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THE FAMOUS REMEDY FOR COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA AND CONSUMPTION HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY CHEST MEDICINE IN AUSTRALIA- ? HOSE who have taken this medicine are amazed :i*i its wonderful influence. Sufferers from any torm of Bronchitis, Cough, Difficulry of Breathing, Hoarseness Pain ( or Soreness in tre Chest, experience rVli^ht.t'u! and immediate relief ; and to those who a r e subject to Colds on the Chest it is invaluable. A3 it effe -t* a Complete Cure j It is most comforting in allaying irritation in the throat and give strength to tht ''oice, nnd it neither allows a (loucrh. or Asthma to oecime chrome por Consumption to develop Consumption has never be^n Known to exist whe ''Cough-)" have been properly treated with this medicine. No house should be thlioih it, a**, taken at the oeginning, a dose is generally sufficient, and a Complete Cure is certain. Prepared oily and Sold Wholesale and Retail, by toe Proprietor— Email Fize 2s 6d; Large, 4s 6d. Sold trp Chemists and Medicine Vendors. Wholesale Ag eTlt3 or T «^o — Kcrapthorne Prosser & Co; Shariand & Co,

When you usit Grcymouih You are invited to Inspect THOMAS & M'BEATH'S New Stock of Coining Peasons Goods now coming to hand by every maU steamer. Oarefuily selected and bought for Cash, we are enabled to give our Customers a selection second to none in New Zealaud, and at Moderate Prices. Our New Tailoring l'remifcs aro now complete aud as we have a fisrfc class staff our customers can rely on a good fit at a reasonable price. lliomas nnd M^Beatii^ GREYMMJTII AND BEEFTON. Establish^ IRONMONGER, Wholesale and Retail Wine, Spirit and Fiovision Merchant. IMPORTER OFi G&RD3N AND AGRiCUL^aaAL 3~3DS. Sliaw, SavHl and Albion i.'o. I M-^sbaU. Son", & Co, Gaiiisboroi.-^h. Cliioa Navigation Co. J iiurrat' & ArnoUi'a Ironbark Timbor. Victoria Insurance C<>. -J Dewar & Suns' Wbiskios. Distillers Co , Lid, Whi-kics. *•' alter A. Wood Harvesting Maehinor y W ilson a Hydraulic Jiimr? & Cement. Hardware Contractor to the New Zealand Government Corner MICKHY, HBRBiS^T and BOUEffßiißir NOW OFFERING AT , Cj | KINQ'S IW^lm W-hm\ STATIONER, REVELL ST. | |y| |~ |W ra |h| 3 JJ'Q | 1 Hi] {[ Vi 'li IMi . \ \ Our Skill and ExpeHencs \ * Requires no Music il Knowledge. I i Recommend US to You. I 8 Wickins' "Vam^inola" cciuniis 35 pop I | AJl^.. WM , tJu ., MUlJMW __ u __^ ..^ LjJ _,. f» ular soDgs, music and words, and a com- • a \^- -_ ■-'" -"• ' , -^. I s plete set of Dance Music. Wich VVickuia' i f '^^L^^^^Jk 1 "Yampinola" you can play tLe Piano and "j^^^^^^k ~f accompany yourself, without knowledge &S!Jr^^M¥h± 1 o£ Music or previous practice, Price 2s 6d *^S ! 4 t, THE^UNIYERSAL I | lilp^f W % 2 SONG* FOLIO. % TSI *'j\ V _^>~~*—** ' "" J- Newest and Best Collection of I Um\ L^^^^^oS s $ Popular and Cjpy right Songs * \,^^p^* JL V:^ < ' and Vocal Duets in Ueys to suit & ' '^^^^^^f^^'-VJ^KH'' •'! ' '; all voces. 232 3 6d. | ! v JMA w|%-W^' ] 4 h All the latest numbers of | ; i§F\^-- ~~”/ r '^ J 8 Wickina' College Albums kept. | 111 1 ' | [ ; J.KiMQ. I ii. piiiup iewbbhyT I y *IF m m m at m m vw j This great English tenor, who has \ & ppvpri S TR npT i!n»rrr T r\A rk starrai over Australia, in his idler S. r . KBjVtijL OlitllitliL, UUxVLL iva. says :— "I s.iffcrcd from unc aciJ fe' t*) in the l>lood for years, Tnanks to j $ — the wonderful efficacy of your Lice- j '\ Rp IX7 r> c\ aa 5 trie "QjnGOittATOH," lam uo^.v I,; & W. X U b fc) m completely cured." „; , B * jy SIEAM SASH, DOOH. VENETIAN | This is but one testimony from many '» Is t^ thousands. We are Specialists in Men 3 ( » 1 TIT TVn *wn PITK \rr TTTRF l>:seas-3, and have a greater successful ri- • BLIND ANJ MJhMIUUfi ?. c-ord tlian any other Msociation of Ausrr.j3 I han medical men. We cure permanent ■/, ,1 3- »<t »ttvi V) 2 < j effectively, surely. Thousands cf rru-n !o- J •vitt.iV rjivo j^ j ay y esg our n3lneg f or the gooJ we iuv.