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WILL POSITIVELY CLOSE ON MONDAY, 30™ DECEMBER, 1889. Walter Wright's Shop in Brougham-street. i Don't miss this opportunity of procuing Drapery and Clothing at your own prices. 2. COVENTRY IKICYLVS FOE SALE CHEAP. To Let, for a tern\, Furnished 10-roorned House, with Orchard, Tennis Lawn, &c. Terms nominal. NOTICE. All persons indebted to WALTER WRIGHT are respectfully requested to settle or arraiige before sth January, 1890.

gHOWN, B ABRBTT & C^ TEA CIRCULAR. \\ ' X would not have ventured to ente: \ V witn newly-adopted dull irnd all oui stroi.gth in the TEA-PACKING TRADi had we Dot something VEP.Y SPEO'AI AND STRIKING to introduce, 65" Our well-known Brands of Coffees we have also adopted for our Teas, and the Colombo Garden Brand, 2/10 per lb Exceleior Brand Standard Brand, 2/4 pec lb Lion Brand, 2s per lb. consist of a blending of that so very famous and renowned i'ea in vogue and nil the rage in England, THE CHiYLUN TEA. Cue NAMfc on each respective Brand will suffice as a guarantee of the good value of each quality. But one of bur best brands will be tae COLOMBO GARDEN CEYLON TEA, A Pean or a Koh-i-noor amongst all Teas that have come befoie the Public yet. I c price 2s lOd per lb for th : s es we i made so low, winking to introduce >he same, and making a profit by jthe quantity of its sale. Its real value will be ascertained by its economical quality. One pound of this Tea will go as far as 1^ pounds of any other Tea, and the consumer will have the excellence of its flavour into the bargain. It is the bouquet of all the beat blends procurable from Colombo direct. dure to be liked by all, and will no doubt secure us the success we aim at. BKOWN, "BARRETT & CO., lea and Coffee Merchants, Auckland. hbto TO TBAVEL THIS SEASON, FROM BELL BLOCK TO STBATFOBD. jffr^ffifr A Lord Ravenswood Clydesdale bTAmoN, Lord Ravenswood will leave Bell Block^on Monday, reaching lnglewood at noon, Midhirst about I o'clock, on Tuesdays he will be at btralford all day, retorning to Bell , Block on Wednesday, via Junction and Egmont Roads. Terms, 25b per mare', groom's j fee 2a 6d. Particulars can be obtained from .the groom, orfiom GBO. HOBY, a 337 hb tc Bell Block. O HUTTLE WOBTH BBOS. ZIUBRB MEROHANrs be, IMFORTKBB. HAVE ON SALE).— Builders' Material and Builders' Ironmongery Paperhangingi and Scrim Oils, Paints, and Colors Portland Cement, Best Screened Goal' Fencing Wire, Corrugated Iron. Also, »t the ALBION] MILL .- Fine Bone Dust of our ownjnanufacture (warranted genuine, Guano Crushed or WLole Oats, Chaff, Devon and Quekh Stbbbts, 120 J. R- KJBBY, GENERAL CARRIER NEW PLYMOUTH AND WAITARA. OBDEII9 left at the Tara&aki Hotel, New Plymouth, or Bridge Hotel, Waitara, will be promptly httended to. 828 hb tc MOiNEY TO LEND Itt LARGE OR SMALL SUMS AT LOWSET OUKBENi' BATKB, ALSO,— Towu and Country Properties foi Sale or to Let.~Apply to ABTHUB BrANDISH, 705 Wj Bott<rttor, \

