Ihenett overdraft of the Masteiton Borough Council is £4,058 lis 4d. The rate 3 outstanding amount to £434 17s 2d.
In the Legislative Couuoil, yesterday, the amendments made by the House of KepresßntativeH iu the Hale of Explosives BUI were agreed to.
The outward San Franoisco mail will closs at the Masterton Post Office at 4.45 p.m. tc-day. A supplementary mail will close at 5.30 a.m. to-morrow.
At the Masterton Police Court, yesterday morning, before Mr Eli Smith, J.P., a first offender was convicted and discharged for having been drunk.
The monthly Meeting of the Council of the Masfcerton Chamber of Commerce will be * held in Messra Abraham and Williams' farmers rcotn on Friday next at 3.30 p.m.
Shovelling a yard of gravel over a fence as a form of competition, tried at the aAflJJon'e sports at Ahauralaat year, does not seem to have "caught on." It has been struck out of this year's programme, an old-age penHioners'lSawing match and a boya' chop being susfcituted.
The following Bills from the House of Representatives were read a second time in the Legislative Council, yesterday, without disousslon:—Bank Shares Transfer BKi, Savings Banks Profits Bill, Jubilee Institute of the Blind Bill, Private Hospitals Bill.
Correspondence from place? boyoud.the colony is lying undelivered st the Mastertou Post Office for the following persona:—W. Barras, J. Buokley, W. J. Duggan, Tom Hunter, Jas. Jones, A. Lovett, D. A. McGhee, Andrew Millar, Barney O'Hagan, Wm. Peart, B. A. Saunders, G. P. Wilson, C. VVheatley.
Malls for the Commonwealth of Australia, Lord Howe, Norfolk, New Hebrides and Banks Islands, Ceylon, India, China, Japan, Straits Settlements, also South Africa, Continent of Europe aud United Kingdom, per Victoria from Auckland, will close at Mastertou, ou Saturday, October 20th, at 5.30 a.m.
The Wairarapa Sawmillers' Association have forwarded to the Christohurch Exhibition a block of rimu timber measuring 5 feet by 12 feet. The block, which is hi its rough state, will be polished in Cbristehuroh. It is a fine specimen, being spotlessly olean. The block was obtained from Messrs Qninlan and Popplewell, of Hukanui.
A "telegram from |Obrißtchuroh states that at the inquest held yesterday, touching the death of Frank S. Caines, who was found dead at the back uf tha Zetland Hotel, on Monday afternoon, with a bullet wound in his head, evidence was given that thd deceased suffered from insomnia. He had been dismissed from his employment iu the morning owing to intemperance. A verdict of suicide while, of unsound mind, was roturued.
The small-bird nuisance is reported I to be very prevalent in the Roxburgh < district, says the Otago Daily Times.
The typewriting championship >of America has been won by a young man who typed 4,627 words in 30 minutes -an overage of 151 words a. minute.
Misa I. McLandress has been appointed secondary assistant at the Master ton Distriot High Sobool, and Miss H. Gow secondary assistant at the Carterton Distriot High Sobool.
A Dunedin telegram states that a iwo storey wooden building Can old . landmark) was gutted by Are at Port Chalmers last. night. The Brigade was able to prevent the fire spreading to the adjoining buildings. The building was untenanted. .
Two detachments of men from the Masterton Fire Brigade held a very successful alarm and rush practise in Church evening. The firemen were in charge of Lieut.. Matthews and Foreman Maher. In his report to the Masterton Borough Council, last evening, the manager of thejgasworka statedjtbat he considered that Queen Street was ■ one of the beat JUghted streets in the colony. The light in the are lamps in the street represented a, total of 3,650 candle po^er.
The Cbristchuroh Press states that Mr William Calendar, at, present Government Auditor of the Bank of New Zealand, has been appointed General Manager of the Bauk-in the place of Mr Miohie. resigned, and that Mr B. M. Lichfield, Manager of the Bank of New Zealand at Cbristchuroh, has been appointed Government Auditor of the Bank.
The ordinary meeting of the Mas-, terton Municipal Fire Brigade was held last evening. Captain Jenkins presided, and there were twenty-nine memhers present. Leave of absenae was granted to Fireman E. Braggin* and Lieut. Matthews tone month)a The Secretary was instructed to procure copies of the Fire Brigades Bill. Master H. Moore was elected Brigade Messenger.
The Masterton Borough Council accepted the following tenders last evening: Embankment and ornamental waters in the Park, J. and M. 0. Andrews, £314; forming an gravelling River Road, E. Coyle, £96. Five tenders were reoeived for the work of forming and gravelling Oockburn and Short Streets, but were rejected, as they were considered to be too high.
