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Taranaki Herald. FRIDAY, MARCH, 26. 1904. THE TELEPHONE.

Pa tea pebble have' ,a v ,grieva£ce, and one that appears to. be a just one. A;cpo;tdiQgyto., the;; local paper; | when i.he. .Itelep'hioaie. .Z&yst&aa. was .first , installed} in,, Patea subscribers were' 'assngreVl; $iiy; ',i^jd£*jpe;piartineivt that communication would be open : as '.far as liew v 'Piyfiio!ivtln. For the , fir st.spc; .months, or ( so .eyerythutg j went well ; then .the time w-a,5.,,r-e-j istricted, to jjetween, 7 v apd 7:3o, sand ', now, 1 the. ,,c<jni{ectiou is , cutr^ofri al-j j ,tioge t3ier, -aiijd <in cfiufbure ;P~atea is? *fcl 3 only have coiTUHnnicatioii as Mr a!H j Wangjanui to "the : south' a>nd Strati ford .•t6'-the r htlrth,? "!Fhe Pi* ess myd that u wh'e^the i; at the^ time of the movement for the i^-j 'troduictibu of.^the telephone ."vyas 01^ \t&Qt' w (^s Vais^d^, i^',was/^isftiai<;tly| .being blo'cjcecr/the"; qnei'rAuhd xheqqast - .coiilftl-ilki.;* u'secT^tanid ,if tliej Dop^rtmwjtaf.owifl -.the-i^sq -pi fthe^ telephone incfeaseil' 1 so^'as ' to !feu-j ider the single "wire 'insufficient' to! co^d -with thg 'acmWfi'^'iMeyvw wtKt 3>u,t tip another < '\vif2." ' Business? has incVease ? d > , ' 'ajwl insiteaVl of^keejp-l Ing its ' pVoWsl,"..' the 1 Doji^fmeiill has cut Patea. off from cpim,munica-| tion with . New Pl^pioftith. Ajpar^ from interes'fe«^m^t^'es— for inany| New Pl3Tnoitth -people fotiind the atl-l vantage of'beirig'abid^tV) ', u fiii fe n \tp"\ Patea^we certainly Tf <hfiaiik iti Y sblfte-| ■whtit of ati^'ariiomaly)'' : tMiat-sln'iiTi| portaint towtt' likeP-a'te'a^sfiotild b'ej tliii.4 tre'aifetl/' 6f qou9s'e i( we knJwj tliat thfe, d6in^iids,^foi I co'mmiuiicatioii tyi'^Tj cqijsiiler^JJle,! but, qn t)ie.,o,the'r t ,JliajiK|, wp , arc,'9olltinually ,Wing referred to; the, Rqst unirlj Telegrapli t ijepartmeiit, as .one wJhich;it,i&..t;he "dutyiiof- eyertyone toi ja,'d,ini?:e, an 4 oner which is jmyiaigs handsoanely. :In the ; circniati&tances.*. therefore, it- might -Treasonably ' bej h6,p«3cli that 'in' thercase under 1 notice! % forivaf,^ iiistc'a3?6f^ a r r^tr parade ; s »tcp, . yptilcV. jh'aye+ ii^n' take n . , AVith \ .theje ( is saH ways areadrness«4?ovcopewith a tie- \ m'an'd ;'if ' mea!ns iii-| cre^^'eH ,' t^^tclie, ' the, ;?xpeii'ditiire is| -u^eiirrea'. I ' "We, ( >ha,ye ( anjiual" • sxir-f pluses;— thtifipm'itig.Qrie wili r \ye are} $old, ; approxiinate , an^ attention to ,1 telephonic- reqiuirements mighir-reasoTrafbiy^'be looked for. For the.*} 't^lep^^tie plays an important part in-iwei>d±L7 life j

