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Presented to both Souses of the General Assembly by Command of Sis Excellency.

No. 1. Mr. Tancred to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Sir, — University of New Zealand, Christchurch, 3rd June, 1874. I have the honor to inform you that the following educational institutions have been affiliated to this University:—The University of Otago, the Canterbury College, and Christ's College, Christchurch; and to request that the Colonial Government Gazette may be sent to those institutions as to the other institutions affiliated to the University. The Canterbury Collegiate Union has been dissolved, and in consequence I would suggest that the sending of the Government Gazette to the address of that institution should be discontinued. I have, &c, Henry John Tancred, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Chancellor.

No. 2. The Hon. the Colonial Secretary to Mr. Tancred. Sir, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 13th June, 1874. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 3rd June, and in reply to inform you that the New Zealand Gazette will be supplied to the various educational institutions affiliated to the New Zealand University, as recommended by you. I have, &c., G. S. Cooper, H. J. Tancred, Esq., (for the Colonial Secretary). Chancellor of the New Zealand University, Christchurch.

No. 3. Mr. Tancred to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Sir, — University of New Zealand, Christchurch, 10th October, 1874. I have the honor to request that you will be good enough to inform me whether any steps have yet been taken by His Excellency the Governor for calling together the Senate of the New Zealand University, as constituted under the Act lately passed by the Colonial Legislature, and, if not, whether it is likely that His Excellency will shortly take any steps for that purpose. I have, &c, Henry John Tancred, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Chancellor. I—H. 4


No. 4. The Hon. the Colonial Secretary to Mr. Tancred. (Telegram.) Government Buildings, 20th October, 1874. Will you kindly send names of University Councillors as the roll existed at passing of " New Zealand University Act, 1874 ?" Surnames will suffice. Daniel Pollen. H. J. Tancred, Esq., Chancellor of the New Zealand University, Christchurch.

No. 5. . Mr. Maskell to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Sir, — University of New Zealand, Christchurch, 20th October, 1874. I have the honor, in reply to your telegram of this day's date, to forward to you herewith a list of the names of the gentlemen constituting the Council of the University at the time of the passing of " The University Act, 1874." I have, &c, W. M. Maskell, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Secretary. UNIVERSITY COUNCIL. Henry John Tancred, Esq., Chancellor. Hon. J. Fraser, M.L.C. Hugh Carleton, Esq., Vice-Chancellor. Hon. M. S. Grace, M.L.C. Hon. J. B. A. Acland, M.L.C. The Right Rev. Dr. Harper. Chief Justice Sir G. A. Arney. Jas. Hector, M.D., F.R.S. Rev. Thomas Buddie. Rev. W. Johnston. Hon. R. Campbell, M.L.C. His Honor J. Macandrew. His Honor Mr. Justice H. S. Chapman. Hon. H. J. Miller, M.L.C. The Right Rev. Dr. Croke. His Honor W. Rolleston. His Honor Oswald Curtis. Hon. E. W. Stafford. Hon. W. Fitzherbert, M.A. Hon. R. Stokes, M.L.C.

No. 6. The Hon. the Colonial Secretary to the Rev. J. C. Andrew. (Telegram.) Government Buildings, 14th October, 1874. Will you accept 'appointment by Governor in Council as Fellow of New Zealand University, under Section 5 of Act 1874 ? Daniel Pollen. Rev. J. C. Andrew. Telegrams similar to the above were sent to, — Mr. G. M. O'Rorke, M.H.R., Onehunga. Hon. Major Richardson, Balclutha. Rev. D. M. Stuart, D.D., Dunedin. Mr. Alex. McNeill, Invercargill. Mr. Theophilus Heale, Napier.

No. 7. Rev. J. C. Andrew to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. (Telegram.) Nelson, 14th October, 1874. With pleasure, barring disqualification Act; shall be in Wellington Friday. J. C. Andrew. Hon. Dr. Pollen, Colonial Secretary, Wellington.

No. 8.. The Hon. Major Richardson to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. (Telegram.) Balclutha, 17th October, 1874. Telegram just received ; many thanks. Unable to accept your kind offer of a seat in the Council of the New Zealand University. J. Richardson. Hon. Dr. Pollen, Wellington.




No. 9. Mr. O'Rorke to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. (Telegram.) Onehunga, 17th October, 1874. Much obliged for offer of seat in University, which I with regret decline, but only on the ground that teaching which I consider should be the special function of a university is strictly prohibited by the law constituting the New Zealand University. G. Maurice O'Rorke. Hon. Dr. Pollen, Wellington.

No. 10. The Rev. D. M. Stuart to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. (Telegram.) Dunedin, 20th October, 1874. Received your telegram ; will gladly accept appointment of Fellow of New Zealand University. D. M. Stuart. Hon. Daniel Pollen, Wellington.

No. 11. Mr. Alex. McNeill to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. (Telegram.) Invercargill, 2nd November, 1874. Your telegram just received offering Fellowship. Must beg to decline, having no claims whatever to such an honor. Alex. McNeill. Hon. Dr. Pollen, Government Buildings, Wellington.

No. 12. Mr. Theophilus Heale to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. (Telegram.) Napier, 9th November, 1874. Doubt my qualifications, but glad to be useful in any way you think suitable. Theoph. Heale. The Hon. D. Pollen, Wellington.

No. 13. The Hon. the Colonial Secretary to the Chancellor of the New Zealand University. Sir, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 13th November, 1874. With reference to your letter of the 10th ultimo, I have the honor to transmit, for your information, a New Zealand Gazette of yesterday's date, containing an order, under the hand of His Excellency the Governor in Council, appointing the Rev. J. C. Andrew, the Rev. D. M. Stuart, D.D., the Hon. W. Gisbornc, and Theophilus Heale, Esq., to be Fellows of the New Zealand University. I have, &c., H. J. Tancred, Esq., Daniel Pollen. Chancellor of the New Zealand University, Christchurch. Extract from the "New Zealand Gazette" of the \2th November, 1874. James Fergusson, Governor. Order in Council. At the Government House, at Wellington, this tenth day of November, 1874. Present: —His Excellency the Governor in Council. Whereas by "The New Zealand University Act, 1874" (hereafter referred to as "the said Act"), it is, amongst other things, enacted that the University of New Zealand shall, after the coming into operation of the said Act, consist of a Chancellor, a Vice-Chancellor, Fellows, and Graduates; and that there shall be twenty-four Fellows, including the Chancellor and ViceChancellor ; and further, that the persons who immediately before the coming into operation of the said Act were the members of the Council of the University created by " The New Zealand University Act, 1870," shall, on the coming into operation of the said Act, be Fellows, together with such other persons as the Governor in Council may appoint, not exceeding in all the said number of twenty-four: And whereas it is expedient that the appointments hereinafter mentioned should be made:



Now therefore, I, the Right Honorable Sir James Fergusson, Baronet, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, in exercise and pursuance of the above-recited power, and by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, do hereby appoint The Rev. John Chapman Andrew, The Rev. Donald McNaughton Stuart, D.D., The Honorable William Gisborne, and Theophilus Heale, Esq., to be Fellows of the said University. Forster Goring, Clerk of the Executive Council.

