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Business Notices. i , — — — 1 ■- : ' — i 1 1 i ..■ ■ GOODS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. TO THE PUBLIC,— In presenting the following Quotations from our LATEST PRICE LTST, we beg to draw attention to the fact that our constant aim and policy, from the start has been to bring Customers and Manufacturers into Direct Communication, without the intervention of the Middleman, or so-called merchant. ' • . That this policy has been eminently successful is evidenced by the fact that WE NOW HOLD THE LARGEST BETAIL TRADE IN CHBISt CHUBCH, WELLINGTON and DTfNEDIN, aud consequently our large turnover and advantageous buying power in London enables us to SELL OUR GOOIiS in BETATL QUANTITIES at LOWER PRICES FOX CASH than otber Importers can afford to Bell Wholesale Parcels at Thus it will ba seen that in supporting us the Public aTe SAVING MONEY, and directly beneflting themselves. Finest Milhquin Fugar (ho higher price)... 2*d Finest Cream Tartar, per lb lssd TEA. TfiA Wa Colonial Candles, perlb .. .. ' ... 5d Neave's Food, per tin ... iod TTI T„ . ' „ J " CiA - English Wax Candles, per lb 6}d Bobiasbn's Patent Groats, per tin „. . 8d ORIENT .BRAND, per lb .„ ,„ ii( a English Fluted Wax, perlb 6ld Wbeatmeal for Bread or Porridge, 251 b ... 2«9il MATCIiLESS BKAND, per ib isGd IbNWI a»a,» • Brown's Cornflour 3d Wheatineal „ „ ab ... Is WTiWALAYA fMoiintain Bi>»nf^ «» h. . „» ' Fresh Herrings (flat tinsj 6*d Dome Bkck lead, per dot 6d H S L <^^ oU "r^ Btend) ' Ie1 ' cr 1 tb K ••• Finest Tapioca, per lb ... ... ... ... l*d Oakey's Knife Powder, per tin 5d PUBE CEYLON, per lb 158d,25.2a4d Finest Sago, per lb ... lid Oatmeal, 251 b bags 2s 9d STATION TEA, per lb ia6d.ia.4d Best Currants, cleaned, per lb ... ... 4d Lunch Biscuits 2Jd ; • Best SuManas, cleaned, perlb s|d Gingernuts... , 53 Good Valentiaßaisins, perlb ... ... 3fd Mixed 4a MILLAOTTIN STTaAT? Muscatel Raisins, perlb 5d Sardines 4dandßd JUJJjUAVJUJLW BUUAJS. Finest Sheeps' Tongues, lib tins 8d French Pluuis SA No « l QWhty. Finest Sheeps' Tofigues, 21b tins Is4d. Dried Apricots iod 2Jb PEB LB. Best Brands Kerosene, t»s tin, 12s ense 21b Glass, j ars "K" Jam .... iagd 2U PEB CWT. >«« WAEDELL BEOS. & CO.

SEE WHAT THE NEWSPAPEBS SAY ABOUT G-AWNE'S WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. "SOUTHLAND TIMES," Jane 7, 1889, says:- --« OOME people insist strongly at timea upon everybody else patronising local inuastriea, whether J3 the commodity in view be dearer than the imported article or not. It is a patriotio duty, &o*. &o. Bat it may be doubted whether such advisers always follow their own counsel when a stalling may be saved by suppressing their principles. Happily there are many instances in Which it