Douglas ... Benjamin Walter Glass William George Lodder Giles William Johnson William Leslie William Eeid Douglas Alexander Munro Allan Marshall Meredith Eountree ... John Wade William Henry Charles Green John Cox Carl Gustav Bormann Daniel Bernard Bate... John Felton Heigh way Diedrich Lindemann... William McKeegan .. Carl Leonard Olson ... James Cassidy William John McCullough Percy Eeynolds David Hood John Napier Samuel E. Murray ... Master Ordinary a ... „ ... ,, ... Only Mate Master Ordinary ... Only Mate ,, ... Master Ordinary ,,. Only Mate Master Ordinary ... Second Mate Master Ordinary ... Second Mate Master Ordinary ... Only Mate First Mate Only Mate Master Ordinary ... „ ... „ ... Only Mate Master Ordinary ... „ Second Mate Only Mate it ... „ ... Master Mate Master Mate Master ,,, Mate ,, ... Master Foreign trade a ?) ;i ), ;) )) )) jj ii )) J) )) )) )> >» ft » !> )J )) )> w f> )) II » !» Home trade )> a ]) It 11 11 11 28 April, 1880 28 „ „ *28 „ „ *11 May „ 18 „ „ 22 June „ *19 July „ *19 * 2 Aug. „ 2 >, ,; *16 Sept. „ 16 ,. „ *16 „ „ 30 „ #30 „ „ * 4 Oct. „ *14 „ „ 1 Nov. „ 22 „ „ * 3 Deo. „ 15 „ „ *17 „ „ *W---» ,r--*17 *18 Jan., 1881 * 2 Feb. „ * 3 Mar. „ * 3 *■* it it *11 „ „ •16 „ „ 22 „ „ 30 „ 16 April, 1880 28 „ „ 17 May „ 22 June „ 11 July „ 22 „ „ 2 Aug. „ 2 „ ,, 25 i) j, 31 » » 31 ,■ „ 16 Sept. „ 21 „ „ 24 „ „ 21 Oct. „ 10 Nov. „ 6 Dec. „ 15 „ „ 10 Jan., 1881 2 Feb. „ 15 Mar. „ 30 „ *20 April, 1880 10 May „ 11 „ „ iJ- j) n *26 Nov. „ * 6 Deo. „ 6 » it 31 „ „ * 9 Mar., 1881 10 July, 1880 16 Aug. „ 18 Jan., 1881 10 Feb. „ 3 Mar. „ 14 April, 1880 20 „ „ 20 „ „ 3 May „ 11 ., ,, 11 „ „ 11 .. ,. 14 „ „ 4 June „ 8 „ ,, 17 July „ 10 Aug. „ 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 137 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 138 181 251 252 135 216 156 253 254 255 256 5195 5196 5197 5198 5199 5174 5200 5201 5202 5203 5204 5205 5206 5207 5165 5208 5209 5210 5211 5212 5213 5214 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 3036 3037 3038 3039 3040 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 II „ ... JJ it it „ ... Ti- ,, ... ll it ... It it ... )J it ... 11 a II „ ... Mate Master Mate Master ,,. 2nd Class Engineer )> 11 » >» Foreign trade „ a it ... » ,t ... j» a it it ... a a ••• a ,t ... 1st Class Engineer ... Master a Eiver trade a )> j? Engineer ?j jj ?) i) j? a n a j) a >) ii * Issued under the provisions of Her ,s Bimilar certificates issued by the Board tlajesty's Order in Council of the 12th February, 1876, and have the same force if Trade.


Return of Masters, Mates, and Engineers, to whom Certificates of Competency were issued—contd.

Return showing the Number of Masters, Mates, and Engineers Examined during the Year ended the 31st March, 1881, distinguishing the Number of Successful and Unsuccessful Candidates.

Return showing the Cost of Maintenance of the New Zealand Lighthouses, and the Quantity of Oil consumed at each, during the Year ended the 31st March, 1881.


Name of Person. Bank. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. Number. 'ames Foote Vallace John Massey Villiam Johnson Gibbs Lrthur James Jiohael Clark "ames Cowley Jecil Foster Keyworth "ohn Murray "ohn May Thomas Major Lane ... William Walter Lomer Jhilip Alfred Weston Engineer River trade it n » )» 2 Sept., 1880 21 Oct. „ 15 Not. „ 6 Dec. „ 10 „ „ 17 „ 17 „ 23 „ „ 29 „ 17 Feb., 1881 3 Mar. „ 3 ,, „ 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 it a n » it a

rcKU: IS. Welling: JOK. Dunedi: :t_lt< m. ]ham: 'OTAL! Class oe Cebtificate. 3 to ■ i fa o Ufa 5S FN "_ o fa o •A _ <3 fa ■a fa 13 o EH &4 fafa-3 fa "3 o fa T3 _© fa O T3 fa fa 3 O Foreign going Masters and Mates Home - trade Masters and Mates River-steamer Masters Sea-going Engineers River-steamer Engineers 11 11 22 4 1 5 12 i 13 27 13 4< 10 1 11 8 8 2 2 20 1 21 3 3 14 1 4 3 14 1 2 8 1 1 3 8 "i "■i 1 1 1 1 6 9 25 1 1 3 3 K 2; Totals ... 41 13 54 23 2 25 18 i 19 4 4 1 87 16 101

