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Mr Bates advises:—"Present- indi-« cations are for increasing north-east-erly to nortli-westerly winds; weatlier cloudy and unsettled, with. Tain following generally, the barometer falling everywhere." Mr "Woolea forecasts for to-day:— ''Fresh northerly winds, fair and hot in the meantime, Imt expect a. cool Southerly change and rain later." TO PARENTS OP SOLDIERS. I If voti have a photograph of yonr t boy, *1 can supply you nft a life-like portrait v*ork«J up in oils ' and frame<l in a. 08K tratneKhati uniform can be substituted irt I place of civilian dotlits, if desired.. No mcnev required until the portrait is delivered, and you are satisfied.: Portraits can bo dono from post-cards* cabint-is, or groups. Drop a line anil I'll be pleased to call you personally. Numerous tetisEmonuh frosk GRAS'J. Barns Street. Waimato.

. Two donations to the Lady Jellicoe Fund have been received at the "Herald" Office—£s from Mrs Allan McLean and £1 from Miss Gillinghain.

No.' 2 Canterbury Military Service Appeal Board will sit at Timaru on Tuesday and Wednesday, January 22 end 23, in the Municipal Chambers.

A welcome home will be tendered to Private O'Boyle, in the Tycho School, on Friday evening, and not Thursday evening as was advertised yestei The position of cook on a vessel does toot; seem to be one that would appeal greatly to women, but a woman occupies that place on a ship at present in Timaru harbour. Her husband also occupies a position on the boat.

'A return of patients dealt with at> the Timaru Hospital for the month of December shows thait 123 were treated, and that of these 38 were discharged cured, 19 relieved, and 3 dead.'CAt the ■beginning of the present month there ■were 63 remaining under treatment.

The Telegraph Department was greatly surprised recently to find that the cable newly laid across Cook had developed a fault. On inspection a shark's tooth was discovered embedded in the insulation, which had caused the leak.

_ At the Magistrate's Court in "Wellington yesterday Arthur Waldemar Scbaef, photographer, a bankrupt, p l eadeid not guilty to alleged breaches of the Bankruptcy Act, in failing to deliver up property amounting to £ISOO, concealing su;,h property, and failing to keiep proper books.- Accused was committed to the Supreme Court for. trial.

"Messrs Adams and Co., the central drapers, commence to-morrow morning at S o'clock their money-saving summer saiti. Big reductions are beins; made in the huge stock, the sale prices are plainly marked, and Adams and Co." consider that this war saving opportunity affords the public ,a . real chance of money saving in the drapery requirements of the family...

The tliirty-second awnual show of the Geraldine Horticultural Society takes place at the Drill Hall to-day. Good entries have been received, and tire success''of the show is assured. The ladies of the Home and Empire League have kindly agreed to provide , refreshments, and the Orchestral Band will play a programme at the evening 6ession.

Mr' G-uinnes?. wishes to acknowledge receipt of the following for the Y-M.C.A. Fund:—Collected by Mrs Black—Baptist Bible Class £1 Is 6d, Mrs H. W. Bishop ss, Mrs M. Maze, senr., 2s 6d, Mrs Ryland Brown 10b, Mrs C. 2s 6d. Collected by Mrs Stoddart—Mr Thickett £l, Mr Stoddart 2s '6d, Mr Kennedy 2s 6d, J. Keen 2s 6d, Mrs Ken 4s, W.D.M. 4s, L. Rennie Is, Mrs Scrimgeour 2s 6d.

'A collision occurred at the corner of Befton and LeCren Streets yesterday afternoon, between a motor cycle carrying two young men and a motor lprrv. The 'cyclists were proceeding north up. the hill when the lorry emerged from Cameron Street, and tho result was a smash in which the motor cycle was badly knocked about, the riders fortunately escaping with a few ■ bruises and a shaking.

From time to time since the war oeigaii apj>eals have been XJade to the public to write to lonely soldiers, that is soldiers .who have no relatives to write-to them, and Miss Fergusson, of Ohristcliurcli. at present staying in Timaru, has received from such a soldier in France., a Sapper, to whom sho wrote, a letter in which, he expresses appreciation of lier action in to him. He has a good deal to sav of the pplendid work of the Y.M.C.A., describing how effectively it is carried out under the most adverse circumstances.

The Press Association telegram received on Tuesday night giving the results, of the Matriculation examination iviis somewhat difficult of interpretation. and as miblislied yesterdav a considerable error crept into the first part of the listi. *We publish the part of jthe list that needed correction:— J.asspd Matriculation, Solicitors' General Knowledge and Medical Preliminary—D. S. Dodds, J. Dugdale, G. E. Fowler, Kathleen M. Hart, Verena M. T. Leslie, H. B. McClatchv. P. S. Seyb, Flora A. Smith, L. j. Tank. Matriculation and Solicitors' General Knowledge—A. R. Acheson, Hetty M. Cullpn. W. L. Irwin. Jessie A. Jones, Elizabeth M. Kane. Ellen Slattery.

