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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.




RETURN of LANDS Sold or otherwise absolutely Disposed of in the several PROVINCES of NEW ZEALAND, from 1st January to the 31st December, 1875.

Auckland. LANDS SOLD. LANDS DISPOSED OF WIT] OUT SALE. Number of Acres. Rate per Acre. Consideration. For Public Works executed. To Europeans or Natives, under "Waste Lands Act, 1858;" " Crown Grants Act (No. 2),1863;" Native Reserves Acts, &c. Period. Scrip: —New Zealand Co.'s; Old Land Claims, or Government Scrip or Debentures. To Immigrants. Naval and Military Settlers under New Zealand Settlements Act, &c. Reserves granted for Public Purposes under " Public Reserves Act, 1854." To Natives, by Grants under "Native Lands Act, 186$," &c. In Satisfaction of Land Scrip, or otherwise not specified. Town. Cash. Amount, Value of Work done. Town. Suburban. Country. Suburban. Country. £ B. d. 1875Quarter ending 31st March ... ,, „ 30th September „ „ 31st December A. R. P. A. R. P. A. R. P. 54 o o 7OO 21 1 17 6OO £ s. d. 44 " 5 o 10 o OIOO £ s. d. 36 15 ° 3 10 o 10 13 7 300 £ s. d. A. R. P. £ s. d. A. R. P. A. R. P. A. R. P. A. R. P. A. R. P. 15,273 I 26 198,528 o o 292 I 35 30,196 I II A. R. P. ° o 35 OIOO o 10 o ... ... Totals 88 1 17 53 18 7 244,290 o 32 ° O 35 Total Area Sold or otherwise Disposed of, from the Foundation of the Colony to the 31st December, I87S. Total Cash received. Total Area remaining for future Disposal. £ s. d. 312,288 14 6 A. R. P. A. R. P. 2,128,225 3 12 891,446 o o Taranaki. Quarter ending 31st March ... ., n 3°th June ... „ ,, 30th September „ ,, 31st December 3 o 16 12 1 37 IO 2 4 8 o 16 ... 3>"5 2 37 3.925 o !3 '.3°3 3 o 1.094 1 35 46 12 6 4° 13 4 36 3 4 35 « 4 ... 19 2 I IO O 1 '5 7 1 10 H 1,686 2 11 2,231 2 o 2,183 5 5 2,797 11 1 209 3 o iS 2 30 Totals 34 o 33 ... 9.549 ° 5 ... ... ... 8,898 1 5 209 3 o 15 2 3° Total Area Sold or otherwise Dispos( of the Colonv to the 31st 1 ;d of, from the Foundation )ecember, 1875. Total Cash received. Total Area remaining for future Disposal. A. R. P. 66,758 o o £ s. d. 30,200 8 5 A. R. P. 85,386 1 o



RETURN of LANDS Sold or otherwise absolutely Disposed of in the several PROVINCES of NEW ZEALAND, from 1st January to 31st December, 1875.

