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W.vtoeii pupils "f the Lansdowne school 'liuvo gained proficiency cer-tiii(-:i.tps this j*oar. Tin; il;;,wkes Buy Education linnrd lust week received tlio resignation of u:> fewer than seven teachers in its employ. A!! i lir- profits of tlio North Waii-ampa. Rifle Assocition's annual meeting arc to 'lO devoted to the War <F'.uid. The TFomcvrood Sports 01 uh has decided that, owing to the war, the animal sports meeting will Kit he held this year. Over 10 cases of scarlet fever and other infectious diseases have open admitted to tlio Auckland Hospital during tlio last few weeks. The, Masterton County Council has received £2091 lis 6d from the Government Advances Department, being tho amount of the Te Ore Ore water supply loan. Tho .North Wairarapa Hiflo -Association is distributing £llO ,5s in prize money at the annual handicap "meeting to he held at the Fairvie\v '.Rifle Range on Saturday and Monday, January Ist and 3rd.

Tho settlers of tlio 'Homowood mid Langdalo districts will hold a- .jicnic at tlie Bivcrsdale beach on Boxing Day (December 27th). A strong committee had been appointed to carry out tho arrangements. At Miss Beere's patriotic janeing recital in tho Towu Ufa 11, 'Ma.stcrton, to-morrow night a band of young ladies will soil flowers and sweets in aid of tho fund, which is for the "wounded in the hospitals at Cairo.

Residents of Ma.sto.Kton who are in the habit of leaving their bicycles in tho streets'should take warning i'voni the fact that during the past iow days several persons have reported to tho police that their machines are, missing.

Tho area, of land within the Dominion to be thrown open for .selection by tho Lands Department in tho month of .December is 29,443 acres. It is also announced that 18,685 acres will be- made available in January.

A silver miniature cup has been presented by Mr J. B. F. -Wtherland to the competitor who makes tiie best "possible" at the annual handicap meeting to lie held 'inder tho auspices of tho North Wairaraoa Rillc Association on January Ist and 3rd.

A commercial man in Cbristchurch who is connected with the flour trade states tliat there is no necessity for wheat to advance in price. The demand for flour he declares is normal, and the suggestion that oriccs aro advancing is made by holders of wheat who are anxious to again create a fictitious value for their stocks in order to escape loss.

THE GERMS OF cerebrospinal meningitis are stated by tho Director of the Bacteriological Laboratory of the University at Melbourne to be quickly destroyed by oucaTvptus. SANDER'S EUCALYPTI EX'iiRACT was proved at the Supremo Court of Victoria to possess far greater antiseptic power than tho common eucalyptus - oils and so-called extracts. Therefore, if you are not jwrticular about your health, you use any sort of eucalyptus —if you are you use only SAXDER'S EXTRACT, 3 drops on sugar. It protects not only from meningitis, but from all other infectious diseases; scarlet fever, measles, influenza, typhoid, diphtheria, small pox. etc. SAXDER'S EXTRACT is tho strongest and isnfost antiseptic, and its curative qualities havo been, demonstrated to be genuine and lastinp:— it not only disinfects, but stimulates and gives new viigor to diseased paj'ts. Ulcers, poisoned wounds, chilblains, inflamed skin are quick Iv cured by SAXDER'S EXTRACT.

During last monlh tho Masterton County Council received £'4S=l Us in payment for rates. The Pahiatua Borough Council is considering the question of erecting a monument in tho town to '"alien soldiers. Two settlers of Tiallaru-o (FortyMile Bush) have been fined 10s Mid costs for allowing pigs to wander on County roads. An Auckland telegram states that Douglas Sutton, aged ton years, was drowned in the Waipa river at Ngarua wiihia. Motor registration fees to tho ainomnt. of £'3 los were/collected by the Masterton County Council during the past month. A grocery war is at present raging in Pahiatua, and consumers are expressing appreciation of the efforts of storekeepers to reduce i.he cost of living.

A line of 6300 fat wethers "s expected to reach the Waingawa freezing works this morning, .hey having be.n driven from Burling Bros.' property at Pongaroa. The hoys receiving practical agricultural instruction in the schools of the Wanganui district on Thursday last sheared between £OO and i.iOO isheep at Mr Henson's fann at ■Mount Stewart.

