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MISS JESSIE EVANS Johnsonville —S. P. Andrew Studios
15 October 1926

MISS NELLIE BROWNE, Johnsonville. —S. P. Andrew Studios.
30 September 1926

MISS WINIFRED McDAVITT, Johnsonville. —S. P. Andrew Studios.
7 October 1926

—A cheery Spring sketch by Jasmine (14), Johnsonville.
16 September 1939

Drawn by J. A. Ell, Johnsonville (aged 13 years).
23 November 1929

MISS F. A. RENNER, Johnsonville, —S. P. Andrew Studios.
6 October 1926

This studious young lady was drawn by Jasmine (15), Johnsonville.
9 November 1940

“Mousie Goes Skating” in this blotpicture by Toe Dancer (13), Johnsonville.
25 May 1940

This picture of William Weatherman was sketched by Jasmine (14), Johnsonville.
18 May 1940

The above sketch was drawn by J. A. Ell, Johnsonville (aged 13 years).
30 March 1929

This little fellow wants to get home before the rain!—Toe Dancer (11), Johnsonville, drew him.
9 July 1938

PHYSICAL FITNESS.—Children folk dancing ata display at Johnsonville School in connexion with-Physical Recreation Week, which concluded on Saturday.
9 October 1939

The leaves fall upon the mushrooms and tawny-gold flowers as Autumn walks through the land. Jasmine (14), Johnsonville is the artist.
4 May 1940

Mr. G. A. Lawrence, B.Sc., F.1.C., who was returned at the head of the poll at the Johnsonville Town Board election held on Wednesday.
21 September 1934

The Rev. Archibald E. Hunt, of St. Columba’s Presbyterian Church, Johnsonville, who has tendered his resignation on account of ill health. —S. P. Andrew photo.
17 August 1933

Mr. G. A. Lawrence, B.Sc., F.I.C., of Johnsonville, newlyelected chairman of the New Zealand section of the Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland.
27 January 1934

Baa, Baa!—To Mr. and Mrs. Sheep, Johnsonville, a bonny pair of twins —the first to be born in the district this season. —“Dominion” photo.
8 August 1931

The jubilee cake prepared in connection with’ the celebrations taking place at Johnsonville School this week-end. It is modelled to represent the original school building, now nonexistent.
13 November 1937

Glory of the New Zealand Bush.- A cluster of clematis, the star-like flowers that sparkle in the sun from many a tree-top. This particular vine crows luxuriantly in a Johnsonville garden.-“Dominion photo.
16 December 1932

Pupils of the Johnsonville School paraded in fancy dress through the township yesterday afternoon, when the school jubilee celebrations began. The picture shows the costumes being judged in the schoolgrounds after the parade.
13 November 1937

Forest Fragrance.—A beautiful cluster of the New Zealand forest flower, clematis, photographed on the property of Mr. Perryman at Johnsonville, where it has spread from tree to tree, in a cascade of blossom. —“Dominion” photo.
11 October 1932

Another Gorge Accident. Three people were injured when two motor-cars collided in the 'Ngahauranga Gorge last night at the spot where Mr. and Mrs. Cook, of Johnsonville, were killed last April. —Wellington Photographic Works photo
22 October 1930

THE FIRST PASSENGER TRAIN.— A photograph taken at Johnsonville station on Saturday afternoon just after the first passenger-carrying train hod arrived from Wellington. There was a large crowd of local residents present to welcome it.
4 July 1938

Work Commenced on New Highway.—A view at the old Johnsonville brick works, where work was commenced yesterday on the Johnsonville-Khandallah section of the new highway, which is to provide an alternative outlet from Wellington. —“Dominion photo.
11 July 1933

Railway Deviation.—A diagram which compares the gradients of the old railway line out. of Wellington via Ngaio and Johnsonville with those of the new line under the hills to Tawa flat. The tunnels are & shown shaded.
16 July 1935

Veteran Bowler’s Tourney held on the Wellington green yesterday. Top: Mr. A. Mills (Johnsonville), aged 91 years, the oldest bowler present, sends down the first bowl. The lower picture shows a group of well-known bowlers walking down the green.
1 February 1934

Sixtieth Anniversary of Wedding.—Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Retter, who recently celebrated the 60th anniversary of their wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Retter resided at Johnsonville for 36 years, and are at present living at Hastings. Both are 80 years of age.
12 September 1930

Fatal Car Smash.—A fatal accident occurred in the Ngahauranga Gorge, near Johnsonville, early on Wednesday evening, when a car capsizing over a bank caused the death of Dr. Robert Lyall Christie. The wrecked car in the gorge yesterday. — “Dominion” photo.
15 July 1932

RELEASING THE FIRST TRAIN.—Mrs. Sullivan, wife of the Minister of Railways, cutting the ribbon to release the first passenger-carrying train on the electrified Johnsonville line. For the purpose she used a pair of gold scissors presented by the contractors who supplied the multiple-units.
4 July 1938

Another view of Johnsonville railway station about fifty years ago.
Evening Post
2 July 1938

