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E.—No. 2.



Extract from the Journals of the Souse of Eepresentatives, dated Tuesday, the 2nd day of August, 1870. Resolved —" (1.) That it is expedient that the boundaries of the Electoral Districts should be readjusted, and fresh provision made for the Representation thereof. " (2.) That within each Province, and the County of Westland, the number of Members to be returned should be as follows: — Within the Province of Auckland ... ... ... Sixteen Members. Ditto Hawke's Bay ... ... ... Two Members. Ditto Taranaki ... ... ... Three Members. Ditto Wellington ... ... ... Nine Members. Ditto Marlborough ... ... ... Two Members. Ditto ' Nelson (including Cheviot and exclusive of Westland North) ... ... ... Seven Members. Ditto Canterbury ... ... ... Twelve Members. Ditto Otago ... ... ... Fifteen Members. Ditto Southland ... ... ... Four Members. County of Westland and Westland North ... ... ... Four Members. " (3.) That the Gold Fields Districts within the Province of Otago should be subdivided into ordinary Electoral Districts, but without prejudice to the right of holders of Miners' Eights to vote as they are at present entitled to do. " (4.) That the number and position of the Maori Members be not affected. " (5.) That, subject to instructions to the foregoing effect, with the exception of Resolution No. 4, a Select Committee of twenty, by special leave of the House, be appointed to report upon tho most convenient boundaries of the Electoral Districts, and upon the number of Eepresentatives for each district, -with power to call for persons and papers; to report within ten days ; seven to be a quorum; the Committee to consist of Mr. W. Wood, Mr. Webster, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Eeynokls, Mr. Driver, Mr. Eolleston, Mr. Studholme, the Hon. Mr. Stafford, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Parker, Mr. Eyc3, Mr. W. 11. Harrison, Mr. Kynnersley, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Bunny, Mr. Ormond, Mr. Carrington, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Gillies, and Mr. Farmer."

Extract from the Journals of the Souse of Eepresentatives, dated Thursday, the 4ith day of August, 1870. Ordered —" That the name of Mr. Farmer be omitted from the Committee on Representation Districts, and that of the Hon. Colonel Haultain inserted in lieu thereof; also, that the name of Mr. Haughton be added to the said Committee."— (Mr. Fox.)


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Your Committee beg to report that the annexed Schedule shows the result arrived at by the decisions of the Committee as to the boundaries of the Electoral Districts and the number of Eepresentatives for each district:—

SCHEDULE. Province of Auckland. 1. Mongonui and Bay of Islands, One Member. —All that portion of the North Island of New Zealand, which lies to the northward of a straight line from Bocky Bay (South of the Three Gables) to the mouth of the Koatu Biver ; together with the Three Kings, Moturoa, Stephenson, Flat and Cavalli Islands, the Islands in the Bay of Islands, the Wide Berth Islands, Four Islets, Poor Knights and other adjacent Islands. 2. Marsden, One Member. —Bounded towards the North by the southern boundary of the Mongonui and Bay of Islands District, from the mouth of the Koatu Biver to Bocky Bay; thence towards the East by the sea to the southern boundary of the Parish of Mangawai; thence towards the South by the southern boundaries of the said Parish of Mangawai and the Parish of Kaiwaka by the southern banks of the Kaiwaka and Otamatea Bivers to the mouth of the said Otamatea Biver, and by the northern shore of Kaipara Harbour to the North Sand Head, and thence towards the South-west by the sea to the commencing point; together with the Hen and Chickens, Mokohinou, Fanal and other adjacent Islands. 3. Bodney, One Member. —Bounded towards the North by the southern boundary of the Marsden District, from the mouth of the Otamatea Biver (Kaipara Harbour) to the point where the southern boundary of the Parish of Mangawai meets tho sea ; thence towards the East by the sea to the mouth of the Weiti Biver ; thence towards the South by the said Weiti Biver to its most westerly source ; thence by a straight line to the most easterly source of the Kaukapakapa Creek to Kaipara Harbour, and thence towards the West by the western shore of the said Kaipara Harbour to the commencing point; together with the Great and Little Barrier Arids, Kawau, Kaitu, Motutora, Orwaiki, Tiritiri Matangi, and other adjacent Islands. 4. Waitemata, One Member. —Bounded towards the North by the southern boundary of the Bodney District, from the mouth of the Kaukapakapa Creek to the mouth of the Weiti Biver; thence by the sea and the Waitemata Harbour to the Whau Portage; thence by the Portage to the Manukau' Harbour ; thence by the Manukau Harbour, the Sea, and the Kaipara Harbour, to the commencing point; together with the adjacent Islands in the Waitemata Harbour. 5. Eden, One Member. —Bounded towards the North by the Whau Portage ; towards the South by the Tamaki Portage ; towards the West by the Manukau Harbour; and towards the East by the Waitemata Harbour; excluding the Districts of the Town of Onehunga, the City of Auckland East, the City of Auckland West, Newton, and Parnell, as hereinafter defined. 6. City of Auckland East, One Member. —Bounded as mentioned in the Schedule to " The Bepresentation Act, 1860." 7. City of Auckland West, Two Members. —Ditto. 8. Newton, One Member.—Ditto. 9. Parnell, One Member. —Ditto. 10. Onehunga, One Member. —Ditto. 11. Franklin, Two Members. —Bounded towards the North by tho Tamaki Portage; thence by the Manukau Harbour and the Sea to the mouth of the Waikato Biver; thence by the North Bank of that river, to the mouth of the Maungatawhiri Creek; thence by the Maungatawdiiri Creek to its most ■easterly source : thence in a straight line to the most westerly source of the Pukorokoro Creek; thence by the Pukorokoro Creek to the sea; thence by the sea to the East end of the Tamaki Portage, including the Islands of Waiheke, Ponui, Taylors, Motuihi, Motutapu, Bangitoto, Motuharekiwa, and other adjacent Islands. 12. Waikato, One Alember.—Bounded towards the North by the southern boundary of the Franklin District as hereinbefore defined, from the mouth of the Pukorokoro Creek to the mouth of the Waikato Biver; thence by the sea to the intersection of the West Coast by the thirty-ninth parallel of South latitude ; thence by that parallel to the centre of Lake Taupo ; thence by a straight line to the nearest summit of the first leading range East of the Waikato Eiver; thence along the summit of that range to the summit of Te Aroha Mountain ; thence by the nearest spur to the Thames Biver ; thence by the Thames Eiver to the Hauraki Gulf; thence by that Gulf to the point of commencement; together with any adjacent Islands. 13. Thames, One Member. —Bounded towards the South by a line from tho North Head of the Katikati Eiver to the summit of Hikurangi Mountain ; thence by a line to the summit of Te Aroha Mountain ; thence by the nearest spur to the Thames Eiver; thence by the Thames Eiver to the Hauraki Gulf; on all other sides by the sea, including Channel, Cuvier, DTlaussez, Castle, Mercury, Alderman, Shoe, Slipper, and other adjacent Islands. 14. East Coast, One Member.—The remainder of the Province of Auckland not included in the before-mentioned boundaries.


