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The following Abstracts of the Receipts and Disbursements made and charged by the Treasury to the Provincial Liabilities Accounts of the several Provincial Districts have been prepared by the respective Provincial Auditors, who were instructed to classify the transactions " exactly in the same way as would have been done by the late Provincial Treasurer if the expenditure had been made in his office." The Accounts so prepared have been printed without alteration, although in several instances the classification appears to the Treasury to be erroneous, and the information given insufficient. Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.



PROVINCIAL DISTRICT OF AUCKLAND. Abstract of Receipts and Expenditure of the Provincial Liabilities Account of the Provincial District of Auckland, for the period from Ist January to 30th June, 1877.

RECEIPTS. £ a. A. £ s. d. Fkom the General Revenue op the Colony,— Capitation Account ... ... 173 15 5 Bulance at credit of Provincial Branch ofthe Public Account, Auckland ... ...31,542 6 3 Balance, Laud Fund... ... 2,846 11 2 Balance, United Pumping Association ... ... ... 37 16 8 34,600 9 6 Provincial Revenue, — Publicans'Licensing Fees ... 20 19 0 I'ilotage and Port Charges ... 88 3 6 Under Dog Nuisance Act ... 1 19 6 Under Weights and Measures Act ... ... ... 10 3 Analyst Fees ... ... 11 9 0 Sheep Inspection ... ... 34 17 0 158 8 3 Rent, — Public Slaughterhouse and Paddock ... ... ... 105 0 0 Immigrants' Cottages ... 64 15 0 169 15 0 Reimbursements, — Hospital and Asvlum ... 77 14 5 Gaol ... ... ... 148 5 4 Sale of Provincial Acts ... 0 5 0 226 4 9 Gbahamstown, — Wharf tolls ... ... 24 3 6 Storage, Powder Magazine ... 64 11 11 88 15 5 Thames, — Balance in respect of £50,000 for aiding Works at Tliames 1,961 0 0 Tolls,— Newmarket ... ... 151 0 0 Tamaki Bridge ... ... 10 10 0 Mount Eden Road ... 41 0 0 Arch Hill ... ... ... 12 0 0 Otahuhu ... ... ... 88 0 0 302 10 0 Loan Sinking Fund,— Interest received 22 5 0 Advance repaid 0 12 Transfer from New Zealand Loan Account to provide Ways and Means 10,000 0 0 Carried forward £47,529 9 1

EXPENDITURE. £ s. d. £ s. d. Superintendent's Office, — Contingencies ... ... ... 0 10 0 Public Works, — Thames, Departmental ... ... 3 0 0 Hospitals,— Brooms, basins, &c. ... ... 8 2 6 Lunatic Asylum,— Refund of Travelling Expenses 0 14 0 Passages ... ... ... 2 10 0 Brooms, &c. ... ... 7 15 6 Bread ... ... ... 53 10 0 64 9 6 Police, — Pay of Force, October ... 900 0 10 Pay of Force, November ... 800 6 4 Pay of Force, &c., December ... 1,105 8 0 — 2,805 15 8 Gaol, — Conveyance of Prisoners ... 8 17 0 Maintenance, &c, Auckland Prisoners ... ... 36 17 0 Rations ... ... ... 21 12 2 Christmas Dinner for Prisoners 5 19 9 73 6 11 Harbours, — Boatmen ... ... ... 0 15 0 Rowlocks, Bolts, &c. ... ... 4 8 1 Salaries, November and December 45 0 0 Repairing Pilot-boat... ... 23 13 6 Spar, Carpenters'Work, &c. ... 15 0 6 Rope ... ... ... 1 15 8 90 12 9 Miscellaneous, — Printing and Advertising ... 30 19 5 Interest on Site for Slaughterhouse ... ... ... 51 6 8 Drafting Bills ... ... 100 0 0 Maintenance of Laboratory ... 9 14 1 Telegrams ... ... ... 2 14 2 Deficiency on Land, Puniu ... 15 17 3 Contingencies ... ... 5 17 0 Subsidy Ferry Mail Service ... 12 10 0 Pilot Service ... ... 24 10 0 Lighthouses ... ... 1 15 6 Surveys ... ... ... 1,490 17 6 United Pumping Association 1,928 3 4 3,674 4 11 Gold Fields, — Interest and Sinking Fund on £50,000, for aiding Works at Thames ... ... ... 548 19 9 Freight to Ohinemuri ... 0 11 6 Rent, Moanataiari Tramway ... 37 10 0 587 1 8 Public Works, North, — Superintending Work, Komokoriri Road ... ... 10 0 0 Culverts and Bridges ... 135 0 0 Culverts, Ditching, &c. ... 157 0 0 302 0 0 Roads, Bridges, &c, — Mount Eden Road Board ... 41 0 0 Cambridge New Bridge ... 1,235 5 8 Mungaroa ditto ... ... 300 0 0 Maungatawhiri ditto .., 76 14 0 Superintending ... ... 50 0 0 Approaches to both ends of 10 miles of road on property in Piako Swamp ... ... 933 5 10 2,636 5 6 Public Buildings Commissioners, — Hospital Building ... ... ... 5,128 5 2 Unauthorized Expenditure,— Compensation to Provincial Officers ... ... ... 3,008 12 11 Ferries ... ... ... 14 15 9 Printing and Advertising ... 12 0 8 Roads, Cook County ... 1,750 0 0 Relief ... ... ... 68 19 5 4,854 8 9 Carried forward ... £20,228 1 5


I hereby certify that I have examined the above statement of account for the financial period ended 30th June, 1877 ; that the said account has been properly classified, and that it represents the liabilities of the Auckland Provincial District for the period above referred to. B. Maclean, Provincial Auditor.

PROVINCIAL DISTRICT OF TARANAKI. Absteact of Receipts and Expenditure of the Provincial District of Taranaki for the Half-year ending 30th June, 1877.


PROVINCIAL DISTRICT OF AUCKLAND— continued. Abstract of Eeceipts and Expenditure of the Provincial Liabilities Account— continued.

RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURE. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward ... ... 20,228 1 5 Brought forward ... £ s. d. 47,529 9 1 Consolidated Fund, — Balance of Interest on account of Railway ... ... 7,690 0 1 Working Expenses of Railway, in excess of receipts ... 3,099 5 3 Balance at debit of account to 31st March, 1877, under " The Payments to Provinces Act, 1872" ... ... ... 1,563 1 7 Salaries of Provincial Officers retained temporarily in the Q-overnment service ... 336 13 4 12,689 0 3 Advance, — Land Fund, under section 3, " Appropriation Act, 1876 " ... 6,200 0 0 Deposit,— Harbour Trust ... ... ... 2 17 10 Overdraft at Bane or New Zealand, — Grahamstown, September, 1876 6,743 15 2 Public Buildings Commissioners 1,000 0 0 7,743 15 2 £46,863 14 8 Balance ... ... ... 665 14 5 £47,529 9 1 £47,529 9 1

RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURE. Harbour Department,— £ s. d. £ s. d. Salary of Signalman and Pilot, Opunake ... ... ... 6 6 0 Gaol Department,— Rations and Fuel ... ... ... 0 15 0 Roads and Public Works, — Surveys ... ... ... 15 17 6 Road Boards, in proportion to rates levied ... ... 500 0 0 Felling Bush to open up land for sale ... ... ... 266 14 0 Forming and Bridging Mountain Road ... ... ... 3,641 8 9 South Road ... ... 698 11 4 North Road • ... ... 788 18 3 Inland Road to Inglewood ... 403 13 10 Contingencies ... ... 735 11 7 £ s. d. Ldvances from Consolidated Fund ... ... 2,491 19 11 Ldvances from New Zealand Loan Account, 1876 22,000 0 0 t. C. Grey ... ... ... ... 9 4 11 Itore Account, Inglewood ... ... ... 37 13 10 tents of Cottages... ... ... ... 72 6 9 liscellancous Reimbursements ... ... 1,615 0 10 liscellaneous Revenue ... ... ... 32 11 3 jand Fund ... ... ... 975 11 7 3 road more and Co. ... ... ... 80 0 0 Japitation Allowance ... ... ... 97 16 1 7,050 15 8 Miscellaneous, — Charitable Aid ... ... 19 10 0 Hospital and Lunatic Asylum... 53 13 9 Departmental Contingencies ... 58 2 11 Other Expenditure ... ... 272 9 4 Discharged Soldiers (vote to 30th September, 1876) ... 130 0 0 533 16 0 Unauthorized, — Roads and Public Works Department ... ... ... 112 10 0 Confiscated Lands ... ... 64 7 10 Advances Repaid,— Consolidated Fund in Aid ... 5,000 0 0 Dilto, seetion 17, Financial Arrangements Act ... 2,49119 11 Ditlo, section 3, Appropriation Act ... ... 2,750 0 0 Carried forward £27,412 5 2 Carried forward £10,418 17 9 £7,591 11 3


I hereby certify that I have examined the accounts of the Provincial District of Taranaki for the halfyear ending 30th June, 1877, and find them correct, and that the expenditure shown in the said accounts has been properly classified, and that any part of it which may have been incurred without the authority of the law is separately shown. Clarence Rennell, New Plymouth, 16th August, 1877. Deputy Auditor.