Oil. Name of Lighthouse. Salaries. Stores and Contingencies. Totals. Gallons Consumed. Value. 3ape Maria van Diemen Piri Tiri 'onui Passage Bean Rock 'ortland Island Napier Bluff ... 5encarrow Head lomes Island ilanukau Heads Brothers Jape Campbell j-odley Head ... Lkaroa Head ... A oeraki Jaiaroa Head ... Jape Saunders... ■Jugget Point ... )og Island .,. Jentre Island ... 'uysegur Point Jape Eoulwind farewell Spit ... kelson £ s. d. 331 2 9 236 6 8 134 13 4 140 0 0 323 6 8 240 11 4 196 7 10 260 8 4 236 5 0 452 11 2 223 10 10 303 10 8 241 10 0 263 0 7 242 13 4 259 13 4 270 13 4 384 11 8 361 8 10 334 10 0 252 0 0 366 19 2 268 0 0 824 481 67 67 635 224 734 184 527 661 507 448 457 4-95 424 473 734 750 838 909 546 483 244 £ s. d. 75 10 8 44 1 10 7 18 8 16 8 58 6 0 20 10 8 67 3 10 16 17 4 48 6 2 60 13 8 46 9 6 41 1 4 41 19 8 45 7 6 38 19 2 43 7 2 67 5 8 68 16 10 76 16 4 83 6 6 50 1 0 44 5 6 22 7 4 £ s. d. 73 4 7 90 7 10 37 12 2 8 5 6 93 10 5 34 9 5 147 19 7 13 0 2 57 12 4 92 6 10 54 8 1 103 15 11 45 13 0 39 0 4 36 14 6 39 1 3 66 5 6 156 16 6 98 14 8 125 14 8 75 16 0 92 6 0 18 6 5 £ s. d. 479 18 0 370 16 4 179 7 2 157 2 2 475 3 1 295 11 5 411 11 3 290 5 10 342 3 6 605 11 8 324 8 5 448 7 11 329 2 8 347 8 5 318 7 0 342 1 9 404 4 6 610 5 0 536 19 10 543 11 2 377 17 0 503 10 8 308 13 9 Totali ... 6,323 14 10 11,712 1,077 12 0 1,601 1 8 9,002 8 6



Return showing the Total Ordinary Expenditure of the Marine Department during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1881.

Nature of "Expenditure. Details. Totals. Grand Total. [ead Office :— Secretary .. Chief Clerk Clerk Clerk Marine Engineer Draughtsmen Engineer Surveyor ... Local Engineer Surveyors Examiner of Masters and Mates Local Examiners of Masters and Mates Inquiries into wrecks and casualties Survey of unseaworthy ships ... £ s. d. 279 3 4 326 13 4 186 13 4 119 18 1 280 0 0 239 3 4 280 0 0 93 6 8 93 6 8 203 10 10 102 13 11 62 6 2 £ s. d. £ s. d. 2,266 15 8 2,266 15 8 lABBOtras:— Manukau, — Salaries ,,. ... ... Contingencies Russell, — Salaries ... ... ... ... Contingencies Whangaroa,— Salaries Whangarei,— Subsidy to ferryman Contingencies .., ... ,,. Hokianga,— Salaries ... ... ... ... Contingencies Kaipara, — Salaries Repairs to steam launch Contingencies ... Waitara, — Salaries Contingencies Foxton, — Salaries Contingencies ... ... ... Rangitikei,— Salaries .,, ... ... ... Contingencies Wellington (6 months), — Salaries Contingencies Wairoa, — Salaries ... ... ... ... Contingencies Wangawehi Light,— Salaries and contingencies 719 16 0 49 16 9 284 0 0 37 2 3 396 10 8 8 7 7 779 16 2 55 19 0 118 11 10 50 0 0 2 7 6 769 12 9 321 2 3 93 6 8 52 7 6 404 18 3 954 7 0 105 0 0 14 2 8 119 2 8 305 9 0 40 10 8 345 19 8 140 0 0 10 8 10 150 3 10 1,055 0 10 16 14 8 1,071 15 6 99 4 11 15 11 9 114 16 8 50 0 0 Tauranga,— Salaries Contingencies Grisborne, — Salaries ... ... ... ... Contingencies Wairau, — Salaries ,,. Contingencies Picton, — Salaries Contingencies ... Havelock, — Salaries Kelson, — Salaries Contingencies Removal of Buoy Rock ... Motueka, — Contingencies Waitapu,— Salaries Contingencies Riwaka, — Salaries and contingencies Collingwood,— Salaries Contingencies ... Karamea, — Contingencies Westport,— Salaries ... Bepairs to Beacon Tramway and contingencies 1,209 16 8 96 18 10 76 17 0 296 16 0 92 8 6 331 6 8 19 12 1 123 4 0 35 5 6 120 8 0 38 10 3 389 4 6 350 18 9 158 9 6 158 18 3 8 4 0 1,383 12 6 8 8 6 29 11 8 4 10 0 34 1 8 16 12 0 29 11 8 7 6 9 36 17 8 23 0 O 382 13 4 223 12 2 606 6 9



Return showing the Total Ordinary Expenditure of the Marine Department, &c.— continued.

