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The ordinary meeting of the abovenamed body was held in the Council Chambers yesterday afternoon. The following members were present — James Bennet, Esq. (Chairman), and Messrs Cameron, Clayton, Cotton, M'Farlane, Fraser, Michael, and Qudajlle,. The minutes or the previous meeting were read and confirmed,


The inward correspondence comprised letters as follow :—: —

From W. Cumming, submitting for approval plans of pound, sheep;yards, &c., at Beaumont, in terms of the "Impounding Act, 1884. "—Received. From Qhas; M^llins,' .requesting' permission to remove stone from' Mr Jas. Hart's land at Tuapeka West for contract No. 197. —Permission -granted, -conditionally that Mr Mullina bean] all responsibility. '

From a large number of ratepayers, asking that something be done to the road in Robs'* Gully, and pointing out that nothing had been done to the road in question for a number of years, and that it was almost impassable in winter. — Mr Clayton pointed out that only about £4 had been expended on this road since the Tuapeka road district was merged in the County. — It was resolved to make the road passable. From Daniel Ferguson (Secretary of ; the Crookston Progress Committee), drawing attention to the necessity of a few loads of gravel being laid on the road between M'Kellar 's granary and the new bridge over the Flodden ; also, to the dangerous state of the old bridge over the Hodden. — Mr M'Farlane spoke of the necessity of tbe works referred to being taken in hand. — Deferred for consideration. From Robert Ford, drawing attention to the absolute necessity of making the road leading from Johnston Station to Round Hill passable before harvest sets in.— The writer not having sent the foregoing letter through the hands of the member for the Riding, it was merely received.

From M. Nash and M. Whelan, asking that the road leading to their respective properties be prepared. — Resolved, on the motion of Mr Michael, that the work be done by the surfacemen.

From Wm. Hoare, who requested that the surfacemen, be instructed to cut a side drain on the road in Munros Gully so as to allow the water which is flooding his garden to escape. — Resolved, on the motion of Mr Michael, that the surfacemen attend to the matter.

From Francis Fear, urging the Council to form two. culverts on the road from Cumming's to his gate ; the cost would not exceed £4 10s, and he was quite willing to provide a horse and dray to cart the material.— Mr Clayton moved : " That the work be performed by the surfacemen at a cost not exceeding £5." — Carried.

From J. M'Duff, asking that the worst portions of the road between Kelso and block 3CIII-, Grreenvale, be attended to before, the grain season begins. — Referred to the Engineer for report. D. Roughan and P. Curaraing drew attention, to the fact that a portion of the road in Roughan's Gully had been carried away by the recent floods, and requesting that it be Tendered available for traffic as early as possible, — Me Clay ton moved; "That the work- be, done by the surfacemen."—Carried '

R, Cowie (Wetherstones) wrote drawing attention to the road near his property which had been undermined and left in a dangerous state. He asked that the Engineer inspect the same and report as to the bondsmen, &c. He .also wished to get about five chains of the road leading toward sjhis property gravelled. - Referred to the Engineer for report.

From Jas. Campbell and others (Waitahuna), asking permission to mine on the road-line leading from Waitahuna to Dalhousie, between blocks xxxi. and xixn., township of Waitahuna.— -Mr Oudaille mentioned that Campbell and party were old residents of Waitahuna. He moved : "That the request be granted ; the Chairman and Engineer to deal with the matter." — Agreed to. From John M'Gahan and others, asking permission to cut through the main road crossing their claim at Havelock, near the Police Station, petitioners to construct a temporary road suitable for traffic, to the satisfaction of the County Engineer. — Mr Oudaille moved : " That the request be acceded to ; the Chairman and Engineer to see that the necessary bonds were entered into." — Carried.

From Ryan and Scott,asking permission to construct a retaining wall at the approaches of the bridge at Hopkins' crossing, and to be allowed schedule rates for the extra filling in in connection with the same. — The Engineer reported that no retaining wall was required, and the necessary filling in could oe done at the completion of the oontract for a matter of £5. He recommended that the oontraotors either complete the superstructure of the bridge and send the traffic over the bridge while the filling in is being done, or else make a new ford over another part of the •!• >k. — Engineers report adopted. From Yung Git (through his solicitor, Mr Copland), asking permission to mine under a portion of a road-line running on the hill-side from the new Bungtqwn road (about five or Bft chains distant from the Wetherstones road.)— Mr Michael moved : " That the request be complied with, subject to the Engineer's approval." — Carried.