PKOYINCIAL DISTRICT OF WELLINGTON. Abstract of Eeceipts and Expenditure of the Provincial Liabilities Account of the Provincial District of "Wellington, for the period from Ist January, 1877, to 30th June, 1877, classified from Treasury Statements.


PROVINCIAL DISTRICT OF TARANAKI— continued. .bstkact of Eeceipts and Expenditure of the Provincial Liabilities Account — continued.

RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURE. £ s. d. £ ». d. Brought forward ... 10,418 17 9 7,59111 a Brought forward ... £ a. A. 27,412 5 2 Unauthorized — con tinued. Advances Repaid— continued. Volunteer Land Scrip ... 7,030 0 0 Land Fund ... ... 909 12 0 " Pavments to Provinces Act, 1872" ... ... 90 14 8 Railway ... ... ... 158 1 9 Land Purchase ... ... 6 0 0 Miscellaneous Expenditure, — Charitable Aid ... ... 15 0 Other Expenditure ... 194 6 6 Salaries of Provincial Officers, temporarily employed ... 362 16 3 Compensation to Provincial Officers ... ... ... 219 8 8 £27,412 5 2 19,391 2 7 Balance ... 429 11 4 £27,412 5

j\ r.vji-iL 10. Dbdinaby Revenue, — £ s. d. £ s. d. Licensee ... ... ... 38 0 0 Pilotage ... ... ... 7 17 4 Tolls ... ... ... 614 7 6 Sheep Assessment ... ... 259 18 9 Capitation ... ... ... 91 7 2 Incidental Receipts,— Hospital Maintenance ... 45 1 0 Lunatic Asylum Maintenance 26 0 0 Lunatic Asylum, sale of unserviceable articles ... 12 0 Sale of Horse and Cart (Survey Department) ... ... 25 0 0 Sale of copies of Acts ... 4 9 0 Sale of olil Tools, Tents, &c. (Engineer's) ... ... 16 1 7 Eent of Immigrants' Cottages, Featherston ... ... 6 11 0 Eent of Immigrants' Cottages, Masterton ... ... 20 14 0 Eent of City Council Offices ... 100 0 0 Eent of Oflice, Land and Deeds 65 0 0 Eent of Stamp Office ... 20 0 0 Fees for registering Cattle Brands, Wanganui ... 2 5 0 Use of Dip-yards, Wanganui ... 1 15 0 Tracings supplied ... ... 3 0 0 Fees for Branding ... ... 0 15 0 1,349 4 3 rEEEITOEIAL BeVEXITE, — Balance at credit of Land Fund 221 4 6 Fees received under Native Lands Act ... ... 311 10 8 532 15 2 Refunds, — Salary, &c, twice paid ... ... 17 11 6 Advances Refunded, — By W. A. Fitzlierbert ... 150 0 0 „ C. P. Ponies ... ... 7 0 0 „ Chief Surveyor ... ... 3 0 0 „ F. Atchison ... ... 16 2 6 176 2 6 Carried forward ... ... £2,075 13 5

UDICTAL AND POLICE, — £ S. d. Gaol, Wellington ... ... 81 2 6 Gaol, Wanganui ... ... 3 16 Police Department ... ... 50 2 1 £ s d. 134 6 1 — Wellington Hospital ... 51 19 10 Wellington Hospital (unauthorized) ... ... 102 7 6 Lunatic Asylum ... ... 2 17 11 Charitable Aid ... ... 10 3 6 Charitable Aid (unauthorized) 12 15 0 180 3 9 Miscellaneous, — Printing and Advertising ... 91 13 Printing and Advertising (unauthorized) ... ... 30 11 7 Stationery ... ... ... 3 9 9 Puel and Lighting ... ... 6 1 10 Fui-1 and Lighting (unauthorized) ... ... 116 Miscellaneous Contingencies (unauthorized) ... ... 21 1 0 Miscellaneous Contingencies (unauthorized) ... ... 2,274 8 3 Miscellaneous Contingencies (unauthorized, passed by Commissioners of Audit) ... 53 16 0 Telegrams ... ... ... 9 5 2 Wallace Annuity ... ... 12 10 0 2,503 6 4 IPECIAL, — Sheep Inspection 8 11 0 Iaeboues, — Lighthouse (unauthorized) .., 16 2 3 Lighthouse (passed by Commissioners of Audit) ... ... 0 5 5 16 7 8 'UBLIC WoBKS AND UNDERTAKINGS, — Survey Department ... ... 1,207 18 11 Survey Department (passed by Commissioners of Audit) ... 22 0 0 Carried forward ...£1,229 18 11 £2,837 14 10



PROVINCIAL DISTRICT OF WELLINGTON— continued. Absteacx of Receipts and Expenditure of the Provincial Liabilities Account — continued.

RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURE. £ s. d £ s. d. Brought forward ... 1,229 18 11 2,837 14 10 £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward ... ... 2,075 13 5 Subsidy to Palmerston Coach, charged in error ... ... ... 100 0 0 Transfer from Deposit Account of Provincial District ... ... ... 78 2 11 Transfer from Road Boards Account of Provincial District ... ... 8 14 11 Public Works and Undertakings— continued. Engineers ... ... ... 13 13 8 Engineers (passed by Commismissioners of Audit) ... 223 15 0 Engineers (unauthorized) ... 779 2 2 Engineers (unauthorized, passed by Commissioners of Audit) 299 11 10 2,546 1 7 Advances in Aid,--Under section l7, Financial Arrangements Act ... ... 5,155 8 0 Under New Zealand Loan Act Account ... 40,000 0 0 Sundry Undertakings,— Ferries ... ... ... 12 0 0 Ferries (unauthorized) ... 47 7 3 Punt, Wangaehu River ... 84 0 0 Pilot's House, Rangitikei ... 25 4 0 Additions to Hospital (unauthorized) ... ... 228 0 0 Wairarapa Hospital... ... 37 10 0 45,155 8 0 Loan on Mortgage of Harbour Reserves ... .., ... ... 7,300 0 0 Under Provincial Public Woeks Advances Act, — Balance at credit of separate account at Bank of New Zealand, transferred ... .. 2,902 12 5 Advances ... ... ...19,670 0 9 Liabilities, — Police Department £1 10 6 Printing and Advertising ... 13 13 6 Miscellaneous Contingencies ...100 1 6 Repairs of Roads 35 11 8 150 17 2 22,572 13 2 Liabilities (unauthorized), —■ Miscellaneous Contingencies 221 9 8 806 8 1 Roads, — Repairs of Roads ... ... 50 8 7 Repairs of Roads (passed by Commissioners of Audit) ... 64 16 6 Repairs of Roads (unauthorized) 119 10 11 Repairs of Roads (unauthorized, passed by Commissioners of Audit) ... ... ... 739 6 4 Emigrant and Colonist's Aid Corporation ... ... 1,674 14 7 Motu Swnmp, roads and drains 622 8 0 Motu Swamp, roads and drains (unauthorized) ... ... 272 15 6 Metalling Road.Forty-MileBush 8,857 4 0 Road over Opnki Plain ... 459 5 6 Pilot Station Road ... ... 136 17 0 Karere Road ... ... 900 0 0 Bunnjthorpe Road ... ... 120 O 0 Bunnythorpe Road (unauthorized) ... ... 38 16 1 Roads, Mauriceville (passed by Commissioners of Audit) ... 333 0 0 14,389 8 0 Bridges,— Waioliine ... ... ... 929 0 0 Tauherenikau ... ... 1,130 0 0 Mangapakiu ... ... 546 15 0 2,605 15 0 Contingencies for Publie Works ... 121 19 7 Contingencies for Publie Works (passed by Commissioners of Audit) ... ... ... 16 0 0 137 19 1 Miscellaneous Publie Works ... ... 318 13 2 Bridge Fund Account ... ... ... 0 6 0 Refunds of Deposits on Contracts ... 30 10 0 Loan Fund Account, — Reclamation of Land ... ... 7,300 0 0 Under Provincial Public Works Advances Act, — Deviation West Coast Road ... 380 0 0 Roads, Pan.ekarutu Block ... 245 0 0 Masterton to Alfredton ... 146 9 3 Bunnythorpe Road ... ... 767 0 5 Roads North of Feilding ... 1,001 5 0 Palmerston to Filzherbert ... 12 16 0 Mangapakiu Road ... ... 1,400 0 0 Rangitumau Road ... ... 534 15 0 Manawatu Bridge ... ... 3,604 0 0 Rangitikei Bridge ..'. ... 304 0 0 8,395 5 8 Carried forward ... ... £39,367 16 11 Carried forward ... £77,290 12 5