Nature of Expenditure. Details. Totals. Grand Total. HaeboubS— continued.. Greymouth,— Salaries Contingencies ... Hokitika, — Salaries Contingencies ... Okarito, — Salaries .,, ,,. ... ,,. Contingencies Catlin's River, — Salaries ,., ... ... ,.. Contingencies Waikawa, — Salaries ... ... ... ,,, Otago Graving Dock, — Wage3 Coal ... Stores, repairs, &c. Riverton, — Salaries Liabilities of Harbour Board Kakanui, — Salaries ,,, ... ... Kaiapoi,— Salaries .,, Contingencies ,,, £ a. A. 406 0 0 233 4 9 673 17 4 84 2 2 116 13 4 47 10 11 46 13 4 91 2 11 £ s. d. 639 4 9 757 19 6 137 16 3 164 4 3 46 13 4 .£ s. d. 629 9 7 384 17 9 235 12 0 1,249 19 4 90 0 0 84 5 3 174 5 3 140 0 0 Sumner, — Salaries Contingencies ... ... .,, ... Akaroa, — Salaries Contingencies Grant for wharf repairs Kaikoura, — Salaries Contingencies Martin's Bay,— Salaries Contingencies .. ... ... ... Stewart Island (Half-Moon Bay),-— Salary ... Opunake, — Contingencies ... ... ... ... Sir John Coode's fees for harbour reports Port lights ... General harbour contingencies ... ... 112 0 0 10 13 9 112 0 0 10 11 11 23 6 8 12 12 0 424 7 10 70 o o 22 16 3 122 13 9 122 11 11 460 6 6 92 16 3 13,997 17 1 86 6 4 8 0 10 94 7 2 4 10 0 17 13 8 2,044 5 6 19 17 2 86 6 11 _jI«H_HOT7_E_ :— Salaries Lightkeepers' travelling expenses Oil ... Stores and contingencies Lighthouse artificer (5 months) 6,323 14 10 35 9 4 1,543 14 11 1,601 1 8 81 13 4 9,585 14 1 Departmental travelling expenses ... Coastal buoys and beacons Charts Pension of widow of lightkeeper Deck Sundries ,,. ... ... ... ... 292 13 0 44 13 7 76 12 3 23 19 10 243 14 2 "Stella," s.s "Hinemoa," s.s. Naval Training School at Kohimarama (4 months), —t Salaries and wages ... ... ... Rent of station ... ... .,, ... Stores, provisions, &c. 681 12 10 4,707 14 0 4,534 6 1* 246 12 3 139 4 0 423 7 10 809 4 1 448 1 9 Weather-reporting expenses (6 months) J £37,031 5 7 * The balance of the cost of the "Hinemoa," £2,385 t Transferred to Education Department. t Transferred to Colonial Secretary's Office. is. 5d., was charged ai ;ainst Defence vote.



Descriptive Return of New Zealand Coastal Lighthouses.

Return showing the Fees, &c., received under the Shipping and Seamen's Act, the Merchant Shipping Act, the Fish Protection Act, the Inspection of Machinery Acts, for Pilotage and Port Charges, for the use of the Otago Graving Dock, and from Sale of Charts, &c.

Return showing the Expenditure on new Light- houses, &c, out of Immigration and Public Works Loan, during the Year ended the 31st March, 1881.

2—H. 27.

Return showing the Amount of Pilotage, Port Charges, &c., collected during the Year ended the 30th June, 1881.

Name of Lighthouse. Order of Apparatus. \ Period of Description, i Revolving Light. Colour of Light. Tower, Built of Dwellings, Built of Date first Lighted, Jape Maria Van \ Diemen > 1st order dioptric Revolving Fixed V White Red, to show over Columbia Reef White Timber Timber 24 Mar., 1879 ;> KriTiri ?oimi Passage Portland Island < 2nd order dioptric 5th „ 2nd „ 30" Iron Timber 11 1 Jan., 1865 29 July, 1871 10 Feb., 1878 5) Revolving Fixed a Red, to show over Bull Rock White it )> j) ?encarrow Head ... Hanukau Heads ... Brothers 2nd order dioptric 3rd 2nd ,, 10" Iron Timber » 1 Jan., 1859 1 Sept., 1874 24 „ 1877 it Flashing Fixed Revolving Fixed Flashing Fixed ii Bed, over Cook Bock White j) >» Jape Campbell xodley Head Lkaroa kloeraki Caiaroa Head Jape Saunders Nugget Point )og Island 2nd order dioptric 2nd „ 2nd 3rd „ 3rd „ 2nd 1st „ 1st order eatadioptric 1st order dioptric 1' 10" Timber Stone Timber Timber Stone Timber 1 Aug., 1870 1 April, 1865 1 Jan., 1880 22 April, 1878 2 Jan., 1865 1 „ 1880 4 July, 1870 1 Aug., 1865 Revolving Fixed Revolving 1 Red White >» Stone Timber Stone Stone Timber Stone 30" ,, ... J. jj Jentre Island Fixed White, with red arcs over inshore dangers White .. Timber Timber 16 Sept., 1878 Puysegur Point Jape Foulwind fare well Spit 1st „ 2nd 2nd Flashing Revolving 10" 30" 1' White, with red arc over Spit end White, with red arc to mark limit of anchorage White ... n )> 1 Mar., 1879 1 Sept., 1876 17 June, 1870 >> ti j) kelson 4th Fixed Iron u 4 Aug., 1862 Jape Egmont 2nd it j» )! 1 Aug., 1881

Nature of Receipt. Amount. Shipping and Seamen's Act, 1877 (including light dues) Merchant Shipping Act .. .ish Protection Act 3ilotage and port charges )tago graving-dock dues Sale of charts and " New Zealand Pilot" lation money and services rendered by "Hinemoa" .. Ditto by "Stella" Sale of port lights to Harbour Boards Sundries £ s. d. 8,436 0 5 99 7 5 106 0 0 2,723 19 3 2,178 19 11 59 4 0 287 7 5 51 8 6 155 0 0 4 13 8 Total 14,102 0 6