From John Edie, objecting to the road being opened through his property (section 3, block xji., Orookston) unless the Council agreed to pay him at the rate of £15 per acre, for the land required. — After Mr Edie had been heard in support of the statements contained in his letter, Mr M'Farlane, moved, and- Mr Michael seconded : " That no further action be taken in re the road through section 3, block xil., Crookston, until the Engineer has had an opportunity of reporting upon the matter."— Carried.

From James Cowan (Beaumont), drawing attention to the state of the road along the river-bank to the bsach where the Hope of Dunkeld dredge was at work, and asking that it be put in passable re pair.— Mr Bennet moved: "That the surfaceman be instructed to repair the road as requested."— Carried. From theXJnder-Secretary ofthe Public Works Department,"" with yefere,nQe 'to th> gdapgiFigsf&r of the4Qth ult^apßlyfeg ! fof a" grant of $950 under i( The Roads and Bridges Construction Aor," for repairs of extraordinary damage .done by floods to the road between Raes junction and Evans' Pinch, stating that all applications for grants must be accompanied by plans and estimates, which are required to enable 'the Government Engineer to ■report op the application, so as. to satisfy the Minister .that the ..estimates- a*» reasonable.— T/he E^gineec was authorised, to prepare the necessary documents.

From Geo. Proctor and R. Douglas, requesting that a small sum of money be expended on the improvement of the road passing the farm belonging to Mr James Thompson, Mount Stuart, and pointing out that the Council some t^e ago. ppo, raised to ; make. tlie"rqad passable, but so far' nothing had been done to it.— Mr Oudaille said that a deviation was required or the road would have been attended to lone ago. He moved : " That the Clerk be instructed to inform Messrs Proctor and Douglas that tbe Council will afford them relief as soon as possible. "—Carr ried.

From the Clerk of the Clutha County Gotineif is follows ;— I have the honor to acknowledge your letter of 19th December, and in reply beg to state that- the Council has passed the following resolution relating to the contents thereof : " That the Olutha 'County Council will unite with the Tuapeka County Council

in requesting the Government to at once proiieud with the construction of the iVmahaka bridge on the route of the Go.eKelao railway, and that the said bridge be made available for ordinary traffic." lam directed to point out that the road upon which it is proposed to construct this bridge, being a main road, should it be undertaken under the provisions of the " Roads and Bridges Construction Act, 1882," three-fourths of the cost would fall on the Government. — Mr M'Farlane moved : " That the matter be allowed to remain in abeyance pending a reply from Government." — Carried.

From W. Sheath (Tapanui), asking that a few pounds be expended in forming culverts on the road leading from Dalvy homestead through the property joining the Rankleburn road ; the cost of boxes for the culverts would not exceed £6. He was willing to cart the boxes from the timber yard, and to give the assistance of a man to put them in.— Allowed to stand over till next meeting.

From Sing Moy (through Mr M'Coy, solicitor), applying for permission to mine on the Bungtown road between M'Cluskey's property and that of R. Hunter.— Referred to the Engineer for I report. ' From E. Tohill, calling attention to the necessity for improving the sleigh-track into the Waipori bush from Tohill's bridge, the track being the only outlet for mining timber for Waipori. The writer pointed r out that he had an 'order for mining timber, which he would be unable to supply, unless the track were repaired, giving it as his opinion that a couple of surfacemen could do the work in two weeks' time. —Mr Cotton said he authorised the surfacemen to spend two days on the track, and the work, therefore, hnd been attended to.

