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Presented to Both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

The Commissioner of Crown Lands, Invercargill, to the Hon. Secretary for Crown Lands. Sir, — Crown Lands Office, Invercargill, 7th July, 1877. In furtherance of the instructions contained in the resolutions of the Waste Lands Board, passed on the 29th instant, a copy of which I annex, I have the honor to enclose the returns referred to in these resolutions, and in reference to the last of these to transmit a copy of the letter of the officer appointed by the Board to visit and report upon the bona fides of settlement under the Deferred Payment Eegulations in force in this land district. The first of these Eeturns, marked A, indicates the quantity of land set apart for settlement under the Deferred Payment System, the locality in which the blocks are situated, the amount already taken up, and that which, remains available, with a memorandum showing what is now under survey for settlement, and which will be open for selection in about three months. The return marked B shows the acreage in possession of each individual and the nature and amount of improvements effected by him. And here I would ask your attention to the gratifying fact that out of the total number of 82 individuals who have taken advantage of the system, only two have had their licenses forfeited, and five have abandoned their selections. Of the remainder the Board feel justified in concluding, that with probably but one or two exceptions, all are hona fide settlers. It is gratifying to find that no less a sum than £10,000 has been expended by these settlers on their selections as a glance at the return will show, and that there are no arrears of payment. All this, so far as this land district is concerned would, in the Board's opinion, justify the belief that in the vast majority of cases there is an honest settlement going on, advantageous to the colony, and profitable to the settlers themselves, and yet circumstances occasionally occur which give force to a suspicion that the Act is not complied with in its integrity in all cases, and that a combination to defeat the residence clauses, if not guarded by evidence on oath, with its penalties for false testimony, may, at no distant date, introduce the paralyzing principle known as " dummyism." Again there are great difficulties in obtaining evidence ; the inspector has no right of entry ; the definition of residence is obscure, and his observations may not extend over such a period as to justify eviction, while the opposing evidence may be that of other settlers themselves before the Board on suspicion of not fulfilling the conditions of settlement. In another communication of date quoted in the margin, I have, by direction, of the Board, pointed out certain alterations in the existing land laws which, while protecting the hona fide settler who honestly endeavours to fulfil his obligations, would assist towards deterring speculators. The Board desires me to add, that their attention has been for some time greatly directed to the necessity of guarding against an invasion of the law, and of thus giving completeness to a system capable of a large amount of good. I have, &c, "Walter H. Pearson, The Hon. Secretary of Crown Lands, "Wellington. Commissioner of Crown Lands.

Extract from Minutes of Meeting of Waste Land Board, Invercargill, 29th June, 1877. Moved by Sir J. Eicliardson, seconded by Mr. Lumsden, " It being probable that the Government may desire information as to the working of the Deferred Payment System in the land district of Southland, the Chief Commissioner of the Board is requested to prepare and forward to the Honorable the Secretary for Crown Lands, a statement in the following form: — "I. The acreage set apart for settlement under the Deferred Payment System, mentioning each locality. " 11. The acreage already occupied by settlers. " 111. The acreage under survey. " IV. The number of defaulters and the causes.



"2. Acompanying this statement, a Eeturn exhibiting the information lately supplied by the Inspector of Deferred Settlements in conformity with the directions given him, by resolutions of the Board, as to expenditure on each section. "3. Such information as may be gathered from official and other sources as to the lona fides of Deferred Payment Settlement in accordance with the provisions of the statutes." W. H. Peaeson, , Commissioner of Crown Lands.

Me. D. Campbell, Inspector of Deferred Payment Settlements District, Invercargill, to the Chief Commissions of Ceown Lands. Sib,— Invercargill, 27th June, 1877. Having received the following copy of a resolution passed by the Waste Lands Board, and signed by the Chief Commissioner: —" That the Inspector of Deferred Payment Settlements be directed to forward a Supplementary Eeport expressing his opinion, derived from personal observations, and communications with Deferred Payment settlers and others, whether the system termed dummyism prevails in any of the Districts under his inspection, and whether the settlers may t be generally regarded as hona fide permanent settlers." I have the honor to report that in obedience to the instructions therein contained, I visited the Oteramika, Hokonui, Taringatura, New lliver, and Oreti, Deferred Payment Settlement Districts, and find it my duty to state, that after a very careful inspection and thorough enquiries into the whole matter, that the system of dummyism does not prevail in any of these Districts ; on the contrary, I feel it due to the settlers to say, (with the three undermentioned exceptions), that they are proceeding with the improvement and cultivation of their respective selections with an energy and spirit of industry highly commendable, which, I believe, will not only do good to themselves, but set an example to many others around them. In my opinon they are hona fide permanent settlers. I regret I must report the three following individuals who have not complied with the provisions of the Act as to residence: —William Mackintosh, Alex. Eobson, and —■ Commerford. I have, &c, D. Campbell, Inspector Deferred Payments Settlement Districts. The Chief Commissioner of Crown Lands.




