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Exceoding£2i), and not exceeding - - !-• '•.•:•: £5.Q;,. ;..■;./.- L - ( . ■■" -.i-.v,^ .-:...- .Q 1f 2.- r .6-; .Exceeding £30, and not cxceedin<* * . '£io6 .-"•=•-■ '•; " '; ' : ■'••■■■ ;*^ %'6 ■ For every addiiionali£so, or 'fia'c-' 1 '•''•'"•' •' -■'.'. tional parK of: £so ■.'.-... '„::■> : o i.:-iO. -■'.■:• "" '- ■•:-:-:-.: l^li_-;.. WS S/:«v!:,,:, SCHEDULE-H: • ":■■'■ '.- \A CoxTAiKnrcf the DuTna os" 'PboßAteß : 'p? " WllJfl, A2fi> LBTTEBa OF ; "ABMnaSTBATI6ir.Phobate of a Will and letters ' '" : ; "' '* : ■ Administration, •wi^.h a^Wil^jinT.'-.; . . „ x : nexed,, where 1 the' effects, as', „'-■"-,,. sworn to by 'the 'Executor " or '" ' Administrator, shall be-^- ■ ■ ■ ' "' Under the Ttalue of ' £100 ...10 Of, Above the value,- of. £100, , and ... . •■'■■■■ under .£2oo'" . .."..." ' ... 2.0 6 Above the value of' £200, -and " "" ' l: - --under £300 ! -.■-•" . ... ■'■ ' :ii;i 3 .-: rQ . ■. (y -. Above the value of £300, and", „ , under £-100 .._ . .. ; . ■-.-4. 0 ,o', Above the "value of £400, and . ' under £500 '...-' ' '...' 5 " o'^o ' An d above £500 .'. . ' • 1 per cent. L.KTTXRS OTJ AIQIIKISTEATIOir, Iwith :: ; ! out -.a W ( ill annexed, 'where the piTccls, as sworn tp r by.tlic Ad-. ' ' .'*' ministrator, shall b'e l^"' 1 ; "' ; ' l - ;7 : :v Under the value of £100 !■- i,. 1- 10- 0 ' Above the value, of £100» and ; , -p under £200 ; '„! ' . ' „.3'^ 0 6 Above the value of £200, and '•'.'' ' under £300 . ... : i ur-..; "4 10 : 0 Above the value of £300, -and— under^OQ ........ '""..'., 6 0 . 'Above' the value 1 of £400,' ' a h!! d J " 1 under £500 : ....... .., ..- v C 7 And above £500 ..'.., " li percent" - SCHEDULE ; HI. J ! ' ' CONTAINTNG THE DUTIES OF LEGACIES, 'i? J' Succession to PEHsoifAi* "Esi^ia^xn^r- 1 )} ant Testamentary Dispositiois",'' osL ot< >•• iNTESTACTv-- ;"'.' '■■ • '■ ■'''■■; •'■;■.'. : '; .; Legacy duty .to be" cliarged on ' ,',"... every legacy, specific or pecur, .',",.. niary, to the value of more than " ' .' '/[' "'. : .', .' £20, given b^ Will',' out of " ; : , , sonal estate,' or "charged on real. -' property, or^ of 'm'oiiej "to' ans'e..'. from Buch sale <3r' inortgage^ i 6f '.''."',. ' '.'." real properly. '""' '' ' '" ' ' :/ '"' " ' Also for the'clear residue clescending to one or more persons after, payment of debts', funieral ex- ' pense, and legacies above the value of £20 after passing of this Act. In like manner on the clear resi- . , due of money arising from mortgage or sale of real pro- ' ' - . perty, after deducting debts, "' ; , furneral expenses, and legacies ' ', ,',. . . i as before, when the residuo ."," ' amounts' to rtbpve £20. '"' „','. ;"■';.'] , Legacy or residue descending to ,['.,, .. 1V ;, :, ■. " child or descendant of ch'ild'pf 1 -.'.. 1 .''.' ,''*'.,. „ ' deceased, ot to fattierj indther, \' : \."!'