A Beautifying Association has been; formwl at Palniereton Nortih. I Mastort'-cm' is 'dohsijdei'mg 'fcHo subject! of imiTirov^cl wat&Msmipply. | NAniinations f oi* ..IRahotUj \ are" vei^ sa^isfaQtcjry.. Tlior§ jai'o,,2l ill ; in tl^o lO,Oy!ds,. r 'o',in 'tfee <Jwtriqt,iraQe, | 26 in the lialf-mile, 21 i -iii u tlie ! 220 yds, t i 7 in tli^ smile, the, 440y!d8, and' 12 . in the 120 , h!Ujsdles . . . Hantlicaps . will , bfc' yeclarocl.jmi .TUeMd^y's •f'tHierahS"' ! and next week's "Budget." , ! - 're

A grand concert and dance will be held at Oakura after the Tataraim&ka^s£6Hß^pni'tetTi Ajteil'. 1 ,], , *, "'Tjir&^Mh&iS and ! '^o' stags "were nbcira^exrU'tlle'rahges'TjeTiilnid'Elcetalilima last week;- 1 '' ' '•" l '' • '" ( • The Pahiafiua '^Eerhld" 1 states that ■IVfr 'HAtock'fyilK'oq&rfest ihk /Warigantti seat at 1 {fhVtiffitf genial dfection. . • The; Town Band : ' under IBtfiUdittast er • .MeJJright,,. .played ' ,sonie'*go6d' iWusic ,lfist , night >t ".thft .Barvl-Rot-uiKda'^n KaWaVoa Kosorve. • . ; \-': i! ISTow that th.c Jruit season is over, a .flcaslonjablp f. ahn,p\fnccineii£ ,ftfrom> i C. , CauVr. . the , P,oQplo's ; j<Jh.*QWuy • an 1 reference, /,to, '^aHthweil'3 I Jjotde^Y /r'.«it should, bo 1 of, Interest tovroadersi- ';' - ; * At the , Te' Kiri 1 Athletic ■ sport£ • on Wednesday Morris won the, } oo yards; 'BtdtißeTwh ,the 220yid§jj Paterson anj thehalf-nijio,, withr>McjPike| sapVoncl :• Yijijqent wiontho/Jtkiindicap chop, watji, C,, Ypfeke Casey .and ,Ere]tty< the'!.*, /double-handed.* isawihgr; Brewer' the 440 yds; Morey ( the forced' handicap, ;j and 'C.'^Yol'-ke •. the,underhand, Jl chbp_jj •„,'-;; „.■■■ .« i. ..!■'.-'- The sdhool eliildrdn froVn ItigleWoo'd ancl Norfolk/ JfcOad/" Ivho ' came irrto town ojfi'., their, gdnhual' ex'dursio'n' on Friday, ' ■wetc dettrineiL 1 here' till six o'oioeli, &mi s^h^'i tMl^a^ v ' ' depdrtnie'nt could not sond.tho train, back before that hx>ur. : , The delay ' was not • only inc^nyenient' to .many 6f.,it!ie qhildren, ■ who had; ,t'?. gp^- bapk ■ i.n time • for' niilk,in'g,,ljiit. iha.w.eatlie.r.-also was too children \%d have to do. late 't,raye^ing. .. '/SUI,/ SUI , >, t . , ■>" >» -fLatc Co-w_spatiker"' f wr'ite3 1:—I1 :— I see by A'ouv'tpaper thcrfe' i'siei 'woiii'aii w3vb, has . stated that she milks : fiftebh "bows nigh^ip-nd t morning, i. and. takes -her ,9\yn flnlfc.r to. the- fact6ry.r>. I will 'tell j yofi w|iat we.l.'did. r'flJhree girls and , nipther -fliilked L one ihfcftidredl atxd)six- ( t ,i[eei^ cow.s^ ,mght,'and> nSornJrigi 'between theni, a^d ( ;hapn"Gsdedi mouei. own cliorse i-.anfl.tookjj'the i^ilkt '-bo.. iHe factory, j fed' calvoi and pigs^.! were >afri r ays ' j^t -t|O th'p 'fapt/oyy,. ,fsovfi^ , wtf, and i'keb how many cows, tljua,t v wa^ v flacji.' ■ JMxs Mitchinson has .now.on view .at l\er Devon-street , shop < .the . medals^ iwon 1 at the various w Horticultural tSlnows. certainly jmake | a fii^e display. } " ;dn,one' of the sections .rqcpn^ly.fleased^by 'ilie' Primitive Mfffchddists, a Wat 5-roomed residence, with bathroom iand< wiash i-housey has 'been .to ,the orden of "Mr l V^Ullidtt* by Messrs 1 Jiackson : i and Stearle.