I hereby certify that this is a true and correct classification of Treasury statements of operations on the Provincial Liabilities Account of the Provincial District of Wellington, for the period from 1st January to 30th June, 1877. E. Macalisteb, Provincial Auditor.

PROVINCIAL DISTRICT OF HAWKE'S BAY. Statement of Receipts and Payments on account of Provincial Liabilities of the Provincial District of Hawke's Bay, from Ist January to 30th June, 1877.


DISTRICT OP WELLINGTON— continued. .bstract of the Eecei its and Ex ienditure of the Provincial Liabilities

RECEIPTS. £ Brought forward ... s. d. £ s. d. 77,290 12 5 EXPENDITURE. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward ... ... 39,367 16 11 Refunds, — Rent of St. John's Hill Tollgate credited in error ... ... 45 16 8 Refund by Receiver of Land Revenue... ... ... 38 5 0 84 1 8 Repayment of Advances made under section 17, " Financial Arrangements Act, 1876" ... ... 5,155 8 0 Repayment of Advances made under section 3, "Appropriation Act, 1876," to Land Fund ... 3,100 0 0 Repayment of Advances, as under, — To pay Interest, Trust and • Loan Company - ... 988 6 7 Advance in aid of Revenue ... 3,000 0 0 3,988 6 7 Balance due to 31st December, 1876, for Interest on Constructed Railways ... ... ... 2,120 17 11 Balance at del-it of Consolidated Fund Account,31st March, 1877 ... 2,347 2 8 Woiking Expenses of Railways in excess of receipts, for period prior to 1st January, 1877 ... ... 1,517 6 5 Interest to 30th June, 1877, on Advances for Depots, &c. (Immigration) ... ... ... ... 451 11 8 Compensation paid to Provincial Oilicers ... ... ... 2,754 18 5 Salaries of Provincial Officers, retained temporarily ... ... 348 0 3 £77,290 12 5 3,102 18 8 £61,235 10 6

RECEIPTS. )rdinary and Miscellaneous, — £ s. d. Capitation allowance ... 694 11 5 Sheep assessments ... ... 8 13 11 Rent, immigrants' cottages, 6th May, to 31st December, 1876 36 1 0 Rent of reserves, Papakura 42 6 0 Sales of old timber ... ... 140 18 3 Pound fees... ... ... 3 19 0 Incidental ... ... ... 050 £ s. A. EXPENDITURE. £ s. d. £ s. d. Hospital and Charitable, — Coroners' Contingencies,— D. Vaughan, receiving body for Inquest ... ... ... 100 Administrative, — Treasury Department,— Dinwiddie, Morrison, and Co., account for binding ... ... 0 17 0 926 14 7 jAnd Fund Account, — Balance at credit ... ... 51 12 2 Balance at credit No. 1 Account 181 0 5 Survey Department,— Surveys, — Unauthorized. Authorized. W. Hallett, balance for survey, SeventyMile Bush ... £69 16 0 0 4 0 W. Hallett, ditto ... 37 17 6 D. Ross, ditto ... 109 0 6 A. H. Ross, survey, Makarctu Block ... 80 0 0 296 14 0 232 12 7 'empobary,— Advance under section 17, " Financial Arrangements Act, 1876" ... ... ... 250 0 0 Ditlo ... ... ... 472 0 0 Proceeds sales impounded stock 59 17 0 .clance at credit of Provincial Branch of Publie Account, 30th December, 1876,transferred ... 781 17 0 7,833 14 10 296 18 0 Survey Contingencies,— T. Peacock, repairing instruments ... 0 9 0 0 6 6 0 9 0 Carried forward ... £9,774 19 0 297 13 6 Carried forward ... .., £299 10 6



DISTRICT OF HA WEE'S BAY— continued. isteact of Recei its and Ex lenditure of the Provincial Liabilities Accourr !ii

RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURE. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward ... ... 299 10 6 Miscellaneous, — General Printing and Advertising,— Daih/ Telegraph, advertising, 19th December ... 0 9 6 Ditto, 13th November ... 0 18 0 Ditto, 9th to 30th December 1 11 0 Ditto, 13th to 30th December 13 6 Brought forward £ s. d. 9,774 19 0 4 2 0 Miscellaneous Contingencies,— Inspector Scully, telegrams, 1st to 15th January ... 0 8 3 Telegraph Department, Telegrams, 31st December ... 0 8 9 J. Mabbctt, Landing Judge, 13th December ... ... 2 0 0 Ditto, mails, 5th to 16th Dec. 6 0 0 8 17 0 Government Offices—Firewood, &c — J. H. Vauticr, coal, December ... 6 0 0 Contingencies, Crown Lands Office — C. Lambert, attendance,Waste Lands Board, Nov.-Dec. ... 3 0 0 A. Kennedy, ditto ... 3 0 0 T. K. Newton, ditto ... 2 0 0 H. S. Tiffen, ditto ... 2 0 0 Dinwiddie, Morrison, and Co., binding Statutes, May ... 110 11 1 0 Public Works and Undertakings,— Meanee and Taradale Road, — O'Dowd and Anderson, metal 123 15 0 Ditto ... ... ... 118 2 6 Baldwin, &c., labour ... 38 12 6 Orr, &c, wages, February ... 5 16 0 Baldwin, &e., wages, February 20 8 0 306 14 0 Seventy-Mile Bush Road, Maintenance, &c., — A. Peebles, re-metalling ... 45 0 0 F. H. Drower, metal ... 137 10 0 C. Lloyd, metal ... ... 91 0 0 W. Hope, metal ... ... 10 10 0 F. H. Drower, metal ... 66 0 0 W. Ruddick, metal ... 112 10 0 E. Laurvig, &c, labour, January ... ... 39 4 0 Dean and Hughes, metal ... 112 1 0 W. Ruddick, metal, &c. ... 28 10 0 Toon, &c, labour, JanuaryFebruary ... ... 38 1 0 Holloway, &c, labour, Janu-ary-February ... ... 32 14 0 713 0 0 Roads to give access to Settlementsin Seventy-Mile Bush, — McDonald and Co., clearing road lines ... ... 40 0 0 Dean and Hughes, metal ... 105 0 0 Dean and Hughes, metal ... 90 0 0 A. Nilsen, &c, labour, Decem-ber-January .... ... 35 7 0 J. Crocker, &c., labour, Janu-ary-February ... ... 13 1 0 Dean and Hughes, metal ... 153 0 0 McDonald and Co., clearing road lines ... ... 30 0 0 E. Laurvig, &c, wages, Janu-ary-February ... ... 49 14 0 516 2 0 Road, Makaretu to Takapau,— R. Leake, labour, January ... 9 9 0 J. Crocker, &c, labour, January ... ... ... 29 8 0 Campbell, &c, labour, Janu-ary-February ... ... 21 9 0 Campbell, &c, labour, March 24 14 0 85 0 0 Carried forward £9,774 19 0 Carried forward ... ... £1,950 6 6



PROVINCIAL DISTRICT OF HAWKE'8 BAY— continued. Abstbact of Keceipts and Expenditure of the Provincial Liabilities Account — continued.

