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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

PROVINCE OF AUCKLAND. Legislation will be necessary, in order to allow Crown grants to issue to the Natives of the West Waiuku Block, for lands given to them at that place in 1865, under the New Zealand Settlements Act, and lately subdivided for the respective families and individuals. The plans in detail for the grants are now ready. The history of these reserves is given in my report of last year. The tenancy of the eastern half of the Hostelry Endowment Reserve, No. 4 of section 12, in Mechanics' Bay, has lapsed, the tenant having left the district without paying the rent due. The land has been advertised for lease by auction for twenty-one years. Onehunga. About 9 perches of land on lot 11, section 20, has been advertised for lease by auction. It has hitherto been kept unlet on account of its affording convenient approach to a timber wharf, but the latter being decayed and no longer used, the land is available for letting. Maungatapu. A survey of a common boundary of this reserve, and the erection of fences between it and the contiguous Native property, will be necessary; but the expense of this can be borne by the forthcoming instalments of rent. On this holding, which is a separate trust to W. N. Searancke and C. Heaphy, Mr. Murray has paid since last entry the sum of _£106 13s. being two years' rent up to 21st March, 1876, and 9s. in excess. The whole of this amount has been paid by Mr. Searancke to the Maungatapu Natives. Auckland 10 per Cents. — Hunua Purchase. In my report for 1874 on Auckland 10 per Cents., it is shown that, out of the proceeds of sales in the Hunua Block, the sum of j£BB9 18s. 7d. had accrued and was available for certain beneficial purposes in connection with the people who had originally sold that land. Of that sum, _£444 19s. 3id. was set apart for school purposes. Honana te Irirangi and others of the sellers, however, represented, and with reason, that that amount was disproportionately large in respect to the number of their children. The sum was therefore reduced by half, and" a moiety paid over to the sellers, as follows : — Te Honana, Watene, Wi te Oka, and others .. .. .. £52 Hori te Whetuke .. .. .. .. .. .. 40 Te Retimana Waihou .. .. .. .. .. 15 Mata Tiria .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 Ihaka's children .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 Total .. .. .. _6122 PROVINCE OF HAWKE'S BAY. Karaitiana Takamoana, the Native beneficially interested in the Pakowhai estate of 834 acres, which in 1870 he put into trust with Mr. S. Locke, R.M., and the Commissioner of Native Reserves, applied to the trustees to validate a sale made by him of a portion of the estate to Mr. McHardy, the tenant of the property, and owner of the contiguous land. It appeared that before Karaitiana put the land in trust, he had sold to Mr. McHardy a part of it, without properly defining the boundary, the result of which was, that Mr. McHardy's fence l.—G. 3.