Hawke's Bay. LANDS SOLD. LANDS DISPOSED OF WITHOUT SALE. Number of Acres. Rate per Acre. Consideration. For Public Works executed. To Europeans or Natives, under "Waste Lands Act 1858;" " Crown Grants Act, (No.i),i86a;" Native Reserves Acts, &c. Scrip: —New Zealand Co.'s j Old Land Claims, or Government Scrip or Debentures. To Immigrants. Naval and Military Settlers under New Zealand Settlements Act, &c. Reserves granted for Public Purposes under " Public Reserves Act, 18J4." To Natives, by Grants under " Native Lands Act, 1865," &c. In Satisfaction of Land Scrip, or otherwise not specified. Period. Town. Suburban. Country. Town. Suburban. Country. Cash. Amount. Value of Work done. 1875. Quarter ending 31st March ... ,. .. 30th June ... „ ,, 30th September ,, ,, 31st December A. R. P. 13 2 12 27 o 31 OIO A. II. P. 231 2 IO 39 • 5 32 o '3 9 3 4 A. R. P. 8,003 2 O 4,006 3 o 2,190 o o 647 3 27 14,948 o 27 84 O 2i I IO O 42 o o £ s. d. 6 14 2 4 I2 7f 4 18 5! 3 13 7i £ s. d. O l6 2.J o 13 ii o 11 io£ o 16 7i £ s. d. 9,181 19 o 2,915 6 ° 1,466 6 o 574 6 9 £ *• d. A. R. P. £ s. d. A. R. P. A. R. P. A. R. P. 1,604 o 3 2 A. R. P. A. R. P. A. R. P. ... Totals 41 o 3 312 2 32 ... ... 14,137 '7 9 1,604 ° 32 ... Total Area Scld or otherwise Disposed of, from the Foundation of the Colony to the 31st December, 1875. Total Cash received. Total Area remaining for future Disposal. A. R. P. 806,719 o 32 £ s. d. 348.75° ° 3 A. R. P. 7°3,55 6 3 8 Wellington. Quarter ending 31st March ... „ „ 30th June ... „ ,, 30th September „ „ 3 1 st December 80 1 ni 10 3 16 23 1 n£ 1620 667 2 37 71 00 24,317 2 14 53,22 2 16 9,879 2 8 8,499 " ° 48,018 3 38 47 ° ° 11 00 50 o o 20 10 o 2 19 6 2 I O 480 o 12 6 o 11 8 o 10 3 084 22,878 10 5 5,186 16 o 6,166 9 2 6,950 9 10 *I2O O O *I2O O O ... '95 3 5 307 o o 115 1 11 flQO O O *6o o o ... 52 o 7 57 3 3° I98 2 O 549 ° o 1.93° o 35 ... ... ... Totals ! 131 o 2 1,092 2 37 ... ... ... 4i."82 5 5 490 o o ... 247 3 12 57 3 3° 5°5 2 o 2,594 2 6 Total Area Sold or otherwise Disposed of, from the Foundation of the Colony to the 31st December, 1875. Total Cash received. Total Area remaining for future Disposal. * And Volunteer certificates. j £90 Volunteer certificates. a. n. p. 1,582,902 o 31 574,825 o 7 A. It. p. 838,709 o o Note. —This return does not include confiscated lands, nor lands dealt with by the Native Land Court, and only such purchases of Native lands as have been gazetted.






1875:uarter ending 3 1 st March ... » ., 3°th June ... „ „ 30th September „ „ 31st December 21 O 2J 12 I 31 II 2 24 5O 2 28 51 3 ° 15 o o 24 2 16 66 1 10 621 3 o 1,134 o 10 274 I II 1,260 o 7 3,290 o 28 63 5 ° 77 18 2 49 13 9 20 3 o o 15 o 500 200 • 4 7 1 5 4 0 IS 5 1 10 7 o 10 11 2,156 4 9 1,720 7 9 706 10 6 1,003 •" 6 150 o o 30 o o [484 2 15 32 3 24 ... Total; 157 2 26 1 5»587 1 6 180 o o S'7 1 39 Total Area Sold or otherwise Disposed of, from the Foundation of the Colony to the 31st December, 1875. Total Cash received. Total Area remaining for future Disposal. A. R. P. 929,485 o 1 £ S. d. 410,680 9 8 A. R. P. 5>99°>5>4 3 39

tuarter ending 31st March ... „ „ 30th September „ „ 31st December 4 3 2 100 ... 344 • H 84 3 1 34 1 3° 17 2 O 33" « 25 32 o o 380 3 25 28 19 4 15 o o 14 19 11 1 14 o 1 7 6 1 9 11 1 12 8 o 18 o o 9 11 1 4 2 239 12 3 654 6 4 127 2 8 113 8 1 ... 177 1 22 878 2 12 ... i33 H 7 584 6 7 ... S67 3 '3 1 o 35 6 3 37 I Totals 5'4 o 3 ... ... '.°SS 3 34 718 I I •567 3 13 '. 134 9 4 Total Area Sold or otherwise Disposed of, from the Foundation of the Colony to 31st December, 1875. Total Cash received. Total Area remaining for future v Disposal. A. 887,127 R. P. 270,319 2 6 A. R. P. 2,112,872 3 l8

