WANGAfIHBT TROTTING CLUB. (Approved by the N.Z. Trotting Association.) To be heW on the Wan*anni R ac «- FRIDAY ««- MON UDaV, 2Sr4 «»4 2Ct| j FEBRUARY, IM7. , •Day between and day after Wanranu! Jockey Club Meeting). t>l£r^ l\ A- ?• Bißnell, Esq. Pre»l4»t: Messrs A. H. Coe, F. C. Faber T H Npoti H«»*. Steward.: Indent! V2, ce.-Presidents, and Treasurer (ex officio), and Messrs C. Brodie, J. R. * oster, N. B. Garner, R: McNiven, R Neumann, J, (*. Swan, W. K. Tuck. Esq. H«.. A*»t. Ju4 e e: wi olenn, Esq. H»«. Treasurer: W. L. Young, Esq. Ho«. Vet. Surgera: P Maxwell^dear Esq. H<m. S«r»e«», Dr. A. H. B. Wall. Uan4icmmmerUhc Shannon. Starter: Ry'ves Webb' Hob. Cleric of Course: F. Jones, Esq. £?"• £ lerk ™of s«">«« J- G. Swan, « q" T nlmeke *IMtI*! Messrs Geo. Broadhead, T. H. Nixon, W. R. Tuck, and J. Williams. Auditor: A. O Hardy. 1. MAIDEN HANDICAP, of 50 soys second horse to receive 7 soys. and third horse to receive 3 soys. each from the stake. For all horses that have never won an advertised trottins race^ at time of starting. Limit, 4.15. Distance, iy 2 miles. (OPSSE n 2^ation ■;.»/., ( A a 2' 1^J OR'rON MEMORIAL STAKES, of 100 soys., second horse to receive 15 soys. and third horse 5 soys, from the stake.^ Limit, 2.32 to the mile. Distance 1& miles. . <SADDI,K). NOMINATION 20e 3 - AGCEPTANOT 30/-. . . *n^ ANGANUI CVV "HAwiuGAP, of soys., second horse to receive 3C soys. and third horse 10 boys. from the stake. Limit 5 minutes. Dismiles. (HARNESS.) NOMINATION, 30/-; ACCEPTANCE, 50/-. 4. KIRKWO6D HANDICAP (FOR UNHOPPLED TROTTERS ONLY), of 100 soys., second horse to receive 15 soys. and third horse 5 soys from the stake. Limit, 4 minutes. Distance, 1% miles. (SADDLE:.) NOMINATION, 20/-; ACCEPTANCE, 30/-. • '■' ■•......- I. GOJTVIIXE-CASTLECIiIFF HANDICAP, of 90 soys., second horse to receive 15 soys. and third horse 5 soys. from the stake. Limit 5.25. Distance, 2 miles. (KAIINESSt.) NOMINATION 20/-; ACCEPTANCE 30. «. PRESIDENT'S H.tZlXCjkr f FOR UNHOPPLED TROTTERS ONLY? of IDP soys., second horse to receive 15 soys .and third horse 5 soys. from the stake. Limft 5.10.- Distance 9 miJes. (HARNESS.) NOMINATION, 29/~; ACCEPTANCE, 30/-. • 7. DASH HANDICAP, of 90 soys., second horse to receive 15 soys. anc third horse 5 soys. from the stale-* Limit 2.32 to the mile. Djq-ta.nce, IVmiles. (HARNESS.) NOMINATIO. 20/-; ACCEPTANCE 30/-. SECOND DAY. ' I. INNOVATION HANDICAP, Of 5' soys., second horse to receive 7 aovr and third horse 3 soys. from th stake. Open to hordes that have nc won at better than 2.36 to «*<b mii. at time of nomination. Limit 4l: Distance, ll^ miles. (OPriONAli, NOMINATION, 15/-; ACCEPTANCi. 25,- -. I. TRAMWAY HANDICAP, of 90 sove second horse to receive 15 &ovd. ar« third horse 5 soys. from the stake Limit, 2.35 to the mile. Distance '1 '■ miles. (SADDLE.) NOMINATIO'' 20/-; ACCEPTANCB, $0/-. t. ANZAC BiAKBS, of 150 Bovg. 3 & ond horse to receive 20 soys. ai.x third horse 10 soys. from the stako Limit 5 minutes. Distance, 2 miles (HARNESS.) NOMINATION, 30/ACCEPTANCE, 50/-. 4. EASTBROOK HANDICAP (9G& HOPPLED TROTTERS ONLY), of 90 soys., second horse to receive \b soys. and third horse 5 soys. from the stake. Limit 4 minutes. ' Distance, 114 miles. (SADDLE.) NOMINATION, 20/-; ACCEPTANCE, O t) / - , i. STEWARDS' HANDICAP, of 100 soys., second horse to receive 15 boys. and third horse 5 soys. from the stake. Limit. 