RECEIPTS. Brought forward £ s. d. 9,774 19 0 EXPENDITURE. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward ... ... 1,950 6 6 Public Works and Undertakings— continued. Road Contingencies,— M. Mclvor, building punt, Waikari ... ... 6 0 0 Newton and Co., spikes ... 5 16 3 B. Stevens, spades ... 19 6 S. Thorpe, carting timber ... 200 Dransfield and Co., freight of timber ... ... 2 8 0 Knight Bros., cartage ... 7 6 0 D. Bruce, repairing bridge ... 6 11 0 D. Sims, timber ... ... 2 5 6 C. Weber, railway fares, &c, March ... _ ... 6 14 10 Daily Telegraph, advertising, December ... ... 0 9 4 Dinwiddie, Morrison, and Co., advertising, December ... 0 15 0 C. Weber, cartage, &c, March 1 4 10 43 0 8 Road Overseers, — S. Burgess, salary, January ... 25 0 0 Ditto, February .., ... 25 0 0 50 0 0 Roads at Puketitiri, — Scanlan, &c, wages, February 34 12 0 Saunders, &c, wages, January 20 10 0 Cox, &c, wages, February ... 11 2 0 Sullivan, &c, wages, ditto ... 9 16 0 76 0 0 Napier to Pohui, — J. Marshall, metalling ... 30 0 0 Ditto, wages, Jan. and Feb.... 15 15 0 Saunders, wages, January ... 5 8 0 Woolston, &c, wages, January and February ... ... 24 2 0 75 8 0 Waipukurau to Porangahau, — T. Gill, &c., wages, January... ... 30 1 6 Porangahau to Wainui, — J. Herbert, repairing bridge, &c. ... ... ... 6 0 0 J. White, building bridge ... 43 11 0 D. Kemp, &c, labour, Jan. ... 44 7 0 E. Heron, labour, February 5 12 0 99 10 0 Petane to Wairoa, — E. Brennan, reforming 25 chs. 50 0 0 W. Stark, labour, January ... 10 16 0 Ditto, December ... ... 10 16 0 J. Davis, &c, labour, January 16 16 0 Dobson, &c, labour, February 37 9 0 Balow and another, labour, March ... ... 4 3 0 130 0 0 Wairoa Roads, — M. Quinn, labour, January ... 990 F. Fenton, &c, labour, ditto 10 0 0 McLinden, &c, labour, January to March ... ... 59 15 0 79 4 0 Waipawa to Hampden, — W. Ruddick, metal ... 102 10 0 Knight Brothers, re-metalling 10 0 0 J. Lynns, &c, labour, January 39 8 0 T. Gill, &c, labour, February 35 3 0 187 1 0 Waipukurau to Seventy-Mile-Bush, — F. Saunders, labour, February ... 6 0 0 Roads at Porangahau, — J. White, repairing bridges 22 11 6 G. Smith, &c, labour, Feb. 24 0 0 46 11 6 Road, Wautukai to Kaikora, — Tattersball, &c, wages, Feb. ... 85 17 0 Roads, Makaretu Reserve, — A. H. Ross, jun., clearing ... 48 0 0 McFarlane, &c, wages, Feb. 8 9 0 Ross, &c, wages, Jan.-March 27 14 6 84 3 d Carried forward £9,774 19 0 Carried forward ... ... £2,893 0 3


PROVINCIAL DISTRICT OF NELSON. Abstract of the Receipts and Expenditure of the Provincial District of Nelson—Provincial Liabilities Account—for the Half-year ending on 30th June, 1877.


AWKE'S B lY — continued.

Abstract of Receipts and Expenditure of t] ie Provincial Liabilities Account— continued. RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURE. £ s. d. £ a. A. Brought forward ... ... 2,893 0 3 Land Fund Account, — Consolidated Fund, — Repayment of advances under section 3, " Appropriation Act, 1876" 500 0 0 " Immigration and Public Works Act, 1875," — Consolidated Fund, — Balance at debtor Railway Interest Account, 31st Dec. 386 2 2 Working expenses of railways in excess of receipts both for period prior to 1st January, 1877, and appearing in the Treasury Accounts month ended 24th February, 1877 ... ... 1,246 8 5 1,632 10 7 Brought forward £ s. d. 9,774 19 0 Temporary,— Proceeds Sales Impounded Stock — W. Broughton, refund sale pony ... ... ... ... 2 16 0 Repayment of Advances, — Consolidated Fund, — Advance under section 17, "Financial Arrangements Act, 1876" ... ... 250 0 0 Ditto ... ... ... 472 0 0 722 0 0 Unauthorized, — Salaries of officers temporarily employed under section 35 of " Financial Arrangements Act, 1876" 365 0 0 Interest to 30th June, 1877, on advances for immigrants' cottages, &e. ... 266 8 1 Debit balance of Capitation Account with Colonial Government ... ... 38 14 5 670 2 6 Balance carried forward to next account ... ... ... ... 3,354 9 8 Total £9,774 19 0 Total ... £9,774 19 0 G-. W. Richardson, Provincial Auditor. Napier, 10th October, 1877.

RECEIPTS. Consolidated Fund, — £ a. A. £ a. A. Advances under section 17," Financial Arrangements Act, 1876," January and February 4,283 8 3 Advances from New Zealand Loan Act Account, February, March, and April ... 17,000 0 0 EXPENDITURE. Administrative, — £ s. d. £ a. A. Executive Officers, retained temporarily ... ... 250 13 4 Provincial Council Liabilities... 102 2 0 Wardens' Contingencies ... 128 1 10 480 17 2 21,283 8 3 JOAN Act, 1874, —■ Balance transferred to Public Account ... ... 104 2 3 Balance of £300 remitted to London for Purchase of Material for Harbour Works ... 18 8 8 Amount of fixed Deposit and accrued Interest ... ... 8,967 10 0 Administration of Justice, — Police ... ... ... 31 14 1 Gaols ... ... ... 53 2 11 84 17 0 Education, — Provincial Schools ... ... 1,468 0 0 Public Libraries .... ... 16 0 0 " Loan Act, 1858," payment of Advancesto Nelson College... 550 0 0 Collection of Education Rate ... 18 1 6 9,090 ' 0 11 Ients of Reserves, &c, — Receipts in March, May, aud June ... 185 10 0 Receipts from J. S. Caverhill... 11 6 6 Credit Balance under " Payment # to Provinces Act, 1872" ... 988 11 5 Credit Balance Land Fund ... 438 7 0 Credit Balance Land Fund, No. 1 Account transferred ... 666 18 9 2,052 1 6 Charitable, — Hospital, Nelson ... ... 168 7 11 Hospital, Westport,Greymouth, and Charleston ... ... 502 0 4 Lunatic Asylum ... ... 165 17 5 Charitable Aid ... ... 44 19 10 • 2,290 13 8 881 11 6 Carried forward ... ... £32,664 2 10 Carried forward £3,499 7 2



I hereby certify that I have examined the above account of the receipts and disbursements of the Provincial District of Nelson for the half-year ended 30th June, 1877, and find the same to be correct, and that the expenditure shown therein was duly authorized, and has been properly classified. Robert Pollock, Provincial Auditor.

PROVINCIAL DISTRICT OF NELSON— continued. bsteact of Eeceipts and Expenditure of the Provincial Liabilities Account— continued.

RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURE. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward ... ... 3,499 7 2 Harbours, — Government Wharves ... 192 3 0 Pilot Establishment ... 5 9 5 Signal Stations, removal of Snags, &c. ... ... 52 10 9 Harbour Works, Nelson, under "Loan Act, 1874" ... 8,62113 11 8,871 17 1 £ s. d. £ b. d. Brought forward ... ... 32,664 2 10 jOCAl Taxes, — Licensing Courts ... ... 2 15 0 Sheep Inspection Fees, Scab Act 367 10 9 Education Rates ... ... 28 10 0 Fees under Dog Nuisance Act 10 0 ■ — 399 15 9 !redit Balances, — On amount, raised for Redemption of Debentures issued under " Nelson Waterworks Loan Act, 1864" ... ... 376 14 4 At credit of Capitation Account, transferred ... ... 292 18 8 Transferred from New Zealand Loan Account, to provide Wavs and Means ... ...18,000 0 0 ' 18,669 13 0 Miscellaneous, — Printing and Advertising ... 123 14 3 Steam Subsidies—Karamea ... 47 10 0 Fuel and Light, Government Buildings ... 1 16 1 General Contingencies ... 102 14 6 Interest on part Loan £30,000, Lunatic Asylum ... ... 105 0 0 Lesser Public Works ... 443 6 5 " Protection of Animals Act, 1873" ... ... 53 0 0 Mary Robinson —Ann nit \ .. 50 0 0 Compensation for Land for Roads 136 13 8 llSCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS, — Lunatic Asylum Maintenance Receipts ... ... 24 11 O Hospital Maintenance Receipts 7 5 4 Sales of Acts and Ordinances ... 0 4 6 Refund of Police Horse Purchase Money ... ... 50 0 0 Refund W. Akersten's Salary, twice issued ... ... 25 0 0 Refund from Dorris, paid in excess ... ... ... 010 Deposit on forfeited Contract, Harbour Works ... ... 5 0 0 Bonus on Policy Insurance Hospital Buildings ... ... 0 15 0 1,063 14 11 Territorial, — Land and Public Works, Survey Department ... ... 302 17 2 Roads and Bridges ... ... 4,000 3 1 Extra Surveys ... ... 590 19 4 Government Buildings ... 32 12 9 4,926 12 4 112 16 10 Special Grants, — Motueka Bridge, part of £7,000 29 8 3 Road, Nelson to Westport and Grey, part of £30,000 ... 6,110 10 0 Black water Bridge ... ... 615 4 10 Ohika Bridge ... ... 875 0 0 Bridge over the Maitai ... 255 0 3 Road, Grip to Westport and Greymouth ... ... 2,696 1 4 10,581 4 8 " Payments to Provinces Act, 1872,"— Suburban North Road Board... ... 135 0 9 Land Fund, — Refund of Deposits on application for Leases ... ... ... 241 1 6 Public Works Sinking Fund, — Under " Waterworks Loan Act 1864" ... ... ... .;. 124 0 0 Consolidated Fund, — Advances repaid under " Financial Arrangements Act, 1876 " 2,062 0 2 Ditto ... ... ... 2,221 8 1 Interest on Constructed Railways to 31st December, 1876 1,309 13 3 Interest and Sinking Fund, " Provincial Public Works Advances Act, 1874" ... 492 1 8 Interest on Advances under "Nelson Waterworks Loan Act, 1864" ... ... ... 97 10 1 Railway Working Expenses in excess of receipts to 24th February, 1877 ... ... 457 17 5 Interest to 30th June on Advances for construction of Dep&ts and Cottages for location of settlers ... 969 17 6 Interest to 31st December, 1876, under " Immigration and Public Works Act, 1875," for Roads constructed in Nelson District ... ... ... 3,128 9 8 10,738 18 1 £40,181 16 6 Balance ... 11,664 11 11 £51,846 8 5 £51,846 8 5



PROVINCIAL DISTRICT OF MARLBOROUGH. STATEMENT of Receipts and Expenditure on account of the Provincial Liabilities Account for the Provincial District of Marlborough, for the Half-year ending 30th June, 1877.

PROVINCIAL DISTRICT OF CANTERBURY. STATEMENT of Account of the Revenue and Expenditure of the late Province of Canterbury, on account of its Provincial Liabilities on the 31st December, 1876, made up to 30th June, 1877.

RECEIPTS. ldvances in Aid, — £ s. d. Under section 17,"Financial Arrangement? Act, 1876," — From Consolidated Fund, to pay off overdraft at National Bank, Blenheim (£1,154 14s. 9d. of which was aflerwards refunded to Public Account) ... ... 2,355 12 9 From Consolidated Fund, for other purposes ... ... 544 11 5 From New Zealand Loan Account ... ... 6,000 0 0 £ s. d. ) ) - 8,900 4 2 EXPENDITURE. Crown Lands, — £ s. d. Waste Lands Board Fees Miscellaneous, — Refund of Revenue —Deposits 30 7 0 Contingencies ... ... 5 8 6 Telegrams ... 14 17 3 Newspapers ... .., 0 13 0 Advertising ... ... 8 14 6 Stationery, Binding Books, &o. 10 1 7 £ s. d. 11 5 O 70 1 10 Charitable, — Paupers ... .. ... 29 12 9 Picton Hospital ... ... 39 14 0 69 6 9 .mount drawn from National Bank to meet sundry liabilities, and afterwards paid into Public Account (the same being included in amount of overdraft at National Bank) lalance at credit of Land Fund, No. 1 Account, transferred lalance at credit of Capitation Account Resident Magistrate's and Licensing Courts lents Refunds of money paid for Surveys, &c. 1,154 14 0 ■18 17 3 49 1 10 15 12 2 42 15 0 62 2 6 I j Education, — Building School, Canvas Town GUOL AND LoCK-tTPS, — Picton G-aol Harbours, — Picton Public Works and Purposes,— Purchase of new Roads and Expenses of Conveyances, also Expenses of exchanging old Roads for new ones, and Purchase of Crown Lands given in exchange for new Roads ... 729 16 9 Road Work ... ... 408 16 6 Bridges ... ... ... 587 10 0 Wharves ... ... ' ... 57 10 0 Surveys ... ... ... 202 15 7 50 0 0 64 19 9 2 7 10 1,986 8 10 £10,273 7 8 Special,—■ Overdraft, Provincial Branch of Public Account, at National Bank of New Zealand, Blenheim ... ... ... 2,355 12 9 Payments to Consolidated Fund and Land Fund, No. 1 Account ... ... ... 5,381 17 10 Balance 7,737 10 7 281 7 1 £10,273 7 I certify that the above statement is correct, and that the expenditure has been properly classified. Ctrus G-ouitee, 7th August, 1877. Provincial Auditor.

RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ 9. d. EXPENDITURE. £ s. d. & s. d. Capitation grant ,.. ... 154 4 0 Publicans' licenses ... ... 3 14 9 Hospital, charitable, and other payments ... ... ... 75 15 6 Pound fees and sales ... ... 47 18 3 Dogfees ... ... ... 12 10 0 incidental receipts, including sales of timber ... ... ... 681 19 3 larbourfees... ... ... 5 9 9 immigration refunds,&e. ... 200 16 11 Jents ... ... ... 60 3 4 Jail way traffic returns ... 8,740 16 9 interest on deposits ... ... 145 11 9 Jinking Fund ... ... 24,3K9 6 2 Jefunds ... ... ... 231 8 4 „ Rakaia Bridge ... 2,666 10 4 „ Immigrants' cottages ... 1,583 8 7 „ Waiau dip ... ... 2,000 0 0 Proceeds Harbour Loan 100,000 0 0 Payment made by Mr. Ottywell, recoverv from Henderson ... 225 0 0 141,204 13 8 Provincial Executive Officers ... 337 16 8 Police contingencies ... ... 190 1 4 Gaols contingencies ... ... 180 19 9 E lucation contingencies ,.. 62 17 6 Hospitals ... ... ... 324 12 5 Lunatic Asylum ... ... 2 19 6 Charitable aid ... ... 42 4 4 Reformatory ... ... ... 239 10 1 Inspector of Sheep ... ... 0 15 0 Subsidies to ferries ... ... 12 10 0 Harbour ... ... ... 13 14 0 General contingencies ... ... 524 19 10 Public Libraries, College, &c. ... 83 2 2 Survey ... ... ... 125 11 1 Road?, bridges, and miscellaneous works ... ... ... 34,489 6 4 Public Buildings ... ...12,946 4 8 Public Works Department—Salaries, &e. ... ... ... 1,295 8 6 Railway working expenses ... 586 13 5 Cass pension ... ... ... 33 6 8 Immigration ... ... ... 16 9 11 Carried forward ... .,. £141,204 13 8 Carried forward £51,509 3 2



PROVINCIAL DISTRICT OF WESTLAND. Statement of the Receipts and Expenditure of the Provincial Liabilities Account of "Westland for the period from the Ist January to the 30th June, 1877.