* i <The ' - -ioAtract '^asibeea well - executed, 'tihiiiinishing 5^ pßt^ipiflar,, being fnij-good ( WQrk^anship.r/-7 r "'" ' . i^^-'-i^ ' ' rrM ' v " . t .Speaking ofl'Miss' Rosina 'BUcKmanh, ,Who,iwiir give: w cpncertihere dn v Wed- : nesday^eyeni^gi.tne^alsall' <lkiglfittid) , Advertiser says :— "Mis3 . Bnckmamx ' was t^esopranp vjbcj ali^ r! sh.e, ,possesses : a'/charining yoice^'and^^yjej^.w^jch at brice 'captivated ' ' Her X .'audience. Her. mtfstf perfect 'rendering fas the • lovely 'devbtional air, :T thow that ,, my 'Redeemer ' ' LJveth? 'Misk Buckmanh iwas frtftjuent/ly' encored' during the performance,(' arid had *td " bow \ her acknowledgements to almost all ' her > •< i ' ■- ' " i' In' its Whang^ambttionia "' not^es the ,< StS&tf<Mr&<Set%sr' lias : ,'lHie Editor of ttic Tar-anald, Heraltf, ■Mr Perm, ' Arrived a<> the .WlLangaimomona BJot'el from New, Plymouth, .via } Aucldana, Mo^au; aind' Ta'ngaralgau. He reported that iihe •s>s&^ 'trayearsed w«re in a 'y/ietcy : testate > 'an^. during the JatVe'r,p^;' o^e jpuniey . tJie r^d vrs 1 ori^;Ras'sa^itor;rpot ,passe^g<!«rs^ i« faking '.'.iriipiVp le^s " tha^ ,six ; hours hard .walking;! \s n gft , .throßgli.tihe ,Qorge. 'us.T'n. ,■; M'ti.i, ■"'' '1' |..«t At» uMitf ; M-ReGftott l^ Hospital ' ]?bard meeting recerttty ( 'Mr Saantleb.ury ' stat; cjd 'tifia.t' -y*H6 oil" his" i-ricent .holiday, Dr Wilutto'n, latfrdf.Reeftbn;'Ka!d Very Jiindly Rhewfn..Jhkn over, the Old Mens , fliome^.^ - Plymou^h i; , w» was a 'crSlit.-fto ■ )'ihe n colonyi All *Mie..old 'people ' :haye''' i thpin -own ,« .separate bedrooms, .which were a& clean «s . qou W fp.ossiblyi .bo, and?, all, .^e .inmates (about 40) , seqmed Xl ,thor.ougWy : happy aiicl contented. , ffe , thought « thAth the. titne had --aflsrveA ,*h«/ Qoverru1 rnarii, .a^rtffictoit.nsum :on 1 t^e estimates, . ,, , for, th^ , ■ t erectio^ •of r s«oh, a building in a suitable, spot for : ; pkl rci^identa q£ 4>o iWcst .Ooast,. . .. |i' f A driedrhiilk.faidtiory is talked) of in '^tfanftwatiu. „Pried milk>,is : the idea of 1 Amerfcaiiß.l * The „». process, shortly,.- is f acpor^iilg to. the Palmerdtori Times;— TJh'e milk flows in at one onid -of -the 'patent . aft^cr,; awejergo^ng san extraor- | dmary 'heat pressure, emanates in^ Bfoeet*-^ RerIfectlv sterilised milk'^ad.^Por mar|v- ! ,ot inirpcws 't^lie , clriod milk, is recced j'Jo, powder and'^ut up in tins, po .that the c^Vsumer'ot the;Tv^ re ie •dependent ovi.the <r?