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Presented to both Souses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

The Chairman, Civil Service Examination Board, to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetary. Office of the Civil Service Examination Board, Sir,— Wellington, 30th May, 1881. I have the honor to submit the following report of the proceedings of the Civil Service Examination Board since the date of my last report (22nd June, 1880): —■ JUNE 1880 EXAMINATION Junior Examination 98 candidates applied to be examined, 92 candidates underwent; examination, 24 candidates passed, 66 candidates failed to pass, 2 candidates were disqualified. Of the candidates who failed, 24 failed in all 4 subjects, IS failed in 3 subjects, 16 failed in 2 subjects, 13 failed in 1 subject, 35 failed in English, 45 failed in arithmetic, 60 failed in history, 40 failed in geography The names of the candidates who passed, placed in the order of merit, are as follow :—

XI.—12.i. 1881. NEW ZEALAND. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION BOARD (REPORT OF THE). Presented to both Souses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency. The Chaibman, Civil Service Examination Board, to the Hon. the Colonial Secbetaby. Office of the Civil Service Examination Board, Sir,— Wellington, 30th May, 1881. I have the honor to submit the following report of the proceedings of the Civil Service Examination Board since the date of my last report (22nd June, 1880): —■ JUNE 1880 EXAMINATION Junior Examination 98 candidates applied to be examined, 92 candidates underwent: examination, 24 candidates passed, 66 candidates failed to pass, 2 candidates were disqualified. Of the candidates who failed, 24 failed in all 4 subjects, 13 failed in 3 subjects, 16 failed in 2, subjects, 13 failed in 1 subject, 35 failed in English, 45 failed in arithmetic, 60 failed in history, 40 failed in geography The names of the candidates who passed, placed in the order of merit, are as follow : — I i 6 I • ! JN"ame. Residence. Where Educated, *2 § h £ r§ 3l I I \ 9. | O 3 < H ! $ ! H c H _ „ _„„______„ i i \ I Maximum attainable . 600 fiOO 600 fiOO 2.40(1 Maximum attainable maximum attainaDie ... ouu buu buu buu z,4UU 1 McKellar, Henry Dugald ... Tauranga ... Private School, Tauranga, 2years; Pub- 453 305 465 480 1,703 lie School, Tauranga, 3 years; Auckland Private School, Tauranga, 2 years ; Public School, Taurauga, 3 years; Auckland College and Grammar School, li years Church of England School, Braidwood, 5 years ; Public School, Braidwood, 4 years; High School, Dunedin, 9 months Dorset County School, England, 5 years Oamaru Grammar School, 7 years ; private tuition, 6 months Kelson College, 3 years ; Mr. Adams's, New Plymouth, 3 months ; Wellington College, 3 months; Mr. Gammell's, Wellington, 9 months High School, Ballarat, 2 years ; Wellington College, 6 years Pamell Grammar School, 1-J years; Newton Grammar School, 1J years Mrs. Eoss's, 6 years; Christ's College and Grammar School, 4 years Tuakau School, 8 years Auckland College and Grammar School, 7 years