Nature of Expenditure. Amount, Jape Saunders Lighthouse Store for Marine Department Cory Channel lights lokitika Lighthouse Jape Egmout Lighthouse Total £ s. d. 40 18 6 73 16 3 50 0 0 51 19 6 .,, 2,418 12 7 2,635 6 10

I Name of Port. Pilotage. Port Charges, &c. Total. Auckland* Onehunga Kaipara Thames* Russell Mongonui Hokianga Tauranga Gisborne New Plymouth* Waitara Wanganui* Bangitikei Foxton Patea* Wellingtonf Wairoa Napier* Nelson Hokitika Ly ttelton* Timaru* Riverton* Oamaru* Kakanui Dunedin* Invercargill (New River) * Bluff* i ] £ s. d. 1,229 16 11 3 10 8 228 5 10 29 16 6 3 19 8 £ 8. 1,229 16 3 10 228 5 29 16 3 19 4715 11 17 47 5 25 16 48 5 405 10 9 6 97 6 28 6 764 6 89 19 855 4 677 13 19 7 4,523 6 4 15 1,969" 7 536-15 £ s. d. 1,248 8 9 141 17 9 264 11 4 50 14 7 £ a. d. 2,478 5 8 145 8 5 492 17 2 80 11 1 3 19 8 16 4 6 47 15 6 11 17 0 47 5 7 51 11 10 102 13 3 405 10 0 9 6 8 97 6 4 37 14 1 2,082 6 4 89 19 6 1,324 2 4 677 13 5 19 7 6 6,826 9 8 60 8 9 9 15 6 505 2 1 3 0 0 3,181 15 3 47 15 6 11 17 0 47 5 7 25 16 6 48 5 0 405 10 0 9 6 81 97 6 4 28 6 10 764 6 7 89 19 6 855 4 9 677 13 5 19 7 6 1 4,523 6 3 16 "4 6 25 15 4 54 8 3 9'"7 3 1,317 19 9 mil 7 ... 4 15 6 2,303 3 5 60 8 9 5 0 0 505 2 1 3 0 0 1,212 7 10 1,969" 7 5 536"l5 5| 50 7 4 359 7 4 50 7 4 896 2 9 Totals 11 11,657 15 4J .1,657 15 8,097 1 10 19,754 17 2 * Harbour Board 1st October, 1880. revenue. tH. irbour Board svenue since the


RETURN of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department, from the 1st April, 1880, to the 31st March, 1881.


Date of Casualty. Name of Vessel; also, Age and Class. _ OS Nm iber of Nature of Number of Lives Lost. Place where Casualty occurred. Win Direction. Wind. nd. Force. Decision of Court of Inquiry. Name of Master. Ofa o Passengers. Casualty. Crew Cargo. 1880. April 18 Kakanui, s.s., 1 Schooner 57 1 Grain Stranded; slight damage Crown of furnace fell in Loss of bulwarks, ■&c. Loss of life At entrance to Mafaura River, Middle Island of New Zealand Near Kapiti Island, Cook Strait N.W Gentle breeze Casualty caused by blind rollers, which came in as vessel was crossing the bar Charles Frederick Sundstrom. year „ 22 Manawatu, p.s., 7 years 103 General... Boiler salted up through negligence or carelessness of engineer, John Symons. His certificate suspended for three months Heavy sea struck the vessel and carried away the bulwarks, &c. Peter Doile. „ 24 Anna Bella, 11 years Barque ... 334 11 Copra, tallow, kerosene shale General... Lat. 48° 10' S. ; long. 175° 35' E. I S.W Whole gale James Innes. „ 29 Pareora, 25 years Ship ... 879 1 I Lat. 11° 10' S.; long. 26° 50' W Unknown Moderate breeze Apprentice fell overboard and was drowned ... Robert Power. TJnkn'wn Acadia, 5i years Schooner 53 5 3 Ballast ... Unknown Supposed 8; all hands Vessel left Hawke's Bay for Auckland on the 9th March, 1880, and has not been heard of since Three heavy seas struck the vessel while she was on the bar and drove her on to the beach Duncan McDonald. Norman McKenzie. May 4 XTnkn'wn Kina, s.s., 3_ years Ketch ... Schooner 39 29 5 2 Wool, kauri gum, &c. Ballast ... Stranded; slight damage Supposed foundered; total loss Supposed 7; all hands On beach outside bar of Waiapu River, 14 miles from Whangarei Supposed in Cook Strait N.E. TJnkno Strong breeze Colleen Bawn, 18 3! (supposed) wn Vessel left Wellington for Havelock on the 1st May, 1880, and has not been heard of since. She is supposed to have foundered in a gale on the 6th May Vessel struck on rock as she had not sufficient sail to stay her in the baffling wind Louis Pike. years „ 7 Forest Queen, 10 years Ketch ... Schooner 51 Railway carriages, telegraph material Drain pipes Ballast... Stranded; partial loss On inner rock in inner passage at Jackson Head S.toS.E. N.E. Strong gale Strong gale John Botham. George William Conway, Philip James Hawken. John Black. f Columbia, 8 \ years Ijohn Bull, 20 (. years Loch Dee, 9 years, Al Grafton, s.s., 26 years 46 8 Collision ; partial loss Collision ; partial loss Loss of life In Auckland Harbour The "John Bull" did not let go a second anchor in time „ 10 Barque... 484 11 Feb.9,14, May 11 May 12 tt Schooner 700 242 17 22 21 8 General... Coal ... Stranded; slight damage Stranded ; partial loss Collision; slight Collision; partial loss Supposed capsized ; total loss Stranded ; partial loss 3 On voyage from London to Auckland On bar of the Buller River If Light Insufficient water on the bar Henry Johnson. „ 14 Telegraph, 4 years ( Rotorua, s.s., 4 \ years, 100 Al 1 Clematis, 8 (. years Anna, 5 years ... n 39 4 Drainpipes General... North Spit of Waitara River 4 miles north-east of Godley Head Westerly Moderate Tow-line parted ... Edward Keane. „ 18 it 576 39 42 E. Gentle breeze " Rotorua " overtook the " Clematis " and ran into her James Tozer. Ketch ... 67 5 Potatoes Peter Johnson. „ 20 » 27 3 General... Supposed 3; all hands Tessel picked up bottom upwards at entrance to Bluff Harbour West Head, Port William, Stewart Island Stephen Tall. „ 21 Transport, 15 years Brig ... Timber... S. Light air Command of vessel lost on account of wind falling as she was going through channel between West Head and foul ground James Matthews. 307 10 ...