is perfectly safeto give such advice, eves on the score of economy. A case in point occurs to us. Mr Gawne, of Dunedin, has for some time past been manufacturing an excellent sauce intended to supply tne place ot tb famous ' Worcester *of Lea andPerrins. Mr Gawno'B product goes under the same name, and ia got up in precisely the same style, and in every respect it is so like the original that it may be doubted whether the most delicate palate and the most experienced eye conld detect a difference. The Sauce has now been introduced to this market, andas it is only about half the price -of the English make, it should undoubtedly command a lnrposale." FBOM ALL STOHEKEEPEBS, AND WHOLESALE FBOM THE MANUFACTURERS, W. GAWNE & CO., „ GEORGE STREET, DUNEDBS, HENRY IVEY & CO., AGENTS, GLOUCESTER STREET. VITADATIO, THE GREAT HERBAL REMEDY, HAS CUBED MR PALMES. COPY OF MB PALMEE'S CREDENTIALS. AptK 17th, 1896. Tbis is to Certify that we, the Undersigned, liave known Mr Palmer us a ReSKtent-of Invercargillfor great many years. . We know he has been a great snfferer for 14 years, and he never was expected to recover, but as the result of taking a course of Vitodsrtio, he has- quite recovered his long-lost health, and he now appears to us to be quite a new man (Signed) Names. Address. John Sinclair, Mayor „ ... Invercaxgill. Jno. W. MitchelL Merchant, J.P Invercargill. Peter Wright Jones, Primitive Metnodist Minister... Invercarg'Tl. George Froggatt, J.P. Invercargill. OBTAINABLE WHOLESALE & RETAIL; E. W. HALL, 152, ABMAGH STBEET, CHBISTCHUB andJLeading Chemists Xl6Bl IMPORTANT. READ THIS. NEW SPBING and SUMMEB GOODS how to -m/fTEirS KAIAPOI TWEED SUHS.I9S lld, hand in all the leading shades and colourings. JJJL 26s 9d, 32s 6d and 39s 6d. New Dresses, New Blokes, New Millinery, New *™'\f^&\2Zf^^™ E^ an{U Hatß, Naw Bonnets, New Flowers and Ss i{XL> lOs 9d tnd - J2s "«• Feathers, New Capes, New YOUTHS' ALL-WOOL SUITS lGs 9d, 18s-9d. 21sf Corsets, &c, &c. 6d, 25s 6d. TWEED DBESSES mIdeTO ORDEB, fes BOYS' K.B^SUITS, from 4*>9d to 6a 9d, ?sad,los COMPLETE, MEN'S HARD FELT HATS-3s lia, 4s lid, 5b OB SELECT YOUB OWN MATERIALS, lld a3ld 6s lld - AU sUe9 ' aitd we will. MEN'S SOFT FELT HATS— 2s 6d, 2s lld, 3sJld MAKE YOUB DEBSS FOB 10s 6d. andislld. All sizes. No sundries Charged. BOYS' AND YOUTHS' STBAW HATS-ls, Is 6d, Is lld, 2s 6d. , STYLE, f FINISH, FIT AND WOBK SUITS MADE TO OEDEB, all-Wool Tweeds, 45e, GUARANTEED. 655 « 75s> SEE OUB NEW MILLINEEY AT BEADY All Work done ontlie Premises by CASH PRICES. Experienced Operators. W. M'CLEA & CO., W. M'CLEA & CO., READY CASH DBAPEBS, BEADY CASH CLOTHIERS, 210, HIGH STBEET. 210, HIGH STBEET. rEPA^S best *|!