-\''l' v or "lineal .'ancestor <: of;' deceased,'! I ''^'. r t ' n 1 pays oieper 'cent. diityV "' ''., '£1 per'confc'' j' '■ ■'' Legacy or/residu'e'deyplving on"/ '"' ' i. ".:. • . bijother or ; 'sister' pi"! thiaii? ■'de'-' ,','., „. Bcendant pays three pcr ■ 'ceiifcl ' .'."' '[,' . . duty' •'' ' . '-■■■•■"! ." : ( ;'£3pcr cent. ' To uncle or.'aomt, or their descend- ■ antsj^ays five per cent, duty *£5 per, cent. i To' 'grand ; iuicle or to grand-aunt;,' ' ' " ( '. ,- / or to' their 'descendants, pays six ',' ! percent. 3uty ; . : ; ;.'_ £6 per cent. ' To any . more , distant, collateral,,. . "'■• relation, pays seven per bent.J , . • '' '•■' . duty ' '■' /.j£7?per'cent. ; i Arid, when it devolves upon, ; a \' ','"', '■!. '. .. - : stranger to the blood^ of the' db- ' i( ./ "[.., ceased, it' pays' ten 'per cent." 1 ! ( ' '/ ,! ' ! duty "' ■■■•'■ '" ' ■.v:£loper'qent. ; ' And gifts of annuities, or, other , : ",VV , •■ ' partial interests m" such estates V i „'.., as aforekaid; : are 'to be deemed '" ; '"' '^'.. ' ', legacies ' ' : ' ' -•'•'. v 1: .' :' ; Legatee taking more' 'than 0ne ..,.'. ,',".',' .. legacy under the same will, to- " ' '!.!.', ) gether amounting to £20, pays ' '.' duty, although neither legacy \" 5 separately would have been .'■'"; liable to the duty. ( ( ' , But legacies and residues' of csi tates, or effects devolving 'ou 1 -■ '*' ' ' husband or ; wife of the de- ; - ( ' cnased^ are exempt from legacy duty. ■-; ■■ •- ; -. '■ ' ■ i; ; - ■■ schedule ry. : Duties of Byacpksi6iss..TO Real ahd PbbV : - •■■■; 'sonai. Estate— '.■■ ■ -- - -'_.■: Where the' snecessbr "shall be. tjjg'^ ' '"' linealissuo or linc'al aricefetor 'of '^ n<; ; tho predecess6r,'a : duty'up6n"j '•"!'' : „ ; the value of the succession at ''■■'•'''■' : ' ■ '/' ■ the ratoof 1 ' 1 ''' '■'•■'' '::.£l"per' cent. ' i Where the descendant shall ;be' a"'-' *'"■■■■ : : 'brother .-oil sister' td a descendatit I'' 1 ' i: ; i of a brother orisisterofthe'TOe-"-'^ '>>■•"■ decossor; a duty npoh^the* Taliie ' " • ■ of the succession of ■'■''>'> '''a'i£S per -'cent. Whew?; ttip, successor ., shalli be,va ;■:•..•;.•■ ! / brother,- or Bister ;of jthet.father:! to •:■ „-- or motherjor a descendant iof a . ;•:.-;-. ,■;• .; \, brotheriorißister-pf. the. fatherir: •--•'-■- ' .or the'predeoeßsor,ia,.-2 >.■.;■. ' duty upon the value .of the ,mbiu- {>) h-,- •■ : ■ cession of, , ■'!-,,;< iu]^i£s:per..C€ntH . Whero the successor Bhallibe^ft ■:■■•'■■'. o >■::■:;:■ brother' or sister'.pf -the. grand-!!.-; .:.'■': !•.-.■■■■ father or grandntothpr^or.adersit- .-:■:.' ) !• • i" > ! ' scendant p]E'a brother orsistei; of, -,, •.-■;;-. ■■- the grandfather. or, grandmother> ( i., '\ ,-, '),■:•■ ■■>'■; '■ . of thepredecesspr, a duty upon ');-,;! j -I I the value ,of , the ; succession fit-.i; >•■;•■■■. ... i, ' -of .. , •;;>.,; ■;. ;.. ; ..>>[; £6 per: cent.'. ■■.-, Where the successor shall --be m, (: t ■';>■[. -.-': ' anj' othesr dqgrecrof 'Collateral . ..