Preparatory Schools, 5 years... Mr. O'Connel's 3 years; Mr. Ellis's, 1 600 453 600 305 600 465 600 480 2,400 1,703 | College and Grammar School, 1| years 2 Larmer, Nelson James .. Dunedin ... Church of England School, Braidwood, 295 409 455 23011,3$J 5 years ; Public School, Braidwood, 4i venrs * TTiitIi Scliool. Dnnp.rlin 9 11,3*9 2 295 409 455 2301 •a years; niga aonooi, Jjuneain, a months 3 Allardyce, Edward Gordon .. Wellington ... Dorset County School, England, 5 years 315 393 305 33011,343 4 Spence, Henry Eichard Oamaru. .. Oamaru Grammar Scliool, 7 years; pri- 360 425 230 275 1,290vate tuition. 6 months 3 4, 315 360 393 425 305 230 330 275 1,343 1,29a vase luuion, o raontns 5 Atkinson, Edmund Tudor ... New Plymouth Nelson College, 3 years; Mr. Adams's, 255 237 405 365 1,2G2 New Plymouth, 3 months ; Wellington College. 3 months : Mr. Gammell's. 5 255 237 405 365 1,262 (jonege, d monens ; iyir. u-arameii s, Wellington, 9 months 6 Crombie, Andrew Francis ... Wellington ... High Scliool, Ballarat, 2 years; Welling- 405 470 205 170 1,250 inn Cfillotre. f> vears 6 405 470 205 170 1,250 ton uciioge, o years 7 Percival, Keginald Kitchie .. Auckland ... Pai-neil Grammar School, 1| years; 335 270 237 310 1,152 Newton Grammar School, li- vears 7 335 270 237 310 1,152 newton u-rammar ocnooi, ±f years 8 Eos?, Charles Frederick Mac- Ohristehureli Mrs. Eoss's, 6 years; Christ's College 290 444 200 205 1,139 kenzie and Grammar School, 4 years 9 Poland, John Joseph ... Tuakau .. Tuakau School, 8 years ... 255 339 285 220 1,099 10 Stevenson, Archibald Clark ... Auckland ... Auckland College and Grammar School, 280 298 220 280 1,078 *7 vnnrs 8 290 444 200 205 1,139 9 10 255 280 339 298 285 220 220 280 1,099 1,078 V years 11 Eussell, Jabez .. Wellington ... Preparatory Schools, 5 years... ... 320 265 255 215 1,055 12 Grey George Henry Eyell ... New Plymouth Mr. O'Connel's 3 years; Mr. Ellis's, 1 205 320 210 235 1,000 vear 11 12 320 205 265 320 255 240 215 235 1,055 1,000 year 13 Reynolds, Eardly Culley ... Dunedin ... South District School, 5 years; Collegiate 365 259 175 160 959 School. 2 vears : Hi^h School. 4 vears ocnooi, a years ; jugu oenooi, % years 34 Stuart, Arthur Henry ... Tauranga ... Private tuition ... .. .. 310 246 190 200 946 15 Calder, William ... ... Dunedin ... Tokomairiro Grammar School, 2 years; 273 270 170 225 944 Dnnedin TTitrh Scliool. 2 vpars .uunecun xiign Bcnooi, z years 16 Provis, William Shackson ... Napier ... I Beach School, New Plymouth, 9 months; 230 314 197 170 911 Auckland College and Grammar 13 34 15 16 year South District School, 5 years; Collegiate School, 2 years ; High School, 4 years Private tuition Tokonvairiro Grammar School, 2 years; Dunedin High School, 2 years Beach School, New Plymouth, 9 months; Auckland College and Grammar School, 5J years Mr. Tindall's, 1 year ; Mr. Paterson's, I-! years ; Mr. Scott's, 6 months 365 310 273 230 259 246 270 314 175 190 170 197 160 200 225 170 959 946 944 911 School, 5J years 17 Virtue, David Wilson ... Hokitika Mr. Tindall's, 1 year; Mr. Paterson's, 240 201 150 260 851, 851; 17 m 201 150 2G0