5.20. Distance, 2 , miles. (HARNESS.) NOMINATION, 20/-; ACCEPTANCE, 30/.. f BAUANCE HANDICAP (FOR UNHOPPLED TROTTERS ONLY), of 100 soys., second horse to receive 15 soys. and third horse 5 boys. from the stake. Limit 5.10. Distance, 2 miles. (HARNESS.) NOMINATION. 20/-; ACCEPTANCE, 30/-. f. FAREWELL HANDICAP, of 99 soys., second horse to receive 15 soys. and third horse 5 soys. from th* •take. Limit 2.30 to the mile. Distance, 1% miles. (SADDLE.) NOMINATION, 20/-; ACCEPTANCE NOMINATIONS, HANDICAPS, AX» ACCEPTANCES. NOMINATIONS, accomapnied by lees, close with the Secretary at 9 n m. on SATURDAY, 3rd FEBRUARY, 1917. ACCEPTANCES for ALL EVENTI FIRST DAY close with the Secretary KUARYm"I9r7. TH^RSDAY' 15th FJSB* HANDICAPS <,r SECOND D*MCm», KSbruary? i Pm °n FBIDAY- 23rd ACCEPTANCES for SECOND DAY Close at 9.30 a.m. en SATURDAY 26th FEBRUARY, 1917, at the Secretary'? ©nice. ' • *■ S. W. MOFPBTT, 1 P.O. 80, ..IJ, '"^i™,1 FISH, CLEAN, WUOiJiJSOME AND CHEAP. FISH! FJSH! FISH! T. PALMER, Guarantees you a good square British veal in the Best of Fiah. You cannot set better Fish, fresh or cooked, anywnere, and you certainly cannot get it so cheaply. Tabs home some of Palmer's FISH AND CHIPS—a truly Dainty Supper. Shell-fish arriving twice weekly. THE FISH-SHOP THE AVENUE. ' (Next Senior and Bennett's.)
BAVHzrrmxE kacxhg cairn. AUTOmr HEETIirO, •>'.'^V ' To be held on the Club's Cocnse. TamaJd. on PROGRAMME. FIRST DAY. ' 1. MAIDEN PLATE, 75 so vs. Seeon* horse to receive 10 soys and third hors« J oys- / rom the stake- F«r iwo-ytjar-fll f S r » ?f "P.^ ards that have. not won a #«3S* &.*?&s£s**' **&.*& 2. PRESIDENT'S -HANDICAP (Open), 120 soys. Second , horse to receive 15 soys. and third'horse 10 soys. from th« sivs 6' n 1S ™' a^Pt^,2 3. TAHORAITE HACK WELTEIt, HW n«^Vi . SJr c, ond horse to v receive 20 so^. and third horse 10 soys. from the stake. Mm. Weight 7-11. Nomination 1 so-v., acceptanhe 30/-. 7 furlongs. 4/DANNEVIRKE CUP (Open); ""300 soys., with plate added valued? it 50 soys. presented by Dannevirke Lirensed Victuallers' Association.' Second horse to receive 35 soys. and.third horse 15' soys. from the stake. Nomination lsov., acceptance 4 sovss. 1% miles. , . ...... 5. ELECTRIC HACK HANDICAP, 1M SOV/+u- St c? nd horse to receive 20 soys and third horse 1Q soys. from the stake Mm. weight J stone. Nomination ov acceptance 25/-. 6 furlongs 6. RUAHINE JUMPERS' FLAT 100 S°rVK- Sr, bnd horse ;to receive 20 'soys and third horse 10 s<Ws. from the stake' For hurdle and steeplechase horses thkt have started at least three times in hurdle races or steeplechases in New Zealand, and completed a course three times to the satisfaction.of the Stewards. Minimum weight Bst. 71b. Nomination 1 sow, acceptance 25/-. lv, miles ■• 7. TAMAKL -WELTER (Open),"' 140 soys. Second horse to receive 25 soys and third horse 15 soys. from the>*s'tske" Minimum weight 7st. 111b. Nomination 1 soy., acceptance 2 soys. 1 mile 50yd* 8. MAKIRIKIRI HACK HANDICaIW 110 soys. Second horse to receive 20 soys., and third horse 10 soys. from the stake. Nomination 1 soy., acceDtance 30/-. 