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Borough Council.

1 Th» adjourned meeting > of- the '^loun'Tcilwas held' on <Wednesidayr_jevanin l g. Present: His Worship . the Mayor *>( Mr.-,' R. - Cock),. • Messrs Alexander,"^ EEmun<ls, Tiach, ,Colli&> .'Smith, Bellringer, Wood,..«ffld^J3rdDking: l -

ABATTOIR P^A?JS. The Dqpariment;p l f 'A'g^ftjtilture wrote iin referdnc^^tplkte^to-nsiii?' jjlans-oi itiie prop.osekl abattoirs. . , ! Mr Alexanidet asiketd^if \^a^'i3tec^al?y ;to read all technical details. ,It was' . pjoint-eH opt. Jt "t^at it was usSual to rea^( &\l> lettep&l Hi ivaL Mr Wood mentioned- .-.tjps it would be well to have cprrespon&c'nce glaasiffieft, cina'' this; U was '4riiderß.tbl>'di *will Ibe done in the fiitiure. \ h ... ; \ ' ; Noxiotrs ' wEES)g. ,'^i^ V I'^A notice had been received .from,' i%ej .Ijfl^peictor to .clear-, fijiriße^.^lackberry,' iak^d.. ox eye daisy 'from tihe' ba£kj=;£ of |the river at the , waterwptr(ks, and. 1 Town Clerk said itWjQ map. were on clearing tihe weeds. ■-, • - '\\^&i i ' A Ooujrvcillor suggested that furze oir tihe banksr of the .Waiwalkaihobe left, in orkier to prevent er,osiiqn^.. . The matter was; left in the • taggf *£* the engiheer. A similar notice; had beon received r > egardin'g v the; Raceiiourso ReserVl, and this also wasJbeing, alAended— to- v — , — Tenders will be called for • clearing tho'paddoc-k at the 1 bapk of Te.3|fnu' ceifcfetery'; ' ; - ; ." ' • ' --'■ ; . '* ~•• '' * '>'■ ■* * GILL STREET SE'mO&S;