Junior Examination — continued.

Senior Examination. 23 candidates applied to be examined, 19 candidates underwent examination, 7 candidates passed, 12 candidates failed to pass. Of the candidates who failed, 4 failed in 4 subjects, 3 failed in 3 subjects, 2 failed in 2 subjects, 3 failed in 1 subject; 19 examined and 9 failed in English, 15 examined and 1 failed in Latin, 19 examined and 1 tailed in arithmetic, 19 examined and 4 failed in geography, 3 examined and 1 failed in French, 7 examined and 4 failed in trigonometry, 17 examined and 6 failed in algebra, 16 examined and 3 failed in geometry, 5 examined and 2 failed in physical science, 13 examined and 1 failed in history, 1 examined and 1 failed in book-keeping, 1 examined and 1 failed in shorthand. The names of candidates who passed, placed in order of merit, are as follows : —

DECEMBEB 1880 EXAMINATION JirNioit Examination 94 candidates applied to be examined, 87 candidates underwent examination, 36 candidates passed, 51 candidates failed to pass. _„, Of the candidates who failed, 16 failed in all 4 subjects, 13 failed in 3 subjects, 12 failed in 2Jsubjects, 10 failed in 1 subject, 36 failed in English, 34 failed in arithmetic, 38 failed in history, 29 failed in geography


I o Uame. Residence. Where Educated. 6 1 1 < i (/I 3 I 4 la 3 Maximum attainable 600 600i 600 600 2,400 18 19 20 21 22 215 Kinder, Harry Blake, Cteorge Benjamin Holmes, Ernest Hunter, James ... Gore, Henry Morland Pauling, George Alexander IJewellyn Auckland Christen urch Wellington ... Christchurch Wellington ... Wellington ... Church of England G-rainmar School, Parnell, 2 years ; Christ's College and Grammar School, Christchurch, 3 years ; St. John's College, Auckland, 3 months Milton Hall, 6 months ; Linden School, 5 years ; Dunedin High School, 1 year Mr. Thomas's, 2 yearB; Grreymouth GroYernment School, 2 years Loanhead School, Scotland, 6 years Wellington College, 7 years ... Bishop's School, kelson, 2^ years ; Kelson College, 3 months; Wellington College, ii years Rer. Mr. Brown's, Onehunga, 1 year; Grammar School, Onehunga, 2 years ; Auckland College and Grammar School, 2 years 245 153 175 173 190 190 260 321 275 163 301 160 150 170 165 152 150 240 185 180 205 315 155 155 840 824 820 803 796 745 Gordon, Angus William Auckland 652 34 180 150 157 165

Kaauience. Where Educated. •s • 1 til o « u H Hi < j? ! 11 f i .11 s s & s I a < ti a % 8 t ■? i s ° i { I a « g 0 02 Name. I C a. Maximum attainable 600 600 600 600 600 fiOO 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 Dorset County School, Borland, 5 years Oaraaru Grammar School, 6 years ; Christ's College and Grammar School, Christehurch, 3J years Nelson College, 3 years; Mr. Adams's, 3 months; Wellington College, 3 months; Mr. Gammell's, 9 months Private School, Tauraiga, 2 years; Public School, Tauranga, 3 years; Auckland College and Grammar School, H yean Blenheim Schools, 3 years j Kenwick School, 1 year; Blenheim High School, 2 years St. James's, Auckland, 2 years; St. Paul's, Wellington, 3 years; Invercargill Grammar School, 3 years; In ver car gill High School, 1 year; Mr. Brann's, 1 year Government School, 7 years; Mr. Harlock's, 1 year; Mr. Watkins's, 1 year; Mr. Wiggins' a, 1 year I 1 2 Allardyce, Edward Gordon Borton, Godfrey Charles Wellington Oamaru 165 3rd 185 3rd 398 2nd 427 2nd 265 3rd 340 2nd 430 2nd 335 2nd 275 3rd 225 3rd 384 2nd 502 1st 184 3rd 675 1st 375 2nd 307 2nd 3008 2304 Atkinson, Edmond Tudor Sew Plymouth ;jf.O ■Zmi 387 2nd 243 3rd 405 2nd N.P 255 3rd 360 2nd 2S1 3rd 2280 McKelSar, Henry Dugald Tauranga ... 150 3rd 462 1st 150 3rd 310 2nd 233 3rd 475 1st 381 2nd 2151 McCallum, Richard Blenheim ... 195 3rd 431 2nd 190 3rd 185 3rd 339 2nd 560 1st N\P 178 3rd 207* Dean, Alfred Elliott Wellington 300 2nd 377 2nd 282 3rd 370 2nd 01)5 1st 241 3rd 2o;s Watkinn, Frank ... Akaroa I960 *7 150 3rd 36fand 435 2nd 245 3rd 245 3rd 520 .1st Noti.—1st, * The candidate whof respect of cadets in the E rabject; but any Candida >4her branches of the sen 2nd, 3rd=passe ;e name is mark* Engineer'8 branc te availing hims rice." 3d in lBt, 2nd, or 3rd class of n ed with an asterisk passed in i oh of the Public Works Depai jelf of the exception will not lerit. iccon rtmei be e< . N.P.= 'dance wil nt, plane 'onsiderec not i th th< trigc 1 as 1 )asse 3 foil inon lavii id. - lowin letry ig P» igprc may issed did ovis< ' be t the lot take up the sul to clause 9 of the ! instituted for Lati Senior Exaniinatio: bject. Kegu in as m in: ilatii a co )ns: ' rapuli ■ct oi "In 3Ory the


