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• Tlie annual meeting of the Women's District Niirsing League, June 1.

Tlio " Dunodin Star" states that Parliament wil! meet on Thursday, iJulv

At I/awrence,' Otago, two defendants were fined £10 each on charges of deer poaching. . ' :

At the Magistrate's Court yesterday morning two drunks were convicted and fined lCs, in default 48 hours' imprisonment. .

The " Labour. Journal"; states there are hqw 7000 men-on * co-operative works in the Dominion", 3802 being employed on railways and 3198 on roads.

A, requisition is Being circulated in Palmerston North amongst the busi-l-ess people to celebrate the King's Birthday on Monday, June 5, instead of Saturday, June 3. : ;■

Rev. Mr-Mason, the well-known " water-finder," of Otahuhu, Auckland, has been on an official visit to Manahau, and states that there were splendid evidences of artesian water "being found on several properties.

- Mr Yung Liang Hwang, the Chinese Consul for New Zealand, who recently took iip-the-., duties as temporary Con-sul-General in Australia, has; received notification that he has been permanently the latter position:

Shooting in the Wanganui* Gun Club's £100 Handicap on Tuesday, Messrs A. Ooe, F Jones,; and Harrison killed 14 birds and .'divided, the stake. The shoot-off for a leg-in for the Ballislite Cup resulted in Coe scoring a win.

The proprietors of a tannery at Onenunga has claimed: from the Onehunga Borough Council £31,000 damages, it bum;-alleged that tlie borough pumping, plant has been responsible for diverting the water from-the dam supplying the tannery.; '■".''■'.'

pleasant time was; 'spent at -the *'ire Brigade Hall oir Tuesday eveninir, wnen the members of the Wanganui Brigade entertained the Gonville fire-^ men at a euchre party. After the tournament, which was won by the hosts ."upper was partaken Of.

Prmce Tsai Sunn, uncle of the Chinese Emperor, got the toothache while he was in Philadelphia last September (says the "New York Tribune"), and went to Dr E Druitt Crawford, who stopped the Imperial pain. Dr Crawford haT now received word through the' 4i xm° .ci? nsals le I>n Sail Francisco that. TsaiSmm lias conferred a decoration on him.

The Rev. Mason, \yho.lms been engaged locating the main reservoir at Hanmer .Springs, also demonstrated that he could locate gold-bearing areas: borno sovereigns were laid on the ground, and ■■when he walked over them the twig -which he held in his hand arched from<him. In the case of running water being passed over, the twinturned.towards him. v Mr Mason states that he is also able to locate radiumbearing areas by the same methods. The local Magistrate's Court staff in undergoing a change. Mr A. Me Carthy h to go to Christchurch as IJeputy Registrar.'for a year, relieving at Sampson, who goes to WellingtonT Mr C. E. Taylor has been promoted to nrsb assistant, and Mr GoTdsman, o£ .Auckland, is to be transferred to Wanganui as second assistant. With their an 7 f, riencls «*e congratulate Messrs McCarthy and Taylor on their prorriotion, but regret the departure of Mr iMcCarthy from Wanganui, where he !u(S been very popular.

One of tho conditions at the recent clog trial at Te Wera, away beyond btratford, was that in the working of their doi>;s the mon must not use any unpublisiiable words oj- phases—if tlley <lul so disqualification fell on them at once. Tlnng.s went very well while tho (logs were doing &s they were expected ; but when the canines failed to do the proper thing it was no uncommon tiling to hear one of the men let out a sharp, unprintable term, and t'>eri stand on his hat or contort -Irimf(y.i nito sunrl'-y shapes on remembering; that- he had thereby disqualified lm dog.

A special meeting of the GonviileUistleeliff Tramway Board was held on Tuesday evening, when tenders were opened for the various contracts. Four tenders wore received for the bonds ond that of Messrs B'ailoy aiid Co. (\\elhngton) was accepted, the price being £4.G7. The other tenderers -were Messrs Cameron and Co. (Wellington) £087, Richardson, Blair antf McCabo i^OQ, •Langworth. and Co. <Auckland) £010. Four tenders were received for •the poles, includina; one from tho > erro-concroto Co. That of Messrs Wallace and Co. (Wellington), £923, was acropteel, those rejected being S Brown and Co.. (Wellington), Rich^irdfon, Blair and McCal>9 £1097, and Fer-ro-Concreto G). £U93.' The poles to bo supplied by Messrs Wallace and Co. aro ironbark Thb tender-of Messrs B'H-ehell and Barker was also accepted for adzing .sleepers.

