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F. A. FORD 5 DECIDD 20 CASES aSdSUMMik , • • v «i *i GOODS. Owing to F. A. FORD'S on giving np business in kew Plymouth, ? " , -„ b & r J Cable Home stopping shipments ot will SLAi GHTcR the whole ol his well Goods being too late, he is determined to assorted stock ot give his customers the bene-Tv/r-n- t^ r a S fit, and sell the whole of the Millinery, Dress Goods, @ ' , „ wo J ■ g new goods as they come to Clothing, Hosiery, etc., gg hand at Landed Cost. First valued at £3000, regardless r.f ro6T, B$ Shipment of Spring and ' prior to callmgjtenders lor the balance. * Summer CxOods Now open. S-AJHiIE OF THE PERIODOnaccountofF. A. FORD leaving New §g| Fi)tf SftlO OT LsaSe* New rlvmouth at an earfy date Cus- £=£ , .7; ' o n^: aaa , J . n „ „ . 1 : ... a Ss Those well-known Premises tomers will kindly not ask ior credit, as »« iuya # tbo Goods have all been marked down to |b$ CheapSlde House, landed COSt, and as the whole of this im- Situated in the best part of Devon-street, New , , . , . , . , , • Plvmuutb. To be sold as a going concern or mense Stock must be turned into cabh m g^ suitable either for Draper, Grocei.or Ironmonger, as Short a time as possibe. ™ with 20ft frontage to Devon-street, and 32ft C 2) frontage to Carrie Lane. Also F. A. Ford's Charming Private EESWENGE, Remember, this is the first g§ <%Z^g£*P%g%££2£« opportunity you have had of «g ««£. buying: new Spring Goods at m 8 acres leasehold, laid out in Flower and Kitchen J to -i j r j & , Garden, Orchard containing over 100 choice landed COSt* GO) Lemon, Orange, and ether Frnit Trees ; and Ornamental Water.

MUSKIiT MUSKET TO STAND THIS SEASON, fis _ - dge& THE PURE BRED |jjgJliliJ4 A STALLION, iisJ^lgsSgJl Armament* Aujtmxnt's dam, Hssie, was bred in Enghn-i. in 1875 got by Suffolk (son of Nor h Lincoln). Her dam, Irrta, by Rataplau out oE Hernrone, by Kingston, Venus by Amadis, Aurora by Sandbeck, Parthenessi by (Jervantee, Marianne^ by Sorcerer, Thoinasina by Timothy, Violet by Shark— Syphon, Charlotte by BlankCrab. Abmamknt's sire, the cieat Mußket, is o well bnown that it needs no explanation. It will bo B'sfn from tho above that • eeders in the district have, at thoir doors, ono of tho best bred horses alive, nd at the lowest price. He is a very handsome horse ; ia the pricno of youth ; sound as a bell ; quiet as v lamb ; ovtn-tomperod ; and a sure foal getter. Though be has not had much show be his proved himself a siro of hi^h mi«it, having sired such good cattle as OmaßA, Fleta, Mtjskkt, etc., etc. Ho will be at Inglewood on MoNftiY and Tuesday, etopping there the nig bts for convenience of patrons ; Waitara on Thursdays ; and in New Plymouth tbe rest of the week. Fee ; £3 3a, payable by P.N., duo January Ist, 1892 Qroomoge, 2s 6d. MICHAEL CUNNINGHAM. TO STAND THIS SEASON AT BELL BLOOK (in response to numerous requests). *v THE~THOROUGHBBEI> STALLION pJLJL The AustralianThe Australian (late War Eagle) was bred by Mr W. Garrard, of Rapid Bay, South Australia, and sold as n yearling for 600 guineas. Ho is a dark brown horse, with black points, and stands 15 hands 3Jinches high, and is a sure foal getter, Pediqrke : The Australian, by TresreagrJe (in ported), out of Ordeal (imported), by Toucljß'one out of Mrs Fowler, by ldorou (siro oE Fisherman), ggd Muley, out of Sister to Pope, by Shuttle, &". The Australian is a fine tempered animal and sound. A glance at the above pedigree will show Th) Australian possesses the irrst fashionable blood of the daj, and is a near relative of the mighty Common, now standing ia England at £250. Tli3 Australian is the sire of Torpedo, Sißiua, Flukem, Macaroni, The Orphan, NUGQ2.T, AUSTRAL,&O. HTLast seasoa The Australian's stock won £1244. Further particulars and tabulated podigro3 may be obtained from tha owner. A number of mares only will le, taken, FEE : £6 6s payable by promissory note, due lit January, 1893 ; 6s pnyable on first 6ervic«. Gaod Paddock accommodation, Isperweek. A ll care but no responsibility, T<> llnwcrn Breeders. On application to the undersigned, The Australian will visit Hawera at a fee of £7 10s each tuaro. a 589 A. BISHOP,IBeII Blook. TO RUN IN MR ANDERSON'S paddock aloug with mares, at Ureiini. 'Jj®?fcs«^-^evTIHK Pure-bred TrottsiyMi DauntlessDauntltss (by-Young, by Nobleman) iB a bojulil'iil brown, 8 years i>Kf, stunts 1 6 hundß high, compactly built, with powerful buck, good muscle, and a perfect teujier, and hub proved himself a Buro foal getter. He is acknowledged by competent judges to ba v good hoi bo for brotdia^ lirat-cluss houkß an I buuves hors s. IVims : Sirglo mare £2, 'two marc-p £3, with six weeks paddockiog frte, payable wb>n mares ar. taken home. For further particulars apply to Mr AncUrson, Uicnui, or Sob Bros a 777 TO STAND THB BE A SON at my farm, Sentry Hill, ft $ffife < *3*Sb TU E w ° 1 1-' X no w n j(M^Si*id»JyJP Draught Entire ifiJHaK WELLINGTON 11. Tetms, £1 10 a each rcuro; groom's fee, 2a 61. Paddocking free. a J. WARNOCR, O a 904 Kentry Hill. a Ueo the SUN BAKIXGfIPOWDEJR It s_tne boat.'