The names of the candidates who passed, placed in order of merit, are as follows:—


■2 o Name. Residence. Where Educated. i to a •I ; £ 1 £ g- < ft [ cb b Maximum attainable 600 600 600 600; 600 2,400 492 449i 403 1,660 2 3 4 5 Dreyer, Joseph Munro, Joseph Mackay Mueller, Gerhard George Johnson, Charles Pendred Sykes, Joseph Nicholson, Oliver ... Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Auckland Auckland Bridge Street School, 5 years; Haven Road School, 1 year; Nelson College, 2 years Westport State School, 6 years; Nelson College, li years Hokitika Academy, 3 years; Hokitika State School, 4 years; Nelson College, 1 year Bridge Street School, 8 years; Nelson College, 1 year Elementary School, 2 years; City East School, 1| years; Auckland College and Grammar School, 3|- years Rev. W Taylor's, 2 years; Auckland College and Grammar School, 4£ years Thames Grammar School, 6| years; Nelson College, 1 year Newton East School, 8 years; Auckland College and Grammar School, 3 years Auckland High School, lyear; Auckland College and Grammar School, 5 years Scotch College, Melbourne, 6 years; Christ's College, Christehurch, 1 year Waiuku District School, 5 years; Ponsonby District School, 1$ years; Auckland College and Grammar School, 1£316 188 286 297: 256| 492 540 278] 416 1,531 540 484 339 441 1,520 484 555 344! 403 1,490 555 525 525 262 393 1,466 i I 333 396 3281,367 344! 403 262J 393 i 396 328 6 310 333 1 Murray, Harry Holmden Nelson 226 473 232 433 1,364 473 232 433 401 314 330 376 339 412 8 Gribbin, George Arthur Auckland 357 283 401 314 1,355 283 9 Norton, Frederick William ... North Wairoa 248 379 379 330 376 1,333 10 Dobson, Collet Barker Christehurch 311 260 339 412 1,322 260 11 Campbell, Archibald Auckland 287' 515 252j 265 1,319 I 515 252] 265 12 Christie, James Auckland years Karaka School, Thames, 3 years; Kauaeranga District School, 4 years; Auckland College and Grammar School, If 213 450 310 338 1,311 I 450 310 338 Hirst, Thomas George Wanganui years Private School, Patea, 4 years; Patea Public Sehool, 3 years Nelson College, 6 years Church of England Grammar School, Parnell, 5£ years Napier Grammar School, 1 year; Napier Boys' School, 2 years; Nelson College, 3 years Stafford National School, 8 years Lower Wakefleld School, 6 J years; Upper Wakefield School, 2i years; Nelson College, 1 year Otepopo School, 4 years; Wanganui Grammar School, 2| years; Wanganui District High School, 19 months St. Mary's, 6 years; Nelson College, 3 years Panmure School, 1J years ; Mount Hobson School, 3| years; City East Sehool, 1 