included 39 acres of the reserve. Karaitiana considered that as the land had been in McHardy's possession for several years and was improved, he was bound to give him a conveyance of it. For the 39 acres, £730 was paid to Karaitiana, and the trustees validated the sale. The Natives interested in the Arai Native Reserve of 1,000 acres have asked that the land may be placed with trustees, for administration under " The Native Reserves Act, 1856." In 1872, the Waikokopu Block, of 730 acres, was brought under the Native Reserves Acts, by the late chief Ihaka Whanga. Contained within its boundaries were two small blocks of the respective areas of 16^ acres and 21£ acres, which had long since been sold to Captain Salmon, of Auckland. For economy of fencing and other reasons, it was very desirable that these blocks should again become merged in the larger estate; they were, therefore, bought from Captain Salmon. By means of the rent derived from the whole reserve, the cost price (with interest) of the purchases was defrayed; and from the 13th April, 1876, the property has been clear of debt. PROVINCE OF WELLINGTON. Wainui Reserves. Te Puka, 60 acres. This land has, at the request of the Natives interested, been let to Mr. F. Smith for fourteen years, to date from 4th April, 1872, at a rental of .€6 a year, to be paid to Aperahama Mira. t Wainui Town. The unused sections of this land, with the exception of sections numbered from 1 to 25 and from 109 to 114, were, at request of the Natives interested, let to Mr. J. Smith for seven years, to date from 26th April, 1872, at a rental of £9 a year, to be paid to Ropata Tangahoe for distribution. Pakuratahi — Hutt. Messrs. Sennex and Whightman, whose tenders for sections 3, 4, and 7 were accepted (vide my report of last year), having failed to pay rent or comply with the stipulations of letting, the reserves were again advertised iv the Wellington papers for lease by tender. Mr. Gladman Smith's tender for the three sections of £60 a year for first seven years, £70 a year for second seven years, and £80 a year for the remainder of the term, was the highest, and was accepted. Mr. Smith has paid six months' rent in advance. Ramaroa. The death of the Ngatitoa chief Ropata Hurumutu rendered it necessary to ascertain who were the Natives beneficially interested in this reserve. At a general meeting held at Porirua on the Ist March, 1876, called by Gazette notice, it was determined that the rent receivable from Mr. Mackay should be divided in equal shares amongst the following Natives:—Rapehana te Ota Ota, Ropata Tangahoe, Keritu, Ruihi, Huria te Waari, Haaui Tunei, Aperahama Mira, Mareka, Hare Rewite, Riria, Hema, Hiniri, Heta, Pumipi Pikewhera, and Parekahu Whakataupoki. The two first-named were appointed to receive the rent from the Commissioner, and distribute it. Porirua — Takapuwahia. At a general meeting held at Porirua on the 26th October, 1875, to determine who were the Natives beneficially interested in the occupation and rents of the reserves at Takapuwahia, it was decided that Wi Parata Stubbs and Raiha Puaha were the rightful owners of a piece of land adjacent to section No. 108, lying between the Wellington Road and the Porirua Stream, and comprising about 8| acres; also that the rents of Reserves 1 and 2, let to Mr. King, should be divisible amongst twenty-seven named adult Natives, and one child. The Natives beneficially interested in the Kumu-ore Reserve, Nos. 77, 88, 97, comprising 300 acres, at Makara, have placed the land with the Commissioner of Native Reserves for administration. The reserve is let to Mr. J. Bryant at £30 a year. Komanga. The Native Land Court having defined the interests of the Natives claiming rent from this land, a re-arrangement of the leases became necessary. By agreement with the Ngatitoa, it has been arranged that Mr. Whitehouse, who has improved the land, shall have a renewal of term for twenty-one years, from Ist January, 1876, — for the southern portion at £54 for first year, and £60 for remainder of term; and with the Ngatitama, that he shall have the northern portion for a similar term, at £40 a year. These arrangements give an aggregate rental of £100 a year against £50 a year hitherto. Sections 120 and 121, Hutt Valley. These sections, comprising 197 acres, were purchased by the Governor in 1851, in order to supplement the land available in the Hutt District for the use of the local Natives. They were let to Hemi Parai and others, on the condition that as soon as the amount of rent paid by them into the Treasury equalled the purchase money, the land should become absolutely theirs. In 1867 the full amount had been paid in : a difficulty was occasioned by the decease of some of the Natives, and the relative extent of share being undetermined.