>'■? ,; , ■■■■ consanguinity" '.to!, the .predeces-,. .. ',,^ r ,'' , sor than is ' hereinbefore de- : '"'.' . .;_ scribed/'a'iJuiy upon the' Value;. '■ ( \ ;; . ( of the succession of ■ £7 per cent. ) 'Wliere the successor shall be : a ! '';"■' '. ; ; "• ■ stranger m blood, to the prede- ' ." ' )'■ cessor, a duty upon the "value' 'of : ' n '!-- --; the succession of " . £10 per cent. L Exemptions from the foregoing ' ' '' duties — All succession's given to, ■" • ' ■"■ or m trust for, or which shall ■..■■:■;,.. •-,-?.< devolve upon, or be acquired by < '■'•■'.' "- '■- the husband or wife of the pre- ! - ;" : " : -'f decessor. ,'■ " : '" ; = NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS; v - : "■' rr^HE following have been appointed Agents- , 1 of the TiMAEU Herald, from whom . ', Subscribers can obtain the paper free of any .: extra charge :— _.-._ „: . -r,-i; <\ ... ;. "• Oamaru,...-^. ...'•.-•-■• -••» Mr'lfackay; Waitangi ..,..-•-. .i..— r ...;.Mr:D. Brown: -'■> ' "Wainiatevv.Messrs: Manchester and Co: ; ' ■ Temuka;.,.Messrß,Mendelson! &. iMbrris; ■':■•.■-. f Orari ......Messrs Wooding; and Irvine q ;*■ fßangitata ...; ......'Mr Robeirt. Raev i'--.r : ■<: ■ Ashburton ................... :.i...Mr Turtonoi -.-'• r Christchurch.....;.Messrs; Cook and/Co^'---1 : The Point ".... .....;:. ,:... r , i .,AIr f KeeLvsr • ! 7 Mackenzie: Country. ....... ......Mr s Shaw ■.-;'•..,- Burjke's Pass ...........,.....,'(..::.Mr.SKawi f | , ; • : 'In Timaru the .HERAii>'can-becibtainea : at? '•' J r the storesof. Messra^larkMn'and^'T^iAbnl]^ "•"; • Messrs Cain, Munro and 'Go.-',' arid ; Mryfotm|;-" ;f '"' husband's. Subscnbersiwho^heretofore-iiaTe! I1 ''' 1 ■ got their papers at the Timaru Post offi<Ss3-.>.-f •will now find them «t Mr Yourighttsband'B£ 1!A . 1 Arrangemehts having' t^a'^nladejJfor^thS^./ / deli very of the TrMAßxr 'HKaiiS^in tn^i6yri r / ; Bubscribers residing^ iotfmore^thant'a'mfle" ' from the Post>oiffio^ !i 'cm.'now/Vhaye''.l^eir'''''t ; i : papers left at' ! their : houses'; by/ 8 a.m.'j J on.:' J ' the mornings' ; of "pnbh'ca'tioru ' " . ._ , . The Proprietors particularly request jthat;!? any irregularity m. the,, at -jonce, ! [ 1 commnnick'|^(Lt6th^,..wbWit^^;beimpe7r' r r-. 4 diately remedied. . .'...,■ n.'..^ „...',!/. '. jv-^- : -!':"' : j ■ — ;;■ i- .-.- :■• • -.:.:■ v,-,.i i-r-.;.,- ili'J ;di ON SALE at the Timaett:Heraij>' Office-^' "^ | Cards, every description 'i la:?._ uL:iv£ oi i^iii Ruled paper,- ditto — rr---. -trsr=n-?r=;_— j=

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Bibliographic details

Timaru Herald, Volume VII, Issue 230, 10 August 1867, Page 4

Word Count

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Timaru Herald, Volume VII, Issue 230, 10 August 1867, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Timaru Herald, Volume VII, Issue 230, 10 August 1867, Page 4


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