7 furlongs. , . ■. SECOND DAT. 1. TRIAL STAKE, 65 soys/ Second horse to' receive 10 soys.. and . th^d horse 5 soys. from the stake. For two year olds and upwards that have hot won a flat race at time of starting Weight Bst. Entry 35/-. 6 furlongs "' 2. GLENGARRY HANDICAP (Open). \ 110 soys. Second horse to receive 20 I sove. and third horse 10 soys. from the \ SO? e- 6 fuXng% tiOn ' S°V- -^eePtaace V •3. MANGATERA HACK HANDICAP f 100 sovs.^ second horse to receive 2Q soys / and third horse 10 soys, from the stake. I Nomination 1 soy.; acceptance 25/- 7' furlongs. '.'...' 4. AUTUMN HANDICAP (Open), 15f S^ SVv," eS°? d hor? e t0 receive ,25 . sovak and third horse 15 soys. from theistakfc Nomination 1 soy., acceptance 3 soys. 1\ mile 1 furlong. \ 5. TELEPHONE HACK HANDICAP, / 100 soys., second 'horse to receive 2^ ' soys. and third^horse 10 soys. from thi *l/ ■ ..Nomination 1 soy., acceptance 20/-< 6 furlongs. f«wv^ 6. KIRITAKI JUMPERS FLAT, ■ lV soys, second horse, to receive 20 soys and third horse 10 soys from the stake For hurdle and steeplechase horses that .have started at least three times in hurdle races or steeplechases in New Zealand and completed a caurse three timos to the satisfaction of the steward Minimum weight Bst 71b. Nomination 1 soy., acceptance 25/-. l% miles 7. KAITOKE WELTER (Open), HO soys., second horse to receive 20 soys, and third horse 10 soys. from the stake. Minimum weight 7st 71b. Nomination 1 soy, acceptance 30/- 7 furlongs. ■ ■ ■-.. . , ■■'■■ v 8. TAPUATA HACK WELTER, 100 soys., second horse to receive 20 soys. and third horse 10 soys. from the stake. Minimum weight 7st 71b ' Noa*. >0d° n x sov *« acceptance 25/-. l mils NOMINATIONS, WEIGHTS ETC NOMINATION^ close with the ixcepjLon^,of Maiden and Trial Stakes, witi £l 011 Satur<Jay. 10th Febn£ ary, lnn, at 9 p.m. WEIGHTS for the first day's races wilt ?L decl rled^ on or about 14th February, • i }\ i or the sec .Pn.d day's races on the night of the first day's races about 8 3( p.m. .■■.... :.,,. ACCEPTANCES for the first day's races, also entries for. the Maiden and Trial Stakes close with the Secretary, Dannevirke, on February 19th, 1917 at 9 p.m. ..■•.. ' ROBT. TAKLE, Secretary v P.O. Bpx 55, Dannevirke. THE RANaiTIlCei LAND AND BUSINESS EXCHANGE OFFICE. MILNE ST., HUNTERVILLEL A RW/ENSOiW, LAND, ESTATE AND COMMISSHSH AGENT. Houses Let and Rents Collected. LICENSED LAND VALUER. Loans negotiated. WOOD, COAL ANDGRAIN MER« CHANT. ; New and Second-hand Furniture ! Bought, Sold or Exchanged Oats, Chaff, Wheat, Pollard, Pig*Meai and Potatoes always on hand, A.GENT FOR COOPESI'S CBLE. BRATED GARDEN AND VEGETABLE SEEDS. AGENT, ATLAS INSURANCE CO SALE LISTS ON HAND— ' Aft 2 Good Wool Presses, £9 and £3 1 Edison Home Phonograph and 30Q records. 2 and 4 minutes, £20; 1 doa cart, good as new, £15; 1 goxi K i e i n good order, price £10. Two-good Sharters, aged, for Sale cheap; and two Good Businesses for bale. Apply to above. WOLFE'S 6CHNAPPS-~fixerci*» benehaai effect unon the mdneji.
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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume LX, Issue 16892, 6 February 1917, Page 6
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1,642Page 6 Advertisements Column 7 Wanganui Chronicle, Volume LX, Issue 16892, 6 February 1917, Page 6
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