The f.'reytown Dairy Company have railed 320 eases of cheese, lor shipment per tho s.s. Orari, and this week they aro consigning to Wellington 1.5 tons of cheese for tho Imperial (Jovcrnment's requirements. One of Miss Beero's dancing pupils for, tl ie patriotic dancing recital in tho Town Hall; Masterton, to-mor-row night is Thurza. Rogers, a Wairarapa. child, who is a most- gifted dancer. She will dance a "SpanUft," a too solo, "La- Premiere Danseitse," and a. Russian mazurka with Mr T. O'Carroli.

A serious accident occurred at island .B"av yesterday--- morning. -.Shortly after 0 o'clock Herbert Henry Hobday, an apprentice n Mr Walter Andrew's engineering works in Tory street, was handling a- loaded revolver at his home in '{ibble street when the charge exploded. The bullet struck him 011 the bead, fracturing his skull. After lie had been attended to iijy Dr. Kemp, he was removed to tho hospital, where an operation was performed, 111 d a portion of the bullet removed. A meeting of the Carnival Executive was held last night, Mr J. ('. Ewingt-on presiding. Pontine business in ' connection with the boxing Day .sports was transacted. Tho stalls for the disposal of gifts, etc., were . Joft in the hands of Mr Conipiou to erect. A vote of thanks was passed to Mr A. J. Cooper for a gift. Arrangements for the tennis and bowling tournaments en Boxing Day will bo carried out by Messrs TJoddington and J. C. TCwington.

The excuse for this story is ijiat if is true and that it comes from Dunedin. In that town there is a city missionary who conducts the .Bible instruction in tho State schools. Last week lie was holding tho hist class before the holidays, and concluded with a {general prayer, which tho children repeated after him, "Gocl bless father, mother teachers, and scholars," lie said, and dutifully the infants I'epeated it, "and the soldiers on tho battlefield/' he wont, on; "and the soldiers on tho .battlefield," came the mechanical murmcr of the children: "and Army chaplains"; "and Charlie Chaplin'' came the response .lnliesitatingly and in perfect good faith. Tho laughter that followed did not come from the children, and was probaibly accepted by them us another evidence of the inconscquontiality of grown-ups.

A very interesting letter has been received in Wanganui giving an account of the 'Bugby football played at Lemnqs Island, ibotwoen Australian and New Zealand teams. The New Zealanders Avon by ?3 points-to nil, after what is described as a fast and willing game. The match was played on the beach when the tide, way out, and with a "soccer" ball. Goal-kicking was found to be an impossibility, not one try being converted. The New Zealand team had quite an All Black flavour, the rear division being: Full-back, George Murray (Auckland and . North Island); three-quarters, Marks (Otago); Cuthill (Otago :.nd New Zealand), Bertrand (Taranaki); five-eights, S. Cameron, (Taranaki), E. Roberts (Wellington and New Zealand); half, Wood ■ (Taranaki). Some well-known players figured among the forwards, two i eing McNab (Auckland), and. Tavlor (Taranaki and New Zealand).

Tho Board of Managers 4 the Master-ton Technical School was fortunate m tho quality of the applicants: who sought the position of Home. 'Science Instructress. With so many highly qualified aspirants, tho final -election was no easy natter. Indeed, the matter of age was the only deciding factor in the M ini choice. The successful applicant, Miss Gladys G. Armstrong, was educated at tho Girl's High School, Sydney, and after leaving that institution took an extended, technical course in dressmaking and !I| 't needlework with an experienced teacher there. She came to New Zealand in March, '1914, in order to take rho Home Science course at the Otago University. Miss Armstrong has gained first class passes in both household cookery and in high class and invalid cookery, and a first class certificate for practical Housekeeping and laundry work at the University Hostel. Both Professor Winifred Boys-Smith and Miss P. M. Little, teacher of Domestic Science at King Edward Technical College, Dunedin, speak most highly of Miss Armstrong's qualifications as an organiser and a teacher, ind ot her practical skill.. Her University course embraced chemistry, physics, business affairs and economics, household economics, needlework (live 'branches), cookery (three branches), applied chemistry, biologyand physiology, practical physiology, hygiene-, practical laundry work, housewifery and practical housekeeping.

BOILS AND CARBUNCLES. Boils begin in little pimples. If Dr. Sheldon's Magnetic Liniment is well rubbed in at this time, they will disappear and giro you no further trouble. If a boil is developed, blood and matter must be squeezed out, and the wound dressed with Dr. Sheldons Magnetic liniment. Persons suffering from noils should rub the parts affected thoroughly, twice a day with Dr. Sheldon's Magnetic Liniment. 'lhis will prevent the growth of a. whole crop of boils. Price 1/6 and B,'-. s Ohrr.:aable everywhere.

