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MiBWEEK COMPETITION. The secondary schools mid-week competition resumed last week and nioet of th© sramen w err g-ot off. Mr C. \T. Allard, th© secretary of the competition, desires me. to inform tho various school? that the results pro not- coming in to liiru punctually. Thera is no reason why these results should not t»e ir: his hands* fev the Saturday following ♦•he matches, and all teams should do their to gel them sent in promptly. SENIOR GRADE. Christ's College A played Bojf' High School A and v ere substantially defeated by ffii to 0. Mortlook (31, Porterfield (2). Harris, Fleming. M’Millan. Berry and Crumb scored. Crorab converted three trie*. The Christ’s College B team also, went down in their match against St Bede's College A, being defeated by «i to 3. T. Muilau a.nrl Evans scored for St Bede’s College end Hutchinson for Christ’s College. Owing to some confusion regarding grounds the match between Boys’ High School C and West Christchurch. District High School was not played. B*: vs’ Hich School B won by default- irom Technical College. JUNIOR GRADE. St- "Bede's College. A defeated Christ's College B bv -21 to 0. hLoben. who played at first tive-rigliili, was the principal acoxer for tbr winners. Co ust’a College A met suid defeated St TV'le’s College B by *2G to 0. Trip© (31, Weston (lb Batchelor (11 and Smyth (1) , scored tries for tbe winners. Bullen convor: ccl four tries. f.wins to injuries. West Christchurch Dis--11 it High School had to default to Boys’ High School A. St Andrew’s College played Boys High School B and vrou by ll to 0. H. Dowliug and M’Naughtou each scored a try for St Andrew's, Hunt converting oue try and Uiokmg a. penalty goat. BOXING. The Christs’ College boxiner class started if* activities for this season last week. The High School class bus been steadily at work i-r some time, although operations were suspended during their holidays. There are about forty boys in the Christ s College class, which is under the able tuition of Mr R. Mavze, who also conducted it last year Af- Mayze was also boxing coach at Christ.*? College previous to the war. Towards the end of this term College will hold their annual championship, end it is suggested that a similar tournament will be arranged at the High School. It. would be a goort idea if a competition could be arranged between th© champions of the two schcois. DEBATING. The Debating Society at. the Boy?’ High School held their opening evening last Saturday. There was au attendance or fortyejx. the subject for discussion being That the New Zealand Government has been justified in interfering with freedom of speech and thought.” Mr G. Lancaster, patron of the society, was present, and Hr J H E Sbioeder (president 1 acted as judge. Tbe "srjeecbes were of a tjisrb order, all tbospeakers showing marked improvement- on their last year's efforts. Tu tb* genera! discussion, many interesting speeches were forthcoming, the nudicncc hoinq ready witn quick retorts and humorous interject ions. G-at of a possible murks tbe following wore tbe host speakers:—F. J- Jacobs (111, VT. W. Brassingt-on (40V C. L. lvmg HebcvKeM (29V IV T. Okev (23) and Rule 24). On points the affirmative won by *- i 0 J 3U t ou being put to the meeting the motion was lost bv 27 votes to_ } The Christ's College Debating Society wul hold their first mectiosr for tins season next Saturday. The. subject (or discussion Jibs not been decided as yet. The next mee.Tng of the High School Soemtv will be ne.d feather and other circumstances permitting,

