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Presented to both Souses of the General Assembly by command of Sis Excellency.

Office of the Commissioner of Customs, Wellington, 19th September, 1873. Sir,— I do myself the honor to transmit herewith for your Excellency's information, the Report of the Marine Department of this Colony for the Financial Year ended on the 30th June last. With regard to that part of the Report which refers to the necessity for erecting a Lighthouse at the entrance to Tory Channel, I desire to state that it is the intention of the Government, before the close of the present Session, to ask the Legislature to grant the necessary funds for the erection of this light, as also for the erection of lights at the places named below, which are considered to be urgently required for the safe navigation of the coasts of the Colony:—Cape Maria Van Diemen, Moko Hinouj Islands, Portland Island, Cape Saunders, Western entrance to Foveaux Strait and Cape Foulwind. I have, &c, To His Excellency the Right Hon, Sir James Fergusson, Bart., William H. Reynolds. Governor of New Zealand.

Customs Department (Marine Branch), Sir, — Wellington, 28th August, 1873. I have the honor to submit the following report on the Marine Department for the year ended on the 30th June 1873, accompanied by the usual financial and other returns:— 2. Lighthouses. —During the past year the Lighthouses have all been maintained in an efficient state, and they are now well supplied with oil and other stores. But two changes have taken place in the staff of lightkeepers, viz., one Assistant Keeper, C. H. Regnart, resigned ; and another, J. Murphy, whose services had to be dispensed with on account of his suffering from a diseased knee, resulting from an old injury, which rendered him latterly quite unfit for service. To fill these vacancies a Second Assistant Keeper (A. McKinlay) was promoted to be Assistant Keeper, and a new Assistant Keeper (F. Ericson) was appointed. Material for fencing has been supplied to the Keepers at Cape Campbell, to fence in the reserve at the end of the Cape. The greater part of the fence has been already erected by the Keepers themselves; when completed it will add greatly to their comfort by enabling them to keep a cow or two, and a few sheep. As a comparatively small sum spent for the same purpose would confer the same benefit on the Keepers at many of the other stations I think this expenditure should be sanctioned at once. In my last report I alluded to the proposed use of kerosene oil in Lighthouses. Some valuable information, received from Commander G. P. Heath, Portmaster at Brisbane, and from the Deputy Minister of Marine and Fisheries of Canada, induced the Department, in ordering the light for Manukau and a small light for the Provincial Government of Napier, to suggest to the engineers in Great Britain who superintended the construction of the lantern and apparatus, that lamps to burn kerosene should be adopted; they recommended that Captain Doty's patent burners should be used, and these have accordingly been ordered. It is probable that, 'ere long, the whole of the Lighthouses in New Zealand may be made to burn kerosene, which not only gives a much brighter I—H. 19a.

H.— l9a


light but is also much cheaper than colza oil; the annual saving on the present consumption of oi^ at the current prices in the Colony for kerosene of the best brands would amount to £407 ss. The construction of the lantern and apparatus referred to in my last report as having been ordered for Manukau was proceeded with immediately the order reached home, and advices have been received that the lantern has been shipped. The lamps, as before stated, are to burn kerosene, a supply of which, sufficient for the first year's consumption, has been ordered from England. It is intended to test this oil with the best samples procurable in the New Zealand market, with a view of arranging hereafter, if possible, to purchase it in the Colony. Plans for the tower and dwellings have been prepared by the Marine Engineer, and contracts for their erection will be entered into immediately. It is expected that the light will be ready for lighting in the early part of next year. The attention of the Government has from time to time been called to the desirability of proceeding with the erection of the proposed Tory Channel Lighthouse, as that light would be most useful to steamers entering Tory Channel at night, and would complete the lighting of the narrow part of Cook Strait. An additional reason in favour of the erection of that light (which is to be a red one) is, that the Pencarrow and Mana lights are both fixed white lights, and the possibility of one being mistaken for the other was shown when the " City of Newcastle " was wrecked close to the entrance to Tory Channel, the Master having evidently mistaken Pencarrow light for Mana light and shaped his course accordingly. The returns appended hereto show that the light dues collected during the year amounted to £6,845 9s. 5d., being £941 9s. sd. in excess of the amount collected in the previous year. The amount paid for expenses of maintenance was £5,277 3s. 3d. ; but to this should be added the cost of the services of the " Luna," which, as usual, were placed at the disposal of the Marine Department several times during the year, for the purpose of carrying stores to and of inspecting the Lighthouses in Cook Strait. She was employed on this service altogether about fourteen days, as under— On the 3rd and 4th August, 1872, in going to Cape Campbell Lighthouse. From 20th to 28th August, 1872, to Cape Campbell, Mana, Nelson, and Farewell Spit. On 3rd and 4th October, 1872, to Cape Campbell. From 13th to 16th May, 1873, to Cape Campbell, Mana, Nelson, and Farewell Spit. I feel that I should not be doing my duty whilst referring to the "Luna," if I did not take this opportunity of expressing how much the Department is indebted to Captain Fairchild, the Master of that vessel, for the zealous and cordial manner in which he always carries out the duty of attending on the lighthouses, or indeed any other duty he is asked to undertake for the Marine Department. S. Flat Rock Beacon. —This work, the contract for which was let in March, 1872, was reported on the 14th December last as having been begun to be erected, and it was then anticipated that a month would suffice to complete it, but by the end of January little beyond conveying material to the spot had been effected, as the weather was unfavourable for continuous work on the rock; the lower length of the centre iron pipe, and several stones which had been placed in position, were washed away, and soon afterwards a heavy N.E. gale swept away the whole of the work that had been done with the exception of the first course of stone, which stood this severe test remarkably well. In this gale the crane used for placing the material in position was washed away, and this loss greatly impeded the progress of the work during the subsequent fine weather. On the sth March a similar disaster occurred, when the second and third courses of stonework, together with the crane erected in the place of the former one, and everything moveable, were swept away, which occasioned further delay. At the beginning of April, however, good progress had been made, and so much of the work as was then completed was severely tried by a heavy gale and stood well. During the further progress of the work great delay was still caused by bad weather, which occasioned the loss of much of the contractor's plant and material. After all these disasters, it was reported on the 24th June last that the beacon was completed, all but fixing the iron cage on top of it. The cage has since been washed away before it was fixed in its place, although it was securely fastened en the lee side of the beacon by a stout iron chain ; the beacon itself remained intact, so that its permanent stability may now be confidently reckoned on. 4. Wrecks and Casualties. —The number of wrecks and casualties that occurred on the coasts of the Colony during 1872-73 was twenty-four, of 3,421 tons in the aggregate, being less in number though more in tonnage than the losses of the previous year, during which there were thirty-eight casualties of 3,104 tons. Thirteen lives (including eight, the number that was supposed to have been on board the brig Australia, wrecked off Cape Campbell) were lost through the wrecks of 1872-3, against eleven in the previous year. The wreck return includes particulars of five casualties that happened beyond the limits of the Colony, viz., the "Der Fuchs," foundered off Mauritius, crew rescued and brought on here by the " Glenlora;" "Siren," struck a rock off Cape Portland, Tasmania; " Alsaga," foundered near the Friendly Islands ; " Mary Hamilton," struck on a rock near Nepean Island, which lies a shoit distance from Norfolk Island; and the " Bertha," on board of which a fire occurred in Lat. 36°5., Long. 66° E., on her way to New Zealand from Mauritius. Particulars of these casual-



