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"Evening Tost" Photo. Mr. and Mrs. George Isitt, of Johnsonville, who yesterday celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. They were married at Cardiff, Wales, in 1889.
Evening Post
25 August 1939

: ' ' ' v . ■■ Green-ana Hahn Photo. TRAIN;AND LORRY COLLIDE.—At top, a;carriage of the Ashburlon-Christchurch train after a lorry.-had collided ivith it at the Church road, crossing at Templeton. Fortunately, there ivas no one in the..carriage at the time. Below, the lorry,' the driver of'which, Lester Nahkeville, of Waiuku, was ad:..'.."., '■■ milled to hospital after,the accident. • . 1\ kStanbnage i'notu. JOHNSONVILLE BOYS' TEAM.—Winners of the eighth grade Rugby cliampionship this season, the year of its inauguration. Back row, from left, R. Day, G. Croft, J. Day, G. Townhill, I. Forsylh, J. Burns, W.Masterton. Middle row, M. Hopping, A* M'Bride, F. Moss, A. Rcilly, K. Townhill, K. Henderson. Seated,:H. M'Kenzie, Mr. F. Jacobs, chairman of Johnsonville Club, G. Burns, captain, Mr. R. Burns, coach, H. Kenny, vice-captain. Abent, D. Moore and S. Pender. * ' ' Green ana Harm Photo. PANORAMIC VIEW OF LAKE COLERIDGE.—Looking across the lake to the snow-clad ivaler-shed from which it is hoped supplies, ivill come shortly 10 replenish the waters of the lake and save the Coleridge hydro-electric plant from becoming idle. In the distance is No. 1 intake and on the right is the second intake.
Evening Post
13 September 1930

New Highway.—Johnsonville, in the vicinity of the railway station, where an extension of the new highway from Khandallah is being constructed through the town in the direction indicated by the dotted white line. The view is approximately toward Khandallah, and the road under construction skirts the railway line to the street in the right foreground, with which it will connect.
11 June 1935

MISS OLIVE GARDNER MISS MARIE RYAN .■■■■■ ■■■-■'■ (South). ;■-,-' (North). in a Queen Carnival in the Catholic Parish of Johnsonville to raise undsto assist the local convent school. :
Evening Post
20 October 1936

Atiha Kenny, selected as vice-captain-of the Maori team to tour Fiji. Hehas played for Johnsonville, for sixteen years, and is the mdyi -Wellington player in the "'"■ ' -team. '
Evening Post
3 August 1938

The result of a collision between a car and a lorry, at the intersection of the Main North Road and Waterloo Street bridge across the Johnsonville railway line*
Evening Post
13 February 1939

An Aerial View Johnsonville, the Wellington suburb lying at the northern entrance to Ngahauranga Gorge. The gorge road can be seen running from the extreme right foreground of the picture toward its center, while the Khandallah-johansonville Road runs to the centre from the left foreground. The Main Trunk railway line enter the foregound of the picture a little to the right of the latter road.
3 February 1937

NOW IN TRENTHAM STABLE.—The three-year-old Lackham— Regard coll Laggard, who was secured after his recent Marton win by Mr. F. Kettleivell, of Johnsonville, and handed to D. McCauley to prepare.
Evening Post
16 January 1937

City and Suburban Highways Board.—The Wellington City and Suburban Highways Board at its meeting yesterday. From left (sitting): Mr. C. H. Chapman, M.P.; Mr. H. W. Shortt; Mr. J. W. Andrews, Mayor, Lower Hutt: Mr. T. C. A. Hislop, Mayor, Wellington; Mr. W. H. Bennett. Standing: Mr. P. M. Butler; Mr. E. Palliser; Mr. A. J. Curtis; Mr. G. A. Lawrence, chairman, Johnsonville Town Board; Mr. M. Duckworth, secretary.
17 April 1935

STURDY OLD PIONEERS. Mr James Putter. Mr Frank Smith. Mr «amas Brown. Tof Johnsonville ) (Of Wellington.) (Of Upper Hutt.) Three of the last survivors of the one hundred and thirty who set out from Wellington, in the barque “Torv” fo? the Australian gold-fields on May 24th, 1852. . Photograph taken May 24th 1907. Combined aJes ynow of thcsf three pfoneers, 220 years. Each is still a hale and hearty man, and all are good types of the stuff of which the pioneer settlers of New Zealand were formed.
New Zealand Times
22 January 1910

