SYDENHAM. The fifteenth annual show of the Sydenham Poultry, Pigeon .and Canary Society was opened in the Mission Hall, Sydenham, 3*e3terday afternoon. The entries numbered 709, being an increase of 133 on those of the previous year. A noticeable feature was the exceptional quality of the birds in the Game, Minorca, Wyandottes and Leghorn classes and pigeons. Canaries were extremely well represented. Mr E. Boswell won the Ehodes Trophy for the best game cockerel in the show, and Mr S. Clark was awarded the Ehodes Trophy for the best game pullet, j 'Numerous special prizes were given, and the gonimittee desire to thank the donors. Among the visiting exhibitors I were Messrs J. Walsh (Auckland), E. B. Bristow (Wellington), J. Kerr (Dunedin), Smith Brothers (Mosgiel), W. Steel (Oamaru), W. J. Thomson, Ennis, Burns and C. and H. Whitaker (Timaru), E. H. Freed (Cavershani), E. Willis i and G. Anderson (Ashburton), and M'lntyre (Springbum). The judges were : Poultry — Messrs A. Johnstone, C. Deal, J. M'Lean and T. C. Eobertson; pigeons — Messrs M, S. Temple and J. M'Lean; canaries — Mr J. Stapleton. The arrangements were very complete, and a special word of praise is due to the honorary secretary, Mr A. B. Menzies, for his efforts to. make the show the success it undoubtedly is. The Management Committee also deserve high praise. The attendance in theafterno'onwas above the average and in the evening the hall was well filled. The show will be open from 10 a.m. till-9.30 p;m. to-day. The following is the prize-list :— Poultry. — Game: Black red cock — T. Sweet 1, M. Donohue 2, P. Whitbrock 3. . Cockerel — E. S. Leversedge 1 and 2, S. Clark 3. Hen — M. Donohue 1, special and h c, T. Sweet 2, E. S. Leversedge 3. Pullet— S. Clark 1, special and hc,E. S. Leversedge 2, C. Lafferty 3. Brown red cock —M. Donohue 1 and special, C. Bradford 2 and' 3. Cockerel —C. _I.affe.rt_ ,!•— £ Bradford^- --Hen^& Bradford 1 and 3. C. Lafferty 2. Pullet— C. Lafferty I,' 2 and special, C. Bradford 3. Duckwing, cock — M. Donohue ■ 1. -Cockerel— S. Clark 1, G.Andrews 2 and 3. Hen— M. Donohue 1, 2, 3 and special. Pullet— M. Donohue 1, 2, 3 and special. Pile, cockerel — E. Boswell 1,- 2, 3 and special. Hen — E. Boswell li 2, 3 and special, C. Lafferty he. Pullet— E. Boswell 1, 2, 3, special and he. Indian, cock or cockerel — J. Bundy 1, 2 and special, P.Campbell 3, C. and H. Whittaker he. Hen or pullet— J. Bundy 1, 2 and special, P. Campbell 3 and li c, G. Andrews h c. Any other colour, hen or pullet— C. Lafferty 1, Spanish : Cock or cockerel — W. J. Thomson 1 and 2, A. G. Ennis 3, E. E. Eeeves and E. Willis yh c. Hen or pullet — W. J. Thomson 1 and special, A. G. Ennis 2, J. H. Faulkner (8 months) 3 and vh c. An,dalusians ': Cock — C. C. and L. Banks (imp.) I,M. Donohue 2. Cockerel: C. C. and L. Banks 1. and 2, G. Butcher 3. Hen — C. C. and L. Banks (imp.) 1 and 2. Pullet— C. C. and L. Banks 1, 2 , and special, F. C. Hack 3. Leghorns: .AYhite cock — J. Taylor 1, Cockerel— C. Lucas 1 and special, J. Farrell 2, H. Hearfield 3. Hen— J. Stevenson 1, A..W. Owles 2 and 3. Pullet— C. Lucas ], W. E. Evans 2, J. Taylor 3.. Brown cock— F. C. Hack 1, M. Donohue 2. Cockerel— E. Wilson 1 and special, F. C. Hack 2, W. G. Goodwin 3. Hen— W. G. Goodwin 1 andspecial.M. Donohue 2, J.Taylor 3. Pullet . — G. Eollinson (8 months) 