From the JVew Zealand Herald. WELLINGTON. Wednesday. At auction to-day, teas, ex Lady Hora, from Sydney, slightly damaged, sold at Is fid to Js lOd, duty. paid. Tbe s.s. Taranaki, from Southern Ports, arrived here early to-day. Owing to the extreme roughness of the weather, she was unable to communicate with the shore; sailed lor Nelson at ten o'clock. Topine refuses to allow prospecting on his land until after the meeting of natives in the Waikato. Thursday. The Regatta Committee have decided to hold a race for four-oared outriggers, with or without cockswains, for a prize of ,£l5O. They will also give prizes for gig and whaleboat races. In tbe Divorce Court the case of Fairbank versus Fairbank, of Christchnrch, was proceeded with. After counsel's argument the petitioner was examined. The respondent's
defence is that the petitioner has been guilty of nets conducing' to his wife's infidelity. Judgment is reserved. Another case, of Seager versus Seager and Seager, was taken, in which the evidence shewed a long course of infidelity on the part of the wife with the petitioner's brother, ranging over several years. The Court intimated that it was quite satisfied that the wife had been guilty of adultery. Judgment was postponed. A special telegram states that a second instalment of the one million loan vniß placed at 10(M The Government have instructed tho Inspector of Police to prosecute Mr. and Mrs. Sutherland, late of the Karori Lunatic Asylum. They will bo charged with ill-usage to patients. In the Appeal Court to-day, Lundon nnd YVhitaker's case enmo on. Travers continued his arguments. The Attorney-General commenced his address. The Court adjourned. To-morrow Messrs. Brandon and Allan will be heard on behalf of the Crown. The Assembly is convened for the 16th of July for business. BLUFF. The Omeo, on arrival at Melbourne, proceeds to Port Darwin with passengers. A hundred berths are engaged. Shares in the South Pacific Company are being rapidly taken in Melbourne. CHRISTCHURCII. A public meeting was held last night when a thousand people were present to discuss the political situation of the province. A resolution was passed almost unanimously for a petition asking the Council to advise the Superintendent to obtain a dissolution of the Council immediately. Public meetings on the question are contemplated at all the centres of population. The settlers of Amuri, Nelson, Kaikoura, Marlborough, are taking measures for annexation to Canterbury; or, failing that, to be formed into a county. A large public meeting has been held and strong resolutions carried unanimously on the matter. There are nine candidates for University scholarships. MELBOURNE. May 16. The debate on reply to the Governor's speech is not concluded. There will probably be a division to-night, the discussion was stormy. Demonstrative meetings have been held here and at Ilallarat, Castlemaine, aad Portland. resolutions in support of the Ministry wore passed. The delay in arrival of the Nebraska is being used as an argument against the proposed San Francisco postal service subsidy. Feeney, before execution, made no confession. He admitted crimes. Indignantly denied improper intimacy with Marks, but admitted Marks boasted knowing. Flour, £15 10s to <£16. Wheat, 6s 6d to 7s. New Zealand oatsj 2s 9d to 3s. Sugar improving. Tookey shares, sellers £6 15s ; buyers £6. SYDNEY. May 16. The Assembly has been adjourned for a month. The re-election of Sir William Martin wilt be opposed by Mr. Wilson, late lands cornmi
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Waikato Times, Volume I, Issue 11, 25 May 1872, Page 2
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568TELEGRAPHIC Waikato Times, Volume I, Issue 11, 25 May 1872, Page 2
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