year; Auckland College and Grammar School, 2 years Stoke School, 2J years; Nelson College, 4 years Napier Grammar School, 7 years Mr. Portor's, Enniskillen, 1J years; Armagh College, 2i years Wellington College, 2 years ... Aramoho Sehool, 2 years ; Alpha School, 6 months; Wanganui Endowed School, 3£ years Richmond School, 6 years ; Nelson College, 2 years Loanhead School, Scotland, 1 year; Lawrence District High School, 6i years Church of England Grammar School, Parnell, 6 years Lawrence Grammar School, 2 years; Mr. J J Woods, 3 years Nelson Public Schools, 3 years; Nelson College, 1J years Shif nail Grammar School, 3 years; Arnold College, Hackney, 3 years Miss Paton's, 6 months ; Opawa School, 3£ years ; Mr. Gee's, 1 year; Normal School, lj years; Papanui School, 3 months; West Chrislchurch School, 2 years Norl.h-Ensi Harbour School, 10 years Eeefton State School, 5 years Auckland College and Gritnmiiir School, 5 years 526 281 330 1,307 281 18 170 526 330 14 16 Lightfoot, Joseph Morton Kempthorne, Ernest Henry ... Nelson Auckland 254 160 375 247 420 1,296 499 386 245 1,290 375 499 247 386 420 245 16 McHardy, Percy Alexander ... Nelson 158 414 414 314J 379 1,265 3141 379 17 18 Byrne, Francis Edmund Painton, Edward John Stafford Nelson 212 193 505 212 322 1,251 406 311 334 1,244 505 406 212 311 322 334 19 Young, James Alfred Wanganui .. 198 479 241 315 1,233 479 241 315 2Q Evf rett, Ernest Percy Nelson 201 165 409 434 1,209 165 409 434 21 Eyburn, James William Auckland 234 327 293 347 1,201 327 293 347 Bout, George Malcolm Nelson 273 231 395 1,198 22 299 273 231 395 23 24 Eochfort, John Mulgati, Edward Ker Napier Onehunga ... 292 309 374 248 239 1,158 366 217 259 1,151 374 366 248 217 239 259 25 26 Kitchen, William Freeman ... Field, Frederick Richard Wellington ... Wanganui ... 294 189 238 402 238 327 289 1,148 402 169 328 1,088 327 169 289 328 27 Say well, Thomas Robert Nelson 155 294| 294J 211 374 1,034 211 374 28 Hunter, William Lawrence 192 324! 824 329! 182 1,027 329! 182 29 Moss, William Edward Carew Auckland 263 I54J 154' 389 217 1,023 389 217 30 Monaghan, Frederick Francis Lawrence 187 295 295 165 354 1,001 165 354 81 Ganavan, Edward O'rlara Nelson 177 153 153 267 387 984 267 387 32 Stansfield, Robert ... Christehurch 210 194 194 342 187 933 342 187 83 Leversedge, William Charles... Christehurch 206 312 312 174 209 901 174 209 34 85 36 Bell, John Poole ... Oorfleld, Alfred Andrew Stewart, James Dunedin Reef ton Auckland 182 195 173 259 224 15l! 259 189 258 888 224 170 179 768 15l! 208 IT?! 709 189 170 208 258 179 177!


