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••• . •■• , •• Bhvvri" if uno 23. 1 '°&W ffe* "Alrawaia 1 from "Melbourne fei^e 18th"in.t. :-SS nl ™* uir an Pisofestora^Mnsoto? i»h{y>w«| defeated pP^meM ffl^^ejd^ti^n reform ana reorganise the Department, | One f}f trh a m f " injT|r«^ m th« oolliffiprt near Dunkeld has died. At the inqueit, ManphMtfli\ ijie-contraotor, 3a» r MjeWm'itteii^dE. haring giren the orders that led to the collision. 0 ' Lee, the proprietor of th« Police News, lik»t^en ;^ffitfea-f6V trial for 1 lit el on "a w6man. ; J ' x ! « l!:Ul ' :i l- 1 - 1 ;-'' 1 ---^' !i i!| ' iv ; Mr James Ganger, ' who 'WaT a candidate for, StarellJast election, has been kiliid bjr^faffing^own a shaft 300 feet deep, I 0 Sfilr W/fifervoise and Colonel §cratohl*J are examining the harbor works. Thf latter will remain here to carry out dw s ifiw r i.4ArP'duli: F Oati are m good demand, at 4a to 4s 3d ; wheat, 7s 7d. i

■| INTER PROVINCIAL NEWS Wellington, June 23. Tho following ships have arrived at London : — Hampshire and Sobraon ; from Melbourne, Cicero ; from Sydney, Damacua. • Auckland, June 23. The repairs to the Wellington will be completed m time to leave for the South on Monday. The Mount Eden Brewery Co. have received a telegram from Wellington, stating m reply to the Licensed Victuallers' petition that the Government is favorable to equalising the Auckland licenses with those of other parts of the colony. Nelson, June 23. The schooners Elizabeth Conway and Owake, are reported lying at Ascolabe repairing damages. Another telgram reports the Conway at Totaranui. Christchobch, June 24. A curious case of passing counterfeit sovereigns came before the Resident Magistrate yesterday. It seems a draper m town has been selling vest buttons which are good imitations of sovereigns, and a boy named William Henry Eaton got some of these, carefully filed off the shanks,, and passed one of them as a sovereign. In a second attempt he was caught. The Bench censured the draper who had, sold the buttons, pointing out that any person of common sense would have seen what great temptation tie was offering to persons to commit fraud. The case is adjourned till Monday. Another boy has since been arrested for a similar offence. Balclutha, June 23. At the Clutha Ploughing Match thirteen double-furrow ploughs competed, eleven first-class and two junior. A boy named Mclntyre, aged thirteen years, took first prize m both classes, also for the best finish and best out* and iris, i« all upwards . of twenty pounds m prises.