Quarter ending 31st March ... I 2 3 34 „ „ 30th June ... j 6 2 18 „ „ 30th September 19 o 20 „ „ 31st December 1 3 5 12,137 2 l( > 48 19 6 34.46s 3 o 53 16 1 29,301 o 3 59 11 1 if 25,560 2 20 49 2 54 2 O 0} 2O2 2OO 2OO 24,455 12 O 69,342 19 8 59,859 !» 3 51.213 '9 2 221 o o 70 o o 442 o o ... 79 o 20 222,676 o o 2,140 o o *6o o o •(■46 o o 140 o o ... ... Totals !3O 1 37 101,464 3 39* ,204,872 2 1 291 o o 582 o o 224,895 o 20 106 o o Total Area Sold or otherwise Disposed of, from the Foundation of the Colony to the 31st December, 1875. Total Cash received. Total Area remaining for future Disposal. * Grant under 42nd clause of Land Regulations. t Grant under "Forest Trees Planting Encouragement Act, 1871." A. R. P. 2,014,696 2 14 3,114,010 19 7 a. n. p. 6,678,330 1 26


Otago (exclusive of Southland District).

RETURN of LANDS Sold or otherwise absolutely Disposed of in the several PROVINCES of NEW ZEALAND, from 1st January to 31st December, 1875.


Quarter ending 31st March ... » » 3°th June ... „ „ 30th September „ „ 31st December 164 1 26 o 3 23 9 1 26 "4 3 2 10 o 8 33 3 25 20,225 ° '4 42,957 3 7 24,946 2 7 17.695 3 21 1606 103 19 6 19 17 o 4 14 3 Ji3 9 490 122 1 5 2 109 1 8 5 *28,i5o 17 5 S4,i67 1 3 26,139 9 6 25.465 o 9 ... 2,241 2 2 6,150 1 25 5 J5 2 32i Totals '74 2 35 158 2 35 105,825 1 9 ... 133,922 8 6 ... 8,907 2 i 9 i Total Area Sold or otherwise Disposed of, from the Foundation of the Colony to the 31st December, 1875. Total Cash received. Total Area remaining for future Disposal. I * This amount includes £5 us. (rural), and £29 15s. (town), forfeited deposits ; and also deposits on applications, omitted in ascertaining rate per acre. A. R. p. £ s. d. 1,567,011 1 10 A. n. p. ".565,367 o 11

LANDS SOLD. LANDS DISPOSED OF WITHOUT SALE. For Public To Europeans or Natives, under "Waste Lands Act, 1858;" " Crown Grants Act (No.3),i86a;" Native Reserves Acts, &c. Number of Acres. Rate per Acre. Consideration. Works executed. Period. Scrip :—New Zealand Co.'s; Old Land Claims, or Government Scrip or Debentures. To Immigrants. Naval and Military Settlers under New Zealand Settlements Act, &c. Reserves granted for Public Purposes under " Public Reserves Act, 1854." To Natives, by Grants under " Native Lands Act, 1865," &c. In Satisfactior of Land Scrip, or otherwise not specified. Amount. Value of Work done. Town. Suburban. Country. Town. Suburban. Country. Cash. £ s. d. I Quartcr ending 31st March ... „ „ 30th June ... „ ,, 30th September „ „ 31st December A. R. p. H 3 13 16 3 32 2 « 31 A. R. P. 29 2 2 42 O 20 2O 2 O A. H. p 290 o 0 358 o o 20 o o 49 6 8 179 18 1 78 7 6 88 14 4 200 461 211 9 £ s. d. 1 o 3 100 £ s. d. 1,605 o 11 979 1 10 1,867 14 9 203 2 6 £ »■ d. A. R. P. 700 o o 700 o o A. R. P. A. R. P. A. R. p. A. R. p. A. R. P. A. R. P. 600 o o 40 o o 50 o o 100 100 1,450 o o 1,450 o o 3 3 2° Totals 37 3 2 124 3 27 1,460 o o 4.6S5 o ° 690 o o 2,150 o o 2,150 o o 3 3 20 Total Area Sold or otherwise Disposed of, from the Foundation of the Colony to the 31st December, 1875. Total Area remaining for future Disposal. * Total Cash received. s A. R. P. 84,680 o o £ s. d. 49,688 14 s A. H. P. 2,961,080 o o




Otago (Southland District).