Senior Examination 42 candidates applied to be examined, 36 candidates underwent examination, 13 candidates passed, 23 candidates failed to pass. Of the candidates who failed, 1 failed in 7 subjects, 1 failed in 6 subjects, 2 failed in 5 subjects, 4 failed in 4 subjects, 5 failed in 3 subjects, 6 failed in 2 subjects, 4 failed in 1 subject; 3G examined and 18 failed in English, 30 examined and 5 failed m Latin, 36 examined and 5 failed in arithmetic, 36 examined and 8 failed in geography, 14 examined and 4 failed in trigonometry, 33 examined and 11 failed in algebra, 33 examined and 10 failed in geometry, 4 examined and 2 failed in physical science, 31 examined and 9 failed in history The names of candidates who passed, placed in order of merit, are as follow : —

APKIL 1881 EXAMINATION Junior Examination. 39 candidates applied to be examined, 86 candidates underwent examination, 6 candidates passed, 30 candidates failed. Of the candidates who failed, 3 failed in 4 subjects, 10 failed in 3 subjects, 4 failed in 2 subjects, 13 failed in 1 subject, 19 failed in English, 8 failed in arithmetic, 15 failed in history, 21 failed in geography


Name. Residence. Where EdueaW. a a ill 1 i e3 , tj O) t-i | <1 3 O 4\ 1 5 i 3 fR | O 6 o | I J * ■* 1 ? '3 a s C3 02 | H M QQ u o c 3 I Maximum attainable 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 601 6i'.i 600 600 600 (iOO 600 601) ~ | I I 2 3 4 5 6 Barltrop, George Willia m Sykcs, Joseph Gribbin, George Arthur Seymour Arthur Coleridge Allen, Frauk Bryant, William Henderson Rogers, John Molyneux Greville, Reginald Palmer Nelson Auckland ... Auckland ... Nelson Kelson Nelson Nelson Bridge Street School, 3 years; Haven Eoad School, 2 years; Nelson College, o years Elementary School, 2 years ; City East School, 1| years; Auckland College & Grammar School, 3-j years Newton East School, 8 years; Auckland College and Grammar School, 3 years Private Schools, 3 years; Nelson College, 7 years St. Mary's, 5 years; iNelson College, 3 years River Terrace School, 8 years; Richmond Boys' School, 2 years; Nelson College, 2 years Bishop's School, 3 years; Nelson College, 3 years Holdtika School, 4 years ; Thorndon School, WeJlington, 1 year; Wellington College evening classes, 6 months West Chriatchurch School, 2 years; Christ's College, 2 years Richmond School, 6 years ; .Nelson College, 1-| years Spring Grovo School, 7 years ; Nelson College, 2^ years Public Schools, Nelson, 7 years; Nelson College, 2 years Mr. Portor's, Enniskillen, 1 years; Armagh College, 2^ years 275 3rd 175 3rd 345 2nd 160 3rd 185 3rd 390 2nd 503 1st 437 2nd 525 1st 35!) 2nd 447 2nd 209 3rd 519J 1st 559 1st 298 3rd 309 2nd 38S 2nd IS If) 2ml I 152 3rd 350 2nd 236 3rd 152 3rd 170 3rd 338 2nd 380 2nd 340 2nd 200 3rd 200 3rd 596 1st 3S7 2nd 317 2nd 521 Is! «)8 1st 244 3rd 535 1st 345 2nd 305 2nd 465 1st 300 2nd 370 21 nl 155 3rd 243 3rd 342 2nd 442 2nd 163 3rd 183 3rd 337 2nd .... \ ;3543 2750 2471 2370 2351 2324 7 231 3rd 185 3rd 380 2nd 181 1st 411 2nd 156 3rd 267 3rd S.P 655 IbI 387 2ml 355 3rd 300 2nd 158 3rd 212 3rd 2265 *S Wellington 325 2nd 2117 Cane, Edward Henry Christchureh *9 200 3rd 374 2nd 186 3rd 175 3rd 472 1st 425 2nd 1832 10 Malcolm, 'lhornton George Enapp, Frederic Vincent Nelson 295 3rd 190 3rd 300 2nd 175 3rd 316 2nd 227 3rd 377 2nd 178 3rd 239 3rd 312 2nd N.P 163 3rd 289 3rd 1690 11 Nelson 270 3rd 1641 12 Augarde, Louis Constautine Wellington 150 3rd 340 2nd 316 2nd 218 3rd IBS 3rd 32.", 2ndl 1515 Mulgan, Edward Ker Onehunga ... 205 3rd 402 2nd 160 3rd 186 3rd 2S0 3rd 13 242 3rd 1475 Notb.—1st, 2 !nd, 3rd=passed in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd class of n: nerit. N .P.=-not p jassed. — = did m ot take up i the subjt eet. * The candidates who " In respect of cadets in pulsorj* subject ; but any of the other (tranches oft] >se names are marked with an asterisk passed the Engineer's branch oi' the Public Works candidate availing himself of the- exception he service. I in s D( will accoi ?part: not 1 rdance wit Euent, plar >e conside: tn tho following pi ne trigonometry in ■red as having pass* roviso to c lay be subt ed the Ser ilause 9 o: stituted 1 nior Exai f the Regulations: [or Latin as a combination in respect