No. 14. Mr. Tancred to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Sir, — University of New Zealand, Christchurch, 25th November, 1874. I have the honor to suggest, with a view of obviating inconveniences which might otherwise arise, that early steps should be taken for bringing " The University Act, 1874/' into practical operation. The University Council, at the close of last session, fixed the next meeting for the second Wednesday in April next, and unless some action is taken by the Government under the new Act, superseding this action of the late Council, the members will be probably in doubt how far they are or are not required to attend on the day named. It will moreover be necessary that the Senate constituted under the new Act should meet without unnecessary delay, for the purpose of completing, or possibly giving a new direction to, the arrangements initiated by the late Council. Especially it is necessary that timely notice of the future course of proceeding in reference to University examinations, whether of undergraduates or candidates for prizes or scholarships, should be given to those interested ; otherwise it is possible that some injustice might be done. Moreover, the Senate may think it necessary to revise and perhaps alter some of the statutes and regulations referring to the examinations. The examinations have hitherto been held during the month of May, and those who are affected by them will, unless other arrangements are made, calculate upon presenting themselves next year at the same time. Under the circumstances, I would suggest that His Excellency the Governor be recommended to call together the Senate as soon as convenient; and I think that the time to be fixed should not be later than the first week in March next. I have, &c, Henry John Tancred, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Chancellor.

No. 15. The Hon. the Colonial Secretary to Mr. Tancred. Sir, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 28th December, 1874. With reference to your letter of the 25th of November last, in which you urge the necessity of calling together the Senate of the New Zealand University at a date not later than the first week in March next, I have the honor to forward herewith a copy of the New Zealand Gazette of the 24th instant, containing an Order in Council, calling a meeting of the Senate on the Ist day of March now next. I have, &c., H. J. Tancred, Esq., Daniel Pollen. Chancellor of the University of New Zealand, Christchurch. Extract from "New Zealand Gazette" of the 24tk December, 1874. Normanby, Administrator of the Government. Order in Council. At the Government House, at Wellington, this twenty-second day of December, 1874. Present: —His Excellency the Administrator of the Government in Council. Whereas by the fourteenth section of " The New Zealand University Act, 1874," it is amongst other things enacted that the Senate of the University constituted under the said Act shall meet at least once in every year, at such time and place as shall be determined by the Senate at its last meeting, such place of meeting to vary from year to year ; and further, that the Governor in Council shall determine the time and place for the first meeting of the Senate;



Now, therefore, I, George Augustus Constantine, Marquis of Normanby, the Administrator of the Government of the Colony of New Zealand, in exercise and pursuance of the power and authority vested in me by the said Act, and by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Colony, do hereby determine that the first meeting of the said Senate shall be held at noon of Monday, the first day of March now next, at the General Government Buildings, in Moles worth street, in the City of Wellington. Approved in Council. Forster Goring, Clerk to the Executive Council.

No. 16. The Hon. the Colonial Secretary to Mr. Tancred. (Telegram.) Government Buildings, 16th December, 1874. Will you kindly say whether in your opinion the duration of office of present Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor should be extended to one year from 31st August last, or be sooner determined, and, if so, when ? Vide section 7, Act 1874. H. J. Tancred, Esq., Daniel Pollen. Chancellor New Zealand University, Christchurch.

No. 17. Mr. Tancred to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. (Telegram.) Christchurch, 19th December, 1874. I think present Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor should hold office till meeting of Senate. Your telegram, dated 16th, reached me last night. Henry John Tancred, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Chancellor.

No. 18. The Hon. the Colonial Secretary to Mr. Tancred. Sir, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 4th January, 1875. With reference to my telegram of the 16th ultimo, and to your reply of the 19th, I have the honor to forward herewith a copy of the New Zealand Gazette of the 31st December, containing a warrant denning the period for which the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor of the New Zealand University, appointed under "The New Zealand University Act, 1870," shall remain in office. I have, &c, H. J. Tancred, Esq., Daniel Pollen. Chancellor of the University of New Zealand, Christchurch. Extract from " New Zealand Gazette" of the 31s£ December, 1874. Normanby, Administrator of the Government. In pursuance and exercise of the power and authority vested in me by the provisions of " The New Zealand University Act, 1874," I, George Augustus Constantine, Marquis of Normanby, the Administrator of the Government of the Colony of New Zealand, do hereby determine that the persons who immediately before the coming into operation of the said Act were respectively the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor of the University created by " The New Zealand University Act, 1870," shall be and remain the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor respectively of the University created by the said first-mentioned Act until the third day of March now next. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Most Honorable George Augustus Constantine, Marquis of Normanby, Earl of Mulgrave, Viscount Normanby, and Baron Mulgrare of Mulgrave, all in the County of York, in the Peerage of the United Kingdom; and Baron Mulgrave of New Ross, in the County of Wexford, in the Peerage of Ireland; a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honorable Privy Council; Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George ; Administrator of the Government in and over Her Majesty's Colony of New Zealand and its Dependencies; and issued at the Government House at Wellington, this twenty-third day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four. Daniel Pollen. God save the Queen !



No. 19. Mr. Tancred to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Sir, — University of New Zealand, Christchurch, 25th January, 1875. I have the honor to request that you will be good enough to direct that notice shall be sent to the various members of the Senate of this University of the time and place of the first meeting of that body. It has occurred to me that possibly some of the members may not have seen the Gazette containing the proclamation of His Excellency the Governor, calling the Senate together. I have, &c, Henry John Tancred, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Chancellor.

No. 20. The Hon. Mr. Reynolds to Mr. Tancred. (Telegram.) Government Buildings, 2nd February, 1875. As notice of meeting of Senate appears in Gazette, it does not seem to be the duty of Government to give any further notice. William H. Reynolds, (in the absence of the Colonial Secretary). H. J. Tancred, Esq., Christchurch.

No. 21. Mr. Maskell to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Sir, — University of New Zealand, Wellington, sth March, 1875. I have the honor, by direction of the Chancellor, to forward to you herewith copies of certain resolutions passed by the Senate of the University. I have, &c, W. M. Maskell, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Secretary. Resolutions of the Senate. 3rd March, 1875. That Henry John Tancred, Esq., be elected Chancellor of the University for a period of five years. That Hugh Carleton, Esq., be elected Vice-Chancellor of the University for a period of five years. 4th March, 1875. That the Chancellor be directed to inform the Colonial Secretary of the election of a Chancellor and a Vice-Chancellor by the Senate.

No. 22. Mr. Tancred to the Hon. the Colonial Treasurer. Sir, — University of New Zealand, Wellington, 9th March, 1875. I have the honor to request that you will pay over to the account of this University the sum of £3,000 for the current year, in accordance with the requirements of the 27th clause of " The University Act, 1874." The University has its account at present with the Dunedin branch of the Bank of New Zealand, and it may be convenient that the above sum should be placed to the same accouut. I have, &c., Henry John Tancred, The Hon. the Colonial Treasurer, Wellington. Chancellor.

No. 23. The Hon. the Colonial Secretary to the Chancellor of the New Zealand University. Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, New Zealand, Sir,— 24th March, 1875. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 9th March, and, in reply, to inform you that, in compliance with the request contained therein, the sum of «£3,000 has, in accordance with the requirements of the 27th clause of " The University Act, 1874," been placed in schedule for payment to the account of the University at the Dunedin branch of the Bank of New Zealand. , I have, &c, The Chancellor of the New Zealand University, Daniel Pollen. Christchurch.