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Hawke's Bat. To remain as at present constituted. Province oe Taranaki. 1. Electoral District, Town of New Plymouth, One Member. —As at present constituted. 2. Electoral District, Grey and Bell, One Member. —Bounded on the North by the Biver Mokau to its source ; on the East by a right line running from the source of the Eiver Mokau to the point where the Ngahuinga'or Tahua, the principal tributary of the Wanganui Eiver, is intersected by the thirty-ninth parallel of South latitude; thenco by the Eiver Wanganui to tho point where it is met by the Taumatamuhoe path leading from the Eiver Waitara; thence by a right line running from tho above described point on the Wanganui Eiver in the direction of the mouth of the Patea Eiver, till it intersects the boundary line of the confiscated land ; thence by tho said boundary line to the summit of Mount Egmont; thence by a right line to the source of the Oakuru Eiver ; thence by the Oakuru Eiver to the sea; thence by the sea to the mouth of the Mokau Eiver. 3. Electoral District, Egmont, One. Member.—Bounded on the North-east by the Electoral District of Taranaki East; on the East by the Province of Wellington; on the South-west by the sea, from the Patea Biver to tho Oakuru Biver : with the subjoined alteration in the boundary line, namely, that the present boundary between Egmont (formerly Omata) and Grey and Bell Districts be retained so far as to the southern angle of the Grey Block, and that it run thence direct to the top of Mount Egmont, and thence in a line due East to the Provincial boundary.

Province oe Wellington. 1. City of Wellington, Two Members. —This Electoral District comprises the boundaries of the City of Wellington, including the Town Belt, as originally laid out by the New Zealand Company. 2. Hutt, One Member. —This Electoral District is bounded on the North-west by the Wellington Country District; on the South-east by the Bimutaka Banges to Turakarae Head ; and on the South and South-west by the sea coast and Port Nicholson Harbour, including Somes' Island and Ward Island. 3. Wairarapa, Two Members. —This Electoral District is bounded on the North by a line from the Manawatu Gorge to the mouth of the Waimatu Stream ; on the South and South-east by the sea coast and by a portion of the Wellington Country District; and on the West and North-west by the Hutt and Alanawatu Districts. 4. Wellington Country District, One Member.—This Electoral District is bounded on the North by the Manawatu District, hereinafter described, and by the production of the said boundary until it intersects the Bimutaka Bange ; towards the South-cast by the sea coast, by Port Nicholson Harbour, by the Korokoro Stream to its source, and by the watershed between Porirua and the Hutt to the Tararua Eanges; and towards the South, the West, and North-west, by the sea coast, including the Island of Mana and excluding the Electoral District of the City of Wellington, hereinbefore described. 5. Manawatu, One Member. —This Electoral District is bounded on the North and North-west by the Bangitikei District; on the East by the Euahine and Tararua Eanges ; on the South by the road from the sea coast to the foot of Paikakariki Hill; thence by a line bearing about 65 mag. until it intersects the Tararua Eanges ; and on the West by the sea coast between Paikakariki and theBangitikei Biver, including the Island of Kapiti. 6. Bangitikei, One Member.-—This Electoral District is bounded on the North-east and East by a line from the centre of Lake Taupo to the 39 parallel of South latitude, thence by the Napier and Clive Districts (hereinafter defined) ; on the South and South-east by the Bangitikei Eiver; on the South-west by the coast line between the Bangitikei and Wangaehu Bivers ; and on the West and North-west by the Wangaehu Biver. 7. Wanganui, One Member.- —This Electoral District is bounded on the North and North-west by the Grey and Bell Districts hereinbefore defined; on the South-west by the sea coast between the Patea and Wangaehu Bivers; on the South-east and East by the Wangaehu Biver to Buapehu Mountain ; and thence by a line North to the centre of Lake Taupo.

Province oe Nelson. 1. City of Nelson, Two Members. —Boundaries as described in " Eepresentation Act, 1860." 2. Suburbs of Nelson, One Member. —Bounded on the South and South-west by the Wairoa Eiver from the point at which it intersects the boundary of the Picton District to its junction with the Waimea Eiver, thence by the Waimea Eiver to the Sea; on the East by the Picton District; and on other sides by the Sea, including D'Urville Island and other adjacent Isles. Excepting the City of Nelson District. 3. Waimea, One Member.- —Bounded on the North by the Collingwood, Motueka, and Suburbs of Nelson Districts ;on the East by the Picton, Wairau, and Cheviot Districts; and on the South and West by the Buller and Grey Districts. 4. Motueka, One Member. —Boundaries as described in " Eepresentation Act, 1860." 5. Collingwood, One Member. —Boundaries as described in " Eepresentation Act, 1860." 6. Cheviot, One Member.

Province oe Marlborough. To remain as at present constituted.