Tawa Flat Railway Deviation.—When the work in connection with the Tawa Flat railway deviation has been completed, many well-known landmarks will have disappeared, and many new ones will have arisen. These two pictures show (left) cutting back a corner on the main road beyond Johnsonville; the house at the right is a well-known landmark. Right: A new ferro-concrete bridge at Takapu Road. The new railway line will pass under the bridge. -Photographs by L. Wallace.
3 April 1930

THE ADVANCE OF JOHNSONVILLE, KHANDALLAH AND NGAIO.—With the inauguration today of electric traction on the suburban line from Wellington to Ngaio, Khandallah and Johan sonville a further stage in the development of these districts is attained. This picture shows t e initial stage of development, the first house erected in Crofton (now known as Ngaio). It was a farmhouse erected about 1840-1850 on 14 acres of military ground allotted to Captain Daniel.
2 July 1938

2£«-?W rafcy viaduct between Johnsonville and Taiva Flat, which was built as part.of the original Wellmgton.Palmerston North line, constructed in 1886 for the Wellington and Manawatu Railivay Company, and until recently carried the whole Main Trunk traffic.
Evening Post
21 April 1945

NEW SCHOOL BUILDINGS OPENED AT JOHNSONVILLE.—On Saturday, afternoon ■ the < Minister ■of Education, the Hon. S.G.'Smith, opened the new buildings ivhick Jiave been added to the Jphnsonvill_ej Schools Inset, the, Minister opening the. dooz gjj; the. ge«i iiwM^wgs,
Evening Post
3 June 1935

"Evening Post" Photo, A general view of the decorated platforms at Johnsonville on Saturday afternoon just after the arrival of the electric train from Wellington with the Minister of Railways and other members of the Government and their guests.
Evening Post
4 July 1938

NGAHAURANGA GORGE ROAD.—Three pictures showing progress which has been made to toward completion of the reconstruction of the road through Ngahauranga Gorge. Left: A view of the straightened and widened entrance to the Gorge from the Johnsonville end Top right: Needing only to be consolidated and paved—a section of the formed highway. Lower right: One of the biggest features of the job—a cut through a tall hillside to eliminate a wide detour. This cut is completed.
8 July 1939

– , •■ ■• ■■••.': : ''. .' '• ■?.:'■' ■ ' . ■ ■ ' ' ■ ■ Post". Pboto. TAWA'-FLAT.RAILWAY WOllK'o.—Consirucliotf work is proceeding, rapidly in, connection [ivilh the Tawa Flat railway deviation, ■ lHc\ photograph showing the extent of the-: work after the line leaves Ihe tunnel jusT- past Johnsonville, running alongside the, road. Further, on the rwcte piU; ttikjtjfai^
Evening Post
20 May 1930

The new station at Simla Crescent, half-way between Ngaio and Khandallah, is now almost completed on the railtvay route- between Wellington and Johnsonville. Three new stations are*being built, and will be brought into use when Ms line is electrified, for suburban use only. . .
Evening Post
10 September 1937

"Evenlne Post" Photo. OLD SPINNING WHEEL.—This little girl is seen admiring a hundred-year-old spinning wheel ivhich is the property of Mr. M. M. Mac Donald, of Johnsonville. The ivheel was demonstrated in use at a recent meeting of. the Wellington Gaelic Club.
Evening Post
16 January 1934

"Evening Post" I'kolu. Two aerial views of Ngahauranga Gorge, showing the route of the new road and giving some idea of hoiv Wellington's principal outlet to the north has been straightened., Above, the gorge, looking towards Johnsonville. Right, the Ngahauranga end of the road.
Evening Post
22 July 1939

Breathing exercises ivith a basin of water, to be initiated in* New Zealand schools in February as part of the Swimming Association's "Learn to Swim" campaign. These pictures, taken at the Johnsonville School/ shoiv breathing in above the water and breathing out in the water.
Evening Post
18 January 1940

"Evening Post" Phot«, Belching smoke from big-locomotives will be a thing of the past in the Ngaio Gorge after today9$ \ electrification ceremony■, which starts the new system between Wellington and Johnsonville. This big } A.B, engine and its coaches are seen approaching Ngaio station. )
Evening Post
2 July 1938