Public Mbbtino at Pleasant Point.— A public meeting^will be held m the schoolroom, Pleasant Point, this evening, to consider the advisability of obtaining, the services of a doctor to reside m the district: Beitbvoi,hnt Society.— The Secretary of the.Tinuru Benevolent Society wiskes to a<?knowledge with thanks the receipt of,-£l from '■ A Gentije," m aid of the fund*. NBW ZEALAND MBAT PBB9EBVISfO COMPANY — The Washdve branch of this Company hat now concluded its boiling down operations for the season, arid the employes, to t he number of abo-it eighty, will be paid off at once. " St. Johh's Lodge.— The monthly meeting of theabovo Lodge Will- be held th:s evening at half-past aeveri o'clock. Visiting brethren are invited' to attend. EiyjCATioNAi. — A public meeting of householders m the Winchester education il district will be held it) the schoolroom at 7 p.m. on Monday, July 2, for" the purpose ofelec'iig four parsons to serve on thVCommittee.. BKTBftTArwifßjrr.— The srcoid of the series of winter entertainments, given udder the; auipiees of the I.O.GKT. Lodges, will, take place m the Mechanics' Institute, on Wednesday evening. The programme, besides 'the' usual items, will include the screaming farce of " Twenty, minutes with a tiger." GboriHA Mihstbels. — This famous Ethiopian Troupe will give fchrir first performance m Timaru at the Mechanics'lnstitute Hall this eVening. If the high encomiums' passe J upon them by the Press m Auckland jy"«llington and Christohurch, . are to be taken for anything, the Georgia Minstrels are about the, best lot of " niggers " who have ever visited the colony. '; BssipESiT IMagistbatb's Court, Tihabu: t- Archibald Ifacfie, who was on Frirlny fined os for being drunk, and' disorderly, was again charged on Saturday with trespassing on Mr Wakefield's premisini, »nd was remanded'tilt Monday. J. Hamilton was charged with being drunk and disorderly and, assaulting; tlie police. He was . fined lOi for each' offence. - ' /PiotroHiNO Match.— A meeting of persons interested m getting up a ploughing match m Timaru was held on Saturday at the G^bsvjsfldr Hotel. "Present— Messrs M'Kerrbw, 1 Jj.', Maclean, Mcßrathey, Kelland, Stevenson, Pringie, A^ Chalmers, R. Chalmers; McLaren, Meikle, Henderson,. Elder and bthW Mr.J. C. 'MoKerrqw was Voted to the Chat r. A committee was formed, as per adfrertiVeraent m another coliimn, and canvassers appointed' to obtain eub-icrip-tibhson behalf of the committee: It decided to; hold a match on the 27th July^ Messrs D. ; aiad L. Maclean were appointed honV treasurers, arid instructed to : advertis* m order .to obtain offers from persons' willing to place a suitable pa Idcrck at the disposal of .the Com mil tee, m which to hold the match. ' We trust t oat the farmers arid to'irijspeople will to their adrantage to gupp^rt, m any way they can, this very useful and to thi^ district necessary competition of the plough.. Last year, from apathy or some other unaccountable reason, the mattur did not eVeiituate, and the efforts of a few to ujj'didttot succeed, bat with such an nfl^ential committee as we see at theliead of ttie advertisement it will go hard with us, but #c mihage to get a g<jod one up this year ; ahd as the list of prises is' a good one, competitors from all parts will find sufficient inducetinentj to attend, we* should think. J '.WintATri LioBNSiNa Court.