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) i ■** ' -* . „ ANNUAL GATHERING.' rjU' ri 4 \, - ■■ A SUCCESSFUL DAY. ~ President, Mr J- Hole. i Messrs H. Goodwin and \\ r . V Hall". Eon. Treasurer, Mr J. O'Lcary . sii;-- :-: [Directors—Mssrs P. CampDeii,: C. .I''. ft-..vv.-""i ■ (Joilins, W. A. Courtis, ±i. Goodwin,; ; C. Hail, W. Hall J. Hole, WISE:! Kinnernsy, D. Mahoney, J. P. Murphy, A. McDuft, W. McJiride, H. McKay, J. O'Leary, W. R. Pearson; W. J. Priest, lt. A. Rodders. A. : : Shaw, "VV. Young. Referee, Mr.J. Hole. Stewards—Cycling', Mr H. v Goodwin; running, Messrs J. Ken-, nedy and I. J. Bradley; music and dancing, Mr A. Shaw: Press, Messrs W. Priest and J. Hole. Marksmen, Messrs P. Campbell, E. W. Foster, W. R. Pearson, A. McDuff. Judges— Rainning, Dr Gunn, Messrs R. A.Rodeers, W. A. Courtis;—cycling, Messrs \Y. Hall, C. Hail, J. P.- Miu- •' phy; general sports, Messrs A. J. I Munro, J. Hamlyn, P. Palliser, T. I D. Young; wrestling. Messrs P. Ly i saght and W. Mason; music and dancing, Mr Jt. Thomson; assistant judges, Messrs W. McHride • and H.. ' McKay. Handicapner, • Mr C. E. Hassall. Starter, Mr . - Y H. Goodwin. Timekeepers, _Messrs J." O'Leary„and J. Moyes. : Secretary,' Mr H. H. JVaser. 1 s * ~- Tho annual ' gathering of . the -South 1 tfe Canterbury Caledonian Society which i was held on the Society's grounds. Patit-i Point,-yesterday again proved" •a great, success This year only one i day 'was devoted to the gathering in- j , stead of the customary two dlays; but) I ■ ':^-;: !e .>iierTOrtltelfi6s... ; a.-:fine programme had'l been • prepared and an enjoyable day's | outing, was spent by all who visited the grounds. When thie heavy rain '. "set in -'On the previous night many •.. were'of tho opinion that the gathering would have to bo postponed, but for- •. y tunately. the rain ceased •early yester- .. day- morning -and the weather ■ -.beautifully , fine. At an early li/oiu- the >' v town presented a gay spectacle, a large - crowd having gathered in the streets all-"bent on holiday making. Just after 11 o'clock the Band of the 2nd (South Canterbury) Regiment (under Bandmaster A. McDuff), which had- played in the town beforehand Mt 'the Grosvenor Hotel, followed V , th'e difleiitors, on its way* to the grounds. A large number of spectators gathered at the. various points of vantage as the Band marched through - t the streets, and many followed, it "to -v the grounds. Gradually tho holiday - makers began to disperse, the greatei- . number making off for the sports, some on' foot, while many took advantage . of the municipal buses whicli ran to v, ■ the grounds at _ frequent t intervals. Motor cars, taxis, and , horse-drawn

be , seen' 4 wending their >way>_ tortile '--'grounds', all being k'ept-'busy-during the day. , -tli6rer was ouly a -fair < attendance, but .after, the luncheon hour the spectators ibugan to roir up in larger numbers, and vabout the middle of: the afternoon ijhere was- a very good attendance. A number of people came in from ■the districts to visit ' the sports. The gathering wasnot- so large as" in 'former years, but this can. to a ■ large extent be accounted for by the absaa.ce of special trains, 'and, till the .morning, the uncertainty of the 'weather. With reference to trains -stop-' pint? at the grounds-Mr J. Cr'aigie, MP., received a telegram from theHon. W. H. Herries (Minister of Hailways) stating that as he was travelling he regretted that he received • Mr Graigie's telegram 'too late to do anything in the matter. • ■ The directors had spared no effort in trying to make the day a success, and they must have been pleased with the results obtained. Everything went' off smoothly and reflected credit on all concerned ■with making arrangements for She gathering. Mc H. • Fraser (secretary) had a very;-busv time and again proved his capabilities for this position. The licensed .booth -was under the control of Mr J. "P. Murphy and was. conducted in the usual orderly maimer.' The catering arrangements were- in the hands of Mr J. Hutchison apd : were • very satisfactory. A large staff of lady helpers gave their services free for. the'benefit of the Y.M.C.A. The usual procession round the ground of directors, Tiended by the Band, took place ahout .1.30 to the accompaniment of founds of applause. The only amusement in the form* of ja side-show was" a lioop-la stall,, which did brisk business. - ;