RKDCLIPB nALVANISEDn ALVANISED EDCLIFE MaLVANISED IRON. Redcliffe Crown Brand Galvanised Corrugated Iron. A RCHITECTS should /^-^%\A. specify BEDII • \ CLIF^E CROWN. f*i f^^^S* l+l There is none better \\ /' I manufdctured. Lighter \*^i£zzto>Ay/ ehe.ts of other branr'B umet ba ll:i>3ner i on(1 will net litft as long or give the simo satisfaction. Contractors sboald not be misled by erroneous statements, sucb as are advertised by rival importers. The weights published by the vendors of the " Orb " brand are not the weight of Redcliffe. Redcliffe is the cheapest first class iron in the market. The sheets are wider, thus covering more roof than " Orb/ and at present market price a larger surface can be covered at a less cost with REDCLIFFE than « Orb." REDCLIFFE has been more largely imported into New Zealand during the last 20 years than any other brand, and experience proves that every sheet will be found perfect. IT IS SOLD BY ALL Iron Merchants & Storekeepers Throughout the Colony. a 736 TO STAND THIS SEASON. ■ j& M^ t *g* i m a l ( ' THOROUGHi^|y JL BRED STALLION bred by the New Zealand Stud Company who has been imported into this district, from Auckland, by Mr W. J. Russell, will stand this season ia town, and travel tha country, if eufiicient inducement offers, as follows :— Yiondayp, to Inj;lewood, via Junction Ro^d : Thursdays, Okato. Lionil, who is rising 8 years old, is by Leolinm (imp.) out of Poitoleaso (imp ), end is, therefore, half-brother to tbnt grca* three-year-old Gatliag, now performing bo well ia Australia, nurl Uotchuias, the famous Auckland Btallion, whose fee is tho highest in Now ZeaLnd. Lionel was the hi.hcst-priced youngster 'of his year at Sylviu Park, | realising 245 guineai. Leolinus also sired Misa Alico fr m : Petroleuee, who hus run wall in Sydney, I and VVhakawai, winner of the Maiden Plate, 2 Osove, ono and v quarter m'leß, at tlio V.R.C. Spring Meeting Lionrl is consequently full brother and related to these well-known performer* The full pedigreo of toth biro und dam will (be found in tbo New Zealand Stud liook. Terras : £2 per Bingle tuaro ; rdduc ion trudo in case of two or more marcs, tho property ot same owner. Groom's feo, 23 6J. Further-particulars and every inf6rrnation relative t,o travelling on application to aG6O W. J. RUSSELL. TO STAND THIS SEASON. rpHE DRAUGHT ENTIRE *EgarT)>rg Noblemau 3 1. Pedigree— By Nobleman, dum Uo&e. Noblemnall. will travel to Inzlewooi on Tuesday byway oH Junotlou Road, returning through Sentrv 1 UUi and Bt-11 Bloab yuno day; 1o JL'uniho and O<-alo on Thursday, returning FiiJiy ; in Saturday. Nobleman 11. ia a siko foul-getter, and his stock txTti some of the beat in Iho district. TeniM : £2. (p.iyuble by p.n., iluo 14cl. January, 1893. Groom's fee : 2s Gl, ot service. WILLIAM LOWRY, aBO 3 Dorset Road. The New Machine Company of Queen's Court, Sydney, seem to bo doing excellent business, and many people are HCU'lingfor tho wondorfully cheap sewing-machine they advertise. Peruse elsewhere in this i ibsuo tbeir notification to tho public. Half a guinea (wiib ono shilling for froJgbt) is the entire cost to the purchaser. 3ead tbe prospectus.— Advt.