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Province oe Canterbury. 1. Ashley, One Member.—This Electoral District is bounded on the North by the Cheviot District, hereinbefore defined ; on the West and South by the south bank of the Biver Waimakariri, from the boundary of the Cheviot District to the boundary of the Kaiapoi District, hereinafter defined, and by the said Kaiapoi District; on the East by a line drawn due North and South through Trig. Pole c. 29 on the south bank of the Waimakariri, from the Waimakariri to the Eiver Ashley, and by the sea. 2. Kaiapoi, One Member. —This Electoral District is bounded on the North by the Eiver Ashley; on the West by the Ashley District, hereinbefore defined ; on tho South by the south bank of the Eiver Waimakariri, and a line'drawn from Trig. Pole c. 19 on the south bank of that river to Trig. Pole c. 27 on the sea coast; and on the East by the sea. 3. City of Christchurch East, One Member. —This Electoral District is bounded on the North by the road separating Sections 136 and 243 F. to the road East of Section 2,256 ; on the East by the last-mentioned road to its junction with the East Christchurch Boad, following that road easterly to the Stanmore Eoad, and by the Stanmoro Boad, crossing tho Biver Avon, to the road separating Sections 69 and 84, and by that road to the Ferry Eoad, following that road westerly to the Hills Eoad, and by the Hills Eoad to the road separating Sections 62 and 74; on the South by the lastmentioned road, and by a straight line drawn from the western end of the same to the junction of Wilson's Eoad with the road leading to tho Pound, and by the latter road to its junction with Colombo Street; on the West by Colombo Street to the North Town Belt; thence westerly following the northern side of the same to the Caledonian Boad, and by the Caledonian Boad to the road first before mentioned. 4. City of Christchurch West, One Alember. —This Electoral District is bounded on the North by the road separating Sections 242 and 299 from Sections 453 and 135, from tho junction of the road West of Section No. 242 to the Papanui Eoad, following southerly the said road to the road running between Sections 136 and 243F, and by that road to the Caledonian Eoad, at the eastern corner of the latter Section; on the East by City of Christchurch East, hereinbefore defined ; on the South by the Pound Boad to the Lower Lincoln Boad, following North-easterly the said road to the road separating Sections 113 and 118; and on the West by the last-mentioned road to the Biccarton Boad, and by a straight line drawn from the North-western corner of Section 155 to the road separating Sections 18 and 80, and by that road to the road first before mentioned. 5. Avon, One Member. —This Electoral District is bounded on the North by the Kaiapoi District, hereinbefore defined; on the West by the Wamakariri and Boss Eoad and the Weeden and Boss Boad ; on the South by the north bank of the Biver Avon, from its mouth to the point where it meets the boundary of the City of Christchurch East Electoral District, hereinbefore defined; thence by the boundaries of the City of Christchurch East and City of Christchurch West Electoral Districts to the south-east boundary of Section No. 145 ; thence by that boundary till it is crossed by a creek running easterly into the Eiver Heathcote, the middle of that creek till it meets a line in continuation of the south-east boundary of Section No. 180, the line so continued to the south-east boundary of Section No. 180, the middle of the road lying on the north-west boundary of Section No. 156 as far as a point where that road first meets a branch of the Eiver Heathcote, a line drawn thence due West to a point where it crosses the Great South Eoad, and by the Great South Boad; on the East by the sea. 6. Heathcote, One Member.—This Electoral District is bounded on the North by the Avon District, hereinbefore defined, and by the City of Christchurch East and the City of Christchurch West Districts ; on the West by the Weeden and Springs Boad, the Waterholes Boad, by Tancred's, the Ellesmere and Lincoln Eoad, and the Draiii Eoad to the Eiver Selwyn ; on the South by the north bank of the Eiver Selwyn to Lake Ellesmere, and by Lake Ellesmere to the mouth of the Halswoll; on the East by the western bank of the Biver Halswell to the western boundary of Section No. 1,879 ; thence by that boundary and the Ahuriri Bush Boad to the southern boundary of Section No. 1,901, by that boundary and the ridge of the hills by Cooper's Knobs and Cap's Peak to the north-west corner of the Town of Lyttelton District, by that district, the sea, and the shore of the Heathcote Estuary. 7. Akaroa, One Member. —This Electoral District is bounded on the North by the southern shore of Lake Ellesmere, the Heathcote District, hereinbefore defined, and the Town of Lyttelton District, and the sea coast; on the West by the Heathcote District, hereinbefore defined, by Lake Ellesmere, and the outlet therefrom to the sea; and on the Southward and Eastward by the sea coast, including the Islands in Port Lyttelton. 8. Lyttelton, One Member. —This Electoral District is bounded on the North by the summit of tho range of hills on the north side of Lyttelton Harbour ; on the East and West by lines drawn due North and South through the easternmost and westernmost points of the boundary of the Town of Lyttelton, as originally laid out by tho Canterbury Association, including the Town Beserve ; and on the South by the sea. 9. Selwyn District, One Member. —This Electoral District is bounded on the East by the Avon and Heathcote Districts, hereinbefore described, and by the western shore of Lake Ellesmere and the outlet therefrom ; on the South by the sea and by the south bank of the Bakaia Eiver from the sea to the Great South Eoad ; on the West by the Great South Eoad from tho Eakaia Biver to the Selwyn Biver; thence by the Selwyn and Waimakariri Eoad along the western boundary of Eun No. 39 to the south bank of the Waimakariri Biver; and on the North by the Ashley District, hereinbefore defined. 10. Coleridge District, One Member. —This Electoral District is bounded on the East by the Selwyn District, hereinbefore defined, and by the sea ; on the South by the north bank of the Bangitata Biver from the sea to the source of the main branch of that river; on the West and North by the summit of the main range of the Southern Alps ; on tho North and North-east by the south bank of the Waimakariri Biver from the boundary of the Selwyn District to the Biver Poulter, and along the western side of that river to the summit of the main range before mentioned.

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11. Timaru District, One Member. —This Electoral District is bounded on the North by the north bank of the Bangitata Biver from the sea to the western boundary of Pasturage Bun No. 470 ; on the West by the western boundary of the said run to the point where it meets the Orari Biver ; thence by a right line to the western boundary of Pasturage Bun No. 529 ; thence along that boundary to the point at which it strikes the Opihi Biver ; thence along that river to its junction with the Tengawai Biver ; thence along the west bank of that river to a point opposite the eastern boundary of Section 5,209; thence crossing the river and following the said boundary to the saddle; thence following down a small stream to the Biver Pareora ; on the South by the south bank of the Biver Pareora ; on the East by the sea. 12. Gladstone District, One Member. —This Electoral District is bounded on the North and East by the Timaru District and the Coleridge District hereinbefore defined ; on the North-west by the summit of the main range of the Southern Alps; on the South by the southern boundary of the Province of Canterbury; on the East by the sea and the Timaru District, hereinbefore defined.

Province oe Otago and Southland. 1. Waitaki, One Member.—This District is bounded towards the North and North-east by the northern boundary of the Province of Otago, commencing at East Head Creek; towards the East by the sea to Vulcan Point; towards the South-west and West by the summit of the Horse Eanges, the Kakanui Mountains, and a right line to Kyeburn Hill; thence by the summit of the Watershed to Mount Ida; thence by the summit of the Hawkdun Mountains to a point due East of Mount St. Bathans; thence by a right line to the last-mentioned point; thence by the western boundaries of Bun No. 216, a Shearing Eeserve, and Bun No. 233, to West Head Creek; thence by that creek to its junction with East Head Creek ; and thence by the last-mentioned creek to the starting point. 2. Dunstan, One Member.—This District is bounded towards the North-east and East by part of the south-western boundary of the Waitaki District, hereinbefore defined, from the source of the Pass Burn to the summit of Mount St. Bathans ; thence by the eastern and part of the southern boundaries of Bun No. 237 to Lauder Creek; thence by the north-eastern boundaries of Buns Nos. 223, 244, and 261, and part of the eastern boundary of the last-mentioned run to the summit of North Boughridge Hill; thence by a right line to the summit of South Boughbridge Hill; thence by the summit of the western watershed of the Upper Taieri Eiver to the summit of Lammerlaw ; thence by part of the south-eastern boundary of Bun No. 200 to Plenty Creek; thence by that creek and the Talla Burn to the Clutha Biver ; and thence by a right line West 28° South to the summit of the Tapauui Eanges ; towards the West and North-west by a right line to the summit of Mount Benger; thence by the summit of tho western watershed of the Clutha Biver to the summit of the Obelisk; thence by the summit of the southern watershed of Frazer's Biver, the summit of the Carrick Mountains, and a right line to the junction of the Kirtle Burn with the Kawrarau Eiver; thence by the Kirtle Burn and a line bearing East 23° North to the summit of Mount Pisa; thence by a right line to the junction of the Lindis Burn and the Clutha Biver; aud thence by Lindis Burn and Pass Burn to the commencing point. 3. Mount Ida, One Member.—This District is bounded towards the North-east by part of the south-western boundary of the Waitaki District, hereinbefore defined, from Mount St. Bathans to Kakanui Peak ; thence towards the East by part of the western boundary of Bun No. 255, and by the eastern boundaries of Buns Nos. 210, 250, and 307; towards the South by Sutton Stream and a right line to the summit of Lammerlaw; and towards the West by the western boundary of the Dunstan District, hereinbefore defined, to Mount St. Bathans, the commencing point. 4. Waikouaiti, One Member.—This District is bounded towards the North-east by the southwestern boundary of the Waitaki District hereinbefore defined, from Kakanui Peak to Vulcan Point; towards the East by the sea to the southern boundary of the Waikouaiti Survey District; towards the South by the southern boundary of Block 1., in the said Survey District, a right line to the junction of Deep Stream and Taieri Eiver; and thence by the last-mentioned river to Sutters Stream, and towards the West by the eastern boundary of the Mount Ida District hereinbefore defined, to Kakanui Peak, the commencing point. 5. Port Chalmers, One Member. —This District is hounded towards the North by part of the southern boundary of the Waikouaiti District, hereinbefore defined, and by the sea; towards the South-east by Otago Harbour; towards the South-west by the north-east boundary of Block XL, North Harbour and Blueskin Survey District, extended to the Harbour and the boundary of the Hundreds ; and towards the West by the western boundary of the last-mentioned Survey District, to the south-western angle of Block 1., Waikouaiti Survey District, the commencing point. 6. City of Dunedin, Two Members.—This District comprises the City of Dunedin, as the boundaries thereof are delineated on the map of the same in the Provincial Survey Office, Dunedin. 7. Boslyn, One Alember.—This District is bounded towards the North by the boundary of the Hundreds; towards the north-east by the south-western boundary of the Port Chalmers District, hereinbefore defined; towards the South and East by Otago Harbour, and by the northern and western boundaries of the City of Dunedin District, hereinbefore defined; again towards the South by the main South Eoad to Section No. 45, Block VI., Town Survey District; towards the West by the eastern boundary of that section and the eastern boundary of tho Lower Kaikorai Survey District, to the Kaikorai Stream ; again towards the South by that stream, and a line being the production of and forming the northern boundary of Section No. 160, Waikari Survey District; and again towards the West by the eastern boundaries of Blocks VI. and IV., Dunedin and East Taieri Survey District, to the boundary of the Hundreds, the commencing point. 8. Caversham, One Member. —This District is bounded towards the North and East by the southern and western boundaries of the Boslyn District, hereinbefore defined; again towards the