Hotela Cottier's Criterion Hotel DKVON STBEifil. F fciiVATB HuitCß ot Booujb for FaiuilUt Bath ftoows. Commodious Sample Booms tor Ooruinorcial Travellers. Billiards. Wines, Spirits, &0.,0f the beet brands. lAvury aod Bait Stables. W. COTTIEB, 63 to ProDrletoi. \yHITE J|ART j^OTEL Opposite the Government Buildings, Corner of ' Devon and Queen ■treete, Plymoutn. WILLIAM WALKEIi „. Fiiopkiktor rPHB splendid New Premises which the J. Proprietor has just had completed for his business poeseoH unequalled advantages to families, strangers, and commercial travelers visiting New Plymouth, from iis com* modiousntss. its central position, being in the business part of the town, and its close proximity to the Post aud Telegraph Offices ahd other Government offices. BATHS — Hot, Cold, and Shower The Table, fsr its selecion of the ,Choicest Delicacies of the season, is unequalled. The Choicest of Liqueurs and Wines, and the Finest Brands of Spirits and Cigarr are aloDe snpplied. English and Colonial Alei and Btoutj on draught and in bottle, dT The Billiard Table is attended by • Competent Marker. FiBBT Clasp (stabling. TARANAKI HOTEL. H. JULIAN » : PROPRIETOR HAVING taken the above over, would respectfully solicit a share of public putronage, Shall be pleased at all times to •cc my old friends, Whses and Spirits of the Best BRANDS always in Stock. 9B" GOOD BTABLING FOB HOKBBB, Ordinary every day at 1 o'clock. GOVERNMENT LIFE INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. CHIEF ADVANTAGES. Low premiums and laigo bonuses. Funds kept m New Zealand. Claims paid immediately after proof of death. Moat liberal conditions. Low New Zualand mortality. Economical management. State security. TOTAL BOM ASSURED (including Bonus Additions) ... ... ... £7,135,243 TOTAL FUNDS (the whole Invested in New Zealand) £1,328,493 In addition to the above funds, the office has an ANNUAL INCOME of over £288,000 I The Bnrplus Cash Profits in 1885 were £342,556 OPENING OF TONTINE SAVINGS FUND SECTION. Tontino Savings Fund System Policios ara now being issued. Naw Assurers and existing Assurance Policytolders will be allowed to join this sectiou. All profits accruing after entering thonection re set apart to bo divided among tho policy>ldorß remaining in the section at the end *• 1900, when liberal returns in cosh are anticipated. The principloa of tho Tontine and mode of keeping accounts are not kept secret, as la 0080 ot other Tontines advertised. %* Information can be obtained at tho Read Office and all Branches and Agencies, and also from the Travelling Agonts of the Department P. W. FBANKLAND, ' Aotuwy and Principal O£Qc«*» D. M. ZiUCKIE, OommluloDM MERCANTILE GAZETTE. THE SUBSOBIPTION to this valuable it^ord of Bankruptcies, Bills of Sale, Mortgages of Btock, fee,, has been REDUCED from Ist July to OKK GUINEA per annum . Inter-ding subscribers sue requested to send in tbelr nraoi »t once to the proprietor. e,;t, wheeler. Dunedin Ql Iq 0 W, GOVEIT N»W PlTPWifo

NEW ZEALAND Id To Parent* and Guardians— % 2 ■ § •*■» > 1 E have now in stock a very V* larp nsfiortment of Boys' N fl and Youths' Cloihiog, made from P 'be Celebrated Moegiel Tveedt tf S ( which for Fit, htyle, and Durabilnv p Cj \ we unequal' v, Oj w We wish to impreM the public of >* N.P. with tho fact that all Goodf Q q are made i>i our own Factory O -g Dowling-stieet, Dunedin, aud aold j? o3 retail through onr Branches at g' £q Factory Price. <jq Boys' fcchool Buita —■ a great «P variety in Waning Maictiala, • S Kacb Department is now replete § rj-jj with Novelties for the present g" O Beaaon. t-j r3 Boys', Men's, and Youth' Olotbng, Hosiery, Shirts, Ties, s&c ,_, *q Tailoring id all its branches. £p fl tlais — Bpeciallj made in all the <j r^ new shapes. ' O oS A few Weriheim Mnnd Machines J5 at greatly reduced pi ices, QQ ' Hailbnbtein Buos, o J® Manufacturers. §- {2J N.P urancn, Devon Steeet. . W. fl. CLAIiKB ... Mrnager. 71 h tc Musical Notice. H, Collier & Co. RAvffi pieaanre in announcing to tho Musical Public ot New Plymouth and surrounding district that they have OPENED in THOSE KOOMS Over Mr. Gilmour's phop, »*HHWJeSTB 'Am QMk® PIANOFORTE tftr«£RSj AND KEPAIRERS. HCOLUER & CO., having • had a long experience In the trade, the public may depend on being supplied with thoroughly reliable and genuine instruments ut the lowest possible prices, if desired on the time payment system, or low prices lor cash. <=yThe Pianoforte Tuning and Repairing will be an especial feature, and will be under the personal supervision o£ Mr W. Cokbr Harry Gilmour . . Agent H. COLLIER $> CO., Wanganni, Nelson, & New Plymouth. &202 hb tc TARANAKI FOUNDRY* P W . O X E V, ENGINEER, MILLWRIGHT 1 BLACKSMITH. IR N AND BRASS FOUNDER, POWDIfiBBAM BTKBHT, IV IS W PLI iVI O I I 18. »120 hh to Ij^AVEBTAFF PIANOS. Ji H r>OLLIEIt & Co. TUB BEST IN THE WORLD. SOLD BY ALIT^STATIONKU*. ■yiSITORS TO AUCKLAND received V in a Private Board tog- house, beautifully situated at North Shore. Terms very moderate. For particulars eaquirn at tbie Office, 640 bb to