S. P. Andrew and Sons Photo. Mr. J. Barnett, president of the Neiv Zealand Educational Institute. He has been treasurer of the institute for a number of years and was elected president at the diamond jubilee annual meeting. Mr. Barnett is headmaster of the Johnsonville School.
Evening Post
20 May 1943

■Mr*.H. E. Combs, M.P., crowning the Queen, Miss Alison Earl, at the conclusion of the three months' carnival campaign to collect funds for- the Johnsonville Free Kindergarten. Sufficient money, amounting to $2500, has now been collected to enable the erection of a modem kindergarten building to be proceeded with.
Evening Post
22 March 1945

'.'■'■■ ■■'■■■ "' • ■■•'■■ -.■' ■ ■ .•■■■'•'■••■:•'■•.'..' '■/''. ', . , ".- "Evening «sl"-"Phbto.'' v' '. '"'•''"•''' ' •• ' . ■ . . ,'..;■■';''. ' ' '. '.'."''. ■ " : : ' THE ROAD-TO ■ JOHNSONVILLE.—Carrying -outwidening;and oilier improvements, lo the JoAsonvMe BETHUNE MEMORIAL SUN DIAT TJNVFTT FTV 'T7 • ;■ 'i i"' ,r ' P°St" Phot°" ~-,.. ...-^-: ■..;■_; .•..;■.:• :;-/-i;V-- S """■ M ' °W b°y 0/ Wellm&onAllege, ,ivas --unveiled yester^raftemqon^fore^-.^theriks'of ' ■ ■■■■■ • . '■ ''""■ ! ' ani°ldbo¥ai -■*-■ -..^ ..... _ _ "V _* f_dT'r COPIES OF -EVXOTNO POST" «WN PHOTOGRAPHS MAT BE OBTAINED ON-APPLICATIOH. v^~' ' ""^v
Evening Post
2 November 1932

■ :,,;.•' • .. ■ • ; • : ■ ■•■..'■. .' . . ■■."■. , – • ■ ' • ' • ■ . • . ■ "Evening Post" Photo. VETERANS PLAY. IN ANNUAL BOWLING; TOURNAMENT.—Per/eci conditions prevailed yesterday afternoon for the very popular Veterans' Gala Day at the Wellington Club's greens. Fifty-six players took ■.■'■■■' !'• part, the oldest, bowler, Mr. A. Mills, being in his ninetieth year and the ages of members of his rink (Johnsonville) aggregating 308 years. • ,
Evening Post
15 March 1932

"Evening P6st"- Photo. "Veterans11 Day". at the Wellington Bowling Club yesterday,' when all the players were over 70 years of age, and were representative of all the clubs in the A district. Below, the winning team, who receive the Shallcrass Memorial Trophy. From the left, Penlington' and Liddle (Wellington Club), Blake (Plimmerton), and Washington (Johnsonville), skip.
Evening Post
1 February 1940

Yesterday’s Motor Fatality.—After colliding with another vehicle travelling in the opposite direction, a motor-car skidded and then plunged over the edge of the road in Ngahauranga Gorge yesterday. Mrs. N. J. Cook, of Johnsonville, was killed outright, and her husband, the driver of the car, was seriously injured. Their two children, who were in the rear seat, were uninjured. The picture at the left shows the vehicle lying at the bottom of the gully. Right: The scene of the accident. The car went over the.bank on the near side of the white culvert shown in the picture. —Photographs by L. Wallace.
14 April 1930

' ■: ■ ■■ "Evening Post" Photo. BUILDING A.NEW ROAD.—AI top, the Johnsonville end of the new road which is being constructed to Link up with Khandallah, providing a new outlet from the city. Below, the Khandallah end of the road. Part of the work is being carried out,by the Public-Works Department and the balance is 'being ■;.-"• • -;-;i, i--. ' . ' done'- under the Relief .scheme.
Evening Post
21 March 1934

"Evening Post" Photo. One of the multiple units of the new blue and silver electric train, which ivere tested on the Wellington- Johnsonville line this morning. The train may be composed of multiple electric units, or power units may be operated separately. They will be employed between Wellington and Johnsonville and Wellington and Paekakanki. The test this morning ivas an unofficial one,"
Evening Post
26 April 1938