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North by the southern boundaries of the Boslyn and City of Dunedin Districts, hereinbefore defined; towards the North-west by Otago Harbour ; towards the East and South by the sea ; and towards tho West by Abbot's Creek and its eastern branch to Section No. 27, Block No. VI, Dunedin and East Taieri District; and thence by the southern and eastern boundaries of the last-mentioned section, and the western boundary of the Waikari Survey District, to tho north-western corner of Section No. 160 in the last-mentioned Survey District, the commencing point. 9. Taieri, One Member. —This District is bounded towards the North by the southern boundaries of the Mount Ida and Waikouaiti Districts, hereinbefore defined, from Lammerlaw to the northwestern corner of the Port Chalmers District, hereinbefore defined ; towards the East by the western boundaries of the Port Chalmers, Boslyn, and Caversham Districts, hereinbefore defined, and by the sea to the mouth of the Taieri Biver; towards the South-west by the Taieri Biver, tho eastern and northern shores of Lake Waipori, and the Meggat Burn to the boundary of the Hundreds; towards the North-west by the boundary of the Hundreds to Maungatua, and thence again towards the Southwest by the summit of the northern watershed of the Waipori Biver to Lammerlaw Peak, the commencing point. 10. Bruce (or Tokomairiro), One Member. —This District is bounded towards the North-east by the south-western boundary of the Taieri District, hereinbefore defined, from the boundary of the Hundreds to the mouth of the Taieri Biver ; towards the South-east by the sea to the mouth of the Matau branch of the Clutha Biver ; towards the South-west by the Clutha Eiver to the north-western boundary of the Tokomairiro Hundred; and towards the North-west by the north-western boundaries of the Tokomairiro and West Taieri Hundreds to the Meggat Burn, the commencing point. 11. Tuapeka, One Member. —This District is bounded towards the North-east by the southwestern boundary of the Taieri District, hereinbefore defined; towards the South-east by the northwestern boundaries of the Taieri and Bruce Districts, hereinbefore defined, to the Clutha Biver; towards the South-west by the Clutha Biver to the Black Cleugh Creek, and by the Black Cleugh Creek, and a right line bearing North-west to the summit of the Tapanui Banges; and towards the West by the summit of the Tapanui Banges to the most southern corner of the Dunstan District, hereinbefore defined, and by part of the eastern boundary of the said Dunstan District to Lammerlaw Peak, the commencing point. 12. Clutha, One Member.—This District is bounded towards the North-east by the south-western boundaries of the Tuapeka and Bruce Districts, hereinbefore defined; towards the South-east by the sea from the mouth of the Clutha Biver (Matau branch), to the mouth of the Tokanui Biver ; towards the West by the said Tokanui Biver and the eastern boundaries of the Toitois, Mokoreta, and Tuturau Hundreds, to the centre of the main road from Dunedin; thence towards the North by the centre of the said road to the Waipahi Biver; thence again towards the West by the Waipahi Biver to its junction with the Pomahaka Biver; thence by the Pomahaka Biver to the Crookston Burn, and by the Crookston Burn and a right line due East to the summit of the Tapanui Banges, tho commencing point. 13. Wakatipu, One Member. —This District is bounded towards the North by the southern boundary of the Canterbury Province, from the mouth of the Awarua Biver to East Head Creek; towards the East and South-east by the western boundary of the Waitaki District, hereinbefore defined, to the source of the Pass Burn ; thence by the north-western and western boundaries of the Dunstan District, hereinbefore defined; from the source of the Pass Burn to a point due East of Bocky Mountain; thence towards tho South and South-west by a right line from the last-mentioned point to Bock}'" Mountain; thence by a light line to Lorn Peak; thence by the summit of the Hector Mountains and a right line South-west to the Mataura Biver; thence by the Mataura Biver to the summit of Eyre Peak ; thence by the summit of the southern watershed of Lake Wakatipu to Hummock Peak; thence by a right line to Mount Campbell; thence by the summit of the Thompson Mountains to the Bound Peaks; thence by a right line to Moffat Peak; and thence by a right line to the head of Caswell Sound, and by the north shore of Caswell Sound to the sea; and towards the North-west by the sea to the Awarua Biver, the commencing point. 14. Wakaia, One Member. — This District is bounded towards the North-west and North by the south-eastern and southern boundaries of the Wakatipu District, hereinbefore defined ; from the Mataura Biver to the western boundary of tho Dunstan District, hereinbefore defined; towards the East by the western boundaries of the Dunstan, Tuapeka, and Clutha Districts, hereinbefore defined; towards the South by the northern boundary of the Clutha District; and towards the West by part of the eastern boundary of the Tuturau Hundred to the Mataura Biver, and by the Mataura Biver to the commencing point. 15. Invercargill, One Member. —This District comprises the City of Invercargill, as the boundaries thereof are delineated upon the map of the same in the Crown Lands Office, Invercargill. 16. Mataura, One Member. —This District is bounded towards the North by the northern boundary of the block of land known as the " Two Thousand Acre Block " produced to the Mataura Biver ; towards the East by the western boundaries of the Wakaia and Clutha Districts, hereinbefore defined, to the sea ; towards the South by tho sea from the mouth of the Tokanui Biver to the mouth of the Oreti Biver ; towards the West by the Oreti Biver to its junction with the Makarewa Biver; towards the North-west by the Makarewa Biver and Lindhurst Stream to the eastern boundary of the Eorest Hill District, and again towards the West by the eastern boundary of the Eorest Hill District, excepting the Invercargill District, hereinbefore defined. 17. Eiverton, One Member. —This District is bounded towards the North by the northern boundary of the Aparima Hundred, and by the northern boundary of the block of land known as the " Two Thousand Acre Block ;" towards the East, South-east, and again towards the East, by the Mataura District, hereinbefore defined ; towards the South by the sea, from the mouth of the Oreti Biver to the western boundary of the Jacob's Biver Hundred, and towards the West by the western boundaries of the Jacob's Biver and Aparima Hundreds. 18. Wallace, One Member. —This District comprises so much and such portion of the Province

