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"Evening Tost" Photo. Mr. and Mrs. George Isitt, of Johnsonville, who yesterday celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. They were married at Cardiff, Wales, in 1889.
Evening Post
25 August 1939

: ' ' ' v . ■■ Green-ana Hahn Photo. TRAIN;AND LORRY COLLIDE.—At top, a;carriage of the Ashburlon-Christchurch train after a lorry.-had collided ivith it at the Church road, crossing at Templeton. Fortunately, there ivas no one in the..carriage at the time. Below, the lorry,' the driver of'which, Lester Nahkeville, of Waiuku, was ad:..'.."., '■■ milled to hospital after,the accident. • . 1\ kStanbnage i'notu. JOHNSONVILLE BOYS' TEAM.—Winners of the eighth grade Rugby cliampionship this season, the year of its inauguration. Back row, from left, R. Day, G. Croft, J. Day, G. Townhill, I. Forsylh, J. Burns, W.Masterton. Middle row, M. Hopping, A* M'Bride, F. Moss, A. Rcilly, K. Townhill, K. Henderson. Seated,:H. M'Kenzie, Mr. F. Jacobs, chairman of Johnsonville Club, G. Burns, captain, Mr. R. Burns, coach, H. Kenny, vice-captain. Abent, D. Moore and S. Pender. * ' ' Green ana Harm Photo. PANORAMIC VIEW OF LAKE COLERIDGE.—Looking across the lake to the snow-clad ivaler-shed from which it is hoped supplies, ivill come shortly 10 replenish the waters of the lake and save the Coleridge hydro-electric plant from becoming idle. In the distance is No. 1 intake and on the right is the second intake.
Evening Post
13 September 1930

New Highway.—Johnsonville, in the vicinity of the railway station, where an extension of the new highway from Khandallah is being constructed through the town in the direction indicated by the dotted white line. The view is approximately toward Khandallah, and the road under construction skirts the railway line to the street in the right foreground, with which it will connect.
11 June 1935

MISS OLIVE GARDNER MISS MARIE RYAN .■■■■■ ■■■-■'■ (South). ;■-,-' (North). in a Queen Carnival in the Catholic Parish of Johnsonville to raise undsto assist the local convent school. :
Evening Post
20 October 1936

Atiha Kenny, selected as vice-captain-of the Maori team to tour Fiji. Hehas played for Johnsonville, for sixteen years, and is the mdyi -Wellington player in the "'"■ ' -team. '
Evening Post
3 August 1938

The result of a collision between a car and a lorry, at the intersection of the Main North Road and Waterloo Street bridge across the Johnsonville railway line*
Evening Post
13 February 1939

An Aerial View Johnsonville, the Wellington suburb lying at the northern entrance to Ngahauranga Gorge. The gorge road can be seen running from the extreme right foreground of the picture toward its center, while the Khandallah-johansonville Road runs to the centre from the left foreground. The Main Trunk railway line enter the foregound of the picture a little to the right of the latter road.
3 February 1937

NOW IN TRENTHAM STABLE.—The three-year-old Lackham— Regard coll Laggard, who was secured after his recent Marton win by Mr. F. Kettleivell, of Johnsonville, and handed to D. McCauley to prepare.
Evening Post
16 January 1937

City and Suburban Highways Board.—The Wellington City and Suburban Highways Board at its meeting yesterday. From left (sitting): Mr. C. H. Chapman, M.P.; Mr. H. W. Shortt; Mr. J. W. Andrews, Mayor, Lower Hutt: Mr. T. C. A. Hislop, Mayor, Wellington; Mr. W. H. Bennett. Standing: Mr. P. M. Butler; Mr. E. Palliser; Mr. A. J. Curtis; Mr. G. A. Lawrence, chairman, Johnsonville Town Board; Mr. M. Duckworth, secretary.
17 April 1935

STURDY OLD PIONEERS. Mr James Putter. Mr Frank Smith. Mr «amas Brown. Tof Johnsonville ) (Of Wellington.) (Of Upper Hutt.) Three of the last survivors of the one hundred and thirty who set out from Wellington, in the barque “Torv” fo? the Australian gold-fields on May 24th, 1852. . Photograph taken May 24th 1907. Combined aJes ynow of thcsf three pfoneers, 220 years. Each is still a hale and hearty man, and all are good types of the stuff of which the pioneer settlers of New Zealand were formed.
New Zealand Times
22 January 1910

Tawa Flat Railway Deviation.—When the work in connection with the Tawa Flat railway deviation has been completed, many well-known landmarks will have disappeared, and many new ones will have arisen. These two pictures show (left) cutting back a corner on the main road beyond Johnsonville; the house at the right is a well-known landmark. Right: A new ferro-concrete bridge at Takapu Road. The new railway line will pass under the bridge. -Photographs by L. Wallace.
3 April 1930

THE ADVANCE OF JOHNSONVILLE, KHANDALLAH AND NGAIO.—With the inauguration today of electric traction on the suburban line from Wellington to Ngaio, Khandallah and Johan sonville a further stage in the development of these districts is attained. This picture shows t e initial stage of development, the first house erected in Crofton (now known as Ngaio). It was a farmhouse erected about 1840-1850 on 14 acres of military ground allotted to Captain Daniel.
2 July 1938