This having been got over, the land was proclaimed a Native Reserve by Order in Council, on 17th August, 1875, and a Crown Grant issued under " The New Zealand Natives Reserves Act, 1856," to Hemi Parai, for the whole of the land. Deeds of conveyance of similar date with the grant were executed by Hemi Parai, to the several Natives or their assigns who had subscribed the purchase money, the land having been previously surveyed by me into twelve separate parcels for them respectively. Manawatu. — Palmerston North. Suburban sections 218, 219, and 220, of one acre each, have been let by public tender to Mr. H. S. Palmerson, at the following rate per section:—First seven years, 20s. per annum. Second seven years, 30s. per annum, and 40s. per annum for remainder of term of twenty-one years. Lessee to fence, plough, sow with grass, and erect on the land one cottage value £100, or two cottages value £50 each, within seven years. Mr. James Mitchell's public tender to rent section 276, of one acre, for twenty-one years, has been accepted. The rent is to be 20s. a year for first seven years, and 30s. a year for remainder of term. He is to lay down grass, and leave on ground a cottage of value of £50. Mr. Mitchell's term commences Ist June, 1876, and Mr. Palmerson's on Ist April, 1876. These reserves, with others at Palmerston, mentioned in my Report of last year, were purchased about ten years since for the Natives of Waiwhetu, with money derived from the sale of Native Reserves Nos. 1 and 4, at Wainuiomata. The latter were original reserved " tenths," but were too swampy for Native use. As, with the advance of the Palmerston District, the reserves became valuable, and were let, it became necessary to determine who were the persons entitled to participate in the rents. A general meeting was therefore called, by Gazette notice, of all claiming to be interested beneficially in the reserves. On the 14th September last, a full meeting of the local Natives took place in Wellington, when it was unanimously agreed that the following twenty-two persons were those entitled to share equally in the rental; namely,— Huhana, Ramari, Karepa, Tiui Wiremu, Paratene te Poho, Wi Hapu Pakau, Meri Pararaki, Epiha Karema, Hamuera, Miriana, Ripeka, Mohi, Hare Parata, Mohi Puketapu, Pitama, Maraia te Ua, Ihaia Porutu, Tipene, Honi Ngaukaka, Karena te Hau, Miri Kauamo, and Herapiko. It was also agreed that the Commissioner of Native Reserves should administer the trust, paying the money to Ihaia Porutu for distribution. Pipitea Street. — Part of Section 543. A new lease has been granted, with the consent of the Governor in Council, to Mr. James Holt, for this improved property. The former ground rent was £12 per annum; by arrangement a professional valuator was called in, and on his valuation £18 a year was fixed as the rent on the new lease, for a term of twenty-one years from Ist July, 1875. The lease has since been transferred to Mr. W. Freeman. For another portion of this reserve, comprising 25 perches, the Governor's consent in Council was obtained to a new lease, for a term of twenty-one years, to Mr. J. E. Smith, at a rental on a valuation of £6 a year, in place of £3 a year, paid formerly. The following reserves iv the Wellington District have been sold by the Natives. They were awards of Colonel McCleverty, and not under the control of the Government, namely,— Opau, near Cape Terawiti. Section 12, containing 66 acres, to Mr. R. C. Cook for £33, and section 14, of 60 acres, to Messrs. H. and W. Cook for £30. These lands are poor and broken, only fit for grazing purposes. Pipitea Pa. Subdivision No. 23 they have sold to Mr. W. Ebden for £120. No. 11, containing 19£ perches, they have sold to Mr. J. Barry for £115; and No. 13, containing 20 perches to Mr. J. Walden for £216. For sanitary and other reasons, it was desirable that these Pa lands in the town should cease to be Native property. The propriety of investing the proceeds of the sales was urged on the vendors, and in some instances, successfully. The following lands, not under Government control, the Natives have been assisted to let, namely,— Subdivision 14 of Pipitea Pa was let to Mr. John Styles for twenty-one years, at £20 a year for first seven years, £25 a year for second seven years, and £30 a year for remainder of term. No. 15 was let to same tenant for twenty-one years, at £20 a year for first seven years, £30 a year for second seven years, and £40 a year for remainder of term. No. 20 was let to Mr. D. Egan, for £40 a year for first seven years, £50 a year for second seven years, and £60 a year for remainder of term. No. 22 was let to the same tenant for twenty-one years, at £10 a year for first seven years, £15 a year for second seven years, and £20 a year for remainder of term. Honana te Puni has placed with Commissioner of Native Reserves the northern portion of No. 23, containing 33| perches. It has been let to Mrs. Salmon for £20 a year.