Tho leper patients at Quail' Island ru-o reportf-d to be as comfortable and napj>y as can bp expiated in thoir isolation but tlioy find the time hanging heavily on their hands during the long winter nit-his. The caretaker at tho island has a gramophone and a number of records., with which he gives l-e.itals, which are great enjoyed by the patients, tho nights are nowvery cold an'l darkness sets in early, the patients have to fall back on their own resources for amusement during ihe evening., and they have expressed a wish to have a gramophone to be kept in on? of their huts, and to be operated by themselves. Tha gramophone, lvHeh was presented by a gentleman about two or three years ago, has been kept by the caretaker, as, if it were in the. patients' care, it could not bo taken away for repairs in the event uf its getting out of order.

Mr, J. E. Roe, architect, of : Hawera, invites tenders for the erection of a residence at "Whenuakura.

'- A' Wellington wire states that the Hon. T. Kennedy Macdonald has rei signed his position as a member of the Legislative Council The first meeting of the Central Rivers Board, elected under'a Bill passed last session to control the vhoie ot the rivers of this district, was Leld yesterday, says a Isapier. we. . ITic Hon J« D- Ormond was appointed chairman. The' Board selected two engineers, Mr. C. D. Kennedy /Napier) and Mr. George Elliott (Taien) to report on the river question, and tno appointment of a third was left to the Government.

Mr H. Lan Simson, who was a candidate at the last general ■ election, foi the Hawke's JJftv seat, and has an-Smced\is-intention of standing or ilm same scat next December, has ms uS \h solicitors, Messrs Kennedy j!isk and Morling, to issue .a imi claiming. £5000 damages agawstJJ©. •Hastings Tribune"; .and Mr Geoige Nelson, writer of a letter winch appealed- in Saturday's paper, andl whiclrcontains certain alleged libellous statements affeotine; Mr Simson's social and political standing If the case goes to the Court it will prove more than usually interesting. From the latest developments m the search for the missing woman J' Mrs Melville, it seems evident that the river has claimed another victim;" It was reported to the police that on Saturday a woman answering to the description of Mrs Melville .had been seen up the River Bank near Sparrow Cliff. Constable Riordan went put yesterday and made inquiries and investigations, resulting in his finding on the river bank among the willows just above Sparrow Cliff a hat and muff., which have since been identified as belonging to Mrs Melville. The articles were lying some 3 or 4 yards from the vyater and across the mud there were footprints. Constable Riordan procured the use of a launch and commenced' dragging in the vicinity, but without success. Further dragging will be carried out to-day.

A case of an operation of an unusual nature, which resulted in the saving of the life of a child, lias teen recorded fit Thames. HA week ago ft five-year-old boy, the son of Mr Hanson, inhaled •i whole .peanut, which lodged in th« base of the lung.. Inflammation was caused, and pneimibnia followed. Dr Walsh was called inland realising that' the removal of the foreign matter from the lung was essential if the child'« life was to be saved, advised, that Di Hardie -Neil, oi Auckland, should be summoned. T)r Neil was -wired for, and, arriving at Thames pn Thursday evening, he-at onre ?et t <iboi\t, the difficult task of removing the obstruction. This was done by inseriijig an electricallylighted tube right "down tlie child's throat into the lung, where,, by means of the illumination, thus provided. Or Hardio. Ncu was .enabled to see tho, nut. and successfully removed it* Tho. child is now out of: danger, and progressing favourably;

The Post Office dock last night Igjst its balance; attain, and indulged in some eccentric striklnt!; (says the ("Christ*: Lurch Press" of Saturday)^ -Mosjb,of m find that, 'time passes quite quickly enough, bui; as recorded, by the Post Office clock-tune,does not merely pas? —it flashes by ">n oiled wheels. It struck 11 o'clock 20 minutes too soon, it jant:ci,pnted the witching .hour of midnight by fully half an hour, at 12 if'inates psv*Jr 12. it "struck 1 o'clock, and some straying revellers .in the Square wore apparently silenced .by astonishment at henvmti 2 .oV.'ock struck aboi:L 2 minutus lat.^r.. At that rate a man would sleep tho clock round while having- "forty winks." It is extremely sad that a..time-honoured institution like the Post Office clock should, after a more or less irreproachable youth, r.ow take to evil courses and irregular living, and present the painful spec-' !taole of a librologieal helot, an "awful example" to all town clocks.

