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Tuapeka Times. AND GOLDFIELDS REPORTER AND ADVERTISER. SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 1884. "MEASU RES, NOT MEN. " Local and General intelligence.

There were sixteen patients in tbe Hospital last night— fifteen males (including one Chinaman) and one female.

Mr Inspector Goyen paH the Waipori school a " surprise visit " on Wednesday last. We learn that the school was fouud to be in a satisfactory slate.

Monday next being St, Patrick's Day, on which the St. Patrick's Day sports will be held and some pic-uics and other pleasure excursions, the High School Committee have granted a holiday to the children ou that day.

In the report of the meeting lately held at Tuapeka Hotel re bag question, the figure* 25,000 bushels should have re id 25,000 bags — the quantity of grain expected to be produced in Tuapeka West this se-ison.

The one-fourth share in the dredge Excelsior, formerly held by Andrew Smith (deceased), was sold at auction at Dunkeld on Thursday by Mr Thompson, and realised L 195. The purchasers were Messrs Ger». Bennet and John Maileus.

The new railway tariff, which comes into force on the 17th instant, is intended to increase the revenue from railway sources by L 150.000 per annum. The passenger rates and goods ratea have beeu increased to make up the difference between the return of last year and the anticipated return of this.

The furthest away section of the Waipori road via Bungtown, which was in the hands of Mr Brunton, has been completed ; and Mr P. Ahem expects to be through with his portion in about ten days or a fortnight. A good deal has yet to be done on Messrs Ryan and Scott's portioD (the middle contract.)

A public meetiug was held at the Beaumont last Monday evening, at which it wa-i resolved to make applicatioii to Government for a grant of L2OOO to complete the formation of thu road from Beaumont to Millers Flat 'via east bunk of the Clutha river, and likewise assist in opening up by-roads to further the cause of settlement.

We were informed by telegraph yesterday that at a conference of delegates from several agricultural societies, held' at Milton, the following resolutions were agreed to :— (1) " That all grain ,be sold ou same terms as hitherto as to 'bags, and net cash to be paid for same within fourteen d=iys." (2) " That the Waihemo Society be asked* to iuyite. delegates from all . agricultural Societies ' in Otago to attend a conferenceto be held in Dunediu on the 22nd instant." ■ •

A match will be played to-day on the Lawrence bowling-green' between three rinks from the Dunedin Club and the followiug local players — viz.. Messrs Barron, Mitchhison, Abel, .and J. C. Brown (skip) ; Jeffery, Watson, Sutherland, aud Chalmers (skip) ; Smaill, Woods, Tanton, and M'Dmald (skip.) The following will, also play a return match at Milton on Monday against the Milton Clubviz., Messrs Mitchinson, Jeffery, Barron, Abel, Capes, Withers, Taylor,, and Messrs Smaill and M 'Donald, skips.

THE "Daily Times" of Thursday contains the following clever bit of character painting : —One of our " Old Identities," verging on fourscore years of age, while wending his way to Knox Church froni York Place on Sunday, was overheard addressing another old settler thua : " Weel, Mrs W , I hear they're busy pittin' up the singin' machinery in the kirk, and what's your opinion o' that? For my pairt I dinna care whether we ha'e the organ or tso. : " " Weel," replied the lady, " I think it's the heicht o1o 1 nonsense, an' if I kent hoo to work that dynamite, I wad blaw up the' organ an' the kirk tae. The folk are gauu clean wud nooadays."

The Ettrick Domain races, which take place ou Monday next (St. Patrick's Day), give promise, provided the weather continues fine, of beinpr very successful. Although the fields are not likely to be large, some good sport nevertheless may be expected. A good deal of in' terest is beinpr centred in the District Handicap, for which there are six nominatior.g— viz , Heron's Snider, Loudens Marksman. Gordon's Beatrice, Mervyu's Sir Audley, Gray's Flying Beauty, and Nicholson's Rosebud. The paucity of entries— Snider, Marksman, and Blackboy — for the Domain Handicap (the bier money of the meeting) has robbed that event of a good deal of the interest taken in it in former years.