No. 24 Mr. Maskell to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Sir, — University of New Zealand, Wellington, 12th March, 1875. I have the honor, by direction of the Chancellor, to forward to you herewith copies of the Statutes and Regulations made by the Senate of the University during its present session, and to request that His Excellency the Governor be respectfully requested to approve the same. I have, &c., W. M. Maskell, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Secretary. Statute Repealing Existing Statutes and Regulations, and Saving Existing Rights. Whereas by " The New Zealand University Act, 1874," certain alterations are made in the functions and constitution of the University, and whereas it is expedient to adapt the Statutes and Regulations of the University as at preseut constituted to the altered circumstances of the case, in order to enable the University more easily to perform its functions as prescribed by the said Act, and for this purpose to repeal the Statutes and Regulations now in force and to make other Statutes and Regulations in lieu thereof: Be it enacted as follows :— All Statutes and Regulations of the University in force before the Ist day of March, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five, are hereby repealed : Provided always that any rights or privileges which may have accrued under the said Statutes and Regulations shall be as valid as though this Statute had not been made. Approved in Council, 23rd March, 1875. Forster Goring, Clerk of the Executive Council. Statute. Government and Discipline of the University. Whereas it is expedient that Statutes and Regulations should be made for the government and discipline of the University of New Zealand; Be it hereby enacted that the Senate of the University, in session assembled, shall convene and appoint the time and place of meeting of the said Senate for each successive session, and so on from session to session. The Chancellor, or the Vice-Chancellor, or in the case of the absence of both from the colony, the Registrar, shall convene a meeting of the Senate upon a written requisition of not less than ten Fellows, setting forth the objects for which the meeting is required to be convened, and the meeting shall be called not less than thirty days after the receipt of the requisition by the Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor, or Registrar, as the case may be. Approved in Council, 23rd March, 1875. Forster Goring, Clerk of the Executive Council. Regulation Distinguishing Statutes and Regulations by Short Titles, and permitting them to be cited by such Short Titles. Every Statute or Regulation made by the Senate shall be distinguished by a short title indicating the subject of such Statute or Regulation, and every Statute or Regulation may be cited or referred to by such short title. Approved in Council, 23rd March, 1875. Forster Goring, Clerk of the Executive Council. Regulation. Form of Proxies. Proxies shall be delivered in form, as follows: —" I, A. 8., do hereby empower C. D. to exercise my right of voting at any meeting of the Senate of the University of New Zealand whenever I shall not be present in person, and this power shall endure until it shall be revoked under my hand." Provided that any Fellow having given a general proxy shall retain the right of superseding that proxy in regard to any specified question by letter addressed to the Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor. The word " letter " shall for the purposes of this Regulation be deemed to include a message sent by telegraph, in accordance with Regulations duly authorized-under the Telegraph Act. Approved in Council, 23rd March, 1875. Forster Goring, Clerk of the Executive Council.



Regulation. Blazon of University Seal. Within a circular ribbon and on a ground diapree, an antique escocheon; bearing, azure, between four estoils of eight points in'cross argent, a book open fesswise of the same, edged and indexed proper. Motto : On an escrolargent, fimbriated gules surmounting the ground diapree, and passing behind the escocheon, the words " Sapere aude." Approved in Council, 23rd March, 1875. Forster Goring, Clerk of the Executive Council. Regulation. Admission of Undergraduates from other Universities. Any person may be admitted without examination as an undergraduate member of the University of New Zealand, who shall have kept any number of terms at any of the undermentioned Universities—namely, Oxford, Cambridge, Glasgow, Aberdeen, St. Andrew's, Edinburgh, Dublin, Durham, London, Queen's University of Ireland, Sydney, or Melbourne, —and shall be considered of the same standing as if he had been, during the same time, an undergraduate member of the University of New Zealand: Provided always that he shall give to the Registrar, to the satisfaction of the Chancellor, evidence of good condupt at any such University. Approved in Council, 23rd March, 1875. Forster Goring, Clerk of the Executive Council. Regulation. Admission of Graduates in Arts, Medicine, Law, and Music, and others, to ad eundem Degrees. Any person who shall have been admitted to the degree of Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts, Bachelor of Medicine, Doctor'of Medicine, Bachelor of Laws, Doctor of Laws, Bachelor of Music, or Doctor of 'Music, in any of the following Universities —namely, Oxford, Cambridge, Glasgow, Aberdeen, St. Andrew's, Edinburgh, Dublin, Durham, London, Queen's University of Ireland, Sydney, or Melbourne, —may be admitted by the Senate to the same degree in the University of' New Zealand; and any person who shall have passed the examination for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in any of the said Universities, but may not have gone through the form of taking that degree on account of not having kept the last required term, may be admitted to the degree of Bachelor of Arts in the University of New Zealand. Proof of compliance with all these conditions shall be to the satisfaction of the Senate. Approved in Council, 23rd March, 1875. Forster Goring, Clerk of the Executive Council. Statute. Conditions of the Affiliation of Collegiate or Scholastic Institutions. Collegiate or scholastic institutions in the colony may be affiliated under the following conditions :— I. That such institutions provide, for the purpose of teaching and lecturing, lecture rooms with suitable apparatus and appliances. 11. That at such periods of the year as may be determined upon by the Senate, lectures be regularly given by the teachers and lecturers of the institutions. 111. That it be shown to the satisfaction of the Senate that such institutions are competent to supply, through their teachers and lecturers, adequate instruction in Classics, Mathematics, and any one of the following subjects, viz.: — L Modern Languages other than English. 2. Physical Science. 3. English Language and Literature. 4. General History. 5. Moral Philosophy and Logic. 6. Jurisprudence. Approved in Council, 23rd March, 1875. Forster Goring, Clerk of the Executive Council. Regulation Prescribing Examinations in Affiliated Institutions. Each affiliated College shall, between the Ist day of October and the 31st day of December in each year, hold an examination in not less than three of the several subjects taught under the conditions of affiliation.