May 22 Advance, 5 years Schooner Timber ... Stranded; partial loss Between North and South Spits, Waimakariri River Just outside of South Head, Hokianga Harbour Unknown ►_.D. VV Wind suddenly fell, and current drove vessel ashore George Loverock. „ 23 Fanny Thornton, i$ years Ketch ... it Stranded; total loss W.N.W. Light breeze Vessel refused to stay owing to sudden falling of the wind, and, there being no room to wear, she drifted ashore Vessel left Onehunga for Picton on the 11th June; was afterwards seen off Greymouth, and has not since been heard of Vessel left Great Barrier Island for Auckland on the 2nd July, and has not since been heard of Master beached vessel to prevent her becoming a total wreck, as gale was driving her ashore Vessel supposed to have been driven ashore by a storm on the 3rd or 4th July Casually caused by the action of the signalman in recalling the vessel, and directing her to go northward to entrance to channel, and then giving the signal, " Watch for a smooth," further leading the master to believe that he was to cross the bar. Signalman censured A following sea so slackened the tow-rope that the vessel went ashore before the steamer could tighten the rope A heavy sea swept over the vessel, and washed C. Laird, the mate, overboard A heavy sea broke on board, and washed the master overboard Charles McBur80 ney. Unkn'wn Poneke, 2 years Schooner 80 Ballast ... Unknown Supposed 6; all hands Supposed 3; all hands Unknow n , James Lee. July 5 Three Brothers, 18 years Cutter ... 26 Firewood » „ ... ... Unknow n Thomas Blair. Wild Duck, 12 years Jane Hannah, 10 Ketch ... 43 4 Timber and cement Timber ... Stranded; partial loss Stranded; total loss Stranded; partial loss Guard's Bay S.E. Hurricane Samuel Phipps. ••• Cnknw'n Schooner 52 4 Supposed 4; allhands Inside Heads of Akaroa Harbour Entrance to the Grey River D. Currie. „ 16 years Kennedy, s.s., 15 years it 138 17 10 General... ... Calm James Dillon. ,, 19 Wanganui, 6 years Stranded; slight damage Loss of life At the entrance to the Hokitika River John Blaney. M 70 „ » .. 22 Lizzie Guy, 9 Brigantine 85 5 1 Timber... 1 80 miles east of Hokitika 100 miles north-west of South West Cape, Middle Island, N.Z. On rock at outer end of Barrett's Reef, Wellington Harbour N.E. Strong gale Storm ... James Stevens. „ 23 years Annie Hill, 4 years Schooner 121 7 Coal ... a 1 It George McKay. „ 25 Malay, 18 years Barque ... 328 10 „ ... Stranded; partial loss N.W Fresh breeze Although the accident occurred directly through a sudden change of wind, still blame must attach to Captain Holm for placing his vessel in such a critical position as to render her at the mercy of any flaw in a light breeze Ferdinand Holm. „ 26 Beautiful Star, s.s., 18 years Ino, s.s., 6 years Schooner Loss of life 1 Two miles from Oamaru Frederick .Jones. 146 „ 28 Ketch ... 31 6 Grain ... Stranded; partial loss Stranded; partial loss Mouth of the Clutha River North spit of the Waitara River Light air Error of judgment of the master in taking the bar with a heavy sea on The master was justified in entering the river in face of the signal, " Bar dangerous," on account of the unseaworthy condition of his vessel's appointments Force of wind made chains part, and drove vessel ashore Cable parted while vessel was at anchor. It was of more than usual strength, and should not have parted had it been properly secured, as the night was fine and calm, occasionally being squally. The master, who had undertaken to keep the anchor watch, went to sleep in his cabin. Evidence of master and mate untrustworthy and unreliable. Master ordered to pay costs of inquiry, £35 19s. George Campbell. „ 31 Julius Vogel, 7 Schooner 56 5 Coal ... E.N.E. Strong breeze John Jeffery Cullen. years Aug. 7 Julia Pryce, 8 years Sarah and Mary, 8^ years it Timber... Stranded; partial loss Stranded; total loss Tutukaka, north east coast of North Island On west Bide of Motuara Island, Queen Charlotte Sound N.E. Gale ... Henry Wulff. 41 3 „ 9 Ketch ... 40 ■1. New Zealand produce a Fresh breeze William Penny Forman.

jj 27

RETURN of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department, &c.— continued.