At the Warden's Court yesterday, the fol-, lowing butiness.was done :— ln the application , of Hugh Irwin 'for residence area there was no , appearance. The application of Ah Yum and 'others for tail-race was withdrawn. In the application of S. Johnston and others for goldmining lease of section 14, block XVin., Tua« pek.a Eist, against the granting of which objections were lodpted by Edward Lawson, consideration wan adjourned till 28th March, in order that the Warden might; find out from MrCarewhow the> lease of 1879 to Morrison and Co. was granted, in regard to the Tuapeka Co. 'a water-race. The following applications were granted :— Patrick Hynes ana _George Sly the, extended claims j Wqn'Tak and others, tail-race; Chew Gow, residence area ; and r An Thung and others, extended claim and tailrace. Mr Copland appeared for the three last named applicants,

The sludge channel contracts are being proceeded with expeditiously. About forly iri'-n arc at work on the different TOiitrac's. The Messrs Anderson are proceeding with the pitching of the lower part of their contract,

The annual meeting of the M.U.1.0.0.F., Olago District, takes place tit the schoolhouse, Waikaia, to-day at ouo p.m. Bio. B. Hart represents the L >yal Tuapeka Pioneer Lid^e, aud Bro. E. Varcoe the Loyal Blue Spur L;<dge.v

At the Luid Board meeting on Wednesday, Messrs Bsstinas, Leaiy, and (Jo. requested that sections 40 to 43, block I, Crookston, be grouped and offered for lease for 10 years. — Agreed to, upset rental to be 21 per acre. Jarms Tumblyn renewed bis application to pusch.xse 10 acres of land situate between sections 2o and 52, block ii, Tgyjot. ,J^ferr A eoVjUKlue .Warden to report as Wof-j^c'ions A]>;»lic.iMo:is to purchase under deferred-paymeut lease were agreed to as follow : Ashley Cliff >rd, section 2, block xvii, Crookston ; T. White, sections 31 and 35, block vil, Wai pa hi. • ' "

We learn from the "Courier" that the Tapanui races, held on the 6th and 7th instant, passed off very successfully. lbi<ut LIOOO was put through the totalisator dm ing the two diys. Of the fii-st day, the District Hurdle race was won by' Cuddy : the Tnpanui Handicap by Mr Mervyn's Blackboy; tho Maiden Plate by Cuddy ; and the Novel race by Misfortune. On the second day, Ihe Hurdle lace was won by Roderick ; the Hack Selling race by Badger ; the Jockey Club Handicap by Warwick, Prosporo second and BUckboy ihtrd ; the Commercial Travelleis' Purse by Warwick, Blackboy being second ; the Welter- weight Handicap hy M»BS Griffiths, Sir Audley second ; aud tho Consolatiou Handicap by Fidget.

It will be seen from the programme published in our columns that the annual St. Patrick's day's sports are to be held on Monday next, beginning at 12.30 sharp. From the liberal prizes offered for the various events, and granted anything like favorable weather, we may expect a large gathering and keen competition among the contestants. The entertainment announced for tbe evening is arranged so as to be attractive to a variety of tastes, and con. sists of siugiug, dancing, and a farce ; the whole to conclude with a dance, for which efficient musicians have been engaged. We wish our Hibernian friends fine weather and a lirge gathering to take advantage of the liberal programme provided both for the day's sport and the evening's entertainment.

A FATAL accident under peculiarly d:stresßing circumstances occurred near Macraes oa Wednesday evening. Ir, appears (siys the " Herald") that a settler named Campbell was taking home a load of firewood iv a dray drawn by a couple of hniaes. When descending a short decline, and while endeavouriug to put on the brake, he got entangled in the reins, and falling, the wheel passed over his head, and killed him instantaneously. His wife walking behind the dray at the time, and was a witness of tin unfortunate accident.' The deceased was for a long time a head shepherd for Sir F. Dillon Bell, but some time ago took up an area of land on his own account in the Macraes district. He leaves a veiy large family.

At a sitting of the Assessment Court held yesterday before J. N. Wood, R.M., iv regard to excessive valuation on property within the Boiough, Messrs John Copland, W. Hay, T. Humphrey and Geo. Black lodged objection*. The valuations ou two tenements in Peel-street, belonging to Mr Copland were reduced from L 25 to Ll2, and from L 24 to Ll6 respectively. The valuation on the house and office occupied by Mr Copland was adhered to. The valuation of L 35 on blacksmith's shop, etc., in RossPlacp, occupied by W. Hay, was alsoadheied t<\ The valuation of three houses in East Ward, belonging to Mr Humphrey, was reduced from L2B to L2O. The valuation on a house and garden in East Ward, belonging to Mr Black, was reduced from L3O to L2O. Mi Uren represented the Borough, and Mr John Thompson acted in the capacity of expert, valuator on his behalf.