Goat's [Rue has been declared a noxious wood by tho Mnstertom County Council. The next Fire Brigade. Conference is to be held in Westport in flu: month of February. A Masterton ; resident who is a. grandfather baa enlisted for sorvicu abroad. I!e has passed tho loetor, as sound. It has been decided ,by tho .Masterton County Council not to uigage men who are eligible for military service. That portion of the To Ore Ore.Bidel'ord road where tho grade, has recently been reduced i.sto bo blinded and put in order for motor traffic,. A Wellington Press Assoication message states that the youth Hobday, the victim of the shooting - Accident at Island .'Bay, died in tho hospital.

Tho Te Ore Ore water supply managers have been nominated and. their appointment, will Ije "atified by tl 10 Masterton County Council in the usual way. Mr H. C. Robinson, of Masterton, addressed a .successful meeting ui New Plymouth last night. His platform was .critically examined, and decided to bo sound. Plans have been approved by tho Masterton Comity Council for lbo erection of a'.bridge on Colombo roaci and tenders aro to be immediately called for its construction.

Wednesday was easily the warm-; est. day experienced in Masterton. this summer. The thermometer - registered 87 degrees in the shade j».t' one (.('clock in the afternoon.

The Masterton County Council is about to take steps- to fill tho vacancy on the Council caused by the resignation of Cr. It. F. Beet'ham, who is awav on active service.

.Mr P. A. .Mcllardyj of Palmcrstnn North, lias forwarded to tho y.M.C.A. a.cheque for £IOOO, to-bo expended 111 Christmas gifts for the .New Zealand soldiers at tho front. The. cake offered at auction ■n. the: Masterton Public .Ball last evening and finally purchased hy Mrs J. J.. Kennedy, of .Tikitapu, was liandnd back to the. Mother .Superior )f St. Titido's Convent'.

Tho Masterton County Council's overdraft on the general account, now stands at £3510 3s 3d. At,Mm last meeting of the iCbimcil accounts amounting to £1297 14s lid n-em passed for payment. The. Mastertou County Council has decided that it has. no recommendation to make in respect vo a suggestion from the 'Mount Herbert Comity Council, that power be given local bodies to make and levy- a. Patriotic Fund rate during the cur?, reiicy of the. war.

The Plibli e Morks Department has uppdoved of two of tho three plana submitted by the Masterton County Council for the erection of bridges on ' the Westmere road. The overseer has now been instructed to prepare fresh plans for the third bridge in accordance 1 with tho standard plan.

"J. \Vish the Council would consider the question of increasing tha pow of its workmen," said a worn an. who picked up her husband's monthly cheque at the County Council! offices yesterday, "as it is almost impossible lov us to live .'.nd pay our way those times on Ss 6cl per lay." The cUrk looked sympathetic mvJ said he would mention tho 'act to his Council,

A largely-attended meeting of the Wnirarapa Eriondly Societies' Carnival Executive was held last night, when a- working plan was decided on. One of the leading feature.-: for the raising of funds will bo the election of a Carnival Queen, and nominations from the whole district are to he immediately invited. Pari, of the general scheme will be the holding of .separate carnivals in each of the county towns, the first, of which lias been allotted to Carterton. iMr John Hopkins was unanimously appointed organiser of the Carnival.

A Palmerston North telegram, says:—At a meeting of the Terrace End School Committee the following resolution was passed, and is to be forwarded to the Education. Board:—"That owing to the nuntber of male teachers finding it imperative to enlist for aetivo service, this Committee is of opinion that tho Government should hold out some greater inducements to young, pcoplo in the matter of salaries, and thus induce them to take up tho teaching profession."