-prices H of . t/he. milkman. irTh'ft housewife, will, ( oi;der A tin of ! powder fi;c>in"the gi-Qceij and the hoiisVhp'ld milk „wi)l v ,be, t prepared , by Virripl'y facing a\.,,tablesfcoon full of in AJfug .an^l applying the necos^ary pi'opor^tjon of liot wa,t ( 9»v, _„ , " Tho;^Vorks.)Committee oi the^GoTm,eil,, decided on -Thursday night that tlm.J^emii^Jftoad Board be, informed jt'iat*- fhe Council cannot see" its way to, accept tlip , proposal are heavy ttraf^iens- set .out-in letter forwiairdedj. but is willing, to keep >t^ old J)e\tf>n Road in proper repair, provided*: tJib .Boaud I r.ont.rjbutos qn,q,,i|urd :i annual ,cost, , , and , exempts tJVe ;X3avncil fxqm the Bpard's by^->awp re,>,ea^y rtraffic. ,Thp Cpmjmittee.also dep^dedtQi ■purpose jii, Spencer's .theodolite, anldJevel at . a' jvost'.pf^e^iMr. W. r xAEmSt*>ng wa§,.reierr(?d to,«th.e Boxiong^ solicitors in ( |so,nnefition,witli,hi8 ocla^m0 cla^m for extras on,' t^e esplanade . contract^ .as the jCqmmittee Recognised .nw liability, .^hc J^ r Committee,. ,» wKo ; ,. , viisited the 'waterworks-, reported,,, Mr l Hodgson, %lie Waterworks engineer, will be, informed that in iuturo there be ap yj di%ren9e lietw^en him aaikl liis .assistant he onnisf report it at, once;. to the .Council. // The nlslpaoncs^pdef} hia.'Aliyi in dismissing jAtua. ,v , vii »»■ • Those in- cactius ' * dalilias shduld see the 1 fine dispiay u o* blooms now on' vie^ f ttt -I thG' ! Clty Ftiiit'and Flower Company, Devon-street. They consist off a' number " of the latent' *ovfiltics impbiit«d' by the • Mdtehead Nwi-spry Company; •■ and :*: *f o^ l-ange e of colour' and quality,' wohild ; bo.'hai J d to Jieata. Wfc~ w«*uld 'infection.— Advt. t^^ 1 - :i ' : - 1 >:^: '' -"

Tho temperature tliis morning was 60 cleg, itc'tho shade /, • i( ,, i : The-'*BtH:ou£h 4 hos* been, in-stj.-uc.ted to $m>W g nx^infor ijvsppct-; Mr .-m Xn y\f n '#4^ritfew lap Jfeugply 1 ing hv^^^fipt&^WK, • *"*#* | of br^li9 n fn^toJ ilar^ltof^iorojig-J^is jab thq ,rat<» Qffffc.^fll&ra&fL, ,^v»' fl j T.ho ; j i -:3alvaiion : ,^^fi^r <y \li;rilcl Hanreftt... .-^Fes ti\»OH<si^or^J\l'\ £ (.Sxin-i <lay). isSei^cia^^wfJ^bgjj^Tyilf'^d -nt H, 3, and Tw^--, ford, of.jVurJvlam^^^^^^v „ Tim 'TTai'bour' ' iho hotel aiulvtho roojrof, JwcX^ris^kwater' is gpltmw into i^ajdj^ftfpr*ahaS|icfi'tls attention ■ jrowr t^'" local" auwuteTtv; that:hus oo^SSS^^f-it/' ' |! 'jM*3 s Home, w Afr Rdbort- } Tkyl<#,'. 78] years; old^ dic\l ;t on Friday had boeb >an inmate ' of M'Wc" Horne 1 - for '15 • 3*ears, and' /(ft-inrrl\'. ! 'b^lVa?gMl' to 'the <Jafch Ri^impntw l^UtH^uraiispfro^-, x|6a*ih was • senile decay . x rf.^^' <J " ( ' 1 ' '"-" ' A second petition jlraj Iras "been against the 'recent JEJplutilca' borough loan , polj. Jt , i« u i,iM.!.ti^ „ imtwo. 'of a counter petition tft.'