ties appear in our returns because New Zealand was the first British port to which either the damaged vessel or the crews arrived at. 5. Marine Surveys. —The only marine surveying done during the year was the searching for a sunken rock reported to exist off the entrance to Akaroa Harbour, and taking soundings near Waipapapa Point, in Foveaux Strait, while searching for a sunken rock reported to be near that locality but of which no trace could be found. The bar and the channel of the Patea River, as far up as the present ferry, have also beon sounded; a chart showing the soundings has been prepared, and is now in the hands of the lithographer. 6. Examinations of Masters, Mates, and Engineers. —The Certificates issued in this Colony are, by the Queen's Order in Council of the 9th August, 1872, now declared to be of the same force as those issued by the Board of Trade in the United Kingdom. A great boon has thus been conferred on the sea-faring population of this Colony, as ships' officers can obtain Certificates on the spot which will be recognized all over the world, and which could only formerly be procured in the United Kingdom, so that any Colonial youth heretofore who took to the sea for a profession, had to proceed to England to be examined before he could assume the command of a foreign-going vessel. One of the conditions imposed by the Board of Trade with regard to these Certificates is, that candidates who apply for them must have ueen domiciled in New Zealand or have served in ships registered therein for a period of, or for periods amounting to, lit least three years, immediately proceeding their application for Certificates. The necessity for this condition is pointed out in the following extract from a memorandum issued by the Board of Trade for the information and guidance of the authorities in the British Possessions abroad, for carrying into effect the provisions of Section 8 of " The Merchant Shipping (Colonial) Act, 1869." " As regards the persons who are to be entitled to be examined in a British possession, it is obvious that the conditions and qualifications mentioned in the pamphlet marked A enclosed, must be insisted on, and it is equally obvious that a Colonial Government can have in many eases no means of ascertaining whether all these conditions are complied with. Experience as shewn by previous service is one of the most important of these conditions, and in some cases Colonial Governments will not be in a position to test this qualification, e.g., a Colonial Government can have no means of verifying the statement of services given in by an officer who has served in British ships hailing from some other Colony or from the United Kingdom. "In the United Kingdom the records in the General Registrar and Record Office of Seamen, contain accounts of the voyages of all British ships which sail from this country, and means therefore exist here for verifying the statement of services of all applicants foi Certificates of Competency, but the like means do not exist in the Colonies. " The importance of some regulation to meet this case will be obvious when it is considered that the Certificates granted by the Government of any Colony will have the full force of Imperial Certificates, and will entitle the holder to act as an officer in or take command of British ships all over the world. And secondly, that it is necessary to prevent applicants who from want of necessary service or from incompetency or misconduct have failed in obtaining Certificates in one Colony or in the United Kingdom, from applying to the Government of another Colony and there obtaining Certificates. The Board of Trade therefore propose that in each Colony Certificates under the Act of 1869 shall be granted to persons who have been domiciled in that possession for at least three years, and to those persons only. " Service in ships registered in any British possession will be accepted as domicile in that possession for the purpose of obtaining Certificates under the Act." In the same memorandum the following passage occurs with regard to rendering it compulsory on British vessels to carry certificated officers : — " Some enactment will be necessary in each Colony availing itself of the Act, to prevent British ships without certificated officers from trading to or from such Colony, after a date to be fixed by the Government of such Colony." As soon as the Order in Council recognising the New Zealand Certificates was received in the Colony the requisite steps were taken for bringing into force the provisions of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1854, referred to by the Board of Trade. Those provisions took effect on the Ist March last. Difficulties, which I think probably had not been contemplated by the Board of Trade, soon afterwards arose with regard to the three .years' domicile qualification. It was found that the officers of English vessels, when vacancies occurred by death or otherwise, could not present themselves for examination for Certificates for want of the requisite domicile. In order to overcome this difficulty new regulations were issued by the Governor by virtue of the authority he has under " The Merchant Shipping Acts Adoption Act, 1869," identical in all respects with the regulations approved of by the Board of Trade, excepting as to domicile, under which candidates can be examined and have certificates issued to them, which certificates allow the holders to clear from New Zealand for the United Kingdom, where they can be examined for a Board of Trade Certificate; or in cases where persons have settled in the Colony, of filling the position of masters or mates, until by residence they qualify themselves for passing for a Certificate that will be recognised by the Board of Trade. It was at first intended that the examiners at Wellington, Captains Johnson and Edwin, should periodically visit the principal ports to hold examinations, and they were accordingly instructed to



proceed to Auckland in March last for the purpose of holding the first examination there. Just as they were on the point of leaving Wellington, however, the Government received a memorial from shipowners, masters, and others in Auckland, urging that local examiners should be appointed for that port. The desire of the memoralists was at once complied with, as the Department wag fortunately able to secure the services of two gentlemen in Auckland, of high character and standing as nautical men—Lieut. Tilly, retired Navigating Lieutenant, R.N., and for many years master of the Mission schooner "Southern Cross," and Captain Clayton, Marine Surveyor. Examinations are now held there once a fortnight. The Department has been equally fortunate in securing the services of two gentlemen of acknowledged ability and experience in Otago, to act as Examiners. On the 6th instant, Captain Thompson, Harbour Master, and Captain Orkney, Deputy Harbour Master, at Dunedin, were appointed Examiners for that port; both of these gentlemen have had long service as masters in the Mercantile Marine, and hold Certificates of Competency from the Board of Trade. In last year's report, I enclosed copy of the letter in which the Regulations for Examinations of Masters, Mates, and Engineers, were forwarded to the Board of Trade, and I now beg to transmit herewith a copy of the reply to that letter, from which it will be seen that the Board of Trade exercise a most vigilant supervision over the Regulations issued in the Colonies, in order to provide that the examinations shall be conducted so as to be equally efficient with the examinations which are held in the United Kingdom. In compliance with the stipulations contained in the letter referred to, amendments in the Regulations to remove the objections of the Board of Trade to certain parts of those issued in January, 1872, were made by Order in Council, and promulgated on the 2nd January last; and provision has been made in a Bill now before the Legislature to render Certificates granted in New Zealand subject to the provisions of the Imperial Merchant Shipping Act relating to Naval Courts, so that when this provision becomes law the Regulations will, I have no doubt, be entirely satisfactory to the authorities in England. I have, &c, William Seed, The Hon. the Commissioner of Customs, Secretary of Customs. &c, &c, &c.

Enclosure. (No. 6288.) Board of Trade, Whitehall Gardens, 10th Julj, 1872. Sic, — Colonial Ceetificates. I am directed by the Board of Trade to acknowledge the receipt of your letters, Nos. 357 and 358, of the 13th of April, and No. 361, of the 17th of April. "With reference to your letter, No. 357, detailing the steps which have been taken by your Government for the examination of Masters, Mates, and Engineers, with a view to obtaining the extension of the provisions of section 8 of " The Merchant Shipping (Colonial) Act, 1869," to New Zealand, I am directed by the Board of Trade to inform you that as, with a few exceptions, the Eegulations as to qualifications, &c., of which you have forwarded copies, appear to be identical with those in force in the United Kingdom, the Board of Trade propose to advise Her Majesty to issue an Order in Council in accordance with the provisions of the Act referred to. ' . In taking this course, the Board are actuated by the belief that the Government of New Zealand will be ready at once to make such alterations and additions to their Regulations as will make them identical with those in force in the United Kingdom. If these alterations and additions are not made, this Board may feel it their duty to advise Her Majesty to revoke the Order. They are as follows : —ln paragraph 5 of the Eegulations, after the words, " Certificates will only be granted to persons who have been domiciled in New Zealand for at least three years," should be added the words, " immediately preceding the application." With reference to the latter part of paragraph 7, the commercial code of signals, now termed the International Code of Signals, &c, is no longer treated as a subject of seamanship, but as a subject of navigation, to which it should be transferred. Candidates are now required to pass a satisfactory examination in this subject, failure in doing so involving the same consequences as failure in any other subject of navigation. With reference to paragraph 10, in addition to the questions as to the nature of the attraction of the ships iron upon the compass, &c, certain questions relative to the deviation of the compass are required to be answered by candidates for Masters' Certificates. These questions, together with instructions relating to them, are contained in a circular, No. 517, of which copies are sent herewith. It may be mentioned that candidates for certificates as extra master are now required, in addition to the other subjects of navigation contained in paragraph 11 of your Eegulations, to pass in compass deviation in accordance with the requirements contained in circulars 41-1 and 329, of which copies are also forwarded. The rules contained in paragraph 20, regarding re-examination of Masters and Mates in case of failure, appear to be taken from the Imperial Eegulations relating to the failure of engineers, instead of from those relating to the failure of masters and mates. The latter are as follows :—" In all cases «.