Hutt District. Part of section 20 containing 4 acres 3 roods 17 perches, has been let to Mr. D. Everest for twenty years, at £12 a year for first eight years, and £22 a year for remainder of term. Te Aro. The following town acres, near Luxford's farm, Te Aro, have been let, after advertisement, to the highest tenderer—namely, sections Nos. 864, 893, 1098, 1099, and 1100, to Mr. G. W. Schwartz, at a rental of £10 a year. Plans. In accordance with the direction contained in the 23rd clause of " The Native Lauds Act, 1873," 189 plans of Native reserves, have been made in this office during the year, for the use of the District Officers under that Act. I attach a Dr. and Cr. account of receipts and expenditure for the period from Ist July, 1875, to 31st May, 1876. Charles Heaphy, Wellington, 31st May, 1876. Commissioner of Native Reserves.

Accounts. RENTS received from 1st July, 1875, to 31st May, 1876, at Commissioner of Native Reserves' Office, Wellington.

Date. Name. Estate. When Due. Period. Amount. 1875. July 1 „ 4 „ 5 „ 7 „ 14 „ I* „ 14 „ 16 „ 21 „ 26 Aug. 14 Sept. 6 „ 24 „ 27 Oct. 4 ., 4 .. 8 t, 8 „ 13 ,, 14 „ 23 Nov. 1 „ 2 ., 3 „ 4 „ 15 „ 22 April 12 1876. Jan. 4 1875. July 1 „ 1 „ 1 „ 1 „ 1 n 1 „ 13 June 1 July 13 June 30 „ 30 July 1 Aug. 26 .. 23 Julv 1 Months. £ s. d. 0 10 0 25 0 0 5 10 0 5 0 0 1 10 0 7 10 0 6 0 0 5 0 0 24 0 0 7 10 0 7 10 0 3 13 6 12 0 0 6 0 0 6 10 0 22 15 0 *14 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 10 13 9 43 11 6 3 13 6 20 0 0 1 1 0 30 0 0 25 0 0 10 0 0 8 6 3 9 12 6 Rev. J. Petit Jean A. Wall J. Fitchett, jun. Ivor James J. E. Smith J. Marshall E. J. King E. J. King E. J. King W. Mitchell A. Mackay W. France W. Cornor E. J. King P. W. Smith J. Sheehan H. S. Palm erson J. Fitchett, jun. J. Dransfield Symes Bros. R. Bould W. France J. Smith C. Swiney P. Trotter J. Whitehouse Dr. Johnston Gane Bros. R. Blake Makara Porirua Polhill's Gully 6 6 6 6 6 6 Pipitea Street Ohariu Porirua On acct. 6 )> ■ ■ Polhill's Gully Wainui Ohariu Polhill's Gully Porirua Paikakariki Whenuakura Palmerston N. Polhill's Gully Wellington, No. 45 .. Whenuakura Ohariu Dec. 31 Sept. 29 June 30 Balance 6 6 3 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 6 6 12 6 6 6 6 Ohiro Te Aro Makara Komanga Te Aro Patea Whenuakura June 1 Sept. 30 Oct. 18 12 Nov. 1 Dec. 1 Oct. 1 A. Wall Porirua Dec. 31 1876. Jan. 1 „ 1 „ 1 „ 13 ., 1 „ 13 June 30 Jan. 1 „ 1 6 25 0 0 ., 4 „ 4 „ 7 „ 12 „ 12 „ 12 ,, 14 „ 15 Feb. 1 Ivor James Rev. J. Petit Jean J. Fitchett, jun. E. J. King E. J. King E. J. King R. Lyon W. Mitchell J. E. Smith » Polhill's Gully Makara Polhill's Gully Porirua 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 0 0 0 10 0 5 10 0 30 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 7 10 0 7 10 0 1 10 0 yy ' ' ,, Cutting timber Polhill's Gully Pipitea Street * Thii includes Os. 8d. in excess of rent due.