• After such examination, the names of the undergraduates shall be arranged in classes and in order of merit. The class lists, together with the papers set and the answers thereto, shall be forwarded forthwith to the Registrar. Approved in Council, 23rd March, 1875. PORSTER GORING, Clerk of the Executive Council. Regulation Specifying Value and Tenure of Scholarships, and Subjects and Conditions of Scholarship Examination. I. There shall be scholarships of two kinds, to be called Junior and Senior Scholarships, of the annual value of £45 and £60 respectively. 11. The Junior Scholarships shall be open to candidates between the ages of fifteen and twenty-one years entering upon their University course. 111. The tenure of such Junior Scholarships shall be for the term of the University course, and, in the case of candidates for honors, for one year in addition: Provided that any junior scholar who may obtain a Senior Scholarship, as hereinafter mentioned, shall thereby vacate such Junior Scholarship. IV. The Junior Scholarships shall be awarded for excellence in any two or more, not exceeding four, of the following subjects : — 1. Latin. 2. Greek. 3. English, and one of the following Modern Languages : — (a) Trench, (b) German, (c) Italian. 4. Mathematics. 5. History. 6. Natural and Physical Science. V. The Senior Scholarships shall be awarded to students who shall, at the end of their second year, pass with great credit either the voluntary or the compulsory section of the subjects of examination for the B.A. degree. VI. The Senior Scholarships shall be tenable for one year, and, in the case of candidates for honors, for two years. VII. For the purpose of awarding Senior Scholarships, separate papers, to be marked " Scholarship Papers," containing questions of a higher character on the several subjects of examination, shall be added to the examination papers for the B.A. degree. VIII. No person shall be entitled to hold a scholarship unless he shall have matriculated as a member of the University, and entered his name upon the books of some affiliated institution, nor unless he shall attend regularly the course of studies and lectures prescribed by such institution. IX. A scholarship shall become vacant by neglect on the part of the holder to attend any one of the annual examinations of the affiliated institution upon the books of which he may have entered his name, unless the holder shall produce proof to the satisfaction of the Chancellor that he was unable, from illness or other sufficient cause, to attend : Provided that any scholar may, on receiving the Chancellor's permission in writing, pursue his studies at some affiliated institution other than that at which he may have originally entered. X. Scholarship examinations shall be held at any place within the colony where a person appointed by the Chancellor, to be termed a Supervisor, can be found to see that the rules for examinations are complied with. XL Scholarship examinations shall be conducted by means of papers to be severally prepared by the examiners. XII. Candidates shall write out answers to the questions set in the presence of the Supervisor, and in accordance with such detailed instructions as may be furnished by the Chancellor or the Chancellor's appointee. XIII. The written answers shall be transmitted by the Supervisors to the examiners—that is to say, each answer to the examiner who set the paper—who shall examine them, and report thereon to the Senate. XIV. The examiners and Supervisors shall severally receive remuneration for their services as the Senate shall in each case determine. XV. The Chancellor is hereby empowered to make rules or orders for such matters of detail as may be required for the effectual carrying out of the foregoing Regulations. Approved in Council, 23rd March, 1875. Forster Goring, Clerk of the Executive Council. Regulation Specifying Conditions of Matriculation, and Subjects for Matriculation Examinations. I. Candidates for matriculation shall, before they are admitted as matriculated students of the University, be examined in six or more of the following subjects : — 2—H. 4



1. Greek. 7. Elementary Chemistry. 2. Latin. 8. Elementary Physic, one branch. 3. English. 9. Elementary Natural Science, one branch. 4. Arithmetic. 10. One Modern Language other than English. 5. Algebra. 11. Political and Physical Geography. 6. Euclid. 12. History. 11. Each candidate will be required to pass in at least six subjects, of which Latin, English, and Arithmetic must be three. 111. Local Boards of Examiners shall be appointed to conduct the matriculation examinations for the University. IV. Successful candidates for scholarships shall be exempt from the obligation to pass the matriculation examination, and from payment of the matriculation fee. V. Every student shall at matriculation make the following declaration : — I do solemnly promise that I will faithfully obey the Statutes and Regulations of the University, so far as they apply to me, and I hereby declare that I believe myself to have attained the age of fifteen years. Approved in Council, 23rd March, 1875. Forster Goring, Clerk of the Executive Council. Regulation Specifying the Terms to be kept, and Examinations to be passed, for the B.A. Degree. I. All matriculated students, members of the University, shall attend the annual examination at some affiliated institution: Provided that each student shall pass the three annual examinations at the same institution, unless specially authorized to do otherwise by the Chancellor of the University; and shall pay such fee as may be determined upon by the Governors of the affiliated institution, with the approval of the Chancellor of the University. 11. Residence in an affiliated institution shall not be necessarily required for the keeping of terms; but any student matriculated to the University, and whose name shall be upon the books of an affiliated institution, and who shall have passed the yearly College examination, shall be deemed to have kept the terms of that year : Provided that in the case of students who shall claim exemption from attendance upon lectures in an affiliated institution, it shall be shown to the satisfaction of the Chancellor of the University that circumstances preclude them from such attendance. Provided also that no student shall be deemed to have kept the terms of any year who shall not have obtained a certificate of good conduct to the satisfaction of the Chancellor. 111. No student shall be admitted to the final examination for the B.A. degree who has not kept three years' terms at some institution affiliated to the University of New Zealand. IV. The subjects of examinations for the B.A. degree shall be: — 1. Greek Language and Literature. 2. Latin Language and Literature. 3. English Language and Literature. 4. Modern Languages and Literature. 5. General History and Political Economy. 6. Jurisprudence and Constitutional History. 7. Mathematics. 8. Physical Science (any two of the following branches) : — (a) Sound and Light. (b) Heat and Radiant Heat. (c) Electricity and Magnetism. (d) Astronomy and Meteorology. 9. Chemistry. 10. Natural Science (any one of the following branches) : — (a) Geology and Mineralogy. (b) Zoology: Invertebrata. (c) Zoology: Vertebrata. (d) Botany. 11. Mental Science. V. No candidate shall be approved by the examiners unless he show a competent knowledge of five of the above subjects of examination, of which two must be Latin and Mathematics. VI. The examination may be passed in two sections. The compulsory subjects shall constitute one section, and the optional subjects the other section. Either section may be taken at the end of the second year; or, at the option of the candidate, the whole five subjects may be taken at the end of the third year. VII. Every student intending to present himself for examination shall at least six months previously signify to the Chancellor the subjects in which he shall elect to be examined. VIII. The names of the students who pass the examination shall be placed in alphabetical order, and shall be published by the Chancellor as soon as is convenient after the receipt by him of the reports of the Examiners.



IX. As soon as convenient after the examination, each Examiner shall return the papers of the candidates to the Registrar. X. The examination for the B.A. degree shall be fixed by the Chancellor for some day in the month of November in each year. XI. Anything in this Regulation notwithstanding, students of the University of Otago who may have matriculated previous to the affiliation of that University to the University of New Zealand, may obtain the B.A. degree after passing, in manner prescribed by resolution of the Senate, the examination for such degree as required by the said University of Otago. Approved in Council, 23rd March, 1875. Forster Goring, Clerk of the Executive Council. Regulation Specifying Conditions to be fulfilled and Examination to be passed for obtaining Honors. I. At the end of one year after the B.A. examination, there shall be an examination for honors. 11. Candidates for honors shall be examined in one or more of the following groups of subjects:— 1. Languages and Literature. Any two of the following sub-divisions, of which Latin must be one : — (a) Greek. (b) Latin. (c) English. (d) Two Modern Languages other than English. 2. Political Science, including General History, Political Economy, Jurisprudence, and Constitutional History. 3. Mathematics and Mathematical Physics. 4. Chemistry and Experimental Physics. 5. Natural Science. 6. Mental Science. 111. Every candidate for honors shall, at the time of his passing the B.A. degree examination, give notice of his intention to present himself for the honor examination, and of the subjects in which he proposes to be examined. IV. There shall be three classes of honors —first, second, and third class. V. The names of the successful candidates shall be arranged alphabetically in the several classes to which they may have attained. VI. The examination for honors shall be fixed for some day in the month of November in each year. Approved in Council, March 23rd, 1875. Forster Goring, Clerk of the Executive Council. Regulation Specifying the Proceedings necessary for obtaining Degrees in Music. I, A candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Music must declare at the time of matriculation his intention of proceeding to that degree, and must also produce at the same time a certificate, signed by two or more trustworthy persons, that he has been studying or practising music, whether in New Zealand or elsewhere, for four years. 11. A Bachelor of Music wishing to proceed to the degree of Doctor must produce a similar certificate for five years from admission to his present degree. 111. The Regulations for proceeding to a degree in Arts apply also to a degree in Music, those excepted which prescribe a course of study and subjects for examination. IV. Candidates for the degree of B.Mus. are required to pass an examination in each year, as under the Regulation " specifying the terms to be kept and examinations to be passed for the B.A. degree," but the examination shall be in Music only. The examination papers for the yearly examination are framed at the discretion of the examiners. To obviate difficulties arising from difference of opinion amongst masters in Harmony, the examiners will accept as correct all answers given in accordance with any standard work on Harmony. The books recommended for study are—Sir Frederick Ouseley's Harmony, Canon and Fugue; Albreehtberger's Guide to Composition (vols. 2 and 3of the entire work) for Counterpoint, Canon and Fugue; and Cherubini, for the same. " V. The final examination for the degree of B.Mus. is conducted in writing. The candidate is required to add three parts in the strict style to a given subject, placing the subject successively in each part: this without access to an instrument. Also, with access to an instrument if desired, to write a single fugue in at least three parts, in the free style, to a given subject. Also to compose a piece of vocal music on given words, in at least four parts, with an accompaniment for the organ or for not more than five stringed instruments. To these, which are imperative, the examiners will add, at their discretion, further tests of proficiency. Instrumental performance will not be tested or taken into account.