Dr. Van Slyke, Specialist in Eye, Ear, N-oso and Throat, may be consulted at the Club Hctel, Mastertoii, ■until further notice.* Tenders for stooking 3CO acres o£ oats are advertised for. Board for two working-men and young lady is advertised t° r - Mr V. L. Eairbrother advertises two fu!l-siased billiard tables complete for private sale. Mr E. G. Thorno notifies that htj is 2>rcparcd to cut, harvest, and itacli crops at current ratps. Smart lad to drive horse and ear 6 and help in shop is required by the S.P. Co-operative Stores. A final reminder is given of th<s sale of Mr furniture" piano, etc, which, takes-place at the residence, Opaki road, Lansdowne, this afternoon. The whole )f Iho goods arc best quality and in splendid order, and anyone requiring furniture will do well to attend

If you are travelling during l h<3 holidays and wish to travel in comfort do not fail to inspect the new. season's goods showing by Messrs J. L. Murray, Limited. The Jim?, nave just opened a full range cfi travelling requisites including Overland Trunks ill,' solid leather and compressed fibre,' Suit Cases in cowhide, solid leather, compressed cane and fibre, Brief., Gladstone and Kit Bags, .Ladies' Dress and Blouse Cases, Hat Boxes, etc. The newest designs in Colonial lings, including Kaiapoi, Roslyn and Petone makes, ■Save just been received from tho manufacturers.

I Dr. Avcrill, of Auckland., traveled recently via tlio Wannanui fiver, and lie is generous in his praise of the scenery. "T\V bear scenic places praised so much that one is inclined to expect- di sa-ppointment,'' said ibo Bishop, "but I was not disappointed with the trip' from Pipiriki to* the llouse.boa L. I was told loir about the G'erman IMiinc before I visited it, but 1 was not disappointed with the Wanganui. J have seen good deal of Xew Zealand sccnccy, but 1 must .pay New Zealand vas decided asset in the WaogW'* river."*

A London cablo message states that tlio National Bank of New Zealand 3ias declared an interim dividend of twelve per cent

In 1 response to a petition from forty-eight residents of Lansdowne tlio Master ton County Council lias decided to erect two gas 'amps letween tlio two bridges at the >ior whom approach to Masterton. The sum of £5 was realised ly tlio sale of sweets, etc., at the dramatic performance given 'by the pupils of St. Brides Convent in the Masterton Town Hull hist evening in of the Wounded Soldiers' Fund. Tlio office at Messrs Dalgoty and Co.'s saloyards at the Taratulu was totally destroyed -ly fire at on early hour yesterday morning. Three men who had been sleeping in fcuilding wero subsequently arrested on a charge of vagrancy. Mrs Mitchell, an elderly woman ?>elonging to Invercargill, died at the hospital, says a Wellington Press Association message, as tne result of injuries suffered through being knocked down by a train «fc Pctono on Saturday last. The Masterton County Council has decided to lake from Messrs Corlett and Co. up to 3O,COOft of mixed rata and birch timber at 17s per 100 ft, delivered at tho County yards subject to tho timber being to the approval of tho Overseer.

The following resolution, was passed at a meeting of the Masterton Fire Brigade on Tuesday evening:— "That the action of the Superintendent in asking for the Boaid s assistance to put a, larger water main to the Park Oval -bo endorsed, and that in the event of material being supplied, tho members of the Brigade will provide the necessary labour.

la connection with a resolution passed by the Raglan Comity Council, and which has been forwarded to all local bodies in the Dominion, to the effect that the services of single men eligible for military duty foe dispensed with, tho Masterton County Council has expressed the opinion that the Government s-hould aivt an example by discharging such men. from its employment.

A commission from tho Wairarapa Presbytery, consisting of Revs. U. K. Stowell and T. Halliday, with Mr E. Feist (elder), visited St. Paul's Presbyterian congregation at Paliiatua on Monday night. _ Tho ..ommission interviewed Minister, Session and Management Boards, when the questions customary sit such visitation wore put and answers given. A full report of the investigation (which is made triennally) will bo presented to next meeting of Presbytery, and their finding will be communicated to the local congregation in duo course. This meeting over, the commission met tho congregation in the church, and after devotional exercises, conducted by Itov. G. K. Stowell and Mr Feist, addresses, suitablo were given by Revs. T. Halliday and G. K. Stowell. They were of a stimulating and encouraging nature. Why go abroad to "see sights '. No river in the world offes better scenery tluin tho Wanganui. i>d it is so near that you can make the river journey and return home in a very FEW days—at a very modcrato expenditure. Taumaranui to the House-boat thence to Pipiriki :oul Wanganui—a wonder-trip. Particulars from A. Hatrick and Co., Ltd., Wanganui. Cook's and Government Tourist Bureaux everywhere.

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Wairarapa Age, Volume XXXV, Issue 10713, 16 December 1915, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wairarapa Age, Volume XXXV, Issue 10713, 16 December 1915, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wairarapa Age, Volume XXXV, Issue 10713, 16 December 1915, Page 4


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