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The (pi-'emiLseß of Mi- W. A. Dabb, saddler will be closed from, Wednesday evening till Moinday morning 1.

Tlie freeliold of ihe Criterion Hotel, New Plymouth, bus been disposed of for. £20,000.

All' H. Stinsoa, Kauaeaiißga., gives motknjithab he has purctosied the milk round of Mr W. Shiltom, :md solicits a share of pubMo (patroufag-e..

A picnic in arid of the. Ta,pui war f . mtoiiiuirial fund will be iheid' at Tapu ; • <xni New Year's Day iUsa thetfei will be a dance in the eyeming. One .hundred electric meters have been ordered by cable said a similar number by letter for house connections in Napier. Building -opeiraitijons in Ghirist" church continue to shoA' a marked improvement as compared with the corresponding period las' year. The Ashburton .£ uclimatusation Society is applying for seven deerstalking licenses this Season, an increase ,of two on last year. Aji effort is -*o be made- to have Napier included in the tour of the Prince of Wales wihen i.c visits New Zealand next year. ! 1 It is an astonishing fact tiha* an elephant's trunk has 40.000 muscles. The total number of muscles in a man is 527. , j i Mr R. A. Kealey, of the Tliaineis ' dairy, gives notice that oil &ix& after January Ist nuilk will be supplied at the advertised tinned aaadr oaily- from) the sho;p. . .... i ' Hetlieiiog'toa^ Ltd., G. Ouilenj and Co., A. Court aaid Som, H. (Miag&u, F. H. Clacstoß, M. Lynch, J. E. Johnston©, M. E. Jobe, R. Wood, . G. Martini, S. Stevenson! and; Brown-: lee amd Demyer air© closing from New Year's Eve till the followingl Monday. i • I Field-Marshal Lord H&ig has presented to th© .Corporation of Kingston-on-Thames! a copy of the map wiiich he-was usmg in France •when figihting ceaseid, showing the position of every division of the _ army from the Ncrtli Sea to Switzerland. ' There wea"e six klnights (Sir J. G. Ward, Sir '"James Allen, Sir James Carroll, Sir J. G. Findlay, Sir F. W. Lang, and Sir W. Eraser) im the House of Reipreseintatiives ira the late .Parliament. Tlhere aa*e only tw<n (Sir James Allen, 1 and Sir P. W. La(ng) in, the new House. "It is estimated that there is .£20,000. a -yeai* ion timid-paymenits ont volfjtdiiiig: .floaitiaig! about Cuba street,'' ■ §aid Mi';E. Keawiiedy,. while advocating the, of; tea.-i'odS.i and restaurant waitresses befoire the WelMnigtoin* Conciliation Omened!. ■ • -.-•.•■-.• .> ■ -;• ■ «»v ! '"• '"T haw n '-frogi -fa mrv throat," . &:ull ■ Tvt'f ;:.!. J. ,H^"<i:•*(.{, tiJb'j 3kw- r.i.P. i'-or Citrie'eliuift-iii So^jßi, wLen reUtrr; • ins» thu/iiuiy. ,'b'Ufc liis Iwxijrstriir.^ lie vit-weij with, ix-.y ■-..of!p'3^ent ha«j:.a whiue-inj luv'"" no ii Perron. ' • • Tilery '.vei'e no fawar: V2O teleiiiraj'jJi •operat'.*^ <.\':. woj'k t>v tvvei?z» T and 10. SO o'-clock on election iiiglit at the Wcllingt€-?i Post Office, and all -did spkadid work, us tkn ■ prompt aiwourttarnent of t-ho i"p" 'suits showed '(spates the Dowiiuipii) v The night's work was a masterpiece of organisation from first •to las*. I Having been detected in the act of taking roses from a busdi in the Square at Palmers ton. North, a {resident' xrf the town was .recently fined £Jo and 7s costs for the of fentee. The Boi"0ug(h lOounoil de-' cided *o award £10 to the constaible who made the arrest* and sent a letter to the police thanking them four instigating a successful prosecution, and asking them not to relax their ■ efforts in this direction. j

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Bibliographic details

Thames Star, Volume LIII, Issue 14078, 30 December 1919, Page 2

Word Count

LOCAL AND GENERAL Thames Star, Volume LIII, Issue 14078, 30 December 1919, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL Thames Star, Volume LIII, Issue 14078, 30 December 1919, Page 2


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