A. TPrfess Association telegram from (Wellington says that with reference to the Ghristchurch telegram regarding the prohibition of mail notices it may be - stated that the manager of the Press Association has twice brought the matter under the notice of the Minister' of Defence, pointing out that neither Australia nor Canada are subjected to such restrictions. Sir James Allen replied that it was done at the instance of the Imperial Government andl.cpuld not be altered, but he did not offer-to explain why these restrictions are . applicable only to a little distant .country like New Zealand and are not enforced by the Imperial Government elsewhere.

Owing to the fact that manufacturing and remocelling work has been arriving from nearly every warehouse and drapery establishment from all over N.Z., Madame Menere and Co., furriery, Stafford street, have had to considerably increase their staff of fur workers. Another new departure of this progressive firm is dyeing and tanning of all kinds of fur skins. We understand, that Madame Menere and 00. ' are the only fur dyers in New Zealand, and to show thait their work is appreciated,, and compares favourably with the imported article, it will he sufficient to say that an order has just been received from a large Wellington firm for 60 fur.coats; also from an Auckland firm furs to the value of over £IOOO for remodelling. Ladies haying old fashioned or worn fur coats, sets, etc. are advised to take them to this expert firm, and have them made equal to new."

Let the children Kodak. Start your boy or girl with a 0.0. Premo, at ss, or a No. 0 Brownie at 10s. These dependable little cameras provide a means of starting boys and girls along the delightful road of amateur photography, and are so simple to work "cha;t no previous knowledge of photography is necessary. Every bov and 'girl will appreciate a camera and obtain a wealth of pleasure and education from it. For all photographic supplies call at Baxter's Pharmacy, Theatre Buildings, Timaru. ...

Neil's Fruit Extracts mate a most refreshing drink during the hot weather. They are pure and wholesome and possess the true flavour of sound ripe fruit. They have been used in New Zealand for over forty years, and their ever increasing demand is da« to their superior flavour. Made in th» following flavours: Raspberry, Lemon. Pineapple, L«nejuice, Cider, Ginger iWine. Prici V** botetle.- Obtainable frour all stores »-* Neil's Pharmacy, 73 Stafford Street, Timuru.

Thw rfcK_ «san r t buy nor Tho poor desire Mivthing better than Haywardß MILITARY PICKOLE. Always even in Quality and moderate in Price. All leading Grocer?.. ...

-In tlie report of the Waimate Borougli Council it was stated that the cost of the proposed laundry would 1 be £SOO. This should have read £2500.

The question of New Zealand's representation at the Imperial "War Cabinet has been postponed for a week.—(Press Association.)

The Cabinet decided yesterday thas the minimum wage for married men in the Public Service, and also in tho Postal Departments,- shall be £156 a year.—(Press Association.)

The Temuka Branch of the British Red Cross Society acknowledge receipt of the, following donations: —Monthly: Rev. C. Macdonald 10s, Mrs John Davey 10s; two months, P. A. Acheson. £2; three months, j. Talbot £3, Mrs W. D. Taylor £l, Mr W. D. Taylor £l. St. George's Lodge, on account catering for socials, £6 5s lOd.

The following will represent the Old Boys' Orjcket Club in a match against the Timaru Club at the Park this afternoon:—O'Callaghan, Burmester, Lawson (2;, Cave, Gillies, Guiney, L. Leslie, Ra-wstorn, Craven, and Cunningham. Emergency, Tait*. Players are requested to be on the ground at 1.45 sharp.

The asphalt" footpath/ in front of the Courthouse has escaped the attention of the repairs party for years, and it is perhaps the worst bit of asphalt path in the borough. It is full of holes through the asphalt; these hold rain water; the substratum is of clay, and! the result is a soft puddle into whiich the unwary, and even* the wary at night, can hardly, help stepping.

!A painful accident befell Mr "W. Anderson, of Levels, yesterday. Mr Anderson was carting coal from the Levels railway station to his farm, when one of the wheels of the dray he was using collapsed.' He was thrown to the ground, and two bags of Qoal falling on him from the dray dislocated his shoulder. Members of St. John Ambulance Brigade were telephoned "for am*3 were- very . quickly on the scene. Mr Anderson wag brought to a private hospital in Timaru in the ambulance van.

At the meeting of the Waimate Borough Council on Tuesday evening Councillor N. I/. Thomas took his seat for the first time, he having beten elected to the vacanccy caused by tlie death of Councillor Beswiok. The Deputy-Mayor (Councillor Evans 1 ), welcomed Councillor Thomas on behalf of the Council. Councillor Thomas replied thanking the Council, and Stated that he would do his best for the b'enefit of the town,' and would not support any party or party feeling. He would always endeavour to carry out his duties as a Councillor without bringing any question of party or personal feeling into the' matter.