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of Otago and Southland (?) as is not included in the above described districts; together with the adjacent Islands. County oe Westland. Buller District, One Member. —The Buller District is bounded on the North by a straight line from the mouth of the Biver Mackay to the summit of Mount Arthur, thence following the range forming the watershed between the West Coast and Blind Bay to the head of the Mokihinui Eiver; thence in a straight line to the nearest point of the Lyell Alountains ; thence following the summits of the Lyell Mountains, Brunner Mountains, and Victoria Mountains, to Mount Haast; thence to Mount Gore ; thence following the watershed to the saddle between the Mawheraiti and Inangahua Bivers; thence by a straight line to Mount Faraday ; thence following the summit of the Paparoa Bangc ; thence to a point due East of Eazorback Point; thence to Bazorback Point; thence by the sea to the commencing point at the mouth of the Biver Mackay. Grey Valley District, One Member. —Bounded on the North by the boundary of the Buller District, from Eazorback Point to Mount Haast; thence by a straight line continued through Lake Christabel until it intersects a straight line drawn from Mount Princess to the saddle between the Hurunui and Teremakau; thence to the saddle between the Hurunui and Teremakau; thence by the Teremakau Eiver to the sea ; thence by the sea to Eazorback Point. Hokitika District, One Member.—Bounded on the North by the Teremakau; East by the summit of the ranges to the head of the Hokitika Eiver; South by the Hokitika Biver, but including the proclaimed Town of Hokitika ; West by the sea. Totara District, One Member. —Bounded on the North by the Hokitika Biver, but exclusive of the proclaimed Town of Hokitika; East and South by the present boundary of the County of Westland ; West by the sea.

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Thursday, 4th August, 1870. Present : Mr. Bunny, Mr. Beynolds, Air. Driver, Mr. Studholme, Mr. Eyes, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Kynnersley, Mr. Webster, Mr. Ormond, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Parker, Mr. Wood. The order of reference was read. On motion of Mr. Williamson, Mr. Ormond was appointed Chairman. It was proposed by Mr. Beynolds, That this Committee be divided into Sub-Committees for the different Provinces, as under; to report on Monday next: —■ For Otago and Southland—Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Wood, Mr. Webster, Mr. Driver, Mr. Beynolds. For Canterbury —Mr. Studholme, Mr. Eolleston, Hon. Mr. Stafford. For Nelson —Mr. Curtis, Mr. Parker. For Marlborough —Mr. Eyes. For Westland and Westland North—Mr. Harrison, Mr. Kynnersley. For Wellington —Mr. Taylor, Mr. Bunny. For Hawke's Bay —J. D. Ormond. For Taranaki —Mr. Carrington. For Auckland—Mr. Gillies, Mr. Farmer, Mr. Williamson. Mr. Wood proposed as an amendment, That the Member for Southland be a separate SubCommittee. The Committee divided on the amendment. Ayes, 1. Noes, 10. Mr. Wood. Mr. Bunny, Mr. Driver, Mr. Eyes, Mr. Kynnersley, Mr. Parker, Mr. Eeynolds, Mr. Studholme, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Webster. Mr. Williamson, The amendment was negatived. Mr. Eeynolds' resolution was then put and carried. It was then moved by Mr. Taylor, That the Chairman be requested to procure from the Govern ment a copy of the Beturn moved for by Mr. Taylor in the House, showing the number of electors, ■ &c, in each Electoral District; also, That maps of the different Provinces, showing the boundaries of. the respective Electoral Districts be procured by the Government. The above information to be obtained in time for the next meeting of the Committee. The resolution was carried. The Committee adjourned to Monday, Bth August, 1870, at 11 a.m. Monday, Bth August, 1870. Present : Mr. Bunny, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Carrington, Mr. Parker, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Beynolds, Mr. Driver, Mr. Eolleston, Mr. Eyes, Hon. Mr. Stafford, Mr. Gillies, Mr. Studholme, Mr. Harrison, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Haughton, Mr. Williamson, Hon. Colonel Haultain, Mr. Wood, Mr. Kynnersley, Mr. Webster. Mr. Ormond in the Chair. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. Mr. Bunny moved, That Mr. Gillies be appointed Chairman in the room of Mr. Ormond, who stated that he was about to leave for Napier. Carried. Mr. Gillies then took the Chair. Mr. Gillies brought up the Eeport of the Sub-Committee of Auckland Members, which was then taken into consideration by the Committee.