Keystone Photo. The George Medal, recently creat ed by the King for civilian gallantry. One face bears St. George and the Dragon and the other tin King's portrait. The ribbon is red, with five narrow vertical blue S. P. Andrew and Sons Photo. Second Lieutenant J. T. ("Buzz") Wallace, of Johnsonville Road, Wellington, whose death in action in the Western Desert was reported yesterday.
Evening Post
31 December 1940

, .' ' '. ■ . jr ■ ' ' ' "Evening Post" Phpti ■ ■ ' ■.<,■'. ■ ' ' ■ ' PROPOSED NEW HIGHWAY FROaf WELLINGTON.—Looking from Khandallah towards Johnsonville over the country which will providm the site of the proposed new road which, when completed, will give Wellington a secondary outlet. Tlie new road runs on the western side of the Main Trunk railway line, seen on the right-hand side of Me illustration, and cuts, out the dangerous crossing seen in the middle \ distance. \ ■ ■
Evening Post
11 July 1933

Delegates attending 'the national recruiting conference at Wellington visited Trentham Mobilisation Camp, accompanied by the Minister of Defence, the Hon. f. Jones, and the Minister of Public Works, the Hon. R.Semple. The Rev. Andrew Stevenson, a Presbyterian Minister, who died at Taita recently. He was successively a school teacher, officer commanding the 17th Ruahine Regiment, Hawke's Bay Territorial unit, during the last war, and was ordained at Johnsonville in 1930,
Evening Post
16 February 1940

FATAL MOTOR ACCIDENT.—Through colliding with another vehicle, a motor-car plunged over the edge of the road in Ngahauritnga Gorge yesterday afternoon. Mrs. N. ]. Cook of Johnsonville, ivas killed instantly, and, her huiband, the driver of the car, was so seriously injured tliflt he died shortly after his admission to the Hospital. Their, two children in the rear seat tvere uninjured. ' The pic' tms shows the car lying at the to the culvert.
Evening Post
14 April 1930

PROPOSED NEW BUS STANDS.—To cure traffic dangers resulting from the swinging of Railway Department buses in the northern end of leatherston street and to keep Eastbourne and Johnsonville buses out of the city streets, the City Council is proposing to establish a new stand. The buses will run up Feather ston street, run round the telephone exchange building block, and park in Stout street. The Bell buses will not be affected.
Evening Post
13 March 1931

... . . ■ : Sport an(T General Fnoto. UNDERMINED BY THE -SEA.—OK" coltagesat Cliff-top, Pake field, iiear.Lowestoft, where heavy seas.have caused considerable erdsion of , '!"; late years,-and\which are now in danger of^falling into the sea. ■ ''"■■■' '*' ■ ,'','. . . "Evening PostI''Photo. _/' BRfNGING-ppWN A HUGE CHIMNEY AT JOHNSONyiLLE.—T/ie second of; the two big chimneys tvliich once provided a prominent landmark at Johnsonville ivas brought down, on Saturday afternoon, – The two-photographs show the locality before and after the falling. Where this big brickworks'chimney; proposed, isecondjplain j
Evening Post
4 December 1933

Mrs., Seikple, wife of the Minister, cutting the ribbon stretched across the Ngahaumnga, Gprge_:Road. ; On the left is-Mr. E. A. Batt, chairman of the ceremony, and to the right are the Hon. R. Seniple, ; Sir Alexander Roberts, and the Hon. W- Nash. Cars. passing through Johnsonville at the opening ceremony at Ngahauranga Gorge, the road being lined with school children waving- flags. The cars are on the tvay to the second ceremony ; between Pulceruaßay- and' PaeJeakanku',
Evening Post
6 November 1939

A lat go slip occurred in the early hours o this morning about half a mile past Johnsonville, on the road to Tawi rn?ri t? ?' "i ShOWS, ■tl,lB exto-Vt of thß sllp> wilh the County Council's drays busy this morning clearina the road, The large tree whioh enta.lod a groat deal of work in removal can be seen sticking up amidst: the MltaS spoil, jJi.ore %»j| a .number of minor, slips durina the ni3ht in other- parts of tu^road
Evening Post
11 August 1927