of failure, tlie candidate must be re-exainined de novo. If a candidate fails "in seamanship, he will not be re-examined until after a lapse of six months, to give him time to gain experience. If he fails three times in navigation, he will not be re-examined until after a lapse of three months." The Board will require the substitution of this paragraph for paragraph 20 in your Regulations. Section A, paragraph 32, relating to qualifications for Frst Class Eugineer certificate concludes with the words, " With a Second Class certificate ;" but in the Imperial Regulations the following words are added : " In. the capacity of a second eugineer and that their names have been entered in the article of agreement accordingly." The Board of Trade regard the addition of these words as important. In addition to the above necessary alterations, I am to call your attention to the necessity of arrangements being made by your department for sending to the Registrar-General of Seamen in London, lists of certificates granted under the authority of the proposed Order in Council, which may be suspended and cancelled through legal proceedings, death, loss, destruction, &c. I am also to state that when lists of certificates granted in New Zealand are forwarded to the Registrar-General of Seaman they should be accompanied by copies of the applications for examination of the candidate, together with a statement of their services, and any other particulars which may assist the Registrar-General of Seamen in indentifying them. In reference to your letter No. 358, and its enclosure, the Board of Trade desire me to call your attention to the fact that in the " Merchant Shipping Acts Adoption Act 1869," the clauses of the Imperial Act of 1854, relating to Naval Courts, are specially excepted as the " Merchant Shipping (Colonial) Act 1869," makes the issue of an Order in Council conditional upon the certificates being liable to be forfeited for the like reasons and in the like manner as Imperial Certificates. The Order ia Council cannot exempt the certificates granted iv New Zealand under the said order from the operation of the provisions of the Imperial Acts relating to Naval Courts, and the Board think that it will be more regular and satisfactory if these provisions are likewise extended by Colonial enactment to the certificates in question. Provision does not appear to have been made, either by Act or regulation, in New Zealand, for dealing with examinations questionably conducted. lam to suggest that section 134 of the Imperial Act of 1854 should be followed in such cases. In forwarding copies of the following circulars, &c, viz.: — " Form Examination 1." " Notice to candidates, dated Ist January, 1869." " Regulations respecting lights and fog signals, and steering and sailing rules, containing heads of examination." Circulars No. 407, 414, 516, 517, 528, and 529, I am to request that the regulations contained in them may be added to the regulations prepared in New Zealand. I am to inform you that the form Examination 1a has been superseded bycircular No. 339, to the examiners, 500 copies of which will shortly be forwarded to you. This Board does not provide the drawings referred to in section 45 of Examination 1, but they will have a set prepared and sent to you for the guidance of your officers. I haye, &c, The Secretary Customs Department, Marine Board, Thomas Geat. Wellington, New Zealand. 2— H.I9A.



RETURN of the Total Expenditure of the MARINE DEPARTMENT for the Financial Year 1872-73.

RETURN showing the Cost of Maintenance of the NEW ZEALAND LIGHTHOUSE during the Financial Year 1872-73.

RETURN of the AMOUNT COLLECTED during the Financial Year 1871-72, as FEES under " The Steam Navigation Act," ' The Merchant Ships Officers Examination Act," and for SALE of CHARTS, &c.

Vote 45. Nature of Expenditure. Details of Expenditure. Total Amount Expended. Total Amount Voted. Item. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to 19 20 21 22 23 £ s. a. £ s. A. 100 0 0 200 0 0 380 0 0 380 0 0 300 0 0 190 0 0 250 0 0 52 9 10 3,348 14 5 481 17 6 424 8 2 4 14 3 £ a. d. 100 0 0 200 0 0 380 0 0 380 0 0 300 0 0 190 0 0 250 0 0 50 0 0 3 507 10 0 700 0 0 250 0 0 2,500 0 0 Officer in Charge Marine Engineer Inspector of Steamers and Nautical Assessor Inspector of Steamers and Engineer Surveyor Examiner of and Hates ... Clerk Local Inspectors of Steamers Expenses under " Enquiry into Wrecks Act, 1869 " Lightkeepers' Salaries ... Heneon on Flat Rock ]Jauraki Gulf Repairs to Dog Island Tower Mnmtkau Lighthouse ... Repairs and additions to Lighthouses, Tools and other permanent lighthouse Stores ... Lighthouse Contingencies —including the Payment of temporary Keepers, Freight, &c General Lighthouse Contingencies, Oil, &c. Light keepers'Travelling Expenses Departmental Travelling Expenses Local Officers' Travelling Expenses Departmental Contingencies Chaits Buoys and Beacons 161 9 1 437 10 9 905 0 10 20 18 0 242 19 9 6 0 0 116 13 5 20 11 0 105 18 0 2 017 0 10 3,500 0 0 Totals 8,129 5 0 12,307 10 0 CTE.— 1 Engli 'his Return shows the actual cost ot the Department ind, the invoices of which have been received, it will, tin for the year. It 3ivfore, not corresf includes the cost pond with the Trea: of oil shipped from iury Accounts.

Name of Lighthouse. Repairs and Stores of a Permanent Nature. Oil and other Annual Supplies and Contingencies. Keeper's Salaries. Total Expenses for the Year. Tiri Tiri Farewell Spit Nelson Mana Island ... Pencarrow Head Cape Campbell Godley Head Tairoa Htad ... Nugget Point Dog Island ... £ s. d. 11 0 3 46 18 2 10 3 0 22 0 0 6 5 10 60 1 10 £ s. d. 120 2 1 205 15 1 80 13 3 177 1 9 135 18 8 130 15 0 122 5 2 81 1 10 159 8 8 129 10 1 £ s. d 340 0 0 434 11 1 180 0 0 320 0 0 340 0 0 331 13 4 350 0 0 320 0 0 330 0 0 402 10 0 £ s. d. 471 2 4 687 4 4 270 16 3 519 1 9 ' 482 4 6 522 10 2 472 5 2 401 1 10 494 8 8 95G 8 3 5 0 0 424 8 2 Totals ... 585 17 3 1,342 11 7 3.348 14 5 5277 3 3

Nature of Receipt. Amount Collected. Fees under Steam Navigation Act Fees under Merchant Ships Officers Examination Act gale of Chaits, Oil Casks, &c... £ s. d. 519 16 0 71 33 0 144 14 11 Total for 1871-72 736 3 11



RETURN of the AMOUNT received for PILOTAGE, PORT CHARGES, &c, (being Provincial Revenue), at the various Ports of "New ZealaLd, during the Financial Year 1872-73.

RETURN showing the QUANTITY of OIL consumed at the New Zealand Lighthouses, during the Financial Year 1872-73.

Name of Province and Port. Amount Received for Pilotage. Amount Received for Port Dues, &c. Totals. Auckland— Auckland ... Onehunga ... Kaipara Thames Russell Mongonui ... Hokianga ... £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. 1,248 4 1 60 13 8 62 2 0 54 12 5 13 2 0 92 7 6 679 6 6 91 18 8 3(5 0 4 89 10 6 1,927 10 1 152 12 4 98 2 I 89 10 6 54 12 5 44 8 0 92 7 6 31 6 0 Totals 1,531 1 8 928 2 0 2,1-59 3 8 Takanaki— New Plymouth 59 10 6 35 4 3 04 14 9 Wellington— Wanganui... Wellington 173 7 5 1,165 6 11 173 7 5 1,910 11 2 745 4 3 Totals 1,338 14 4 745 4 3 2,083 18 7 Hawke's Bay—■ Napier 581 10 2 158 1 2 712 11 4 Nelson— Nelson 732 5 7 15 8 7 717 II -1 County o* Westland— Hokitika ... 28 15 4 28 15 I. Canterbury— Lyttelton ... Timaru 1,826 8 9 918 1 7 13 3 2 2,741 10 4 13 3 2 Totals 1826 8 9 931 4 9 2,757 13 6 Otago— Oamaru Dunedin ... Invercargill Bluff Eiverton ... 1,670 14 11 193 16 10 921 19 1 30 6 6 42 3 7 4 11 0 103 16 10 2,592 14 0 30 6 6 379 16 2 32 3 6 337 12 7 27 12 6 Totals 1,192 17 0 2,036 0 0 3,228 17 0 Totals, 1872-73 8,137 G 4 4 006 2 0 12,143 8 4 Totals, 1871-72 6,645 9 0 3,322 5 3 9,967 14 3

Name of Lighthouse. Quantity of Oil consume! Gallons. Tii i Tiri Farewell Spit ... Nelson Mana Island Pencarrow Head Cape Campbell Godley Head ... Tairoa Head Nugget Point ... Dog Island 446 443 123 fiO2 649 434 534 388 f.5(5 C12 Totals toe 1872-73 4,887 Totals fob 1871-72 4 942

H.— 19a.