|^ •©^*'^"'^V ; ': mW*^^ . AMD JEWJLWXXL -■•i' p "^^N^*;mi| L^- — /&3,mCff BT CMR^SfCWIRCvCVs^: GOOD NEWS FOE OaBPULBNT PEOKLSj PETTOLAOCA ££BLfiTS AND JITIGE. A BASK KSKKX>T~IH THS 13UUTXS3SFF O? OBESITY OK'COKPULBWCYFr»m time iMuaemorikl it haa ]*em notice* that fciwlrtodißtfwtke Pbytolaceo Berriw taowirrwo leaa, yet retamed their health porfeeOy. Theearßort mesxtisu n K^iral Weria w»«an ftadof tbererncdy U in SmWs "thm BeHwdkw/* 'p. 561 : — " I ODcevnsgorted tho lTyrtoiaccft as a xaraedy in fatty dcnsßenikm of tk» kaact oad ta*kj heart (birds which read oa tte berries km all theft- adipoes^icnißt. , / T«DrW. M. GrtfUh^ngoiftr jnctetieoat in P^naayJTani^hrfhPgaPthaAmwßrof havittgiaixioduced 'themnedyiapuotiee. In tffi^keysb&ebedan article on the adiject in th*"BJe4Se»lSaiaiHary i " tA \ T'liii^MfT.ia, aaaAsiwyrmm »n^ furjfrtm «rm± thaP^y^J^w-fl TtaHnpy Tw^tamtirf 111 l llilll IMWill£ ■ lllllliUlLllM teoatizißM to be nagieoted. Pboml tii».pttper-wecj:*r»eta»feUowing^- ] **71ie^«fti«oae«»<tM«rtri>btob«£a«oa<^-meaLßoinetiinesißcraHed They diaugish tit* ■ppetft»toaMne«xtatt. Infloiaooanw thegft^wction otTWiiehtri»a^PiarkaWc,aainoA-a3 15 to a>poni?dj( ) a mnath. Th&wo&oel&aari»tnawmtiy i*ripni»" | f-iih« > Pth^ « < *v • afeahng of liglitDcss^andcinafairt fellowa 'their adsebastre&m. o«e^)«Uaai4eeMd gcwMfegt-tfcree monfha, »nd snflared ao JBecmeiJeiiee; tfcei l«vaaf(a is-troisi lOto JS-pomDiimxtvoih. • • * I am-somewhat^grigfaed tiaat-aAntgngtaxHrfchaßnof ir«<»r»€dth*«ttßntk« ft noriiß. Pbytofacea Bma»«a«^otutoIodid»«('Bo«Mh t .aadjwtßindhrottie| )Tb«tDnatisza Gnaihcrty. I^aToHwaA-itafficacisiisin that paatai form of xisczcxaJOamat the«maaßd> ghoaldera, of which eataasy mniiUm Ife does nofrcoustipato th« bowels, hatrstber aotoaa«tMuieriaut > Jtt mauto hay« ttiewywer «f oextsixK Bbsazstion of adipoae tissue injk^rert deg^ea.** FHYTOLACOA BEBBY TABLETS AND JTJICfi lttw pa«ed ttao«htbelrezMckMKUl atere. |Se»tl w*at Dr Wiae has to 6s^«fcontthis xcaaaQy :— MMy erporMmoe is tbntfcbowt 75 per-ceet of corpulent yaople who tak« it rcdncettwir weieht. AH k&rpt&tnt poo^lsare xtwe or leMißdais«^er<rfa{Hmiei7«Bdjbenxtfaa}ax%^u^ r a»w^asb^ziieinnatbna, ace dram«y a»d he»»y abeot the joints and limbs. Now, Phjrtokoea wffl erory tinw rednoe tba firtty *BRflmetation oboa* tho heart, thereby faeilitatisg a free circuljrtian. It has tfee pvwer of dissolTing the fat, and thereby fee patient will feel light and active. It will often care rfeeoxmticst that has ««ii ed treatneatfor yean, particularly tiKo kiud that affects the shoulders and anae. P«t»maUy, I «aa report reindiottstit fleeh that would «aem,ahaoet incredible. For instance, I knew & £**& wh» 'vdflMd 8901 b nodnoed to 1901 b is three raon^u. I «toe t*»wof Kißiatar «< latter wb» Imm radueed •ttteir waist mhmbz* 9 to 12 tnchm." !phytoi*acca is an absolutely sake remedy sold by all chemists in . new zealand.

