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(From' an Occasional Correspojidtnt.)

The Tuapeka Dramatic Club gave an entertainment, for the benefit of the Tuapeka Hospital, in the Commercial Assembly Rooms, Bridge Hotel r on Thursday, the 3rd inst. In spite of the bad weather, there was a large and appreciative audience. The curtain rose to the two-act drama, "Time Tries All;" and seldom indeed has such a display of sensible acting and brilliant execution been witnessed on the part of amateurs. The delight of the audience was testified by frequent and vigorous rounds of applause, which were, however, well earned by the ladies and gentlemen on the stage. I have had the pleasure of seeing Mr. Bastings before, but I am almost inclined to think that on thia occasion he excelled himself. Nor trere his supporters far behind ; the grace and elegance with Which Miss Vye carried on a peculiarly difficult part; the exquisite humor of Mrs. Parker, as Fanny Fact; Mr. Downes, as Matthew Bates ; Mr. Twigge, as the Hon. Augustus Yawn ; Mr. Mears, as Tom Tact, and Mr. Sutherland, as Charles Clinton, all served, by their spirited performance of their respective shares in the entertainment, to bring the curtain down on a moat successful and gratifying display of talent. During the interval between the two pieces, Mr. Sutherland sang, " Kafnsalem/' and, as usual, received a clamorous encore. He was followed by Mr. Bayliss, of Waitahuna, who was paid a similar compliment. Mr. Devonshire then sang, " John Bull " (comic), and, on being encored, gave, "Allsop, Bass and C 0.," to the great delight of the audience, with whom his comic style seemed to take admirably. In a short time the curtain rose to the screaming farce of "Taming a Tiger," which was performed in a manner calculated to extract laughter from a Btoic. The inimitable abandon with which Mr. Downes personified a Traveller in Wines cannot be too highly praised ; nor must I forget the excellent style of Mr. Farrer, as the Merchant, and Mr. Mears, as his servant, which fairly took the house by storm.

After the performance, Mr. Heath rose and thanked the audience for their support and attention. All would cordially unite with him, he felt assured, in tendering their warmest thanks to the Tuapeka Dramatic Club for their talented and disinterested effort 3in the cause of charity. A more pleasant and improving evening's entertainment tluift the one then concluded could hardly ß> provided. After the performance, the' ladies of Waitahuna Bridge entertained the Dramatic Club to supper, after which Mr. Bastings, who occupied the chair, proposed the toast of " The Ladies," which I need hardly say wa3 enthusiastically responded to. The Chairman then proposed, "The Committee," which was heartily received, and replied to by Mr. Heath in a neat and telling speech. The company then dispersed, well satisfied with their evening's enjoyment* I cannot, before concluding, refrain from expressing some acknowledgment for the servicesof Mrs. Oudaille, in laying out and superintending the Supper-table ; to her skillful and judicious management a good deal of the pleasure derived from the festive gathering may be attributed.

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Bibliographic details

Tuapeka Times, Volume I, Issue 31, 12 September 1868, Page 3

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WAITAHUNA. Tuapeka Times, Volume I, Issue 31, 12 September 1868, Page 3

WAITAHUNA. Tuapeka Times, Volume I, Issue 31, 12 September 1868, Page 3