TO STAND THIS SEASON. "THEwell-brod CLEVELAND ESTIRE JmMaplarl of Hooetoun Earl of Hop. toun ia a hundsome dark bay horse (importad from Melbourne), with blnck points, five years o]d, about 17 hands' 3 : nches high, symmetric illy buiH, and a splendid mover. His siro Viscount; dom Flora M'Donald, by Stonewall Jatkpon (imp.) ; her dum by Governor (imp). Viscount* dam Miss Pitt ford, by Pittsford (imp.) from a niaro by Panic (siro of Commotion, who twice won lbs V.R.C. Champion Race). Viscount by tbe imported Cloveland siro Duke of Cleve land out of Miss Fancy, by Governor ( mp.) from Nancy Divweon (imp.) Viscount has won tie following prizes : First for beet Cleveland atN-rth-Weatera Society's f how, loglewood, 1884 ; first at Shire of Korong Agricultnral Society s sho^-, Wedderbum, 1884; second at Sandhurst show, 1884, competing against noted trotting horses ; first at Borrt 8ho?e, 1885 ; firct at Sandhurst show, 1885. Duke oE Cleve'aud (imported Cleveland entire), by Wondertul Lad ; dum Mr Ventress's Protection ; granddam Mr Watson's Chilton, by Victory ; g. granddam by Dreadnought ; gg. granddam by Master George ; R.g.g- granddnm by Henderson's King George, by old Barnaby, and considered one of the fineßtaclioned coach stallions in Enghnd. Duke of Cleveland (imp.) was the winner of six first prizeß before coming to this colony. E\v,h op Hopktoun is broken to saddle, and has proved himself a good foal-getter Ako.— The well-bred Trotting Sire, The SquireThe Squire is a handsome bay horse, rising six ' ears old (imported from Melbourne), with good bone and grand action Bis site, Vol Moltko (imported from America), is also the sira of Gaifield, Crown Prince, John Brown, Olympic, &c Von Moltke (imp ) by Vcn Moltke (the sire of Boston Girl, record 2.25$ ; tlo n. 2 25J ; Cunard, &3.), and out ot Crosby by the famoue General Kncx (ire of Lady" Maud, record 2.18 ; Corners, record 2 19f, &c), Tho Squire's dam Tablj Bay, beintr. a puio bred Norfollt Trotter, imported from England nt a cost of six hundred guineas. The Squip.s has proved himself a good foal-g«tter and his progeny are all well built, handsome animals. Ho has a docile temper, and ie broken to saddle and harness. For extended pedigree see cards Havinsr leateJ the above entire horses, they n ill travel to Waitura on Monday anivins; at 10 a.m., and leaving again, for Inglowood,atl.3o pm. At Stony River on Thobsdays, arriving about noo , and leaving again for New Plymouth at 3 p.m. Terms : Earn. cf HoraivuN, £3 10a ; Ths £«avittß, £2 10s. Payable by p.n., due on January let, 1893. Uroomage fee, 2s & I oucbj payable at first service. a 967 &JDRY. Steedman's Soothing POWsJEB-S. FOR CHILDREN~TrittG TEETn CAUTION TO PURCHASERS. r HK value of this well-known FAMILY * MEDICINE has been largely tested in all partß of tho world and by all gr u deß of society, for upwards of FIc'TY YEARS. Its woll earned f-.rteneive sale Jas induced SPURIOUS IMIIATIONS. aomo of which in OUTWARD APPEAUA.NCE so closely resemble the original aa to have deceived imny purchapera. Tho Proprietor, thsrofore, ieoh< it duo. to tfao public to give, a peciul cnulion against tits use of sue: imila I tions. Purchaser* are therefore requester! carefully to obeervo the four following^otouslicß, wituout which none arginiuiue ; — Lei la every caaa the words JOHN" STEEDMAjV, CHEMIST, WALUORTIJ BUKRE\,aro engraved on tho Goverm menC Stump affixed to each picket. 2ml. riAC.H J3TNULE PuWDER h. directions iv tho dose, hnd Iho won' John bteoduian, Cb mist, Walwortl. Surrey, jirioted theroon 3rd. The nucae Stc fman ia ahviUF epolt. with two JdJE'e. 4th. J'he manufacturii is carried pd solely at Wai worth, Surrey. Sold in Packafs by all Clumiait! ami Moiicirjo Vendors, nt lslidio 2s 9d euch. Sold by KEMPTBORK"! , PU'»BS'(R & Co. Dunodin. 52C " A DRINK FOR THE GoDS,'"~s7sa~id the great Prophet — Mahomet, when taking liis cup of coffee under the fig tree. If you wo«W onjoy such drink Ctoqbo'bAl Coffee. Sold only in 1 aod 21b tins. . Advt,

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 9543, 10 November 1892, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Taranaki Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 9543, 10 November 1892, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Taranaki Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 9543, 10 November 1892, Page 4


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