^jif ilociVrao-nt previou^ly , ? lpdffc(}, lifti} propsoses. to test the y£li ! dity of., some, f iw£n.ty elainimg thatjthoir'abcopt'a^ico-iyaa irregular;,, „ „, j.M'»]C/ \^{ n i>'' ( V( I; 3lr Er E. Mcftae. t>f : H&SYerri^fds just retimed 1 Africa,, •where \A\ "^ac<|'iiu'ef}' Ja^lj!ciclr'^6f'J a^lj!ciclr'^6f'' i o^r. thirty •*KAJad-Wr i 4c^e tl &f i Ki^iif i 'ift<) Brmelo *V%triei rH^o¥p>etft v t6 &s*<?. for" the M : ansvaal "with "a i»^WbW''6ij" sottlrijs Jn :V^pto^l^^]^dirjAiiber,jproi sp>cta m $he jTyatfSviwflt Kyp^pWt'ecif- *« Be g^oji; „; .;r --. £ i;wM'^> -fAt~,,atv inquest ojt "fittaailey/tßxiVinett. who* died -as \\\P T&?uHtf rift ij§i : rifecirierit Sna 'goods >'lift, '^vicUmCo was given that,, , Bennett*) vivas^<3£aoTy^ joltod in^ihe-jawibnltai^o. Vosf'the' „war) r to thn hospital i'biit 5 thY (mcfclifi^! eSftJchSe was to the pffect-i'tW^th^aekH^erit was "in itself fatal.! "'■•• ■ '' < The' 1 work' so far ' done by Mr Gib-i "bon* 1 thmtpw Pngihbor. lias'given'satisfaction -to*- '«*h^rtfeafliea^.'j{ o| L^the. Borough Works 1 ': Committee: Bis! monthly i- reports 1 \vaiJSmitt^ ftVirthei Commit^ on < Thursday f^gft< : flealtj with 'seVbral ' s mat tors n at ( considerable] length. "-?" ' ' <11 V r iV f : v'" ? ' r- ' I J*. S., Xai-J^o, con\mercJLa^/ ageritt of jtlie J : Gepadja^V <3b.VeSutoei|t\ * on.Thxirsday addrossfitlj ;a public 1 at Aucklaml, Hilffjj^si^ii 1 is one of; fiiqiiiry. into the o'fitraSe b'e-j tween Canada aiuT.^ew Zealanld. Mf Larke^ will;vi,sit .-wheri he;, will, bo ..pleasetl . to jmect with ? the comawi'daL mm I '^inß^Ho^t'a'n^dis-v trict..' ,. f '■ , j-j ." i ' ,- It is' reported, 'that, three ,'fdrii had a narrow escape fro\n : °n . *hft crbssing;on Fr/day *^W. T^ey were conceri, arnlj not[^n.oti«9ig,,thft train returning froni th^Tbroak water, walkecl right on the. line in front of the engine. Jt* ia statctt, tfimt two young men saw their prldjucameirty and-pjush-i ed the girls, clear jot 'tjher rajls .jtist.jn time to an* idcldkii! * 'T " •Mr Aliep, ihe Minit.qd -States. -Minister fat ..Sqqul, is r .a taU ". -majij? -a, £act fhat' he recently, seated in .a tlef^>&tch l°^^L^«i^nmerit': was '_ jbcCtho effect that he .sroad sij? feet iwo without his hat. whereas no^roain/in the X>e^ation' at Seoul' was rh'or'e titan six feot high. He also* ; corripiaftieil that the surrcumdirigs were ' so 'v.'nheal'thy that many' of the rosfdontsand guests at iho Legation had HiuTered- severely frorii. malaria, .and 'opined ihat tlicr of , the. United,^States domandpcl something better.. to b#, done* .for the luvisi^g of their.) Mmwter. „<..• ,"{i. /.)"■ The Beservee " CertnmrttG& i ' of tlfe Borough.. Council report', td t^o: €o*jncil !on jiigiit ;— That^-fehe! letter, from 1 iha Borough soficitoi'e ife Xgaire- reserve be "referred bacli I>o them 1 to reports clcniiitely ' wihat > conipeiisati«a was th& n &6-\) vemment by. the lessees 1 for "la^dtikeii for the T6ko 'railway/ that W Cdiin -j cil visit ••the^gaire^res'er'feV'o'n Gbb'd Friday ; that cdflsiderattoif ! -?of 11fr r Kingdon's^ offer to Bel I 'hi^ Interest iW Western- Park se^tirtits "he d^fefcred ; until the Committee visit. the } 'Pdrk j > thatt Jtfc.W. Gi Boalß be infoimedlrthAtvtKe Committee will ; - . meet l • him - at' 'bhe WestorniPartk Ka.shK, c 2.Mi on< 'TK'ursd'ay' afternooli^jfiext. .i-i/'i'/ j 4 ■' ! ' '-. ; ■• ■ ' The s.s.