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Late Advertisements, |f WANTED Known— Saxon Tea is always tb.Ai same standard of excellence. F 1339 :fjl WAWTED, Two Young Ludieaas Hoarders; ' 1 'comfortable home; terms mod-rrato, • A Apply 8.8., "Star" Office. 7633 Al WANTED, new or secondhand Pony Cart of '* Wbitechapol: good order. M.8., Ne«r jSS Zealand Farmers, Christchurch. 64 * Af WANTED, any person not able to procure '% Saxon Tea from tbeir grooer to commnn.« * f*v cate with Saxon Tea Coy., who will arrange, with t an agent to supply them 1.389.., .-/7 *I*TANTIiD, those in search of avhoicohouse : ■ TT i building site to call at my office nnd get a ■;' plan of the Grange, which has just been subdivided for sate. Half-acres to be sold for £50 eacb, Allan Hopkins, Estate Agent, Cathodral Sqiutre, 32 WANTED to Bell, in Tuam Street, City, two comfortible six-roomed Houses, in aplon- ■ did repair, and let to good tenants ; quarter-acre land. Note tho price— £42o; very easy terms. Full particulars from Allan Hopkins, Cathedral B(taßie. £1482 fc * \\r AHOO " cures Indigestion, Sick Head. n VV aches, Constipation, Piles. 2s 6d. Chemists and Grooors. ONNINGTON'S for " Wnhoo," tbe new romedy for all stomach, liver and kidney troubles. 3084 A GEICKET and Tennis Goods; great variety, ; lowest prices. Minson's Cheap Depot. 7Q47 CHAMBEB Bets, 9s 6d. Cheapest in NeW Zealand. Minson's Oheap Depot. 7047 CILOTHES, books, furniture, bought in any >. quantity. Clark, Armagh Street, next v Brien s. 7503 DIABBH(EA,--Cure for. W. B. Cooke, ml High Street. 7657 FOB Bale, .-section, nico 3-roomed , cottatre. verandah, £120, £20 cash, 6s week. Forest. H A !f* Thought 1-Palaco Cafe - , Manchester Street, cannot be excelled as Bestaumnt for comfort, cleanliness, quality. •«•*-»« H A n PY _ , Th ? n KW I— *l'he secret of suocess : - ♦ n^««4.°-2? d f ° od . Properly cooked. , Palace Ees- A tauront, Manchester Street. Splendid Cafe". "|qrAPPY~TVonght"!-.I shall dine to-day at <* cl^e,S! C 9dP P * j0 ' nt ° r fl * h ' P nddiß «?> ■ S l3 w^_- G^ lnftchina 1 tog*™* Wd adju»t*d;. v n^to^rUr antoeJ - ' Amttgh fgg - * ' S P SSt? a« ohoo } % nmi U oes . r^eive Special Vinson's Cheap Dep6t, 220, Cpfonibo • L°^5 V -' 8 X ? a ' 1 .. Brand Ointment," "the Cortain Healer," Is 3dj cures all skin eruptions. "Wahoo/' Chemists andGr_c_rfl. JAM_Jars, all sorts, all sizes, from 2s dor Street. P Dep6t ' 2a0 '- •T U^«^° kafc ??. fafi «. mother. How wilel'm W» gotting, and I've got such an appetite too., *,v 2 hB * can be the matferP Why, you reauir* i '* MaiWsWorm Syrup, lsallche^is^; &m? ■ A B N^, B : ran ! i _ 1 0i,ltment ;' hoalß wounds ' V: f„n„ ~- „ yS i. ir "**»'Mon, cures sunburn, delightfuUy cooling to skin ; Is 3d. Chemists, Grocers; , . L°tES A "*uIJQ-9" imparts health and ' *. v J?°'?*2. wllol c aystem, strengthens totes, .tines. 2s 6d, Chemists and Storekeepers. V A ?f N 2 Y/of respectable Men Boardore. W_ liiclifleld Btreot west. • 75J15 W AHO V»"„ th ?/ ) Hl? *^ al cure tm Indigestion »w ... m^ de s2? 6d. Wallace and Co., Chemists, Albo, " Snail Brand V Ointment. .*•"»«»*. TABLE Knives 5s dozt Teaspoons 2s 6ddoz ffinsem's Cheap Depot. 70.17 • Tifß AULD, of Waitahuna, suffered five years -L."JL from Indigestion. One bottle "Wahoo" onredhlm. 