Tlie- sports programme provided plenty or variety to suit all * tastes. Tho oval r was s beautifully giieen after the. recent rain, although tho running tracks j vre\-e a little soft, and consequently militated against very good times being registered. Except for tho outer edge, the circular running track, however, .-.was -in. surprisingly good condition. Large fields ruled all day in the running- events, arid though there were no champions oompetihgthe races wore keenly contested, and some of the finishes were most exciting. Ages of competitors took a wide range, and in the finals of sprint events was one mail (Dodds), w3io was running successfully in adult events before some of the were born. No sensational times were put tip, hut there was' some promising material in the fields. V. .Buckley, running off virtual scratch in the longer races, ran well all day, and had he confined himself to fewer events would probably have secured a larger share of the prize money. Another most consistent performer w-as Henderson. an Orari lad, who won the 100 yards handicap, was second in the 440, and third in the 220, after being penalised for breaking. H. Hanson also ran consistently in 'cbie two sprints, a first and third being his reward. Tho

100 yards final was a pretty i ace, three, .men finishing within a hair's breadth, with the other three*, who had Tjeen.j penalised. for breaking, right on their, lieels. The 220 was another fine contest and the* 440, the last rase 'of the day, proved a fitting finale; Annear, ■ who ran a fine .-race, getting home by inches from a buiich of four others. A fijld of sixteen made tho SBO -a.fine spectacular event, and Buckley's two-vard win from' a closely locked trio was greeted with enthusiasm. Very few of the runners proved seasoned plough to r"n out the mile, in which jfcNab ran one of It's .characteristic races, and in the third lap cracked up the field, . winning by lialf-a-dozen , yards, after running .himself to a standstill.

Tho cycling event® were perhaps the most popular with' the spectators: Competition -was ■ confined to[ roadster ronand no riders >froni outsid? crouch Onuterbury were presoh!c: Some jrpocl racing was witnessed, amd (ring-the type of machines the "time? were remarkably good. There wore rib vJ Sheas to rouse "the public;, and even 'cho perennial Bonis, who had a record of ten consecutive appearances at Ti- •™'™ at New Year, was -absent, but with others "they had the perfectly good excuse-thclt tlieiy were on active service The tnosfD successful performer was \\ ard, ivlio annexed three events, Uvese marking his first • successes hi track races. A returned Anaac..t m E. Ramsay secured placo- « money in three -'events. and G. app also vccured a pood share of 10 spoil Ss. ■ 'Haiiilyn arod Wvatt rode consistently all day, and Private W. Feely, though he showed indifferent judgment in one ev©ii'& 3 had moro his share of; bad luck- Two or three competitors from aim ato obviouslv suiTored a good deal through Jack of experience on a banked nsohalt track. ■"Hiere- were three mishaps during these evonlcs, two men falling into the ovol and anotJior's byre blowing out. Fortunately, none were hurt. Tu the final of the mile and a, half hmdicfari, R.nnisay and TVn.rd bumped t other m tli£i run lionio find an Occident' wa»sna.rrowly ajvdid-ed. No blame, however seemoi to be attcchahle to either of the competitors.

The. dancing was also a popular feature, and iche general sports were keenly contested. . Two soldiers oii leave in \V. A. Duns can. and J. Breslin, and a returned man in J. Horgan, were conspicuous performers. The jumping .events were responsible for some very creditable effotfes on tho part of? maiden performers, and it. is evident that these events will continue to be a strong feature of Sou'th Canterbury meetings. Aii apology for absence was received from Mr It. McKenzie' (chairman), and Mr R.. MacLeod (secretary), of the Mackenzie Caledonian Society, at the. same time wishing the, every success.-

The band of the 2nd (S.C.) Regiment rendered musical selections during the day, which added-'in no small degree to the pleasure the day's outing.