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Mr. Williamson moved, That Mongonui and the Bay of Islands be separate districts, with one Member for each. The Committee divided as under :— Ayes, 15. Noes, 3. Mr. Bunny,1 :■.' :; ' ~ '. Hon. Colonel Haultain, Mr. Carrington, Mr. Parker, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Beynolds. Mr. Driver, Mr. Eyes, Mr. Harrison, Mr. Haughton, Mr. Kynnersley, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Ormond, Hon. Mr. Stafford, Mr. Studholme, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Wood. Carried. The Hon. Mr. Stafford moved, That the boundaries of the above-mentioned districts, as shown in the map before the Committee, be adopted. Carried. The Hon. Colonel Haultain moved, That the District of Marsden, as shown in the map, be adopted by the Committee. Carried. The Hon. Colonel Haultain moved, That the present Northern Division bo divided into two parts, is shown on the map, one to be called " Bodney," the other " Waitemata," each to return one Member. Carried. Mr. Studholme moved, That four members be given to the City of Auckland and Suburbs, and that the division into districts be referred to the Sub-Committee. Carried. Mr. Williamson moved, That the portions of the Auckland and Baglan Districts between the Whau portage and the Tamaki portage be formed into a district, to be called the " Eden District." The Hon. Colonel Haultain moved as an amendment, That Onehunga and Eden be amalgamated and re-formed into two districts, divided by the Great South Eoad, to be called East and West Eden, with one Member to each. Amendment negatived. The resolution was then put and carried. The Hon. Colonel Haultain proposed, That that portion of Eaglan and Franklin Districts, bounded on the North by the Tamaki Portage, on the South by the Waikato Eiver from its mouth to Maungatawhiri, and thence by the Maungatawhiri Creek, and thence in a straight line to Pukorokoro, including Ponui, Waiheke, and other adjacent Islands, be a district, to be called Franklin ; with two Members. Carried. Mr. Williamson moved, That that portion of the Franklin District containing tho Coromandel and Thames Gold Felds, and bounded on the South by a line from Kati Kati to the Aroha, and thence to the Thames Eiver, be a district, to be called the Thames District, and have one Member; and that the East Coast bo a separate district, with one Alember. The Hon. Colonel Haultain moved as an amendment, That the Thames and East Coast Districts be united, and have two Members. The Committee divided on the amendment. Ayes, 6. Noes, 13. Mr. Bunny, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Carrington, Mr. Driver, Mr. Harrison, Mr. Eyes, Mr. Haughton, Mr. Macandrew, Hon. Colonel Haultain, Mr. Ormond, Mr. Kynnersley. Mr. Parker, Mr. Eeynolds, Mr. Eolleston, Mr. Studholme, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Webster, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Wood, Amendment negatived. Mr. Williamson's motion was then put and carried. (For correct definition of Districts, see Schedule to Eeport.) Mr. Ormond moved, That tho Electoral Districts of Hawke's Bay remain as at presentconstituted. Carried. Mr. Carrington brought up the Beport of the Taranaki Sub-Committee (A). Mr. Kelly was called, and examined on the subject. He agreed with the Eeport. Mr. Haughton moved, That the consideration of the Taranaki Eeport be adjourned in order that Mr. Eichmond's opinion might be obtained. Carried.



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...The Wellington Sub-Committee's Eeport being called for: . ~;,,. . ~-. ~,..,: Mr. Taylor stated that the Sub-Committee had not agreed to a Eeport. . •'.',,....',.. Mr. Bunny brought up the following Besolutions, which, had been agreed to at a meeting of the Members for the Wellington, Province ; — That no alterations: be made in the boundaries of the City of Wellington District. No alteration in the boundaries-of the Hutt District. ~, No alteration in the boundaries: of tho Wairarapa District. ,'.,. No alteration in the boundaries of the Wanganui District. The Porirua District to bo divided; a portion thereof to bo joined into the Wellington Country Districts; the remainder of the Porirua District and up to the Manawatu Biver to be joined into the Manawatu District. The Bangitikei District to commence at the Bangitikei Biver instead of at the Manawatu. Schedule. —City of Wellington, two Members ; Hutt, one Member ; Wellington Country Districts, one Member; Wairarapa, two Members ; Manawatu, one Member ; Bangitikei, one Member ; Wanganui, one Member. And moved that they be adopted. The Committee divided on the motion as under: — . Eor Mr. Bunny's motion : — Ayes, 18. Noes, 1. Mr. Bunny, Mr. Taylor. Mr. Carrington, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Driver, ..,-... Mr. Eyes, -■' .. Mr. Harrison, Mr. Haughton, Hon. Colonel Haultain, Air. Kynnersley, Mr. Ormond, Mr. Alacandrew, Mr. Beynolds, Mr. Eolleston, Hon. Mr. Stafford, Mr. Studholme, Air. Webster, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Wood. Carried. Air. Eeynolds moved, That tho Committee do adjourn till 3 p.m. Mr. Webster moved an amendment, That this Committee do adjourn to 10.30 a.m. to-morrow, 9th August. The amendment was carried. Tuesday, 9th August, 1870. Present : Air. Bunny, Mr. Ormond, Mr. Carrington, Mr. Parker, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Beynolds, Mr. Driver, Mr. Eolleston, Mr. Eyes, Hon. Mr. Stafford, Mr. Gillies, Mr. Studholme, Mr. Harrison, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Haughton, Air. Webster, : ■ ■■'•:.'.'-. Hon. Colonel Haultain, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Kynnersley, Mr. Wood. Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Gillies in the Chair. The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and confirmed. The consideration of the Eeport of tho Sub-Committee for New Plymouth was then resumed, and Messrs. Kelly and Eichmond gave evidence relating to the boundaries of the districts. Mr. Eeynolds moved, That the Electoral District of the Town of New Plymouth remain as at present constituted. Carried. Mr. Carrington moved, That the present boundary between Egmont (formerly Omata) and Grey and Bell Districts be retained so far as to the southern angle of the Grey Block, and that it run thence direct to the top of Mount Egmont, and thence in a line due East to tho Provincial boundary. Carried. Mr. Gillies stated that he could not continue to occupy the chair in consequence of pressure of other business, and Mr. Taylor was elected in his place and took the Chair. Mr. Curtis brought up tho Eeport of the Nelson Sub-Committee (Appendix B), and clauses 1 to 5 wero put and carried. On clause 6 being proposed by Mr. Curtis, Mr. Eolleston moved as an amendment, That the

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portion of the present district which, lies within the Province of Marlborough be excluded from the Cheviot District. The Committee divided on the amendment. Ayes, 3. Noes, 11. Mr. Curtis, Mr. Carrington, Mr. Eolleston, Mr. Driver, Mr. Studholme. Mr. Eyes, Mr. Haughton, , Mr. Kynnersley, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Parker, Mr. Eeynolds, Hon. Mr. Stafford, Mr. Webster, Mr. Williamson. Amendment negatived. Tho original motion was then put and carried. Mr. Eyes proposed that the representation for and boundaries of the Districts of Picton and Wairau remain as at present. (Appendix F.) Carried. Mr. Eolleston brought up the Eeport of the Canterbury Sub-Committee (Appendix C), which was read, and clauses Nos. 1 and 2 were adopted. On the motion for the adoption of clause No. 3, it was struck out. The Hon. Mr. Stafford moved, That the Geraldine District be separated from the Timaru Electoral District and placed in the Gladstone Electoral District, and that the Timaru District be conterminous with tho Seadown Provincial District. Ayes, 2. Noes, 14. Mr. Bunny, Mr. Carrington, Hon. Mr. Stafford. Air. Curtis, Mr. Driver, Mr. Harrison, Mr. Haughton, Mr. Kynnersley, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Parker, Mr. Beynolds, Mr. Eolleston, Mr. Studholme, Mr. Webster, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Wood. The Hon. Mr. Stafford moved, That the Opihi and a line thence to Lake Takapo, and by TakapoEiver to the Waitangi, and by the Waitangi to the Sea, be the boundary between the Timaru and Gladstone Electoral Districts. Ayes, 6. Noes, 10. Mr. Bunny, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Carrington, Mr. Driver, Mr. Haughton, Mr. Harrison, Hon. Mr. Stafford, Mr. Kynnersley, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Wood. Mr. Parker, Mr. Beynolds, Mr. Eolleston, Mr. Studholme, Mr. Webster. So it passed in the negative. The Hon. Mr. Stafford moved, That the Geraldine District be placed in the Gladstone Electoral District, and the Waimate District in the Timaru Electoral District. Ayes, 11. Noes, 7. Mr. Bunny, Air. Driver, Air. Carrington, Mr. Kynnersley, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Eyes, Mr. Beynolds, Mr. Harrison, Mr. Eolleston, Mr. Haughton, Mr. Studholme, Hon. Colonel Haultain, Mr. Webster. Mr. Parker, Hon. Mr. Stafford, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Wood. So it was resolved in the affirmative. Mr. Eolleston moved, That the other Electoral Districts in the Canterbury Province should have the same boundaries as at present. Eesolved in the affirmative. Mr. Kynnersley brought up the Eeport of the Westland Sub-Committee (Appendix E), and moved its adoption. Carried.