secondary notes

RUGBY FOOTBAT.LVoat rf tbe secondary ter,ms jf tbe Ru-bt Unions compet:!’on last and Muml tho majority of them secured victories- -, r^e, vc ’ >Tich School In the third trradc ■ o r v dcfau n. first fifteen won irom ' . * c P Ci: tram has iust recently been enter?*J ’ * third grade, to take the plsce o. A. who withdrew earlier in tne 'J- ~ • , Saturday Christchurch only muster-a o* _■• r,levers,’ Slid needless to sey were a.-,.01ut. ; routed. The. final score. w«^mcv:bAe t jn Ihl 'match' 1. iohe. would be well advised to v it no. a a team if they cannot get a full team ui tI The e same between St Bede's College and I inn-cod \ Produced a rcallv good esbibiiM.^'iheiVT^flv^W^r? iu th"’forwards, who consietently fed the ball to their fast and er.eryrtic backs. In tbe first spell the game was there b-ein o ' no score at hali-tune. Dm .n_ the second spell, however St Bede s soon anapped their smierionty. C. O Comic* s.Ol iW two trie- -hilst A. Cullen, their futeen’V” n- e r .U—L+li n’=o «-ot aoross. Tu© Slim® rdaver "also* kicked a penalty goal and V Bloke! converted one try.. The «-ml yrorp thus was 14 to 0 m favour 01 in .be fourth grade. Bov.’ Hub School Mcond fifteen met/ Christ’e Colleee third at tho College cricket V M° SUnZ ?he :h Bo^ tr rairh”svWl ' "’ .featlff'bv rn to'n '*'tbe Hie!' School gnat kid int mL evt? Poor. Their second team is a strong combination thia year. and. although they excel -in their Hie -f«r division i? usually well mi to the mar-. On Saturday however, tlm f:, 3cd te handle tbe ball with the slightest degree of acouraev, and of the two sides College had "h. surer rear-uard. Horner <3t. Miles fii, fineeltt (*m Skimvorth (21. Moffat, Hlndenach S atlii scored tries. J. Powell and Holmes converted one caco. . Ghrist’s College pecond fifteen played Kai«V oi at’ Kampoi and went, down to the turr of 22 to R AtAVilliam and Levis scored tries for Ofniege. ... in,-*ri St Andrew’s College firpt- # off— n plated T.inwood lit th« st Andrew s grouuo. and obtained an chsi' \ iiton T 1 1 3 no to u. - M* Slops (3V T) Af’Crostie (2). -1- Ciirrirk (-2)’. Locknoad <2.». F- Anderson (l). Mitchell < l). and Mortlock (D scored tries for the winners. A- W. Sloss kicked a penalty and converted fix tries. F- Anaersoa converted two tries. M’est Christchurch District High School first fifteen, playing in the fifth, met B Company Cadets B "n Albion ground, ptvl scored a win bv 6 ; oints to 3. h. Holmes scored two trie? for AVesl Christ- ' Marists on the Hisrh School ground, and si srood gam® resulted in a win for the former bv 11 to 4. Mason (2) and Mortlook scored tries. Mortlock converting one. Ope of vhe Marist plavers potted an exceptionally fine- goal from the midst of a forward scramble- „ , St Bede's College second fifteen played B Company Cadet? A at the College, end won bv 43 to 0. Payne played a very good game for I he winners, scoring the majority of the tries. Christ's College fourth fitt.een won by default. from D Company Cadets. The match between Boys’ High School third fifteen and Tvaia.poi was plavetl at Kaiapoi and ended in 3 victory for the former by fil to 0. Rain (*2V Mortlock (*2V Fleming (2). Cromb (6). and Thacker scored tries. Cromb converted six tries. Technical College first fifteen had a gooci victory over C Comnany Cadets by 31 to 0. Burnie (9). Piper (2). Lane »1) and Ruspell (2) scored tries for Technical. Five tries were converted. The game between Merivale and b* Andrew's College second fifteen was very close, both Fides scoring a. try and kicking a penalty g-oal, the game therefore ending '■ all. Rainey scored for St Andrew s and Alexander drop kicked a penalty goalIn the sixth grade the M’est Christchurch In the sixth grade, the West Christchurch District High School second fifteen, owing to several players being injured, was forced to default, to St. Andrew’s thirds. Tochnical College second fifteen played Boys’ High School at Lancaster Park, and <lefim.ted them by I*2 to 0. Marshal! (’A. Jarden (1) and Hays (1) scored tries for Technical. A very even game took place when St Bede's third played Boys’ High School fifth, on Lancaster Park Oval. T?r>th fides showed good football, the St Bede's side winning r>y 3 to 0. Giogaa scored a try for tbe winners. This season, so for. has been remarkable for casualties and sickness in the rauks of the various secondary teams. Christ’s Colleee at present have tour players on the sick list. T. F. Sheen, who was laid up with • diphtheria last term, is expected to play lor College next Saturday.