1, 2 and special. "W. G. Goodwin 3. Pile cock or cockerel — J. Taylor 1, 2 and 3. Hen or pullet— J. Taylor 1 and. 2. Any other colour : Hen or pullet— J. Taylor 1 and 3, T. G. Fox 2. •Black Minorcas: Cock— J. Tindall 1, A. B. Menzies 2. Cockerel — S. E. Burns 1 and special, G. Andrews 2 and special, T. Breeze 3, A. M. Price and A. Ogden h c. Hen — W. Bennett 1, H. Eodgers 2, W. Connelley 3. Pullet — W. Bennett (9 months) 1 and special, S. E. Burns 2, A. and H. Clarkson 3 and c. W. Goss h c, Hamburgs: Golden pencilled, cock or cockerel — Moore and Lloyd 1, 2,- 3 and special. Hen or pullet— S. M'lntyre 1 and 2, Moore and Lloyd 3. Silver pencilled, cock br cockerel — A. L. Myers 1, 2, 3 and special. Hen or pullet — A. L. Myers 1, 2, 3 and. special. Silver spangled, cock or cockerel — S. Tasker 1, 3, special and h c, W. A. Nicholls 2 and he. Hen or pullet— W. A. Nicholls 1, 2 and special, S. Tasker 3, E. Willis he. Black : Cock or cockerel — G. Eollinson 1, 2 and 3.. Hen or pullet— G. Anderson 1, G. Eollinson (8 months) 2 and 3. Polish: Cock or cockerel — E. Willis 1. Dorkings, da.rk : Cockerel — S. C, Kesteven 1 and 2, G. Butcher 3. Hen— G. Butcher 1. Pullet— S. C. Kesteven 1, special and he, G. Butcher 2 and 3. Any other colour : Hen or pullet — A. L. Myers 1. Cochins, buff : Cock — C. C. and L. Banks 1, M. Dono)iue 2. Cockerel— C. C. and L. Banks 1. Hen — C. C. and L. Banks (imp.) 1 and 2 Pullet— C. C. and L. Banks 1 and 2. Partridge : Pullet— E. Willis 1. Brahmas Dark pullet— E. Willis 2. Light cock— A. L. Myers 1 and 3, C. Lucas 2. Cockere — A. L. Myers 1,2 and special, C. Lucas 3. Her —A. L. Myer3 i, 2, 3 and special. Pullet— W. Steele 1 and special, C. Lucas 2, A. L Myers 3. Wyandottes, Silver: Cock — W Goss 1, C. and H. Whittaker 2. CockerelG. Anderson 1, C. and H. Whittaker 2, J G. Seatbn 3. Hen— J. G. Seaton 1, F Stevenson 2, C. and H. Whittaker 3. Pulle — E. -J. Eoss 1 and special, W. G. Car •Beumelburg 2, C. and H. Whittaker 3.] Golden: Cock— C. and H. Whittaker 1, E. J. Eoss '2. Cockerel — G. Andrews 1, 3 and special, E. J. Eoss 2. Hen — F G. M. Brittin 1, 2 and special, W. J. Thomson 3. • Pullet— F. G. M. Brittin 1, 2 and 3, E- J. Eoss vh c. Any other variety : Cock or cockerel — G. Orr 1, 2 and special, J. G. Seaton 3, H. and E. Philip vh c. Hen or pullet- G. Orr 1, 2 and special, H. and E. Philip, 3 and vh c. Plymouth Eocks, barred : Cock or cockerel — E. J. Cox 1 and _. Hen or pullet— E. J. Cox 1, F. Stevenson 2 and 3. Bantams (Game), black red: Cock or cockerel — F. Dacre 1, Hen or pullet — M. Donohue 1 and 2, F. Dacre 3. Brown Eed *. Cock or cockerel — M. Donohue 1. Hen or pullet — -M. Donohue 1, 2, 3 and special. Duckwing: Cock or cockerel — F. Dacre 1, J. Cusack 2, M. Donohue 3, D. C. M'Laren he. Hen or pullet— J. Cusack 1, D. C. M'Laren 2, F. Dacre o. Pile: Cock or cockerel— F. Dacre 1 and special, M. Donohue 2 and 3. Hen or pullet — M. Donohue 1, F. Dacre 2. Bantams, black rose comb, cock or cockerel — G. Rollinson 1 and 2, W. G. Carl Beumelburg 3 and h c. Hen or
