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GERALDINE RACE MEETING. Second Dat, Friday, September 28th. Stewards: Messrs T. W. Corbetr, D. McKenzie, R. H. Pearpoint, J. Kennedy, W. Deßt'nzy, J. Meikle, W. Lawson. J. M. Ollivier, J. Cunningham, W. Pollhill, J. Mundell, D. D.ooon A. L. Barker. Clork of the Course: Mr R. Stangell. Btarter : Mr J. Meiklo. Clerk of the * O ates: Mr T. W. Corbett. Ju'lee: Mr M. Studholmo. Handicapper : Mr D. McKenzie. The Geraldine race Hireling was con tinned and brought to a close yesterday. The attendance wo», if anything, larger than on Thursday, the fine midsummer-like morning tempting a good many to att-nd the meeting. As tbe cUy wore on, however, heavy threatening clouds came up, and about two o'clock a strong son'-wp«ter sprang up, making it any thing but pleasant for those who could not take advantage of tbe shelter afforded by tbe Grand Stand. To add to this discomfort, a slight shower of hail came down about four o'clock, and half an hour later a steady downpour of rain, which continued to the close of the meeting. This very rapid change of weather bad, as may be supposed, a grent effect on tbe spectators, numbers leaving for home after the third rare had been got off. The rasing was on the wholo very good, the finishes m tbe Cup and County Plate being sights worth going a long way to ccc. We are sorry to havo to record so many accidents — no less than three taking place m tho Hurdle Race, and one m the County Plate. Tbe two m the Hack Hurdle Race were but trifling, but tbo toes of Lady Perdita m the Hurdle Race is a very serious one to Mr F. Jones. As far as one could see from tha Stand, tbe mare seemed to strike the hurdle heavily with her fore feet, and fall on her near shoulder, pitching her rider, Charley Joyce, off and then partly rolling over on him. Ab the rider and horse did not get up, a number of tbe spectators went over to where they wore both lying, and at once assisted Joyce to hit feet. On examination it was found that luckily he bad no bones broken, and beyond a rather severe Bbakingwasall right. The mare, however, wo« sobadly injured that she had tobedoslroyed. The accident m the County Plate was n very peculiar ono. Tbo gelding Right Bower on coming into the curve near tbe Stand ran rather wide, and swerving sharply to regain the course strained the muscles of his off shoulder badly, and slightly injured bia off hind leg. His rider smartly dismounted, and soon afterward the horse was taken home to Geraldine. The I accidents that have happened at this point during the present meeting will surely prove to the Club thn necessity of laying out this part of the course afresh before their next meeting. But for these drawbacks the meeting passed off very satisfactorily. Tbe following are the results of the day's racing : — Handicap Hubdik Race, of 100 eova ; about two miles ; over eight flights of hurdles. Mr A W. Dillon's b g Hercules, 6yrs 10«t71b (Lyford) 1 Mr J. W. Cotton's b g Wild Boy, aged, 10?t 81b (Owner) 2 Mr D. O'Brien's br g Melbourne, aged, 10»t 91b (Owner) 3 Mr J. Lenia' g g Sohmooz-r. aeed, 9at Gib (H. Thompson) 0 Mr P. Jones' oh m Lady Perdita, 6yrs, 9»t 121 b, sl«o etirieri. Mr J. Pilbrow's b g Clarence, aged, 12<t 71b, was scratched. Bitting— 6 to 4 Hercules, 7 to 2 Melbourne, 5 to 1 Bohmoozer, 3 to 1 Wild Boy, 6to 1 Lady Perdita. There was £173 on the iDside totalisa'or — £77 on the winner ; on the outside £42 — £17 on the winner. This being a two mils race, sod the course being about a mile round, tho start was made almost oppoiite the Judge'i stand. Tbo start was a fair one, Sohmoozer, through being rather restleßs, being the longest m getting away. Wild Boy, closoly followed by Hercules, showed the way ovoi the first hurdle, but before the next wa< reached Schmoozer went to the front, and along the baok put two or three lengthi between himself and Hercules, who wa: lying next. Coming along toward! the ourve all the riders eajed theii horses, and after safely getting ovei the hurdle which was placed m thi straight, coumenced to put the steam oi again. Paß»ing the Stand Wild Boy an< Hercules were racing together, Schmoozei Melbourne and Lady Perdita following m th order named. On taking tbe hurdle at tb> turn two or three of the horses struck th timber rather heavily, sending splinter Bring m all directions. On coming to the nexl Hercules did the piloting, Wild Boy follow ing close on his quarters, Melbourne im Schmoozer next. Lady Perdita, who wa two or three lengths behind the latter, dii not come off so fortunate, as she struck th hurdle very heavily, and came down. A tho animal and her jock (Joyce) did not ge ir.up, a general rush was made for the spot II when it wai found that Joyce bad got r very severe shaking, and that tho mare ba if broken her baok. Tho other horses meanwhil t. raced on, Herculeß and Wild Boy, who wei is \ still going side by side, at every Btrid ir widening the distance between them and tfc