The Rev G. C. J. Parfitt,■-of .West Oxford, Canterbury, has caused something of a s?nsatjion in Presbyterian Church circles by relinquishing his church to take up navvy work on the ro?.d in his former parish. Interviewed by a reporter as to his reason for making the change J Mr. Parfitt stated that as minister he got a: net Bti r ; of £10[> a yoar, without ri manse, and tliat was paid only at intervals of three.months, for.cihg him to make terras for credit with the tradesmen. He had a voungt family to keen, and was drifting into <lebt. He considered, j. therefore, that, ho'would'-be better off labouring for 8s a day.* He 'would no longer be required to keep up appearances to the same extent, would not nave to entertain, and would receive his pay at, brief and regular intervals. Even allowing a fair proportion off for time lost, owi'ip.; to broken wenthev, has wages would be wore than his stipend hud been. > :

It would bo jiisfc as well to remind all young men under the age of 21 years who have not yet enroled for military service that; they have row only one week in which to sc»id in their registration forms. A large niiriiber of yoking men, for some reason best known to themselves, seem to ho hanging off till the last moment. Lieut. Hume has lately been on a tour round the district, and finds that 'tnough the young men know all about the t;ecessity of enrolling before June 2nd, they are not going to do so any sooner thim they can help.. If some of thorn suffer the penalty of being fined £5, thi-y will regret their procrastination. Active steps are now being taken t»>words the training of.the new rocr'uits. Ie will, of course, bo impossible for one man to train over 1000 men, so clntscs of non-commissioned officers nre to be started next week, and these, who will be trained by Staff-Sergt.-Major Walker, will in turn train the new men. It is proposed that the classes for musketry instruction meet on Tue-i.Jav, fardrill on Wednesday, and for physical drill on Thursday.

A scientific expedition into the: Northern Territory, of Australia, of Professor Spencer and GilX\\ ' of tn? Melbourne University, Dr vVochiotifflii geologist, and Dr Brien. , lownwillo Tropical Diseases Institute) wj,l leave Sydney on May 30. Tha party_ will proceed by a Dutch packet to iort Darwin, calling en routo at Port j'.sinjrton. From Port Darwin it will go by rail to Pine Creek, thence in buggies to the Katherine From the Kathc-r----1110 th< route will lie by the Roper Kivor into Queensland,, and round the cult to Thursday Island. The expedition's work will, occupy about three, months, and i!s report will deal with the- advisability of a wider and more comprehensive ■investigation. Captain H. V. Barclay, who is in charge of the expedition now making a northerly lriareh through the 'western portion of the Territory, has forwarded private Jotters fco Federal officials giving a few particulars of his march. He reuorts ?l ? hS pnK ty in COOfl health. and /S ays ■1 J hoV ia™ «v gained weight, notwithstanding that eacli day's work involves a trying-march of about 20 miles and the loading and unloading of five tons of baggaoro, stores, and water carried by camels. He has forwarded as spi'Pimens of tho - art of blackfellmvs on tho ]<ink River two carved pipes of a very fine wHte clay, which ho takes to ba pnro kaolin. --This clay is to be found in abundance near Oharlotto Waters, and is said to have all tite quahtirs of tho finest meerschaum

The Government has issued a proclamation' reserving for scenio " purposes--148 acres of land in the Te Tuki block, in the Tauakira District. An adver- "^— «■ tisement appears in .another column.

The New South Wales Cabinet has decided to make a minimum -*age for women workers in the Government service, where not covered by a Wages Boaid award, of £110 per annum.

Captain Bcllons, of the Hiuemfri. imports the existence of an uncharted rock inside the Twins Rock, at the Bay of Islands, between the. wo being a, cleav passage with 17 fathoms of water. He also reports that there are uncharted rocks at £ho Three Kings, the thre? having a depth of water over them at low tido of only 8. 5, and "4 feet of water respectively. . , t An unusual caso was before ihe Wellington. Magistrate yesterday morning, when an employer sought to obtain, a prohibition order against s«,n employee, on the ground that the latter not with an accident sometime ago, and Iris drinking habits were retarding his recovery. The Magistrate considered the. evidence did not show that t'?e defendant drank to excess, and dismissed the explication.

t Dr., Miller, of Wayerley. having removed into his private residence, which is now completed, wishes to inform the community.of the surrounding districts that »Jig is, prepared; to consult with anyone who may require his professional services. He also wishes to state ho is prepared to receive any ladies from outlying districts who may'wish to avail themselves of the use and comforts/of his^ private nursing home, wliVh is adjoining the premises of his private"residence. Mrs Miller at home second Tuesday. Telephone No. 25.

When you get " Roslyn" you get tho best in... all-wool Blankets, Rugs, Tweeds, Worsteds. Hosiery, TJnshrinknHe Flannel and U.iderwear, " Delta" finish; ,so when" purchasing woollen goods always say " Roslyn please."

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Bibliographic details

Wanganui Chronicle, Volume L, Issue 12751, 25 May 1911, Page 4

Word Count

LOCAL AND GENERAL Wanganui Chronicle, Volume L, Issue 12751, 25 May 1911, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL Wanganui Chronicle, Volume L, Issue 12751, 25 May 1911, Page 4


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