^'Taaih^Hkii' been '"chartered, to leayo Wiiitbra''6h' ;Gjo6d r> Friday znorrtiug, (after arrival" of^ihail train) at-n.'ls"a ; .m.;'foV Hrf "excursion up : the, Itfokau Ri\ ; or, ' v roiuri)'ihg again on Saturday Vycmixttf. On '.amyal" f bi t% ! stfiattiejt; '^t jlf'oTfau. 1 w^arf/'pafiietige^ 1 will dvfcmhaifcl /lAjn^gijifientjs/ l Ajn^gijifientjs arc 5 Sh hand to hokl a \ darice! at" 1 'Jft>kaii. On r Sat«fday .rn'ornir^g. ' ;thV L -up trip' yvm.^ojnrm^d, ami d;n,arr!yal -at! the> *ir\tp!&i;>,£afs{fnger&'? ca^ti,' diseinparV and bxpl^re {hn beauties' of Hht aurrqirndfogsr^ -Kotr water and iea ' wity be v provirfetT. This if-^M' oppjortUnity 1 |for all ih 1 searck^^ r^aliy^gootf* 'holiday ": tiipi ;Farea 'are ; : reasonable, ;' and as only a limited n-tifrtbta' caii be tak6n early application • for 'tickets ;i«r necessary. Forthopc •^iij^aig' f d6-' r slcep 'a-, «*hpre there^ifl- pldai y.'oi eiccellebt a& comimodatibji, ' ,*?'],', 'i ■ r - Mr Ell, ' M^H.K., recently sciit' a'iries-; to Mx,-£t. "A. Collisj- seo»etary of the Tflfrifttfki Sc^y ■ .Pr^ervafiojtt Society; asking if : the ' 'Sttcfety had miadc application' fdrVa sliarfi" of the £100 y&ecL < W£asßfo«&s' Ike** Bion for divisidri- 1 ttfhong the Preservatioh. 'of , tihe , qolon^. Mr Cdtiitf'te' ? >o*wi applied 'to Mb] Toftirist Ddpartmeht, ' and received a reply to; the offeWthat „ihe apfpj'ication wdui**%h for^ar^xWtl' tiiHihe ' '-'Minisfer'' with a recom'moifdlatioti. Later'jhe^bf j^v.ortl that tJhe.amouht ha<l b&fa'grritifecfy-'btfi tip HEo- la^f ] w<?ek, it had nth, arrived. Hd theii sent a nvundtflr .to' >&&WikticMmw&: ihat the end bf'the 1 ' iMdifcial kp> proadiing, artd that the 5 / S6ciety r< dkl not, w,ish .the.Vvo^ -toVlappei'iforjfWaaitj of rqminding. >THp, „pesult 1 as tllata' vharfpn for has come /or/ the Society, which , is, a charter, .of the amount, vot^^l /or; ,tJbe ; whiole,. colonyThe thanks.; ojt thjo* .Sp^ioty^is dve 'to Mr JftlJov^hb,, fnicrf&\,,)th(! hew di»<playef^.inuthi^rmattotjii^u ; i J .. J \«'. i'r For > XJp-to-date,jFrint*ng call- at >%he. Herald Office, Currie-ttMet. ' '\ '

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Taranaki Herald, Volume L, Issue 12516, 26 March 1904, Page 4

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Taranaki Herald. FRIDAY, MARCH, 26. 1904. THE TELEPHONE. Taranaki Herald, Volume L, Issue 12516, 26 March 1904, Page 4

Taranaki Herald. FRIDAY, MARCH, 26. 1904. THE TELEPHONE. Taranaki Herald, Volume L, Issue 12516, 26 March 1904, Page 4


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