RETURN showing the AMOUNT of LIGHT DUES collected during the Financial Year 1872-73. Port at which Collected. Amount

RETURN of MASTERS, MATES, and ENGINEERS to whom CERTIFICATES of COMPETENCY have been granted under " The Merchant Ships Officers' Examination Act, 1870," during the Financial Year 1872-73.

Auckland Onehunga Kaipara Taurenga Russell Mongonui Hokianga Whananrei ... New Plymouth Wanganni ... Wellington ... Napier Pioton Havelock Kaikouta Nelson Westport Greymouth ... Hokitika Lyttelton A karoa Timam Oamaru Dunetlin Inrevcargill ... Bluff Riverton £ b. a. 1,304 9 7 4 8 5 5 18 11 11 8 39 18 3 5 17 7 5 14 7 8 18 5 28 15 5 26 11 10 ' 1,003 0 11 70 19 5 79 16 9 14 12 9 5 G 11 656 13 0 71 U 2 79 14 11 23 4 1 1,200 5 9 25 8 10 64 14 3 73 0 7 1,5-18 10 7 8 13 0 408 5 3 5 4 6 Total for 1872-73 ... 6,845 9 5 Total for 1871-72 ... 5,901 0 0

Name. Rank for which Certificate has been Granted. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue of Certificate. No. of Certificate. Beverid^e, Alexander ... Bissett, David Conway, William Grl ifllLllS. Jollll Grubb, John ... Hamilton, Robert Irvine, Arthur Lloyd, Charle3 . . Rawlings, William Henley Hmms, Thomas Edward Wilson, William Henry Ellis, Stephen Peoones, William Henry Crawford, Alexander ... Caudan, Armand Cauman, James Phillip... Croll, George ... Dobbie, Andrew Jobs in, William James Kelly, Archibald Laird, Abraham Lodder, William Laird, William Meikle, James Smith, Daniel... lizard, William Henry Muster ii ... >) • ■ • , } ii •■• )> ■•> jj ... ii • ■ • )> •• ■ Mate ... Engineer... Foreign Trade Home ,, Foreign ,, Homo ,, n >> m n Foreign ,, Home „ Foreign „ Home ,, Second Class 20 February, 1873... 24 June, * 1873... 21 June, 1873... 16 December, 1872... 24 June, 1873... 24 June, 1873... 9 September 1872... 9 --'eptember 1872... 24 June, 1873... 9 September 1872... 24 June, 1873... 17 March, 1873... 17 February, 1873... 16 December, 1872... 16 December, 1872... 16Decembor,1872... 16 Deeember, 1872... 20 January, 1873... 16 December, 1872... 16 Deeember, 1872... 16 December, 1872... 24 June, 1873... 24 June, 1873... 20 January, 1873... 16 December, 1872... 24 June, 1873... 2 5,007 5,008 1 5,006 5,009 5,002 5,003 4 5,001 3 5,005 5,004 4 6 8 7 9 1 2 5 11 13 10 3 12 ,j H II tj >» !J i) <*• ii ii First " Second ,, )> ••• tt a First ,, Second „ i) ... it )> M )> ... a » i) ji )»



RETURN of MASTERS and MATES to whom CERTIFICATES of SERVICE have been granted under " The Merchant Ships Officers' Examination Act Amendment Act, 1871," up to the 30th June, 1873.

Kame. Eank for which Certificate has been Granted. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue of Certificate. No. of Certificate. Andrew, Robert A usten, A rthur Henry ... Allan, Joseph... Anderson, John Anderson, Hugh Falconer Abranis, Thomas C'arke Adams, William Aitken, William Aschman, John Anskiss Bennett, John Bower, David... Bell, Archibald Blaney, John ... Bongard, James Beaton, Neil ... Bushell, John Bushell, Henry Bcwicke, John Adams ... Baker, Charles Brown, James Branigan, Peter Billows, Michael Burr, Kobert ... Bower, Henry Dott Brown, William Payne... Blackuiore, George Thomas Bradley, Joseph Bullard, Henry Charles Bonfield, Patrick Braiu, Joseph... Calvert", George William Carey, Michael Chambers, James Campbell, James Chapman, William Kixon Crabbe, Thomas Bruce... Christian, J hn Callow, William Campbell, Colin Cellem, William George Chambers, Alexander ... Church, Kobert Campbell, George Clarkson, 'Ihomaa Kicholson Catchpo'e, James Clarke, George Henry ... Carmichael, Thomas Sparrow Conway, James Joseph... Cheshire, Benjamin William Crrtnch, William Cockfield, William Clarke, Charles Campbell, Alexander ... Cross, James Smith Charles, John... Carte, John Locke Doile, Peter ... Donovan, John Dick, James ... Deuchrass, James Dam, Edward 'Ihomas ... Diaz, Francis ... Dick, James ... Dickson, James Dillon, James Dunn, James ... Diaz, Emmanuel Doughty, William Dal ton, William Darroch, James Davies, George Pavies, James Doull, Peter Devenport, James Edie, James ... Elli?, Joseph Edwards, John Master ... >i ,1 ... j) ••• j> j, Mate Master jj ... ii ... » ••• u ... Mate Master ... jj ■•■ ,j ... j) in » ••• )> •■• >> •■• » ••• j> Mate '.'.'. Master ... j) ... )t ••• i> IS •" Home Trade )j it it tt Foreign „ Home „ u »» j» )j ij _ >> Foreign „ Home „ Foreign „ Home ,, )> ji »j )> it j> » » ii >> n n Foreign „ Home „ » » » ii i) » H i> Foreign ,, Home j, H J) Foreign „ Home „ ii )> Foreign ,, Home ,, 11 H Foreign „ Home „ 27 January, 1873... 8 March, 1873... 21 Mareh, 1873... 25 March, 1873... 25 June, 1872... 4 April, 1873... 19 April, 1873... 19 April, 1873... 25 June, 1873... 27 August, 1872... 31 August, 1872... 14 September, 1872... 27 January, 1873... 26 March, 1873... 27 January, 1873... 24 February, 1S73... 8 March, 1873... 8 March, 1873... 21 March, 1873... 26 March, 1873... 4 April, 1873... 4 April, 1873... 4 April, 18.73... 19 April, 1873... 19 April, 1873... 24 April, 1873... 26 April, 1873... 11 June, 1873... 25 June, 1873... 25 June, 1873... 9 July, 1872... 29 June, 1872... 27 January, 1873... 27 January, 1873... 27 January, 1873... 27 January, 1873... 27 January, 1873... 29 January, 1873... 30 January, 1873... 30 January, 1873... 24 February, 1873... 24 February, 1873... 24 February, 1873... 5 March, 1873... 8 March, 1873... 21 March, 1873... 25 March, 1873... 25 March, 1873... 26 March, 1873... 4 April, 1873... 4 April, 1873... 24 April, 1873... 12 May, 1873... 11 June, 1873... 11 June, 1873... 25 June, 1873... 4 July, 1872... 30 July, 1872... 27 January, 1873... 27 January, 1873... 22 February, 1873... 24 February, 1873... 24 February, 1873... 8 March, 1873... 25 June, 1872... 21 March, 1873... 21 March, 1873... 4 April, 1873... 19 April, 1873... 19 April, 1873... 24 April, 1873... 12 May, 1873... 26 March, 1873... 8 March, 1873... 29 June, 1872... 4 November, 1872... 27 January, 1873... 2 044 2,135 2,159 2.167 2,003 2,186 2,200 2 210 2 276 2015 2,016 2,018 2,0 ii 2.178 2,045 2,098 2,123 2,130 2,152 2,171 2,204 2.183 2,190 2,199 2,202 2,225 2 234 2,269 2,274 2,27'J 2,010 2,006 2,033 2.0B9 2,048 2,049 2,050 2,053 2,058 2 0GO 2,091 2,101 2,105 2,109 2.132 2,149 2,165 2 170 2,177 2,187 2,193 2.V30 2,245 2.26S 2,270 2,277 2,008 2,012 2,030 2,031 2,086 2,102 2,103 2,131 2,001 2,146 2,148 2,188 2,189 2.208 2,216 2 214 2,174 2,122 2,005 2.023 2,032 )» ••• » >> »> ••• )» ii J) ••• )1 •• • » if Foreign ,, Home M )» ... 'j m ft ... JJ •' • » if Foreign „ Home „ Jl •■« ii }J >) it Foreign „ Home „ ?» j) ... u n )» ■■■ jj tt J) »j •• • Foreign „ Home „ j) Jl •■• j) i) )> ■■• i< »> jj ■•■ ii »j jj ... it i) tt )> Ji )) II jj t.. a » j» ••• H )) j) 11 3* i> )) t> )j ••• )j Mi n u Foreign ,, Home „ U ... ii j» II ••• »» >• JJ ■ " H I) )j ... >» M H )>