> REVELL STREET, HOKITIKA I% done them. Let any man, no nnlt r how . jlj ill or weak he may he, aJo^t .1 ihic3 j t *e months' course of our LU-ct-o-' - ~" r* Treatment, and we will cure l\i-.i. Our | K^ Electric "Invigorator," which we sail for 8 BfftS S W?^ {£■-&? -?3Sr B &S#M SI ONE FOUND ONLY, is wonderful in ics * UilPtLiL B £fr ffi2>£nS hJ/BLb3wSM beneficial results. Worn round the waist % 1 r*">f-'ft pm .-j=fi bj» j"1 for a lew houre nightly, it the & a Cyia&Jaas nerves with a new energy, and tv nr^^ rT^ T , „,„„».„,, Ttr . 'j, strengtih of youth to the palsied frame. U ■ REVELL STRLEV, UOK.ITIKA. ij ,3, 3 th? finest Eleotnc Belt used in Austra- $ m SBjgß xf / "2 s Si ' ian me(^ lca^ practice. * J - <mJr ■ it ' We are SPECIALISTS in such dis- j & __ ' - j, H ordersas FNSOMNIA, WBK HKAItI", I f M^S*SBS2S*S&tSSff m 5 INDIGIiSTIO.V, DYSPKFaiA, UKIO i.§ m m <*i>g** a ***.**» g, ACJD ]N BLOOD> (iO V'V, U'HEI'MA- j PAinIIRITTT ni?D WWFT?T"W7RTPTTT fi TISM, HYSTERIA IN WOMfc/X,. El'i- j f COAUtIKUILiJJLiK,. WllJiliiLWltlbrlil N LEPSY PILES, KIUXEY and BLAD- 1 J FABRIER AND GENERAL jgj DER DISORDEUS. From »luUrr j t, RT.APK'^A'TTTTT cause arisinjr, we are familiar ki.i j mjaOi^iVlll tl, ,- the complaint. It will coat you on'y i ■ . -^' twopence in stamps to securo our a .- JJ ,£ HAVING- Secured the' Services of a <:'■ ™c. We are the Leading Sp.cia iw I . First Class Blacksmith, is now %J^ l^Jt v %Z? d t£ m & I prepared to undertuke all classes of gene «,- ' the asking. sts t ral work on the shortest notice. Esiirnates gj ■■ ■.■■»- ,t ..*• —^l^.-— ui " given for Bridge Contracts, Dredge, § Remember, when under treatment joa - Sawmill, Mining and Farming requisites, f are under the cue of an intenuti-nuiy-T - Every description of Carriage, built on 1 gJ-JS .?.! shortest notice by a Gist clilSS wheelwr"i2[ht X Blood Diseases. Dr. ItICIIARD WALb\L-r,, J3j '1 F.M'Gregor has the following in, tuck § ffii 8 v for sale, cheap- — Mould boards tor H of the Medical Staff. All Specialists to thj |V ;t ploughs, Sheara and Coulters Scythes, - ii-stj.-.ies are Kraduates from rcputahlo (f ri a ii« « oo n », T3o«i> m, ,:„„ 'p.... - l.rglish anJ American Colleges. Letters arp ? n Handles and Stones, Back Chains, Trace j tri = ted wiLh profcssiona i TCC y t a ,, d re - i r Chains, Hames "ugs plioil tj punctuaJly. Medicines axe for- g c Shoeing a speciality under F M'G's 1^ "• irJ «l secure from transit. | own ipervision. ' — ■» rnT ' l - 1 "" '•'■"•■■ ■■'""" -——■■» >. p Our 550-P3gc neCicsl Wcrk, | w > "CLINICAL EXPERIENCES," | | -1 y u Jf U1 ' UpU ' p ONE SHILM^i IN STAMPS. 1$ c €& L»Oi \ -—^--"^^ I s [Late Jarops HJmcs.] fi THE I I PAINTERS, PAPERHANGSRS' | & ' I i & HOUSE DECORATE^S- | surgical institute j t H Ccr.ELIZABETHfiBATHURSTSTS. | . REVELL STRKLT, HOKITIKA. g SYDNEY. j i T _|"AVE much p'easure in thanking %~X Patron? for past favours, and trust t-j receive a continuance of tho support FOR JEWELLERY OP ALL KIND 5 J , accorded to their predecessor. qq q^Q ! IN foiKC.lnnr.«,L- 11 dß.Biusbwared B .Biusbware «/"« BrOClclehlirsi. STOOK< (!!-'s , V,ini]'-li('«, r/ij>i'iii mging REVELTj STREET (rfveiy ruj'n^nu of Liie tiado. . ' Who has just leccived a beautiful lot of silver mounted Lilies' purses I'irsC Class Woi Kin in h p nnd lUatcriyl from 3a 6d upwards. Silver mountgiurant^d m c\< ij in-.tancc ( „] l llf Jies' hair brushes from 355. '< . „ . f'ltchuls from 73 6d to 30s (silver , \..ur ["tioi^isw.K)liJ. mounted.) Electro plated teapots fwunu nnwnvi \ <Di?n r \ i r rv fiom 15s to £3 10s on nickel silver. GOACJI PAINFLnu A ,PIiCiALIY A splcudid- consignment of ladies' uoh\ watches frutn £'3 10s, alao ladies' „ c L , i - silver watclits from 20s. Splendid One of our greatest noeU once asktu . , „,, , n , ,„, ° „' TT , n vatioty of Gnoustotie Brooches, etc. " is perfection i Uo had never e^ asked for Hay ward's.-r ecial "Sweet Pickles 1 —Advt, J REPAIRS A SPECIALITY.