VI. A Bachelor of Music wishing to proceed to the degree of Doctor is required to pass an examination in writing by the examiners above mentioned, and to compose a piece of vocal music in eight parts, with an accompaniment for a full orchestra, which, when approved, is to be performed in public, and a copy of it to be deposited in the Music School. Approved in Council, March 23rd, 1875. Forster Goring, Clerk of the Executive Council. Regulation Permitting certain Teachers to proceed to the B.A. Degree. Teachers in affiliated institutions, and certificated teachers of good repute, in any school established or conducted under the provisions of an Act of the General Assembly or of a Provincial Council of this colony, having been in the practice of their profession for at least five years, may be admitted, on the recommendation of the Chancellor, or of the Vice-Chancellor, to the final examination for the B.A. degree, on payment of the ordinary fees, without matriculation and the keeping of University terms, and on passing the examination shall be entitled to all the privileges of undergraduates of the same standing, anything in other regulations of the University notwithstanding: Provided that this regulation shall be in force for two years, and no longer, from the day of its approval by the Governor. Approved in Council, March 23rd, 1875. Forster Goring, Clerk of the Executive Council. Regulation Specifying the Conditions to be fulfilled for obtaining the " Bowen Prize." I. There shall be a yearly prize, to be called the " Bowen Prize," of the value of not less than £5, to be given for the best essay, as hereinafter provided. The prize if a medal shall be impressed with the arms of the University, and with the words " Bowen Prize " on the obverse side of the medal; and if of books, each volume shall be impressed with the arms of the University. 11. The prize shall be open to all matriculated students of the University who shall not have taken their degree. 111. The examiners shall be the Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor, and one other person to be appointed by the Senate of the University in each year : Provided that such last-mentioned person shall hold office till the appointment of his successor: Provided, also, that in case of a vacancy occurring in the above-mentioned body of examiners, the Chancellor, or in his absence, or in case of his inability from any cause to act, the Vice-Chancellor, shall appoint some fit person to supply such vacancy. IV. The subjects for the essay shall be selected by the examiners appointed as above, or any two of them, and shall be given out in the month of March in each year, and the essays shall be sent in to the Registrar before the 31st day of December next ensuing. V. The subject of the essay shall be connected with, or shall bear reference to, British history, or the history, institutions, or destinies of British colonies, or any of them. Approved in Council, March 23rd, 1875. Forster Goring, Clerk of the Executive Council. Regulation Appropriating Funds for the Purposes of the University. The sum of £1,500, out of the annual income of the University, shall be appropriated yearly, and paid into a separate account, for the establishment from time to time of scholarships according to regulations to be made by the Senate. Any sums which may not have been expended during any year out of the funds appropriated to scholarships, may be invested from time to time as the Senate may direct, and the interest accruing thereon shall be available for increasing, as occasion may require, the number of scholarships. The balance of the University funds shall be appropriated to defraying the expenditure incident to the conduct of examinations, and for the general purposes of the University, as may be directed by the Senate. Approved in Council, March 23rd, 1875. Forster Goring, Clerk of the Executive Council. Regulation Prescribing Form of Diploma for Graduates. Each candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Arts or Master of Arts shall, on admission, receive a diploma under the hand of the Chancellor, sealed with the University Seal, certifying that such a degree has been conferred.



The form of such diploma shall be as follows : — A. B. has this day been admitted to the degree of Bachelor of Arts (or Master of Arts) in the University of New Zealand. Given under my hand this day of 18 C. D., Chancellor. Approved in Council, March 23rd, 1875. Forster Goring, Clerk of the Executive Council. Regulation , Prescribing Fees payable to the University, The fees payable in the University of New Zealand shall be : — £ s. d. For Matriculation .. .. .. .. .. 110 For Certificate of any Examination for B.A. Degree .. .. 0 5 0 For Degree of B.A. .. .. .. .. .. 2 2 0 For Degree of M.A. .. .. .. .. .. 5 5 0 For Degree of B.Mus. .. .. .. .. .. 550 For Degree of D.Mus. .. .. .. .. 10 10 0 For Graduates of other Universities admitted to the same degree in the University of New Zealand .. .. .. 110 For Undergraduates of other Universities admitted to the same standing in the University of New Zealand .. .. 110 This regulation shall come into force on and after the 30th day of April, 1875. Approved in Council, March 23rd, 1875. Forster Goring, Clerk of the Executive Council.

No. 25. The Hon. the Colonial Secretary to Mr. Tancred. Sir,— Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 24th March, 1875. I have the honor to inform you that His Excellency the Governor in Council has been pleased to approve the Statutes and Regulations made by the Senate of the New Zealand University during its recent session, which were forwarded by Mr. Maskell in his letter of the 12th instant. These Statutes and Regulations shall be published in an early number of the Gazette, and a copy forwarded to your address. I have, &c, The Chancellor of the New Zealand University, Daniel Pollen. Christchurch.

No. 26. The Hon. the Colonial Secretary to Mr. Tancred. Sir, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, sth April, 1875. Adverting to my letter No. 157, of the 24th ultimo, I have the honor to transmit to you herewith an Order under the hand of His Excellency the Governor in Council approving the Statutes and Regulations passed by the Senate of the New Zealand University at its last session, together with the original Statutes and Regulations. I also enclose a copy of the New Zealand Gazette in which these Regulations are published. I would point out that, before the Regulations can become operative, it will be necessary that the Seal of the University be attached to them. I have, &c., The Chancellor of the New Zealand University, Daniel Pollen. Christchurch.

Vide N.Z. Gazette, No. 20, of 1875, p. 231.