From W. and N. M'Cormack (contractors for the Heriotburn bridge), stating that Mr M'Kellar refused to enter into any arrangement to allow them to procure stone from the Brooksdale estate for the bridge, and that they were obliged to go a distance of eighteen miles to get a supply. ' The cost of railage au<l cartage raised the cost of the stone an additional 9s per yard over their original contractprice, and they, therefore, asked th C'tuncil to make good the difference in the price. — Referred to the Engineer for report. From Thos. J. Collins, who forwarded the following resolution passed at a meeting of the Heriot Progress Committee held on the 6th instant :— (1) That the County Council, through our member, Mr Cameron, be requested to have three culvertß erected in I)ee-street, from the junction of Roxburgh-street to the fellmongery, as since raising the embankment on the main street, all access to the same is entirely cut off. (2) That the grade be reduced on about H chains of the main street in front of the*Vecreatinn and school reserves, and that two culverts be erected ■—one above and one below same — as when the heavy traffic passes through the main street, this portion will become impassable. (3) That the attention of the County Council be directed before the incoming grain season to the wor^t portions of "the road from Kirk's to the railway station. — Referred to the Engineer for report. From H. Craig and Co., through their solicitor (Mr M'Coy), as follows : — I am instructed by H. Craig and Co. to apply for payment of damages occasioned by the main road near Shingle Creek being unrepaired. The damage done was to the coach, horses, and harness, and was to the following extent :— Value of two horses destroyed, £30 ; four sets harness, £24 ; damage to coach, £20— total, £74. I may state that I think you will find on inquiry from the passengers and others that the damage was due to the fact of the road being unrepaired (it being the duty of the Tnapeka County Council to repair it), and was not contributed to by any incompetence or carelessness on the part of i he driver, or defect in the horses, harness, coach, or appointments ; in short, you will find there was no negligence on the part of Craig and C<»., but that the breach of duty in neglecting to repair the road caused the damage. I shall be glad to hear from yon at your earliest convenience, as to whether your Council will pay the damage without litigation. I may add that my clients, in the event of your during to settle their claim, will convince you that they have really suffered as much los 3as they claim. — Letter received. — The Chairman intimated that the Engineer had received a report from the surfacemen to the effect that the road was not in a worse state at present than it had been for months past.

From R. Bruce (Waitahuna road), asking the Council to construct a culvert acrms the road below Mr Kerr's property. — On the motion of Mr Fraser, seconded by Mr Oadaille, the surfaceman was instructed to construct the culvert, Mr Bruce to find the stone. MILLERS FLAT PUNT. A lengthy petition, bearing the signatures of sixteen settlers of Millers Flat, was received, protesting against the removal of the Millers Flat punt from its present position. The petition set forth (1) that if tbe punt were shifted from the preseut site, a great injury would be indicted on the, settlers generally, as the bulk of theJocal produce (chiefly oats and wheat) is raised in the vicinity and southward of the punt ; (2) # that at $fee present crossing th^ore was' onTy Bft of water in the deepest' part for some time last winter, and if 'the punt were shifted higher up the river it is doubtfirl if it could be worked in the winter season on account of the rocky nature of the river-bed ; (3) that the Education Board acted wrongly in offering the Council £15 towards the expense of removing the punt to a point I contiguous to the Moa Flat school, inasmuch 'as the " school' is undoubtedly on the wrong side o^ th.c river, there being sixty children aver and thirty under sendol age at Millers Flat ; and (4) that the statement made at the previous meeting of the Council to the effect that only one settler would be inconvenienced by the shifting of the punt was devoid of truth, as fully three-fourths of the fife settlers would be moje qr less affected. Mr Qam.ej:Qn moved : " That consideration of the petition be postponed till next meeting in the absence of the member for Teviot Riding."— Carried.


Mr Oudaille forwarded the minutes of a meeting of ratepayers held in his on the 31st ult., whereat it was' resolved : "That th.c road-line running between sections' 28 and 29, block xjcvii., and sections 5 and 6, block xxv., town of Havelock, be closed."— Resolved,, on the motion of Mr Oudaille : " That the road-line in question be closed: » <>T; YTAmHI'HHBIOTBTTEN BAILWAY EXTENSION. The following communication was i received by the County Chairman from the Under-Secretary of the Publjq Works Panattment:—" lam directed by " the

Minister of Public Works to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 39th "♦ecember last, asking in what direction

the Government intand to make the Tapanni-Swift Creek railway towards Crookstou. In reply, lam to inform you hat Parliament has not at present made any provision for the extension of the railway referred to at all ; and under these circumstances the Minister considers that it would be premature to determine the route which the line is to take now. lam to state further that when funds have been voted for the construction of the line towards Crookston, every care will be exercised to see that the best route, in consideration of all the interests involved, is adopted." — Received. ROAD FHOM TUAPEKA MOUTH TO WATSON'S

BUSH. A petition, numerously signed, was received from the ratepayers residing at Tuapeka Month, requesting that the Council would mike a road about threequarters of a mile in length from Tuapeka Mouth along the east bank of the Molyneux, so as to allow the settlers to draw firewood from Watson's bush.