Quarter ending 31st March ... n „ 30th June ... „ „ 30th September „ „ 31st December 313 3 >7i 95 « 3° 196 3 i8i 107 2 20 713 3 6 1,149 ° I2 782 o 21 264 2 18 164 3 29 2,360 3 o' 72,856 o 2 99,122 o 37 86,639 1 1 56,990 2 6 94,354 13 2 144,412 15 10 118,156 7 9 9i,773 7 9 120 o o 270 o o 220 o o 60 o o 221 O O 700 o o 247 I 22 2,328 2 12 442 o o 700 o o 273 14 7 2,034 6 7 195 3 5 I,4IO I 18 2 34 52 o 7, 8,348 1 15 3 3 20 1,083 2 si 8°7 • 5; 32 3 24 198 2 o 15,388 2 37 198,528 o o 841 1 35 33,126 2 6 600 o o 60 o o 86 o o 50 o o Totals 315,608 o 6! 448,697 4 6 670 o o 3,496 3 34 3,45° 1 * 251 2 32237,363 3 3 2i 1,038 2 29 246,884 2 38 796 o o PROVINCES. Auckland Taranaki Hawke's Bay... Wellington ... Nelson Marlborough Canterbury ... Westland Otago Southland o o 3S 34 o 33 41 o 3 131 o 2 50 2 28 6 3 37 30 1 37 37 3 2 174 2 35 206 2 34 312 2 32 1,092 2 37 157 2 26 5'4 o 3 88 1 17 9-549 o 5 14,948 o 27 48,018 3 38 3,290 o 28 380 3 25 101,464 3 39 1,460 o o 105,825 1 9 30,582 o 18 ... S3 18 7 8,898 1 s H,i37 17 9 5>5 8 7 1 6 i,i34 9 4 204,872 2 1 133,922 8 6 34,253 19 11 ... 490 o o 180 o o ... 1,055 3 34 291 o o 2,150 o o ... 718 1 2 582 o o 2,150 o o ... ... 247 3 12 209 3 o 1,604 ° 3 2 57 3 3° 567 3 13 224,895 o 20 IS 2 30 5°5 2 o 5*7 « 39} 244,290 o 32 2,594 2 6 ... 106 o o 690 O O 124 3 27 1S8 2 35 3 3 2° 8,907 2 19! 1,121 1 38 ... ... Totals 448,697 4 6 670 o o 3,49 6 3 34 ! 3,45° 1 2 I 1,038 2 29 1 246,884 2 38 796 o o 7'3 3 6 2,360 3 o 315,608 o 6 251 2 32 237,363 3 32? 19th June. 1876. C. E. Haughton, Under Secretary for Crown Lands.

Quarter ending 3 1 st March ... „ „ 30th June ... „ „ 30th September „ „ 31st December 820 21 1 17 120 1 20 56 1 37 6,581 3 6 18,364 2 35 2,174 1 16 42 16 S 29 4 3 5 4° 21 11 10 109 100 1 o 8 106 3,963 18 6 7,212 s ol 3,448 11 1 ... ... ... I 1,121 1 38 Totals 206 2 34 30,582 o 18 ... 34,253 1911J I 1,121 1 38 Total Area Sold or otherwise Disposed of, from the Fovindation of the Colony to the 31st December, 1875. Total Cash received. Total Area remaining for future Disposal. * Cash. + Public Works. A. 877,981 n. p. 2 32 £ s. d. *793,2O4 12 o +63,132 10 6 A. I>344|I5I R. P. I 21

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LAND SOLD OR OTHERWISE DISPOSED OF., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1876 Session I, C-01

Word Count

LAND SOLD OR OTHERWISE DISPOSED OF. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1876 Session I, C-01

LAND SOLD OR OTHERWISE DISPOSED OF. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1876 Session I, C-01

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