Mr. and Mrs. W. Bramley, of Johnsonville, who recently celebrated their golden wedding.
Evening Post
27 September 1937

Johnsonville railway station on the first trial run of the new electric trains
Evening Post
2 July 1938

R.S.A. Sports. After two postponements, the Johnsonville Auxiliary of the U.S.A.’s athletic meeting, under the control of the Wellington Athletic Centre, was held at Ha taitai on Saturday. Above is the finish of the 100 yards handicap, won by J. Hamilton, Wellington Club (second from left).
8 February 1937

HANDICRAFTS EXHIBITION.—Two of the district displays among those at present being shown in the Concert Chamber of the Town Hall, Wellington, by the New Zealand Federation of Women's Institutes. Top: Plimmerton. Bottom: Johnsonville. They give a good impression of the variety of products embraced in the exhibition.
28 July 1938

One of the electric locomotives for the railway electrification scheme in the Wellington district photographed on the deck of the Cambridge at Auckland. Two are in the consignment one of which is evidently destined for the Johnsonville suburban line, as evidenced by the route sign inset.
14 February 1938

A new convent tor the nuns of the Brigidine Order was opened at Johnsonville by his Grace Archbishop O'Shea on Sunday afternoon. These pictures, taken during the ceremony, show (top) the spectators gathered outside the building, and (bottom) his Grace addressing the gathering before declaring the building open.
3 August 1937

INAUGURATION OF ELECTRIC TRAIN SERVICE TO JOHNSONVILLE.—The Minister of Railways Hon. D. Sullivan, speaking at the ceremony at Wellington Railway Station on Saturday afternoon, when the formal inauguration of the regular electric train service to Ngaio, Khandallah and Johnsonville took place. The passenger-carrying service will begin this morning.
4 July 1938

S. P. Andrew Photo. MR. G. A. LAWRENCE, the new chairman of the Johnsonville Town Board.
Evening Post
29 September 1934

Mr. A. A. Moore, chairman of the Johnsonville Town Board, who has announced that he will not be a candidate at the election of a new board next month. Mr. Moore has been a member of the board for 14 years and its chairman for 12 years. —S. P. Andrew, photo.
15 August 1934

Nine-year-old Maureen Monaghan watches her calf being decorated with the championship ribbon of the Johnsonville, Ohariu, and Makara Schools, for the best dairy-type calf. The judging of the calves was arranged by the Wellington Boys' and Girls' Agricultural Club, and held yesterday at Makara School, of which Maureen is a pupil.
6 December 1945

A general view of the railway yards at Johnsonville since the electrification of the route was carried out.
Evening Post
2 July 1938

"Evening Post" Photo. Two electric units collided on the Johnsonville line this morning and suffered the damage shown.
Evening Post
20 May 1941

The New Khandallah-Johnsonville Road—Good progress is being made with the new outlet road from Khandallah to Johnsonville, a feature of which is the avoidance of a dangerous railway crossing. Left: Where the new road leaves the existing road at the Khandallah end. Right: The dangerous “blind” railway crossing which is eliminated.
19 January 1935

Two of the successfull drawings. This dainty sketch of Reef Island, Island Bay, is the work of Peggy Cooke (aged 13 years) and has been awarded the prize in the sketching competition. The man-about-town was made by J. A. Ell, Johnsonville (aged 13 years). Both sketches show much promise. Congratulations Peggy and J. A.
9 March 1929

CAPTAIN K. C. C. STEELE, who died at Johnsonville on Monday. He was foAnerly an. officer, oft the . . Neui&alandSuifi Corps* ~.. .1
Evening Post
26 April 1935

■v. S. I\ Andrew Photo. Mr. W.: Binet Brown, headmaster at Johnsonville School and a wellknown. ■■Wellington .■ singer,-, who died yesterday. '■"■■ ; ~ ". . ,_,!;f:l^
Evening Post
30 July 1937

"Evening Fosf' Photo. A heavy military Lorry which overturned at a corner on the main highway north of Johnsonville on Saturday ajternoon.
Evening Post
18 October 1938

In Swine Fever Infected Area Left: A visitor to a Johnsonville farm in the area affected by swine fever, dipping his shoes into a can of disinfectant as a precautionary measure when leaving the property. Right: A valuable boar of a contact-affected herd awaiting death at the hands of an officer of the Department of Agriculture.
18 May 1933

Veteran Bowlers—Veterans’ Day was held on the Wellington Bowling Club’s green yesterday. In the picture are Mr. F. A. Dryden (Karori), who, by celebrating his 70th birthday yesterday, qualified to play as a veteran, and (inset) Mr. Alfred Mills (Johnsonville), aged 89’ the oldest bowler present, who threw the first bowl and the first jack. —W.P.W. photos.
15 March 1932

Railways- Publicity .Photo. The fnt of the electric locomotives for the Paeliakariki-Wellingtqn electrified section of the railways underwent trials between Wellington and Johnsonville yesterday.
Evening Post
26 May 1938