Messrs Blair and Brown appeared as a deputation in support of the petition.

Mr Fraser moved, and Mr Clayton seconded . " That the petition be referred to the Engineer for report at next meeting." — Carried. ROAD HAVBIiOOK TO DAIirfOUSIE via poison's creek. The Engineer submitted the following report: — "Re expenditure of vofo of £300, at. Poison's Crfiek, on road Havelock to Dalhuusie, I have to state that in order to comply with instructions, deviations from the surveyed line will ba required. T understand the owners of the land over which the deviations will require to be taken ohject. I have, therefore, to request authority to proceed with the works in terms of the Public Woks Act, 1882 "—Adopted; ESTABLISHMENT OF POUND AT WAIPORI.

Mr Cotton said he had been requested to support the establishment of a pound near the township. The yards held by Sparling, who innde application for the appointment of poundkeeper at last meetin", were too far away. The public were also opposed to Sparling's appointment. Mr Michael did not know why the application before the last meeting of the Council was not accepted. Mr Pilling stated that the yards were his, but that Sparling would attend to the duties. The only other yards in the place were Mr Cotton's.

Mi* Cotton stated that he had given his ya,rd3 and the use of a paddock. Mr Michael objected to Mr Cotton's yards being used. He moved : " That Snarling receive the appointment."— Mr M'Farlane seconded.— Carried.


A requisition, signed by A. Sutherland and twenty-two other res : dente of Havelock and surrounding districts, objecting to the pound at Waitahnna, was received; also, a requisition, signed by R. Johnson and fifty-two others, calling attention to the same matter, and showing that Waitahuna Gully bein« a common it was unfair to impound cattle for which fees were paid.

Mr Oudaille, in movin" that the requisitions be received, mentioned that there was a lot of dissatisfaction among the residents of Waitahuna at the local poundkepper's action in impounding stock. Mr A. Sutherland was in attendance to support the requisition in favor of the removal of the pound. Mr Ford was opposed to the removal of the pound.

After a good deal of discussion (our report of which is held over till next issue), it was resolved, on the motion of Mr Oudaille : " That the question of the removal of the pound be deferred until next meeting of the Counoil ; the poundkeeper in the interval to bo requested to produrje hia books." PUNT RETURNS. The following are the punt returns for the month of January : ~ Beaumont 8 Roxburgh. Passengers ... 5600 1475 5891 Vehicles ... 553 324 -820 Horses ... 2596 1475 1116 Ca tie ... 198 1 • 67 Sheep and piga 3254 ... 101 m The fees received for the month of January were as follow : — Beaumont, £7 10s lOd ; Roxburgh, 4s 2d— total, £7 15s. Tenders for the following contracts were accepted on the recommendation of the Engineer : — No. 208— Formation of 42 ohains of the road Bpauimnt to Millers Fht, silunte near Connor's and in Craigie paddoclc— P. and R. Anderson. No. 209— Formnlion of 116 chains of roa'l, Beaumont to Mi'lers Flat, commencing in Craigie Diddock and extending to Horseshoe Bend.— W. N. Smyth. ACCOUNTS. Aocounts amounting to £11G5 193 Id were passed for payment. At, the evening? sitting of the Council the following resolutions were agreed to : ,—That road Luvrence to Blue Spnr be put in repair before winter ; that £300 be expended on main roan 1 , town boundary to Big Hill ; (hat £100 be expended on r"ad, Lawrence to Rp.und HiU j that £400 be expended on main road from Big Isl to. "County boundary.

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Tuapeka Times, Volume XVIII, Issue 1119, 14 February 1885, Page 3

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TUAPEKA COUNTY COUNCIL. Tuapeka Times, Volume XVIII, Issue 1119, 14 February 1885, Page 3

TUAPEKA COUNTY COUNCIL. Tuapeka Times, Volume XVIII, Issue 1119, 14 February 1885, Page 3


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