— At an adourned sitting of the annual Licensing Court Tield 'on^ !Friday last, , t Here were, present the Chairnuin' (B. Woollcpmlie', Esq.) '• and E. •Blwfirt^ arid 'J. 'B.'/Parkei 1 , Es^ts.', ConimissfriperßL .'Mr Hotmerrtey appeiiriid ort behAlf of ))/?: B. "Kifsk'i application "lor an filter Ucen9e ijb. gt..Aidrew> railway gtation. 'Sergeant O'Connor haririg stated that b» had 'iiiip^ctid the hojuMe Air, which the' lieenso was r appji« l d, and f<>lind the, honse m a fi Dished state'' and Well finished/ the certificate .jvas ,'irtotfa I . .•■;•■"■■.■•' ".v- ■ ; : ■ T itouiH. ' CircMoiia 'Oaxraai, Jfll* J:LorilshW 'Bishop' Bedwoocl' formally fiipjitnod ih© ne* Catholic, Chut'ch m this town jVesterday, morning, and preuchrd a most impreifiyo, sernidn'.'.oh; the oceaiipn. [' At "eTeniiig service, 'al;' ! whic : h tlie chtirch was beautifully illuminated, his Lordship took for 'his text,' "Know thou and see that it it an evil and bitter thing to leave the Lord thy 'God," ; aind,' 'm ,»■ rery .able arid eloquent discourse, showed -how' original sin had heaped upon the troubles they now endure, and bad brought upon its ''all pur' woes,, with .ipWpfSffon/'- ' _V'" : i : " : "'■■-' ■ !: '' ;: ''' ;: : f ; ..yAO*AHT Cußi.—^^Veslipuld UWtp know whythe police m Timaru do riot shoot^ hang, poison, or otherwise destroy a few scores of •tjie worthless dogs with whioh , the town is infested". During the day. t^ey are not Visible t^ny numbers, but at night they tally out |s'u6h troojis that many pf the streets j.thft .'Porpugh are alive with "them; ph# of their pretty little habits being tb weak »gßteUy ' 'up ' bthirid ' people , ; aid ; test t the qwui^y p^tfieir calves. It is, n6 me tryiig T tp. remonstrate . with them' either Terbally, 'or '-irittt, the .thick end , of a. stick ; : ' M the bVu(^s . •op^' "wunV , m. excuse' to 'fly' at one's throat. ; 'Hanger 0 makes th?m; ferociouis, Wpvilcl please them better thab 1 to jpaJL<t si, naeal off one. As the nuisariee is really teppmui* f wtpM .ott'e';' we ' Hope' tfaior TenderinU' : declare war against these cltj •raba^atjOpc*, and grant, neither pekceiioi [^^l]WM^!', : lS^aY^\ Brarjrq xi .|o^B-rt%f^e/./%to:2feaaiii &oldj are glad to hear from oar coiteapondent >t Ppye^y Bty th^at tbe,Mttler«.of that distinct; s^r» to >'.'thar right ! njind. . What obuldhaVp aoesMMd them, that they should I»ve Wpbme ;f^h't«iied that Te Kooti wai about tpjomaVi aapther add and to desolate 1 4i.iAr,;^ i o^t a i^gi^. (( , ; s^ thej