At the meeting of the Masterton Borough Council, last evening, tt petition was reosived from seven lesidents of Johnstone Street asking that the gas mains be extended along that street. Ihe petition was referred to the Manager of the Gasworks for a report. The Manager was also instructed to report on the extension of the gas mains to Renall Street.
The Borough Engineer reported to the meeting of the Masterton Borough Oounoil, last evening, that in order to put down kerbing on the footpath in Pine Street, the treeß growing in that street would have to be pulled out. He asked the Council what he should do in the matter. The Council decided to leave the trees in the street, and not kerb the footpath. Cr Ewington added: "A thing of beauty is a joy for ever."
The regular meeting of the Rechabite Tent was held, la9t|evening, in the Foreatera' Hall. Bro. B. SutherOne member was declared on and one off the funds. Tbe committee appointed to draw up an agreeajent with tha Tent's surgeons submitted a draft agreement which was accepted by the Tent. The Secretary was instructed tosubmit it to the surgeons for approval. The Chairman proposed five candidates for admission to the Urder. The cash receipts for the evening amounted to £ll 19s.
Mr F. P. Welch had the misfortune to lose one of his valuable pair of cream ponies late on Monday night. The pair were to have been entered for tbe Ccrterton Show, and Mr Welnh washed - the coat of the ponies with a liquid disinfectant. Owing to the hair beicg long the wash did not run off the ooat bat insteaa was absorbed iuto the system through the pcres in the animal's skin. On Saturday blood poisoning set iu, which brought on a fever, and this caused the death of the pony. Mr Welch valued the pair at about £IOO, and has refused that quru for them on several occasionß. ;
Tbe financial position of tha Masterton . Borough Council is as follows: Geueral Account, ar., £4,807 10s; Gas Account, er., £965 12s 2d; Library Aooount, dr., £124 19s; Waterworks Account, dr., £268 0s 6d; Deposit Account, nr., £167 10s; Abattoir Account or., £2l 10s 6d; Interest Acuount, drainage, dr., £B3 16a 7d; Interest Aooount, Bannister street, cr., £7O 12s lid; Loan Account, drainage, cr., £ll4 9s 4d; Loan Acoouut, abattoir, or., £49 13s 7d; Special Loan Account, or., schedule A £BOS 9s 9d, schedule B £B2O Ss lid, subeduie C £995 Is lid, schedule D £555 Bs> 4d, schedule E £996 lbs 9d.
MERIT REWARDED BY COURT OF JUSTICE. The acknowledged good qualities and success of SANDEIi & SONS' EUCALYPTI EXTRACT have brought out many imitations, and one cas9 was just tried in the Supreme Court of Victoria, before his Honour Chief Justice Sir J. Madden K.C.M.G., etc. His Honour, when giving udement 1 said with regard to the GENUINE SANDER & SONS' EUCALYPTI EXTRACT, that whenever an article is commended to the public by reason of its good quality, etc., it is not permissable to imitate any of its features. He restrained the imitators perpetually from doing so, and ordered them to pay all costs. We publish this to afford the public an opportunity of protecting and of securing what is proved beyond all doubt by skilled witnesses at the Supreme Court of Victoria and by many authorities during the last 30 years to be a preparation of genuine merit, viz., THE GENUINE SANDER & SONS' PURE VOLATILE EUCALYPTI EXTRACT bad! bad!! had!!! Bad blood come 3 from bad digestionbad stomach, bad liver—attended with bad, foul breath, coated tongue, bad taste, bad headache, bad appetite and kindred symptoms. Bad as nil these are and serious as are the diseases to which they lead, Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets come to the relief and cure of all these by regulating and invigorating Stomach, Liver and Bowels, and putting all these organs in (rood order. For sale T. G. Mason Chemist, Masterton.