oilier two. Coming to the curve again Hercules and Wild Boy were carefully ridden jind turning it, they both rose to the hurdle together, but the former was the first to get away from it, and Lyford at the sane time clling on him, landed him a winner hj two lengths, Melbourne coming m a bncl third, and Sehmwzer last. Time— 4tnin 259pcb. Hack Ht/bdlb Racb of 15 soys, for hncki (bat had never won over 15 soya of public money ; one nnd a half miles ; over 6 flight sof hurdles j weights not !e»« than 1(M ; winner lo be sold for 15 soys, any surplus to go the Club's funds. Air Moore'a Little Dick ... (0. Dunn) 1 Mr W.vatt's Sankey (Owner) 2 Mr Reid's Jennie, Mr Hobbt' lota, and Mr Barker's Mad Kate also ran. There was little or no betting on this race, alttiongh a few knowing ones prodicted that Little Dick would not be far off at the finish. In tho inside totalisalor them were 119 investors, 17 on tho winner ; whilst m the outside there were 22— one investor only being on the winner, who bad tho satisfaction of pocketing £19 16s. The pace was made a very warm one from the start, but young Dunn rode Little Dick very well, taking it quits easily from the Blart. Passing the Stand (he first time Little Dick was last, but at tho ba?k of the course he commenced to go up, and on reaching (ho turn for home he had overhauled and passed nil but Saokey. A bit of a spurt then look pl»co between these twe, but Little Dick had the most left m him, and won easily. In this race two spills occurred, but they were not serious ones, the horses and their riders soon getting on thoir feet again. Gkhaldinb Cup cf 150 soya ; two miles ; winner of the Geraldino Racing Club Handicap to carry 7ibs extra. Mr D. O'Brien's br h Tasman, by St. Alban's—Ziilah, syrs, 9et 21b (including 71b penalty (Derrilt) 1 Mr J. Stepbenjon'a o h Taiaroa, by Tubal din — Ace of Hearts, iyr?, 7st 51bs (O'Connor) 2 Mr G. Bates' eh g The Poet, by Anteros —Fancy, 6yrs, 7at 3lbs ...(MoCloikey) 3 Mr d. Q. Stead's bro Trickster, by Leolinus—Revoke, Syr?, 6st 21b; Mr P. Butler'a br h Emir Bey by Tubal Cain — Ate of Hearts, syrs, 8;t; and Mr H. Fuller's eh g Hiszird, by Koran — Minnehaba, oyrs, 6st 51b, aleo run. Betting— 4 to 1 Trickster, 3to 2 Tanman, 4 to 1 Emir Bey, 20 to 1 Hazard, 7 to 2 The Poot, and 5 to 1 Taiaroa. The inner totalisator showed £211 — £91 on the winnor; the outer one £121 — £54 on the winner. This was tbe great event of the day. Taaman, despite the fact that he carried a penalty of 71bn for having won the " big monoy " of the previous day, wa» a very warm favorite for this race, and it will be seen on reference to the totuliiator returns that nearly half the total number of investors placed their monoy on him. Emir Bey also came m for a moro than average share of attention, whilst of the rest Tbe Poet was the most fancied. Mr Meikle hail a good deal of trouble m getting the Grid away. First, of all The Poet took a gallop on bis own account, then all got away but him ; and on all oming back again Emir Bey started playing up. Eventually they all got away well, Emir Boy at once taking premier position, Taiaroa being his immediate attendant. Going round at the back of tho course. Hazard went up with a great rush and took a long lead. The speotßole at this time wus a really grand one, the majority of the horse* being together, presenting a right but rarely witnessed on a South Canterbury course. Turning into the home straight, Hazard was still leading, but before he bad passed the Stand, Tasmao was alongside him, Emir Bey about two lengths off next, and the rest so close together, that a tablecloth wou : d have covered them. Before many more yards had been covered, i'asman displaced Hazard, who fell back to third place, while laiaroa filled tbe gap thus made, Emir Bey all (ho time surely but gradually losing ground. Taamin, Taisroa, and Hazuri then went along at a rattling pact) until the north side of the course nearing home was reached, when The Poet who had been lying fifth, made a tremendous rush, and got into third pusition. The riders of Ta*man, Taisrca, and The Poet, steadied their horses a little nt the curva, but on getting Bafely round it all applied their whips, and tho most exciting finish of tbe day was witneiaed, Tasmnn only winning by about half a length from Taiaroa, I he Poet a length behind him, while Trickster, Etnir Bey, and Hazard came m m tbe