'is receive^ tc. — com 'inui Date. Name. Estate. When Due. Period. Amount. „ 1 „ 14 R. Bould J. Marshall Ohariu „ 1 » 1 1875. Dec. 31 1876. Jan. 1 June 30 Jan. 1 Feb. 23 Jan. 1 Mar. 1 1875. Dec. 30 1876. Jan. 1 „ 1 Dec. 31 Jan. 31 Mar. 25 April 1 Sept. 30 April 1 Sept. 30 Mar. 31 April 18 „ 1 Sept. 30 April 1 „ 11 May 1 June 1 Dec. 1 July 1 fi 6 43 11 7 10 6 0 yj • * „ 16 Dr. Johnston Te Aro 6 16 0 0 „ 16 „ 17 „ 19 „ 22 „ 23 „ 42 J. Dransfield H. S. Palmerson W. France E. J. King J. Smith A. H. G. Smith Wellington, No. 45 .. Palmerston N. Ohariu Porirua Paikakariki Pakuratahi (in advance) 6 (i 3 0 (i 6 6 0 tl3 0 3 13 6 0 6 10 30 0 0 8 6 0 0 0 „ 25 J. Whitehouse Komanga 1 4 3 4 „ 25 Mar. 2 „ 8 ,, 10 ,, 31 April 10 „ 10 „ 10 „ 18 „ 18 „ 25 May 1 .. 6 „ 8 .. 8 » 9 „ 15 „ 18 „ 29 A. Mackay J. Cruickshank J. Whitehouse J. Holt J. Fitchett, jun. J. Sheehan Napier, and Mitchell .. G. B. Worgan Symes Bros. G. Bevan J. Smith W. France H. S. Palmerson Dr. Johnston C. Swiney Mrs. Salmon G. W. Schwartz J. Bryant Jas. Mitchell Wainui Mungaroa Komanga (up to) Pipitea Street Polhill's Gully Whenuakura Patea 6 0 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 6 3 6 6 C» 6 1.2 12 12 7 10 5 0 54 0 9 0 6 0 22 15 8 7 8 9 10 13 36 0 20 0 3 13 1 10 10 0 1 1 10 0 10 0 8 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 9 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Whenuakura Waiau (Wairoa) Ohiro Ohariu Palmerston N. Te Aro 3> ' ' Pipitea Pa TeAro (in advance from) Ohariu Palmerston N. (in advance from) 795 15 9 + 9s. 8d. given credit for from last.

Date. Name. Estate. When Due. Period. Amount. 1875. Oct. 19 Dec. 24 1876. Mar. 6 „ 11 „ 15 M. Sims J. W. Gray J. W. Gray R. F. Roller R. F. Roller Onehunga Tauranga 3) 1875. On accnt. June 30 Dec. 31 July 1 Dec. 31 1876. Jan. 1 Mar. 31 Months. £ S. 2 10 6 2 10 6 2 10 6 2 10 6 2 10 £ s. 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 d. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 „ 20 „ 28 M. Roe T. Corbett Onehunga Auckland 6 14 0 6 in ad- 2 10 14 0 2 10 0 0 0 „ 31 N. Parsons Tauranga Jan. 1 1875. July 1 1876. vance. 12 0 12 0 12 6 6 „ 5 C. Harding Auckland 6 37 10 37 10 0 0 „ 9 „ 10 „ 12 „ 27 O. Jones W. Corbett J. Howard * W. A. Murray to Mr. Searancke -> Maungatapu Jan. 1 July 1 Jan. 1 Mar. 1 12 12 0 12 12 0 12 12 0 24 106 13 i ■■. 12 0 12 0 12 0 106 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wellington Receipts 209 15 795 15 209 15 795 15 6 9 6 9 Total Receipts . • .. £1,005 11 3 *Th iii a includes 9s. in c_




,xpena in! turn. s.