No. 27. Mr. Tancred to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Sir, — University of New Zealand, Christchurch, Bth April, 1875. I have the honor herewith to enclose the Annual Report of the Proceedings of the University, as required by clause 28 of "The New Zealand University Act, 1874," together



with an account of income and expenditure for the period of eleven months ending 28th February, 1875. I have, &c, Henry John Tancred, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Chancellor. ♦

ANNUAL REPORT. In compliance with the 28th clause of " The New Zealand University Act, 1874," the Senate makes the following report to His Excellency the Governor of the proceedings of the University since the date of last report: — Under the authority of His Excellency the Governor, as prescribed by " The New Zealand University Act, 1874," the Senate met on the first day of March last, at the Government Buildings, at Wellington, and, on the day appointed by the Governor, elected Henry John Tancred, Esq., to be Chancellor, and Hugh Carleton, Esq., to be Vice-Chancellor of the University for five years. " The New Zealand University Act of 1874" materially altering the functions and duties of the University, the Senate have endeavoured during the present session loyally to carry out the provisions and requirements of that Act. The Senate have with this view repealed the statutes and regulations previously in force, and have enacted others in accordance with the present constitution of the University. A copy of these statutes and regulations has, as directed by the Act, been submitted for the approval of His Excellency the Governor. The Senate have drawn the attention of the Government to the necessity of immediate steps being taken for preserving from alienation certain educational reserves under " The University Endowment Act, 1868," and other Acts, for the purposes of a Colonial University, and securing their utilization for the purpose named in " The New Zealand University Act, 1874," namely, " for promoting higher education in the respective provinces in which such reserves are situate, in such manner as the General Assembly may from time to time determine." Copies of the resolutions passed by the Senate on this subject are appended to this report. The affiliated institutions have continued to do this work satisfactorily during the period under review. Several students have matriculated to the University, and are now pursuing their studies preparatory to the attainment of a degree. Four institutions have been affiliated to the University since the date of the last report— namely, the University of Otago; Christ's College, Christchurch; the Canterbury College; and St. John's College, Auckland. The Canterbury Collegiate Union has been dissolved, and consequently has ceased to be an affiliated institution. The scholarship examination was held in May and June, 1874/ and 18 scholarships were awarded. New regulations have been framed for future examinations for scholarships, and changes have been made during the present session in the value of scholarships, which the Senate hope will stimulate students, and so tend to the advancement of learning. One essay only was sent in last year for competition for the " Bowen prize," which did not appear to the examiners to be of sufficient merit to entitle the writer to the prize; consequently no award has been made. A statement of the income and expenditure of the University for a period of eleven months ending 28th February, 1875, is appended to this report. Henry John Tancred, Bth April, 1875. Chancellor. Resolution of the Senate of the University. March 3rd, 1875. " That a respectful application be made to the Colonial Government, representing the desirability of the immediate issue of a Proclamation by the Governor, required by the second paragraph of the 30th section of ' The New Zealand University Act, 1874/ defining the block of land in Taranaki, consisting of 10,000 acres, taken under the 'New Zealand Settlements Acts/ and referred to in the schedule of ' The University Endowment Act, 1868/ " Resolution of the Senate of the University. March 3rd, 1875. " That in addition to the endowments of land referred to in the resolutions passed this day by the Senate of the New Zealand University, the enclosure to the letter dated 3rd June, 1871, from the Hon. the Colonial Secretary to the Chairman of the Council of the University, shows that there are other blocks of land—including one of 20,000 acres in the district of Tauranga, in the Province of Auckland—in different provinces which have been officially stated to have been, or promised to be, reserved as endowments for a Colonial University.



" That these lands, reserved or promised to be reserved, fairly come within the category of reserves under ' The University Endowment Act, 1868/ or any Act for the purposes of a Colonial University, and are subject to the provisions of ' The New Zealand University Act, 1874/ that the proceeds thereof, after the payment of the expenses of the management thereof, ' shall be dealt with for promoting higher education in the respective provinces in which such reserves are situate, in such manner as the General Assembly may from time to time determine/ "That this Senate would respectfully urge the Colonial Government to take immediate steps to secure these lands, that the educational trust thus imposed on them by law may be duly fulfilled." Resolution of the Senate of the University. March 3rd, 1875. "1. That, from public documents furnished by the Colonial Government to the Senate of the New Zealand University, it appears, — " (a.) That in June, 1869, the Resident Minister at Auckland stated that he had set apart, and withdrawn from sale, as an endowment for a Colonial University, the following, amongst other blocks of land (G, No. 8, page 7, Appendix to Journals H.R., 1871) : — " Waikato District. " Parish of Taupiri .. .. .. .. .. 10,000 acres. " Parish of Karamu .. .. .. .. .. 10,000 „ " Opotiki District. "Parish of Waimana .. .. .. .. 10,000 acres. " (».) That ' The University Endowment Act, 1868/ validates the reservation, for endowment of a Colonial University, to be designated by the General Assembly, of certain lands described in the schedule to such Act, among which is included 10,000 acres of confiscated lands in the Province of Auckland. " (c.) That by notice dated Bth January, 1873 (published in Neiv Zealand Gazette, 9th January, 1873, page 11), the Hon. J. Hall, Colonial Secretary, returns, under the New Zealand Settlements Acts, as an endowment for the University of New Zealand, as contributed by ' The New Zealand University Act, 1870/ three blocks of confiscated land, containing each 10,000 acres, apparently the same as stated by the Resident Minister at Auckland in 1869 to have been set apart as an endowment for a Colonial University. " (d.) That 'The New Zealand University Act, 1874 ' (section 30), enables the Governor in Council to make regulations for placing to a separate account the proceeds from all lands within any province, other than Otago, reserved under 'The University Endowment Act, 1868/ or any other Act for the purposes of a Colonial University, and enacts that such proceeds, and the proceeds from the investment thereof, after the payment of the expenses of the management of such lands, shall be dealt with for promoting' higher education in the respective provinces in which such reserves are situate as the General Assembly may from time to time determine. " (c.) That a notice signed by the Hon. D. Pollen, for the Secretary of Crown Lands, dated Ist September, 1874 (one day after the date of the Royal assent to the Act just above referred to), and published in the New Zealand Gazette, 3rd September, 1874, page 597, notified that, on grounds of error and want of authority of law, the aforesaid notice of the Hon. J. Hall, Colonial Secretary, was absolutely cancelled. " (/.) That the opinion of the Attorney-General, furnished to the New Zealand University on the 15th April, 1874 (H. —3a, page 2, Appendix to Journals of H.R., 1874), states that it is clear, from official correspondence and other evidence, ' that there was no intention to treat these sections of land otherwise than as reserved under "The University Endowment Act, 1868 •" but that the action was illegal, because it was not a proclamation by the Governor under " The Confiscated Lands Act, 1867," and because the existing University was endowed, and not such University as should thereafter be expressly named by the Legislature as the object of these endowments/ The Attorney-General also states his opinion that while no valid reserve has been made of two of the blocks for any University, there is clear intention ' as to these two' to reserve them for the same University which shall be declared to be the object of the reserves made under ' The University Endowment Act, 1868 / and as to those two blocks, and the third specified in the schedule to ' The University Endowment Act, 1868/ the existing University had no claim. He also states that under the New Zealand Settlements Acts a withdrawal of a reserve, or a change of the purpose thereof, must be made, if made at all, by the Governor in Council." " 2. That a careful consideration of the foregoing facts shows the clear intention of the Government to reserve two of the blocks in question as an endowment for a Colonial University, or, in other words, to add them to the reserves made under ' The University Endowment Act 1868 / and that the third block, or, if not that actual block, another block of 10,000 acres is expressly reserved by that Act."



"3. That 'The New Zealand University Act, 1874/ points out the course to be observed with reference to reserves made under ' The University Endowment Act, 1868/ with a view of the preservation of these lands as educational endowments within the provinces in which they are made." "4. That the Senate of the New Zealand University, as the guardian of educational interests, and intimately connected as it has been with the reservation of these lands, and the Acts relating to them, respectfully urges on the Government the necessity of adopting the course referred to before the alienation of these lands can render that course impossible."

