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fsl ercii aiißtggEX "EAGLET,"" SNALIESBUOOK,' AND LATE ARRIVALS. UTONS Bar and Rod Iron 12 bales Wonlpaelcs. 3 tiusbel and Gunny bags 12 qr. casks Brown and Pale Brandy 6 " Whisky 8 " StievY/ ' 6 hhdH. W. T Bum 50 cases Oflley's Port 40 •• " ' Sherry 35 cases and bnles Drapery Goods, comprising the ntwest nrticles in l'lfttik andeo'urcd Cloths, Twpfds, Flannel", Dresse*. Wnntlea, Ribb^np, Sewod Gootla Hosiery, Haberdashery, Muslius. Cnli coes, Sbepti))'-'S, Counterpanes, Rtiirta. Hats and Cnps, Prusoels, Kiddermii.ster, Cnrpets, Rugs, &c, &c. 73 coses Finest Thinlop 'Jheese 15 ensks Pearl Barley I 20 " Ontmeal 5 cnies Brimnnia Metal, Plated mid Tinwnre 12 hales Paper Hnneinp;s 40 bundles Fencing Wire and Wire Netting 10 cflsks assortpd Glassware 18 crates Enrtbenwnre Sugar, Tol>hcpo, Bottled Ale, Pickles, SBiices, Mustard, Salad Oil, Jams aud Jellies Smoked nnd Pickled Heniugs Salmon. Cod. Ling, Haddocks Sat Sago. Cimnmnn, Arrowroot P.ouglts, Harrows, Grubbers, Choffcutters Pavement, Gunpowder, Pipes, Bath- bricks Parlour nnd Cooking Stores. Furniture, Books AND OTHEH GOODS. W. &G. TUKNBULL, & CO. September 12, I^o. ~~T~O RR LET OR SOLD, \F OU R ROOMED COTTAGE, liavina Kitchen and Scullery, with a good Garden attached, si'imte in Tory-street. .-■> fine Well of A nter on the premises. Irame iliate posspssiou will be given. For particulars, anply at the office of this paper. 4th November, 1859. __________ THE CH-KAI'EST HOUSE IN WELLINGTON. To buy Mattresses Wholesale or Retail. IS WARMOIXS MATTRESS MANUFACTORY, CLAY POINT. A good Bed and Pillow for len Shillings. HORSK HAIR, FLOCK AND FLAX MAT TRESSES always on hand, tiualiiy unequalled. N. b. — Take particular notice of the aJdress. November 10, 1859. ON SALE, Ex " Hastings" " Christopher Neivton" « Wild Duck," " Robert Small," £c, $-c. 2O HHDS. Pass & Co.'s Burton Ale 30 hhds. Tooth Brothers Burton Ale 20 " Taylor, Walker, &Co 's London Stout 100 " Tooth Brothers Bottled Al 100 " " " I'or , A 10 " B.P. Rum, 10 o.p. 10 qr.-casks Brandy 5 " Geneva 5 " OMTom 10 " Whisky 100 cases Brandy 40 " fine old Pnle Oognno j 10 " superior Jamaica Rum ' 10 qr. casks Lisbon Red Wine 16 oetHves Page's Sherry 3 qr- casks Barrett & Clay's Sherry 1 » <• Old Port 100 cases Page's Oporto Bottled Port 40 ' Old Port 20 " Sherry . 15 " Mnrsula ■ : . 20 " Champagne . ' ' j 1H " Claret Marganx 14 " " St. Julien 10 ". " Chateau Latour 1 0 •' Sautern 10 " Curacno liqueurs 20 boxes Oavendiuh Tobacco 80 boxes Pipes, Milo, Tnkermftn, Balf.c, Yachl, Cooeys, Bush, TD, and large TD 10 bales 3 bushel Bags 10 " Wool Packs 1 " Tarpaulins 2 '« Nnvy Sail Cloth 1 «« " Duck 40 trusses patent Tarred Cordage 12 Whale Lines, English 8 " Manila 4 bundles Spun Yarn White Lead, Turpentine, Paint Oil 20 casks Vinegar 20 cases Mustard 12 " Pickles 4 " Sauces 100 " Berger's patent Rice Starck 10 tons Liverpool Salt 15 " .Dairy •• 4 chpsts Cassia 20 barrels. best Scotch Oatmeal 50 cßftka Washing Soda 2 " Lump Alum 100 tons best KngHsli House Coals 20 " " Smitb3 Coals, in casks -4000 Fire Bricks 10.000 Slates 40 jars Spirits Tftr 2 tons Uncoil and Hams 100 barrels Roman Cement M) " 'Portland do. ... 100,000 V.t>. Land Shiugles 20 000 " •• Palings, 6 feet 7.000 ft. " Timber 50 hoxes Window Glass 12 cnses Hutton & Co.'s Fancy Goods 4 " Reeves & Sons Fancy Stationery, &c. 7 •« Account Books and Stationery 3 bales Printing Paper 1 Milner'e pntent Fi>-e Proof Safo 4 ca^eß superior Saddlery, Cart Harness, &c. 10 trunks Waf night Boots 25 cnses Gosnell & Co.'s Perfumery, Fancy Soap, Brushware. Sec, &o. 10 orates Earthenware ft " Stoneware 12 rolls China Matting 40 Water Casks 3 hhds. patent Sheep Wash 5 cases Holloway's Pills and Ointmont 2 " " Copper Tokens 1 patent Morticing, Fencing, and Boring Ma. chine, with Tools complete J 1 French 3urr Stone Flour Mill, with Dressing Machine 8 patent Sausage Machines 8 Kent's patent Knife Cleaners 12 Scotch Ploughs 0 English " 12 Pony " 4 Sets of Harrows 4 Scotch Farm Carts A 4 N.S.W. Di-Hys 2 superior four-wheeled. .Gtga~ 12 pnii-s large Steetya-ds 1 patent Horse Reaper 1 case Cross Cut Saws AND VARIOUS O'T g'E R GOODS. BETHUNE & HUNTER. Exchange Buildings, 9th February, iB6O. ' APARTMENTS FURNISHED. POUR MILES FROM WELLINGTON. For-j pnrtieulnrs enquire of Mr. MiRBWXT, Lambton-qnay. February 3, 18G0.

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Wellington Independent, Volume XV, Issue 1413, 16 March 1860, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Wellington Independent, Volume XV, Issue 1413, 16 March 1860, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Wellington Independent, Volume XV, Issue 1413, 16 March 1860, Page 4


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