coull not hare got up the agitation, telegraphed to the GoTernment to know the latest news about Te Eooti, and held an alarm and indignation meeting on the »übject from the paltry motives which some people m Auckland are m the habit of ascribing to residents m the out district towmhips — namely, the desire to hare some Government expenditure amongat them. Narrow-minded reople are saying that was the motive, bat we do not believe it for s moment. Any military expenditure would be of little importance to a district like Peverty Bay, having a considerable population, and having a larg* extsnt of fertile land to attract settlors. Besides, it must be evident that a panic abjut invasion must tend to retard the progress of the district to a degree which the stationing of a regimen)', m the plaes *ould not c lunter-balance the present residents. People will not readily make homes where they dread that their property and lives will be m danger. All theße facts must be as evident to tho people of Poverty Bay as to those outside of the district, and more so iudeed, and therefore our surprise is great at the action taken. One looks m vain for any intelligibly reason which the people of Poverty Bay could have had for fearing a visit from Te Eooti. That individual, as we all know, is living under the protection of Tawhiao, and he knows better than to trust himnelf beyond the boundary which murks the limit of Tuwhiao's unquestioned power. He his no influence worth speaking of amongst tho Kingitcs, and couM not get any of them to follow him from Te Euiti to Poverty Baj. The natives of the latter place on the other hand, are not likely to invite him to come amongrt them, or to give him any countenance or assistance if he did come. They are •far more likely to arrest him and deliver him into custody. The only proof offered that Te Eooti has had Poverty Bay m his thoughts is the fact that he " wants his wife to go to him." A very natural wish, but not hiving any threatening import for the settlers; showing rather that he desires to livo a quiet family life m future where he is with family omforts around him. The wife, it seems, refuses to go, not caring to cast m her lot with a husband who may be captured nt any time. The people of Poverty Bay may, we think, rest assnred that they hive no cause to dread Te Eooti, and that m future they are unlikely to be disturbed by any Maori outbreak whatever. While regretting that the residents of Gisborne should hava become alarmed without cause, we agree with them that the Government should not leave arraa m the out districts unguarded, and that a smill number of Constabulary should be stationed at places where there is any possibility of danger. We do not think, however, that we would place Poverty Bay m that category. Tho settlers of that district ought, to feel quite re assured with the organisation of "Volunteer corps. • Nobfolk Island. — A correspondent of the New Zealand Herald writes from Norfolk Island as follows : — We have had. a dearth of vessels for your port j indeed, since Vno Canterbury left, the end of lajt December, no direct opportunity has occurred. N« whalers have called. The Josephine arrived from Auckland on 22nd January and sailed on 7th of. February for Koumea j arrived again on 7th March, and after three weeks detention, on account of wrather, sailed on 28th, with a cargo of cattla for the s»me port. On the 3rd April, H.M.s Alacrity, Lieutenant-Cora* mandrr Mo >re, arrived from Sydney, on her way to Fiji on surveying duty. She called, by order of the Cornmodoie, to survey and report uppn the. reef enclosing Emily Bay on south side. Whilst so employed, sounding outside !tho reef, the boat, a shore one, containing besides the crew Captain Moore, Sub-Lieutenant Combe, and a quartermaster, unfortunately got into the. surf ami was 'swamped. The three strangers managed to' scramble on to the reef, and, with the exopption of losing a letd iind line and two pocket eextairs, were- none the worse for their immersion. The crew managed to save the boat, which was badly damaged. However, it did not deter them from finishing tho survey, which wus completed on the evening of the 6th, and next morning the vessel left for nor destination. The Missionary schooner Southern Cross,. Captain Bougard, arrived on 15th, bringing the : new Bishop, Mr Selwyn, the Revs. Messrs Penny and' Cumins, Mr Hunter-Brown, and several ladies, also a quantity of stores 'or the Mftsion. On'the afternoon of the Sunday following the Bishop held his first con firEnaiion service, the Revs. Messrs Codrington, Nobbs, Byce, Penny, and Cumins taking pi rt. The Bishop's address to the; young ; peon|e, although not . very brilliant, was to the point, amd everything passed off satisfactorily. The vessel left for the Islands on the 25th, tak'ng the Bishop, Messrs Byce and Pennr, and a number of the boys, and will return m eight or ten weeks if all goet well. The Donald McLean schooner, Captain William Champion, arrived ■ from NodmeH on the 23rd inst., and after taking in* a cargo of horses . and sundries, leaves to-day (27th) fur (he tame port. It is anticipated that the will take the place of the Josephine m the Noumea trade. Drought and sickness has prevailed for some months past on the Island. Influenza, with low fever was the prevailing epidemic, but is now fast, dying out, Mr Henry Kendall, the farmer at the THission, died rather suddenly on the 10th, of typhoid fever. The drought is parching everything op, and the poor beasts are having a hard time of it ; the little rain that has fallen not being sufficisnt to start the grass. Advices from Pitcairn report the death of two persons there, Mayhew Young an'oa girl, from an epidemic (supposed to be measles), that has visited them. On the other hand, seaionible rains are reported, and forid is abundant. ' .' ' ' Football Toubnamkntl— Says an Auckland ipxper i — lt is contemplated to hold a great football tournament at Wellington m the month of August, and the'oo-operation of the: Auckland players has been invited. The following letter will folly explain the matter, and we : have only to add that a meeting of " kickists " Will be held at the Thames Hotel at 6 p;tn. on Friday evening to consider the proposal:— " Dunedin, 29th May, 1877.— T0 the secretary Auckland Football Club, Auckland : sir,— l : have torday received an answer to my letter of the 24th nit., addressed to the Wellington Football Club, m which I asked permission to try aod arrange with your club and the Nelson, olub . that representative teams should mee> us during August on tne Wellington club ground this season, and which suggestion the Wellington Athletic Olub are aoxious should be carried out. It is proposed, 'That the four representative teams of the olubs— Auckland, Wellington, Nelson, and Dunedin— compete m heats, making a series of game* that would doubtless create immense publio interest, iWe are the. more/ anxious that this meeting should take place, as our probable team have only a limited time at their disposal, and could only, visit as far north at Wellington. Please. let me have an early reply as to your views upon the foregoing.—l am. Ac A. CabQux, Honorary ■Secretary, D.F.C." . - :

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Timaru Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 1763, 25 June 1877, Page 3

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AUSTRALIAN NEWS. Timaru Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 1763, 25 June 1877, Page 3

AUSTRALIAN NEWS. Timaru Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 1763, 25 June 1877, Page 3


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