A light shower of .rain commenced to fall about .4 o'clock juss before the last cycle and running ©yfents, and' many of the spectators left the grounds, the buses which were waiting being -fairly rushed. Fortunaltelv nearly al! the events were -oyer, and therefore the Tain held • off long enough to enable those present, to see- practically the whole programme. Following are details :— 1 ■ "> ' RUNNING. 100 YARDS HANDICAP. First Heat: H. Hanson (3yds) 1,. j. ' Cooke (6-J-yds) 2. Four started. 'Won by a yard - arid a half. Time, 10 3-osec. Second Heat: M. C. Henderson (61yds;. 1, T. "VV. Dodds (2yds) 2. Three, starters. "Won. by a ya,rd. Time, llsec. Third Heat: H. E. Beach (7yds) 1, J. J. O'Brien (ojyds) 2.. Fire starters. Won by half a yard. Time, Usee. Final. M. C. Henderson' (61yds) ... 1 J. J. O'Brien (51yds) 2 H. Hanson (3yds) 1.. 3 An excellent race, inches separative the first' three, the other three starters, who were each penalised' a yard for breaking,, being very close up. Time, llsec. SSO YARDS HANDICAP.—V. L. Bncklov (4Jsyd.s) 1. D. "W. Ag?iew CoSytls) 2. W. S. Bill (aoycls) 3. . Sixteen started. .Ward ami Hawkey, led for the first la.p, but Buckleyj the

virtual scratch man, ran to tho front at the far turn in tho last round, followed by Agnew and Cnllimore. In a iino finish Buckley won by two yards, Agnew being a foot in front of BUI. and Oullimoro another foot away -fourth. Time, 2min 6 3-osec. 220 YARDS HANDICAP. First Heat: "V. L. Buckley C7yds) 1, M. C. Henderson (13yds) 2, G.~ Annear (scr) .3- Fiyo starters. Won by a yard and a foot between second and third/ 1 Time, 25sec. Second Heat: L. Hawkey (loyds) 1, H. Hanson* .(Byds) 2, J. Cooke (12yds) 3. Eight starters. Won by a foot, third a yard away. Time. 2osec. Third Heat: JET. E. Beach (15yds) 1, F. Newton (loyds) 2, V J. J. Cnllimore (12yds) 3. Seven starters. Won by t a foot, same distance between second and third. Time, 2osec. Final. Hanson (Byds) 1 -'L. Hawkey (loyds) 2 , M. C. Henderson (13yds) ...... 3 \ "Won by a foot, with Henderson (who was penalised a yard for breaking) a yard away, and Buckley close .up fourth Time fJ, 3-osec. YARDS SCHOOLBOYS CHAMPIL!i\*SHIP (12, and over). —L. Ashton 1,-_ Hi Wilson 2, R.. Wilson 3. (All Maau School boys). Time, 13sec. Winners receive Ferguson Challenge Cup. ONE MILE HANDICAP.—C. Mci Nab. (05yds) 1, S. T. Cabot (90yds) 2, W. S. Bill (90yds) 3. Seventeen 'Started, V. Buckley, (80yds) "being virtual scratch man. At the beginning of tho -second lap. Cabot was leading from McNab and Cullimore. With two laps to go Cabot still led, wiith McNab second, Bill third,, and G. 'Biickley fourth. The order was tho same at tho .bell; but along the back McNab established a good lead. Cabot closed on him again in the straight, but McNab won by~ seven yards, Bill, the. only other competitor to finish, beinsr ten yards away. Time, 4min 4.0 3-ssec. 75 YARDS SCHOOLBOYS CHAMPIONSHIP (under 12). Fitzgerald QMarist) 1, South (Waimataitai) 2, :Collins (Main) 3. .Won by two yards. 440 YARDS HANDICAP.—G. Annear (6yds) 1, M. C. Henderson (23yds) ■2* L. Spring (24yds) 3. Thirteen ran. Hawkey and Sprinf led along the back, but at the far turn Anhear made -a great mn and turned for home with the leaders. After a great finish Annear won by three inches, with Henderson less than a foot in front of Spring, • Cnllimore and Buckley being another half yard away. Time, 56sec. CYCLING. HALF MILE HANDICAP.— First Heat—F. U. ward (.-uyusj i, A. \\yutb (50yds) 2, J. Douglas (4oyds/ 3. J. Dunaill. (lioyds) also started. Won by a length, two lengths between second and third. Time, 64sec. Second Heat—C. H. Chamberlain (45yds) 1, ;W. Fcely (scr) 2, R. Auld (50yds) b. iE. S llamsay (2oyds) and B. Hawkins (70yds) also started. Won by a length, two lengths between second and third. Time. 63 3-osec. Third Heat—G. Taylor (10yds) 1, W. R. Hamlyn (45 yds)" 2, G. Tapp (35yds) 3. R* Watson Jscr), F. Davidson (55yds), and J. •Shefford vvOyds) also' started. Won by three lengths, a length between • second and third. Time, (ilsec. Final. F: C. Ward (20yds) 1 A. Wyatt (50yds) 2 W.- R,. Hamlyn (45yds) ......... 3 Wyatt and Chamberlain led along the back in the last lap, with: Feelv and Taylor on the last turn Ward forced .his,way "thrbngli on the inside, and bustled Cliamberlain. who ran across this track and interfered with and Taylor. In the sprint home Ward won by two lenartlis. with Wyatt a length in front of Hamlyn, and Feely, closo up fourth. Time. 63 2-sseo. ONE. MILS HANDICAP. First Heat—J. Douglas 1 (85yds) .1, W. R. Hamlyn (90vds) 2, G. Taylor (20yds) 3, E. Ramsay (45yds) 4. Won "by a length, half a length between second and third'. Feelv fell after catching the field. Time, 2min 14sec. Second Heat—F. .C. Ward (40yds) 1, G. Tapp (60yds) 2, A. Wyatt (9oyds) 3, J. Shefford (140 yds) 4. f Tho winner went right away with half a lan to go and won by eiglit lencths. Chamberlain's tvre hurst when lie was in third place. Time, 2min 10 2-osec.