2s OJ. Chomists and Grooors. . SHOE Brushes, Is set, remarkable value . Minson's Cheap Depot. 7047 , l BPAJ.K well occupied— Palace Cafd, Manchester Street. Good, substantial, -well, v cooked mealß at all hours. ' SPARE Moments happily passed -Palace Cafo, '•*'■& Mauchoster Street. Catering superb, every*; ,' : thing *• comme il faute." . A SPABE Moments— Tho place to spend some happy momonts: Palace Caf., Manchester ' Street. Fine room, good meals. ' *i DOLLS— See our Pretty Dolls, 6&d; remarkably ■ _Minson's Cheap Depfit. 7047 'VTJONNINGTON/' Chemist, koeps Loosby'a ' __ JJ ■'" Wahoo, the cortnln cure for Indigostion, v WpgKißh ■ XlThr, HeartbpK), Hatulouce, Sick Headaohes. , 1 - ft^-^-Si'^t *hw> lead,- rags, fat, ropeTiHapfflt-' .'^ K7:. S»wuiß» boneß, brass, coppor, glass, hpr»e. hair, oil drums. Highest prices. Cash o_ delivery at Snell's, Colombo Street south, Christ. church. . 255 TEA Bets (40 pieces) 1056d,1256d. Minson's Cheap Depot. * 7047 TUMBLEES, great variety, from 2s 6d doz. Minson's Cheap Dep6t. 7047 SEWING Maohines Bepsired and Adjusted by skillea workmen direct from the factory t no choree, made unless satisfactory. Minson's Machine Depdt, 220, Colombo Btreet. 7047 SPENDING 2s 6d at Beath's secures yon Handsome Preaent. 1939 TO Let, Three-roomed Cottage, newly renovated. Apply Bradley, Painter, 81_/ Colombo Street north. 1 7531 TOUNG Lady wishes re-engagement bb Saleswoman or any position of trust ; good reierehces ; wages no objeot. Apply Honesty, " Star " Office. . 0562 ALLACE & CO. T" " '~~ ' - a WAHOO, ** \l\rlKOO" purifies the Blood; positive ,'*"' TT cure Indigestion. 2s 6d. Chemists, , Grocers, D.I.C. |UOW ON VIEW. JAPANESE CURIOS 1 AND| \ J NOVELTIES. EYEBYONE INVITED TO INSPECT, D. LC. L 1415 ' ■ ' EXTBA' ■•*.'' EXTBA' ' .''. ' :: ' ■'■' '' '«\,A.' ■JESXTEA '■/ EXTBA ' EXTBA ' A \ EXTBA PAIB OF TBOUSfiBS, WT SUIT TO MEASUBE, : 65 s - _ • BEST VALUE IN NEW ZEALAND, CASH TAILORING tia, ' HIGH STBEET. TBIANGLE ' F 1535 ASK YOUB GBOCEB FOB . CHIiLESPIE'S ESSENCE OF COFFEE. We allow 2d Each on Empty Bottles WHITEHEAD'S ASSIGNED STOCIC. BOOKS 25 TO 30 PEE CENT UNDEE PUB LISHED PBICES. Christmas Cards, Packet, 3d; 12 cards.' Do Packet, 6d j 18 cards. Do Box, 9d; 24 cards. . . Do " Yuletide," Ib ; 24superio cords. . 1 PETAL DUST, THE GEEAT FLOBAL AIB ■„ ' ' POBIFIEB, „ A Novelty of Universal Admiration. HUDSON & CO., S.P.Q.B. STOBES, Colombo Street Christohuroh, €960 , CHOICE ISLAND* FBUITS A SPLENDID SHIPMEJST OF FIJI BANANAS and PINES, just landed, to be SOLD CHEAP. ' My STEAWBEEEIES are Bimply perfection. See them, v HICKMOTT, Telephone 445, Cashel Street. . THE v PONONGA, M ELECTRIC BELT, THO^ CONVEYING E^LECTEICITT TC THE BODY, And thereby INVIGOBATING and STBEN-3TH ENINGthe WHOLE IbIBVOUS SYSTEM, Is now Manufactured In Christohurch. Fnll particulars of the Agents, ' > HUDSON & CO., aP.Q.E. Stores. EVEBYONE SHOULD SEE THIS, j K.B.— Good Canvassers Wauted,

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 5457, 8 January 1896, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Star (Christchurch), Issue 5457, 8 January 1896, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Star (Christchurch), Issue 5457, 8 January 1896, Page 3