Extract from the Minutes of Meeting of the Senate of the University. March Bth, 1875. The accounts of the University for the past year were considered and confirmed, and the Chancellor was directed to sign them. The following expenditure incurred during that period was sanctioned: — General Account. £ s. d. Attendance of members .. .. .. .. 164 0 0 Salaries .. .. .. -. .. •• 196 0 0 Examinations .. .. .. .. .. 177 1 0 Printing .. .. .. .. .. .. 62 4 0 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. .. 12 8 4 Transfer to Scholarship Account .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 Stationery .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 18 6 Affiliated Institutions .. .. .. .. 750 0 0 Advertising .. .. .. . ■ • • 86 3 1 J2 3 451 14 11 Scholarship Account. Scholarships .. .. .. .. .. £221 5 0 Henry John Tancred, Chancellor. Bth March, 1875. W. M. Maskell, Secretary. Classification of Expenditure. I. Attendance of Memhers of Council. IV. Printing. Voucher. £ s. d. Voucher. £ b. d. Hon. E. Stokes v. ... 19 0 OT. Bowden xv. ... 315 0 Mr. O. Curtis it. ... 18 10 0 Lyttelton Times xxiii. ... 015 6 Key. W. Johnstone vi. ... 26 10 0 Press Company xxx. ... 34 13 0 Mr. H. Carleton vii. ... 51 0 0 Daily Times xxxi. ... 0 5 0 Mr. H. J. Tancred viii. ... 29 0 0 Lyttelton Times xl. ... 211 0 Eight Rev. the Primate ... xxiv. ... 14 0 0 Lyon and Blair li. ... 413 0 Hon. J. B. A. Acland xxy. ... GOO Press Company lxix. ... 1511 6 £164 0 0 £62 4 0 //. Salaries. F. de C. Malet, Eegistrar ... iii. ... 710 0 V. Miscellaneous. W. M. Maskell, Secretary ... ix. ... 16 0 0 P. de C. Malet xxxiii. ... 7 10 0 Petty cash ix.c. ... 0 15 0 W. M. Maskell xiii. ... 37 10 0 Pettycash xlii. ... 5 0 0 W. M. Maskell xli. ... 37 10 0 Cheque book pass book, Oct. 29/74 ... 0 4 0 F. de C. Malet Ixvi. ... 7 10 0 Telegram pass book, July 7/74 ... 0 4 4 W. M. Maßkell lxxv. ... 37 10 0 Pettycash xci. ... 5 0 0 P. de C. Malet lxxxir. ... 7 10 0 Pettycash xcix. ... 0 17 6 W. M. Maskell xciv. ... 37 10 0 Pettycash xcix.a. ... 0 7 6 £196 0 0 £12 8 4 111. Examinations. F. de C. Malet, Supervisor ... xxi. ... 33 8 0 Eev. H. Johnstone „ ... xxix. ... 13 3 6 VI. Transfer to Scholarship Account. Bey. E. L. Stanford „ ... liii. ... 11 9 6 C. C. Barron ... „ ... liv. ... 10 10 0 Transfer to scholarship account xji. ...1,000 0 0 H. Carleton ... „ ... lxi. ... 10 10 0 C.Foster, Examiner ... xxvi. ... 510 0 . £1,000 0 0 Eev. W. Habens „ ... xxvii. ... 16 10 0 Gr. W. Worthy „ ... xxviii. ... 10 10 0 VII. Stationery. Eer. B. W. Harvey „ ... xxxv. ... 30 10 0 J. E. FitzGerald „ ... xxxvi. ... 19 5 0 Lyttelton Times xxiii. ... 2 0 0 A. Johnston „ ... xxxvii. ... 815 0 Lyttelton Times lxviii. ... 017 6 F. A. Krull „ ... xxxviii. ... 5 10 0 Hughes lxxi. ... 110 £177 10 £3 18 6



Classification of Expenditure— continued. VIII. Affiliated Institutions. Advertising —continued. Voucher. £ s. d. Voucher. £ s. d. Canterbury Collegiate Union... ii. ... 75 0 0 Evening Post xliv. ... 2 16 0 Auckland College x. ... 150 0 0 Timaru Herald xlv. ... 3 3 0 Wellington College xi. ... 150 0 0 Otago Daily Times xlvi. ... 5 10 0 Wellington College ... ... lxxiv. ... 150 0 0 Guardian ... ... ... xlviii. ... 3 10 0 Auckland College lxxxvii. ... 150 0 0 Southern Cross .... ... xlix. ... 1 15 0 Auckland College xc. ... 75 0 0 Marlborough Press lii. ... 3 7 6 Bowden (Educational Gazette) lix. ... 3 3 4 £750 0 0 Southland Times lx. ... 4 10 0 Taranaki Herald lxir. ... 3 12 0 IX. Advertising. ■ Wanganui Chronicle lxv. ... 2 10 0 Daily Southern Cross xviii. ... 110 0 Southland News lxvii. ... 2 5 0 New Zealand Herald xvii. ... 2 13 Lyttelton Times lxviu. ... 4 9 4 Hawke's Bay Herald xx. ... 1 10 0 f, ress. " ., ,lxi *" ••■ 4 2 8 Taranaki Herald xix. ... 119 9 Evemng Mad Ixxu. ... 1 12 0 Grey River Argus xvi. ... 14 0 gawke s Bay Herald ... lxxvn. ... 2 5 0 Press ... xxx. ... 3 15 9 Napier Daily Telegraph ... lxxvm. ... 2 5 0 Otago Daily Times xxxi. ... 7 17 6 Coromandel News lxxvi. ... 1 10 0 Daily Southern Cross xxxii. ... 2 5 0 New Zealand Herald xcii. ... 40 0 Evening Post xxxiv. ... 1 2 0 Marlborough Express xcm. 3 13 0 New Zealand Times xxxix. ... 2 10 0 ~~~~~ Lyttelton Times xl. ... 0 9 0 i86 3 1 Detail of Expenditure. Petty Cash Account. Voucher. £ s. d. Voucher. £ s. d. Hughes ix.a. ... 0 17 0 Evening Post xci.S. ... 0 11 6 New Zealand Times xii.a. ... 0 12 6 Southland News xci.c. ... 0 9 6 Evening Star xii.i. ... 0 18 6 Taranaki Herald xci.d. ... 0 12 6 Hughes ... ... ... ... xiii.a. ... 0 3 0 Southern Cross ... ... ... xci.e. ... 0 15 6 Secretary xiii.i. ... 0 0 6 New Zealand Times xci/. ... 0 10 6 Nelson Evening Mail ... ... xiii.e. ... 0 14 6 Timaru Herald ... ... ... xei.y. ... 0 11 6 Hughes xxiii.o. ... 0 5 6 Otago Daily Times xci./fc. ... 0 13 0 Secretary xxvo.6. ... 0 12 8 Hawke's Bay Herald xcviii.o. ... 0 8 6 Hughes ... ... ... ... xxxiv.a. ... 0 10 0 Lyttelton Times ... ... xcviii.i. ... 0 15 0 Burrett xxxiv.S. ... 0 13 3 South xcix.o. ... 2 0 0 Mackay liv.a. ... 0 10 0 Secretary c.o. ... 0 10 0 Otago Guardian xci.a. ... 0 12 6 £14 7 5 Soholaeship Account. Voucher. £ s. d. Voucher. £ s. d. Severns i. ... 11 5 0 Atack lxxix. ... 11 5 0 Atack xiv. ... 11 5 0 Cotterill lxxx. ... 11 5 0 Cotterill xxii. ... 11 5 0 Millton lxxxi. ... 5 0 0 Atack xliii. ... 11 5 0 Gould lxxxii. ... 5 0 0 Cotterill 1. ... 11 5 0 Edger lxxxiii. ... 5 0 0 Harkness Iv. ... 5 0 0 Rattray lxxxiv. ... 5 0 0 Barnicoat ... ... ... lvi. ... 5 0 0 Low ... ... ... ... lxxxv. ... 5 0 0 Rattray lvii. ... 5 0 0 Solomon lxxxviii. ... 20 0 0 Edger lviii. ... 5 0 0 Atack xcv. ... 11 5 0 Solomon lxii. ... 20 0 0 Cotterill xcvi. ... 11 5 0 Reeves ... ... ... ... lxiii. ... 10 0 0 Barnicoat ... ... ... xcvii. ... 5 0 0 Gould lxx. ... 5 0 0 Harkness xcviii. ... 5 0 0 Low lxxiii. ... 5 0 0 Millton lxxvi. ... 5 0 0 £221 5 0 " Bowen Prize " Account. £ s. d. To balance Cr., 1874 .. .. .. .. .. 107 16 0 To interest to 31st December, 1874 .. .. .. 4 110 £112 7 0 By deposit, Government Savings Bank .. .. .. £112 7 0 Henry John Tancred, Chancellor. 8th March, 1875. W. M. Maskell, Secretary. University of New Zealand—General Account. —Statement of Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Balance Cr., 1st April, 1874 .. .. .. .. 3,659 13 2 Fees for matriculation .. .. .. .. 24 3 0 Incidental receipts .. .. .. .. .. 200 " Bowen Prize" account .. .. .. .. 112 7 0 £3,798 3 2 3—H. 4.