A IcUer from the sic «l8i?4 •- J Jjegaifliog ihßfljii jßfijgti^a. i^. Gill street was ref\d. The sections are •leased by ' the Council w& -se^terrr^, ex- t pires iu*abo\it eight y y4i^: Aisv aUOjcation -tvus nrailei to +h« pomnuMioj^. era for a lease in p«rfpei»a\*.y, ibwtJL^. coHiMnot/ see their way to do wm. \ "' The^Mayor said 4Jhe OKirtaiwJ6»e»; gra ;fc-i leases as " r.eqttb3tefri on wMi--tibn tW* gildings of 'o'ertaiti . vJflifts should Be - er'ectdd." So far 1 ' dfi*«e' coirVl ssee -fche- only {us 6 the; scHioif&'Sn; ques+Aon were -likely Ho put to wasa^ y arris or esablev. , „,.-. said it- was , thit ekctric ligfet^b.uiliings -mighty be eroctM ' Hihere,-- 'nattd these Vivld')*be valuslle. . , Mr Coiiiiett moved an/i Jirjti'ccJiiiig si-coit'del that the Com-.msskmers ,le writt.jn to pointing out these things. — Ctrried .-'.'>'■ «v **' ' »W Mr'Bieckitig fttrther mentioned^tiiat it was no'c mtekdeid " to erect s'till^es on tne sections. LICENSING BtiBCTIpN EXPENSES. Tae Patea'Cotunty Coituinl wrote askia£;?'the.:C©un.cil's assistauco inL l<^t7tainirTsr more -conAcol <ovßr {.he experidituro by retAirxiinf**^ otti -crs on licrnsing eliijti<;ais. % Local., 1 »o iie» hf.'i, to ccrvtributc .towards the bxpcnses - Wit ha/J n.» further Voice in the inattet/ * in reply 'to the iMpyor the Town Clerk said the cos.t to the local borough" -'was between £120^ anti; J&13% arid he-diid not v tiiinlk it «ould nave •betfn'rtfJutSea..-' " : •— ' <*-'' - -" •- l --*-^ 1 * The letter' was " ordereid to lid on tSie table.-- • ■ . - i«- -•, - -■' •-« v -" ; SiITES T?Q% HEW W4TE& ''. " ■ k ''*''v v : ' ; 'wpBKSi; -'.V-; ; ' , ' 'Mr E. L. Mesteyer wrote in reference'ito land required, for peptic, jjai^ksj, new intake for water works, etc. 1 — Deferred till the comimittees have visited- Manjd inspected the sites. 1 t i ' : , . TBNBEES. FOR FILiaBBS. t. Mi- Me&teyer . also * wrote regarding tenders for , filters, reopmandn^ling the' aGcdptance. of that bi Messrs "Palmer and Co. (Matiher and Pratt ; Liyer.pool). -. ,*:, .*..;,». Mr, . ( iSellrin«jt'r . ruoj'ea , the, «fdopition / of this rfcoinni-.ijdui^n. i It' would no at Jterhttj>3 bq Jiiaiu' jxo some people, who Ead complained nothing ,was being done, that thejjclelaywasa reasonable one! \ Effic|eiat jjlteration was. the key' -to 'any water scheme, atid jt it .had necesisatated a great deal''' 6s correspondence* to ovsrcome.jthfr diflicjilty/. \ i'H^. ♦;". Mt Smith seconded the mot: en, whi.cjhwaa. carried.^' , ' „' 1U ■ 7> "'i WAOPER yALVEk- '\\ >:z \ i A. further lettdr from Mr Mesteyer dealt with proivision of valves '^6t' the ■ water • •su'ppfy • workfi. " He ii&Sde -a rocommetiidatioA for accepting '"k .tehf der, which. wa» adop,te!d. l J-. ;i; i - PRISON EESEEA^E, QUARRY The liu3\pojfc>r <>t 'Vsaioiis wrote granting permission, to iuse the quarry ofn the prison - reserve; pr6v(d^S* i t|b.i'Boa(d was put in ouder. ' 1 '"" "" 1 " .VaCTORIA HILL. .' r 'T,hG Carrington Road Board wroto asildng. for ' 12"l;oJ«iS"of v lliVtrgftfverior footlpStns on Victoria Hill, and for. a grant 6f £3 15s towar/ds. the ppsi of a pro't'ectiive fcftce. " •*<>'-•■*• Mr Broojiing said he had understood 'the Coauicil - was not to bo p?ut to any expanse. A matter whicia would, however, have 16 be taken =i*ito consideration. , siiortly was tihe .widening of Victqria Road. ' . . I\he gravel was' 1 granted, • antl the fencing referred '• ' tb-'the W,6rka \ Commiltee/ 1 ! * - !k " * '' :^ r l y ' TROCADERp BUilJuDllsfci. George Halo, Cointrac(/oi% wrote- tjhat certain reGpiirementa ,- of ' the ' emgi^ieer wduM be atteiideld to by the arohitcot, Mr Bolsftaii.., . * ,-