In connection with tho recant election of three raembeis of the Edncili'm Board, the " Cromwell Argus "' says thnt a good deal of interest was manifested iv the result, a strong under-current of influence having been brought to bear in certain quarters for the return of the three retiring members. Some gentlemen of the Board seemed to have a piou* horror of Di Macgregor having a seat with them, and the endeavours to keep him out were in some c.\:?es not very creditable. We think it fortunate that the majority of committees did not allow themselves to be affected either by threats or promise?, as there is uo doubt that the substitution of Dr Macgregor for Mr Eliler will be a deciiled advantage to the educitional iuterests of Otago. EJucatiou Boards, like other governing bodies, are all the better for a change iv personnel occasionally, especially when the services of really good men, such as IK' Macgregor, are available.

THE contractors (Messrs Elgar and Co.) for the construction of tbe piers, abutments, &c, of the Roxburgh bridge are making goorl headway. Ou tbe western bank the masonry woik is almost finished : the piers have been erected and only require to be capped; and the excavatious are also ready for the moorings for the anchorages. Ou the eastern bank good progress ia also being made, despite th' difficulties arising from the pc 'uliar nature of the ground The erection of the abutments is rapidly drawing to completion. The tunnels for the moorings have been excavated for some considerable time. The whole of the masonry presents a most solid and substantial appearance, aud should be able to resist the action of the turbulent .waters of the Molyneux. A goodly number of men are employed, and the reports of blasts are pretty frequent, as a visit to busy the scene of operations confirm*. The coutr.ictors anticipate that their contract will be completed in about six weeks' time, when no doubt the County Cuuncil will be prepared to go oa with the supeistucture.

.The Engineer laid on the table at yesterday's sitting of the Tuapeka County Council his usual mon'.hly return, giving details »f expenditure and progress oE County woiks for the month of February. The expsuditure amou :ted to £1 649 17s 7d as follows :— Upper Ridings, £341 18s 9d ; lower Riding. £332 ION 41 ; Government votes, £975 8i 6 1. The cot of surfacing and repaiiinir the Conuty roads for the month totalled £217 2s Uil ; the uumber of surfacemen employed aud expeaditure in Ihe several Ridings being as follow : — Waitahuna (4 surfacemen), £23 ; Clarks (2), £12 Hi 6.1 ; Waipori (3), £29 19< 6 1 ; Gabriels (5). £30 10< ; Browns (4), £27 ; Beaumont (5), £32. 3s 61 ; James (3), £20 6s ; Teviot (6), £52 5* -6.1 ; Tapanui (1), £10. There were also five surfacetneu employed at a cost of £38 on works being carried oa by Government votes. The cost of woiking and maintaining the punts for the past month amounted to £65 10>, the expenditure being as follows :— Roxburgh, £17 19s ; Beaumont, £23 Is ; Millers Flat, £24 10*. Four contracts were completed during the month — viz , gravelling Tuapeka Flat road (£228 15s 2<1); road near,.Edie's (£l4l 7s); road at O'Brien's corner (£553 2< 3<1) ; and gravelling road to Waipori (£71.) The number of contracts in progress was fourteen ; and the number against which " no progress " was written was eleven. Tenders had been called for four works— road Edie's to Dunrobin ; bridge over Shingle Creek ; construction of viaduct at Havelock ; and formation of road leadiog into Waipori bush.

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Bibliographic details

Tuapeka Times, Volume XVII, Issue 1024, 15 March 1884, Page 2

Word Count

Tuapeka Times. AND GOLDFIELDS REPORTER AND ADVERTISER. SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 1884. "MEASURES, NOT MEN." Local and General intelligence. Tuapeka Times, Volume XVII, Issue 1024, 15 March 1884, Page 2

Tuapeka Times. AND GOLDFIELDS REPORTER AND ADVERTISER. SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 1884. "MEASURES, NOT MEN." Local and General intelligence. Tuapeka Times, Volume XVII, Issue 1024, 15 March 1884, Page 2


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