~ . ~ Name of Vessel: Date of also Casualty. A ge and Class. Eig. « t_ .2 a <3> O Nm iber of Nati tre of Number Place where Casualty occurred. 'ind. Decision of Court of Inquiry. Name of Master. Crew Passengers. Cargo. Casualty. Lives Lost. Direction. Force. Aug. 14 Rowena, s.s., 8 years Forest Queen, 8 Schooner 74 11 10 Sheep ... Stranded; partial loss Stranded; partial loss North Spit of Waitara River North Spit of Waitara River S.W Light air Heavy sea caused the vessel to strike on the bar "Rowena," s.s., having struck on the bar, she cut the tow-line, which caused the "Forest Queen " to go ashore Man lost overboard Frank Amodeo. „ 14 Ketch ... 51 4 Grass-seed Frederick Renner. years „ 26 Annie Melhuish, 31 years Southern Queen, 19 years Barque ... 344 Coal ... Loss of life 1 Lat. 38° 5' S., long. 165° 57' E. On reef near the anchorage on northern side side of Amuri Bluff Off Cape Horn, Manukau Harbour Thomas Kay. „ 26 Schooner 19 2 Limestone Stranded ; total loss 2 all hands N.W Storm ... Cable parted and storm drove the vessel on to the reef William Shepheard. ("Hinemoa, s.s., 4 years >j 2S2 Collision; slight damage The conduct of the captains of both vessels contributed to the collision. It would have been more advisable for the captain of the " Hinemoa" not to have attempted to pass the " Taiaroa " while rounding the point. The captain of the " Taiaroa," although technically on his right course, might have avoided the collision by steadying his helm sooner. It is probfaible that an eddy caught the " Taiaroa's " port bow and caused her to come round more quickly than she should have done. The case does not call for the cancellation or suspension of either of the masters' certificates, there being no evidence of carelessness, negligence, or recklessness John Fairchild. ti 31 I Taiaroa, s.s., 5 l^ years Stafi'a, 6 years ... a 228 General... Collision; j no damage Stranded ; total loss Stranded ; total loss James Malcolm. Cutter ... 11 On outer reef, Tonga Harbour Aha Aha Rock, northwest side of island of Waiheke Middle bank, Kaipara Harbour n Sept. 1 Kauri, 9 months Schooner 47 Timber... E. Vessel having sprung a leak, master pushed on in order to beach her, but, owing to the thickness of the weather, he accidentally ran ashore George Tupp. „ 3 Clara Hargrave, 24 years Barque ... 338 10 „ Stranded ; slight damage Stranded; total loss John James. „ 7 Rangatira, s.s., 17 years Schooner 196 8 General... On a rock about midway between Waitara and New Plymouth Light ... Master reprimanded for not having a better look-out kept. Chief officer, Thomas Swede, guilty of gross carelessness, amounting almost to incompetency ; his certificate suspended for six months Casualty caused through tow-line slipping while vessel being towed out Vessel washed on beach through tug not being powerful enough to tow her through the breakers, owing to the sudden rising of the sea Edward Harvey. 22 Alma, 26 years... 5, Coal ... Stranded; partial loss Stranded ; slight damage On the bar of the Grey Kiver On the bar of the Hokitika River Moderate breeze Light ... James Walters. ~9> 8 163 faS S.W -j) 28 Annie Wilson, 1 it 150 7 Ballast ... S. Ole Helgeson. year



Oct. 4 Hannah Broomfield, 15 years Brigantine 120 Timber and fruit Stranded; total loss Pencarrow Head, Wellington Harbour N.W No blame attached to master. From previous experience of the vessel he had a right to expect that she would answer her helm Wind dropped, and vessel drifted into breakers. Frederick William Highfield. it 7 James A. Stewart, 4 years Wahapu, 16 years it 179 7 Timber ... Stranded ; total loss Supposed foundered; total loss Stranded ; partial loss 7; all hands North Spit, Kaipara Heads In Poverty Bay Calm John McClellin. 31 27 Cutter ... 15 Firewood S.E. Gale ... Vessel swept down the river by a heavy fresh, and is supposed to have foundered William Harris. 33 27 Lochnagar, 18 years Barque ... 464 14 1 Wool and manganese On the beach at Gisborne, Poverty Bay a Storm ... Vessel was riding at anchor without sails when a storm sprung up. If sails had been on there was too little ballast on board to have put to sea. Had vessel been provided with coir spring the chain might not have snapped Insufficient water on the bar George Perriam. Jane Anderson, 12 years fEllen Curran... Kina, s.s., 4yrs. Schooner 96 G Timber... Stranded ; partial loss Collision; partial loss On bar of Patea River N.W Moderate breeze Fresh ... Jacob Eckhoff. Nov. 27 Cutter ... 15 2 Off the Watchman, Auckland Harbour S.W Collision caused through steamer not keeping a good look-out, and in not porting her h»lm when the cutter was seen so close. Certificate of the master of the "Kina" suspended for six months, and he was ordered to pay the costs of the inquiry Robert Morton. Dec. 1 Collision; partial loss Stranded ; total loss Stranded; slight damage Stranded; partial loss Stranded; total loss Frank Hedges. Ketch ... 39 3 25 „ 3 Active, 3_ years Brigantine 152 175 8 12 6 12 General... On Faluelu Reef, off Apia, Samoa At the entrance of the Hokitika River Calm W. Moderate breeze Vessel drifted on to the rocks through there being no wind Force of the current drove vessel on to the spit Henry Edward Scott. Charles Stephen Bascand. „ 18 Star of the South, s.s., 17 years Schooner „ „ 31 Piako, s.s., 3 years Lady Don, 15 years Lug- sail 8 2 Coal ... In Morgan's Bay, inside Whangarei Heads Northward of Waipu River, about 12 miles south of Hokianga Heads Calm Vessel struck on a rock and foundered in shallow water Vessel sprung a leak and was beached to save life Chas. E. Browne. 4 Jan. 2 Schooner 68 G Timber ... N.W Strong ... Peter Webb Pullman. „ 26 Fanny Kelly, 7 years Ketch ... ,, ... Stranded ; slight damage Stranded ; partial loss On a reef just inside Whangaruru Heads S.E. Heavy ... Vessel went on to reef when going to anchorage, it being dark at the time George Williams. 35 „ 26 Silver Cloud, 6 years Schooner 292 Coal ... On boulder bank at western side of entrance to Napier Harbour Calm Stranding was an unavoidable accident which could not be foreseen or provided against, and was caused by a sudden rush of the current round the corner of the breakwater. The pilot exercised a sound discretion in attempting to enter the inner harbour when he did, and he and Captain Balle did all they could to retrieve the misfortune Collision caused through the "Planet" attempting to cross the " Edith's " bow Charles Balle. ( Planet, s.s., 6 < months (.Edith, 18 years In Auckland Harbour J. C. Hewson. )> IP, 3 3 Ballast ... Collision ; partial loss N.E. Moderate 3} Feb. 29 4 n G3 ,, ... Vessel went on to rocks through propeller breaking George Jackson Hughes. Edward Thomas Wing. Shag, s.s., 6 years Ketch ... 31 6 Coal ... Stranded ; partial loss On rocks off Shag Point, east coast of Middle Island S. Strong gale