. > A. a Ktaesford Photo. MAKING IT EARTHQUAKE PROOF.—Nelson Institute Library and Museum undergoing structural repairs, duringwhich all overhanging, cornices and pillars have been removed, to prevent a repetition of the dangers of 1929. MULTIPLE-UNIT ELECTRIC TRAIK-This photograph was taken on the Netherlands Raihvays and sliotos a tram of a similar type to those thai, it has been suggested, could be used in the service horn Wellington to Johnsonville, viaNgaioqndKhandallah, COPIES pi* ?«EVBNINa POST? OW1? PHOTOOKAPHS MAY BE OBTAINED ON APPLIOATIOM,
Evening Post
29 August 1931

■ S. P. Andrew Photo. ■- ■ REV. J. F. MARTIN, of Johnsonville, elected president of the Wellington Band of Hope Union. S. P. Andrew Photo. ! WINNERS OF UNIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIPS.-^^ left,' Miss' Margaret K. McKenzie, M.Sc, Miss Katharine Hoby, M.Sc, and Mr. C. /. Seelye, M.Sc, who have been awarded Jacob Joseph ' Scholarships fty. Victoria University Council. "'Evening Post" Photo. , UNLOADING A SHIP'S- TURBINE—The Wellington Harbour Board's floating crane Hikitia. lifting from the hold of the Monowai the turbine which is to be installed in the ferry steamer Maori.
Evening Post
29 May 1934

Fox Photo. Mechanics at work on one of the specially-constructed platforms designed to carry out running repairs on the big airliners using Croydon Airport. The picture shows ground engineers making adjustments to one of the engines of the new giant airliner Ensign. Mr. Clarence H. Mackay, multi- Mr. John Rice, of Wellington, who millionaire head of the Postal died recently in his ninety-seventh Telegraph Cable Corporation, who year. He resided at Johnsonville died at New York in the weekend. for more than forty years, but of He was 64 years old. recent years has lived in the city.
Evening Post
15 November 1938

• "Evening Tost" . Photo. What the nor/hern suburban passenger sees when travelling on an electric train between Wellington and Johnsonville. The views include fleeting glimpses of Ngaio, Awarua Street, and Khandallah stations, and a distant view of the main station at Wellington. The other views indicate the variety of scenery seen from the front window of the electric train. . ' y ' "Evening Tost" Photo, Unloading a dairy Shorthorn bull from the motor-ship Port Montreal at the Taranaki Street Wharf yesterday. This animal was one of eight Scottish and English stud bulls ivhich have arrived for Hawke's Bay breeders.
Evening Post
20 May 1939

Aeroplane Wrecked and Burned at Johnsonville.—A Wellington Aero Club moth, ZK-ABH, piloted by Mr. A. H. de Tourettes and carrying Mr. L. F. P. Taylor as passenger, both of Wellington, crashed into the home of Mr. V. A. Mills, of Ballance Street,' Johnsonville, at 8 o’clock yesterday morning’ The plane immediately burst into flame and became a total loss. Mr. Taylor was severely burned, but the pilot escaped serious injury (1) A view of Mr. Mills's home, showing the scorched portion where the aeroplane hit. The near end of the veranda had been converted into an office, which was completely destroyed. (2) The engine and charred propeller of ZK-ABH resting on what had once been the office. Note the charred office chair in the foreground. (3 and 4): All that remained of the aeroplane were metal parts, control cables and rudder frame. —“Dominion” photos.
23 September 1932

■ ".'.'• •:■...• "Evening Post" Photo. The Johnsonville end of the big cutting in Ngahauranga Gorge. It will remove a saddle (between the while crosses)'and cut out thirty, chains of winding road. The creek is below the disused main road, .which, thirty chains further along its old course, passes close under but far below the pole at the top of the picture. The new road will pass actually beloiv the level of the creek in the foreground, but well above the level-of the road on the other side of the saddle. Men are seen preparing access to the saddle, where machines will work more or less between the tivo white crosses.
Evening Post
12 August 1938