PROVINCIAL DISTRICT OP CANTERBURY— continued. Statement of Account of Receipts and Expenditure of the Provincial Liabilities Account— continued.

i_.-_-0-C-±ir-LO. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward ... ... 141,204 13 8 JG_______ _D_ J-. JL'i-L UJIU. £ s. d, £ s. d. Brought forward ... 51,509 3 2 Harbour works ... 112,151 1 3 Railway works extension ... 15,563 .4 0 Interest on loans ... ... 9,101 4 10 Honorariums—Messrs. Ollivier and Ottvwell ... ... ... 603 13 8 Refunds—Land Fund... ... 2,876 11 0 Refunds—Capitation ... ... 778 1 9 Waiau dip ... ... ... 1,374 12 6 Consolidated Fund—Railway interest to 31st December, 1876 15,117 4 9 209,074 16 11 eceipts not in harmony with Provincial Auditor's Accounts, — Balance as stated ... ...62,225 8 2 Cross entry from Consolidated Fund Account ... ...15,562 2 6 Jameson—part of cash balance 546 13 3 Bowden's bill, included in Provincial balance ... ... 244 0 0 Ottywell—payments, cross entry 123 10 4 Ditto ditto ... ... 307 17 1 Ditto —Balance refunded ... 17 1 11 Salaries of Provincial Officers refunded under Financial Arrangements Act ... 25 13 0 Transfer from Loan Account to provide Ways and Means ... 11,000 0 0 Charges not in harmony with Provincial Auditor's Accounts, — Cross Entry—Advances from Consolidated Fund ...15,562 2 6 Ottywell—Recovery from Henderson ... ... .., 225 0 0 Not Provincial Liabilities, — Whitelaw —Payment on account,West Coast Road £5 6 8 Grant to Okain's 78 3 0 Wages, Hagley Park ... 34 4 3 Extension, Amberley to Waitaki 1 10 6 Compensation to Provincial Officers for loss of office * 3,933 4 6 Salaries to Officers 678 0 0 90,052 6 3 4,730 8 11 20,517 11 5 Total Receipts ... ... £231,256 19 11 £231,256 19 11 Total Expenditure ... £229,592 8 4 The foregoing Statement differs from that prepared by thi eeeived and expended within the period as classified by that ialance the Account have been omitted. Provincial Auditor, in so far that it shows simply the sums ifficer, and that the entries made by the Auditor in order to

RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURE. Administration of Justice, — £ s. d. £ s. d. Wardens' Travelling Expenses ... 31 3 0 lEVENUE, — £ s. d. £ s. d. Licenses ... ... ... 123 0 0 Tolls on Roads and Bridges ... 363 2 0 Charitable Maiutenauceof Lunatics ... ... ... 15 0 0 Incidental ... ... ... 76 9 6 Police, — Forage and Saddlery... ... 1 16 6 Incidental Expenses... ... 13 14 0 577 11 6 Gold Fields Revenue ... ... 4 9 5 Forfeited Deposits ... ... ... 255 4 0 lalance at credit of Land Fund Account with Colonial Government ... ... ... ... 33 3 8 lalance at credit of Capitation Account ... ... ... ... 19 6 10 15 10 6 Gaol, — Tools, Materials, and Repairs ... 14 4 8 Bedding and Clothiug ... 12 8 9 Medical Comforts ... ... 10 17 11 Rations ... ... ... 55 9 6 93 0 10 District Gaol, — Rations ... ... ... ... 7 3 5 Ieleased Sinking Funds, — Proportion of Amount released in respect of the Sinking Funds of the Canterbury Loans ... ... 10,830 16 1 Land and Works, — Expenses Waste Lands Board 7 6 0 Contract Surveys ... ... 217 17 1 Survey Labour ... ... 40 10 0 Travelling Expenses ... 52 7 8 Survey Instruments ... 20 4 6 Receipts in Aid, — Temporary Advances under section 17, "Financial Arrangements Act, 1876 " ... 6,475 8 9 Transferfrom New Zealand Loan " Account ... ... 14,500 0 0 20,975 8 9 338 5 3 Harbour Department,— Extra Boat Hire ... ... 9 10 0 Materials and Repairs ... 4 11 0 14 1 0 Carried forward ... ... £32,696 0 3 Carried forward ... ... £499 4 0



PROVINCIAL DISTRICT OP WEST^AND— continued. Absteact of Receipts and Expenditure of the Provincial Liabilities Account — continued.

RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward ... ... 32,696 0 3 Balances transferred hereto from undermentioned Accounts, — Provincial Branch Public AcAccount ... ... ... 1,055 1 2 Provincial Branch, Education Account ... ... ... 286 0 0 Provincial Account, Westland... 782 18 3 EXPENDITURE. £ e. d. £ s. d. Brought forward ... ... 4S9 4 0 Charitable, — Lunatic Asylum, — Rations ... ... ... 76 0 10 Bedding and Clothing ... 17 11 0 Utensils, Tools, and Materials 24 10 9 Hospital Subsidies ... 200 3 11 318 6 6 2,123 19 5 Miscellaneous, — Furniture ... ... ... 47 17 1 Subsidies to Ferries ... ... 207 10 0 Printing and Adverlising ' ... 32 0 0 Stationery ... ... ... 68 7 8 Travelling Expenses... ... 10 10 0 General Contingencies ... 163 0 9 529 5 6 Grants in Aid, — New Hospital, Hokitika ... 1,473 5 0 Literary Societies ... ... 20 0 0 Fire Brigades ... ... 25 0 0 1,518 5 0 Public Works, Cubrent Contracts, — Roads, Bridges, &e. ... ... 4,064 18 3 Buddings, Kumara Gold Field 882 4 11 Repairs and Maintenance Public Buildings ... ... 82 4 2 5,029 7 4 Public Works, Released Sinking Funds,— Harbour Works, Hokitika ... 2,807 2 3 Roads, Bridges, &c. ... 1,668 5 1 4,475 7 4 New Works, Roads, &c. ... 1,271 8 4 Interest on Cost of Roads and Railways,— Interest to 31st December, 1876, under section 13 of " The Public Works Act, 1875," in respect of roads constructed in Westland ... ... 4,331 10 0 Ditto on account of railways opened for traffic ... ... 2,238 4 9 6,569 14 9 Balances due to Colonial Government in account under " The Payments to Provinces Act, 1872," and "Appropriation Act, 1876" ... ... 715 14 3 Advances from Consolidated Fund under section 17, " Financial Arrangements Act, 1876," repaid 6,475 8 9 Unauthorized, — Administration of Justice, — Receiver of Gold Revenue ... 15 15 10 Police, — Shoeing and Far- £ s. d. riery ... ... 1 4 0 Traveding Expenses 21 12 0 Incidentals ... 27 12 6 50 8 6 GaolForage ... ... 15 1 11 Medical Comforts 10 9 9 25 11 8 Land and Works, — Expenses of Waste Lands Board ... 10 10 0 Travelling and Incidental Expenses 30 2 3 40 12 3 Carried forward ... £34,819 Harbour Department,— Materials and Repairs ... 34 17 9 Charitable, — Bedding and Clothing ... ... 30 10 4 Medical Comforts 17 5 10 Utensils, Tools, and Materials ... 20 14 1 Incidental ... 5 5 0 Hospital Subsidies 160 8 7 234 3 10 £34,819 19 8 Carried forward ... £101 9 10 £27,402 1 9



I hereby certify that the above is a correct statement of the receipts and expenditure of the Provincial Liabilities Account of "Westland during the half-year ended 30th June, 1877. Edward Patten, Provincial Auditor.

PROVINCIAL DISTRICT OF OTAGO. Abstract of Sums Received for Credit of Provincial Liabilities during the half-year ending 30th June, 1877.

PROVINCIAL DISTRICT OF WESTLAND— eontimted. Abstract of the Eeceipts and Expenditure of the Provincial Liabilities Account— continued.