RETURN of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department, &c.— continued.


Date of Casualty. Name of Vessel; also, Age and Class. Ei| .__ a Number of Nati ire of Number of Casualty. Li™ LostPlace where Cas occurred. "ind. Decision of Court of Inquiry. Name of Master. P3>3i Passengers. Crew Cargo. Direction. Force. Feb. 13 I Charles Edward, p.s., 17 years Schooner 126 18 10 General... Stranded ; partial loss Two miles south of the Steeples, off Cape Foulwind On a rock off Long Look-out Point, Banks Peninsula Off Port Charles, northeast coast of North Island, N.Z. Calm Error in judgment on the part of the master in not keeping farther out Thomas Whitwell. „ 21 Clematis, 16 yrs. Brig ... 249 10 Timber ... Stranded; total loss S.W Moderate breeze Error in judgment on part of master in keeping too close to land. Master ordered to pay costs of inquiry Smoke of steamer rendered the schooner invisible. Master of schooner should have gone about as soon as his vessel was enveloped in the steamer's smoke. Had the schooner's helm been put hard down immediately on the steamer's light being seen, the collision would not have been so serious Henry Bowden „ 22 C Albion, s.s., 18 years Isabella Pratt, l^_ 6 years Alert, 7 years ... Schooner 591 100 General... Collision; slight damage S.E. Fresh ... Francis George Garrard. 39 Collision ; total loss Loss of life only Collision; slight damage William Cross. Schooner 71 6 Ballast ... 31 23 Schooner 45 13 Ballast ... 1 Lat. 50° 45' S., long. 166° 20' In Lyttelton Harbour N.W Man knocked overboard by mainsail Charles Rattray. 31 27 ■fLyttelton, p.s., 3 years Aspasia, 15 yrs. Mohaka, s.s., 3 years Cutter ... 39 7 2 Ballast ... S.W Gentle breeze Collision caused through negligence or want of caution on the part of both vessels. The lookout on board the "Lyttelton" was insufficient; and the schooner's light was not hoisted where it could best be seen. Costs of inquiry to be divided John William Clark. Mar. 3 Michael Moore. Schooner 45 5 1 Produce and timber Iron-wire and sulphur Ketch ... 20 6 Stranded; partial loss 300 yards south of the Wairau River-mouth The mate, Thomas Eckford, committed a breach of discipline by leaving the vessel in charge of a seaman instead of the proper officer. His certificate suspended for six months Casualty caused through pilot starting with a strong ebb tide, and the wind falling light and baffling. Pilot does not appear to have committed error of judgment, but to have weakly yielded to the fear of public criticism if he had declined to take the ship out in consequence of the improper Btate of the tide Stranding caused through error in judgment on part of chief officer, I homas Popham, in altering the course of the vessel. He believed the entrance to Tory Channel was ahead, whereas it was Boat Cove. Captain Malcolm censured for leaving the bridge before the vessel was clear of narrow waters. John Symons. 31 11 Waitara, 18 yrs., AA1 Ship ... Wool and general Stranded; slight damage On the Triangle Rocks, at entrance to Bluff Harbour W.N.W. Thomas Edward Cowell. 833 26 16 Penguin, s.s., 16 years Stranded; slight damage Near entrance to Boat Cove, Queen Charlotte Sound James Malcolm. » 25 Schooner 442 General