A. R. E. Trent, who earlier in the season was playing a fine game in the three-quarter line, ba.s not been on the field foi’ some time, but there is a fair chance of his get- _ heck to the game later this season. l who is suffering from a kick on the knee, will not be able to play for at least another fortnight. J. H. Nalder, who was so sare as full-back 1 apt season, will not ho able to play at all this year owing to an operation for appendicitis. Severn! others on tho Colleco side have been in capacitated notably R. O. Talbot, their vicecaptain, v.-no is now placing a good game in tn© rear division. , 8 , School ha ve had more than tneir share of injuries this rear already•. out It IB hoped that for once in a. way u°Su Wl> - ,^" eir tuIJ aide out next round. Both three-quarters, C. E. Low and , ;. D. perren. have been damaged, the latter l>eing laid up for some time with an injured knee. During his aSscnce from the team C'. L. Allen played on the left v 7 ing in his place, nut this player hae now- • eit tbe school and last Safcuraav v.-ae in the Boys fourth grade team. The contre tnree-quarter, F. J. Jacobs, and U , • P a >- five-eighth, have both beeu laid up, but now are fit to play. Their ©ulv casualty m tho forwards J. T. Burrons, who was unable to plav at the end ot tbe first, term owing to a. kick upon the „? e 2V ! hr >' ” re rr , no v without the services schoof ir % ”ho has loft the St Bede’s College have not been so bad.--o. as Boys High School and Christ's Coilege, and their team, has been showing great torm or late. However, they have three of tneir players over the age limit for tho ALoascar Gup competition, and so the team wul be slightly weakened when thev .-.lay tbo other secondary Schools of Christchurch. J. x ayue, who plaj.-ed an exceptionallv heade game in t ne:r second fifteen last Saturdav wiU undoubtedly bo pi a yin- at half-back rci their firsts in these matches. He is, a very brainy player, one who always Coes tbe unexpected in a- game, and he should do well ju both these matches. As Linwood went down to Lvttelton West, the game between Riccarton and Opaw». wnich was played at tbo Polo tteound. has practically finished thr interest :n the Junior competition. The Riccarton forwards were too good for Opawa, who had ?r° T l lCaVy baclcs ' rllo times threatened tbe_ Riccarton line. The final score 'vas 0-d in favour of Riccarton. G. Smith, F. Price and A. Fletcher scored tries for the winners. and the Opawa right wing threequarter scored for the losers. Mr A. H. Guiney was referee. Fendaltou defaulted fo Somerficid. St Albans played Shirley on Boys' H:ch School No. -2 ground, and defeated them bv 32-nil. Barr Bcored two tries and R. Flewellyn one try for St Albans. Brvdon kicked a penalty goal. The best of the Shirley side were Armstrong and Colville. LIGHT-WEIGHT GRADE. The fifth, round of this grade was «rot off last week. Six games were played. Shirley defaulting to Sydenham. The positions a? regards championship points are:— Elmwooc and Sydenham (5 point?). Marist Brother* points), AVcst Christchurch 1.4. points’ l Waltham (3t points). Addington A and Richmond (3 points). East Christchurch a.nd formal <2 points., W harenui (1J point), St A: Pans (1 point). I* endalton -A point;. Addington B and Shirley iu points). St Albans scored their first viotorv wh“n teiey played Fcndalton on Boys’ High" School Ac 2 ground last week. The game was closely contested throughout, the final score being 6 points (a try by each by W. Burley and R. Campbell; to 3* (a, try by K. Mortlock). Broadbead and Gordon in the forwards and N. MThail and F. Aldous in the backs were the best oi the winning side. The Fedalton forwards worked haid. the best c£ them being X. Wallis and M. Jackson. G. Lid. T". Berry’ and L. Berry also did goo<x work in the pack. The best backs on tLre side were G. Sansom. G. Dew and JM'Call. East Christchurch played 'Waltham on the military ground, and although they put up a good fight were defeated by 15-nil. N. Macfarlane played a very good game for Waltham, scoring two tries. Bayliss and Kerr each scored a try. and \Y. Oliver dropkicked a penalty goal. The Waltham side have some, very useful forwards in W. Oliver. X. Macfarlane and Wedereu. "Bayliss and IT. Macfarlane wore the pick of their backs. Kirton, Eastwood and C. Blazcy played well in tbe East forward division, whilst D. Qua id. H. Macarthy and C. Chick were good backs. Mr Smith was referee. West Christchurch had an easy victory over Addington B ou the South Park. Th? West boys had the better of the gam* throughout and ran the score up to 24-ni? by the cud of the match. Tries were scored : v G. M’Nully (3). L. Kinsman r2), W. Barnett ’2) and C. Haase (1). Menzies. M’Guire and Tauper also well for West, whilst Edward. Knipe. Clarlc and Picket were the best rdayers on the losing side. Mr Jackman was referee. Richmond defeated Wharenui on Christchurch "round by 12-nil. H. Vincent (2'. R. Davidson (1) and L. Hamilton (I) scored fries for the winners, none being converted Tn addition to those who -cored. C. Harwell and A. Bdl played well for the Richmond team. Wharenui, although beaten by a fairly largo margin, plaved well throughout their best players being D. M’Kintev and Tv. Lennox, whilst C. Smith and O. Manson also did a fair share of the work. Normal went down fo Elmwood to the tune of 28-nil at Merivale ground. The. Flmw-od bovs were far si”- r wior both individually and a team. Tbe Normal boys rdayed' pluckily. however. R. Hazelburst. J. Gapes anrl Johnston doing good work irt the forward?. K»rr. R. -Tones and T-oowcr were the best of their backs. D. Jack f'2'\ A. Rich 2‘. G. Hart. J. Suckling. S. BorgfelcP and A. M.’Cuish scored tries for ElmivW. S. Borgfcldt converting two tric^Marist Brothers nlsvoj Addington A stSydenham Perk, ind although the game was fairlv even if ended 13 to O in favour cf Man'M. Tn the first snell Addington prac-c-r,-- Marvt •’ cottole of tries, but after half-time both sides played better football «he Addington d-fence improving considerably. J • Searle. E. Sloan and C. T«r«*y in the forwards, L. Pinridon and F. Britt, in the back", slaved well for the losers. Afarisf scored four tries, Daley, Scully. O'Connor and M'Donell -each registering one. M'Donell did pome excellent place kicking, converting three tries-. HOCKEY. The second round of the hockey compete • t ion va? played last Saturday. All wren -anaer, were got off. five being played at Hospital Corner and two at Sydenham Fark. -M lot ting one notet for a victory and half a point for a drawn came, the position oi the. teams ;sßedcliffs. Sydenham A and Wharenui (2 points' l . Svdenham B and West Christchurch ‘U point'. Em* Christchurch A Linwood. Normal A and Wooistou B •j----noint), Beckenham aud East Christ churmi B iJ. point). Normal B, Somerfield ana WoolBt Sydenham A played Somerfield at Svdenham Park N>->. 1 ground, and scored s goad win bv 10 goals to 0. R. Adamson player, a tine "ame tor Sydenham, shooting five goals. The other scorers n-ere A. Cooper (21, Tomlinson. Pearce end J. -Eowison. M. C. Bellamy was referee. The game between Sydenham B and A orm8 ’ T - or v evenly contested, the former carrvinp the victory bv °- Both soalf wre nco-cl hr O Conuell m the hri.t npc-11. Mr C. '-VcO. rf^-e. West Christchurch easily delected AormaJ B. -ho -vheii d-fendins the V«U hr tri> iv.-iei- towards the centre ot the fielo The ar.,l score -vac « sroal. to tv f»df Powell ill. Corsbie iff »nd Dgim (.' scored for the winners. Mr A. Beaton va. ie Eas‘‘ Christchurch B and Beckenham, rdavpd a - erv t .en game at Sydenham Park Vp‘ 2 ground. Each eide scored t_hre- ~ s Stokes. Whittington and Mansfield Fone each), for East, and G. Wilsofi. for Beckenham, scored goals. Air A. Mather itedcliffs beat East Christehtirch A bv 55 goals to 0. although the latter put ‘jp a lair game. Thomas, who scored six goals, played a grand game for Redcliffs. S'rebbU and Sandf<ud also scored for Xhm wuincis. Mr T. Ma-ckie was v^ere«*. The. game between Wharenui aud \\ c-o. Eton B was fairlv even, ihe former winning bv 4 gos-lr. tel. B Gas (3.) Henry til stored for Wharenu;. Tbs ecorpr fm Woolston was Kinley. Mr H. Smith was who defau’ted D?+ week, bea* Woo Ist on A by 4 goals to 1 Davies <1 and Buchenan (1) scored fo- Linwood Snellirig shot a goal for Woolator.. Mr I». Hassell was referee. ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL. St Mary’3 played Spreydon at Hagley Park laet Friday, and a good gome resulted in a draw, neither side scoring, though there was hard play on both sides. Mr Davev was referee. The gaane between St s and Cashmere was also a tight- go neither aid© having much advantage °ver the other, although the standard of play on both sides was high. The final score was ashmere 1, St Michael's 0. but the result might very easily have been reversed, a- sen**, of the losing side played en excellent gam** .The draw for next Fridav is -St Marv'«

v. Ca?hmere. Tiaglcy Park. No. t 1 \te Davev): St. Michael's v. Sprcydou. HagJsy Park No. 3 (Mr H. I'iogg^xH*

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 16454, 16 June 1921, Page 3

Word Count

SCHOOL AND PLAYGROUND. Star (Christchurch), Issue 16454, 16 June 1921, Page 3

SCHOOL AND PLAYGROUND. Star (Christchurch), Issue 16454, 16 June 1921, Page 3


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