: A meeting of the Directors of the Wairarapa Caledonian Society will be held in the Club Hotel, on Saturday next, at 2.30 p.m. In the Legislative Counoil, yesterday, the Hons. T. Kelly, W. M. Bolt and H. Feldwick, whose term of office as Councillors had expired, bat who were on Monday re-ap-pointed, were sworn in. At a meeting which was recently held at Beaumont, under the auspices of the local Railway League, it was decided—"That, owing to the great advance in the price of gumboots, Mr Rennet interview the Minister of Customs re the abolishment of the duty." Mr Singleton, cheese expert on the staff of the Dairy Commissioner, wbo has been visiting cheese factories in tbe Wairarapa, is in Wellington, but will leave again immediately on a visit of instruction to the cheese factories of tbe FortyMile Bush. I Tbe youngster with a pea-rifle is becoming an appalling unisance, suys the N.Z. Times. Not content with shooting promiscuously over the landscape and into back yards, the pea-rifle,fiend is now after big game. When clearing out tbe lion's cage at ffewtown Park the attendant disleaden bullet a quarter of an Inch in diameter 1 y»ng in the bottom of the cage; also two or three brass caps from which the pellet had been ejected. The discovery points to serious cruelty to an animal, and tbe city authorities are determined to have any euch offender as severely punished as possible. Tbe District Health Officer wrote to the Masterton Borough Council, last evening, stating that tbe Minister of Public Health had approved of the Department subsidising the salary of the Borough Sanitary Inspector to the extent of £3O per annum. The subsidy is for payment for work to be done uu behalf of the Health Department, and will remain in force so long as the inspector oontinues to do such , work, and on condition that the inspector in office shall be a person qualified for his duties to the satisfaction of the District Health Officer. When the inspector expresses himself ready for examination Chief Inspects Srhauer will visit Masterton for that purpose. A flve-roomed house with an acre ofjland on Upper Plain is advertised to let. Messrs Gillespie'and Co. require shepherds, cooks, shearers and axemen. Messrs Abraham and Williams, Ltd., advertise for a red heifer lost from their yards on the 3rd October. Subscribers for enlargements from the Fine Art Sturiio, Christohurob, are notified that these are now being delivered. Messrs Varnbam, and Rose invite tenders, to close at noon on Wednesday, October 24tb, for the ereo- \ tion of a brick garage for Messrs Jenkinson and Co., Ltd. Those in sympathy with the Irish Home oßqle movement are invited to meet at tbe Teobnical School, Masterton, at 8 o'clock cn Saturday next, to consider the question of the reception of the Irish envoys. In another column in this issue the Wellington Piano Company make special referenoe to the easy method by which their clients are enabled to purchase any, one of their highclass instruments. Messrs McLeod and Young, of The Academy, Mas terton, are the local, agents. gMr Jas. Soott, watchmaker and jeweller (lf»te of Feilding), announces'elsewhere that be has commenced business in Masterton in premises situated in Mason's Buildings, recently occupied by Mr A. Donald, tailor. Mr Soott has had over thirty years of experience at the trade, and he, trusts, by strict attention tu business, to merit a fair share of public support. The shop has been renovated and made thoroughly up-to-date, and fine show-cases r are to be installed for displaying the stock of goods. In a few weeks time a big consignment of the best'quality hallmarked eleotro-plated ware will be on "view, and will be sold at reasonable prices, special attention is also paid to repair work of every de- . scrlption. Messrs Harcombe and Donald, who a short time?ago purohasedltbe saddlery and harness-making business m Perry Street, recently conducted by the late J.* Priugle, an□ounce elsewhere that they intend to run the business on the most up-to-date lines.! The shop has been considerably altered, and the workroom at the baok very muoh enlarged. A big stock of everything in the saddlery and harness trade is on view at tbe shop, and tbe residents infboth town and country are invited to call and inspeot the numerous lines. As regards the practical part of the business both partners have a complete knowledge of the trade, and patrons are assured that all work left in their charge will receive toe beet possible attention. It is tbe desire of all wool-growers to turn out a neat and well-pressed bale, as it not only looks better but handles better. To obtain this a well-made press is absolutely essential, and no one realises this better than Mr George Cummins, of Marton. As the result of patient thought, combined with his expert knowledge, he is, this season, putting on tbe market the new "Sandow" wool press. His "Gasooigne" met with distinct approval, and is doing good work all over the colony, and those who have inspected the "Sandow" prophesy a splendid future for tbe press. It is faithfully built, well-finished, strong and durable, buyers can see exactly the quality of timber as neither paint or putty are used, the boxes being oiled and varnished, making tbe press most presentable. It is made in two styles, swinground top box, or tip over to fill from the floor. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd., are sole agents for the Wairarapa, and are now booking orders i; at £l4 10s, ex rail, Masterton, for either full or three-quarter size. As a one-KtanJpress, it is oluimud that the/'Gascoigne" is not to be beaten. A MODERN REMEDY. Dr., Sheldon's New Discovery for Coughs, Colds, and Consumption gets to the root of the trouble and effects a permanent cure. For sale by H. E. Etonl Chemist Masterton, J. Baillie, Carterton, and the Mauriceville Co-operative Store. Mauriceville West.
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Wairarapa Age, Volume XXIX, Issue 8263, 17 October 1906, Page 4
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2,426LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wairarapa Age, Volume XXIX, Issue 8263, 17 October 1906, Page 4
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