EETLTEN of Mastees and !ates to -whom Cee: of SeETIi 'E have been granti I— continue! Name. Bank for which Certificate ha3 been Granted. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue of Certificate. No. of Certificate. Edmonds, George Eagleton, Alexander Evans, Charles Edwards, Charles Kure, Harry Earnshawe, Arthur Francis, William Falconer, John Fraser, Charles Francis, John Farquhar, Alexander ... Farquhar, William Flowerday, John Frost, George Fraser, Daniel Ferguson, James Gorn, John Gay, George ... Greive, James Gibbons, William John Grundy, John Gellard, Francis Pearso Gilbertson, David Gilroy, Patrick Hamilton, Henry Harwell, Hugh Hobbs, Joeph Howe, John Henry, David Hepburn, Francis Hughes, Robert George Hooper, Matthew Hopkins, Charles Hodgson, Edward Hayes, John Daly Holder, Charles denry Holmes, Francis Harris, William Hanson, Frederick Hargrave, "William David Mate Master ... ,, ... ,, ... ,, ,, ... ,, ,i ••• ,, ... ,, ... ,, ... „ ,, ,i ..« ,, ... ,, ... ,, ... ,, ,, ,, ... ii ■•• ,i ••• Mate Master ... ji • ■ • jj ..i )> • ■ • >i ••* j» }> ••• ,, ... )j •■• >) ••• Mate Master Foreign Trade Home „ ji ji ••• jj ii ••• i» ji ••• Foreign „ Home ,, it »» jj >> •■• » >t •■• J) )! •" »> jj ••■ Foreign n Home ,, j» ji •■• Foreign „ Home || jj ii ••■ jj u ••• ii M JJ )t • •• Foreign „ H jj ••> Home „ u ij ••• jj ii ... u »j •>• u ii ••• jj jj ... ii n >» ij ••• ii jj ••• M ij •>• )j jj ... Foreign „ Home ,, 31 January, 1873... 5 March, 1873... 17 March, 1873... 26 March, 1873... 11 June, 1873... 11 June, 1873... 5 October, 1872... 30 January, 1873... 31 January, 1873... 5 March, 1873... 5 March, 1873... 8 March, 1873... 24 March, 1873... 27 March, 1873... 17 February, 1873... 21 February, 1873... 27 January, 1873... 27 Janua-y, 1873... 14 February, 1873... 17 February, 1873... 19 April, 1873... 26 April, 1873... 12 May, 1873... 25 June, 1873... 6 July, 1872... 27 January, 1873... 27 January, 1873... 27 February, 1873... 30 January, 1873... 30 January, 1873... 31 January, 1873... 22 February, 1873... 24 February, 1873... 5 March, 1873. . 8 March, 1873... 21 March, 1873... 21 Ma-ch, 1873... 25 March, 1873... 26 March, 1873 . 4 April, 1873... 19 April, 1873... 24 April, 1873. . 26 April, 1873 . 12 May, 1873 . 12 May, 1873... 11 June, 1873... 11 June, 1873^ 7 August, 1872... 27 January, 1873... 19 February, 1873]!.' 21 March, 1873 21 March, 1873... 21 March, 1873... 25 March, 1873 . 19 April, 1873... 2 L March, 1873 12 May, 1873... 11 June, 1873... 8 March, 1873... 1 July, 1872.!! 27 January, 1873... 22 February, 1873... 8 March, 1873... 19 April, 1873... 11 February, 1873... 24 February, 1872... 8 March, 1873... 11 June, 1873... 17 February, 1873... 5 March, 1873... 27 February, 1873... 21 March, 1873... 19 April, 1873... 26 April, 1873... 11 June, 1873... 11 February, 1873... 27 January, 1873.. 27 January, 1873... 27 January, 1873... 24 February, 1873... 2,063 2,117 2,138 2,175 2,261 2,272 2 020 2,056 2,061 2,112 2,114 2,128 2,164 2,181 2,074 2 090 2,024 2 034 2 071 2 072 2,207 2,231 2,241 2 275 2,009 2,037 2 052 2 108 2,055 2,057 2,062 2,087 2,095 2,113 2,127 2,156 2,162 2,108 2,172 2,192 2 218 2,220 2.235 2,239 2,240 2,251 2,263 2,017 2,046 2,081 2151 2,160 2,161 2.169 2 203 2.163 2,247 2,258 2,129 2,007 2,038 2.085 2,134 2,197 2,067 2,093 2 121 2,271 2,075 2,116 2,106 2,145 2,194 2,233 2.250 2,066 2 029 2,035 2051 2,100 Hat field, Alexander John Hart, George Charles ... Helander, Charles Frederick Hamilton, David Hughes, Jo-eph Harrison, John Joiner, William Jenkins, Phillip Jones, Thomas Jones, Ellis Jacob, John Johnson, William Iversen, Peter Jones, Charles Johnson, William James Johnston, William Johnston, John Jones, William Kennedy, Archibald Kerns, Edward Kenny, John Kennedy, Joseph King, John Keenan, Francis Keene, Edward Kaspar, Charles Ludwig KiUhingham, Thomas ... Leech, Samuel Alexander Lloy I, Charles Lombard, William Lewis, James Lindsay, William Lane, William Solloway Loverock, George Leys, James Matheson, Lewis Morrison, John Madams, Thomas Mackay, Richard »» •.. jj ... ji ••• ,, )! ... jj ... || ... Mate Master ... jj ... j, ... jj ... » ••■ II it ••• j> ji • •• 9) IJ ••■ If II ••• Foreign ,, Home „ »» ij ••• jj j) *•• !> *» •• • Foreign „ Home ,, H )» ••• Foreign ,, Home ,, JJ 9J If )) >•• Foreign „ Home ,, si • •• jj ij jj jj ••• >j j) ••• jj jj jj ••• j) ji u ji ••• ii Mate Master ... Foreign „ Home „ ,, Harbor & R iver Trade Home Trade Foreign „ „ ,, ,, ... 91 ••• JJ )! ••■ Home „ u J, j» u JJ ... ji jj J, ... it it •••