aaßMagßßal^ Ha^ Ht MaaMa-___i_naß_a_ncß_a_c_u_--i pullet — Master S. Dacre 1, G. Rollinson 2, W. G. Carl Beumelburg 3, John Walker he. Any other variety, cock or cockerel — C. C. and L. Banks 1, J. Walker 2. Hen or pullet— John Walker 1 and 3, C. C. • and L. Banks 2. . Variety Classes. — Any other variety: Cock or cockerel— A. and 11. Clarkson 1, G. On* 2. Hen or pullet— A. and H. Clarkson 1, G. Orr 2 and 3. Selling Classes. .— Cochins, Brahmas, Langshans, Dorkings and Plymouth Rocks, in pairs —A.• L. Myers 1. Leghorns, Minorcas, Andalusians and Wyandottes, in pairs— A. M. Price 1, G. On* 2, R. Wilson 3. Any other varieties, in pairs — W. G. Carl Beumelburg 1, M. Donohue 2, G. Anderson 3, S. Clark he. All varieties, in pairs— A. L. Myers 1, F. C. Hack 2. Ducks. — Aylesbury, drake — C. C. and L. Banks (5 months) 1 and 2, E. Gerken 3. Aylesbury duck— C. C. and L. Banks (imp.) 1 and 2. Rouen, drake — G: Andrews 1. Pekin, drake — Miss A. Thompson 1. Pigeons. — Carriers, crossbred - Cock— D. Bailey 1. Hen — D, Bailey 1. Dragons, blue : Cock — T. H. Jones 1 and special, J. Capstick 2, J. Walker 3. Hen— J. Capstick land 2. Any other colour, cock — Smith Bros, (imp.) 1 and special, A. Gapes 2, J. Capstick 3. Any other colour, hen — J. Capstick 1 and 3, Smith Bros, (imp.) 2. Homers, show : Cock or hen — F. Eggleton 1 and 3, A. C. Gerard 2. Cock, working— R. Ayling 1, 2 and 3. Hen, working — A. C. Gerard 1 and special, R. Ayling 2, G. Howison 3. Antwerps, long-faced: Blue or blue chequer cock — A. Gapes 1. Blue or blue chequer hen — Denham and Hasell 1, E. D. Rees 2. Silver dun or red chequer cock — J. Walker 1, and 2, Denham and Hasell 3 and h c, A. Gapes he. Silver dun or red chequer hen— J. Walker 1 and 2, Denham and Hasell 3. Short-faced : Blue or blue chequer cock— Denham And Hasell 1, C. Coombs 2, A. Gapes 3. Blue or blue chequer hen — Denham and Hasell 1, 2 and special, C. Coombs 3. Silver dun or red chequer cock —A. Gapes 1 and special, E. D. Rees 2 and 3. Silver dun or red. chequer hen —A. Gapes 1, 2 and special, Denham and Hasell 3. Pouters— T. Lovick 1," 2, 3 and h c. Jacobins : Black— R. H. Hodgson 1 and special, E. H. Freed 2, Smith Bros, (imp.) 3. Red or yellow— Smith Bros, (imp.) 1 and special, E. H. Freed 2, A. Fraser 3. Any other colour — C. Lafferty 1, Smith Bros, (imp.) 2 and 3. Fantails : White— J. Walker (imp.) 1, 3 and special, E. Strange 2. Any. other colour — R. H. Hodgson 1, Mrs Fraser 2, Tumblers: Short-faced,"bald—G. Pearce 1. Tumblers (long-faced) clean-legged: Black, bald^-W. Fraser 1 and special, M. Donohue 2 and 3. Blue or silver, bald — Chambers and Rogers 1 and special, W. Fraser-2 and 3, M. Donohue vh c ; and he. Any other colour, bald — W. Fraser 1 and special, M; Donohue "2 and 3; Black Beard— W. Fraser 1. Blue or Silver Board— W. Fraser 1, 2 and 3. Any other colour Beard — W. Fraser 1 and 2, M., Donohue 3. Mottled— Smith Bros, (imp.) 1, 3 and special; W. Fraser 2, A. Smith vh c. Black — «or. Smart 1, A. Fraser 2, W. Fraser 3. Red— D. Scrimgeour 1 and special, A. Fraser 2, W. Fraser 3. Any other colour— W. Fraser 1, 2 and special, A. Fraser 3. Feather-legged: ;MQttled— A; Fiwser I, W~. Fraser 2.