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Mr. Beynolds moved, That this Committee do adjourn to 10.30 a.m. to-morrow, 10th August, 1870. 6 Carried. Wednesday, 10th August, 1870. Present : Mr. Bunny, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Parker, Mr. Carrington, Mr. Beynolds, Mr. Driver, Mr. Studholme, Mr. Eyes, Hon. Mr. Stafford, Mr. Gillies, Mr. Taylor, Hon. Colonel Haultain, Mr. Webster, Mr. Harrison, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Haughton, Mr. Wood. Mr. Kynnersley, Mr. Eolleston in the Chair. The minutes of former meeting were read and confirmed. Mr. Macandrew brought forward tho Eeport of the Otago and Southland Sub-Committee (Appendix D), and moved its adoption. Eesolved in the affirmative. Mr. Eolleston moved, That the decision of the Committee in respect of the adjustment of the boundaries of the Timaru and Gladstone District be reconsidered. Mr. Parker moved, That the word " To-morrow " be added. Agreed to. On the amended Eesolution being put, Mr. Eeynolds moved, That the following words be added to the Eesolution : " and the adjustment of the Auckland Districts within the Province of Auckland be reconsidered at the same time." The Committee divided as under:— Ayes, 8. Noes, 9. Mr. Curtis, Mr. Bunny, Mr. Harrison, Mr. Carrington, Mr. Kynnersley, Mr. Driver, Mr. Eeynolds, Mr. Gillies, Hon. Mr. Stafford, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Studholme, Mr. Parker, Mr. Webster, Mr. Eolleston, Mr. Wood. Mr. Taylor, Mr. Williamson. So it passed in the negative. The amended Eesolution was then put, and the Committee divided as under :• — Ayes, 15. Noes, 2. Mr. Carrington, Mr. Bunny, Mr. Curtis,' Hon. Mr. Stafford. Mr. Driver, Mr. Gillies, Air. Harrison, Mr. Kynnersley, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Parker, Air. Beynolds, Mr. Eolleston, Mr. Studholme, Mr. Taylor, Air. Webster, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Wood. So it passed in the affirmative. The Hon. Mr. Stafford moved, That in the event of any Member of the Committee being desirous of having the question of the apportionment of Members to, or the boundaries of, any district reconsidered, at least one day's notice be given before such question is brought before the Committee. Agreed to. Mr. Harrison, on behalf of Mr. Haughton, gave notice that he would move, That the readjustment of the Electoral Districts within the Province of Auckland be reconsidered, in order to provide adequate representation for the Towns of Grahamstown and Shortland, and the Thames and Coromandel Gold Fields. The Committee then adjourned to Thursday, at 10.30 a.m. 2

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Thursday, 11th August, 1870. Present : Mr. Bunny, Mr. Parker, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Beynolds, Mr. Driver, Mr. Eolleston, Mr. Eyes, Hon. Mr. Stafford, Mr. Gillies, Mr. Studholme, Mr. Haughton, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Kynnersley, Mr. Webster, Mr. Macandrew, Air. Williamson. The Hon. Colonel Haultain in the Chair. Mr. Gillies moved, That the readjustment of tho Auckland District be reconsidered. Carried. Mr. Gillies brought up the Eeport of the Auckland Sub-Committee, which was read. (App. G.) Mr. Gillies moved that the Eeport be adopted. On the question being put, the Committee divided as under: — Ayes, 1. Noes, 3. Mr. Gillies, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Haughton, Mr. Parker, Hon. Mr. Stafford. Mr. Eeynolds, Mr. Eolleston, Air. Studholme, Mr. Williamson. Carried. Motion made by Mr. Gillies, That the minutes of proceedings of the Committee for Bth August be amended, by the addition of the number of Members to be returned for Marsden and Eden District. Carried. Mr. Haughton moved, That the readjustment of the Electoral Districts within the Province of Auckland be reconsidered, in order to provide adequate representation for the Towns of Grahamstown and Shortland, and the Thames and Coromandel Gold Fields. On the question being put, the Committee divided as under : —■ Ayes, 6. Noes, 6. Mr. Bunny, Mr. Carrington, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Gillies, Mr. Haughton, Mr. Parker, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Eolleston, Hon. Air. Stafford, Mr. Studholme, Mr. Webster. Mr. Williamson. The number being equal, the Chairman (Hon. Colonel Haultain) voted with the Noes. So it passed in the negative. Air. Eolleston moved, That the reconstruction of the Timaru and Gladstone Districts be reconsidered. Carried. Mr. Studholme moved, That the existing boundaries of the Timaru and Gladstone Districts remain unaltered. On the question being put, the Committee divided as under: — Ayes, 10. Noes, 7. Mr. Carrington, Mr. Bunny, Mr. Driver, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Gillies, Mr. Eyes, Mr. Kynnersley, Mr. Haughton, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Parker, Mr. Beynolds, Hon. Mr. Stafford, Mr. Eolleston, Mr. Taylor. Mr. Studholme, Mr. Webster, Mr. Williamson. So it passed in the affirmative. Mr. Stafford moved, That the proceedings of this Committee be printed forthwith, and distributed when the Eeport is brought up. Carried. Mr. Haughton moved, That a Sub-Committee, consisting of Air. Gillies, Mr. Eolleston, and Mr. Macandrew, be appointed to prepare the Eeport; to be submitted to the Committee on Tuesday next. Carried. The Committee then adjourned.

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Tuesday, 16th August, 1870. Present : Mr. Bunny, Mr. Parker, Mr. Carrington, Mr. Beynolds, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Eolleston, Mr. Driver, Hon. Mr. Stafford, Mr. Harrison, Mr. Studholme, Mr. Haughton, Mr. Taylor, Hon. Colonel Haultain, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Kynnersley, Mr. Wood, Mr. Macandrew, j Mr. Gillies in the Chair. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. Motion made by Mr. Eolleston, That your Committee beg to report that the annexed schedule shows the result arrived at by the decisions of the Committee as to the boundaries of the Electoral Districts, and the number of Eepresentatives for each District. (For schedule, see Eeport annexed.) Carried. Mr. Haughton moved, That the majority of the colonists in New Zealand will not be so well represented under the scheme adopted by the Committee as they are at present. On the question being put, the Committee divided as under : — Ayes, 2. Noes, 8. Mr. Haughton, Mr. Bunny, Mr. Taylor. Mr. Carrington, Air. Driver, Mr. Kynnersley, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Eolleston, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Wood. So it passed in the negative. The Committee then adjourned.