. Final. F. C.- Ward (40vds) I • E. Ramsay Mo.vds) .............. 2 G. Taylor (20yds) ..." 3 The field had bunched, at the bell, with Ramsay leading from- Taylor and Ward. Ward shot to the front at the fa<- turn, and won l>y .three lengths. Ramsay beat in £ Taylor speond place- by inches. .Tapp -n-ns fourth, and Hamlyn fifth. Time, 2mic 9 2-osee.

1-} AIILES HANDICAP. —. First Heat—E. ltam say' (65yds) j, W. R. Hamlyn (12oytls) 2, W. Feely (10yds) 3, G. 'Taylor (30yds) 4. J. Douglas fell. "Won by a length,-third and fourth close up. Time, 3iuin 45sec. Second Heat—G. Tapp (SOyds) 'l, A. Wyatt (135 yds) 2, F. C. Ward (60yds) 3. J. Shelford (215 yds) 4. Won by a length, with half, lengths ; between second., third and fourth. Time, 3min 2osec. v Final. F. C. Ward- (60yds) ....... 1 15. Ramsay ; (6ayds) 2 G: Tapp (80yds) 3 The front men began slowly, and the field was bunched at the "end of the second lap. SliofFord and Wyatt kept the pace sound, and with two laps to eo Feely- tried to jumn the lield. Ward and Tapp overhauled him. however, and at the bell Feely dropped out. Ward. Tano. and Ramsay sinaled themselves out i«i the last.' ]ap. and in a frrcat .finish Ward won by a. tryre from . with Tapp three lengths away. Taylor fourth,

and Wynlt fifth. Time, 3min 25 2-5 sec.