District. Amount ob' Land Appropriated. Amount sukveied. Amount Settled on. Amount Available fob Settlement. lvEMAKKS. Oteramika Hundred... New Eiver Hundred A. E. P. 2,584 0 0 3,000 0 0 C 3,500 0 0 { 5,766 0 0 3,291 0 0 5,270 0 0 5,245 0 0 a. e. P. All All All All A. E. P. 1,234 1 17 2,9(36 3 14 1,501 0 0 a. e. r. 1,349 0 0 Proclaimed 11th July, 1874. Proclaimed 11th July, 1874. Proclaimed 11th July, 1874. Do. 16th May, 1870. Proclaimed 11th July, 1874. Proclaimed 11th July, 1874. 2750 acres on Eun 116 to be advertised opcu for sale on deferred payment in one month, the balance to remain in abeyance. Proclaimed 11th July, 1874; revoked 13th July, 1875. Proclaimed 11th July, 1874. Do. 11th July, 1876. 2,000 acres on Eun 135, and 1,000 on Eun 181, to be advertised open for sale on deferred payment in three months. Proclaimed 11th July, 1874. On Euu 153, to be advertised open in three months. Two sections applied for. Forest Hill Hundred ) 7,7G5"o 00 Oreti Hundred Hokonui District 5,07o" 0 0 2,750 0 0 2,752 0 29 1,136 0 0 4,134 "O 0 5,245 0 0 Eyro District... Turingatura District... 1,080 0 0 2,285 0 0 2,130 0 0 3,000 0 0 All All All 3,272 3 18 4,142 "o 0 Wairio 3,230 0 0 5,000 0 0 1,910 0 0 All 3,163 0 14 5,000 0 0 1,910 0 0 "VVaiau None Total 9,750 acres to bo open for selection in three months. 47,291 0 0 7,820 0 0 16,020 1 12 29,445 0 0 Walxee II. Pearson, Commissioner of Crown Lands.



H I < o o a o T3 faD .5 'So o *5" a. § t^ .2> £ g C O » 1 a i 1 5 I .§ u bo a . M 1 ■C .2 "S M „ 2 s -S '» "3 -s ■•• « • .3 rf & i5 "^ » ■< a fi I | 'I til 11 | 11 So" § ! s: 1 | I 0) ! <u 1j xi 05 -*-» O CJ O *n *c "SS 5 a ■ 1 ■ '$ '3 5 soe I I I H H H § § § fe fc


Name. Hundred ou District. Section. u o 3 s Area. Area Fenced. Area Cultivated. fa P D J o H Date of Commencement op License. Conditions Complied with to Date. No. 17 27 28 29 30 & 31 33 34 & 35 30 2&3 No. I. A. H. P. 61 0 10 129 2 16 89 0 17 94 1 9 185 1 9 77 3 14 200 0 0 107 1 24 105 1 25 172 2 20 a. p. p. 35 0 0 100 0 0 60 0 0 94 1 9 185 1 9 None. 200 0 0 30 0 0 None. 50 0 0 A. K. P. 12 0 0 15 0 0 12 0 0 0 10 38 0 0 None. 35 0 0 10 0 0 None. 16 0 0 60 5 36 30 55 None. 95 40 None. 95 100 0 187 12 100 0 100 0 205 0 None. 270 0 60 0 None. 100 0 Willliam Shaw John Birss Alexander Dykes Archibald Sellars William Martin William Martin, jun. ... John Drake Thomas (Jurran ... Munro ... Stuart Stevenson #Oteramika. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. J) )) i) March 1, 1876 14. Feb. 29, „ Nov. 21,1874 March 2, 1870 Sept. 27, „ March 20, „ Oct. 4, „ Living on section. Living on section. Living on section. Living on section. Living on section. Abandoned. Living on section. Living on section. Abandoned. Living on section. j) n ii. jj Peter Power Henry Peard Campion .. John Keown James Roche John Dillon Willian> Terry ... f Hokonui Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 452 453 454 455 456 457 200 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 136 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 15 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 60 0 0 12 0 0 None 30 0 O 55 30 50 20 25 20 150 0 130 0 210 0 100 0 50 0 150 0 June 30, „ May 25, „ 22 )> •i- J > ii June 20, „ Oct. 9, „ July 20, „ Living on section. Living on section. Living on section. Living on section. Occasionally living on section. Living on section. James Mackintosh James Mackintosh, jun.... William Mackintosh Donald McFarLino _ Joseph Sharp John Evans John Comcrford JOreti. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 19S 1 17 200 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 198 1 17 20 0 0 20 0 0 110 0 0 5 0 0 200 0 0 130 0 0 None. None. None. 0 2 0 None. 50 0 0 None. 25 15 15 28 28 80 15 92 14 50 5 50 5 S9 0 23 0 188 16 09 15 March 21, „ „ 21, „ Oct. 1G, „ March 13, „ „ 20, „ f Declared forfeited through non- \ residence. Not living on section. Living on section. Living on section. Living on section. Not living on section.