A-MARKETING. (Original.) A fairy went a-market•- ing .'- ■ . :': ". To buy a bonnet gay; It was a 'pretty pink one ■ To wear on each Sunday. ; She'd wear it with her new pink gown, • And shoes of .leafy green; She thought she'd look so lovely, Just like the Fairy Queen; A fairy went a-marketing To buy a silken shawl; She wrapped it round her shoulders. Ready for the ball. "ANGELA" (7). Johnsonville. ..*' .. A penguin is au funny bird, * :•.■•.. He cannot sing at all, : ■ I've heard, v ; \ ■■■. Although he has a great ■•. big bill, '■„■' . Be does not warble, chirp, or trill. His wings will never carry him Above the ground, but he can swim < And use a wing, much like an oar. To paddle ■, him from shore Uf: :'sh'6re;- ' • When penguins wajk. they, always waddle. They look like midget : ■ men who toddle Across a stage, all neatly dressed '■■ In evening suit and formal vest.' Why should they' wear their party clothes In lands of storm and ice and snows'? —Bowena Bennett. While balloon barrages and toy tanks are given first place on the toy. shelves, small girls and boys are asking for dolls in uniform. When you are planning a new autumn outfit for your dolls, what about copying/ one of these jaunty little models? Take your choice of Army, Navy, or Air Force. – (Original.) The bows of the apple .■>; /.ireesv••.■■■:•■■..■.•'■/ .. ■ Are bending low, i So;the apple, gatherers To the orchards go. They'come Away; with : baskets full ■ Of apples*. . . every kind . . . Dull russet, red, and yellow, All that they can '; find: •}■■;-::- \: ■ "GREAT GBEENFEATHER" (IS). Johnsonville. . } TAKE AJIP. '' Bound about the garden, If you're very- good,' If you ask for pardon When you've not done what you should, Take a little peep, * When everyone's asleep, And see the gnomes and fairies pass * Tip-toe, tip-toe on the grass: They don't make a noise, Like mortal girls and boys, •.;■; They're quiet, as little mice, – And; really very nice.: You will see them dance and skip, / . j If you care to take my ;■ ./tip. . ... ■ . ,;.,:, ' THE "NOISE." Small Son: Mummy, why is daddy making that noise? Mother: Daddy's singing to put baby to sleep. Small Son; If I was baby I'd pretend I was asleep. .
Evening Post
20 January 1940

Wellington's New Railay Lay-out.-A comprehensive view of Thorndon reclation which shows the dispostion of the lìnes of rail which will serve the new station. 1. The bridge over the Hutt Raod at present used by main trunk tains va Johnsonville. 2. The new limes which connect with the Wairarapa line via the Huţ Valley and the Main Trunk ine via the Flat deviation. 3. The new road parallel with Aotea Quy which may ultimately be continued and cross he railway by an overbridges to connect with the Hutt Road. 4. The framework of the new engine sheds. 5. The double track connecting with the new statìon (11) past the Davis street crossing. (10) 6. The goods mashing yards. 7. The sign.al-box which controls the the whole system (to the left of the number) 8. Thorndon Station. 9. The goods (inward and outward). handing sheds, 10. Davìs street crossing 11. New station buildings.
12 February 1936

' "Sport and General" Photo. THE KING'S BACHELOR HOME.—Fort Belvedere, Sunningdale, Berkshire, where King Edicard VIII is staying during the present crisis. ATHLETIC TROPHIES.—Valuable collection of trophies to be competed for tomorrow at the postponed sports- meeting of the Johnsonville Athletic Club. ARRIVAL IN LONDON.—The Hon. Walter Nash (left), Minister of Finance, shaking hands with Mr. W. J. Jordan, High Commissioner for New Zealand, on arrival at Waterloo Station, London, on\ November 19. Mrs. Nash is seen with a bouquet beside Mrs. Jordan. "Sport and General" Photo,. THE KING'S CANADIAN RANCH.—An aerial view ofthe King's- ranch at Pekioko,'Calgary, Alberta, which, it is reported, his Majesty has ..sold for cash, to Mr. Lincoln Ellsworth,- the explorer, • ;8
Evening Post
4 December 1936