„ - i ; L. F. Bullot wrc4e in reference ( to the grading 7of StandisihV Hill, J and the letter w#s referred ,• ts> the . engi- ; neer. ,•,j .' '/. »■• -•"<!';<.. ' '• •- KING ■STRKET: - : '^ ' '„ Several ff'atepay^rs "in King^ street vvrote asildjug. that 'the', street' be open' ed vsq "between ' Egnioni asid Qu*en stree'tsi as 1 they wished, %o Ijuiid , l and / ■rcqjuirfcd to' 'know thfe J_HOritianonjt ie\cls.->f,-y ■//-]•, i.«\ \\j,~ . - ,"..* $ v i.iCr •' Shii<mc < jurgej&V that "^tfte w.ork snon^d hedtitifc s £ \ '< ' ■*-'/ ?• <fi^ Mt Bxooiarig' 'pointeid , ..oiii Jha^'Jt'/ was impossible to-' do 'much till next aummeryvwien vv<ork" coiuld^bfe golne ion-'wi,tihi''f '^'tt' V^ J '- if s '-'| : '^ / »- fv; Tho engineer » said- ttha'fc f eSMdations were diffiault to. - obtain sf or poseidui vconorete^i^ulve^b, across tjhe Mangiotiiku. TJie levelki.UdKtSie street also needed" tpab¥< gazetted>bi9fbre;-aaiy-ifeing. J coit^a tier d^iiei vjiK tf/favn '>'' Mr Co}lis mjoye^l i(hKtithfesengmeor define' the levels arid-have them gazette^^oith^t^perkwtts^wdaiii'iig" to" Htiild may do so withQUt delay. — Carried: -•■? ,-tf. ..:■■ ■;^g^LANil>E^.^V <^','. Messrs Goyett and ,Quilljam_ noUfie^that' %\ leak pt!^pbrtick ofjhe Esr. plOT^'i^tje^^^#am' rt fcom,;'jfie J RailWa^;j)e { p>r^n>^; s ; '.:l^';:;, f ' The Co^aicir& "s^al was afuthorised to f be kffiof cUps'U ps tiie lease. . . .. + , . ST MICHAEL'S SQUARE. < Mr'.ColK^'aflked wtat ' became; of iihe revenue ,ufrom.;St-L- 'MaQhael'sv. 4Square (Poverty Flat), quch as fee's .paid by [ csf cuiiesi 1 ' f •'' '•' r'',c t- -,* Tha' Town" Clerk saiid ttie" reserve was treatetd as a\b6rdugh. property, ancl Ithe revenlue went iiito-iftie general ac--fcdukittr" •.*-•' l f:t REPORT. I TJhis was read. fai i; some leng-th/ 'and receivefd. . . . r - , - — - I ; Sanitary report., i T'hjß, 'S^oitary Unfy^tpr^reporled one 'case ** oft i^^LO^flHaTra { '^ie of -sc^rKl! fever in^M tJ h>rbug&Wffe tHemion'^' H&jcoul^, h^Tbra.^ 0 *^iieHauseJ- «ft [cases oi. each disease had occurred inf ' one locality outside '-fflie _pojcojugh_. .He. ha^;WiSpeo[tedalibiu^ie9aand get.trhg : yards in better Order. ,v"rAjVnjn.fcprp^ e-^ 'vo^iap i»ias • noedec^in cW^K^ ll4ll^* ' oidisposing of rubbish, and one pr, twa, ;ql^ b^il^ing's , ; s^aijid ;»#^demolished,— T^e re^prt ■vgas;^re-sQi|<e I L-.. :, ;. .'■ ..» „ 4 IHie. -fbllo'Mjiiig'. c^mwiitt'ies 7 were %en laj^oia^ted:— Wbrks; -Comimfrtee, • to' h"ave^ r control ' ! street") and other, '. works,' health matrtats, , . atji fire pW- ( tvention : The Mayor anH ail .members lof the Council; Hve' to form a qucruro, [aMd tihe Ma^iui lo »«e cliairnianr r ,Town. lEall, Ozitotyry. and |Ba^hs Commiijtee :, jtfes^rs-^^hb.. jlis, Brookijng; AleXan-Jbr, /e^^sf^.v} ■ Finance aaad ICstioiatek: Grfrairi^i^e.^ /The Maypr and Messrs Edmnncls, Bellriaiger, Brooldng and Wood: ! ByerLawa - Committee: The whole Gousncil. - , lfV v r Library Cominittde,: The Mayor and (Messrs- Ednfcinjds, Collis, and, Bell|ririger> . ,'• -. . . „ ' RESERVE JJ-SS'^^l M)r Collie said-'^he.Sceinery Preseiivatiottt''■Society - '-was ■■ willing to' plant trees .£&.,_ „ t-his!!f!±^erveJL &&Si£!3e%k vWQuld indicate how it sJxowM be laid, oul— The-enfineQjr/iCwa^^.tiiori'iedHb ilay^'b'ut...tihb grxJtundV' \~> *» s -^ I I -^^tesTEj^^Rk:- J;^ 1 liO.-.reiijly|to'Mr Ale&a'nPßif^'he Jfayor gaißJthi's»lnatftfer at pTjesenf in the haiidsjof_! the Gaverntnbnt^- 2"}^.^^. [CrowK*T3aaTls- t^irniiii'sTbTivr."* /*"* I „4,:E^P£GISGU BMi^., o' ,It -w&& .decided - to' ask the'^jpblice" io I see that iihe bye-laws relating to*^ra-' Jfnc, etc:, on streets^ are' observed . in fut[ure,> after, > reasonable-- notice is g^ven. • ■■:/: -.\} fee". - - ", . ~.. " c .fThcCottticil wont' into > committee at

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Bibliographic details

Taranaki Herald, Volume L, Issue 12255, 14 May 1903, Page 2

Word Count

Borough Council. Taranaki Herald, Volume L, Issue 12255, 14 May 1903, Page 2

Borough Council. Taranaki Herald, Volume L, Issue 12255, 14 May 1903, Page 2


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