The names of the candidates who passed, placed in order of merit, are as follow: —

Senior Examination. 13 candidates applied to be examined, 11 candidates underwent examination, 5 candidates passed, 6 candidates failed. Of the candidates who failed, 2 failed in 5 subjects, 2 failed in 3 subjects, 2 failed in 1 subject; 11 examined and 2 failed in English, ] 1 examined and 0 failed in arithmetic, 11 examined and 2 failed in geography, 6 examined and 1 failed in Latin, 9 examined and 5 failed in French, i examined and 2 failed in trigonometry, 10 examined and 2 failed in algebra, 8 examined and 2 failed in geometry, 3 examined and 1 failed in science, 7 examined aud 2 failed in history The names of the candidates who passed, placed in order of merit, are as follow : —

Note. —Ist, 2nd, 3rd—passed in lßt, 2nd, or 3rd class of merit. N.P.—not passed. — ~ did not take up the subject.

SUMMAEY Junior Examination. —2ls candidates were examined, 66 passed ; 90 failed in English, 87 failed iv arithmetic, 113 failed in history, 90 failed in geography Senior Examination. —66 candidates were examined, 25 passed ; 66 were examined and 29 failed in English, 66 were examined and 6 failed in arithmetic, 66 were examined and 14 failed in geography, 51 were examined and 7 failed in Latin, none were examined in Greek, 12 were examined aud 6 failed in French, none were examined in German, Italian, or Maori, 25 were examined and 10 failed in trigonometry 60 were examined and 19 failed in algebra, 57 were examined and 15 failed in geometry, 12 were examined and 5 failed in physical science, 51 were examined and 12 failed in history, 1 was examined and 1 failed in bookkeeping, 1 was examined and 1 failed in shorthand.

CompriSORY. Opt: Al 'IONL. I 7^ o Name. Residence. Where Educated. I j -1 3 t be o O I | o a J5 o H Maximum obtainable 600 600 600 600 600 600 Gibson, "William Herbert I 1 2 2 4 Elliott, Henry Edward Keary, Henry ... Russell, William Henry New Plymouth Opotiki Thames Wellington Private tuition; Bristol (Irammar Schoal, 1 year Government School, Opotiki, 3} years ; private tuition, 2J years Kauaeranga Boys' School, (5 years ; Thames High School, 7 months Wesleyan Day School, 3 years; Buckle Street and Mount Cook Public School, 2 years; Wellington College, 2 years Church of England Grammar School, 6J years Tauranga District School, 4 years ; Taranaki West School, 1 year; Mr. Ellis' a, 2J years 438 309 342 374 473 449 341 305 505 i 300 330 345 4421 ,*' 318 254! 200 1,85! 1,481 1,33 1,271 Smith, Maurice Crompton Auckland ... 5 387 243 305 208 1,123 6 Dalziel, Frederic George... New Plymouth 232 337 ad 273 1,082

| Co: ipulsory. Iptic mal. Name. Residence. Where Educated. ! w "S S ■2 'C ■4* i & o S "•a £ I p o a i I I a o "C n i t 5 r*1 « i 8 S : a g i | be g 'ft &• I 1 -S 3 w i o X 2 Gibson, William Herbert Morison, Charles Bruce New Plymouth Masterton... Nelson Maximum attainable ... Private tuition; Bristol Grammar School, 1 year LoughUl School, Scotland, 4 years; JKljrin Academy, 4 years ; Nelson College, 1 year Valley School, 8 years; Nelson College, 34 years Nelson College, 5 years ... 600 380 2nd 520 1st fiOO 447 2nd 471 1st 600 431 2nd 296 3nd 600 486 1st 419 2nd 600 600 2H7 3rd 386 2nd 600 600 600. CM j _ 600 6Oo| 600 416 455 — 2nd 1st 471 435 — 1st 2nd: 438' 430! — 2nd 2nd' 305 395 — 2nd 2nd 485 400 — 1st 12nd I I 600 435! 2nd I 600! I I jeooj — — 3327 — 29*8 —! 2709 — 2678 — 2231 3 I Hunt, William Raymond Andrews, "William Douglas Ross, Charles Frederic Mackenzie Nelson 450 1st 435 2nd 325 2nd 30 1, 3nd 254 3rd 386 2nd 28!) 3rd 323 2nd 280 3rd 367 3rd 371 2nd 356 2nd N.P 315 2nd 260 3rd 218 3rd 213 3rd 5 Christchurch Mrs. Ross's, 6 years; Christ's College, 5 years