Rutig®-WMiwoirf:Jb. Oycles / Sa»&JES> JLISG- CYCI.JES / / SSAJfiBJLE» CYCXES. / / / / got! Also / / First|Class / &*r/ Cycle Accessories / fe/ R£ '^' ' CELLING and /j&f/ a "' Sporting Goods /l^J/ [REPAI stocked*. / / £ • „ / ot everyj] desenptjon /ftv / promptly executedlby • /*♦/ / V/ EXPERT CYCLE REPAIRERS / /RUDGE - WHITWORTfI / / OYOLBIiDBPOT-: er's Hotel, Kevellj Afreet, Hokitika . BIRFHDAY PRESENTS, a CHRISTENING PRESENTS |// s s^^X^®i FAREAtLL TOKENS»II S£L s!i=3l BH SPLENDID" \ <^M HORACE 1 LLOYD'S MAWHERA QUAY, GREYMOUTH, ' AND WELLINGTON. G-ENfV/ STERLING- SI T VER •■ "^ GENEVA LEVER WATCH, i^S|tl^^^ 1 a GOLD KEEPER SIGNET EING i2> 6 <3 i>ISGS from 10s from 2lp, 255, 30s HANDSOME 9ct BIRD BROOCH Set with real pearls, 255. < ggjjbg> MIZPAH BROOCH, Solid ST - RLING SILVER LINKS. SUITE Silver 6s 6d. 9cu gold 20s. 8s 6d' 9ct gold 35a. Wellington, BimedLin and Glirisfcliiirc^i. • fleneral and Electrical Engineers, Brassflnis'iors, Iron and Bras 3 Monlder3 Eiectroplaters, Iron and Steel Merchants aud Plumbers Supplies. Soie agents m Mew Zealand f@r— CEOMPTON & CO, Electricians.— Just landed Dynamos, Motors, Arc • amps, Carbons, Gables, and general assortment of ac3essories. Write for particulars SNi >W STEAMPOM 0 CO., Boiler Fead, mining an,* Fire Pumps. HUSTON, PROCrOR & C X Engines and boile ! til UST HA V E !7 CURED A<- ? BEFORE. AGENTS— James Chesney & Co# 9 USE Clir&vmoMf b, &tl A C ll LOC X See Milnor's Window ? ? >, i, j -^m Hce Milner's Window %W ft^ ExWi t^or Dro«s, Wedding & Keeper Rin^s, « -«•-•- t: eft Milne- f s Window 11 A fw Wj For ,iuKl & Silver tovciei^n iJasrs, ALL IRONMONGERS : oe *« liners W in, ow — ' For cv.ry tonprion of Jevvcllerv, P" 0118^ by Patrick 0 y F -' Dunne, residma in Weld Street, HoAt y» rsOS^SdasC §®aSl33fis^ kitika, foi the proprietors, The West A W WPTfI" "s^S'^^'SS Osust Times Printing & Ppb i ishikg IsL* £&■ &T&&JUX««&?'.ff%9 Company. Ltd., it the^r office, Weld WA'ICHMAKE.i AND MANUFAC Is'olsinis,, Oonnty of Weatlam 1 TURING JEWELLER, NN ' '^ ?** -m-'. Upper Maw l«'i Quay, Qieyraoutb Wednesday, August 19, 1903

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West Coast Times, Issue 12573, 19 August 1903, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 West Coast Times, Issue 12573, 19 August 1903, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 West Coast Times, Issue 12573, 19 August 1903, Page 4


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