A ballot of the Agricultural and Pastoral Union,. on a proposal to link up ,with. the Australian Workers' Union, resulted —For 1325. against 450. The election cf union officers resulted:— President, Arthur Cook, Ghristchurch, 7-S5- Arthur King, Tiinaru, 584; J. Townsheod, Wanganui, 474. Secretary—C. Grayndleh '1465; M. Latacy, 389. _ Executive (14 William Boone, Christchuroh, 1131; A.. MidcHemiss, Gore, 1045; J. Mee, Wellington, 1023; S. Boreham. Dunedin, 966; J. Baldwin, Chrisbchurch, 917; R. Register, Blenheim, 837. The positions of the last named three may bo affected by returns still to come, but their return, is considered certain. Mr J. G. Bruce was returning officer.— (Press Association.) .

The urgency of fthe man-power problem in Britain liais necessitated; a much more soarching and careful scheme of medical classifida.tion than has been adopted here. Towards t.liq end'of OofaodtHT a. substantial alteration in the British olasesdficaJtion was made. Clrss A doe's not consist simply of men fit for servioa in any tlieaitre of lvfar. It includes recruits who should be fit A 1 as soon as trained, men who have previously served with an expeditionary force who should who qsliiould be fiitl for Al. as Foon as "hardened," and men under nineteen be fit for Al as soon as as tliev are nineteen. Class B embraces men who, though not'iifc for general sonvice, are fit, for service at home in field units, orsedentarv work. Class Pis for men temporarily unfit to be in categories A or B, but likely to be become fit. within six: months. There is ai class 33, for men unfit for serwice in cn.teaories A or B. and unlikely to become fit. The men in -hli© <-lnss C will bo merged in class B.—("The Press.'') Two schemes drawn up by Mr. Johnston., president of the Master Butchers' Association, for the prevention of meat trusts and fixing a universal price for all stock killed in the Dominion to the advantage of the grower and the public were read at the meeting of the Auckland! Provincial Executive of the Farmers' Union (says the Auckland Star). No. 1 schema made provision for the Govcrnmon!; to commandeer all freezing works and abattoirs. No. 2 scheme suggested that the Goveirament should bo the sole exporter of frozen meat, the meat to be bought as at present (hook' prices). The Government tio refevil nil hides, fats, skins, sundries, ofiW, etc. Officios to be opened in London to deal direct? with retailers. Net profits to be returned pro rata to suppliers of stock. Same principal administration as in scheme No. 1- Freezing companies to be i»aid working expenses only and dhlare holders to receive their pre-war dividiends. Both schemes were referred to the General Commit tea.

Fitm development.—We specialise in developing and printing films for amateurs and give this work the verv best or attention. Not only is this work done promptly, but it is carried out in a manner which can only give satisfaction to all concerned. 'To those who entrust us with the finishing of their films the name Baxter is a guarantee of "work well done." For all nhotoEraphie supplies the Kodak "Depot Rnxter's Pharmacy, Theatre Buildings' Timartf. ... '

SALTS Nature's Mint, »i Spring Salts is tho best solvent for Uric Acid in the blood, which accompanies Gout, Rheumataism, Eczema RTl d diseases of the Liver and Kidneys' This salt contains the Chloride and Phosphates of Sodnmi Magnesia Lithia- One dose first thing i n the morning keeps the system j n „ ow j health- It 18 r a Perfect diuret, c aperient, su?table for all persons suffering from Gout, Rheumatism, Liver and Kidney trouble and Habitual Constipation. It forms a convenient method of taking the cure without visiting the famous springs, the peculiar p r< £ perties of which have been so successful in the treatment of Uric Acid and Kidney Complaints. Price Is 6d per jar. "Manufactured by the Krusal Mineral Spring Salts Co., London. Sole agents for the Dominion, NEIL'S PHARMACY, Chemists. 73 Stafford Street South. Timaru. .~

•fli- German submarine menace is now well under, and the shipments of tho invaluable British disinfectant and germicide, Kerol, are ooming regularly. This standard deodorisor is now in use in all the leading hospitals and will he found in most- private houses. For the baxh it is invaluable, and it goes 'further and is more economical than any other disinfectant 011 the market-. It lias a virile health giving odour, is put up in all sizes and may he obtained from all chemists and grocers or wholosalo from Messrs Dnlgoty and Co., South Canterbury, agents

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Bibliographic details

Timaru Herald, Volume CVII, Issue 16445, 17 January 1918, Page 4

Word Count

TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume CVII, Issue 16445, 17 January 1918, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume CVII, Issue 16445, 17 January 1918, Page 4


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