APPENDIX. A. PROVINCE OF TARANAIQ. 1. Electoral District, Town of New Plymouth, One Member. —As at present constituted. 2. Electoral District, Grey and Bell, One Member. —Bounded on the North by the Biver Mokau to its source ;on tho East by a right line running from the source of tho Biver Mokau to the point where the Ngahuinga or Tahua, the principal tributary of the Wanganui Eiver, is intersected by the thirty-ninth parallel of South latitude; thence by the Eiver Wanganui to the point where it is met by the Taumatamuhoe path leading from the Eiver Waitara; thence by a right lino running from the above described point on the Wanganui Eiver in. the direction of the mouth of the Patea Biver, till it intersects the boundary line of the confiscated land ; thence by the said boundary line to the summit of Mount Egmont; thence by a right line to the source of the Oakuru Biver; thence by the Oakuru Biver to the sea ; thence by the sea to the mouth of the Mokau Biver. 3. Electoral District, Egmont, One Member.- —Bounded on the North-east by the Electoral District of Taranaki East; on the East by the Province of Wellington ; on the South-west by the sea, from the Patea Biver to the Oakuru Eiver. B. PEOVINCE OF NELSON. 1. City of Nelson, Two Members.—Boundaries as described in " Eepresentation Act, 1860." 2. Suburbs of Nelson, One Member. —Bounded on the South and South-west by the Wairoa Biver from the point at which it intersects the boundary of the Picton District to its junction with the Waimea Eiver, thence by the Waimea Biver to the Sea ; on the East by the Picton District; and on other sides by the Sea, including D'Urville Island and other adjacent Isles. Excepting the City of Nelson District. 3. Waimea, One Member. —Bounded on the North by the Collingwood, Motueka, and Suburbs of Nelson Districts ; on the East by the Picton, Wairau, and Cheviot Districts ; and on the South and West by the Buller and Grey Districts. 4. Motueka, One Member. —Boundaries as described in " Eepresentation Act, 1860." 5. Collingwood, One Member. —Boundaries as described in " Eepresentation Act, 1860." 6. Cheviot, One Member. 0. PROVINCE OF CANTERBURY. The Sub-Committee appointed to consider the question of apportionment of Members within the Province of Canterbury, beg to make the following recommendations: — 1. That the present District of Mount Herbert, having a small population and area, be joined to the Akaroa District, the united district to return one Member. 2. That portions of the Heathcote and Avon Districts adjoining the City of Christchurch, having interests identical with the City, be joined to it, and that the district thus formed be divided into

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two Electoral Districts, as shown on the accompanying plan, and be called respectively Christchurch East and Christchurch West. Each to return one Member. 3. That the portion of the existing Cheviot District which is within the Province of Marlborough be separated from Cheviot, and joined to the Wairau District. The Sub-Committee recommend that the other Electoral Districts within the Province of Canterbury should have the same boundaries and number of Members as at present, except in so far as the Heathcote and Avon Districts are altered by having portions of those districts joined to Christchurch as recommended above. I). PROVINCE OE OTAGO. Your Committee has the honor to recommend that Otago and Southland be divided into Eighteen Electoral Districts, returning 19 Members as follows: — Approximate Population. Members. 12,693 ... ... City of Dunedin ... ... 2 3,280 ... ... Waitaki ... ... ... 1 3,041 ... ... Waikouaiti ... ... ... 1 2,292 ... ... Port Chalmers ... ... 1 2,301 ... ... Boslyn ... ... ... 1 2,341 ... ... Caversham ... ... ... 1 3,207 ... ... Taieri ... ... ... .1 3,053 ... ... Bruce ... ... ... 1 2,288 ... ... Clutha, including Tapanui ... 1 3,884 ... ... Tuapeka ... ... ... 1 3,459 ... ... Dunstan ... ... ... 1 Waikaia ... ... ... 1 2,669 ... ... Alountlda ... ... ... 1 2,659 ... ... Wakatipu ... ... ... 1 Mataura ... ... ... 1 Wallace ... ... ... 1 Invereargill ... ... 1 Biverton ... ... ... 1 The boundaries of the proper Electoral Districts are minutely set forth in the annexed Schedule and accompanying map. J. Macandrew, Wellington, 9th August, 1870. Chairman of Sub-Committee. WESTLAND NORTH AND COUNTY OE WESTLAND. Buller District. —The Buller District is bounded on the North by a straight line from the mouth of the Biver Mackay to the summit of Mount Arthur, thence following the range forming the watershed between the West Coast and Blind Bay to the head of the Mokihinui Eiver; thence in a straight line to the nearest point of the Lyell Mountains; thence following the summits of the Lyell Mountains, Brunner Mountains, and Victoria Mountains, to Mount Haast; thence to Mount Gore ; thence following the watershed to the saddle between the Mawheraiti and Inangahua Bivers ; thence by a straight line to Mount Faraday ; thence following the summit of the Paparoa Bange ; thence to a point due East of Eazorback Point; thence to Eazorback Point; thence by the sea to the commencing point at the mouth of the Eiver Mackay. Grey Valley District. —Bounded on the North by the boundary of the Buller District, from Eazorback Point to Mount Haast; thence by a straight line continued through Lake Christabel until it intersects a straight line drawn from Mount Princess to the saddle between the Hurunui and Teramakau; thence to the saddle between the Hurunui and Teremakau ; thence by the Teremakau Eiver to the sea ; thence by the sea to Eazorback Point. Hokitika District. —Bounded on the North by the Teremakau; East by the summit of the ranges to the head of the Hokitika Biver; South by the Hokitika Biver, but including the proclaimed Town of Hokitika ; West by the Sea. Totara District. —Bounded on the North by the Hokitika Biver, but exclusive of the proclaimed Town of Hokitika; East and South by the present boundary of the County of Westland ; West by the Sea. E. PROVINCE OP MARLBOROUGH. I have the honor to report, that in my opinion it is not desirable to alter or disturb in any way the boundaries of the Districts of Wairau and Picton, in the Province of Marlborough, and therefore recommend that those boundaries should remain as at present defined. W. H. Eyes. The Chairman of the Eepresentation Committee, Wellington, sth August, 1870. G. PROVINCE OP AUCKLAND. The Auckland Sub-Committee beg to report that they are unable satisfactorily to subdivide the City of Auckland, Newton, and Parnell Districts, as instructed by the Committee, and recommend that these Districts be left as they now are, and that Mongonui and Bay of Islands be conjoined. 11th August, 1870. Thomas B. Gillies.

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REPORT OF THE REPRESENTATION COMMITTEE., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1870 Session I, F-02

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REPORT OF THE REPRESENTATION COMMITTEE. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1870 Session I, F-02

REPORT OF THE REPRESENTATION COMMITTEE. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1870 Session I, F-02

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