THREE MILES HANDICAP— G. Tapp (125 yds) 1, W. R. Hamlyn (ISS yds) 2, E. Ramsay (105 yds) 3. At tlio «?nd of tlie first mile tho iield of thirteen was in three divivisious, Wyatt pacing the first bunch, with Tapp and Rainsay together 50 yards away, and Taylor and Ward 100 yards behind. In the eighth lap Sliefford jumped away, but Tapp overhauled him. With a lon to go Tapp went to the front, and holding his place to the finish won T>y four lengths. Hamlyn being a foot ahead of Ramsay, with "Wyatt close tip fourth. Time, 7min 5 l-ssec. GENERAL SPORTS. PUTTING 161b STONE. J. J. O'Connell (9in) 36ffc lin, 1; W. A. Dunstan (27in) 2, J. Roddick (scr) 3. Three others competed. THROWING IGIb HAiMMER.— G. Kerslalco (14ft) 100 ft lOin. 1; J. Breslin (18ft) 99ft ljin, 2; W. A. Dunstan (scr) 99ft, 3. Three others competed. HIGH JUMP.—Y. A. Ellery (oin) oft Tin. 1: J. P. Horgan (4in) oft.Gin, 2; E. R.. O'Xoil (oin) oft 4in, 3. Three others jumned. LONG JUMP. P. J. O'Gonncll (ISin) lDFfc Bin, 1; V. A. Ellery (lain) and J. P. Horgan (spr) lSft*6}in 2. Twelve competed.- *• HOP. STEP AND JUMP. L. Spring (27in) 39ft llin. 1; W. A. O'Connor (30in). 3Sft 3iin, 2; J. P. Horsan (scr) 3Sft 2in, 3. Nine competed. WRESTLING (Cumberland).—E. G. Coles 1. J. Roddick 2, M. McKcnnn 3. Six competed. WRESTLING (Cumberland. nnder 12st). —,T. Breslin 1, M. McKenna 2. W. A. O'Connor 3. WRESTLING (Catch-as-catch-oan) •T. Roddiek'l. E. G. Coles 2, M. McKenna 3. Five competed. MUSIC AND DANCING. Deep interest was aroused by the large number of Highland events, which lasted throughout the day, conuncnc■ns at.11.30 and contimring 'till 6 o clock. Much talent was shown by tho competitors, who w r ere all seemingly well up in their work. The judges expressed themselves as highly satisfied with the whole programme. Somo of the. smaller dancers gave good exhibit ions and tho spectators were not backward in applauding them. The Society's champion medal, awarded to the competitor gaining most points throughout the day, went to Miss May Thorn. who gained a well-earned honour. The presented the medal at ihe conclusion of the Highland programme. The pipin<r was also of a high order and competition was keen. Following are the results: — BAGPTPE MUSIC. MARCHES.—J. Mel n tyro 1, G. Robinson 2. The onlv competitors. STRATHSPEYS AND REELS.—G. Robinson 1, J. Mclntvre 2. JIGS . # XD HORNPIPES—J. McIntyre and G. Robinson (equal) 1. DANCING. SEAN.TRTURHAS (Boys under 14). —Edwin Robinson 1, Colin Shaw 2. Neil Brfftvn 3. The onlv competitors. HIGHLAND FLING * (Boys over 14 and nnder 16, and Girls o\er 14). — May Thorn 1, Winnie Robinson 2. Rita Burns 3. Also competed: CV.ra. Friars. Flora de Joux, Martha Lockhart, K Mitten, Doreen McClatcliv, and Agnes Smith. HiGHLAND FLING (Girls under 14). —Mona Brown 1, Gwen I'itehu- 2. Mona Wade 3. There wora 11 com petit oi-s. HIGHLAND FLTXG (Boys ami Girls tinder 10). —Mona Wade 1. Alma Ha~tie 2. Cissie' Kyle 3. Connie Potts and Rn'av Robinson also competed. GnfLLIE CALLUM (Girls under 14;.—8 King 1, Gwen R.itehie 2, J Seaman 3 Rita Fibbes. Mona Wade and Ena Murray also competed. REEL O' TULLOCTT (Boys over 14 and under 18, and Girls over 14). — May Thorn 1, Rita Burns 2. Flora de Joux 3. Martha Lockhart, Dorcon and Winnie Robinson alsp competed. HIGHLAND FLING (Girls over- 10 and under 32). —Gwen Riitchio 1, Eva' Murray 2, Maisie Fenton 3. Cissie Kyle and Ina McClatchy also competed. SEAN TRTUBHAS (Boys over 14 and under 16. and Girls over 141. — May Thorn I, Winnie Robinson 2, Rita Burns 3. Cora Friars, Flora de Joux Jv. Mitten and Dorcen McClatcliy also competed. REEL (Boys and Girls under 14). — Gwen Ritchie 1, Edwin Robinson 2. Rita -Fibbes 3. There were 13 competitors. GHILTME CALLUM (Boys over 14 and under 16, and Girls over 14). — ir nv Toorn 1, Winnie Robinson 2, Flora do Joux 3." Rita Burns, Cora Friars. Martha Lockhart, Doreen McClatcliy and - Agnes Smith also competed. HIGHLAND FLING (Bovs over 10 and under. 13). —Edwin Robinson 1, Colin Shaw 2, Neil Brown 3. SAILOR'S HORNPIPE. Mona Wale 1. Winni« Robinson ?, Edwin Robinson 3. There were 12 competitors. IRISH .110 —May Thorn 1. Winnie Robinson 2, Rita Burns 3. Thirteen' competed.

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Timaru Herald, Volume CVII, Issue 16432, 2 January 1918, Page 6

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S.C. CALEDONIAN SOCIETY. Timaru Herald, Volume CVII, Issue 16432, 2 January 1918, Page 6

S.C. CALEDONIAN SOCIETY. Timaru Herald, Volume CVII, Issue 16432, 2 January 1918, Page 6


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