-* Saddles —H. Wiltshire 1, 2 and' special, W. Fraser 37 Black— W. Fraser 1, A. Fraser 2, C. C. and L. Banks 3, J. Johnstone vh c. Red— A. Fraser 1, C. S. Recce 2, W. Fraser 3. Any other colour— W: Fraser 1 and 3, S. Tasker 2. Tiplers —A. Fraser 1 and 2. Frilled varieties : Owls, English — A. Fraser 1. Owls, African — A. Smith 1. M. Donohue 2 and h c, A. Fraser 3. Turbits, black — Smith Bros, (imp.) 1, 2, 3 and special, W. Fraser he. Turbits, any other colour — Master L. Lafferty 1 and special, E. B. Bristow 2, J. Walker 3. Magpies, blacK — W. Fraser 1, Master W. E. Earnshaw 2. Any other colour — W. Fraser 1, M. Donohue 2 and 3. Nuns — Mona Fraser 1. ' Any other variety purebred pigeon — T. Lovick 1 and 2, A. L. Myers 3, A: Smith h c, T. Williamson h c. Antwerps, long-faced, silver dun or red chequer — Denham and Hasell 1, J. Walker 2. Antwerps, short-faced, blue or blue chequer — Denham and Hasell 1 and 2. Antwerps, short-faced, silver dun or red chequer — C. Coombs 1, A. Gapes 2. Working Homers — R. Ayling 1 and special, E. E. Buchanan 2, J. Green 3. Pouters — T, Lovick 1 and 2. Jacobins, black — C Lafferty 1 and 2, G. Rollinson (five months] 3. Jacobins, any other colour — G. Rollinson (six months) 1. Fantails, white — J; Walker 1 and 2. Fantails, any other colour— Mrs Fraser 2. . Tumblers, shortfaced—G. Pearce 1. Tumblers, long-faced, clean-legged, bald— W. Fraser 1. Tumblers, long-faced, clean-legged, beard — W. Fraser 1. Tumblers, long-faced, clean-legged, self — W. Fraser 1, G. Scrimgeour 2. Tumblers, long-faced, clean-legged, any other colour — R. Fraser 1, A. Smith 2. Tumblers, long-faced, feather-legged, self — W. Fraser 1, C. C. and L. Banks 2. Tumblers, long-faced, feather-legged, any other colour — lan Fraser 1. Magpies, j black— Master W. E. Earnshaw 1, W. I Fraser 2. Magpies, any other. colour— C. C. andL. Banks 1, J. Walker 2. Owls, English — A. Fraser 1. Owls, African— A. Fraser 1. Turbits — E. B. Bristow 1, 2 and special, E. H. Freed 3. Selling Classes : Tairs — A. Fraser 1, Mrs Fraser 2, M. Donohue 3. Pairs — A. Fraser 1 and special, M. Donohue 2, Allister Fraser 3.. Flying Race from Thnaru— C. Unwin's Magician 1 and special, W. Howieson's Ivanhoe 2, W. Earnshaw's Sailor's Star 3, E. Rowe's Purepo 4, F. Kingsfocd 's Snow Glen 5, T. Phillip's' Sea Breeze 6. Canaries. — Norwich : Yellow, clear or ticked, colour fed— J. Kerr 1, J. P. Calvert 2, R. W. Thompson 3. Buff, clear or ticked, colour fed— J. Kerr 1, 2 and special, W. R. Taylor 3. Yellow, clear or ticked, noncolour fed — J. P. Calvert 1 and special, W. R. Taylor 2, J. Kerr 3. Buff, clear or ticked, non-colour fed — J. Kerr 1 and special, W. G. Brookland -2, J. P. Calvert 3. Yellow variegated, colour fed— R. W. Thompson 1, A. B. Menzies 2 and 3. Buff variegated, colour fed — R. W. Thompson 1, W. R. Taylor 2. Yellow variegated, non-colour fed —J. Kerr 1. Buff variegated, non-colour fed — J. Kerr 1, R. W. Thompson 2. Dark-crested, colour fed— W. R. Taylor 2. Cinnamons, jonque — J. Kerr 1 and. 2, A. B. Menzies 3. Buff — J. Kerr 1, J. P. Calvert 2, A. B. Menzies 3. Ticked or variegated —R. W. Thompson 1, 2 and special. Lizards — W. Errington (imp.) 1. Green— G. Ablett 1, 2 and special, R. W. Thompson 3. Any other variety— J. Kerr 1, R. W. Thompson 2. Selling class in pairs • price not to exceed 40s per pair— R. "W. Thompson 1. Selling class in pairs ; price not to exceed 20s per pair — A. B. Menzies 1. Mule3 — G. Small 1. Any other variety songster — A. W. Owlos 1.
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Star (Christchurch), Issue 5582, 4 June 1896, Page 1
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2,488POULTRY SHOW. Star (Christchurch), Issue 5582, 4 June 1896, Page 1
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