* Note.—In this District the land is very swampy, and requires a great deal of draining before the selectors can get any ploughing done. (Signed) D. Campbell, Inspector. T Isotk. — I believe the settlers in this District to be hona fide, and did not suspect any of them of dumniyism. (Signed) Cius. Anderson, Inspector. + JSote.—In tHs District the selectors have built good houses, and are making large improvements. (Signed) D- Campbell, Inspector.


■^ ' | 'on, mtie> Name. Hundred or District. Section. Area. Area Fenced. Area cci/tivated. J O ° a h ■ Date op Commencement op License. Conditions Complied with to Date. John McFarlane P. C. C. McLeish Alex. Robson Francis Eobbie ... James Smith David Lyon Charles McKenzie Israel Craig Turnbull ... John Brown John Walker John MeNaughton *Oreti. Do. Do.', Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. No. 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 97 & 98 99 A. E. P. 200 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 177 0 !i2 174 3 37 125 2 0 A. B. P. 120 0 0 200 0 0 130 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 20 0 0 140 0 0 177 0 32 174 3 37 None. A. E. P. 10 0 None.' None.| None. None. None. 20 0 0 20 0 0 25 0 0 22 0 0 None. £ 30 28 15 80 30 100 60 30 5 50 None. £ 8. 55 0 112 0 C9 15 144 15 92 15 126 10 52 10 115 0 232 0 117 0 None. Feb. 29, 1876 March 9, „ 91 >i 13> » )> l*i » Oct. 17, „ Occasinally living on section. Living on section. Not living on section. Living on section. Living on section. Living on section. Living on section. Living on section. Living on section. Living on section. Not living on section. James Millar Andrew INlaedonald Sophia Kidd Henry Kidd William Butler Mark Starbuck ... John Scott William Scott t Forest Hill. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 180 186 188 191 194 227 228 229 200 0 0 166 0 0 174 0 0 182 0 0 199 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 183 0 0 200 0 0 211 chains. 147 0 0 1S2 0 0 105 chains. 27 chains. 15 0 0 50 0 0 12 0 0 20 0 0 30 0 0 6 0 0 None. None. 30 420 130 40 45 35 17 10 106 0 30 12 March 9, „ Feb. 21, „ March 13, „ Feb. 25, „ March 2, „ Oct. 6, „ March 12, „ Feb. 27, „ Living on section. Living on section. Living on section. Living on section. Living on section. Living on section. Living in a tent on section. Living in a tent on section. Fencing on ground. 30 chains. 30 30 0 David dimming Angua McDonald "William Blackwood Donald Hamlyn... David Henderson JNew River. Do. Do. Do. Do. 39 40 41 42 43 196 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 192 0 0 196 1 0 196 0 0 25 0 0 200 0 0 192 0 0 196 1 0 25 0 0 None. 26 0 0 20 0 0 23 0 0 30 40 100 20 90 91 10 35 0 145 0 82 15 154 0 March 5, 1875 Sept. 21, 1876 March 16, 1874 Oct. 9, 1876 March 1, „ Occasionally living on section. Living on section. Living on section. Occasionally living on section. Living on section.


* Note.— In this District the selectors have built good houses, and are making large improvements. + Note.—In this District the selectors have built good houses, and are making improvements, and nearly all tho sections are taken up. This District will become a very important one on account of its proximity to two railway stations, and I beg to recommend that all the land available for settlement in this District should be reserved for the deferred payment system. (Signed) D. Campbell, Inspector. (d.) These sections have been since taken up and considerably improved.