order named somn lengths behind Tho Poet. This mco was an exceedingly good ono from start to finish. All the horses were well riddon, but Derritt certainly deserves moat credit for the exceedingly cleverjway m which be rode Tasman. Time— 3min 59icc. Cotjntx Plate, of; 60 sots (with cup pregented by Mr L. Walker), for tbreo-jear-olds, tho lond fide property of portions resioing withiu the County of Geraldine. One and a half miles. Colts, 8»t 101 b; fillies and geldings, Bst 71b. Mr J. Keen's b g Faust, by Totari — Opera .', (D<>rritt) 1 Mr A. Mundell'a b c Maroon, by Cattiway — Nancy (Wyati) 2 Mr 0. Storey's g f Queen Bee, by Jangler (Sharp) 3 Mr Allan's cb g Sweet William, Mr B. T. Button's eh g Eahikatea', Mr M. Hobbs' br f Miss Fenwiok, Mr T. Bull's br g Bight Bower, Mr D. Denoon's br f Vinca, and Mr J. Bull's b f Gondoline, also started. On tha inside totaliaator there was £191, £90 on tha winner. On tho outside, £47, £22 on tho winner. A3 the distance for thil race was a mile and a Imlf, the start was made opposite the Stand at tbo far side of tho course. All got away exceedingly well, Queen Bee being the first to omerge from the ruck. At the ourve, Right Bower ran wide, and being sharply pulled up, somehow strained tho muscles of bis off fore leg, besides slightly injuring his hind leg on tho off side. Tho jock prevented him from falling, and quickly dismounting the horse was led off the course out of tho road of the others Tbe grey ally bad again assumed the lead at the back of tho course, FaUßt next, Maroon and tho others following. On turning into the straight, Faust, Maroon, and Queen Bee were racing sido by side, but D er ntt showing the others a taste nf his quality, landed Faust the winner by a neck, Queen Bee coming m a good third, tho rest straggling m. On making his appoarance before the Judge, Derritt was loudly cheered, the win altogether seeming to be a very popular one. Time— 3min 15sec. Flying Handicap, of 60 «ovs. The winner of the G.E.O. Handicap or Geraldine Cup to carry 71b extra, and the winner of both these races to carry 101 b extra. Six furlongs. Mr J. Stephenson's br o Hyacinth, by St. Albans— Black Bess, 3yr», 7.t 31b (O'Connor) 1 Mr T. Hainea' b g Statesman, 4yrs, Git 6'b (White) 2 Mr G. Bates' eh m Minerva, by Tra-lucer — Sweet Briar, 6yrj, 7st 91b (McOloskey) 3 Mr P. Butler's b m Trinket, 4yrs, 6st 71b. and Mr G. Lawson's eh m Marchionesi Noil, 4yrs, 6»t 121 b, also ran. Mr D. O'Brien's b m Siesta, 4yra, Bstlolb j Mr J. Stephenmn's oh h Taiaroa, 4yrs, 7st 101 b ; and Mr J. Pilbrow's b m Envious, 6yr«, 7at 121 b, were ioratched. Betting — 5 to 1 Trinket and Marchioness Neil, 3 to 1 Minerva, 2to 1 Hyacinth, 10 to 1 Statesman. The inner totalisator showed £192— £100 on tho winner j tbe outer one £41 — £27 on the winner. The starter sent tbe horses away well, and Hyacinth went to the front at once, closely followed by Statesman, and was never beaded, winniDg easily by three lengths, about two lengths separating Statesman from Minerva the third horse. Trinket aod Marchioness Nei! finished at their ease. Time — lmin 24soc. Consolation Handicap of 30 sovi. Foi all beaten horees during the meeting Once round tbe course. Mr J. W. Cotton's b g Wild Boy, 7st (Sharp) : Mr H. Fuller's eh g Hazard, 6st 71b (White) : Mr G. Laweon's eh m Marchioness Neil, 7st 101 b (Mitchell) Mr P. Butler's br h Emir Bey, Oat 21b, wa scratched. During tho running of this race it was rainin heavily, and was therefore next to impossibl to make out the horses at the back of th course, Coming down towards the cum

i. however, it was seen that Hazard had a ponH i, lond, but beforo the curvo was passed Wile c Boy came along nt a emit rate, nnd turning t into the straight, nli'illeiißed Hazard, whe c did nrt respond, and won tho raco easily : ? Mnrrhioneti Noil finishing anything but a 1 coo:l third. This raco broujht. to a closo th( Geraldine Rate Meeting of 1883. , (By TrlbgrAPH.)

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Timaru Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 2814, 29 September 1883, Page 3

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SPORTING. Timaru Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 2814, 29 September 1883, Page 3

SPORTING. Timaru Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 2814, 29 September 1883, Page 3


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