EETUKN of Masters and Ma' 'ks to whom Ceet :fica.tes of Seetio have been grante — continued. Name. Bank for which Certificate has been Granted. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue of Certificate. No. of Certificate. Malcolm, James Miller, Henry Megerney, John Marks, Hannibal Meiklejohn, William ... Matzen, Peter ... Mustart, William Meech, Christopher Mills, John Matheson, Angus MeAithmr, Findlay McGregor, Alexander ... McKenzie, James McDonald, John McLeod, Roderick McCullum, Donald McKenzie, Kenneth McKenzie, Simon McQuarrie, Hector McKenzie, Murdock McDonald, Eoderick ... McDougall, John McDermott, James McNabb, Robert McLeod, James McCabe, William John. McKinnon, Alexander ... McLean, Charles McGregor, Kenneth Norris, William Norris, Gregory Seymour Norgrove, Horace Nichols, Henry Zachary Ohlson, Frederick O'Brien, Patrick Paterson, John Anderson Paterson, Robert Campbell Payne, William Atkins... Pope, Charles Quentin ... Pietersen, John Palmer, Abraham Palmer, John Pratt, Henry Lincon ... Parkci, Thomas Perston, Robert Morris... Petersen, Lara Peachey, James Pennal, Thomas John ... Paterson, Hugh Perkins, Edward Queen, Robert Bains, William George... Russell, John Bussell, John Robeitson, Alexander ... Rilcy, Samuel Ricketts, Thomas Robinson, Edward Aldis Rawlings, John Robinson, Charles Began, John Boderick, Joseph Ramsay, John Kilgour... Ruxton, James Stevenson, James Barclay Seymour, William Stephen Saunders, Simon Smith, Duncan Short, George Henry ... bhort, Thomas Smith, Jamos Sellars, Daniel Seymour, Joseph Smith, Claude Hamilton Sinclair, Donald Spence, Robert Spooner, Charles Short, William Somci'ville, William Smith, John Master ,... j» ••• ,, ... ,i ... >» ••• ,, ... j) ••• Jl *M ,, ... Mate .!. Master ... j» ••• ii ... ii ... Mate !!! Master ... >» ii ... ii ..• ii ••• j, ... it ••• a ••• >> '" i» *** j» ... i) *** j, tti ii ... ii ... Mate Master ... ii ... ii ... Home Trade ii ji u >» Foreign „ M )l •>■ Home „ ]> ,i ii >> » ii ii ii n ii ii ii ■•> ii ii ... ii i] ... ii ii II M Foreign „ ii ii ii n ... Home „ Harbor & River Trade Home Trade » II II II » II Foreign „ Home „ ii n ii ii Foreign „ Home ,, Foreign „ Home „ Foreign „ Home „ n it Foreign „ Home ,, ii i] 17 February, 1873... 27 February, 1873... 21 March, . 1873... 21 March, 1873... 12 May, 1873... 4 April, 1873... 26 April, 1873... 11 June, 1873... 25 June, 1873... 25 June, 1873... 4 April, 1873... 19 August, 1872... 27 January, 1873... 27 January, 3873... 27 January, 1873... 17 March, 1873... 21 March, 1873... 26 March, 1873... 26 March, 1873 . 26 March, 1873... 17 February, 1873... 4 April, 1873 24 April, 1873... 24 April, 1873... 11 June, 1873... 11 June, 1873... 11 June, 1873 11 June, 1873.]] 11 June, 1873 22 February, 1873 .. 24 February, 1873... 24 April, " 1873... 11 June, 1873... 21 March, 1873... 11 June, 1873]" 17 February, 1873 13 February, 1873 " 1 October, 1872]]] 27 January, 1873]]] 13 February, 1873.]. 17 February, 1872... 27 January, 1873.]] 17 February, 1873 8 March, 1873 19 April, 1873" 19 April, 1873 24 April, 1873 ]. 26 April, 1873 .. 11 June, 1873... 11 June, 1873... 24 April, 1273 17 March, 1873..] 30 January, 1873... 6 February, 1873 22 February, 1873 22 February, 1873 .] 22 February, 1873... 5 March, 1873 8 March, 1873 21 March, 1873... 19 April, 1873 24 April, 1873 24 April, 1873 12 May, 1873... 11 July, 1872 . 30 July, 1872... 2 November, 1872.], 27 January, 1873... 27 January, 1873... 22 February, 1873... 24 February, 1873 5 March, 1873... 8 March, 1873... 11 March, 1873... 17 March, 1873... 17 March, 1873... 4 April, 1873... 19 March, 1873... 19 April, 1873... 26 March, 1873... 2,079 2,107 2,154 2,157 2,243 2,185 2,236 2,260 2.278 2 280 2,206 2,014 2,026 2,040 2,041 2,139 2,147 2,150 2,173 2,176 2,078 2,191 2,224 2,228 2,253 2,255 2,257 2,262 2 264 2,089 2,092 2,217 2,267 2,158 2,256 2,076 2,069 2,283 2,017 2,070 2,073 2,025 2,077 2,125 2,205 2.212 2,215 2,237 2,249 2 266 2,213 2,142 2,059 2,064 2 084 2,082 2.088 2 120 2,124 2,153 2,211 2 214 2,223 2,246 2,011 2,013 2,022 2,036 2,012 2,083 2,096 2,111 2,133 2,136 2140 2,143 2,196 2,144 2,201 2,179 »? • •• ii ii Foreign „ Home „ ») ... ii ii ... ii ii ••• )» ••• i< ii ii ••■ ii ii j» ... ii ii )» Foreign „ »» »» . .4 ii ii Home „ ft ... Ma^e Master ... ii jj ii ii j, ... ii n Foreign „ Home ,, 3} J) »» ii it Ij ... ii is ... If ii ii ... If ii ii 5 J ... ii ii ... II ... >> ii Harbor & River Trade Foreign Trade »I ... J» ... H ii ii Home „ Foreign „ Home „ Foreign ,, Home „ Foreign „ Home „ II H (il II JJ l| tM " ... '» I] it U ii ii ... '' Foreign „ Home „ Mate .'.'. Master ... Mate Master e«* ii t>



RETURN of ENGINEERS to whom CETIFICATES of SERVICE have been granted.

iETURN of Masters am TES o w lOin Kir 'IFICA.TES Oi iEETIi iave ieen issuer [ — continue! Name. Bank for which Certificate has been Granted. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue of Certificate, No. of Certificate. Schmidt, Johan Savory, Samuel Rnhard Smith, William Scott, John Atto Stephens, George Phillips s-tafford, Edwin Simons, William Scott, William Spencer, William Sloane, Andrew Tall, Stephen... Thomson, William Tonge, Edward Thompson, Robert Taylor, A lexander Paton Tiller, Josiah Thome, Joseph Turner, William Tupp, George Tyson, William Veale, William Denny ... Ternazoni, Sevaris Urquhart, John Urquhart, Hector Whihvell, Ihomas Williams, Eobert Wills, James Wing, Charles Matthew Williams, \\illiam Walker, William Walker, John Wing, Edward Thomas Watt, John Watts, William John ... Whitby, William Laird Warncs, Benjamin Yorke, James Henry Yates, Michael Yule, David Youug, William Joseph Master ... ii i> Mate Master ... it ii ,, ,| at* II ••• II • II • •• II ... II ... II ■•'« II ■•• II ... Mate '.'.'. Master ... Home Trade n H Foreign „ Foreign Trade it i> Home ,, »> »> ii i> ]> ii >» »i >> i» Foreign „ Home „ H H ii ii It Ii ii ii it ii ii II Foreign ,, Home „ 4 April, 1873... 24 April, 1873... 24Ap/il, 1873... 24 April, 1873... 11 June, 1873... 11 June, 1873... 26 April, 1873... 28 April, 1873... 12 May, 1873... 12 June, 1873.. 29 June, 1872... 27 January, ;i873... 11 February, 1~73... 5 March, " 1873... 17 March, 1873... 27 March, 1873... 4 April, 1873... 11 June, 1873 .. 11 June, 1873... 24 February, 1873... 24 February, 1873... 5 March, 1873... 24 February. 1873 .. 12 May, ' 1873... 27 January, 1873... 19 February, 1873... 5 March, 1873... 21 March, 1873... 19 April, 1873... 30 January, 1873... 5 March, 1873... 8 March, U73... 17 March, 1873... 19 April, 1873... 19 April, 1873... 11 June, 1873... 26 October, 1872... 24 February, 1873... 28 March, 1873... 24 April, 1873... 2,189 2,222 2,226 2,227 2,265 2,229 2232 2,238 2,248 2,273 2,004 2,043 2,065 2,115 2 137 2,180 2,184 2,254, 2,259 2,104 2,094 2110 2,097 2 242 2,028 2,080 2,118 2,155 2,219 2,054 2,119 2.126 2,141 2,195 2,209 2,^52 2,021 2,099 2,182 2,221 »» ••• a •■• it >f II ..' ii ii j) ••• ii ii Mate ... it ii ii ii it ••• Master ... it ii Foreign „ Homo „ ii •*• ii ii ii • • • it ii ii ... ii ii ii ... ii it ii ii ii ... ii ... Foreign „ ii ii ii Home „ it