_n.___v.JLi._. j. Brought forward ... Li3. £ s. d. £ s. d. 34,819 19 8 JU____.X ____.. __. XX U XVJJj. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward ... 401 9 10 27,402 1 9 Unauthorized— continued. Miscellaneous, — Printing and Advertising ...334 5 6 Stationery ... 159 10 5 Fuel and Light ... 37 17 6 Telegrams ... 100 14 5 General Contingencies ... 96 3 2 Refund of Tolls ... 335 14 5 Refund of License Fee ... ... 15 0 0 ■ 1,079 5 5 Grants in Aid, — Literary Societies ... ... 15 0 0 Public AVorks (Current Contracts), — Roads, Tracks, &e. 178 1 10 Public Buildings... 306 8 10 Harbour Works, Hokitika ... 582 15 0 River Protection Works, Arahura 200 0 0 1,267 5 8 Maintenance and Repairs Roads 137 1 4 Salariesof Provincial Officers temporarily retained in Government service ... ... 266 0 0 Honorarium to Sir P. G. Julyan, for services connected with the release of the Canterbury Loans Sinking Fund ... 33 18 6 Compensation to Officers on Abolition of Provinces .., 265 7 1 j 3,465 7 10 Balance on 30th June, 1877 ... ... 3,952 10 1 £34,819 19 8 Total ... ... ... ... £34,819 19 8

3-eneral Government, — Advanced under section 17, Financial Arrangements Act... Under New Zealand Loan Act ... ... ... .... Balance at credit of Land Fund Balance transferred from Land Fund, No. 1 account Balance due in respect of money raised for redemption of debentures under " Otago Publie Buildings Loan Act, 1862"... Transfer under New Zealand Loan Act Salaries of Provincial Officers refunded and credited to section 35, Financial Arrangements Act £ s. d. 13,277 0 0 90,000 0 0 2,029 14 3 2,238 10 10 1,393 7 9 7,500 0 0 25 0 0 £ s. d. Dock Dues Colls on Roads ... ... ... ... ... ... . . Dog Tax ... licenses ... Railways ... 116,463 12 10 380 9 11 132 1 10 44 0 0 44 17 3 6,232 10 3 Jepayments and Receipts,— Industrial School Gaol Asylum Hospital ... Education, refunded by Board on account of Public Libraries 50 14 0 32 10 0 55 5 0 14 10 0 911 6 7 Harbour Reclamation lents, Immigrants'Cottages... lale of Government Buildiugs and Land Sale of Railway Plant .liscellaneous Receipts, — Survey Police Sale of Stores and Material ... Sheep Inspection Sale of Stock in Pounds Incidental Receipts 14 11 3 18 4 113 4 6 29 18 2 8 10 0 76 1 7 1,064 5 7 2,650 11 9 57 15 3 1,631 2 4 802 2 11 243 13 10 £129,747 3 9



PROVINCIAL DISTRICT OF OTAGO— continued. Abstract of Expenditure for Provincial Liabilities or under Section 35 of the Financial Arrangements Act, during the period from 1st January to 30tli June, 1877.

Appropriation. ; Expended. Lapsed. In Excess. Payments to General Government— £ s. d. £ s. d. Repayment of Advances under Section 17, Financial Arrangements Act ... ... ... ... 13,277 0 0 Refund advance for immigrants' cottages ... ... ... 6,000 0 0 Refund paid in error to Provincial Account, Switzer's ... 21 2 6 13 0 Consolidated Fund Account, Dr. balance on 31st March, 1877 ... ... ... ... ... 8,610 4 8 Interest, Consolidated and Railway Loans ... ... 15,527 5 2 „ Advances Otago Provincial Public Works Act, 1874, to 30th June, 1877 ... ... ... 4,09113 2 Capitation Account Dr. balance on 30th June, 1877 ... 288 18 9 Interest, dock bonds ... ... ... ... 1,552 0 0 363 9 5 Interest, exchange, and commission ... ... 2,727 16 4 j 835 17 7 Police Reward Fund, balance transferred to Armed Constabulary Reward Fund ... ... ... ... 60119 2 Refund, immigration deposit ... ... ... ... 7 10 0 Refund, contract deposits... ... ... ... ... 3,332 14 0 Departmental— Police Sergeants'wages ... ... ... 34 2 6 3 18 0 „ contingencies ... ... ... ... 645 5 6 310 4 4 District Gaols, rations, tools, stores ... ... 787 5 6 105 1 4 Medical Officer, Invercargill ... ... ... 37 10 0 37 10 0 Crown Lands, — Contingencies, Dunedin ... ... ... 53 10 8 311 1 0 „ Invercargill ... ... ... ... 91 9 0 Provincial Engineer, contingencies ... ... 482 15 5 356 15 5 Survey, contingencies ... ... ... ... 496 13 7 46 18 7 Provincial Treasury, contingencies ... ... 30 1 1 5 14 0 Harbour Department, — Harbour Master, Stewart's Island ... ... 7 10 0 7 10 0 Contingencies ... ... ... ... 795 17 2 88 19 0 Hospital,— Visiting Medical Officer's honorarium ... 33 6 8 25 0 0 Contingencies ... ... ... ... ... 204 19 0 Lunatic Asylum, contingencies ... ... ... 54 11 0 40 2 1 Industrial School, contingencies ... ... ... 978 19 2 2 17 0 Gold Fields, contingencies ... ... ... 199 0 4 86 11 0 Railways,-— Working expenses and maintenance ... ... 4,204 16 5 j Books, tickets, &c. ... ... ... ... 858 15 0 15110 6 Southland Railways,— Traffic contingencies ... ... ... ... 132 2 0 Locomotive contingencies ... ... ... ... 308 10 0 Maintenance ... ... ... ... 470 15 2 22 10 10 Dunedin and Port Chalmers, — Traffic contingencies ... ... ... 632 19 3 231 9 3 Locomotive contingencies ... ... ... 340 10 3 I 374 10 5 Maintenance ... ... ... ... ... 10 3 10 Clutha — Traffic contingencies ... ... ... 763 2 8 180 13 2 Locomotive contingencies ... ... ... 707 8 9 19 1 11 Maintenance ... ... ... ... ... 121 9 9 Mataura, — Contingencies ... ... ... ... 653 5 4 29 14 4 Oamaru and Waitaki, — Traffic contingencies ... ... ... 865 7 11 69 18 5 Locomotive contingencies ... ... ... 67 10 2 72 14 8 Oamaru and Moeraki, — Contingencies ... ... ... ... 1,221 0 0 373 1 11 Awamoko, — Maintenance ... ... ... ... 1,139 8 3 127 16 8 Grants in Aid— Benevolent Institutions and Country Hospital! ... 496 19 11 1,394 2 7 Miscellaneous — Advertising ... ... ... ... ... 220 2 0 124 0 7 Arbitrations and actions ... ... ... 293 1 1 104 12 0 Botanic gardens ... ... ... ... 112 1 4 71 3 O Burial of paupers ... ... ... ... 1 18 6 23 2 6 Collecting dog tax ... ... ... ... 14 15 0 73 2 0 Compensation, cancellation, agricultural leases ... ... 1,817 0 0 Compensation, leases of runs ... ... ... 5,578 13 2 6,540 10 3 Compensation to officers ... ... ... ... 2,643 14 0 Expenses of witnesses ... ... ... ... 16 14 0 1 14 6 Fuel and light ... ... ... ... 8 4 9 28 6 9 General contingencies ... ... ... ... 1,022 2 0 212 10 9 Immigrants' cottages ... ... ... ... ! 106 18 7 224 5 10 Introduction of salmon ... ... ... J 267 7 8 207 7 0 Printing and stationery ... ... ... 177 0 6 4 4 0 Refunds of revenue ... ... ... ... ... 2,585 2 0 Steam service ... ... ... ... 793 6 8 250 0 0 £ s. d. 1,188 10 7 1,891 18 9 30 4 6 335 1 2 682 4 2 126 0 0 449 15 0 24 7 1 706 18 2 8 6 8 14 8 11 976 2 2 112 9 4 £ s. d. 34,540 7 3 601 19 2 7 10 0 3,332 14 0 257 10 4 91 9 0 204 19 0 9,699 11 6 96 1 5 188 9 1 40 18 4 897 2 8 21 4 0 58 7 0 1,817 0 0 961 17 1 2,643 14 0 14 19 6 809 11 3 20 2 0 60 0 8 172 16 6 117" 7 3 543 6 8 2,585 2 0 Carried forward 29,950 9 3 1 73,213 12 7 73,213 12 7 18,172 1 5 48,158 4 9



PROVINCIAL DISTRICT OP OTAOrO—continued. Abstract of Expenditure for Provincial Liabilities — continued.