Expenditure. £ s. d. Payments as per statements attached .. .. .. 2,451 14 11 " Bowen Prize" account .. .. .. .. 112 7 0 Bank balance, Ist March, 1875 . . .. £1,242 14 3 Less unpresented cheques .. .. 8 13 0 ■ 1,234 1 3 £3,798 3 2 Henry John Tancred, Chancellor. Bth March, 1875. W. M. Maskell, Secretary. University of New Zealand—Scholarship Account.—Statement of Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Balance Cr., Ist April, 1874 .. .. .. .-. 1,447 10 0 Transfer from General Account.. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 £2,447 10 0 Expenditure. £ s. d. Scholarships .. .. .. .. 221 5 0 Bank balance, Ist March, 1875 .. .. £2,246 5 0 Less unpresented cheques .. .. 20 O 0 2,226 5 0 £2,447 10 0 Henry John Tancked, Chancellor. Bth March, 1875. W. M. Maskell, Secretary. University of New Zealand —Petty Cash Account.—Statement of Receipts and Expenditurt, 1874-75. Receipts. £ s. d. Balance from 1873-74 .. .. .. .. 4 16 6 Receipts from General Account, as per statement annexed — Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. .. 12 0 0 £16 16 6 Expenditure. £ s. d. Payments as per statement annexed —Details of expenditure, Petty Cash Account .. .. .. .. 14 7 5 Balance of cash in hand .. .. .. .. 2 9 1 £16 16 6 Henry John Tancred, Chancellor. W. M. Maskell, Secretary. Examined and found correct — James Edward FitzGerald, 21st April, 1875. Commissioner of Audit.


Date. Name. Eeaidence. Fees Paid. 1872. July Henry Cotterill Richard Wilding Arthur W. D. Bell Mortimer Davie ... Saul Solomon Hugh Gully Canterbury College University of Otago University scholar, free. J> it >y )» jj i) Aug. Christchurch Dunedin High School Nelson it >t >> )) 1873. ran. 29 Lpr. 17 )1 H Herbert Edward East Edward George Britton Moss ... John Beveridge ... Governor's Bay, Canterbury Auckland £1 Is., banked Jan. 31, 1873. „ Apr. 17, 1873. )) j» ••■ ... ... ii n m



By Authority: Geobge DiBSEUsy, Government Printer, Wellington.—1875. Price, Is.]

(1ST OP !atkictjlated Students — continue* Date. Name. Residence. Fees Paid. May 26 July 10 » 12 „ W „ 19 Aug. 5 Sept. 16 Oct. 6 1874. Feb. 21 „ 25 July 8 John Wakelin ... . ... Alfred Robertson Fitchitt Edward Henry Power ... Frederick Fitehitt Robert Henry Rattray ... William Harrington Atack William Bookless Douglas John Steel Parke Greytown, Wellington Christchurch Thames, Auckland Christchurch Auckland Christchurch £1 Is., banked June 2, 1873. „ July 10, 1873. „ July 14, 1873. „ July 21,1873. Scholar, free. £1 Is., banked Sept. 16, 1873. „ „ Oct. 8, 1873. n ... ... Motueka, Nelson Aug. 13 „ 13 „ 28 Sept. 5 „ 9 ,, 10 » 11 „ 19 „ 23 „ 29 Oct. 26 James Ronaldson Thornton William Bay ley Hawkins Henry William Hammond Henry Hill William Varnham Millton Charles Gould Hall Millegan Edger Alfred Edgar Leflelliatre Charles Low Edwin Watkins Morris Ralph Kesney ... James Hamilton Harkness James Tresseder Barnicoat William Pember Reeves William St. Clair Tower Tisdall Alfred Nicholson Robert Hume Reid James Frederick Haultain Thomas Seholfield Foster George Alfred King G. F. South Montreal Street, Christchureh Colombo Street, ChriBtchurch Christchurch „ ... ... ,, ... ... Auckland ,, ... ... ... Dunedin Christchurch Auckland Nelson £1 Is., banked Feb. 21,1874. „ „ Feb. 25, 1874. „ July 20, 1874. 9) t) a Scholar, free. it it a Ji it it £1 Is., banked Sept. 10, 1874. „ Sept. 11,1874. Scholar, free. „ ... ... ... Christ's College Auckland n » £1 Is., banked Oct. 31, 1874. Dec." 3 ,, 3 » 4 „ 10 ,. 23 1875. Jan. 15 j, ... ... ... ,, ... ... ... Christchurch Auckland Otago ty a a „ Dec. 7,1874. it ii )> „ Dec. 15,1874. „ „ Jan. 15,1875. Feb. 1 u 5 „ 5 „ 5 » 15 „ 15 „ 20 Henry Martin Smith Allan Bishop Frank Dransfield Edward F. Butts Harry Boorer Kirk Charles Reiby Buekland William Nancarrow William Hugh Nichols ... Edward Espy Martin James Reeve Wilkinson Frederick William Smith Alfred Coombs Newton ... Wellington College £1 Is., banked Jan. 18, 1875. it a a a a )> it :> a it it it „ Feb. 5,1875. H )) ?> ,, j, ... ... H » » j, ,, ... ... Christchurch ... .... it it a „ Feb. 17,1875. Heathcote Valley ... " ',' Feb. 22, 1875. F. de C. Malet, Registrar. iristchurch; 27th February, 1875.

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UNIVERSITY OF NEW ZEALAND, (PAPERS RELATIVE TO)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1875 Session I, H-04

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UNIVERSITY OF NEW ZEALAND, (PAPERS RELATIVE TO). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1875 Session I, H-04

UNIVERSITY OF NEW ZEALAND, (PAPERS RELATIVE TO). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1875 Session I, H-04

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