8. r. Andrew Photo. THE REV. ARCHIBALD. E. HUNT, minister at St. Columba's Presbyterian Church, Johnsonville. He has tendered his resignation on account of ill ■ health. 1 ' ' ' .'"Sport and General" Photo. CAPTAIN GEOFFREY DE HAVILLAND, an airman who has been flying.for twenty-five years, winner of the King's Cup Air Race on July 8. He flew a machine of his own design. AMERICA AGAIN WINS THE BRITISH OPEN GOLF TITLE.—The deciding round of 36 holes between Denismore Shute and[Craig Wood,\both of the United States, who tied in the final round, took place at St.'Andrew's, Scotland, on July 8, to finally decide the British'Open Golf Championship. Denismore Shute,,on right', won the play-off by five strokes. On left, the two finalists on the eighteenth green, opposite the clubhouse at St. Andrew's. This is the tenth successive year that the British Open Championship has ■;.'•• .■-'.'. gone to the United Slates.. ■'■ '.-.■■ – ■ •
Evening Post
16 August 1933

To the rijht of tho picture can be seen the western portal of-the Tawa Flat tunnel, a spot that will become very busy as time goes on. Opposite the tunnel mouth is the first: of six bridges which will cross the small stream familiar to motorists along the main north road. Another is out of: light on the left. Just behind the office on the extreme left of the picture is what is left of "Piebald Corner," a knob which has been cut away to allow the line of the tunnel to be continued. The picture was taken from the main road, which does not show, what looks like a road being the railway track for spoil to make embankments on the creek. Tho four spoil trucks on a spur line leading up the gully to the left point the direction where most of the spoil will be dumped. It will fill the gully and to spare, but no doubt It will all come in useful in the future, as most of it will serve as ballast. On the hill immediately above these trucks will be buitt the winding station for a. miniature "Kelburn tramway," which will hoist tho spoil as the dump grows, enabling trucks to be run in below bins and filled readily as ballast is wanted. The railway train may be seen on the level of the present line, 160 ft abqve the new, which drops from this portal to Wellington. Fifty-three chains further on, at the vertical shaft, near the viaduct, the difference in the levels of the old and new lines is 257 ft, and the difference increases all the way to Johnsonvifla. The difference between the highest point .of the deviation where the picture was taken and tho old line at Johnsonville is 323 ft.
Evening Post
28 November 1928