O O B B & C v.'d ROYAL MAIL LINE OF COACHES BETWEEN New Plymouth, Flawern, via Opunake, and Waimate Plains. CORRECTED TIME TABLE FROM Al{A V Ist, 1888. 'T'HID Coach leaves Mr Walker's White A Hart Hotel on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9.30 a.m. for Opuuako ; returning on Tuesday, Thursday, and Satdbday at 4.30 p.m. TIME TABLE. Leavce Monday, Loaves Taeaday, , 'WedneHday, Thnrsday, and Friday. and Saturday. a. id. a. m. New "Plymouth 9 30 Opunake... 9 30 ! Oakura 11 0 Rahotu 11 0 I p. m. Okfcto 115 Pungarehu 11 30 p. m. Pungarehu 2 30 Okato 1 15 Rahotu 3 0 Oakura 3 0 Opunukearr 4 30 N.Ply'tharr4 t 3O Further particulars apply to j M. JONES, a 404 tc Proprietor. [established 1882.] RAHOTU COACH SERVICE To & from New Plymouth. EVERY "Wednesday and Saturday— will leave Rahotu Hotel at 5.30 a.m. ; Parihaka Road at 5.55 a.m. ; Pungarehu at 6 a.m. ; Warea at 6.30 a.m.; Puneho at 7 a.m.; Okato at 8 a.m.; Tatara at 8.20 a.m. ; Abuahu at 8.45 a.m. ; Oakura at 9.15 a.m. ; Omata at ' 9.50 a.m. Arrive at New Plymouth at 10.30 a.uj. Leave New Plymouth at 3 p.m. ; arrive Rahotu at 8 p.m. Paßsengerp can be comfortably provided with breakfast and tea at moderate charges at Okato, where the coach stops half-an-hnur to change horses. I In conjunction with the above Coacb j Service, a Luggage Van will run to Btiit the convenience of passengers' heavy luggage, &o. Booking offices : McCullum's General Store, Rahotu, and Richardson's Maaonk Stables, New Plymouth. 1 For further particulars, apply to | JAMES McCULLUM, Proprietor. m" AGENT FOR THE BUDGET. NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE COMPANY FIRE AND MAiilNB. Capital, £1,000,000, it 100,090 Shares of £10 each, with unlimited liability of Shareholders, Subscribed Capital to £200,000. Reserve and fie-insurance Funu, £226,000, fjIOBMB of Proposal and every information X. can be obtained of Mr. O Bennkll, Brougham-street, Mr. £, O, LAWBENOB, Baleigh, Or H. WBBTON, Agent fot New Plymouth. I OFPIOKP' BBOUGHAM-STBKF,! THOS. AVERT, HAS ALWAYS IN STOCK— Account Books of every description Photo., Kcrap, Writing, and Fern Albums Pocket Books, Purses and Note Books Ladies' Bags in Plush and Leather Writing Desks, Touriutß' Cases and Blotters Photo. Frames — a largo variety Birthday Cards and Books — latest (lesigutf Draughts, Cheflß, and other games Presentation and School Books Bibles, Church of England and CatholicPrayers Commercial and Fancy Stationery of al kinds. DEVON-ST., NEW PLYMOUTH. alfiHhbtc KJbJWTON KING, A UUTIOHKEB, OATTLE, AND BTO(J.K J\. SALESMAN, Ltaif Estate, and Genoral Oommifision Apont, Pawn Street, Nqw Plymouth.

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 8665, 30 December 1889, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 8665, 30 December 1889, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 8665, 30 December 1889, Page 1


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