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fTYHE undersigned nro in constant ■receipt of— WollohgOng nnd Wellington butler jlrish bacon, new euro, to ni'rive Irish and York horns, to nvrivo Roll bacdh, 'colonial Boiled beef Spiced beof Gorman sausnges Adolaido flour &c. &c. &o. Fresh buttor and oggs on sale on arrival of each steamw.' from Nolson. JOHN SOLOMON AND CO:, 165 Diggers' Store, Kovell street. r\N SALE by tho Undersigned:— Adolaido flour, silk dressed Chilian flour Sinclair's bacon Company's sugar Mauritius „ Fine congou, in boxes Hhds'ana qr-casks Martell's brandy .Qr-casks Otard's 'brandy ' Hennessy's brandy, in case Bed case geneva, JDJCZ Bottled boor ' Tobacco Havannab. cigars Sardines 1 Quicksilver Raisins Vestas, &0., &o. D. H. CLEVE AND CO., Gibson's Quay, 106 Noxt to Wharf street. COWLTSHAW AND PLAISTBD, Near the Post Office, Gibson's Quay, TTAVE'ON SALE, Wrought clout and American tacks American nails and floor brads Walker's horse nails, Lockwood's rasps Stub's files, Sorby's augers and chisels Frying pans, glue, chalk,, traces Back chains, sewing twine, halters Scrubbing shoo ana dandy brushes Curry combs, brass taps, anvils, Bellows, vices, hinges assorted Carpenters' rim looks, builders' ironmongery M'Guire's nugget and Hungarian boots Colonial watertights t Wholesale and retail. 168 LAND ! LAND j For Salo by Private Treaty. SEVERAL of tho best business sites m Hokitika. Apply 'to — CtABKB BKOTHERB, 169 , GJbsons'B Quay. TIMBER. TIMBER. TIMBER. HOKITIKA SAW MILLS, GtBSON'S QUAY (About 300 Yards past the Custom -Houso). I To Builders, Contractors, and Others. T^INDLAY & HAWORTH have much pleasure JL in announcing that the Hokitika Saw Milk nro now cutting, and that he is prepared to exeouto orders for any description of Boards and Scantling, on the shortest notice. Ordors left at the Mill, or at <ho office of R. & T. Haworth Gibson's Quay, will be punctually attended to. 170 FINDLAY & HAWORTH, Proprietors. PHCENIX BREWERY. WE beg to acquaint publicans and, cousumers that our New Buew of XXX. Alo and Porter is now ready, and that wo are prepared to supply them wilh it in bulk or bottlo. Fresh Yeast and Grains. PIZZEY & ARKELL, 171 Weld street. THOMAS MUNRO & CO. TTAVE on Salo, and now landing, ox lato •*••*• arrivals, a large and well assorted Stook of General Merchandise, well suited for the Goldfields. They are prepared to soil tho same in quantities to suit ' Packer?, Up-country Storekeepers, and the Trado generally, at tho lowest wholesale prices. To arrivo from Nelson, ex e,s. Kennedy — Potatoos, fresh eggs, oats, bran, Nolsonmado boots, and a goneral assortment of goods. Solo Agents for Harloy's celebrated Nelson Alo. A supply always on hand in qr-casks and lihds. THOMAS MUNRO & 0., , 142 . Rovell street. •pICHARD REEVES & CO., - L *' Agents for MESSRS T. ROBINSON & CO., Importers and Manufacturers of Steam Machinery, Mining Implements, &c, &c. Melbouhne ; R. FLOOKHART & CO., Tannors, and Leather Merchants, Melboubne. ON SAL E — T & G lumber Oregon pino flooring Shelving Pino 141 R. REEVES & CO. TJNIVERSAL BOND, Opposite tho Post Office, Sewell-strbet. • TAGGART & REEVES, 313 Proprietors. FOR SALE. Primo Victorian Grown and Pressed OATEN HAY AND CHAFF. JONES, M'GLASHAN AND CO. TTAVE on salo primo Oaton Hay and Chaff (pressed) in quantities to suit all purchasers^ 376 J

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West Coast Times, Issue 85, 19 December 1865, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 West Coast Times, Issue 85, 19 December 1865, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 West Coast Times, Issue 85, 19 December 1865, Page 4