J XT 8 T B B <3 E I V E ». CALL AND SIB). gg DINNER SET om^Sto^. J2O SETS g^, TOILET SBTS liANDSOSEE DESIGNS, EXCEPTEOUAI, VAJOTE, AT MN^N^^BEA^iIEPOt 22&,x»i,0M8o j <sjßSarr. ±iaw f. /..,.. r KMABMALAM IB THE.BEST. I- .*, woob & uLimm COAL AKD TXHBEB MKBCHAAB9 BUILDmQMATEEIAIfi. Nothia» v tai^BsJfl**JM i yk»piliigtoek l Inspnttoa Jndtsd. BKwanss&^r^ntra^e '.kivkb. , xia CoontrT HDrdera PronqAly to. J. B MANSFIELD. MOWUMEMTAIi WO&KB Close to BROway Station, «wl"Pnl>Ho Ctoaeterj^iiiHsinooa, M3SHa»ar*he«donyatLeßa OoetPrSttT Telephoiw?SS. 30371 JtLj fecBIMSHAW UNDEggiLfcEat, FDENISHES PDHEBALS. AS'JTOXiLOWBi Adults' Fnneeals-irom ... £3 19 a ChadreaVi do do ...flies AUdroBS No. 41, DUBHAM STBEBT BOITTH. TelflpbonaM^43Q. gB Medioal. THOS. MUKIDGE, D.D.S^ DOCTOE OP DENTAL SUEGEET, CoLOHIAL BltmrAL BuiLDISO, HIGH STBEET. 9200 FEMALE PILLS. NEYBK FAIL. MRS DR STUART*S Bold ETerywhere,2flfliper boxj portSi Bd, Wholesale Agents, 5.Z. DrogCompny. PHTTOIiAGCA was discovered, fey obßerrinf that birds which fed on the herrXlß kept in perfect liealth, bnt lost all their trst. Stout people Elioaldnotfnil.totry it. 2b gdy-allokeiniate. X1568 THE only sure core for toothache— Marshall's Odonralgicon. It gives instant relief, and acts aa a-Btopping, thus preventing fxjrfher decay. Ib, everywhere. 1566 TOU are suffering from headaches. Ton want a certain said rapid core, well goto tho noarest chemist and get a box of Dr Crosslaad's Headache Powders (do not take imitations}, they will actiite magic ; 1b 6d a boiof 12. Z1668 MOHEY TO LBMD. riIHE Undoralgned has for Inu*»tmaat «Bd«u .1 Bomafcom £100 to £3^90 « Lwwostßrtßi oflnterest en Mortgage of Town, Corariaty, I BubarbanProperUea. Borrowers can pay off- ho whole or portfan.tit ti» BOBoys adraneed on Ting riiottcßonoe,^^ Bnaaonder £100 f nvoßtnteac on reMoaaD ** EDWD B. DEACON, OoHflitor, Haoißford StoeetChamhars, Christabnzalb MONEY LENT PRIVATELY AT AT Tli TLANTIC .&JOAN & J>lßCO«m OFFICE, 100, CASHEL STBEET, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel. LOANS from £5 to £5000 adTanoedin sums to gnit Borrowers upon Freehold. XaxuL Second Mortgages, Life Policies, Shares, Bills of Sale over Xile citook, Furniture, Goods, &c, and ProHnseory Notes, Loans repayable Weekly or Monthly, or aa maybe arranged. Bills Privately Disconntod and Eenewed, if necessary. Postal •coßrmnnicßtionsad" dressed to the Manager, Box 15, will receive prompt attention. No good application iv everrefoaed. All flpplicataonsstrioUy confidential. F C. BAPHAEli,. Manager. LOAN AND DISCOUNT COMPANY (80r«4,P.0.)'. IMPOBTAIST PTTBLIC NOTICE, rpEE above Company are now Prapared to abyai€e mmm m9UMBFEOM £10 to &WM& On^Beraonal SeoFtity, iHlla of Sale, Kortgagt "* Beveraioszr j latereßfeunder Wills, or any tangible Beonrity of any kind. Having Agents in Australia, and London, we n prepared to maka-tdvanoaeon Wills a SpemaHty. Bills Discounted Daily and Bestowals JBOeotrnd Y. HABBIS, Manager, OFFICES-m, LICHVIEX-D STBEET. (EataWishfid 1804»)1

THE CELEBBATED K TOMATO SAUCE IS UNEQUALLED. IP you MUST SMOKE, smoke nothing else but CAMERON'S NEW VENUS TOBACCO, The Purest and Most Delightful Tobacco ever introduced onto this market. X2876 a WANTED Known— Kincaid'aGJ.C. for Cey liaAoJXm. X1&18

CJobonet Making 3?owdeb. CORONET BAKING POWDER is The Champion Aid to Cookery. COBONET BAKING POWDER Is aheofaitely free from any deleterious compound. COBONET BAKING POWUEE Sells like wildfire, because it is cheap, effective, and not injurious to health. Manufactured by the EMPIRE COMPANY, WELLINGTON. 33570 f^OUGH, Coagh 1 Cough 1 1 "Calamity 1 1 ! "To V> prevent which you request, etne, cure, con, " a oertamty," then go the medicine chest for > -iyatho-boßt, 807 4

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 5698, 17 October 1896, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 5698, 17 October 1896, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 5698, 17 October 1896, Page 8


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