EEPOET BY CHIEF INSPECTOE OE MACHINEEY Inspection of Machinery Office, Sir, — Wellington, Ist August, 1881. I have the honor to submit my seventh report as Chief Inspector of Machinery, being that for the year ended the 31st March, 1881. I have much pleasure in being able to state that, although the number of boilers has considerably increased, no explosion has occurred during the year. There has been an increase of 100 boilers inspected, the number now being 1,250 ; of these, 82 were found defective in various parts, viz. : Furnaces out of shape, fractured and laminated plates, internal and external corrosion, groving and pitting, also feed apparatus, water-gauges, safety-valves, and blow-off cocks out of order; all these defects have been repaired to the satisfaction of the inspectors. In addition to the boilers, there have also been inspected 1,048 establishments of various kinds, in which either steam, water, wind, or gas is used as a motive-power, making the total number of inspections during the year 2,298. The number of accidents reported was ten, two of which proved fatal; the machinery in each case was securely fenced. These accidents were all of the class which is not preventable by inspection. The test steam-gauges imported, and the testers made in the colony, are of great service in ascertaining the condition and errors of steam-gauges in general. In many cases gauges have been condemned, and when possible tables have been supplied showing the correction to be supplied to each reading. All this is done free of charge. I attach tables showing the number of boilers inspected, also tables showing the amount of revenue and expenditure, during the past year. I have, &c, The Secretary, Marine Department, J Nancarrow, AYellington. Chief Inspector.

Statement showing the Number of Land Boilers Inspected during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1881.

Return showing the Amount of Fees Collected under the Inspection of Machinery Acts during the Year ended 31st March, 1881. Name of District. Amount collected. £ Otago ... .. .. .. .. 665 Canterbury .. .. .. .. 473 Auckland .. ..526 Wellington .. ... .. ... 325 Marlborough ... ... .. .. 108 Taranaki .. .. .. ... 49 Nelson North .. ... ... 99 Nelson South .. .. .. .. 62 Westland ... .. .. ... ... .. 55 Hawke's Bay ... .. .. ... 105 £2,467


Number of Po: Boilers. •table Numbi 3r of Stal Boilers. nonary Name of District. Total. Under 5h.p. 5 to 10 h.p. Over 10 h. p. Under 5h.p. 5 to 10 h.p. Over 10 h.p. Otago Canterbury .. Auckland Wellington Marlborough Taranaki Nelson North Nelson South Wes tland Hawke's BayU 8 12 6 2 1 1 95 103 33 37 15 9 19 2 3 26 21 10 24 13 2 5 6 5 2 5 82 70 67 27 3 4 12 7 12 9 47 15 42 33 9 3 11 77 32 99 49 23 2 2 5 9 3 336 238 277 165 54 24 51 19 33 53 7 10 Totals 44 342 93 293 177 301 1,250


Statement showing the Cost of the Inspection of Lahd Machineet during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1881. Nature of Expenditure. Amount. £ s. d. Salaries .. 1,246 16 8 Travelling expenses .. 511 12 3 Sundries 71 16 8 £1,830 5 7

ANNUAL REPORT ON LIGHTHOUSE WORKS BY THE MARINE ENGINEER. The Maeine Engineek to the Secbetaby, Marine Department. Sib,— Marine Office, Wellington, 31st March, 1881. I have the honor to forward, for the information of the Minister having charge of the Marine Department, the annual report on works executed for new lighthouses, &c, during the year, viz.: —- Cape JSgmont. —lnstructions were received on the 27th August as to the removal of the disused Mana Island light, and its re-erection at Cape Egmont. An excellent site at the latter place had already been selected, consisting of a raised knoll, about 50 feet high, and about 12 chains back from the coast-line. Steps were at once taken to pull down the tower, remove it to the beach, and there ship it to New Plymouth, from whence it was carted to the proposed site. It is of cast iron, about 1G feet diameter at the base, and about 50 feet high. Materials for the dwelling-houses (two) and stores (two) were also sent at the same time. The overseer, with a party of men, arrived at Cape Egmont on the 11th November, 1880, and immediately began the work of getting in the foundations to receive the tower, the erection of which, as well as that of the houses and stores, is so well advanced, that it is expected the whole will be completed by the end of June, and that the light will be ready for exhibition by the Ist August. A reserve has been made for the lighthouse of about 50 acres, around which the Armed Constabulary are constructing a ditch and bank fence, and a road is being made from the main road, near Pungarefiu, to the lighthouse. It will be about three miles long. Removal of Rocks, Oatlin's River. —A tender was accepted for this work on the 14th. December, 1880, and the time for completion is the 14th May, 1881. The contractor, so far, has made very fair progress, and it is expected that the work will be completed within contract time. Removal of Buoy Rock, Nelson Harbour. —This work was the subject of a previous contract, but contractors failed to carry it out. It was advertised for public tender again, and a second tender was accepted on the 30th December, 1880, the work to be completed by the 30th June, 1881. The contractor, up to date, has not made much progress, but has ordered the diving and other apparatus necessary for the proper carrying out of the work, which he hopes to finish in contract time. I have, &c, John BiACKETT, The Secretary, Marine Department. Marine Engineer.

By Authority: GrEOßas Didseuby, OoTernnaent Printer, Wellington.—lBBl.


NEW ZEALAND WRECK CHART 1st April 1880 to 31st March 1881. COMPILED FROM Official Records in the MARINE DEPARTMENT

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MARINE DEPARTMENT (ANNUAL REPORT OF THE)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1881 Session I, H-27

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MARINE DEPARTMENT (ANNUAL REPORT OF THE). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1881 Session I, H-27

MARINE DEPARTMENT (ANNUAL REPORT OF THE). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1881 Session I, H-27

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