yame. Rank for which Certificate has been U ranted. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue of Certificate. No of Certificate. Butteis, James Brown, William Bunnatyne, William Lang Campbell, Campbell Coutts, John ... Coppell, John Carlow, John... Coutts, John ... Ellis, George ... Leys, John Mottatt, Matthew Nutt, John'Ihomas Eobinson, John Ryan, 'Ihoiuas Sinclair, Robert William Trail, . ames ... Watson, 'Ihoinas Engineor .. Second Class »> ,, M ,, >> ,, >> M >, >> u »J ,, )) ,, :i 22 March, 1873 19 May, 1873 21 April, 1873 11 January, 1873 18 Febrnary, 1873 21 April, " 1873 21 April, 1873 21 April, 1873 6 Kovember, 1872 14 March, 1873 11 January, 1873 5 March, 1873 30 January, 1873 21 April, 1873 17 March, 1873 6 Kovember, 1872 21 April, 1873 1,010 1,017 1,011 1,003 1,006 1,012 1,013 1,016 1,001 1,008 1,004, 1,007 1,005 1,014 1,009 1,002 1,015 II II First C'oss Second Class »j »» >, »» j» »» ji >>



4—H. 19a.

RETURN of WRECKS on which INQUIRIES have been held under "The Inquiry into Wrecks Act," or for which Casualty Returns have been received, between 1st July, 1872, and 30th June, 1873.

Date of Casualty. Name of Vessel; also, Age and Class when known. Rig. •Sd§ Number of Nature Nature of Casualty. Number of Lives Lost. Place where Casualty took place. Wind. .e Court of Enquiry. Name of Master. Crew. Passengers. Cargo. Direction Force. 1872. July 4 Harriet King, 8 years. Brigantine 184 7 Produce Stranded j total loss. Near Port Charles, Cape Colville Peninsula. s.w. Strong gale Want of judgment of the master in taking his vessel under the lee of high land during a strong breeze, andnot letting go the anchor when the vessel became baffled by eddy winds, and was drifting ashore. George Smith. „ 15 Joliba, Alfor5yearBinl868 Aha-Aha rocks, in Hauraki Gulf. Moderate breeze Master was attending to his duty. Accident caused by miscalculating his distance aud rate of sailing. John Galbraith. Barquo 324 11 Ballast Stranded; partial loss. N.E. „ 16 Alice, 5 years. Schooner 21 3 General Stranded ; total loss. Bar at the entrance to the Porangahau River. N.E. M Master should have let go his anchor when wind headed him, after passing through the breakers on the Bar Geo. Scoones. „ 18 Our Hope, 10 years. Brig 237 9 2 Iron )j Oamaru... E. Strong gale Every exertion made to savo ship by master and crew. Casualty caused by stress of weather. John Easton Payne. ,. 24 Hydra, 20 years. Barque 585 17 Coal & Coke Foundered; total loss. Twenty miles west of Solander Island E. by N. Moderate gale Masttr and crew did all that was possible to save the ship. Vessel was old and had not sufficient boats. William Best. „ 27 Aurora, 7 years. Schooner 12 4 Timber Stranded ; total loss. Catlin Kiver Bar ... W. Light No blame attached to master, who used every effort to 6ave the vessel. Thomas Kcenan. Aug. 8 Three Sisters, 14 years. Cutter 27 3 Firewood 9) Wangapa River, North end Great Barrier. s.w. »> No blame attached to master or crew, who used every effort to save the vessel. James Dunn. „ 10 Pioneer, 1 year. Ketch 11 3 Pigs »J Inside the Bar of Patea Biver. w. !> Master attempted to cross the bar at night without assistance of pilot; as he had done so before with safety the Court acquitted him of wilful neglect. Lawrence lennie. Venture, 7 years. Ballast Capo Campbell Reef Strong gale Casualty caused by thick and rough weather. Gilbert Brown. ,, 11 i) 20 3 N.W. ,, IS Alarm. i) 15 General Stranded ; partial loss. Bar of Rangitikei River. s.s.w. Fresh breezo Vessel grounded on a sand bank, formed since master's last visit to the river. William Callow. Sep. 17 Victoria, Not known. Schooner 17 2 n Entrance to Awanui Kiver. S.E. Light Wind suddenly fell. Strong tide carried vessel on rocks. Topi.



EECKS on wl I1CI NQTJIIUES ave een , &c.—continuei Date of Casually. Name of Vessel; also, Ago and Class "when known. Big. 8 | Number of Nature Nature of Casualty. Number of Lives Lost. Place where Casualty took place. Wind. Finding of the Court of Enquiry. Name of Master. Crew. Passengers. Cargo. Direction Force. 1872. Sep. 17 Tell. Barque 302 10 Coal Stranded ; partial loss. Newcastle, N.S.W. Was placed on the hard on arrival at Auckland, and found unrepairable Vcsssel was condemned and sold. John II'Coll. „ 26 Esther, 23 years. Brigantine •17 6 Live Stock ii Boulder Bank at Napier, inside the entrance. N.E. Light Casualty caused by wind falling light whilst entering Napier harbour. No blame attached to pilot, who was in charge. .Tames Compbell. Nov. 10 Bertha, Al 7 years. Brigantine 178 8 Sugar Fire; partial loss. At sea, inLat. 36° 8' South, Long 66° 11' East. S. Fine Fire supposed to have originated in brick work under galley, which ignited deck planking and beams. James Hariisson. .. 14 City of Newcastle, 39 years. Barque 10 Ballast Stranded; total loss. 2 Wellington Head, Cook Strait. S.E. Moderate The chief cause of the disaster arose from the negligence or incompetency, or both, of tho master. Court cancelled the Certificate of Service held by him. John Buhl. 538 Wallabi, s.s., 9 yeais. Stranded ; partial loss. While lying at Invercargill jetty. Fine Grounded while lying at Invercargill jetty. William Best. „ 15 Schooner (3-masted.) 101 12 General "W. Dec. 13 St. Kiltla, s.s., 11 years. Schooner 91 13 2 v ii Wanganui Bar ... Light No blame attached to master and officers, or pilot, but pilot's coxswain much blamed for permitting vessel to entor. John Flowerday. 1873. Jan. 6 Der Fuehs, 10 years. Barque 14 including pilot boat Ballast Foundered off Mauritius. At sea, near Mauritius. Hurricane August Fuchs. 340 S.E. Vessel was lying-to in a hurricane when sea threw her on her beam ends, and she became a total wreck. »» 7 Margaret. Cutter 28 crew. 4 Timber Capsized ; total loss. About fifteen miles North of Tologoa Bay, and nine miles from shore. N.N.E. Heavy galo Vessel encountered very heavy weather. Vessel not overladen, but had deck load been thrown overboard disaster might possibly have been averted. McLagan. Siren, 18 years. Stranded; total loss. Off Cape Portland, Tasmania. Fresh and squally In a sudden shift of wind, in a heavy squall, vessel struck on a shoal, marked as position doubtful on the Admiralty chart of Bass Strait. Robert McEachern. ft 28 Brig 157 Bark N.W.



