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(Received 25th1, 12.35 ajn.)

LONDON!, April .34. ■Mr Deakini <somplinreinited the) Hon. Mr Haldane am his luminous • exposition, and stronglyurged the publishing of the speech. He etmfcirely redoigr nised Mr Haldame's desire, not to infringe on tlhe powers of the Colonial Governments andijLeg4s.lait.ures. The general staff only mean* to offer mature! advicei. He 'believed am- pro posal -to extend the openationia of th!e general staff while permitting 1 the colonies to;^participate would-Ije heartily W"©lcomed in Australia).

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Bibliographic details

Thames Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 10525, 25 April 1907, Page 4

Word Count

HON. MR. HALDANE'S SPEECH. Thames Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 10525, 25 April 1907, Page 4

HON. MR. HALDANE'S SPEECH. Thames Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 10525, 25 April 1907, Page 4


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