Appropriation. Expended. Lapsed. In Excess. Brought forward Miscellaneous — continued. Subsidy, Morven Ferry Telegraphic messages ... Escort service Roads (Main) — Dunedin to Palmerston Palmerston to Oamaru Dunedin to East Taieri Clutba to Mataura Saddlehill to West Taieri West Taieri to Roughridge Roughridge to Dnnstan Dnnstan to Cromwell ... Cromwell to Queenstown Tuapeka to Teviot Teviot to Alexandra Palmerston to Manuherikia Manuherikia, to Dunstan Kurow to Wanaka Invercargill to Campbelltown Invercargill to Winton Winton to Kingston ... Riverton to Wallacetown Riverton to Otautau- ... Gore to Switzer's Dacre to Menzies Ferry Roads (Main Branch) — Northern Trunk to Port Chalmers Shag Valley to Kyeburn via Macrae's Dunedin to North Taieri Dunedin to Portobello ... Main South Road to Kuri Bush... Lawrence to Dalhousie... Tuapeka to Switzer's ... Southern Trunk to Port Molyneux Southern Trunk to Kaitangata ... Clinton to Waipahi Waipahi to Tapanui ... Tapanui to Swift Creek Tapanui to Waikaka ... Mataura Bridge to Toitoi Glenomaru to Catlin's ... Cromwell to Nevis Cromwell to Cardrona ... Cardrona to Arrow Arrow to Arthur's Point Tapanui lo Moa Flat ... Roads and Tracks (Miscellaneous) — Port Chalmers to Upper Junction Port Chalmers to Purakanui Dunedin to Blueskin vid Water of Leith ... Dunedin to Waitaki Saddle Waitaki Saddle to Main North Road Main Road to Waikouaiti Harbour Hyde to Hamilton Stirling to Railway Bridge Hyde to Upper Taieri ... Strath Taieri Road Arrow to Crown Terrace Arthur's Point to Moke Creek ... Moke Creek to Upper Moonlight Queenstown to Maori Point and Skippers.., Macetown to Shotover Branches. Arrow Valley Tracks ... Butcher's Gully to Clyde Nevis to Upper Nevis and Nokomai Telegraph Line, Waitaki Roads and Bridges on Gold Fields Bridges — Balclutha Molyneux at Roxburgh Cromwell Roxburgh Bridge approaches Waikouaiti Bridges not provided for ... ... Contract surveys and equipment of survey parties Works and Buildings— District gaols... Otago dock ... Lunatic Asylum, Dunedin School buildings Repairs to buildings Tools and materials for prison labour £ s. d. 29,950 9 3 £ s. d. 73,213 12 7 £ s. d. 18,172 1 5 £ s. d. 48,158 4 9 25 0 0 235 5 6 25 0 0 157 13 3 10 6 6 77 12 3 10 6 6 4,549 18 1 1,975 16 4 793 11 6 1,490 3 9 60 10 10 386 2 3 10 19 0 2 11 0 10 1 6 18 9 0 2 0 0 9 2 0 10 11 6 232 10 3 3,303 2 0 48 16 0 265 7 6 40 17 6 36 0 0 18 12 0 9 16 0 18 4 0 2 2 0 15 10 0 27 16 0 5 5 0 4,163 15 10 1,964 17 4 791 0 6 1,480 2 3 42 1 10 218 5 7 71 13 9 537 18 6 2 0 0 227 7 7 82 5 3 770 8 9 2,758 1 6 1,434 15 0 2,283 6 6 118 0 6 94 18 0 121 13 3 131 1 10 560 0 7 898 14 7 705 11 2 157 1 9 46 2 0 1,385 19 0 2,017 19 0 77 3 0 58 18 0 103 1 3 121 5 10 541 16 7 896 12 7 690 1 2 129 5 9 40 17 0 545 0 6 99 11 11 45 6 9 61 7 0 310 9 6 2 10 203 11 5 34 10 0 20 4 1 289 17 4 8 10 235 16 0 250 7 9 10 0 0 93 3 10 39 4 0 428 8 0 1 12 0 37 7 0 37 0 0 2 11 0 44 18 6 54 5 2 61 7 0 478 3 0 53 4 11 133 12 9 547 8 8 88 5 10 230 9 4 197 19 10 558 3 7 279 3 8 177 19 6 197 12 9 178 17 1 496 3 6 226 7 6 145 14 6 88 0 0 115 18 1 150 1 2 167 13 6 51 3 11 512 18 8 68 1 9 189 18 10 322 7 7 28 15 11 167 19 6 104 8 11 139 13 1 67 15 6 224 15 6 108 7 6 51 0 0 113 7 1 105 2 8 69 18 8 59 8 0 59 8 3 881 1 5 12 12 0 3 0 0 46 16 3 878 1 5 I 370 6 0 335 0 9 35 5 3 1,019 11 10 74 2 6 720 0 0 149 6 0 89 14 9 248 16 0 33 0 0 50 0 0 112 11 0 240 8 3 499 19 0 891 17 0 46 3 6 56 4 6 818 2 10 300 13 3 77 19 0 25 8 4 142 11 10 30 10 0 4 0 0 6 8 0 19 4 0 22 4 0 387 19 6 0 13 0 50 6 6 11 5 0 7 6 9 450 0 0 718 18 7 316 6 694 11 8 6 14 2 59 4 9 244 16 0 26 12 0 30 16 0 90 7 0 147" 11 3 499 6 0 841 10 6 34 18 6 48 17 9 368 2 10 248 7 9 1,149 13 5 2,192 6 6 650 0 0 4,877 12 0 990 0 0 1,501 11 0 18 0 6 41 17 8 273 8 3 310 5 0 1,946 3 0 0 13 9 556 7 7 230 7 3 1,107 15 9 1,918 18 3 339 15 0 2,931 9 0 989 6 3 945 3 5 874 19 11 1,859 15 1 771 18 9 575 13 0 400 6 8 16 3 0 3 6 8 52 7 5 194 11 0 299 6 11 1,459 8 5 755 15 9 91 9 1 395 2 0 3 6 8 143 16 6 589 13 0 Carried forward .,, ... 76,123 7 10 86,312 8 5 52,148 19 3 49,060 19 10



* Included ia above appropriation, but cannot be apportioned. The amount is therefore not in excess, but so shown for uniformity. I certify that vouchers for the sums in the foregoing Abstract have been passed by me as charges against Provincial Liabilities, or against section 35, " Pinancial Arrangements Act, 1876." H. Litingston, Provincial Auditor. By Authority: Geobge Didsbuby, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB77. Price la.]

PROVINCIAL DISTRICT OF OTAGO -continued. Absteact of Expenditure for Provincial Liabilities— continued.

-ppropnal ;ion. .xpeni /apsei )xcesB. Brought forward SVorks and Buildings— continued. Works not provided for Museum Government Buildings, Queenstown Lawrence Courthouse ... retries and Harbours— Kaitangata jetty punts... Bluff wharf ... Harbour reclamation ... Landing-stage, Orepuki Waikouaiti Harbour ... ... ... ... Railways Construction— Awamoko Waiareka Main Line Mosgiel to Outram ... Western Railways Rolling-stock, Bluff Harbour and Winton... Survey of new railways ... ... ... Freight on material for various railways ... lection 35 " Financial Arrangements Act, 1876 " — Salaries of officers engaged in carrying out the foregoing provincial works, charged to section 35, " Financial Arrangements Act, 1876 " £ b. d. 76,123 7 10 £ s. d. 86,312 8 5 £ b. d. 52,148 19 3 £ 8. d. 49,060 19 10 5,345 14 6 342 6 4 38 16 2 1,228 7 0 32 14 2 176 17 0 4,117" 7 6 309 12 2 38 16 t 176 17 0 15 19 5 5,206 12 0 0 15 0 1,960 2 0 412 11 1 75 0 0 362 0 0 15 4 5 3,246 10 0 412 11 1 200" 0 0 300 0 0 125 0 0 62" 0 0 2,150 15 7 10,466 8 4 17,670 14 8 35,579 7 2 1,958 19 9 452 17 0 1,959 5 0 6,079 12 8 5,369 0 9 11,995 3 5 1,400 0 0 36 0 3 1,827 1 10 191 10 7 4,386 15 8 12,301 13 11 23,584 3 9 558 19 9 416 16 9 *1,827" 1 10 2,661 3 4 155,813 2 7 121,926 18 1 j 101,402 13 9 51,578 5 11

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