,ET UN .-(( 'ontinuei ' Name. Hundred or District. Suction. o Area. Area Fenced. Area ' Cultivated. • ° w <A O ill Date oi' Commencement • oi' License. Conditions Complied with to Date. Allan McDonald Duncan Campbell Eobert Tait "William Thomas Tait ... Charles McKenzie •New River. Do. Do. Do. Do. No. 44 45 4G 47 54 A. E. P. 196 0 0 188 1 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 199 2 28 a. e. r. 60 0 0 188 1 0 200 0 0 •^00 0 o 199 2 23 A. R. V. 25 0 0 24 0 0 50 0 0 20 0 0 35 0 0 £ 40 100 120 20 70 £ a. 73 0 108 0 240 0 150 0 176 10 July 26, 1876 March 1, „ ,, 31, „ April 3, „ March 1, „ Living on section. Living on section. Living on section. Living on section. Living on sectoin. James Oliver Baskiu James Kcan Samuel Shepherd James Burgess ... Patrick Murphy (re) David McN'aughton... (a)William McNaughton (a) John McPherson Hugh Downey ... Louis Downey .. fTaringatura. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 205 20G 212 213 214 215 21G 217 210 220 200 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 199 2 31 200 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 28 3 01. None. 10 0 0 15 0 0 26 0 0 15 0 0 None. None. None. 4 0 0 None. 20 0 0 20 0 0 15 0 0 40 0 0 None. None. None. None. None. None. 5 20 100 120 120 None. None. None. 50 None. 20 0 20 0 40 0 150 0 15 0 None. None. None. 30 0 None. Aug. 25, 1876 Oct. 1(5, ., Nov. 27, „ „ 27, „ Jan. 8, 1877 Occasionally living on section. Living ou section. Living ou section. Living on section. Living on section. Abandoned. Abandoned. Abandoned. Living on section. House erected ou dividing lino between sections No. 219 & 220. Living on section. Living on section. Living on section. Living on section. Living on section. Jan. 2, „ 2, 1877 Jeremiah Murphy George Sewell ... Archibald Finlayson ... Nenian Finlayson Andrew Craig ... Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 145 14G 192 193 195 197 2 26 104 2 37 200 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 15 0 0 None. 200 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 None. None. 20 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 15 130 120 20 60 20 0 10 0 175 0 125 0 147 0 Nov. 28, 1876 Dec. 18, „ Jan. 4, 1875 Aug. 11, 1876


* I believe the settlers in this District to be bona fide, and no appearance of dummyism, as far as I could see. (Signed) Chas. Andebson, Inspector. W. H. PEAESON, Commissioner of Crown Lauds. I.* »" . '


RETURN B.— {Continued.) Name. Hundred or District. Section. o Area. Area Fenced. Area Cultivated. — CO ll Date of Commencement op License. Conditions Complied with to Date. Thomas Knight... Donald Man son..." Alexander Manson Andrew McMenamin ... Eobert Campbell James Gallaher ... John Ford John Duggan Alexander Pyper Joseph Beck Clarke It. Martin Joseph Beck, jun. Samuel B. McDonald ... William Mackintosh ... Eoderick Mackintosh ... *Wairio. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. No. 39 40 40a 41 42 43 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 A. E. P. 200 0 0 200 0 0 164 3 28 200 0 0 200 0 0 199 3 37 200 0 0 200 0 o 200 0 0 199 0 16 200 0 0 199 1 21 200 0 0 199 2 32 200 0 0 A. B. P. 120 Chains. 200 0 0 164 3 28 20 Chains. 200 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 60 0 0 200 0 0 None. None. None. None. None. 60 0 0 A. E. P. 28 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 44 0 0 10 0 None. 30 0 0 None. None. None. None. None. 30 0 0 6 40 20 30 12 12 8 50 £ 40 s. 0 Jan. 25, 187G Dec. 17, 1875 March 27, 1876 Oct. 31 „ Dec. 17, 1S75 Sept. 26, 1876 Oct. 9, 1876 Dec. 17.1875 „ 21, 187G .. 13 n Living on section. Living on section. Living on section. Abandoned. Living on section. Living ou section. Occasionally living on section. Occasionally living on section. Living on section. Not living on section. Not living on section. Not living on section. N"t living on section. Not living on section. Living on section. 20 70 250

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DEFERRED PAYMENT SYSTEM IN SOUTHLAND, (REPORT ON THE WORKING OF THE)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1877 Session I, C-04

Word Count

DEFERRED PAYMENT SYSTEM IN SOUTHLAND, (REPORT ON THE WORKING OF THE). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1877 Session I, C-04

DEFERRED PAYMENT SYSTEM IN SOUTHLAND, (REPORT ON THE WORKING OF THE). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1877 Session I, C-04

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