2£«-?W rafcy viaduct between Johnsonville and Taiva Flat, which was built as part.of the original Wellmgton.Palmerston North line, constructed in 1886 for the Wellington and Manawatu Railivay Company, and until recently carried the whole Main Trunk traffic.
Evening Post
21 April 1945

NEW SCHOOL BUILDINGS OPENED AT JOHNSONVILLE.—On Saturday, afternoon ■ the < Minister ■of Education, the Hon. S.G.'Smith, opened the new buildings ivhick Jiave been added to the Jphnsonvill_ej Schools Inset, the, Minister opening the. dooz gjj; the. ge«i iiwM^wgs,
Evening Post
3 June 1935

"Evening Post" Photo, A general view of the decorated platforms at Johnsonville on Saturday afternoon just after the arrival of the electric train from Wellington with the Minister of Railways and other members of the Government and their guests.
Evening Post
4 July 1938

NGAHAURANGA GORGE ROAD.—Three pictures showing progress which has been made to toward completion of the reconstruction of the road through Ngahauranga Gorge. Left: A view of the straightened and widened entrance to the Gorge from the Johnsonville end Top right: Needing only to be consolidated and paved—a section of the formed highway. Lower right: One of the biggest features of the job—a cut through a tall hillside to eliminate a wide detour. This cut is completed.
8 July 1939

– , •■ ■• ■■••.': : ''. .' '• ■?.:'■' ■ ' . ■ ■ ' ' ■ ■ Post". Pboto. TAWA'-FLAT.RAILWAY WOllK'o.—Consirucliotf work is proceeding, rapidly in, connection [ivilh the Tawa Flat railway deviation, ■ lHc\ photograph showing the extent of the-: work after the line leaves Ihe tunnel jusT- past Johnsonville, running alongside the, road. Further, on the rwcte piU; ttikjtjfai^
Evening Post
20 May 1930

The new station at Simla Crescent, half-way between Ngaio and Khandallah, is now almost completed on the railtvay route- between Wellington and Johnsonville. Three new stations are*being built, and will be brought into use when Ms line is electrified, for suburban use only. . .
Evening Post
10 September 1937

"Evenlne Post" Photo. OLD SPINNING WHEEL.—This little girl is seen admiring a hundred-year-old spinning wheel ivhich is the property of Mr. M. M. Mac Donald, of Johnsonville. The ivheel was demonstrated in use at a recent meeting of. the Wellington Gaelic Club.
Evening Post
16 January 1934

"Evening Post" I'kolu. Two aerial views of Ngahauranga Gorge, showing the route of the new road and giving some idea of hoiv Wellington's principal outlet to the north has been straightened., Above, the gorge, looking towards Johnsonville. Right, the Ngahauranga end of the road.
Evening Post
22 July 1939

Breathing exercises ivith a basin of water, to be initiated in* New Zealand schools in February as part of the Swimming Association's "Learn to Swim" campaign. These pictures, taken at the Johnsonville School/ shoiv breathing in above the water and breathing out in the water.
Evening Post
18 January 1940

"Evening Post" Phot«, Belching smoke from big-locomotives will be a thing of the past in the Ngaio Gorge after today9$ \ electrification ceremony■, which starts the new system between Wellington and Johnsonville. This big } A.B, engine and its coaches are seen approaching Ngaio station. )
Evening Post
2 July 1938

S. P. Andrew and Sons Photo. Mr. J. Barnett, president of the Neiv Zealand Educational Institute. He has been treasurer of the institute for a number of years and was elected president at the diamond jubilee annual meeting. Mr. Barnett is headmaster of the Johnsonville School.
Evening Post
20 May 1943

■Mr*.H. E. Combs, M.P., crowning the Queen, Miss Alison Earl, at the conclusion of the three months' carnival campaign to collect funds for- the Johnsonville Free Kindergarten. Sufficient money, amounting to $2500, has now been collected to enable the erection of a modem kindergarten building to be proceeded with.
Evening Post
22 March 1945

'.'■'■■ ■■'■■■ "' • ■■•'■■ -.■' ■ ■ .•■■■'•'■••■:•'■•.'..' '■/''. ', . , ".- "Evening «sl"-"Phbto.'' v' '. '"'•''"•''' ' •• ' . ■ . . ,'..;■■';''. ' ' '. '.'."''. ■ " : : ' THE ROAD-TO ■ JOHNSONVILLE.—Carrying -outwidening;and oilier improvements, lo the JoAsonvMe BETHUNE MEMORIAL SUN DIAT TJNVFTT FTV 'T7 • ;■ 'i i"' ,r ' P°St" Phot°" ~-,.. ...-^-: ■..;■_; .•..;■.:• :;-/-i;V-- S """■ M ' °W b°y 0/ Wellm&onAllege, ,ivas --unveiled yester^raftemqon^fore^-.^theriks'of ' ■ ■■■■■ • . '■ ''""■ ! ' ani°ldbo¥ai -■*-■ -..^ ..... _ _ "V _* f_dT'r COPIES OF -EVXOTNO POST" «WN PHOTOGRAPHS MAT BE OBTAINED ON-APPLICATIOH. v^~' ' ""^v
Evening Post
2 November 1932