NUMBER OP CANDIDATES EXAMINED. At Auckland, 52; Thames, 9 ; Tauranga, 2 ; Opotiki, 1 ; Napier, 4; New Plymouth, 21; Wanganui, 15 ; Wellington, 42 ; Blenheim, 4 ; Nelson, 39 ; Westport, 1; Reefton, 1; Hokitika, 9 ; Christchurch, 22 ; Oamaru, 8 ; Dunedin, 31; Invercargill, 6 : total, 267 Since the establishment of the Board the number of candidates examined has been as follows : — Tear. Examined. Passed. Year. Examined. Passed. 1869 .. .. 12 6 1877 164 75 1870 16 10 1878 199 96 1871 .. ... 11 5 1879 .. 211 107 1872 ... .. 39 18 1880 222 80 1873 ... 57 38 1881 (half-year) 45 11 1874 ... 56 47 1875 .. .. 65 50 1,200 600 1876 103 57

CIVIL SERVICE LITERARY PRIZE. An offer having been made to the Board of a sum of £5 per annum, for five years, to provide for prizes for the best essays on the principles and practice of parliamentary government, and cognate subjects, the Board announced that the subject for the year 1880 should be "The Development of Constitutional Liberty in England;" to be competed for under the following conditions: (1.) Competition to be open to all persons under the age of twenty-five years at this date who have passed either the Junior or Senior Civil Service Examination, and who are in the Service at the time of competition. (2.) The prize to be in books or money, at the option of the prize-taker. (3.) Essays to be legibly written, and on one side of the paper only (4.) Essays to be delivered to the Secretary of the Civil Service Examination Board, "Wellington, by the 31st December, 1880. (5.) No competitor to allow his name to appear on his essay, but to adopt a motto or cypher, which is also to be written on a sealed envelope containing the author's name, and attached to the essay (6.) The prize will not be awarded unless there is an essay which, in the judgment of the examiners, is of sufficient merit to entitle the author to receive it. (7 ) Competitors are advised to keep copies of their essays, as those sent to the Board will not be returned. Three essays were received, but none of them appeared to the examiners to be deserving of the prize, which was accordingly not awarded. The donor of the prize was informed of the result, and, with his consent, the unexpended amount has been added to the prize for the present year. The subject for the essay is " The Constitutional Influence of the House of Commons in England on Questions of Peace and War." The conditions are the same as those of last year, and essays must be lodged with the Secretary to the Board by the 31st December, 1881.

RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURE. Receipts. Expenditure. £ s. d. £ s. d. Voted by Parliament for year 1880-81 250 0 0 Preparation of papers, and valuation Moiety for 1881-82 ... .. 125 0 0 of candidates' work 200 4 0 Fees ... ... ... 79 15 0 Supervision of candidates during work ... 134 8 0 Hire of examination halls, stationery, &c. .. 28 0 11 Attendance fee of member of Board, not being a member of the Civil Service ... 37 10 0 £400 2 11 Balance 54 12 1 £454 15 0 £454 15 0 I have, &c, Gr. &. Coopeb, Chairman.

Authority: Q-bobob Didsbuby, G-overnment Printer, Wellington.—lBBl.

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CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION BOARD (REPORT OF THE)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1881 Session I, H-12

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CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION BOARD (REPORT OF THE). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1881 Session I, H-12

CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION BOARD (REPORT OF THE). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1881 Session I, H-12

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