July 7. Wi Parata, six months rent, Porirua .. .. 2o 0 7. N.Z. Times, advertising Pakuratahi Reserves .. 6 6 7. Evening Post „ ., „ ..42 7. Tribune „ „ „ ..1 10 14. Hohaia Pokaitara, share of MeGrath's rent .. 20 0 16. Waari Karangi, six months' rent, Porirua .. 5 0 20. Pene Koti, share of MeGrath's rent, Porirua .. 20 0 27. Ngahuka Tungia, six months' rent, Porirua .. 30 0 28. Paiura „ „ Ohariu .. 2 9 29. Ropata Hurumutu ., „ Wainui .. 7 10 Aug. 4. Harata Pakata „ „ Makara .. 0 10 12. Ngahuka Tungia „ „ Porirua .. 30 0 12. „ „ „ ..6 0 12. Paratene and Neta, three months' rent, Ohariu .. 14 12. Mete Kingi „ „ „ ..14 Oct. 9. Meihana Taipu, six months' rent, Komanga .. 25 0 9. Paiura, three months' rent, Ohariu .. .. 14 Nov. 6. Mete Kingi „ „ „ .. ..14 6. Neta „ „ „ .. .. 1 4 13. Paiura „ „ „ .. ..14 15. Tipene Paremata, six montlis' rent, Paikakariki .. 6 10 15. „ „ „ „ .. 6 10 15. Wi Tako and sixteen others, rents to date, Polhill's Gully .. .. .. .. 120 11 19. R,opata Hurumutu, six months' rent, Wainui .. 7 10 29. Ngahuka Tungia „ „ Porirua .. 6 0 Dec. 31. Neta te Wheoro, share of Trotter's rent, Makara .. 10 0 31. Rei te Wharau, ,, „ „ 5 0 1876. Jan. 4. Harata Pakata, „ „ „ 15 0 Feb. 1. Ngahuka Tungia, six months'rent, Porirua .. 25 0 23. Tipene Paremata, „ „ Paikakariki .. 6 10 25. Meti Kingi, three „ „ Ohariu .. 14 25. Neta te Wheoro, „ „ „ ..14 Mar. 2. Wi Nura, six „ „ Komanga .. 25 0 2. Ngahuka Tungia „ „ Porirua .. 30 0 3 6 0 2. Te Meihana, share one month's rent, Komanga .. 2 1 3. N. Z. Times, advertising tenders, Pakuratahi Reserves .. 6 0 3. Argus „ „ ..37 3. Post „ „ 2 12 9. Nopira te Niha, cutting timber, Porirua .. 5 0 9. Ilia te Ota Ota, six months' rent, Wainui .. 7 10 22. Rene and H. Horomona, thirteen months' rent, Porirua 56 1 27. W. N. Searanckc to Hotcne and others .. 106 4 29. N.Z. Times, advertising Native Reserves, Te Aro and Palmerston .. .. .. .. 9 6 29. Evening Argus, ditto, ditto .. .. .. 4 2 29. Evening Post, ditto, ditto.. .. .. .. 3 18 May 6. Paiura, three months' rent, Ohariu.. .. .. 2 9 0 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 6 0 6 6 6 6 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 0 0 0 8 0 6 6 0 0 8 0 0 0 9 0 Total Expenditure £672 13 Balance excess of Receipts over Expenditure 332 17 7 8 £1,005 11 ARREARS. £1,005 11 3 3 Wellington .. Stewart .. .. .. £9 12 6 Auckland .. Rogan .. .. .. 28 0 0 Sims .. .. .. 4 10 0 Harding .. .. .. 37 10 0 70 0 0 Total .. .. .. .. £79 12 £79 12 6 6 By Authority: Geoeg£ Didsbuby, Government Printer, Wellington.—1876. 'rice 6d.]

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REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF NATIVE RESERVES., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1876 Session I, G-03

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REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF NATIVE RESERVES. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1876 Session I, G-03

REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF NATIVE RESERVES. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1876 Session I, G-03

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