WILL those peisona holding market store trucks answering the undermentioned details please return same within seven days, following which further action will be taken: Painted yellow, branded T. 8.; painted orange or red, branded! L.C. or-Laery; painted green, branded D.B. or I). Bowie; painted white, branded T.l'.; painted green (rubber, tyred), branded T.(5.; pamted blue, branded GVT. or Geo. Thomas; unpalnted, branded A.P. or A. Pope and Co.—Thompson Bros., Ltd., Blair St.; Laery and Co., Ltd., Allen St.; D. Bowie and Co.. Ltd., Allen St.; Townscnd and Paul, Ltd., Allen St.; Turners and Growera, Ltd., Wakefleld St.; A. Pope and Co., Ltd., Allen St.; George Thomas and Co., Ltd., Allen and Flair Sts. . – ' STOLEN, HUMBER 10 H.P. SALOON, REGISTERED No. 22001, PAINTED blue, and blue upholstery, stolen from Featherston St., Wellington, night of February 15 last. Reward for information leading to this cars recovery. Write • • P.O. BOX 13JS, Or Telephone 30-C6O, Wellington. ObT, Young Green Budgie, green ring on leg. No. 299. Please ring 06-630. Re| ward. LOST, Large Gold Ring, with ruby stone, between Stout St. and Dlxon St., Monday. ' Would finder, please ring 14-373. Keepsake. Reward. " OST, March 1, Ludy's Signet Ring, engraved M.W.; valued 'keepsake. Return to' 34 r Jackson St.. Petone. .Reward. – ' ■■'■ LOST, Saturday, between Wadestown and Hill St., Lady's Left-hand Pigskin Glove. Reply 2711 Evg. Post. OST, Saturday, Lady's Navy Kid Gloves, white stitching, between Empire Cafe and, James Smith's Corner. Reward. Ring 50-919. LOST, Saturday, near Gear Co., Lainbton Qy., Left-hand Black Kid Glove. Finder please ring 63-571. '' LOST, eturn Ticket Hastings, to April 20. Finder ring 45-965. Reward. ' OST, Hutt, Saturday, Red Patent Pixie Hood. Finder please return 44 Bristol Sq. Reward. LOST, Monday, about 3 p.m., on Karori or Northland tram, Pair Red Kid Gloves. Please ring 50-^269. Reward. : . ;■" OST, vicinity of The Terrace, 4 Chair Springs. Reward. Tel. 2U-774. OST, Black and White Fox Terrier Puppy, (long tall). Apply 4 Central Tee., Lowef Hutt. ■ :-OST, March 7, E7, vicinity Manchester, WUliam, and Graham Sts. Good reward. ,'4 Graham. St., Petone. . ' -,'.--■' OST. Sunday, Double Row Pearls, between Wellington and Loury Bay, 11.30 a.m. bua. "Kindly ring 27-211. ■ '._■,:-OST, Single Link Pearl Beads, between Kirkcaldle's andKuri St., Miraraar, last Wednesday. Tel. 18-225. Reward. OST oh Friday, Schoolbag, between Rpngov tal and Railway Station. .Reward. Tel. 36:7u3.- . . , _ LOST, near John St., a Brown Leather Glove. Finder please return Newtown School. , LOST, .2 Chrysler Hub Caps. Reward. Tel. 56-098. ■■-•-• ■ OST, Gold Pendant on Saturday night in Tivoll'.Theatre or on tram. 2861 Evz. Post. ■■•...■ v ... OST, .Pair of Dark Brown Nappa Gloves .' between Stout. St. and ■'Lambton ■ Q,y. Finger please ring Littlejohn's, 40-249. OST, yesterday afternoon. Red Cardigan between Murphy St. and Public Library. Finder kindly ring 56-396. LOST, White.. Samoyed Husky Female Dog, nameH Trixie, strayed. Wadham's, 33 Mitchell St., Brooklyn. Reward. LOST, ■ Small Purse, ..£2 15s, between -Hughes Caka Shop or Wellington-Johnsonvilla train, 3.55. Reward. Ring • 37-419, Coolta, Johnsonville. ■' . OST, Sunday, 2.15 pTm. Waterloo train, station, or Island Bay tram, Gold Chain, Pendant, with shamrock centre, keepsake. Reward. Ring 25-170 or write 2912 Evg. Post. LOST, Saturday night, Necklace of black squares'and gold links, vicinity Willis and Victoria Sts., sentimental value. Reward. Tel. 24-985. ' – LOST, Large Tarpaulin, between G.P.O. and Rongptai, Friday afternoon, March 3; branded P.S.G. Please ring 46-081. T OST, March 7, on 8.19 a.m. train, between JL_ Waterloo and Ava, Fbur . Single • One Pound Tvotes. . Would finder please ring 39-862? Reward. ' LOST, midday yesterday, one £5 Note with yellow: paper attached between Willis St. and' Post Office; reward. 2763 Evg. Post. I' OST,'Black Gloves. Finder kindly Tel. 55-191 J, or 41-829. ■ ' LOST, Navy Cardigan between Bldwell St. • and Lambton Qy. Please ring. 50-618. LOST, Brown Zip Fastener Wallet containing £5 note, letters, photos., vicinity Moera Hall and Pipe Bridge, Petone. Please return 60'Heretaunga St., Petone. Good reward. LOST, vicinity Mortimer Cres. fortnight ago, ' Wire-haired Fox Terrier Pup, black and white body, brown ears; children's pet; may have strayed. Reward. Reply 44 Mortimer Cres., or. 41-980. , FOUND, in Woolworth's Cuba St. Shop,, on February 26, 2 pairs Kiddies' .Shoes. Owner apply Woolworth's (N.Z.), yd., Cuba st. ; DROPPED Wallet, containing money, in taxi, Hutt to Highland Park tram stop, last- night; reward. Tel. 43-232. ■ VAL Opal Ring. Please ring 26-318. Reward. • [ STRAYED ' from 147 Tlnakori Rd., French Bulldog, answers to-tha name,of Tarzan. Would finder please Tel. 46-824? Reward. EFT in. 6.29 Petone-Wellington train, Saturday evening, Small Case containing airman's belongings. Finder please ring Dial 398, ask for ,321. ■ – – £10 REWARD—WaIIet, Lost Saturday week, containing £22 and certificates; address Inside.' 2890 Evg. Post. "VTICINITY Post Office and Willis St.—Fur V Stole Ring 25-714. Reward. UNCH of Keys, vicinity Newtown. Apply Miss Allen, 113 Owen St., Newtown.
Evening Post
7 March 1944