RETUEN of "Weecks on wh: ch Inquiries have been eld, &e. — continued. Date |of Casualty. Name of Vessel; also, Age and Class when known. Big. If .3 g Number of Nature Nature of Casualty. Number of Lives Lost. Place where Casualty took place. Wind. g of the Court of Enquiry. • Name of Master. Crew. Passengers. Cargo. Direction Force. 1873. Feb. 17 Lion, About 4 years. Barque 216 9 Timber Stranded ; total loss. John Neering. Wangapoa Bar .. S.W. Light No blame attached to master or other person concerned. Mar. 4 Alsager, 10 years. Ship 28 1 Guano Foundered About twenty-five miles from Eva Island, Friendly Islands. w. >» Vessel struck on a reef at Maldon Island. After leaving this place vessel began to leak very much, caused by an attempt of crew to scuttle ship. Robert Geddies Kae. 1209 May 3 Nancy, 8 years. Schooner w 3 Ballast Stranded; total loss. New Eiver Bar ... N. ti Master should have anchored when he saw the danger signal, and not have attempted to take the bar. William Sherburd. Moa, 24 years. Brig 235 9 si i» Allday Bay, two miles South of Mohikinui Eiver. N.E. Gale Master believing vessel had parted her cable slipped and beached her, not being able to work off shore. Alexander Eobert- )) 7 son. »» 8 Mary Ogilvie, 3 months. Schooner 72 B General Stranded ; partial loss. Oamaru... N.E. Fresh breese Loss occasioned by mate not setting topsail, for want of which vessel missed stays. John Falconer. Margaret Campbell, 16 years. ji it Grain Stranded ; total loss. Oamaru... W. Light Vessel had been obliged to slip and go to sea some days previous to date of casualty. On return was unable to recover this anchor, and heavy sea coming on again she dragged her remaining anchor, and there being not enough wind to sail she went on the beach. Herman Jacobus Bowman. 1O 122 Mary Hamilton, 16 years. Nepean Island, near iNorfolk Island. No blame to master. Chief officer blamed for loss of ship, but holding no certificate no further proceedings could be taken. Frederick Alleyne Barker. June 2 Barque 217 . 29 1 Whaler N.W. »» »» Advance. Cutter 4 Produce if Spit at entrance to Woikouaiti. j» Vessel was carried on to the Spit at entrance of river by a strong fresh. George Latimer. „ 10 13 about N.E. „ 12 Australia. Brig 162 Supposed 8 Coal »» Supposed all hands. Supposed to have been lost near Cape Campbell Beef. S.S.E. Whole gale Information of supposed loss received from master of brig " Scotsman," Mr. Chas. Kodgers. Francis Grey.


RETURN of STEAM VESSELS to which CERTIFICATES have been issued in New Zealand, during the Financial Year 1872-73.


Name of Vessel. Tons Register. Horee Power of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Nature of Engines. Remarks. Blue Nose ... Waipa Enterprise No. 1 Enterprise No. 2 Gemini Lady Bowen Royal Alfred Lallah Rookh Devonport ... Challenger ... Golden Crown Comerang ... Star of the South Effort Result Lily Rowena TaVapuna ... La Bueua Venlura Jane Southern Cross Lily Una Phccbe Taranaki Wellington ... Rangitira Go-Ahead ... Keera Wanganui ... Napier St. Kilda ... Tongariro ... Osprey Pioneer Pioneer Halcyon Novelty Clyde Mullogh Gazelle Moa Pretty Jane... Beautiful Star Maori Geelong . . Wallace Golden Age Antrim Peninsula Lady of the Lake Samson Tuapeka Storm Bird Waipara Lioness Dispatch Wallabi Lyttelton ... Lady Barkly Charles Edward Murray Kennedy 42 30 22 40 11 29 89 23 23 26 207 152 147 13 13 20 74 58 25 65 416 298 261 181 83 158 165 44 91 39 28 18 30 30 14 32 7 34, 60 14 12 30 140 60 50 12 10 10 30 20 8 40 120 90 80 50 30 60 50 24 30 10 10 10 Paddle II )» Twin Screw Paddle ii ii »j it I) M ScrewPaddle Twin Screw Screw Paddle Screw ii )» >j j> »> it IS II Twin Screw Screw »j .River n Extended River Kiver Extended Biver Sea-going. Extended Kiver River Extended River Sea-gcing it River Extended River Sea-going River >i Sea-going River u Sea-going H j» M )) >i l> Non condensing i) h ji Condensing Non-condensing >} 11 Condensing j> Non-condensing j» Condensing Non-condensing H ji Condensing Non-condensing )i Condensing » ii n Non-condensing Condensing n Non't'ondensing Condensing Steam Launch, Steam Launch. Steam Launch. Paddle M Extended River River n Non-condensing tJ Screw a i] 24 43 27 46 47 50 90 126 118 108 56 79 35 32 57 111 24 67 48 26 38 101 86 30 89 59 125 25 30 32 15 30 25 35 30 60 70 40 60 30 20 25 70 60 30 30 60 40 25 25 25 60 18 36 Twin Screw Paddle ii Extended River River Extended River Biver Extended River a i> » Steam Launch. Screw u i> a Condensing Non-condensing Condensing j ? Sea-going >> j> ii Paddle t> >> n j» »J River n Non-condensing )) > J j» ) J n J) Stern Wheel Screw Twin Screw Paddle M Sea-going River Sea-going >» Condensing Non-condensing Condensing »» n M a Screw Paddle II j» H )» i) l> Extended River Sea-going i> )i Screw Twin Screw H ii I) ]i >>


H— 19a.

RETURN of GENERAL PILOTAGE EXEMPTION CERTIFICATES issued during the Financial Year, 1872-73.

o g 6 Names of Masters to whom Certificates have been issued. Names of Vessels for which Certificates have been issued. Ports included on Certificate. 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 163 161 165 166 167 168 169 170 William George Cellein Richard Arnold Thomas Smith John Christian Thomas Hunter Harvey James Story Brownell William Millar Alexander M'Gregor Robert Morgan William Heslop Alexander Farquhar William Farquhar... George Morris Rapp William Francis John Shimmins Joseph Lewis Burnett Brown Robert Quance Francis Hepburn ... James Leys Flirt Frowning Beauty Celestia Pretty Jane Sword Fish Princess Alice Magellan Cloud Ivanhoe Ocean Wave Mary Miller Golden Crown Duke of Edinburgh ... Pet Thomas and Henry ... Lady Emma A. H. Badger Kennedy Eangitira ... Wallabi Russell, Auckland, Tauranga, Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Picton, New Plymouth. Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin. Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Aiaroa, Timaru, Bluff. Auckland, New Plymouth, Nelson, Wellington, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin, Bluff, Eiverton, Greymouth, Hokitika. Dunedin. Lyttelton. Auckland, Eussell. Auckland, Mongonui, Russell. Auckland, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru. Auckland. Auckland, Russell, Kaipara, Mauukau, Waikato. Russell, Auckland. Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru. Dunedin, Bluff. Auckland, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru. Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru. Nelson, Westport, Greymouth, Hokitika, Okarito. Auckland, Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin. Wellington, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin, Bluff, Hokitika. Wellington, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin. Hokianga, Auckland, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru. Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru. Wellington. Auckland. Wellington. Wellington and Dunedin. Auckland. Auckland. Dunedin. Greymouth, Hokitika, Okarito. Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru. Lyttelton and Timaru. Auckland, Lyttelton, Akaroa, and Timaru. Lyttelton. Dunedin. Auckland. Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru. Auckland. Auckland, Russell. Mongonui, RusBell, Auckland, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru. 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 James Adair William Llewellin Llewellin John Fisher John James Herman Jacobus Bowman ... Joseph Salmon Henry Edward Hill John M'Dougall ... Frederick Ohlson ... James Romney James Stevens Joseph Leddra Benjamin Grimsey Dodd Alexander Roberts Robert Geddies Ray Owen Lewis Charles Couch Alexander M'Callum Angus Mathisson ... William Joiner Kenneth McGregor Queen of the South ... Byron Waratah Coronet Margaret Campbell ... Cyrus Wellington... Duke of Edinburgh ... Duke of Edinburgh ... Formosa Aborigine ... Elen Grove... Adelheid Moa Laughing Water Glencoe Magellan Cloud Union ,,. Herald Excelsior Ey no

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EIGHTH REPORT OF THE MARINE DEPARTMENT FOR, THE YEAR ENDED 30TH JUNE, 1873., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1873 Session I, H-19a

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EIGHTH REPORT OF THE MARINE DEPARTMENT FOR, THE YEAR ENDED 30TH JUNE, 1873. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1873 Session I, H-19a

EIGHTH REPORT OF THE MARINE DEPARTMENT FOR, THE YEAR ENDED 30TH JUNE, 1873. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1873 Session I, H-19a

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